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W^^^BSM m m^mm •21 _YQL, XXiy._ Mo-34. - ^g'^AgLISHED MAY, 189S ^5r*=== fLIV]BST0C» COMMISStoSBB 'BLACKSBURG CONFEBENCE MlNAgaAa, TA, FRIDAY, JANUARY lift, 191$ -7»rK«i«irdr W. p. FITZWATER DEAD YEAR IN ADVANCE ff<8 >t Brfaterabarg. BotBariaJ >t V>U«v Vtow The Virginia CouncU of De- Mr. R. G. Koiner arrived at' Mr Walter P Pit™-t^r Ai^ fense « n t Mr. B R . Conner hi» home in Staunton for t^e | Thu^wlnu^T^t t^ ».!. r.«rtificate of appointment 88 holidays on nhri-f™-. !?„„ vi v ™ ^ ^ 1*"'**^. 2,- »*^" his certificate of appointment as holidays on ChriBtmaa Eve. Af- Livestock CommiMioner for thla ter spendinjr one weeklheVe he neighborhood. "^ *^g* **> Blacksburg for the-con- The Oountett cmphaaizea the £er«ice of coaaty-igents, which' {«^ that it i« necessary tof «J^ met on New Year's Day at 9 a. ie|ve, every ounce of meat, fat m. The exercises cotttinmiri ^ IftalhAr pewtHe. :Thi« "Ts daHyunlsrS-or 5 ;S0, wUh an in: aot b«ng>lOT«,-.Thpu8aada of torfflission at noon of an hour iBiniiito ««'kffl«!i'«*E»y fdr lour days, by nulroad trains. Such wartet Oh Stjgday nirfit-the*e waaa cMtld largely be .p»w«Bt«L_Hreiri^M (^oferenc^ one of the gtoek owners would do their ^strtJjecta b«ag the possible co- Bsrt keeping their gtoclr away'operation between .tha ageida from railroad tracica. 'and the ministers. Tha^wfer- Stock killipg increaae* ex-ence was to last until the close penses of the^raifaroadg> now ope- of tie 7th of January, but infl*. ntM fay t^^ffl'T'''''"''"^ y ^ ^""^ devetoped in gevan nf tlL home, near Bristerabufg, in the 27th yew* of his age. He was the eldest son of Ijir. and Mrs. Samuel Fitrwater, ol Nokesville,^ anfi nephew of Mr. L B. F1fcsw»- ter, alajfc of -NokaBviUev CLEVELAND SWEENEY DIED ON HER BIRTHDAY LT. LYMAN PATTEBSON J.-. «-«- ^.^ .. W 1 - KUI^ P iMANASSiW ir'b** 9*"<i>a Fairfax, «0>JPMB«3 ^UmMi^Dt^FremrTnhettaloMiB'^^imy^^ DiyT^^GIvM Oir CitizenTAn Airpfcai^ SlMQlB. Hlmadf Mk Brtwt With Slwtgiai. C^ Tuesday about 1:30 p. m;, The Hoadtey neighborhood was neatly shocked to h»u- of i BxhibitiMi SaUoB Eqitfed la the Largo* CUies. the death <rf Mrs^^Emma Pair-j AaJIheJoifrnal (mnou He waa bora near Mathias, W. Va^ but moved with hia |iar- enta several years ago to the E. B. Beid -pg^MOs^HMur ^GTMO^- wich. - f Walter will be Well r^mem- bered by both old and young in is added to the freight uid paa- agents and no n^eetings were that community, as he will ajro be remembered well by every one at Nokesville, having been in the employ of Mr. Stephen Mr. JwUSroverCleveland Sw<io< .fa»> wife of Addi»oa,^«irfax,-we^ ago, Lieut. L. ney, of Bacon Race, committed ^^ WM«d away on New Yea^s terson, of the Air Serviei, k>. suicide by shootini^himself in <^7' '^f-i^r an iUnew of onli» a cated at B<4Unf Reld, Anaeoa- the breast .with a gun. For a ^^^ d»ya-' She di«d, of double tia, yfmab^gti^, *n-"^n4 Ma -..;_, ..... >„ » jiMii. M.-V1 » : zs-i —-• -rt^JTi "-- •i'~T'"¥ v^m—II ••Hiiiaiiiiii,—t»»unw—«HI- long time he has been suffering Pna^monJa. ^ wa* 00 yaars nassas with a visit in a govern- with tujjerculoaia,^and it seamed °'<^ °" *^« ^T "he died. ment adrplane. He had plaaiied t* ^hlIa fainfly that W could JBWt!'^^^^ heigK-^ to cdme last wedt, But tiie jfiny" live more tha^ a week.' He ^ *^^ helped all bar naighbon and cold waathar together pr«- begged the {thysidan to give ^^^^'^^'^ *^^*<1 an oin>ortuni-| vented. * ^ . him somethinar to ease Ma pain, I ^' ^^ laavea to mourn her losaj On Tneadajr aftcfnoen, aboot but the doctor was afraid that,! ^ ^ husband, two sons, George 8:80 o'ek)ck,-«ttr dti^Mia wen I f U M l i t h i w j 11MI1A Ml,l.mM^ «s» U^IZ M.' M. D a v h r . a n d T.Aalia Vnii^av ' a4^«^«4'<.U ij^ 4k. I.I_I I if auylhlflg were tfiyfm to t^Iteve M. Davis and Leslie Fairfax, attracted l^r the whirring sound the pain,. the weak condition of ^^ °^ Hoadley; one sister, Mrs. peculiar to abplanea. From th« his .heart would caiae 'death. ^^"'**B K. FWrfax, of Hoad-^ loudfaess of the whirring it vm» Mr. Sweeney frequently prayed If^' *°^ ?"^*?. g""<^hil<fa-en, evident that the machine waa fnr (fonth RjuuinfW kh. «.^^k»- Ernest 9Kd Aklne I lAVia MiH naaf fko ,T,^,^A =^ •u-* 4.1 forlfeath. Recently his mother ^ " ' ^ *"<* Ailne JJavis and near the gryund, so jQiat thei« tirged him iu. kwy covgfga ap, 7 ' ^ " * Jtei«l» all of Hoidlay,iwaa-a gwiwat expecfartlwi that 1^ have to help pay for our neigh- .toE!a Btock^ldbJfilLJhe be kiled. Biit tbe Council of pefense is espedsMy interested 1n;thtf c^Tsferyation of meat, fat 5jjd iesaffiejr, whichr even now ra Sreet and I hdd on Monday or Tuesday'; Mr.^iCoiner arrived bakdc* Lawa4hfere for quite a while. is weB and strong and Wady for renewed activity, A ft-oelamation bv the (iovtnmar of Virgiaia. ejf(»rts by trying to accomplish the following: ^ '"'^"r-' " - - 1, Get the enctosed. pledge WBez'eas, The-^ Virginja Good •earda signed by ^ e patrons of Roads Association, which 4s an "year .station whose organizatipn devoted to the im- gtodt are aeeeaBlble to thfe yail- ]>rov«Hnent of the yubliu high-' --He leaves to mourn hia loss a RWd tracks. ug within ten -kl i,*aiMii eirny retuni them to ways of the Connaonweajth, The iriedge will hold a convention-in the city un Januai^l0,,1917, he was united Jn marriage to Misa Jes^ ale-Manuelr-eldest daughter of fa»fe he ihoafei^ c^^ frttta4< and reU- our popular friend had come ta monia. He reiriied that he wiab-^''^^»i _ _ ^ __^^. Jtown, rather to the air atK)ve the. aie-aiamww-ewest-^ughter ofr^j~=^-^V^JStf^-J^^" •« y^'-ga; ^ ^ ^:^^.^„^..l^Jl-:t!jJ^^\ "^^«!?«±££~E1«J«5 Mr. Joseph B. M^iuePof Nokes-I^ ^* could-catch. pneumonia and rhe neighborhood extefads rta town, and there was an aUnost husband and fathe^ and his gen- tliemanlv WAV« «.,nH pU^a«n°^^^»T Mrs- ^ n i e Sweeney, quiet m.anner had won for him a host of friends and^the admir- atioil and resfect of''all .who knew him. to Spanish inguenza die. ^ j heartfelt sympajthy to the fami- OnTuesdayafterncjon bis wife ^^ ^ *beir aadjb^^vement. " ' Ivefi liim i i a " Bad gone^^ewn UBN. LEE universal exclamation, "lliat muat be Lynan E^rttersoo.'* "ntis cdtfcluaion, waa A«inflfinMn|, who has been hfelpiijg to attend to this^ the last of her eijg^t chil- doen, in his ilhiess, had also gone when, the aviajtor waved his at ti& aplpokag-nad especiaHi SUver Plate to Maih Simt Where Vhen he frequgn# flew, near He Knelt When CenfinBcd. the residence of Prof, and Mra. B. T. H. ^odgg, his unefe and His death was due °°^ "^ ^^ '^°»- Getting out of , > memory qfGeji. Rotert E. 'aunt. . *^"^ bed aLd reaching fw the gutt, be T-ee. rnmmander and chief of the Lieut, fattei^wi t{av«,our elU •sorrowing young wife and bajby grl, little Eva, his father, inoth^ ^'Riehmond. -JaBU^^-1446.|^rK typ brothiera. Virginia. Couhcil of Defense. 1919,,for thp purpore'sTconsid- Mrs. He^ry CarricO, Gentlemen.;—-Believing it to ering'Wt^B aJuid •melQis tor 'thei^t«itoo, Ya. > r \} of placed the jtock on the window i^"^^*^^'^^*^'®*^^-^^^ exhiBition <rf sill and the barrel" against- hisl^f' Plate, witt be placed in the gioji and daring. He flew so brcaat. With ajtfek he pressed ^ ^ ^ « Chriat Proteatant >noar the ground that it gocmed the trigger and-ended: his life. M ^ ' ^ ^ r ^ ' " * ^ ^ * * which imposaible for him ttf avoid _ ehrmh he was a, woHhiypw and BUHdng fl6me high pomt hke War-^ be:iy S f y t o help^ «v country imnro^^ioiit ^rf th«. 7>i.h5::;..i;5f^^ T^^^^^J"^ •nnnltr rm^m^ teAAl AYIii. meet't£ie world's needs I hereby VAginia; - , I J Mr. Sweeney wa8"^^bfflm „. ^. . .,,^ . ^-^ Miteh^LVa., i u t be has Uvedin " * S r I ' - . . * ° " '^1''^® ehnnb steeple or the water task; attheirave bv the Rev H"^^ yean*? He was ^i5%y-«t»/"^T^ '"'""^ Whereas, The building of new'J--T- Flory, andfarii^astehderiyry*^ "«^ " rate the event I ^ S p V impignvBii ;du« WKl'h^ ih^'lveat^' ex-; pnisioa pwkie to try to keep my atock highways, fteir" improvem"ent' laid to re»im the Valley'^Q«^^^ layt thy nelgfaboara to do filce- jaal io Uhe ecuubmic aud iwciali TliHeulire^iaffliwmlty extends !?^^ yesterday at 2 p. m.^^.^ :—•* —^ : ' • - • •_ •••-(,'..• " J, . . _ • ^^ '- 1 'i' '--_..« - rZ . . - M ^ . - ... *l'nA aAba>%r{AAa «>WA«M« A M M J « . . ^ 4 L U 1 ' L.. ,*!••.« at 11 a. BL. VhkA day'wg' The^rvW^^condud»dtoi^w"-^ *°^!"^ wa& devetep^KBtr^-Bie Gommon-' ^ the jumng wife ita^heartfelt ^l^Zn^ "^ "'?^'*^ S? ^Jrth. My si^atJire aiid addreas on wealth, iiow—_ .sympa^y, a s . she was w.eU ^ " ^ "idfieton Snoot, oTOcccv-; „„ ~thi8 postal is my promise totayj;_'Ilierefqre, I, '."Westmoreland known to the social circlesj^'f? §oveigniettt-that 1 will aa' a pa- Davls,^ Guvermjr of Virgi ii?ark c h m T ^ -itJuwae, gflding gra«»: of hia fully and aafely ml of damiter. danjlta;. ,• I Other feats were shown, to4 Rev. Dr. Randolph a McEim, eluding the dip, the wave, the rector,of Epiphany Episcopal gpjral. thp falling t^^rf. and, to tnotifr ciUaat .'itfj to do thcae urge i^ interested citizenis of Sunday School worker in things. ' tiie state ivko can to kttend this Methodist SUUday^^Jj^faoot at Name .' .... . > . . ; . . convention and taka part in itB',N"keavi1]p hpfnre h ^ m»<rriage -. The deceased leavftn hiw ndfe^ , ^ ....... .. ,. ^—. ^ ^ , -^ tfa >i»fc» was Miss Maude Dyer, four ^^^^^a^^^^aidungton, wfjl pwarh cap tie amaxi the loop the loop. -v'cluSStoilid'Ma mother. ' j" "f'^"'*^''"!'''^**'^ to ^bp orrfn which the "aviator lusw iii^l^^ '«aaion, F. 0. . . . . ; deliberations, and request tbat Coutnty . .;-.-T::^:^. . t •. •'Uie sevei'al counties and citieg fiAINESVnJ.R DISTRICT II II r MHigmqfl- sdr and tqrned a complete somer- Mwnbers of R. E. Lee_CamEr_aault__Jdany--<rf-the-^eetate«ay- Kaihnad i. Station of the Commonwealth midce the Mild, and im. jConfederate Veterans, Sons of who have seen air^aae_exhiM-j; "Hana MadetoProvide tet^htir Confederafe-Veteraiw andlnem- tions ia Washington~and ^e- Veterans and Othcn. , ^" < *e Daughteta of the where, said that the feate per- T: ^i:~::r'Zi-^':. ' Confed€ra«gr, will be invited to formed suiTiassid any th»t they A» adjourned mfeeting of the **^°^*''® **"^ce8- "had ever seein. "V I ; MfB. J. W Catoa, (thairtnAn ol MA&Ai^aas CfaaptCT, U. 1>. Uy waa* Q*^ ^ ^ ar Work Drive Yidded J41MUML4 "I : 2. Get the minist^sto^sffieak-neises^ary about it in tlieir viaituig. among cially represented.^. !&eople, ffditore to • write . Given, under my 1 about it iu school teaehKB to teach ^t^ to monwealth^ at Richmond, rnis committee of the United War pitoble *ome. of the president, ^remany was._.conduiisted by thanks for coming to Manassaa thar pupils. . twenty-sixth day of December, Work-iwe, has made a-report Mrs. Alb&t Speiden. - Bishop John Johiis^ of %ginii:' and particiilarly Tor giving oor* 3-Havc your lawi pnihihitinr in the Yf-»r of our Lord one thoU^, ^.^^-^^^ ;>., ^IWH»,. »f ^^JQHR R»wneM of m.M^h iTit«>»>«^ w^' It is.expected that many Con- people such k remarkahte aad was. ujufiimeU iu their papers^ anl der the Lesser Seal of the Cp^^:^^ Gainesville district women's -heM^p^^ffluary 6th. at t h e W ^Arist Churtli.JulyJi..l853, this - - veterans ana otners fniLdiaplay of aiwhipypia^ ttttfe rumimg at largg ggfggg'^, «^^ """e hundred]md_ei^t^, {„ j,er district during the recant transacted. A t^ntrrhntmn »gg lederate _••_. 4.rS^d as the names and ad-.and in the one huijdged and ftn^^^t^p^i^^ in i>Hrtitini» to pifi^gty iyntfe>4^,^4,So|dif.ra' Homf, at wi&^ttemfclhe^ senacaa plaiiiwd IM.»VI^ -. eses of persons wHo permit" tjr-third year of the Comraea-gjQ^ptij,^ t^, ^j^„t J5Q Of Richmond, for their annual dm-' "^ observance of Lee's-Wrthday j ^_ t^^stockjo run at large or wealtll. x . '• jthis amount $174.85 came from;ner, 'whith wiU be given on,** **»^« church, Tlierector,Bar;• ADVlSmiY COUNCIL use to aiSB thecaidicr^" ~ westmoreiand Davis, igaymarket, where the Tvoman's Janlauy igtfiT" ~ Dr.-Morton, thosiifit" thiaT M^ if you have suggestions which WW think would prove hrfpful in Governor. committee waa represented by . ^ e Manassas Chapter is pre- more fitting time than Lee'a Board of SapwrMora Appointa Miss pizalieLh G. Jjgadg ^nd Paring .to send a box of any- birthday could be choaen t^ J^ewajMnpiiahmmit of OTjrjm^WCgK^OFPRAtlliik ^sKte\aCBL^^^ H. S«dy. and il67.86 ftipa.thing m thf way of food to the auch. an cvant ^ Alexamfan Ca^ In accordance with the j^ana ^^wtakirig, w© invite yaar var- '^ —*—— - ~ ' ICatharpi^, the representatives Honwi "fot^ Needy ' Confederate {•ctto.. —1-— of tfta Rxtansion Divisioa of 4lie VIX-PJ ^ a t Blackshurg,, Va., the tCatharpi^, the representatives Pom* "fot^ Needy Confederate} actte.. -S«Bday ^ngM^ SMIMA Waa-a* ^ t ^ y ^tm Paart Sastpn; Mias W<anen, at Ridunond. Any cue! Mr. Conner has suggested a fevaageMna, hy Mr^ChA. . lG«trude Golliua, Misa Roberta theach^^ter or .outside, whiof! —Rey. Jesse M. Bell, wife and Board of Supervisors has ap- •"T'^^hiblting the slaughter of ' 7=^ ' Smith and Mrs. Lottie Saialip. wishes "to donate'someUiing to daughter j Lora, left yesteiday pointed an advisory council to alves under 100 pound* and less /niefirstmeeting of theswies -pj,^ remaindft- was reoMvad this noble cause, wiU pieaae aand momi^ fw WaiAiSgto^ wBfere act with County Agent R. G. *«a four weiepks old. Calvas Arranged by the Mimiterial (km- throu^-_Miaa__EateIle Cave, *«»« to Un. Albert l^?eident as ] they took tKTS :30 t » t o t ^ the Koin«- in promoting the welfam ander these "figures, he"thinka, ferehce^or the week of prayer Gainesville; Hiss Rose Shirley, *<>" as possible. -afteraoon for E^iterprise, Fbu, and prosperity of Prince Wdliam "•unfit for food and the meat is was held_jm_Simday.nifiM. Jan. yaterfall. and Miss Annie Lau-j The chapter noted with much^n the centaaHjart at ^ state, larmersw The prbgressive stan>l^ ~k«t that would grow on thfcani- 5th, at _the Episcopal Church, ^.j^ g^art. Thoroughfare, aU regret the death of a member, Benson Spnngs Inn is a large- iiig of the men in their respee- ""•i in a'week or two. "jduchtothe regret of all,therec- ^^^^^^^ pf the women's com- Mrs. Jane Nrison, of Fort Scott,' hotel located in thia health re- tive communities is such as to —- ] tor. Rev. Alex. Stuart mbao°. mittee m tfaeai-lespective tecal- Kanaaa.' The deceased was a sort, where v»«tors wngta^te assure Mr. Koiner of their wise" ie,hyflieit-^4«i^ ifiii^TKS i.«riH«^ r.<«i*- mrove^j^jttoajWU^ medicihal wafer. The advice and cheerful co^pgration. ^ ~»QLLJ»^CflS» ,ty. Cludmuai. —The following is the roB o* unavoi<fcbly absent by attend- ______ •toner for-Hayfield school: ance at a funeral; and Rev. AUj •_ FARMERS' INSTITUTB - * * n Gaba, Alvin Keys. ElmA; ford TCelTey w^ filling an ap-^ The programjw-the^faabajj^i- WMer.-Jnha Wina, V»J^ Vl^^:^i^Ja^^ pi Washington. .meeting, (rf tiie Farm«r^:4B8ti- Gafea, Vioh^ Millerv-BattL- The subje^ of Evangelima tute, whicE^will 'be tcM in the 1th a^"-"TlTlt.omirthiiUJll_Fli1iJ llli 171th l i i Thn Tinrnnr Tirwtinf nf lilii ' lln n, HIJUILI '° catebration, npt« naa peenj deeded^ to tne s^t-Aj^i,.AismaenxitTSSSST to fffl De^liew an Jannary 19, no-iMethooist oianlwa. North anArWpt^Bwit the board of supw tice of 4irbidi wiQ iqipear lat«a\1 South, and is k>cated on the St visors as chairman of the-cdim- •J<*n'» River, t t e st«MB«r» itop-^'cii ex-officio, and Mr. Chaa. R. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY uise Webel-. rwKsr attoitiye cuugregatiea, i^ Rev.; as foUowa: 7. ^-^ Clark, irafft'*' ^^ t**^'—'Tiirm Managpmpnt.,*' f. Baptist Church. T^ sermuu Hodgacc; BlacksSurg, Va. was a clear, forceful- presenta- tJeoT^ Cornw^and 1^ OW"^ ^'^ subMl uJ »hia "^Siy A. Web«,TeacW. - <»LANDO' *' ^ ^re?U^.^ore *he hotd. MfiEtoo^Ltheadmrtboard winter ehatttaaqtar is bd*; The fWlowing were appointed . j Woman's Anxihary to the ParBi-| Mr. and Mra. BeU will attend the tricte: R.firaLInHtttatewin be hrfri in thf ictautoasua ^deg^ ManassasT^C F. M. Lewis. J. ^har two months' stay h « ^ jWrEirne," J:X:xriaweaver. I QainesviHe.—W^L. Heu.-«!r, R. Mra. H. S. Lam. qf WeHliig- A. Ruat, C JtKefSefr "" ' r. I high school building the-aft«r- "The County Agent and His noon^of the day of the farmeiis^ »r G. Koiaar. Coantyjiiatitiitet at iiM a'etoeh. ^Ty Dreeiieii were visiting at portant piame o^ chardi ww*. Agent, Prince William County, j ^ e are hewing to have Miss j ton. haTbeen caHed U^-^itiise herj; BrKiteville.—W. R, Hook ^fiton Jast week and attended which should be the main factor<^ These wffl- be fnllawfd hy a jiartha Dinwiddie, district agent^daughter, Mra. Ckvelaad Fisher. "H. W. H«mng. Oscar Ellis. dance at Mr. Thtnnas Bryant's, in church activity. ^ ,talk by Misa GUbert on some for Northern Virginia, with us. who is ill with the influenza.Mrs.' Coles J. A. Hill, T. J. Wool- ^ey "niovrfi tlimiAjlBJui ^M»W -^ - phase of 6ome Demonstration I am sure all who make an effort'I^m left her husband at home fenden Jr R R Haves mnch. Mr. Pearson —Misy Mabel Hornbategf. onriwork. - '^ !toattend wiU not rEgret it. Mayjwftri a severe cold, but she felt" Dumfries.—W. H. Kt\ves. aad accommodating tej-j All persona interested in the w« not begla the. new yaaf i»y|tbat b«r dawghtW^THw Siore se- C. Bronner, Joseph Hintr.r; jccess or the institute arc urg- each member of th« aiiYi1iary.^ximiAly nicV nr\c\ h<»r proa^nt <^n*,y', <\rnqi\i\r\ Cnrbir. 7 E. S. Bhocket, G. W U Albert Roseberrv one dav ephore operator, ia ill at home success u,. wie m»«».uvc -.c u.»-«»-.. '-v--— -» "«^ • ••J| «i.s; ,,.^,1^ ' „iththo"flu" ed to attend. Sec'y. brinjring-one new member"' was with her , « - D* iitSCaiiMm ^^s^mm

