We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire...

Co.As.It. is very excited to be able to offer the Italian person on a home care package a friend who will visit them through the Community Visitors Scheme. These visits provide social contact and companionship and the volunteers are screened and trained before being matched to the home owner. Many elderly with health or mobility problems suffer loneliness miss out on seeing friends and have a very limited social life. A regular visit from a matched volunteer can enrich the life of an elderly person and reduce isolation from the wider community. The visits are very rewarding and can help the person feel more valued and respected. A visit from a volunteer distracts the person, provides companionship and stimulates memory and interaction. Some of the activities enjoyed are card games, listening to music, chatting, reminiscing about the old days and gazing through photo albums. What they value most is the time spent together. Wonderful feedback from volunteers and clients tells us that both parties eagerly look forward to the visits- strong friendships are formed and greatly appreciated. One volunteer in particular was very happy to report that the regular card game shared with his matched client brought much delight to both parties. We look forward to increasing this very worthwhile in-home visiting scheme, but with any volunteer scheme we are reliant on the wider community offering their time as a volunteer. So if you can afford one hour per fortnight to become an in-home volunteer and visit a lonely person, we would love to hear from you. 18

Transcript of We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire...

Page 1: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro

Co.As.It. is very excited to be able to offer the Italian person on a home care package a friend who will visit them through the Community Visitors Scheme. These visits provide social contact and companionship and the volunteers are screened and trained before being matched to the home owner.

Many elderly with health or mobility problems suffer loneliness miss out on seeing friends and have a very limited social life. A regular visit from a matched volunteer can enrich the life of an elderly person and reduce isolation from the wider community. The visits

are very rewarding and can help the person feel more valued and respected.

A visit from a volunteer distracts the person, provides companionship and stimulates memory and interaction. Some of the activities enjoyed are card games, listening to music, chatting, reminiscing about the old days and gazing through photo albums. What they value most is the time spent together.

Wonderful feedback from volunteers and clients tells us that both parties eagerly look forward to the visits- strong friendships are formed and

greatly appreciated. One volunteer in particular was very happy to report that the regular card game shared with his matched client brought much delight to both parties.

We look forward to increasing this very worthwhile in-home visiting scheme, but with any volunteer scheme we are reliant on the wider community offering their time as a volunteer.

So if you can afford one hour per fortnight to become an in-home volunteer and visit a lonely person, we would love to hear from you.


Page 2: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro

We all seek to find activities that are engaging, make us feel useful and are enjoyable.

If you are visiting a person living with dementia, it may be difficult to complete activities that they have done well all of their life.

If planning things to do, ensure that tasks are meaningful and that there is an identified purpose.

Engaging in regular activities is crucial to well-being. In the past ten years, research has shown that doing activities plays a large part in preventing the progression of dementia.

Doing activities with another person is fun but studies also show that socializing prevents loneliness, despair and suicidal thoughts.

There are many activities that are appropriate for people with dementia. The only guideline is to not humiliate them by having them do children’s activities.

Instead, show your respect by engaging them in pastimes that are suitable for an adult, retaining whatever qualities

that make the activity fun. Don’t stress if things don’t get completed because it is never about the outcome of the activity, what is more important is the interaction and enhancing of the person’s wellbeing.

Artistic activities • Sort photos by topic, subject, type or date. Mix them up after you finish so they can be sorted in a different way next time. • Assemble a photo collage. Pasting can be fun, make a scrapbook, pasting photos onto the pages and writing notes about the memory beside the photo. You can also use a photo album with plastic sleeves. • Reminisce about the focus of the photo. • Painting or coloring- in that it is adult appropriate e.g. mandalas, kaleidoscopes.• String beads or popcorn. • Make door wreaths and window decorations. • Create gift cards.

Sorting & organizing activities Sort or organize:• Nails, screws and other hardware.• Nail polish and lipsticks, sorting by color, brand or

on a scale of 1–10, in order of preference.• Buttons, using muffin tins to sort by color, size or style. • Coins, according to date, value or place of origin. • The pantry, arranging cans and jars by size, brand or contents. • The cutlery drawer, rearranging the order of the forks, spoons and knives. • Playing cards into decks that match, or into suits within a deck, or by numbers. • Tupperware by size or color. • M&Ms, using muffin tins to sort them by color. Choose one color to eat! • Assembling model kits of airplanes or cars.• Making strings of paper clips, using different colors and sizes.


Page 3: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro

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Page 4: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro
Page 5: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro

Co.As.It. Community Services has once again commemorated the Italian Republic Day with its annual festive event held at the Brisbane Abruzzo Club on Sunday 31 May, 2015.

