Warm up Why do diseases like Ebola strike such a widespread panic among people? Classroom Talk:...

Warm up Why do diseases like Ebola strike such a widespread panic among people? Classroom Talk: Share your ideas with your pod Write to Learn: What ideas were similar to yours? What were different? How can the panic be stopped?

Transcript of Warm up Why do diseases like Ebola strike such a widespread panic among people? Classroom Talk:...


Warm up Why do diseases like Ebola strike such a widespread panic among people? Classroom Talk: Share your ideas with your podWrite to Learn: What ideas were similar to yours? What were different? How can the panic be stopped?Content Language ObjectiveStudents will be able to read the Masque of the Red Death and analyze how Poe structures the text (parallel plots) to create tension and mood. Content Language ObjectiveStudents will be able to cite textual evidence to justify in writing their opinion on how Poe uses symbolism to create a metaphorical meaning in the Masque of the Red Death. Warm Up Classroom Talk: Share your ideas with your podWhy do your think Poe was so obsessed with death? Do you think he could have written short stories about anything else? Why/Why not?Write to Learn: Write down one idea your partner had. Give reasons to justify their response.Terms to KnowAllegory-a figure of speech in which abstract ideas and principles are described in terms of characters, figures, and events. Writers use allegory to add different layers of meanings to their works. Allegory makes their stories and characters multidimensional, so they stand for something larger in meaning than what they literally stand for. Allegory allows writers to put forward their moral point of view. A careful study of an allegorical piece of writing can give us an insight into the writers mind as how s/he views the world and how s/he wishes the world to be. Symbolismthe use of symbols (an object representing another to give it an entirely different meaning which is much deeper and more significant) to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings which are different from their literal sense.Allusiona brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary, or political significance. It does not describe in detail the person or thing to which it refers. It is just a passing comment, and the writer expects the reader to possess enough knowledge to spot the allusion and grasp its importance in a text.

As you read/listen to Shakespeare's "Seven Ages of Man," annotate the text to pick out the seven stages of life all people go through according to the Bard. Now, read it silently and try to connect his ages to a modern interpretation. Write your notes on the poem.

Explain how this version of the human life span can be seen in the story according to the rooms.7As you read/listen to the story, connect the symbolism of each room to Shakespeare's "Seven Ages of Man" and show how each room stands for the progression of human life.Some ideas to get you started:(1) The first room lies furthest east or where the sun rises (2) The last room lies furthest west or where the sun sets (3) The rooms are arranged in such a manner "that vision embraced but little more than one at a time" in the same way life only provides short glimpse into the future. Other ways to see symbolismA different interpretation of symbolism in the story is through Poe's use of color. Each color stands for something on a metaphorical level. On your symbolism chart, write the color of each room and what that color could represent in the context of the story.Helpful Website

Lust to have an intense desire or need

Gluttony excess in eating and drinking

Greed - excessive or reprehensible acquisitiveness

Laziness disinclined to activity or exertion: not energetic or vigorous:

Wrath strong vengeful anger or indignation

Envy painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage

Pride - quality or state of being proud inordinate self esteemSCR/CSE Writing PromptExplain how Poe uses symbolism to show a metaphorical meaning in "The Mask of the Red Death". Cite at least three examples with explanations to prove your claim.agesnull140596.92