Warm Up

WARM UP Write the following questions in your notebook. Leave room for the answers. By the end of class, you will be able to answer all of the following questions: 1. Describe the Protestant Reformation. 2. What happened to the Spanish Armada in 1588? 3. What would finding the Northwest Passage have allowed sailors to do? Who searched for it? 4. Why was it so difficult to start a colony at Roanoke?


Write the following questions in your notebook. Leave room for the answers. By the end of class, you will be able to answer all of the following questions: Describe the Protestant Reformation. What happened to the Spanish Armada in 1588? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Warm Up

Page 1: Warm Up

WARM UPWrite the following questions in your notebook. Leave room for the answers. By the end of class, you will be able to answer all of the following questions:

1. Describe the Protestant Reformation.2. What happened to the Spanish Armada in

1588?3. What would finding the Northwest Passage

have allowed sailors to do? Who searched for it?

4. Why was it so difficult to start a colony at Roanoke?

5. The French: Where did they settle?6. The Dutch and the Swedish: Where did

they settle?

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2-4 THE RACE FOR EMPIRESPages 52-57 in


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EVENTS IN EUROPEProtestant Reformation 1517 (Germany) Martin Luther

Publicly criticized the Roman Catholic Church Church too wealthy and abused its

power Religious movement began in small

German towns but quickly spread to most of Europe Create political disputes

Protestants – reformers who protested some of the Catholic Church’s practices Religion should be simple

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Printing press spread Reformations ideas Bible’s, essays Allowed independent study

Conflict between Catholics and Protestants Civil war

1500s French Catholics vs. French Huguenots (protestant) = Huguenots emigrated to Americas

Religious freedom 1534 Church of England created by

Henry the VIII Challenged Popes authority http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ3AFZXXX-k

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Describe the Protestant Reformation.

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What happened to the Spanish Armada in 1588?

Page 8: Warm Up

Spain and England Go to War 1500s King Philip II of Spain led

Catholic Reformation in response to the Protestant Reformation Goal: Drive the Protestants out of

England Sea Dogs = English sailors led by Sir Francis Drake

Spanish Armada – huge fleet of warships meant to end English plans

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Invade England Overthrow Queen Elizabeth and the Anglican Church

1588 Smaller English fleet defeated the Armada

Shocked Spain Spain’s economy is in trouble

Ends Spain’s dominance of the sea

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What happened to the Spanish Armada in


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What would finding the Northwest Passage have allowed sailors to do? Who searched for it?

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Search for a Northwest Passage Northwest Passage – water route

through NA that would allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific John Cabot – Sailed for England

(1497-1498) Basis for the English American colonies

Giovanni da Verrazano – 1524 (Italy) Coasts of North Carolina to Maine

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Jacques Cartier (France) St. Lawrence River Land claimed for France

Henry Hudson (England) 1609 Found NY 1st trip he sailed for the Dutch and the 2nd for the English

Hudson Bay

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What would finding the Northwest

Passage have allowed sailors to do? Who

searched for it?

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Why was it so difficult to start a colony at Roanoke?

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EUROPEAN PRESENCE Spain and Portugal dominated

Americas early England, France, and the Dutch also

explored North America

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English Presence in the New World The English wanted to try to set up a

permanent settlement in the new world in the 1500s

Sir Walter Raleigh Received a charter from the Queen

WHAT IS A CHARTER? A document giving permission to create

a settlement colony 1584 expedition landed in present day

Virginia and North Carolina

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Roanoke Island founded in NC in 1585

Hard life – fought with Native Americans, trouble finding and growing food

1 year later returned to England John White resettled in 1587, returned to England for supplies but war with Spain prevented him from returning for 3 years. When he did colony was deserted

“lost colony”

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Why was it so difficult to start a colony at Roanoke?

Page 21: Warm Up

FRENCH PRESENCE IN THE NEW WORLDThe French: Where did they settle?

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French Presence in the New World 1st North American settlement was

Florida (1564) Destroyed by Spanish

Settled Present Day Canada Samuel de Chaplain

Followed Cartier 1608 colony on the St. Lawrence River in Quebec for fur trade

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1600s New France Fur traders, explorers, missionaries

Mississippi River – Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette (1673)

Mississippi Valley claimed for France called Louisiana

1700s New Outposts Detroit, St. Louis, New Orleans 12000 settlers Allied with Native Americans because of Fur Trades

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The French: Where did they settle?

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The Dutch and the Swedish: Where did they settle?

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Dutch Presence in the New World Dutch were searching for trade Claimed the land between the Delaware River

and the Hudson River = New Netherlands 1624Dutch West India Company

Bought Manhattan Island for $24 New Amsterdam

Religious freedomSwedish Presence in the New World

New Sweden in the same area along the Delaware River – later became part of New Netherlands

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The Dutch and the Swedish: Where did they
