Water Management Certification The California Landscape Contractors Association Copyright 2006, 2007...

Water Management Certification The California Landscape Contractors Association Copyright 2006, 2007 by CLCA Study Guide Version 1.3 Developed by Scott McGilvray John Moore Gary Kah Chris Willig

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Page 1: Water Management Certification The California Landscape Contractors Association Copyright 2006, 2007 by CLCA Study Guide Version 1.3 Developed by Scott.

Water ManagementCertification

The California Landscape Contractors Association Copyright 2006, 2007 by CLCA

Study GuideVersion 1.3

Developed byScott McGilvray John Moore Gary Kah Chris Willig

Page 2: Water Management Certification The California Landscape Contractors Association Copyright 2006, 2007 by CLCA Study Guide Version 1.3 Developed by Scott.

• This Study Guide describes a proven approach to Good Landscape Water Management and will help you prepare for the CLCA Water Management Certification Exam• This is a Hyperlink document, which allows you to navigate within this Guide by clicking on Underlined Text

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Page 3: Water Management Certification The California Landscape Contractors Association Copyright 2006, 2007 by CLCA Study Guide Version 1.3 Developed by Scott.

Table of Contents1. Introduction2. Objectives3. Path to Certification4. Glossary5. “Get On Budget” Checklist6. Basic Principles of Irrigation7. Budgeting and Tracking8. Controller Programming9. Certification in 5 Steps10. Affiliates11. Supplemental Files

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IntroductionThe California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA) recognizes that water is a precious natural resource and that the key to landscape water conservation is efficient irrigation management. “Urban CII Landscape Water Use and Efficiency in California”, a study prepared for CLCA by Dr. John B. Whitcomb, suggests that a conversion from turf to other irrigated plants will not necessarily result in lower water use given current water management practices. In other words, efficient irrigation management is generally more important than planting "water efficient" plants. - See More -

Most irrigators know that plants and trees suffer without enough water. But do you know that over-watering can take an even greater toll on your landscape? Soggy, water-soaked soil prevents air and nutrients from reaching plant roots and can invite problems like root rot and other plant diseases.

Significant water savings can be realized by implementing a few simple practices, often with dramatic results. The CLCA Water Management Certification Program provides a practical approach that will help you implement efficient watering practices to keep your customer’s landscapes green and healthy -- and provide a return on your Investment in Knowledge as well.

Today, giving a California Landscape the water it needs -- and only the water it needs -- is a matter of dollars and sense.

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• Provide Customers With Good-to-Excellent Landscape Appearance While Using the Right Amount of Water

• Charge Customers a Fair Price for Water Management Services

Objectives of Water Management

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Path to Certification

• Use this Study Guide and CLCA’s Supplemental Files to prepare for the CLCA Water Management Certification Exam (note: Certification is also open to non-CLCA members)

• Pass the exam, and you will have earned Provisional Certification Status• Document that you have maintained an actual landscape for 1 year at or

under 100% of ETo*, and you can become a Certified Landscape Water Manager (CLWM)

• Expert Certification Status:• Maintain 5 sites for 12 consecutive months at or under 80% of ETo*

• Document Continuing On-budget Performance (appropriate to your Certified Level) to maintain your Certification Status

* Minus 30% of Rainfall occurring during the Irrigation Season

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• CIMIS - California Irrigation Management Information System• ETo - Reference Evapotranspiration (measured in Inches)• GIS - Geographic Information System (provides drawing tools that can be

used to measure landscape areas using aerial photos)• HCF or CCF - Hundred Cubic Feet = 748 Gallons• KGal - One Thousand Gallons = 1,000 Gallons• On Budget - A site that meets or exceeds minimum standards as defined

here: CLCA On Budget Standard

• If a local jurisdiction uses more restrictive standards, the local standard will prevail.

