War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?

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  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    War of 1812& Napoleonic Wars:

    Organized Crime?

    By William P. Litynski

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    War of 1812 & Napoleonic Wars:

    Organized Crime?

    From the Grassy Knoll in London:Lone Gunman or Patsy?

    The Assassination of Prime Minister of Great BritainSpencer Perceval in the House of Commons in London on Ma 11! 1812

    Im just a patsy!: Spencer Perceal Prime "inister o# Great $ritain and %hancellor o# the &'che(uer)as assassina

    *y a lone +unman in the ,ouse o# %ommons in London on "ay -- -.-/0 British "usinessman #ohn Bellin$ham %left& shoPrime Minister Spencer Perceval in the chest 'ith a pistol inside the House of Commons in London on the evenin$ of Ma 111812( #ohn Bellin$ham! 'ho spent several ears in a )ussian prison! 'as tried and convicted for murder! and Bellin$ham 'ae*ecuted " han$in$ in London on Ma 18! 1812( 1he 2ar o# -.-/ a )ar #ou+ht *et)een Great $ritain and the 3nitedStates o# 4merica lasted #rom 5une -. -.-/ to Fe*ruary -. -.-60

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    Why Spencer Perceval Had to Die*y 4ndro Lin7later 8 reie)There is an intri$uin$ ne' theor on Britain+s onl prime ministerial assassination! 'hich too, place 2-- ears a$o todaB #ohn BarrellThe Guardian!.rida 11 Ma 2-12 -/(-- 0T

    Hi$h on a 'all in estminster A""e! in anthin$ "ut pride of place! is )ichard estmacott+s monument to Spencer Perceva'ho! 2-- ears a$o toda! 'as shot dead in the House of Commons! the onl British prime minister so far to have died "assassination( The memorial 'as 3erected " the Prince )e$ent and parliament3! and perhaps it 'ould have "een $iven a more

    prominent position if the prince had not "een a late and reluctant supporter of Perceval+s ministr( His straitlaced evan$elicalpremier had "een especiall unhelpful in the matter of Princess Caroline! the notorious supposed adulteress( )easona"l enouPerceval re$arded her as much more sinned a$ainst than sinnin$ and! " some s,illful moral "lac,mail! had forced the prince receive her a$ain as his 'ife(

    But then a$ain! had the monument "een more visi"le! its oddl am"i$uous messa$e 'ould have "een more a','ardl le$i"leconsists in part of a relief depictin$ the scene a moment after the shootin$( Perceval! dead or din$! is supported " t'o of hispolitical allies in the campai$n for the a"olition of the slave trade( Gathered round are various other politicians! shoc,ed andsorro'ful5 "ut it is the assassin! #ohn Bellin$ham! 'ho commands our attention( Taller than everone else! he has the "earin$ a man conscious of havin$ performed an act of shinin$ virtue! a $ood deed in a nau$ht 'orld( He is under arrest! "ut clearl no intention of escapin$! is 6uite 'illin$ to ta,e responsi"ilit for 'hat he has done(

    4t is hard to escape the conclusion that estmacott! or the prince! or Perceval+s successor! Lord Liverpool! 'as su$$estin$ tha"et'een the pious Perceval and his cold7"looded assassin there 'as somethin$ to "e said on "oth sides( The pu"lic 'as less faminded( Britain 'as in deep recession! for 'hich Perceval 'as "lamed5 the ne's of his murder 'as $reeted 'ith u"ilation allover London! and soon all over Britain( Bellin$ham! for the 'ee, of life he had left! "ecame a cele"rit! almost a hero(

    4n front of the relief lies a lar$er sculpture of Perceval dead! and at his head sits the alle$orical fi$ure of Po'er! mournin$ herprot9$9! 'ho had e*ercised his office 'ith the utter sin$le7mindedness of one 'ho ,no's that there is no alternative to hispolicies( 3He 'as a "itter persecutor!3 remar,ed his political opponent Lord Holland! 3of such political and reli$ious principleas he! 'ithout much painful in6uir or dispassionate reflection! disapproved(3 At Perceval+s feet stand t'o more alle$oricalfi$ures! 'eepin$ for his death( :ne of them is Truth! 3nuda veritas3! stripped to the 'aist to sho' that she has nothin$ to hide"ut " a udicious positionin$ of her left arm mana$in$ to hide that nothin$ from us( Andro Lin,later "elieves that the full trua"out the assassination has al'as "een hidden! and has 'ritten this "oo, to e*plain 'h Perceval had to die( 4n the process h

    offers a fascinatin$ account of Perceval+s eni$maticall simple character and craft politics(

