WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled...

WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 Operating Instructions

Transcript of WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled...

Page 1: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity

WWDD11 // WWDD11000011 // WWDD11000022OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss

Page 2: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity

TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss PPaaggee

1. WD1 Detailed View 12. Cautions / Warnings! 23. Description 24. Technical Data / LCD Display 3 5. Placing into Operation 46. Special Functions 4-87. Operating Guidelines 88. Accessories 99. Packing Lists 910. WP80 Soldering Iron 10-1211. LT Tips 12-1412. WMP Soldering Iron 14-1513. NT Tips 16-1714. WD1 Circuit Diagram 1815. WD1 Exploded View 19

Page 3: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity

1. LCD Display2. UP Scroll Key3. DOWN Scroll Key4. Radio Button III5. Radio Button II6. Radio Button I7. Power Switch8. Soldering Iron Receptacle9. Power Unit Receptacle10. Primary Fuse11. Soldering Tool Holder12. Soldering Stand ( Tip Storage )13. Tray / Sponge

11.. WWDD11 EExxppllooddeedd VViieeww


Page 4: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity


Thank you for placing your trust in our company bypurchasing the Weller WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002. Thisproduct meets or exceeds the requirements estab-lished by Weller for superior performance, versatilityand quality.

22.. CCaauuttiioonnss!! // WWaarrnniinnggss!!

Please read these Operating Instructions and theattached Safety Information carefully prior to initialoperation. Failure to observe the safety warnings mayresult in accident, injury, or risk to health.

The manufacturer shall not be liable for damage result-ing from misuse or unauthorized alterations of theequipment.

Warning: This product when used for soldering andsimilar applications, produces chemicals known to theState of California to cause cancer and birth defects orother reproductive harm.

SSaaffeettyy IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn::l Always place the soldering iron in its original holderl Remove all inflammable objects from the proxim-ity of the hot soldering tool.l Use suitable protective clothing to prevent the riskof burns associated with molten solder.l Never leave a hot soldering iron unattended.l Never work on electrically live circuits or com-ponents.l Always wear eye protection when working with soldering and desoldering applications.

The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering stationWD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the ECDeclaration of Conformity in accordance with the basicsafety requirements of Directives 89/336/EEC and73/23EEC.

33.. DDeessccrriippttiioonn

33..11 CCoonnttrrooll UUnniittThe WD Series microprocessor-controlled solderingstations were developed for industrial electronic pro-duction, including repair and laboratory applications.Digital electronic controls, a precision sensor and heattransfer technology in the soldering tool provides pre-cise temperature control of the soldering tip.

Fast and precise sensor sampling in the closed loopcontrol provides tip temperature accuracy and maxi-mum temperature control under load. The soldering

tools are recognized automatically by the WD1 and theappropriate control parameters are set.

A Factory Control Check function, an Offset value inputoption, programmable temperature decrease (Setback )along with Standby and Lock functions enhance thefunctionallity of this unit.

The desired temperature can be set in the range150 °F – 850 °F (50 °C – 450 °C). “Set” and “Read”(actual tip temperature) values are displayed digitally.Three Radio Buttons (4) (5) (6) are used for selection offixed/preset temperatures. The Heater ControlIndicator flashes (“~” symbol in the display) whenthe “Set” temperature is reached.

33..22 TTooooll SSttaannddWhen not in use, the soldering iron should always beplaced in the Tool Stand.

The Tool Holder (11) for the soldering iron has four dif-ferent settings, (30-80°) and can be moved to an oper-ator’s preferred position without the use of tools. Areashave been provided on the rear (12) of the Tool Standfor placing the soldering tip when not in use. The baseof the Tool Stand contains a sponge (13) for cleaningthe soldering tips. (Note: LT tips require tip retainer forstorage in Tool Stand.)

33..33.. SSoollddeerriinngg IIrroonnss

WWPP8800 (( WWDD11000022 )) ::The WP80 Soldering iron is characterized by fast heat-up and precise control of the soldering tip. Due to itsslim design, 80W heater output and short reach (tip togrip), this tool can be used for a variety of applications,from extremely fine soldering tasks to those requiringhigh temperatures.

WWMMPP (( WWDD11000011 )) ::The WMP Micro Soldering Iron’s very fast heat-up timeand short reach (tip to grip), makes it ideal for preci-sion SMT electronics. The short distance between thegrip and soldering tip makes precise handling of the65W soldering iron possible while performing very finesoldering tasks.

WWTTAA5500 (( OOppttiioonnaall )) ::The WTA50 Desoldering Tweezers were designedspecifically for desoldering SMT components. Twoheating elements (2 x 25W), each with its own temper-ature sensor, maintain the same temperature on bothtweezer tips.


