Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers

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  • 8/12/2019 Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers


  • 8/12/2019 Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers




    ach item in this section consists of a word in capital letters followed by four words or roups of

    words. 4elect the word or roups of words that most nearly opposite in meanin to the word in capitalletters


    6 enthusiastic

    6 moderate

    6 friendly6 fer&ent

    Answer 7 enthusiastic




    Answer 7 liability


    6 certainty

    6 precision6 clarity

    6 specificity

    Answer 7 clarity


    6 alien

    6 forein6 heteroeneous

    6 perennial

    Answer 7 forein


    6 irrational

    6 inconsistent6 inconsiderate

    6 disorderlyAnswer 7 irrational


    6 saddened6 olted

    6 frihtened

  • 8/12/2019 Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers


  • 8/12/2019 Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers



    Answer 7 dirty


    6 moral

    6 holy

    6 clean6 truthful

    Answer 7 holy





    Answer 7 serious

    Abect6 miserable6 obecti&e

    6 tortuous

    6 painful

    Answer 7 miserable


    6 eaer6 de&oted

    6 @ealous

    6 sincereAnswer 7 @ealous

    Trude6 prod slowly

    6 wal( wearily

    6 trample easily

    6 wade carelesslyAnswer ,, wal( wearily


    6 deadline6 stalemate

    6 standstill

    6 status uoAnswer 7stalemate

  • 8/12/2019 Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers



    6 e&il

    6 attraction6 blot

    6 &irtue

    Answer 7blot


    6 embellish

    6 increase6 create

    6 re&eal

    Answer 7increase

    Next five questions are based on this comprehension

    2 was uite happy in my new place!and if there was one thin that 2 missed! it must not be thouht 2 was

    discontented all who had to do with me were ood! and 2 had a liht airy stable and the best of food.

    What more could 2 want " Why! liberty C >or three years and a half of my life 2 had had all the liberty 2could wish for but now! wee( after wee(! month ater month! and no doubt year after year! 2 must stand

    up in a stable niht and day eDcept when 2 am wanted! and then 2 must be ust as steady and uiet as

    any old horse who has wor(ed for twenty years!;ow! 2 am not complainin. t only mean to say that fora youn fellow! full of strenth and spirits! who has been used to some lare field or plain! where he

    can flin up his head! and toss up his tail and allop away at full speed and then round and bac( aain

    with a snort to his companions. 2 say it is hard ne&er to ha&e a bit more liberty to do as you li(e.

    Who is spea(er in this passae"

    6 a youn stable boy in his new wor( place

    6 an old and discontented animal6 a youn and eneretic horse

    6 an old stable hand in new surroundins

    Answer ,, a youn stable boy in his new wor( place

    eferrin to his new surroundins! the spea(er says that

    6 he has found peace and happiness6 he does not care whether or not he is happy

    6 he is more or less happy

    6 he is uite happy there

    Answer ,, he is uite happy there

    2n his new surroundins! the spea(er is denied

    6 the freedom to see who he wills6 the freedom to roam around at will

    6 nothin

    6 the freedom to spea( at willAnswer ,, the freedom to roam around at will

  • 8/12/2019 Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers


    What is the o&er,all tone of the spea(er"

    6 A complainin attitude

    6 'ihly rebellious6 Wistful and lonin

    6 'appy and carefree

    Answer ,,Wistful and lonin

    Sentence Improvement

    5oo( at the underlined part of each sentence. Below each sentence!three possible substitutions for the

    underlined part are i&en. 2f one of them EaF EbF or EcF is better than the underlined part!indicate your

    response on the Answer 4heet aainst the correspondin letter EaF EbF or EcF. 2f none of the substitutionsimpro&es the sentence!indicate EdF

    The irl has passed the B.A. eDamination in 19%.

    6 The irl passed

    6 The irl had passed6 The irl was passed

    6 no chaneAnswer ,, The irl passed

    2 hope you will loo( me up when you come to Gelhi.6 loo( at me

    6 loo( me

    6 loo( upon me6 no chane

    Answer ,, no chane

    The cler( as(ed the peon that why has he come to the office so late.6 that why had he

    6 that why he had

    6 does not act6 no chane

    Answer ,, that why he had

    They went to the cinema and has ot bac( to their house at nine o cloc(.

    6 returned

    6 turnin bac(

    6 come bac(6 no chane

    Answer 7 returned

    Which of the two boDes is more preferable"

    more preferred

    preferablebetter preferred

    no chane

  • 8/12/2019 Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers


    Answer 7 preferable

    2 thin( he will as( for a raise into the salary &ery soon6 for a raise in salary

    6 for the raise of salary

    6 for risin the salary

    6 no chaneAnswer ,, for a raise in salary

    2 ha&e been wor(in in the same factory for the last twenty years now.6 will wor(

    6 shall be wor(in

    6 wor(ed6 no chane

    Answer ,, no chane

    2 must confess that 2 am &ery bad in operatin machines.

