Water Resource Management and Sustainability

Illinois College Water Resource Management and Sustainability Analysis of Current Methods Samuel A. Welbourne Luce Summer Research Trip Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture, Japan Doctor Kevin Klein & Professor Mioko Webster August 22, 2016

Transcript of Water Resource Management and Sustainability

Illinois College

Water Resource Management and Sustainability

Analysis of Current Methods

Samuel A. Welbourne

Luce Summer Research Trip

Lake Biwa, Shiga Prefecture, Japan

Doctor Kevin Klein & Professor Mioko Webster

August 22, 2016


Water resource management has been defined in a variety of ways when contrasting

organizations such as the United States Department of Agriculture, the World Health

Organization, and the World Wildlife Foundation. For the purposes of this paper, I would like to

suggest optimal water resource management is achieved when the collection, distribution, and

purification of water meets all agricultural, industrial, and societal demands in an economical,

sustainable, and environmentally conscious manner. After these needs are met, negative risks

such as water shortages, pollution, erosion, and overconsumption are drastically reduced. 1

Freshwater makes up only three percent of the total volume of water and only one

percent is accessible, but how much of that one percent is actually safe ? Safe drinking water

must be without excess nutrients, harmful bacteria, or contaminants. According to the United

Nations’ unwater.org, more than 780 million people living today don’t have access to safe water,

while 2.5 billion lack adequate sanitation systems. As a result, 6 to 8 million people die annually

from water­related diseases. The problem isn’t always lacking access to water, the problem 2

more often lies in acquiring the suitable level of purification, and certifying the safety of

available water before consumption. For this reason, active and efficient water resource

management is necessary to provide clean, accessible water for current and future generations. In

this paper, I have identified current water management methods as well as their inefficiencies. By

the end of this paper, one will understand the necessity of an accessible and sustainable water

source, basics of water resource management, and the cost of current processes available.

My first goal is to identify an appropriate value of water as a natural resource. The

problem that arises when trying to value a natural resource is its tangibility. Water in particular is

1 "Achieving Efficient Water Management, A Guidebook for Preparing ..." 2004. 26 Aug. 2016 < http://www.usbr.gov/pn/programs/wat/publications/guidemstr.pdf > 2 "UN­Water: Statistics." 2014. 22 July. 2016 < http://www.unwater.org/statistics/en/ >


difficult to accurately price when areas that receive several inches of rain a year, provide easy

access in comparison to the scarcity of water in Phoenix, Arizona. The United States in particular

has five times more the freshwater per capita than China, and six times more than India. Not 3

surprisingly however, the U.S. does not share the same comparative advantage when it comes to

conservation and efficiency within the water management industry. In comparison to the United

States, Japan has one of the largest GDP’s per capita in relation to water resources per capita in

the world, suggesting that society that pays high regards to their use of water and the efficiency

of their treatment processes will have a significant advantage over a country that exploits their

natural resources. Due to the unequal and borderless distribution of freshwater throughout the 4

world, the supply and demand can be affected by not only weather, but also economies,

government, and population. However, as a basic human need, will it ever be anything but

priceless? According to Steven Solomon, an economic journalist, the demand of freshwater from

our global society is growing twice the rate of our population. He also points out the rise of great

civilizations such as Egypt, Rome, and China were largely due to the effectiveness of their water

management. Each developed technology such as aqueducts, irrigation channels, and trading

canals. Additionally, news sources including National Public Radio, US News, and the Los 5

Angeles Times, have released articles suggesting that political control of water sources will

likely be the cause for the next world conflict. Joshua Hammer, a journalist for Smithsonian

Magazine, has cited evidence that the beginning of conflicts in Syria were due in part to drastic