Page 5: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity



TTeemmppeerraattuurree DDiissppllaayy

TTeemmppeerraattuurree SSyymmbbooll

TTiimmee FFuunnccttiioonnss IInnddiiccaattoorr

SSttaattiioonn LLoocckk IInnddiiccaattoorr

HHeeaatteerr CCoonnttrrooll IInnddiiccaattoorr

SSppeecciiaall FFuunnccttiioonnss““MMeennuu 11””

33 PPrree--SSeelleecctteedd TTeemmppeerraattuurreess

33 RRaaddiioo BBuuttttoonnss

Dimensions: 5.27” L x 4.27” W x 5.77” H; (134mm L x 108mm W x 147mm H)

Primary voltage: 120 VAC / 50/60 Hz

Power Input: 85 Watts

Power Output: 24VAC

Fuse (10): T1.0A (120 VAC) (5 x 20mm)

Temperature Control: 150 °F – 850 °F (50 °C – 450 °C)Temperature Accuracy: ±17 °F (±9°C)Temperature Stability: ±9 °F (±5°C)

Tip to Ground Resistance < 2 Ω

Tip to Ground Millivolt Potential < 2 mV

SSccrroollll KKeeyy

SSccrroollll KKeeyy

LCD Display

44.. TTeecchhnniiccaall DDaattaa

Page 6: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity


55.. PPllaacciinngg iinnttoo OOppeerraattiioonn

Take care when unpacking the unit and accessories.Place the soldering tool in the Tool Holder. Insert thesoldering iron plug into the iron receptacle (8) on thefront of the control unit and lock by turning clockwise.Verify the supply voltage matches the specification onthe Base Unit Label and that the Power Switch (7) isOff. Connect the Power Cord into the receptacle (9) onthe rear of the control unit and plug into a properlygrounded power receptacle. Switch On the unit at thePower Switch (7). The unit performs a self-test when itis switched “On”, whereby all LCD Icons are briefly dis-played (1).

Following the self test, the “Set” temperature is dis-played for a brief period. The electronic system thenswitches automatically to the “Read” value. The “~”symbol appears and the three fixed temperatures ofRadio Buttons II, IIII and IIIIII are displayed. The “~” sym-bol serves as a Heater Control Indicator. When fully illu-minated, the system is heating up. Flashing indicatesthe “Set” temperature has been reached and the tooltemperature has stabilized.

55..11 TTeemmppeerraattuurree SSeettttiinngg55..11..11 SSeettttiinngg TTeemmppeerraattuurree wwiitthh UUPP//DDoowwnn SSccrroollll KKeeyyssAs a rule, the main display (1) shows the tip tempera-ture (“Read”) value. By depressing the UUPP or DDOOWWNNScroll Keys (2 & 3), the display switches to the current

“Set” value. The temperature symbol flashes °°FF (or °°CC)).The “Set” value can now be changed by tapping orholding in the UUPP or DDOOWWNN Scroll Key (2) (3). If theScroll Key is held depressed, the “Set” value changesrapidly. Approximatly 2 seconds after the button isreleased, the display switches automatically back tothe “Read” value.

55..11..22 SSeettttiinngg TTeemmppeerraattuurree wwiitthh tthhee RRaaddiioo BBuuttttoonnss II,, IIII,,IIIIIIThe “Set” temperature can also be changed via the 3Radio Buttons II,, IIII,, IIIIII.Default settings: II 300 °F ( 150 °C )

IIII 660 °F ( 350 °C )IIIIII 720 °F ( 380 °C )

By depressing a Radio Button, the pre-selected valuefor that button now becomes the “Set” temperature.The new value appears for approximatly 2 seconds inthe display and the temperature symbol flashes °°FF ((or°°CC)). The display then switches back automatically tothe “Read” value.

55..11..33 CChhaannggiinngg PPrreesseett VVaalluueess ooff RRaaddiioo BBuuttttoonnss II,, IIII,, IIIIII The 3 Radio Buttons II,, IIII,, IIIIII can be preset with temper-ature values as desired.

Depress the UUPP or DDOOWWNN Scroll Key to set a desiredtemperature (see 5.1.1) in the large display. The °°FF (or°°CC)) temperature symbol flashes..

Next, depress and hold the desired Radio Button II,, IIII orIIIIII. While the button is depressed, the small displayassigned to the Radio Button also flashes and, after 3seconds, accepts the value of the large display.Release the Radio Button.

Setting a Radio Button to a low temperature gives youthe option of manually and quickly decreasing temper-ature when the soldering iron is not being used.

