Ward Profile 2018: Chadderton South · Both Violence Without Injury and Violence With Injury has...

Ward Profile 2018: Chadderton South Produced by Oldham Council’s Business Intelligence Service

Transcript of Ward Profile 2018: Chadderton South · Both Violence Without Injury and Violence With Injury has...

Ward Profile 2018: Chadderton South

Produced by Oldham Council’s Business Intelligence Service

There has been a marginal increase in the overall population since

the turn of the millennium, however there is a decreasing figure of

children under the age 16 years in the borough whilst the adults

older than 65 years age bracket has grown by 8% since the 2001


Chadderton South maintains a high proportion of White residents

within the ward (nine in ten people). Both Pakistani and

Bangladeshi communities show increasing numbers, but both are

far below the Oldham average.

Ethnic Composition Source: ONS Census 2011

% White

2011 (2001)

% Pakistani

2011 (2001)

% Bangladeshi

2011 (2001)

% Other non-white

Chadderton S 91.1 (96.1) 2.2 (1.1) 1.7 (0.4) 5.0 (2.3)

Oldham 79.5 (87.1) 9.1 (5.9) 6.6 (4.1) 4.9 (2.9)

England 85.4 (90.9) 2.1 (1.4) 0.8 (0.6) 11.7 (7.1)


11,090 49.9% 50.1% 2016 Population Male Population Female Population 0.6% Increase since 2011 Oldham Male Population; 49.3% Oldham Female Population; 50.7%

Chadderton South has a higher percent of people in employment

(62.4%) than the Oldham borough (58.2%) and England (62.1%)

averages, with a strong percentage in full-time hours. However the

ward has a small percentage of self-employed residents, which is

joint third lowest in the borough.

The total Out of Work Benefits received percentages are virtually on

par with the borough average of 17.7%.

Whilst there are strong employment figures, but with a mid-level

percentage of dependency on benefits, the median household

income for Chadderton South is £23,572, which is 4.4% lower than

the Oldham average.

Economic Status Aged 16-74 years old; Source ONS Census 2011





Chadderton South

# %

Part-time 1,124 14.1 13.9 13.7

Full-time 3,373 42.4 36.6 38.6

Self employed 466 5.9 7.8 9.8

Employed 4,963 62.4 58.2 62.1

Out of Work Benefit Claimants

Aged 16-64 years olds; Source: DWP 2018





Chadderton South

# %

Unemployment (JSA)

24 0.3 0.4 0.8

Employment Support Allowance

(ESA) 489 6.9 6.6 5.3

Universal Credit 741 10.7 10.7 3.2

Total Out of Work

Benefit Claimants 1,244 17.9 17.7 9.3

Economy and Income

£23,572 62.4% 17.9% Median Household Income Employment Rate Out of Work Benefit Claimants Oldham average; £24,652 Oldham average; 58.2% Oldham average; 17.7%

Chadderton South is second smallest ward (2.313 KM2) yet has the

fifth highest amount of households (4,932) in the 20 wards.

Since 2001, Chadderton South’s housing stock has seen a

decrease in the proportion of owner occupied properties and an

increase in private rented properties. This closely matches the

pattern taking place across Oldham as a whole.

The percentage of households in Fuel Poverty (13.3%) is above the

Oldham average. Half of households (51%) can afford to keep their

house in a decent state of repair which is slightly below the Oldham

average and, one in five (21%) households have a pre-payment

energy meter which is in line with the average for Oldham.

Housing Tenure

Source: ONS Census 2011

2011 2001

% Owner


% Social


% Private


% Owner


% Social


% Private


Chadderton S 67.3 19.7 12.1 70.8 20.8 5.8

Oldham 65.3 21.1 12.2 68.4 22.9 5.5

England 64.1 17.7 16.8 68.7 19.3 8.8

Housing Source: Oldham Council 2017 ‘You and Your Community Survey 2013’

Chadderton S




Vacant Properties 3.4 3.2

Claiming Council Tax Reduction

and/or Housing Benefit 22.5 25.1

Can Afford to Keep House in

Decent State of Repair 51 54

Pre-payment Energy Meters 21 20


4,932 13.3% £110,071 Number of Households Households in Fuel Poverty Average Sold House Price Chadderton South Area; 2.313 KM

2 Oldham average; 12.1% Oldham average; £123,500

The national housing composition is 51.2% of all households having

either a married couple or a couple cohabiting. Chadderton South is

slightly below this figure with 49.0%; conversely there are high rates

of lone parent households.