3 "Facts about Water | Steven Solomon's Water Blog Homepage." 2013. 20 Aug. 2016 < https://thewaterblog.wordpress.com/facts­about­water/ > 4 "Water problems and Japan's efforts." 2009. 10 Aug. 2016 < http://www.meti.go.jp/english/report/downloadfiles/2008WhitePaper/3­4.pdf > 5 "When the Well is Dry … | IIP Digital." 2011. 19 July. 2016 < http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/publication/2011/07/20110718110356yeldnahc0.246343.html >


decreases in water supply caused by political motivations. One potential cause he noted was

Turkey’s recent dam and hydropower construction that has cut downstream water flow to Syria

by up to 40 percent and Iraq by 80 percent. This water source was originally an important 6

supply for agricultural production, this decrease led to a rural exodus, driving swarms of

unemployed citizens to urban areas. Although the United States has eluded dramatic water

management failures, even as a developed country it is far from perfect. Considering all of these

facts, a reevaluation of worldwide water management policies and practices is essential in

providing a fair and sustainable freshwater source for future generations.

The United States and Japan are two countries vastly different in culture, geography, and

history. It is due to these differences that each has a unique perspective on water management.

Although freshwater is not scarce in either geographic locations, Japan lacks the land area and

the topography necessary to store water as America does. For instance,the Ogallala aquifer

located beneath the central U.S. is 25,000 square miles larger than Japan’s total land area.

Because of these geographical differences, Japan has largely practiced the collection and

manipulation of rainwater for agricultural production of rice and fish throughout history and has

excelled in efficiency. This greater value given to their water supply has allowed them to

effectively micro­manage and pay fewer costs to correct mistakes in the long term.

During my trip to Japan, one place that brought me great fascination was Shirakawa.

Nestled in a river­fed valley, surrounded by rain cloaked mountains sat a small village with

beautiful flora and thatched­roof houses. Throughout the town, a network of ditches were

constructed simply, but practically, with the ability to transport water coming from the peaks of

6 "Is a Lack of Water to Blame for the Conflict in Syria ... ­ Smithsonian." 2014. 11 July. 2016 < http://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/is­a­lack­of­water­to­blame­for­the­conflict­in­syria­72513729/ >


surrounding mountains and irrigate the rice paddies that filled in nearly any free space between

houses. These ditches that consistently flowed with fresh,

cold water also contained rainbow trout that a few locals

had entrapped with chicken wire providing an additional

source of protein. It was here that I began to understand the

foundation of Japanese regard for natural resources and

sustainability. However, this was a very rural, traditional

Japanese village and I assumed that a concern for the

wellbeing of water would subside in more developed areas,

but that was not the case.

After World War II, the advancements in chemical engineering such as pesticides,

herbicides, and fertilizers increased the potential for higher agricultural yields thus reducing the

demand for farmers. At the same time, “wartime companies and much of the technology used

during the war were converted to peaceful economic development.” Companies such as Toyota,

Mazda, and Honda took on massive amounts of debt and boosted production with the desire to

catch up with Detroit’s “Big Three”; Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler. As these companies 7

expanded, demand for jobs was higher and employment was available to everyone, from farmers

to soldiers, causing a massive migration to cities. The Shiga Prefecture, more specifically the

southern basin of Lake Biwa, saw drastic urbanization. Changes were brought not only to the

physical appearance of the lake through the construction of floodwalls and damming but also

chemically with agricultural runoff, and improper disposal of contaminated water. The

7 "Japanese economic takeoff after 1945." 2003. 10 Aug. 2016 < http://www.iun.edu/~hisdcl/h207_2002/jecontakeoff.htm >


construction of floodwalls was intended to keep rising water out of the newly populous area but

in doing so, natural wetland habitat that served as important spawning areas for fish native to

Lake Biwa, as well as natural nutrient filtration, was destroyed. Around the 1970’s, mothers were

being diagnosed with eczema and noticed their babies were developing diaper rash. These

mothers took initiative and formed organized consumer groups that identified the cause of

symptoms as synthetic laundry detergents. Each group collectively purchased different

detergents and collaborated to discover which brands were the cause of the problem. This action

allowed consumers to be aware of the dangers and boycott them. At the same time, Lake Biwa

was first observing eutrophication, or algae blooms known as red tide. After further research,

scientists discovered the specimen to be a microscopic plankton that thrived in high levels of

phosphorous. Ironically, the high levels of phosphorous that found their way into the lake came

from fertilizers and synthetic detergents that the consumer groups were on their way to boycott.