66.. SSppeecciiaall FFuunnccttiioonnss

The special functions are divided into two menu sec-tions:Special Function Menu 1: Often used functions such as;STANDBY (Temp.), OFFSET (Temp.), SETBACK (Time),etc.Special Function Menu 2: Factory Control Check (FCC)and REMOTE ID.


Page 7: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity


66..11 SSppeecciiaall FFuunnccttiioonnss MMeennuu 11If the UUPP and DDOOWWNN Scroll Keys are depressed simulta-neously, after approximately 2 seconds, the menuselection for the Special Functions is activated and -- II --appears in the display. Release the Scroll Keys.

The following settings are possible:OFFSET, STANDBY, WINDOW (temperature settings); SET-BACK, OFF (time settings); Lock function (On/Off);Temperature scale ( °F /°C ).Radio Buttons II and IIII are used for menu item selection.Radio Button IIIIII is used to exit the menu.

RReesseettttiinngg tthhee SSttaattiioonn ttoo FFaaccttoorryy SSeettttiinnggss::Depress and hold Radio Button IIIIII. Then depress the UUPPand DDOOWWNN Scroll Keys at the same time. "FFSSEE",“Factory Setting Enabled” appears in the display. Thesoldering station is now reset to its factory default set-tings.

66..11..11 SSttaannddbbyy TTeemmppeerraattuurreeWhen the Setback time has elapsed, the “Set” tempera-ture is decreased automatically to the Standby value.The “Read” temperature is displayed (flashing) and"SSTTAANNDDBBYY" appears in the display. The Standby tem-perature can be set in the range ( 200 - 600°F/100 -300°C ).

Adjust the Standby temperature with the UUPP or DDOOWWNNScroll Keys.Switch to previous menu item with Radio Button II.Switch to next menu item with Radio Button IIII.

66..11..22 AAuuttoo OOffff TTiimmee ((““OOFFFF””))When the soldering tool is not in use, it is automaticallyswitched off after the “OFF” time has elapsed. The AutoOff time can be set from 0 – 999 minutes. With a settingof "0 min", the Auto Off function is disabled. Auto Off iscarried out independently of the Setback function. The“Read” temperature is displayed (flashing) and may bemonitored as a decreasing heat indicator; "OOFFFF"appears in the display. Below 122°F ( 50°C ), a flashingdash appears in the center of the display.


MMeennuu sseelleeccttiioonn EExxiitt

MMeennuu 11






°°CC // °°FF


-1- -2-


4 sec.

2 sec.

Page 8: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity

66..11..55 WWiinnddooww FFuunnccttiioonnThe Window Function allows the temperature to beadjusted within a range (max. ±180 °F. (±99 °C )), aboveand below the Locked temperature (see65.1.7). TheLocked temperature thus represents the middle of thesettable temperature range.

Note: To utilize the window function, the station has tofirst be placed into Lock mode.

Use the UUPP / DDOOWWNN Scroll Keys to change the range oftemperatures allowed witin the operating “window”.

Switch to previous menu item with Radio Button II..Switch to next menu item with Radio Button IIII.

66..11..66 SSwwiittcchhiinngg TTeemmppeerraattuurree SSccaalleess °°FF//°°CC Use the UP or DOWN Scroll Key to switch between °°FFand °°CC and vice versa.

Switch to previous menu item with Radio Button II.Switch to next menu item with Radio Button IIII.


Change the “OFF” time with the UUPP or DDOOWWNN Scroll Keys.Switch to previous menu item with Radio Button II.Switch to next menu item with Radio Button IIII.

66..11..33 TTeemmppeerraattuurree OOffffsseettThe actual soldering tip temperature can be changed±72°F/±40°C by the input of a temperature offset. TheOffset function is used to match the station display tothe tip temperature when measured with an externalinstrument.

Change the “Offset” value with the UUPP or DDOOWWNN ScrollKey.Switch to previous menu item with Radio Button II.Switch to next menu item with Radio Button IIII.

66..11..44 SSeettbbaacckk TTiimmeeIf the soldering tool is not being used, the temperatureis decreased automatically to Standby temperature (see6.1.1) after the specified Setback time has elapsed. TheSetback time, after which the soldering unit switchesto Standby mode, can be set from 0 – 99 minutes. Witha setting of "0 min", the Setback function is switchedOff. The Setback status is indicated by a flashing“Read” temperature and "SSTTAANNDDBBYY" appears in thedisplay. Depress the UUPP or DDOOWWNN Scroll Key to end“Setback” and return the station to the “Set” tempera-ture.

Change the “Setback” time with the UUPP or DDOOWWNN ScrollKey.Switch to previous menu item with Radio Button II.Switch to next menu item with Radio Button IIII.