The event was attended by over 200 people and a number of distinguished guests amongst whom Dott. Ludovico Carlo Camussi (Italian Consul for Queensland and Northern Territory), Mr. Peter Russo MP (Member for Sunnybank) representing The Premier of Queensland Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Mrs Grace Grace MP (Member for Brisbane Central) representing The Hon. Shannon Fentiman Minister for Communities, Women and Youth, Minister for Child Safety

and Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Ms Mariangela Stagnitti (President of Com.It.Es. for Queensland and Northern Territory) and Councillor Norm Wyndham (McDowall Ward). The annual celebration is also the platform for the recognition of Co.As.It. volunteers who have volunteered for a period of five years.

This year the Co.As.It. Appreciation Medal and Certificate was awarded to Fiorella Glover who has tirelessly given her time to both clients and staff.

As guests were entertained by interstate singer Alfredo Malabello, a four-course

meal was enjoyed by all and the celebratory mood of the day continued well into the afternoon with raffles, music and dancing by Walter Morellato from the “Two Cappuccinos”.

The success of the event is attributed to the generous contributions by valued sponsors: Fil D’Arro from Italiquore, Luigi Borgo from Borgo Smallgoods, Alf and Diane Sorbello from Heart of New Farm Merthyr Village, Black and White Home Services and Co.As.It. staff who also donated prizes.

Co.As.It. is both proud and grateful for their continued support.


Page 6: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro


Page 7: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro

Gli studenti del St Columban’s College a Caboolture hanno fatto una gita a Brisbane il mese scorso per partecipare ad una giornata tutta italiana organizzata dall’ILC (Italian Language Centre).

Accompaganti dai loro insegnanti d’italiano, gli studenti hanno avuto l’occasione di trovarsi immersi in un contesto autentico con l’opportunità di approfondire e praticare l’italiano.

Dopo il benvenuto, era ora di mettere il grembiule e seguire la signora Emanuela Febo che ha insegnato loro a fare gli gnocchi.

Con la spiegazione della ricetta tutta in italiano, i ragazzi hanno avuto modo di praticare la lingua, esercitandosi ad usare l’adeguato lessico.

Mentre la signora Febo bolliva gli gnocchi per il pranzo, gli studenti hanno praticato l’uso dei numeri in italiano, giocando a tombola.

I primi ad urlare “ambo”, “terna”, “quaterna”, “cinquina” e naturalmente “tombola”, hanno avuto la fortuna di vincere dei premi – anche questi, tutti in tema con

“l’italianità” della giornata. È seguito poi un lavoro di gruppo allegro, collegato alla canzone “La zia di Forlì”. Ad ogni gruppo è stata assegnata una strofa della canzone da analizzare e poi presentare cantando con gli adeguati movimenti per farne capire il significato.

Infine gli studenti hanno partecipato ad una

presentazione sulle origini della rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro ballo.

L’esperienza tutta italiana si è conclusa con un pranzo a base degli squisiti gnocchi fatti dagli studenti seguito da un buon gelato italiano per dolce.


Page 8: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro

It was with great pleasure that the Italian Language Centre - Co.As.It. was able to introduce Dott.ssa Tamponi to three schools in Brisbane when she recently came for her first visit to Queensland as a member of the judging panel for the StuditaliA Language Awards traditionally held in October.

As the only Queensland organisation currently funded by the Ministero Affari Esteri to promote and teach the Italian Language, the Italian Language Centre - Co.As.it. was able to organise three school visits for Dott.sa Tamponi - All Hallows School, St. Joseph’s Primary School and Northlakes State College where currently a very successful Italian immersion program forms part of the school’s curriculum.

Dott.ssa Tamponi was very impressed with the level of

Italian used by students and the teaching strategies used by the staff.

The visits were greatly enjoyed by the school staff as well as Dott.ssa Tamponi. Most importantly, the visits

highlighted the different teaching methods used in classrooms, the various differences of education systems between each State in Australia and the appreciation for the learning of another language within the school community.


Page 9: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro

La sera del 26 giugno 2015 gli studenti adulti dell’Italian Language Centre (ILC) hanno celebrato la fine del primo semestre.

Dopo un semestre colmo di attività per approfondire l’apprendimento della lingua italiana, gli studenti e i loro insegnanti si sono riuniti all’Abruzzo Club per partecipare insieme ad una serata tutta italiana.

Marzia Mauro, la coordinatrice dei corsi d’italiano, ha dato

il benvenuto a tutti prima di passare la parola al presidente del Co.As.It/ILC, il Cav. Nereo Brezzi.

Il Cavaliere Brezzi si è congratulato con gli studenti presenti per la loro passione e la loro tenacia nel partecipare alle lezioni settimanali durante l’intero semestre.

Ha continuato dicendo che imparare una lingua straniera porta sicuramente molto beneficio.

La parola è poi passata alla direttrice del Co.As.It./ILC, la signora Dina Ranieri che ha premiato alcuni studenti per aver partecipato a tutte le lezioni durante il semestre, senza nessun’assenza.

La loro tenacia è stata premiata con una bottiglia di Prosecco!