Inspired by the action taken by the mothers, additional citizens banded together and stirred action

from the prefectural government to create environmental policy prohibiting the production of

synthetic detergents with phosphorous through peaceful protests. Since then, Japan “has tackled

the problems by establishing efficient water­saving technologies and water management systems,

which include the promotion of recycling industrial water (approximately 80 percent of industrial

water is recovered) and lowering the leakage rate of water for domestic use (the leakage rate is

below 10 percent). Such technologies and know­how can contribute to the solution of global

water problems.” The process of recycling wastewater is utilized in developed countries with 8

proper sanitation systems, however it is often ignored in developing or third world countries due

8 "Water problems and Japan's efforts." 2009. 10 Aug. 2016 < http://www.meti.go.jp/english/report/downloadfiles/2008WhitePaper/3­4.pdf >


to the scarcity of organized sewage. While considering the costs of water purification and

management I decided to focus on three processes of water purification. Each of these treatment

methods can be more economical or costly than the next depending on the availability of time,

energy, or land area. However, when utilized together on different scales, the total economic

efficiency of a water management system can be maximized.

The first method, wetland filtration, was designed by none other than Mother Nature

herself. Wetlands are areas that are saturated for all or most of the year, and as one of the most

diverse ecosystems in the world (second only to the amazon rainforest), they serve a number of

important environmental functions. These include, but are not limited to; flood water control and

retention, nutrient and sediment filtering, and groundwater reclamation. The Agricultural

Department of Purdue University frequently reports on

the importance of wetlands to the environment stating, “A

one acre wetland, one foot deep, can hold approximately

330,000 gallons of water. By holding water, a wetland

allows sediment and large particles to settle on the

wetland bottom. The root systems of wetland plants then

absorb nutrients from the sediment. Much like

phosphorus, nitrogen, or pesticides.” Natural wetlands 9

have decreased exponentially as urban areas, industries,

and agriculture continue to expand. Artificial wetlands are also becoming more common as a

supplementary treatment to municipal water supply. The two types of constructed wetland

9 "WQ­10 Wetlands and Water Quality ­ Purdue Extension." 2009. 3 Aug. 2016 < https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/WQ/WQ­10.html >


treatment are subsurface flow (SF), and free water surface (FWS). “FWS wetland systems

reliably remove biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total

suspended solids (TSS).” SF is considered a safer alternative to FWS for areas that would 10

experience higher human activity to avoid contact with contaminated water. Countries with an

abundance of open spaces such as the United States, have proven wetlands to be an economical

substitute to the construction, employment, and overhead costs of traditional treatment plants,

notably in warmer climates. Another increasingly

popular tactic that utilizes wetland filtration is known as

floating wetlands. Floating wetlands are manmade

islands with hardy plant life that can survive disease,

insects, and dry periods. The root systems of these plants

extend downward into the water absorbing the necessary

nutrients for their growth. After they are placed in a

water source, they begin efficiently removing loads of phosphorous and nitrogen as well as

boosting oxygen levels and aquatic populations. A company known as Biohaven has led the

market in producing units that allow people to apply the technology at whichever scale they

desire. When placed inside a 300 gallon tank, one square foot of Biohaven’s technology has

shown a removal rate of “10,600 mg of nitrate per day, 273 mg of ammonium per day, and 428

mg of phosphate per day” Applying this technology would provide options for areas such as the 11

southern basin of Lake Biwa with artificial shoreline to reduce excess nutrients from runoff as

10 "Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Free Water Surface Wetlands." 2016. 3 Aug. 2016 < https://www3.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/free_water_surface_wetlands.pdf > 11 "Floating islands as an alternative to constructed wetlands for treatment ..." 2010. 20 Aug. 2016 < https://www.biofilm.montana.edu/node/2526 >


well as supplementing the natural habitat for wildlife. The drawbacks that often arise with

wetland filtration are land area availability, capacity restrictions, and seasonal weather patterns

that may have an impact on treatment capacity. The primary benefit of wetland filtration is it’s

natural, low energy purification, with no overhead costs.

