wc. do. - Interesting Scout Stuff

U6 L\lC1U. Bu.raa. A.ab.vU1o. N. C. b. 5/29/J9)4; Mary WaahinlllOll CoUe e •• ,ree UNC 1956. hacbe ... Chi Orneil. Sorority: A.havUlo Judor A ... mbl, aDd RbododeD.droa COy.rl 19S4. K. l8 IIraduat.e ()ak JUdi. MlUtarJ .AJ::a4em, 1952, BA. UNC 1956, &lao commi .. toned ZacI 14.UI.. Air Force, RDTC. Up.l1oa. Kappa Alpha; win, ••• jet 0110t, all s,n.c •• Tuaa Jan.. 1958; algI' .. nico ro-entered UNC and ree'd MA ....... , Bu1aa .. Admialelrad.oa 1960; p ..... MBA Club. SepI. 1961 ... "RM. dDc"'I'N f.uo •• b, Harvard School of Buain ... Adal. will -aft PloD. 1964. A;; ....... _, H .. <In. b. IZ/Z5II959 1/15/1905-7/1611937; .... Gnu.de .... ..: .. wc. UNe ... ach ••• m. b. 7/611930; m. 1951, Joan of Nur.tal. HaRville. S •• _do. EaotC .... 11aa J"". 195', of

Transcript of wc. do. - Interesting Scout Stuff

U6 L\lC1U. Bu.raa. A.ab.vU1o. N. C. b. 5/29/J9)4; Mary WaahinlllOll CoUe e •• ,ree UNC 1956. hacbe ... Chi Orneil. Sorority: A.havUlo Judor A ... mbl, aDd RbododeD.droa COy.rl 19S4. K. l8 IIraduat.e ()ak JUdi. MlUtarJ .AJ::a4em, 1952, BA. UNC 1956, &lao commi .. toned ZacI 14.UI.. Air Force, RDTC. Up.l1oa. Kappa Alpha; win, ••• jet 0110t, all s,n.c •• Tuaa Jan.. 1958; algI' .. nico ro-entered UNC and ree'd MA ....... , Bu1aa .. Admialelrad.oa J~ 1960; p ..... MBA Club. SepI. 1961 ... "RM. dDc"'I'N f.uo •• bl~ b, Harvard School of Buain ... Adal. will -aft PloD. 1964. A;; ....... _, H .. <In. b. IZ/Z5II959

~~l~~$sa~i~~fJ" 1/15/1905-7/1611937; .... Gnu.de .... ..: .. wc. UNe ... ach •••

m. b. 7/611930; m. 1951, Joan

~i=~~~~;l:;:~IIc~b~not of Nur.tal. HaRville. S •• _do. EaotC .... 11aa J"". 195', ~.ta of


.Judy the hc:.av~n.. WbeneTl!'r ht" tooAl the D,ollon. ~c:'d aaddh.' up ~nd ride bdCk to Norlh Carol1D&, dahlking no marC' abo"l .t lh ... n 11 U were (1n1), il few mHe •• H_ d sU, iLD,....he.rc from two rnonths to a year before UbU'lU.ng.

(2) EmU,. 'Ibi'fMlA. nt.. .~ p

13) FrancC'a ThI,pcn; m •• ~ 14) Job;n Allen Thifpen. m. Emma Robcruoh, SecoBd Muri ••• ~ Omitted tbruuK cuur. licC' pagt: 35& (i, Lyesa 1"hl~pen; m ... -- Mcnitt. Moved lO Arka..nna. Pitt COWlty N C Re.iatry. Book KK. p. 466, 1011/1844: Deed from Ben A.hley Tht,pcn and WIfe Luclnda. to L&cy Alforcl. (Sold dIet' lhry ldt NC)

XL triWam S~nceJ' Thicpen, CSA, b. lZ/ll/1816, d. III 2:tt/18&4. buried in Tu; en. 6{Z/lall. EmUy Toel. b. 2114/18Z3. d. 1883. ldau of Jobn T.cl. hI. ... dow rn.. bad: ••• Mayo. and removed to Tenn ••• ee.) Teacher. atockma.n.

Pitt Co. N. C. R.sfatry, Book KIt. p. la9. U/ZO/1S41: Deed from Spcacer Thi.pDD &Ad wile £mil,. to BenjamIA Pollard for l18 acre., known a. the Iud of "oar fathor" Jaha Ttld. (John To.l wa •• OA of Sarah Dupree claD. of Wary 81rel and Thoma. [)alpree. &ad WiW&m Teol. Jr •• on of Ann J..,ul.e .. (dau. of Sarah aAd Rober' Lanior) and W11l.1&m Teal, Sr. of Pitt Co. n. WiD of Rober(.Laniel' .. m •• Ill. daa. Aaa Teel. Rev. W.r) Thorn .. DDpree • .011 0' CoL 1Awfi. Dupree. Roy. W .... &Ad Van4a1ia St&rUDC. of Vlqbd&.1

1IIL ADdr_ Jod<aaa 1'I>IJIPeD. S/IOIl8\.8-7In/IU6 XUL~ T .......... Tbl_. CSA. b.5/1O/18ZD. d. SIIZ/I81I. m.b., 7/10/1849.

Lua. b. 1I/1/181Z. d. IUIII1861. (cI&u 01 Naacr C ....... U.( cl&u 01 . ~:-,,~~~~:,,:cI&u~ 01 Aadr .. Booth. aDd Joha COQlt,eU. Seo pace 214 ) aad I 1Aae. MIl of Aaa .t.amoa (dau oC £uDlc. Ea.oa? anel

•. ie~~~~s~~Jc..~.~-- iIlI I ODcI WIWam Loa. (OOD 01 J,lulha 01 ..... ~ N. C. s.. 1*,. Zl7 ,..... loci: II. 1830. 4. J .... IIIL See _. Zl7

,netic-a. 'l'HCb ...... pIu1er.

h~ (.houglit .houid be .b.Qwn .. lid hoi-nucd dowli to (oUowinK Konon.ti (NOh' HOlt my pct.rcnt. told of lhe joyuu.. vi.hing f Tbi on •• Jt.in. and rumcmbcred marlY uf the fa.mily inddent. ~.n t!:;; ~I lb"'r ratbrr lullowed hu ar·C.,ther a. hlltorian I remember .,_, 1..._ bout. My

I <Ii • uw. DC' .-.eceived.

IcUrT. rOul muy aU.llt aLateli UIo re the Thilpt'n. and kinched. I aleo k:l,ow th I I,lntU the death of my piu·t!nU. then: wa, a CQnlliU\l .tream 0' and Iun cOnlill~ and 100nK "I uur horne '0 mcch ao ., c d _~_. Idth k IT 1 dill • ~ alUa _ ... bora to Uf1~Tl rcmar: h on y .:rcnce between our home and hotel wa' luv~ .snd aHectiun." Alter the" d .... th of my pal'ClGU ~ h w~~, viajun., wero no more, only occallioRill via .. a. When i look b!!l. ~ co.ladon WI' our 10 ..... lbe kia'hip UAk w •• thea a11 b&.al J

William Thlll,.:n WI •• Bapt1.t. bapU. ... d Sept. 1821 aeJ"Vln, ., Clerk mo.t of the ye.,.. of IU. m mberah1p. He good leader, prull' ... ive for hi, tim •• _hb love of IdA ...... &ncr Cor aU. OIl. hh tomb in th. tamily bu.ri&l JIlot .... AD "bAm •• Doble,. work of Qod,n aptly luited. •• hi. W01'd wu boftd Pall.mea Thiapen; nR •• t1.D& In the ho,- 0' •• ~ a. a lawyer. plut.r.

bod,. .. ,bod dlacipUurlan and ..


Hhl. Kelua,k.e. A.aD. PP 8SZi 3· ~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~li of Wm N.,.n, who cL "2/1&8S. He in lb.e churcb •• tlCl wa. conalclerecl.oa.e 'lr:~~M~1 triou of hh a,e, of any witkin the • .tance well worth ",cordin, ~ wbcrc'-;.~.~-;;;,;~.:-• ,cau. neYer .. plred 10 lbe public c:

Eda.COTf~c~o~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii Tbilpeo ..... claim 011 my •• tate hinder bel' aeceptaa.c.o

Item, !jew., ...... ~ .. ~ .... !IiI!


Rulw. CbaTlu Th1ipcD. b. lOIlz/I61f.l. d. 111b/ltf54~ m. }/20/1tt51. D. Anna E. T. Duuel. b. ,a2b, d. 1886. 9lc m. Znd: lUI8/leSS. Jo»hua

Roult:. b. 181b. d.. 188tt. (ciAu of M&G.iu Long and Re .... John Henry [)&nJcl) (I, Rill",. Cbarlu fbi,pcn. Jr. do agC'l ye.r.

Ol. Nuy Etu.ahcth TbiJpen. b./ ..... /1828. d.! N9IZII.904Ri m. la~:T8:~~!:41. AJlen Re.nb Dupl't't:. Ii. 12/9 1 S, (aoo 0 annIe "n,n an Dupree b 1765 d.. 18"~. a.plat Mint-tel'. See pall-to 2.12 ) m • .!.ad: li/IUIS.7. Ell Cherry. d. 18&0 (aon of Fannie Thilpen a.nd LaWl'e',;("r Chc!'rry. ,aD of Elizabeth Ga.incr "nd Jen.e Cherry. of Pill)

~C:F-:~~ INPJ'~C'. b, 8/lIHIi44. cL l/211893, CSA; m. 11/13/186f>. MUl\ud £llubetb Cobb. b. 111 ... 6. d. 6/6/1897. (dau of lou'ph Cobb. h. 18U, TC4Ichc:r; m. 3130/11:143, Sally Kcunry. b. 182.1.

tAl (21 WilliaDl Samuel Cherry. d. in Teo. (l~ !Awrenl;e Ed ... ard Cherry. Ma.rtin Co. N. C.

Will or Eli Cherry, Mutin Co. N. C. lJook Z. pp<l6S/&, da1ed 101511859. prob. Jan. Term 1860: Naron WI(t'~ MHY E. Cherr),. .ona: Wm Samuel Cberry And Lawrence Edward Cherry. Exr. Wm A ThiCpen. WUnc .. u: John Taylur. Wrn 11rillpen

lV. Huriel Lydia. T'biape.n. lZl)O/181O~11111849; m. 6/1/1~48. John Benjamin Wh1a.,. b. S'UJlaZS. d. 1/311863. al Gettysburg. Ec1t..calcd: Col~mbia Academy &lid Kt.mllton CoUe,e •• he w.u ed .. u:.a1ed at home and Wit.on Sernbaaty. Pl&aler. Se. pa,e 17.

V. Willlam Aelaley 11llaplla. CSA. 10/20/18)Z·711816; m. 1863. Hattie Eli .. a· belb. MOOre. b. 4/1411841, fcl&u of Ellaabctb Woodard. and Curton Moore. A«omey aad Ibpd..t Ulai.ter (ltebu,k..ee A .. n. ) He w •• .,du.c ... led at home &Del Tarboro Academy. PlaAhr. Se ....... 119 ·'dO

YL AlVADa Aaa MarieN,poD. 7/30'1834-7/Z11/1840 Vo.. ~. Dupre. Thilpen. CSA, Starr'. Battery, lat N. C. (Bethell Rc,"

b. 7IZO/II' •• d. 1/16/1900. Burp Co. GL educated at bome, T&rboro aacI ColWftbia Al:ademy m. lO/10/11('5, Suaatl EUub.U, Carter. Teach.r. 0111 •• _.r Co. "_ C. b. 7/U/18U. 4. 1/1118'1'1. P ...... r. 50. p.178

,"". ... •• Manoa TId .... , b. IOIJ/1.lI. do c& ..... AUOruy. uam. £daca .. cl WlIwnoa Academ.,. UNC. eM. let U.ut. Co. C. 44th ....,1. Clark'. Hlet. "" ... ZS ___ LaIar .... =. ... ,/n/ll4l. 4. 9117/1 •• ' ....... J_1'IdpOIo. tlZI '-1/141Jet'" 6/IDnln. Fraak '-""'ye'" ~, .... ~Jo. P4., .. 10/11 .... '008 01 Avldo AIkI_ .... ,.....~p"' • ......... oIfa11oer s.._. UI

...... , VIII.

l'hi~pcn to C. W. Gr.anby ct ",,1, pDrl ot traci c.( l.:u.d knQllVn •• "P KUL II Hi. ,Will. BQ'lk .H. p. l.l. prob .. Oc-e. Ct. Ecl;;ecoOlbc. narnc:;"'ct!" ••

LuCY Thlg~r,. PlaCid Thigpen; MamlC Ma~(,:t. Sor.; GeorK. Howard Thi • and gr-dau Ev .. T. Mallet. IpIA.

