Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-01-29...

THE EVENING TIMrS HARRINGTON WEDNESDAY JANUARY 20 1902 rIr HL- a OFFERS NEW BILL FOR PERMANENT CENSUS- Mr Hopkins Submits Committee Measure to House and Will Call It Up Tomorrow Rcprancnfative lionidns today intro duced tat Ute House his Mil providing for Bureau It places thtf bureau under the rules of tbe Civil Service Commission Fixes Ute tate when the bureau shall bcrome a permanent institution as July 1 19V2 Makes Urns salary of the Director fSOttt a year instead of f7Se as at present Makes no provhOoa for an nsstotnnt di rector thus iogMatlag Mr Wlnes out Provides for stating manutaetmtug sta tictics every five years Requires the Director from time to time to make additional special cottee of statistics relating to any bmacb of agriculture manufacture BttaUng transportation fisheries sad shy other branch of industry that may be required or bint by Pnnjrnss Provides for three chief stathuieians who stall be experts at annual salaries of S M each A chief salary 4M who is to OA acting director ta the absence of the Director- A disbursing clerk who shall act as ap poiatm nt clerk salary f2lv DIPHTHERIA STILL PRBfAtBHf Vii ntlsfnotojry Showing Made liy- AVcckiy Jlortnnrj Report The District Health Department to mak- isg little headway against diphtheria which has been prevalent ia Ute dry a considerable extent slate mat Septem- ber Ia the last weekly report ef Ute de day it to stated that at the close ef the last report there were 48 cases of diphtheria in Quarantine During the week 15 new occurred and SI were discharged leaving 42 cues in ia 31 jr Of scarlet fever there were 29 cases in enamntine at the of the last report During the week 7 sew eases were reported sad 12 were discharged leaving 34 cases with wnrnlng earda in M premises There were no sew oases of smallpox reported during the week Tbe twe cat wfetefe week Before test are sttti UDder triMUaaBt sad taeJatlea at the smallpox hospital There were K deaths In the JQsntriet during the week of which M were of whites and i8 colored the death rate for the whites being 1C4 sad Use colored 33C per LOO For all the deaths Uw rate was 217 per I The mortality m the week of last year was 141 Urn rate far the total deaths beteg 20 ash ta the week before last tt amountad to the rate being 213 During the week the deaths trees con- sumption increased as compved with the previous week from 14 to It hoes acute lung Uncase prom 28 to 30 apoplexy from 3 to 5 A decrease in affections of the circu- lator organs from 11 to occurred and in mortality among Infanta under one year old from 22 to 20 that among chil- dren under flue years of age increasing from 28 to 30 There was 1 fatal case of typhoid fever and 2 of diphtheria By violence S deaths were reported 1 accidental 1 by being run over oa steam railway 1 by being struck by street ear 1 by corrosive poison and 1 by irritant poison The following were the deaths ctessi fled according to their causes Apoplexy 5 bronchitis 3 congestion of long 5 consumption 16 convulsions 2 diarrhoeal diseases 5 diphtheria 2 diseases of brala diseases of Mart 9 diseases of kidneys f malignant growths 6 pneumonia 22 suicides 1 typhoid fe- ver 1 miscellaneous K Total 122 The mean weather conditions prevalent during the week were temperature of the atmosphere 3 degrees relative humid- ity 72 degrees sad barometer 299L The rainfall was l 4 lathes winds north The maximum or the thermometer was 61 de- grees on the 21st instant and minimum 19 degrees on the 2Hb OBJECT TO BATHTUBS 3Ie f r c AVorthlnKiH A Co Say Col ored Tenants Ie Sot Want Thorn Messrs John Y Worthington A Co west to cruet six brick dwellings in Southwest Washington wit bathtubs sad sewer conacrtions which win rent for ft a month They say that such rest win not Jus- tify the expense of putting ta bathtubs and other modern improv They say that the houses will be let to negro families who ears nothing for bah rooiiiE anyway and do sot use them prep wly when they are provided Inspector of Plumbing In reporting upon the matter states that the determi- nation of the to support the regulation requiring bathtubs in every erected in the District whore water and sewer connections are available has received commendation from source sad he recommends that It be adhered to MAM WITH BATHTUB Lookout for liostr oat for a Mss carrying a large size bathtub is along the line among the psIliMumi te tile Kigbth precinct P Kruthkowits who rubes at 17W Fourteenth Street northwest t the owner of the bathtub and he last night reported its theft to the Eighth preetuet The person guilty of the offence forced his way into Mr Kntthfcewitzs home by breaking rear gate off of its hinges some time yesterday and succeeded in making his escape with the cumbersome article which Mr Kmthhowits values st about JC How tbe thief managed escape in daylight with tbe latbiab which is said to be ont of unusutl size is what puszleo the policemen TO STAIEB COMMAITO POR ASTOR SiiHiilnIi War VoterHiuj VorUIit r at Soldiers Ilu ie A movement is on foot to at the Katlonal aoldiers Home ia city a Spanish War Veterans Comma be In honor of CoL Jolla Jacob Astor the millionaire commander ol the feasts Astor Battery Authority for tb orjtnnlsation of the has been ued by Adjutant General of the Spanish War an1 the work incident to the or- ganization the charter mombnrshlp of whih wr br uia le up of lit reterams at the Horn Is bring Vigorously pr utd tiy fohv C Womjs whn saw so vuc m Goth cubs Md tiW fMaamjamm the of a Coasw t Ion I clerk serve I to prtmeat Ute week ended as Satsr lat J 121 S being suicidal eorostve poleea 4 f averaging 9 miles per boor te The even loll n Ue Audacious Thief u the wren a t thin t- eed command StJ ors erpWttoa peruaaoot of- t m e for ease sloes l osped M oar sad by and west y Coat irslaers hoes sae almost being rased flyer Vet- eran 1rom ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ + i i Ooe stenographer at fi5et three cxnert chiefs of division njC each six siesta of onus 3 ten clerks of class X other clerks of class 1 copyists com- puters skilled laborers messengers others as may he necessary with salaries hoses nM to fltM etch The VJsburstag clerk is to give a hoed of SM The civil service provision is as follows That alt employes cf the Twelfth Cen- sus Ogee afore the grade of skilled la- borer shall be and they are hereby placed under the provisions of the civil service a t approved January 1 1882 and the amenJments thereto and the rules estab- lished thereunder and all new appoint eats in the Census Once hereby treated be made in accordance with the re- quirements of the civil service act above The bill abolishes the printing slice in connection with tbe Bureau aad au- thorises the work to be dose at the Printing Omce Objection was made mate the MM a special order for tomor row whereupon Mr Hopkins gave no privileged Mil tomorrow READY TOISSHB LIOBMS8S District iHMBraHcc DciartiHfiit Xo v- llns the IIliinkM Prepared Mr Thomas 9 Drake Superintendent of Insurance today announced tbat he to lane the bunkers license to those ap plying for It The cede wager which the Insurance Department was established provides for five clauses of licenses use of which ta tIN brokers license the tee for which is 9 The ether licenses are Company 1 principal agent solicitor ft in- dustrial f Solicitor there to na practical dlsTereoxe between a principal agent and a TiNt tfepartmenthewever holds that there is a difference sad for the present only the brokers license will be Issued The broker ta understood to be a rant Ipal sliest la that he- I does not ropresant pee nrmprtnim but can for any or all companies He also has no authority under the license to point agents 1TBWPOBT IfEWS BUILDING It Will lie Linger Than 1Vu IMiimic- datIflrHt Newport News Vs will probably get a larger puMIc building than was at provided for ta the pending legislation The Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds of the Senate yesterday reported firrarubly the bill to