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Page 1: W^^^BSM m^mmeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · W^^^BSM m m^mm •21 _YQL, XXiy.Mo-34_ . - ^g'^AgLISHE 189S D MAY, ^5r*=== fLIV]BST0C» COMMISStoSBB 'BLACKSBURG

W^^^BSM m m^mm


_YQL, XXiy._ Mo-34. - ^g'^AgLISHED MAY, 189S


MlNAgaAa, TA, FRIDAY, JANUARY lift, 191$




ff<8 >t Brfaterabarg. BotBariaJ >t V>U«v Vtow

The Virginia CouncU of De- Mr. R. G. Koiner arrived at' Mr Walter P Pit™-t^r Ai^ fense h « «nt Mr. B R . Conner hi» home in Staunton for t^e | T h u ^ w l n u ^ T ^ t t ^ ».!. r.«rtificate of appointment 88 holidays on nhri-f™-. !?„„ vi v ™ ^ ^ 1*"'**^. 2,- » * ^ " his certificate of appointment as holidays on ChriBtmaa Eve. Af-Livestock CommiMioner for thla ter spendinjr one weeklheVe he neighborhood. " *^g* **> Blacksburg for the-con-

The Oountett cmphaaizea the £er«ice of coaaty-igents, which' {«^ that it i« necessary tof «J^ met on New Year's Day at 9 a. ie|ve, every ounce of meat, fat m. The exercises cotttinmiri ^ IftalhAr pewtHe. :Thi« "Ts daHyunlsrS-or 5 ;S0, wUh an in: aot b«ng>lOT«,-.Thpu8aada of torfflission at noon of an hour iBiniiito ««'kffl«!i'«*E»y fdr lour days, by nulroad trains. Such wartet Oh Stjgday nirfit-the*e waaa cMtld largely be .p»w«Bt«L_Hreiri^M (^oferenc^ one of the gtoek owners would do their strtJjecta b«ag the possible co-Bsrt keeping their gtoclr away'operation between .tha ageida from railroad tracica. 'and the ministers. Tha^wfer-

Stock killipg increaae* ex-ence was to last until the close penses of the raifaroadg> now ope- of tie 7th of January, but infl*. ntM fay t^^ffl'T'''''"''"^ y ^ ^""^ devetoped in gevan nf tlL

home, near Bristerabufg, in the 27th yew* of his age. He was the eldest son of Ijir. and Mrs. Samuel Fitrwater, ol Nokesville, anfi nephew of Mr. L B. F1fcsw»-ter, alajfc of -NokaBviUev


— ir'b** 9*"<i>a Fairfax, «0>JPMB«3 ^UmMi^Dt^FremrTnhettaloMiB'^^imy^^ DiyT^^GIvM Oir CitizenTAn Airpfcai^ SlMQlB. Hlmadf Mk Brtwt

With Slwtgiai.

C^ Tuesday about 1:30 p. m;,

The Hoadtey neighborhood was neatly shocked to h»u- of

i BxhibitiMi SaUoB Eqitfed la the Largo* CUies.

the death <rf Mrs ^Emma Pair-j AaJIheJoifrnal (mnou

He waa bora near Mathias, W. Va^ but moved with hia |iar-enta several years ago to the E. B. Beid -pg^MOs^HMur ^GTMO -wich. - f

Walter will be Well r^mem-bered by both old and young in

is added to the freight uid paa- agents and no n^eetings were

that community, as he will ajro be remembered well by every one at Nokesville, having been in the employ of Mr. Stephen

Mr. JwUSroverCleveland Sw<io< .fa»> wife of Addi»oa,^«irfax,-we^ ago, Lieut. L. ney, of Bacon Race, committed ^^ WM«d away on New Yea^s terson, of the Air Serviei, k>. suicide by shootini^himself in <^7' ' f-i r an iUnew of onli» a cated at B<4Unf Reld, Anaeoa-the breast .with a gun. For a ^^^ d»ya-' She di«d, of double tia, yfmab^gti^, *n-"^n4 Ma — -. .;_, . . . . .>„ » jiMii. M.-V1 » : zs-i — - • -rt JTi "-- •i'~T'"¥ v^m—II ••Hiiiaiiiiii,—t»»unw—«HI-long time he has been suffering Pna^monJa. ^ wa* 00 yaars nassas with a visit in a govern-with tujjerculoaia, and it seamed °'< °" *^« T "he died. ment adrplane. He had plaaiied t* hlIa fainfly that W could JBWt!' ^ ^ heigK- to cdme last wedt, But tiie jfiny" live more tha^ a week.' He *^^ helped all bar naighbon and cold waathar together pr«-begged the {thysidan to give ^^^^'^^'^ *^^*<1 an oin>ortuni-| vented. * ^ . him somethinar to ease Ma pain, I ^ ' ^ ^ laavea to mourn her losaj On Tneadajr aftcfnoen, aboot but the doctor was afraid that,! ^ husband, two sons, George 8:80 o'ek)ck,-«ttr dti Mia wen If U M l i t h i w j 11MI1A Ml,l.mM^ «s» U^IZ M.' M . D a v h r . a n d T.Aalia V n i i ^ a v ' a4^«^«4'<.U ij^ 4 k . I . I _ I I if auylhlflg were tfiyfm to t^Iteve M. Davis and Leslie Fairfax, attracted l r the whirring sound the pain,. the weak condition of ^^ °^ Hoadley; one sister, Mrs. peculiar to abplanea. From th« his .heart would caiae 'death. ^"'**B K. FWrfax, of Hoad- loudfaess of the whirring it vm» Mr. Sweeney frequently prayed If ' *°^ ?" *?. g""<^hil<fa-en, evident that the machine waa fnr (fonth RjuuinfW kh. «.^^k»- Ernest 9Kd Aklne I lAVia MiH naaf fko ,T,^,^A =^ •u-* 4.1 forlfeath. Recently his mother ^ " ' ^ *"<* Ailne JJavis and near the gryund, so jQiat thei« tirged him iu. kwy covgfga ap, 7 ' ^ " * Jtei«l» all of Hoidlay,iwaa-a gwiwat expecfartlwi that

1^ have to help pay for our neigh-.toE!a Btock ldbJfilLJhe be kiled. Biit tbe Council of pefense is espedsMy interested 1n;thtf c^Tsferyation of meat, fat 5jjd iesaffiejr, whichr even now ra


and I hdd on Monday or Tuesday'; Mr. iCoiner arrived bakdc*

Lawa4hfere for quite a while.

is weB and strong and Wady for renewed activity,

A ft-oelamation bv the (iovtnmar of Virgiaia. ejf(»rts by trying to accomplish

the following: ^ '"' "r-' " - -1, Get the enctosed. pledge WBez'eas, The- Virginja Good

•earda signed by ^ e patrons of Roads Association, which 4s an "year .station whose organizatipn devoted to the im-gtodt are aeeeaBlble to thfe yail- ]>rov«Hnent of the yubliu high-' --He leaves to mourn hia loss a RWd tracks. ug within ten


i,*aiMii e i rny

retuni them to ways of the Connaonweajth, The iriedge will hold a convention-in the city

un Januai^l0,,1917, he was united Jn marriage to Misa Jes^ ale-Manuelr-eldest daughter of

fa»fe he ihoafei c^^ frttta4< and reU- our popular friend had come ta monia. He reiriied that he wiab-^''^^»i _ _ ^ __^^. Jtown, rather to the air atK)ve the. aie-aiamww-ewest-^ughter ofr^j~=^-^V^JStf^-J^^" •« y '-ga; — ^ ^:^^.^„^..l^Jl-:t!jJ^^\ "^^«!?«±££~E1«J«5

Mr. Joseph B. M^iuePof Nokes-I^ ^* could-catch. pneumonia and rhe neighborhood extefads rta town, and there was an aUnost

husband and f athe^ and his gen-tliemanlv WAV« «.,nH pU^a«n°^^^»T Mrs- ^ n i e Sweeney, quiet m.anner had won for him a host of friends and the admir-atioil and resfect of''all .who knew him. to Spanish inguenza

die. ^ j heartfelt sympajthy to the fami-OnTuesdayafterncjon bis wife ^^ *beir aadjb^^vement. " ' Ivefi liim i i a "

Bad gone^^ewn UBN. LEE

universal exclamation, "lliat muat be Lynan E rttersoo.'* "ntis cdtfcluaion, waa A«inflfinMn|,

who has been hfelpiijg to attend to this^ the last of her eijg t chil-doen, in his ilhiess, had also gone

when, the aviajtor waved his at ti& aplpokag-nad especiaHi

SUver Plate to Maih Simt Where Vhen he frequgn# flew, near He Knelt When CenfinBcd. the residence of Prof, and Mra.

B. T. H. ^odgg, his unefe and His death was due °°^ " ^ '^°»- Getting out of , > memory qfGeji. Rotert E. 'aunt. .

* " bed aLd reaching fw the gutt, be T-ee. rnmmander and chief of the Lieut, fattei^wi t{av«,our elU

•sorrowing young wife and bajby grl, little Eva, his father, inoth^

^'Riehmond. -JaBU^^-1446.|^rK typ brothiera. Virginia. Couhcil of Defense. 1919,,for thp purpore'sTconsid- Mrs. He^ry CarricO,

Gentlemen.;—-Believing it to ering'Wt^B aJuid •melQis tor 'thei^t«itoo, Ya. • > r • \} of

placed the jtock on the window i^"^^*^^'^^*^'®*^^-^^^ exhiBition <rf sill and the barrel" against- hisl^f' Plate, witt be placed in the gioji and daring. He flew so brcaat. With ajtfek he pressed ^ ^ ^ « Chriat Proteatant >noar the ground that it gocmed the trigger and-ended: his life. M ^ ' ^ ^ r ^ ' " * ^ ^ * * which imposaible for him ttf avoid

_ ehrmh he was a, woHhiypw and BUHdng fl6me high pomt hke War-^

be:iy S f y t o help^ « v country imnro^^ioiit rf th«. 7>i .h5: : ; . . i ;5 f^^ T^^^^^J"^ •nnnltr rm^m^ teAAl AYIii.

meet't£ie world's needs I hereby VAginia;

- , I J Mr. Sweeney wa8" bfflm „. ^ . . . , , ^ . ^ - ^

Miteh^LVa., iut be has Uvedin " * S r I ' - . . * ° " ' ^ 1 ' ' ^ ® ehnnb steeple or the water task;

attheirave bv the Rev H" ^ yean*? He was ^i5%y-«t»/"^T^ '"'""^ Whereas, The building of new'J--T- Flory, and farii^as tehderiyry*^ "«^ " rate the event I^SpV impignvBii

;du« WKl'h^ ih^' lveat^' ex-; pnisioa

pwkie to try to keep my atock highways, fteir" improvem"ent' laid to re»im the Valley' Q« ^^

layt thy nelgfaboara to do filce- jaal io Uhe ecuubmic aud iwciali TliHeulire^iaffliwmlty extends !?^^ yesterday at 2 p. m.^^.^ :—•* • — ^ : ' • - • •_ • • • - ( , ' . . • " J, . . _ • ^^ '- 1 'i' '--_..« - rZ . . - M ^ . - . . . * l ' n A aAba>%r{AAa «>WA«M« A M M J « . . ^ 4 L U 1 ' L . . ,*!•• .«

at 11 a. BL. VhkA day'wg'

T h e ^ r v W ^ ^ c o n d u d » d t o i ^ w " - ^ * ° ^ ! " ^ wa& devetep^KBtr^-Bie Gommon-' the jumng wife ita^heartfelt ^l^Zn^ " ^ " ' ? ^ ' * ^ S? Jrth. My si^atJire aiid addreas on wealth, iiow—_ .sympa^y, a s . she was w.eU ^ " ^ "idfieton Snoot, oTOcccv-; „ „

~thi8 postal is my promise totayj;_'Ilierefqre, I, '."Westmoreland known to the social circlesj^'f? §oveigniettt-that 1 will aa' a pa- Davls, Guvermjr of Virgi

ii?ark c h m T ^ -itJuwae, gflding gra«»: of hia fully and aafely ml of damiter. danjlta;.

• , • I Other feats were shown, to4 Rev. Dr. Randolph a McEim, eluding the dip, the wave, the

rector,of Epiphany Episcopal gpjral. thp falling t rf. and, to tnotifr ciUaat .'itfj to do thcae urge i^ interested citizenis of Sunday School worker in things. ' tiie state ivko can to kttend this Methodist SUUday Jj faoot at Name . ' . . . . . > . . ; . . convention and taka part in itB',N"keavi1]p hpfnre h ^ m»<rriage

- . The deceased leavftn hiw ndfe^ , ^ . . . . . . . .. ,. ^—. ^^, -^ tfa >i»fc» was Miss Maude Dyer, four ^^^^^a^^^^aidungton, wfjl pwarh cap t ie amaxi the loop the loop. -v'cluSStoilid'Ma mother. ' j " "f' "'* ''"!''' **' to bp orrfn which the "aviator lusw iii^l^^


F. 0. . . . . ; deliberations, and request tbat Coutnty . . ;- . -T::^:^. . t •. •'Uie sevei'al counties and citieg fiAINESVnJ.R DISTRICT

II II r MHigmqfl-sdr and tqrned a complete somer-

Mwnbers of R. E. Lee_CamEr_aault__Jdany--<rf-the-^eetate«ay-

Kaihnad i. Station of the Commonwealth midce the

Mild, and im.

jConfederate Veterans, Sons of who have seen air^aae_exhiM-j; "Hana Made to Provide tet^htir Confederafe-Veteraiw andlnem- tions ia Washington~and ^e-

Veterans and Othcn. , " < * e Daughteta of the where, said that the feate per-T : • ^i:~::r'Zi-^':. ' Confed€ra«gr, will be invited to formed suiTiassid any th»t they A» adjourned mfeeting of the **^°^*''® **"^ce8- "had ever seein. "V I ;

MfB. J. W Catoa, (thairtnAn ol MA&Ai aas CfaaptCT, U. 1>. Uy waa* Q*^ ^

ar Work Drive Yidded J41MUML4 "I : 2. Get the minist^s to^sffieak -neises ary

about it in tlieir viaituig. among cially represented. . !&eople, ffditore to • write . Given, under my 1

about it iu school teaehKB to teach t to monwealth^ at Richmond, rnis committee of the United War pitoble *ome. of the president, ^remany was._.conduiisted by thanks for coming to Manassaa thar pupils. . twenty-sixth day of December, Work-iwe, has made a-report Mrs. Alb&t Speiden. - Bishop John Johiis^ of %ginii:' and particiilarly Tor giving oor*

3-Havc your lawi pnihihitinr in the Yf-»r of our Lord one thoU , . - ^^ ;>., ^ I W H » , . »f ^^JQHR R»wneM of m.M h iTit«>»>« w^' It is.expected that many Con- people such k remarkahte aad

was. ujufiimeU iu their papers^ anl der the Lesser Seal of the Cp^^:^^ Gainesville district women's -heM^p^ ffluary 6th. at t h e W ^Arist Churtli.JulyJi..l853,

this - -

veterans ana otners fniLdiaplay of aiwhipypia^ ttttfe rumimg at largg ggfggg'^,«^^ """e hundred]md_ei^t^, {„ j,er district during the recant transacted. A t^ntrrhntmn »gg lederate _••_. 4.rS^d as the names and ad-.and in the one huijdged and ftn^^^t^p^i^^ in i>Hrtitini» to pifi gty iynt fe> 4 , 4,So|dif.ra' Homf, at wi&^ttemfclhe^ senacaa plaiiiwd IM.»VI^ - . eses of persons wHo permit" tjr-third year of the Comraea-gjQ^ptij,^ t , ^j^„t J5Q Of Richmond, for their annual dm-' " observance of Lee's-Wrthday j — ^_

t^^stockjo run at large or wealtll. x . '• jthis amount $174.85 came from;ner, 'whith wiU be given on,** **» « church, Tlierector,Bar;• ADVlSmiY COUNCIL use to aiSB thecaidicr^" ~ westmoreiand Davis, igaymarket, where the Tvoman's Janlauy igtfiT" ~ Dr.-Morton, thosiifit" thiaT M^

if you have suggestions which WW think would prove hrfpful in

Governor. committee waa represented by . ^ e Manassas Chapter is pre- more fitting time than Lee'a Board of SapwrMora Appointa Miss pizalieLh G. Jjgadg ^nd Paring .to send a box of any- birthday could be choaen t ^

J^ewajMnpiiahmmit of OTjrjm^WCgK^OFPRAtlliik sKte\aCBL ^ H. S«dy. and il67.86 ftipa.thing m thf way of food to the auch. an cvant ^ Alexamfan Ca^ In accordance with the j^ana ^^wtakirig, w© invite yaar var- '^ —*—— - ~ ' ICatharpi^, the representatives Honwi "fot Needy ' Confederate {•ctto.. —1-— of tfta Rxtansion Divisioa of 4lie

VIX-P J ^ a t Blackshurg,, Va., the tCatharpi^, the representatives Pom* "fot Needy Confederate} actte..