CHILDREN ( Blble k.ecord. )

1. Patience OJu.beth Thiw:pen, ZI2.1118S)-7/1111871 fl. William Jo.eph Thi,pen. l!13/185S-8/10/18S6 111. Rurua Franklin Thigpen, 4/~/laS1·Sll4/1814 IV. M"r:Y RlclLe (Mamie) Thigpen, 917/lltSij-1ZllflnJ. m. S/17/188Z,

Luclu, Magel. See pilaa below. V. Jame. Rodney ThiHpen, IX, S/4/186l-U/1l/188Z VI. Ruland Lec Thispcn. "/Z3/1864-1I/18/1I.64 VO. Mattie Luc.y Thigpen. 11/ lO!1865-61z8/1898: m. 12110/1lS85. Rarul Carol

Woarrc:n. of CODetoe, N. C. (1) J£fJ'U Rodney Warron. 4/13/UJ81·9/8/1881 (Z) Junnette Warren; m. Charlu P. Clark (3~ JuUoiIn Baker Warren. b. 9/1Z/1888. m. 11/2111911. ChrlatiDe SCaacll

(A) Marcie Warren VlU.Gattie Robecca Thilpen. U/19/Ia6a .. U/ZO/II81 IX. Sarah Pladd Thigpen. 6/Z41l81l-1ZllS/1894, m. 3/Z5/1891. Jolla ........

S/ Z3/1.I.4-61 n 11919 0) Ru .. eU Warren; m. Annie CrI.p

X. Mark BenJ&m1n ThilpGn. 8/ZZl187J-ZlI./188J Xl. Oeorao Howard TbllpGD. 1/611878-103011190

It 1 •• aid that lame. a... TbiIp81l .al .0 ~ onr .. ~ dcath. of hi. cb11drea cb&t bo bad eY.r,.... moved 0Ul cd tile .......... bad it .. bitewa.bod froID allie 10 cellar, tJ.iakiD& lb. u.a. woul4ld1l oft u., lurkiDl lenn., \b..n removed _til. 'UOD& 1,. ~ ..... ..... in,lde and out bdore &be 6amibare ... "",,...d, ".. ..... cMdr_'"

M.rni,e Rick. Thi,pen. tuu ol Jam .. llo-n W!~'!'Ji~~ Jame •• tv. m., JI. I).

m. 5(11/1882. Ludul ..... ,. plaDhir



17' COo..U1t,. N. C. ~ d F'Anmf: ere) Thil::pen. b. l'T'll.) ~t'l" pole


UULDRLN « F.mul)· R('\,;t)rd~}

Allen F~rnaz:.do D.1prce, eSA. b. 8/11HI-14. Ede ... co",I,,,. d. :!.ll/18?J, MarUn Cg, N. C, m. 8/13/nlt.b. Mu,:a.r t £lu.J.bl'th Cobb. U, 18-18, d. 81&/1897, (clalJ. of Solrab. K am!")'. b, IHll. m. J/ JO/Jtf'l S, Jo.t'ph Cobb, b. 18Z2, TClA~ber., UVln£ in Ldg<t'combt: ltt50 C'en.u.a. • n) ~r&h Dupree. b. tb69; (l, Dau, d. 11'\ P()rhmoutb, 'VII. (l) Eta,beth (Beuie) Dupree. m. --- S .at. killed .It 541r.1 lus", N. Y.

fA) Mare_rei MAt; tn. Arthur Ta}'lor. c..:untt.u;tor, Klchmond, VOl. (B. Nori..nc Scat. m •••• 4C) Mil) tN: Olbeu

(4) Charlet DlJpreo; tn, ._ •. (A) Son, Porumouth, Va. (S, Samuel Dupree. m. Ron-·- lA' l children (0) Mary Patience Dupree, b. 1879. MUUn Count)<, d. 11U1918, Buutl'rl

Co. N. C: m.11/6/1902. Tbo~. Lrvin O.burne, UI. h .... 110/187&, B~·.,u· lorl Co. N. C. Now in \'~IC'ran.1 Hoap. Arh.on.l.. laon uf Jrnnie Allen ud Tborru.a Levin O.bone. n, .on of SAm\H!l FrAnklin O.borne. pl.lntrr &bd LClIJllalor of 8 •• "iorl eowuy. son uf £lb..beth Hunter .. nd Thoma. Levin Oaborne, b. ca 1800. m. ca IIZl. FrQtn Hhl. of KehWtr~ A .. n. White Pl&U\ •• eeaufort Co. Clerk of Church. 1840/ljO, arcLlinC!d to pr.a.ch 13!.O. pa,e 878. Hu anee.tou wer!;: amon~ tbe fiut to land in VIrIUUa.) Mar), waa .. te~(hf'r. (A.) Ma.ry Dyprce O.borne. b. 8!ZZ/1901, AS deBree. ECTC; MA dC5: rc t.·

Culurnbt..a Utdv. m. !at: )/l/l~ll. Pre.toll S •• nett. US Ca.ul Guard, WW L m. lod: Ever-en W. Un., dellToIII! Cornell Unlv. Mgr. American Fruit Grower. A •• n. Ml.amt, Fl.a. wbo adupted hlll!r aon, chanalng the name \0 Llna; m. lrd: .!I0I19W, ChArlea Edhon POylll!r, (aan of Wllllam Ab1j&.b Poyn. fcornered tho Ry" m.rket' ousd Ndhlll! Made £diaon, .uu of Nellie Marie Hollih ... n and Wilham Pin Ediaon. brother 01 ThOmA. Edi.on. thlll! inventor. The l.1..nul,. bib": in Ford MU'ilCWTI,) Charl •• w •• edu~ated [),etroll Uruy. Sta.r( EnKlnelC'r 01 Thoma. Edilon Ea..lneerIA" doing much rc.e~rch. She b ","clive lJ\ .udal ... nd chic ... !fun 01 M.1a.m1 and Mi.,nA Beach. Member l1ih eea. Colonial o..mea, DAR. MlAmi Social bal.ter. Re ••• nc.: Ml.nu a.ub. Fl •• (al TboIna. W •• l.y u.a •• b. 19Z3; m. Ha.ncy N. Nichola. b. 4/11/l9Z7. B~. N. Y •• dac ... d Elmira Collcle. (da. pf KatberiAe Yua. b. 2./11/1905. CODA. .. dCbarle. K. Nicboh, b.8/IS/I904. 0. ..... Colo. J He ... eclw:aled .... 1a.mi Schoo". 85 delrce ComoU U ..... UA .... ne Uai.-. Kaaau. G.o1oCbt - ww n. roc..aplonl Po.rple JI ..... &ad. aauy baau. rlbboe. aD4 decoradona. t&koD .,-. _oldie ...... ,.... ......... _101e prl_ I.ret .... r tnaaa_ ...... bad ....... 0'" Gennaaa. H. wu ...w.,. _" ..... _ til be _ .... .-.... him "' .... riaI Ie..... .. ...... __ Old for cmoe","

a.u...u ..... r ...... _ ...... -...::z.. e~=

500_' ........... ... Q<tHp TIll ..... ---

M"ry l.auj(hl?lI. 18t~.lf)l.h .... fld Daniel Spel~1 '>MInh" 1863-1931, both ofCarlt:rcl Go. N. C, ); ru, 2nd: 3/IJ/l(J44. Charluton 5 C Ben,iamln lIu.kc Gray. b .. 4/1/l8~L. Wln.lo.n-~lchll N. C. d. lOlizit96Z. Porte­muulh. Vi;.. bUTled Arhnl/.tun Na.uon.u Ceml!tery. (SOAOr Elizabeth Huak.o. ltfOl-1946. and LIlMl'nt:' Early Gray, lf~1j,5-1940,. H. aU~nded VPI. GIIUlor4 Colle""" .. nd ~NC. Re.lltur '" In.uranc.c Bcoker. MetbocU.at. WW •• bt Lt. lnfantr)', AEF IfHtI. He .... k. a member of .. prominent W1aatoll .. Wem


{ .. mily. Kr-llon of kob,crt Gray, one of lb. {OWlden or the pr ••• at Wia.toD­Salem. Each Henerau.on hal contributed ,efteroy.ly to the edacatioal economiC and '(.o(lal development of that cit)' •• well aa on me .tate Q'd national level. ,A coulin. Cordon Gray, haa been Soc,. of dua Army. Pr. •• UNe. and apecHal Pruick-nlLal Aa.ua..nt to President. Truman aad aee .. ho"r. Shl:. ath:nded po.bUc Ichooh UI. Richmond. Va. and W.aWn,toa. N C W. C. t. Grad from Morehead City Hoap School 01 Nu.r.tnl U/Z6 19Z7. a.. N.

Sh~ wal b lUted artist, poetess, pianill and compoaer of m •• lc. Cae 01 hoI' compo.Uion. "Here Come. the Banet" wa. frequently pla,ed dul'b:l WW U by the 811t Airborne: Div. Band. at Fan Braal. N. C .... well .. k other military Ul.taUaUon.. A •• lrilxne to her memor,. &ad her loft'oI ",unie. her .Onl .hortly altor bel' de.th •• tabU.hed the warp ... , a.ba ... OJle.by Cray Loan Fu.nd at the Unb. North Ca.IOIiu.. hom. wbJ.d)a 0' .... Urvinl lih,dent maJorinl In mUIlcololY ma, bono. 10 belp ateellll. (oJ: Her) fina.ncial noede at the Univ. E,bcopa). 'a) Earl Randolph Ogloaby, Jr, b, U/Z/l9ze ...... -....sCIt,. No C .....

~/Z8/1958, Torl.revlUe, N. C. Patricia C .... I,.. y_. to. UlZ7/19J6~ Clevela.nd Co. N. C. (a..u 01 "ada_ CarpeDler C ...... b. 10/SI ....... .... Harvey Monroe Young. b. S/lZil907. school priacipaL) ..... ~ aradl1.iltc:. Woman'. Col. UNC. H. attu.ded .. bUe acbool.. of"'~ City a.nd Ra,1etah, N. C. Edwaru MtUtary IAn •• PWf&Ir eoug., A~lachian St.ale Tea.chcn Col; ria.. Slaw UDlv. £w;t.q-aoe • . u.e1C.:IiId hal BS deane. 1ndu..,rW Rautioa •• Ju. 28 .. 1951 MS -CC\Mi.# ,. , ' '1 Relation., July 1. 19S9; Pi Siama A1pba. 01-... ,...Ila Poutf==il 8c.1 Phil.:l·\lhrupic Wterar)' Soc. Koreaa War, USAF. 19SO 54. I at&t1uned in Koroa aJld Occupied Ie,..: Cltadoaa 1(0..-~~, with I combat .tan; UDlted Na1ioD. M.dal. Nal'l ~ ............... Korean Preaidenta.lI Clt.atioa. MeIho.st.

Oivi.ion PeJ'lonnal Baa DiriGcm New Orloan •• La. 10 .. lOCOllt!d through Phi Bew Kappa. P.l DeltA Honorar,. in Sodolo." R •• : l. a_pi> La .. b"'a oaaub,. to.

(11.) Jall\ •• Gorham Oal .. b,. b. Educ&led ",bllc .choat. of AS Am.ric ... Galoool.ol

11. Ifu

racn Lydi~ ,blipc!n, (cia'" 01 WIlliam. J.n1Cl. VI. V. Or. Jarnr. •• IV. 1II.

11. 1 Lb. IZl10/18l0. d. 7/1/1ti.f,9; tH. 6/1116<18. John Benjamin Whltl.,. b. lIZl/lIil!>, d. 1/1/18b3, Qcuy.but'g. ho>n ul Mary DaGicl and Ben]&rn.Ul Fr.ncia Whcatlev. b. 1/14'1798, d. ISll. aOM at Eliubeth Warrcn &ald John Benjamin Wbeatley. b. 177Z. d. 1798\ in Ga, Ion or William BeDJamin Whc.lotley. b. t7SO. d. 1177. ReV. War. Col. Rce. Vol. n. p. Z56. f4SS. vololcher (or miliLary aervitr. pvt. WilUam. Co. N. C. COAunental Lin •• enlht1l!:d May Z. 1777 lor Z yean. d. 1112/1777. lind Suah.