The children’s composition in Chadderton South (37.6%) is slightly

below the Oldham’s average (39.3%) and the percentage of

children living in low income families (19.3%) is below the Oldham

average of 21.6%, but still around one in five children.

Household Composition


South %





Single Person Households (aged under 65) 16.7 17.1 17.9

Single Person Households (aged 65 plus) 14.0 12.8 12.4

Married Couples 36.8 39.7 41.3

Cohabiting Couples 12.2 10.2 9.9

Lone Parents (with Dependent Children) 9.8 9.1 7.1

Lone Parents (without Dependent Children) 4.3 4.0 3.5

Other 6.3 7.1 8.0

Household Composition

30.7% 14.1% 6.3% Single Person Households Lone Parent Households Overcrowded Households Oldham average; 30.3% Oldham average; 13.1% Oldham average; 7.5%

65.6% 31.8% 14.0% Early Years ‘Good Development’ Adults with No Qualifications Adults with Degrees Oldham average; 63.7% Oldham average; 29.6% Oldham average; 18.6%

Chadderton South Reception age pupils achieve a Good Level of

Development (65.6%) at a rate marginally above (65.6%) the Old-

ham average(63.7%). A higher percentage of girls (68.1%) achiev-

ing this mark than the boys (62.9%) in the ward, however the girls

are below the borough average (72.3%) whereas the boys are scor-

ing higher than borough (54.9%).

GCSE results are marginally below borough averages, and in par-

ticular a very high 4.7% of pupils leave with no qualifications. This is

likely to be connected with the ward having the third highest NEET

score at 4.4%.

GCSE Results 2017 Source: B.I.S.

Chadderton S






GCSE Attainment 8 score 39.4 43.1 44.2

Attaining Grade 4 or above in

English and Maths GCSEs 56.1 58.5 59.1

No GCSE passes 4.7 2.6 2.0

Education and Skills

Residents of Chadderton South have similar levels of long term

health problems and life expectancy to the Oldham averages.

The health behaviours scores for Smoking and Hospital stays for

alcohol related harm are on par with the Oldham average, but moth-

ers breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks (28.6%) is a noticeable variance to

the Oldham average (37.5%)

Similar to the health behaviours, health outcomes are comparable

to the Oldham borough. Child Obesity in Year 6 students is below

the Oldham average, but Reception Class it is above.

Health Behaviours Bridgewater 2017 / Experian 2018 / PHE 2011/12-2015/16

Chadderton S Oldham

Mothers breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks (%) 28.6 37.5

Smoking (%) 25.3 24.0

Hospital stays for alcohol related harm (rate) 122.6 123.1

Health Outcomes

Hospital Episode Statistics 2008-13 / Public Health England 2008-12

Chadderton S Oldham

Emergency hospital admissions -all causes (rate) 133.6 132.2

Emergency hospital admissions -CHD (rate) 125.7 130.9

A&E attendances in under 5’s (rate) 565.3 579.7

Under 75 deaths all causes (rate) 121.7 129.0

Under 75 deaths for cancer (rate) 113.1 123.0


16.5% 78.8 81.9 Long-Term Health Problems Male Life Expectancy Female Life Expectancy Oldham average; 16.3% Oldham average; 77.2 Oldham average; 80.9

Chadderton South has had a noticeable reduction in Anti-Social

Behaviour down 34.5% to 279 now ranked sixth in the borough.

Crimes Committed has marginally risen by 2.8% with large

decreases of Burglary Other (52.2%) and also decreases for Theft

(26.6%), Criminal Damage (17.8%) and Vehicle Crime (5.5%).

Both Violence Without Injury and Violence With Injury has

increased by 11.8% and 8.2% respectively, but these crimes has

risen throughout the borough by 51.6% and 16.6%.