-S«Bday ^ngM^ SMIMA Waa-a* t^y ^tm Paart Sastpn; Mias W<anen, at Ridunond. Any cue! Mr. Conner has suggested a fevaageMna, hy Mr^ChA. . lG«trude Golliua, Misa Roberta "» theach^^ter or .outside, whiof! —Rey. Jesse M. Bell, wife and Board of Supervisors has ap-

•"T'^^hiblting the slaughter of ' 7=^ ' Smith and Mrs. Lottie Saialip. wishes "to donate'someUiing to daughter j Lora, left yesteiday pointed an advisory council to alves under 100 pound* and less /nie first meeting of theswies -pj, remaindft- was reoMvad this noble cause, wiU pieaae aand m o m i ^ fw WaiAiSgto^ wBfere act with County Agent R. G. *«a four weiepks old. Calvas Arranged by the Mimiterial (km- throu^-_Miaa__EateIle Cave, *«»« to Un. Albert l ?eident as ] they took tKTS :30 t » t o t ^ the Koin«- in promoting the welfam ander these "figures, he"thinka, ferehce^or the week of prayer Gainesville; Hiss Rose Shirley, *<>" as possible. -afteraoon for E^iterprise, Fbu, and prosperity of Prince Wdliam "•unfit for food and the meat is was held_jm_Simday.nifiM. Jan. yaterfall. and Miss Annie Lau-j The chapter noted with much^n the centaaHjart at ^ state, larmersw The prbgressive stan>l ~k«t that would grow on thfcani- 5th, at _the Episcopal Church, .j^ g^art. Thoroughfare, aU regret the death of a member, Benson Spnngs Inn is a large- iiig of the men in their respee-""•i in a'week or two. "jduch to the regret of all,therec- ^^^^^^^ pf the women's com- Mrs. Jane Nrison, of Fort Scott,' hotel located in thia health re- tive communities is such as to

—- • ] tor. Rev. Alex. Stuart mbao°. mittee m tfaeai-lespective tecal- Kanaaa.' The deceased was a sort, where v»«tors wngta^te assure Mr. Koiner of their wise" ie,hyflieit-^4«i^ ifiii^TKS i.«riH«^ r.<«i*- mrove^j^jttoajWU^ medicihal wafer. The advice and cheerful co^pgration. ^ ~»QLLJ»^CflS»

,ty. Cludmuai. —The following is the roB o* unavoi<fcbly absent by attend- ______ •toner for-Hayfield school: ance at a funeral; and Rev. AUj •_ FARMERS' INSTITUTB -**n Gaba, Alvin Keys. ElmA; ford TCelTey w ^ filling an ap-^ The programjw-the^faabajj^i-WMer.-Jnha Wina, V»J^ Vl^^:^i^Ja^^ pi Washington. .meeting, (rf tiie Farm«r^:4B8ti-

Gafea, Vioh^ Millerv-BattL- The subje^ of Evangelima tute, whicE^will 'be tcM in the 1th a^"-"TlTlt.omirthiiUJll_Fli1iJ llli 171th l i i Thn Tinrnnr Tirwtinf nf lilii ' lln n, HIJUILI

'° catebration, npt« naa peenj deeded^ to tne s^t-Aj^i,.AismaenxitTSSSST to fffl De liew an Jannary 19, no-iMethooist oianlwa. North anArWpt Bwit the board of supw tice of 4irbidi wiQ iqipear lat«a\1 South, and is k>cated on the St visors as chairman of the-cdim-

•J<*n'» River, t t e st«MB«r» itop-^'cii ex-officio, and Mr. Chaa. R. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY

uise Webel-. rwKsr attoitiye cuugregatiea, i^ Rev.; as foUowa: 7. ^-^ Clark, irafft'*' ^ t** '—'Tiirm Managpmpnt.,*' f. Baptist Church. T^ sermuu Hodgacc; BlacksSurg, Va. was a clear, forceful- presenta-

tJeoT^ Cornw^and 1^ OW"^ ' subMl uJ »hia

"^Siy A. Web«,TeacW.

- <»LANDO' *'

^ ^re?U^.^ore *he hotd. MfiEtoo^Ltheadmrtboard winter ehatttaaqtar is bd*; The fWlowing were appointed

. j Woman's Anxihary to the ParBi-| Mr. and Mra. BeU will attend the tricte: R. firaLInHtttate win be hrfri in thf ictautoasua ^ d e g ^ ManassasT^C F. M. Lewis. J.

^har two months' stay h « ^ jWrEirne," J:X:xriaweaver. I QainesviHe.—W^L. Heu.-«!r, R.

Mra. H. S. Lam. qf WeHliig- A. Ruat, C JtKefSefr "" ' r.

I high school building the-aft«r-"The County Agent and His noon^of the day of the farmeiis^

»r G. Koiaar. Coantyjiiatitiitet at iiM a'etoeh. ^Ty Dreeiieii were visiting at portant piame o^ chardi ww*. Agent, Prince William County, j ^ e are hewing to have Miss j ton. haTbeen caHed U^-^itiise herj; BrKiteville.—W. R, Hook ^fiton Jast week and attended which should be the main factor< These wffl- be fnllawfd hy a jiartha Dinwiddie, district agent^daughter, Mra. Ckvelaad Fisher. "H. W. H«mng. Oscar Ellis. • dance at Mr. Thtnnas Bryant's, in church activity. ^ ,talk by Misa GUbert on some for Northern Virginia, with us. who is ill with the influenza.Mrs.' Coles J. A. Hill, T. J. Wool-^ey "niovrfi tlimiAjlBJui M»W - - phase of 6ome Demonstration I am sure all who make an effort'I^m left her husband at home fenden Jr R R Haves mnch.

Mr. Pearson

—Misy Mabel Hornbategf. onriwork. - ' ! to attend wiU not rEgret it. Mayjwftri a severe cold, but she felt" Dumfries.—W. H. Kt\ves. aad accommodating tej-j All persona interested in the w« not begla the. new yaaf i»y|tbat b«r dawghtW THw Siore se- C. Bronner, Joseph Hintr.r;

jccess or the institute arc urg- each member of th« aiiYi1iary. ximiAly nicV nr\c\ h<»r proa^nt <^n*,y', <\rnqi\i\r\ Cnrbir. 7

E. S. Bhocket, G. W

U Albert Roseberrv one dav ephore operator, ia ill at home success u,. wie m»«».uvc - . c u.»-«»- . . ' -v - -— -» "«^ • • • J |

«i.s; ,,. ,1^ • ' „iththo"flu" ed to attend. Sec'y. brinjring-one new member"' was with her , « - •


iitSCaiiMm ^^s^mm

Page 2: W^^^BSM m^mmeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · W^^^BSM m m^mm •21 _YQL, XXiy.Mo-34_ . - ^g'^AgLISHE 189S D MAY, ^5r*=== fLIV]BST0C» COMMISStoSBB 'BLACKSBURG

L»'j*!r»f"' T t H E MANAlSi&S JOUIINAL. MANASSAS. VIRGINIA ' r i \ j , i-'.\ J ,

• In ,1 II U


Fought St» M<*,ifc*'jUI*iJ


h«nf. to keep up vrith them. But, ]Qot£er, I will aiinyz nmoSiK t h r f 6 i ^ ^ Sept^ber luilli ifae ttltaf October, igd I wilitB&yott:

do not-taK/W^SM lopff it willbei, im^ b « « aomethiag good to eat {wid have- aome. com bread and

from Sergt. N. -Gurrell Pattie, o K. 318th Inft.. A. E. F.,

•lis mother, Mre.' L. B. •PKI atharpin.'Va. «- , ^

Somewhere in FYance, Nov. 16,1918.

My Dear Mother:—r Well, mother dear«lthink'this

u rrible war is ov^r and I am still living and.,well. I do not

good hot biscuits and I will show ou^how afellow ean^t.

ifjGot'Maiganet'a And. K a ^ - tne'a tettww tiwtay.

Qood4iye, with love to one and

A $otmxa» vwioN

.Th«f » «t nttlv.clrl I'm IDT^ In tfa« landacrou tM •••;

TbioDch'tb* tOtamu of the UdUsfat

bar hiMttrliipi •M h«r tantUr ayM,

jht that Bwimmr—^



rv now what, they are gnjng to dp with us, but I hope we.will soon )i' back in the ittt^ -S jtjr t»f-

i uurse, they will have to fcaep us ner here^ntil thing* af« flxe^ldedgwi by the NAtional Catho-

We are back a godS l6nB wAyH from the front now *iai W$ have a very good place, to stay, but no place to get rl*of the'"eootiea." Hope we wiH suciu get to where we can haye a place to clean up-iuidtake a good b»th.

Gee! bat I will have lota to tell you when I get back and, believia me, I have leamfll ft !"^ ^Y thi*

MOn«y and. Workcra to S<rfdien and SidkNnb


WiM«hingtnTi, Jan. 2—Mora than a .ariUlioa dollani wast^ay

lie War Cbuncil at ita haadquar:

p laoa (o tNTOvide lor the future of the thcea mOUop men already beginoing to Itay aside army and

Ah, •.hard dajrllM behind me—tiMm'a

— . ing $iti'mjf Sualty^ jtiate~iiar -^ ulaad

ma^ No. 6,<B>L- ftMmrr^ District No. «. fffp*%irr nw Tint CONnknOK OF THK N A T I O K A C BANK Q F MAMAB-

aAS. AT MAMAMA8. IN Tiot f E S f l ^ F TUHnatk^LM.* CL<»B OF SUttMBSaONDBCEBimgt^, IMS.

Bmuh. Wt ioelMUi« V. t^ OvardzAfta, miMtoraj , , ^ S. U. S. bMida (other H»tt Libwty

S. l(W&TaliigHRid~tB~HCQr« elradatimi (par •nrtawT

WCKID'S IS£ij£l;^

llSeed Catalog

88,600.00 t V. S. BoHiH ami CTrtlflnstwi wf hidehtediw— „„ , ^ „

.owMdjidinnalsdgwl <. . , . 8O.0Q0.OO C l i b o t M ' a u i B s n i i : >

a Ljborty JLfaxL BcmUi£ 8Mr, 4 and 4% pw «OB*r Xplad^a J . . • • ^ • • . ?_ ' '.

€is. .^Iw 'tWTxt WB^ ^ op-todate infonnation, not only ahont Seeds that cap b>

4flaated to advaotaae, but


4a«4o give the largeat profits

^ ^ ^ OUB 40 YCAM' ngBWtWOl, and—a» a«iulpmant Uul-ia-tmaww

B«t she's cominathrongh the ahadowa ~ . j ^ har fiance ia laiatx'bright.

A ^ I know her lova la near ne thro»>>h fhe horwur of-tha nigh't..


Yea—«ha gave me to oar coontry, though ahe might have made

-me atay, (HdV ahe.ldaaed me, amiling bravely, ~ naniKrhruaRed~lliB~t«an> awayt' And hu VDlM rln«i past t)ii~an)alfl^

paat the bottU iMing n^> And abesaya, !fBc troe an4. focrleaa, "^^ ^iat becaUae- .lo»ajyott. dear^

dollars ts to be devoted to the after-care at disabled and wounde(} .soldiers, sailors and mMTines, while almost a quarter of a million adspe will start"

«izl^ aha'a Maitinr Ja the land aeroaa the foaih.

And I knOW th«t ahe ia praying that million I, •„_jyabJ»iM». IlI come lyme.

-Tt-BeMlirBaearttica, ele^ (ottar-UiaB-IL &X: e Seeuiities otlier than U. S. bonJa (not inelnding itocka)

• owned unpledged . v . . . . 9 r « o c k of-FedeTal Iteaarve BaiA -(50 uw cent of aubaertption-

10. a Value of banking houae, owned and uniacumb«red.. • • • • - • 11. Furniture and fixtures •. • • 12. Real eatate ownM other than banking houae.. . . , . . . . 1«. lawful reaerve with Federal Reaente Bank. . •


16. Ca«h in vauH and net amount due~fr6m national banka. 10s Nat amonnta doe from banka, bankers, and t 'us t eompaniea - . other than tBcluded tfc Iftema 18, 14, or IB. ^

Total of Itami 14, 15. 16, 17, itnd IB .••••• U 8 j g l . 3 8

4,000.00 2,800<

12,000.00 5,600.00 I

17,087.81; 82.008.83'



19. Chaeka on banka located out aide of'city or town of report­ing bank and other caah i t e m a . . ^ . ,

gft- BajUmpHnn fnnd wMJt 11. g. T r e a a t y g and du« from U. S. 90640

Tzrw UBuiUa and ' I B B P 4,126.00

Totrf jjUsmuTftttr—


And I make myielf.a promiae that m . joatlfy her plui.

The ideal that ahe acta, me Af a aol ' dier and a mjan.

rn the nierk's Office of the Cir.

M. Cairftal.stock paid in...>..t . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |SO,Op0.60 86. atoi4tt» fund . . . . • . ' . . . . . . ^ WaOQMO fH '"^Bl^f**n^v pro&te -., • »T^ »• r. . ^ . ^ r-*^-»-^-t . 'r. • • 'm^»w*>m.•••••. ••*-« i.B^va«ua 27. bitereat ana discount collected or credited; in advance of ma­

turity and not earned (apprex imate l ; ) . . ' . . . . - . , 28. Amount rcseiVed for taxes aoeroei . 4^7.02 80.'Qrenlating notea onts taa^ias . . * , ,:...., •. • 2S«4MXN)

DteUBd deposits (other than M n k dapodts) aahieet to ReMrve

34. Individual deposits sub, 36. Ceitiiaefttir TJapWt

tnowy borwwwt-

chiA". -. XM in IBM than 80 daya (uUier Uiau tvi'


•tap aboMt cgoaa that-pnag

••^'^ rn this ceuntFy, W' IsAnajH^. «wyhw e<Hialled advantagee ter

t h E B K 8 1 O W

Farm and Garden Seeds WrBt for Oatalofl and Prioes « t

ttiuaa and OLOVU ttlDS, • • • D OAT*. SBKD OORM ,^

and 8 U O POTATOC*. Oautoo IMIed Free on Keqneat.

T. w. Wooa l e ^ i a :

Oi|i -wtorctduL Splendid^ Ready To Serve the

trip. It is worthxgood-deidrd me. , • .'

Just got your lettor that, you wrote Oct. 23rd; was so gl|ui to get it, but I do- jot understand why you do not hear from me oftener, as I do not think there has been but one week that I

pteyment and ve-cational trsi^illg^ campaigns. Thouwthds of trained men and women workers are now being sent throughout the country by this Catholic organization to co .opera^ - jeit^- government btt

have not written to you sbgsx I have been over here, if it was only a card; • -~

We leave this place in the morning for -somewhere. Sun­day ia our movihg Bay i .iwJiot

rflQita in f hpit» i i r a t u n d e gs in its, reconstruction program.

For^ rippled .and invalided lighters, many of whom must need special care for the reit of their Hves, the services of com-jriittiifea 6t Catholic womefa

cult CQurl.lOJ_P,ruice William

1918. Annie E. King>-(form9riy Grayt

' vs.-James E. Gray. "

Attachment in Chagcety^

rmnr*~«-i 2147

. The object of this suit is to re cover of the 4^eQdant, .Jai. "E.

-are know how far we will have to hike, but hope not far. In three more days I vrtll havebecn in the Army fourteen months arid qrorfspedid^workefs^have been putM

b ing enlisted in every ceriteral comnsunity in this country. Huudi'gds of trained nurses-and

here six months. In one way it does not seem la&g, tiien'again, it seems like-twtMtt three yau* since I have seep yon all, ihnt hope it wilf not be over tWo-or three months bafore-lwiH see you all ai this time, with loge_j» one an<t all. Your loving soi

the disposid of the l<esders in this after-care' campidgn, togei^er

Improved 'ptihHe -iuteiitsts' are ^expected IB^UB' brwugit" abaat by

close eo-operati<m with_locitf chapters et the Anneriean

"Arrans, Frite6«H-Ueci 8, lUltt^

Cross;—- "~7~z:zilv:Z:.__:'.' A hundred vocational advisorir

•pypftrtH nnd a him<^^ ^"'»**"*^

My Dear Mother : - ^ a 8 t r e -c" ved two letters from yon, one

dolUus liaVw tuiuSy been. pTScecT At the disposal of the United States Board of Vocationai Edu-

dated Oct. 7th. and the othw one Oct. 30th: WasTeid-glad t<y4iear from you. I have not had a thancip to write to you for over two weeks now, asrjiJuafi.Js^ hi k i n g f nr nvpr pIpgpTi t laya a n d we had some Bilte. too, believe

cation by the National Cathoh^^^g,;^!^^-^^ ^y^ to-wit, War CounciL In gery Cathrffe college tutd school, special efforts are being vmade to interest and train men to co-^iferate ja_this vital work of refitting the wounded soldier and sailor for

me. with full packs on our backs. On Thanksgiving tiay we hiked 35 kilos (about 21 miles) in the rain, but we all stuek to it Bke men, and now we are in billets, for how long Idd not^howTbut hope it is not tang before they

industrial life. T o help every homebeund sol­

dier, sailor and marineto find a good job, almost .two hundred thousand dollars is npw being spent in oii^anizing datholics in community groups to co-operate

will stert us back home.- AfrTrf--withtiie"Dnitcd States-Employ- the'pay men inent Service and ether agencies. In Boston, Chicago; New York amH^uladdphJarHWih urgauiuF tions are alrea^ completed tan placed a t t ^ disposal o£-th»

IS are anxious to gA home, but there are inany hoys over here waiting to get baek^heBWjjgdj; sruess we will have^^^incit WIE turn. • » _ , • "= f Well, mother, I am>awful glad his horrible war i^ over and I

hope it-will not bejM^g before wp are on our way home. " ~

We have a little nxmi here row anti we can have a fire. And I hope we win SOOB get seme M'w clothes so we can get rid of ^ War C ouncfl. 'he "cooties." I sat up last night •intil twelve, o'clock—catching them; they - .g ggt— W^ awful things. •

Well, mother, I anDTlell'you Moskrats, Raccoons, OtMeaan

emment, with fifty fidd tors, to coorc^nate (Tatbolicr eo-epeatioa in evfiMy 'eommunity, vre; Ming sent to every state, as assistants to the iederal direc­tors, by the Reconstruction Com;

Foxes, SkoiAa, Minks, SabMt Skms. fai fact aP kitds •tFmteA

VII and came'out i s Oeto^^ x^ML flWt ^M_-f lg:aaBE i, a«J <Vijiffe=t A BgllW tlw; Titfita a n i'ei.eive£ No coaT

ihout a few of the battles we havg been in- pB_the -BOth. of September tn wans ia the rJrr .•^rd. riioming of.^the-4th,-aii4 l-teBl you I never did realiiae that f mild be spareiH It was awfoL

Th» minute we started ovep the top, under r»ir harmg*., Jar-r> opened up with his barrage and I was completely covered up! 316President St.,EalQiaore. Md. with dirt several times, but | THE-lRELIABtE PUR HOUSE thank goodness, we _ are stilil :— alive.- But-on the last drive we! The -ir»nm«i—yi ,n^ | yqu-— I gr»Am printing in one or two«aiI«-

eharged. "Write for kiest

Free SUpphw Tags. SHIP TO

had theni_an.the run and it was and worth it.

t"*^*" ^ -.. after due pubbcatiwi of this »» ^ Ihui wuik. ^slmJi wiU bt done " ^ , ^ a j ^ " ^ ! ^ necessaryM °

Gray, the_»um of $812,'and to at: tach his ^tate in Prince WiUittm cpunty, to secure the payment thereof, especially the lot in Dumfriesr aforesaid county, con-taining about one acre, and. ad-joining Jhfain street. King! Cabihj Cigrreet—Attest; Branch Railroad and a branch. And it sppeanng that the said altacbthenl has Iweu rfaturued executed, though not served on the defendant in person,- and .it further appearing from affidavit filed ihthiis cause that the sidd Jas. E. Gray is not a rtaideut of

ISSEaS^lXospdALJii.fhlJbUuL tBe-Stateof Vfl^riij, it is tfaei^ fore ordered t&STlEe'said Jas. E. Gray appear within fifteen days

By~R St'CerfifiSTcheelcs — . . . » — rr.'. . . ." . . . • 14152 40^Sividends unpaid i.r 2,048.00

Total of, demand depeaita (otbar than bank deposits) sub- "^X^ -•ject to Reserve, Items 84, 86, 36, 87, 88, 89, • ^ -WBhd-41 : . . . . . . .V.. . 279,646.14

45. Other time deposits - ; 183367.86 Tbtal of time deposita subject to Reserve. Items

42, 48, 44, and 45. 18336736

'Tvplndwi oif" lai iitsTi Ifte the fall and .winter. - -


Total ;.' 8568381.41 Of the total leans.and, discounts shown aboVe, the amount on which interest

(Sec. Q198 Rev. Stat.) .was None. The nuinber of such loans was none. State of Virginia, COnnty of Prince William, ss;.

1, Harry P. Davis, (Cashier of the above named bank, do aolernn'v swear flwt the above statement is true to m best of my k&owUKlge and belief.

HABRY P. DAVIS, Cashier.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th dav-of .Tan"Ary. 1919.

-€t«rNASH, • THOS.H. EfQN,

"" '. [ JWreeiora.' ^

tawrtw No. 6,748 - " BaMrve DIstriet No. 8 ItBPORT OF THB CONDmON OF THB PIMH^^ES NAtTONiL BANlt OF

MANA88AB. AT ItaiNASSAa. IN TM grAfiti«F TlitGPnA. AT

this inteBMts hergja,' and that a:e<^y of 4his ordcrbe pub' Kshed^mcfr^-week for four suo-oessive weeks in The Manassas Journal, a. jMiwspaper published

county, jmo that iT m ^ Of the s&BM be posted Dy the clerk of this court at-the front door of the court house of af< said county junoriiofore the ill

11nt:Monda7 til January, 1919. ~ GEO. G. TYLER, (31erk.

