Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-02-04 [p 8]. · modified rules the Speakers diapo...

THE WASHIXGTOX TIMES FRIDAY FEBEUABY 4 1910 R i Pabttofeed IB the Tea THE MUNSEY BUILDING sew Tern Office Chicago Office17W CMDee Philadelphia OCOcc Baltimore CMOce TSK Ttfth Aw C days a week one year 53Sa A MTJHSBY The Times lacton Dtetrict CWMH who B their owa aooowK week Entered at the poetoCtca- XX C a eooood elaa nisme FRIDAY BVEXrNO FEB 4 1 Berry Peea IletWHa ants MC lr SUB8CJUPTlON Dally 7 FRANK Ja the dtr K Was and bop and senses oeM paper M the rate K t Beats a at 1ewhiiWou iflW1L e lag at ave 17th su Haair Hide Boston Jori 1 Heeihac caat s Nws lbeilai g rte serve by aewa ilMver Whittsa < Comparative NET Daily Circulation of The Times and The Star for January The Times 44411 The Star 38192- Last two days mated j CAN THE GAS MONOPOLY GET BY CONGRESS Will Congress see the Capital taxed trffhont right of 1w t That is the Mb o the T proposed by tile Washington Gas cxmopolv The greatest scandal te the history of tie District government i- evTdV y ot ended Unless Congra it bj the autfcoraation of 500600 of new eecnritiee on whfek the citron is to pay interest forever But for monitor it JIM been And the that time has been tfcfe Can the nwaopoly get by Congress tOW intexvene8 it to be next Yondaythat la tIN pIMa of The ptblie bow whispered is sMcb GIlly raised ia aU ante is c stinssed B giak tbisg ie ud io day aarng iseeters queatidat < If it cat if this 5006001 earn be pas as the law now stands the fotfte and Congress out look to pee the 5000000 become 14000000 sad the present capitalisation of rW000 in- creased to more tfcc 15MlMO the bother of any such MIl as that spurned 1 y Congress two yeas ago The thing will be fought of coarse If this newspaper hens to fist it alone it will be fooght with all Its energy and re Ti feat d in the courts fleient legal help It par well be that a hole has bees found hi tIM law And the ineadenti circumatanee that the law did not contemplate spy surds levy upon users of gam fnd that the eonpany la Peking spectre authorization to in- oraaae its Jy so interpreted the Jaw not grab bag The place to prep this acsesanmnt is- is Congress It can be stopped these the reeponeibflitTfor the levy win rest there And the hrftiatrre in faHHKng that responsibility to the people of the American Capital doponda upon the W O Bradley T a Martuu T H J F Johnston J W Smith D U Fletcher H Gsffincrsr- L P XHlH iam- B Scott J Gamble E J Barkett S1 H Carter JiLa Btdkele- pa Sasftb W H Wifey P elL H Fish TS Otootfe DW Sbaoklafacd- S Satin W Aikea- U H 3xsce B Johaeom- B 34 CottdCsjE i H Konbaraei 5 M Nye W P Dorfaad W J Cary i M A Pearre SJL Gilnore- X Guernsey These genSlsases are tie eoBtaoK council of tie Dtatriofc of Oononbia It is for them to answer Can iibe Gne monopoly get by OMI ALASKA A BREEDER OF DIS TRUST AND SUSPICION Can any good cone out of 2vaaareth This ancient interrogatory might come out of Alaska It would to this great territory with its vast possibilities std endless resources seems and to is to Alaska that Secretary Beluga can lay a large share of his Frost IJM to 2000 Anerkmii eituene are sow the subject of inquiry in one way sad another because of alleged frauds or suspicion of frands on the Gorent ment IB a single bunch 173 are be- ing looked into A bill has beets urged- to change the form of the Alaskan gor- enunent putting the Territory in the T ea y of this bin has aroused a of opposition It has been bitterly as in the rotary not of Uw Alaskan people but of curtain oorpora- tione ansi on the other head stoutly defended Delegate Wickersham has attacked- an army officer who is alleged to be a fool of tile big BOSfiltiOg onm bi TI a if n nit of ispoai wen ot CIUI M Bu mosopolido net JMIt fur of WIll to hold Its slut of tk day Ift is not Here P- It J X gresc1 1 well De taoderniaed to ask if eery ea be Un- just in the but It ill a feet that very air in to be red with Jaaads of A raised AtI assailed I t t tasie with- out i ptiapy die de capitals gesios d3l3pralta head sei i for ood stopped Sfilloan legs eteab- RNATOR 8 RtrTATNBS as Co- G good to answer uegative trattge Alas- ka awe dis- trust se jric ou tre ablest povear sd tor- rent ¬ ¬ > > that is trying to stet its grip on Alas- ka mineral wealth I abort the whole fmoTY li r 4JB5dc wife charges cad reeking Alaska H a region of BMnttms wealth in Minerals ioresiny nMtrtiaa and other capturing and there is little doubt captains of fence are phinning to control them 0iawt iorces battling for the masterythere It is after nueii wondered there should be strife bitterness slid suspicion And Congress will do well to make haste in pertninfanr to the Alaskan empire I I iuE J l1iV of crookMIIe8L Of roane ue orb is ut Them oea are worth SOMe of tile of this MIIItrys an- DO to tIN rtauojt rroupe6 r big eat arc slowly any ¬ YOU TICKLE ME I TICKLE PENNSYLVANIA In view of the apparently strong liberal sewtatrros with the purpose of girnur a better show to the or in- enmed by the attitude of Senator Penrose toward Speaker Canoe As the Senator understands his oh liamtinn to the Speaker Undo Joe vnaJa delegation because he stood by us nobly in the tariff fight end every nHunrCactttrer should know ibis Pennsylvania is one of the chief the PayneAtdrirh bill was framed the various interests of this State were protected to the limit Ia getting this of the Howe delegation douhUeaa acted with the single purpose of serving their State regardless of the interests- of ether States whiek x BonfacentatiYes- gatiou incurred an obligation to Speak- er Cknnon and as political obiaaous o they think it is tight that they YOUIN r for none rubs is tile Xatieusl tee of iiI8m t eleatsetut baa ePa t MIppMt of the IKLrioM of tile high tariff sad as result Senator rtllTO et- M iMW arIIII- lIa tile Peeasyhaaia tleJe X papaalar sestiesent Bepre depeedest eismeat senior Penusyl deeoes and trembers sees ameag other Sasssa so doing ¬ should be grateful in a Being the under them Uncle Joe naturally the sue whose head is in sight It is said that Speaker Oannun no more autocratic thus was Rued sad is probable too that under modified rules the Speakers diapo cation toward insurgents would be snider There is a variance of opinion as to the way in which the rules should be changed but the light of experience aeenu to show that the Speaker ought not to be permitted to dominate the Rules Oonsnuttae The Speakership it serf eonfers authority enough Therefore K is not apparent by theory of political obKmtion the Penasylvaaians withhold their sup port of a more liberal policy which would ooneider the interest of other varna ought to set a good example of statesmanship DISTRICTS ROLL OF HONOIt FOR HALL OF FAME No worthy District candniates for Statuary Hall Has Washington no dfednguiahed sons by birth or adop- tion Most who spent the ripest the most productive years of their lives here who labored and died here who did good works for the community who achieved fame during their local maiden properly nay be proposed for yoathumoun honor at our peoples heads Washington has been the Cap- ital of the United States for more than a eentnry In that time many a great rams has bees peculiarly identined with tits locality Of MIlk erbjibies consider Alexander R Shepherd who hike Baron HaueeoMUK in Paris transformed and recreated our city F Riggs banker and dvica d national patriot like Xorris in the W W Corcoran whose nwattments are the An Gallery Oak Hill Ceme- tery the Margaret Louise Home and a thousand benefactions fresh in of raea anti womon Bishop ctteriee great as an eccIe siastie and in fruitful labors for people among he served Father Stafford scholar orator sad aealot for the public weaL George Bancroft aiet riB whose work was aceo pliriiod here Siaaoa NeT cona9 jgg among astronoaaers and highest activities linked his residence in Washington Alexander Graham Bell who through the telephone vohitiontsed bcui sera cad social ways of his generation Major Llbfant tt immortal plan- ner of this unique Capital Should we leave out the ease of Tajnrn Smithsos albeit he never w i a Wsaaingtonian save that through his gift and the idea behind the gift he made this city the scientific costar of a contuent Or General Spinner w o doors of Government employ to women Or Heat Gets O X Howard founder of a school of high- er learning for the negro and