increase the appro- priation for the building to f25 t and the arguments made in its report seemed especially good The increase in the postal business of the city the report states will soon Nuke It a firstclass postofllee The exports of tie port are fZXOs4 S sad are in- creasing at the rate of ft a year Attention to also called to the fact that Newport Ketw has the largest dry dock in the world Cnmhsitoni Md desires a larger bund ing than ta row proposed Senator Wel lington yesterday introduced a bill to In- crease the minimum cost of the building tfoMO and the minimum cost of tbe land the same amount NAY YARD LEAVE RcjircMcntatlTC Mudil Hill Orniitlu Fifteen Additional I r Tie bill introduced by RepresentaUrs MUM to grant fifteen addltloanl days leave of absence to tbe employes of the nary yard gun factories c arsenals over which there seems to be some di- versity of opinion among the employes of the local navy yard was Introduced of some of Ms constituents who are em in the navy yard bills of a similar character were Introduced by ether members It to reported this afternoon that the Naval Committee will glee a hearing to advocates std opponents of tIN meas- ure immediately after the oval appropri- ation bill Is completed Sheriff Hardesty and Deputy Sheriff Curley yesterday came to the city and county to face a charge of burglary It is claimed be broke late the house of Mr Charles H Doing at Antaadale I I refer to his regeeet to ties that Jte world call rep tile I I r had reeeind and was Fie 1- Aeeordlac to tM City er- a the fees of are Ute wee vp la Mat nit I tile the recrwest L cnN TAken to JRIIII took Lucas back to Prince a and stilt soil ref elred hill Gov- ernment rrearsaro- s a the beaks real sa opialafros each same Is nota picks wherever be sir y Maryland esasber at plow 3lnrp Lee Geor tie ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WEATHER INDICATIONS I j Snow Tbe first genuine tan of the Were glad Glad for everybody CHaU ourselves Takes us bark te he oM days when we used to get kali holiday at the Franklin school put In nil the afternoon pairing the bill till it was as slippery as a certain politician we know but wont same and then toast tilt bedtime on our twelve seating front We may you on the hill this evening Also were glad for the post This descent of the beautiful Is to Liar as cad comforting as newmown hay to a hungry horse More power to bfce Agate were glad for the poor la- beling sees Heres his opportunity By honest endeavor tar about ten hours of the day be may be able to accumulate Glad too for the Constant Mender Heres Us chance to write a little place the paper tettteg us all about the demerits of tile street car sys- tem Glad to hear from you C R Poems ta white Heavy snow this IIi and tonight Thursday snow fresh to Leah northeast witch Temperature at i a m IS Temperature at 12 ne m U Temperature at 13 p m U Tilt SUN A TD THE MOON Sun r 7l AM ISim a0USMPX- Moon rtoenllST PJK Moon sets TIPS TAI Low tide f r7 A M sad C42 P M High tide 1158 A X STRWET LIGHTING Lamps lit today 555 P M Lamps out tomorrow tl A M AMDSEMKKTS- NaUonal K 8 Willard In DvM Goatee afternoon and evening CoMHOhla Kteg Dodo evening Chases Polite vaudeville afternoon aaat vening Lafayette Quo Vadte afternoon and evening Academy Are You a Buffalo evening Keranns The Gay Morning Glories afternoon sad evening Bltau Burtesuue and vaudeville after- soon sad evening Loss 31 Intl- Mary Ash colored thirtyfire years of age the wife of Richard the Janitor of the Ninth precinct police station sud- denly became insane at her home 1127 Q Street northeast shortly after 7 test sight Her condition grew so critical that the petrol wagon of the Ninth pre dad was summoned sad the unfortunate Woman removed to Elizabeths Insane Asylum i After IH TeiiHtsxee Mr N L Edwards who Is a candidate j for United States Marshal for the West era district of Tennessee Is In Wasa- mcton calling on the Congresstonml dele gacion from isle State Mr Edwards Is a lawyer tad notary public and Is at pres- ent Justice of the peace at Memphis Not- withstanding the fact that he is a Repnb Mean all of the members of the Congressional delegation UTe en- dorsed his candidacy While horseback ridin oa Marylaad Avenue sear the corner of Thirtsentb Street northeast about C oclock ton sight Harry Godfrey twelve years of age ItvteR at 122 Trinidad Avenue northeast was throws by his mount and had tale toot painfully mashed The pollee ambulance suntmoned sad young Godfrey re- moved to the Emergency Hospital for treatment j AltK i ed From Ievin Car j Jennie Carpenter a sixteenyearold negro girl was painfully tittered about her read and body shortly after S last skit by stepping from a Capital Traction ear No 313 while It was in motto on U Street northwest between Tenth sail Eleventh Streets Sne was assisted by friends to h r home IMS Tenth Street northwest fir Dlcndvll IalHfHlly Kwrnvil- Mr P J Mendell who conducts a bi there at 1728 Seventh Street north- west was painfully horsed shear tbe sad heeds yesterday while engaged ia extinguishing a small blaze in place j i I i i I truck with read steering wheel in the see v hal bits and of duty performed a I n I I I I t Bur Sudden of Ask St kIt Lad Thrown JlroRJ 1104 I I j I hoc i JaI I stsserl bust for has a tmm the eeseiomean Pot Tm lPtgITUIRIL e tech was j Doocstic was o clot cycle I k ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ CAUSED BY COFFEE Careful reentry J tie schoolroom iT isnsd th tact that those children who are habitually jctv u coffee to f drink have sallow complexion are nervous more or less ir rltable sad very sluggish I tellect or an overwrought and I abnormal Imagination results I of extreme nervousness My own experience with robe drinking kept me aflUeted for d 1 some years with severe aad constant headaches with ex f trwue nervousness at times I was compelled to abandon fegx cotter altogether and was oufcfcly relieved of the head f aches and other troubles I T was fortunate enough to se- r are a package Wood Coffee but my first at- tempt at making It was a fail- ure After another trial following the directions which are very easy by the way I secured a delicious drink far i superior in my mind to ccf i fe 1 have continued M use U from the start my 1m provemeat has been steady with no ill effects at all The above ws written by a school teacher Miss K Barnard of Oxford Kan It Is an easy matter to off the ccffee habit K PuotVm Cereal Peed Colts ta used in its place particularly when attention Is groan ts Its proper prepara- tion The whole secret of the preparation is ta altawtag lung onsgh to bring out the taste and zed valne- AH ftjmtcJaiM grocers gull Pests I Sluggish I nteliect t hi and Y Cote to Mil I K r t zE 1 4 i tv i tsr a v a f b a f i I j JJ Pa slum 7 I std leave tls Teed 1 < >+ > ¬ ¬ NEWS FROM GEORGETOWN Suit for UnniitKcs Over Electrocution of Two Mules R A Matene the contractor in charge Ute line of the ld Foundry Breach has entered suit against the United States Bleetrle Lighting Company for IllS dam This is the outcome ef the killing ef two ef Xatena mules through con tact with a wire of the defendant erly insulated A lire was Milt la the trunk ef a tree through which ran the companys wires and which tell shortly after while the animals were beneath the alleged unprotected wires coming in contact with the moles causing instant death William R Singleton Lodge of Masons soul Halt on Vlsnaela Arcnae The feature of the evening was a lecture MI Rico by w M Brother J States Currency Tirhaaae Facto Next Tuesday Singleton Lodge will Meet la mmii M sees ou Tic east mUtees appointed by the William R Singleton Stuck Ciiumsaj will laahe their reports entered suit on a note of sue against IL Appier It Is understood that the sore wa gives tn payment of a eel lain Motmachine whisk It is alleged has net fulfilled the representations of the selling parties The reception and banquet of in honor of Ute Most Worshipful Grand Master of the District Malcolm Scales will occur e I Monday evening February 