Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-12-14 [p 15]. · THE WASHINGTON TDJES SUNDAY...

THE WASHINGTON TDJES SUNDAY DECE3IBER U 1902 15 li HELP WANTED FEMALE Ill 1KR 1UOCnnviag letters at home dtbre- ml two cup tor MURK IM Opera Howe Block Chicago It- V l i Woman to sell toll article awl for WOW Ctirivtmaa novelty Call i 14 COTCMM Buikhng between 9 and- y it MCltrintcfaM irl houeework- ung lid or mMdlcaced lady handy lr uai tork a goo ham email al TIlE FAIR SW 7th t n- TKIVAI oaee ewporitaoai cook reftr ZM K at N WHITE horn omptoyment copying Kaaaa rau t POT LO two V Dm t CMeaiv It K p letter at how 90 iip 4 eaveope ior application L oUK- IT t U- rti lady demonstrator bberal- t 1 MjBBMtoy alter 10 a m ROM a SM i nw It iTimldt gM to team am ami to- iuflarm good wage 80S 10th aw- in It- TKi iUfg Mni COMM tilt tor aoaeral rk go homo at Might 124 P ae- V TrUV WaMl drl i- itreac Apaey IMS CiKtaawti at 1431 V 1KIVA waat womaa with nfcatBBai ea- if Uking chorge e4 a loach couatc Ap- n iwwm aaad 11 or S aad 4 at SM ata t- toftClaw dri- r trtttaacr une wouM be able to v lUll chart MM maaaay worktooai ftat- piaie sad alary eipectej Addma BOX V j l Wive i NTKDA good boaeat cod gM to make- generally useful reference teouired iftrr clerk 21M Fa ave del A- v NTBC YOBBW lady too lean to Mark laoa- jU Jody for oOce moat be accu- and rapid at figure to wboai we win pay wage Addroia nJtmeaa aad- rxpocted BOX 465 omce d U3t- NTKD A chamber mId also a good cook ajraca with rcfercace dels It- V TK1 Machtae operator sad button briejO- IH on coatom torn toM boka A J LOCKHABT at Keens i F aw MLN- TKI Comprt nt cook aad gaveral houtf V NTKD IMiabie white liELP WAKTED FEMALE N TKD Thirty men sad ten ladfes Bwwtar- u at ociock at irage doer COLUMBIA TEL Ult- WAHTED AGBMTS- MirW FLAT IKOM CLKAXCS or toa big aclkr for agent adla at lght- r Me ECMT 8tf t CO- l 2 WaahiagtoB D C U- NTS make 14 per day aaay atflktg w- riin piacket taatewcr 1D atd OB- n MR lady ata thna oia- TT UfPPLT CO 1NM o m it YOC K V A t X D TrUSQ if you aee itt n r he Uha nud UP u CUPPCC KOTBLTT StP- VI TJ j M Hridtrflte V C ddltt- Y inKlFil MtVVERTlBLE BAflKKT King tf lpr i article w 1 ageat aad etreet t M b sample pre I L SC iu irf i U catalogue woe NA i IATTT CO Wl Broadway New VrV IKNS at loveat- ddrcas KUJ8 E BB- aawipfe pea tTY O oJ haa r vonr earaiac cafaieity e OH- m tMMt- V CO Des E- LI P it V AND E akIn torentkai of the age u rhr lne a waddnx thirty MI iiior r atUwtfaM cheaper rtructlbW xty- nn injnex thauaaadi of teati WASHER IX 9tatioU matnn ahoirt hew yo ef an wth or na W1UIAR BTECIALT- Tv derelaad Ohio It RM TIIINJ fur eitlwr an legfthnate- y r v r IWO per teat proftt aw i uliri nt eatalone W ept- MrrKoir MAIL OKDKK sfPPLT CO Bnilrtinir DrtJott MJeh It- A KTs w ANTED KWI Inatnutioaa at- n iHiiinin h Biil package of fifty trv rt milled for It trite WAL 11 U t Uth t New York city SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE v TBDr itwatb9W pod cook awl aeaa- 10U York t YTRD Colaivd girt waata a phw aa rook n cMa i f ra ea II 0 at aw USt SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Hv irr or ahort order rook v M Jrrory ave aw daltSti- v liitc URL laajilrnimanl of oar iv w nrecor toni aIM porter MCI New York r aji V thai TKlK Mtaatioarhy urperiaaaul padaw la brae cniaa sad glaaa abo aad tar of refctcaoa AddrrM M JACOBT SITUATIONS WAWTBD MALE AHD FEMALE VKS white aad coJor i help of til kiada 711 4th at nw U WANTED HORSES AXD VEHICLES NTTD TranM to haul OIL 8 8 DAISM- A oal and Firewood MS Florida ave aar- f tf WANTED MISCELLANEODS- NTKDrwaitan a all kind in Iota II tell your to the nun who riwB- Mat oaeyHOfWOOU Mb and K P l4St- KO At KachiirieS U ave hind roll top dadav atocka f gracariw awe did Thuraaaya dcUat- EI Ut aoorlaK amp fox 47 tab de t TE T hoy Kaa Charlat and l JapaaaM- l 8CHXIP 9Ua gfOUt 712 at- v vou raratart f anr ktod to- T fail 44i thai eaV und dwailiaga a i aaaclafi- yi brim topper lead etc n i if ai for ri i BAt MOIK Mail T de 0t- ztrat raah r r mules s IJitliai a TAB kc iM fih it aw- Of I A v C r nw u part elllua ill InC 1 111 UUJI lit I IlL Wlfi i i TIDB7 ullor ho w tat I F this i I k 1ItJ1 V 1 II 0111 III- white waitftIL I cleU4t ALB I It f n nary CUICAG It tea Id ic f 1 It- t fr allis r I < It k 1t1 if IIoI that JI J1ih1 1L t ill r 1 TIC hkt make t hI nrl dIp r2t I J lIfT I 1 n c r1 otiNci J ltIIta 1tI1 t TrI ia- n fl L butJc 11r j It- iTEI Peiti by tl JIPIII- rlpAlilr many- an- t lit ae Jt l II 11 cn t r t ale f1r o 0 lit U TE T JIIMI tnnri 111 lIOX h UI TE 11 heat t f M r ft TI 11 I WIG t C f 13L- TJ t colet to IJ i ash prkas L TI I In n 1IIIItdliu IlB 10111I k staKrg I l S It- TAL i per 1IIDV- Ceko 4jt t J It- as it- sit e i ISiy aiSMs hiP to work- aa svMg ruo a bopd- l dSIt- TLJEzpcrlaoced za r 5b r HS dstr MtIcVYACWa- W Vl CSt Sj Tt prka fr lit azIIi Ia r l 11 rl peVd lie w st t Sn at pS ti fl4n n it SSIC T tfl1t you HUe- t L k AflOCT THE A1L tINiSS- cci I bock ChkaD- it I y aw NPW ave tutt e bait M oar male aid- I t T IC deliIL- S tD idlL L mu- 0I l UIIE1MU pasta- j i siIvasct ABMA- N V fm 3L jp pe eW oollI > < > > > > > > > < > > < < < > > > < > > > > > > HELP WAKTEDColored amk caoU arolltona dirt waahca wanvn white awn and errand man Moada tttU New Tort It WAJfTEI Mea enery where good pay to dla tribute circdUra adv tier tack etc No caMvaa i NATIONAL Alit CMCL- Chkafto It WANTCDBoy to ham drag boaiaeaa Apply UkCU KTUMtV MIa aid X nw It t Yoath from ouatry to collect good pay All Monday M4 Mth w- It WAKTtn raiBtna Ce aaanaiow ate Apply Soaday an day POKTElfti lilUMi 7th aw j rapenManer sad Paiater It WAXTKDJaaitee hevwaia- aaner mats boy Ion seas ISU New York j VAKTCUYoaag atan from eoantry B per weak aaraitajK puaiuoa 1300 New ave WAKTEDColpred boy with bicyctc to go r- ranik aad nuuw area Appiy wit rettrtacca te HH acuwAinx at aw d i4ft- WANTEOTraveJlB aakanea to acU white toad active widawake awa sow with M are akjac He to HM weekly raaMnaauaa good i liacMuty or aide Lie for aad drag liaeaia fapartor ma dealer and Urge naamiaiiuai paid to obtain mud no experience miaaary o ex pun Bncy advaaced Addreai U T WHITE LEAD CO M de7l4tl i HAXTEDCoal cart driver work toed my U Bt Hhk 4u aw delh strictly eater angle white man iiatlcraiaaoa nachinery wage ifc aad HOI thai oaVe 1ST- WAXTEI fling k eouatry fellow preferred Addreai B X 40 thia eden de St Pint 1aa oliciton salary sad MMTON 8TKAM LAfVDKY pod colored laborer sad undue fit sad coke lust nw Mh depot Monday night V oclock WANTED Printer an allraoad man can ae ewe a inaniniiil Job in eely prlatiaK of ace anM be to do sad mast be abaoiutrly a nuui who daea sot see hay Addrea atat4 for further par Ucalan TNt KirX itXT Calpeper V- de3t t Job printta oaV 51 Wh c aw delStt- WAKTED A told ahoiiaakar atoady work 14th at MW dellSt- WAXTEULaboren sad teaaaitm- wuod an Florida are at dcVtf WAKTED Boy with wbaat she girt sheet IS- yeara of as 7 Ilk at- WANTBD SALBSMEKW- AXTED l nan fM monthly sad ex peaaea peimanent PaJtRY MISERY CO N Y dettSutt WANTED By couple three vnrarai hed rouaw heat and for niit bouwkoriin scar navy yard can not more thin f5 or 18 per anaath this oOec del WAKTED Two fuiiiiahnJ rooma for hoaneheep lag tnt wan wife aad child wiut he r at aw delMt- WAVTEDRoom well heated with CathoUe family Addreat BOX 4N thia aflce delJH SECOND fluor Mar rwamctlMO per week me- chanica prelerred 11U t nw delv t ROOM aad heat and ca foe 175 per week Ml New Jersey ave aw d 14 BOOMS with hoped nice ham US per month H4 ath L aw 1t 121 K ST KWPiae aartor wlf con- necting chaaaVw Urge bright moma aaeand tahte toned gives hoa heated by fur TWO nieeey toeaiehad nnawd host room well heated hoaw booed teapecttoa avttod nt aw wcMSt roll BCNT TwV ramtdla Iwhma with witbnui board ft aad IllS Peaaaylvaaia- del4St BALTIHORT tingle or nxmn- bAard sad Ha reapeetrMty and up- ward K per unalrata H per ax Uth at sad New York awe ELEGANTLY faraaved room sad board open tutu flaw half block Treaaary 1712 F at aw- t deUSt- I POll RBKTHmad fleet room niahed nmitoblc for two with board for Mt a i noatb K t et aw wtl mil RENT Froat mom ateef MT Ut deUSt WARM KOOMB aod award well furnwhed i rosiest 918 JU H it aw deUlt BRIGHT FRONT ROOM oad board how fumrorta t Seat Capttot at dtllKK- 1CELT FTRNISHEO faajt room two gsa Uemcn board if dm Ire a1 Tit 4th tt aw FOR RENTeM Hat aw two irentl- uimnv with hosed ctatrally located delt t- I NICELY FURNISHED frost room with boanli 711 Mh m aw t dell 7t ROOK AND BOARD tor two i nHmji H bomt comforta nw dat lit THE LOGAN Btaatttal location Iowa Circle near 0 at- iaitle sad dodge rome two aad three room pukes private bath well aapototod dining room room mnikiag room ping poag- ad MaahatteK pool free to ann ti monthly leaUurant sod room ratca delMt FOR RENT Xierty faraWMd rooms wtth hosed large eeoad tory front room imtoklt for two hoot in every room 4M Mi it nw flt7tf MISCELLANEOUS DANCING HISS R MAJtlR LKONAMDO Private Acid 1212 l h et nw irapervimr and oaly bar of NATIONAL ASSOCIATION MAE TERM cif AX IXO in WaMnaton Prefect y mlf Mn LeoaardoV at tIM WtoM- danghtia nub Room every Saturday eveaiag Phone Main 497 Y 14 3t GET READY POE CHHIXTHASOjine sad Irct your goods have them put you H a week solitaire diamond ring to W dId gold watches lad solid goVI riaga anal best gotdfllled watcbea- K bama gentt fine mal ring- at ear acrewa to 40 aad diamoad riaga ciuaten 10 diamond loeket with real dmawad Z The above prices ara oae hak what will pair in the moses C or credit J rwaai- 1Mb at aad Peaaayhraak av wpataiiw Vpen- alghta deM- PARPET LAYING remakiag carpet AddreM- B D at aw dal4kt ENGINEERS armmea maehtaiMi sad an meaL mad lea 4 wag coataiamg aueattoa asked of Eagtoaer GtO A Row n n S 4th at St M- de4 nt a411- TTPIIIRiiLi4G lac page tat acctaate work oMeiaction Mtnoj B0E 4 oate f del4 t A MS OOLDFILLKD WATCH ftc W ulrver chatelaine bagi IS silver awaietetoe- watcbea fS Caah or J MIOCKER mal Peaa lvaaia see upatatn Often nighta PIANO taming SLW factory e aert JAS K- DfRITT ntNK REPAIRING we up poaui MI- Mb TO Mini naaaaahle CUE Sth it B- Wdelfttt LACE LACNDRY tasmania Stf lath at aw U Mh tt aw no eenta per pair PIANOS AJTB ORGANS timed L TIBLRMra MCMC STORE 174f 7th K nohMat FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES lOa REXTFwraiahed awe nom hem XI par two toaaata win remain payfac par math Aaajmi tor n Maryland see ne dealt i WANTEDMALE ave lips I lib ANTED IlL I t VerA It lath handcart to Kilt tad LIt ANTE lor dairy W J1Z ud U A TaI rtl IlL iuwdTy plate t ape a two ill OIl S lAbI IOU sad pea lab I I ROOMS UI4IaII It I lick J fIG ne as board tto aa for deUSt f N IlL I w- WW 12 up Sc turqsolss pus roW sleeve S- IUu with M gMd beset VIe LLE Sc 1ftJa lit DOW tiT 1f till j miami d easnlape Ieor ave aw e 5 it idea li Lash o ama comistislus IL as deliIt miain dawls Ct1 ISSQISMtIOD J aw WAXTEIIToutit with yema exeilaser It pc thy S 1 s1 Ph delti VTANTEDROOMSS ux I ANDJIWARD board with Door mm qdiw leer daub dtW ill dey ii- I 4tTa lam tsr SSedith wIll WI it as 10 St e ape4sl usa p57 eta L as H Ionic Is diamond ureef toW 5 eec diamonds sofia foes DUE stem pamphlet br iufler Lit credit deli is 412St med maw eli psnksjpa > ° > < < ¬ < > < < FOR REWT FURNISHED ROOMS TWp large sooth front teaser room all io- v we w M Md J l at nw T T FOR KENT Froat and back rooms 616 ath it FOK RHXT iurnuhad room oae treat one back writable ten two M 10th c- de 1441 FOR MEXTTwo larce Ittrahhed baj 1adott netoad aoor uae back room papered heat g bath seen the Capitol private Jamiiy of thiwe rest moderate av- v tction t light hoamiajtog lit at- m w l4St Putt JtKfTtt aw tanaVaed frost loam OMthern aapoMire geatkama tidy de4M FOR KENT Three U leer room sun Dupont nicely Innimhbw tor tight h aarMchn- kl IWT month MU l ta t nw del44t FOR NCNT Utge l y window room aei aa lour oar maau teem furaaui keen tmaucat- iSecll 11 It at nw d 14A- JR MKNTTWO 9oatftory commanicatiag Melt room tight howaneatnaa- Mg elk M nw WAXTICDUeatleamcT will and laraawiilI- UODU at lili H t aw del tt FOR REXT Two mtaad aViar front room de- airable reference SU K at aw OeikU FOR tanuabed frost rooma braved prices aradtrate 71 Sth at an d lSt FOR MEXTXieery wrniebed heated 7 to i per moatb tu U a aw dltMt FUR REXTFuntiahed room fl pee week FOR KKXTThree nom on Ibid lost with Ilea taa aid bath cheap U aw- delS3t FOR REXTFuralaaed room private ramlkf 7 IS K et nw dcUt REXTNewb faraiahed oath frost roona porceiam beth Xouat Yetaon Place nw oppoMto aew Camegto Library daUn FOR REST Room Mcoad Sour all Improve awaia cneaa 417 Sd at ae I TR REXT Two nice Urge room aecoad- 6uj fnrahed or unnwaWwd with sad ga bcht hountaeepeiatt tf dmirad Ala QUO N Fkihav 18 7th at ne deK t rote REXTOae rooat third flier frost partly 62 net at aw FOR RENTFuralohfd mouse in a flat all modern improvement Call after 4 p at tsn- at nw deUSt FOR REXTrnraiahod moat second floor mar Capitol sad Peaaaylvaaia ave at SIb at Two south frost 7 or Jot WTr 07 ram ST NW DooM aad aiagtc well bcoteu Might room ako dellJt FOR BENT Rcmai sad 17 wek alaa front room JtJ 8d at aw delJJt FOR RET Barfaia part of j Iii M aw delSat FOR REXrSecoad faraiahad aad thard- haamhed treat room with light aata oil vtovea W4 Eye at Two twrataaed eoajatotc for- t bi booaekeeamg on H t car with or without host air H at ae FOR RENT Comfortably fornUhni well heated rosin OH I at bw 4el2t- I FOR BENT Zl C at nvr large sad amaH H4J1LL PATMdCK M K M w aMoir Ku- Oithfid Mown with vrtMU htki hou- lorvfor rouOkabm Apply at edtoe of betel FOR RENT FUKOTSHSD OR UN FURNISHED ROOMS FOR REXT Three famished or uarttraUhcd room bath aame Sir 1143 loth at It FOR RENT 117 Peaaaylvaa a ave BW FOB ftKNTrurntobed or unfurnished rooms far light hoaiekeepiBf 7 Mth et uw de 14tt FOR Ltaw end floor room ranB lrt 1 m THE moot aecemtble location in Waohiagton new hoam sew furaitaro room or ea- j team hot water private batha bath for every two rooma romonable THE WO K tt nw delStf FOR RfflfT Famlahed or uafaraiahcd roooma 118 Second at nw H tt- tFOR BERT Furniahcd or uafurniahad COOWH from fl a week up BU L It nw drl2lt FOP RENT HOUSES FOR REST Ol Mamathuaetta ave nw eight mama aid both 340 Apply 880 7th at a- wde4t FOK KENT 11M Ftorfckt ow a baywindow brick room sad hath front and ntt Jar hid rest ftoJo per Arg It It ae at Bt- FOM mn r Hoae rsima sad bath large yard aad closet wet 080 tSM K at- aw delttt FOR RENT IS Uth al six room bath cellar front porch aid large back yard CEO dellSt- t LOST Aa Ala oam boa between MI 1Mb t nw via Miimathmiita ave aad Thorn lRarat reward left at shoes number LOST Scotch rattle dog anowen to I MoUte Suitable rowanl M nursed to use B deMW- I LOST Black and white dog half hound and hull white riser aroaad nook Reward IW4 SM at aw dell 3t LOST Pack of Kade Vedit Co bO- lFiader ptojac notify NATHAN COHEN OM 4th I at nw delttt terrier named Frisk wt on hiad lop Reward 4SS llth at aw 4cUSt LOST On 14th at oaiween aw nw a black leather coataiaing mossy land cards Inward paid for suture to The I W amiaaterJ7th aad Q at d 12 tt LOST A seal bloodrtonc oKting masked Inside Edward B Ho clam 7S Point N T A reward will bx paid by IJKtT A T Myr Va 4e- LOCT Laot Vnh a bunch of key on a heart shaped ring Botarn to C K L MACDONALD M06 Uth It reward 1 deUttt FOUND IOOK 6ev Keea of haadaalated ornament to a table for 1 Sand sow or they ill be gone write name plainly GEORGE Motropotitaa deU- FiiLND pound marble aad fruit cake two pounds lie or Ire pound eako W1LKINS CAFE t4 Mh- FOCXD Lacey Ice ctotm abiototely 70 cent PM gallon m ualetiored- Meon New we aw mM K FOR VEHICLES FOR SALEUrg bck FOR SALE Chunky bay hone at t sacrifice M w dU t FOR SALE Hora 1 cart Apply 117 O- t iw it Toll SALK Two one sad hems SM lth nil 8ALECh coupe ia pied condition or sift exchange irM Call r addrea SELF Conduit Road D C FOR RENT PLATS t m Waahtagtoo four room hot water aad ga per month 7 L at IlL lit I I t JD I X I del HIlL i POtt tAIl a heat G D lilT dtJf i I it > Il well it I 4 mite lied FOR HENTisep dellIt I iO RCnTtro or us bit or for I I Jersey 11 loft UNTLarce I 7 flO 722 X I mca L Ills I aOTH Sit uu IlL M LOST same 8I lab I I TWet A H W 177 1 F porll book risi CLIPfO Fen 1211 I lie lit MIN SALEHORSES X at aw 1 f borH mel IlL as de12 k TH aU Apply lit del- I 414SI d14St sw frost reosen DeS lii mew l dee mama at- N at as dillIt della g tope w lThbeI iwe slIt furi ked home story pert1i to we ifs deliIt rosmL cab moss hasted g bat rates sad smell rooae 110 StEst ii thom toos4stp mama Soos hsUhssl safeesithad light buiieepfag Ncw aee as- aol mesh cimmunitatlagT- OOm 4 DL e12St ala I se leek 4 it of ii s LofrTflh ihasm laitlali sod year uavedu- ppraite Mdps Hissed Pme Ivsja are sw diut- sad Wed chin- as Sw dth7t to were lIt UI it and usgos horse 41441 Sot 0 < < > > < > > < < FOR ROOMS FOR REXTTwo large well huulshcd second Boor communicating rouse lor light houae keeping well heated Urge closet S ween other room good neighborhood Can br sects Sunday 10 id at aw deiiSt FOR rooms modem 917 Mh t w deMtt FOR REXT Two an 6 month R It nw- FOK REXTlnfuniithfd iaajo parlor leSt Soon suitable for gmtiemaa or two o third floor MI4 Mth at aw U FOR BET Two 11U- dalStt FOR RENT 111 8 at aw lilt floor two room aad kItchen oteapkd hf owacr Adatw only WAXTEDTwo or three reanaoable state terma Box J that mon delJat FOR REXT Large Ira room reread loot 1386 ih at DW del4t POE KENT Two or voices on aocoad floor all tonrcairaco naamahto two OB lilt Soar suitable fur a dotter USS Sth tt nw- aVUSt FOR BENTBeauttrul parlor aait abte for one or two gMtlamwa pie oa floor at aw FOR huge aalwramhed room tight houaelteeptaf heat aid pee chaaa Mt2 H ou aw dU3t FOR RENT Three rooma he4 honmkoop tog adult 104 K at a dell FOR RENT Three onfurriahad reams cathn 1A U at aw FOR REXTThre larje natarahawd seem tt- Bnt toss li mh at aw dotttt rouse host aad a light Penaaylvoaia ae den FOR REXT Beautiful room ia new atenm heated fast last Boretlate beak fnrniabed 10 rats opaorftmity ESTEa- delSSt FOR RENTThree Urge rooms eatire third floor heat at D aw FOR REXT rnfuminhed- sonable Ida aw FOR RENTThrre hitches oa- u tdttitam Jat w- PUSIKES5 CHANCES ttV ltA3TXm- AK KLY 3 l KK C NT 1I1VII K2DS Paid to aabatrihcr on lareatmeat of Twenty Dollars I i rd profit pm weekly all oait to wrtadrawal on demaad htli i ttnaaclal communed sad pro yeoia Write for K UcuJar- aT1IK C 44 Na CO8TIA Y It Idaill Broadway Sun York city FOB SALE A hood peyaaj aarriag eatablishmeat for tie buyer doart mim it Apply to BM Mh at m dUiM VOlt SALK Lunch room X- BWJ central receipts 0 a day will soil fun 2 Ml Adders BOX 7 thIs omce oVHJt- FOVB PER EXt AND OVER earacd weekly on investment 01 M sad upward ia usa of the mist and imiat nruttabte modem cooperative rang stables indoned by cartfiojua part the cowatry Thia to your Wle capital hiked that will art you g than form of la ear limit now public Y at your r mmiail at all Sulworiptloa acknowledged by certifl tate of kp lt For toll particulan send for free booklet DCMARfewT CO M Parrott Bmiding SM Ftaadaco CaL It BAR AISS in gaaxry atorea from IBM up paying lunch rmma rflmaing same toad steer little cigar stale ia city at mvoice latIN LAP W F at de4St WILL SELL oaky 1 cleared 149 ia oaa moath ream pay wet three yam lime 4r wW aaa lady o pestle awn aa autacr on au nua central location Addrem BOX S thia 14at 5 A STEADY INCOME Six day sad November ti aside 71 sax slays ing Nvcmhrr tt made t3 aii daya sad made ut ing Ueonlbar tt tt mode SA A guaraatec to each on of our chats to clear from 10 to rat b weS We have been in the jnetog that we never here made a lose Wrin for particulars rcfercacea etc U CO llot net at Sate P laws blaaM by to PHILIP LAWRENCE late ala aSt toCMtary of limos Beadle Co IIALF IKTERE8T ia flrat loM hand latMbr y pn e 4flO NEW YORK Bl 8INEM BROKERS all F at deMSt- LfXfH ROOM leading market eataMkwed- aevtnteen yaarai 900 rare chance You BROKERS all F at deM Jt or our tree boot Modem MKhoO for Soto- Inveatmeaia RICHARD OLIVER CO Building Chicago U FOR SALE Laach room centrally located a rare chaaot for a bunnem nun other bunnmi prevents ma it my attratwo yon It worth iaeeatlgatiag Call alter a m vat Mh at aw deUSt FOR IMIJT ami nad andy near two hpT laoajrtoth aad K its aw ci- gar dime delSSt- CROCEVY d provWoa sub urtw eloctric can nae gland BOX MO title omee delMt FOR SALE Fwraitare aid Rood will of eleven room rooming low rent central 175 AddroM lox 4B this FOR RENT Two Soon Mr ettce or butiaeM purposes