pointer of the way whoa time saner slave newiound freedom In the dawn of thus ante of remember Prof Langiey who ngtor shed the beau of light by afl who have foBowed him have reed the solution of that problem as old as man Vorthies iirjat minds whom we ma claim ae o lr We have nam i way It proposed is tile rules are not at tile Speak- er is is Czar it y what States as sc their 0W1L visa Reveietloa th- eory diligent whom AIi ie- rAI mea of whose were with I tile of by is year awn c the ebafsges aimed e Speaker well PeascyI minded a aaoog soieace the sped Eloped iamongthe perpiet s hjs mn flight his dakperissal s sad Wsah high ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ed a few that ease to mind while the typewriter ran There are rodders BO doubt who eat double the roll news that it Is stall comfot to the housewife to know that Congr te m- vestiKattauc the high cost of RTUUT with an fixed merely on its paosfbttttles for campaign material I If It Is true that the earth Is to be inundated as a result of Hatters comet we nominate the lien Bart holdt as the man to send the dove from the ask when the time of subsidence arrives j Horace Fletchers prediction that In ten years from today meat will not be eaten m America may be taken te mean that by that time the Beef trust win have gobbled the earth A physician ha found note whines Caruso eouU not reach It was his bill of tna for treating the stagers throat and Caruso objected It sissy or lie to know that a iroman came neat letting out the secret of the AuM trouble m Boston news Former Vice President te visiting Rome The chauffeur who bits a pedestrian and r- atty oume other day A war between Turkey and Grseee be a fine IMItation of safe and sane Fourth of July Emperor wTBtaw of merely an Illustration the auiettea- Infiuenee of old aan If there to no formaldenyHe te that new mOfc combine we may nave rea son to be thankful A Mexican meat Din company has tailed No such news m this country from the puckers fag hhnsetf seems to uuneist of getttas A voice from tomb Anybody an old school Democrat m which orb bereaved under- stand seoatsr Etbdzrs Is ho he a I not surprise the pub l Cow For those who ROt the away may Use to the ptIII a of Jack Johnsons of IIteL the eat 1 There In 1m nIT tto tile NIl rtEht whets eye RIdard may may have beard Fair- banks pay would asny Is imethd pptiiier seat years k alimony < ¬ < Do they tonouet a Boston nava ban aeeordins to Maroufs oC Qo eawberry We nay ALREADY DEAD- A chap told me this jneming that I looked thy huagn of you where is the Idiot Fit peed the ttf out of him Too late I killed hhnM Nsw Tone I rules 1- Ia qty Ute are is cold today t or tIM 10 Jersey stor- ase Rbll b9s agga Rave ors agg get the grosad hog lux ± Wfrfs on the Program Tonight in Washington N lit IwtemaJttonal Asssela tton at MachtaMMta KatMnml RMec Armory p nv Park VIeW Cttisea hall of Whitney Avenue Christian Church road 730 p m Mans meeting te Interest of Southern at Confederate Memorial Xw Tork T W C A MeeUnff of Kindergarten of the District Bustoees High School Math street and Rhode Island National Union Fraternal Society fair and bazaar old M onlc Temple Ninth and F streets Theaters Xttaml Hrve t Mo SO5 p m- Belae The GIll and tl Wiser S p w Cohunbla Sprtmrtlme Sl p m CbMes FoHte vaud vme SOS p m- Ca M e OontMMiowa vndeviMe 11 to U v m MaJwtJoMovteg pictures and vando- vffle 7 to U p a Gayety FcntsSantWr Company SOS p nu Sam Davere Company fn p m The Times will be pleased to announce meetings and entertainments in this col umn Phone or write announcements DIAMONDS RAISED Advance In Wages of Responsiblefor Increase 3WW YORK Feb 4 The retail price of dteaaonds is to be raised because or in advance of 12 per oeat i wages granted yesterday by the New York diamond merchants to the members of tile American Diamond Cutters Pro- tective Association It will mesa that the east to each more than at present said Charles A Keene one of the largest diamond mer- chants te the witty There is an extraordinary demand In America for diamonds This country the world and the percentage te In- creasing I think the te due to the prosperous condition of the peo- ple The Diamond Cutters Union has made an ironclad agreement with the dhuHmd merchants that no apprentices be lit to work m the excepting sons or I brother of the men now employed in the As the 4W brutes I from Holland or it will be im- possible for the native Americans to learn diamond cutting business The average wage the polishers is f a week The bruters who shape the receive shout laid a week There are but two diamond leavers in this country anfl tlvy make from to JKi a year The diamond merchant naked the union to sign an agreement that no fur ther advance In wagES would be re I jcsiprt tho onfl of two years The was denied 1 Csooeri by Ibosne Band Hall S1M I lilt Lodge 8 Frleay eMertaIat at 0m- entI Crab doa Maar list Vermont tp ID- Lltenary recital T X18Ea Irene S Po m Africa 81ft p a BY RETAIL DEALERS customer will be frown 5 It carts now takes per ceat of the output of work and In this country are either sis r l tQue t I Saldlars Staal- tle pm and does by Colombia evestng Nome avenue ro- of Assoc iaUoa ave- nue AeademyIts m s Lyceum Work- men 1 a ddsvera 1 ands ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ In the Mail Bag Tile Times will accept for pnbll- eaUea In its Mail Bag columns vigorous letters a at pHMle interest It cannot un- dertake te pHblUb letters exceed IBK SB9 surds Dad rc erve rigrht to condense comma nicatlB s vhlch are of create length Letter mast contain the aame and address of the vrrltor list these be published if- te that effect Is made WHY JfQT GOTERHMSKr T tiM Boner of 7 W Maztmt Times One who to foolish enoush to think that ne Is one of the ultIMate oon and therefore n C Ute altanate taxpayers dares to offer a that is vvnple and practicable This trust keeps its foodstuffs to told storage tar beyond the limit or safety to public health Any method c fanpeoUon or of supervises that might the several Status would m the very nature of things bs tnegeoUva because big an army of inspectors and second because of the liability to ooOustoR be- tween them and the Beef trust for the ease under the present system of inspection hi the packing houses District of Columbia and the Teed tortesshould keep and maintain their own abattoirs and prohibit the importation of cold storage foodstuffs that had tees more than the length of tuna pond to be absolutely safe and even they that such foodstuffs be subjected of more than m Inhabitants something would be done to put a stop to by any trust to force the prices to the figures now existing American the best quality produced in the United at that h now sold at retail in England for about twothirds of the price set on it in this country after paying freight across the sea and all of the expense of putting it on the market hi Europe which includes a ducted under our slipshod system In addition to this by a resolution Congress could recommend to the sev- eral State Legislatures to pass that would prohibit the sale of fresh meats In any town or city of m or over that had sot beer slaughtered in the abattoirs established hi each of them and prohibit the of fresh meats or other foodstuffs beyond the time to be designated as an- olutely safe and the most rigid m rion- If you have the to think this matter over It may appear to you a than any now talked of SQUARE DEAL Capital Tales ahem questions the rigidly with set for Ute of the Beet trust I by the Ooasre or by ol the great expense of maintain there be doubt that such is you tiN of hiU Ity the Congress to the effect that the to Inspection before being ad Jfted to town COld tar more rigid InS ectton than by eon laws 5 I better method of correcting the present I requoss ABAT- TOIRS smmere reasedr abuses a ta81nbed tat Fora little were to advocate pssege a storage beef stor- age time ¬ ¬ > v IXIE X JAMES f Kentucky I comes frost that portaMt of the fort dignity Repres otativ Edwfa Den r aynes hoar Detroit Mich where society te- rful of ten every act In sddttfcm DeBby had has early training hi father was United States minister to Mina Z enby was brought up- on It happens that Denby and ahftBinger committee It kt set safe for both of them to ride n the same elevator For two days James struggled to get his great btik the confines of a mahogany chair which had been