1ft at Hall on Street Dr John D Knrtx of P Street has re calved news of the death of his sister Mrs B F Mackall who died at her Mme i Xoorhead Mists yesterday She was the daughter of the late Colonel Kara of the Bngiaeer Corps U S A The have shipped here and will arrive Friday The funeral will take place Friday afternoon Services will be held at Oak Chapel The funeral of Dr Anrfstesd Peter who died suddenly yesterday at Ms Mme at Thirtyfirst and 0 Streets will occur Friday afternoon at 2 oclock Services will take place at Oak Hill Chapel The Rev Dr Alfred Hardteg of 8C Pauls- Kpiseopal Church Wilt omeiate The will he made at Oak Hill Join D Croissant end Gate L Talt trustees of the American University Perk have asH lets 1 to 4 block M to Walter K and Alle M Barney for Stile sad to WiHiam Klmahack for S M lets S to 11 block 15 3CRS UHDKEBS WILL TTLBD Bequeath state 1o Her Son Two U Klrters By her will dated April S 1 M Mrs Katrtna L Lindner presets the following disposition to be of her estate To her daughter Xoslue A LAmteer and MM abutting on some point on a public alley To her daughter Biaabeta Lindner premises 12M deventh Street jnuihtmrt gad 12SS the mr abutting on alley To her son MM C Boston premises 123C Eleventh Street southeast and 1225 In the rear of It abutting on a public alley The Death Record TM following deaths for twenty four up te ices tray ala W Pat torsos 75 years Nancy D Bishop 78 years Alex P Breekeuridge 7 years Clark Ford t years Rebecca Horseman I years Paaline G Krany 5 years Frederick Adams years Aaron Rob ertaoa 2 years Catkarine May Bell 22 years Norfolk O 21 years Helena U Kiutmerman f Edgar Alton M years AMrte aiMlan Marshall 1 years va R Krarsurtt years Oeorg Stevens 15 Tears Walter J War- ner 7 years Grant 9 U 4 years tom B Saanders 2 unnamed intent of Antoinette K Keanc 1 lye Tiny Ilcadjujtt a Culvert On the recomauuflnrlnsi of the Comput- ing Engineer the ComnUssloners have de- termined to Issue a permit to Mr Blair Lee to readjust a culvert adjacent to Brtghtwood Avenue tunas tile District Use The conditions of tk permit win Le that Mr Lee is to bear the expenses of the work and become renucnsiule for alt dam- ages resulting therefrom The permit Is to be good for tmVTdays and a deposit of ft is requlrra tu tIre the District against loss IoctHre oi Mexico In Moue was the subject of a lec- ture given by Mr Charles F Warren test evening at the Church of Our Fatter corner of Thirteenth sad L Streets north- west The lecture was Illustrated with 14 stareopticon views made from photo graphs takes by Mr Warren during Ms travels through Mexico The temperatures registered by the standard thermometer at House Herr manns today were 9 a m IS degrees 12 m 22 1M p m 21 148 41 PM rfolk V i hfi ston Steamboat Jo- DtfihtM triM t IS m hero loot th it t Old P tat Comfort Kortalk Virginia B M Xnrport X wm S ad WNC 7 K tM sewer oa I ailewlJ to have beta not I I I t Reid a seta neetlg at JiIa l Porte A Sttas6le once the at Rico I re First National of Iowa No S F AA M Masonic j I UU ltsweati Siet ill were at Lie JkaIth De D a j Downtown Temperture a IIT J nil h i Phone East 254 an 181 fOf AAf c kDMCI Beer Jot 1 De vcpj tale Arises Avenue eontrazL ages lime cesasay prop last night xM typeeeated united Herat baa Ar- thur Foresee Ledge re- miss been in- terment Ceme- tery and made premises soutb sat pub- lic kwre rspert d par tmaant Pare teas ass yearn A 6 taotuueta Wis r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LABOR MEN PLEASED ratified br Pasxncc of for Yew OnVials of tbe Americas Federation of Labor and representatives of other bodies of wageearners are greatly elated over tie passage of the bill in Senate sterduy which looks to the establish It Is believed that the measure will House sad that the iogtanteg or tIM fis- cal year July 1 next wilt see the new de- partment in operation bor leaders to have Just this sort of of- ficial recognition at the hands of tie Oov department with a Cabinet odseer at its head devoted exclusively to the Indus trial interests of the country but since this was seen to be impossible of ful filment at this time they are very well satisfied to have the word lacer Incor- porated in Ue name of the proposed de- partment The original measure provided only Ds- partmcnt of Commerce for the name but an amendment was passed mating it to include the word labor Much speculation is current today as U who will be Use sew Cabinet number in charge of this portfolio The labor in- terests will push the candidacy of Car roll D Wright the present Commissioner of Labor OaEJTDA IS A xBW WORD at Meeting ef the Anthropolog- ical Society The regular meeting of OM Anthropo- logical Society at the Cosmos Cteb last sight resulted in a sew word being added to the KagHsa language The word to orenda taken from tie Iroouoto Indians and mesas the power to do something Ktgleally It was adopted idea la Indian religion by Mr J N B Hewitt the subject of whose address last sight was Orenda A Definition of Re halos Dr J Walter Fewkes of the Bureau of Ethnology of the Institution who tae just returned from a tour of era Chihuahua Mexico gave an exhibit of a stone idol found there and com- mented upon the resemblance of the m Chihuahua and those in the Valley Artsona Major J W Powell spoke of An Amer- ican View Tetemism and J Walter Fewkes upon The Sky God Porsoniaea Lion In Hopi Worship At a board meeting of the society on Saturday the following officers were elected W JL Holmes of the National Museum president Dr Walter Hough secretary of the board Miss Anna Mabel Robinson general secretary of the so- ciety Mrs M P Seaman curator aad P B Pierce treasurer The hosed of counselors selected Is composed of Dr D Lamb Dr Walter Hough 1 B McGnlre Mrs H I But tett F W Hoge Thomas Wilson Cot Weston Flint Miss Edith Weatcoct J Walter Fewkes Dr George M Xober and Miss Alice Fletcher SHOT STOPPED HIM Jolla WIIHams the negro who was shot ta the thigh la South Washington last sight while attempting escape from Po- Ueemcn Culttanmt and Kemp answer a charge of disorderly conduce It may be a week or mOre before he to aWe to leave the hospital Williams went late a saloon at th cor- ner of Delaware Arcane H Street southwest last night drunk sad when or- dered out threatened it to said to aani hints the place and the proprietor had to leave Williams then west out ad a revolver on the street and if ta said shot at Policeman Culliaaae when the wt er at- tempted to arrest him The charge against Williams to easel with intent to kill JUST POX BAD WEATHER Wisp VIIlIaiH Lifted a Kali Coat- I was Just going to use tie coat dur- ing dm had and Intended to re- turn it afterward was tie explanation jives by William Becdle today wileD ar- rested for having stolen a rubber coat teem fat frost of the store of Samuel Hoses thai do D Street northwest Beedle was seen to look into the store to see if aysne wee watching and then to lift the coat from a hook throw It over his ana std start down the street ExPoliceman Doe Rea saw the proceed- ing and took Beadle to Police Headauar ten tile Homeward Bound Mission on Missouri Avenue northwest He claims to have time be says he worked for printer Illteniunflsm Cured 111 n flay far tfci and Mw fU- adtoOlr cars hi 1 te S d Its Mtim saps the Moa fa leauirssbte and sqrstcrieat It wtdy TW M grate J sad Sold by- Pnuwrlvanix AMVO Jiifth Street GAS STOVES Cuokiaic and Mt tiotc GAS APPLIANCE EXCHANGE 144 New York Ave tr atk St- WMT I Bye St Dill or of eoer- cL easy the It Mea desire el the Ja esamet They would have preferred a speelal Lead an to express a certain research case ana in north QUa o 8 Colored Man Net to Appear In Today t not te ill to t- oe a list OR Ida to Needle her weather Tbell1aolwr Mea staying six years on the local police fares at iMrig M H- at tile tile rL cents St lk H OUSE m Detan at meat tale eat a D epMrtRaemt sail franc tmpacaUveiy taailhg h bast bug the threogb end4ver 9mithsor last sear rasa bold Able Court was silo appear part this aiorning and baseba I fades his flourished