Page 9: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity



66..11..77 LLoocckk FFuunnccttiioonn ““ ””The Lock Function locks the soldering station control sothat no setting changes are possible. Radio Buttons II,, IIII,,aanndd IIIIII remain operational in the lock mode. When thelock function is selected in the Special Functions menu,“OOFFFF” and the flashing “ ” symbol appears in themenu display. If Radio Buttons II or IIII are depressedwhile “OOFFFF” appears in the display, no code is saved.

The UUPP or DDOOWWNN Scroll Keys can be used to enter a 1, 2or 3-digit Lock code. Confirm the code by depressingRadio Button IIIIII for 5 seconds. The station is nowLocked and the “ ” symbol appears in the main dis-play.

To unlock, activate the Lock Function in SpecialFunctions menu 1. “OONN” appears in the display. Enterthe code and confirm by depressing Radio Button IIIIII.The station is now unlocked.

Switch to previous menu item with Radio Button II.Switch to next menu item with Radio Button IIII.

66..22 SSppeecciiaall FFuunnccttiioonnss MMeennuu 22If the UUPP and DDOOWWNN Scroll Keys are pressed simultane-ously, after approximately 4 seconds, the menu selectionfor the Special Functions is activated and -- 22 -- appearsin the display. Release the Scroll Keys.

Radio Buttons II and IIII are used for menu selection.

66..22..11 FFactory CCoonnttrrooll CCheck FFuunnccttiioonn (( FFCCCC ))This function checks temperature accuracy of the sol-dering station and allows modifications if necessary. Topeform the “FCC” function, the soldering tip tempera-ture must be measured using an external temperaturemeasuring instrument.

Select the “FCC” High or Low Set point with the UUPP orDDOOWWNN Scroll Key. After the “FCC” function is completeat both “Set” points, Radio Button IIIIII is used to exit themenu.

UUPP Scroll Key: High “Set” point 842°F/450°CDDOOWWNN Scroll Key: Low “Set” point 212°F/100°C

RReesseettttiinngg tthhee SSppeecciiaall FFuunnccttiioonnss ttoo FFaaccttoorryy SSeettttiinnggssPress and hold the IIIIII Radio Button. Then press the UUPPand DDOOWWNN Scroll Keys at the same time. "FFSSEE",“Factory Setting Enabled” appears in the display. Thestation is now reset to its factory default settings.

MMeennuu 22

MMeennuu sseelleeccttiioonn EExxiitt

5 sec.

FFCCCC 221122°°FF//110000°°CC+ 1- 1

IIII Confirmation

FFCCCC 884422°°FF//445500°°CC+ 1- 1

IIII Confirmation


212°F (100°C)





Page 10: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity

IImmppoorrttaanntt::TThhee ssoollddeerriinngg ttooooll bbeeccoommeess hhoott dduurriinngg tthhee FFaaccttoorryyCCoonnttrrooll CChheecckk.. NNeevveerr lleeaavvee ccoommbbuussttiibbllee mmaatteerriiaallss nneeaarrtthhee hhoott ssoollddeerriinngg iirroonn..

66..22..22 AAddjjuussttiinngg FFaaccttoorryy CCoonnttrrooll CChheecckk SSeettttiinnggss (( FFCCCC ))CCoonnttrrooll CChheecckk aatt 221122°°FF//110000°°CCDDeepprreessss tthhee DDOOWWNN SSccrroollll KKeeyy The station sets the temperature of the soldering tip to212°F/100°C. Once the temperature becomes stable (atwhich point the indicator flashes), the soldering tiptemperature reading on the external device is comparedto that shown on the station display. If the temperaturereadings differ, the UUPP// DDOOWWNN Scroll Keys can be usedto make adjustments. The temperature Offset is indicat-ed in the display. A maximum temperature adjustmentof ±72°F/±40°C is possible. After the measured temper-ature matches that shown on the station display,depress the Radio Button IIII to confirm. The temperatureOffset is reset to 0. This concludes the Factory ControlCheck adjustments at 212°F/100°C.

Press Radio Button IIIIII to exit the menu without savingany changes.

CCoonnttrrooll CChheecckk aatt 884422°°FF//445500°°CCDDeepprreessss tthhee UUPP SSccrroollll KKeeyyThe station sets the temperature of the soldering tip to842°F/450°C. Once the temperature becomes stable (atwhich point the indicator flashes), the soldering tiptemperature reading on the external device is comparedto that shown on the station display. If the temperaturereadings differ, the UUPP// DDOOWWNN Scroll Keys can be usedto make adjustments. The temperature offset is indicat-ed in the display. A maximum temperature adjustmentof ±72°F/±40°C is possible. After the measured temper-ature matches that shown on the display, depress theRadio Button IIII to confirm. The temperature offset isreset to 0. This concludes the Factory Control Checkadjustment at 842°F/450°C.

