WARNING! WARNING, WILL ROBINSON! Solar Storms 2012 and 2013

SOLAR STORMS 2012 AND 2013 AND MAKING FARADAY CAGES What if NASA predicted catastrophic solar storms for 2012 and 2013, but nobody in government listened? Never mind, it's already happened... One must suppose, given Washington's gluttonous hunger for self- preservation, that those in power are working to protect themselves and theirs from the sun's perfect storm. They are not concerned about protecting the rest of us: The Libertarians only care that they can do whatever it is that they want to do without Uncle Sam's Big Brother spying on them and telling them when they can do it, where they can do it, and with whom they can do it, whatever it is. The Democrats are too concerned about keeping themselves in power, while the Republicans can't see any profit in the federal government preparing the nation for what is about to happen. According to experts and paranoiacs alike, the solar storms will wreak havoc on all global electronic sources, including but not limited to everything you own that uses electricity... Incidentally, you know you're a prepper if you turn your house into a Faraday Cage and then try to use your smartphone to find out why your smartphone won't work inside your house... NASA has revised their prediction for the solar maximum to occur around mid-May of 2013. Massive eruption of the sun will have sent waves of radiation and charged particles to Earth, damaging the satellite systems used for synchronizing computers, airline navigation and phones. There is also 1


The salient point is that this is all very real, but bureaucrats and politicians aren't taking it seriously. Hey, White House! Hey, Congress! It's real, stupid!

Transcript of WARNING! WARNING, WILL ROBINSON! Solar Storms 2012 and 2013

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What if NASA predicted catastrophic solar storms for 2012 and 2013, but nobody in government listened? Never mind, it's already happened... One must suppose, given Washington's gluttonous hunger for self-preservation, that those in power are working to protect themselves and theirs from the sun's perfect storm. They are not concerned about protecting the rest of us: The Libertarians only care that they can do whatever it is that they want to do without Uncle Sam's Big Brother spying on them and telling them when they can do it, where they can do it, and with whom they can do it, whatever it is. The Democrats are too concerned about keeping themselves in power, while the Republicans can't see any profit in the federal government preparing the nation for what is about to happen. According to experts and paranoiacs alike, the solar storms will wreak havoc on all global electronic sources, including but not limited to everything you own that uses electricity... Incidentally, you know you're a prepper if you turn your house into a Faraday Cage and then try to use your smartphone to find out why your smartphone won't work inside your house... NASA has revised their prediction for the solar maximum to occur around mid-May of 2013.

Massive eruption of the sun will have sent waves of radiation and charged particles to Earth, damaging the satellite systems used for synchronizing computers, airline navigation and phones. There is also


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talk of the storms destroying global electric grids. Back to 1849 we go...

It works for my family. We're living history re-enactors specializing in pioneer survival.



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What follows is a hash of fact and

hysteria about the solar storms

culled from several online sources.

I have put quotation marks at the

beginning and at the end, which is

simpler than placing the marks

where etiquette would otherwise

require them to be.


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March 10, 2006: It's official: Solar minimum has arrived. Sunspots have all but vanished. Solar flares are nonexistent. The sun is utterly quiet. Like the quiet before a storm. This week researchers announced that a storm is coming--the most intense solar maximum in fifty years. The prediction comes from a team led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). "The next sunspot cycle will be 30% to 50% stronger than the previous one," she says. If correct, the years ahead could produce a burst of solar activity second only to the historic Solar Max of 1958. That was a solar maximum. The Space Age was just beginning: Sputnik was launched in Oct. 1957 and Explorer 1 (the first US satellite) in Jan. 1958. In 1958 you couldn't tell that a solar storm was underway by looking at the bars on your cell phone; cell phones didn't exist. Even so, people knew something big was happening when Northern Lights were sighted three times in Mexico. A similar maximum now would be noticed by its effect on cell phones, GPS, weather satellites and many other modern technologies. Right: Intense auroras over Fairbanks, Alaska, in 1958. [More] Dikpati's prediction is unprecedented. In nearly-two centuries since the 11-year sunspot cycle was discovered, scientists have struggled to predict the size of future maxima—and failed. Solar maxima can be intense, as in 1958, or barely detectable, as in 1805, obeying no obvious pattern.


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The key to the mystery, Dikpati realized years ago, is a conveyor belt on the sun. We have something similar here on Earth—the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt, popularized in the sci-fi movie The Day After Tomorrow. It is a network of currents that carry water and heat from ocean to ocean--see the diagram below. In the movie, the Conveyor Belt stopped and threw the world's weather into chaos.

Above: Earth's "Great Ocean Conveyor Belt." [More]

The sun's conveyor belt is a current, not of water, but of electrically-conducting gas. It flows in a loop from the sun's equator to the poles and back again. Just as the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt controls weather on Earth, this solar conveyor belt controls weather on the sun. Specifically, it controls the sunspot cycle. Solar physicist David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center (NSSTC) explains: "First, remember what sunspots are--tangled knots of magnetism generated by the sun's inner dynamo. A typical sunspot exists for just a few weeks. Then it decays, leaving behind a 'corpse' of weak magnetic fields." Enter the conveyor belt. "The top of the conveyor belt skims the surface of the sun, sweeping up the magnetic fields of old, dead sunspots. The 'corpses' are dragged down at the poles to a depth of 200,000 km where the sun's magnetic dynamo can amplify them. Once the corpses (magnetic


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knots) are reincarnated (amplified), they become buoyant and float back to the surface." Presto—new sunspots! Right: The sun's "great conveyor belt." [Larger image] All this happens with massive slowness. "It takes about 40 years for the belt to complete one loop," says Hathaway. The speed varies "anywhere from a 50-year pace (slow) to a 30-year pace (fast)." When the belt is turning "fast," it means that lots of magnetic fields are being swept up, and that a future sunspot cycle is going to be intense. This is a basis for forecasting: "The belt was turning fast in 1986-1996," says Hathaway. "Old magnetic fields swept up then should re-appear as big sunspots in 2010-2011." Like most experts in the field, Hathaway has confidence in the conveyor belt model and agrees with Dikpati that the next solar maximum should be a doozy. But he disagrees with one point. Dikpati's forecast puts Solar Max at 2012. Hathaway believes it will arrive sooner, in 2010 or 2011. "History shows that big sunspot cycles 'ramp up' faster than small ones," he says. "I expect to see the first sunspots of the next cycle appear in late 2006 or 2007—and Solar Max to be underway by 2010 or 2011." Who's right? Time will tell. Either way, a storm is coming.

Author: Dr. Tony Phillips | Production Editor: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA

More Information

Solar Minimum Has Arrived -- (Science@NASA) In 2006, the sunspot cycle has hit bottom. Scientists Issue Unprecedented Forecast of Next Sunspot Cycle -- NCAR press release. Scientists Gaze Inside Sun, Predict Strength of the Next Solar Cycle -- NASA press release. Who's Afraid of a Solar Flare? -- (Science@NASA) Solar activity can be surprisingly good for astronauts. The Great Ocean Conveyor Belt -- (California State University) The Vision for Space Exploration


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› View larger Modern power grids are vulnerable to solar storms. Credit: NASA/Martin Stojanovski June 21, 2011: In Sept. 1859, on the eve of a below-average solar cycle, the sun unleashed one of the most powerful storms in centuries. The underlying flare was so unusual, researchers still aren't sure how to categorize it. The blast peppered Earth with the most energetic protons in half-a-millennium, induced electrical currents that set telegraph offices on fire, and sparked Northern Lights over Cuba and Hawaii.


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This week, officials have gathered at the National Press Club in Washington DC to ask themselves a simple question: What if it happens again? "A similar storm today might knock us for a loop," says Lika Guhathakurta, a solar physicist at NASA headquarters. "Modern society depends on high-tech systems such as smart power grids, GPS, and satellite communications--all of which are vulnerable to solar storms." She and more than a hundred others are attending the fifth annual Space Weather Enterprise Forum—"SWEF" for short. The purpose of SWEF is to raise awareness of space weather and its effects on society especially among policy makers and emergency responders. Attendees come from the US Congress, FEMA, power companies, the United Nations, NASA, NOAA and more. As 2011 unfolds, the sun is once again on the eve of a below-average solar cycle—at least that’s what forecasters are saying. The "Carrington event" of 1859 (named after astronomer Richard Carrington, who witnessed the instigating flare) reminds us that strong storms can occur even when the underlying cycle is nominally weak. In 1859 the worst-case scenario was a day or two without telegraph messages and a lot of puzzled sky watchers on tropical islands. In 2011 the situation would be more serious. An avalanche of blackouts carried across continents by long-distance power lines could last for weeks to months as engineers struggle to repair damaged transformers. Planes and ships couldn’t trust GPS units for navigation. Banking and financial networks might go offline, disrupting commerce in a way unique to the Information Age. According to a 2008 report from the National Academy of Sciences, a century-class solar storm could have the economic impact of 20 hurricane Katrinas. As policy makers meet to learn about this menace, NASA researchers a few miles away are actually doing something about it:


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"We can now track the progress of solar storms in 3 dimensions as the storms bear down on Earth," says Michael Hesse, chief of the GSFC Space Weather Lab and a speaker at the forum. "This sets the stage for actionable space weather alerts that could preserve power grids and other high-tech assets during extreme periods of solar activity."