unfurniahed rooms aincly or en miite ISM O at nw de2St- WANTKt lkwtaar louag man with to in- va trapaae performer es DOt arceoMry bear fuU tioa war BOX 4S7 tie omat kIt DISnUBlTBRS you saM wSectaal rowlti from the diouihation of your advenaia miller drop ua a Mae CONSERVATIVE DtSTRlBC CO Box m thta oBVee dellK- WAVTKD A with eaptUU to go the candy maaofacturiag bu toem at once can control Ida capital Addreai VISA 481 this of flee deM FOK SALE Well paytoMt eatabliahed printing bwinem location pod reaaon ing BOA 4SO thia onto FOB slLK9tock of recede i Set iac hurae and nagon- fam than I Addreai BOX 477 PRUrTlNC Good work at reaaonab e prices FRANK H GIBbON 00 18 U K nw WALL PAPER ROOMS PAPERED 7 homo paiwting lowest prices CARLISLE BROS IMS Oth tt Inc phone J0 D dtltSt FEW DAYS MORE Roomt papered S1JU up HI NT JC7 G at ROOMS PAPERED Loweat also leone prices THO8 GKOKGK 411 BliDff DOGS FOR 8AL Plac lot of pairoti mookiw Wrd aaakea pulses ptai rahbitt aaM- Sno Ala from tiaO uaward- KMMIIVS KMPORIUU OF IKTS nt Itth t- FOSR ADOPTION AlK rt1RN A nice tiaaKhy hohy to a ra rtabM party BOX 4K thIs omee RENTUNFURNISHED I pe- rm RFHT Two natural iII t rout R TTwo on ScsI floor tutce 1111 II floor beet S It I three bath me RE Two good set FOR IIENTTwa float I owe PAl tll tt bath dell I 1Ii i pe- I aUtO and b ftfmTS CVtriac pasted thirty fto gt oUr tames eIIer DIke II tug III 1ft days doe aisd ia S- IUI baJs ruth H wJiiiiPcu- nod Mr al- an bOL It yom NEW um or r 8IIet7 Vaive ruIt profit to within days Write for sad prod a Rankers sad Irukesi tuk ton dell w Ik llenc ha- i ice fY the hAY app 1S1t- lIP palMing ds lOt fI1 I tdt SW essesaesy tIM sad it arid lip 0IfI ysuroeat sad lie 4 ETC noWti 61 J rooms for Aft L large hey wfmiew eema the heaL et as 414ft tL s4m rss peesud pa bath lJ bomebaapl as Et t mae4 rosma for be ushidibed bay slides asplig awe teli 0 gas room she stabte ma deliat roomS asa er itTltIY made frselI e ii dmeI and PsuSt eve I pace sat h4- busier any Vie iao A aid spiten beam I i BRIMS hag sad U L oqid oeines cix jesri our syateseatic a et I Ira ido 21 kota laws a 1e art state lCD tip HVllN HEY t1iEF COItNl1li invested In oi 055 Pfta- 4aIaT in a 4 al0sau 51405 10 partkialar thiagu xre wit atone asboob bar house ff taca auw oWes IllS with a wit THIN In- sell- 432at awe e mad sen this eSter A 551st prices set at w F it ii recede Iciest seost Wail Papers papas tosm from V40 sad hnietigafe fur o timed miSIf- I 4lareb sunset as girl dellIt > > > < > > < = I FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Mort anything you want Look folding bed M soot 40 See man who you money HOVWOODS ath aad K del4St- FOK SALE Heatia tovw ume rood a sew see me the man who saves you money HOP WOODS Sth sad K Ma aw open until P m d l4tt FOR SALS Book ease MS eoat set mo the ass HO you moaey HOPWOODS- Sth sad K its nw oall roM SVLELarge aittop FOR SALBLot of 18x40 beveled edge nurrora 4118 very pretty aitaartnMnt of pictiuw at hail jiml the thmx ten FRIES ice loth at nw dell St Pot SALE Fine oak barroom Szture coot faSU for stint block walaat wardrobe arvea feet lens throe opeamga 4ft CWK vUO leViEs CO 40 lath M phone Mala KSY- delt3t FOR SALE Fine oventrang mutt be teea to be appreciated a o organ FUMES CO FOR SALE Diamond cheap perfectly eat pin white S tarat Stoae C W BfTTKit WORTH Pammyivaahi ave aw- ly sand call Seaway DdvMa aLf Fiae He iaa hare nice Cftrbrtmas- p eai 1 MU New YOTK see 4el4 at rot SALE Ki ride register for fit U cigar caac Mr P 9S4 PuMawtvaaia ava aw U nUt SALK Long light laa east of nwaat material twv butt M 1M fw loJi- M aw Apartmoat 4 t to ap m FOR SALeBaautiful collie puppIes liKE CHANTS TOKU KeanUworth D C ielSt FOR SALE Sis overcoats 130 B LADY would to wU two pawn sickest aDiiUtre nag aaa earriaga 44 omee oclt FOR SALE Four thoioashbirf colUw beta Just the thiag for Christmas MBatse FOR SALECeaterpiecc of Amarfcan Bataty FOR SALCBaby minIng nrimor tint and cradle sad ma r w ioe rt aid high etaur i amruum cayap Aaaraw BOA fta thai xtmut FOR SALENcw apri it piano in the beat con jdhiua miss lie aota o Heel 4 K tow takes 4ISJH An Opportuatty for Santa Claw UPkiGMT z iA 0 225 S Monthly Pajmeate yearly new i ri ri vnutu fMMMiof the httaat- iiaclodinx putt ntop conuBnou bmgea aa l all the moot rut hnpruvemeaU ap- xial ChTMuaaa ria at fcU lib moatAly j payments including hardwood stool to delivery You couldn t duplicate tails plane Sew for lea than aX oay Posed dapo t- ncoemary to accure it aad you pry ao were aadl altar Jaaaary 1 BRADBURY FACTORY WAREROOMS I2Z3 PENNSYLVANIA AVBSLK FOR SALJ Drtea gooda lace cortain- portierei blankeu comforta muss aa hoy- ctothbv l ea iuiu cuata stink etc neatly pa meata drop postal I call JOSEPH CAIIN- vaaia ave nr da97ti- CAKANTEE SEWING MACHINE OOS- aa oftenng buaraateod machhiea to V40 all 01 machines othoia U for or monthly iiy at L- deSTt FOR SALEtitieC upright plane ili bUy seed k hnnpam Manha1 Woadoil upright eaay A mjmtrr of hargauM m- alightly med upright pfamm SO 11th It a J C Coalif Xon roll SALE Oa credit curtain blaahot- drtaa goods osiu waiate men and boys ctoth lag Aoottat BOX that oaVw t- JFOOT with Sctara carpet lintoK c aid 8c yard stair Me- martiag JOo yard up good ocr iictoth tic yard 11th and H 17tf- FOK SALE flood quality opaque ahsdai Stoat to your wtodow only fie the beat ojattttty- U owp thadee hunt trw will with samples KLBKBLATrj llth aad H at- ne Phone East tSU eaU FOR SALK Fiae upright piano IIi eMIl 1 moat sew orgaaa WO 5 MMindbaad- oriKH NWf on monthly payments O J CO tacccMOu to Hoary VMs U8t 8 at nw eZ7U Fox for Morris chalet with hale sudden for hair mattrom in two hcdroom parlor 1 per Get our price llS13 7th aw TRY ROSENFKLDS pore lc cream pedal to boarding church and loilgea SIt II Be Pbofie tUtA nolltf FOR Twotory lirick stable I s- tdelJt PERSONALS MME THEO Card Header Pauaiu Meiiiiim Removea eHa reunite the aeparated tires luck spokes H at aw Sac We 142z- SfSPECTEU PERSONS WATCH KD Information strictly prrvato reterencM that will sat the most exactiar advice free come m sod tell u you troubles If ou see at doubt it will pay you to tee ua atrret Vrvic of high repute aathoriaod sad boadtwi OJiot- M 14th M nw mcond Poor M Bradford i boperintcadeflt U WU THE WITH AND CHILDREXof W R MADAM LE TEST worldTenownoii raiadat wilt b at tU Uth BW for oaa weak oaly House from to 7 It LAY of mean refinement sad aacml wouM coneepond with colturod gea at mean aad good morale Southerner preferred object matrimony Addrea BOX 496 thi4 OSfce WEALTHY lonely kiadheartod- with eN ant home aee wile to oharp hb home aad wealth Addrem MR MOBKKTS 7 Holland Buildiag St LOOM Mo It YOUR FOKTUWB FKEE Send me you bleak date with S atamp for pottage sod I will I your life rending Sees inshore of Love health slid tpeculation made clenr all question an 1KOF AEOL1S UU K Mth- t rlUUMphia no de71IZl PROF L M NORRIS Medium Daily at 701 H St N W from M to 6 oil King t Vs tell from cradle reuaUa aeparated cauaoi speedy ea euro mfrierioa a4ek ta eonjura tioa i Sic gcati Me Houra M I to Open Sunday 4ell4t SAY WORKIXCMBN ChrMmu is coming and If downright foolish for you to throw away all of your earnings for clothoi you amid have mosey t buy presents with K you same to u for your slid warm overcoats the very finest kind only slightly wed and mad by Washington taLons our price ate way dowji and we waat the mats trade JCCTHS OLD STAND ttf 1 t k67t MME PAIlS hora clairyoyaBt aid teed TOM ISIS SIck at aw WajbhiEton D C dotlit FOR ROOMS FOR KKNTTw desirable front offleo rooms JJ FABCR 4 7th L nw dttSt FOR RENT STORES FOR M Large store Oth it nw deUt C BoYER dt SUN 9iO EX nw I revs i wOO s1 i aCt WIt Ie Mtb IlL tit JoUIt LtLIA c upI I IlL OR dd lIt dell a tit u tire We1- I IW IL sib K RsUXWIba I de- c J4t11- K i a den city I thai three psidab cut lC4ftOIIeroM luareg fret I 7 10I credit lit if sot SOc v po PIANO daloU s U1 stasis tit SALES tf aDd tee weft lit U lit I RENTSTABLES fOR PS RW- I about Ja1Waere t Lorrose on wnu utJa reM 4at 8tII- f lilt G deal I I It i la at S If at It CLAY Alexandria oor RENTOFFICE seethe stew S 41 use Itb and K as epenoalil p deli fi pIns dollUI 414IL aw cape se ss lIt JISeM uetISj 1as Ike aN U LEWI- eitsi as IZL Gibbs sewiag- machiM MePAitLUtlrS 24 s- nw cmien at 411It list alt s v as west leave lea aaesaebe tnt isatcbsskasu p sad I dike L li male ale eSita easukiy ma- chines eackeaged satisfactory omoag lil opsu a fa gMa- acer lace CtJ1tTAU rULES lie pads pajty its e tie roll 5DAL I pats rates houses muss SIc itcuessi eataaz- I ve lafy today A areas NATIINAL DETECTIYE AOENCY SW it- I I u tie I eihesa wed Snares every Sunday as Maccub- etTmpinMl 9th OW dellS- tPFOF to genre polls Ladles 6 ssdhttares XII ass > > > > > > > RAILROADS BALTIMORE AND OHiC R R Ave sod C ChMatjo aaa MJO a 9M- Ctaebiaati St Luate sad I thwIJm M nk p m MiM aujh- afiumma sad Clrraland MJ av p m J 1J Coimaaai aad waneUag a m- I NIS PL m- Aaaapolia 7yaJ SJu J11JO a at H4dNX av Frederick SSS IIMJOa av nUI- MI and p m- Hagomtown rt a m ami UJO m- Moyd mad wa p iata tloda t0 a au- Uaitheuburg and way pvwla jivufeV vaCO a j 114 l ulJh a O ii X- 7H WIS 1111 p av- waUd rt ii aad way poise jS i- m Ill lr ao lift p av- Baaimure work day tt00 A CJ- O7i 7 JO J 0 8 a SJW US a a I1M UONO I mj at O S4JO- llJO 1145 p av aamaya x7 i- 7u aSJO a m li 11 f- lttM ztOS 325 a xtt ja xUM- lly 5 p m ROYAL BLUE LBfl- AH train iUumiaatod with Ptataeh Itght- BtttiMore PhiiatJelpbia Xew and tt Uiner A Pal tel Vrtb Daiwa LMv Uiaerl a m Ua Uiaee ko al Limited Uaer HAi aly a Dims and tl JO p m a ttiag Car open at I1 ocioeO Atlantic City 7v K4a a av U12SS- n m- Uafjy liExcept Huaaay awlam BayK Ke idled for sat ihatkad ketch roMdeatea by Union Co on orkn left at ticket BVto P- BOtthweM New York A venae and Fit latath- Stnet and at at tloo SOUTHERN RAILWAY Schodale cwccttie Xovtmaer B UK- Tn w MMV irnat uno v uiu M uon 810 a a Daily Local for Uarneoabug HaniMU lunatic ama MM k uuoa- MM a M Daiy VaAtogtoa and Florida Limited FintciaM eoaUiM sod drawtafroaai- tMp r to J c onvUle Via 1115 a m tnitcd staoi Fast PaiL Kiniciawi toatim ama uiiaKfvu u Xew urt na liiatag ti OETVRC 4 a K m tt ek Itayw L 4 kit PaUlson d fiailf Local Inc W- CharMiaviUa w av Petty New Tit and Atlanta Kr