(5&llY)Blounl, of Pitt Co. N. C.) John B. Whitley wa. wou.nded 4/3/1863, Htlarnm, to hi. relun.nt Jl&n In \ime for the DOrthern lnva.ion. He wa.. Uvl.a., In Nub COllA,,.. JUlt aero .. the Ed&ecombe line when b. cnlt-ted 3/14/UI&2. Co. I. 10th RCII. Moore'. Rolter. Vol. Z, p. SlS. ..... 1',. !)a.fticl. da" 01 EUu.b.,th Swain and Simon Daniel (Rl!v War), -mlllDteer bom )A.nun Couaty 1780. Col. Rl!'c. Vol. 14. p. 838. Thl!' wtll 01 .... r' Whea,le)" Book Z. po 249. prob. 1838. na.mn ber aon. John B. WIIe.dey. Will of Simon Daniel, Book 2. P. Ud. 1830. namu bit dau.t.hty J). Wb .. Ue,. S .. pale ZZ9





WWlam Benjamln Whitle,. b. 4/2411849. Marlin Co. d. 5/21/19Z3. Beau· (ort Co. He w •• reared b, hia lrandparent •• Patience Chery)' and WUha.O'\ TbilpcD 01 Eqecomb. COW1ty. N. C. Sec:: paaebelo..-JobD Bcnja.rnJ.A Wbitlry; m. lDd: ll/u/lbSO. N.lnq Ann Oa.n~el. (d&t.\J of Elder Joha Henry Daniel and Manu.a LonS. cb.u of A.n1.zc:: St.uon and Wi1ll41n

Ilec!d!ns !ADa1'" 9/U/I'~1. "ar, Naai.a Whitley. b. "/'J/IBSI. do lO/4J16bl Nucy M. Whitl." b. 91 la/IIS] Joba. Benjamin Whhley. m.. 3rd, lIn/18S5. Elba Price. (d:.u of Tc:mperoln~ c ADd Samuel T. price. J d.. 1859 ThOma. W'hIIlY. b. U 9/18S", d. YOUba

Smoa WhUley, b. 1IZ118511. di.d ,ounK Temperance Dizabeth (U&&ie, Whitley, b. lll.ZllH'J9, d. l/9/11H7. Slit'

.. d 01 .. cu.t. coUc. CIt wo~ now b. call.d rupt.u.re:d appendiX.. At be r tSulb abe .. a cftla.cd t.D marry Dr. Knlaht. She h bu.ried tn &!'f.ht CUra cemetery. Tarboro, N. C. 10bll B.. Wlaitl.r m. 4Ch •• 161: P .... ao,. E.ercu MC(jOWoUl. widow ~_ Dr. McGowan. No c.W1d.reo lIo, la.l marriall!'. Shr tn4 Dr. Jc.allO Rl",u b 1/9/1818 do 1z/1~/I'Il.. _ do 1116. • . •

(Note· Even after her marna •• 10 JahA. B. Whitley. the Whitley and TblI~ c.bUdzaa cane. hell' .u.cuoaa .. l, nGr ... drN WcGowu" aA.d by 6&1 ..me Ow nma&ll.r of b.t Ufe.,