Press Radio Button IIIIII to exit the menu without savingany changes.

After both control points, 212°F(100°C) and 842°F(450°C), have been set and confirmed, the FactoryControl Check process is complete.

66..22..33 SSttaattiioonn CCooddee ((IIDD nnuummbbeerr))When using multiple WD stations, you can assign anumber from 0 - 999 to each soldering station for iden-tification purposes.

Use the UUPP // DDOOWWNN Scroll Keys to change the ID num-ber.Switch to previous menu item with Radio Button II.Switch to next menu item with Radio Button IIII.

Radio Button IIIIII is used to exit Special Functions Menu2.

77.. OOppeerraattiinngg GGuuiiddeelliinneess

During initial heat-up, tin the soldering tip with solderto remove oxidation and contamination on the solderingtip. Before placing tool in holder, be sure the solderingtip is well tinned. Use of an aggressive flux will shotentip life.

The contact surfaces between the heating element/sen-sor and the soldering tip must not be obstructed. Dirt orforeign materials could cause damage and could affecttip temperature accuracy.







Page 11: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity

HHaannddlliinngg tthhee SSoollddeerriinngg TTiippss

l Select the lowest working temperature possible.

l Select the largest possible soldering tip for the appli-cation. Rule of thumb: approximately as large as thesoldering pad.

l Maximize heat transfer between soldering tip andsolder joint by tinning the soldering tip.

l To extend tip life, switch the soldering system off, oruse the Weller Standby/Setback function to decreasetemperature before work breaks or extended periodsof non-use.

l Tin the tip before placing the soldering iron in the ToolHolder.

l When making a connection, solder should be appliedto the solder joint and not to the tip.

l Where necessary, use the appropriate tool to changethe soldering tips.

l Never apply mechanical force to the soldering tip.


88.. AAcccceessssoorriieess

WMP Soldering Pencil, WMP Micro,65W

0052918099 Soldering Pencil, WP80 / 80W,Short Grip

0058744846 Long Grip Tip Retainer, WP800053313399 Desoldering Tweezer Set WTA500053315199 FE75 / Fume Extraction Pencil,

80W Set0051512299 WDH20 Soldering Iron Holder for

WMP0051512199 WDH10 Soldering Iron Holder for

WP80/WSP800051504299 AK51 Tweezer Stand for WTA500052241999 Sponge0052609899 10’ Extension Cordset for WP80

( Made to Order ) Not Shown

99.. PPaacckkiinngg LLiisstt


WD1 Control Unit120 VAC Power CordWMP Soldering Iron, (WD1001)WDH20 Tool Holder,(WD1001)WP80 Soldering Iron, (WD1002)WDH10 Tool Holder, (WD1002)Operating Instructions Safety Information Booklet


Control Unit120 VAC Power CordOperating InstructionsSafety Information Booklet

SSuubbjjeecctt ttoo tteecchhnniiccaall cchhaannggee wwiitthhoouutt nnoottiiccee..


Page 12: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity



1100.. WWeelllleerr WWPP8800 SSoollddeerriinngg IIrroonn

Thank you for placing your trust in our company bypurchasing the Weller WP80 Soldering Pencil. Theergonomic anti-static design, grounded soldering tip,unique thermal transfer system, and selectable barrellength provide the superior performance, versatility, andquality standards established by Weller.

1100..11.. DDeessccrriippttiioonn

The WP80 Soldering Iron is characterized by fast heatup and precise control of the soldering tip temperature.A particularly powerful 80 W heating element assuresexcellent dynamic performance. The combination ofslim design and short distance from handle to solderingtip means that universal applications are possible, fromextremely fine soldering tasks to much heavier tasksrequiring high temperatures and high thermal capacity.

Tip grounding is designed into the soldering iron. Withan ESD safe, anti-static handle and cordset, the WP80satisfies all EOS and ESD requirements.

1100..22.. PPllaacciinngg iinnttoo OOppeerraattiioonn

Place the soldering iron in the tool holder. Remove all combustible objects away from the soldering iron andthe work area. Insert the connector (5) into the powersupply receptacle and lock it by turning clockwise. Turnthe station power switch “On” and set the requiredtemperature on the control. Once the tool has reachedthe desired temperature, tin the soldering tip with sol-der.

1100..33.. GGrroouunnddiinngg

Tip grounding is designed into the WP80 soldering iron.The tool meets all military and commercial solderingspecifications for tip grounding.