* Comprehensive Glossary provided by the Irrigation Association

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“Get on Budget” Checklist

Five Steps -- Check Them Off As Completed

1. Map & Measure the Site

2. Document Potential Water and Cost Savings

3. Perform Site Inspection and Tune-Up

4. Establish Schedules and Program Controllers

5. Feedback Loop

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1. Add Remote Capability to Controllers

2. Map Irrigated Area by Hydrozone

• Measure the Area of Hydrozones using GIS Tools (such as Google Earth Pro or TerraServer), Aerial Photos (Google Earth) or a Measuring Wheel

• Create a Site Map by Station and Controller

3. Calculate Baseline “Water Budget”

• Register with CIMIS to Obtain Average Monthly ETo Data

• To determine your Baseline Water Usage, use the CLCA Water Budget Calculator located in the supplemental files.

Step 1- Map & Measure the Site

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Hydrozone Map and Water Budget

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1. Obtain Irrigation Meter (or Mixed Use Meter) Records

2. Compare Baseline Water Use to Recent Water Use

3. Multiply Excess Use by Local Water Rates ($/HCF)

4. Compare Potential Savings (Line 3) to Water Management Costs

5. Use Benefit/Cost Analysis to Decide to Bid Water Management Services

Start Up & First Year 1,250$ Each Year 600$ Three year Cost 2,450$

Annual Savings at Site 1,000$ Three year savings 3,000$

Net benefit 550$

Cost of Irrigation ManagementStep 2 - Document Potential Savings

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Step 3 - Site Inspection & Tune-Up

1. Inspect (System Walk-through)• Document Problems by Station • (see Diagnostic Guide & Photographs)• Submit Punchlist to Customer• Obtain Customer Approval for Punchlist Repairs

2. Site Tune Up• Remove & Replace Damaged Equipment• Adjust Pressures at Each Valve (Flow Control)• Align (Arcs/Grade) and Straighten Sprinklers• Assess Nozzle Correctness and Make Changes• Consider Check Valves for Low Elevation Heads

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1. Assign Each Valve to a Controller Program• Program 1: Turf & Annual

Color• Program 2: Groundcover &

Shrubs• Program 3: Shrubs &

Trees• Program 4: Special (e.g.,


Step 4 - Establish Schedules & Controllers

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2. Use the CLCA Irrigation Scheduler to set:• Minutes per Cycle (Consider Time to Runoff)• Cycles Per Day, Days/Week• Adjust for Planting Density, Micro-climate, Slope• Sample Irrigation Schedule

• Note: Other software programs including Green Leaf (fees or subscriptions may apply) and

• Water Budget Manager (free) are also available for this purpose.

• After 1 week with New Schedules on a Test Area, Inspect with Soil Probe; Modify Schedules If Needed

Step 4 - Continued . . .

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Step 5 - Feedback Loop (1 of 2)

1. Read Water Meters 1st Week of the Month• Submit meter readings

to CLCA as directed• You can produce a

monthly report using CLCA’s online software.

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Step 5 - Feedback Loop (2 of 2)

1. Irrigation Schedule Adjustments• Seasonal Adjustment for Current Month• Site Walkthrough Adjustments• Soil Probe Used To Inspect Rootzone• Wet or Dry Spots Observed• Changes in Plant Appearance

• Adjustment Methods1. Days Per Week2. Starts per Day3. Percent Adjust Key (+/- 20%)

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Basic Principles of Irrigation

• Weather

• Plants

• Soils

• Sprinklers

• Controllers

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Water Budgeting & Tracking

• Area Measurement• Measuring Wheel• Aerial Photography• Google Earth• GIS Area Measurement• Google Earth Pro• Terra Server

• Hydrozones• Species, Density, Microclimate, Sprinkler Type

• Weather data• CIMIS and Weather Based Irrigation Controllers • Meter Reading (At Least Monthly)

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• Review Characteristics of Site Controllers

• Basics• Group Into Hydrozones• Reduce Runtimes and Add Start Times to Avoid Runoff• Avoid Program Overlap to Ensure Adequate Pressures• Monitor Soil Moisture and Plant Appearance

• Conventional Electronic Controllers• Use Days per Week, Starts per day and Percent Adjust

• Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers• Calibrate at Installation, Monitor performance