Kh t uw eaatdt sleeps to Attaata- iioaaay Wita rhv ad rrMtajw t aiei Tonri UaahiagMa to aaa IraooMco PuOaaw oWlS styler U r m Uatiy Kew Yaerf sod florida Express coach aad alc4- M kKaaawnrilk C arUntoa Hg- toavlbe sad l t TIBIIM a ceper to aagaaia mid eoanertiun low bbumg car aavior MM i u tfmut w twit jM Ui4 Limited via Lyachaa g Ftat laM JeUevtog vor to Moiiaohe Kabiniie Caa sad HaBph deeper t M Orteab j Uiaing car an nu- Mtf p m 1M1 Waahiagton aid aaath- I wa tora Uwtited AU oils ctoh mad en to SataviUe Atlanta Maces Miaiah New Moadaj Wedaeadar sad fHday- throaca sleeper ta ria arO iibawf tar aer r rxs ox Btngnojrr BCAXCH Leave Aaahiagtoa HM a m and 44 p dade fc days M p m l ttor Soc Laawiurr only iagtoa a m 41 a iu4v a m 4i a at a m fU p sad taa p m daily I ocal fries llarriaaaavM 114 a a Yams CharhUtonrUki iM a at J p am daily Tickets efiaf rcaftnartoaa sad de- tailed at ticket oWes M IMh St 4U PaaavrVaOi Ave sad Paaa- qrrnaU isuuldn tajgagc checked theaweh from betel ad naidaisea- Pboae W40 P ii fc Cab terries C H ACK KT tteacral Manage- rs UAKDWICK C arral Agent I S RHOWN General Acaau CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CHINA JAPAN AiD PHIUfPUiK 1SLAJB Intended SUatnitoip truss V ncuu FMPHKhS 09 1MJADM 9 batch O IWt- KJ4I E S OF JAPAN Jan 26 April U MB- EMPBESB OF CHINA Keb 23 May 4 1908 HAWAIIAN ULAMlh AND AUSTRALIA AOKUkCI Deo ItMOAKA Jan IflflB All Information at 1290 P ana Ave OCEAN STEAMSHIPS NEW YORKSOrTHAMPTOS LONDON St PauDee 17 Maav I PhiraDec XI M aa St Lw iaDec la W aa St PaulJan 7 10 am RED STAR LINE SEW YORK ANTWERP PARIS VndHrdDec20Marn j Iceland JUL 5 aav- KrooardDc7 10am KlnIandJaa10 10amI- XTERXATWXAL NAVIGATION COMPANY OOKf ASrS WASH1KGTUS OFFICE OM F S- tuu c Bt N W- IN CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME nVnoiata Mania and China A maul excla early iwttwaiag curb in Jose Addum LEON L OOtXTKB 3 8 BoyLtoa Street Boatoa STEAMBOATS STEAMBOAT COMPANY Everr day fa the year from foot of Ttl- itt for Ft Monroe N riollt Newport Ke sad p iat by the Newport Xcwt Norfolk Wjwhncto- tWuktnftra pmlfjrPnrtamonth Mi- Lv Al nndria Iv Nirf nc pm- Ar Ft Mooroe i Lv Ft wcnm 70 pm Ar NorMk S Ale aa rli 0aai Ar Pnetaavirth 8U krTnahiacVo 7 m- Tlwoaifll OMMctigln made t XAT with Ieaawn rf OM IVnainna- I StrwBxrtlp Co let New York ted M r- ehanta mud Xlnear Steamahip for Bo- a Orrar further nfeonatton pphr at araenl ticket oWe Hood BatkBag 14th sad N Y aw or 7th aV aft Wash I Htfton U C Mlf OM Mar PROPOSALS PBOPO8ALSU DCPARTMEXT OF ACRI CCLTLKE Oflce of Ae Secretary WtAinj ton D C November 19ui Sealed propuaa- win he received by the Secretary of Agricul terse natil HMXiK WEDNESDAY IT UKCEMBKUI- MXJt See tile erection of a threeatory stone bwUinc for uw of the Weather Bureau 1 8- l parla at of Agriculture on the summit al the Bue Ridge MoaatMaa abut l miie from Trapfie County Va sad W aha hoe WaabinMtoa D C artneiteain with sad epecaVuioai which may be obtained it the omce of the Chief of the Weather Bureau Wtahiajtoa D C Bids wit he Mated and on eavelopa I j for ab r Bnrraa Tnppe Va and addrrased to the Secretary of lid culture HaahmUMi D C Dapartmeat reserve the right to rrjrct any sad bIde JAMES WILSON Secretary no daMAU TRUSTEES SALE JAMES W RATCUFFE Anctioaeer- TRCTTEET SALE IN BAXMrPTCt OF JEW gUY LOOSE STONES DIAMONW ETC BK1NU BALAfCX OK TilE ROBERT LED INC STOCK On MONDAY THE 14TT DAY OF BC L A D at M OCLOCK A M I wiJ aell hy public raction within the eaUa- rcoma o W BafalUte m reaaqrlvaBit- Aveaee aorthweat lot lewvhr Iso atoaea etc F WALTER BRAKDEXBCRG STORAGE STORAGE 7k toad UNmtD OTATES RTOR- AOE CO 4SO ion tt oVL vt te sew Jersey joIn It tilt a ib aI DL baa Illa h aJ W1 a IlL sleW a 110- delt u- I Mat ea o el ill sXS car I tidy to eay 14i I I eA2 Plum to Com 181 0 hat H I I Po ted m d a tRi Po I Par I Soiling I I AMERICAN LnrK 10 or floe J A P A N 114 tJ vASHtG1 ON 1 south III tIteel palate Lt I pin an 1 air jAr fI tLo talk I I s j Ira I Me 1 1 0 DECEIt use I Washington hi a e a 2l sIghs ielS Wisebapun a sISt osd 5i Ie 0 p 1Ls ill1z p a 1 lfli a lle 431 14 131 aitS 13 aliste alma 131 sore 05 lli P11adebjk1a edi Pam aid Teasel Sip Lames I I spar bw aid stalisus ci Maa aek sad pram and cla gad each sad taStes obiitSIfm Lst Ii Atsassla sad M lesp Ont list p a 431 a traise Ire the daub Wads liD a woW da sad f deily aroZ tilt I Si W V lkae rice petty tease in March NOrfULK a powrru1 atmaire mad 514 itS sea 1 I t1www 15 < o Jar halest etoek of inding Tines cash Tim 410414 > > > > < > < > > > > > = ° PEHfcSTLVArtiA HAlLHuAU- t Ml lt uu f Ji CONCMCSMuxvi- tor lva aU lu- rii w- leuynuar tal l W l w nad baa Burnt J M UC XHiNs X J n WOOD Centra M iu ir General Pufcujtcr A rt AND UHlU 0 4 jo p in rManiac a t tu i 1 and LcunviiW ttx v Ball tj M L MH and cint4 o uitu Car 0 I M billy CH1CAUO AVD ST LUtla A ou vetit uc i- UeeuiclightcO uaia arinu cuhuio1 1144 a lu ir ui ii44K 3 id p in ai i- auaaU lu t uuo Liaia Use 111 F 1 IJaio r LIFTED SoliU- uain law Cm iuJU 4iliMM i t- RoMTtati n ao 4 tickets at Chesapeake iiJ Onto oU Prnajrl ta aveaue ow tou cIa street near F aad at the autiuo- caU MW for M K Ca- oSorrti II W FULUU- CCeaenl PaojcMtor Aleut BALTIMORE AND OHIO R R- Jern Ave tad C St- t Wi a a CtarJmmtL St Loaia aud Louisvlla 1000- Mk 4lo p m ni Ut and CVrcUnd 1030 a m 84i- i 10 tight Cotombu and WheeUa p m WiaUaMor JS m 41S 11550 m- Luray 41S p au- AanapoU IJIJO SJO in50a m i43- C5a p m Frederick iJfl a m Ii m and JO a Boyd sad way ataaV SSi 00 a m 140 tl80 p i Caitatiatarg sad way puiat b3i o- m lt nli ttJ i430 j 7d5 M1S pl P i MorfdnirUa Juacttoa and wxr cmtt S Baltimore waafc xs0u 600 7 i 7tO SJ3 liJU xlVtiO 115U a av KJO noon xIS5 x 0 X4 XX X4fc- 4tca xSflb 4 i 6tt xs u xlo- 11JO 11 a m Sunday x2 7 i- fM SS 0 t a 115 x3OU- aSJO XftOB S K JO xS00 10 X xllWu- 11JS P m ROYAL BLUE LINE AH Olumlaated with PinKh light BaltimoM Philadelphia New York Dn on sad the East 4u 7H Diner cia Ea DiBLV liM X iLhn t a Tt O Diner 3QO f Rojal Lbnitrl- Dfaer 4 0 Philadelphia orly ir- Uiaer fl ft and JO p aw creeping i c- op w at M oclock Atlantic City Ili t Hl 4 a m 1S1V- SCD p av- Oaky llEKcat taaby fluafcy OBJ- TsEsama tntoa Ba coned for aad checked from k ii end rotioeacecby Cnton Tiansfcr C on ori Vft at ticket oWes ElI Pemmylvama Xew York Avenue sad Fifteen SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Lime Washington haL R K ftatran m SEABOAJtD MAIL Tbruuz- hUaiU PuLmaa Slevpna Jack n oaae g It Harriet with Palhaan tamper to Atlanta 7p m SEABOARD EXPRESS S lid U Uy tram to Japtsoovfll jod Tamp with Puliaua Drawing Sleep ng Car aid Dtamg Car iuJlm n Si s to Atlanta Thee trains oaVr acellewl md- MTvtce to Petersburg Bale h Southern rinrs Caexkn Coiumbi SBvaoniii- JackMBvUle St Auznotine Pam Ura pa Key VJOM mast FloridB poles also Cuaa- Ctxttott LIMos Atlanta New ureaaa tnnooga NaohvUia Memphla poiflj West Sontfcwost 430 am LOCAL To Petersburg ttaeis- Hballi South Hamlet and uuormediate pJiat C R RYAN W E Ot LYX- Oeal Par pDt enl At PaaTr IVpt WASHINGTON SOUTHERN RAILWAY Sth Quit in sleet Xovomber SOIL For ILk and B streets 4W B i 3lti p t d u- taBia car sun itithitmmi auu i jiu vo A leslie Coast Line sod Florid luii a tu 740 p m daily Florida anl M ropoliua Limited for Richmond and iomu Air LJue tad Florida 1041 i connect at Rfehmoad with c lot Vewaort sews OU PaInt Oaajln 740 a m day 4 40 a nv Ojlly Michmoail oaly PuImaa or parlor m on ui shove tra Jw AccomatcJatum lur lIsts tiro J HI a av m Hy say 4tt a m day W D Bti W P TAYLOR weral Mgr Trame Mgr Y A a- Ii o t vv h A lA J- be L WftcaJW- I I t C4 1M A Ja uAllf tr aa61 at r MJ ll OJ LollS w o- a na4J- uu r 11lh- I M J 04 IlL 1 ur r 11 1 u edP r a r U t- UIn r 6- 1oN a ww- CIIIII MIa v- IV 1 4 I L- w r a v l- L 01 h a vr- WIUC tat l W rItuJIIUI and ti- lbtft I at w e UJ- J m 10 JN- WJIII w Iu- aI 1 1 1 4 A 4IN t h eM o r ao lw- h 0 to U 01 i 31 wee q UU oj- 41011 1- tj 6 JJ- AI 11I o oN n- IvoIIJ 1loA- IJ1Ao w a uulI- Ua 7 X aLad 1 hit 4S L k 11 atd P I t sad rreLi c UoIfa tIe I d- II mist s 1110- r 7 ht- U4a J040UaI- lbU t tI1 10 I i- IC Pay p II po tOl- to wun lCll4 Lu libsut Ia unciolMt aDd ou5mrIamt W Ut 1IDi iaj sit tlIILIIC LuLs 11I- Louis Hew Cbzcpo r6 OlIU p x arid p IOU I Jt P- It IlL us IlL III i1 530 p days S30 1110 JJ IO IlL IIO ea tel m j 11 I tit I 41 riDe Cafe ant heath ut omc Puu L AI tilL I I on trllili- r I WIld JitO P Jlnu C 11 RAhJROA1S immana euamss eS aeseas iS S5Aat tanen a ainted ems p ft iase aa- slsUiMiaas aaet a aa taipsu ui aoc t llii1i t ma dect a s Ua- su lAst LlkPttu44s- aslet smiler a a smasuaMb ais e sAa5baSa104 eat aoa ass te n stetm s- in oeaa ar luma m as on- au ft Wtis bmateai MtrisprM L- sas t a- ka onIa eae tu aI- sante ent et- I o 155 I 1ANAI L1 km ssra susM ew t maon h- ag45 5551 tsaIMi esasg 15115 eat I teAlsI Sor s hAt kStltit- sas iMi0i aiasaa aine I- saum ii DaeMs eu eantaj 4 A at is s else mpa eaJ asa a naliga ada se- a Si etnesmt t a V Js sat Ste t i tsa 4IAMS5 ocuyi i 5 Ddadss a sIauau dcet- te lt o iiIla- Uspc4aip iai dn ii t- iy eMi Oampsa egg 4 l 50 taq- aauefai ton tid5e4 sie- mc i a tf agai- eIbs naqy sAns LLNIThL- itmis new Ljs LLu same aidW 3OE ayse uqeafi s4s1 1JU5 a eat liai k lees o LIs 4- tiag e ems ut 4 15 us am m aaiain La I siWso trP JLI5- la keiu aa- ku A Lt4 iJ ilt- ana ent puIMpei J 1 1at1 outp Lapruis iI t lEa r IMs Lsa 444 ttO a s sisn wiLiest ghsngc A are on 4ai i n run sail ill 4 5Ms Wd VW ei M lat laL sle t aisuj ca saat 4 as uLW ltu Aso I- as Latin am s 1iIMM IN- a S ss Ss pru ILle za isaaetc- a h p jJ des tt taU iJ- w beaV dm1 tcu a cc 1upa tath o 1 I 3t- a ruM iS Amspri 42s oewamasjpwtsatie- tm saa tns t ututs os ItZceL 4 1 tII5 4O 4 abcs san UI e l13se- t lerlp SOC Sl lie LditArcAE 11- Idsedule iflci1ie NoyetLcr Laos 44 1 M a frtL- tofsg 1Atsoasa saws vtuac usiat- becssLg 14 a S- MLbeiIji a a u4 p bt5 cs SM UMIIJ mea seeper l5L1flfl4I iLa- St sMaip Lsrr et > et era LAl Luu 55 ltSo- bawet a osecpr t hot a4Aa CcE3I4 4i- V5aciaaata is ni it LL- t oILs Talephoes Hats I0a Wsdelactoa se4 6- pse a sa Lli 1405 aad a tAa atlt12 4 I lat alola a a a atW teaMs I Ac- I 0 a schedules Pinde hat sod 1412 Awe > aacsseaassa pa na AprianUeSM 4045 rrMJaCJOU Lsie stat Sea- board 3 > y seth for a < > > < < > < > < > > > > < = = °

