Warm Up

Warm Up I’m passing back your quizzes, please review your grade carefully (there were many mistakes on Pd 6’s papers) Also be sure you were not marked wrong for questions 5&6 MC and 4 T/F Raise your hand if there is a grading issue and I will fix it Test corrections are due on Monday


Warm Up. I’m passing back your quizzes, please review your grade carefully (there were many mistakes on Pd 6’s papers) Also be sure you were not marked wrong for questions 5&6 MC and 4 T/F Raise your hand if there is a grading issue and I will fix it Test corrections are due on Monday. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Warm Up

Page 1: Warm Up

Warm Up

I’m passing back your quizzes, please review your grade carefully (there were many mistakes on Pd 6’s papers)

Also be sure you were not marked wrong for questions 5&6 MC and 4 T/F

Raise your hand if there is a grading issue and I will fix it

Test corrections are due on Monday

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Video: Tree ManFINALLY!

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Warm Up

On a lined sheet of paper: explain tree man’s disease. What is it caused by? How can it be treated?

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Intro to BonesDo we know any bones in the body?


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Notes: Skeletal System!

Skeletal System Overview:Axial skeletonAppendicular skeletonJoints

Human body is made up of 206 bones!

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Function of BoneSupport

provides internal frameworkProtection

surround vital organsMovement

attached to tendons attached to musclesStorage

contains minerals (calcium) and stores fat in bone marrow

RBC formationin bone marrow

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Classification of BonesTypes of Bone:

Compact—dense, smooth, homogenous Spongy—porous

Classification of Bones: Long bones—long shaft with heads at both ends that is mostly

compact bone EX: appendages (except kneecap, wrist, and ankle)

Short bone—cube-shaped that is mostly spongy bone EX: kneecap (patella), wrist, ankle)

Flat bones—thin, flat, curved that is two thin layers of compact bone sandwiching one layer of spongy bone EX: skull, ribs, sternum

Irregular bones—all others EX: vertebrae, hip bones

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Anatomy of Long Bones Haversian canals

run lengthwise carrying blood vessels and nerves

Lacunae cavities of bones cells (osteocytes)

Lamellae concentric circles of lacunae around one Haversian canal

Osteon one unit consisting of one Haversian canal and accompanying


Canaliculi run widthwise in each osteon carrying nutrients

Volkmann’s canals run widthwise between osteons carrying blood vessels and nerves

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Group Work: Anatomy of Long Bone

Read the front of the handoutThen, color the back of the handout

with colored pencils

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Warm Up

Name the two types of bone based on their makeup.

Also, take out your coloring homework for Ms. McGowan to check

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Gross Anatomy of Long Bones Diaphysis—shaft of long bone Periosteum—fibrous connective tissue membrane that covers diaphysis Perforating fibers—aka Sharpey’s fibers, secure periosteum to diaphysis Epiphyses—heads/ends of long bone, thin layer of compact bone enclosing

spongy bone Articular cartilage—glassy hyaline cartilage membrane that covers

epiphyses Ephiphyseal plate—causes lengthwise growth until inhibited by hormones at

end of puberty Ephiphyseal line—bone that replaces epiphyseal plates post puberty Yellow marrow—cavity of shaft filled with adipose tissue (in adults) Red marrow—cavity of shaft that forms RBCs (in children)

RBCs formation in adults only in flat bones and epiphyses

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Guided Notes: Axial Skeleton!Skull

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Label:Left Coronal suture Parietal bone Temporal bone Lambdoid suture Squamous suture Occipital bone Mandibular ramusRight Frontal bone Nasal bone Zygomatic bone Maxilla Alveolar margins Mandible

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LeftForamen magnum

Right Cribriform plate

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LeftHard palate, etc.Vomer

RightForamen magnum

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Label:Left Coronal suture Parietal bone Nasal bone Zygomatic bone Maxilla Mandible

Right Frontal bone Temporal bone Vomer Alveolar margins

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Hyoid bone

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Warm UpSketch the skull belowLabel the 4 major bones of the skull

Turn in test corrections!

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Group Work: Labeling SkullWith a partner, label your skull model in pen or

marker with the terms you just learned

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Vertebral ColumnAka spineConnected to skull and pelvis, forming a curved

S shapeProtects spinal cord that runs within

Notes: Vertebral Column and Thoracic Cage

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Made of 26 irregular bones (from top to bottom): Cervical spine (C1-C7)

Think breakfast at 7am! Smallest and lightest, characteristic foramen in

transverse processes Thoracic spine (T1-T12)

Think lunch at 12pm! Larger than C spine, only vertebrae to connect to

ribs Lumbar spine (L1-L5)

Think dinner at 5pm! Massive bodies to support majority of weight

Sacrum 5 fused vertebrae Forms posterior wall of pelvis

Coccyx 4 fused vertebrae Aka tailbone

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Warm UpWhat are the 5 portions of the spine? How will

you remember how many vertebrae are in the main three portions?