con- structed for an ordinary suf- fered more than a woman with a pair of pretty shoes three sues to mean Finally he insisted that Chairman XeJ son come to his relief Knut Nelson has a keen sense of humor Anyone can ten that by looking When filed late th hearing room Sat- urday the same uncomfortable chair wns at James place at table OWe looked reproachfully at the chairman A moment two husky porters struggled into room in full view of spectators with the biggest substituted ft for the little nogany affai- rI see why this chair couldnt have been put hero early this said James Senator Nelson just smiled MId James you cat make anyone believe you are smaHer than I am just by sitting to that doll eMIr I dont belime I am any replied Denby but I hate to aonwt to myself that the day has arrived i I must have furniture to accommodate me j PTJRCEJJ WAS WILLING Senator Mosey Democratic leader or the has never had a harder Job in his life than that of persuading some one of his coliemxuee to serve on joint tnvestlamrJng- cwnrolttee fat the place of Sunnier Pays tee of Kentucky who resigned Svsrr Democratic lawyer in th chamber was to again and agate to take the vacant place But all of them made ex- cuses With one accord they declined to jots the The Democratic leader was sorely tried He bad just gone his limit when there came a large important looking senator from out of the West was none other than William E Purcell of North Dakota the sudden successor OC Senator Thompson The had no whatever haJ no other CMnmittee assignments to rr an ex cure on and in fact he was just pining to heroine a national ar way In addition to these be is a Democrat and 4 lawyer which fully qwUtftes him for the joint committee Senator Money dldnt hours to put the proposition the Westerner and the Westerner wntt a fullsized minute to take him up aya PEARS CO STHTENTS The debate was dull In the House and in the cloakroom The conversation turned to the n the i art ofttt average et Congre M Ms stitueuts All of those agreed that a constituency wa a much to be In fact nobody claimed to be absolutely indep dent and fear Fishy one Renreseu Jtive who shall nsm ihm because of possible back hone aun marhi d att- uation as follows Ive decided that I an afraid of four things in this world They are the Lord lightning my wie and my con- stituent D pontnt sayoth not a to just what deg e tie constituents Incite fear cad but judging from the com hinatiTi named the Representative ipni absolutely cure that h IB going n return to next session or Con Blue Grays region where cos r diplomatic and his of the with at his eyes corn It tee Ute the the I hair to be In tile build Jag say Denby eves the BaIl P1ncbot I D lIner H jab walt ORe number Of teenten were eon Jew tr f precedes circles for ten year Howe digit tr at are the pee heavrweigbts tfos mars lie sparkling e found a ma don t smeller mate the appealed fine men aa gather member present e compli- cation i > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < ¬ ± Miss Ethel Roosevelt Honor west in Oliver Today Breakfast I s t- At Io Assistant Secretary of War and Mrs Robert Shaw Oliver Hosts Small Party Invited to Meet Former White House Belle V Assistant Secretary s liar and breakfast today in honor r Miss Ethel Roosevelt Invited to meet her were fies Carol Nowbarry Mtos Mary South rku 4 Mtes Oliver r r Cabal Lieutenant Osterhaas Houtctrant ftow silL and LAeut Cr Butler Dance Tonight- At the Turkish Embassy For the first time in the soda his tory of the TurKton erfunment when tn otergB da alree A Rustem Bey will entertain a com- pany of about 200 Stem official diplo- matic and resident oircles at a dance this evening- A taste number of dinner parties will precede the event the heals tetar ae then guests to the ball Bareness Mayor wife of th for and a string orchestra will music for thf daH s which will begin ocl n dancing Mr and Mrs insets PradJer h ve as their house zue ts for the weekend William 4e late of SkMTland Emil rue Miss Fuchs Andrew Webber Schlon berger of Paris and Frank Burke K ehe of New York who arrived tti Washington with Mr and Mrs Herbert Shipman this afternoor- Mr and Mr Brad y win entertain at dinner later taking their cuests to the dance at the m- ba sy and tomorrow win Rive a followed by nmrtoale Other quests who ar coming for the musical and win antvc tomorrow are Mr And Mrs Gearj Afareimll Allan of New York Bunny Seter and Mr Bumham Major and Vlrs Zalbwki base tone to New Tort Mere the r rm r has ordered to duty 5 Mrs and hr dnuatiter Miss Stephanie gone to South Carolina for of several weeks A part of will leave Washington tomorrow morning for be given for them bey will after ward attend the hop Among them will be Miss the Downing Miss Polling and Miss Ma gender Mrs H nen a company at n4oir at her residence on Massnchueetts avenue Senator and Mrs Depew well hosts a reception this evening item t until 12 oclock at 1778 X street their guests to meet the Republican Editorial Association of XlMiK M yr Entertain At Dinner Mtes Ethel Roosevelt guest in whoM the daughters of the Secretary of the Rare and Mrs Meyer entertaia ad a party of young last evening After Secretary and Mrs Meyer who attended the Vice Presi- dents dinner to the Cabinet held the second of the receptions for which they H recently The honor guests at the reception were the naval committees of the Senate and Hooee and the naval officer stationed- in and boat Washington Informal dancing followed the reception Senator and Mrs Obauncey M Der w hud tttnlnjr with them last evening a ronpauy including Mr Justice and Mrs Brewer Senator and Mrs McCumber Senator and Mrs Carter Senator and Mrs Sutbeland Senator Button Sena- tor and Mrs Guggenheim Mr and Mrs Woodruff Governor and Mrs KeiresenSa ive and Mm James Brerk Perkms Representative and Mrs Calder Mr and Mrs George R Malb Mr and Mrs C C Glover and Mrs RMel 4- Mi Martha Bowers of the Soli tor General and Mrs Dowers left Washington test evening with her grrintUnther Judge Wilson for Nassau Cubs where they spend six Rear Admiral and Mrs John Mc were hosts at an informal dinner party evening General Black last evening JHW Ethel Roosevelt inn has been the of her brotherteJaw and Representative and Mrs Long worth Sunday went to the home of Mrs John R McLean today for a further visit there Representative and Mrs Ixmgworth will Have a their next week Mrs Cornelius Vanderbilt of New York I ot wee at I l Wasltit will be Ute scene or a irge tIII COIIIIN azr e 1J1 It- o will M Ute earl roo those who do not wIt 11 the artist Del his a t a disuses part win 1 t be- t e the ter r r I the ter awl WIll heat his Vroomaa entertained a party at dinner since Ehaw Oliver heEs ton em- bassy wil- l its furnish shout abl04 on fu to pate the erg sister din- ner been poet Tr have vis- it debutantes Jai a t er eewledr woe hones Misses layer pmt even Tome wss Ge van sad daughter Mrs me- ter ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + The young lady across the way says her father say that he spent- a great deal of time in down quota- tions and for her part she never knew before that he was so literary I she m aT ki n t I ove- rheard > Luncheon for Daughters By Mrs Arthur Murray Mrs Arthur waft of Brigadier General Murray U S A was hoetooc at luncheon today for her daughters Miss Murray and Miss Caroline Murray The young people rr the arty were the Misses Steney M w Marjoi Aleabire Miss Weeks MJL S Leette- Lhtdeey of Boston who te vtettog Mfcw Annie Irwtat Mica Harriet Hatch Miss AmvHta Talbot Mien Ruth Neyee Mies Malttand Marshall and Mlee Marguerite Barbow Mrs John 31 Chip entertained at luncheon today at her Q street reel denee m honor of Miss Georgia Cath- arine ICnox marriage to Harry SmMSs Berry wilt take place Tuesday mart of honor Mias Annie Keith Framer of Senator FnuOer and Miss the tw brides maius Miss Anna Russell Cole of Nashville who is hi town for the wed ning and a number f the seasons debutantes Students Ball At New Willard Tonight 9ted nts ball f th banem of the George Washington University kill so held this evening m the balheem T the Xew WIllard and a large attendance te expected- H C will make the presents tines to the receiving party which in- cludes Mrs Matthew T Scott Mrs Theodore W Xoyee Mrs William C Borden Mrs Charles W Keedbam and Mrs JBdward Stevens The womans committee in in- cludes Mrs Borden Mrs Crawford Mrs Knapp Mrs Lenriey