Waterpollution 110715131525-phpapp02

Water Pollution Presented by - Group Number: 7 Roll no. : 08 ( Utsav Bhavsar) Roll no. : 77 ( Ketul Shah) Roll no. : 32 ( Pratik Gondalya) 1 Water Pollution

Transcript of Waterpollution 110715131525-phpapp02

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Water Pollution

Presented by -

Group Number: 7Roll no. : 08 ( Utsav Bhavsar)Roll no. : 77 ( Ketul Shah)Roll no. : 32 ( Pratik Gondalya)

1Water Pollution

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2Water Pollution

• Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater). Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.

• Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water and in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities.

Introduction :

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Water Pollution 3

The earth's water supply

•97.2% of the Earth's water supply is salt water.•Only 2.8% is fresh water!

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Water Pollution 4

• Surface Water Pollution

• Ground Water Pollution

• Microbiological Pollution

• Oxygen Depletion Pollution

• Nutrient Pollution

• Suspended Matter Pollution

• Chemical Pollution

Types of Water Pollution

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Water Pollution 5

Surface water Pollution •Most visible form of pollution.• We can see it floating on our waters in lakes, streams, and oceans.•Trash from human consumption, such as water bottles, plastics and other waste products, is most often evident on water surfaces.•Also comes from oil spills and gasoline waste, which float on the surface and affect the water and its inhabitants.

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Water Pollution 6

Ground Water Pollution•This type of pollution is becoming more and more relevant because it affects our drinking water and the aquifers below the soil.•Groundwater pollution is usually caused by highly toxic chemicals and pesticides.• It leak through the ground to contaminate the wells and aquifers below the surface.

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Water Pollution 7

Microbiological Pollution•Microbiological pollution is the natural form of water pollution that is caused by microorganisms in uncured water.

•Most of these organisms are harmless but some bacteria, viruses, and protozoa can cause serious diseases such as cholera and typhoid.

•This is a significant problem for people in third world countries who have no clean drinking water and/or facilities to cure the water.

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Water Pollution 8

Oxygen Depletion Pollution

•Many wastes are biodegradable, that is, they can be broken down and used as food by microorganisms like bacteria.

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Water Pollution 9

• Nutrients are usually found in wastewater and fertilizers.

• These can cause excess vegetation in the water such as algae and weeds, using up the oxygen in the water and hurting the surrounding marine life and other organisms in the water.

Nutriet Pollution

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Water Pollution 10

Suspended Matter Pollution

•This type of pollution occurs when pollutants enter the water and do not mix in with the water molecules.

•These suspended particles form fine silt on the waterbed, harming the marine life by taking away the nutrients and disturbing their habitat.

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Water Pollution 11

Chemical Pollution•Metals and solvents flow out of factories and into the water, polluting the water and harming the wildlife.

• Pesticides from farms are like poison to the wildlife in the water and kill and endanger the aquatic life.

•If birds or humans eat these infected fish the toxins are transferred to us and we swallow these dangerous pesticides and toxins, affecting our health.

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Water Pollution 12

How does water pollution occur?

• Metals and solvents flow out of factories and into the water, polluting the water and harming the wildlife.•We use water daily in our homes and industries, about 150 gallons per day per person in the United States.•The water we use is taken from lakes and rivers, and from underground.•Water pollution also occurs when rain water runoff from urban and industrial areas and from agricultural land.

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Water Pollution 13

Reason for water pollution• Sewage, sludge, garbage, and even toxic pollutants are all dumped into the water.• Across the world, about half of all sewage is dumped into water bodies in its original form.• Even if sewage is treated, problems still arise. Treated sewage forms sludge, which is sent out into the sea and dumped.• Many cities and countries dump sewage out at sea. Often, they place it not far from their own coastline, often killing all the sea wildlife in the dumping area.• In addition to sewage, chemicals dumped by industries and governments are another major source of water pollution.

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Plastic waste in water

Each year, plastic waste in water and coastal areas kills up to:•100,000 marine mammals,•1 million sea birds, and•countless fish.

Water Pollution

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Water Pollution 15

Effects of water pollution•dead animals•Dead plants•harms the ecosystems •heat waves •Also climate change/global warming •droughts •more bugs •more diseases


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Water Pollution 16

•rise in water from melting glaciers It's harmful for you •asthma •heavy breathing •cancer •acid rain •Each year about 250,000 people are admitted to hospitals or emergency rooms with pesticide poisoning

Effects of water pollution (continued)

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How Prevent Water Pollution?

• Toxic products like paints, automobile oil, polishes, and cleaning products should be stored and disposed off properly.

• Dispose off your trash in a proper manner and try and

incorporate the recycling habit as far as possible.• Refrain from throwing litter into streams, lakes, rivers, or seas. If you do spot litter on beaches or in water systems, after ascertaining that it is safe, collect them and dispose off them in any nearby waste disposal system.

Water PollutionContinued…..

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Water Pollution 18

• Try using natural fertilizers and pesticides as

far as possible.• Automobile oil should be re-used as far as possible. Also, it is important to keep your automobile well maintained in order to prevent leakages of toxic fluids like antifreeze and oil.• Actively conserve water by turning the tap off when you do not need running water, such as while brushing teeth. Apart from preventing water shortages, it lessens the amount of water that needs to be treated.•Try using environmentally friendly household products like toiletries, soap-based household cleaning material, and washing powder as far as possible.

How to Prevent Water Pollution