Teste:— 31-4 GEO. G. TYXER, C lerk.


.Under and by virtue of a cer-tain.' deed of trust executed by JoBophine Holmes on the first day Of October, "1914, of jrecord, in the derk's office of Prihce Wil­liam County> Virginia. In deed


a certwn note therein described, on which in­terest is now due from the iirst day of Octobsg^lfllfi, ^ under-

1. Leans and (fisconnts 2. OverdrtiftS, unseeni:^ r. T7 B , k . - j . r . i h . ^ ^ L . - ni>. .*r " T - ' T , ^nt fnrliidiwg V fil"

gBi'tllieates'uf laJ'IrteduLBs). •—- - '•'- ''', • • - — -iHB. S^ bonds deposited t» s a m r e eireulJstkB" '

.1888,41339 1324.78

bomb' and • . . - • • " • . * . - - . •

to soean^4J. &.depo«itB^ {par v^ae 1,000.00 8. bonds and certificates of indebtedneaa

owned s^d unpledged . . , . . . « . . . . . . . .

tFor the aMny - things-Beaded to for

f Oar vpadSiia ground Sow house­keeping department offers the best

nt»sUs, laandrr eqaipneBt. hoUso> deaniag devices, etc


f The largest stock in the SvatK ineludiag the most elegant ^odsie^ tJaSi sis w»H as the less wtpenaija •mittt. Toor inspection, invitad.

D1HJN& MARTIN CO. 1216 F St. and 1214-18 G St.,

Mf tii IWe aw-fclad to as

tnCe of wbeaL 'lUs. d emrse. iM9 SMsa better brcad. TOH aire w>«r i»-vltedtoi I sue bread.

~> a LibMty Lolin Bonds.^Vi, 4, amr414 peir ^HIT wpledgod -'...:

, & Payntoits aetaally made on l iber ty 4% per cent onds o#.th« Fourth Liberty Loan owned.


«,Rfin 60

9. stock of Federal Reserve Bank (6(| per cent of inhsciriptkiu. 10, Value of banking houae, owned and nHiHenmbefed.-rrTv.. JT:

10.646.^6 130u30

' 12,400.00 3300.00 11. Fmnitare] and. fixturea _,

13. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank. 14390. 15. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national b a n k s . . . . . ^ 0 , 1 6 6 3 7 16. Net amounts due frop banks, bankers, and trust companies j • • -^ other than included in Item« 13, 14, or 1 5 . . . . . ^. ^ . . . . . . 1461.76

tS; e&edcs on other hanks In tiie sarnie tSSf^WWwa M repmi&ur bank (utlier than Item 17);. .• .• .• , . . . . . . ; ••.•. .: 2 J.70 42-

Totol of Items 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. 4349844 — i». Checks 6n~BaiflEsT(KM>tea ontmde of diy or town «»f wtpartw ~

bank and othe-i"'cash items -c.. ao. ^Badmptien Jand vitli B. S. Treasmrsr and do* frwa U. &

.^Treasorcr ". . . . . . T 7 . . . . . . 22. War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned..


1300.00 2,133.44



24-Capital stoi£pSM 6 a / . . . . . V . . . . . i „ . , . . . , . . , V . . T V . . . . . ,T. $8030030 TS. Surplus fund "•, ISJUOO.fM)

Un I3T933

having been requested by the-holder of said noUt ifi the pay-ment of which de&uilt has been made, wil] offer for sale at "i ib-lie anctitm, to the hii^test bid-deg> on — - - ~ -

SATURDAY, FEB. 8, 1919, 3t twelve o'clock m., in ffotftof

state, all that certain tract or — IparfW at-lM)d.lvin<y and being

'sKU&t« in Coles disliKl, afei^ said county and state, adjoining


p: 27. interest and diacoimt collected or credited, fai advance of

turity and not earned (approximately) 28. Amount reserved for taxea aoeriMd...

30. Orenlating notes outstanding - . - T auuwiii. 8^ Nell amount due to .Mationai panics' T . . . . . . e i j l

_„?Iot»l.of Hems 32 ani 33 • .834.62. BewHMl demaita (otheK.timn •irisk iiiiwHs) Mlijiit tl

50030 8030030


We hefieve we gMd aatha

1 We appfeclate-thy Wb^tt pctn««r of the pohlie at oar QUICK LUNCB nuPABTMRNi' ' w . - n i .1—y. W glad to s«-re yon at BELL'S BAKERY AIO) QUICK

— — Ly^CH

_aa . 179,^3.60


84. Individual deposits subject to, checlL 36. .Oerti&»tes of depeait dne ia iesa-than SO days (other t h u for

money borrowed) , ,^ ISJIIKJMI SS...Certined checks .-., -;., . g M tt. MvjdMids unpaid ".. , . . . / . ! . ! _ 130030 - ^ "hiUl Of dOBtt&d dmoiffiB (eOwr than bank dtftodits) n b j e ^

— to Beservc, lUai 34, 86, J«, 87, i&H^.lS^-— " ^ " • * " • • ; : • • •^••••^- l'»3436.28 ^

- n » e deposite sal^cet Xr BoMrve-<pifaUe aftcr-St days. «v « /wv "J^*^ !• ^ '*•'• ^ • * • •otiee.sad peatai aaviiwS): 46,. OthCT time deposits • l4a^7liJl7

Total of tiaso^deporita Bobj«* to Beasrva. IteM 42, 48, 4*; * ^ " - * ' ana 46 ». r:-. - - - '^' ttttiAium

M. Vatted States deposHs (athsr U M pastel W v t e ^ > : disbursing (^eers

ToUl 1,000.00

the Fayman-David aSonfy road, containing about

\. I, a that «bs abo«*


CasUsr e<-th»«hev<e-naaMd bank, do'Mlem^^l ia-tiMHo the bast of, my kaowMc* an*


That's a fine jdb^ says thai satisfied enstomer. whose print< | tag -Order hasJitCfSl AHed- by th*

on cards, letter heads, ictate-{ mcnts, oivelopcs, sale bffls, pro-1 grams, catalogs, etc Hi£h




- U u T k f QidBC

Kreso Dip No. ^ A Sniv OAvttoti of STI


f(H'8d Un 5tod W« ^III-MBd Toa fre» • »o«kl«* >"•

ihe 1 '<•.. I ,:ifn t ot Bianc%'. ecwma'. r»rtf' Tiij .A4|iv iir,l.riLl&,«Ore Jliouk*. eta y ^ e « ;i •"-rt Ton rn* & boolrlot •"

hO'.v to ki-''f> >o;rr hcfw Iretf Xn»»'

Wriic r»r ibrji—tkor M * !>•••

. K'eso CMp No. I tacssf as a*' K.-liable tnd E^nnomicaL;

Prince William Pharmacy.,

ors. SaliBfBjetkm The Jo«nukl-41—and worf^tt


Page 3: W^^^BSM m^mmeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · W^^^BSM m m^mm •21 _YQL, XXiy.Mo-34_ . - ^g'^AgLISHE 189S D MAY, ^5r*=== fLIV]BST0C» COMMISStoSBB 'BLACKSBURG

^J—'^i ,:.; <, .i'

i l i e Manassas JournAf

j^Blswd** t»>«Po.t;fiffis,« MaMMM yacts jpd/deal only with imayi. Jln toi*, •• Sgcond ciM. M««JM>tt«rl°gg g^taational, tw it. not aimi-



o j a t pWwr

idbuipiiifc $100 A YMrk Mma

^PtBByr^jMiUBiy IITlgil^


ty t»th> absMBluiw uf m e Bol-

e U r & o ^ l o B« Ua«d On F W M hi tlw 8naunw in "VTryfa

— ' • " « ' " " fltitM:

d«nisr f f i_ wtura the farmera o t Virginia

liaui Huward TfttS< PrealditnLoflwihon,

can UB» them at a profit

liMKi sheviW themaaiwii; who thHTtrfL:-^, r~" — *" = . «ie ooly dlment^TEe world-i«'t.'?^j^''^"^^^^'^ B. ^ L . lP»t certain mftn haja nuMJuia^ ^ ^ J JJ ggMtive Secrgtaiy^ Jg«

Mri Ci Wi Ma»an'a.-diauluu'i{B fmm the army has been secured

l^tcertaiiLmftTi have nLfldug^ ^^^Zt J^j«cutiyje. S e c ^ ^ ^oiS and aomc money ? — , the StataX^ouncfl <i/I>e#eBfle,

-ROADI i )o-the allied govemmeat*

Coir C. R:~KeIIey, _ , „ Maaon, who ig now living

—^Jj»& OBpar % ^fwto,c:Si#i„an"^f theTbat to m^n O^^i^^ii^ National Co^nKrating P-nwtnnjf -tee of the geuthera Gommercal OlBiffMB; Df. Nieh<>ia« -MAH^ Butler/p*«Bi^t of Columbia

and Edwnwl A Vi. ury^tKir''

„ ^ ^ , ^ u I . "^^ *** '* **^ theycM dt ^^Wor lr ing Beeerve in Vir-;.» the Chemical Warfare Service, unless the Paris conference rivw Wb^tpromiseatobeoneofthe'dowB in Paris and by agreeing S P V ^ * ^ *^* appoiatmeit of,M'- Masoi» was County Agent^ birth t<r such a league at least la

>)Mt attended and most import, ant' meetings of thie Virginia <;ood Boads Association will be held in Rlyhmojid on January 14,

and we hope to see t» Council' and-Cham

16 and 1: -aotooly -15er of •"Commerce of this city

well represented there, but ey-trr county in this.section of the

agreeing », ••»<'" mc BPIIL , —, ^ —^—, upon ««FtalB -wordsiransform a "^^ ^' * ^ ° " federal <"" Prince Edwnrd county, Va., piece_Qf iiapec into aetud-peace SI*- Director and Mr. C. W.' •*<*!>" >«en engaged V^Mpicul-

' " Mason t^ Executive Assistant

•ttay- militaiiam. Tfci In the United States, but fa

t r -

Kurope. To carry out those Poeea^he declared,-jt^ir

y,.Jttrhm6hd, Baa *frea<Hr started^'- The forrfer President brought ^mn^ 4he to'^uik: .Priurtohlsaillstmentlout witFsoITmri- emphasis that goveniments.in the U k i ^ ^ T

throughout Germany and Rus-aia and the rest of the world? Qr.are they unnundful of Rus

Mr. Eaaon's apix>intment *»• sures the state of a lumnonious relation b<>tween the schools and

ZiuaL.. The Bc»iiiret^5UUN^^ sore should take prompt action Joohiny to this asprasentattiffi. The President of thj ^ United fti^ea ^ his kat measage CoagfSas declared for a.more

• nmnre and abandon -Russia.

Bia'B part in the wariaiLBilling^'!? "-T*^****" ^ schools that she shoulQ perish? P** z^^*' "forking Reserve so . Th« halting of war for all

It dott not "tatter. TTic allies' * ^ — ^ ^^ success ol^ tha times; the taking pf m«»yinrpa and the Tlwit^ StatM will nnfi^gyffPlPt; as Mr. Eason, hoy i ^hereby thejyorld wjU be sewii--

tural ^tension work in.^e south toy the past eight yaaia


its essential principles, the rising up of nations against an autoc-

The wtabliafament of j

the Baltic provinces, in Finland, PolMid -and in other localitiea where seif-govemment i»a thing unknown, to their peoples was a

^/ J^^^^ ""'"*^ ^ ' •i **!' ' pre-eminent question of peace. J^ihe. victorious •fighting of that

great conflict by the allied na-^ions and the PMTA vrhii-h 1 ^

havfi Pfjuvs in any e reat if tho^

Peoee fo net*a foiuiula uf l^U' Sruage. It is a condition affect

to|ing-tlie%p^-of mfflions^ Gloss it over, eqiilvcyate,

come, will have be n in vain. He declared 4bafryie issue pggr raBr live and

This Mlterpiise, R eonphaaiMd must be carried out by.|Llaii;u0 of nations strong enough to hacF

"gizj.~~rr - ^ ^ -~— * ^ "'—""g f- . " '"-—^^'f^ —*** *™ "g' m ' H»e ana acute ana tnat JpfXMm-State aupervi8^j^_^gicu|tuwjfdagiunst repetition of the Plate late, attenti^^ to it W M J ^ n ^ JgJn._cLose. Wuch^WitThoth ^ ^ ] M ^ ^ B w K S h B f i n . r i f t ^ , , » l J t i v ^ _ : " T " '°"*'*i educational and- iag^eultural

C o n Q ^ declared for a.more Gloss it over, equivocate' ^«"'="'t"'*r College of South coi^WhwUBve^road system ajSd Bodge, or misieprepent it asthey ^^'*^"^ andwas at otA time an

:6itJetlUOua. proseeutioB of road wiftlJiriffies caif iof '^iSpr^ fcnilding and-it i# generally art- fact that hao them in iU uriu-^ Agricultijral CKjllegf /Prior M saitted that this is ope of owr •oenaw^SaSft*dw..-IlifeXir-Gmia <iood Roads Xstiociation ius been a factor for good in the

. defeispDaent of roads bi Virginia

jwith the General Assembly her T spiRise It Has .alv&yi Itood for :4on9ei:<vative, progressive and

Idgui&^n. Many vitiiT matters concerning - road im. ^ tereament in the sta^ wiU h& «onBidered~~at thff "forthcoming tonveiftion, smong~ whicH. are

"u». "*«> <uucB vmtam escape tne A : i . ^ .. — r "•'-*»" fact that hao them in iU grip—iy^4"^^'J»'»^ CK)llftgp Prior iha tnr* •*!*» *v i i. T. *': n\» eloction SS State «lllllipvi tlw fart t.h*f Peace is not=5^^

One phasff^ : teHWHr-ended when Germany went to her knees. Anotheri^uue began at once. The dH(nr are still at war,

forces of the state tgradnated from tke

Agricultural College of South Carolina andwas at oni time an

gpction as State Suuervtwr

and exerts a iJowerful inflqence. they cannot escape war, they ' l l""* with the General Assemblv be- mii«t have, » . - .,««ii M.»L . School,

was Professor of' Biok>gy jud . Agriculture at the State Normal •[School at T a r m \ ^ , Virginia. • _puring his stay at the Normal

llr. ^ason took an active

theasaurance and* insurance pf a lasung. pe«£e and conTinuerB^^fcans BaMy..#unong the people of the e&rth, were the predominating que8tfo|te shouldered by the del-egStgi "^J;lie Sbutluirn Comm<M>-ciai CspgreMTTn the Southern ^otei^

Prejudices of many IGneri^ le estabiishm'

leagife of nations' to enforce peace is inadvisshkJn that it

die it to the best ends.—Fredw-Ictabmrg Free Lance, _:


Bids wiir Be ~mieiya untfl

«*• wpcMon as otaui Butjervlwr '^^^U gaitim<^re. = i , t >imply a gnaraakfiJimaAgs ?' A^m^M m^^im^hi^^J^M^di^^^m^k^ ^^ ^aany-thafe;tiwagSfej>aeoni»a

qu r the "arbitrary power that sepisrately and of ' itji «{ gia

must have wj^imfll aeg c o n ^ ^ ^ ! ! L g - - ^ ? ° 9 g ^ ^ » g »ct*v quer the "arbitrary nower th^t'*""/ '"^"n&ers orgaji&iHSSi

and Oiuhty Demcnistratians a a i j

Ie»giie of nations to ehforce this continued peace was the only Pj*y«ntive against future s t ^ e i ai emphasized and the support of t ^ eoatgress in this m ^ ^ JWnt urSfid By eStPreddwit'Wii.

j«»2ld4>rom(rtr tang inff-aBianeee were scouted by J!r. Taft. He eited America's dissatisae

, oaon of March IS, 1919, at the it J'.t * I yierra Office. ManaMaarH:3Sr

an iron or steel bridge, F. O, B. Haymarket. Va., S5'feet foog, 12 feet widsr'«THpe"ftfl7 8" W&&

.eye bjeams, 12-ton qq^aci^.-Alao tlon [20 feet of S-foot pipe for Mil«,ii;^

belligerent in. the liiturershe ^oold not attack, onr noutral shtpe. He outlined America's entry into the world war,. her <Mu»$s^j^4iqiRted .out that our ptnposes,. defined by '.Prudent

y. 0. B. OocffgamrVar^ The undersignia reseere the

r^ht to reject any and -all Udft O. C. HWCmSON. J. L.DAtraON.

•eesMeeMeMeeeeeeassaaae The ionnuti-f l^--«*d inw«h tl

vBetfld, that of proyldingjaiLt ans , lor the construction of the-State .giglt»ay;Systgm, established by .^ef:^t Legislature, larger ap-^fi9Pdi(|i<»iB.f(»"builcUng Class Jii 9?] (flinty roads,, greater. 141! , «rqiniiwt|o(ps by the Federal gw*

. . . the " viri«i«rtb^^i»troda<^ Ih^ Senator u%mM|bQ« the exitWiMukm of m<M»ir

choice disturbs the peace" of the' ^^^ '^^^^^ ^"^^ ^ of^'A'A world." ^•' jOf the Farmville Farin and

PutTSide the plea that RSssia „*"S^ ^ '°*=« graduation, was A d is a n ^ ^ Ignore.the ^ f »«>°J»8 Iwd the benefit of

^ €rraduate Conrsefl^ the Univer- "" claim of gratitHde for Russia's miLffnififPnf pfyt in, fiifl y^f against Germany the, world owes

Deny; that anythitifr to Rifiu

sity of Vermont and Columbia University, kew' York City.

The Boys' Working Reserve is not an expenment nor a theoryT but a practical o^ginlaation fOT ntiliziag the ihcAT^nh^ ^ ^ O ^

sia. lliere iPouId sffll be the impeorative, inescaptidile doty' of theraHies in dftnliiig witlHhfrhot

.JfwiwIdWtUrrDutp. the oaefifton rf nureairing^ the tax for. eaa-

_j_iljrnrJJqn Of tha state system or the iasuance of bmidB'ttaef&r awl maagr other vimiUff matters •^ g^fliral f"' IfM-al intrrrnt

. f^Ameetigg M ^

aheviki of^hnsia^^M'nGermiuiy. The allies mwst «iJtee WM^ against the'boishev&i and con^ quer or be feoilqaCTed^ K-n«»fe

trerttaai |et-thei»

Bbyad^rciig^ si ^abier months

year it .triuhed riind'TSTstriwied some SSjOOtf W a in the yarious

own sake, for the 8ak|, of thaJT civilisfctien that has. just beeS

American sOidiers in France-fer one year. It 08 a Katiim-wide orgaiiisatiou UHel&Ujr a branch of the U. S. Department of labor

sSouUrai i toother a mxmbe^aoft words Md~de^tftil p h i ^ ^ g h has succeedtd. in those tf gnod roads POODIC nnVl «... .IJM. j.« vTr^^^^. M \Z*.„ f. u I ., • " ' V> " "J" !• L H *W^ was un cussions to foUOw should result I vikL One or two speeches teJ^^J^*"PPJ.33?Ki?«J«Sm-. in adoption of an up-to-date DH)- [cfintly drfivprpd % wortH-fi»;rt..« ^^ with competent labor_from a

snatched frimi the grasp of the Hohenadlenaiik, the rilies must slay this Other enemy. .i

.Some mien favor the use of

lose-^yrrimxjueed one milKn*!

jram'Of future ^ legisUtlon injmen have squinted in that direc- f S f ^^"S^°« untouched. Virginia. By aU means let this tion.Othei«6aieve that the only / - . f ^ ' ^ " ^ " . ' ^ ^ : * « T ° * T « " Virginia. By all means let this •ection be' fully represented.-

^ gree lomce. - . __ .. :—


tion. OtheiB beGeve that the only /„-fSS,'^^"^"K*°^v*T**.r" path to safety and v i c W is ^"^^^ , 2 ^ ^ ^ ^ '^^'^^' «^'»-J • ^ ' ' . - ries and* other agencies and «pen and.yigprdusrwaif *» "J*^ X7,timij f^ ^^^^^^ J»^ s»si^_

^ ^ _ ' " , ^ ! ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ? - through Central t r S u y Qun^ taons against Germany. rfneces-^t^^^S^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g _ ^ sary to actomplish the WiH of * * J " J . ^ « ^^«"*^'"""^^^ c J L t i o n , l i e r e iTd i sa^ee . j !«« ' Farm^Tnunmg Schoob o r j -

• * « ^ - Tu ' ^ ' T J ; . " ^ ^ L ' " ^ ^ FarmXJnrft lessons tetight n sister x^B.\^^ in thfl].ment on ^ s ^ e r t - s u c h - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^

, RASfNO. "Thetreatnaent aceorfed Ras-

•wa by her sister natidhs i- —^. ^ .