Mrs Mechlin Mrs MeKnew Mrs Keedham Mrs Se4 bert Mrs Stevens Mrs Vance and Mrs Yarrow The list of patronesses te representa- tive of official resident society and contains scores of rimes of the floor committee aseteUd by- a large committee Frank F Ford president of the A ociation of Class Presidents of the University is chairman of the students floor committee assisted by a somber of among them G Frank Seber Ernest R G Qsover M MePlke- DougJns Tschlftdy George Pooi W JeCferson Davis C G Ztar J C r er L Y Beers F A j Keats G S Luekett I W T B HaOer Lee Ralph Gamble E Bond J D Stout T B RoMneOB Ezra A Freeman Marten Z Lee J X Moreeok John T Swift E W R s L I SHfeCt Henry Waters Paul HerrioU unbar Dedoon Charles F Black JJ MeLoone Heima David A Ba r E H King H D Rouser j B w es baw G H BnOer O L Horn guests were Miss Sarah Berry of the is to be The Hos- pital Davis I I students ton- I I I W PUll > H A P8ML J 1 I Moat get iedne whose The afs- ick bridegroom who daughter Dr F M Sowers is chair- man being a mermen Hug as- H Bees r4ert i ¬ ¬ ¬ + Mr sad Mrs HamMtM M warC of San Diego Cal else nave HeR guests at the Cairn several man the will leave WaabJc toa MOB hose They will go via Howard te the son of Howard of Michigan Farewell Dinner At Embassy The Italian Ambassador and Baroness Mayor des Planches who are leaving Washington shortly after a residence of wveral years here representing their government were the boner guests of the French Ambassador and Mine Jus seracd at dinner last evening The meets invited to rreet them were the Portuguese minister VI ro nt dAote the Minister and Counters Moltke Mr Ado of the State Depart- ment the American minister t Switz- erland Mr Swenson Rear Admiral and Mrs Wilbxrd R Brownson Miss Barsnoeg reM8ohen wife sf the Naval Attache of the em bawy Baron of the Austro Himsarian emfcassy Col Baron de Bode of the Russian embassy and his sister Baroness Fll eth de Bode LIMIt Canmerio of tie Italian Miss Mary Patten Mss Josephine Patten of the Swedish legation Mr of the Italian embassy and Antome GdeTroy j Cards are out fee musicale at the White House Friday evening Feb ruary n Ethel Rosee a dinner evening to honor of her house Mrs Marcus A pas those who entertained informally at dinner last evening GAP for Xr JIL French Keen Mme RJtlftire wife of the secretary de a eIIte ed last Rodgers daughter or Rear Hanna for their Senator JasM w Danish AnetroHu ngarian timbres Miss Admiral < ¬ < ¬ ¬ + + The Young Lady Across the Way il First At Home Tea Given At Chinese Lega- New Minister aad Mme Chang Welcomed to Washington One of the pretttant sftsanean lose s of the season was the tea given yesterday by the new chine Mte later and Mme Chang at the legation on Connecticut avenue It was their dal and resident circles who calks tc welcome them to Washington Palms ferns carnstfams and pink roses formed the decorations tbrouga out the howe which te OMMK artistic- ally furnished and embUlisbed with Chinese tapestries vases mats rugs and pictures The host and hostess received their guests at the head of the broad stair ease Mme Chang wearing her native costume of dull auk the kimono Jacket heavily braided in black and her thick black hair arranged quaint silver ornamebis hi oriental style Presiding In the dining room was the recent bride of the oldest son of the minister Mme Wu Chang who wore the daintiest of soft gray brocade ki- monos with silver nab onuunencs dainty gold braid ana buttons on the kimono The tsbb presented a beautiful spec tacle adorned with a unique center- piece of silver fumed of a cluster f dowershafted i dragons the whole mounted on a carved teakwood stand Varkmr Chinese Dainties and sweets were served from numerous beaten silver bowls and dishes all heavily carved with dragons and other typically Chinese designs Little Mme Wu Chang poured the most delicious Chinese tea from a beautiful silver tea service and this was ai heavily embossed with a dragon design Others assisting in receiving the guests and timidly preferring the hos- pitality of the tea table were Chang and Miss Aloe Chang daughters of the minister and Mtes May Mies Emily Tangs sisters of Mme Wu Chang All wore then native kimono costumes sod their thick black hair was tied bark with satin bows giving unique Occidental touch to the gor geoueness of their Oriental dress Entertained la ROBOT Of Cabinet Members and Wives inaugurated a graceful Custom last night by entertaining at dinner hi honor of the Cabinet members lid their wives a function not observed by their pre- decessors in office Their guests were XacVeagh the Secretary of War and Mrs Dickinson the Attorney General and Mrs the Secretary or the Say afid Mrs Meyer tile the Interior and Mrs Bantnr er the Secretary of Air James M Wilson Mrs L Z Loiter Mrs Nor man Williams Mrs Xtaoil Senator Warren and Senator Bacon 5 The New American Minister to China and Mrs W J Calhoun were the guests ra honor of whom Mr and Mrs John May HaminpauMVtttLjntmiJa nteater company last tf uiluiSt r asaAdW and Mrs Waitoni Irwin eo Lion nest at home iliad their lDdudetl a large number from blue wit 1 held lkrce Tang and 1 a Tile VIce President Mrs Bur 11I1111 tile SecretarT of the Treasury sad W enham of 1 den tl est dipie naotA I and by hand- somer i and Mr Secre- tary Dow r- Co ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > U S N asked a of young people to diM with them eveninic to meet Mtee Leslie Lsi ey of Boston who Is vietttoc their Miss Annie Irwin Their otho seats were Mba Majorie Aleshire Mss Caroline Murray Mtes Vera Downing Mss Mary Davidson Mtos Stter eth Howry Xtw Britton Miss Stewart of Chicago Miss Marguerite Barbour hits Lillian Baxter Miss Ruth FSfttng Mfes Lillie Flniey Commander Melidan Commander White Lieutenant Bowel Lieutenant Bristol Lieutenant Calhoun Paymaster Adee Captain Johnson Davis Lieutenant Pratt Lieutenant Sultan Lieutenant Goetnafc Lieut Lacey Hale Lieutenant B sactoa sad Lieutenant Alexander Postmaster General i Gives Dinner f r Pretest The Postxsaeter onsmUoJisaafc H Hitchcock gars the fourth CaMnecdin nor of the seae in hoRN of the last night at Rauecners Th drawing room and dining room were effectively adorned with pink and whrt roses Del sanlax and a section of Marine Band played during the evening Mrs John S wife of Governor Hill of Maine a hostess fcr the Postmaster General who Is bachelor In the invited to th Chief Executive were Mrs Charles An derson sister of Mrs Taft the Gov ernor of Maine and Mrs Hill 3tr and Mrs Charles S Bmoker of CoBaecti cut Mr and Mrs 0so ss vK 8erkin of New Toxic Mr aad Jtcsr Jnmas J Sporrow of Boston Mr and Mrs Al bert Shaw of New York EJ States bury of Philadelphia Frederick Car- penter secretary to the President MtJs Marion Oliver 3Bs Mabel Boardocui Mr and Mrs James X ShefDekt of New York Mr and Mrs Robert I Beekman of Providence Miss Phtttip Miss Hopkins John of Baltimore Mrs Robert W Patterson Frederick Hale of Portland MB Mr and Mrs CaUia of New Yerk Washington Man Gives Aftern Tea The men of Washington society have inaugurated a delightful custom this season of entertaining at afternoon their functions rivaling the hospitality entertainment has heretofore been pre empted those quick to advantage of the oIl was Capt Sherwood A Cheney U S A whose tea in honor of Miss Ethel Roosevelt yesterday at ft oclock was one of the most successful young peoples attain of the winter Invitations Sara been Issued by tho Potomac Conclave iCo t i Order of for the and entertainment at th Pythten Temple MIS Ninth street or Thursday February 1 at S Webs The Thursday Evening Buehre Out met at the home Mrs The members who attended Included Mrs Lewis Newmyer Mrs Julie Luchs Mrs Addle Sigmund Mrs SHBW Bee singer Mrs M Goldsmith and Mrs of Y rtc Pa and Mrs Albert th Ashley apartments Thursday for a two stay at Atlantic Clay are regjtetered at the Hotel Rudoiph home The Council of Jewish mrom a held a public meeting evading for th m vestry rooms of the Street Tempt rte I r Simon an entitled T the Art Gel K Miss Bella Schian- ifett A P no solo ghtr I I Dr I eo meat P an tea of the women by whom this form of H S rerfold Mr sam C bold Xw wlJn- bM bEen t C n of Elghleen1lhfostteet Itfor Rev address J con paay last can Catherine 1 Presi- dent the acted a take new l in- stallation Mr wee err Mrs A of F fkT Abram dolly a gi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < + °

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-02-04 [p 8]. · modified rules the Speakers diapo...

Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-02-04 [p 8]. · modified rules the Speakers diapo cation toward insurgents would be snider There is a variance of opinion as to the




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Comparative NET DailyCirculation of The Timesand The Star for January

The Times 44411The Star 38192-

Last two days mated j


Will Congress see the Capital taxed

trffhont right of 1w tThat is the Mb o the T

proposed by tile Washington Gas

cxmopolv The greatest scandal te thehistory of tie District government i-

evTdV y ot ended Unless Congra

it bj the autfcoraation of 500600of new eecnritiee on whfek the citronis to pay interest forever

But for monitor it JIM been

And thethat time has been tfcfe

Can the nwaopoly get by Congress


intexvene8 it to be next

Yondaythat la tIN pIMa of

The ptblie bow

whispered is sMcbGIlly raised ia aU


is c stinssedB giak

tbisg ie ud ioday

aarng iseetersqueatidat


If it cat if this5006001 earn be

pas as the law now stands the fotfteand Congress out look to pee the5000000 become 14000000 sad the

present capitalisation of rW000 in-

creased to more tfcc 15MlMOthe bother of any such MIl as that

spurned 1 y Congress two yeas agoThe thing will be fought of coarse

If this newspaper hens to fist it aloneit will be fooght with all Its energyand re Ti

feat d in the courts

fleient legal help It par well be thata hole has bees found hi tIM law Andthe ineadenti circumatanee that the lawdid not contemplate spy surds levy uponusers of gam fnd that the eonpanyla Peking spectre authorization to in-

oraaae itsJy so interpreted the Jaw not

grab bagThe place to prep this acsesanmnt is-

is Congress It can be stopped these

the reeponeibflitTfor the levy win restthere And the hrftiatrre in faHHKngthat responsibility to the people of theAmerican Capital doponda upon the

W O BradleyT a MartuuT HJ F JohnstonJ W SmithD U Fletcher

H Gsffincrsr-L P XHlH iam-B ScottJ Gamble

E J BarkettS1 H CarterJiLa Btdkele-

pa Sasftb W H WifeyP elL H Fish

TS Otootfe D W Sbaoklafacd-S Satin W Aikea-

U H 3xsce B Johaeom-B 34 CottdCsjE i H Konbaraei5 M Nye W P DorfaadW J Cary i M

A Pearre SJL Gilnore-X Guernsey

These genSlsases are tie eoBtaoKcouncil of tie Dtatriofc of Oononbia Itis for them to answer

Can iibe Gne monopoly get by OMI


Can any good cone out of 2vaaarethThis ancient interrogatory might

come out of Alaska It wouldto this great territory with its

vast possibilities std endless resources

seemsand to is to Alaska

that Secretary Beluga can lay a largeshare of his Frost IJM to2000 Anerkmii eituene are sow thesubject of inquiry in one way sadanother because of alleged frauds orsuspicion of frands on the Gorentment IB a single bunch 173 are be-

ing looked into A bill has beets urged-to change the form of the Alaskan gor-enunent putting the Territory in the

T ea y of this bin has aroused aof opposition It has been bitterly

as in the rotary not of UwAlaskan people but of curtain oorpora-tione ansi on the other head stoutlydefended

Delegate Wickersham has attacked-an army officer who is alleged to be afool of tile big BOSfiltiOg onm bi TI a i f n

nit ofispoai wen ot


Bu mosopolido net JMIt fur of


to hold Its slut of tkday

Ift is not Here






wellDe taoderniaed to ask if eery ea

be Un-


in the but It ill afeet that very air in

to be red with

Jaaads of A raised AtI









ptiapy die


capitals gesios

d3l3pralta headsei i

for ood stopped

Sfilloan legs eteab-






to answer uegativetrattge Alas-

ka awe dis-

trust se jric ou

tre ablest

povear sdtor-






that is trying to stet its grip on Alas-ka mineral wealth I abort thewhole fmoTY li r 4JB5dc wife chargescad reeking

Alaska H a region of BMnttms wealthin Minerals ioresiny nMtrtiaa and other

capturing and there is little doubt

captains of fence are phinning tocontrol them 0iawt iorces battlingfor the masterythere It is after

nueii wondered there shouldbe strife bitterness slid suspicion AndCongress will do well to make haste

in pertninfanr tothe Alaskan empire



iuE J l1iV ofcrookMIIe8L

Of roane ue orb is utThem oea are worth

SOMe of tile of this MIIItrys


DO to tIN


rroupe6 r

big eat


slowly any



In view of the apparently strongliberal

sewtatrros with the purpose of girnura better show to the or in-

enmed by the attitude of SenatorPenrose toward Speaker Canoe Asthe Senator understands his ohliamtinn to the Speaker Undo Joe

vnaJa delegation because he stood byus nobly in the tariff fight end everynHunrCactttrer should know ibis

Pennsylvania is one of the chief

the PayneAtdrirh bill was framed thevarious interests of this State wereprotected to the limit Ia getting this

of the Howe delegation douhUeaa actedwith the single purpose of servingtheir State regardless of the interests-of ether States whiek x


gatiou incurred an obligation to Speak-er Cknnon and as political obiaaous

o they think it is tight that they


for nonerubs is tile Xatieusl tee of

iiI8m teleatsetut baa ePa

t MIppMt of the

IKLrioM of tile high tariff sad as

result Senator rtllTO



lIa tile Peeasyhaaia tleJe


papaalar sestiesentBepre

depeedest eismeat



and trembers

seesameag other Sasssa

so doing¬

should be grateful in a

Being the under themUncle Joe naturally the suewhose head is in sight

It is said that Speaker Oannun nomore autocratic thus was Ruedsad is probable too that undermodified rules the Speakers diapo cationtoward insurgents would be sniderThere is a variance of opinion as tothe way in which the rules should bechanged but the light of experienceaeenu to show that the Speaker oughtnot to be permitted to dominate theRules Oonsnuttae The Speakership itserf eonfers authority enough

Therefore K is not apparent bytheory of political obKmtion the

Penasylvaaians withhold their support of a more liberal policy whichwould ooneider the interest of other

varna ought to set a good example ofstatesmanship


No worthy District candniates forStatuary Hall Has Washington nodfednguiahed sons by birth or adop-

tion Most who spent the ripest themost productive years of their liveshere who labored and died here whodid good works for the communitywho achieved fame during their localmaiden properly nay be proposedfor yoathumoun honor at our peoplesheads Washington has been the Cap-

ital of the United States for more thana eentnry In that time many a greatrams has bees peculiarly identinedwith tits locality

Of MIlk erbjibies considerAlexander R Shepherd who hike

Baron HaueeoMUK in Paris transformedand recreated our city

F Riggs banker and dvica dnational patriot like Xorris in the

W W Corcoran whose nwattmentsare the An Gallery Oak Hill Ceme-tery the Margaret Louise Home anda thousand benefactions fresh in

of raea anti womonBishop ctteriee great as an eccIe

siastie and in fruitful laborsfor people among he served

Father Stafford scholar orator sadaealot for the public weaL

George Bancroft aiet riB whosework was aceo pliriiod here

Siaaoa NeT cona9 jgg

among astronoaaers and

highest activities linked hisresidence in Washington

Alexander Graham Bell who throughthe telephone vohitiontsed bcuisera cad social ways of his generation