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Vertebrae connected by flexible intevertebral discs that cushion and absorb shock General vertebrae characteristics:

Body or centrum—disc like, weight-bearing part of the vertebra facing anteriorly in the vertebral column

Vertebral arch—joins laminae and pedicles Vertebral foramen—canal through which

spinal cord passes Transverse processes—two lateral projections Spinous process—single medial, posterior

projection Superior and inferior articular processes—

paired projections lateral to the vertebral foramen, allows formation of joints between vertebrae

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Thoracic CageProtects heart and lungsThoracic spine (see above)Sternum

Aka breastbone Fusion of 3 bones (from top to bottom):

Manubrium Body Xiphoid process

Attached to first 7 pairs of ribs 3 landmarks

Jugular notch—concave upper border of manubrium at level of T3

Sternal angle—where manubrium and body meet at angle, forming ridge at level of 2nd ribs

Xiphisternal joint—where body and xiphoid meet at level of T9

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Ribs 12 pairs that all connect posteriorly with vertebrae

True ribs—first 7 pairs, attach directly to sternum by cartilage

False ribs—next 5 pairs, attach indirectly to sternum through much cartilage

Floating ribs—last 2 pairs, not connected to cartilage or sternum

Intercostal spaces between ribs filled with intercostal muscles that aid in breathing

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Group Work: Labeling Vertebral Column and Thoracic Cage

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Group Work: ReviewWork together, to complete your review sheet

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Warm UpWhile at a lacrosse game, your friend was

checked very hard in the ribs. When you ask him if he is ok, he responds, “Yea, bud he only hit me in my fake ribs—you know, the ones we don’t need?” How would you respond to your friend?

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Intervertebral Disc or Giraffe Head?

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Simon Says

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Warm UpAny last questions?

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Axial Skeleton Quiz!Clear your desk except for a writing utensil If you have a question, raise your handWhen you finish, hold on to your quiz and put

your head down—I will collect all quizzes at the end of class

Good luck!

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ClosingHow was it?

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Warm UpHow was the quiz?

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Microscopic Anatomy of Long Bone CheckpointObserve a section of long bone under the


Label the microscopic anatomy of long bone using learned terminology

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Guided Notes: Appendicular Skeleton

The three parts of the appendicular skeleton are the:

1. Limbs2. Pectoral girdle3. Pelvic girdle

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Guided Notes: Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle Light and free to movement because only

attached to axial skeleton at sternoclavicular joint But very easily dislocated!

Two parts: Clavicle—collarbone

Attached to manubrium and scapulae Holds arm away from top of thorax and prevents

shoulder dislocation Scapulae—shoulder blade

Not directly attached to axial skeleton Attached to clavicle and trunk muscles Anchors arm muscles

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Warm UpWhat three parts make up the appendicular


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Guided Notes: Appendicular Skeleton Upper Limbs Arm--humerus

Rounded head connects to scapula Non-rounded head connects to radius Surgical neck—common site of fracture

Forearm Two parts:

Radius On thumb side

Ulna On pinky side

Connected at radioulnar joints Also connected along entire length by flexible

interosseous membrane

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Guided Notes: Appendicular SkeletonHand

Three parts: Carpals--wrist

8 bones; 2 irregular rows of 4 bones each Bound together by ligaments that restrict

movement between them Metacarpals--palm

Numbered 1-5 from the thumb side When you clench your fist, the knuckles you

observe are the heads of the metacarpals Phalanges--fingers

14 bones; 3 bones for each finger (labeled proximal, middle, distal) except 2 bones for the thumb

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Group Work: Pelvis

In your groups, analyze the two pelvis photos given

Then, write down as many differences between the two as you can

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Guided Notes: Appendicular Skeleton

Pelvic Girdle Two parts:

Two coxal (hip) bones Sacrum (Not to be confused with pelvis which is made up of

pelvic girdle plus coccyx)

Attached to axial skeleton via sacrum Large and heavy bones

Bear all upper body weight Also protect reproductive organs, bladder, and part of


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Guided Notes: Appendicular Skeleton

Hip bone Three parts:

Ilium Makes up majority of hip, most superior portion

When rest hands on hip, resting on ilium Connected to sacrum Iliac crest—top of ilium, landmark for intermuscular injections

Pubis Inferior to ilium, anterior to ischium Combines with ischium to make obturator foramen

Ischium Posterior to pubis Ischial tuberosity--inferior portion that receives body weight

while sitting Ischial spine--superior to ischial tuberosity that narrows canal

through which baby passes during birth Greater sciatic notch--notch through which sciatic nerve

passes from spine to thigh

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Guided Notes: Appendicular Skeleton

General Pubic symphysis—area where both coxal bones

fuse inferiorly and medially Pubic arch—shape formed directly inferior to

pubic symphysis Acetabulum—area where ilium, pubis, and

ischium fuse also site where head of femur connects to hip

False pelvis—superior, between flaring portions of ilia

True pelvis—inferior, below flaring portions of ilia Size of true pelvis needs to be large enough

for childbirth

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Guided Notes: Appendicular Skeleton

Men vs. Women Female true pelvis larger and more circular Female pelvis shallower and the bones are

lighter and thinner Female ilia flare more laterally Female sacrum shorter and less curved Female ischial spines shorter and farther apart;

thus false pelvis is larger Female pubic arch more rounded because the

angle of the pubic arch is greater