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    The 4 released archwings in all their respective glory.


    SYNDICATESManually change the color of any mod you bought.

    MODSChange the color manually.


    Change the level to either "N/A" (when not even acquired), "Blueprint", or anything from 0 to 30. Or use Includes every released weapon (except Founder pack ones). Even things like Sheev or vaulted weapons.

    Change the level to either "N/A" (when not even acquired) or anything from 0 to 30. Or use the drop

    Change the status to either "N/A", "Funds", "Research" or "Finished". Or use the drop down arrow.Includes every research, and the polychrome pigment hunt.

    Includes every augment mod, and syndicates weapons mods.

    Includes Orokin Vault mods, Nightmare mods and event status mods.

    Don't touch that one. Really.It's only here to make the drop down lists a bit more



    KURIASManually change the color of any kuria you found.


    CRAFTING TIMEUse "xx:xx:xx" format for the duration.


    Change the level to either "N/A" (when not even acquired) or anything from 0 to 30. Or use the drop Includes every released Warframe and their respective alternate helmet (except Founder pack one).

    Manually change the color of the parts and landing crafts you have (i.e. : red for nothing, orange for blueprint, The 3 landing crafts. Also includes the Liset Prisma skin, because why not.

    Includes every verse, and a link to the YouTube playlist to find them (by Getulio Benini).

    Manually change the color of any stance and aura you have.Includes every stance and every aura currently available.

    Use this tab to know when something will finish (i.e. : crafting, research...).

    Any underlined text is a link to the wiki. Use it to find drop places, crafting/research costs, etc.

  • PRIMARY LEVEL SECONDARY LEVEL MELEETotal : 0/81 (0%) Total : 0/71 (0%) Total :

    Amprex N/A Acrid N/A Ack & BruntAttica N/A Afuris N/A AmphisBoar N/A Dex Furis N/A AnkyrosBoar Prime Vaulted Akbolto N/A Ankyros PrimeBoltor N/A Akbolto Telos N/A AnkuBoltor Prime N/A Akbronco N/A AtteraxBoltor Telos N/A Akbronco Prime N/A BoBraton N/A AkJagara N/A Bo PrimeBraton Prime N/A Aklato N/A Bo MK-1Braton MK-1 N/A Aklex N/A BoltaceBraton Vandal N/A Akmagnus N/A Broken-WarBurston N/A Aksomati N/A Ceramic DaggerBurston Prime N/A Akstiletto N/A CerataBuzlok N/A Akvasto N/A CronusCernos N/A Akzani N/A Dakra PrimeCernos Rakta N/A Angstrum N/A Dark DaggerConvectrix N/A Atomos N/A Dark SwordDaikyu N/A Azima N/A DestrezaDera N/A Ballistica N/A Dual CleaversDera Vandal N/A Ballistica Rakta N/ADrakgoon N/A Bolto N/A Dual EtherDread N/A Brakk N/A Dual Heat SwordsFlux Rifle N/A Bronco N/A Dual IchorGlaxion N/A Bronco Prime N/A Dual KamasGorgon N/A Castanas N/A Dual Kamas PrimeGorgon Prisma N/A Castanas Sancti N/A Dual RazaGorgon Wraith N/A Cestra N/A Dual SkanaGrakata N/A Despair N/A Dual ZorenGrakata Prisma N/A Detron N/A Ether DaggersGrinlok N/A Detron Mara N/A Ether ReaperHarpak N/A Dual Cestra N/A Ether SwordHek N/A N/A FangHek Vaykor N/A Embolist N/A Fang PrimeHind N/A Furis N/A FragorIgnis N/A Furis MK-1 N/A FuraxKarak N/A Gammacor N/A Furax MK-1Karak Wraith N/A Gammacor Synoid N/A GalatineKohm N/A Hikou N/A GlaiveLanka N/A Hikou Prime N/A Glaive Prime