› Play/DownloadThese 3D Heliospheric animated models, developed by the Community Coordinated Modeling Center based at the Goddard Space Flight Center, show how the June 21, 2011 CME cloud might appear as it sweeps past Earth. Credit: NASA/CCMC


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They do it using data from a fleet of NASA spacecraft surrounding the sun. Analysts at the lab feed the information into a bank of supercomputers for processing. Within hours of a major eruption, the computers spit out a 3D movie showing where the storm will go, which planets and spacecraft it will hit, and predicting when the impacts will occur. This kind of "interplanetary forecast" is unprecedented in the short history of space weather forecasting.

"This is a really exciting time to work as a space weather forecaster," says Antti Pulkkinen, a researcher at the Space Weather Lab. "The emergence of serious physics-based space weather models is putting us in a position to predict if something major will happen."

Some of the computer models are so sophisticated, they can even predict electrical currents flowing in the soil of Earth when a solar storm strikes. These currents are what do the most damage to power transformers. An experimental project named "Solar Shield" led by Pulkkinen aims to pinpoint transformers in greatest danger of failure during any particular storm.

"Disconnecting a specific transformer for a few hours could forestall weeks of regional blackouts," says Pulkkinen.

› View larger Astronauts like this one on the STS-103 mission are on the front line of stormy space weather. Credit: NASA/STS-103 crew


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Another SWEF speaker, John Allen of NASA's Space Operations Mission Directorate, pointed out that while people from all walks of life can be affected by space weather, no one is out on the front lines quite like astronauts.

"Astronauts are routinely exposed to four times as much radiation as industrial radiation workers on Earth," he says. "It's a serious occupational hazard."

NASA keeps careful track of each astronaut's accumulated dosage throughout their careers. Every launch, every space walk, every solar flare is carefully accounted for. If an astronaut gets too close to the limits ... he or she might not be allowed out of the space station! Accurate space weather alerts can help keep these exposures under control by, e.g., postponing spacewalks when flares are likely.

Speaking at the forum, Allen called for a new kind of forecast: "We could use All Clear alerts. In addition to knowing when it's dangerous to go outside, we'd also like to know when it's safe. This is another frontier for forecasters--not only telling us when a sunspot will erupt, but also when it won't."


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Solar storms will peak in 2013 and wreak havoc on Earth's electrical communications, top scientist warns By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Last updated at 6:49 PM on 19th May 2011

Solar storms could have 'devastating effects' on human technology when they hit a peak in two years' time, a leading scientist has warned. U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration assistant secretary Kathryn Sullivan said the storms pose a growing threat to critical infrastructure such as satellite communications, navigation systems and electrical transmission equipment. Solar storms release particles that can temporarily disable or permanently destroy fragile computer circuits.


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The world got a taster of the sun's explosive power in February when the strongest solar eruption in five years sent a torrent of charged plasma hurtling towards the world. A leading scientist believes a ferocious solar storm will occur in 2013 Dr Sullivan, a former Nasa astronaut who in 1984 became the first woman to walk in space, yesterday told a UN weather conference in Geneva that 'it is not a question of if, but really a matter of when a major solar event could hit our planet'. She is not the only expert to issue a warning about the threat posed by solar storms.


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• Last Endeavour: Shuttle docks at the International Space Station for the final time

• Just 20 light years away: Scientists discover first planet outside our solar system that could support Earth-like life

• One million amateur stargazers to help scientists try and spot advanced alien life on another planet

• Science-fiction or science-fact? David Attenborough warns of confusing CGI in television documentaries In February, astronomers warned that mankind is now more vulnerable to such an event than at any time in history - and that the planet should prepare for a global Hurricane Katrina-style disaster. A massive eruption of the sun would save waves of radiation and charged particles to Earth, damaging the satellite systems used for synchronising computers, airline navigation and phone networks. If the storm is powerful enough it could even crash stock markets and cause power cuts that last weeks or months, experts told the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


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Threat: Rio de Janeiro during a blackout in 2009. A solar storm could cause global power cuts for months, scientists have warned The chances of a disruption from space are getting stronger because the sun is entering the most active period of its 11 to 12-year natural cycle. The world got a taster of the sun's explosive power in February when the strongest solar eruption in five years sent a torrent of charged plasma hurtling towards the world at 580 miles per second. The storm created spectacular aurorae and disrupted radio communications. Solar storms are caused by massive explosions on the sun. The explosions release waves of X-rays and ultraviolet radiation which smash into the Earth within minutes, disrupting radio signals and damaging the electronics of satellites. They are followed ten to 20 minutes later by a burst of energetic particles which cause even more havoc with satellites - and then 15 to


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30 hours later by supercharged plasma which collides with Earth's magnetic field.

Communications satellites would be knocked out by a solar storm, causing widespread chaos on Earth and hundreds of billions of pounds of damage The plasma create the aurora - or Northern Lights - and can induce electrical currents in power lines and cables. The sun goes through a regular activity cycle about 11 years long on average. The last solar maximum occurred in 2001. Its latest minimum was particularly weak and long lasting. Space storms are not new. The first major solar flare was recorded by British astronomer Richard Carrington in 1859.


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Other solar geomagnetic storms have been observed in recent decades. One huge solar flare in 1972 cut off long-distance telephone communication in the mid-western state of Illinois, Nasa said. Another similar flare in 1989 'provoked geomagnetic storms that disrupted electric power transmission' and caused blackouts across the Canadian province of Quebec, the U.S. space agency said.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1388361/Solar-




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Award winning astrophysicist Alexia Demetria says our solar system

is entering an interstellar energy cloud that will soon bring global


01.22.12 - Massive Solar Storm Slams Into Earth. Airlines forced to reroute northern plane routes during storm.

Update: 01-27-2012. With well over 1.5 million visitors 'per-hour' to

this website now, you most likely have heard about NASA warning the

public, "to get ready for a once in a life time solar storm event". But

since we first published this update back in early 2010, a lot more


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information has since unfolded. Soon we will add some additional NASA

footage here that is very troubling, that gives cause to exactly why

NASA is so concerned.

Additionally we have been inundated by email asking us about other

pending issues expected in 2012-2013. IE: Meteorite storm, sudden pole

shift, Nibiru (aka planet-x), extreme weather, earthquakes, volcanic

activity and the oceans of the world sweeping across the continuants of

the world resulting from a sudden pole shift.

All we can say is that there is so much conflicting data out there,

that it's hard to know what to believe. But no doubt that 2011 smashed

all modern world records when it comes to the most natural disasters in

a single year, breaking some three thousand records just in the United

States. That alone says something. Should this trend escalate greatly

2012, mankind will have to start taking the 2012, 2013 warning signs

very seriously.

Though we publish a Solar Storm Survival Guide, we have delayed

it's release in updating it to better cover other possible world

calamities. There is no need to panic. Simply prepare yourself as best

as you can, and hopefully nothing serious will happen. But in case

something does, you will have a head start in being prepared. We must

keep in mind that should any one or more of these events actually

happen, each and everyone of us will have no choice but to fend for our

own food and water as well as protection from the elements and would

be predators for months, possibly for years to come. If you are way up

in your years, most likely you really don't care at this point, that is,

unless you have family you might be concerned about.


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As we originally stated...

In light of recent news, the following information is paramount. On

July 14, 2010 we learned that our sun is passing through an

interstellar energy cloud which excites/energizes the sun. NASA, along

with The National Academy of Science and other world renowned

scientist are so concerned about this up and coming solar maximum in

late 2012, that way back in March 10, 2006 NASA issued a solar

storm warning (in writing) for 2012. What NASA omitted in their 2006

solar storm warning is what prompted NASA in the first place to issue


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a 2012 solar storm warning four years in advance? Then in 2010,

NASA again warns the general population of a pending solar storm,

telling the population to get ready for a once in a lifetime solar storm.

Despite that news agencies and websites like this one are beginning to

cover this developing story, no high government official has yet to stick

his or her neck out to make an official announcement about the

catastrophic implications as to allow the global population to begin


The following scientific data revealed by Alexei Dmitriev (found

below) further supports NASA's original 2012 solar storm warning

issued back in March of 2006.

Blow is a screen shot of the strongest solar storm to slam into the

earth in years. If NASA, along with the National Academy Sciences

are correct, this is one of many powerful storms that will hit the earth

over the next 18 to 24 months. Once the live solar storm chart found at

the very bottom of the page hits 9 all the way across is when

electricity world-wide is subject to failure within 48 hours after the

alert goes out.