M o ^ e ^ ^ j ^ : ^ , of t h e » r , c o m m g p e « ^ WmpipWsion of her needs as a ^ j n d a toivesty on p e ^ fanhere V i r g i n i a ' 3 ^ be «^ Jwtmguished from tjMJir OFB in-T^fhe.great alhes.should indefi- ^^^ ^^ c o m p S i r v S ^

• ^^' " ^ y thei»-intemgent:nltelyp^tponethcp*««con^^ ^ ^ , • «£^unselfish sympathy.'- ^ -ence.-B.ey. should resume the ^ .^„^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ comimp-to

_ These words aie paHof the aittiugs of the su^mewju- the r«,ui«ments in strength and •urth dause gf PreaidgSVwn-1 council. They Bhoold^-nnnredr-|„i,j|||7 ,„||| > i.rT . i t ' •OB s' .worid-fMnous -"fourte«^]^fttely organire a sipreme politi-points" of peace. :.The Presidentj"Hj|PuSaroi' a council as neariy at Mount Vernon auwrfemented|sui>reme- as may be pesdlde. t*»fr fourteen points by outUninglThei)^ they should resume mili "SiB mds for-Khich th« «a8«)iia' I tary operaUons by th^ oaJOpi *ted pe(H>le8 of the wortd are ftk» of such parts orGermany as *«hting, and which must be cM^lmv best control Ufe o ^ t r y '"'tod them befow^aiCTraih be and" suppress the bol^eVlM: '*•«•'' The first' of these de-' Having separated Germany from »»n<J» was thus formulated by | Russia, they should give mili-

jtary. uialciial

abiUty Wifl be pboed~«ir 4am, • ^

'i"he destroction of every ar-—' »ootrucaon 01 every T - t*> Rm^* Wi the lai«est poaatWe t»mry power anywhens that'acale. >They shouM pursue and

!*> a^qjarately. iocretiy and of j^eSroy tSe^Bfieviki to the last t'.aingle choice -Asturb th<L*»*°' "" •''"^^S* there is^ranst-

F ? ^ ^ Preaently destroy^, at

QippteQce." ^g«ii*r^ne uf the gnat aJlie»

^•"•e people have never betray-«" the allied cause, is at the ^ ^ ^ o f »n-"arfaitrary-poger? *ai (8 separately, both secreUy *n<J openly, amt-«fcJta.single ^o»«. disturbing thW peac e of

fine^la^tyi^ iC9fSrijt;feisS(f'iMlUm Then, having finaMed Russia

to ufganise a free and stable ge^' -«nd-emntoit, _ _

«ut Cennaiiy iindw fnnt, thf al-BM^OHrcaB-the peace and treal

^mme An effaetiva .peace .—Washington Poet

.4b: E%son expects to have the .Reserve id full working Order, so !|_

jb . niQlLthcMe Jboys wishiBg{0 to take advantage of it during' the National EnroSment-Week of January 20-26th. ->

Ev^y physically-fit hoy in Virginia between the i«ea of 16 to 20 inflnatTO is fiicihlr for

hip JRn will be i^ipointed in-every esU^ ty M the..at«te sad oseffictenity]j win be gitai every boy to tajke

W this tw^iaii^ ^ _

In a strong^ bank—not necessarily stnmg because of Tault eciuipmcnt only—but because pf dble

perienced officcnrs and a bott-depmton and |>afarons '

' W i i r A MOMMJL9

The United SUtes Govem-tor Future Soccess

mrnt has aiithnri«iri an

tnwarded cveryB«jflja3iai^ ~The minimnin : require-:

ments of service. While work-ing on the farm the b<qni •^riSt

PrrposM R«n CMtni EsfcMioB "of

, fpaid-tha mgulai wagea eigtanp^


reu-le do Ym 8ti;«„mi«Trt~«»fTtr«»i"y >n that community to be not

the °^'^"™»n2 th^ peace of 1^^ opemtion of the r»ilro««h of the {less than board, lodging and J4 World. And yet there is talk 1 country until January 1, 1924. with' a week. Boys desiring a uni-

''peace conference at PaiiaJan I J ™ a few rfavs to deal with.o<».ooo l e »ara «uw: »<4! A*» t h o u g h I

country until January 1, . _ „ _

additional r£i-fll3dn«.iiind_ol-*5Q{l.— f,^mi may buy them, buTlhere is — IS proposed in two smend-^:^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ OTTinected witR" Tft '

ments t.o the rail rontrnl act intPO-TtT?' 'hmisF rfr^ntty by chair'-

•le rommittee on inter-!

Reserve that is not optiCHiaJ. What th<» ixiv - of other statei=

Df Manassas i^MiikL.

Theiiaftk ef Peracnal Service

0f^^^^;' • ;•>-4^SJii^3v'--::-t-S

Page 4: W^^^BSM m^mmeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · W^^^BSM m m^mm •21 _YQL, XXiy.Mo-34_ . - ^g'^AgLISHE 189S D MAY, ^5r*=== fLIV]BST0C» COMMISStoSBB 'BLACKSBURG

^Ai^Feus 111»' ml

fUlC HANASSAS JOURNAl^ MAKAiicSAS, V^GiNIA FmPAY, iAM:AllX-aJ»;ti>tt tjit 1

BRIglOpftWIWS —Thfea will ttoa PreabytgrM

:ldn|r in lurch ,on

ously -Roth llr. and Uri. J. E. Hiz^

Kon are ill with thg influeaafc -Mrs

cimftned •tin."

-Mr. Stafford, < 'ullege.


Came H.4fAwi^c« i to

A. E.Spjeff in confined lu bed with a seven vttaek 9f

wnKragatk>nlI'Aii>iraxr|;fisr eidt's Mt»ter. ""--•• ^- • '

—Mr. W. C. Wagener, hard-

T88ttea a large

Mr. Thps.'D. jBaaon, of Bicb m<»d federid state director of the State Contam of D » R ^ , and Hr. x / i r t iB9^ L<aus;:;rr::ir^Mke :\£.;i». I.,, were ini. town WedneS" day . ' " ^',' 1,—Sergt. Ernest Ransdell, of Fert Benjamin Harrison, Ind., who iias liad a shoi^xiait with Tssned a iarge_calcndjur> whwn '^^J'^^^^^f^^^^^Jl^^jDcoombK 2Qth He has. been

ia» a piefaurg that looks like an hie pa««tg^Mr.jrad Hrt. F ; uii^. ^ Hjp ., TWPTnhpr jztth. ^The Wm. "Cn IfeRiiiy, of <^ painting at a distance har entered Eastenr* —Miss Catherine Weir daugh­

ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Welrf has lSe"flu." Mr. Weif, who has been ill with the disease for

—Mr. R. L. Byrd, eeshier of ihe Peoples Benit, i i af'liSiSf with the "flu.'' -

F: Iden.has moved whicA he re=

-Dr. B. into "Tudor Hall, I'l!

Kemington.Oras in^tow* this week on business.

—Mrs. T. M. Colemau of the New Prince WilUam HoteMs ill with a aevere-eeid.-- -^,^ - r T—

-41188 Mary Cox has joined the iargw rnunber of, «ugei'ece

seme weeks, has recoveyed.

ftansdell, retarned to JBs yaiterday. •• ^ ~ ~

—Mr. Lippincott, of Cuniber-land, Md., repreiienVti^iie^^ the Potomac. Division flf the Anaeri-

lted t !ei0v^ paM ai)^>fflda^ visit to the Prince WiMiaai Chap-

-.S^geant ot^the first . ^ s Aviator Heehapidaif, William E Pfewjy^^ia AgaewvmrKtrxrt

of the volunteers in military ser vice fr<)m this county. Is station ed kt KeUy field, San Antoaio, Texas. He is now home on a'SO day furlough, which began on

December 2tth. ^TSe government expects to muster

—Mrs. Francis Norv^ Lwrkin ^ ^ , ^ ^^^^ held a bridge party at. the iwine *"" * "•"'^ of Mr- »nd, Mta. James B. L*r4 —Miss Dorothy Johnsoa ea-Un, West.street, aft TUMday | tertaiiwd a numU*^>f lier young night.-


out him and his associates four months after peace is declared.

—The number oltfen induct­ed into the military sarvice of the United States froin th»ttcal board of Prince WiUiam county wais Zes: Ot~ttieS6 26t~were white, of whom 20 were rejected.

- friends-Saturday evening at the

coiviiiAppietoh, :<4\^y:^^ T ^ J ^ J ^ ntly purchased-_ ^ u —J4r. ColvUx Appjeum, o i , - ' ^ ' ^ r- ~ ~ r—"—' —v -—leu iy;r, UA WHWH. . "^^^^j^^—»

Mr. *• *^ *«»*««^r-;Wr;»^'**»^^ There were

n e s ^ a ^ d Thursday a r r « i g t o g ' ^ » * ^'J - t " ^ • p ^ S J * ^ i ^ ^ e transfer of'cattle. ' iMacon Won»n%. ColIei« at

from the influenza. ^

—Ret. A. Stuart Gibson and _»^v »# u ri«,ght^,Alice:^4J8<g.,.«^\r^-^T^£i F ' i S l J three of whom were sick at the^I'^<lfif^N6.18^^ F. and A. M., same time with severe cokis. are' « « re^uest^ ^'^^I^^^ now almost entirely well. [called meetmg, which tJff

held tntha tentple Eritfey, Jan,

a little 9ver M2 pef cent being re-tainedi' The colored men total­ed 109i of whom 7 were rejected,

mrtbeing retained. There were, about 40 or M> volunteers from the county, who went into vari-7i;;rK»i»iftTi4K"of the service. the complete list of these has not_yet biffll sent tojhe county clerk by tiie governmoit statis-tlciaiiB. ~ ~

-^-The-Manamas High School

This bank appreciate4 the busineaa entrusted to ft during the year 1918

. by its depositors. The officers and director are desirous of riiowing tbttk tint confidence reposed in the bank on the part of the public, is appredated. The continuattce of-our helpful MMI avccommodating SOT-ikS U <WM of the w y e in whieh tiiU apprfiuatioB vtti be shown.


—Mr. Breee-ByHson, isai 0? Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Hynscna, is ill at his parents' home here.

—Mr. Martin D. Lynch and hia mother are sufferm'g frpm

—Miss Ediia Donohue Js

. ._ , ... _, _. neiQ m-tna tgmtwe rfWB»y, ««*"• -thfe PWMWffiitfc a fcop .^ i i^-^rthc purpoiief iiifltstmag is & Brown was ctosed oni fl»^._ ^„ ,Q,Q - _ J conferriM Lewis & Brown was ctose<» «»| officers for 1919 and conferring

Tuesday, as alifour of the worit-+p_^g^ M. M.-degree8^ Visi-«r8 in the place were down with ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „ j ^ S««?y the inftnenza. !_•

—Mri W. Fr<Bd Poweff~ha8 been sick with the ' flu* lor a

^ —Prof. O^ W. MoBhei-,' Jr., wne apant tha{<«nriamm

nursing Mrs. Maiy.Jamison at the New PrTrice Willi^tt Hotel:

—Mr. J. R. Flaherty has been ill two weeks with the ihfluenztf, bat he is again seen about town.

—Mr. W. A/ Evans and family of Buckhall. who have been ill with t¥e influenza, are inqpiroT-ing. ^ ^

—The Ellis brothers , Messrs.

_,,, tion here, after the death of his iiomder ^Uggekg; but kept at!^^^ r ti HiPrf to hi8 daties as

&tW Sa^tball Team defeated' the Alexandria High School's teiiin, <HI the latter*8 floor, Fri­day night Tliough the Manas­sas team wais minus • first team

Yara-jplBYfer on thS^toPi. they, won by

i prk. Thia WMk he was onug- professb^of EngUsjiandHisteiT ed to'succumb and >e has beea^^ . Asheville Sehool, AsheviHe,

a score of 6-25. The boys of the Manassas HigK~Schoo> T>layed

OurStogML: *It M a Wbaapre W 3«rv«.?


That the absence of any such

vice, is -given to iaereased ^ -ciency m- management, the ps-triotic desire 'si operators and

&t the

•^ tN.C., on Tuesday. While here in bed. =r Mi§a JJllie Evans, teacher he was the gUest of Miss Rixey

aer hoine to Scotfe»

8cho<)lrTrti6 went^ and Mrs. f. k. (JOles, relatives

the Christmas ville, v»»rto holiday8,wj

to spend of Mrs. Moshei. astak-j

en 111 with the influenza and loMt -Mr J CSLA TC^phaloft.-who

the first v e ^ attiie school. • ^ - - -


was. teller in the North Capital Savings Bank, Washiiigton, be-

, Ballentyne Patterson f^^^ entering the S. A. T. C, has James G. and Oacig P.^iwfNoke^ { ^ returned *rom. Old: Point been offered the advanced posi ville. were in iBmassas yesttf4C0Hrfort. yihen she wae Tudt^tioh olaaffiitantci^^ar with the day.

—A numberof our people are reported aa havinarhoeoin>-4ri» tims of the .influcnaa a aiBC<Hid time.

ffig^(»'<Me8lT8einf€ei:"Wii:11^ Patterson^

same bank. He '•wm -(ritdiged tv refuse this flatteziag offar, by reason of faia^having entered the. ' Mr. S. B. Hensleyhas hwn^ ^ , _

called- home. Irom-his pnnitinn'rfstain^Abusiness, at I —The ManaasainGfaapfel;. U v/iiU the-

—Mr. J; WoOlfenden» and his brother, Mr. Walter Woolf«lden, of~^pp, were-in town on Wedr neaday;

Alexandria, because of the iH-j p. C., wiU observe'Lee's Imth-HBSs Kit his wife and.children; iJaj>, Sunday nig^t; the 19th, at

at the Baptist The pfvgntm -Mr . R. A. Muddiman. who 1- ; Z'^'"^'

v,f..-4.P^ >..,»ployed in the Vii^j'^^'r^ —From the numbw <rf cases

fif s.'ckness reported in thi» is sue it Tnigbt_be edition.

^ . f ^ „ v T L . < l . . r ^ ^ . ^ , M i » o n lBilll»mnext week*^ pa-

the "flu' for one year, has accepted a po^ ^ sition with Mr. E. R. Conner -^^

—Rev. J*L (F. Chatham, -V^ sfiiest this week of Rev-Bacaett Grinwley. %;

-Muss Sarah E. Leachman,

—EarLPayne, son of Mr. and , Mrs. Wilham Payne, who i p | reported to berttfrioufily" ill ahdi

We hope as'many veterans iwible will attend tbiayey-

e.—^Mrs. R»^.A. Huedason, iretary. -

distressing shortage of bitumi­nous cold as last winter is assured for 1919, is indlcatia in figures announmi

the Alexandria High School • boys, but were-defeated; • There was a ndsuntterstanding about the date^f the boys', game arid j several of our team could not go.! -; , • Tbi^ JH one excuse for the teem.today by the 1M?5^-C9«1;:A»-losing. The M. H. S. boys wiUTsociation. ^ meet the-Alexaudi-ia buy s in ai An increa8» of from 651,500,* return game on January IT. at 000 tons in 1917 to 687,500.000 Conner's Hafi. This jriU be a tons mined in 1918, or nearly 7 very" toteresting game and a Per cent, is showfi m this report,

disewected. j^hidi states that the natiffla's war time demand'Iw' i^ b&m met in f ulL < ,'Credit for-this iacreased pro-

employeH td • pwseeute the war was" experienced,,^ .*^,«""»i*«^ their abiUty. and

a better car sui^Iy and move­ment under the Railroad Ad-. ministrationv—= •—'——

If you really want the NEWS of the county'Ti^ Joaraal wiU ghnt A* i^n yn^ Pvmrf^lmttA with tOO.flQO amploves:»ab|i|ay rtf ^ff^xjVtf^afci^ . jffiar for xtne doItoR iaadvaPM^-ain.Jbe j»iHlaiy,^M.:^«atL

_ _The_ imiiung :6f this" banner tonnage during 1918 virtuifly ooBures the country against any—-noticeable shortage (rf CO^^^T ^port states. With- fair oikr-ating conditions and intelligent distribution of e phoduct, mi

froih zhilitary seryice, there ii every mx»pect of a i entifDl

J STfev. Jesse .M. Bell Iwent then dead, is now « r e i ^ im- Groveton on Sun day morning to; proved. - — - I hold service on account'of the;

Ifie pastor. Rev. C.: —It is said that wh«i a mili- SlCi

B daiijrhter olMr. G.C. Leachman,; tamngnrwrfa^haa seen sei-vice r ^ ° i. one of the latest victims of trover there," meets'one," whoj^™' ,, . d . , . J... _!. u^, ^ !.,.«.. »ri same thtt influenza.

-Mr. —Mr. Geo. ,i

L. Rosenberger 4r.i' .wn, WilburT who. haveTiM^ .criou.sly ill with-Hie "flu>" are • i<; •|y i.nipro\ing^ ~ ^


was obliggd to stay "over kere," L iiiL" "Y^"' ?? rr^,:!, " -^zzc^.^^!. ar^ 1:^%.^ ^*wtha Vo«i«^ around that ther» w<

M.ogt^ the neighs seemed to be ill o^V^e

same trouble, M~the word had

each siQutra the othor witfr the expreaaion^ flacky dog. _ be no jervloe, jrfnd J»o one eame lo;

church. MrC^^ had very few \ —SergtM'ayne.Bennett, son l^ut'at Gainesville in the after-} M's

r member of two Fisher

every c!U' TTushong and farriilieii. neighbej ! hf nr^jvalent "flu."

Miss iLiUian V:. Gilbert, h > rn e dem^stration agent, has t -en confiifed to bed durin'g this . f k with a severe ccAi.

Mr. T. W Maddox, of Mar­shall. paa.sed through Manassafl Tue.sJay on his return from a b'j.HJnefta-trip to

of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bennett, has salt w c ^ to his parents that

.he aifrived in New York F f j ^ , January Sr He-expects 4e he^aA hotne in tlK near future.

and Mrs. T. E,J>idlake, who went to his formefhome to spend thehplidays, was takoi ilt there and-haaJbeoi. unable to re­turn. He is irapcoving, h^o^v^ cf? and hopes to get back soon.

_ jWf —*- Elmer MetT ai d earHIUnch^ld^ two entorrisii^

VK beught r, R w^^>>-

noon. He received word ofi M&n- j day that.tiiere will be no.meet­ing at Woodlawn on Sunday mormng. owing iff the orevidqfee" of th$ inflaoica.

h»vn . 'iffering with

o -J cl his aftem<

^ —Mr. Henry LawKa and SOB Otaries, wife and son of Eew Q aci l ' 'aoa, havelieai aeii-

»re how;. inrT^roving,

—Mrs. I Pn^k

statKvn WTO tliey arcnuw wrtaugjtiiig Ihe busiuesar

W.'Wood-yard, of Fort Washington, haa h*ap vinttiTiy hitJftther, Sb- J-

jaiasLCEtA wm«peal..to

Brentsville; whoisvety iHwith the influenza.

—The first marriage license issued in 1919 was given to Ar-tem M._Sal^ii jLjarmer, and T^fy T. Lam, both fi^m-BearTAg Ij l iUe Eva' Wellington. The i^de , like the

Pattie and [year, is young, a«minor, and so LiuKhter. L -.her Warren, re- received the consent of her fath-• iirred fr0in~^t visit to Upper-jef t6 the wedding. The groom

where f^ey spent the,is also young, but he is of apre O. riJitSaw hrUr^ays 'with Mrs: W w S s - a ^ e T o ^ T ^ T r - f o r him^ ^J^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ° ° ' " Come*^,

r ie'a aunt. J. M. Kinch-


ASGUiifUTB ^ ..in


S»eeU Mattaice.«t 3

'SHERIFF XIXTTSTTJSSLErHi arsw>-r;r? the questions „ j p^,;,,, v^^^ ^

iixtr Sljf a^ TUESDAY



' heaaiy


SATURDAY RUTH ROLAND "HANDS UP" Episode 11.—".4 Stranger from

Page 5: W^^^BSM m^mmeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · W^^^BSM m m^mm •21 _YQL, XXiy.Mo-34_ . - ^g'^AgLISHE 189S D MAY, ^5r*=== fLIV]BST0C» COMMISStoSBB 'BLACKSBURG

sqr P M'lf :l«l!i:"!^" !!955fSB»iPii -•J-....