Gli abili studenti sono: Wendy Fry, Nola McIntyre, Leon Ciechanowski, Judy Ross, Peter Roennfeldt, Kim Counsell, Barbara Hodson, Evan Dellaway e Gayle Bonaventura.


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Durante la serata, i partecipanti hanno avuto modo di servirsi dal buffet con una scelta di squisiti piatti quali gli gnocchi al ragù, i tortellini in bianco con pancetta, la porchetta

arrosto, il pollo alla cacciatora, contorni vari, pizza margherita e focaccia. Arrivati al dolce (un buonissimo tiramisù) era ora di partecipare a un ballo di gruppo intitolato ‘Tacco e Punta’.

La serata è terminata con un buon caffè e altri balli con la musica italiana suonata dal disc jockey presente.


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It is a well known fact that language learners greatly improve their fluency by engaging in ongoing activities to help them remember new vocabulary and build their confidence in communicating.

Teachers seek to motivate and challenge their students to extend themselves in language acquisition not only inside the classroom but in between lessons as well.

At the Italian Language Centre (ILC), feedback received at the end of 2014 indicated that teachers would welcome the opportunity for adult students to engage in additional

activities to enhance and consolidate what they learnt in class.

When ILC Course Coordinator Marzia Mauro was invited to an Education Perfect workshop early in 2015, she lost no time in finding out more about this innovative learning platform.

Education Perfect for Languages (Language Perfect) is a popular online language learning resource used by thousands of mainstream schools around the world.

Marzia Mauro negotiated a free trial period for access to Language Perfect for all

students enrolled in ILC Semester 1 Italian courses.

It has turned out to be the answer to encouraging students to ‘reach further and extend themselves’ in their language learning.

Subscription to Education Perfect for Languages allowed all ILC students to access online activities throughout the semester.

The Italian activities are structured to help vocabulary acquisition and retention as well as improve writing, reading and listening comprehension skills.

Subscription to

Education Perfect

for Languages

allowed all

ILC students to

access online


throughout the



Page 12: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro

The best aspect is that students can access the activities at any time as confirmed by one ILC student who enthused: “...being an app on my iPad, I can do this anywhere, anytime. One can do a quick couple of minutes or 2 hours, yes, 2 hours. I find it very addictive!” Another student said: “I’m finding the repetition of words useful – it

eventually sinks in! I’m using it on my iPad and iPhone.”

The highlight was the opportunity for students to take part in the Language Perfect World Championship 2015.

Between 18-28 May, 1000 schools answered more than 190 million questions in just 10

days. Students were tested on their language skills and gained points by answering questions.

ILC students successfully obtained one silver and two bronze certificates placing them, respectively, in the top 5% and 10% of 300,000 competitors from around the world.

Co.As.It./ILC Director, Dina Ranieri, presented the EP certificates to Wendy Fry (silver), Lesley Carey and Timothy Merrett (bronze) on the occasion of the ILC end-of-semester dinner held on 26 June 2015 at the Abruzzo Club.

Due to the success and interest amongst the students, ILC has now included the optional online activities as part of its Adult Courses in Semester 2, 2015.

Incorporating Education Perfect online activities as part of the Adult Classes enrolment package has lifted the profile of ILC, placing it at the forefront of language learning innovation.


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Come è noto, l’Italian Language Centre è una divisione del Co.As.It. Community Services e da anni opera nel campo della promozione ed insegnamento della lingua e cultura italiana offrendo ai docenti materiale, consigli e aggiornamenti per permettere loro di svolgere al meglio la loro opera di insegnamento.

Di recente, l’ILC ha avuto modo di dimostrare il proprio ruolo sulla Sunshine Coast durante un seminario organizzato dal Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione del Queensland presso

il Talara Primary College il 2 maggio scorso e aperto a tutti i docenti di lingua e cultura italiana operanti nella zona.

I partecipanti hanno avuto modo di apprendere nuove tecniche e strategie presentate da Marzia Mauro e Rosella Dermedgoglou, che insieme possono vantare molti anni di insegnamento e che, proprio grazie a questa esperienza “sul campo”, sono riuscite a mantenere sempre viva l’attenzione dei presenti.

Nel corso del seminario si sono affrontati temi quali “la

pronuncia perfetta”, “c’era una volta (l’utilizzo di favole per migliorare le conoscenze linguistiche), “cantando si impara (utilizzo di canzoni indimenticabili per favorire l’acquisizione di vocaboli) e “assaggini” (attività varie per riempire, nel caso, i momenti di buco).

I commenti dei partecipanti sono stati estremamente positivi e l’ILC ha partecipato ad altri seminari, questa volta a Cairns (18 maggio) e a Townsville (19 maggio).


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Page 15: We all seek to find activities - Co.As.It · rinomata tarantella napoletana. Poi, per far venire l’appetito, tutto il gruppo ha imparato i passi per finire col danzare questo allegro

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