Astrophysicist Alexei Dmitriev says that both Voyager 1 and Voyager

2 satellites reveal that our sun, as well as our entire solar system, is


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now moving into an interstellar energy cloud. Opher, a NASA

Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University says this

interstellar energy cloud is turbulent. Dmitriev explains that this cloud

of energy is exciting the atmospheres of our planets and especially our

sun. As this interstellar energy cloud continues to excite/charge the

sun, it causes the sun to become more active, resulting in greater

output from the sun. IE: Bigger and more frequent solar storms and

CME's resulting in the Carrington effect. This interstellar cloud of

electrical energy is also absorbed by the Earth, and scientist have found

that it results in more earth quakes, all while dramatically effecting our

weather here on earth. When asked how long will it take our sun to

pass through this interstellar energy cloud, Dr. Dmitriev replied, "I

don't know. But If I had to guess, I would say somewhere between two

thousand to three thousand years." This interstellar cloud is a wispy

band of charged particles through which our solar system is slowly

moving through.

When Dr. Dmitriev was asked what are the implications of all this for

earth he replied, "Global catastrophe! Not in tens of years from now,

but in ones of years" ...in that this global catastrophe is basically right

around the corner setting the stage for NASA's latest solar storm

warning 2012-2013.

Dr. Dmitriev is talking about the Carrington Effect which can knock out

electrical power and all modern forms of communications world wide for

months on end, even years. When that happens, global anarchy and

mass looting will soon begin as the food chain will become

paralyzed/crippled in modern countries, while water shortages will

quickly become a threat to our very survival because electricity is what

runs the pumps that gets the water to our homes and offices. If you


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are not prepared prepared to be self efficient for one to two years,

then you and your family will be at risk of dehydration and starvation

during a time when drinking water, food and toilet paper will be more

valuable then money itself.

To hear the entire 122 minute report go here. Or go to straight to

video #3, and start it at the 5:28 minute mark to learn more about this

interstellar energy cloud as it unfolded on the radio.


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Despite that high profile scientist along with NASA and the National

Academy of Science are all warning us about solar storms in 2012-2013,

we ourselves have no way of knowing one way or the other if any

catastrophic events will take place such as solar storms, great

earthquakes, super volcanic eruptions, pole shifts, planet crossers and so

forth. There by we do not imply or make any such claims of pending

catastrophic events, rather we simply report on the facts as we find

them. This website gathers it's scientific data from US government

websites, including independent sources such as the National Academy of

Science, NOAA, NASA, CNN, BBC, CBS News, NBC News, ABC News,

MSN News as well as other space agencies. Please note that when we

express our opinion on something, we make sure that we state that,

"it's our personal opinion that..." this way the reader knows we are

not trying pass-off our personal opinion as fact. In the event

something does happen within the next few years, we have put together

a Solar Storm Survival Guide which can be downloaded. This is not a

scare tactic, rather everyone should be ready for any kind of national

emergency regardless as to whether or not 2012 or 2013 holds any real



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As you may know, on March 10th, 2006 NASA's own website issued a

solar storm warning for 2012. Then in June of 2010 NASA reinforces

their original 2006 warning telling the public to get ready for a once

in a lifetime solar storm. Dr Richard Fisher, head of NASA's

Heliophysics Division said: "We know it's coming but we don't know how

bad it's going to be." However, "the next solar maximum should be a

doozy" says Dikpati. NASA say's the sun storm will be in full swing

around 2012-2013, however the National Academy of Science says, "The

solar storm could start any day now." "Who ever is right, the storm

is coming!" says NASA.

But what NASA is not telling the general public, is what we should be

doing to prepare only that they tell us to do so. Unlike hurricanes and

snowstorms, most have no idea what they could be doing to prepare for

a sunstorm.

By now you should have begun to notice major news agencies as well

as talk radio are starting to cover this slow developing story detailing

exactly what NASA's warning actually means to the public. If it turns

out that NASA, along with other world scientist are is indeed right,

"The Economic Damage In The United States Alone Will Be Twenty

Times Greater Then Hurricane Katrina that hit New Orleans" says

NASA. *Keep in mind that mankind is in uncharted water when it

comes to knowing for absolute certainty what the long and short term

effects will be, that is, should a super solar storm clash with modern


If the earth in fact gets a direct hit by a solar storm producing x-class

solar flares, (Coronal Mass Ejection or CME) ...it can cripple the world


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in more ways then we can possibly imagine, as it will cause nearly

every electronic device to no longer work until it gets fixed. Imagine no

more working cell phones, cars, trucks, planes, ships, computers,

navigation systems, TV, radio, iPods, or game machines, let alone no

more advanced medical services. *Since more then likely there will be

no electric power in most of the world for many months on end, there

will be no modern banking system in place, no New York Stock

Exchange, credit cards will be worthless and what cash, silver and gold

you have will be king. Food stores will soon be looted in the name of

survival, most gas stations can't pump gas for what cars and trucks

that might still be working. All forms of radio communication will no

longer work during this period, making it difficult if not impossible for

local law enforcement to maintain law and order, and National Marshall

Law = (Rex-84) will be ordered that the public will be mostly unaware


Before you know it, the the city water and sewer system will stop

working. If you are on an electric well pump, you lose your water

right away, (unless it's a hand pump) where as those in the city might

have a few days to a week or so before they lose all their water

pressure. Even worse, those who don't have at least twelve to twenty

four months of secured food and water, starvation will set in, which

stands to kill hundreds of millions world wide if not billions; where as

third world countries will not be as adversely effected. *Remember...

most of the world population no longer supply their own food and water,

rather people buy it. If food trucks don't run, then they cant get the

food to the stores. Even if somehow cars and trucks still worked, gas

stations will be without power for months and thus unable to pump gas

without having to run a costly generator. No doubt what gas their is

available will be top dollar, easily exceeding ten US dollars per gallon

in many locations world wide.


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It will be one big nightmare if the earth takes a direct hit from a

super CME, thus changing billions of lives forever. Leading countries

like the US would be temporally setback well over a hundred and fifty

years. But there are numerous things we can do to easily survive the

coming solar storm rather then us becoming a victim. To better

understand why NASA and other's are forecasting a "doozy" , "once in

a lifetime solar storm" in the first place, be sure to visit, Insights

From The Author for full details found below highlighted in yellow.

We must keep in mind that it will take years to fully repair the

damage electrical grid and power stations resulting from a direct hit of

a perfect solar storm. This once in a life time solar storm event that

NASA is warning everyone about is not to be taken lightly, especially

if NASA and the National Academy of Science is indeed right. It's not

so much that the solar storm itself is the real threat where as

starvation and anarchy/chaos is the bigger threat. Yes, some say that

a direct hit from a massive CME could do environmental damage as

well, possibly causing the side of the earth facing the sun to climb to

unthinkable temperatures, possibly causing fires. But we think that

might be a bit far reaching to think that way. Nevertheless, there are

a lot of unknowns here and we will just have to see what happens, and

just how bad it really gets. Taking shelter in a cave near you or

underground shelter could in the end be your best bet, that is, if you

want to play it on the safe side.

No one at an official level such as world leaders, are going to make

any special announcement about the pending danger to earth, as to do

so, would instantly cause world wide panic. People such as yourself who

learn about the coming super solar storm now, are the ones that have


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any real chance at protecting themselves and family against this

potential looming disaster that may begin to unfold at any time now. As

for everyone else? For the most part the rest of the world population

will be clueless and wont have any idea at first what happen when

their electronic world comes crashing down around them.

NASA warns public to prepare for a, "once in a lifetime super solar

storm event." This event can start at anytime with little to no


NASA's Heliophysics Division said: "We know it's coming but we don't

know how bad it's going to be."

Are you ready and know what to expect, let alone how to prepare?

Do you know how to make a special safe room to protect you and family

from prolong electromagnetic radiation which can be deadly?

Do you understand that most anything electronic will no longer work?

This effects computers, phones, satellites, hospitals, even the electronic

ignition system for cars and trucks.

Do you know what steps to take to protect your car from permanently

breaking down from a powerful super solar storm?

Did you know that a super solar storm would knock out most power

world wide for months and take years to repair it all, costing trillions

in damages world wide?

Are you prepared with at least twelve to twenty four months of

previsions for food, water, medicine and heating?

Are you aware that a killer super solar storm would lock down modern

countries like the United States, Europe, Asia, and Canada for months?


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Are you aware of that countries like the U.S. have an Anti Hoarding

Act that effects you during a national crises? ((Learn how not to have

your food purchases tracked))

Are you ready to fend for yourself as food stores most likely will not

be in operation for months because of looters, gangs and no power, and

especially a lack of food supplies?

Well... are you???

Download the Solar Storm Survival Guide to learn how you can easily

protect yourself and all of your electronics, as well as your car. It's a

condensed manual that can make the difference between becoming a

victim or a survivor. Simply said; the guide offers lots of things that

you wish you never new about, but will be glad you did should NASA

and the National Academy of Science have this right.

*Insight From The Author *


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Comprehensive Solar Storm Survival Guide

(I'm not recommending this, just bringing it to your attention...)

Updated 02-02-2012

With well over a one and a half million visitors 'per-hour' to this

website, (up over a million an hour from last December) you most likely

have heard about NASA warning the public, "to get ready for a once

in a life time solar event". But since we first published this update

back in early 2010, a lot more information has since unfolded. Soon we

will add some additional NASA footage here that is very troubling, that

gives cause to exactly why NASA is so concerned.