The second, and most common wastewater treatment is simultaneous

nitrification­denitrification, also known as SNdN or Activated Sludge Treatment. It’s popularity

is largely due to both its versatility and effectiveness. Wastewater, especially septic and

agricultural runoff, is teeming with bacteria. After filtering out solid wastes through screening,

the water flows through a series of tanks. The first employs nitrification, a process that involves

agitation with oxygen, allows the nitrogen compounds to break, react, and bond with oxygen.

When the nitrogen bonds with the oxygen, bacteria already present in the water recognizes the

compound as a food source and alters the chemical make­up through digestion. Next, the

population of bacteria begins to diminish in the water as it makes it’s way through a series of

settling pools and screens, losing the nitrogen rich food source. After the water reaches the

proper level of sanitation it is either reintroduced to the municipal water supply or a water

source. In more advanced processing plants, the solid waste or “sludge” that is initially screened

has the opportunity to become a recyclable resource. “The solids are then treated with lime to

raise the pH level to eliminate objectionable odors..the treatment processes sanitize wastewater

solids to control pathogens (disease­causing organisms, such as certain bacteria, viruses and

parasites) and other organisms capable of transporting disease.” In some cases, the biosolid is 12

incinerated with coal to be repurposed as a source for energy. In the United States, it is more

12 "Frequent Questions about Biosolids | Biosolids | US EPA." 2016. 27 Aug. 2016 < https://www.epa.gov/biosolids/frequent­questions­about­biosolids >


popularly used for agriculture as a fertilizer but could have potential health risks if EPA

regulations are not strictly followed. In the Shiga Prefecture, the largest wastewater treatment

plant in the city Konan­Chubu recycles wastewater for over 711,000 people and began

operations in 1982. It currently processes 251,000m³ (about 66 million gallons per day) of

wastewater using approximately 2.00 kWh/cubic meters. This includes the energy use of

pumping the water, as well as utilities needed to run the treatment plant. Although the overall

process is fairly simple and time efficient, the planning, employment, and construction of the

facility takes many more resources in comparison to a wetland. Drawbacks for large scale plants

such as these are their energy and salary costs, as well as the initial cost required for proper

plumbing to transport influent. However, communities that have limited space and access to

cheap energy would find this as an attractive alternative to full scale wetland filtration.

Last, is microfiltration, which is used to purify everything from saltwater to petroleum to

pharmaceuticals. It does this by creating negative pressure (suction) and pulling the influent

through a series of porous pipes. Reverse osmosis (RO) is the most effective form of

microfiltration with pores as small as one micrometer wide. It is commonly employed in the

desalination of seawater, especially in areas such as Saudi Arabia where the energy source of

crude oil is more prevalent than water. The major components of RO process that involve energy

consumption are: ‘feed water intake, pretreatment; high pressure pumps (with and without

energy recovery), membrane type and module, post treatment, and product supply. The total

energy requirement for this process is 6.26 kWh/cubic meter. Microfiltration is most 13

recognizable today as the technology of LifeStraw, a Swiss company that has miniaturized

13 "Energy consumption and recovery in reverse osmosis ­ Academia.edu." 27 Aug. 2016 < http://www.academia.edu/6093006/Energy_consumption_and_recovery_in_reverse_osmosis >


microfiltration into a handheld device. Their interesting business model is structured to provide a

child one year of clean water for every unit they sell. By doing so they have distributed their

product and provided clean water to over 369,000 students in both Kenya and India. The 14

benefits of LifeStraw quickly marginalize cost over the course of a year with no need for

electricity. All that is required is access and a few manual pumps of pressure for each use for

clean, filtered water.