Crime Statistics

Rates per 10,000 population; Source: GMP

Chadderton South

2017 2016


2017 2016

Burglary In Dwelling 57.7 45.0 56.1 63.9

Burglary Other 19.8 41.4 26.8 62.0

Criminal Damage 120.8 146.8 106.4 122.5

Theft 137.1 186.5 113.0 163.2

Vehicle Crime 93.8 99.1 69.0 61.1

Violence With Injury 71.2 65.8 75.8 43.5

Violence Without Injury 162.3 145.0 187.8 145.4

Total Crime 893.5 868.4 829.7 816.8


991 279 180 Crimes Committed Anti-Social Behaviour Violence Without Injury 2.8% Increase Year on Year Oldham average; 344 11.8% Increase Year on Year

Most Committed Crimes 2017

Violence Without Injury 180

Public Order Offences 170

Criminal Damage 134

Vehicle 104

All Other Theft 91

Source: GMP

Chadderton South is a built up area and housing developments that are currently taking place at Granby St (former Emanuel Church

site), Rose St (former Rose Mill site) and on Stanley Road (former Stanley Road Sports & Social Club) bringing much needed new housing to

the area. These developments range from homes suitable for the elderly or less mobile (bungalows), to rented properties and privately owned


There are two parks in the ward; Coalshaw Green Park and Princess Park, with the former park able to boast having the most modern skate

park in the borough, while the multi-use games area has also had a complete make-over in the last couple of years. Princess Park, by far the

smaller of the two parks, has had a play area for the youngest of residents installed in recent years.

Chadderton South is the only ward in Chadderton that isn't home to a high school, but does have three primary schools which perform well

Work has been undertaken to improve on the environmental scene with planters in place on Hollinwood Avenue and Coalshaw Green Road,

while bulb planting has taken place in other areas. Splitting the ward almost geographically in half is the M60 and has Junction 21 connecting

the wider Oldham borough to the orbital motorway around Manchester and in close conjunction the M62.

Co-operation & Cohesion You and Your Community Survey 2013

Chadderton S




Satisfied with local area as place to live 74 71

Dissatisfied with local area as place to live 12 15

Feel very involved/fairly involved in your

local community 22 26

Have volunteered in last 12 months 31 38

Neighbourhood is a place where people from

different ethnic backgrounds get on well together 28 30


74% 31.4% 31% Satisfaction with Local Area % Turnout in Local Election % Volunteered in last year Oldham average; 71% Oldham average; 36.0% Oldham average; 38%

Further Information

For further information on the 2018 Ward Profiles, please contact the Business Intelligence Service on: [email protected] To download the full dataset used for the 2018 Ward Profiles please use the link below and click on ward profile data. Each individual profile can al-so be downloaded from the neighbourhood pages.

Research and statistics about Oldham

Licensing ONS and Census statistics: Adapted from data from the Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0. Paycheck (household income) © CACI Limited. This report shall be not be used for commercial purposes. The applicable copyright notices can be found at http://www.caci.co.uk/copyrightnotices.pdf.


Population: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Census 2011.

Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid Year estimates 2017.

Economy and Income: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Data 2018, Office for National Statistics (ONS) Census 2011,

CACI Paycheck data 2018.

Housing: Office of National Statistics (ONS) Census 2011, Land Registry 2017, You and Your Community

Survey, September 2013, Ipsos MORI, Oldham Council Benefits data 2018, Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) 2015.

Household Composition: HM Revenue and Customs 2016, Office for National Statistics (ONS) Census 2011.

Education: Oldham Council Business Intelligence Service 2018, Office for National Statistics (ONS) Census 2011,

Positive Steps 2018.

Health: Office for National Statistics (ONS) 2008-12, Mosaic (Experian ©) Sep 2018 households with 2013

propensities , Public Health England, Hospital Episodes 2008-13, Bridgewater 2017.

Crime: Greater Manchester Police (GMP) 2017

Cooperation and Community: You and Your Community Survey, September 2013, Ipsos MORI, Oldham Council Elections Data 2016