Additionally we have been inundated by email asking us about other

pending issues expected in 2012-2013. IE: Meteorite storm, sudden pole

shift, Nibiru (aka planet-x), extreme weather, earthquakes, volcanic

activity and the oceans of the world sweeping across the continuants of

the world resulting from a sudden pole shift.

All we can say is that there is so much conflicting data out there,

that it's hard to know what to believe. But no doubt that 2011 smashed

all modern world records when it comes to the most natural disasters in

a single year, breaking some three thousand records. That alone says

something. If that was not already alarming enough, in January of 2012

NOAA says that 2,890 high temperatures were broken in the United

States alone!! Should this trend continue to escalate greatly 2012,

mankind will have to start taking the 2011, 2012 warning signs more

serious then ever before as the sun's output increases.


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Though we publish a Solar Storm Survival Guide, we have delayed

it's release in updating it to better cover other possible world

calamities. There is no need to panic. Simply prepare yourself as best

as you can, and hopefully nothing serious will happen. But in case

something does, you will have a head start in being prepared. We must

keep in mind that should any one or more of these events actually

happen, each and everyone of us will have no choice but to fend for our

own food and water as well as protection from the elements and would

be predators for months, possibly for years to come. If you are way up

in your years, most likely you really don't care at this point, that is,

unless you have family you might be concerned about.

As we originally stated, Dr Richard Fisher, head of NASA's

Heliophysics Division said: "We know it's coming but we don't know how

bad it's going to be." But what NASA is not telling the public

outright, is what should everyone be doing to get ready? Unlike

hurricanes and snow storms most people know what to do, let alone

what to expect. But a super solar storm is a completely different story

al together.

Unless you live under a rock, all major news networks as well as

talk radio have started to cover the story, explaining exactly what the

warning is actually telling us. If NASA is right and we get a direct

hit from a super solar storm, NASA goes on to sate that, "the economic

damage will be greater then twenty Katrina size hurricanes that hit

New Orleans combined. And that just for the United State alone.

What most don't get is that a truly big solar storm sending x-class

solar flares our way will cripple the world in more ways then we can


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possibly imagine, as it will cause nearly everything to no longer work

ever again until you get it fixed. Imagine no more working cell phones,

cars, trucks, planes, computers, TV, radio, or game machines. Since

there will be no more power world wide for months on end, there will

be no modern banking system in place, food stores will be looted and

city water will soon stop working. If you are on an electric well pump,

you lose your water right away. For those who do not have at least

six to twelve months of water and food supplies, starvation stands to

kill millions, if not billions of people.

It will take years to repair the damage from the direct hit of a super

solar storm, this is the once in a life time solar event that NASA is

warning everyone about.

Protect your car's electronic ignition from being fried from a jolt of

high electromagnetic radiation from the sun.

Learn how to protect you and your family from prolonged exposure to

heavy electromagnetic radiation.

Protect your electronics from shorting out.

Prevent your home from burning down from electrical overload.

Food, water and medical issues addressed.

Long term recovery issues that should not be ignored.

Paper money and other currencies.

The banking system and bank holidays that will lock you out of your


The untold dangers of a direct hit from a super x-class solar flare.


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National Marshal Law and what you do not know about it.

Little Known Hording Law and how your food is tracked in various

countries *before and during a crises.

Updated Guide includes insight into...

Protecting yourself from falling meteorites.

Protecting yourself from ocean flood water.

Long term survival.


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A SUPER SOLAR FLARE + Play Audio | + Download Audio

May 6, 2008: At 11:18 AM on the cloudless morning of Thursday, September 1, 1859, 33-year-old Richard Carrington—widely acknowledged to be one of England's foremost solar astronomers—was in his well-appointed private observatory. Just as usual on every sunny day, his telescope was projecting an 11-inch-wide image of the sun on a screen, and Carrington skillfully drew the sunspots he saw. Right: Sunspots sketched by Richard Carrington on Sept. 1, 1859. Copyright: Royal Astronomical Society:more. On that morning, he was capturing the likeness of an enormous group of sunspots. Suddenly, before his eyes, two brilliant beads of blinding white light appeared over the sunspots, intensified rapidly, and became kidney-shaped. Realizing that he was witnessing something unprecedented and "being somewhat flurried by the surprise," Carrington later wrote, "I hastily ran to call someone to witness the exhibition with me. On returning within 60 seconds, I was mortified to find that it was already much changed and enfeebled." He and his witness watched the white spots contract to mere pinpoints and disappear. It was 11:23 AM. Only five minutes had passed. Just before dawn the next day, skies all over planet Earth erupted in red, green, and purple auroras so brilliant that newspapers could be read as easily as in daylight. Indeed, stunning auroras pulsated even at near tropical latitudes over Cuba, the Bahamas, Jamaica, El Salvador, and Hawaii.


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Even more disconcerting, telegraph systems worldwide went haywire. Spark discharges shocked telegraph operators and set the telegraph paper on fire. Even when telegraphers disconnected the batteries powering the lines, aurora-induced electric currents in the wires still allowed messages to be transmitted. "What Carrington saw was a white-light solar flare—a magnetic explosion on the sun," explains David Hathaway, solar physics team lead at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

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Now we know that solar flares happen frequently, especially during solar sunspot maximum. Most betray their existence by releasing X-rays (recorded by X-ray telescopes in space) and radio noise (recorded by radio telescopes in space and on Earth). In Carrington's day, however, there were no X-ray satellites or radio telescopes. No one knew flares existed until that September morning when one super-flare produced enough light to rival the brightness of the sun itself. "It's rare that one can actually see the brightening of the solar surface," says Hathaway. "It takes a lot of energy to heat up the surface of the sun!"


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Above: A modern solar flare recorded Dec. 5, 2006, by the X-ray Imager onboard NOAA's GOES-13 satellite. The flare was so intense, it actually damaged the instrument that took the picture. Researchers believe Carrington's flare was much more energetic than this one. The explosion produced not only a surge of visible light but also a mammoth cloud of charged particles and detached magnetic loops—a "CME"—and hurled that cloud directly toward Earth. The next morning when the CME arrived, it crashed into Earth's magnetic field, causing the global bubble of magnetism that surrounds our planet to shake and quiver. Researchers call this a "geomagnetic storm." Rapidly moving fields induced enormous electric currents that surged through telegraph lines and disrupted communications. "More than 35 years ago, I began drawing the attention of the space physics community to the 1859 flare and its impact on telecommunications," says Louis J. Lanzerotti, retired Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories and current editor of the journalSpace Weather. He became aware of the effects of solar geomagnetic storms on terrestrial communications when a huge solar flare on August 4, 1972, knocked out long-distance telephone communication across Illinois. That event, in fact, caused AT&T to redesign its power system for transatlantic cables. A similar flare on March 13, 1989, provoked geomagnetic storms that disrupted electric power transmission from the Hydro Québec generating station in Canada, blacking out most of the province and plunging 6 million people into darkness for 9 hours; aurora-induced power surges even melted power transformers in New Jersey. In December 2005, X-rays from another solar storm disrupted satellite-to-ground communications and Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation signals for about 10 minutes. That may not sound like much, but as Lanzerotti noted, "I would not have wanted to be on a commercial airplane being guided in for a landing by GPS or on a ship being docked by GPS during that 10 minutes."


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Right: Power transformers damaged by the March 13, 1989, geomagnetic storm: more. Another Carrington-class flare would dwarf these events. Fortunately, says Hathaway, they appear to be rare: "In the 160-year record of geomagnetic storms, the Carrington event is the biggest." It's possible to delve back even farther in time by examining arctic ice. "Energetic particles leave a record in nitrates in ice cores," he explains. "Here again the Carrington event sticks out as the biggest in 500 years and nearly twice as big as the runner-up." These statistics suggest that Carrington flares are once in a half-millennium events. The statistics are far from solid, however, and Hathaway cautions that we don't understand flares well enough to rule out a repeat in our lifetime. And what then? Lanzerotti points out that as electronic technologies have become more sophisticated and more embedded into everyday life, they have also become more vulnerable to solar activity. On Earth, power lines and long-distance telephone cables might be affected by auroral currents, as happened in 1989. Radar, cell phone communications, and GPS receivers could be disrupted by solar radio noise. Experts who have studied the question say there is little to be done to protect satellites from a Carrington-class flare. In fact, a recent paper estimates potential damage to the 900-plus satellites currently in orbit could cost between $30 billion and $70 billion. The best solution, they say: have a pipeline of comsats ready for launch.


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Humans in space would be in peril, too. Spacewalking astronauts might have only minutes after the first flash of light to find shelter from energetic solar particles following close on the heels of those initial photons. Their spacecraft would probably have adequate shielding; the key would be getting inside in time. No wonder NASA and other space agencies around the world have made the study and prediction of flares a priority. Right now a fleet of spacecraft is monitoring the sun, gathering data on flares big and small that may eventually reveal what triggers the explosions. SOHO, Hinode, STEREO, ACE and others are already in orbit while new spacecraft such as the Solar Dynamics Observatory are readying for launch. Research won't prevent another Carrington flare, but it may make the "flurry of surprise" a thing of the past.

