Way toward health

WAY TOWARD H E A LT H “ideas are vital” Your ideas about yourself are, vital in the Larger context of a healthy lifetime. The condition of your heart is affected, for example, by your own feelings about it. If you consider yourself to be cold- hearted, or heart-less those feelings will have a signification effect upon that physical organ. If you feel broken-hearted, then


Nhóm Thiền Kim Tự Tháp - Pyramid Spiritual Society Movement Be a light unto yourself! Hãy thắp sáng ngọn lửa trong bản thể của chính mình! Các lớp Thiền miễn phí liên hệ: Mobile: 0988806796 (Mr Quyết), 0909055498 (Ms Thanh) Email: [email protected] Website: www.kimtuthap.org www.pssmovement.org/vietnamese Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Thiendinhkimtuthap Skype: thiendinh2012

Transcript of Way toward health

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“ideas are vital”Your ideas about yourself are, vital in the

Larger context of a healthy lifetime.The condition of your heart is affected, for example, by your own feelings about it. If

you consider yourself to be cold-hearted, or heart-less those feelings will have a

signification effect upon that physical organ.If you feel broken-hearted, then you will also

have that feeling reflected in one way or another in the physical organ itself.

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“many options open”

• However, each individual also has many options open. Everyone who feels broken-hearted does not die of heart failure, for example.

• The subject of health cannot be considered in an isolated fashion, but must be seen in that greater context that gives health itself a value and a meaning.

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• Again, each person will also try to fulfill their own unique abilities, and to ‘fill out’ the experience of life as fully as possible.

• If an individual is hampered in that attempt strongly and persistently enough, then the dissatisfaction and frustration will be translated into a lack of physical exuberance and vitality.

• There is always an unending reservoir of energy at the command of each person, regardless of circumstances.

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“emotional transplants”

• Medical technology alone, however expert, cannot really heal a broken heart.

• Such a healing can only take place through understanding and through expressions of love .. In other words, through emotional transplants rather than physical ones alone.

• The emotional factors are extremely vital, both in the development and in the healing of all dis-eases. It is far better to express those feelings to inhabit them.

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“impact of suggestions”

• Suggestions are usually statements directed toward a particular action or hypothesis.

• There is no magic connected with suggestions.. But repeated often enough, and believed in fervently, such suggestion do indeed take on a deeply habitual nature. They are no longer examined, but taken for literal truth.

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• They are then handed over to the more automatic levels of personality, where they trigger the specific actions that are so strongly implied .Many such suggestions are’old- hat idioms’. They belong to the past.

• These suggestions may be remarkably long-standing, therefore, and consist of beliefs received in child-hood period.

• Accepted now in the present, non-critically,.. they may still affect health and well-being. Such suggestions can be beneficial and supportive, or negative and detrimental.

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‘detrimental suggestions”

• “If you go out in the rain without your rubbers, you will catch cold.”

• “If you are too talkative or demonstrative, people will not like you”.

• “If you run you will fall down”.• “If you go out in rainy weather, you’ll get

pneumonia”.• “If you tell lie your tongue will turn to


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• These suggestions, and others like them, are often given to children by their parents with the best of intentions. When they are young, the offspring will accept some such suggestions uncritically, coming as they do from a revered adult, so that the suggestions are almost interpreted as ‘commands’.

• A suggestion like; “If you go swimming too soon after lunch, you will drown” ,is extremely dangerous, for it predicts behavior of a disastrous nature that would follow almost automatically after the first act is performed.

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• Obviously, children who go into the water ring aster eating do not all drown. The suggestion itself can lead to all kinds of nervous symptoms, however.. panics, or stomach cramps.. that can persist well into adult-hood.

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• There are other kinds of suggestions that involve identifications.

• A child many be told : “you are just like your mother; she was always nervous and moody’.

• or : “you are fat because your father was fat ”.• These are all statements leading toward a certain

hypothesis. Again the problem is that often the hypotheses remain unquestioned.

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“unexamined beliefs”

• You end up with structured beliefs unexamined, that are then automatically acted upon.

• Many people believe fervently that with approaching age they will meet a steady, disastrous deterioration in which the senses and the mind will be dull, and the body, stricken with disease, will lose all of its vigor and agility.

• Many young people believe such non-sense, and,therefore,they set themselves up to meet the very conditions they so fear.

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“mind grows wiser…if allowed”

• The mind grows wiser with age ..when it is allowed to do so. There is even an acceleration of thought and inspiration, much like that experienced in the adolescent years.

• Thoughts and beliefs do, indeed, bring about physical alterations. They can even.. And often do change genetic messages.

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• People are not simply swung willy-nilly by one negative suggestion or another, however.Each person has an entire body of beliefs and suggestions.. And these are quite literally reflected in the physical body itself.

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“insertion of positive suggestions”

• All practical healing deals with the insertion of positive suggestions and the removal of negative ones.

• Each smallest atom or cell contains its own impetus toward growth and value fulfillment.

• In other words, they are literally implanted with positive suggestions, biologically nurtured, so to that extent, in a certain fashion, negative suggestions are unnatural, leading away from life’s primary goals.

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• Worry, fear, and doubt are detrimental to good health, of course, and these are very often caused by the officially held beliefs of society.

• Those beliefs paint a dire picture, in which any given situation is bound to deteriorate. any conceivable illness will worsen, and any possible catastrophe be uncounted.

• Such beliefs discourage feelings of curiosity, joy. or wonder. They inhibit playful activity or spontaneous behavior. They cause a physical situation in which the body is placed in a state of defensive aggression.

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“retreat from pleasure”

• When people become ill, worried or fearful, one of the first symptoms of trouble is a lack of pleasure, a gradual discontinuance of playful action, and an over-concentration upon personal problems. In other words, illness is often first marked by a lack of zest or exuberance.

• This retreat from pleasure begins to cut down upon normal activity, new encounters, or explorations that might in themselves help relieve the problem by opening up new options.

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• Such a person becomes dejected looking ..unsmiling and somber, leading others to comment upon such a dejected countenance.

• Comments such as these: “ you look tired ”, or: “what’s the matter, don’t you feel well ?” and other such remarks often simply reinforce the individual’s earlier sense of dejection until finally ..this same kind of give-and-take leads to a situation in which the individual and his fellows begin to intermix in a negative rather than a positive manner.

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• On the other hand, it is an excellent practice to comment upon another individual’s obvious zest or energy or good spirits.

• In such a way ,you rewards positive behavior, and may indeed begin a chain of positive activity instead of continuing a chain of negative reactions.