lass at terra fees ties roes esoe cause and disease ant Pbansey and tree s HLK14SAlta ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > RUBBER RUBBERS RUBBERS RUBBER- U U B B of Pure Rubber Xot the inferior tar combinations which are dear t any prkf but hoii st reliable qualities at less ix wholesale rotit Best Quality RUBBER BOOTS B All sies for fetes and Children 95c E All sizes for AAomen Mild Youths v 1M7 E R Boys sizes frou 1 to 4 LS7 R sizes lie or light 250- Woollined Arctics and Storm Alaskas R All sixes n 100 R U All sizes for Women 75c U B Extra hijUiBt lijjht weight 3lwckle Arctics for Men B o VioiiKn and Children for 35c to 75c Rubbers All sues for Misses and Children H lirojten sizes of Womens Rubbers fi Broken sizes of dells Rubbers Wars B OdOil Three Re labte Shoe Houses Cor 7h and K 9UI9I6PcnnAvt 233 Penn Ave SE RUBBER 9BBERS RUBBERS RUBBER RUBBER BOOIS SHOES Made R U than pl lIt U B B B S Its n S B E R Rs 191t S I R R U V B 8 E B R S li Mt fort B e Cos B r R < Always the Best f Eieryttfeg f r the Least Our supply of candles for Candle mas flay is sufficient to see us through and that is about all We have the regulation size which are four to the pound Selling special at per lb 22c TBJHrrw We Are 6w to Give Yw ANther Treat Which is worthy of participating in Its the winding up of our stock before inventory clearance sale which has caused so many kind remarks sad pleas at comments Everything of fered is a worthy and special bargain Your last chance to get a long coat or Raglsn at such a price as this 19 One allwool long coats made of black oxford nd grey clctb these garments we have reduced 895 and n to the price jr nn 1 superfine tea and castor kersey cAzuoata tailored in a manner which shpws firstctans workmanship these we have reduced from f 1S5 f21M and f2J5 to JJ Q QQ U fine allwool threequarter length mediumweight cxford coats strictly man tailored lined through- out with guaranteed satin tin QO reduced from f to Also 15 tine electric seal Fur regulation length handsomely satin I lined reduced from f225 1Q 5Q Department Second Boor OUR BIG SHOE SALE WoraetfsS300StoesI IR VNteis HMSS Biwis m Wrappers- We otftr s rood f have and ia much better at loa titan cost Womens fleece lined Flannelette Wrappers in lavender red blue and grey stripe effects made with extra deep flounce and cut very full over tb hips trimmed with ruffle ever the shoulder and inhered with fancy braid the sizes are from 22 to 4 the same were n but are reduced CCC I- to Womans extra lee quality Flan 1- sellette Wrappers in a variety of light and dark cotorings trimmed ia various styles all trade extra full and have deep flounce sad lined with per caUne some sold as nigh as fl5 they cost you sow Womens eSt quality imported Flannelette Wrappers hobby Persian effects and fancy designs In light and dark made and times i a flue house gown we re- duced this lot from 32 0 to Womens Cashmere Tea Gowns made of allwool material lined throughout vtatly trimmed with nar- I row iasertictt also some with rows i of satin ribbon The colors are navy I red light blue and old rose They are marked down from I I See to tao Second floor adjoining the Millcary OUR BIG SHOE SALE 3fer2i CHILDRENS DRESSES THIS IS THE LITTLE FOLKS CHANCE WHICH IS A BIG OXE IX PRICE SAVING Childrens Dresses made of cambric S yoke finisher with five bunched tucks embroidery insertion with retie around sleeves sizes six months to J years special B Childrens Dresses made of See 1 nainsook several different styles some are made with yoke of flat bunch tucks some are trimmed with three and live rows of lee embroid 2 ery insertion and flee VaL lace eLi n era have hemstitched yoke fiatehed- a at the neck sad sleeves with the em El broidery and lace edge Six KftC B C months to 3 years special Cfalldrens Tresses made of line nainsook with either pointed or square yoke finished with liar tucks and hemstitching others are finished around the yoke with embroidery in- sertion others have tine embroidery rome finished at the neck and sleeves with Sac embroidery edge OCC C months to 3 years special Childrens Dresses made of fine nainsook and lawn eight different styles some have yokes of four rows of fine embroidery insertion with ruse of embroidery over tbe should ers others have yokes of fine tucks I with embroidery insertion and fin- ished with small hemstitched ruffles others have two rows of fine bunched tucks in the skirt and mates with three of hemstitching Sizes 6 months to 3 years ape ft Of- cial Childrens Dresses ode of fine nainsook round yoke of tucks fin- ished with two small ruffles hem- stitched skirt finished with three rows of hemstitching andjrcftes and tucks and hemstitching above tbe rufiles Sizes 6 months to 3 years special 140 Childrens Dresses made of fine Indian linen long waists round yoke with three rows of lee embroidery insertion four rows of fine tucking edge finished with fine Val lace nd hemstitching Sixes months to 2 years special IJO Second goon front adjoining the Undermusiin TVpartment OUR BIG SHOE SALE J Womens and Childrens Rub 7 bers su F STREET 4U tile Btwnt ana men ittracUrc tyke in ih a Bteeka UM vet tat leather K ul te a- nNE CENT A FOOT for Best felt Weather Strips JOHN B ESPEY Win Pa ATS SKANN SONS CO Ths Busy Gornsr I I from Of clot each Cape toSuit S 119 a all user you fact 88C C 11 Un 48 WHlYS 4 neck two 25C Sizes rows I r RYE I egen t n l s250le- Da71Aala O y I firs value hem- stitched sad S TARPS 8ERK1 men 0 Shoes e u4 Avenue ¬ ¬ ¬ ± ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Bargains in Chairs and Sideboards ba r Me 51175 wMh Preach nlnta worth ttt CASH OR CREDIT MAYER PETTIT 415417 SEVENTH ST IN Bishop Thomas U Dud r ley Diocese of K wrote To see wile would learn the German lan pap Prof Haupts method to tie best poeM and the least labor and tie greatest pleasure Today everybody to Invited at 4 at S p m to opentec lasssns of the course You can sign for trial weak Warier buthttug 9tk sad P mr nH Nervousness T ay way esMOsaal If SO A Pleasant Dose of Effer vesciag 4- T WILL CUM YOU UOIEDIATBLY XO r 4 OPIATES ABSOLUTELY EURMUB5 J- T BROXOPEPSCC not r slink ini- UWTAL FA sOMA KAC8BA Mt geMrmOy db- t tea cored by ta f a ataadanl booKhetd rimttr Pkmfeiaan adv a MgiBM they MCMaoae tt t tul smeary know it m be AB9O T- T BBOXOPEPSIX he X It pay year dr jeer M Md These to 4- i MEBDI 4 take aty BROJIOKPBQL X- AH Druggists irk 2ac and SOc bottle Down Go PICTURES IRpotwal cr I start a few I if you bwyPicleres now Framing like vic reduced Pfciutes Reduced to 23c 47c 73c 97c SJVeflaMc6109ftSt Greatly SV5S SWEATERS Sw JEBSrrs ar ftjMt Dent fttt it aor M SKATES SRAKPCKE B lrG8fl ornxtsr CUTUXY kinds LOWSST- lor the best Walfords TWO STOKES sip sad T Pa are EEPUTATWX BUILT OX QUAUTT low vbuXry cz- preasir tor tar trade fllOXE 7 S 1 full ft Edward J 604 Pa AYe J- i A 1 I I I I- i SA e for oa- S i for Solid Oak board watch i GERMAN 5WEEKS i i hIe way in the u l 1- j I f Ever Have J J T tW- T peeho f lit J E t I t- Brmn PCD T MIMI Is l1GL l1EADAGIITB PSBiCiSf101 L t saoliorltra a V J lastft JS A Y Beards k T paseribe Ie ad It ue J uTEL BAJlJILEIII tor T- i that you set it J- aeu lfeIte t 1 I I- I II Mov into a south me40S a tWd off picks I SilEA TERS j Bier ICE SIUnS lie tilt f i Sporting I I Goods I Qn- J A cMIIc pat met A tilll it 1t1 Y1 chain llac ig- 1iigb hnt- dtJ hraoad mray osslit- Sl fa- I 4- Hsnlssso 40 s 975- s T 1 shortest possible feroersa tanker yes rotiian far ptiert iukslra eudoaAbt 17 fens csbad dipraed sass ds a raaded aeheda blomadai a ti t M I e t fledlto L j I tsbei esditie of the alreh bat it- CLacs s k ant trines bane ate W has beeeare 7e- rywbae wend Wbea pea sat m nay b eder- yea t i 7 2 ltr doors Sale t- f3 lie taaarrew 5p d- an FRf j > + + + + + + = = ° THE SMitH PREMIER IVPEWRliER SIMPLE DURABLE ALWAYS RELiABLE A tiollcr tJf ssrrice for dlJllnr of tort That is book free THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWURtTER CO 7 59 Eleventh Street N WJ Washington DC L every tiis res td- ITdursfraial i