Controller Programming

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Certification in 5 Steps

1. Read the Certification Program Summary

2. Work through this Study Guide

3. Pass the Certification Exam and Obtain Provisional Certification

4. Enter at least one irrigated site in the Performance Program Database

5. Document 1 year of On Budget Performance and you will achieve full CLCA Water Management Certification (Basic Level)

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Links to Affiliates

• California Landscape Contractors Association• California Urban Water Conservation Council• Cooperative Extension Service• Irrigation Association• Irrigation Association SWAT• Irvine Ranch Water District• ITRC (Cal Poly)• Santa Clara Valley Water District• US Bureau of Reclamation

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Supplemental Materials Follow

Note: Some Slides are Duplicated to Facilitate Study Guide Navigation

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Add Remote Capability

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Baseline Water Use - Historical Weather

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Download CLCA Mapping Handbook

Mapping Information

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Certification Basic Principles: Weather (1 of 2)

• Weather causes Plants to withdraw Water from the Root zone (via root-hairs) which must then be replaced by Irrigation (or Rainfall)

• Weather Affects Irrigation Requirements through:• Solar Radiation• Temperature• Wind• Humidity• Rainfall

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Certification Basic Principles: Weather (2 of 2)

• Long Days with Bright, Warm, Windy, Dry Weather Increases Irrigation Water Requirements, while Short Days with Cloudy, Cool, Calm, Humid Weather Decreases Requirements

• It is difficult for humans to perceive the full effect of recent changes in weather, therefore we use computerized weather stations to provide “Quantification” of Weather

• An Excellent Source of Weather Data within California is CIMIS

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Certification Basic Principles: Plants

• Plants use water (obtained in almost all cases through their roots) to perform numerous “chores”, ranging from photosynthesis to cooling to providing strength in stems

• Unfortunately, there are few monocultures in landscaping; you will need to water to the requirement of the plant with the highest Demand

• The WUCOLS Study by the California Cooperative Extension Service assigned a Water Use Index to thousands of the most common plants:• High, Medium, Low and Very Low Water Use

• The WUCOLS Study suggests that water use can range over a range of 500% or more based on the species of plant being irrigated

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Certification Basic Principles: Soils

• Soils Support Plants in the Landscape and Provide a Pathway for Nutrients and Water to reach the Plant’s Roots

• A Healthy Soil that is not overly wet also allows Oxygen to reach the roots

• In Planning Irrigation Schedules, it is important to know how much water can be stored in the rootzone of the plant as well as how fast water can penetrate into the rootzone

• Soils such as Clays and Sands must be irrigated very differently to achieve good water use efficiency

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Certification Basic Principles: Sprinklers (1 of 2)• Water is applied to the landscape at a rate low enough so that it can

be stored in the Root zone using:

• All of these devices can achieve good efficiency with good design, installation, maintenance and scheduling

•Sprinklers•Geared Rotors •Impact Rotors•Rotating Stream Rotors•Fixed & Popup Sprays•MicroSpray

•Drip Emitters• Single Port • Multi-port• Dripline


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Certification Basic Principles: Sprinklers (2 of 2)

• The Key to achieving good efficiency at any Site is to Inspect and Tune-up the sprinklers to ensure reasonable performance and then to “Adjust Schedules Until You are Dialed In”

• Performance is Measured in two ways:• How Fast is Water Being Applied = Precipitation Rate• How Evenly is Water Being Applied = Distribution Uniformity

• If Good Judgment and Adjustments Do Not Produce Acceptable Results, Field Tests can Document the Performance of Sprinklers and Provide Better Schedules

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Certification Basic Principles: Controllers (1 of 2)

• Today’s Electronic Irrigation Controllers offer Many Features that can be used to keep a landscape “On Budget”

• Today’s Controllers typically have:• Multiple Programs• Multiple Start Times/Cycles• A Percentage Adjustment to Track Changes in Weather

• Even older mechanical “clocks”, if programmed correctly and updated regularly, can successfully manage irrigations

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Certification Basic Principles: Controllers (2 of 2)• Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers (WBIC) are now

entering service and they have the potential to greatly improve irrigation management efficiency