    6 on6 at6 for

    6 no chane

    Answer 7 at

    2t was the hottest part of the year and also the busy in the office.

    6 busiest

    6 much busy6 the busiest

    6 no chane

    Answer 7 busiest

    2 am afraid 2 do not (now his name

    6 2 fear6 2 feel

    6 2 imaine

    6 no chane

    Answer ,, no chane

    Fill in the blanks Simple sentences

    ach of the followin sentences has blan( space and four words are i&en after the sentence. 4elect

    whiche&er word you consider most appropriate for the blan( space

    The completion of the railway line has been held HHHHHHHHHHHHHH owin to the wor(ersI stri(e




  • 8/12/2019 Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers


    Answer 7 off

    The pilot was HHHHHHHHHHHH inured!he died within half an hour.6 seriously

    6 fatally

    6 fatefully

    6 &itallyAnswer 7 fatally

    'is HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH directions misled us !we did not (now which road to ta(e6 compleD

    6 obscure

    6 minled6 &aue

    Answer 7obscure

    'e was &ery friendly with the press and it really HHHHHHHHHHHH him e&en for what he did not

    achie&e6 praised6 lioni@ed

    6 appreciated

    6 hihlihted

    Answer 7lioni@ed

    Anand was the sort of person who always loo(ed on the HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH side of life

    6 clear6 briht

    6 broad

    6 illuminatedAnswer 7briht

    J'ow dare you spea( to me li(e that!you HHHHHHHHHH fellowCJ shouted the officer6 impudent

    6 impeccable

    6 immutable

    6 intricateAnswer 7impudent

    2 refused to HHHHHHHHHHHH his rudeness any loner.

    6 put up6 put up with

    6 put on

    6 put out withAnswer ,,put up with

  • 8/12/2019 Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers


    5et us HHHHHHHHHHH our heads toether to sol&e this difficult problem

    6 oin

    6 brin6 combine

    6 put

    Answer 7put

    eneral !no"ledge and A"areness

    The ;ational Ge&elopment Kouncil is presided o&er by

    The Prime Linister

    The Geputy Khairman of Plannin commissionThe Mnion >inance Linister

    The Mnion Linister !of Plannin

    Answer ,, The Prime Linister

    2n the Konstitution of 2ndia! Jto renounce practices deroatory to the dinity of womenJ is :a >undamental rihta >undamental duty

    a Girecti&e Principle of 4tate Policy

    ;one of the abo&e

    Answer ,, a >undamental duty

    Nero 'our in the Parliament proceedins in 2ndia is

    6 The time when the proceedinsI of the 'ouse are not recorded6 The time immediately after the Question flour when any listed business is ta(en up

    6 The time reser&ed for the address by the President of 2ndia or any distinuished ?uest of

    the 4tate6 The time when no business is carried outAnswer ,, The time immediately after the Question flour when any listed business is ta(en up

    eardin ?ram 4abha! which of the followin . statements is*are correct "

    1. ?ram 4abha is a body consistin of all the! adults residin in a &illae.

    %. A ?ram 4abha may eDercise such powers and perform such functions at the &illae le&el as

    the leislature at the 4tate le&el.3. The sessions of ?ram 4abha are chaired by a representati&e of Gistrict*Bloc( Administration.

    6 4elect the correct answer usin the codes i&en below

    6 % only

    6 3 and % only6 1!% and 3

    6 1 and % onlyAnswer ,, 1 and % only

    Mnder the law in 2ndia iht to 2nformation is a&ailable to

    1.The residents of 2ndia%.The citi@ens of 2ndia

    3.;on residents of 2ndia

  • 8/12/2019 Wbsedcl Sample Paper With Answers


    % only

    1 and 3

    % and 3

    1 onlyAnswer ,, % only

    Konsider the followin1.Kotton


    3.WoolWhich of the abo&e contains ;itroen in its structure

    6 1

    6 % and 36 3

    6 1!% and 3

    Answer ,, % and 3

    Mnder which of the followin conditions can the president of 2ndia proclaim emerency1.>ailure of the constitutional: machinery of the 4tate

    %.8ccurrence of lare scale natural calamities or epidemics3.Threat to the financial stability of the country

    6 1

    6 % and 36 1 and 3

    6 1!% and 3

    Answer ,, 1 and 3

    8n the pac(et of a pac(aed food product in 2ndia! which one of the followin symbols is used

    to indicate that the food is &eetarian "A reen suare in a circle

    A reen circular dot in a suare

    A reen plus mar(A reen leaf of a plant

    Answer ,, A reen circular dot in a suare