Transcript of Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-01-29...

Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1902-01-29 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1902-01-29/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · THE EVENING TIMrS HARRINGTON WEDNESDAY JANUARY 20





Mr Hopkins Submits Committee Measure to House and WillCall It Up Tomorrow

Rcprancnfative lionidns today introduced tat Ute House his Mil providing for

BureauIt places thtf bureau under the rules of

tbe Civil Service CommissionFixes Ute tate when the bureau shall

bcrome a permanent institution as July 119V2

Makes Urns salary of the Director fSOttta year instead of f7Se as at present

Makes no provhOoa for an nsstotnnt director thus iogMatlag Mr Wlnes out

Provides for stating manutaetmtug statictics every five years

Requires the Director from time totime to make additional special cottee

of statistics relating to any bmacbof agriculture manufacture BttaUng

transportation fisheries sad shy otherbranch of industry that may be requiredor bint by Pnnjrnss

Provides for three chief stathuieianswho stall be experts at annual salariesof S M each

A chief salary 4M who is toOA acting director ta the absence

of the Director-A disbursing clerk who shall act as ap

poiatm nt clerk salary f2lv


Vii ntlsfnotojry Showing Made liy-

AVcckiy Jlortnnrj ReportThe District Health Department to mak-

isg little headway against diphtheriawhich has been prevalent ia Ute drya considerable extent slate mat Septem-ber

Ia the last weekly report ef Ute de

day it to stated that at the close efthe last report there were 48 cases ofdiphtheria in Quarantine During theweek 15 new occurred and SI weredischarged leaving 42 cues inia 31 j r

Of scarlet fever there were 29 casesin enamntine at the of the lastreport During the week 7 sew easeswere reported sad 12 were dischargedleaving 34 cases with wnrnlng earda in Mpremises

There were no sew oases of smallpoxreported during the week Tbe twe catwfetefe week Before test are stttiUDder triMUaaBt sad taeJatlea at thesmallpox hospital

There were K deaths In the JQsntrietduring the week of which M were ofwhites and i8 colored the death ratefor the whites being 1C4 sad Use colored33C per LOO For all the deaths Uw ratewas 217 per I

The mortality m theweek of last year was 141 Urn rate farthe total deaths beteg 20 ash ta theweek before last tt amountad to therate being 213

During the week the deaths trees con-sumption increased as compved with theprevious week from 14 to It hoes acutelung Uncase prom 28 to 30apoplexy from 3 to 5

A decrease in affections of the circu-lator organs from 11 to occurred andin mortality among Infanta under oneyear old from 22 to 20 that among chil-dren under flue years of age increasingfrom 28 to 30 There was 1 fatal case oftyphoid fever and 2 of diphtheria

By violence S deaths were reported 1

accidental 1 by being run over oa steamrailway 1 by being struck by street ear1 by corrosive poison and 1 by irritantpoison

The following were the deaths ctessifled according to their causes

Apoplexy 5 bronchitis 3 congestionof long 5 consumption 16 convulsions2 diarrhoeal diseases 5 diphtheria 2diseases of brala diseases of Mart 9diseases of kidneys f malignant growths6 pneumonia 22 suicides 1 typhoid fe-ver 1 miscellaneous K Total 122

The mean weather conditions prevalentduring the week were temperature of theatmosphere 3 degrees relative humid-ity 72 degrees sad barometer 299L Therainfall was l 4 lathes winds north

Themaximum or the thermometer was 61 de-grees on the 21st instant and minimum19 degrees on the 2Hb


3Ie f r c AVorthlnKiH A Co Say Colored Tenants Ie Sot Want ThornMessrs John Y Worthington A Co west

to cruet six brick dwellings in SouthwestWashington wit bathtubs sad sewerconacrtions which win rent for ft amonth

They say that such rest win not Jus-tify the expense of putting ta bathtubsand other modern improv

They say that the houses will be let tonegro families who ears nothing for bahrooiiiE anyway and do sot use them prepwly when they are provided

Inspector of Plumbing In reportingupon the matter states that the determi-nation of the to supportthe regulation requiring bathtubs inevery erected in the District whorewater and sewer connections are availablehas received commendation from

source sad he recommends that Itbe adhered to


Lookout for

liostr oat for a Mss carrying a largesize bathtub isalong the line among the psIliMumi te tileKigbth precinct

P Kruthkowits who rubes at 17WFourteenth Street northwest t the ownerof the bathtub and he last night reportedits theft to the Eighth preetuet

The person guilty of the offence forcedhis way into Mr Kntthfcewitzs home bybreaking rear gate off of its hingessome time yesterday and succeeded inmaking his escape with the cumbersomearticle which Mr Kmthhowits values stabout JC

How tbe thief managed escape indaylight with tbe latbiab which is saidto be ont of unusutl size is what puszleothe policemen


SiiHiilnIi War VoterHiuj VorUIit r atSoldiers Ilu ie

A movement is on foot to atthe Katlonal aoldiers Home ia citya Spanish War Veterans Comma be

In honor of CoL Jolla Jacob Astorthe millionaire commander ol the feastsAstor Battery

Authority for tb orjtnnlsation of thehas been ued by Adjutant

General of the Spanish Waran1 the work incident to the or-

ganization the charter mombnrshlp ofwhih wr br uia le up of lit reterams atthe Horn Is bring Vigorouslypr utd tiy fohv C Womjs whn sawso vuc m Goth cubs Md tiW fMaamjamm

the of a Coasw

t Ion





prtmeat Ute week ended as Satsr





being suicidal eorostve poleea 4


averaging 9 miles per boor




loll n Ue AudaciousThief


the wren






StJ ors

erpWttoa peruaaoot


t m e




l ospedM



by and



Coat irslaershoes sae


being rased

flyer Vet-eran

















Ooe stenographer at fi5et three cxnertchiefs of division njC each six siestaof onus 3 ten clerks of class Xother clerks of class 1 copyists com-puters skilled laborers messengersothers as may he necessary with salarieshoses nM to fltM etch