• WBIC receive updated weather data from remote sources or sense local changes in weather parameters and then modify irrigation runtimes accordingly

• The Key to Success for WBIC is proper installation and calibration of the device so that it “knows” the applied water requirement of each hydrozone and the actual performance of the sprinklers serving each hydrozone

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Company Service Area Billing Unit Base Rate Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4City of Fresno Fresno Monthly HCF $0.44Southern California Water Rancho Cordova Monthly HCF $0.46California Water Co. Chico - Hamilton City Monthly HCF $0.58Carmichael Water Dist. Carmichael Bi-Monthly HCF $0.66Desert Water Co. Palm Springs Monthly HCF $0.77City of San Bernardino San Bernardino Monthly HCF $0.91Irvine Ranch Water District Irvine, Costa Mesa Monthly HCF $0.91 $1.82 $3.64 $7.28California Water Co. King City Monthly HCF $0.93California Water Co. Dixon Monthly HCF $1.00California Water Co. Bakersfield Monthly HCF $1.02California Water Co. Oroville Area Monthly HCF $1.08Victor Valley Water Dist. Victorville area Monthly HCF $1.08California Water Co. Salinas Monthly HCF $1.17California Water Co. Stockton Monthly HCF $1.23City of Pomona Pomona (inside city limits) Bi-Monthly HCF $1.24City of Santa Clara Santa Clara Monthly HCF $1.24Azusa Light & Water Azusa Monthly HCF $1.30Golden State Water Placentia Bi-Monthly HCF $1.41California Water Co. Lancaster-Antelope Valley Monthly HCF $1.44City of El Segundo El Segundo Monthly HCF $1.54City of Pomona Pomona (outside city limits) Bi-Monthly HCF $1.56California Water Co. Dominguez Service Area Monthly HCF $1.56California Water Co. East Los Angeles Monthly HCF $1.60Golden State Water Barstow/San Bernardino County Monthly HCF $1.72California Water Co. Livermore Monthly HCF $1.78City of Fairfield Fairfield Monthly HCF $1.82San Jose Municipal Water San Jose Bi-Monthly HCF $1.76 to $1.91California Water Co. South San Francisco Monthly HCF $1.88Southern California Water Simi Valley Monthly HCF $1.88

City of San Diego San Diego Monthly HCF $2.00California Water Co. Los Altos-Suburban area Monthly HCF $2.04Golden State Water Metropolitan Dist./ South LA Monthly HCF $2.09ACWD Fremont-Newark Bi-Monthly HCF $2.10California Water Co. Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks Monthly HCF $2.11California Water Co. Apple Valley, Victorville Monthly HCF $2.11San Jose Water San Jose Monthly HCF $2.15City of Petaluma Petaluma Monthly HCF $2.16 $2.37 $2.61California Water Co. Hermosa, Redondo Beaches Monthly HCF $2.17EBMUD Oakland-Hayward-San Ramon Monthly HCF $2.28Contra Costa Water Walnut Creek - Concord Monthly HCF $2.28California Water Co. Palos Verdes Estates Monthly HCF $2.29California Water Co. Mid - SF Peninsula Monthly HCF $2.42Marin Municipal Water Marin County (Irrigation) Bi-Monthly HCF $2.43 $4.86 $9.72Marin Municipal Water Marin County (Residential) Bi-Monthly HCF $2.43 $4.86 $9.72 $14.58Rincon Del Diablo Municipal Escondido Bi-Monthly 1000 gallons $2.43 $2.74City of Milpitas Milpitas (Commercial) Bi-Monthly HCF $3.19City of Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Monthly 1000 gallons $3.22 $4.02 $6.03Redwood City Redwood City Bi-Monthly HCF $3.63City of Milpitas Milpitas (Irrigation) Bi-Monthly HCF $3.65City of Palo Alto Palo Alto (Irrigation Meters) Monthly HCF $4.04City of Palo Alto Palo Alto (Commercial) Monthly HCF $4.25

California Irrigation Water Costs

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Water Management Cost Estimate

