water scarcity

Without water there is no life By: María Isabel Avilés Francisco Iturralde


causes, effects, and maore things about water scarcity

Transcript of water scarcity

Page 1: water scarcity

Without water there is no life

By: María Isabel Avilés

Francisco Iturralde

Page 2: water scarcity

Index 1pg: water scarcity meaning

2pg: causes – bad use, deserts

3pg: effect

4pg : What can we do, How the planet is dealing with it, How to stop it

5pg: Places were water scarcity are more common, places where water scarcity is not a problem Animals affected

6pg: map

7pg: conclusion

8-9pg: Campaing of water scarcity

10pg: bibliography

Page 3: water scarcity


Francisco Iturralde María Isabel Avilés

Water scarcity


Water scarcity when in somewhere there is no water. Or water is not clean for the basic human needs. Water can be transported by drinker. 1/8 of the room hospitals

are occupied by persons who doesn’t have access to clean water or they don’t. Water scarcity is one of the biggest global issue in the all the world because it

involve on everyone life, plants, animals, all the people that are around you like familiars and the future generations and that includes you. . In some parts of the planet they are very affected but one of the places that is most affected is India,

India is affected in because there are literally without water, other place that will be very affected are Las Vegas because they are consuming water on a very bad way so each citizen waste 80 liters daily. So we can be the next to end using so much water. Since it is so grave this situation and all the effects that are waiting for us are very bad and the solution will be very difficult to solve it but with you we can

start making the. So you and every one should be conscious and have knowledge of all of the things that can happened

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On water scarcity we need to know what we are doing to the world because water is going and if we aren’t conscious and al so if we don't see of what we are doing to the world, to all the people that are around us and that will be, and to us then we will never change. So on here there are some things that we do or one day we will do it.

Bad use of water

Many people use water on a bad way. Sometimes we let water go and go and we are not using it, for example when we are taking a shower sometimes we let water go while we are putting shampoo and we are not using on that moment the water. All so some people take an hour to take a shower so on that shower we use many water. One thing that is very bad to do is to make a spa because you are using more water than you need.


Some deserts have become agriculture places, so for converting a part of the desert on an agriculture city that is a lot of water that they had use. So on that it is a lot of water that it have been used.


People use many water for agriculture because when the population starts to increase need to make more food and for producing more food the y need to use more water.

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The world is now facing one of the worst situations water scarcity, that is affecting to many people in the world, but in a time things will change and all of us will be one the same problem and without solution so know is our time to change and knowing all the consequences that are waiting for us . On many parts of the world people are sating without water because some reasons that we humans are causing

Population has been increasing on the last century, and the cities are starting to have no more water for all the people.

There are some persons that can even satisfied their basic needs for survive like to drink a glass of water clean that is good.

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What can we do:

We can save water by no wasting it like do not take a shower of 30 minutes because that wanted water can be used by someone in the world that is dying

because of these. You can save water by not washing your car with a hose instead of that you can wash it with bowls full of water then you can wash more and have

the control of the water that you are wasting.

How to stop it:

We can stop it by be responsible and be aware of how many times you are wasting water and how much litters you are using. You can do a poster to expand

the global issue information.

How the planet is dealing with it:

I think that the earth id dealing with it like bad because it make no more evaporation and precipitation and so that is bad because there is no rain and

without rain there are fires all around the world, for example the fires the are on our country is thru that some of them are caused by bandits that ruin everything with a Molotov bomb. Other thing is that the planet is reacting bad because of the global

warming and that affect the water scarcity making more dry all the seasons.

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Places were water scarcities are more common:

The places more common are in Middle East like India specially India. It also is common in places where are in remote places and there is hard to find water clean it is also common places to find it. Even in the US are places were water scarcity is

a huge problem like in the sierra of US there are similar casas of it. Also poor people that can’t access to clean water even in the big cities there exist these


Places where water scarcity is not a problem.

there are places in earth that have no suffer of this like new York city every stable citizen can access to it just by like walk that fast. In overpopulated cities even there

is rare to find cases with this like Dubai that is over populated and they no suffer nothing, even they build and island to make a space were to live. They don’t suffer

hungry they don’t suffer thirst on their mouths.

Animals affected:

The animals affected most are the mammals that need water to survive in the world. We die if we don’t have water on our environment. We are the most affected

because mammals in special humans need alt leas 6 or 7 litters peer day to live. We can live two weeks without eating but three days without water.