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-12-14 [p 15]. · THE WASHINGTON TDJES SUNDAY...

Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-12-14 [p 15]. · THE WASHINGTON TDJES SUNDAY DECE3IBER U 1902 15 li HELP WANTED FEMALE Ill 1KR 1UOCnnviag letters at home dtbre- ml



Ill 1KR 1UOCnnviag letters at home dtbre-ml two cup tor MURK

IM Opera Howe Block Chicago It-

V l i Woman to sell toll article awlfor WOW Ctirivtmaa novelty Call

i 14 COTCMM Buikhng between 9 and-y it

MCltrintcfaM irl houeework-ung lid or mMdlcaced lady handy

lr uai tork a goo ham email alTIlE FAIR SW 7th t n-

TKIVAI oaee ewporitaoai cook reftrZM K at

N WHITE horn omptoyment copyingKaaaa rau t POT LO two

V Dm t CMeaiv ItK p letter at how 90

iip 4 eaveope ior application L oUK-IT t U-

rti lady demonstrator bberal-t 1 MjBBMtoy alter 10 a m ROM a SMi nw ItiTimldt gM to team am ami to-iuflarm good wage 80S 10th aw-

in It-

TKi iUfg Mni COMM tilt tor aoaeralrk go homo at Might 124 P ae-

V TrUV WaMl drl i-

itreac Apaey IMS CiKtaawti at1431

V 1KIVA waat womaa with nfcatBBai ea-

if Uking chorge e4 a loach couatc Ap-

n iwwm aaad 11 or S aad 4 at SM ata t-

toftClaw dri-r trtttaacr une wouM be able to

v lUll chart MM maaaay worktooai ftat-piaie sad alary eipectej Addma BOX V j

l Wive i

NTKDA good boaeat cod gM to make-generally useful reference teouired

iftrr clerk 21M Fa ave del A-

v NTBC YOBBW lady too lean to Mark laoa-jU Jody for oOce moat be accu-

and rapid at figure to wboai we win paywage Addroia nJtmeaa aad-rxpocted BOX 465 omce d U3t-

NTKD A chamber mId also a good cookajraca with rcfercace dels It-

V TK1 Machtae operator sad button briejO-

IH on coatom torntoM boka A J LOCKHABT at Keens

i F aw MLN-TKI Comprt nt cook aad gaveral houtf

V NTKD IMiabie white


N TKD Thirty men sad ten ladfes Bwwtar-u at ociock at irage doer COLUMBIATEL Ult-


MirW FLAT IKOM CLKAXCS or toabig aclkr for agent adla at lght-

r Me ECMT 8tf t CO-

l 2 WaahiagtoB D C U-

NTS make 14 per day aaay atflktg w-riin piacket taatewcr 1D atd OB-

n MR lady ata thna oia-

TT UfPPLT CO 1NMo m it

YOC K V A t X D TrUSQ if you aee ittn r he Uha nud

UP u CUPPCC KOTBLTT StP-VI TJ j M Hridtrflte V C ddltt-

Y inKlFil MtVVERTlBLE BAflKKT Kingtf lpr i article w 1 ageat aad etreett M b sample preI L SC iu irf i U catalogue woe NA

i IATTT CO Wl Broadway NewVrV

IKNS at loveat-

ddrcas KUJ8 E BB-aawipfe pea

tTY O oJ haar vonr earaiac cafaieity e OH-

m tMMt-

V CO Des E-


akIn torentkai of the ageu rhr lne a waddnx thirty

MI iiior r atUwtfaM cheaperrtructlbW xty-

nn injnex thauaaadi of teatiWASHER IX


matnn ahoirt hew yoef an wth orna W1UIAR BTECIALT-

Tv derelaad Ohio ItRM TIIINJ fur eitlwr an legfthnate-

y r v r IWO per teat proftt awi uliri nt eatalone W ept-

MrrKoir MAIL OKDKK sfPPLT COBnilrtinir DrtJott MJeh It-

A KTs w ANTED KWI Inatnutioaa at-n iHiiinin h Biil package of fifty

trv rt milled for It trite WAL11 U t Uth t New York city

SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALEv TBDr itwatb9W pod cook awl aeaa-

10U York

t YTRD Colaivd girt waata a phw aa rookn cMa i f r a ea II 0 at aw USt


Hv irr or ahort order rookv M Jrrory ave aw daltSti-

v liitc URL laajilrnimanl of oariv w nrecor toni

aIM porter MCI New York

r aji V thai

TKlK Mtaatioarhy urperiaaaul padaw labrae cniaa sad glaaa abo aad tar

of refctcaoa AddrrM M JACOBT



VKS white aad coJor ihelp of til kiada 711 4th at nw U


NTTD TranM to haul OIL 8 8 DAISM-A oal and Firewood MS Florida ave aar-

f tf


NTKDrwaitan a all kind in Iota IItell your to the nun who riwB-

Mat oaeyHOfWOOU Mb and KP l4St-

KO At KachiirieS U ave hindroll top dadav atocka f gracariw awe

did Thuraaaya dcUat-

EI Ut aoorlaK amp fox 47 tabde t

TE T hoy Kaa Charlat andl

JapaaaM-l 8CHXIP 9Ua gfOUt 712 at-

v vou raratart f anr ktod to-T fail

44i thai eaVund dwailiaga a



yi brim topper lead etcn i if ai for

ri i BAtMOIK Mail T de 0t-

ztrat raah r

r mules s IJitliaia TAB kc iM fih it aw-

Of I A vC r nw u


ill InC


111 UUJI




Wlfi i


TIDB7 ullorho


tat I

F thisi


k 1ItJ1 V 1 II

0111 III-

white waitftILI cleU4t




f n


It teaId ic



tfr allisr

I < Itk 1t1

ifIIoI thatJI





maket hI

nrl dIpr2t I



1 n c

r1 otiNciJ ltIIta 1tI1


TrI ia-n fl

LbutJc 11r

j It-

iTEI Peiti by tl JIPIII-rlpAlilr many-


lit ae Jt

l II11cn

t rt ale f1r


0 litU

TE T JIIMI tnnri111 lIOX h


heat tf



TI 11 I WIGt C



TJ t coletto IJ i ash prkas

LTI I In n 1IIIItdliu

IlB 10111I kstaKrg



S It-


i per 1IIDV-


4jtt J







aiSMs hiPto work-

aa svMg ruo a bopd-l dSIt-

TLJEzpcrlaocedza r

5b r


dstr MtIcVYACWa-W




Tt prka fr litazIIi Ia


l 11

rl peVd liew

st tSn at

pS tifl4n n


tfl1t you HUe-t



AflOCT THE A1L tINiSS-cci I bock ChkaD-


I y aw NPW ave



M oar male aid-






tDidlL L mu-




i siIvasctABMA-

NV fm

3L jp pe eWoollI



> >








> <




> >








WAKTEDColored amk caoU arolltona dirtwaahca wanvn white awn and errandman Moada tttU New Tort ItWAJfTEI Mea enery where good pay to dlatribute circdUra adv tier tack etcNo caMvaa i NATIONAL Alit CMCL-Chkafto ItWANTCDBoy to ham drag boaiaeaa Apply

UkCU KTUMtV MIa aid X nwIt t

Yoath from ouatry to collectgood pay All Monday M4 Mth w-

ItWAKTtn raiBtna Ce aaanaiow ate ApplySoaday an day POKTElfti lilUMi 7th aw j

rapenManer sad Paiater ItWAXTKDJaaitee hevwaia-aaner mats boy Ion seas ISU New York j

VAKTCUYoaag atan from eoantry B perweak aaraitajK puaiuoa 1300 New ave

WAKTEDColpred boy with bicyctc to go r-

ranik aad nuuw area Appiy wit rettrtacca teHH acuwAinx at aw d i4ft-WANTEOTraveJlB aakanea to acU whitetoad active widawake awa sow with M are

akjac He to HM weekly raaMnaauaa good i

liacMuty or aide Lie foraad drag liaeaia fapartor madealer and Urge naamiaiiuai paid to obtainmud no experience miaaary o expun Bncy advaaced Addreai U TWHITE LEAD CO M de7l4tl i

HAXTEDCoal cart driver work toedmy U Bt Hhk 4u aw delh

strictly eater angle whiteman iiatlcraiaaoa nachinery wage ifc aad

HOI thai oaVe 1ST-

WAXTEI flingk eouatry fellowpreferred Addreai B X 40 thia eden de St

Pint 1aa oliciton salary sadMMTON 8TKAM LAfVDKY

pod colored laborer sadundue fit sad coke lustnw Mh depot Monday night V oclock

WANTED Printer an allraoad man can aeewe a inaniniiil Job in eely prlatiaK oface anM be to do sadmast be abaoiutrly a nuui who daea sot see

hay Addrea atat4 for further parUcalan TNt KirX itXT Calpeper V-

de3t t

Job printta oaV 51 Wh c aw delStt-WAKTED A told ahoiiaakar atoady work

14th at MW dellSt-WAXTEULaboren sad teaaaitm-

wuod an Florida are at dcVtfWAKTED Boy with wbaat she girt sheet IS-

yeara of as 7 Ilk at-


AXTED l nan fM monthly sad expeaaea peimanent PaJtRY MISERY CO

N Y dettSutt

WANTED By couple three vnrarai hed rouawheat and for niit bouwkoriin scar navyyard can not more thin f5 or 18 per anaath

this oOec delWAKTED Two fuiiiiahnJ rooma for hoaneheeplag tnt wan wife aad child wiut he r

at aw delMt-WAVTEDRoom well heated with CathoUefamily Addreat BOX 4N thia aflce delJH