OUB N E W S U « n » I 9 B » ^ ^

The Jdumal IB recognized aa a Wnj, E. P4yn^, inspector in PrpjUbitinn d^ufctmcnt in Vii

the first of September The Jour­nal mainnir list has been inereas-^_4b^ 116 n e w i ^ in advance gubscribers. This i* an^iHw^:e „ „ . ,

•e greatly pleased with r * ^ * ^ Attorney Fn«ilc L. Ball We are greatly pleased with this expression of iu)preciation of our efforts to provide the peo-

^il&iiOKftnassas and Prince Wil-liam county With an interest ing, (^liable, complete record of the events as they occur. It is our desire and i t will be our effort to

gima, has approximatdy four hundced a r i ^ U to h is credit this year. He has made'ip many fl>-rests in Ale3»ndrta"cbuj3y'that It wa» necessary l o r Ck>mmon-

1 ^ UAMJkmmnfWJAs^UimimAs, ymmh PAGE f l V K

hMne <rf h«r niece, Mri. j : i. Tolson. .

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Florence

:^;44urni8h our ptftrons with a paper I thaMliey will look for. eagerly * each week and 0 ^ y e n j o j

Whfle gratefully acknowledg-iag this substantial expresaion of tndoEsement by new subscrib-ers of our work in the 'past , we

to convene t h e «rand jury three t imes duritag » »ingie t ehn of court. • _

Eighteen offenders were in court ^P^iday afternoon. Host of them entered plea^ of guiKy and submitted to fines and jail aentences. THg loweat penalty

are proud paresis o f i S u ^ J i ^ -boy . -——^— •——-:::: : : : : . ,:z^

day with BjUnThehiia Florence. - M i s s CtoiTO" Abet, who^ has been visiting friends ber« for the past week* hiw returned to the home at Mr. and Mr*. J. T. Syncox. ^

Mr. George Copen, of i n d e -p e n d ^ t Hill, spent Friday at the Florence.

We are s o n y to learn of the

^ * ^ " ' . ^ oygr f lowing^thjbpamri l^ed achi with :hetgfaLdwd»TnnnBea8ureIess, sacrifice, the Old Year nassea. ZTfca mna-^^at-M^M^ —^.i^-TZ.ir:r-.:-r— ' .. • • • • • • . TT^' ^

on TowdByrto" siS how h c r j ^ j ^ a r and f*tfa«r were progreasinir m ^Efc«r fi|*t with tiie *«a,s'-^iffl-

-»*ifc^ •-••••«>«^oo.D«*,xxm; , uie y w I ear pass ^:^hi e o a i ' - ^ f l i e ^ h e ^ fieiardTOrraorer«ie r e e t t a r o T K l

ebba-and diea awray. thiekactiiteial war is over. —

d k t h of Mr. R. L. Baker< Several people of Thomton

tten<iw1 the "IWT party" j t B Haven

Mias Belle Florence and Miss Margaret Copen called a t t h e hStote of Misse* Tolson Sunday evening..

Mrs. J. M. Florwiep-5^11^ f%

T l » e tuinult aod theishouting ^ e i , " The Captains and the Kings depart."

H C l ^ e d with strange slgnifici*nce and fraught with new m e a i ^ for in^nkted, comea jiajdn that eternal messAge— Peace on Earth, Qood Will Towards Men. f With unspeakable gratitude, a war-wora worH receives the glad t idings. Out of the shadow we c o m e - a t l a s t into t h e glorious sunlight of a n e w - t h g r r - ^ - n r t W R t f ^ ^ ^ ^ t e l "

three bf them had experienced • sti-uggie with t h e dreaded d i s -

h«r like herself, had alinost conqtietw e d i t


Wtthln the hearts or men.

If Greetings and smeere good wishes to you to the New. Year

•tinted m(BaMie ^ti l i you and youra;. '

J. H. BURKE & CO. _^ l ^ e f r t h i o g OB'Earth to B a t " " -.—HbmMmai, Virginia

Tutor, with college educatiwi, desires.position in private fami­l y , begipning thf^ 'Rth nf May,

ave had eight y^arssxperieBee

'"^"^o-m^*?*-^ .-^ili^TZ letters of old subcksiibers, show p g thdfr approva^of ouriOideav om to please the public: - ^ ^ ^It has been said that "a.

xntnl ionur iu^rhte own country." _TMs |B nojt true of a paper, fkt leajrt not oi The

.lounud. One pf our Manassas, friends'Subscribed last spring for six months only. In renew-

- ing fo»-cBe-yeig^^^ recently he said that he had |10 -worth of

'idready gotten bwlofitT^ This

era have jk]^*euM&d-themselyes, m feiit^witphfltift hut "p ftwf i^eci give language of «pprOval^ Says another Manassak subscriber m correspondence: **We enjoy Tlie Jpumai so much."

From Mrs. Kate B . Hynson. Washington, come these words in a subscription rentfwjd i "I caa't W!di dp w i ^ o t i t , Jt l^aq^a (me bi tottqh w}th the nld lifei I am having the

and one m o n t h ^ imprisonment.

Briding a ^ „ W^asUngton and Alexandria the inspMtoir captured two wagon kiada and auute twenty-six ar-rests.

In his investigation of the li _ Old Dominion

the thsgectorcame across a-num-ber of persons riding in Pullman cars who had resorted to the use of hot water bottles in which fe tran«p<»t U q ^ .

Rubber containers packed in suit cases, t h e inspector explain­ed, means avoidance of rattlmg o f g l a s s w h e f i ' r o u i ^ y handled, MiJHxie usfeofauch cftT t T*"-" jn

to eTementary and high school fteachtog. Or i- w p o i d — a e c ^

as Scoutm^tcor or^th ig t j e ctor. Dest - Or jcBPnf^o^^

I Address Box 1 6 5 , care J o a ^ M , Manassas, Va. 34' -

the home of Mr. *nd Mrs. Joseph IB. Florence Friday last. ^ , MiiMi Alicg Tolson spent M w -day with MisslBeDe Fbrenee.


calculated to ward diF suspicion. It worked for soaate time, he safij.

\ • i i i. v 1. - " . (but their use was: discontmued strong statement has been toads' y^^t.^, ' „ ^_v «"°w"viuueu . i.ui u -u • '"^Jl^/aiter a nilnwer of arrests of by tids one subscriber and othV ^w.«„» • iu ,! T ^ i i h^. i , n A « - * H - ^ 4 « « . » . i ^ p e i ^ n s . using them had. been

mad^-rFauquier Deswerat. . :


Dies Saddenly at Orange—Pre* sided Over Ntoth CinttiL

Judge G«rrge Scott Shackel-' ford died suddenly at his home Monday, Decetuber 8 0 ^ i . - -

Lost—Crochet «]2agc; pn Easit> Centre s t r e e t g i rodj i^ Van. S. Rew>rd> M^< J. H. Dodg^ni-

Wanted—Chambermaid s a d a waiter a t the N e w Frtoleg Wii-liam, at once. 34

T o r S S e ^ F u r e Wyandotte ^ k e r ^ 12.50 each.-^ J. M. Nekesville, Va.


FOT-^Me-^ heavy: dnrijt iwrse. B. F^ tirnffman. ville, Va. fUr9*

. Judge Shackelford was boni at Warrentdn; Ya., December 12; 1866, betog th«4hitd^iMi of B o i -jainin Rf Hdwiftd and R e b e y a

To Be Held at HiMin«V> TW» .4g

Week ^^ghmfang Feb. 10.

Beverley Q^ceepe Shackelford. He was.married July 1 ,1884 , to Virginia. Miner Randolph: He

«rf»cturers,^willJwJd a tractor paper s e s t ^ t e sehorf fwr farmeis , a t Roanolg,

Ihree friends, thinking I jn igh^ Va., during the w e ^ beginntog

J n n m a l " . fonrnal/

Mrs. L. W.' Ketcham writer: "Tfre are always very glad to re-ceive your toteresting pajfer."

Mrs. J. 8 , "Eflrd, ftom the] warm territory of Florida, serids these f<urm words o f eneou>agC' ment: ' "The Jo^rmd is the (me

LJ?!^i?"^ k e g y me i n touch with my d d home and friends in Ma­nassas."

Flint," Michigan, sends i t s sreetini^ through Mrs. E . H. Bryant, who iyifnTm* iia t.hfttrtu:

"-^%y-^amiiy enjoy^ . t e a d n ^ Journal, very much, and kiok fqr-

-Wftrd to CToy Monday morning's

The Extienuon Division of the Virgtoia Polytechnic _Institute, , _ „ coroperiitiveIy:!with^Siu^^ nian^ o o s e i ^ T D e l i ^ t i B a a S ' ^ e ' V I r

TTipHnrgry I C In order to operate a traf-tnr

held^raany prominent jwsi t iohs to the county and state.- He w a s at one time mayor of Orange, was a member of the Virginia

gmia State Senate a h d ^ i ^ i a d g e o f thel<itoth judicial circuit. He was also ia member of the bowrd oTYisTt^irii tn the Ijnivprsity, and


• and live Stock ^

at the tfwifj nt hi« dafcth m^ ft 'ee<toomic«^,_the farmer must understand i ts mechanism. H u s course is planned to give instruct ] pan on tn«>. praftturat pntnt* in} .the care and management of ^ Shackelford, Mrs. Nannie H d l a -jfu^ijim TliHW- neuraea have: day Blockt wife of the Rev. Karl

vdrtryman of S t Tboataf Eisi»-copal Church

He is survived by his wife and ieii^.yirgiiiia lUudulidt

b e ^ given to other states and iKorgan Bloek, of Camp Di C, N . have g a b l e d many farmers tQ^J.; Lieiit: XSea Scott Shacdcel-

ni»il to bring i t to us. Coming ^ frbm-'Obr home town i t r e a l ^

•eems to us like a letter from a friatjve. Our son Clarence is to

4 ^ c U - S ^ s e r v i c e to Va^Muraiso,. lad., and h& always asks us to-P^'escvt "not fail s e n ^ n g . him The Ma- ~ ••MM Joiirnid.' Keivel a lways « U s <m Monday n i ^ fa read

" before we send it to i t ' b e t o g 10:30 last

night whNi he <ame to read i t ." Mr-.G. A. Hulfish wri tes of

Ihe Jounud from away «ff to *>«it»na: "It is always a we!-««»e vimue, a s i t briiigs the *ew» from the dear old county **^ of the good peoide l iy imMn

many times savejaBOre tEicuaTthe expenses toeurred in operattog the tractor for a yea^. The 1 *8* 'tractor specialists from agricul-

colleges wiH lecture en t h e principlcfl of. tbe^care:

and operation of tractors and ex-perte_from tfafe-nmiHifajfturmg

ford, jrT;"n6w with the army « f occupation^ at Coblentz, Ger­many, and Margaret ' Wilson Shackelf (»d; a sister, Mrs. R. B. Smithy, «rf Ashtand, Va., aisBi -& hgotlieivMuaeoe i* Shackelfwd, nf Fremont, Oido.

lsrsi^B=aE93edi^d=a± companies w ^ expUto^The con-12:30 Wednesday afternoon from struction. care and operation of St^-Thomaa Churgbt^-Oranger— their' tracttss to the laboratory.: FauqUior Democrat. -Practically all the makes of fa»c- _____ — •—

i n ' t h p at*tf» will he j" -—Private Carey-M.Timmons, The'count^^ agent, Mr. of Amuston, Ahu« is home -oa a

B. Cr. Kotoer, is getting up a ten-day furlou:a^. He stopped p a r ^ to^^att^d. See h i m . or-over to Man«ii i«r to see write the E x ^ n s i o o DiviaiM^V. j IwretiiCT, Mr. a J .T^auaaas, and P T L , BUcksburg, Va., f ( * fur- thrai w « i t on ttt Front Royal and

"Special ^ c e s on horse blan-kets a n d l k p robes; 16 per cent, off on any to stock at Larkto-D«TeB-Go. ^ I 3 « f :

Wanted.—Good^arm hand f<* year 1919. Good W«ges to t i n right man.- Apply t o W . HoJniosr RobfertaoB, GilneiwHerAfaJKJ-4*

Wanted.-rrBuyer for sto<^ at milUnery notions; splendid o i^ p o r t u n i ^ for some lady to make


1917> Ford ;1gDodxon<Btioa;.ali>) l i i ^ t u u I n i d u J . 1 BgHdifc r. Ni— «-^- - " " " ' — ' ' ' Pr iaee \RHtani^l9n^

T5? X

For'Sab—Meat btoek and saw floor case, scale, oil tank, cpffiK^ iniiU, stove and cash register. B .

n We are showhig this season t k e most iqi-to-datr'

'*"* j ^ j ^ j ! ^ ^ Snita we have «ivi^>ilw.«« J&

KCQBW in and give a s . a look before iaymg ctee-

^ ^ t$mtmn fom %tum^.

-^Ir"! l l e t e i a «il-Uw dlffeg—t rtyles and c a b i a . such

X -X

6 n i y n , R k d v .

b ^ M c thcgr a n i d gene. Jn^aad g^.^yMBs


ther toformatien. other i K ^ t s ,

_it.'__ _ ^

EreuL California has a word, Joj- t tonuMgt, SUL^

iUddjng, yf^ Thiave thjg Msur-—oe? "Ywir Twpet «'«»t deal to me to my far away ^wtcra home." : — ; — ^

tronj BTalefuI letters «w»e

^ ^ the hnys in the servicf-in. "»oce . Private Harvey A.

^yneh. aon^Qf Mr M. i f a f h . rvp-JJ^aJta them all when he states ^ ^ * ^ » » " r e c e l v e s The J o t o h i !

Cleaners jy D] Parcel Pott Service

By wmf o f suggestieiyi w e appea^i a purtiat Ipst nAith i l h u l r a t e s d t e b r o a d s c ^ o o f o w trnc*. E i g l t

t cMcl io s . w i t h pikoiM e s M i t f ^ f i C ~ t « * a s iSkim-

b m Fsr F« Psr*t


• ^ e n c o u r a g e s iis to have these ™ * « * d » « t t e r w i BHI w e #ffi *^**9* Strive to deserve ttiem'.

fmCam noitr

—Lieut. W. Harold Lipscomb, _ ^'ashington. is ill with influ-

„ _ fcds W*«» kmCmm

btntL ' f i e . fit B e fit. B r . B s .


The Hc fman Company, Inc. EXPERT CLEANEWa AND DYERS

Main (Mice. 735 13lk St. N W. W a s h i n g t o n . D. C

CAMPER J E N ^ g i S

T k e L i r f W S t a n


i t t

, For Sale.—A restaurant

ness. C. J ( . W e a t h e r h c ^

- F p t "Sale—Fine pure bred Rhode Island Red cockerels. W.

^ . Sitoe^ Manassas, Va.. 3 & 4

Registered calves for sale.

Htrfstator- nuiic J. i^ O m n e c l S

Witoted.—Cedar and Locust poster my priees M<e w w t h writ­ing "for j pidlOT write i o R. C. Sraootz, Box 44, Fishers HiU, Va.

Fof R e n t . — S ^ r e 'room; beat location to t o w n ; foTmeriy oceo-pied as candy kitchen; suitable for ck>thtog, g m e r a l m e r ^ a n -dise or restaurant. E . R. Coo-ner« Mmfcasaa. Va . ' 25


' Fire Insurancf—^If you a n afraid of Hutoal -Assessments* try oar old line eompaniee.—H-you den't h k e t h e increasing oM hne rates, try our Mutual. T i t e your choice. We represent both kinds. Ausl to Corporatioa. 6S.


Wanted.—10,000 cords of pulp . wood. Highest cash price paid g;<» di ilvery; iawaureffienta.la&Br

.\ _

I Scrap iron, j tET CASH PRICES hAID rOW

RubbCT, Rags,



- ? j — -

^ i a b ;

j ^ ' S h i p us y o u r h i d e s . W e a s s u r e y o u b e s t t r e a t m e n t

irom wagons, fbre yon s ^ .

Give us a call b»> B. R. Conner. 51

Wanted—86,0$r w h i t e oak Mstiea. S e e o s a a d g e A p r i M s .

M . X y n e h 4 C o ^ 2 ) 4 f


persons indebted to fhe Tr^Wright-witt pteag* i e l -

having aeeoonts same will present

l E o n at once, duly verified. H. THORNTON DAVIES,

•3*4 — Adm'r ' c. t. a.

• • • • • • • • • • » • • • • * • • • • ! • • •» • • •« • • • • • « • , • • « • • • • • . «««!

HORSBS W A N T E D Mr. T. 1. Marshall •»••'( h^ m

-'Utthaasas rrtday. Januan o, " j o bny horses. An^ - r., ig J' prood hora«8 and e ^\\f • will gnd market ^ ^

• • • «

. . * i * - ' H ffii:!fi:=^«i4*-E»d(-t. Iimii l l t i i i in 'Hi Uiwil i is ^m

Page 6: W^^^BSM m^mmeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · W^^^BSM m m^mm •21 _YQL, XXiy.Mo-34_ . - ^g'^AgLISHE 189S D MAY, ^5r*=== fLIV]BST0C» COMMISStoSBB 'BLACKSBURG

jjft^afra'i'M ' ' w^t • ^ ^ - j u ^

TMsmea imc HAHAS8A* JOUR^Al JJAWA^AS, mGrNJA FRIDAY, JANUARY m% w. joi BiG ADAmafra.

Namtiv* B—db Iih»

Mrs. W. J. AdaBMon h u jiut received the . foMowJiif Jetfcftr from her son, Pr iwtr-W. J^ Adam8<^, Jr . . I t Js-Att^«nt«r-Uining and instructive aeoount of scenes and incidents injGreat Britain and pOints^cn the conti­nent of Europe. " • '

Allerey, Saone e t Laire, France. Nov. 29. 1918.

Dear Mamma:—^I have just

a r a a n d ^ north eoMt of irdaad Souttuunpton, i^toch is one of hs(vrb*ife4lb«e«^dnce. And

,'every khSr • Sett,

o'dock we UKW the-eoast of Ire^ tul ree^tioo. land aad the grean hilla, then we the middle of came over dose to the Scotch thfTr "fii '""^ ^ *»>»«< t^^^ff^ttn-^vm^

t ^ diseilplion.

We came dMmt^~T!tftc m i''thogi>nJ and one the street, Md other things that I would like to

coast, and every one simply went' could hardly iret through. . long and I esnnet m i £ Just now wild abotti-tto-sc«nery. No ar- We left on the S. S. Viper at 7 what I would Ulce to say. I don't

received your letter of October the ?.7th and Nnvamber 8rd. Wati awful sorry ^hew^-abeut all of the deaths tlMr^.while I have been aw«y; tfce t&WB' wfll have a diflfCTent look wh«> we gtet back, I imaiiie. We «re having: some, influenza here, but not much, and it is wearfaif it-uelf out pret^fast, : T~

I am- sitting op in bed Tmwit nf the time and expect to be oot in a few days. • - --•: ' ;

We are wondering how long it

leave hfl^,.l}utTI don't ttiink it vrill be before spring at-anf hiie, and if we are assitpaed to tha army of occupation in German territory it: g^JOUjjeltjjrtl^^ year or two,

(leorge is and i j g j ^ iment'iS wiDliie here,for some time, because it is going, to stay hpjp for anrne t ime . ':

Since the armistice was signed tell more About our trip

-plcture.^f 41>e p. to. lot Che^oorg, JOonce. . I tftiaKj^a Scotch hills, and give them one a*t up tia we had pused NIttey to ttve, although the weneir ««» 11^ J . | ^ Cnmka anil a'l mHUoneth «rf the }«etieedae^Gairtle, Que«'Victoria: Hospital most, e ^ ^ perfectly|J|p^DK,-Ur4lMW <UMI ft I them. They feiriy haunt me fuid crossed ov« by the Isle of beautiful, espedally Mont Blanc thw minute. They rise straight Wight I then laid down and fiat everytiilag considered I up from the rocky coast vhere' did not wake Up till morning, snd thitok Scotland «jd then. Eng-the watS 5» dashing up Mtainst found that I WM the on .pafcs6n. land are the greatest places to the sea walls. The tons- of these' on. the stgasaer gJto-hM. n< jfJ- j the woijd;_imd I iwn coming bacy mountaiM^ are round and lp<^^ most died from sea-Mckness. i to see-«aore of them before kmg. like huge ball«», with the most "They say it was one of the worst | W ^ I win try to get this off wonderful rich, green color that' nights ever known on t ^ ch«fc.and-iniJ#,JW«m »oo^ Hope to any ^ evy gtyged upon, and J JML ii^d-£geqr-.fme tjitts. j^jy^JjjMffJ&pm

^ARiinDito-snii^ iS^^ i _ ^ gSMft 4<WtWft UjjryJay P


Suk #f 6eiiidiei7 Work

stood on the top deck of that the Viper being such a fast steamer and wondered how anytsteamfir^, « . - L. one on emxtJL w:ho had ever Ifyed | The harbor of Cherboorg it m-W«n ebHkl make Vp tAi minds elosed by wmturies eW -for* to leave. {tresses, but the country around

hhmK !KMM* "^ P""""^ titjifliigh looks awful bwrresi We Ittded ijthe Isle o

rinairfy wonderful,

love voted son, J

to lA. YooF i»-

nhnntfln m ftnd passnd thrfmg!r -BaHtkHaf Msnaaaas witt be. h s U ^ j j , , t the OflSee of the presidwt, ' the dty, which though hundreds Iti banking house Tuesday, Jan- Prtece wid Royal otroete, Atex-

ran into a fleet <jf trawlers which j of m^ea from the war soiw,~ was you have read about so often. It thr* deadest and moat deaerted looked as if then million

«re can over, etc, best I can stances;

80 L wiH td l you-^^e under t ^ circuin-

were-a-of them. A littls later we pass-^ cloge't>y Ore Isie of Man tt whcx« all of t l^ Gennan pris­oners are kept, and looka as if it were just ime trig rock. At atwnt 4^p. m. we struck the dividing j a. m. imd . ^ s a s ^ ^ t e o ^ .%?: fine betweem Scotland and Eng-} eux, Lisiiix, <^er i n d j ^ w


leelriHg plaee I have ever segW) jdoim-and the peofde IoaK~i»

hlues to look at them. We went up to another rest c»np and i MBit the night, took a train at S

BVefyXhiiig wa» terestihg. We had a good view of Whitehaven, the firsjt city on.

lutrsc Moray le Sec, just outside of iuimenaeIy~"in'iParis, where we eouM ace tho top

The annual fttockhoUcni ..of

jb^LtNg: I StOCKHOLDERS* HBEtRfQ I r Tie annual meetiMjpT the

wamuami atodcholdsrs -of tiio fedependent meeting of the I Mjitual Fire Insurance Gomf^ny

Tw- N«»i«^i' of Fairfax County wtD take ptaoe a i e W««W^ ut 10 o dodt, Monday, ivAfm

wury lA, 1919, ait 11 o^dedt a nu., " ^ » ; J* for the eieetioo of direetors and JilSll3m8sc^»:«ija£j||^HL^a$^ inesstiotiuayiirivRlyoome be­fore the meeting.