Major Llbfant tt immortal plan-

ner of this unique CapitalShould we leave out the ease of

Tajnrn Smithsos albeit he never w i

a Wsaaingtonian save that throughhis gift and the idea behind the gifthe made this city the scientific costarof a contuent Or General Spinnerw o doors of Governmentemploy to women Or Heat Gets OX Howard founder of a school of high-

er learning for the negro and pointerof the way whoa time saner slave

newiound freedomIn the dawn of thus ante of

remember Prof Langiey who

ngtor shed the beau of light byafl who have foBowed him have

reed the solution of that problem asold as man

Vorthies iirjat minds whom wema claim ae o lr We have nam



It proposed is tile rulesare not at tile Speak-er






States as sc their 0W1L




AIiie-rAI mea of whosewere with




by is year



the ebafsgesaimed e


well PeascyI


aaaoog soieace



Eloped iamongthe perpiet s hjs


his dakperissal s sad Wsah







ed a few that ease to mind while thetypewriter ran There are rodders BOdoubt who eat double the roll

news that it Is stall comfot to thehousewife to know that Congr te m-

vestiKattauc the high cost of RTUUT withan fixed merely on its paosfbttttlesfor campaign material

I If It Is true that the earth Is to beinundated as a result of Hatters cometwe nominate the lien Bartholdt as the man to send the dove fromthe ask when the time of subsidencearrives j

Horace Fletchers prediction that Inten years from today meat will not beeaten m America may be taken te meanthat by that time the Beef trust winhave gobbled the earth

A physician ha found note whinesCaruso eouU not reach It was his billof tna for treating the stagersthroat and Caruso objected

It sissy orlie to know that a iroman came neatletting out the secret of the AuM

trouble m Boston

news Former Vice Presidentte visiting Rome

The chauffeur who bits a pedestrianand r-

atty oume other day

A war between Turkey and Grseeebe a fine IMItation of safe and

sane Fourth of July

Emperor wTBtaw ofmerely an Illustration the auiettea-Infiuenee of old aan

If there to no formaldenyHe te thatnew mOfc combine we may nave reason to be thankful

A Mexican meat Din company hastailed No such news m this countryfrom the puckers

fag hhnsetf seems to uuneist of getttas

A voice from tomb Anybodyan old school Democrat m

which orb bereaved under-stand

seoatsr Etbdzrs Is ho he


not surprise the pub l


For those who ROtthe

away may Use to the ptIII



Jack Johnsons of

IIteLthe eat


There In 1m nIT ttotile NIl

rtEht whets




may have beardFair-




asny Is

imethd pptiiier


k alimony




Do they tonouet a Boston nava banaeeordins to Maroufs oC Qo eawberry


ALREADY DEAD-A chap told me this jneming that I

looked thy huagn of youwhere is the Idiot Fit peed the

ttf out of himToo late I killed hhnM Nsw Tone

I rules 1-

Ia qty Ute are is coldtoday t or tIM 10

Jersey stor-ase Rbll b9s agga Rave ors agg

get the grosad hog



Wfrfs on the ProgramTonight in Washington

N lit IwtemaJttonal Assselatton at MachtaMMta KatMnml RMecArmory p nv

Park VIeW Cttisea hall ofWhitney Avenue Christian Church

road 730 p mMans meeting te Interest of Southern

at Confederate Memorial

Xw Tork T W C AMeeUnff of Kindergarten of

the District Bustoees High SchoolMath street and Rhode Island

National Union Fraternal Society fairand bazaar old M onlc TempleNinth and F streets

TheatersXttaml Hrve t Mo SO5 p m-Belae The GIll and tl Wiser

S p wCohunbla Sprtmrtlme Sl p mCbMes FoHte vaud vme SOS p m-

Ca M e OontMMiowa vndeviMe 11to U v m

MaJwtJoMovteg pictures and vando-vffle 7 to U p a

Gayety FcntsSantWr Company SOSp nu

Sam Davere Company fnp mThe Times will be pleased to announce

meetings and entertainments in this column Phone or write announcements


Advance In Wages ofResponsibleforIncrease

3WW YORK Feb 4 The retail priceof dteaaonds is to be raised because orin advance of 12 per oeat i wages

granted yesterday by the New Yorkdiamond merchants to the members oftile American Diamond Cutters Pro-tective Association

It will mesa that the east to each

more than at present said Charles AKeene one of the largest diamond mer-chants te the witty

There is an extraordinary demand InAmerica for diamonds This country

the world and the percentage te In-creasing I think the te due tothe prosperous condition of the peo-ple

The Diamond Cutters Union has madean ironclad agreement with the dhuHmdmerchants that no apprentices be lit towork m the excepting sons or Ibrother of the men now employed inthe As the 4W brutes I

from Holland or it will be im-possible for the native Americans tolearn diamond cutting business

The average wage the polishersis f a week The bruters who shapethe receive shout laid a weekThere are but two diamond leavers inthis country anfl tlvy make fromto JKi a year

The diamond merchant naked theunion to sign an agreement that no further advance In wagES would be re Ijcsiprt tho onfl of two years Thewas denied


Csooeri by Ibosne BandHall S1M

I liltLodge

8Frleay eMertaIat at 0m-entI Crab


Maarlist Vermont t p ID-

Lltenary recital T X18Ea Irene

S Po m

Africa 81ft pa


customer will be frown 5 It carts

now takes per ceat of the output of

workand In this country are either


r ltQue t


Saldlars Staal-tle pm

and does by Colombia


Nome avenuero-

ofAssoc iaUoa


AeademyIts ms




1 a










In the Mail Bag

Tile Times will accept for pnbll-eaUea In its Mail Bag columns

vigorous letters aat pHMle interest It cannot un-

dertake te pHblUb letters exceedIBK SB9 surds Dad rc erverigrht to condense commanicatlB s vhlch are of createlength Letter mast contain theaame and address of the vrrltorlist these be published if-

te that effect Is made


T tiM Boner of 7 W Maztmt TimesOne who to foolish enoush to think

that ne Is one of the ultIMate oonand therefore n C Ute

altanate taxpayers dares to offer a

that is vvnple and practicableThis trust keeps its foodstuffs to

told storage tar beyond the limit orsafety to public health Any method cfanpeoUon or of supervises that might

the several Status would m the verynature of things bs tnegeoUva because

big an army of inspectors and secondbecause of the liability to ooOustoR be-tween them and the Beef trust for

the ease under the present system ofinspection hi the packing houses

District of Columbia and the Teedtortesshould keep and maintain their ownabattoirs and prohibit the importationof cold storage foodstuffs that had tees

more than the length of tunapond to be absolutely safe and eventhey that such foodstuffs be subjected

of more than mInhabitants something would be done toput a stop to by anytrust to force the prices to the figuresnow existing American thebest quality produced in the Unitedat that h now sold at retail inEngland for about twothirds of theprice set on it in this country afterpaying freight across the sea and allof the expense of putting it on themarket hi Europe which includes aducted under our slipshod system

In addition to this by a resolutionCongress could recommend to the sev-eral State Legislatures to passthat would prohibit the sale of freshmeats In any town or city of m

or over that had sot beerslaughtered in the abattoirs establishedhi each of them and prohibit theof fresh meats or other foodstuffsbeyond the time to be designated as an-olutely safe and the most rigidm rion-If you have the to think thismatter over It may appear to you a

than any now talked ofSQUARE DEAL

Capital Tales

ahem questions


with set

for Ute of the Beet trust

I by the Ooasre or by

ol the great expense of maintain

there be doubt that such is

you tiN ofhiU Ity the Congress to the effect thatthe

to Inspection before being adJfted to town


tar more rigid InS ectton than by eon




better method of correcting the present





reasedr abuses

a ta81nbed


Fora little

were to advocate pssegea








v IXIE X JAMES f KentuckyI comes frost that portaMt of the

fort dignityRepres otativ Edwfa Den r aynes

hoar Detroit Mich where society te-

rful of ten every act In sddttfcmDeBby had has early training hi

father was United States minister toMina Z enby was brought up-on It happens that Denby andahftBinger committee Itkt set safe for both of them to riden the same elevator

For two days James struggled to gethis great btik the confines ofa mahogany chair which had been con-structed for an ordinary suf-fered more than a woman with a pairof pretty shoes three sues to meanFinally he insisted that Chairman XeJson come to his relief