Other mammals


Page 8: water scarcity

Map Map showing the more affected places of earth by the wter scarcity

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On our conclusion is that people should know all the causes and consequences that can happened if we water scarcity is all around the world without any exemptions every one will die. The next generations when they grow up they will live without water that are one of our basic need for survive. And like the quote that says without water there is no life,

Page 10: water scarcity

Campaing of water scarcity

1. You should be able to apply this proposal at our school.

We are going to do a campaign to be able to make reflect the children and teens to protect the water and to be conscious about how many water they are wasting. Why we propose this? We are proposing this because we need that the people became conscious about the topic. We are going to make games for kids where they don’t waste water, we are going to make teens play games with the propose of make them think why we live every day and make them conscious about how important is for us and how important is for the people who need it most. Every people will be able to bring two relatives of friends to the event.

2. Objective of the proposal

Our objective of making the little campaign is to make conscious of water scarcity not just to the students of the American school it is also for making teachers and students from other schools conscious of the causes and effects of water scarcity. On this campaign we are not going to make boring things like just power points and boring things that make people just learn, we will make that people learn on a fun way all of what you should know about water scarcity. We will make activities that each student can invite people to the school.

3. Description or action plan.

We are going to make every body participate. We will devide the following. We are going to make children play with teens with the objective to make learn the children to be conscius about how much water they use really at home and how much they are wasting. We will gather with them in the sum, and sumsito and even the fields. The games will be like water games and no water games. In secondary we will put movies in which we will involve the topic of the water scarcity. It is optional but every student will be rewarded with 1 point to the partial. We can make games that we show how much difficult is to find water we will include empathy with them.

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4. Conclusion where you explain why your proposal should be applied at school.

On our conclusion we will help people know of all the bad things that can happen because water scarcity because we know already are conscious of all the causes and consequences that there is water scarcity.

5. Include the time it will take to apply your proposal.

We will bring the pruposal to the authorities and they will deside how many time they give us to make it real. When they assepet we will deside how much time we are going to make the campange. We think that 1 entire class days.

6. Include the materials you will use.

Some materials that we will use and places that we will use for making our campaign are:

Students- for making the games, movies, activities, Scavenger hunt, etc.

Sum, sumsito, and secondary fields- on those places we will make all the activities without counting the Scavenger hunt

Little cinema- for reproducing all the movies

Cafeteria- for the food

Scavenger hunt- of water

All secondary- for making the Scavenger hunt game.


Page 12: water scarcity


"Scarcity, Decade, Water for Life, 2015, UN-Water, United Nations, MDG, Water, Sanitation, Financing, Gender, IWRM, Human Right, Transboundary, Cities, Quality, Food Security." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. <http://www.un.org/waterforlifedecade/scarcity.shtml>.

"Macro-scale Water Scarcity Requires Micro-scale Approaches." - Falkenmark. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2012. <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1477-8947.1989.tb00348.x/abstract>.

"Water Scarcity â Defini�on & Causes." Water Scarcity â Defini�on & Causes » Rainharvest.co.za. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <http://www.rainharvest.co.za/2010/08/water-scarcity-definition-causes/>.

"Water Scarcity â Defini�on & Causes." Water Scarcity â Defini�on & Causes » Rainharvest.co.za. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <http://www.rainharvest.co.za/2010/08/water-scarcity-definition-causes/>.

"Water Scarcity â Defini�on & Causes." Water Scarcity â Defini�on & Causes » Rainharvest.co.za. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <http://www.rainharvest.co.za/2010/08/water-scarcity-definition-causes/>.

"Water Stress." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov. 2012. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_stress>.

"10 Facts about Water Scarcity." WHO. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/water/en/index.html>.

"Statistics of the Water Crisisupdated 8/17/2011." The Water Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <http://thewaterproject.org/water_stats.asp>.

"Global Water Scarcity: Can We Solve It?" Cool Green Science: The Conservation Blog of the Nature Conservancy. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <http://blog.nature.org/2012/03/global-water-scarcity-can-we-solve-it/>.

"Droughts and Water Shortage - The English Case." Drought and Water Shortage. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <http://www.lenntech.com/water-shortage.htm>.

"Water Scarcity Killing Animals in Rajasthan." Water Scarcity Killing Animals in Rajasthan. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2012. <http://www.deccanherald.com/content/72848/water-scarcity-killing-animals-rajasthan.html>.