Dec. 14,19*8. DAVIS^


tfaexoast that'we came close to. Towards TiightfaU there were

so many small ships thatiyou could hardly see the water. I wfipt to my biifh about H) P. m..

of the Eif el Tower. We ^lang-edfrom box eara to seeraid dass coaches, ffid left, feravdfbs: tjtrrttigh Htmift heaiitifnl eoHntr and—soon found' weihad gone around Paris to • a {dace called Villeneuve St. Georges^ where

wax im^, oDLosdfT juis ^ A L L K l f t P S

^ n e d & Blocked

l b tltt StMeUMddsn of the Peo-4iIcB NiUfonal Bmk

is 9tOO,000, and ^peab for cos-^ frf*"'t'"rr r^ *>• '"*''' rtinnny

Pl^ine tiyc« noJce,t)oit th«an-[^,^oUtttt diairmen 1%fo< |hoot nual meeting of'!h«r Atoc^olders'fEge state. ^ ike FeojM» NationaT Bank of Manassas, Va.y wiUbe hetd 4^ itfe !>ftikT>g house, in the town of

M nassas, VaTon Tuesday, Jan. . T9I&, at-fl Jfetedr*. iic^'for

Qje purpose-of decting directora gjij amcmdmg Section three of K e Artl^es of Assodatira chmginsr the present aeale of dir«:tors and for the transaction of sUcfi other business as may ]nx>p«rly come befne'the meet-ingr .


Shortlyittfore Ma departiu^" for Europe, Presideut WUSOBS.

sued a proclamatibtt^balling upon the American p e o ] ^ to support tte^ nation-wide-^campaigfF thie Armeiinui ancT SyHan Relief Committee for 180,000,000, u they have done on two previoua oecasions^^4>ecause^ pf the tre. mendons need of 4,000,000 starr, ing people in the eastern wtr zone.

The President "*a»an~ciS upon_tke people Jif the United States to make even more geo. ennzB eontributioni thui tSey hw)« heretffifora made tosHstiiii through - the wintw mopS> thoeeiwRo, iftrbngirnb fault (tf t b ^ oEwn,- hjEW -hmsimwi starving* * sheUcrless scondition, and to help rc-est l^hjheie ancieiit ahd sdirely optn sed people-in^tdr former honies on

Virginia's ^uota In this caia-Hgn, whkh ppwy January u,


BBwa Jam id ^ p e a b


—— - T * ^ - ' *. , . . , , . . „ . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 1 , — i ^


tu 2. Ftace, L doaday—Araday

o'clock. PtT^ifng «t2:80 p. Sorvicc at the Nftloiiivate lafttwa

. BL.

Ctarcfr a t 11 a. at.

EPISCOPAL Trinity Bpi»eoi«l taittreh. Bw. -

We left Gang) Sherman, at 2 p. m. June 18 and a g r i v c d » J ^ srijr City yards at 7 p. n£ ef t i ie I9tii, aKiEg ^TOJSg- jferoUflfe Fartersburg, .%. >Va..' HarpeFs Ferry, Washmgton, Battijcnore and Philadelphia, on 4he B. & 6 . ^ e went-bver fit New Tofir. that

realiring that I had just seen the greatest-day: of my life and one that will hvc forcvcr^n nqr metn-

the Eifd Tower could be seen «gmn. Here we got oS imd west tdtouttewn. It was Wmaee^

the Brighton ' Tower, Birkenhead, 49fAlucroeB tha rivfr f m m TJvi>r-

night and took aiook at Broad' pooL About^lO o'dock:we pull-Unj jt i'A\ffv-bfc% w n '!P^^^ 1 ^ "P *°*^* Liveq>oddocka

I j?5Se ~u^ about fourhiriihcfey, July 14, and t h ^ 'gpsav eeiew^awO0r

ory. b'jdicKsK and we weiv Bra < ^

Riv« , aBp^ite\4T7iSS^~yr»a Vfe?S. lutfrwyng and we ^Oye3~ iSs» stay. Wie left at 8 p. m and arriyeU arA|T

Aoicdiciftn Hat G>. WANTBU—Iirfom^lkifi poftemnA^

mj aoB, James. RandeD, who left a y bHM, tfnr Ctaiikttfi^.MffmUx4 P^*-||^atj^€fft S« a . » . . % y o r e . « J | i r o ^ a m d a y ^ i l

A. Stnart Gibwn, ltMUr._ S o n ^ SdUMl 1^,10 o'doefc a. a. Qnyi^ Otat, aaerad and fontk

lerey on the 15th at 1 p. m. ind

«f ilie ecMH^ Tte lemmal w& iJve i t to yo<a eyeqr. wsejk lajr a ymt^ giU t^mxfi f 1 M « »

year jfog.ene dnBliir. In mi9mus=:

r sa m

Mdafi Sonday a« 11 a. nt.

SdM^atM^-Bk wayr the night on the^ttain, and lbok1i«»t-^ettthe4KmcJBime:^ a ferry up the river to Brooklyn | ift8 the fog and making one-of in the morning, i u r i v w at Camp j t^« P"******* <J*y^' ^^^^ ***'• Min"a5ouFl p. m., af ter abuul an I The people on tho dnrlm fniriy hpur's ride from BrOoklynon the r.nncr TaUnf! raitway-

the ship'^trnnUe with cheers, and people on the ferries I ,-"

Lt ts perf«;lly beaulilul iU caoeeiag over^to •BcikiaAefl^ around Camp Mills.'but I think Vdled Uke they were crazy. Soonj the climate is the vilest under!everything was dtecorated with| heaven, the meanest cold a i ^ : 'he American flag and the Royal • earth all aroondisaniwe v««ere in; Lancashire Band stood on the^ tents all the time7sawr4fa!-«Qt wharf and played the Star-Span-'

Q Clfrto» Ftahyteriaa canrch, U>.

Alford K«U«y, paatoT. .SmlB^r SthotA at 10 a. m. -Sabjarik,

4 • ^ o w , the Leader of .fead." -Preaeliirig at 11 . a. Han^^lttr -,

"H luist the Head of the Hooae." Sa«ga»mt af tiia TjwTk ftmar ife-

sleep very much.. "i ed Banner, etc , for us. It was j We left there on^ the moming^^'e^^y^^t6 rcadkig « a old time;

.t the 27th; about S^o'deek. and Engifth story to look down on^ the:p€K>ple. . . • : '... I wiis:put on-baggage ^detail

f^me-down to Brooklyn again, where we took a ferry^ whiiA-

JMfyJntenat-' a-very peculiai*l


carried u3 around through New [with nineteen others and we dJs-Vo-k harbor for about three I embarked at 10:20 a. m. and! hours and finally put us off a t a ^itayed around the wharf tiU 11 j p ir We went inside, w>i««r« 'P- ™- at night, when we left forj s.n man made a speechV) us Southampton. During the day; ^ [ f hen we went aboartl the_S.' at Uverpool I tolked a great deal s 1 apland. formeriy jthe Red, with a ^liceman a^ the Mersey | S'ar li'ie.

\ve left- next momingt the ing- Thete _M• h about 9 o'clock. We were monument on the river M* .1 sight of land in about two there^ which was erected to the h irs and .soon foun? that m'faaaoTy of the firem^ who k)st;

"V" a part of a large convoy, j^heir Hves'on the T5t«iic^_ It is! 1 he largest steamCT in our con- mostiy gold flowera. The pret-'. >} waa the Justlttit, Whfch was rtiest buildit^s are tlic R o j ^ >'i.ik in July on ito return trip; Liner bulldlug dusetcrthe whaff: It r.>de beside us all the way and the Cunard SUHKSaUp^Ce.'s .<rn»3 aiid every one leiuarkad hniWingi- , -. -r^^—•— v hat a beautiful ship it was. | Oo. the way to Soutluuhpi

We had very good weathcnsO we could not see much, buf en-th" vray across, except for a-few joyed the trip aO the sane in the ba* :layH/ We had to wear-Hfe very odd coaches. We got off at pre rvers all the tinuf, which Birnungham i T'S'a. m. and had vnt, he most unpleasant thing coffee and c a k e ^ d got back on. »>v ' r~ \k» wermr^ lixiA iu>*m In • fwuf mimiij--^ W P r » e « * * -on ti ith of^uly and we had through Oxfoj^ jus tasThe stin'


T h ^ r l f ^ Bea Sciyfdiy pi V k t r ^ Before Qmstmas

CBT'Ou! aensssr BAVTJSfS


ofrtfieseilaree —And this aecesaarily curtaila tiieir aatjpHA ol Vietralas* JUm Cttiba and he <ar« of liaving a Victrota fgcjCk^tnaaa.

7"=Yon can anratige t© i » y fo* tt on «»r - -^ -^^-^ —

— jEMSJf f=>ArtrMENT C L O B TERMS - Each c lub wtil ha^e 7 S nacmbers. who will receive the beaefH 4^ these.q>ectal teroM. . i f ever there Was a time~in -the a g e of the worlcl whlfcaotJ.atinMig. cheers ing B s n m wu^Hnckies s i^^^ M npw.*" Don't le t your~hoaM-b» InvmdeeaoiS Christ-

/HuA. "Don't wait superior-«er V ice.

Manasaaa Baptist Ctoeh, Ber. T. D. D. Clark, paator. ,

Sunday-r-Sunday .deheol,'9.46 «. IL; •MmuK tervict, 11 y>toek; B' T'P U..*i:4B; eT«nii« nrvtei^Hrt T:M.

y - ^ ^ ' ^ ^ y — P ~ y ^ —'«•**'> ot -7^ja>^ an.


K M n p W . chih NOW, and take advantage of bar.special terms ami-e is li^uted, * ^

Bell«hav«ii, tbmtk Smday; 11 »• •- j Woo<B>u«, Meend n d Jeartk Sv-- .;

fJawi, ? > m.

**tfffsrm. and 7:3ff p: m. _^_____ Oak Etale, third Sfiaday, « •• "^

and first Stmday, 7:80'p. m-Aabnra, first Smdajfi. 11 a. •-, ••*

thir^Auiday, 3 p. m. ~

fine feelefarati<m. and a waa coming' up over the Spires . •..oeech - ftaaidtnt g**— f* of of Oyfordjhirb »*« ^jananAtv.^^ r >mel) iivtfsity. -fnl sight. Then another pretty •"W^'^YHB (MTTFTT AT SMJIS

mBitng of July tth-at- PaslngBttter rtonvoy of destroy- We arrived at Southampton i^ -dat 5 a. vs: on the about 9 a. m. and then went out

I saw the first to a camp about t vo miles out for thirtoea^days called King George Rest Camp^

so thrilled in alf where we were supposed**o take was two «now a rest, but we le^t that afternoon

peaks on the at 3 o'clock..! am gJad ^ 5 a y , be-•itland. Soon ca:;<e it was so cold you eouW

' to the c*?*^ Cttt stand euil. th.>- -"-- '' n-archf' !< ^ TI :h:-

- W a e G#Mea tjJk Cafaaet. a»< T*™ ODTTTT AT tSTM

ii 14% w a h a l d iS^

; 0«tCt ciMttt i e(— . —t victnu IT. $ts.se. —1 Cabiaet, »9.75. —« Recbrds (12 selection) tS.ID.

1 -OJUewd Brasli. I5c. NMd]e> » d Keedl* ^ox.


• • • is I f yi iadMs wMe. —A Terr pofMiar Oatflt eoiMiats iA-— —1 Vktfols VI-A. $3X5*. —1 Cabindt. $13.75. —Ifl Record Folios, J5.00. -^ Records (12 selectioaa) $5.1S —1 Record BTMK 16C. —200 .\MdlM.


All Saints' CathoUe Chnreh, iCw-. Father WnUam Gffl^liMt*^

.Mass at.8 a. m., flzrt aad tidrd 9mr-days. SMond and fonrth fiSiadsys M-lOJM a. m.. ftdlowwi by >»e«sdit«iw V-

MirraomsT i t r -g ; Chuwh, gwnh, Birv.-t •

BuiT, pastor. M«n««tai." Baaday gshoftl at > ^ I^saeUnr at 11 a. m. aad 7iM f> ^ .

jp—fepwertli Laagn I PrviWMMaaK | ; i » . m -f , BiiekhaiL-4ad <

Ltagtw at TieOTyr*

THIS oiTTFiT AT tioe.se -Cahijet aaJ Sistmiugrt _

foHem M E 0«t«t . —1 VktntU K-A, %nkM. —1 CaM»ct,:ftt ja. —1 Ready FHe f«r l H

St I7JM. —12 Records (24 seleeti«ia> »t


BiiekhaiL-4ad and Mi

B r a a ^ ; i - n t and p. m. R«T. H. 0 .

Third Sonday at U MLMX

St ,

s t t


: Datesa,'piiierr AiL

t l iBow: \ Maaassss Firstaad tMrd S^^tf*-

Tr» p. m. Seeoad aW « • • * *•" aays, 11 a. m.

Buck hall—First mnA third Si"''*?^ ! 3 p. m.

A.-leu—S«C(>fMl *.nA ?5affl<



Page 7: W^^^BSM m^mmeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · W^^^BSM m m^mm •21 _YQL, XXiy.Mo-34_ . - ^g'^AgLISHE 189S D MAY, ^5r*=== fLIV]BST0C» COMMISStoSBB 'BLACKSBURG


ment with ji liJu amount and T.

Boa4M«rt^Dd,gi t«^

Oyster Bay, N. Y., Jan. 6 Theodore Rooafvelt, for i4ven, years Eresidfinfr of tb^JJnited aatw, djpd >t hJH homejit. Saga-igore Hill at 4:t6^o^*>ck tMjs DBoniing.

The famous American^^$xpo-nent of "The Strenuous Life," who had fougltt in the Spanish-

aairilrrGeo, Heration >86 from the MinnteviDe League tff Mra, C. E. Clarice, the buaxd The board of aupervLio ii m,J^^ " ^ *'- ^^^' * ^>^'^

morning, ^ r ^ i ^ ^ Jf»,the«Pecial, road fund for the iTwent, J. L. Daw- Coiea djrtriet nwl fond.

American War ani risked death in hunting big game and explor-Ing Wc jungles or Ainca sna South America, passed away peaoefufly w hiTe afleep, the ^

the. lung, resultuiff from iBflammatory riieumatism, i:nice«bte to an in­fected tcfath from whi<dit.he wt-

son. chairman, J:^ GShherij T ' ^ f S f - u ^'. Syncox. McDuff Green S T M ' ^ f ^ * " * Physicians were

prevjoue^meeting were ^ ^ ^ t ^ ' ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ J . ^ -

Thft following «5w«ifai wpr.' JT"" ***""'*4?''- W. .F.Merchant, OTdemlpaid' ^ ^ ^ S ^ T T ^^*'^*' ^ - «• "«• T h n . H r - » / "'"•«' Brentsville district; Dr.

F. W. HombiUcer; Oecoquan

i)?r*d 20 y«M* 'W^" To the very - buit Colonel

M SPmrnonwealth attorney.isoO.OOni'

ler. iui'e, elerk <rf [ . -1 ' S ^ » •••• • • nonoo A warrant for f400 wM drawn J. T:,,jtoedith, phyaidan. to - in favor of J. L. Daw«on nava-T . T B ^ ' - ^ e t ? ^ ; ^ , , : ^"-^N'^ «"* o f O c c o < , u a S L ^

Le«ia, Kanaaaai Jiatrict! P. W. Hornhakar^piyyclaji to

. 6.00

^^'^~"'*t»^ ."^^. pay-

S^rmTco'ImS.^^^ p r o - <r-*n aieredKb, aam* gram of public AdAseBaesr-JQ-- '»<'* tandedto helP-hearten the na. W,^^' *> « ««w

l- 'to strengthen the reaiatance to

I>oor U.00

B&vyie uiatrlct , . ; . . . . ' XQj)ft

"• J. Keyt, ym^, DtiafriM... 1ft Ofl

iwaii^ \<4HIK on '«HK': tain permanent road 4n4)rove-ment now being made in said

aemblage arranged bv the Am«>r. •Tcan Defense Sdciiety. day was spent about hia homer heading and writing

Colonfil. Roosevelt was preach^ ing. preparedness long before it was generaUy believed that the United States would enter \^e war,: and when the l isLoric step was taken his four sons and a

• inn'inTlaw werrt among the fiiHt

l i f e " iastt '^e"' G. Tyler, clerk, a i ^ e . , . . Geo. G.. Tyler, certified check

forta] ; awt f e j bec^ .v . . . .=.. Same, postage, deed andjuni-^ motta . . - . . , . - . . . . . V . • : . " . . Chas. R.

shall be returned, at the nejft meeting of this board, to the said luntl, -OTir of the mainfe-nance fiind, w\^ch will then be available ' J, Ly Dawson and J. J. Cflgo0r'

"^yil-a"^pointed a committee to

«neipy propaganda, and pacifism, [G- A. XJoaaon, Bame. GainetTilie icw - » B interrupted late in the fril^ ^-^g»an», aipne Mananw.• viym,„svs.'-i^ ^

-'- wh^he «»tered i fatpitaTfor ^ - " ^^""i vm», Oiwxpiatt, -tftOO- -ggig-^Pomted. a committee to ^ tfjatment of hiai long, standing ^ ^ r ; f ^ ' ' " » « 1 ^ « > « ^ ^

- aitaent, but the Colonel r e S y r f l ^ i ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ Road^Meeting-at Richmond this, - bled hfs efforts in the writing of h-ta. 6 ^\h^....'. . T T jgo OQ " ^ t j ; f ^rtsxpenses net to ex- ^

editorials and public statements, J'*"* w- Lewis, adm'x, j . M. ^f^ ^^° ®*<*' ^^ paid out of one of the latter tevJug facgy ^^^m^^ m^^^..^^^ -faoe . t b e j p ^ road fund.:: _ _ reid onlv laaf nin K» o f . : : , .<3f'*twood Btttchison, 2 days lo- - The board adjourned to meet read oniy iaat nigfet, at an a » y ^ M of review • 4.OO on Tuesday. J a n u i i y 28.

r-1 A. H. Rrmn, same, ,1 day. • , . . . B.f- _ ^ -

to volunteer for maitory sepfiict.—^'^^^"^'^fBo. i. J. CamiB^, •>!««!. X. T. jSyneoi, same.