    Dual Cleavers Prisma

    Dual Cestra Secura

  • Latron N/A Kohmak N/A GramLatron Prime Vaulted Kraken N/A HalikarLatron Wraith N/A Kulstar N/A HateMiter N/A Kunai N/A Heat DaggerMutalist Quanta N/A Kunai MK-1 N/A Heat SwordOgris N/A Lato N/A Jat KittagOpticor N/A Lato Prime N/A Jaw SwordPanthera N/A Lato Vandal N/A KamaParacyst N/A Lex N/A KarystParis N/A Lex Prime N/A KestrelParis Prime N/A Magnus N/A KogakeParis MK-1 N/A Marelok N/A KronenPenta N/A Marelok Vaykor N/A LaceraPenta Secura N/A Nukor N/A LectaPhage N/A Pyrana N/A MacheteQuanta N/A Seer N/A Machete WraithQuanta Vandal N/A Sicarus N/A MagistarRubico N/A Sicarus Prime Vaulted MiosSimulor N/A Sonicor N/A MireSimulor Synoid N/A Spectra N/A Nami SkylaSnipetron N/A Spira N/A Nami SoloSnipetron Vandal N/A Stug N/A NikanaSobek N/A Talons N/A Nikana DragonSoma N/A Twin Grakatas N/A NinkondiSoma Prime N/A Twin Gremlins N/A ObexStrun N/A Twin Vipers N/A OrthosStrun MK-1 N/A Twin Vipers Wraith N/A Orthos PrimeStrun Wraith N/A Tysis N/A Pangolin SwordSupra N/A Vasto N/A Plasma SwordSybaris N/A Vasto Prime N/A ProvaSynapse N/A Viper N/A Prova VandalTetra N/A Reaper PrimeTetra Prisma N/A RedeemerTiberon N/A RipkasTigris N/A ScindoTigris Sancti N/A Scindo PrimeTonkor N/A ScoliacTorid N/A SerroVectis N/A ShakuVectis Prime N/A SheevVulkar N/A Silva & Aegis

  • SkanaSkana PrimeSkana PrismaSydonTekkoTipedoTonboTwin BasolkVenkaWar

  • LEVEL ARCH-GUN LEVEL ARCH-MELEE LEVEL0/91 (0%) Total : 0/9 (0%) Total : 0/8 (0%)

    N/A Corvas N/A Centaur N/AN/A Dual Decurion N/A Kaszas N/AN/A Fluctus N/A Knux N/AN/A Grattler N/A Onorix N/AN/A Imperator N/A Rathbone N/AN/A Imperator Vandal N/A Veritux N/AN/A Phaedra N/A Veritux Prisma N/AN/A Velocitus N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A






  • COMPANION LEVEL ALERT SKINSTotal : 0/16 (0%)Carrier N/A Dual Zoren - Dagger ZorenCarrier Prime N/A Fragor - BrokkDethcube N/A Scindo - Dagger AxeDiriga N/A Scindo - ManticoreDjinn N/AHelios N/AShade N/AShade Prisma N/AWyrm N/AWyrm Prime N/AKubrow Chesa N/AKubrow Huras N/AKubrow Raksa N/AKubrow Sahasa N/AKubrow Sunika N/A

  • WARFRAME LEVEL DROP PARTSAsh N/A Manics Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsAsh Prime N/A Void Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Dojo Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Quest Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems

    Ember N/A Saturn Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsEmber Prime N/A Vaulted Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Uranus Day BP Helmet Chassis SystemsNight BP Helmet Chassis Systems


    Pluto Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems

    Frost N/A Ceres Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsFrost Prime N/A Vaulted Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Earth Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Spy Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Quest Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems

    Loki N/A Neptune Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsLoki Prime N/A Void Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsMag N/A Mars Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsMag Prime N/A Vaulted Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Quest Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Derelict Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Sorties Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems

    Nova N/A Europe Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsNova Prime N/A Void Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsNyx N/A Phorid Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsNyx Prime N/A Void Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Eximus Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems



  • Rhino N/A Venus Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsRhino Prime N/A Void Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Sedna Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems

    Trinity N/A Phobos Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsTrinity Prime N/A Void Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Jupiter Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Alertes Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems

    Volt N/A Dojo Blueprint Helmet Chassis SystemsVolt Prime N/A Void Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Dojo Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems


    Dojo Blueprint Helmet Chassis Systems

  • ALTERNATE HELMETSScorpion Locust


    Reverb Chorus

    Drac Amaru

    Phoenix Backdraft


    Avalon Pendragon Mordred

    Aurora Squall

    Triton Ketos


    Aristeas Magrite

    Essence Swindle Enigma

    Coil Gauss

    Longhorn Ovis

    Harlequin Trivelin

    Raknis Shroud

    Flux Quantum Slipstream

    Menticide Vespa

    Oryx Markhor

  • Thrak Vanguard

    Hemlock Chlora

    Aura Meridian

    Bastet Kara

    Esprit Gambit Armistice

    Storm Pulse

    Cierzo Tengu

  • ARCHWING LEVEL PARTSOdonata N/A Blueprint Wings Harness SystemsOdonata Prime N/A Blueprint Wings Harness Systems