SECOND fluor Mar rwamctlMO per week me-chanica prelerred 11U t nw delv tROOM aad heat and ca foe 175per week Ml New Jersey ave aw d 14

BOOMS with hoped nice ham US per monthH4 ath L aw 1t121 K ST KWPiae aartor wlf con-necting chaaaVw Urge bright moma aaeand

tahte toned gives hoa heated by fur

TWO nieeey toeaiehad nnawd host roomwell heated hoaw booed teapecttoa avttod

nt aw wcMSt

roll BCNT TwV ramtdla Iwhma withwitbnui board ft aad IllS Peaaaylvaaia-

del4StBALTIHORT tingle or nxmn-

bAard sad Ha reapeetrMty and up-ward K per unalrata H per

ax Uth at sad New York awe

ELEGANTLY faraaved room sad board opentutu flaw half block Treaaary 1712 F at aw-

t deUSt-I POll RBKTHmad fleet room

niahed nmitoblc for two with board for Mt ai noatb K t et aw wtlmil RENT Froat mom ateef

MT UtdeUSt

WARM KOOMB aod award well furnwhedi rosiest 918 JU H it aw deUlt

BRIGHT FRONT ROOM oad board howfumrorta t Seat Capttot at dtllKK-1CELT FTRNISHEO faajt room two gsaUemcn board if dm Ire a1 Tit 4th tt aw

FOR RENTeM Hat aw two irentl-uimnv with hosed ctatrally located delt t-

I NICELY FURNISHED frost room with boanli711 Mh m aw t dell 7t

ROOK AND BOARD tor two i nHmji H bomtcomforta nw dat lit

THE LOGANBtaatttal location Iowa Circle near 0 at-

iaitle sad dodge rome two aad three roompukes private bath well aapototod diningroom room mnikiag room ping poag-ad MaahatteK pool free to ann ti

monthly leaUurant sod room ratca delMtFOR RENT Xierty faraWMd rooms wtthhosed large eeoad tory front room imtokltfor two hoot in every room 4M Miit nw flt7tf



1212 l h et nw irapervimr and oalybar of NATIONAL ASSOCIATION MAE

TERM cif AX IXO in WaMnaton Prefecty mlf Mn LeoaardoV at tIM WtoM-danghtia nub Room every Saturday eveaiagPhone Main 497 Y 14 3t

GET READY POE CHHIXTHASOjine sadIrct your goods have them put youH a week solitaire diamond ring to W

dId gold watches lad solidgoVI riaga anal best gotdfllled watcbea-

K bama gentt fine mal ring-at ear acrewa to 40aad diamoad riaga ciuaten 10 diamond

loeket with real dmawad Z The above pricesara oae hak what will pair in themoses C or credit J rwaai-1Mb at aad Peaaayhraak av wpataiiw Vpen-alghta deM-

PARPET LAYING remakiag carpet AddreM-B D at aw dal4ktENGINEERS armmea maehtaiMisad an meaL mad lea 4 wagcoataiamg aueattoa askedof Eagtoaer GtO ARow n n S 4th at St M-

de4 nt a411-

TTPIIIRiiLi4G lac page tat acctaate workoMeiaction Mtnoj B0E 4oate f del4 tA MS OOLDFILLKD WATCH ftc W ulrverchatelaine bagi IS silver awaietetoe-watcbea fS Caah or J MIOCKERmal Peaa lvaaia see upatatn Often nighta

PIANO taming SLW factory e aert JAS K-

DfRITTntNK REPAIRING we up poaui MI-Mb

TO Mini naaaaahle CUE Sth it B-Wdelfttt

LACE LACNDRY tasmania Stf lathat aw U Mh tt aw no eenta perpair



lOa REXTFwraiahed awe nom hem XIpar two toaaata win remain payfac

par math Aaajmi tor nMaryland see ne dealt








It VerA






lor dairy

W J1Zud U

A TaI rtlIlL

iuwdTy plate



two ill


S lAbI IOU sad





I lickJ

fIGne as

board tto aa






w-WW 12



pus roW sleeve S-IUu with M gMd beset




1ftJa lit


tiT 1f





easnlape Ieor

ave awe



ideali Lash o


comistislusIL as deliIt

miain dawls


WAXTEIIToutit with yema exeilaser

It pcthy S 1 s1 Ph



ux I


board with

Doormm qdiw


daubdtW illdey ii-

I 4tTa

lam tsr

SSedithwIll WIit as










HIonic Isdiamond

ureef toW5 eec diamonds sofia


stem pamphletbr




is 412Stmed


eli psnksjpa



> <








TWp large sooth front teaser room all io-v we w M Md J l at nwT T

FOR KENT Froat and back rooms 616 ath it

FOK RHXT iurnuhad room oae treatone back writable ten two M 10th c-

de 1441FOR MEXTTwo larce Ittrahhedbaj 1adott netoad aoor uae back room

papered heat g bath seen the Capitolprivate Jamiiy of thiwe rest moderate av-

v tction t light hoamiajtog lit at-m w l4StPutt JtKfTtt aw tanaVaed frostloam OMthern aapoMire geatkama tidy

de4MFOR KENT Three U leer room sun Dupont

nicely Innimhbw tor tight h aarMchn-kl IWT month MU l ta t nw del44tFOR NCNT Utge l y window room aei aalour oar maau teem furaaui keen tmaucat-iSecll 11 It at nw d 14A-

JR MKNTTWO 9oatftory commanicatiagMelt room tight howaneatnaa-Mg elk M nwWAXTICDUeatleamcT will and laraawiilI-UODU at lili H t aw del ttFOR REXT Two mtaad aViar front room de-

airable reference SU K at aw OeikUFOR tanuabed frost roomabraved prices aradtrate 71 Sth at an

d lStFOR MEXTXieery wrniebed heated7 to i per moatb tu U a aw dltMt

FUR REXTFuntiahed room fl pee week

FOR KKXTThree nom on Ibid lost withIlea taa aid bath cheap U aw-

delS3tFOR REXTFuralaaed room private ramlkf

7 IS K et nw dcUtREXTNewb faraiahed oath frost

roona porceiam beth Xouat YetaonPlace nw oppoMto aew Camegto Library

daUnFOR REST Room Mcoad Sour all Improveawaia cneaa 417 Sd at aeIT R REXT Two nice Urge room aecoad-6uj fnrahed or unnwaWwd with sadga bcht hountaeepeiatt tf dmirad Ala QUON Fkihav 18 7th at ne deK trote REXTOae rooat third flier frost partly

6 2 net at awFOR RENTFuralohfd mouse in a flat allmodern improvement Call after 4 p at tsn-

at nw deUStFOR REXTrnraiahod moat second floormar Capitol sad Peaaaylvaaia ave at SIb at

Two south frost7 or Jot WTr

07 ram ST NW DooM aad aiagtc wellbcoteu Might room ako

dellJtFOR BENT Rcmai sad 17 wek alaa

front room JtJ 8d at aw delJJtFOR RET Barfaia part of

j Iii M aw delSatFOR REXrSecoad faraiahad aad thard-

haamhed treat room with lightaata oil vtovea W4 Eye at

Two twrataaed eoajatotc for-t bi booaekeeamg on H t car with orwithout host air H at aeFOR RENT Comfortably fornUhni well heatedrosin OH I at bw 4el2t-

I FOR BENT Zl C at nvr large sad amaH

H4J1LL PATMdCK M K M w aMoir Ku-

Oithfid Mown with vrtMU htki hou-lorvfor rouOkabm Apply at edtoe of betel



FOR REXT Three famished or uarttraUhcdroom bath aame Sir 1143 loth at ItFOR RENT117 Peaaaylvaa a ave BW

FOB ftKNTrurntobed or unfurnished rooms farlight hoaiekeepiBf 7 Mth et uw de 14ttFOR Ltaw end floor room ranB

lrt 1 mTHE moot aecemtble location in Waohiagtonnew hoam sew furaitaro room or ea-

j team hot water private bathabath for every two rooma romonableTHE WO K tt nw delStf

FOR RfflfT Famlahed or uafaraiahcd roooma118 Second at nw H tt-

tFOR BERT Furniahcd or uafurniahad COOWHfrom fl a week up BU L It nw drl2lt


FOR REST Ol Mamathuaetta ave nw eightmama aid both 340 Apply 880 7th at a-

wde4tFOK KENT 11M Ftorfckt ow a baywindowbrick room sad hath front and

ntt Jar hid rest ftoJo perArg It It ae at Bt-

FOM mn r Hoae rsima sad bath largeyard aad closet wet 080 tSM K at-

aw deltttFOR RENT IS Uth al six room bathcellar front porch aid large back yard CEO


t LOST Aa Ala oam boa between MI 1Mbt nw via Miimathmiita ave aad Thorn

lRarat reward left at shoes number

LOST Scotch rattle dog anowen toI MoUte Suitable rowanl M nursed to use B


ILOST Black and white dog half hound andhull white riser aroaad nook RewardIW4 SM at aw dell 3tLOST Pack of Kade Vedit Co bO-lFiader ptojac notify NATHAN COHEN OM 4th

I at nw deltttterrier named Frisk wt on hiad

lop Reward 4SS llth at aw 4cUSt

LOST On 14th at oaiween aw nwa black leather coataiaing mossy

land cards Inward paid for suture to TheI W amiaaterJ7th aad Q at d 12 tt

LOST A seal bloodrtonc oKting maskedInside Edward B Ho clam 7S PointN T A reward will bx paid by IJKtT A T

Myr Va 4e-

LOCT Laot Vnh a bunch of key on a heartshaped ring Botarn to C K L MACDONALDM06 Uth It reward 1 deUttt


IOOK 6ev Keea of haadaalatedornament to a table for 1 Sand sow or

they ill be gone write name plainly GEORGEMotropotitaa deU-

FiiLND pound marble aad fruit cake twopounds lie or Ire pound eako W1LKINSCAFE t4 Mh-

FOCXD Lacey Ice ctotm abiototely70 cent PM gallon m ualetiored-Meon New we aw mM K



FOR SALE Chunky bay hone at t sacrificeM w dU t

FOR SALE Hora 1 cart Apply 117 O-

t iw itToll SALK Two onesad hems SM lthnil 8ALECh coupe ia pied conditionor sift exchange irM Call raddrea SELF Conduit Road D C

FOR RENT PLATSt m Waahtagtoo four room

hot water aad ga per month7 L at

IlL litI





















mite lied

FOR HENTisepdellIt


iO RCnTtro orus bit or for

II Jersey


loft UNTLarce I

7 flO 722 X



I aOTH Sit uu IlL M






I TWetA H W 177


porll book


CLIPfO Fen 1211





X at aw1


borH melIlL as de12 k

THaUApply lit del-





frost reosenDeS






at-N at as dillIt



tope w

lThbeI iwe

slItfuri ked home

story pert1ito we




moss hasted g



sad smellrooae 110 StEst ii

thom toos4stp mamaSoos hsUhssl safeesithad light

buiieepfag Ncw aee as-

aol mesh cimmunitatlagT-OOm 4 DL e12St




leek 4it





ihasm laitlali sod year uavedu-ppraite Mdps Hissed PmeIvsja are sw diut-




Sw dth7t


were lIt

UI itand

usgos horse













FOR REXTTwo large well huulshcd secondBoor communicating rouse lor light houaekeeping well heated Urge closet S

ween other room good neighborhoodCan br sects Sunday 10 id at aw deiiStFOR rooms modem

917 Mh t w deMttFOR REXT Two an6 month R It nw-

FOK REXTlnfuniithfd iaajo parlor leSt Soonsuitable for gmtiemaa or two o thirdfloor MI4 Mth at aw U



FOR RENT 111 8 at aw lilt floor two roomaad kItchen oteapkd hf owacr Adatw only

WAXTEDTwo or threereanaoable state terma Box J that mon

delJatFOR REXT Large Ira room reread loot1386 ih at DW del4tPOE KENT Two or voices on aocoadfloor all tonrcairaco naamahto two OB liltSoar suitable fur a dotter USS Sth tt nw-


FOR BENTBeauttrul parlor aaitabte for one or two gMtlamwa pie

oa floor at aw

FOR huge aalwramhed roomtight houaelteeptaf heat aid pee chaaa Mt2H ou aw dU3tFOR RENT Three rooma he4 honmkooptog adult 104 K at a dellFOR RENT Three onfurriahad reamscathn 1A U at aw

