Warm-Up “Traveling- it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller” Ibn Battuta.

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Unit 4: Post Classical Era Part B

Transcript of Warm-Up “Traveling- it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller” Ibn Battuta.

Warm-Up Traveling- it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller Ibn Battuta Unit 4: Post Classical Era
Part B Nations of Africa Ghana- a West African nation that developed mainly based off of trading. Thrived on gold-for-salt trade between North and West Africa. Most powerful nation until the late 1000s AD. Conquered by the nation of Mali. Mali Mansa Musa- great ruler of Mali in early 1300s.
Supported education and the arts. The capital Timbuktu became the leading center for learning in Africa. Strong believer in Islam, builds a great mosque. Mansa Musa Made pilgrimage to Mecca to display Malis great wealth of gold. 60,000 travelers, 12,000 slaves each caring a 4-lb. gold bar each. 80 camels with 50 to 300 lbs of gold dust. Ibn Battuta An explorer of the world writing down accounts of world regions. Explored the world over a 30 year period. More than 75,000 miles traveled. Songhai 1468 rebel leader Sonni Ali captured Timbuktu and created Songhai kingdom. Thrived on trade Valued Education 1591, empire ends when Moroccan army uses firearms to defeat Songhai. The Rise of Russia Invaders from Scandinavia known as The Rus took over control of the cities Novgorod and Kiev in 862 AD. Rich trade routes by land and river made Kiev a trading post for the Rus and Vikings. Connected Russia to Mediterranean *Traded with Byzantine Empire. The Land Steppe- grassy and mostly treeless with black fertile soil that is ideal for agriculture. Religion Originally pagan, worshipping many gods.
Vladimir I- converts to Christianity c. 980s AD. Makes all Kievans covert. After Great Schism, sides with Eastern Orthodox Church. Culture Traded agriculture goods with Byzantines.
Wood, iron, salt and furs By late 1000s AD, Byzantine influence spread all over Russian areas. Russia and the Mongols After Vladimir I, Kievan princes fought for control of lands in Russia. 1169 and 1203, groups of princes attacked Kiev. City of Kiev became weak Outside invaders attacked the weakened city. The Mongols Nomadic tribe that built up an empire all over Asia.
Treated defeated enemies harshly to create fear in future enemies. Advanced cavalry technology such as stirrups and powerful bows Largest connected empire in history. 12.7 Million Square Miles The Mongols Genghis Khan- great Mongol leader from Original name Temujin. Genghis Khan means Universal Ruler Conquered Central Asia and Persia. Kublai Khan Grandson of Genghis Khan, conquered the rest of China, Tibet and SE Asia. Unified China and stabilized its gov. First emperor of the Mongol Dynasty First ruler to use paper currency. Marco Polo Italian explorer and merchant.
*He wrote of the wealth of China and encouraged trade between Europe and the Mongols. Became good friends with Kublai Khan. Traveled China for 17 years Traveled 15,000 miles. Batu Left advancement on Europe to elect a new Khan.
Another grandson of Genghis Khan Invaded Europe around 1240 conquering Russia, parts of Poland, Hungary and Vienna. Army became known as the Golden Horde because of their gold colored tents in the sun. Left advancement on Europe to elect a new Khan. Mongols cont Mongols control Persia, Northern parts of India, Asia, and Russia. Attempts to conquer Japan Not able to capture Japan. Strong storms destroyed ships crossing the sea. Fierce warriors such as Samurai and Ninjas repelled Mongol invaders. Mongols control Russia
From mid 1200s to late 1400s, Mongols ruled Russia. Taxed the Russians Let Russians keep gov. as long as they pay taxes. The Rise of Moscow 1480- Ivan III- Known as Ivan the Great no longer acknowledges Mongol rule. Unites Russians to rebel against Mongols. Takes back Russia. Moscow becomes new power city in Russia. Ivan the Terrible Becomes rule in 1533, at age 3.
1547, he takes power as ruler, takes title, czar, or caesar. The czar had absolute power. Makes Moscow an important religious and cultural city. Warm-Up What was the capital city of the West African nation of Mali? Growth of Church Moscow is claimed as the Third Rome
Rome fell because of heresy Byzantine conquered by non-Christians. Moscow needs to keep Christian faith. Mughal Empire In 1300s, Turkish Muslims controlled India.
Fighting between Turks and Rajputs, Indian warrior princes, weakened India. Mongols attack under Babur, capturing Delhi in 1526. Established Mughal Empire Height of Mughal Empire
Shah Jahan- emperor from Built Taj Mahal, a tomb for his wife Had to increase taxes on his people to help pay for the building and his wars against the Persians. A New Religion Sikhism- a religious mix of Islam and Hindu.
Calls for devotion to one God A lack of idols A less rigid social system China Tang Dynasty: AD Grand Canal- connected north and south China with 1,000 miles of dug out waterways. First female empress Empress Wu First female emperor of China.
Ruled Established Zen Buddhism, enlightenment through meditation. Sung Dynasty 907, warlords overthrow Tang Dynasty
Warlords had no stable gov. Mongols begin invading from the north. Tang & Sung Contributions
Gunpowder- first used in fireworks, then used in first attempts of guns. Movable type- wooden blocks with symbols to mass produce written text. First type of printing press. Warm-Up Which Mongol ruler unified China and helped stabilize its government? Yuan Dynasty Established by Kublai Khan in 1279 Defeats Sung Dynasty
Ruled China until 1368 Ming Dynasty Established in 1368 after collapse of Mongol rule.
Beijing is now capital Forbidden City is constructed in 1406. Official capital palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Ming Dynasty cont Early in the dynasty, supported many sea explorations trying to find new people to trade with. Zheng He explores Africa and Arabia. High demand for silk made trade favorable between Europe and China. *Later in the dynasty, explorations stopped Emperors saw little value in exploration Zheng He Sailed Indian Ocean from 1406-1433.
Explored SE Asia, India, Arabia Peninsula, and the Horn of Africa. Traded for goods with other nations. Wanted to show world of Chinese goods. Qing Dynasty Tribes from Northern China united to form the Manchu.
Overthrew Ming and ruled from 1644 until 1912. Controlled China and Mongolia. Stabilized Chinas gov. & people Japan Early Japanese believed in gods and nature spirits called Kami.
Shinto meaning Way of Kami is the belief that spirits live in natural objects. Ex. sand, waterfalls, or trees Only 1 imperial family has ruled Japan, the Yamato Clan, since 300 AD. Feudal Japan Two sources of power.
Central gov.- important families influenced emperor. Powerful landowners with own warriors. 1192 two family clans were given the title shogun, or general. Emperor keeps throne, shogun controlled military, finances and law. Feudal Japan cont Local lords called Daimyo protected themselves from Ninjas, hired assassins, by hiring Samurai, fierce warriors loyal to their masters. Bushido, way of the warrior is a code of behavior samurai would follow that stressed bravery, loyalty, and honor. Do not complain about physical pain Do not fear death Seppuku- ceremonial suicide if samurai were defeated in battle or displeased their masters. A way to avoid dishonor. Warm-Up Under which Russian ruler did the Russians rebel against Mongol rule? Warm-Up What are two contributions from the Tang and Sung dynasties?