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Water Management Pays Off

Sample Irrigation Schedule

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Sample Inspection PunchlistSample Irrigation Schedule

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Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.Soil Type SlopeSand Mild 16 5 33 8 37 6 37 8 50 10Sand Moderate 10 5 21 8 22 6 24 8 31 10Sand Steep 7 5 12 8 8 6 10 8 13 10

Sandy Loam Mild 13 5 23 8 25 6 26 8 36 10Sandy Loam Moderate 8 5 15 8 17 6 18 8 24 10Sandy Loam Steep 5 4 8 8 8 6 9 8 13 10

Loam Mild 10 5 18 8 21 6 23 8 30 10Loam Moderate 7 5 12 8 12 6 14 8 19 10Loam Steep 4 4 8 8 7 6 8 8 11 10

Clay Loam Mild 8 5 15 8 17 6 18 8 24 10Clay Loam Moderate 5 4 8 8 10 6 11 8 16 10Clay Loam Steep 3 3 8 8 6 6 8 8 10 10

Clay Mild 5 4 10 8 12 6 13 8 18 10Clay Moderate 3 3 8 8 8 6 10 8 13 10Clay Steep 3 3 8 8 6 6 8 8 10 10

Flat to Mild Slope = 0 to 5 degrees Moderate slope = 5 to 20 degrees Steep Slope = More than 20 degrees

Calculated minimum precipitation per cycle as follows: Spray heads - (1.8in/hr) - @ 5minutes = .15in/cycle. @ 3 min. = .09in/cycle. Gear Rotors - (.7 in/hr) @ 8 min. = .0 in/cycle. Impact Rotors - (.65 in/hr) @ 6 min. = .065 in/cycle. Stream Rotors - (.60 in/hr) - @ 8 min. = .08 in/cycle. Rotating Nozzles - (.45 in/hr) - @ 10 min. = .075 in/cycle.


1.8 in/hr

*Gear Rotor *Impact Sprinkler Stream Rotor

.7 in/hr .65 in/hr .6 in/hr

Minimum and Maximum Station RuntimesRotating Nozzles

.45 in/hr

CAUTION: These station runtimes are approximate and are intended to be used as a guide to allow you to develop the optimum runtimes for your particular property.

*NOTE: Minimum runtimes for rotary sprinklers: The engineered rotational speed is 1 to 1 1/2 minutes per rotation of the sprinkler. Four passes or rotations are needed to apply meaningful amounts of water per cycle for full circle sprinklers. If valved separately, half circle sprinklers runtimes can be reduced 50%. 90 degree sprinklers can be reduced 75%.

Rotating Nozzles:MP Rotator nozzles are .45 in/hr.Rain Bird R13-18 are .70 in/hr.Rain Bird R17-24 nozzles are .75 in/hr. at most pressures.

Scheduling Guide 1

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Irrigation Scheduling WorksheetEnter Precipitation Rate:1.8

Enter Station Run Time:6

Turf ?Sports Turf? Minutes Number of

Month Reference ET Season adj. Crop k Site k System k Required H2O per week cycles/week

January 1.35 1 0.8 1 0.625 1.73 13 2February 1.87 1 0.8 1 0.625 2.39 18 3March 3.45 1 0.8 1 0.625 4.42 34 6April 5.03 1 0.8 1 0.625 6.44 50 8May 5.93 1 0.8 1 0.625 7.59 58 10June 6.71 1 0.8 1 0.625 8.59 66 11July 7.11 1 0.8 1 0.625 9.10 70 12August 6.29 1 0.8 1 0.625 8.05 62 10September 4.84 1 0.8 1 0.625 6.20 48 8October 3.61 1 0.8 1 0.625 4.62 36 6November 1.8 1 0.8 1 0.625 2.30 18 3December 1.36 1 0.8 1 0.625 1.74 13 2Totals 49.35 63.17