1100..44.. OOppeerraattiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

WWaarrnniinngg:: OOnnccee tthhee ttiipp rreettaaiinneerr iiss lloooosseenneedd,, tthhee hhoott ssooll--ddeerriinngg ttiipp iiss nnoo lloonnggeerr sseeccuurreedd.. TThhee ttiipp rreettaaiinneerr aanndd ttiippmmuusstt bbee mmaaiinnttaaiinneedd iinn aa hhoorriizzoonnttaall oorr ddoowwnnwwaarrdd ppoossii--ttiioonn ttoo pprreevveenntt tthhee lloooossee ttiipp ffrroomm ffaalllliinngg oouutt ooff tthhee bbaacckkeenndd ooff tthhee rreettaaiinneerr..

CChhaannggiinngg ssoollddeerriinngg ttiippss

- Hold soldering iron horizontally

- Grasp soldering iron on rear grip area (6) and loosenthe tip retainer (3) by rotating clockwise

- Carefully remove tip retainer (3) and tip from the frontof the tool

- The soldering tip (1) is now loose in the tip retainer (3)and can be deposited onto the base of the metal ToolStand

- The tip retainer should be used to store the tip on theback of the Tool Stand until cool.

WWaarrnniinngg:: SSoollddeerriinngg TTiipp iiss HHOOTT!!

Do not place or leave the hot soldering tip on the clean-ing sponge or on plastic surfaces.

When using several types of soldering tips, it is recom-mended to use the soldering tip (1) in conjunction withthe tip retainer (3) as a fast change system.

Keep the heating element and soldering tip heat trans-fer surfaces clean.

Anti-static plastics containing conductive fillers areused to prevent static charge build-up. This also meansthat the insulating properties of the plastics arereduced.

In addition to the informaton included in this manual,please see the safety manual and the instructions forthe applicable power unit.

SSuubbjjeecctt ttoo tteecchhnniiccaall cchhaannggee wwiitthhoouutt nnoottiiccee!!

Page 13: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity


WWPP8800 IIrroonn

1. Soldering Tip (LT series)2. Heat Transfer Surface3. Tip Retainer and Grip area4. Heat-Resistant Antistatic Silicone Rubber, Burn Resistant Cordset5. Lockable Connector / Plug6. Rear Grip area7. Heating Element / Sensor Assembly

Supply Voltage: 24 VACPower Rating: 80 WHeat Up Time: approx. 20 sec. 75ºF - 750ºF (24ºC - 399ºC) w/LTB tipMax. Temp.: 850ºF (450ºC)Min. Temp.: 150ºF (66ºC)Tip Type: LT seriesTip Voltage: Less than 2 mv TRMS to line cord ground pinTool Cord: Silicone Rubber, Burn resistantConnector: Polarized, 6 pin lockingTool Weight: 2 ouncesTool Material: Static dissipative thermoplastic handle and stainless steelSensor Type: Platinum RTDHeater Type: Nichrome wirewoundTip Recovery Time: Less than 9 seconds from 250ºF (121ºC) drop with LTB at 750ºF (399ºC)

RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss aanndd AAcccceessssoorriieess

KKeeyy NNoo.. PPaarrtt NNoo.. DDeessccrriippttiioonn

1-7 0052918099 WP80 Solder Pencil, Short GripNot Shown 0051512199 WDH10 Holder for WSP80 / WP803 0058744845 Short Grip / Tip Retainer for WP803 0058744846 Long Grip / Tip Retainer for WP80Not Shown 0052241999 Sponge