Authors: Trudy E. Bell & Dr. Tony Phillips | Editor: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA

more information

Description of a Singular Appearance seen in the Sun on September 1, 1859, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 20, p.13-15 -- the original report by R.C. Carrington An engaging book on the history of the 1859 Carrington flare and the detective work to sleuth its cause and significance is Stuart Clark's The Sun Kings: The Unexpected Tragedy of Richard Carrington and the Take of How Modern Astronomy Began (Princeton University Press, 2007). One recent analysis on the effects of a potential future solar flare of similar magnitude is "The Carrington event: Possible doses to crews in Space from a comparable event," by L. W. Townsend et al., Advances in Space Research 38 (2006): 226–231--one of 16 articles in an entire special issue devoted to the 1859 Carrington flare. See also "The 1859 Solar–Terrestrial Disturbance and the Current Limits of Extreme Space Weather Activity," by E. W. Cliver and L. Svalgaard, Solar Physics (2004) 224: 407–422 (available at ) and "Forecasting the impact of an 1859-caliber superstorm on geosynchronous


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Earth-orbiting satellites: Transponder resources," by Sten F. Odenwald and James L. Green, Space Weather (2007) 5: 1-16. NASA is well aware of radiation hazards in space and taking mitigation measures. A book-length report on a 2005 workshop exploring the subject is Space Radiation Hazards and the Vision for Space Exploration: Report of a Workshop published by the National Research Council in 2006. NASA's Future:US Space Exploration Policy


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The Faraday Cage and/or Shield The educational mission of SWEF is key to storm preparedness. As Lika Guhathakurta and colleague Dan Baker of the University of Colorado asked in a June 17, 2011 New York Times op-ed: "What good are space weather alerts if people don’t understand them and won’t react to them?"It's very likely you woke up this morning in a Faraday cage, made your breakfast in anotherFaraday cage, and drove a Faraday cage to work. Depending on your particular job, you may have spent much of your day in front of yet another Faraday cage. The concept of a Faraday cage is logically attributed to Michael Faraday, an 19th Century pioneer in the field of electromagnetic energy. Faraday studied the work of earlier scientists such as Benjamin Franklin and theorized that electromagnetic waves naturally flowed around the surface of conductive materials, not through them. For example, if a metal box containing a mouse were placed directly in the path of an electrical current, the electricity would flow over the box but not into the compartment with the mouse. The mouse would not be electrocuted. Such a box would be considered a Faraday cage. The important concept to remember is that a Faraday cage acts as a shield against the effects of electromagnetic energy. When a car is struck by lightning, the metal frame becomes a Faraday cage and draws the electricity away from the passengers inside. Amicrowave oven's door has a screen which prevents electromagnetic energy from escaping into the room. Electronic parts which generate radio frequencies are often protected byFaraday cages called RF shields. Even a concrete building reinforced with lead or rebar can be considered a Faraday cage. Few consumers of electronic products would ever ask the sales clerk for a Faraday cage, but designers and engineers understand the importance of electromagnetic shielding very well. Whenever sensitive electronic parts are used in machinery, some form of shielding is generally in place, whether it be the machine's metal shell, a capsule or a grounding wire. If the electronic parts generate electromagnetic energy of their own, a Faraday cage must be used to shield users from excessive exposure. This is why cell phone use is often discouraged in hospitals


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or other public places with electronic equipment. Unshielded equipment may be exposed to the microwave energy created by cell phones or other radio transmitters. Faraday Shield Sometimes referred to as a Faraday cage, the Faraday shield is a metallic device that is designed to block and focus electric fields. Often constructed as a sheet of metal, the Faraday shield is used in several different types of applications, ranging from telecommunications to medical equipment. The concept of the Faraday shield was first developed by Michael Faraday, a physicist with a special interest in the control of electricity fields. Beginning in 1836, Faraday built and explained the function of Faraday shields. The earliest of these Faraday cages or shields were in the form of a metal enclosure, often using a metal mesh to create an enclosed space for the transmission of current or waves. Faraday saw the shield as a way of preventing various electromagnetic waves from bisecting and interfering with one another. The Faraday shield would make it possible to operate multiple pieces of machinery within close proximity to one another, with no electrical interference occurring. In modern construction, the Faraday shield is essentially a set of parallel wires that are attached to a common conductor at one end. The conductor is grounded and helps to form an enclosure that helps to focus the electrostatic field. At the same time, the device helps to prevent interference from other electrical waves from interfering with the flow of power within the enclosure.

Over time, the applications for the Faraday shield have developed for a number of industries. The concept of the shield revolutionized the idea of wiring buildings for electrical service, ensuring the safe operation of multiple appliances at the same time. Communications is one example of an industry that benefited early on from the Faraday shield. Shields were installed in transmission switches and towers to help prevent radio waves from scattering and interfering with other equipment. The Faraday shield continued to expand its presence with the advent of


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television, and still plays an essential role in such modern technology as wireless communications and computer networking.

The medical profession also employs the Faraday shield. One of the more common applications is with MRI equipment. The shields are used in many MRI rooms prevent stray radio waves from entering the room and impacting the imaging process. This allows the equipment to provide a clear image that can result in a more accurate diagnosis and treatment. EMF Shield An EMF field is a component of the structure of a device or object which is designed to provide some shielding from electromagnetic fields. Such fields can interfere or severely disrupt the normal operation of a device, making shielding very important, especially with delicate equipment like sensitive scientific instruments. Most electronic devices are required by law to include EMF shielding, and citizens of some nations may note that such devices are often stamped with information indicating that they comply with laws requiring EMF shielding of electronics.

Typically, an EMF shield is designed both to prevent electromagnetic fields from interrupting a device, and to limit the electromagnetic field generated by a device so that it cannot interfere with other devices. While such shielding cannot be perfect, it can be very high quality, making it difficult for EMF disruptions to occur. A simple example of an EMF shield is a component in an electrical cord which covers the conductive area of the cord and lies underneath the insulation, designed to prevent the field generated by the passage of electricity through the cord from spreading. EMF shields are also used in the casing and housing of electrical devices in the same way. These fields can protect from electromagnetic radiation, but they will not necessarily block radio waves. Even a good EMF shield, such fields can still cause disruptions. For example, leaving a cell phone next to a computer monitor can distort the display, even though both devices are theoretically shielded. Concerns


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about electromagnetic fields have also led to requirements to turn off devices such as cell phones and computers in certain environments. In a hospital, for example, cell phones are not allowed in some areas because they could interrupt medical equipment, and on aircraft, the use of electronic devices is restricted due to concerns that they could interfere with the operation of the aircraft. A more sophisticated variation on the basic EMF shield known as a Faraday shield orFaraday cage provides additional protection, and may be used around sensitive equipment or when very high volumes of electricity are being used. Whatever the type, an EMF field must be regularly evaluated and tested to confirm that it is working properly, as degradation of the shield can cause it to malfunction. Consumers may also have noticed that older devices can have imperfect shielding, caused by different manufacturing standards or natural wear and tear which damaged the EMF shield.

Have you heard of a “Faraday Cage”? A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure formed by conducting material or by a mesh of such material. Such an enclosure blocks out external static and non-static electric fields.

A Faraday cage

Some people concerned about having their electronics destroyed by strong solar flares build these Faraday cages and store electronic devices in them. There are even people who build a Faraday cage within their garages in order to protect their vehicles.


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If interested, know that Youtube has hundreds of examples of how to build a Faraday cage.

For other survival guidance for solar flares or any other systemic mishap, check out what I wrote during Japan’s earthquake and tsunami last March, 2011:

The reality of needing to protect all electronic equipment against EMP from a nuclear explosion over our shores is becoming imminent. We now live in perilous times. The world is a becoming dangerous place, with China now threatening Taiwan with annihilation from hundreds of neutron bombs. Russia is modernizing their military infrastructure with an emphasis on first strike capability, they have an stretegic alliance with China, and Putin is exporting "special nuclear materials" to Iran, Syria and Egypt. President Clinton renounced "launch on attack" in favor of absorbing a first strike without retaliation, while President Bush wants "first strike" authority to attack anywhere with nukes without warning, and it is easy to see that our enemies are virtually being invited to hit us with nukes! Iran has plans to do just that!

Nuke Over U. S. Could Unleash Electromagnetic (EMP) Tsunami

The information to follow on building "Faraday cages" is timely indeed. A single atmospheric nuclear detonation releases enough electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to equal 100,000 volts per meter (V/m). A single detonation


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200 to 400 miles over the center of the continental United States would fry every unprotected computer chip from coast to coast, and from the middle of Canada to the middle of Mexico. And we are now into Solar Cycle 23, with solar flares common and expected to continue until the first of next year. CME's are capable of extreme damage to modern computerized equipment! Sure, we have our windup BayGen radio's and spare lap top computers, but unless electronic equipment is protected from an electromagnetic pulse, they will be fried!

When Einstein and the others first refined and purified uranium, they took time off and studied its properties. That is when they discovered the "rays" that were harmful, as well as the phase transformations. In the course of their work, one of the scientists discovered that simply covering an object with a grounded copper mesh would stop virtually all electromagnetic radiation, whether proton or neutron. Obviously, they had to protect their monitoring equipment! Thus was born the "Faraday cage."