The VJsburstag clerk is to givea hoed of SM

The civil service provision is as followsThat alt employes cf the Twelfth Cen-

sus Ogee afore the grade of skilled la-borer shall be and they are hereby placedunder the provisions of the civil servicea t approved January 1 1882 and theamenJments thereto and the rules estab-lished thereunder and all new appoint

eats in the Census Once hereby treatedbe made in accordance with the re-

quirements of the civil service act above

The bill abolishes the printing slicein connection with tbe Bureau aad au-thorises the work to be dose at the

Printing OmceObjection was made

mate the MM a special order for tomorrow whereupon Mr Hopkins gave no

privileged Mil tomorrow


District iHMBraHcc DciartiHfiit Xo v-

llns the IIliinkM PreparedMr Thomas 9 Drake Superintendent

of Insurance today announced tbat he

to lane the bunkers license to those applying for It

The cede wager which the InsuranceDepartment was established provides forfive clauses of licenses use of which tatIN brokers license the tee for which is9 The ether licenses are Company

1 principal agent solicitor ft in-

dustrial f

Solicitor there to na practical dlsTereoxebetween a principal agent and a

TiNttfepartmenthewever holds that there isa difference sad for the present only thebrokers license will be Issued

The broker ta understood to be a rantIpal sliest la that he-

I does not ropresant pee nrmprtnim but

can for any or all companies He alsohas no authority under the license topoint agents

1TBWPOBT IfEWS BUILDINGIt Will lie Linger Than 1Vu IMiimic-

datIflrHtNewport News Vs will probably get

a larger puMIc building than was atprovided for ta the pending legislation

The Committee on Public Buildings andGrounds of the Senate yesterday reportedfirrarubly the bill to increase the appro-priation for the building to f25 t andthe arguments made in its report seemedespecially good

The increase in the postal business ofthe city the report states will soon NukeIt a firstclass postofllee The exportsof tie port are fZXOs4 S sad are in-creasing at the rate of ft a year

Attention to also called to the fact thatNewport Ketw has the largest dry dock inthe world

Cnmhsitoni Md desires a larger bunding than ta row proposed Senator Wellington yesterday introduced a bill to In-crease the minimum cost of the buildingtfoMO and the minimum cost of tbe landthe same amount

NAY YARD LEAVERcjircMcntatlTC Mudil Hill Orniitlu

Fifteen Additional I rTie bill introduced by RepresentaUrs

MUM to grant fifteen addltloanl daysleave of absence to tbe employes of thenary yard gun factories c arsenalsover which there seems to be some di-versity of opinion among the employesof the local navy yard was Introduced

of some of Ms constituents who are emin the navy yard

bills of a similar character wereIntroduced by ether members

It to reported this afternoon that theNaval Committee will glee a hearingto advocates std opponents of tIN meas-ure immediately after the oval appropri-ation bill Is completed

Sheriff Hardesty and Deputy SheriffCurley yesterday came to the city and

county to face a charge of burglary Itis claimed be broke late the house of MrCharles H Doing at Antaadale




to his regeeet to

ties that Jte world call rep tile


Irhad reeeind and was


Aeeordlac to tM City

er-a the fees of are Ute


vp la Mat



tile the recrwest

L cnN TAken to JRIIII

took Lucas back to Prince


and stilt


ref elred



rrearsaro-s a

the beaks real

sa opialafros

each same

Is notapicks wherever be


y Maryland esasber at



Lee Geor tie

















Snow Tbe first genuine tan of theWere glad Glad for everybody

CHaU ourselves Takes us barkte he oM days when we used to getkali holiday at the Franklin school putIn nil the afternoon pairing the bill tillit was as slippery as a certain politicianwe know but wont same and thentoast tilt bedtime on our twelve seating

front We may you on the hill thisevening Also were glad for the postThis descent of the beautiful Is to Liar as

cad comforting as newmownhay to a hungry horse More power tobfce Agate were glad for the poor la-

beling sees Heres his opportunity Byhonest endeavor tar about ten hours ofthe day be may be able to accumulate

Glad too for the ConstantMender Heres Us chance to write alittle place the paper tettteg us allabout the demerits of tile street car sys-

tem Glad to hear from you C RPoems ta white

Heavy snow this IIi and tonightThursday snow fresh to Leah northeastwitch

Temperature at i a m ISTemperature at 12 ne m UTemperature at 13 p m U

Tilt SUN A TD THE MOONSun r 7l AM ISim a0USMPX-Moon rtoenllST PJK Moon sets

TIPS TAILow tide fr7 A M sad C42 P MHigh tide 1158 A X

STRWET LIGHTINGLamps lit today 555 P MLamps out tomorrow tl A M

AMDSEMKKTS-NaUonal K 8 Willard In DvM

Goatee afternoon and eveningCoMHOhla Kteg Dodo eveningChases Polite vaudeville afternoon

aaat veningLafayette Quo Vadte afternoon and

eveningAcademy Are You a Buffalo eveningKeranns The Gay Morning Glories

afternoon sad eveningBltau Burtesuue and vaudeville after-

soon sad evening

Loss 31 Intl-

Mary Ash colored thirtyfire years ofage the wife of Richard the Janitorof the Ninth precinct police station sud-denly became insane at her home 1127 QStreet northeast shortly after 7test sight Her condition grew so criticalthat the petrol wagon of the Ninth predad was summoned sad the unfortunateWoman removed to ElizabethsInsane Asylum

i After IH TeiiHtsxeeMr N L Edwards who Is a candidate

j for United States Marshal for the Westera district of Tennessee Is In Wasa-mcton calling on the Congresstonml delegacion from isle State Mr Edwards Is alawyer tad notary public and Is at pres-ent Justice of the peace at Memphis Not-withstanding the fact that he is a RepnbMean all of the members ofthe Congressional delegation UTe en-dorsed his candidacy

While horseback ridin oa MarylaadAvenue sear the corner of ThirtsentbStreet northeast about C oclock tonsight Harry Godfrey twelve years of ageItvteR at 122 Trinidad Avenue northeastwas throws by his mount and had tale tootpainfully mashed The pollee ambulance

suntmoned sad young Godfrey re-moved to the Emergency Hospital fortreatment

j AltK i ed From Ievin Carj Jennie Carpenter a sixteenyearold

negro girl was painfully tittered abouther read and body shortly after Slast skit by stepping from a CapitalTraction ear No 313 while It was inmotto on U Street northwest betweenTenth sail Eleventh Streets Sne wasassisted by friends to h r home IMSTenth Street northwest

fir Dlcndvll IalHfHlly Kwrnvil-Mr P J Mendell who conducts a bi

there at 1728 Seventh Street north-west was painfully horsed shear tbe

sad heeds yesterday while engagedia extinguishing a small blaze inplace







truck with read steering wheel in thesee

v hal

bits and of dutyperformed









Sudden of




Lad Thrown JlroRJ 1104





hoci JaII

stsserlbust forhas


tmm the eeseiomean



e tech















< >



Careful reentry J tieschoolroom iT isnsd th tactthat those children who arehabitually jctv u coffee to

f drink have sallow complexionare nervous more or less irrltable sad very sluggish

I tellect or an overwrought andI abnormal Imagination resultsI of extreme nervousness My

own experience with robedrinking kept me aflUeted ford 1 some years with severe aadconstant headaches with exf trwue nervousness at times

I was compelled to abandonfegx cotter altogether and was

oufcfcly relieved of the headf aches and other troubles I

T was fortunate enough to se-r are a package

Wood Coffee but my first at-tempt at making It was a fail-ure After another trialfollowing the directions whichare very easy by the way Isecured a delicious drink far

i superior in my mind to ccfi f e 1 have continued M useU from the start my 1mprovemeat has been steadywith no ill effects at all

The above ws written by a school teacher Miss K Barnard of Oxford KanIt Is an easy matter to off the ccffee habit K PuotVm Cereal Peed Colts

ta used in its place particularly when attention Is groan ts Its proper prepara-tion The whole secret of the preparation is ta altawtaglung onsgh to bring out the taste and zed valne-