FOR REXTThre larje natarahawd seem tt-Bnt toss li mh at aw dotttt

rouse host aad a lightPenaaylvoaia ae denFOR REXT Beautiful room ia new atenmheated fast last Boretlate beak

fnrniabed 10 rats opaorftmity ESTEa-delSSt

FOR RENTThree Urge rooms eatire thirdfloor heat at D aw

FOR REXT rnfuminhed-sonable Ida aw

FOR RENTThrre hitches oa-u tdttitam Jat w-


ttV ltA3TXm-AK KLY 3 l KK C NT 1I1VII K2DSPaid to aabatrihcr on lareatmeat of TwentyDollars I i rd profit pm

weekly all oait to wrtadrawal ondemaad htli i ttnaaclal communed sad pro

yeoia Write for K UcuJar-aT1IK C 44 Na CO8TIA Y

It Idaill Broadway Sun York city

FOB SALE A hood peyaajaarriag eatablishmeat for tie buyerdoart mim it Apply to BM Mh at m dUiMVOlt SALK Lunch room X-

BWJ central receipts 0 a day will soil fun2 Ml Adders BOX 7 thIs omce oVHJt-

FOVB PER EXt AND OVER earacd weeklyon investment 01 M sad upward ia usa of themist and imiat nruttabte modem cooperativerang stables indoned by cartfiojua

part the cowatry Thiato your Wle capital

hiked that will art you gthan form of la ear limit nowpublic Y at your r mmiail at all

Sulworiptloa acknowledged by certifltate of kp lt For toll particulan send forfree booklet DCMARfewT CO M ParrottBmiding SM Ftaadaco CaL ItBAR AISS in gaaxry atorea from IBM uppaying lunch rmma rflmaing same toad steer

little cigar stale ia city at mvoice latINLAP W F at de4StWILL SELL oaky 1

cleared 149 ia oaa moath ream pay wetthree yam lime 4r wW aaa lady o pestleawn aa autacr on au nuacentral location Addrem BOX S thia

14at5 A STEADY INCOME Six day sad

November ti aside 71 sax slaysing Nvcmhrr tt made t3 aii daya sad

made uting Ueonlbar tt tt mode SA A guaraatecto each on of our chats to clear from 10 to

rat b weS We have been in the jnetog

that we never here made a loseWrin for particulars rcfercacea etc U

CO llot net at Sate P

laws blaaM byto PHILIP LAWRENCE late

ala aSt toCMtary of limos Beadle Co

IIALF IKTERE8T ia flrat loM hand latMbry pn e 4flO NEW YORK Bl 8INEM

BROKERS all F at deMSt-LfXfH ROOM leading market eataMkwed-aevtnteen yaarai 900 rare chanceYou BROKERS all F at deM Jt

or our tree boot Modem MKhoO for Soto-Inveatmeaia RICHARD OLIVER CO

Building Chicago UFOR SALE Laach room centrally located arare chaaot for a bunnem nun other bunnmiprevents ma it my attratwo yon

It worth iaeeatlgatiag Call alter a mvat Mh at aw deUStFOR IMIJT ami nad andy near two

hpT laoajrtoth aad K its aw ci-

gar dime delSSt-

CROCEVY d provWoa suburtw eloctric can nae gland BOX MO titleomee delMtFOR SALE Fwraitare aid Rood will of elevenroom rooming low rent central 175

AddroM lox 4B this

FOR RENT Two Soon Mr ettce or butiaeMpurposes unfurniahed rooms aincly or enmiite ISM O at nw de2St-WANTKt lkwtaar louag man with to in-

va trapaae performer esDOt arceoMry bear fuU

tioa war BOX 4S7 tie omat kItDISnUBlTBRS you saM wSectaal rowltifrom the diouihation of your advenaia millerdrop ua a Mae CONSERVATIVE DtSTRlBC

CO Box m thta oBVee dellK-WAVTKD A with eaptUU to gothe candy maaofacturiag bu toem at once cancontrol Ida capital Addreai VISA 481 this offlee deM

FOK SALE Well paytoMt eatabliahed printingbwinem location pod reaaoning BOA 4SO thia onto

FOB slLK9tock of recede i Setiac hurae and nagon-

fam thanI Addreai BOX 477

PRUrTlNC Good work at reaaonab e pricesFRANK H GIBbON 00 18 U K nw


ROOMS PAPERED 7 homo paiwtinglowest prices CARLISLE BROS IMS Oth tt

Inc phone J0 D dtltStFEW DAYS MORE Roomt papered S1JU upHI NT JC7 G at

ROOMS PAPERED Loweat also leoneprices THO8 GKOKGK 411


FOR 8AL Plac lot of pairoti mookiw Wrdaaakea pulses ptai rahbitt aaM-

Sno Ala from tiaO uaward-KMMIIVS KMPORIUU OF IKTS nt Itth t-


AlK rt1RN A nice tiaaKhy hohy toa ra rtabM party BOX 4K thIs omee



RFHT Two naturaliII t


R TTwo onScsI floor tutce 1111 II

floor beetS It


bath me

RE Two




PAl tll tt

bath dell

I 1Ii i pe-I


and bftfmTS CVtriac pasted thirty






IItug III 1ft days




ruth H wJiiiiPcu-nod Mr al-anbOL




umor r 8IIet7 VaiveruIt profit to

within days Write for sad prod

aRankers sad Irukesi tuk



w Ikllenc ha-



the hAY app1S1t-


palMingds lOt

fI1 I tdt SW essesaesytIM sad it

arid lip0IfI ysuroeat sad lie




rooms forAft L

large hey wfmiew eemathe heaL et as

414fttL s4m rss peesud

pa bath lJ bomebaaplas

Et tmae4 rosma



ushidibed bay slidesasplig

aweteli 0


room she stabte madeliat

roomS asaer



frselI e ii

dmeI and

PsuSt eve


pace sat h4-busier

any Vieiao


aid spiten beam



BRIMShag sad

UL oqid

oeines cix jesri our syateseatica et

IIra ido 21

kota laws a 1eart




HEY t1iEF COItNl1li invested In

oi 055 Pfta-4aIaT in a 4 al0sau 51405

10 partkialar

thiagu xrewit



houseff taca auw oWes

IllSwith a





mad senthis eSter




at w

F it ii recedeIciest seost

Wail Papers papas tosm from V40sad hnietigafe fur o

timed miSIf-
















FOR SALE Mort anything you want Lookfolding bed M soot 40 See manwho you money HOVWOODS ath aadK del4St-

FOK SALE Heatia tovw ume rood a sewsee me the man who saves you money HOPWOODS Sth sad K Ma aw open untilP m d l4ttFOR SALS Book ease MS eoat set mothe ass HO you moaey HOPWOODS-Sth sad K its nw oallroM SVLELarge aittop

FOR SALBLot of 18x40 beveled edge nurrora4118 very pretty aitaartnMnt of pictiuw at

hail jiml the thmx tenFRIES ice loth at nw dell St

Pot SALE Fine oak barroom Szture cootfaSU for stint block walaat wardrobearvea feet lens throe opeamga 4ft CWK vUOleViEs CO 40 lath M phone Mala KSY-

delt3tFOR SALE Fine oventrang mutt beteea to be appreciated a o organ FUMESCO

FOR SALE Diamond cheap perfectly eatpin white S tarat Stoae C W BfTTKitWORTH Pammyivaahi ave aw-

ly sand call Seaway DdvMa

aLf Fiae He iaa hare nice Cftrbrtmas-p eai 1 MU New YOTK see 4el4 atrot SALE Ki ride register for fit U cigarcaac Mr P 9S4 PuMawtvaaia ava aw U

nUt SALK Long light laa east of nwaatmaterial twv butt M 1M fw loJi-M aw Apartmoat 4 t to a p m

FOR SALeBaautiful collie puppIes liKECHANTS TOKU KeanUworth D C ielStFOR SALE Sis overcoats 130 B

LADY would to wU two pawn sickestaDiiUtre nag aaa earriaga 44

omee ocltFOR SALE Four thoioashbirf colUw beta

Just the thiag for Christmas MBatse

FOR SALECeaterpiecc of Amarfcan Bataty

FOR SALCBaby minIng nrimor tint andcradle sad ma r w ioe rt aid high

etaur i amruum cayap AaarawBOA fta thai xtmut

FOR SALENcw apri it piano in the beat conjdhiua miss lie aota o

Heel 4 K tow takes 4ISJHAn Opportuatty for Santa ClawUPkiGMT z iA 0 225

S Monthly Pajmeateyearly new i ri ri vnutu fMMMiof the httaat-

iiaclodinx putt ntop conuBnou bmgea aa lall the moot rut hnpruvemeaU ap-

xial ChTMuaaa ria at fcU lib moatAlyj payments including hardwood stool to

delivery You couldn t duplicate tails planeSew for lea than aX oay Posed dapo t-

ncoemary to accure it aad you pry ao wereaadl altar Jaaaary 1


FOR SALJ Drtea gooda lace cortain-portierei blankeu comforta muss aa hoy-ctothbv l ea iuiu cuata stink etc neatlypa meata drop postal I call JOSEPH CAIIN-

vaaia ave n r da97ti-

CAKANTEE SEWING MACHINE OOS-aa oftenng buaraateod machhiea to

V40 all 01 machines othoia U foror monthly

iiy at L-


FOR SALEtitieC upright plane ili bUy seedk hnnpam Manha1 Woadoil uprighteaay A mjmtrr of hargauM m-alightly med upright pfamm

SO 11th It a J C Coalif Xon

roll SALE Oa credit curtain blaahot-drtaa goods osiu waiate men and boys ctothlag Aoottat BOX that oaVw t-

JFOOT with Sctaracarpet lintoK c aid 8c yard stair Me-

martiag JOo yard up good ocriictoth tic yard 11th and H


FOK SALE flood quality opaque ahsdai Stoatto your wtodow only fie the beat ojattttty-

U owp thadee hunt trw willwith samples KLBKBLATrj llth aad H at-

ne Phone East tSU eaUFOR SALK Fiae upright piano IIi eMIl 1

moat sew orgaaa WO 5 MMindbaad-oriKH NWf on monthly payments O J

CO tacccMOu to Hoary VMsU8t 8 at nw eZ7U

Fox for Morris chalet with halesudden for hair mattrom in twohcdroom parlor 1 per Getour price llS13 7th aw

TRY ROSENFKLDS pore lc cream pedalto boarding church and loilgea

SIt II Be Pbofie tUtA nolltf


Twotory lirick stable I s-tdelJt


MME THEOCard Header Pauaiu Meiiiiim Removea eHareunite the aeparated tires luckspokes H at aw Sac We 142z-


strictly prrvato reterencM that will satthe most exactiar advice free come m

sod tell u you troubles If ou see atdoubt it will pay you to tee ua atrret Vrvicof high repute aathoriaod sad boadtwi OJiot-

M 14th M nw mcond Poor M Bradfordi boperintcadeflt UWU THE WITH AND CHILDREXof W R

MADAM LE TESTworldTenownoii raiadat wilt b at tU Uth

BW for oaa weak oaly House from to 7It

LAY of mean refinement sad aacmlwouM coneepond with colturod gea

at mean aad good morale Southernerpreferred object matrimony Addrea BOX496 thi4 OSfce

WEALTHY lonely kiadheartod-with eN ant home aee wile to oharp hbhome aad wealth Addrem MR MOBKKTS 7Holland Buildiag St LOOM Mo ItYOUR FOKTUWB FKEE Send me you bleakdate with S atamp for pottage sod I will

I your life rending Sees inshore of Love healthslid tpeculation made clenr all question an

1KOF AEOL1S UU K Mth-t rlUUMphia no de71IZl

PROF L M NORRIS MediumDaily at 701 H St N W from M to 6

oil King t Vs tell from cradlereuaUa aeparated cauaoi speedy

ea euro mfrierioa a4ek ta eonjuratioa i Sic gcati Me Houra M

I to Open Sunday 4ell4tSAY WORKIXCMBN ChrMmu is coming andIf downright foolish for you to throw awayall of your earnings for clothoi you amidhave mosey t buy presents with K you sameto u for your slid warm overcoats thevery finest kind only slightly wed and madby Washington taLons our price ate waydowji and we waat the mats tradeJCCTHS OLD STAND ttf 1 t k67tMME PAIlS hora clairyoyaBt aid teed TOMISIS SIck at aw WajbhiEton D C dotlit


