Ways to counter monday blues

Ways to counter Monday blues During the weekend, aim to avoid losing track of time frequently, otherwise on Monday, you'll be sobbing on the inside, wondering where those precious two days went. Too late to bed on weekends and you will not sleep well that night, and the sleep deprivation created by one later-than-usual night over the weekend can affect your energy levels on Monday. “The first thing to do is to ask yourself what’s wrong,” Kjerulf says. If you have the Monday Blues most weeks, then this is not something you should laugh off or just live with. It’s a significant sign that you are unhappy at work and you need to fix it or move on and find another job. To help combat that Monday morning anxiety, be sure to leave yourself as few dreadful tasks as possible on Friday afternoon. When you're adjusting to routine again on Monday, pace yourself, so that your first day back isn't as stressful. By being organized already, there is less to run around "finding". Plan something for after work so that you have something to look forward to. Monday is probably just


Suffering from the tiredness of the weekend or in disgust with the monotonous weekdays..here aare some tips that you can follow

Transcript of Ways to counter monday blues

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Ways to counter Monday blues

During the weekend, aim to avoid losing track of time frequently, otherwise on Monday, you'll be sobbing on the inside, wondering where those precious two days went.

Too late to bed on weekends and you will not sleep well that night, and the sleep deprivation created by one later-than-usual night over the weekend can affect your energy levels on Monday.

“The first thing to do is to ask yourself what’s wrong,” Kjerulf says. If you have the Monday Blues most weeks, then this is not something you should laugh off or just live with. It’s a significant sign that you are unhappy at work and you need to fix it or move on and find another job.

To help combat that Monday morning anxiety, be sure to leave yourself as few dreadful tasks as possible on Friday afternoon.

When you're adjusting to routine again on Monday, pace yourself, so that your first day back isn't as stressful. By being organized already, there is less to run around "finding".

Plan something for after work so that you have something to look forward to. Monday is probably just the start of a hard week ahead, so you deserve an exciting event at the end of the day to motivate you while you work.

Use Monday as the day to wear your favorite new outfit. This can help build your confidence around the office and might get you a few complements from co-workers.

Make a vow to do something nice for someone else as soon as you get to work on Monday.

Ask yourself: why does Monday have to be blue? Just because everyone says so? Well, it doesn’t have to be. Yes, you should ‘reprogram’ the way you see Monday. Monday may be the day we have to drag our feet back to work after

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an awesome weekend but if you look at it as the beginning of a great week ahead, the thought can empower you and propel you to a great start.