:>1ruu... -Jo""'D WWIk,. 1_" a.,dIe. "'01 WiW ..... J ........ VI. v.

~~~~':Jio~r~~Dooi'~~J~iJV~~. m. n. II. b. '/~"1"9. Wartln ... 10110/lIT$, bia c4Jil.,h,. a.,ti • ..... buMet o.kdaU C ..... '.r'l. :

:.Kto= ...... !:tIo~T~ ......... =~. -nu ....... 1 ••• .a. eckM:a.,..


corl\IX'UnK aM_un .. ' bini, Tho. exclh:nU"OI w. baarl.JU.c::k .aftorwal'd. HfI h."d b.. It too mu.cb. he bad a .eli .....

n warned a.Ka.i h.lld hu he .. rt .cl un th.lll race even thou. h h kn nat an, .JlCitem.At. belt wc::nl Ilil'lJ,UKh Wltb It.) " c cw the pril.:C h. mLa"t. .. ,~

Sumeumc befure the dC:lth of hu &1' t.1 butor,_n af Ule Tlugpcn. illld cu.tuw.an-or ~~I'. Win Thilpen. he becam. rnu.l 0' lhe rc:cord. up tv dale: uf hi deAth t ~ uld I'e~ol'da &ad bad b.roap.t famil, gcncnluRYI knOWUlG withuut :deren~tJ c wa. Iteenl, iatereet.ed iD dae their conneoion •• faa did my molh~ ) H • the .variou.lia •• aadall 10" for ..... ord. on any L</JUc.: vI convc;~ati 1:' waadwldclr read. _WID al a hwnor, wa. ol lively comp.kllion iD an, co:- an vnth b., bea .... 01 eaac with the mo.1 learned and to pul pany. Abl. to cOllVer .. ...... wa. of len aaid at hin, that he ....... 'too boat IN.~ thou not eo 10"--. It

( lh Id ~ .L ne.t .. or bit OWJI,GOd. A _ man 0 eo :;O\,hn. newer knowa to ait al th ell •• coat., buttoned. The plua.urc and bapplD ••• :, bl

ninl table wU:bOG' ....

with hlm. and be manaaed to make the time to &aJr! chJ.ldrea :;:"::a~:~~~.,; camping trip •• boating and .wirnmlA. pan1e p them OIl bim in time of atre .. and trouble alwa a:~ fIOp1e ."JII4:' 'to .,;, ...... .aid 0_ ham _ "He bwlt hh holoUo 'b,. the '!t. of die help. Tralf. ilc:aa", to m&Il." Hc Wi ... 6 feet tall. deep blu ey •• aad b road. &ad ... a ......

Beltie: Zada ThiIPOD WhiUey w,u llD CIIAl .. """.1014

hair. brown eyn. auburn b&il' ud rn1lk M whh!'com'" ... U

, ....... ,. ...

a.nd fun lovina •• h.: w ... a mhcruevOQ. u:teaJon •• ltty, YlvacloM

",cry popular and a ."",them beUe loY:::;":; ~I' clay ..... ... aa.to", N. C • .and Va. Quick at r;puee. .he co.:; ............. .-...: While al morning prayer. (Chow&II Cou.i.) aU 'Du.l:c. ...... ....... DC" a little mou..e c .. me ,Uppnl dow. tIM • tatot lid. 4 ill •• ~ bim and qwckly ac;ribbled oU &ad .. eNd u:'" J. e ...... ,. ao ... moun cr.:pt qllietly daWD ta. awn 10 li lea to 0, .. "Tlw ..... Nalu""Uy, the girl. tittered ud IQuinn_;" Hr teach.:r. Mi .. Marlott took ,o ..... ion 01 it • no one _poke. S1&Unl lb. bad DO ued .. _~~~ • Shakinl oJ, ruler ., her, lor amphaeLe l .... -

~ • rbyme witblD. lWeI .OCOD" w01 ~!;=;~~~ b.d Ob that ruler l aAd widaou.' ... '·lD,''''''''; "Here J .land before ~~~~?~r.' dodae h. I, Th_ quJ.el ~:~~~::~= letter of • achoolmalc who lAdcSenl, ut.e..d December

Sb had a 10".1,. trained We. to b.er child.rca .. 4

wlilt .. lor _ .... e ":~:!'':::'!:!~!:~ ... ........... "'-_rr .... JII •• "" pIMa of IIae

17_ TRADITION r.d FACT Ah"o~~h thet'e \11 .. _ no knOWJ_l bllluu rdd.uop.ohip b.·-

' .... cel, u,t! 'J t.1apc::n. ~d the urat wife 01 Jama. Thi.g pen. n. II u tmowp tn.~t from then untit Col 1898.de8cencLHI'. of Llt'4l'\or h· ... _ up 01. c;loa" u'l.u.onahip ....,llb the ThJgpcn •• vuitwC b.:u.k .. r,d toni} throuJ;h Ih. yC"u' •. Milny (Jf tho: old 11nc Thlgpcn childre~ were ,t-I;l to New England to be ed ..... .ltcd "nd" u behc"'",d the~' .Laved w1th or III.I .. r nlC'IOtuH". uf 'hi, f .. mtl.,. WVlnjl: at Pt"'nnr HIll, 1851. Ann and Kenneth ThiKP"" cntt:Tl.a.lnt"d three: at thc.c de.CetlcUt>U. While thero Mr. eMhon lrolpped wild~hlc on Penny HIll plafll')'­uoe. Includl"lj a aqu.trrel ~nd af:.yeral birds .om\" of whic-h .Arc no longer .«:!l'n itt }Ij~rlh C .. rolifl •• He LOok 'hem bold •• 10 Ne .... Enf:ldlld ""hcn: he ... id he In· tended h""'1n1l; tJu:m "101.lnlcd and framed. Wla:n Wm B. Wluth,)' w.~. In College • .. her Ihe War Between the St"h: •• ",hUe in UH:ir bOllle theal!! .. nld·!if..: .'Il·clml·n. a! Penn.,. full Pb.nlittlon, bc.UolufuUy mounted and frilntl.'d 1n .. dc:-.:p .. h."d.;,w·box ot ,.,alru,Il ...... prclllcnh:d to him. It It. no,.,' In tht: holtlc of hi. d.H.lRhtcr. Allee.

W UI10, EUen Clut-on, d.\1J. of lh" donor of the- IiIh"dgl,l, fr,llne, vullc:d In Eqecorobc. &lld IIhc .. nd Wm B. Whilley fell in lo~'",. 1"14.: hli.d ,,,., h"rlll", .ul;h a..a EcigC'c.ombc prlCied lhelf OO~ .:Lnd rode In the v.srioull to\l.rnllnH:nu of the: tunc. The. ~.l rldcr who lIucce:e:dcd 1n Llking r1ll~1I 011 '" lance: while: ridw~ at hilI .aJlop 'W,n the KniKbt whl) had the honor of c rowrun,: the- Q ... cen of tho: Tourn...moQI. Compctili.OI'l wu k ... cm. Rtdlflg "Bl~k M1nit0." attired In Ll.ct. .elvcl, WIth bl,,,,k. plwllcd h.;at. a. the "Bla!;;}.; KnIght," Wm B, Vlhltlc), won. aDd crowDed EUen Chll.on IU. QoIcen. Soon then:: .. flt:r .. lie returI, ... d to htr hoenll In Sonon to prep.trC' Cur the wedding .... h3.pp), ending Jor Lvth t.mlUea, In the mo.u:t.Uma & lovera ' differ nee of opinion p.:lrted them. both marryillQ othf:'1' thI.n £int Intended. Hc married hh cuuain. actUe l..ad.;t. Thigfk·n. at the urne too rouol for the tournament., }-It: nilrued one of hi. daolgtHl'ra ~h(r hob lovely e.eetheartof by· ,one: 1c')'rlll, However, ... all the- full kno ..... ledge 4.nd COIaont of h.h _dc, who 110 Oo\lbt ~oQld ... {ford to be tcr:.erou. "' •• he ,., ... .a beU. and beauty In her own right.

NeUe Chilean Whitley. (Nellll beln, Ellen in I'c\rI:Tlc) hkcd reptalltiM the ecory of bow .be c.amo by her r..uno. Afler the death 01 Ellcon C~dt.on·---. t:. UJ98. Ule relabonlhip til .. , had .panne.d the yean w ... brolo.en.. A_ people do, dley drifted tAr .parl and ul bor deef;cncb.nb nott-.JnlllOW h I<..nOwn, At tho .. til. of the ol~r bc .. d •• Ule friondahtp Unk ~a; .cvore:d. Neither lbe eMl­aCID. pur the Thi.pcJII. knew the name of &Jea.nor'lI f.unily. ollly lha' the Chil~ aon. we". bel' relative •. Buth w.mUle. cbcru cod doc friend.hip thOlt bad en­_red Ihrov.,b ,.Ir1.r .. Uuu ••


L John Equ WhUley, n/l41l1f77·1I/1~/l'93. died. 01 tewu U. HU'TiC't ~lh WbU}cy. 9/14/1880 .. 11119/1890 m. M.rth.a Ja.ac Whitley. 1/411881. )/11/1.81 IV. W .... lcr C",I'l •• WhiUey. 21l1188&·717/188(, V. ".,.e~ C rLetUIol. Thi,pen Wbltley. b, IO/188~. drt.Nl1 d in Tar fh" r

ace ." , .. re. "moAib •• da,. YI. Fraac .. h.aR Pati ... WhiU_,. d. snll' ,. wun. burl.rd O' ... dA1~

c..,...wry, W •• blDt •• N. C. £piKo~n. ~th'. In chlolr,b lind nYU' a.fI&l,. mem"r Am .... lAlton A .... Wone, Order Clerk. U. s.. PO.I Ollie.. tor ..... ,. yeare. £dIacale ....... ,10 .. Ad.adnn, and C ..... monl c::ou.a ......................... vole ... d piano .... bed. luvol), 011· uAkD vake ........ 1al.eeM. 1IWl.' ... .

vu....u. CIIlI_ WIJkI.,. do 6(11/19)0 .... S/17/I,n. WIIU.m Cia. ,. y .. _ ... _~ __ y_CIu_CoU.,. R

..... It. -... ."' ....... ,. ... ",I ... -"'" u ....... .;.,.t .. w:='.::'~~;:.,W .. Me .......... r."'-' ... y .. -. _ 01 .. Ia • $&rrtIoa - - ..... IutnboI 0,., __ 01_ IN z:=-............. III G._.w ......... .. ___ .- _ .. L_~_Ido ..... 'I ... TIaofba4 • ,__ ..u... __ ....... _".

. .,. .......... -.... ., ...................

'-U 0 ....... "' .... III

i ._ .... , ...... L .. , _ •• 100.

u.s. s.c._.- ___ e4',IS,.~.G..III.1 J", I, 1"1 . ..... _ .... 'h" .

--- -..... -­...... ,.. ..........

AI_ ..... , ... ." ....



... ' .............

nClther lived to enjoy it. (I) Willia.m Bcnja.mlD (Billy) Faucette. b. and d. ll1Z7/1~Z8 (l, Harriet Ehubeth (BetIY) Fauc.eUe, 6/1/1'1O.bl'1l9JO


Ellt.abeth Aldlne (Dinah) Whitley, d. 8/,Z4/19S8. burled o.Jr.da1. cemete..,. wuhinglon. N. C. educated Robln.on AuGean,. Oaremoo\ Coll ..... atudlcd art in N. Y. A very talented .rtbt. paioUD, in oU •• alao .. tale .... mUllI:lao. Epl.copaUan; m. 8/2/1920. LeaUe Downi.ac Loaa. a. 01 SuM France. Downina. (dau ot Jouph Downla •• CSA. paroled ., AppomaUOK. J and John Richard Lonl. (IOD or Nancy Han.U, cia" of Rode,.," CB.lckyt Hnrell and Wm Reddil'll LoaS. aon 0' Jam .. S. (Jlmmy) LMa. d.. lt91 • • onof Wm R. LODa. pvl. Hall. Co. IOlb Reat. AprU 1112, Rev .. WAI'. WW ot Jame. S. LoA,. Ed&uombe. Book G. p. 5b9, prob. 18.0 ...... SO ... Sallie V. and IOD Wm R. Long. He m. 10/12/1819. Wcaltby AIm How .. ... o( Eli. Howell. Jamel S. Lool. named La will or hI. lath.1' Wna. L .Lolli. prob. 1849. Book F. p. 432. aho Dam •• wile AMi. (cI&u of £.eklel ....... who namu dau Anal. in bis .U1 1815, 800k E. p. Ul.) (I, BettIe F,.ance. Lonl. b. 5/9/1921. Epl.copsJian;: m. 12/34 1945, .......

Oni. Watkin •• Jr. (loa of AAD& AJ..m.ira Joa. ... Me. Citaa otBee.t. TheLi. Horlon and Al.x.ander Joa.e, IDD o( "ar.a ... , Vlr .... .raa-&nd Samuel Jon •• ). aad: Fred OI'l'U WMkla" (.OD ol.J ........ 'WUJ. kina and JouphlD. UDderwood. dati of WIWam Oaderw004.) Eft 7 J Wa.hiullOU H. 5 ... Woma..n' • Coll .. _, UNC. taleatad. UUti m_ .... Woman'. Club. Church CiuUcl. Amer. lAP. 1uDt. s.cy. Bu •• ~ Women', Club; Pre •• 55 Clu" Cu.b Scogt.Dea No"", WW D, ~ May 194:1-1945. Europoan Tlntall'l. WIth iDY •• leaD fore .. alGftld:aC ...... 0{ France, (OUCh' throulh Baule 01 the a ............. el' w. u....a. • U,,... A •• n; Chamber of Commerce. Jwuor a.amber ~ Pre •• Saraca Cl ... ; p,.e •• Tlmbua.. ... Bible a. •• Brotherhood -'-_; Supt. nn' Bapt. 0.. O"U'cb:.~:~:::::~:~=:!~ YOWl, People" Dep'. member Qrotto. Ma ... Craduato Kina'. Bu,iDaa. Colle,e. Raleip. N C Agency. W.ah1nalOll, N. C. (A) Fred Orrl. Watk1u. W. b.. 5 U '.49 Wa.w.cco-. (8) Franc •• Suan Watkins. b. Zn. 19 J • .,.. ...... Ie) WiUlam BeDjamlD (Billy) Wa_ b.. (D) Warne Thi&IMD WatkiD., b. lOm 19

WUlIam BOIIj...,1n Wlull.y, J., as.., .. (lla .. of J08cpblDo CaI"OllAe Piu" &ad famUl ••• ere amDIII .... ftr .. for Ibe Wood .... Uy.» 80th ar. 01' ..... EC C. T .. ctae" to r •• ute III &be .... ...... IM ... MOGloaaicaI .......


Pooh", tson o,! WllH.un H .... nr) Pouh:.l~/28/1811~d. J91~. and Katherine U_mplon. b. 1878, d. 9/9/IJOll.) (A) H~aZ'y Hampl"n Puolu, Jr. h, S/ZHlfJ2.7, m. 3/1953,

!lo.>rh ~b.nd •• (al LC'.Ul" N,II Poule, (b) Robert Lee Poole (Dl Wilham Kni,ht (1~iU~l 1'001-=, b, 3/10/1937

l!i Wnll~m A.hlry Thitp"r ... lll. 11!Z31l90J·SIl9/1'1l4 0 )J) Crom, .. dl Kui~hl TMgpcn. h. 10/6119050. Tarboro. N. C, m. b/IO/l.ll.

£~ma Lee (Leola) [).lVld.on, b. l/z31191l. RCtlOcuville. Tenn. (d.1u of Henrv O'Furell [)..Lvid.on, b. IO/Jl/18b9. Ca.tc. CII)', V •. a.nd AnniJ. Eldl'Higc Chulra. b. 1/19/1Btf.8. RogcraV11h.:. Tennl (A) WllhaJTl Wayne "nuBpen. b. cll/l,)"') ..

Rf'lidcnce~ 211 McKinh.y Ave. Ch.arlt.>lIlon, W.:.l Vlrglni", ,f, Marthil Rcbecc~ Thigpen. b. 3J9Jl9G7. unm. Grad, Coillmbl,) Univ.

Teac.hc r IS) Edward L.ee Thlgl*n, b. S/lf:,/1911; m. IOlb/J9Sb, Ruth Irene H .. U,

Zll/1914-u/Il/1960, (dau of Ulen a ... rbarol Butwood. b. lU.?:8/18SQ, aDd Floyd Hubert Hul, b. 4/z311878. )

(6) N1Da PQwe.U Thi,pen. b. S/lb'1917 n. lbttit' £1i&&betb Th1lpcn. d.. ale 16 yun. II mo •• 11 d.lo)'.

m. Cuyton Moon ThJ5:pen, 9/17/187Z.}/jO/19fJ~ rn. ll/liltS9J, Bellie Da.nJ,el,811"'1871.1I30/1919, d;au o{ Mary £Iita Woodward. IO/Z4'184'-4/Z9f189b (dau of WmHred Exwt\. Sll8/l!lll.11l11/1tfQ6. and CalVlD WoocS.l'd, n/l/t8ll-b!lO/t8dl, .Ob uf EliuhelJi $lmll ",nd WUlia.m Woodard. DC Wllaon Co. N. C.l ftUlrried l/tS/18ll, £1der <;eo"l« Thoma. Dulle). 9/5/1841-21"/111,,4,llioD ui Eld r John Henry Dani.l. 9/11/1801-4/16/181)~ m. lUl.1/18ZS, Man!u LonK. Il.fZ1fI805· d.. U/611811. ciau of Abiae Staton alld Wm Reddinlt l.onl •• Oft nC Stephen Duicl. 10/U/I714-l/U/1840. m. 1/15/1800, H",ld.h Smock. b. tUnaz. do In/18~a. Greene Co. N. C.) She wa. educ:ated Tarboro and William­atoa Acadenuea. He w;t,a oducated WlllaurUlon Academy a.nd o.via Mili· tar,. St:hool. WUI.tou-s.tem, N. C. He owned and upt:ra,cd a 1.ar)Cc: plan~ lalion in Edlccombe COLlOty. N. C. Uved-Rt 1. Tarboro, N. C. UI H_ute' £lb.ablrth Th1apen. b. 1"'1l895. m. Or. Uury Gordon ThiKpen,

("h of S.1l.ie ,Rebec.ca Little and Frarur. lAb,yetie TbJ,Spen.) She ia Irad.. Woman'. COU"IIt', UNC. leacher before marrblc. He sr.d. UNe aad JeffueoD Medical Colle, •. CbUduh WIder Ilne of father, Se. pa,. l~

fZ) Clay\On DaaJ,.1 Tbilpeo, 415/.1,,7·6/1/1938. m. lS,euh: Harper CAl Frucu Thi,peao 1IIlIn.

lSI Mar, Ell ... Tldapo.. 1/ZI118"-7/1./l9~1. m. ./Zl/l9Z2. Dr. Em •• ' Le.5U'1cklaad. of WiUoG. If. C. b. 6/16/188Z. Nub Co. N. C. (aCto of Tempcraac. ADa F'qbam uel Cairia J. Slrick.1aod., (19611 '" prac­Uelft .. ,rid .. to *'-• ..s.ulClcl Oak Rl". Wn ..... ry Academy. £".1-maa au ...... Coll.le ... ..w CoU ... uf VL, ElOC:led wn.on Co -Pby.ici&D of De Y ...... 19S3." Sh. ••• cSuc:..tod S.lon, Coll., •• 'and & .. ad. CaroUu 0.... Ik:bool 01 Ntlre"". kOvo ill cburcb. elm. IICIaool wu.o.. N. C. Pro •• PTA _d WOU\aD"o

~. ~=~:==~:~~=b~.:. Mbbr. TId_ l,., ..... t _ &ad dnotloa to bor l.clur 6

-----ie:"--", ___ I .... _ ..............

........ ,.1.-' ... ., II,-O& ....... ntt ....

~n' •• _n' ...

CA) SO'll)' Strickland.b. 1I1.011~:'5. m. Frederick MuVe Ea.1 • b I/l!t/191S, (~on of !:;."u;i..: Moye .. nd.J'JScpb Colin £a,les.) .:oth .. ~. wudu..att:. liNC. he also gr.ui. U C La.w Sehoul. lObacccmisl. dairy­.. lid (4rnUtllt Ulh:rcsta. ~ember NC Milk Commi •• lon.a.nd [)I,reelar NC Huhlein A •• n. Ressdence: Wihon. N. C. (.:.I) Callu:rHlc Moye f'~);.lc:s. b. l/S/19S0 (b) Frc:derit:k MI.,I),C' Ea.,lu. Jr. L. 3/t.6fl9SZ


fa) Jean Slrkkla.nd. b. ll/U/l'll1. th. Ernest Dean. Hackney. b.Noy ... 19,B, (lion of M .. ,.y Hunter Dc.m. and John Nc-cdha.m Hackney.) She t­teud. s...h:m Academy, St. Millry'. Junior ColicKc, and Atlalauc Chris­tian College colrn 1.J,\,ld.c: • He: Irad. Univ. N. C, Phi Beta Kappa. Sec,. WUson Homo .11 Loan AUn, Ollie.al Atlantic Coa.t Footb&ll Conference. Residence: Wl]aon. N. C. (a) Lee Strickland Hackney. {da"" b. 9130/1956 (b) Jean GrAY Hackney. b. 1I17/19S8 (cl MAry Hunter Hackney. b. 7/~ZIl4JS9

1'1 John Calvin Thigpen. 6/111901.6/911902 (I») Or. Lorna Wood&rd Thiapt:G. b. 3/31/1904, m. P • .,. Rembert Darid •• .,..

AS6Ie.roa Womaa t• CoUcle. UNC. 192.5; Poet Grad. UUv. MalB •• 192.S/6.

PhD. Univ. Piltaburl. 1930; POlt Doctoral Itu.d, Swi •• Federal CoUea' Zurich. Swiuedand, 1936/7: ,rad. M& ... GOIl Ho.p. Scbool of Nu.s..,.. Bo.ton. 194'. ROlearcb AeaL &IIel A .. t... Prof ... or at a .... rch • .AalnIal Gonetic., Slorr', Alri Experimct StadOQ. Storn. CODIL 1957/40. Nu ••• Nu.n. Educ.tor, 1946/8' Ed&lcad.OI1&1 DlHCto'" a.pde, M&mOria! lIN .. School of Nunln,. MornpbJ. •• TeDD. 194916Z.

Served in US Army Nun. COrpl. 1944/46; membe" Amerlcu A ... Advancement of Science; Am.". A .. n.. Ualy. Wom ... Zonta. Am.deaa a.ct Cro .. ; Amer. HUon., AlA, Nat'l waaae 10" Nanbaa • .AIDe, .... Uc Health A.ani Women'. Uterary Actri_r, Bd; Foan"doa for "orld UteracYi Ph! Bota Kappa; Who', Who American Wom ... caatdbtlle • • denUfic aC'l'l .. on devuopnurnt .Iutica, and OD Ilutritioa fa .u .... education to prof ... low joomala. Now •• aodale4 wi ... E&et. c...,.,-CoUe, •• 1l~611. Eplacopali ... : If. C.

(6) Jame. Edwin Moore Thi,peD. X. M ... , Tate. Epl.copaUan. WoUl. US Ann,. WW n. as ... ,re. Uolv. Conn. I'll. ,ract. with blab Sc:i~o Ro.eanb COIlACU Fello.eb1p for .tudr., Sgle CoUeGe part-tLme. 1931/~: Amb .... t CoI1ep po,,,-lift ... Member Farm Bureau, the Gr..... ami AmtII'lcaa. F.,.m MJao'a Wbo. whb Tobacco .celio. A.ri. .\JQIIItnMal

Aari. 1914142. Alri. £ooD. A~"'~_!Oc~"~"~S4~. s..~I~~~~~~~~~ 19M-J .... 191~. Pul&lO s.c. 1"~I6. Tabocco Ecoa. 19361 M; MaL Cb.1e1 .... AcliDa Quo .. Socllon. 1940/42: un. lO P ... A .. t. Di1'4QDr Tobacco Braaclt. ~ Alri. 190/48. Ill •• Tobocco~_!l'~"~' au. &lui Po&ou.u ely.


HadII ... I u/l9U. at ...... £0.01 ........ fo .... 1.61 .... tll"'aJ un .1 ...

10. U. J) ... .... • /l/lan

..... 01