    Bellin$ham insisted there 'as no mster a"out 'hat he had done! no secret accomplice! no motive other than the one he 'asonl too 'illin$ to declare! to everone! at len$th; even on the scaffold! standin$ on the trapdoor 'ith the rope actuall round nec,! he started e*plainin$ it to the chaplain of

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    Lin,later does not dou"t that Bellin$ham 'as sincere in insistin$ that he had acted alone! and for the reasons he $ave( ButBellin$ham! he su$$ests! 'as also the un,no'in$ instrument of more po'erful forces! 'ith vastl more to $ain than Bellin$h" the death of Perceval( The ar$ument that sustains this claim is in$enious and almost convincin$(

    Perceval 'as shot on the da the Commons 'as de"atin$ a motion " Henr Brou$ham to rescind the notorious 3orders incouncil3!the chief plan, in Perceval+s polic for the defeat of

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    A pamphlet on the Trial of #ohn Bellin$ham

    Spencer Perceal >9oem*er - -/8"ay -- -.-/@

    Prime Minister of the ?nited @in$dom of Great Britain %:cto"er /! 18-Ma 11! 1812&!Chancellor of the 0*che6uer %March 2>! 18-DMa 11! 1812&! and

    Attorne General for 0n$land and ales %18-2718->&

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    From China With Drugs? British, Dutch, Spanish, and American merchants arrive in Canton, China in 18!"18# to sell their merchandis$i.e. opium, %urniture& and 'uy Chinese tea and porcelain.$(ie) o% the Canton *actories, 18!"# 'y William Daniel $Paintin+ -assachusetts nstitute o% /echnolo+y&&

    ritish !mpressments or Drug "rade?:British 0oyal avy o%%icers 'oarded American merchant vessels and 2impressed3 $coerced at+unpoint& American merchants $and dru+ dealers )ho pro%ited %rom the 2China /rade3 in Canton& into servin+ the 0oyal avy durin+ theapoleonic Wars in the early 18s. -any Democratic"0epu'lican politicians %avored )ar )ith 4reat Britain over British impressments, Brnter%erence in American commerce, and British military assistance to hostile American ndian tri'es such as the Creek ation.

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    EThe T'elfth Con$ress convened on .ederalists and #ohn )andolph of )oano,e( )andolph 'as an annoin$ fello' 'ho could not "e counted on to sta re$ular( 4had first $ained distinction in the )epu"lican councils5 "ut he did not li,e the aoo scandals! and li,ed even less the apparen'illin$ness of #efferson and Madison to offer a "ri"e to the venal .rench .orei$n Minister! Tallerand! to ne$otiate the purchof the .loridas( 0ccentric 'as the "est 'a to descri"e him( )andolph called himself a 3Tertium Iuid(3Niles' Register 'hichprinted the names of )epu"licans in italics and .ederalists in )oman letters! solved the pro"lem in$eniousl " printin$)andolph+s half in italics and half in )oman( Sevent ne' mem"ers 'ere on the rolls of the T'elfth Con$ress and amon$ the'ere a num"er of oun$ men 'ho 'ere impatient 'ith the 'a the elder statesmen had "een runnin$ the countr( The old

    )epu"licans 'ere opposed to a lar$e standin$ arm! a lar$e nav! imperialistic am"itions and the levin$ of internal ta*es! all'hich the re$arded as .ederalist measures( The had let Great Britain "ull and "ro'"eat them( The had ne$lected to ,eeptheir ears to the $round so that the had not heard the tal, a"out 3manifest destin(3 Here 'ere .lorida and Canada ripe for thpluc,in$! read to "e anne*ed at the drop of a hat( h! "oasted Henr Cla! the @entuc, militia alone could ta,e CanadaJ the old fo$ies 'asted time in ar$uments and did nothin$ a"out it( The oun$ men meant to chan$e all that( 1he rin+ leader)as %lay #ormer Air+inian Bmill *oy o# the slashesB no) a risin+ statesman o# Kentuc7y ! 'ho at the a$e of F/ had alresat for a "rief space in the ?nited States Senate "efore "ein$ elected to the House( 1here )ere 5ohn %0 %alhoun South%arolinian aristocrat and scholar )ho had *een educated at Cale5 and! from the same state! Lan$don Cheeves! illiamLo'ndes and avid )( illiams( 1here )as handsome youn+ Peter $0 Porter another Cale +raduate natie son o#%onnecticut and no) o# )estern 9e) Cor70There 'ere .eli* Grund of Tennessee and )ichard M( #ohnson of @entuc,(/7>>