Although the functionality of each system is contingent on geographical capability,

elements of each can be combined together to maximize efficiency within a waste management

project. Wastewater can be collected through a municipality to strain out solids, quickly remove

harmful bacteria, and process biofuels for further community development. By employing a

small scale nitrification denitrification process that incorporates wetland and microfiltration in

the overall system, high overhead and employment costs can be reduced while still processing

water to an adequate level of sanitation. From there, the processed influent will flow out to a

natural wetland to remove any excess nutrients while reintroducing the water to a natural

ecosystem. The water could then be reclaimed completely in areas of high precipitation, or

collected again to pump back to the serviced population where small scale microfiltration would

allow individuals to process safe water within their homes.. With sustainability in mind, homes

and businesses would be urged to collect rainwater for uses such as flushing toilets, watering

lawns and gardens, or other outdoor uses. This rainwater could also be utilized for drinking

water, showers, and dishes if treated with a household microfiltration system that would require

much less energy in comparison to a large scale plant and minimal annual maintenance. When

14 "Follow the Liters ­ LifeStraw." 2015. 20 Aug. 2016 < http://lifestraw.com/follow­the­liters/ >


considering the type of water management communities engage in, it is first important to

understand the type of intended water source. After that, considering specific needs within the

municipality is vital for providing maximum efficiency. By following examples of success within

water management systems worldwide, more educated decisions can be made to provide clean,

sustainable water at minimal production, environmental, and consumer cost.



"Achieving Efficient Water Management, A Guidebook for Preparing ..." 2004. 26 July. 2016 < http://www.usbr.gov/pn/programs/wat/publications/guidemstr.pdf >

"Energy consumption and recovery in reverse osmosis ­ Academia.edu." 27 Aug. 2016

< http://www.academia.edu/6093006/Energy_consumption_and_recovery_in_reverse_osmosis > "Facts about Water | Steven Solomon's Water Blog Homepage." 2013. 20 Aug. 2016

< https://thewaterblog.wordpress.com/facts­about­water/ > "Floating islands as an alternative to constructed wetlands for treatment ..." 2010. 20 Aug. 2016

< https://www.biofilm.montana.edu/node/2526 > "Follow the Liters ­ LifeStraw." 2015. 20 Aug. 2016

< http://lifestraw.com/follow­the­liters/ > "Frequent Questions about Biosolids | Biosolids | US EPA." 2016. 12 Aug. 2016

< https://www.epa.gov/biosolids/frequent­questions­about­biosolids > "Is a Lack of Water to Blame for the Conflict in Syria ... ­ Smithsonian." 2014. 11 July. 2016

< http://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/is­a­lack­of­water­to­blame­for­the­conflict­in­syria­72513729/ >

"Japanese economic takeoff after 1945." 2003. 10 Aug. 2016

< http://www.iun.edu/~hisdcl/h207_2002/jecontakeoff.htm > “Shiga Water Reclamation Data”

< https://docs.google.com/a/mail.ic.edu/spreadsheets/d/1pBgASAd3XL7p9_H9SHXnQnHsllZszZbr8NdsY8qjIc8/edit?usp=sharing >

"UN­Water: Statistics." 2014. 22 July. 2016

< http://www.unwater.org/statistics/en/ > "Water problems and Japan's efforts." 2009. 10 Aug. 2016

< http://www.meti.go.jp/english/report/downloadfiles/2008WhitePaper/3­4.pdf > "Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Free Water Surface Wetlands." 2016. 3 Aug. 2016

< https://www3.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/free_water_surface_wetlands.pdf > "When the Well is Dry … | IIP Digital." 2011. 19 July. 2016

< http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/publication/2011/07/20110718110356yeldnahc0.246343.html >


"WQ­10 Wetlands and Water Quality ­ Purdue Extension." 2009. 3 Aug. 2016

< https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/WQ/WQ­10.html >