Knut Nelson has a keen sense ofhumor Anyone can ten that by lookingWhen

filed late th hearing room Sat-urday the same uncomfortable chairwns at James place at table OWelooked reproachfully at the chairmanA moment two husky portersstruggled into room in full viewof spectators with the biggest

substituted ft for the littlenogany affai-rI see why this chair couldnthave been put hero early thissaid James Senator Nelson just smiled

MId James you catmake anyone believe you are smaHerthan I am just by sitting to that dolleMIrI dont belime I am any

replied Denby but I hate to aonwtto myself that the day has arrivedi I must have furniture toaccommodate me jPTJRCEJJ WAS WILLING

Senator Mosey Democratic leaderor the has never had a harderJob in his life than that of persuadingsome one of his coliemxuee to serve on

joint tnvestlamrJng-cwnrolttee fat the place of Sunnier Paystee of Kentucky who resigned SvsrrDemocratic lawyer in th chamber was

to again and agate to take thevacant place But all of them made ex-cuses With one accord they declinedto jots the

The Democratic leader was sorelytried He bad just gone his limit whenthere came a large important lookingsenator from out of the West wasnone other than William E Purcell ofNorth Dakota the sudden successor OCSenator Thompson The hadno whatever haJ no otherCMnmittee assignments to rr an excure on and in fact he was just piningto heroine a national ar way Inaddition to these be is aDemocrat and 4 lawyer which fullyqwUtftes him for the joint committeeSenator Money dldnt

hours to put the propositionthe Westerner and the Westernerwntt a fullsized minute to takehim up



The debate was dull In the House and

in the cloakroom The conversationturned to the n the i art oftttaverage et Congre M Msstitueuts All of those agreedthat a constituency wa a muchto be In fact nobody claimedto be absolutely indep dent and fear

Fishy one Renreseu Jtive who shallnsm ihm because of possibleback hone aun marhi d att-

uation as followsIve decided that I an afraid of fourthings in this world They are the

Lord lightning my wie and my con-stituent

D pontnt sayoth not a to just whatdeg e tie constituents Incite fear cadbut judging from the com

hinatiTi named the Representativeipni absolutely cure that h IB goingn return to next session or Con

Blue Grays region where cos

rdiplomatic and his

of the


at his eyes cornIttee



I hair to be In tile buildJag

say Denby



BaIl P1ncbot


D lInerH

jab walt ORe

number Of teenten were






circles for ten yearHowe

digit trat are the pee heavrweigbts


mars lie

sparkling e

founda madon t







aa gather















Miss Ethel Roosevelt Honor westin Oliver TodayBreakfast


s t-

At IoAssistant Secretary of War

and Mrs Robert ShawOliver Hosts

Small Party Invited to MeetFormer White House


V Assistant Secretary s liar and

breakfast today in honor r MissEthel Roosevelt Invited to meet herwere fies Carol Nowbarry Mtos MarySouth rku 4 Mtes Oliver r r CabalLieutenant Osterhaas Houtctrant ftowsilL and LAeut Cr ButlerDance Tonight-At the Turkish Embassy

For the first time in the soda history of the TurKton

erfunment when tn otergB da alreeA Rustem Bey will entertain a com-pany of about 200 Stem official diplo-matic and resident oircles at a dancethis evening-

A taste number of dinner parties willprecede the event the heals tetar ae

then guests to the ballBareness Mayor wife of

thfor and a string

orchestra will music for thfdaH s which will begin


n dancingMr and Mrs insets PradJer h ve as

their house zue ts for the weekendWilliam 4e late of SkMTlandEmil rueMiss Fuchs Andrew Webber Schlonberger of Paris and Frank BurkeK ehe of New York who arrived ttiWashington with Mr and Mrs HerbertShipman this afternoor-

Mr and Mr Brad y win entertainat dinner later taking theircuests to the dance at the m-ba sy and tomorrow win Rive a

followed by nmrtoaleOther quests who ar coming for the

musical and win antvc tomorrow areMr And Mrs Gearj Afareimll Allanof New York Bunny Seter and MrBumham

Major and Vlrs Zalbwki basetone to New Tort Mere the r rm rhas ordered to duty

5Mrs and hr dnuatiter Miss

Stephanie gone to SouthCarolina for of several weeks

A part of will leaveWashington tomorrow morning forbe given for them bey will afterward attend the hop Among themwill be Miss theDowning Miss Polling and Miss Magender

Mrs H nena company at n4oir at herresidence on Massnchueetts avenue

Senator and Mrs Depew well hostsa reception this evening item t until12 oclock at 1778 Xstreet their guests to meet theRepublican Editorial Association of

XlMiK M yrEntertain At Dinner

Mtes Ethel Roosevelt guestin whoM thedaughters of the Secretary of the Rareand Mrs Meyer entertaia ad a party ofyoung last eveningAfter Secretary and MrsMeyer who attended the Vice Presi-dents dinner to the Cabinet held thesecond of the receptions forwhich they H recently Thehonor guests at the reception were thenaval committees of the Senate andHooee and the naval officer stationed-in and boat Washington Informaldancing followed the reception

Senator and Mrs Obauncey M Der whud tttnlnjr with them last evening aronpauy including Mr Justice and MrsBrewer Senator and Mrs McCumberSenator and Mrs Carter Senator andMrs Sutbeland Senator Button Sena-tor and Mrs Guggenheim Mr andMrs Woodruff Governor and Mrs

KeiresenSa ive and Mm JamesBrerk Perkms Representative and MrsCalder Mr and Mrs George R MalbMr and Mrs C C Glover and MrsRMel


Mi Martha Bowers of theSoli tor General and Mrs Dowers leftWashington test evening with hergrrintUnther Judge Wilson for Nassau

Cubs where they spend six

Rear Admiral and Mrs John Mcwere hosts at an informal dinner

party evening

General Black

last evening

JHW Ethel Roosevelt inn has beenthe of her brotherteJaw and

Representative and Mrs Longworth Sunday went to the homeof Mrs John R McLean today for afurther visit there

Representative and Mrs Ixmgworthwill Have a their next week MrsCornelius Vanderbilt of New York


ot wee at



will be Ute scene or a irge tIII


azr e1J1


will M Ute earlroo those who do not wIt 11

the artist Del his



a disuses part win

1 t




r r I



awl WIll


Vroomaa entertained a party at dinner


Ehaw Oliver heEs

ton em-bassy

wil-lits furnishshout

abl04 onfu topate the




poetTr havevis-it


Jai a t

er eewledr

woehones Misses layer



wssGe van

sad daughter Mrs











The younglady across

the way says


father saythat he spent-

a great deal

of time in

down quota-

tions and forher part shenever knew

before thathe was soliterary



m aT ki n






Luncheon for DaughtersBy Mrs Arthur Murray

Mrs Arthur waft of BrigadierGeneral Murray U S A was hoetoocat luncheon today for her daughtersMiss Murray and Miss Caroline MurrayThe young people rr the arty were theMisses Steney M w Marjoi AleabireMiss Weeks MJL S Leette-Lhtdeey of Boston who te vtettog MfcwAnnie Irwtat Mica Harriet Hatch MissAmvHta Talbot Mien Ruth Neyee MiesMalttand Marshall and Mlee MargueriteBarbow

Mrs John 31 Chip entertained atluncheon today at her Q street reeldenee m honor of Miss Georgia Cath-arine ICnox marriage to HarrySmMSs Berry wilt take place Tuesday

mart of honor Mias Annie KeithFramer of Senator FnuOerand Miss the tw bridesmaius Miss Anna Russell Cole ofNashville who is hi town for the wedning and a number f the seasonsdebutantes

Students BallAt New Willard Tonight

9ted nts ball f th banem ofthe George Washington University

kill so held this evening m thebalheem T the Xew WIllard and alarge attendance te expected-

H C will make the presentstines to the receiving party which in-cludes Mrs Matthew T Scott MrsTheodore W Xoyee Mrs William CBorden Mrs Charles W Keedbam andMrs JBdward Stevens

The womans committee in in-cludes Mrs Borden Mrs CrawfordMrs Knapp Mrs Lenriey Mrs MechlinMrs MeKnew Mrs Keedham Mrs Se4bert Mrs Stevens Mrs Vance andMrs Yarrow