•iied fighting above the Qerraan <)aratinf ft lieutWM^^ aviation, lines, and~ArcEie, a ot rt un oif infantry, T«ras seotrhqmf, his left

' arm paralyzed^"by a jwou iaeut.-Coi. Thdodbrte Rbbsevelt,



J2J& McDonald,' 6 montiia

salary, aupt. of schoola . . . . . 118.76 Wr S. Ruhalduei salary as com-

misgioner of revenge. • . . . • • • fid.-; flK D. J. Ayers, viewing br idge . . , . L. W. Pr^nM^atPe<>^cldall.^,.J_.• J. %, DaWkon, attoKUngk and

l.-OO «.oa

of HeaS of Syateir of PabHc School


CoOege, Graduate, Law, Hedi-dne. Engineering


6.80 8.76

X^«enraaaie. Trrr.. J. 3. CartM-, maintaunee

potff liena*

-8.8CE. T.30


"Jr., i a 'w i* -^e army of o c c u ^ tion in GermanyMand Kerinit, a erotain origimtlly gH h the Brit-ish farces in-the ^neur Ea^^jij^'._ is an American officer ui: France. Dr. RiehardJ3>erbyv who married

attendaiBE •MflT "-" nulea«e ..-.. A.TO

T 1i Ihiaaelltyecf e laJMi . . . . : liUW W. Fred Dowell, auppiiea for

deirirt office . . . . : . . . . . . ^ . < . . . 9.00 .^Mamiaaaa Jooraal, printing.. . 60;60 7]K. J i . Comwell, aaqrviee in hi--

to deoerviag atndenta. (lOJM covara al loorta to Virginia atuknta in the Aeidemle Dapw^iiiaiiB. 'SmSS eatritjgna.



MIUTASlr TRAINW© HOWAHU W1N8TON. H^totngJ / ~ ^ ~" • Utthrenitjr, Va.



8. O, C d ine , H. D., medical at-

^^ , . . - - • I tendance^ to C - A b e l . . . . . . . -Z^.Oa tne fwrnRr Prealdent's aaugatcr^ty Cutai Dfatita. ftmLBiBl^- • " Ethel, -ir armijor in the army I ?• W. Cornwell, work on Toad.. -too

P^wfriea Diatriet Bqail Fnndi corps. - ,

esv Of the Roosevelt cidldren,! BreatsviHe District Road Fiad. • * " ! the injury to Archie were I t . P. Mouney, wood fur eiigine.—ftOd «rioua blows to the Cololiel'a vi­tality, his .physicians -said, and he failed to respond with his old-time vigor'to the treatment ad-tmnJHtpred at the faoapitaL Yet he went homie the day before tJhriBtmas. apparaoitly mucH im-Proved, m ^ W been f ^ l y well.


HcKSed alone, while a faithful ""• rofwho had seised him since tbe days jp thft Whitf Hniii-/

O. W. Hedrick, cash^or labor.. H. M. Danieir lum~


TniWil if™*-S r^rt'o^y^ work o» road. J. . ,' tQM


&k ami H streets, N. W.

-'JByaa a» yoM ond-fc-f^ »jtiete «rf atear juicy and


R. Lee Johnson, aatne. . . . . 22.00 nfroqn»« TMatrt^t-Ro«d Faildr

J«med by the patient's usul.. beavy breathiagJefLlha bedL

J. L. Dawson, payment maint^ -Baaea

S |Sd«l Road P t e L ; A H. AiiEcbeaon, c ^ iolU,


-fc» lies district road fond, caah sdppIeKkentM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00

E. M. ftigga, S days salary and ,toola . • • - • X - - - - • • • • • • 1 » ^

Keys; refmu»,rBv>±t

Evei^tliiiig Good Eat I l a

MjMtJH^.embraces Staple ^ I r a d Fai«y Crfo^rteg"

.Queensware, Tin and Enamelware ..

Bat'he eooMn't Joeate it any-whercv

-fiveff «B yon aiidX

'TEs^-aiBir^woairhavi no troaUa tedayv: We have the g MMb.. If yonr ai

- M r * , , ^ , W. J. Ashhy havinj; resigned

TtM . ,, — ^ — r ^ janitor of ib«^ courthouse, ^ to call anurae, A moment H^ndiiS tod grounds, Uriah WU-r hnl ^ ^^sevelt was at Iwrf^nswas appointed at a salary of f. m t ^ A ^ bedside, ^within* a iEewi,|2a per'namthi-begtaning Jan. J^n tes hisrcousin^W. Eai^U 1 19, gaid duties to be dia- I™^^*' ^iLonly other near J chaiged uudei tht d»eetion <>< '*«ave resitfing in Oyster.Bay, , -

^ ^ *t Sagamore HiU Jttjake ^**fre of the family affairs.-



yon fed h a m ^ for siHutUng dbrenea,~takc Iwme tme of ay-roosts erxald haau. Th^ m'

. ui JKtallaiiM ef i i »^hmaatU^1kt Baud-af »M«wriura> Jad^mim'l kwr to m* bif price fw «v fia4

Let B life jfeiueAHie ^


dilEa«nt. Try as just mtei, S A U N Q E R S ' S A N I T A K T


the clerk or his deputy. _An_^e^tition of several free-

hoklera of Monassaa distric

^ • ^ L. BootJie, M. B. Harfavw. ' "«*M«at. Vicm^fim.

Geo. R VarSeM, C a a W ^ J ^

tt»t National Bwifc - ^ • ' G N A T E b - D B P 0 8 I T 0

was ordered that Mrs. Munday's Imonthly .allowance was increas-

MaMsstHTansferCo.. W. S. XTffKt, PisprtrtM

• r othar Jdada



1 ed frMn $6 to $10, until further notice of the board..

:. Meredith presented a l ; Stf covo-

board expressed itself

. . no>.<ee w ft" " the gP""°° that $23 of the : . izw.awio amount sliould be paid by the

L. BootJM, M. & Bar estate of the decedents and |5 •'"'wtort: G ^ -^-^**t«M./.y.>hrfr.^Wah«r by tBg^lreuH court.

^ ^ ^ on the bill as presented. Thoe was one vote for the bill as pre-

j aented and four against it. I A resolution havilng been passed by this board March 8,

' 191?, treeing, vfh&n^ any neigh bofhoo^'raTsea"^an"

Tirginia pnVaTe subscripllon ftrthe -tm^

? ? * H States aad Bnropef

. ^ V. V. JULLUM


J ^ ^ ? j ^ t » & Giddings

G e e ^ . Baker Undertaker

The amine Midi lM Gl.


-^^79 Lar-Aw, Kear C • , "

Prompt attention given aO

terial wffl C t o f s T b


. D M I be deceived Ity ao kc other —t afl CkbT* at« Victrotau. Let s e shew yoo. Giu,iMy«K

ferRceovia. Ihavc SMM fai stock a l the fkM.' A Httk iapriea.


ige ta Prfwiiaea •*•<;—-

tb« .£very effort is oude by enniaaiy td'appniieiii aad eeB> vkt J^^J^eL^JSatorm^lm^ suionte givca SlMler fntteiidm fto axH^ift-irf prcaklBa fsOr— Note aba oar UFE. Fran A O CIDENT,ANI>_HEALTH POI-

HABltY.P. Vo.

J.gr U6 gENP YOU


fakir Rcj raf

fSTTLE BOOK 01? THE SRASON^ SHOE FASHIOlte . —ehowliig the ezdaaiva aad

dh^^live featores wwa by the rorticidar drcaseia.

— ^ y i n g foetwcu by m»a to • • ^ ••V n* attisteeteiy.

•Toitmsssrvx: 1**1 F.-Slr«M, Comer Tenth,

~ * D. CL

[ <e>>>Me»a»eeee>«n»ss»>e> eeeeeeeeaaaaeaexeeeaaeeae

— > The Joamal—SI and woMJi if J I^ togiBri-rll—<nd mrih Ml

Baftain^ eaaaa>a»a»»oassaasss—•a»'

I Have yen ever had oar , prfaea oa JOB WORK ? b -

these days it is.weO to loiow i a arfTanrii »~«*» *hm nnalllir • ^ » ^ ^ i » w ^ n « ^ * i ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ V ^ V V ^ ^ P ^ V W T ^

-gg the WBL Aak THK JOURN.

6eo.I.A0«i tluukB.iUta Coonty Sarveyor.

ALLEN "BROTHERS Civil Engineers

CTainesville, Virginia

Rector & Co. h A V M A R K E T , VA.


iParm Surveying andT f^roinpt Mid tatiafactory

other .vice. Hoarse ftimtakeel -»aa ,^i branches of OvQ Engineering, j any reasonable diata


Page 8: W^^^BSM m^mmeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · W^^^BSM m m^mm •21 _YQL, XXiy.Mo-34_ . - ^g'^AgLISHE 189S D MAY, ^5r*=== fLIV]BST0C» COMMISStoSBB 'BLACKSBURG

f4!QI^BlGHT I . I I I i H i — * ^ —


•5?5ES2 - 4 ' — - r mJMfB0S

IT hsvc

i i a w ^ y cut. near Mr, E. BL Rob- ' Mn, L. E. 1!^<M^ i ^ * y ^ •^opn'Oi Ha tivni ninp iuil^ from a^UjBir frQia Mr. S<yt»rfjwM

AB if #« MnyJUat tbJMr.lUAtowfl'g, « a ^ t o * ^ >>« * .. - ^ ^ . ^ ^ -^ ~ ^^^^^^*^^*i '^7^ -**JiPPBP*W>D / ™|^3^^flMiW^

had good weather so far. h«eould ^ha<^^%iBnie t*^^*f; The coimpimity WMISUCB aur- Mir. S<*lMon WUrtnly lOlFliKtf

prised at the marriage-ofrM^ito acowftiaodate^Mr. O w n . Haj Willie Watson and Miss Kate' sure had a job in the knee-deep A roan frbm Washiagton Iodl». I jming. We irMi. them much' amd- ^ ^ - IL. ied over the furnace ft the yhool happiness. "^ ^ = p M r . MathiJB Is quite a big^ building last Tharsday-aad "

Mr Elmer Kejre, of JocUn.help in the time of sickness or sent i«> an estimata <rf what the was the guest of Miss Myrtle any other time. He is always repairs would cost a<d the schipl iuiney Sunday. - |reai^ to aid yoa at « v tbtfe. jboard will meet thlp week to

Mr. George Wateta was the!' Miss Katie Clwk had a fine i uest of Miss Dehna^Harris Sun-1 Christmas tree and it was loaded ,lay. ! with presents that Santa Claus

There was preaching' at t E e ^ ^ t her. ™~ ' M. E. Church Sunday -roorning.]^ Mrt JiW-.Jcmee^yho i« no^in but owing to the cold spell the congregation was not so "large.

Geqrgia^jras sehF.a fine Chnst-m«« boT so-that he might enjoy

Mrs. W. M. Austitt aifi two little children, IJJfehAajMid Rus­sell, of nearlhe Bttinea, ww-eTfae guests "of h ^ pareRta, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Posey.

Mrs. Ralph Procter has been very sick, but we learn- at this writing she is sUghtly improv­ing.

We are glad to hear the boys across are»coming home.

We STf very thankful to know fhftfitfrra iTntB^ Ppgey has

himself and thiaJc <Df his friends back h o m e . ' , ^ alio received a fine hpx frdm Waahtngtoti, D: € .

ISeveral of lie. XiDSbnr:%|BI* van's family have been quite ID with the "Hu." but we under­stand "Mi^ are somewhat' im-Itroved.

¥^r_g J^__g^"**°" regreto

-, ^decide what ispept to do. Isses bobbyns «•# &o»er

Monday ex|ectin|r to

At the Red Cross meeting Bri-|ay of this week we had twa new a^n^rs present who eiuiae m on ihe Christmas drive.

Im H^Foindeqctar IUKI lilas Aaqa^/Buckky were'mairried IB ^i^iflgton Monday. ' Leo is home on leave from hia ship, U.. ft."S; Florida, and hafrliSs^ ad-vantage of the time by ta!thig

th«thecouldnotffelpHr.l51uidi-|unta hiinrff * wile. W^jjaiab

got his Pora"ciurTh"BilQflng con^ dition agaan: Buftheitjads are-so bad it will be. on the "bnm" again soon.

The family tit Mr. P. Calvert was much at the arrival of a cute little blaclc-hcadod baby boyV The

er finish hia new dairy bam. as he was takcib doWn With th^ '^w"


father was-so proud of it Ihat he named it Staaley.; ^- ~

Miss Flossie Posey wiH l Jgyg Monday to visit her sister. W. M. Austin, ot the Min68; '

We are gia«tto "flu" cases are decrenaoinfir.

Miss Elsie Davis has returned ^pme, after A weels^ visit- with

ington., —M». and MCT. C . C. Dunn and

r, DorotJijF) c^led. Suhr day at 'Hue home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H; Gato, cf MoiratrVa.

th.eip much joy. Jffni. Lucy BueUey itnd dangh-

to "WBBhfegton of fiewai'mSl^ Rev, Alford KelW came 4|fYMn

M tfeaana Saturday and conchict-ed service at Ivakota i'Mission Saturday night. •- „ ^ Miasas JEsth^,^ and Traces. Buckteyond Mary Fergusonleft fpr I?arrisonbu«r New Y ^ s

•BCrs Henry Anderson visited at the home of ifr. Push Abell

day. -Miss Mary Quigg left Son-day to take up her woil^Las teacher in Ri^mond school. . .'

Mr. Rush Buckley is contem-plating buying out the Gontro-

My life's work has been dexotc d

±o the improvement of Soathem y

Crops ftpd Soijs. 'JiV4^UiiD>'

F.S ROYSTER QUANO COMPANY Norfolk. Vsr-Kkhmond, Va. TSbpro, N. C ^ha'lpWe. N. C. WsshicgtOa. N. C. Cohmitna, S. C. gpartanburg, 5. U. Admta. Ga. MacopcGa.- ^alunibps. Ca.

Mr. W: T. Abell caHed Sunday at the home of Mrs. leBa AbeB?

viUe store; whichrWi EnoB Utterback, who recently d i e d . — ^

'^Mctttgomdy. Ata^fidtmiDre,' M«i. Tdedc^O.


Miss Mae Keys retiuned home ^QAday, aftesr in Dumfries.

of Quaiitico, Va. Miss Etta TapsQott visited her

parents. Mr. asd^Mrs. J. E. Taps -ieott, of Oak Gtovef. ~

Violet ^jet Misses Ode Green and Mr.jrs^Rainey.of Dumfifes, Abed werean_Q.uantico Suuday.

..p^t^_s^.r.^.Y A F ' « ^^»-Tbey--were accompanied back Cornwell."^ • - -— — home by-<lr.-fa«MMty. Of .Quaip

Mr. fr. -R.-'ReW Ciaal Ib^Ttee^*^^" ^ "*' • ^-•^•^••"^^ *^-'"' ^

The rain cam% down in , t ^ rents for several dajrS last w< making tiie str«ams past fbi inff._ j^yrriers on Route 1 did

day. Mrs. Saaber is quite iU witM

an affagfffw nf the kidnpyn^ ' ^

Mr. a M. Corawen S««day. i Rev. C. H. Beard wiLhold ser-Mr. Henry Scqtt called upon vices at lPoK»t Hift M, E.-

Miss Myrtle Posey Sunday. ; Chu*th Suhday at So.'ctock. Mr. Edward KJuchetoe ealUjA j rJiffl^QffieArBeMBi ha# acc«>t-

at the home of Miss Elsie CorS^ed a poaltton at the-POBt^Eaoni weil Sunday test".' , dry, Qumtko, Va.

MItis Susie King.has returned-—-tr her home in Baltimore, after!

tak« hlft plaoe in Buckley store ttfterflfl&Ml^Week^

ilie Baptist eongregalion have a sermuu by Mr. Patyts thi|

Davis is'a caadidate fw'the Clif-ton Dolmt and the o^ef


spending Christmas withher:8iS' ter, Miss Mamie Pose;

Mr. Ed Comwdl There waa a l?ig tinw at Fea-.

edat the therstone Farm Monday , an<i iwe Sun- TueaSay nights before Christ­

mas. Op Mf^day ni£^t the


home of Mr. S>funuel lay la.'t.

Ljttle. Effle. the youngSt school diildren spoke and sang daughterof Jfev^and-Mrs. H. M. piec« and acted sevend plays. Com well, has been ^ suffering which eveiTr one ^joyed. with iarTOver# oc<U tlw last tim. JEhenoa^TUMflAy mafe'a ptsy; (lavs. ' ~^'—"—~ ^Which \

Christmas passed yery quiet­ly her& On Wednesday night Miss Esttella Alexander prepared a very iDfce program for the Christmas t r ^ ^ ' thfe school home, aaioat fH the etmaren nnv='

was phumed and writ Usu litg recitations, Yes, the roads are in very bad. by Mr. Ftaxsjt R. Chambers, the

condition,'but the young people • proprietoir ,of the farm. The of this community can stfll te<^ play waa acted by Ifc r and M"-their way tftiwagirtho mud. ^^lanhCTa? Mfc-iad Mrs.. Brush.

Miss Nancy Keys spent a few Mr. Bardt and Lieut. Hin^kle. Ida-pleasant moments with

Lowe Sunday last. Miss Mae' Keys called to see p!

Miss Eva-CenHWfr! Mrs. H. M. Corhwel! called at

'he home of Mrs. L. R. Keys Monday last. _. ._ •

Lanorr Chainb«4ain ign said it~was a ffradid

Mr. D, sister, Estelli^ gave the audience a daet,''w;hich was enjoyed by all Rlgatfj^SaarStg program th» presents wete deliveried by "Mr.

andisanta Claus." Mr. aad Mrs. W. A. Dane had

showed the many ups

as crowd and every one «d themselves. Capi. Tom

Merron. of Waah ing^ , pyproaa.

aa theur guMts 'Christoias'^Mr. tffsacr^XTS..wow Jneint, ox- i&oiair

Read, Md. Mr. Richard Hinttn and sister,

Bessip, of Acfotink,''viflitpd thwr Messrs. Wflaeft Mcrehantr:S- in^ hiaudf about it, said he had

Tier Fair, Bankie Comwell and gone to h>ts of plays in Waah-Dorsey Fur calledJtt the home ingt<« th^-were not hatf of Mr. L. R. Keys Sunday n i | ^ good and rt was so natural.

IvothaS jfoe, of MiniueviUe and Robert, of Kopf for. the holi-

aa--di9Br Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Clarke and

Miss Mancy Keys spent Mon^ day andTuinday with IBir B -sie C«mwell •


Mr. E. S. RobiasOn has suffar-

Uuexeare 60 Ibnvicts and sO mules camped at Neabeoo bridge ready to go to work on' the «on-erete road that the state and na­tional governments are to buildl-They--purpose going i^ng the eld Colchester

sist^, Lu<SiUe, motored to Staf-ford and visited Mrs. Clarke's ftCmily. They were accompanied home by Mr. Norman Green,

has "beBii huuuirijly—di»=

ed a_sev€re attack of influenza. bat tht^uth tht'fStistVrrJ: C Mei?edffh~an(llhis many friends^ nith the good attent}<» of h n wife, he-win soon be able to at tend to his duties which He L. fore him for 1919. "

Did yot) ever .stop to think thati when yo'j '.-.:•. ^- had the "flu" tiiat you ha%t nau guite a taste of this world wwf P>d that yotr may feel proud to live throuf^ it in soiree «ay and then you are left wfttmrioit4»-some way? _^

?iTr. Charles Copen had quite T hrcAk-'ifrxn in that mi.ierahip

wilLmake jotes. changes. QatL ("jotiVLi^ for about six eriil Braddock oipehed~ np l&e

—, - -- -^ lestor road Mr*. L. E. -Strother sold Mr.

•Gib90ir"Janney a turkey for

a caK «3ll bring. Cspt R TT ** ''hiaon, of

andria, and his son, Edwin, who-were on the President's 4x>st. were guests of Mr. Md Mrs. L. E. Strother Christ^^ week.

whu charged from the army. Mr

been in training 4tt


• ^ ^ ^




Mr. and Ilr8."C: E. (J^tffcrre-c^ved a letter from "their son. Wagoner J. T. Clarke, who re­ported he Is w ^ a a d is tnveling :^s-t^the Itttine: We wish John a speedy retail.

for their guests this week Mr. W. R. Milstead and family of Dumfries, Mr. Frank Clarke, of Washington, and Miss Mary

Mr. Bert Asnall had thirteen romwdl. of Minnieville. children "siefc-otti of- fouftaan 1 /Mr. L. S.-Windaor; whoJiTaa^ Thrre are lots bf others sick j gaged at Quantico, spent Christ-armmd here. - !*« « ;h ni<: fam>lv h> rp

Mrs. A. P. B Paul Clarke has

•• I M i 1*111 W L

confined to his bed at this writ-visitur SnTnlav.

Mrs. Paul. Clartf P^" tMr. Norman Green w«ie r" ' *

-Mr. Arthur Boatwnsrht was a' of Mr. and Mrs. C. .E. Clarke in jr . Mir.ni<.v..le .ii.Lar ;.lfc:-.--.;.mi •I r ' T ^ g ' h f . M . ' J : - -A^ >•

liiliiaiii B^tift JteJtSllayalJBa;