    E:"viousl! it 'as to "e "oth a part 'ar and a sectional 'ar( 4mpressment had no' "ecome the chief issue and of the menimpressed the maorit came from

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    1he 2ar o# -.-/ *y Francis F0 $eirnepu"lished " 0( P( utton N Co(! 4nc(/7D>&

    The T'elfth Con$ress convened on .ederalists and #ohn)andolph of )oano,e(

    )andolph 'as an annoin$ fello' 'ho could not "e counted on to sta re$ular( He had first $ained distinction in the )epu"licancouncils5 "ut he did not li,e the aoo scandals! and li,ed even less the apparent 'illin$ness of #efferson and Madison to offer a "rto the venal .rench .orei$n Minister Tallerand! to ne$otiate the purchase of the .loridas( 0ccentric 'as the "est 'a to descri"e hi)andolph called himself a 3Tertium Iuid(3Niles' Register! 'hich printed the names of )epu"licans in italics and .ederalists in )omletters! solved the pro"lem in$eniousl " printin$ )andolph+s half in italics and half in )oman(

    Sevent ne' mem"ers 'ere on the rolls of the T'elfth Con$ress and amon$ them 'ere a num"er of oun$ men 'ho 'ere impatien'ith the 'a the elder statesmen had "een runnin$ the countr( The old )epu"licans 'ere opposed to a lar$e standin$ arm! a lar$enav! imperialistic am"itions and the levin$ of internal ta*es! all of 'hich the re$arded as .ederalist measures( The had let GreaBritain "ull and "ro'"eat them( The had ne$lected to ,eep their ears to the $round so that the had not heard the tal, a"out3manifest destin(3 Here 'ere .lorida and Canada ripe for the pluc,in$! read to "e anne*ed at the drop of a hat( h! "oasted HenCla! the @entuc, militia alone could ta,e CanadaJ et the old fo$ies 'asted time in ar$uments and did nothin$ a"out it( The ounmen meant to chan$e all that(

    The rin$ leader 'as Cla! former Oir$inian 3mill "o of the slashes!3 no' a risin$ statesman of @entuc,! 'ho at the a$e of F/ hadalread sat for a "rief space in the ?nited States Senate "efore "ein$ elected to the House( There 'ere #ohn C( Calhoun! SouthCarolinian aristocrat and scholar! 'ho had "een educated at ale5 and! from the same state! Lan$don Cheeves! illiam Lo'ndes anavid )( illiams( There 'as handsome oun$ Peter B( Porter! another ale $raduate! native son of Connecticut and no' of 'este

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    commerce of this country by protecting the property of the merchant; then, indeed, by as much as if life and liberty are more estimthan ships and goods, so much more impressive is the duty to shield the persons of our seamen."

    The ar Ha',s 'ere intent upon 'ar( Could this almost apolo$etic mention of impressment have "een the result of a search for amoral issue= Apparentl the Marland Le$islature suspected it! for after the 'ar 'as ended it 'ent on record as declarin$ thatimpressment 'as a matter for ne$otiation and never had "een a cause of 'ar(

    The Committee+s report concluded! 3( ( ( 'e must tamel su"mit! or resist " those means 'hich God has placed 'ithin our reach(3 Teit had "een some'hat shortsi$hted in His provisions! for the Committee au$mented the divine preparations " proposin$ that;

    The militar esta"lishment "e filled up(An additional 1-!--- re$ulars "e raised to serve three ears(The President accept not more than K-!--- volunteers(He "e authoried to order out the militia(The naval vessels not no' in service "e reappointed and commissioned(The merchant vessels "e permitted to arm(

    The si* resolutions 'ere the e*cuse for 'hat so deli$hted statesmen and populace a full7dress de"ate on the $eneral su"ect of th'ar( .irst to ta,e the floor 'as the Chairman of the .orei$n )elations Committee( Mr( Porter li,ened the countr to a oun$ man uentered into life 'ho! if he su"mitted to one cool! deli"erate! intentional indi$nit! mi$ht safel calculate upon "ein$ ,ic,ed and cuffor the remainder of his life(

    Ho' 'as the 'ar to "e 'a$ed= That this countr could contend 'ith Great Britain on the sea! continued Mr( Porter! it 'as foll topretend( But 'ithin si* months 'e could have privateers to harass her commerce and destro her fisheries( Then he plaed the ar