The copper mesh, like 1 inch chicken wire, worked well in large uses, like covering buildings, and it is still in use today: FEMA headquarters buildings are dome-shaped earth-bermed structures, and under the earth is a copper mesh that extends out from the base and is secured by grounding rods.

As an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) travels to earth, whether from a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) or a nuclear detonation in the atmosphere, it hits and runs along electrical power lines as well, building up voltage and amperage, which is what happened during the last solar storm a dozen years ago, blowing out transformers and leaving 6 million people in eastern Canada without power for weeks.

To prevent that problem, if you have a hard-wired generator, the wiring from the generator to the house should run in conduit that is grounded. The generator itself can have the frame grounded for added insurance, but that ground wire MUST be insulated and run to a different ground rod well away from the ground rod for building and conduit! See the article on EMPand various grounding techniques for electrical appliances, plus grounding metal sheds for generators.


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"Electric fields travel in straight lines, unless bent by other fields. Theoretically, the bottom of a cage doesn’t need to be closed. If someone could offer me actual EMP test data that an open bottom is OK, I’d consider believing it. However, if you’re in an area of high ionization, the field could bend around. Complete enclosure is the best technical solution.

"Faraday cage material: Electric fields are best conducted by materials that conduct electric current the best – silver is #1 and copper is #2. Aluminum is ~60% of copper. Iron/steel is farther down the scale. Aluminum is a good poor man’s foil against EMP; double wrap it to be safe. I prefer copper foil." Ikstrums, Sept. 2, 2005

Here is the tiny Survival Radio and Faraday Cage in my Survival Shop. Steel tinned EMP box, hinged lid, 4 1/4" x 3 1/8" x 1". Holds the Survival radio nice and secure. With strong, thin cardboard inside to provide insulation, the radio is protected against dust, dirt, etc, and EMP!!! Stronger and easier to make than a cardboard box covered with tinfoil.

With radio's and smaller appliances, a Faraday cage can be built by using two cardboard boxes: one should fit tightly inside the other, and the item to be covered should itself fit reasonably well inside the smaller box. That is about the most work involved--finding the right size boxes! The outer box is then covered with aluminum foil or Mylar, as from a cheap "space blanket." A grounding wire is then taped to the foil. I then cover the foil with black 6 mil plastic, taped securely in place, to protect the foil from ripping. At the end of the ground wire I attach a cheap small alligator clip from Radio Shack. The item to be protected is placed inside the inner box, which acts as insulation from


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the outer box, and any EMP hitting the foil and is bled away by the ground wire.

Some medium sized electrical equipment can also easily fit into boxes covered with foil for EMP protection. My laptop computer, for example, fits easily into a Faraday box made from a box that held reams of paper: the entire lid is removable, allowing easy access to the laptop in its case, but is safely stored when not in use.

For larger items which cannot be boxed, such as living room TV sets, etc, I tape a Mylar space blanket to a piece of 6 mil black plastic sheet, using double-sticky tape every foot or so to make sure the Mylar stays in place (it is slippery). I leave a 2 inch edge of black plastic showing all around the space blanket, and while taping down the edges I put on a short lead of ground wire. When it appears that EMP or CME's are on the way, the blanket can be draped over the appliance, the alligator clip attached to a small, unobtrusive ground wire behind the cabinet, and any electromagnetic radiation will be diverted to the ground wire. Very cheap, simple, and once done, items can be "draped" for protection very quickly indeed. The "EMP Blankets" roll up for storage, but can be unrolled and thrown over a TV/VCR setup, a computer/monitor combo, etc. As EMP comes from altitude and is line of sight, it's OK that the bottom isn't covered, as the bottom of the units sit on non conductive wood.

The time to build Faraday cages or blankets is NOW, as when they are actually needed it will be far too late. Each box should be labeled on the ends and the top for the exact appliance they were built for, to eliminate any confusion when they must be protected in a hurry. Any electrical appliances not in use should be stored in the Faraday cage, where they will be kept clean, neat, in a known location, and protected against any sudden EMP surge.

NOTE: There are electrical engineers who say that only ferrous metal boxes will protect against EMP-enhanced weapons, while other sources say EMP is not a problem at all. I'll take the middle ground.


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Back, left corner of metal shed is grounded with 1/4" ground wire to a ground rod. The wooden floor of the shed is non conductive.

A nuclear ground burst over 200 miles away should only result in 50,000 volts per square centimeter (sc) on your equipment, so the above Faraday cages should work. An air burst within 200 miles can result in up to 100,000 volts per sc, and that would require grounding of any Faraday cage to a separate ground rod well away from any house ground rods. An enhanced EMP weapon exploded at 200 miles elevation can yield over 120,000 volts per sc within up to 600 miles below the detonation point, and that would definitely require insulated metal boxes which are grounded. Remember, in the battle of warhead versus armor, the warhead usually wins, as the warhead can be made bigger. However, for those who build simple Faraday cages and live in an area not likely to receive a direct or close nuclear attack, the foil cages described should work. Those under a direct or close nuclear attack would probably not survive to use their electronic equipment in any case.

For a more details examination on EMP and its effects, click at left.


Question from reader Augustino: August 11, 2010

Miles - Question... I'm reading that one should have electronic equipment such as 2 way radios, AM - FM - SHORTWAVE radios, etc... stored in a faraday cage or box to protect from EMP. And sure you can use a microwave oven to stash radios in but most


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are rather small. So as I'm reading and researching I see something that really floors me! They say the best faraday is a galvanized garbage can. Place doubled up contractor grade trash bags one inside the other, inside the trash can. Place items you want protected into the trash bags that are inside the garbage can. Place the lid on tight and for added security attach a copper wire to the galvanized can and then to a grounded rod! There you go a super sized faraday container. augustino

Response. Virtually any metal container can be used as a Faraday cage. Actually, galvanized garbage cans are an inefficient method because of two reasons: wasted space and insulation. They are round and things put into them are rectangular or square, so a lot of "corner space" cannot be used. Second, the garbage bags are not sufficient insulation. One little tear in the bag allowing one item to touch the side of the metal can could be enough to electrocute everything inside. Cardboard is a much better insulator. Garbage cans can be used, but old filing cabinets or freezers are better. Pieces of cardboard can be easily cut to line the inside for insulation. The shape of the interior space provides more items to be stored per square foot of exterior space. The shelving allows items to be separated and organized, used as needed, and then easily stored safely again. With a garbage can, half the items would be deeply buried. Retrieval of one item could mean removing half the items, and use such as that could easily translate into a tear in a garbage can liner which would endanger all of the stored items. Miles


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How to Build a Faraday Cage

By Patricia Voldberg, eHow Contributor

Saving electronics with Faraday cages

An Electronic Magnetic Pulse, EMP is an electromagnetic "shock wave" from a nuclear bomb that damages electrical components in its path. An EMP affects electronics whether on or off. In such an instance of attack, life would change dramatically. Unfortunately, strikes do not give warnings. An EMP is an unseen, silent destroyer that simply leaves its victims with the terrible consequences. A Faraday cage, attributed to Michael Faraday, a 19th century pioneer of electromagnetic energy, acts as a shield against the effects of electromagnetic energy. Faraday theorized that electromagnetic waves naturally flowed around surfaces of conductive materials, not through them.

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• •





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Things You'll Need

• 2 8-foot lengths of 2-by-2 boards • 8-foot length of 2-by-1 board • 12-inch piano hinge • 10 foot of 36-inch wide mesh screen • Bare copper wire • Screws • Staples 1. o 1

Build a frame, 18 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches. Cut the two 2-by-2 boards into four 18-inch lengths and eight 12-inch lengths. This is the box. Cut the single 1-by-2 board into two 18-inch lengths and two 12-inch lengths. This is the lid. Screw the frame together. Place boards into a square. Drill pilot holes for each screw to prevent the wood from splitting.

o 2 Create an entry lid that securely attaches within the wooden frame. Attach the lid onto the frame with a piano hinge. Remember that the surface where the lid and the box meet needs to have 100 percent contact with each other, without gaps for the electrical current to leak out.

o 3 Attach the mesh with an electric stapler makes this job easier. Keep the staples two inches apart. A Faraday cage does not have to be solid. Metal should not touch the electronics or the EMP will re-radiate the item, destroying the electronic component. Remember the mesh must touch everywhere to provide protection. Do not just staple the mesh to the wooden frame. Metal must touch metal to prevent the pulse from entering.

o 4 Solder a wire to one of the four corners and to a copper-coated 3/8-inch steel rod driven at least 5 feet into the ground. Use a wire size AWG # 4 or thicker bare copper wire. The shorter the ground wire the better with no sharp bends. Sharp bends will cause resistance, lowering the effectiveness of the ground. The finer the strands in the


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wire the better it will work. It is not advisable to depend on the ground connection in your wall socket. Several thousand volts during an EMP could surge through the connection. These few preparations can make surviving a disaster a little easier.

