· skibreak was even...


Transcript of · skibreak was even...

Following the success of our recent Open Days, we had planned a further one for the 18th of March. However, as a

consequence of the significant building work which is currently taking place at the school, we feel that it would be prudent to defer the date of our next Open Day until after the Easter holidays. Consequently, it will now be held on

Thursday 23rd April Of course, I will be happy to meet with any parents who are interested in securing a place at the school, at a time which

is convenient for them.

Please email me at: [email protected] and we can arrange a meeting.

Dear Parents, We've had such a wonderful month with our little ones. We are very happy to welcome our new Baby Bear in our class: Welcome Sami! February was all about Valentine's, red and pink. We made Valentine's hearts with glitters on them for mommies and daddies. Hope you liked our little present! We are very excited to tell you about our very first adventures....In the past month we went for big walks. We went down to the bus stop, to see the big blue bus. The kids were extremely happy and excited.

We’ve been singing and dancing a lot, and enjoyed outside time. We have been doing lots of art, enjoying painting, coloring, gluing. We also have a new song that became a favorite within the group. It goes like this:

♫ Time to make a circle. [Everyone rushes to the center of the room and holds

hands in a circle.] Make a circle, big big big. [Make the circle bigger.]

Small small small. [Make the circle smaller.] Big big big. [Make the circle bigger.]

Make a circle, small small small. [Make the circle smaller.]

Hello hello hello. [Everybody waves to each other. Try to make eye contact with each child.]

Make a circle, round and round. [Holding hands, walk around in a big circle.]

Round and round. Round and round. [If you like, move the circle in the

other direction.] Make a circle, round and round.

Hello hello hello. Make a circle, up up up. [While holding hands, everyone

reaches up high!] Down down down. [Crouch down low.]

Up up up. [Reach high!] Make a circle, down down down. [Crouch low.]

Now sit down. [Everyone sits down.] ♫

We keep doing our Happy House units, this month we were talking about family members, about love, and care. Our new song is:

I love mummy ( Sung to: "Frere Jacques")

I love mother, I love mother, Yes I do, yes I do

All I want to say is I love mummy, yaay

I Love you, I love you.

Thank you for all your support,

Edina, Sherry, Bori.

Dear Parents! Wow! Another month has gone by! February was a very short month, however, we were still able to fit in a lot of fun! We started to teach the children about opposites. We worked on getting the children to get themselves dressed for outside time. We made hearts for Valentine’s Day and we also prepared art for Carnival.

We hope you enjoyed your ski break!! We look forward to another exciting month.

Edit, Sarah, Julie.

The children enjoy sitting down and singing and they have learned a lot of new songs.

Dear Parents! We thought we couldn't have a busier month than December, but we were mistaken. The whole February was like one big party for the Friendly Frogs! We would like to say a HUGE thank you once again to all parents who participated in the events of the International Week and made wonderful national dishes for us that we enjoyed together on a fabulous indoor picnic! The Froggies had a fantastic time and learnt a lot about Hungarian, Romanian, Egyptian, Japanese, South African and American culture. The week after we celebrated Valentine's Day and made Valentine's cards for our families, which we posted together at the big post office. The last week before the skibreak was even busier: we celebrated Miri's 5th Birthday and had an amazing Carnival with the most colorful and fancy costumes, fun games to play, lots of music and dance and some delicious treats we made (find recipe on page 25). And now - hopefully - spring is on it's way...soon there will be time for more outdoor fun!

International Week - Egyptian Day. We learnt a lot about how different a child's life can be in other parts of the world and we loved Rashed’s wonderful traditional costume!

Ready for picnic? All Friendly Frogs families had a great time with chatting and playing and of course tasting the delicious national dishes they'd made - the International Picnic was a truly memorable closing "ceremony" for our International Week!

All Froggies enjoy puppetry! One of their favourite stories is The Enormous Turnip.

Little Jackie Jack Frost pinched my nose. Little Jackie Jack Frost pinched my toes.

But I ran into the house and shut the door. So he couldn't pinch me anymore.

We are not scared of heights! The Froggies having fun at Millenáris Playground.

Gallopp, gallopp, gallopp, gallopp gallopp all around Gallopp, gallopp, gallopp,

gallopp your feet/hands/nose etc.

touch the ground!

Thank you for all your amazing input! Orsi and Lance

Some of our favourite stories: The Enormous Turnip, Praslea the Brave and the Golden Apples, Anansi the Spider, Red Eyed Tree Frog.

Dear Parents, The Clever Owls had a great time learning and playing during the month of February. Our large muscles got stronger at swimming and at Vasas Sport Centre and our little muscles got stronger as we wrote our letters and traced in our work books. Our language skills developed as we talked, sang and learned about letter sounds. We also learned to add some numbers together. For Valentine's Day, we made beautiful paintings and crafts. The month ended with a Carnival where everyone wore beautiful costumes. We also had parent-teacher meetings and we would like to say thank you to all the parents who came to discuss their child's progress.

We are learning about letters and their sounds! We started with "a" and we can sing the song: "ants on my arm". We also did "b" and now we can start to play with different letters to make words.

Adding numbers together is easy. We put 2 pieces of Lego into the first tube, and then we put 3 pieces of Lego into the other tube and when we count the pieces in the cup at the bottom, we have 5 pieces!

Love is in the air! We are painting love letters to our families.

The first outing we went on was to the Fairy Tale Museum and the second was to a fantastic playground. At the museum we listened to stories and had to help the lady to put the pictures that go with the stories into the right order. Then we went into the magic door and explored the fairy tale world that is full of puzzles and challenges. At the end we could dress up like kings and queens!

We took the bus to the Dragonfly Playground where we can climb, pull ourselves up, hang, swing, balance, and jump. It was a lovely sunny day and we had so much fun.

We are growing strong at Vasas and we are learning to control the ball with a stick.

Thank you for all your support,

Attila and Magdelien

February was a funfilled month filled with a lot of birthdays and even more parties! With Valentines and Carnival on top of the birthdays the whole month was either partying or preparing for a party.

Please make sure your child has weather appropriate waterproofs! We would like each

child to have rainpants or overalls, it may not be cold enough for ski pants anymore, but the

garden is still mostly muddy. We will be having parent teacher meetings in

March. Please check facebook for the schedule and sign

up there too. Thank you!

Kenneth and Cikra

Rea, Benji and Vanda!

Ingredients: - 20 dkg flour - 5 dkg ground almond/nuts (according to the kindergarten's nut free policy we used ground sunflower seeds) - 13 dkg margarine - 7 dkg sugar - 1 eggyolk - cinnamon - vanilla - a pinch of salt - eggwhite, seeds, nuts, raisins etc to decorate.

Bake it in pre-heated oven (200C) on baking tray covered with baking paper for about

10-12 min. Enjoy!

In a large bowl mix ingredients with you hands.

Dip the bottom of a glass in flour and use it to flatten the balls.

Shape and knead the dough then put it in the fridge covered with foil for minimum an hour.

Shape many walnut-sized balls from the dough with your hands .

Spread egg-white on the flat biscuits.

Decorate them with seeds, raisins etc .