~~~~~~ HIto W~ =:~. ,


MeTcwth Cvllcgc lIo W,). ,·dolt ;,He.l l. .. nOIT Rh)'nt' Collcttt' and Wilke Fvrt! t L.1\1f Sc.hool. AUOTncy. (A) MuV l:,iLabdh. b. z:J19/1958

(4) Muy Bryan Fh·mlnl. b, 1/81l9lS. m, Wll1~a.n O'Uru:n Whit",. stu.- ..... a.. t'ducat.:d Pel1ee CollclIc .and Mercdltb Cl)lIC1Gc, IA) WllHam O'Brien Whitt.'. Jr. h. 9/9/1948 CB)Mar), Suaan White. b. 5121/1951

Ie) Karen nemln& While. b. 3/9/195) cot John Sryan While, b. 9/8/1954 (E) eh..,.!cs How.rd White, b. )/25JI9~8

(V. Alma EmaaUl.le Fleming. tn. o.vJ.d Alc-.... ndt·r fiunt: d. 3/t/I'Il?, (toon 0.11 Car,. $cott P~rkcr and Z. H. Hunt. of OxIorli. N. C.) Melhod,.'. Sh.: .... ;u educated Lillia,lon, and Ox(o~d Sominary. He ,,:,a6 a planter, Peanut B"",er. MaltOD, ShriDer. Re.ldenco: Enfield, N. C. ,

V. Selma Ella.beth F1eminl. unm. Methodht, educated WOlnan. ColleSf:, UNC. employed Bank of Enfield.

VI. Annie My,.. FlerniDI. m. Dr. Benjamin Denton Mann, .div. ,_on of Mary Ellubetb Pa.rka.r and aenjamin [k-ntoD Mann.) Methodl ••• educated Womaa l • Colle ••• UNC. aad £lCTC. Nu children. Ru: Enlirld. N. C.

Vn. WW1am AlLam.o Flami.Dc. Jr. b. 8/5/1897; m. Aline Flamm" (l) SelmA Jean Flem1na. b. 11/1411937. rn. l'l!l>!I>. Walk Everett, Jr.

CA) Terry AmI. Everen, b. Nov. 1951 (8) Nancy Be •• Everett. b. NOV' •• 961

" ...... Aable, T'b111J*1l. (aon of Little Berry. Jame •• VI. V. Dr. Jarne •• IV. m. n. II.b. 1838. CM, m. l/Z8/18b1. u .. u.. Ann "''''''1 cL 1917, (dau of B_ja.mJA neminl ~d EIl&ab.th ROWitree. b.

tll/1119. dau 91 SaW. ForM. pd WUUam Rou.atree.) Plhlcr. merchant

CHILDREN I Blbl. llecorclo I

...., Flomlaa TIaI ...... , .... HUib C~bb. Tarboro. N. C. IS.. p. 1&41 (II Hup Collll. I., m. ---

CAl M1Id .. d~, 181 """'- E1I&&belb Cobb ~ I!Uubetil Cobb; m. Holloway

lie.,.., II. l/14/l864

l'1li.. Geor •• Ch."1"J (.on of ...... 1'819

Tbebna auth Br,aD. of PactobUl, N. C. 11711962 ..... Ooillord

fTI. B", •• ic: Wh ichard. uf Pit! County (1) :',Jll. (l) Dolu):hlo,;r

\1lI.Willia,u J\,ac:ph Thi~pcn. lI. 1/17JI'd77, m. Sowlord. Florida (I) {);j.llgnlcT. (l) J.)aughler

1"- Lydia Thigpen. b. 211~(1879. d. 19bo, tn. Juliu P~rkiu FlcnunK (1) Marjorie J .. ui. Flcmlng. ,:,. Allc::n IWndolph Peele. Veterinarian.

She wa_ educ .. ted Man Ihll College "nC Pe.llc~ CoU~ge. He attended NC State one YCiLri one year Ea. •• Carolina Collule. ; )'"1'111 Au.bu.rn Univ. Al.1burn. Ala. deKree in Velerinary Mcdicane. WW U. USN.19ot4. 1946. Ruldanco! William.tun, N. e.

(Z) Nina FJeminl; m. Roy WWh Mc:Cleu. a.pd.,. She w •• odUC&~ Salem Colle,e. b ••••• duca'ed Miln Hill. MerC:~l~Florl.t Ruidence: William.ton, N. C.

X. Claudiu. Luther Thilpen. b. a/Zillal. d. 11/13/1936; m. Huldab K.el. (dl.u of Huldah and H. F. Keel) (1) Claudiu. L. Jr. (Z) Bruce Tbilpen; Il) BOIlJamin (Bowe, TbilpeD Cot) Howard Thiapcn; (5) Franco. 1'b1IIMIn; (6) Mar,arot ThlapeD. In.

Richard (Dick) Thomp.on XL H.b.r Tb1apen. twin. b. 1881. II. 817/1817 XIL auf •• TIaI.pen. b. 1181. twIa. cI. 10/2911187

J .... LiLtle Berry 'l'bJap8n. b. 1840. CSA. (1fOA of Little aOl'I', • .Jam •• , VI, V. Dr .. 1un. •• IV, m. B.lhaa.

I".raneu Marina (Fannie) Ho ..... Serioualy wotmded la Ibe War &Dd ....... com­pletely recovered.. Pvt. Co. H. 17th "'IL d •• 4/ZO/1.61. Moor.' • be,"" Vol. Z. p. 425. State Archlv ... Planter

L n. m. IV.

CHILDREN I Family Iloco.u I


18" C llo:g Bapu:. R. sid "\I..C It! .... tAt. Uily ... r.;. l.. CAl CalhC"t'.o JO'fCC'lhlJ:pcn cdllClIlcd Hot" ~.tcn.n..'l.ld l vliet! ...

,1. ~I'ec £.lIt C .atoll a Collo.!(p:. tt .... be. muSIC


S~ and M.lrI'IOl ..... • i;,i~[n ~Itla. Tll~p"n. JII. JCI"!V~ relt Oh ... i.\ S")'nlour, (da.u uf

J n vcr lie W.rd Ilnd Roderick h".Ie ~·ymour. ).51.,- WOI.s .cdUI.::itcd t~J'J' 8". e •• CoUege. he ..... .1. t'dIJoCdt,"d Atl..,nUI ChrllHl.afl C"l. Bo&P!:" Re Jdi;"mt:: !uo Pr.n-.;ch ::)tnt'l, Guld .. bo~. N. C.

(8} Edna ~.i.)y Thl~pc'n. unm. £duca'c-d AtlantiC ChrJIU.1I1 C;,llu);t;

n:"'rnt'~ r C h'uti~l~ Ct.urch. . (9) Villh~l-n Jt.: •• e ThiJtp&.:o. Jr, 01. Ct •• d.,. Ja.ne l:i.rcerll:' •. Cdau of Lmm~

Fole), and Raymond Breenr.) He ~a. cd~C"'h:d All,anue Chr1~uan Colle~e .• lId nnM'ct:: School, Indi.anolp<lh •• ~d. AlhU ... tcd with J. J. H ... i.nca, Baltimore, Md. WW II, U~ Air Force, .. )'Coln.

Mcml>l.'t ChruuoU\ Churdt, .hl.' i .. c ... tholLc. (A) Wlllial1l Brecne Thigpen; (B) Hrian lhulU". ThltUlIl:ll (e) J"hn Joyru:r Thl}:pea

Kraidrn .. C'~ 1404 E .. 11iIl Beach Street. Gold .. boro. N. C.

Loilb Gru., Wltle, CSA (.un of Francea Pcndope Thiilpt:'11 LillIe. J.me. Vl. V. Dr. J ... mu , IV. 111. U. I'. rn . .. ay 3,1838,

Diu NID l"Oo.ll. .... £bom. b. lZl1811811. d. Feb. 1906. (dau ... f Benjamin F reman £bo.Jrn. 4/U/1794.18bO, and l..u.cilla £h"o\ Lanier. l/Z7/1800-6 1'/18~ He ........ Colonel 111 the Confcdcr.'1II: Army. Pl.a.Dilcr, merchant

C Soc po 2,79. J CHILDREN (FamU, Rrcora.. J

l. Fa.nnie O. unle, 616/1839 .. 1/1)/186,. rn. 1... F. Balb, (l' .on. d. yenlU& Do Lucte E. Lillie. 9/U/1841 ... 6'14/1B6l. bllrlcd £pilcopal Church Yilrcl. T ... rboru m. Jouphinl.' WIlle. S/U/I84J ... 7/IO/llfll··.. ~ .. JV. lA." R. WtU •• S/ZO/I846·Z1Z9/1868 Y. Ada Gray Unle'. J/Z8/1848 .. Z/8/188Z, m. Tiha. W. Carr. Sec palO 187 VI. neodor. £born Unle, 1I20/1851-7119Z3. !nd wife of Til"'. W. Carr

No cblld.rcA Vu.. .Iamu Bc:llj&1JUn LUI1c (Doft), 1I/Z6/18S4-6111/1912. m. 1/4118", Lu.I.

F1ern1nl z./19/11l6~·z/lSIl'SJ. fda" ot Emily S,lvia 11,. pea and John J.,J.e.-.Up FLrnIiAJ. t Plait,." mercbJla' 0) Jo .. pbI.DII nemlJtc Lilt". b. 6/13/1894 &II. tal: Hc.nJ'y M.uhcw

PblUI .... ~/IZ/ .. U.'''/I'ZD ..... Znd: ';"'/191'. Edwin E1&y RAw!. 01 aale.bon s. c. (_0 of Ectwlo S. Ra .... 1 &Ad AnDle: Cill.fU~ct,,,' The Rawl C .... lR.oom auudlq 01 Eut Carollu Coil. e b nAm.d U. bb _,_I" _Ul. N. C. I

L.to R. Wm Gr.t) CaJ'r on l.lp Eh:ta Carr, Mra. Theodora Eborn LIttle Cdrr. Mr.. Eliz. Ann Louiu Eborn L~ttle Four Generahons 1902

J05C!jJh nt! Lattle R..d.wl and MothcoJ' Lul..o Fle.mtnl LlUl~

Cd) RlCha,.d S. Atkin.on. Ill. b •• /I"I'9S} (b) Ann BlucUe Atkin.on. b. S/UIl9,4 (e) O .. vld Eatman AlkJn.un, b. 10/1/19501 (d) Emily Jane Addn.oD, b. 9/Z3Jl95, C.) John nomina AtlW>aoo. b. ]/IS/I"]

Ill) 1..1. I.llIl. AlIc1noon. b. 1/1S/1911. m. 3/11 19S1. wood JollllI. or Smlthfi.ld. N. C. b. 5/1/1927. &be "-"~:''Il'!''L. Mc:Doaald. he ,rad. Univ. N. C. (a' J'e .. e Spol..wood Jomff. Jr. b. 1115/1954 Ibl Mall PhIllip. Joilla. b. ]/lln'51

Ada (;1'&, Lhtlo, (d&u o( CoL Lou!. Gra, lope TbI.,.... daa of "am •••

b. J/Zl1I841. d. 1/1/1111. m. 2IZ'1/1865. :T~It:. .. ~=~~~ It. 2121/1141. d. Z/Zl/1903. H ......... __ we ,aaatadOD hom. , •• tUl .&ell". both & ...