Enter Precipitation Rate:0.9

Enter Station Run Time:6

Shrubs & Ground Cover Minutes Number of Month Reference ET Season adj. Crop k Site k System k Required H2O per week cycles/weekJanuary 1.35 1 0.6 1 0.625 1.30 20 3February 1.87 1 0.6 1 0.625 1.80 28 5March 3.45 1 0.6 1 0.625 3.31 51 8April 5.03 1 0.6 1 0.625 4.83 74 12May 5.93 1 0.6 1 0.625 5.69 88 15June 6.71 1 0.6 1 0.625 6.44 99 17July 7.11 1 0.6 1 0.625 6.83 105 18August 6.29 1 0.6 1 0.625 6.04 93 15September 4.84 1 0.6 1 0.625 4.65 72 12October 3.61 1 0.6 1 0.625 3.47 53 9November 1.8 1 0.6 1 0.625 1.73 27 4December 1.36 1 0.6 1 0.625 1.31 20 3Totals 49.35 0.6 47.38

Scheduling Guide II

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1 6 Turf spray 4 5 Shrubs & GC spray 10 20 Raised planters drip

2 6 Turf spray 6 6 Shrubs & GC spray

3 6 Turf spray 8 12 Shrubs & GC rotor

5 6 Turf spray 9 12 Shrubs & GC rotor

7 6 Turf spray

11 6 Turf spray

Hrs 0.60 0.58 0.33DATE DAYS ON START TIMES CY/WK DATE DAYS ON START TIMES CY/WK DATE DAYS ON START TIMES CY/WK DATE DAYS ON START TIMES CY/WK1-Mar 2-3-4-5 1am/2am/3am 12 1-Mar 3-4-5 9p/10p/11p 9 1-Mar 2-3-4-5-6 6am 5

CY / WK = Cycles per week. Multiply number of "Days On" by number of "Start Times".


Sample Irrigation Schedule

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photo courtesy of RainBird

Irrigation Valve Flow Control

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Monthly Report

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Meter Reading (Billing Units) = 1,213 HCF

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Certification Exam

• Offered periodically at locations throughout California• Hosted by participating Water Utilities• Exam Format:

• 50 multiple choice questions• 2 hours, closed book (equations and definitions will be

provided); electronic calculators permitted• Passing Grade = 70% (35 Correct Answers)

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Performance Program

• On Budget Performance with Good-to-Excellent Appearance is The Only True Measure of Water Management Success

• Therefore, obtaining CLCA Water Management Certification Depends on:

1. Passing the Certification Exam to achieve Provisional Status, AND THEN ...

2. Managing a landscape(s) for at least 12 consecutive months and documenting On Budget Performance.

3. A Site Already On Budget can be Documented

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CLCA Water Management Certification• Offered by the California Landscape Contractors

Association• Certified Water Managers in Good Standing (Basic and

Expert) will be Listed in an Online Directory• Exam Fee = $100 (Non-CLCA members = $200)• Annual Site and Certification Fees• Continuing Performance Requirement:

• Document management of required number of Properties With “On Budget” Performance each year

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CLCA Member Pricing StructureType Annual Fee Site fee Setup Fee Total Description

Level 1 $100 $40 $25 $165 1 manager, 1 site

Level 2 $500 $0 $0 $500 3 managers, 15 sites

Level 3 $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000 5 managers, 50 sites

Level 4 $500 $0 $0 $500 5 managers, 50 sites

NOTE: Level 3 Participating Companies can purchase additional blocks of 5 Managers / 50 sites for an annual fee of $500.

Level 4 participants:

10 Managers

100 Sites

$1,500 / Year

$15.00 per site / per year

$1.25 per site / per month

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Supplemental Files*• Supplemental Files can be downloaded to your computer

by Clicking on the link below:

Click Here

• Download* and Store the “Supplemental Files-CLCA Water Management.zip” file to an appropriate folder on your computer

• Double-click (“Open”) the zip file to “Un-zip” the files

* Note: the Zip file only needs to be downloaded once

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CLCA’s Water Management Certification Program was made possible by the strong support of our partners.

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Water Management Certification Program Founding Partners

Charter Partner

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CLCA’s Water ManagementCertification ProgramPart of the solution to California’s Water Crisis . . . The California Landscape Contractors Association www.clca.org