TTeecchhnniiccaall DDaattaa

Page 14: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity

Model Description Width A Length B Reach


SSoollddeerriinngg TTiippss

1111.. LLTT SSoollddeerriinngg TTiippss ffoorr WWPP8800 // WWSSPP8800

LTA Chisel 0.063 in. 0.028 in. 0.380 in.1,6 mm 0,7 mm 9,7 mm

LTB Chisel 0.094 in. 0.031 in. 0.430 in.2,4 mm 0,79 mm 10,9 mm

LTC Chisel 0.126 in. 0.031 in. 0.430 in.3,2 mm 0,79 mm 10,9 mm

LTD Chisel 0.181 in. 0.031 in. 0.430 in.4,6 mm 0,79 mm 10,9 mm

LTH Chisel 0.031 in. 0.016 in. 0.430 in.0,79 mm 0,4 mm 10,9 mm

LTK Chisel long 0.047 in 0.016 in 0.730 in1,2 mm 0,4 mm 18,5 mm

LTL Chisel long 0.078 in 0.039 in 0.790 in2,0 mm 1,0 mm 20 mm

LTM Chisel long 0.126 in 0.047 in 0.790 in3,2 mm 1,2 mm 20 mm

LT4X Bent Chisel 0.047 in 0.016 in 0.590 in1,2 mm 0,4 mm 15,0 mm

LTAX Bent Chisel 0.063 in 0.032 in 0.500 in1,6 mm 0,8 mm 12,7 mm

LTHX Bent Chisel 0.031 in 0.016 in 0.790 in0,79 mm 0,4 mm 20 mm

Page 15: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity


SSoollddeerriinngg TTiippss

LT1S Conical ø 0.008 in 0.790 in ø 0,2 mm 20 mm

LT1L Long Conical ø 0.008 in 0.980 inø 0,2 mm 25,0 mm

LTS Long Conical ø 0.016 in 0.790 inø 0,4 mm 20,0 mm

LT1 Conical ø 0.010 in 0.430 inø 0,25 mm 10,9 mm

LTAS Conical ø 0.063 in 0.380 inø 1,6 mm 9,7 mm

LTCS Conical ø 0.126 in 0.430 inø 3,2 mm 10,9 mm

LT1SLX Bent Round ø 0.012 in 0.760 inø 0.30 mm 19,2 mm

LT1X Bent Round ø 0.010 in 0.370 inø 0,25 mm 9,4 mm

LT1LX Long Bent Round ø 0.008 in 0.980 inø 0,2 mm 25,0 mm

LTF Single Flat ø 0.047 in 0.490 inø 1,2 mm 12,5 mm

LTKN Knife Tip 0.079 in 0.177 in 0.520 in2,0 mm 4,5 mm 13,0 mm

Model Description Width A Length B Reach

Page 16: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity


SSoollddeerriinngg TTiippss

1122.. WWeelllleerr WWMMPP SSoollddeerriinngg IIrroonn

1122..11.. DDeessccrriippttiioonn

Due to its handy design, the Weller WMP micro solder-ing iron is suitable for work on professional SMD elec-tronics. The short distance between the soldering tipand handle, “tip-to-grip” ensures precise handling ofthe soldering iron while performing the most detailed ofsoldering tasks. A high-quality sensor and heat transfertechnology provides precise temperature control at thesoldering tip. Due to straightforward tip changing andthe extremely fast heat up time, various types of tipscan be used for multiple applications.

Tip grounding is designed into the soldering iron. Withan ESD safe, anti-static handle and cordset, the WMPsatisfies all EOS and ESD requirements.

1122..22.. PPllaacciinngg iinnttoo OOppeerraattiioonn

Place the soldering iron in the tool holder. Remove all combustible objects away from the soldering iron andthe work area. Insert the connector (4) into the powersupply receptacle and lock it by turning clockwise. Turnthe station power switch “On” and set the requiredtemperature on the control. Once the tool has reachedthe desired temperature, tin the soldering tip with sol-der.

1122..33.. OOppeerraattiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

WWaarrnniinngg:: OOnnccee lloooosseenneedd,, tthhee hhoott ssoollddeerriinngg ttiipp iiss nnoolloonnggeerr sseeccuurreedd.. TThhee GGuuiiddee HHeexx TTooooll aanndd ttiipp mmuusstt bbeemmaaiinnttaaiinneedd iinn aa hhoorriizzoonnttaall oorr uuppwwaarrdd ppoossiittiioonn ttoo pprree--vveenntt tthhee lloooossee ttiipp ffrroomm ffaalllliinngg oouutt ooff tthhee HHeexx TTooooll..

CChhaannggiinngg ssoollddeerriinngg ttiippss

SSttrraaiigghhtt ssoollddeerriinngg ttiippss

– Hold soldering iron horizontally or a slight downward angle.

– Guide hex tool for changing the tip over the heater element to the stop on the handle.

– Undo soldering iron tip and remove it from the front.

Ensure that you do not touch the hot soldering tip or theheating element, as this could result in serious injuries.

CCuurrvveedd ssoollddeerriinngg ttiippss aanndd SSMMTT ssoollddeerriinngg ttiippss

Use a heat resistant silicone pad to unscrew the solder-ing tip and to pull it out to the front. Hold the siliconepad in your hand in such a way that prevents directcontact with the soldering tip from occurring.

Ensure that you do not touch the hot soldering tip or theheating element, as this could result in serious injuries.