Utd. and. Th.o"~. lAId. Carl'. CIIIL_ I Blilk a.o ..... i1

10/10/1901: OR. UZ;2/1f,"'il~~!~

Isa (.:a) D.Jrotby Harper Cran •• b. 1/16/J9S9 (b) Mary ""'THud C n.n:., b. 1l/1l/1~61

(C) Suur. firldgcn. b. Ul4'1'/-Il 10) £d.ltb L.;mler BridScu, b. 5/lJ/I9-tb U.:l C!:. .. rlu Hupcr Bridgf:u. b, lOIU/19<4Q

EBORN liePt)' }:born, "cordin. to 01. nOI~- lU the bible waathe aon. of JOAchim

Achorne, of We.tpb.ll.Ha, Germ.iu,)', and came to N. C. ca 161]0. livinS in Bath N. C. lnC. Hu W~U. prob. H)'de Co. flOC 17ll. umo_:

(l) ')Ou HcnTy ,l;t)OrlJ. d. Hyck Co. Wtll prob. 1788 (;:J John fgrcm;an Lborn. b. 1749. d.. 11/1S/17'10; m. Archadah ForemAn,

Z/b/17S4.181l. (dau Jo.hwt. .. nd RebeccA ForemA.n, Ir-dau of Margl&ul and JQM Foreman.}

(3) Zachariah Foroman Eborn. IZ/13/1771-1017/184Z; m. 1.1: Ann& Bonner Fuller, In. lnd: Dbabeth Clark; m. lrd: £l.i&abeth [);avid.on

(4) Benjamin For~rn.n £born, 4/13/1794·1I1bO, m. Lw:ilh £Uu unieT, Tuud&y evenln,. F~b. t4, lIUS, by Lanier DAniel. Eaq. (call of Raben Lanier, Sr. b. &/)0/1163, .on ot Ma.rtba .And W,lIiam Lanier.)

... nd Edllb Purce. b. 11 21 1771 , cLay of Laaar". &lid Eluabeth Pe.ree.) Sh_ ........ b. 1/17l1800, d. 6/19/18SO. She &tid 14 )'c.a.r uld .on. Tb~odore £bon burled in Memorial a.a.plia' Ch",rchyard. Greenville. N. C. (A) Eliu A.rul Low ... £born. b. lUlI/1811. d.. F.b. 1906: m. SI!/1838.

Col. tAuh Gra, L.htle. CSA, cL 1866. (.on or FrOiUlUS Penelope Thllpea aAd Jam •• UtUc. pa,e 163. )


lAdimoD Shelkm. b. C~ 17ll. (Rev. War. Vol. VB. p. 74. Folio l. SHt.le Archlve.). d. 1786. m. "t: ca 17SZ. Martha 8rown, b. ca 1131. d. before l1Stt, dalll 01 P.Ue-nC-e &Dd JohD Browa, who.C' Will, £da:ecombe. dolled 1/U/1758.

prob. Jaae Ct. I1S9. nam ... ,r,.on BurweU Shelton, and con.titute. L.1dirnun A..1\O" ODe' of Ezr ...... rtha. hb dau. wa. doc. be(ol'e the wlll was drawn. ). m. &.d: Ilulb····

.iD of .... moo 6heholl. HalUa .. Cb. NC. Buolo: '. Jlo Ill. daled 6/1/lU6, ,I' b .... Ct. 11'1'. aamta s,"ond W1te~ Ruth. ct.u.: PaU, (Martha) &Ild HUIDoah Shd\DD. (b, I., ..u .. t &Ad "'08 WUUs and &rwel1 Shellon. Exr.: WUe. M»D Buwdl ADd 1 ..... Balurr.

(WWof ...... HaUfaa Co. Book 4, p. 1. namu lMma: WiW •• A. J. ......... ..d War, ".lton.. )

Brow. aDd LadLmoa Sbc1ton) b. ca 175J. • .... ARId ... ). lB. AlIa I..aftc. b. ca

~~,~iiiilim;;:' .. oj .rolua La.ne. 80ft o~ Jo.eph

~;:~!~~~~ . Au. CI. 1190. HaU"'x Co. ;, ............ COA.tUahs B" ... U

(a) Paulinll: Shell.On. b. 1841. (b) Exvbl • b. a·u. m EmU, Sh Iton b. 184b, II. l/~ 1868. loh

Cs, Jame She Hun. b. • 1807, U. bt lur m. ca 183&. N .... cy---. b. HU1. a8SU Wan Co Q • C Nancy Shelton •••• n. (.) J una $\ lWiIl. 1& 1 .,_ 10, (e) Dm1m~ Sbeltou. ale 8 Cd} Wi1I1.am ..,. LIvID, _U" diem. Milly Job...., .. Ccolored IN14 te, Harriet Slaa1&oa. m. .. •• Howard.

(Ill Ho ... , Clny Shelton. b. 1111 •

HeftI', 0,.., a.lIon. ClOD of L,eIla Tid ..... an~d~~~M~i~5[!!3t~: lZiU/JlS5 ........... . nt.. 1am •• J,J.t1l •• , H ••••• ducated .. II'S. Mknl'. of hi ........



fA} Or. WUh m B. f" i.-cr, Jr (1) h. r "·oh:t!r. d. l'Jbl. HI. V~JI W.t ... m. !'),alq"mIUI, RFD.

Rc:oclt M unl, N. C. Cal Chddrtn JiJuph H. 1 I fJ'1I. l/ZlII811j.7/111'100 CI.arh •• A.hlr)' (Charlie) Thlgpt..·n. '9fl7l1tl71-W/I0,1877 Ann1.:' t HI fbjr.poen. ,>,lb/1879·JZ -4'lq~( •• m.l!.' " 1%4. Henjll.lll1n Fr.a.nklin ShdlOlI (_on of M~r&.ret Lilli ... ot.! Ht"nrv G",J.r Shcllon.', b, Iv l6/JSS6.8/l0'19'l. b\lricd Episc p:Jl chun .. hy..rd, ~pcf:d, N. C Eph(O~h.n. Edut .. tr.d 1n f .. mll~ .chl)Ol at M~pldD". Wll"-eraoh Ac • de-my laJ'Jl:c scale planter. apr.:: lalu,lnl!; tn "."hilda,- cd lit· rdord C'lltl~ Nanlcd one 01 the' first t ..... o M •• lrr F.f'III~r. ~rl N. C. Acuve In c;h'ic ,and p.Jhclc .. l.n .... lr. of Ed~nc .. m~. Soh .. ~ ... edu\;"ltcd Tarb",ro Ac"­deJO) .. nd Sf. MOil!') 0. 0) fleftJa.nun FranktU1 Shehon, Jr. b. 1l/11l~O,; m. II(Z1/1'HO, St.:-n'u

MrrritL No children. BUd. N. C. SI~Ic:' Colh·ge. (Z} Henry Gray Shelton. 11. b. I1/l411'10&. m. 11110/1~"7. Alhle. Boone.

coll.,o lraduale-. leacheer. He Wi .. edl.>t:.ted N. C. Stale Col1e~e. ODe- 01 the- "chia' Ueu ••• arGov. (later U. S. S4!niilor) Keerr Scan'. BraAcb,-h •• d.boy .... Democrat, SLato Senator. 4th D.tt; pl&nter cattleman.. Pre •• Edeecambe .-orm B~rcau. Pre •• Edgecombe Mutual Live Stock A •• n; P •• I Pre •• Tarboro Ki .... ·oilru •• Ma.un. Con­cord Lode- 'SO. Edt_combe Bd o( Heallb. 19~!t/1. member Bd uf TruOleae Edt;ecombe Gen. Hoaptal, Speed School Board 1941/S7; State HwrCcamad.ei.oDar. Gov. Kerr Scott'. Admr; Senator. 1951161. Pre •• N. C. C.Ulema". Aaan. member (".,0'" 'a Adviaory Commhtef' oa Alri. aod GratA Stuelr. EpiacopallaD. Vutryman .inu 1917, ua.mma Silma Delta HOllOI' Soch:t, Aari. AlpM Zeta. RuldeftCc' Spud. North CaroUu CA) Arua. BooGe SheltoD. b. 1z/1I19"

fl' AnnI. Parker Sa.ltaa. b. 8/l51l901. m. 5/U/19U, Irvin. Flrctwood WUlUn.em. Sibe ... eclucatecl St. M.r,' •• (AI ......... <Caul WI1I1:1 .......... 10/201191_

(4) Eth.1 u.dbqtoa SbdIOO. b •• , ZS/.910, Ill. IZI ZZ!l9Jl.. JUchard Mooro Ta,lor. GraCI. 5 ... w...,.,",. b. h coil ••• ,1' .... '-. o ..... r: T.ylor FIlI''''-hl6. Com ... ,. ll.ellldeoc.e: RO.Mk· RApid., N. C. W a-aId ... 1_ T.,..... It Ul16/1940 (a, F......t .... rilIa Ta,lor .... U/1l11941 tel ..... Iho Pa_ Taflor It. 111611947

(51 Hop __ .... '14,,",16, c.a.,...u


Ir~ •• url"11 on IOU ea.rth. and the-H f .. lt. .... "" ... oUlotandinlJ.· (He-I" oplntoa ~. tl • .1rr.d Ly ,Iooar '~iu, lad the ~O()~ farl f'!' to MY"" JQhn 1111IpeO.) (I) lJ..lYld Sah:nweU rhlRill.l\. 7/1l/! tll~IJI)II')ll III John fI"'f,lntt IhtUIt'Ii. Jr. 1'0. H.!6/1'l47. Lunicc Autkuon Pad,.!,.

(cLt.1J 'If l-.unlcr. AndC"uQn lind D.ivid Ralph Parkrr.) Sbf' .... educal.d Guill. .. rd .. nd Slephen. C ... lIt:tr.:t:. (Mo.) Ht: w ... edlJ oiled &..t C.roUnaa Col1"KI.: .. nd N. C. hlalc COllt:~l. WW II. Chernkal Warfare Uah. It_ .ldlhCC: Scult.yill~. : ... (A) John ticmillj(, 1U, h. Illb/l,,'JJ cal J"mC", Ander.on 'fhllpen, L. 19!'t,

(1) Jou:pt, flt.w.lrd TbiKpcr •• h. 1I1lll'JZi. m. 111l7/1,t8. EIlea H ..... faylor, ldau tit Irma Griffin H1f.c~ and Benj&mln Bryan Taylor., Sb. wa.. I!ducdlc:d Wornan'. Cullcgc. UNC. He WII.S ed. UNC; WW D, th !lldl AlrbQrlll" fhvi.ioll oUld ~th It ... ngC!r 8n. Pacific, 3·lIZ y4! ....... iwo y.:artl .lCtt.-, hon. di.ch.u'&c, he had lc) hb credit lho mo.t hlp and low altitude jumpll 01 .ny living ponon. (lnfonnlluon (rom 0flIe of Adj. Gt"n. oC tb(! t..:. S.). Leelon of Meril for para-clalda ..... ..­E.-tern Auociale {or Finl Securities Corporalloa of DIntaun. a.­ve.,menl Bankers.) Rr.ldence· William.too, N. C. (A) Joel T~ylor TWKpun. b. 1/4/195Z (S) Jennirer BrYOln Thigpen, b. 1l/l1l9SZ eC) J.l.ne' Howard Thtjpen, b. 11/11/1954

VUl.l.au.oiltn Leonida. (Lon' 'rbi'IIeD. b. s/UI1B8S. IDo Chicaao, U1. (dau of PoUy M.ckin ud Bel'DU'd LA"!" .... d

in £nal~ct.) He w •• a .hoe • .teamu lor S .~~E~~~~ Paper Cu, .uon after tum of the C,~~::'!'I:~i.:~;: • •• ole reprcSII!DLative of H • 0 i.D a plant wu dedic.ted ca 1951. the pn •• of eame .'":;;;;;~;;'~~ that the new mUllon-and.·balf dollar plaD.t ... ~ for yean the only reprcscDt&dve H •• 0.. laad a.so. 11n.. A .... I .. man and Diat.. Sal •• ",I'. 101' aba4lt .... H. &.: D. '0 many corrlol,.te4 boa a..era i.D V ..... II.. Now relired.. Pr.sbyt.rian. Hia .oocIDM. lud=~ :::==r.':~~i~ h one more of Ibc mo~~ld~;f~: ..... :~ ... ~r~~~~; c ae.lctence: (1961) ~91Z (1) .... tham Leonida.

)1 Z9/19ll. cJ'uaet~~i!;::~~1:~.~~~; WarreD Waah1nalOA.) MA delr •• mAla&iDa. la.'rKtor. aad Awarded

Puhlll ... wrllilla on do. DomIaI __

lb ..... aalM


In (oH,@:1:! 11Ne, prll~. W·;C!;. t-oh;thodiSI. H.: w.l,. C'dUl..oltcd H..lndolplt t.ht,;on M htary Ac-adt"tn)', N. C. SIal Cullt:ltt. \VW II. pvt, USAF'. Jl'wt:h:t. t\~,d .. Jlli,':r. Mon"ht:.J.d City, ~. C. (.4.) W .. ltoer 5rmth ",",orr", Jr. b. lUll,''''.!