FOR KKNTTw desirable front offleo roomsJ J FABCR 4 7th L nw dttSt



Large store Oth it nwdeUt C BoYER dt SUN 9iO E X nw




wOO s1i


IeMtb IlL

titJoUIt LtLIA c upII IlL



dell a

tit u



sib KRsUXWIba I de-c J4t11-


i aden



thai three psidab

cutlC4ftOIIeroM luareg fret



10I credit litif sot SOc

v po






SALEStfaDd tee weft





about Ja1Waere

t Lorrose on wnu utJa reM 4at 8tII-




I It



at S If atIt








Itb and K as epenoalil p deli







se ss


JISeM uetISj 1as Ike aN U LEWI-eitsi as IZL

Gibbs sewiag-machiM MePAitLUtlrS 24 s-nw cmien at 411It

list alts v

as west leave

lea aaesaebe


isatcbsskasu p sad




limale ale

eSita easukiy ma-chines eackeaged satisfactory omoag

lil opsu a

fa gMa-


CtJ1tTAU rULES liepads


its e

tie roll



rates houses


itcuessi eataaz-I ve




SW it-I






Snares every Sunday as Maccub-etTmpinMl 9th OW dellS-


to genre

polls Ladles6

ssdhttares XII ass










ChMatjo aaa MJO a 9M-

Ctaebiaati St Luate sad I thwIJm Mnk p m MiM aujh-

afiumma sad Clrraland MJ avp m J 1J

Coimaaai aad waneUag a m-


Aaaapolia 7yaJ SJu J11JO a at H4dNXav

Frederick SSS IIMJOa av nUI-MI and p m-

Hagomtown rt a m ami UJO m-Moyd mad wa p iata tloda t0 a au-

Uaitheuburg and way pvwla jivufeV vaCO aj 114 l ulJh a O ii X-

7H WIS 1111 p av-waUd rt ii aad way poise jS i-

m Ill lr ao lift p av-Baaimure work day tt00 A CJ-

O7i 7 JO J 0 8 a SJW US aa I1M UONO I mj at O S4JO-

llJO 1145 p av aamaya x7 i-7u aSJO a m li 11 f-

lttM ztOS 325 a xtt ja xUM-lly 5 p m

ROYAL BLUE LBfl-AH train iUumiaatod with Ptataeh Itght-BtttiMore PhiiatJelpbia Xew

and tt Uiner A Paltel Vrtb Daiwa LMv Uiaerl a mUa Uiaee ko al Limited

Uaer HAi aly aDims and tl JO p m a ttiag Car

open at I1 ocioeOAtlantic City 7v K4a a av U12SS-

n m-

Uafjy liExcept Huaaayawlam

BayK Ke idled for sat ihatkad ketchroMdeatea by Union Co on orkn

left at ticket BVto P-

BOtthweM New York A venae and Fitlatath-Stnet and at at tloo

SOUTHERN RAILWAYSchodale cwccttie Xovtmaer B UK-

Tn w MMV irnat uno v uiu M uon810 a a Daily Local for Uarneoabug

HaniMU lunatic ama MM k uuoa-MM a M Daiy VaAtogtoa and Florida

Limited FintciaM eoaUiM sod drawtafroaai-tMp r to J c onvUle Via

1115 a m tnitcd staoi Fast PaiLKiniciawi toatim ama uiiaKfvu u

Xew urt na liiatag ti OETVRC4 a K m tt ek Itayw L 4 kit PaUlson

d fiailf Local Inc W-

CharMiaviUaw av Petty New Tit and Atlanta KrKh t uw eaatdt sleeps to Attaata-

iioaaay Wita rhv ad rrMtajw t aieiTonri UaahiagMa to aaa

IraooMco PuOaaw oWlS stylerU r m Uatiy Kew Yaerf sod florida

Express coach aad alc4-

M kKaaawnrilk C arUntoa Hg-toavlbe sad l t TIBIIM a ceper to aagaaiamid eoanertiun low bbumg car aavior

MM i u tfmut w twit jM Ui4Limited via Lyachaa g Ftat laM

JeUevtog vor to Moiiaohe Kabiniie Caasad HaBph deeper t M Orteab

j Uiaing car an nu-Mtf p m 1M1 Waahiagton aid aaath-

I wa tora Uwtited AU oils ctoh mad

en to SataviUe Atlanta Maces MiaiahNew Moadaj Wedaeadar sad fHday-throaca sleeper ta ria arO iibawf tar aer

r rxs ox Btngnojrr BCAXCHLeave Aaahiagtoa HM a m and 44 p

dade fc daysM p m l ttor Soc Laawiurr only

iagtoa a m 41 a iu4v a m 4ia at a m fU p sad taa p mdaily I ocal fries llarriaaaavM 114 a

a YamsCharhUtonrUki iM a at J p am daily

Tickets efiaf rcaftnartoaa sad de-

tailed at ticket oWesM IMh St 4U PaaavrVaOi Ave sad Paaa-

qrrnaU isuuldn tajgagc checked theawehfrom betel ad naidaisea-

Pboae W40 P ii fc Cab terriesC H ACK KT tteacral Manage-

rs UAKDWICK C arral AgentI S RHOWN General Acaau



All Information at 1290 P ana Ave



St PauDee 17 Maav I PhiraDec XI M aaSt Lw iaDec la W aa St PaulJan 7 10 am


VndHrdDec20Marn j Iceland JUL 5 aav-KrooardDc7 10am KlnIandJaa10 10amI-


tuu c Bt N W-

IN CHERRY BLOSSOM TIMEnVnoiata Mania andChina A maul excla


curb in Jose AddumLEON L OOtXTKB

3 8 BoyLtoa Street Boatoa


STEAMBOAT COMPANYEverr day fa the year from foot of Ttl-

itt for Ft Monroe N riollt NewportKe sad p iat by the

Newport Xcwt NorfolkWjwhncto-

tWuktnftra pmlfjrPnrtamonth Mi-Lv Al nndria Iv Nirf nc pm-Ar Ft Mooroe i Lv Ft wcnm 70 pmAr NorMk S Ale aa rli 0aaiAr Pnetaavirth 8U krTnahiacVo 7 m-

Tlwoaifll OMMctigln made t XAT

with Ieaawn rf OM IVnainna-I StrwBxrtlp Co let New York ted M r-

ehanta mud Xlnear Steamahip for Bo-

aOrrar further nfeonatton pphr at

araenl ticket oWe Hood BatkBag 14thsad N Y aw or 7th aV aft Wash

I Htfton U CMlf OM Mar


PBOPO8ALSU DCPARTMEXT OF ACRICCLTLKE Oflce of Ae Secretary WtAinjton D C November 19ui Sealed propuaa-win he received by the Secretary of Agriculterse natil HMXiK WEDNESDAYIT

UKCEMBKUI-MXJt See tile erection of a threeatory stone

bwUinc for uw of the Weather Bureau 1 8-

l parla at of Agriculture on the summit althe Bue Ridge MoaatMaa abut l miiefrom Trapfie County Va sad Waha hoe WaabinMtoa D C artneiteainwith sad epecaVuioai which may beobtained it the omce of the Chief of theWeather Bureau Wtahiajtoa D C Bids withe Mated and on eavelopaI j for a b r Bnrraa TnppeVa and addrrased to the Secretary of lidculture HaahmUMi D C Dapartmeatreserve the right to rrjrct any sad bIdeJAMES WILSON Secretary no daMAU




On MONDAY THE 14TT DAY OFBC L A D at M OCLOCK A M IwiJ aell hy public raction within the eaUa-rcoma o W BafalUte m reaaqrlvaBit-Aveaee aorthweat lot lewvhr Iso atoaeaetc



STORAGE 7k toad UNmtD OTATES RTOR-AOE CO 4SO ion tt oVL vt

te sew JerseyjoIn


a ib



Illa h aJ W1a




delt u-


Mat ea o el ill


carI tidy





Plum to Com181




IPo ted

md atRi


I ParI





or floe




1 south IIItIteel palate

Lt I pinan

1 air jAr








Me 11 0




Washington hiae

a 2lsIghs

ielSWisebapun a sISt osd

5iIe0 p

1Ls ill1z p a1

lfli alle

431 14 131 aitS 13 alistealma




Pamaid Teasel

Sip Lames




bw aid stalisus ci Maa aeksad

pram and


gadeach sad


obiitSIfm Lst Ii Atsassla sad M lespOnt

list p a 431 atraise Ire the daub Wads

liDa woW da sad f deily




Si W V lkae

rice petty teasein March


apowrru1 atmaire







15 <


Jarhalest etoek of inding

Tines cashTim

















t Ml lt uu

f Ji CONCMCSMuxvi-tor lva aU lu-

rii w-

leuynuar tal l W l w

nad baa BurntJ M UC XHiNs X J n WOOD

Centra M iu ir General Pufcujtcr A rtAND UHlU

0 4 jo p in rManiac a t tu i1 and LcunviiW ttx v

Ball tj M L MH and cint4 o uituCar0 I M billy CH1CAUO AVD ST

LUtla A ou vetit uc i-

UeeuiclightcO uaia arinu cuhuio11144 a lu ir ui ii44K 3 id p in ai i-

auaaU lu t uuo Liaia Use111 F 1 IJaio r LIFTED SoliU-

uain law Cm iuJU 4iliMM i t-

RoMTtati n ao 4 tickets at Chesapeake iiJOnto oU Prnajrl ta aveaue ow toucIa street near F aad at the autiuo-

caU MW for M K Ca-oSorrti II W FULUU-

CCeaenl PaojcMtor Aleut


Jern Ave tad C St-

t Wi a aCtarJmmtL St Loaia aud Louisvlla 1000-

Mk 4lo p m ni Utand CVrcUnd 1030 a m 84i-

i 10 tightCotombu and WheeUa p mWiaUaMor JS m 41S 11550


Luray 41S p au-AanapoU IJIJO SJO in50a m i43-C5a p mFrederick iJfl a m Ii

m and JO aBoyd sad way ataaV SSi 00 a m

140 tl80 pi Caitatiatarg sad way puiat b3i o-

m lt nli ttJ i430 j7d5 M1S pl P

i MorfdnirUa Juacttoa and wxr cmtt S

Baltimore waafc xs0u 6007 i 7tO SJ3 liJU xlVtiO 115U a

av KJO noon xIS5 x 0 X4 XX X4fc-4tca xSflb 4 i 6tt xs u xlo-

11JO 11 a m Sunday x2 7 i-

fM SS 0 t a 115 x3OU-aSJO XftOB S K JO xS00 10 X xllWu-11JS P m

ROYAL BLUE LINEAH Olumlaated with PinKh lightBaltimoM Philadelphia New York Dn on

sad the East 4u 7H Diner cia EaDiBLV liM X iLhn t a

Tt O Diner 3QO f Rojal Lbnitrl-Dfaer 4 0 Philadelphia orly ir-

Uiaer fl ft and JO p aw creeping i c-op w at M oclock

Atlantic City Ili t Hl 4 a m 1S1V-SCD p av-

Oaky llEKcat taaby fluafcy OBJ-TsEsama tntoa

Ba coned for aad checked from k iiend rotioeacecby Cnton Tiansfcr C on oriVft at ticket oWes ElI Pemmylvama

Xew York Avenue sad Fifteen


Lime Washington haL R K ftatranm SEABOAJtD MAIL Tbruuz-

hUaiU PuLmaa Slevpna Jack noaae g It Harriet

with Palhaan tamper to Atlanta7 p m SEABOARD EXPRESS S lid

U Uy tram to Japtsoovfll jodTamp with Puliaua Drawing Sleepng Car aid Dtamg Car iuJlm n Si sto Atlanta

Thee trains oaVr acellewl md-MTvtce to Petersburg Bale h Southern rinrs

Caexkn Coiumbi SBvaoniii-JackMBvUle St Auznotine Pam Urapa Key VJOM mast FloridB poles also Cuaa-

Ctxttott LIMos Atlanta New ureaaatnnooga NaohvUia Memphla poiflj WestSontfcwost

430 am LOCAL To Petersburg ttaeis-Hballi South

Hamlet and uuormediate pJiat

C R RYAN W E Ot LYX-Oeal Par pDt enl At PaaTr IVpt


Sth Quit in sleet Xovomber SOILFor

ILk and B streets 4W B i 3lti p t d u-

taBia car sun itithitmmi auu i jiu vo A

leslie Coast Line sod Florid luii a tu740 p m daily Florida anl M ropoliuaLimited for Richmond and iomu

Air LJue tad Florida 1041 i

connect at Rfehmoad with c lotVewaort sews OU PaInt Oaajln 740 am day 4 40 a nv OjllyMichmoail oaly PuImaa or parlor m on uishove tra Jw AccomatcJatum lur lIsts tiro J HI

a av m Hy say 4tt a m day

W D Bti W P TAYLORweral Mgr Trame Mgr


A a-Ii o tvv h

A lAJ-

be L WftcaJW-I I t C4 1M

A Ja uAllftr aa61at r MJ ll OJ LollSw o-a na4J-

uur 11lh-

I M J 04IlL 1 urr

11 1uedPr a r U t-

UInr 6-


a ww-CIIIII MIa v-

IV 14 I L-

wr a v l-

L 01



WIUC tatl

W rItuJIIUI and ti-



at w e UJ-J m 10 JN-

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