    Blueprint Wings Harness Systems


    Blueprint Wings Harness Systems

  • LANDING CRAFT PARTSLiset Unlocked from startMantis N/A Fuselage Engines AvionicsScimitar N/A Fuselage Engines Avionics

  • SKINSPrisma

  • CORPUS STATUS GRINEER STATUSFieldron N/A Detonite Injector N/ADual cestra N/A Jat Kittag N/AMed. Team Energy N/A Med. Team Ammo N/AMed. Team Energy x10 N/A Ignis N/AMed. Team Shield N/A Med. Team Ammo x10 N/AMed. Team Shield x10 N/A Marelok N/AProva N/A Grinlok N/ASupra N/A Buzlok N/ADera N/A Ogris N/ASpectra N/A Nukor N/AAmprex N/A Ack & Brunt N/AFlux Rifle N/A Grattler N/ALanka N/A Knux N/AHelios N/A Sydon N/AQuanta N/AGlaxion N/ASerro N/AOpticor N/AConvectrix N/A

  • INFESTATION STATUS TENNO STATUSMutagen Mass N/A Banshee N/APhage N/A Banshee - Chassis N/ATorid N/A Banshee - Helmet N/AMed. Team Health N/A Banshee - Systems N/AAcrid N/A Zephyr N/AMed. Team Health x10 N/A Zephyr - Chassis N/ADual Ichor N/A Zephyr - Helmet N/AScoliac N/A Zephyr - Systems N/AEmbolist N/A Volt N/ADjinn N/A Volt - Chassis N/ASynapse N/A Volt - Helmet N/AMutalist Quanta N/A Volt - Systems N/AParacyst N/A Itzal N/ACerata N/A Itzal - Harness N/AMios N/A Itzal - Systems N/A

    Itzal - Wings N/ACastanas N/AAkstiletto N/AAttica N/ANikana N/ANami Skyla N/ATonbo N/ASybaris N/APyrana N/ASilva & Aegis N/ADual Raza N/AVenka N/ADaikyu N/AAnku N/AFluctus N/AVelocitus N/AIncubator Upgrade Segment N/ALanding Craft Foundry Seg. N/AWukong N/AWukong - Chassis N/AWukong - Helmet N/AWukong - Systems N/ALacera N/ATalons N/AShaku N/A

  • POLYCHROMEAnti-Violet Zanuka Hunter N/A / 10

    Autumn Brown Corrupted MOA N/A / 300Boiler Red Phorid N/A / 10

    Charger Blue Toxic Ancient N/A / 180Crawler Blue Crawler N/A / 400Dust Brown Corrupted Lancer N/A / 550

    Elysium Blue The Sergeant N/A / 20Glacial Blue Crewman N/A / 200

    Hesperia Brown Trooper N/A / 420Jackal Yellow Sniper Crewman N/A / 50

    Leaf Red Stalker N/A / 5Leech Green Corrupted Crewman N/A / 150MOA Green Orokin Drone N/A / 200

    Morning Yellow Leech Osprey N/A / 350Mutalist Red Tar-Mutalist MOA N/A / 150Nanite Blue Charger N/A / 550Night Blue Councilor Vay Hek N/A / 10Oak Brown Butcher N/A / 500

    Olympus Blue Lancer N/A / 480Railgun Blue Railgun MOA N/A / 250River Blue Seeker N/A / 250

    Sand Yellow Scorpion N/A / 350Syrtis Orange Arid Eviscerator N/A / 220Tharsis Brown Ballista N/A / 300

    Tree Green Arid Lancer N/A / 450

  • VERSE 1 VERSE 2 VERSE 3 VERSE 4 VERSE 5 VERSE 61 1 1 1 1 12 2 2 2 2 23 3 3 3 3 34 4 4 4 4 4


  • VERSE 7 VERSE 8 VERSE 9 VERSE 10 VERSE 11 VERSE 12 VERSE 131 1 1 1 1 12 2 2 2 2 23 3 3 3 3 34 4 4 4 4 4

  • VERSE 13 VERSE 141 12 23 34 4


    AtlasBanshee x xChroma x x

    Ember xEquinox

    Excalibur xFrost x

    Hydroid x xIvara

    Limbo x xLoki x xMag x x

    Mesa xMirage x xNekros x xNezhaNova x

    Nyx x xOberon x

    Rhino xSaryn xTrinity x xValkyr x x

    Vauban x xVolt x x

    WukongZephyr x x

    WEAPON MODSBurston Prime Supra Vulkar Grinlok Embolist

    Viper Bolto Furis Spectra Dark DaggerJaw Sword Kestrel Skana Acrid Mire




  • Seeking Shuriken Smoke Shadow Rising Storm

    Resonance Savage Silence Sonic FractureAfterburn Vexing Retaliation

    x Fireball Frenzy Fire Fright Firequake

    x Surging Dash Furious Javelin Radiant Finishx Freeze Force Ice Wave Impedance Chilling Globe