LTSMT01P SMT Blade 10,4 mm 0,6 mm 7,1 mm0.410 in 0.022 in 0.280 in

LTSMT02P SMT Blade 16,8 mm 0,6 mm 7,1 mm0.620 in 0.022 in 0.280 in

LTSMT03P SMT Blade 20,8 mm 0,6 mm 7,1 mm0.820 in 0.022 in 0.280 in

SSMMDD SSoollddeerriinngg TTiippss ffoorr WWPP8800 // WWSSPP8800













Page 17: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity



Supply Voltage: 24 VACPower Rating: 65 WHeat Up Time: approx. 20 sec. 75ºF - 750ºF (24ºC - 399ºC) w/NT1 tipMax. Temp.: 850ºF (450ºC)Min. Temp.: 150ºF (66ºC)Tip Type: NT seriesTip Voltage: Less than 2 mv TRMS to line cord ground pinTool Cord: Silicone Rubber, Burn resistantConnector: Polarized, 6 pin lockingTool Weight: 1.2 ouncesTool Material: Static dissipative thermoplastic handle and stainless steelSensor Type: Platinum RTDHeater Type: Nichrome wirewound

RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss aanndd AAcccceessssoorriieess

KKeeyy NNoo.. PPaarrtt NNoo.. DDeessccrriippttiioonn

1-4 WMP WMP Solder PencilNot Shown 0051512299 WDH20 Holder for WMPNot Shown 0052241999 Sponge

1. Soldering Tip (NT Series)2. Short Reach Handle/ Grip Area3. Heat-Resistant Antistatic Silicone Rubber, Burn Resistant Cordset4. Lockable Connector / Plug

TTeecchhnniiccaall DDaattaa

Page 18: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity


SSoollddeerriinngg TTiippss

1133.. NNTT SSoollddeerriinngg TTiippss ffoorr WWMMPP


Bent Chisel

Bent Round










Width A Length B Reach CType / Order No.








0.063 in.1.60 mm

0.063 in.1.60 mm

0.094 in.2.40 mm

0.126 in.3.20 mm

0.157 in.4.00 mm

0.031 in0.80 mm

0.047 in.1.20 mm

0.016 in.0.40 mm

0.016 in.0.40 mm

0.031 in.0.80 mm

0.031 in.0.80 mm

0.031 in.0.80 mm

0.016 in.0.40 mm

0.016 in.0.40 mm

0.372 in..331 mm

0.331 in.8.40 mm

0.289 in.7.35 mm

0.305 in.7.75 mm

0.305 in.7.75 mm

0.331 in.8.40 mm

0.331 in.8.40 mm



0.063 in.1.60 mm

0.016 in.0.40 mm

0.031 in.0.80 mm

0.063 in.1.60 mm

0.339 in.8.61 mm

0.321 in.8.15 mm

0.047 in.1.20 mm


0.390 in.9.90 mm






0.010 in.0.25 mm

0.010 in.0.25 mm



0.291 in.7.40 mm

0.333 in.8.45 mm

Gull Wing forDrag SolderingNTGW

0.079 in.2.00 mm

0.118 in.3.00 mm

0.528 in.13.40 mm

Page 19: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity

SSoollddeerriinngg TTiippss














NTSMT01 SMT Blade 0.410 in 0.022 in 0.280 in10,4 mm 0,6 mm 7,1 mm

NTSMT02 SMT Blade 0.620 in 0.022 in 0.280 in16,8 mm 0,6 mm 7,1 mm

NTSMT03 SMT Blade 0.820 in 0.022 in 0.280 in20,8 mm 0,6 mm 7,1 mm

1133.. NNTT SSoollddeerriinngg TTiippss ffoorr WWMMPP

Description Width A Length B Reach CType / Order No.

Page 20: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity


1144.. WWDD11 CCiirrccuuiitt DDiiaaggrraamm

Page 21: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity


1155.. WWDD11 EExxppllooddeedd VViieeww

Page 22: WD1 WD1000 WD1M · soldering and desoldering applications. The Weller microprocessor-controlled soldering station WD1 / WD1001 / WD1002 corresponds to the EC Declaration of Conformity





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Weller is a registered Trademark and registered Design of Cooper Industries, Inc.

UU..SS MMaaiilliinngg AAddddrreessss::CCooooppeerr HHaanndd TToooollssP.O. Box 728Apex, NC 27502-0728

UU..SS SShhiippppiinngg AAddddrreessss::1000 Lufkin RoadApex, N.C. 27539Tel: (919) 387-0099Fax: (919) 387-2379For inquiries concerning Technical /Customer Service please call:(800) 476-3030 Ext. 1

CCaannaaddaa SShhiippppiinngg AAddddrreessss::CCooooppeerr TToooollss164 Innisfil StreetBarrie, OntarioCanada L4N 3B7Attn: RepairsFax: 1-800-403-TOOL (8665)Phone: 705-728-5564 Ext. 2026