,~) M~ry Franees Thigpen, b. 711l~lqll. m. Bryce HiOu F~du·n. (aoll of Nina RO'illten and Bert William Ficken.) Prc~bylcria.n. J::.ducated Pe,at;c .and Woman'. CoUcle, UNe. Pre •. Women of the Church, lacl1v(' In ctuHch, school. clvte il.nd .ona.l .. H,drs uf the to"n. He 1,10."01. educ.:Lltd Wa..bbura Colle,e. Topd ..... K .. na, WW 11. Lleut, CuI. lI. ::to Atr f'oNe. Elder in PrC'abytcn.n Church. IpaurOl.llLC A':l!nl y. R .. ukru..C': MI. Ollvll'. N. C. (At W1l1um Richard f t..: .... cn. ~. r,/1I1l9 .. l (B) Bryce' HAin Fic;;k.cn. Jr. b. 71l1/l'l'>l tel T .... d Thilpcn Fic.ken, b. IO/1Z119S4

X. Julius Joue nll,apoD. b. S/2.5/1891. d. 19tu?:, In. Dolph," BurndLl', (ddu of F,.anc •• 8r,an. Z110/18~-4/S/19IS, and Rock.riclo. (Ricky) H.:lrrt:ll Bu.raette. 1I141lISO-Z/U/1918.) He ....... -.alumlau. (l) Daphne 8,.yan TbtCpeD. m. Jack lAvcl.ce, Re.: R"d,y Muunt. N. C.

CA) Dlan. Lovelace; (8' lkbbae Lov~ l .. u: e.

WlWam SpeDCC!r Dh,pea. CSA. (~n uf Jamu. VI, V. Or. l.rnca., IV. III, II. I ).1111l/lIU6-IU U/18b ... Tcox..u, tn.

6/Z/1111, Edtecombe Co. EmU, Tco:l. Z/14/lllJ·IS81. Tt:xu. Movo:d to T ... (84). QD to Teda. 'au of Job Ted of PUt Co. N. C .• on of Sanh Dllpre. aad Wm. TH •• Jr .• 00 of Ann t..a.ot~r and Wm Teel. Sr.) HJ. wife. no. Zadc ___ " .. yo .. d nmo"ed \0 W.piAl\Oh Cu. T-on.) He wa. educ.at.,d in thl!: famI1, .chooI. CohuDbla Academ,. Pl ... nter, and like tno.t of the Thi,pena, -.d. conud.rabl. land aDd ....... prior to the war. pt ... nt.,. and t.acber.

Pilt CoPt,. N. C. R .... try. 800Il KK. P. l." lIIlO/184): De.d from lpeac:er n.1 ..... &ad wlle, EmUy, to 8eoja",l11 PollArd. (or 118 Olereti, kno .... n .... I..aa4 cd "081' _dull" Joha Teel, ~c ... cd..

ADa I..aale'" ...... o' s.. ...... .,.d John Robert Lanier. whoac will. 800k I. p . ... , *,-410/1'7111", prob. Dec. Ct. MarOn Co. N. C. u.m •• bh dau ADD 'IML WlWam T .... Sr .. R.n •• a .. .ol .... N. C. Stat. Archive •• Vol. IX.

I;. 16. FoUo Z. pa, "oocIMr for rnUhary .. ",ce. fWm. TeCll Jr. and wile, nIa Do .... 1" •• 1. bad .. R.obert. m. Clem.aline Thilpe" Iclau 01 Jou.). J........ .. .. -fl,atMr of EInll" data EmU, •• oa, &ad ! _Gibler •.