    Tidal Impunity Curative Undertow Pilfering Swarm

    Haven Rift TorrentSafeguard Switch Irradiating Disarm Hushed Invisibility

    Greedy Pull Shield Transference Fracturing Crushx Ballistic Bullseye Muzzle Flash Staggering Shield

    Hall of Malevolence Total EclipseSoul Survivor Despoil Shield of Shadows

    x Neutron Star Antimatter Absorb Escape VelocityMind Freak Pacifying Bolts Chaos Sphere

    x Smite Infusion Hallowed Eruption Hallowed Reckoningx Ironclad Charge Iron Shrapnel Piercing Roarx Venom Dose Regenerative Molt Contagion Cloud

    Pool of Life Abating Link Vampire LeechSwing Line Prolonged Paralysis Eternal WarTesla Link Repelling Bastille Perpetual Vortex

    Shock Trooper Shocking Speed Capacitance

    Divebomb Vortex Jet Stream Funnel Clouds


    Dual Cleavers


    Cataclysmic Continuum

    Explosive Legerdemain

  • TYPE STANCESBlade & Whip Defiled Snapdragon

    Claws Four Riders Malicious Raptor Vermillion StormDaggers Pointed Wind Homing Fang

    Dual Daggers Gnashing Payara Sinking TalonDual Swords Crossing Snakes Swirling Tiger

    Fist Seismic Palm Fracturing Wind Gaia's TragedyGlaives Gleaming Talon Astral Twilight

    Gunblade High NoonHammers Shattering Storm Crushing Ruin

    Heavy Blade Cleaving Whirlwind Rending Crane Tempo RoyaleMachetes Sundering Weave

    Nikanas Tranquil Cleave Decisive Judgement Blind JusticeNunchaku Atlantis VulcanPolearms Shimmering Blight Bleeding Willow

    Rapier Vulpine MaskScythes Reaping Spiral Stalking Fan

    Sparring Grim Fury Brutal TideStaves Clashing Forest Flailing BranchSwords Iron Phoenix Crimson Dervish Vengeful Revenant

    Sword & Shield Eleventh Storm Final HarbingerTonfa Gemini Cross

    Whips Burning Wasp Coiling Viper

  • AURACorrosive Projection

    Dead EyeEnemy RadarEnergy Siphon

    Infested ImpedanceLoot Detector

    PhysiquePistol Scavenger

    RejuvenationRifle Amp

    Rifle ScavengerShield Disruption

    Shotgun ScavengerSniper Scavenger

    Sprint BoostSpeed HolsterSteel Charge

  • VAULTSWARFRAME PRIMARY SHOTGUNBlind Rage Critical Delay Burdened Magazine

    Fleeting Expertise Depleted Reload Critical DecelerationNarrow Minded Heavy Caliber Frail Momentum

    Overextend Tainted Mag Tainted ShellTranscient Fortitude Vile Acceleration Vicious Spread

    Vile Precision


    Heat Thermite Rounds Scattering InfernoCold Rime Rounds Frigid Blast

    Electricity High Voltage Shell ShockToxin Malignant Force Toxic Barrage


    Anemic Agility Corrupt Charge Constitution ShredCreeping Bullseye Spoiled Strike Fortitude Wildfire

    Hollow Point Vigor Hammer ShotMagnum Force Armored Agility

    Tainted Clip


    Scorch Volcanic EdgeFrostbite Vicious Frost

    Jolt Voltaic StrikePistol Pestilence Virulent Scourge


    Blaze Lethal Torrent Focus Energy Animal InstinctAccelerated Blast Stunning Speed Rending Strike

    Seeking Fury Ice Storm

  • Now Duration Final27/01/2016 20:18:37 72:00:00 30/01/2016 20:18:37

  • Weapons Warf./Arch. DojoN/A N/A N/A

    Vaulted 0 FundsBlueprint 1 Research

    0 2 Finished1 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 109 11

    10 1211 1312 1413 1514 1615 1716 1817 1918 2019 2120 2221 2322 2423 2524 2625 2726 2827 2928 302930

    _USAGEWeaponsWarframesArchwingsLanding craftDojoKuriasSyndicatesStances & AurasModsCrafting time_Lists