Warren Owl Senior Edition

Senior Issue the owl may 27, 2011


Warren Central HS newspaper

Transcript of Warren Owl Senior Edition

Page 1: Warren Owl Senior Edition

Senior Issue

Photo illustration by Emily Abrams

the owl may 27, 2011

Page 2: Warren Owl Senior Edition

Senior Issue2 The Owl Warren Central May 27, 2011 www.wcowlnews.com

“I’ll be going to IUPUI this fall, and I’m really excited to begin my studies to become an architect and design sustainable homes. I’ll miss Warren, but I can’t wait to start my life and see what’s out there for me!”

- Johana Rodriguez

“I’m going to Loyola University to major in Biology. It’s in Chicago and it’s so pretty. I’m just hoping no one mugs me.”

- Elizabeth Boughan “I’m going into the Air Force because college really isn’t for me. The Air Force offers great benefits and it kind of runs in the family.”

- Andre Wilkes

What are your future plans after graduation?

Q: WhAT ARE yoUR PLAns AFTER hIgh sChooL?

A: I will be going to Dillard and majoring in Psychology.

Q: Why dId yoU ChoosE ThIs sChooL?

A: I chose Dillard because of it’s location (New Orleans) and because I really enjoyed the ambiance when I visited on Spring Break of ‘09.

Q: Why dId yoU ChoosE ThIs PARTICULAR mAJoR?

A: I’ve always been interested in human behaviors and right now I can’t see myself studying anything else.

Dawn Hawkins Q: WhAT ARE yoUR PLAns AFTER hIgh sChooL?A: I’m attending the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. I

will most likely major in either physics or some form of engineering.

Q: Why dId yoU ChoosE ThIs sChooL?A: It’s always been a dream of mine to go to the Naval Academy. It’s hard to

explain exactly why I chose to go into the military other than saying it was something I felt I needed to do. And I might as well get a good education in the process and become an officer.

Q: WhAT gAvE yoU ThE InsPIRATIon To ATTEnd ThE ACAdEmy?

A: My inspiration has been my desire to go to the Naval Academy. Through high school I learned that if you want to be successful in life then you have to have goals and you have to have the desire to achieve those goals.

Q: WhAT’s yoUR goAL AFTER CoLLEgE?A: When I graduate from the Naval Academy I want to service select as a

Marine Corps officer.

Adam Penquite

Cameron CurryQ: WhAT ARE yoUR PLAns AFTER hIgh

sChooL?A: I am going to Rose-Hulman to study Automotive


Q: Why dId yoU ChoosE ThIs sChooL?

A: I’m attending Rose-Hulman because their graduates make more money than Purdue graduates.

Q: Why dId yoU ChoosE ThIs PARTICULAR mAJoR?

A: I’ve always been interested in cars and I like making new things and creating new ideas. So why not combine the two!

Q: WhAT ARE yoUR PLAns AFTER hIgh sChooL?A: I’ll be working as a full-time stylist at Great Clips.

Q: Why dId yoU ChoosE To do CosmEToLogy?A: Cosmetology offers a lot of benefits. You can get a technical

license, and you have the skills to become a professional stylist. I will graduate with a professional cosmetologist degree.

Q: hoW Long hAvE yoU WAnTEd To BE A sTyLIsT?

A: I’ve known since I was young that I wanted to become a hair stylist.

Q: WhAT ELsE ARE yoU WAnTIng To do AFTER hIgh sChooL?A: Later in life, I would like to go to

Empire Beauty School for aesthetics and become a well-estbalished stylist.

Saraya Lee

Photos by Alex Martens/Chris Henderson

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Senior Issue www.wcowlnews.com May 27, 2011 Warren Central The Owl 3

“I plan on going to college in Central Florida and begin my major in psychiatry. I’m looking forward to the experience because I’ll be in a new city where I’ve never been and I don’t know anyone there.”

- Chris hall

What are your future plans after graduation?

“I want to get a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Entertainment management at north Carolina Chapel hill.”

- Jylen Burns

1. Don’t get lost driving to Conseco. The shortcut that a friend of a friend showed you probably won’t get you there.

2. Don’t “misplace” your tickets. Mom and Dad will not be happy about that.

3. Please wear clothes under your gown.

4. Remember where your last name is in the alphabet so you sit in the right place.

5. If you’re going to wear six-inch heels, please don’t trip on your gown while getting up.

6. Shake with your right, grab with your left.

7. Don’t freak out that your diploma isn’t in the case. You’ll get it at the end of the night.

8. When it’s time to move the tassel, it goes from RIGHT to LEFT.

9. If you throw your cap, take the tassel off and make sure your name is somewhere in it.

10. Don’t forget to get your actual diploma.

First TimeGraduates

Rookie tips for

“I’m excited to hurry up and get out of school. I plan to attend Ivy Tech to take CnA classes and pharmacy.”

- Jameka Evans

Q: WhAT ARE yoUR PLAns AFTER hIgh sChooL?A: After high school, I’m going to WKU and I’ll be leaving three days after

graduation. I will be there for summer school and getting ready for football season. Football is not the reason for going to college because my main goal is to graduate with a degree.

Q: Why dId yoU ChoosE WKU? A: It was the right place for me! It is four hours away, which I love. Plus one

of my best friends is going there to play football with me.

Q: oThER ThAn FooTBALL, WhAT ARE yoU goIng To mAJoR In?

A: I am still undecided, but I am thinking about something in either Sports Medicine or in the Broadcasting field.

Q: WhAT TEAm WoULd yoU WAnT To PLAy FoR In ThE nFL?A: It’s not so much of what team, it is just making it onto one of the teams! (But if

I had to pick it would be the Colts.)

Devin Scott

Hannah SpringerQ: WhAT ARE yoUR PLAns AFTER hIgh sChooL?A: I will be going to Northwestern University to major in Biology and


Q: Why dId yoU ChoosE ThIs sChooL?A: It is a very well-rounded school, especially for its science program. All of the students there were genuinely nice, but at

the same time very serious.

Q: WhAT ACTIvITIEs do yoU PLAn To BE A PART oF?A: I plan to play in the orchestra and participate in the

ballroom dancing club.

Q: WhAT do yoU LooK FoRWARd To mosT ABoUT ATTEndIng ThIs sChooL?A: I really look forward to being surrounded by other

students who are also there to get a great education.

Page 4: Warren Owl Senior Edition

Senior Issue4 The Owl Warren Central May 27, 2011 www.wcowlnews.com

As the year ends, here are some senior events to look back on

(a) JEREMY BARTON CATCHES the ball to get an out at home base

for his senior softball team. On September 19, the seniors won

against the faculty.

(b) VIOLET MURFF SINGS and plays a song on the piano for Senior

Finales. On May 18, a total of 25 acts were performed at the Finales.

(c) SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS open Dancing with the Faculty with

a routine. There were nine groups of seniors and teachers that competed

on January 19.

(d) DURING THE LUNCHEON seniors talk with friends while finding a place to sit. The luncheon on May 20

was the last senior event of the year before graduation.

[senior yearmemories]


senior weekMONDAY Futuristic Day TUESDAY K-8 DayWEDNESDAY Geek or Chic DayTHURSDAY Senior Citizen DayFRIDAY Cap and Gown Day

















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Photos by Nick Wilson/Chris Henderson



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Photo by Alex MartensPhoto by Alex MartensPhoto by Daryl Hollonquest

dPhoto by Cailyn Turner