AH ftjmtcJaiM grocers gull Pests


SluggishI nteliect

t hi



Cote to Mil




t zE1


tv itsr av










tls Teed




> ¬



Suit for UnniitKcs Over Electrocutionof Two Mules

R A Matene the contractor in charge

Ute line of the ld Foundry Breach hasentered suit against the United StatesBleetrle Lighting Company for IllS dam

This is the outcome ef the killingef two ef Xatena mules through contact with a wire of the defendant

erly insulated A lire was Milt la thetrunk ef a tree through which ran thecompanys wires and which tell shortlyafter while the animals were beneaththe alleged unprotected wires coming incontact with the moles causing instantdeath

William R Singleton Lodge of Masons

soul Halt on Vlsnaela Arcnae Thefeature of the evening was a lecture MI

Rico by w M Brother J

States Currency Tirhaaae FactoNext Tuesday Singleton Lodge

will Meet la mmii M sees ou Tic eastmUtees appointed by the William RSingleton Stuck Ciiumsaj will laahe theirreports

entered suit on a note of sue againstIL Appier It Is understood that

the sore wa gives tn payment of a eellain Motmachine whisk It is allegedhas net fulfilled the representations ofthe selling parties

The reception and banquet ofin honor of Ute

Most Worshipful Grand Master of theDistrict Malcolm Scales will occur e IMonday evening February 1ft atHall on Street

Dr John D Knrtx of P Street has recalved news of the death of his sisterMrs B F Mackall who died at her Mmei Xoorhead Mists yesterday She wasthe daughter of the late Colonel Kara ofthe Bngiaeer Corps U S A The

have shipped here and willarrive Friday The funeral will takeplace Friday afternoon Services will beheld at Oak Chapel

The funeral of Dr Anrfstesd Peterwho died suddenly yesterday at Ms Mmeat Thirtyfirst and 0 Streets will occurFriday afternoon at 2 oclock Serviceswill take place at Oak Hill Chapel TheRev Dr Alfred Hardteg of 8C Pauls-Kpiseopal Church Wilt omeiate The

will he made at Oak Hill

Join D Croissant end Gate L Talttrustees of the American University Perkhave asH lets 1 to 4 block M to WalterK and Alle M Barney for Stile sad toWiHiam Klmahack for S M lets S to 11

block 15


Bequeath state 1o Her SonTwo U Klrters

By her will dated April S 1 M MrsKatrtna L Lindner presets the followingdisposition to be of her estate

To her daughter Xoslue A LAmteer

and MM abutting on some point on apublic alley

To her daughter Biaabeta Lindnerpremises 12M deventh Street jnuihtmrtgad 12SS the mr abutting on

alleyTo her son MM C Boston premises

123C Eleventh Street southeast and 1225 Inthe rear of It abutting on a public alley

The Death RecordTM following deaths for twenty four

up te ices tray ala W Pattorsos 75 years Nancy D Bishop 78years Alex P Breekeuridge 7 yearsClark Ford t years Rebecca HorsemanI years Paaline G Krany 5 years

Frederick Adams years Aaron Robertaoa 2 years Catkarine May Bell 22years Norfolk O 21 years HelenaU Kiutmerman f Edgar AltonM years AMrte aiMlan Marshall 1years va R Krarsurtt years Oeorg

Stevens 15 Tears Walter J War-ner 7 years Grant 9 U 4 years tomB Saanders 2 unnamed intent ofAntoinette K Keanc 1 lye

Tiny Ilcadjujtt a CulvertOn the recomauuflnrlnsi of the Comput-

ing Engineer the ComnUssloners have de-

termined to Issue a permit to Mr BlairLee to readjust a culvert adjacent toBrtghtwood Avenue tunas tile District UseThe conditions of tk permit win Le thatMr Lee is to bear the expenses of thework and become renucnsiule for alt dam-ages resulting therefrom The permit Isto be good for tmVTdays and a depositof ft is requlrra tu tIre the Districtagainst loss

IoctHre oi MexicoIn Moue was the subject of a lec-

ture given by Mr Charles F Warren testevening at the Church of Our Fattercorner of Thirteenth sad L Streets north-west The lecture was Illustrated with14 stareopticon views made from photographs takes by Mr Warren during Mstravels through Mexico

The temperatures registered by thestandard thermometer at House Herrmanns today were 9 a m IS degrees12 m 22 1M p m 21

148 41 PM

rfolk V i hfi ston Steamboat Jo-

DtfihtM triM t IS m hero lootth it t Old P tat Comfort Kortalk Virginia

B M Xnrport X wm S ad WNC 7

K tM sewer oa


ailewlJ to have beta notI




Reid a seta neetlg at JiIal

Porte ASttas6le once the



re First National of Iowa

No S F A A M




UU ltsweati Siet


were at Lie JkaIth De




Downtown Temperture



nilh i

Phone East 254 an 181fOf AAf c kDMCI Beer Jot

1 Devcpj tale

Arises Avenue eontrazL


limecesasay prop

last night

xM typeeeated united

Herat baaAr-




miss been


terment Ceme-tery



premises soutb sat


kwre rspert dpar tmaant





taotuuetaWis r










ratified br Pasxncc of for Yew

OnVials of tbe Americas Federation ofLabor and representatives of other bodiesof wageearners are greatly elated overtie passage of the bill in Senatesterduy which looks to the establish

It Is believed that the measure will

House sad that the iogtanteg or tIM fis-

cal year July 1 next wilt see the new de-

partment in operation

bor leaders to have Just this sort of of-

ficial recognition at the hands of tie Oov

department with a Cabinet odseer at itshead devoted exclusively to the Industrial interests of the country but sincethis was seen to be impossible of fulfilment at this time they are very wellsatisfied to have the word lacer Incor-porated in Ue name of the proposed de-partment

The original measure provided only Ds-partmcnt of Commerce for the name butan amendment was passed mating it toinclude the word labor

Much speculation is current today as Uwho will be Use sew Cabinet number incharge of this portfolio The labor in-terests will push the candidacy of Carroll D Wright the present Commissionerof Labor


at Meeting ef the Anthropolog-ical Society

The regular meeting of OM Anthropo-logical Society at the Cosmos Cteb lastsight resulted in a sew word being addedto the KagHsa language

The word to orenda taken from tieIroouoto Indians and mesas the power todo something Ktgleally It was adopted

idea la Indian religion by Mr J N BHewitt the subject of whose address lastsight was Orenda A Definition of Rehalos

Dr J Walter Fewkes of the Bureau ofEthnology of the Institutionwho tae just returned from a tour of

era Chihuahua Mexico gave an exhibitof a stone idol found there and com-mented upon the resemblance of the

m Chihuahua and those in theValley Artsona

Major J W Powell spoke of An Amer-ican View Tetemism and J WalterFewkes upon The Sky God PorsoniaeaLion In Hopi Worship

At a board meeting of the societyon Saturday the following officers wereelected W JL Holmes of the NationalMuseum president Dr Walter Houghsecretary of the board Miss Anna MabelRobinson general secretary of the so-ciety Mrs M P Seaman curator aadP B Pierce treasurer

The hosed of counselors selected Iscomposed of Dr D Lamb Dr WalterHough 1 B McGnlre Mrs H I Buttett F W Hoge Thomas Wilson CotWeston Flint Miss Edith Weatcoct JWalter Fewkes Dr George M Xoberand Miss Alice Fletcher


Jolla WIIHams the negro who was shotta the thigh la South Washington lastsight while attempting escape from Po-

Ueemcn Culttanmt and Kemp

answer a charge of disorderly conduce Itmay be a week or mOre before he to aWeto leave the hospital