"How to make a Faraday Cage"

Simple Instructions to make a small cage; Things You'll Need 2 8-foot lengths of 2-by-2 boards 8-foot length of 2-by-1 board 12-inch piano hinge 10 foot of 36-inch wide mesh screen Bare copper wire Screws Staples 1) Build a frame, 18 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches. Cut the two 2-by-2 boards into four 18-inch lengths and eight 12-inch lengths. This is the box. Cut the single 1-by-2 board into two 18-inch lengths and two 12-inch lengths. This is the lid. Screw the frame together. Place boards into a square. Drill pilot holes for each screw to prevent the wood from splitting. 2) Create an entry lid that securely attachés within the wooden frame. Attach the lid onto the frame with a piano hinge. Remember that the surface where the lid and the box meet needs to have 100 percent contact with each other, without gaps for the electrical current to leak out. 3) Attach the mesh with an electric stapler makes this job easier. Keep


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the staples two inches apart. A Faraday cage does not have to be solid. Metal should not touch the electronics or the EMP will re-radiate the item, destroying the electronic component. Remember the mesh must touch everywhere to provide protection. Do not just staple the mesh to the wooden frame. Metal must touch metal to prevent the pulse from entering. 4) Solder a wire to one of the four corners and to a copper-coated 3/8-inch steel rod driven at least 5 feet into the ground. Use a wire size AWG # 4 or thicker bare copper wire. The shorter the ground wire the better with no sharp bends. Sharp bends will cause resistance, lowering the effectiveness of the ground. The finer the strands in the wire the better it will work. It is not advisable to depend on the ground connection in your wall socket. Several thousand volts during an EMP could surge through the connection. These few preparations can make surviving a disaster a little easier. Now my opinion is first decide exactly what your gonna keep and store in this cage, then decide what size to build it, this instructions is for a very small one. Please watch the video below and get an excellent example of a cage.....this is awesome!!!


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Faraday Cage & EMP Protection what you should know

by M.D. CREEKMORE on APRIL 1, 2010

Guest post by JMD – What is a

faraday cage?

While I am not an expert in the field of EMP, I am an engineer and I

work on military systems that are required to have EMP protection, so

I have some exposure to the field and some knowledge of the theory.

I hope to gain substantially more knowledge and experience in the

future. I will try to shed some light on the situation without spreading

too much disinformation.

The idea of building a metal box completely surrounding whatever you

want to protect is well-known and is a theoretically sound concept.

This box is called a Faraday cage and every sophomore engineering

student should be able to tell you something about them (most freshmen

too). What happens is that electric fields follow the metal cage around

whatever object is inside the cage, rather than touching the actual


The key is that the Faraday cage must be electrically continuous all the

way around. All sides must be connected to each other and there can’t

be any large windows. I don’t know how small openings need to be for

the cage to be effective. It probably has to do with the electromagnetic

wavelength that you are trying to protect against.

What this means is that if you want to make your house into a

Faraday cage, the metal portions on all walls, the roof and the floor


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must all be connected such that electricity can freely travel across the

entire seam.

Likewise, you would need screens in your windows that are electrically

connected to the walls surrounding them, and exterior doors would need

to be metal and electrically connected to the surrounding (metal) door

frame. This means no standard rubber weather seals. In military

applications, we use special electrically conductive gaskets. Doors would

also need to be closed in order for the Faraday cage to be effective.

Another important component to the Faraday cage is that the objects

inside must be electrically isolated from the cage walls and from the

outside. Don’t let your electronics touch the cage directly. Furthermore,

any electric signal coming from the outside world would need to be run

through an EM filter as it passes through the Faraday cage.

The filter removes voltage spikes that would otherwise come into the

house through your power lines, phone lines or TV and internet cables.

Exterior power lines will act as huge antennas, picking up the voltage

spikes from an EMP source.

You may have the perfect Faraday cage, but if you have power lines

coming through it directly into your home, the cage won’t do a bit of

good. It would be like building a roof to keep out the rain and then

cutting a big hole in it.

This is only a quick overview of EMP protection. Like I say, I don’t

know everything about it. Theoretically, if your home is properly

protected, you wouldn’t be able to use your cell phone in the house as

the Faraday cage would block all electromagnetic signals. It will take a

lot of research and work to reach this point.


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Paranoid DIY: Do’s and Don’ts of Faraday Cages, Build Your Own And Protect Your Vital Electronics. Posted on August 15, 2010 by Jhonny Paranoid

As you may recall, last week we talked about how to make a Faraday wallet which, while very effective to prevent the RFID chips from broadcasting information about you were still very small to put your electronic valuables in there. I tried to stuff my cellphone inside mine and I was barely able to cover half of it! So now as part of the Paranoid DIY series I am going to post an article about Faraday cages and how to make your own to save your computer, your radio, your camera or whatever electronic belonging you may have that you are attached to. In my case, is my coffee maker machine and my computer, cause I live on pr0n and coffee cigarettes, internet and coffee. Hit the break to read more about this. First of all, you need to know the DOs and DON’Ts and the myths about Faraday cages. Cause you might as well wrap in tinfoil your shit and then, after the solar storm, realize that they are completely fried and then go apeshit and start punching people OR you can follow this simple advices and save yourself all that ruckus. � Whether or not your electronics are plugged in, how long of an antenna you’ve got on something, what voltage it is, or whether or not


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they operate with batteries—all non-protected electronics will be affected by an EMP. � Batteries will be affected, usually in the form of “shorting” as well. � Electronic phone systems will also be damaged. � Surge protectors are useless in the event of an EMP exposure. � Just because your car has rubber tires, it will not be impervious to the effects of an EMP. Rubber containers are insufficient protection against an EMP. � And oh yeah—yes, your Faraday cages DO need to be grounded. If it’s NOT grounded, then the Faraday cage merely becomes a reflector or an amplifier. � Yes, a microwave can act as a Faraday cage, but why in the world would you want to use it for that? That’s just silly when you can make one simply. � Faraday cages do not have to be solid, thus the name “cage” instead of the oft misused term—“box.” In fact, many of them that you can build yourself or will see on the internet will resemble a bird cage or a very finely meshed chicken coop wire. � Also, contrary to what you may see on the internet, a sheet of foil on a box will not protect you. It’s not thick enough to withstand the pulse. However, you CAN protect your items if they are buried a couple of feet underground in every direction (up and sideways.) � Last, but not least, a car is NOT a Faraday cage sufficient to withstand an EMP incident. It has some similar components, yes. Most cars made today consist of fiberglass and disjointed parts, not a continuous metal material. In addition to that, they are on tires. Tires on a car do NOT serve as grounding. Folks are simply getting an EMP strike confused with a lightening strike. Now, IF you had an old fashioned car that was made of metal, that had its tires removed, that was also attached to an Iron or copper pole and that was ALSO on dirt—not gravel—then yes, you may have a car that doubles as a Faraday cage. (Kind of like the old clunker my dad has out in his “back forty.” � The cages do not have to be solid, but they do have to be constructed continuously without gaps between the protective material.


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Now, in the last DIY article, the one about the Faraday wallet I said that “Also, you can wrap whatever you want to shield in tinfoil”. I know, I know, that was WRONG. Almost as wrong as Buffalo Bill’s self-admiring dance in front of his mirror, but not quite as disturbing. So you don’t need to rub it in my face, I didn’t know. But hey, it DID worked with my cellphone. As a matter of a fact, I still wrap my cellphone in tinfoil every time I don’t want to get phone calls. That way I can always say: “the reception was bad, it’s not my fault” and every word is true! Anyhow, shitty white lies aside, I’d love to post here the Faraday Cage tutorial but I’m a lazy bastard it’s just too big and too cool to be showcased here, so please visit jeddaniels.comto view a very, very worthwhile tutorial/how-to: Faraday Cage (Part 1) part two appears to not be available yet, but you can always check later. If it is available at the time you read this article please let me know so I update the post. Also visit preparednesspro.com to read and learn more about EMP (EMP 101: Part IV—Faraday Cages), the article is very comprehensive and well-referenced (that list above was taken from their site) you can totally tell that the writer is almost as paranoid as me, which is a great thing, cause paranoia is the best mechanism of survival! (except for a relationship, women hate that) While you build your Faraday cage, I will be building two myself, a big one for my dozens ofhard drives loaded with pr0n PC and laptop and a smaller one for my coffee machine. Picture courtesy of jeddaniels.com


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Ideas that may not work:

1. I don't know if this works or not. But a guy was on radio the other day and he said put your electronics in a cardboard box and just rap it in alu. foil. If it works, I will have a few things that work. If it don't, I won't. I also have a new cast iron wood stove. I stuffed some stuff in it and covered the smoke outlet. Who Knows.

