Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders...

Waste identification tool Workshop Læringsnettverk for ledelse af patientsikkerhet d. 6. november 2013

Transcript of Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders...

Page 1: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Waste identification toolWorkshopLæringsnettverk for ledelse af patientsikkerhet

d. 6. november 2013

Page 2: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them


• Flowforstyrrelser og kø teori

• Flowforstyrrelser og forudsigelighed

• Hvordan kommer I i gang?

• Eksempler på resultater

• Jeres eget projekt

Page 3: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

To vigtige citater

"Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets”

Paul Batalden

”Get the right level of care to the right patient at the right time – thats the task we are given!”

Deborah Kaczynski, UPMC, Pittburgh

Page 4: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Hvorfor er det vigtigt?

Flowforstyrrelser har en iboende risiko for at

påvirke patientsikkerheden negativt

Page 5: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Hvorfor er det svært?

Page 6: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them
Page 7: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them
Page 8: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them
Page 9: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Det er ikke alle patienter der venter eller oplever flowforstyrrelser

Men mange patienter gør

og mange af dem gør det alene fordi der er andre der venter

Page 10: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them
Page 11: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Effect of adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems on traffic flow

Page 12: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them
Page 13: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them
Page 14: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them
Page 15: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Hvorfor skal vi gøre noget for at ændre det?

Page 16: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them to do work with no value”

Patricia A. Gabow

CEO Denver Health


Vi kan tilføje, at:

“Waste er disrespekt for patienternefordi vi beder dem om at gennemgåprocesser, der ikke tilfører værdi tilderes behandling”

Page 17: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them
Page 18: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Hvor mange har oplevet nogle af de her typer af waste?

Page 19: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

10 minutters diskussion

• Hvilke tiltag har I iværksat for at minimere omfanget af disse forstyrrelser?

• Hvilke tiltag har virket bedst?

Page 20: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Mange af flowforstyrrelserne kan forudsiges

Page 21: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Mange brancher arbejder meget aktivt med at forudsige efterspørgsel/aktivitet

Page 22: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

I sundhedsvæsnet gør vi det også

Spørgsmålet er hvordan vi bliver endnu bedre til det!

Page 23: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Eksempler på hvor man allerede arbejder med forudsigelser

• Pakkeforløb i kræftbehandlingen

• Mødetid på opvågningen

• Telefonbetjening

• Ressourcetrækket over ugen

Page 24: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Ambition om at være en HRO

Page 25: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

CCHMC’s teori

• Medarbejdere handler på forudsigelig vis

(det meste af tiden)

• Medarbejderne laver fejl på forudsigelig måde

(det meste af tiden)

• Ledelse er nøglen til at sætte den ønskede standard

Page 26: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

10 minutters diskussion

• Hvor anvender I allerede nu forudsigelser?

• Hvilke andre områder kunne I forestille jer I kunne bruge forudsigelser?

Page 27: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Forudsigelser er ét af redskaberne til at understøtte et sikkert flow

Page 28: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Hvad forhindrer flow?

• Vi ved ikke hvad vi mangler af info

• Vi ved hvad vi mangler af information, men ikke hvor vi kan få den

• Manglende analyser

• ”Dem og os” tankegang – manglende forståelse for egen betydning

Page 29: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

If only…

Page 30: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Screeningen kan inspirere til et bedre patientforløb, kvalitetsforbedring og en endnu bedre styring af driften af et sygehus.

Page 31: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Så hvordan kommer I i gang? (1.)

• Få medarbejderne med

• Vi leder ikke efter skyld, men efter steder hvor vores system kan forbedres

• Medarbejderne er eksperterne

• Fortæl hvor lang tid det tager (ca. 1 time)

• Vi skal ikke gennemgå journaler – dvs. forberedelsen er lille

• Fortæl vi udfordrer vanetænkning

• Fortæl at vi ved det er et øjebliksbillede

• Afklar hvilke afdelinger der skal deltage

• Afdækning af tværgående problemer kræver at flere afdelinger deltager

Page 32: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Så hvordan kommer I i gang? (2.)

• Deltagerne fra afdelingen er:

• En læge og en sygeplejersker fra afdelingen – som kender patienterne

• Øvrige deltagere er:

• Ofte én fra afdelingsledelsen, én fra sygehusledelsen og en ”ekstern”

Page 33: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

På selve dagen

• Print skemaet i A3 – og print så der er til alle

• Husk at udfordre vanetænkning – hvorfor…?, kunne man …? hvad

skulle der til for at …?

• Husk at afdelingen har ret!

• Husk at det tager ikke mere end en time for ca. 24 senge

Page 34: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them
Page 35: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Hvordan samler I op på gennemgangen?

• Løb skemaet igennem og bliv sikker på I har sat de samme krydser

• Lav et regneark

Page 36: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Eksempler på resultater

• Omlægning af kontroller i infusionspoliklinik

• Reduktion i antallet af patienter der får IV antibiotika

• Oprettelse af IV antibiotika poliklinik

• Bedre samarbejde mellem sygehus og kommune

• Bedre opfølgning på psykiatriske patienter via udgående team

• Ændrede arbejdsgange for UL scanning af patienter med mistanke om dyb venetrombose

Page 37: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Jeres eget projekt

• Hvor mange afdelinger tænker I skal inddrages?

• Hvad tror I bliver de største udfordringer i forbindelse med opstarten?

• Hvad kan I gøre for at overkomme dem?

• Har I en afdeling I kan øve jer på?

Page 38: Waste identificationtool Workshop...“Waste is disrespectful to humanity because it squanders scarce resources and that waste is disrespectful to individuals because it asks them

Spørgsmål ?