Ways to Wellness SIB Learning Event: The Service Provider (Phil Angier, Ways to Wellness)

Commission Better Outcomes Fund – 10 th July 2015 Introducing Ways to Wellness – what does it do? why is it needed? who does it? Supports people to better manage their long-term health conditions Aimed at patients age 40 – 74, living in Newcastle West Social prescribing is non-medical intervention to addresses patient’s social, emotional or practical needs; person- centred; promotes behavioural change Aims to help people to take more control of the factors affecting their health; link them with existing NHS, Local Authority & VCS services

Transcript of Ways to Wellness SIB Learning Event: The Service Provider (Phil Angier, Ways to Wellness)

Commission Better Outcomes Fund – 10th July 2015

Introducing Ways to Wellness – what does it do? why is it needed? who does it?

Supports people to better manage their long-term health conditions

Aimed at patients age 40 – 74, living in Newcastle West Social prescribing is non-medical intervention to addresses

patient’s social, emotional or practical needs; person-centred; promotes behavioural change

Aims to help people to take more control of the factors affecting their health; link them with existing NHS, Local Authority & VCS services

Commission Better Outcomes Fund – 10th July 2015

Introducing Ways to Wellness – what does it do? why is it needed? who does it?

Long term conditions account for 70% of health and social care costs in England; 55% of GP appointments

Supporting people to manage their long term conditions is more effective than conventional medical model on its own

Projected benefits (NEQOS, 2014) - 11,000 patients over 7 years will result in net NHS savings of +/- £4.4m; further savings from reduced medication; social and economic benefits of a healthier population

Commission Better Outcomes Fund – 10th July 2015

Introducing Ways to Wellness – what does it do? why is it needed? who does it?


Ways to Wellness – Why we got involved

Commission Better Outcomes Fund – 10th July 2015

Steering Group

Commission Better Outcomes Fund – 10th July 2015

Ways to Wellness –breakthroughs, challenges, staying the course

a social prime contractor

alignment of incentives

sharing risk choreographing


Commission Better Outcomes Fund – 10th July 2015

Ways to Wellness –breakthroughs, challenges, staying the course

there is no new money to pay for the service – there have to be cashable savings

designing the metrics retro-fitting the service model to

NHS commissioning processes

Commission Better Outcomes Fund – 10th July 2015

Ways to Wellness –breakthroughs, challenges, staying the course

original target launch – April 2014, actual launch a year late

ran out of development funding – massive amount of pro bono

keeping faith with partners pioneering is adventurous but not


Commission Better Outcomes Fund – 10th July 2015

Ways to Wellness – advice to the traveller?

senior buy-in from your commissioner gather a strong committed team is the business case compelling enough to

survive knock-backs? understand your commissioner’s contract

processes patience – determination – more patience enjoy!