•• :~ ..... ::, T~ ~~U= ~;:J:. '::~ ~~I~~:Ch __ .. w, ..... r ..

~~~~;~~~~d.~'~/~~J/I90I. Crt ..... Co. T ... Co ....... ....... ftecoaarep­............. '.v.r

tGI EmU)' Jt:III'II~ TI.it:pcn. m. l!Z7/18':18 0 ad (.) M.arion Moore, b. lZllZlI901. m. ' ___ I'. No"" Dillard MOON (b) Rufu. Dillard Moorll!. Jr, b. S/l.S/19ui.m. cbUdreD,

(Ii) Thom .... Allen ·nll~pcn •• b. 11/7/188l m • 0 -::-_ No chIlclr~ J/Il/U58S, d. 9/l1/1':157 • • r& ftAD Wrip" b.

(a' Jceae Royce ThigpeD. b. b/lb/I%7, m. 3117119)1. caa"'-Kelley, of Cummerce. Te ..... Pla.Geer ,..,. I.. Je .. e Royce 1hi.pen. h. b. H2l/19s], NaU"-----

Om.hA, TOG. --..... 2. - Martha. Ann Thi.pcn, b.

A. - Michael AlleD Murph,. 8. - Un Carol Murpb" b. 4131" ....

l.- Geor.e W ricin (Budd,) 11&1, .... b •• ,.r/l9tl1< Flora Jean Mi1.ChelL A.· Debra Lynn Thi&JIO'I. b. 4/Z4/1960

4. -Mary 1 ... Thi,POQ. b. 31 Zl/1945

ft.) Raelord Hurh N,peA. It.. 4~~~::~.~':~=: VlrlWa KaI.U. 0... ... dOpe ..... Omaha. Texa ... 1. - Raeford Harne

J Ct&J'ID. a.ada AI" a •• ford

l.. - Carol,. (e) Tboma.

Ruth I. - Doe """ ~.

(Q 1 ...... (.TlmI Thilpeal .... WWlam Tbl,pou. b. 1141. NC



." (I \\. .,' . Ali!:Il: TL. I" • v.. jij7ij, nl. -

" I~r,an All! (00\' J'11. pen.' M/S/190L, n , .. , ,u, 1 rhuS '!ltc r

(D' Fr:'lo;'11 :-,laflt.Jn Tbl poen, b. J/Hl',lJb J<IO"O, N\.:~ ~h·JUCII.nl, ,,,I : 1I()11' .:. da,'J.

(C) lIeuchel Clyde.: r1.ll'PC·' b. )./!.4 1'/10 (flj Juhafl Alex fhillp"l'l. 1. 5/11" l'}ll eEl Be:-t'yl Alief! fhlbl-"n. o. (0117/1)14 II' t· uldr· II '" I f\t:.'" I uri !big~, D. }/LIt"fI1. ] duld <:n (G) Ah:1fl Chc.- .. h r 1'ugpo:n, b. t-J!4/I Q .!a 11.· d.o",.1 It ~ (H) Ilrn .. 1."lori.1Iuto:JKr&. l,., 7'!.1 l'JZl. I .... l • • hir.·" (II L .. ~er,.. Truitt rt.l~pCIll. b. 1111/1,1:1 (J) JundJc rhlttpcn. b. b/41l'1l9. Z IIUIl .... om d. u

Ib) Fndcn~'" Let. Tl>i~I"'·II. b. k/7rHUHt, oJ. H/il/l"·".' ,f , .. ri. I"ri, MeR"", d. lIl(,/t.,W (A) Na,,,b,,, rtllij,pcn, b. b/811'l1! In,' l. IiU~'. Ulloj!' d.,~ IBI rorrr.t LN' 1hiJ:Jl'CI'. L. lUlitl'JH, n· I), I -1\1 ~ l\lt. ..... 111

Rt A, Grah.m. It-us. Oil Firld Supph. Uu If ••• H.t.,nl F,,..t hapthl Chunh, I..),:: .. u;oo.nd s.. S. I "I" r .ht! ...... tl

sund.a,. s..:h.ool Tr.J.cher. (.) t:mmc1l F'rC'~nd_ Thl):po! . b. It,II/lfil "1. u/.!v/lt,(;O

Nancy Ann Forc.t, b. ", HI 40 . .silt: h. II liS d. ~'ru:: lI.rultl Slnunon. Uruv. Tcad\ll:r. II..: n J.!r.H.J. Gr"h .. ,u H. s. :. y,-",,.. Ha.rdin Simmun. Unl .... \ ar.U) flKl(t..ll 04 tr.1(. ... C1.,,. f-Jr. 19SIS/'I. JUll1 hORlc frurn tour or dYt) & }~ ... uun.,. '''bv/), SP,,, . • C'J'Ved,.. dc:nt.l ••••• t .. n •. W.U rdurn tu •• )IIc:~ .... HI )0".11 Nuw Wltb Murri.un-S.nUh L",miwr Co. f\ .. ph .1. Rcollicirnc.e: )00-; Brlu.u •• Gr~b.rn. TC'x..1I

(bl SibArun Ann Thi,pca. h. UIZZl194l. U"'l) ~p11QmOrt. T .IA

Woman'. Cg,l1Elc. rn.JQrin. SoL lulu y. te) 8ealricC! Thi.pcn. b. !l/Sn9J1 (ot Ruby Thllpan, b. U/IO/I'IllJ (Q Ilene Tbl.pon. b. 9/9/19Z4. Ill. -. -. Z ." •• unr .On ,,, 1molC'A. Thill'''''''' b. Z116/19Z6 m. Z d,a" l auna;

(1. C .... rlc. Edw.lir4 ICblarlia) TII.,po ... b. JUliS/IHIS •. III. n, Wlltgw Or"". toe ....

(A) .... 1'Y' 8eU ThilpeD.. b. 1/ 10/1914 " .. --- Dau .and l. ~. IBI lA ..... Elba""" Tbl.pon. b. IUII/I'IlS te, f10hGU C .. rol 1'Id.lpeo. b • • /1611'117 m. : cltiIdna tq Eftia ...... ,"", .. ft, b I/l9lt9U. 'wi.. -.on-4 uu IJ:I CUm. WI ... TIoI ...... b. lIZ9 I 1Z ......

__ .. __ GIlA 61'D lin oil •• A.. ".S Mar, -.." T......... ~r. o. Ala. ~ II ...... .... 01' •• 1oeaCii& -c. _52 _ ' ...... Pm.toJ.I IAn......... lola .......... .1~'" ,'''.. Ad __ '" -:.cc" C •• ... _...... I


VD. Oeorae Walfhlnglon Thig:pen, b. 1/2511852. do ~UZl/1917· m. £roma L.. Bradfield. (dau ot Addie Ten-ell and In. MUtoa Bl'aU.icQ b 2129/185' d. lOlZO/1903, buried Oa.ing4:rfield. Teaa •• Sec pt..o 199 • • •

'ltD. Thoma. Jeflenon Thlspcn. 2J2I18!t4-1H/1910' m SaW. J Wi b lHe/leS9. d. 4/8/1'94Z. 80th buried Country Ua.'. Mal' ~.%t.d. (l) A.. C. Thigpen, 1893-191Z, m. ----I No chlldrea


eZ) Robert S. Thigpen, 181Z-18l3 (3) Emily ThiKpeh. 1882·1925. m. Sim Parriab

(A) £mil)' Parri.h; m. ---(4) Frederick. A. (Fed) Thi,p8a, b. 816/1 •••• Daiaa.rfl.e1d '1' ...... ....

JueU Old, b. 8/24/1888, cl. 8/30/1960; ID. Zaula'1l.ow...:. ....... II. 10/2.1/189&. No children. of _"ODd marna,.. Ma,ar .... 1I;a. Baptht, RotAry. Board member 5£ New Mea. ..... ".~~~:'!::!.,. ... ~. member Now Medeo M\lRldpal ..... u. a ••• Sal. III

(A) Suab Lucm. b. 11/18/1911. do 19"'~~5j~a~~~ (8) Thom .. Jordon b. lZ/28/I91l. April 1961. Hobb.. 1ft. J'w-..

(dau of WiW. E. Evu. •• ' ~:~~i;"'~~l:~~~: (a) M Icha.1 W 1111. 'I1Ii&PeD. II. 4. ~)Fr~ •• Lwdl1.~.1I. (e) J ••


."" «(.) Do!lM.ou.h C"ll Tblgprn, L. ll1119S4 (d) T,IlIY Martin Thl~J/IC1n~ LJ. 1l11/1'HH

(Z) John 5. rhl~pc:II; D\. 1118/1903. K. .. lc: GUti.un " ekc. fA) Jobn AU.:n ThlGpen. h. -t/llI19Z04;,no nil Jl1947. F'rancu Colc"' .. " (8) Gt',u·~tf Tbtgpcn. b. J/71!9IS; m. Pill May*" mc,:;rchanl (C)~ Weldon Th.ijl:p~m. b. 8/9/1918; m. LUTcnc Stark. MerchoUll (ot Johnn)' Kale Thigpen. b. 11130.1921. rn. J. C. Traylor. b. 2/1£'/1911

fa' J. Roy Traylor; m. Nita Beth Crow I. _ Janet £llubelh Trilylor. b. lO/8/196Z z.. _ Jat:kie l.ynn Traylor. b. 9/)/1951 l .... K.a.thy Elaine TrAylor. b. ~/Z.8/1951

(£) Roy ThilJpcD, dec; m. Dale MiHu (a, Nan Thi&pcn _ .

CF) Ed 5p:nccr (Bub) 'truMpen. dec; m. ~UIlC Godfrey (~) Billy Thi&pan; (b) Janet Thi"pen. (c) Montie Th.iSpen (d) Carolyn Th1lprn

(G) Matue .... rle ThiSpen, dac, m. H. E. Turc •• No children. She m. ht: -_. Thiapen Ca) Frank Thilpcn, b. 9/29/19l.l.; m. Valerie Lytle on 1215/1942

1. • AIoI.d.ria Thiapen (H' JoAnna Thi.pcn; m. Olen Shl~lda fa) John "uoo Shield.; lb) Ethel Jo Shield., te) "Bo" Shield..

(3) OrUc H. Tbilpcn. b. 8f1l/1898; m. 11/26/1916. Tr~e SIkes, b. 1111189 •. a.s: Shreveporl, lA. (A) Floyce Tb1lpeD, b. l.Il/19l.7; m. 51711949. Don L. CarU.le f.' Vlrllnia Lci.h ea,.lhle. h. 9JZO/19S0

(b' Don 1... C.llrlhl •• Jr. b. 9/Z0/1<iS2 (810. D. TbiapcA. b. 9/1?/I'UI; m. U/10/195>7. Betty Tbom .. ,b.

101 ZO/l93L Ca, 51> .. 00 An_ ThlI ...... b. 911111960 C4, Oem Joaki •• nilll"". b. 116/1890. d. Ill1Z11959 (~) lo.le Tbt,paI. lUZ .. 19S9. m. 11 2t/l¥O". C. B. Camp

CAl E ••• U. Camp. b. 6/ZAI1906. do "5'195'; m. 3I19/19Z4. Jack Martin. DaiAaer8e1d. Te.u.

fa) J~ .. All" MaI'1iD. b. 11l191&92 .. ; m • .. 11/19 ..... M.rtha Moo,.. L - .... _ Mam... b. ,,./1947 Z. - "Idlaell.tam... b. 8/1UI'~

(81 AUllae Camp. b. U/4'1904. m. 71S/1916. lAtoISe P,..tt. 1\10 c.hlldr ... tel _. Lurie Cam •• b. 1111907. cL IZII/I'56. m. Il/UII"J •

• am. "clAar, Ill) V ..... c-p. b. 6IJO/19IO; .... 10/11/1''', Vlr.llda VI ... riq a.o... __

Y~:C::.~u. eem", ... 611/1956, 1_. L 8 __ ~ __ 1.. ___

NIIIP c:_ ..... .,,/1,.a. Qe." LoocW. __

,.~~~.~ .. ~.~-~.~:~_. ;~.~ "~"Vl9I2 _ 119/1tS6. Ifol .. kcbm.. b.

1/ ~bliI'li1I" .tI~ INJI7 ...,

(F~ VtTgil CdJ1lp. b. Zlllll911. tn. ~/7/1'HO Lei L Itha. (d) ~iJ1i' Itay Camp, b. 6111 lQ, d. ~Jl9h9;4" QC r. Ib) r.;.lnne\tc C.llIlV. b, 1'~3/1?H. nl. 10/28/1950. HU'old Halt.

h. l1lO/1931. 1. -Marll!" Ju H;IoUry d. iDYnt ,. l.· o...Yldl~III.i1e-y. b. 7 Ze/le'Sl. I.'. Dumy Hau. b 10/61-01. KC'IIM 'I Uouley, b. }f 11/19S6 y..-

(b) Malue I.aurol Thl~l~"" d. ),ounl (71 How...rd (Bud) Thi~pen. d. 01111: 11 year. Sccund Mol. r ri .. .£ , (8' Lowu! Thiacpcn. m. ll/l9/1<J~S. E. S. Stotoll

(A) JO) Dell Swut. b. 6/11/1938 (U) .. other.

X. Emily Tbif(Jl'CIi. u,ss·no'j. m. Levin Hl.ld.on Old. '1!. •• 1'4) (I) EnUly CeclU .. Old. 18110·1881 {Z, Hudson Cor Old, 188Z·1888 (3) Bertie Old. 188"-1888 {41 AE'cble Van DArby (Bird) Old. 1884; m. R.uth L.UI1lU\awna ... '"

piU .. nt, Tex.a •• (Ho would IlOt b. c.u.d odaer duul BIr4.» fA) Archle Van Darby (Bird) Old. JI'. (B) Herman Old (et Emily Old

CS) Joy O'd (6) Pearl Old; m. W • .E. P&ttcm, CMCIIt. C1I Sybil Old. b. 18,.. m. ToneD CO_~. j;~~=~

(A) Terrell W. Connor. Jr. 1ft.. at

,radllate.. Sho... !;~;;~~~; dinlAa room .. alb ,ea..&1ol'-&. WW

the Pbll1ppla~.1;.~~;l~~:~~~~= CBI Sarah Elm .... SuD Amen;

N_'~I'''.~'' C...o ..... Dalla ••


(a) Franua Gay •• H.arkrldl"f. b. CJIZlI91Z; m. tjJlZ/I'1~l, Jerry LeO' Harn., b. 8/15/1933. Ca) ] children

{H)Jo,c. Wan_ Harknder. b. 5/8/1934; rn. Z/10/1955, Ch.l.rlca Emory I..ake.. (a' Vicki. Marie. (b) .. ark Emory; (e) Paul ClaytOD J...ake, b. 7/./01, twln, (cD Paola K.Y', b. 1/8/&I.lw,n

lQ Cora Ann Harkrider, b. 10/12/l936; m. 6/l0/1954. H.rold I>c:iil.n AmenOll. b. 10/U/19)5, (a' liaughter

'" David Harkrider. b. 2127/19'3, IUU',"

C" David Th1apon cSam' II. (5) Cora Tbilpen (6) eouae Tb1lpen; m. 10/11/1917, M. M. Po.rIlOP. Tylor. Ten •.

(A) .... ,...iD Pc.nOll, .918 .. 1942 (8) ImoleDe P ...... OD. ee) Ric. P.auoa.; ID) Hillary Punon (EI T,l.r PMnoD

(7) Loonldu (Lon) Tbiapoa. b. 9/1311895, m. 3/18/1918. Lon. A1fo.d b. 81 U/I900 Mon ... o. La. CAl PIIIUIp LaD Tbiapaa. b. 19n (B) _0 N ...... b. 1944' .... 1961. TImolhr Wau.b

(01 l_r Waacb. b. Mar 196Z

U"" Sybil CR. c.o-zo" Daf.a&.rileld, T ..... h. ...... aHAIe AprOD of Wrn 1peDc ... Thl ..... I. faded &ad. won b, time, valued aad. ck.riAed aooelb ......

It.w be ..... 6&t ~bol ... of LaD Na_, married T. C. Coaaor; .... dati of Loa ... M. W. McDaDa1d.; Kale. dau of Geot._ 11\. Curd. C, c--z'" s,Ml ... oll:adl, Old 1ft. TernU W. Comaor. The •• llubanct. • ...... all II ... _0 ........ pm _ aIlliwet _ ••

...,.~ to at..... SI." It, bel' alec •• aad A_y, _I Tefl .... Frue .. TbIapoa.

Mallloa 'l'IiIDoD; &at! Ia additioD • da~ 01 LaD N ..... &ad Kat. _Ib 'l'ItItpan 01_ ... ,.d

..,.. U .... riU .. cia. of ... • r,......

(ieOtlle WuhtnK,gn Th1Speo, (aop of WIWam~.~!"""',.rai._, .. ;,." Jam ••• IV.

,/1l/1911, III. Emma L. Bradfield. b. Z/:";;:!'::' AddieTerrell ",pd Or. MUlOA BraOfie:lcL) buri.,d 11III""kii;. BApcht. planter.



(1) J~oI.nc:·· "hi pen. b. I .3 1911. UII.rn 8,11'1111. you,h worker {or Oa lUI Chu.n:b. RII:" HOI Tr monl ,).;oll.:u 1-4. Tc........ ,

(2:) M:.-: "fMC'? n .'..1 .. 111·nQ·'II!.fL!b!, IVolr •• m. AnnH." M.1t \I. "kl",y II" Ii bUrled T)I .. r. Texa •• (A) Cad Waynt.' Thjgpen, b. 5/11',/19. 1 (UJ Alan O-" ... ync Thigpen. b .. 11 Zit 917 (C) Jounea !kart Thlj!pen. b. 11 !''''t1949

(l) Maklne Thigpen. b. Ul7/191~. t'Nln. T,1c:r, r,,~.;u (4) 1.("011 J .. m"'l Th, .. p:n. Jr. b. 8/.!b/l'llO, tl., Id.l ',lluu;nhunl

Tdevillum T~·chnida.u. ReI; 'f),lt·r. Tl-Xall (A) Jame. Edward Thl~pc:n. b. lIltl!I?;" (B) P"hY All, II; Tplgpcn. h. IO/H/. 'IS!) (CI Jt>c K}lc fhl,pc:n. b. 9J17/1'h6

(5) Virgiruocl Thilo'pen, b. 4fl~/19Z3; m. Homer. 1arun. T}'h:~ T.:x.u (A) Lynn Ra)' Ma.rtin, b. lZ/9/19·H

Jo Thla:~rL 11185-1914, m. Roy Puri.h. :Xu .:blldrcn M .. ry Tbf~pen; m. John L. Hull. dec. Flc-.' !31 S,dJ.,,). H"u I",n To;;tOJ,: (l) John L. Hull. Jr. h. 9!2:S/19l4. m. ;....,n'crflc Ida. ru:m.n, b. 11 91I<.J ... 4,

Id.au of Eldic C. Tieman o( IkOlnvll1t:, T~lI. .) (mart~~d: b I \948) Hc II .It..10. with Gr .. y Tool Cu, Rc:., lul.H Ch[{,,·ood. H .. )<1 '''n T .. · ... (A) John f.idle Htlll~ b. 9/15/19e.l CB) Jounu Curth Hull. b. 9111/1953 Ie) Rob.trt L~'u, Hull. b. 131l1(ltjSt. COl Ri...:hard Br .. dley HoJl), b. S/ll/bel

~W.J.",e. yo~~ Tt'Htpt!'lI. b. 1I18/Jh?l. Morn. (.0. r~x.:.' m bll' /.JIM/P/I'! M.,ru\ M.u: Irvin, Can Cu. Tu .. b. :!/lllts'l~. d. 8fj/19~7. ld, u uf GaOrllu, Tr<;t)lQt .and I.,u ...... Indo.) WW I. I H1JltS. u'r\"C:d in U5 Army III P .. n~m ... P14nlcr. CO\Ull) Comnu •• 1onc-r. MQl"n~ Co. lc,z.91l'nZ. COllnty Ju~e. InS/lb. A"ucu.tcd 'WIth F~A I'H'i/4!. J ilkI' of l1.c Pcac~) 1~'11.O d.ile. Amc:ritan l..e¥lon, BaptHol. lA:a. UI .. m. llld: 2HZ/l.I. Mr •. Juale- C to •• land. kC:llidencllr. D.lin,t: ... rfu·ld. 1( .. ",. (Ii J,unn In'in rhiKPCn, b. ",ll/l<JtO. rr.. blllll?43. Eliul.clh H",uiu

DAIC'. h. ~/1-4/lfJZ4. Fallurrioa, •• Te;,,:. Cdau uf L.eau, Haruhorn aud AJbf'rl 'WiUia.m u..\o('.) She &lIenckd Nurth TC'X .... SLite CuUlPg"'. olCtlVC'

In d. rch ",;clrk •• u leac.hcr ~~r.d.l. elrl. Au ... lcader .erved •• Oen Iotulhrr. Soy S:;ouu. member • .,Uurri.u Readilli Club. and ... rlGu., Civic orl&JuuUunl.

Ue rec'd I$S dc.tee tD cb.mhtr". £a.1 Teaa. Sl~ue CuUelC', MS dc,S'cCI In EdtK .. Uon. .... nd P.W'c.b.oluIY. T xa. ColleGe (ff AI". " Indu •. Acuyc in • ."ondal" educaUlul •• crvcd on ,ever.,1 .~'e u,ImrnJttee. of •• COIldiary praacipkla. on comnuttcc sha. prepared the Handbooit loS' Sec.ondou, Sehool PriAcipal." for T u.. £cl.w:a.u.on Aicnc,. Pre. Brook. Unh.1IS FlUid aad o&b8r civlc orean1&.u(fnll. Dhec:.lOr Fat. furrt •• Cbamber of Commerce. Bet)' Sc:lolyt Work, YouCh l)evdupnent C04&aC.lI. UtU. Laa._ Secr. BapU.'. deacOft aad Tr ColoD Direetor. twiCe Pru. 8f'OOk. Co. T &ckora UlIlt, m.mber Hat I A"n o' a.coa.dar, Scbool Prmcl ...... Tau. State Teacber. A •• n Ilolar, of FalNrnan Dir.ctor of lAelnM:don for lfarUn. II PubU boola/ a •• ldnllc. 2101 E.. W •• h1ntIOll., H.rlla •• o, T ...... ... l.1 ..... .0..&. ni • ..-•• b.. 4JIIIIMft.. R.c'd Amcricua IArion

dd $ "'dp ...... d OUt.ataa ..... Cudenl (B) .. II. " aU ...... of aunb work.

" •• 10_ ,_ ••• n. ...... s. s... ., J_. T'h ...... VI