The list of patronesses te representa-tive of official residentsociety and contains scores of rimes

of the floor committee aseteUd by-a large committee

Frank F Ford president of the Aociation of Class Presidents of theUniversity is chairman of the studentsfloor committee assisted by a somberof among them

G Frank SeberErnest RG QsoverM MePlke-DougJns TschlftdyGeorge PooiW JeCferson DavisC G ZtarJ C r erL Y BeersF A jKeatsG S LuekettI WT B HaOerLeeRalph GambleE BondJ D StoutT B RoMneOBEzra A FreemanMarten Z LeeJ X MoreeokJohn T SwiftE W R sL I SHfeCt

Henry WatersPaul HerrioUunbar DedoonCharles F BlackJ J MeLoone

HeimaDavid A Ba rE H KingH D Rouserj B w es bawG H BnOerO L Horn

guests were Miss Sarah Berryof the is to be










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whoseThe afs-ick bridegroom who


Dr F M Sowers is chair-man




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Mr sad Mrs HamMtM M warCof San Diego Cal else nave HeRguests at the Cairn several man thewill leave WaabJc toa MOBhose They will go viaHoward te the son ofHoward of Michigan

Farewell DinnerAt Embassy

The Italian Ambassador and BaronessMayor des Planches who are leavingWashington shortly after a residence ofwveral years here representing theirgovernment were the boner guests ofthe French Ambassador and Mine Jusseracd at dinner last evening Themeets invited to rreet them were thePortuguese minister VI ro nt dAotethe Minister and CountersMoltke Mr Ado of the State Depart-ment the American minister t Switz-erland Mr Swenson Rear Admiral andMrs Wilbxrd R Brownson MissBarsnoeg reM8ohen wife sf the NavalAttache of the embawy Baron of the AustroHimsarian emfcassy Col Baron de Bodeof the Russian embassy and his sisterBaroness Fll eth de Bode LIMItCanmerio of tie Italian MissMary Patten Mss Josephine Pattenof the Swedish legation Mr ofthe Italian embassy and AntomeGdeTroy


Cards are out fee musicale at theWhite House Friday evening February nEthel Rosee adinner evening to honorof her house

Mrs Marcus A pasthose who entertained informally atdinner last evening






Mme RJtlftire wife of the secretary



eIIte edlastRodgersdaughter or Rear



Senator JasMw


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The Young Lady Across the Wayil

First At Home Tea GivenAt Chinese Lega-

New Minister aad MmeChang Welcomed to


One of the pretttant sftsanean loses of the season was the tea givenyesterday by the new chine Mtelater and Mme Chang at the legationon Connecticut avenue It was their

dal and resident circles who calkstc welcome them to WashingtonPalms ferns carnstfams and pinkroses formed the decorations tbrougaout the howe which te OMMK artistic-ally furnished and embUlisbed withChinese tapestries vases matsrugs and picturesThe host and hostess received theirguests at the head of the broad stairease Mme Chang wearing her native

costume of dull auk the kimonoJacket heavily braided in black andher thick black hair arrangedquaint silver ornamebis hi oriental style

Presiding In the dining room was therecent bride of the oldest son of theminister Mme Wu Chang who worethe daintiest of soft gray brocade ki-monos with silver nab onuunencsdainty gold braid ana buttons on thekimono

The tsbb presented a beautiful spectacle adorned with a unique center-piece of silver fumed of a cluster fdowershafted idragons the whole mounted on a

carved teakwood stand VarkmrChinese Dainties and sweets were servedfrom numerous beaten silver bowls anddishes all heavily carved with dragonsand other typically Chinese designsLittle Mme Wu Chang poured the mostdelicious Chinese tea from a beautifulsilver tea service and this was aiheavily embossed with a dragon design

Others assisting in receiving theguests and timidly preferring the hos-pitality of the tea table wereChang and Miss Aloe Chang daughtersof the minister and Mtes MayMies Emily Tangs sisters of Mme WuChang

All wore then native kimono costumessod their thick black hair was tied barkwith satin bows givingunique Occidental touch to the gorgeoueness of their Oriental dress

Entertained la ROBOT

Of Cabinet Members and Wives

inaugurated a graceful Custom lastnight by entertaining at dinner hi honorof the Cabinet members lid their wivesa function not observed by their pre-decessors in office Their guests were

XacVeagh the Secretary of War andMrs Dickinson the Attorney Generaland Mrs the Secretary orthe Say afid Mrs Meyer tile

the Interior and Mrs Bantnrer the Secretary of Air JamesM Wilson Mrs L Z Loiter Mrs Norman Williams Mrs XtaoilSenator Warren and Senator Bacon


The New American Minister to Chinaand Mrs W J Calhoun were the guestsra honor of whom Mr and Mrs JohnMay HaminpauMVtttLjntmiJa nteatercompany last tf uiluiSt r

asaAdW and Mrs Waitoni Irwin


nest at home iliad their lDdudetla large number from


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Tile VIce President Mrs Bur 11I1111

tile SecretarT of the Treasury sad

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U S N asked a of youngpeople to diM with them eveninicto meet Mtee Leslie Lsi ey of Bostonwho Is vietttoc their MissAnnie Irwin Their otho seats wereMba Majorie Aleshire Mss CarolineMurray Mtes Vera Downing Mss MaryDavidson Mtos Stter eth Howry Xtw

Britton Miss Stewart ofChicago Miss Marguerite Barbour hitsLillian Baxter Miss Ruth FSfttng MfesLillie Flniey Commander MelidanCommander White Lieutenant BowelLieutenant Bristol Lieutenant CalhounPaymaster Adee Captain JohnsonDavis Lieutenant Pratt LieutenantSultan Lieutenant Goetnafc LieutLacey Hale Lieutenant B sactoa sadLieutenant Alexander

Postmaster Generali Gives Dinner f r Pretest

The Postxsaeter onsmUoJisaafc HHitchcock gars the fourth CaMnecdinnor of the seae in hoRN of the

last night at Rauecners Thdrawing room and dining room wereeffectively adorned with pink and whrtroses Del sanlax and a section ofMarine Band played during the evening

Mrs John S wife of GovernorHill of Maine a hostess fcr thePostmaster General who Is bachelor

In the invited to thChief Executive were Mrs Charles Anderson sister of Mrs Taft the Governor of Maine and Mrs Hill 3tr andMrs Charles S Bmoker of CoBaecticut Mr and Mrs 0so ss vK 8erkinof New Toxic Mr aad Jtcsr Jnmas JSporrow of Boston Mr and Mrs Albert Shaw of New York E J Statesbury of Philadelphia Frederick Car-penter secretary to the President MtJsMarion Oliver 3Bs Mabel BoardocuiMr and Mrs James X ShefDekt ofNew York Mr and Mrs Robert IBeekman of Providence Miss PhtttipMiss Hopkins John ofBaltimore Mrs Robert W PattersonFrederick Hale of Portland MBMr and Mrs CaUia of New YerkWashington ManGives Aftern Tea

The men of Washington society haveinaugurated a delightful custom thisseason of entertaining at afternoontheir functions rivaling the hospitality

entertainment has heretofore been preempted those quick toadvantage of the oIl was CaptSherwood A Cheney U S A whosetea in honor of Miss Ethel Rooseveltyesterday at ft oclock was one of themost successful young peoples attainof the winter

Invitations Sara been Issued by thoPotomac Conclave iCo t i

Order of for theand entertainment at th

Pythten Temple MIS Ninth street orThursday February 1 at S Webs

The Thursday Evening Buehre Outmet at the home MrsThe members who attended IncludedMrs Lewis Newmyer Mrs Julie LuchsMrs Addle Sigmund Mrs SHBW Beesinger Mrs M Goldsmith and Mrsof Y rtc Pa

and Mrs Albert thAshley apartments Thursday fora two stay at Atlantic Clayare regjtetered at the Hotel Rudoiph


The Council of Jewish mrom a held apublic meeting evading for th

m vestryrooms of the Street Temptrte I r Simonan entitled T the Art Gel

K Miss Bella Schian-ifett A P no solo






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