Williams went late a saloon at th cor-ner of Delaware Arcane H Streetsouthwest last night drunk sad when or-dered out threatened it to said to aanihints the place and the proprietor had

to leaveWilliams then west out ad a

revolver on the street and if ta said shotat Policeman Culliaaae when the wt er at-tempted to arrest him

The charge against Williams to easelwith intent to kill


Coat-I was Just going to use tie coat dur-

ing dm had and Intended to re-turn it afterward was tie explanationjives by William Becdle today wileD ar-rested for having stolen a rubber coatteem fat frost of the store of SamuelHoses thai do D Street northwest

Beedle was seen to look into the storeto see if aysne wee watching and thento lift the coat from a hook throw Itover his ana std start down the street

ExPoliceman Doe Rea saw the proceed-ing and took Beadle to Police Headauartentile Homeward Bound Mission on MissouriAvenue northwest He claims to have

time be says he worked forprinter

Illteniunflsm Cured 111 n flayfar tfci and Mw fU-

adtoOlr cars hi 1 te S d Its Mtim saps theMoa fa leauirssbte and sqrstcrieat It

wtdy TW M grateJ sad Sold by-

Pnuwrlvanix AMVO Jiifth Street

GAS STOVESCuokiaic and Mt tiotc


tr atk St-

WMT I Bye St


or of eoer-cLeasy the

It Mea desire el the Ja

esametThey would have preferred a speelal


an to express a certain

research case ana in north




Colored Man Net to Appear InToday


te ill to

t-oe a list OR Ida to



Tbell1aolwr Mea staying

six years on the local police faresat



H-at tile tile rLcents St lk



Detan at meat


eat a D epMrtRaemt sail

franc tmpacaUveiy taailhg h

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threogb end4ver

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wassilo appear part this aiorning


baseba I fades his


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fees ties

roes esoe cause and diseaseant



s HLK14SAlta



















of Pure RubberXot the inferior tar combinations which are dear

t any prkf but hoii st reliable qualities at less ixwholesale rotit

Best Quality RUBBER BOOTSB All sies for fetes and Children 95cE All sizes for AAomen Mild Youths v 1M7 ER Boys sizes frou 1 to 4 LS7 R

sizes lie or light 250-

Woollined Arctics and Storm AlaskasR All sixes n 100 RU All sizes for Women 75c UB Extra hijUiBt lijjht weight 3lwckle Arctics for Men Bo VioiiKn and Children

for 35c to 75c RubbersAll sues for Misses and Children

H lirojten sizes of Womens Rubbersfi Broken sizes of dells Rubbers

WarsB OdOilThree Re labte Shoe Houses

Cor 7h and K

9UI9I6PcnnAvt233 Penn Ave S E



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Be CosB




Always the Best f Eieryttfeg f r theLeast

Our supply of candles for Candlemas flay is sufficient to see usthrough and that is about allWe have the regulation size whichare four to the pound Sellingspecial at per lb 22c

TBJHrrw We Are 6w to GiveYw ANther Treat

Which is worthy of participating inIts the winding up of our stock beforeinventory clearance sale which hascaused so many kind remarks sadpleas at comments Everything offered is a worthy and special bargain

Your last chance to get a long coator Raglsn at such a price as this

19 One allwool long coats made ofblack oxford nd grey clctb thesegarments we have reduced895 and n to the price jr nn

1 superfine tea and castor kerseycAzuoata tailored in a manner

which shpws firstctans workmanshipthese we have reduced fromf1S5 f21M and f2J5 to JJ Q QQ

U fine allwool threequarterlength mediumweight cxford coatsstrictly man tailored lined through-out with guaranteed satin tin QOreduced from f to

Also 15 tine electric seal Furregulation length handsomely satin I

lined reduced from f225 1Q 5Q

Department Second Boor


WoraetfsS300StoesIIR VNteis HMSS Biwis m Wrappers-

We otftr s rood f haveand ia much better at

loa titan costWomens fleece lined Flannelette

Wrappers in lavender red blue andgrey stripe effects made with extradeep flounce and cut very full overtb hips trimmed with ruffle everthe shoulder and inhered with fancybraid the sizes are from 22 to 4the same were n but are reduced CCC I-

toWomans extra lee quality Flan 1-

sellette Wrappers in a variety oflight and dark cotorings trimmed iavarious styles all trade extra full andhave deep flounce sad lined with percaUne some sold as nigh asfl5 they cost you sow

Womens eSt quality importedFlannelette Wrappers hobby Persianeffects and fancy designs In light anddark made and times

i a flue house gown we re-

duced this lot from 32 0 toWomens Cashmere Tea Gowns

made of allwool material linedthroughout vtatly trimmed with nar-

I row iasertictt also some with rowsi of satin ribbon The colors are navyI red light blue and old rose

They are marked down from II See to taoSecond floor adjoining the Millcary




Childrens Dresses made of cambricS yoke finisher with five bunched tucks

embroidery insertion withretie around

sleeves sizes six months toJ years specialB Childrens Dresses made of See1 nainsook several different styles

some are made with yoke of flatbunch tucks some are trimmed withthree and live rows of lee embroid

2 ery insertion and flee VaL lace eLin era have hemstitched yoke fiatehed-a at the neck sad sleeves with the emEl broidery and lace edge Six KftCB C months to 3 years special

Cfalldrens Tresses made of linenainsook with either pointed orsquare yoke finished with liar tucksand hemstitching others are finishedaround the yoke with embroidery in-sertion others have tine embroideryrome finished at the neck and sleeveswith Sac embroidery edge OCCC months to 3 years special

Childrens Dresses made of finenainsook and lawn eight differentstyles some have yokes of four rowsof fine embroidery insertion withruse of embroidery over tbe shoulders others have yokes of fine tucks

Iwith embroidery insertion and fin-ished with small hemstitched rufflesothers have two rows of fine bunchedtucks in the skirt and mates withthree of hemstitchingSizes 6 months to 3 years ape ft Of-cial

Childrens Dresses ode of finenainsook round yoke of tucks fin-ished with two small ruffles hem-stitched skirt finished with three rowsof hemstitching andjrcftes and tucksand hemstitching above tbe rufilesSizes 6 months to 3 yearsspecial 140

Childrens Dresses made of fineIndian linen long waists round yokewith three rows of lee embroideryinsertion four rows of fine tuckingedge finished with fine Val lace ndhemstitching Sixes monthsto 2 years special IJO

Second goon front adjoining theUndermusiin TVpartment

OUR BIG SHOE SALEJ Womens and Childrens Rub 7



4U tile Btwnt ana menittracUrc tyke inih a Bteeka UM vettat leather K ul te a-

nNE CENT A FOOTfor Best felt Weather Strips



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I firsvalue

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Shoes e

u4 Avenue









Bargains in

Chairs and Sideboards

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Preach nlntaworth ttt



INBishop Thomas U Dud

r ley Diocese of Kwrote To see wile wouldlearn the German lanpap Prof Hauptsmethod to tie best poeM

and the least labor and tie greatestpleasure

Today everybody to Invited at 4at S p m to opentec lasssns of thecourse You can sign for trial weakWarier buthttug 9tk sad P mr nH


ay way esMOsaal


A Pleasant Dose of Effervesciag 4-




sOMA KAC8BA Mt geMrmOy db-

t tea cored by taf a ataadanl booKhetd rimttr Pkmfeiaan

adv a MgiBM they MCMaoae tt ttul smeary know it m be AB9O T-

T BBOXOPEPSIX heX It pay year dr

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AH Druggistsirk 2ac and SOc bottle

Down Go


I start a fewI if

you bwyPicleres now Framing likevic reduced Pfciutes Reduced to

23c 47c73c 97c




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WalfordsTWO STOKES sip sad T Pa are


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A tiollcr tJf ssrrice for dlJllnr of tort That isbook free


59 Eleventh Street N WJ Washington DC


every tiis res td-

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