2. Protect your equipment from some (not all) EM sources, heres how. 1. Cruise your neighbourhood or go to the local landfill/trash depot and get an old micro wave oven. People throw these things out. 2. CUT THE POWER PLUG OFF, so it cannot be used or switched on. 3. Pop your cell-phone, cameras, delicate electronics inside and close the door. 4. Thats it!!!! A microwave oven is in fact a shielded container to stop radiation coming out, you are just using it the other way round. You can test how good your shield is by popping your phone in, close the door and try calling it. If you have a good shield it will not ring. If you find a truely excellent shield please post the model here, so we can all get one :-)


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Faraday Cage What Is A Faraday Cage? A Faraday Cage (Shield) can be described as an enclosure created by conducting materials that blocks external electric fields (both static and non-static). These shields – cages can be used to protect different kinds of electronic equipment from electrostatic discharges. They can’t block magnetic fields like Earth’s magnetic field, but they can protect the interior from electromagnetic radiation coming from the outside. The Invention of Faraday Cage

Michael Faraday invented the “cages” in 1836, and they were named after him, but Benjamin Franklin also made a great contribution to “Faraday Cage” development and application. Faraday noticed that the conductor charge (on a charged conductor) did not influence anything that was enclosed within; the charge resided only on the exterior. Faraday constructed a room, coated the entire room with metal foil, and used an electrostatic generator to create high-voltage discharges that stroke the outside of his metal foil-coated room. He found no electric charge on the inside walls. Faraday used an electroscope to prove this. In 1755, Benjamin Franklin discovered what we now call “A Faraday Cage”, in his own experiment. He used a cork ball and a can. The cork was suspended on a thread and put into the can through a small opening. Franklin found that the cork wasn’t attracted to the inside, although it did touch the bottom; when drawn out, the cork was not electrified. If it touched the outside, it would have been electrified. How Does It Work?

An external electrical field leads to rearrangement of the charges, and this cancels the field inside. Electric fields (applied externally) create forces on electrons in the conductor, creating a current, which will further result in charge rearrangement. The current will cease when the charges rearrange and the applied field inside is canceled. Applications of the Faraday Cage

• Safety against lightening: The cage protects the interior of the vehicle from the strong electric fields. Cars and aircraft act as Faraday cages / shields to protect people when the vehicle is struck by lightening.


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• Microwave: the microwaves inside the oven are trapped and used for cooking. The metal shell of the microwave acts as a Faraday cage. • Protections for electronic goods: Electronic equipment can be shielded and protected from stray electromagnetic fields by using coaxial cables that contain a conducting shell that acts as a Faraday cage. • Protective suits for linemen: linemen often wear protective suits that act as Faraday cages while working with high voltage power lines. These suits protect them from getting electrocuted. • MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) scan rooms are good examples of a Faraday cage. External radio frequency signals are prevented from interfering with the data coming from the patient. How to Build a Faraday Cage

Do you know that your fragile computer chips need protection from the Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP)? To prevent them from getting disrupted by the EMP, we can build our own Faraday cages. There are also other numerous examples of the Faraday cage. Here is how to construct your own Faraday cage. You will need: - Two cardboard boxes – one cardboard box should fit tightly inside the other - Aluminum foil - 6 to 10 mm black polyethylene sheeting - Grounding wire (wire that connects metal components in a circuit to the ground) - An Alligator clip (also called spring clip / crocodile clip) - Cellophane tape • Place the smaller cardboard box inside the bigger one. • Cover the external box completely with aluminum foil. • Attach a grounding wire to the aluminum foil using the cellophane tape. Attach the crocodile clip to the end of the grounding wire. • Wrap the covered box with the black polyethylene sheeting • Use tape to prevent the foil from ripping • Put the item into the smaller box


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Faraday shield at Art Nouveau power plant in Heimbach, Germany

A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure formed by conducting

material or by a mesh of such material. Such an enclosure blocks out

external static and non-static electric fields. Faraday cages are named

after the English scientist Michael Faraday, who invented them in


A Faraday cage's operation depends on the fact that an external static

electrical field will cause the electrical charges within the cage's

conducting material to redistribute themselves so as to cancel the field's

effects in the cage's interior. This phenomenon is used, for example, to

protect electronic equipment from lightning strikes and other electrostatic


Faraday cages cannot block static and slowly varying magnetic fields,

such as Earth's magnetic field (a compass will still work inside). To a

large degree though, they also shield the interior from

externalelectromagnetic radiation if the conductor is thick enough and

any holes are significantly smaller than the radiation's wavelength. For

example, certain computer forensic test procedures of electronic

components or systems that require an environment devoid of

electromagnetic interference may be conducted within a screen room.

These screen rooms are essentially work areas that are completely

enclosed by one or more layers of fine metal mesh or perforated sheet

metal. The metal layers are grounded to dissipate any electric currents

generated from the external electromagnetic fields and thus block a large


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amount of the electromagnetic interference. See also electromagnetic


The reception of external radio signals, a form of electromagnetic

radiation, through an antenna within a cage can be greatly attenuated

or even completely blocked by the cage itself.



1 History

2 Operation

3 Examples

4 See also

5 References

6 External links


In 1836, Michael Faraday observed that the charge on a charged

conductor resided only on its exterior and had no influence on anything

enclosed within it. To demonstrate this fact, he built a room coated

with metal foil and allowed high-voltage discharges from an electrostatic

generator to strike the outside of the room. He used an electroscope to

show that there was no electric charge present on the inside of the

room's walls.

Although this cage effect has been attributed to Michael Faraday, it

was Benjamin Franklin in 1755 who observed the effect by lowering an

uncharged cork ball suspended on a silk thread through an opening in

an electrically charged metal can. In his words, "the cork was not

attracted to the inside of the can as it would have been to the outside,

and though it touched the bottom, yet when drawn out it was not found

to be electrified (charged) by that touch, as it would have been by

touching the outside. The fact is singular." Franklin had discovered the

behavior of what we now refer to as a Faraday cage or shield (based

on one of Faraday's famous ice pail experiments which duplicated

Franklin's cork and can).[2]


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An external electrical field causes the charges to rearrange, which cancels the field inside.

A Faraday cage is best understood as an approximation to an ideal

hollow conductor. Externally applied electric fields produce forces on

the charge carriers (usually electrons) within the conductor, generating

a current that rearranges the charges. Once the charges have

rearranged so as to cancel the applied field inside, the current stops.

If a charge is placed inside an ungrounded Faraday cage, the internal

face of the cage will be charged (in the same manner described for an

external charge) to prevent the existence of a field inside the body of

the cage. However, this charging of the inner face would re-distribute

the charges in the body of the cage. This charges the outer face of the

cage with a charge equal in sign and magnitude to the one placed

inside the cage. Since the internal charge and the inner face cancel

each other out, the spread of charges on the outer face is not affected

by the position of the internal charge inside the cage. So for all intents

and purposes, the cage will generate the same electric field it would

generate if it was simply charged by the charge placed inside.

If the cage is grounded, the excess charges will go to the ground

instead of the outer face, so the inner face and the inner charge will

cancel each other out and the rest of the cage would remain neutral.

Effectiveness of shielding of a static electric field depends upon the

geometry of the conductive material. In the case of a non-linearly

varying electric field, and hence an accompanying varying magnetic

field, the faster the variations are (i.e., the higher the frequencies), the


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better the material resists penetration, but on the other hand, the

better it passes through a mesh of given size. In this case the shielding

also depends on the electrical conductivity of the conductive materials

used in the cages, as well as their thicknesses.


The shield of a screened cable, such as the coaxial cable used for

cable television, protects the internal conductors from external

electrical noise and prevents the RF signals from leaking out.

A booster bag (shopping bag lined with aluminum foil) acts as a

Faraday cage. It is often used by shoplifters to steal RFID-tagged


A home-made Faraday cage at the University of Arizona in Dr. Michael Heien's Lab

Plastic bags are included with electronic toll collection devices which

are impregnated with metal to allow motorists to place them in the

bag so that a toll charge is not registered or a device will not

register a charge while being shipped to a customer's home after

ordering in a delivery truck.

Some linemen wear Faraday suits, which allow them to work on live,

high voltage power lines without risk of electrocution. The suit

prevents electrical current from flowing through the body, and has no

theoretical voltage limit. Linemen have successfully worked even the

highest voltage (Russian 1150 kV) lines safely.

The scan room of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine is

designed as a Faraday cage. This prevents external RF (radio

frequency) signals from being added to data collected from the

patient, which would affect the resulting image. Radiographers are


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trained to identify the characteristic artifacts created on images

should the Faraday cage be damaged.

Faraday cages are routinely used in analytical chemistry to reduce

noise while making sensitive measurements. A home-made Faraday

cage used for simultaneous microscopy and electrochemistry is shown

to the right.

[edit]See also

Frieder Kempe

Anechoic chamber

Conductive textile

Electromagnetic field

Electromagnetic interference


1. ^ "Faraday, Michael - ninemsn Encarta". Archived from the original on 31 October 2009. Retrieved 20 November 2008.

2. ^ J. D. Krauss, Electromagnetics, 4Ed, McGraw-Hill, 1992, ISBN 0070356211

3. ^ Hamill, Sean (22 December 2008). "As Economy Dips, Arrests for Shoplifting Soar". The New York Times. Retrieved 12 August 2009.

[edit]External links

Faraday Cage Protects from 100,000 V :: Physikshow Uni Bonn

Physics lecture on Faraday cages from Michigan State University

Make a Faraday Cage Wallet

Michael Faraday: The Invention of Faraday Cage background and

related experiment

Top Gear's Richard Hammond is protected from 600,000 V by a car

(a Faraday Cage).

Top Gear's Richard Hammond as a human lightning rod - protected

by a Voltrex Suit


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