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Warm Up Open books to page 432 Read selection from Night

Transcript of Warm Up Open books to page 432 Read selection from Night.

Warm Up

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Chapter 14

Section 3The War in the Pacific

Japanese Advances

• Drove American forces from Wake Island and Guam• Captured Hong Kong and Singapore- “the greatest disaster capitulation in British history” -

Winston Churchill • Japanese conquered Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) • Captured British colonies of Burma and Borneo• Japanese gained key oil reserves and strategic bases

The Philippines

• Japanese invasion began on Dec. 8, 1941• Defense of islands led by Gen. Douglas

MacArthur• American forces retreated to the Bataan

Peninsula • MacArthur was ordered to leave his men,- vowed “I shall return”

Bataan Death March• 10,000 Americans & 60,000

Filipino soldiers surrendered - Starving and sick• Japanese forced soldiers to march

through jungle on way to prison camp

- Given little food or water- Those who stepped out of line

were beaten or shot- Those who fell sick were left to

die• 5,000-10,000 Filipino soldiers died• 600-650 American soldiers died

Japanese Empire, 1943

“The fact that we have had a small success at Pearl Harbor is nothing…Personally, I do not think that it is a good thing to whip up propaganda to encourage the nation. People should think things over and realize how serious the situation is”

Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Fortunes Shift in the Pacific

• Lt. Col. James Doolittle leads air raid over Tokyo, April 16, 1942

- 16 bombers- Launched from aircraft carrier off coast of

Japan• First U.S. attack against Japan- Little strategic significance- Huge moral victory for the U.S.

The Battle of Coral Sea

• Following the attacks at Pearl Harbor, only U.S. aircraft carriers avoided damage

- Became the backbone of American fleet• U.S. carriers prevented a Japanese invasion of

New Guinea, May 1942- Led by Chester Nimitz- First time a Japanese advance had been halted

The Battle of Midway

• Japanese wanted to lure remaining U.S. fleet into large battle

- Attacked Midway Island• Japanese had more ships and carriers - Americans had broken Japanese code, were

prepared for attack• American aircraft destroyed all four Japanese

aircraft carriers , Americans lost 1 carrier • Turning point of the war in the Pacific

Allied Strategy

• Island Hopping - The Allies planned to capture important islands that would bring them close enough to invade Japan

• Focused on weak spots, avoided strongholds

Allied Progress

War in the Pacific

• American industrial output proved to be deciding factor

- American factories were quickly able to produce ships and planes

• Code Talkers - members of the Navajo nation translated all Allied

communication into the Navajo language- Language was complex and completely foreign to

Japanese- Was never cracked during the war

Navajo Code Talkers

Back to the Philippines

Battle of Leyte Gulf, Oct. 1944• Largest naval engagement of history- 300 ships• Japanese lost 4 carriers, 3 battleships• After battle, Japanese fleet was no longer a

threat• First major use of kamikaze attack


• “Divine Wind”• Refers to storm that destroyed Mongol fleet

that was preparing to invade Japan in 1200’s• Kamikaze pilots loaded plane with bombs,

deliberately flew into enemy ships• Suicide attack

Macarthur Returns

• MacArthur returned to the Philippines

- Oct. 1944• American forces retook

the islands after 2 months of fighting

Bombing of Japan

• American B-29 Bombers began making regular raids of Japan

• Needed closer bases to launch these raids• Americans launched attacks of Iwo Jima and

Okinawa - Heavily fortified by Japanese soldiers

Battle of Iwo Jima

• Feb., 1945• 750 miles from

Japanese mainland• Japanese soldiers

refused to surrender, fought to the death

• 7,000 Americans killed• 20,000 Japanese killed

Battle of Okinawa

• April, 1945• 350 miles from coast of Japan• Japanese soldiers were dug into a series of

caves and tunnels• Fought to the death• 12,000 Americans killed• 110,000 Japanese killed

Chapter 14

Section 4The Home Front

Sacrifice at Home

• Rationing- limiting the amount of a good that an individual can get

- Coffee, butter, sugar & meat- Gasoline, rubber• Recycling began- Metal, nylon, rubber and glass• Victory gardens- Americans grew their produce at home- 8 million tons of produce

Investing in Victory

War Bonds• Citizens bought bonds to help finance the war• $185 billion• Twice the entire federal budget in 1945

Japanese Internment

• Executive Order 9066- Feb 1942• established concentration camps on the West Coast

for Japanese Americans- 2/3 were U.S. citizens- 110,000• Japanese were seen as not being loyal to the U.S.• Could only bring the belongings they could carry• All other property was left behind or sold


Listen & Read

Japanese Loyalty

• 442 Regimental Combat Team• Fought in Europe• Made up of Japanese-American soldiers• “Nisei” • Received more medals & awards than any unit

of its size in U.S. history

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