    Ha',+s trump card( e could deprive her of CanadaJ h the e*ports of Iue"ec alone 'ere 'orth Q>!---!--- a ear( The seiure Canada 'ould ena"le us to compensate ourselves tenfold for all the spoliations committed on our commerce(

    Havin$ thus e*pressed himself! Porter ielded the floor to his fello' 'ar Ha',! Mr( Grund! of Tennessee( The spea,er reminded hhearers of Britain+s violation of the freedom of the seas! the ini6uities practiced under her sstem of impressment and of theunmista,a"le evidence found at Tippecanoe of her "ase intri$ue 'ith the 4ndians( He recalled the sacred pled$e made to .rance5 andli,e Porter! held out the pleasant prospect of the ac6uisition of Canada( As a representative of Tennessee and 'ith his ee on hisconstituents! 'ho 'ere onl mildl interested in Canada! he added 'hat 'as nearer to their hearts! the con6uest of the .loridas(

    :n ecem"er 1- the e*pected happened( #ohn )andolph of )oano,e entered the de"ate( )andolph 'as forever on his feet! and theman never ,ne' 'hen to sit do'n( 3Mr( )andolph spo,e for three hours(3 3Mr( )andolph spo,e a"out t'o hours and a half a$ainst "ill and a$ainst 'ar(3 3Mr( )andolph spo,e t'o hours and a half(3 The reports of the T'elfth Con$ress are punctuated 'ith such 'ecomments( 4mpatient mem"ers fled the cham"er( The more conscientious settled "ac, in their seats to a'ait the ordeal( To the comf

    of his fello' mem"ers! )andolph 'as indifferent( He 'as full a'are of the superiorit of his talents! and this occasion found him ihis most "rilliant and sarcastic mood(

    3The 6uestion!3 "e$an )andolph! in his shrill voice! 3is one of peace or 'ar a 'ar not of defense! "ut of con6uest! ofa$$randiement! of am"ition(3 He loo,ed accusin$l at the oun$ mem"ers as he added! 3a 'ar forei$n to the interests of this countto the interests of humanit itself(3

    ith studied malice he recalled the earlier repu$nance of the )epu"lican part to acts of a$$ression and chided them for forsa,in$their principles( 34 ,no' not ho' $entlemen callin$ themselves )epu"licans could advocate such a 'arJ3 He paused to let the shaftsin, in( 3To 'hom 'ill ou confide the char$e of leadin$ the flo'er of our outh to the Hei$hts of A"raham= ill ou find him in tperson of an ac6uitted felon=3 There 'as not a mem"er of the House 'ho did not ,no' that this remar, 'as aimed at Bri$adierGeneral #ames il,inson! commandin$ the

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    succeed in the .rench mode( Ho' dreadfull it mi$ht "e retorted on the 'estern and slave7holdin$ States(3 The sneer $ave 'a toscorn as he e*claimed( 3!---!--- of revenue as a$ainst Q1>!---!--- "efore the orders in council( Some people su$$est repof the non7importation la'( That 'ould "e an act of perfid( ou 'ould present the stran$e phenomenon of an import 'ithout ane*port trade( B a continuance of this peace! then! 'e should lose our commerce! our character and a nation+s "est attri"ute! ourhonorJ3

    Lain$ responsi"ilit for the orders not upon fear of .rench su"u$ation! as the British asserted! "ut upon British fear of commercia

    rivalr! he declared; 3She sic,ens at our prosperit5 she is ealous of ou! she dreads our rivalship on the ocean( She sa' in ournum"erless ships! 'hose sails spread on ever sea5 she perceived in our hundred and t'ent thousand $allant tars the seeds of a naforce 'hich! in thirt ears! 'ould rival her on her o'n element( She therefore commenced the odious sstem of impressment(3

    After )andolph! Calhoun and Cla had "een heard! the de"ate $raduall 'asted itself a'a amon$ the remar,s of the ran, and file(is dou"tful if man votes 'ere altered " the ar$uments presented on the floor( The resolution as,in$ an increase in the militaresta"lishment 'as passed " a handsome maorit( The action of the House 'as amended " the Senate under the leadership ofilliam B( Giles of Oir$inia( 0ventuall it 'as the Senate+s "ill 'hich President Madison si$ned on #anuar 11( 4t increased there$ular arm to FK!---( Supplementar "ills appropriated Q1!---!--- for arms and ammunition! camp e6uipment and 6uartermasterstores! Q/--!--- for ordnance! po'der and small arms for the nav( 0ven the acid .ederalist leader! #osiah Iuinc! voted for the "ildefendin$ his action on the $round that it 'ould have "een unpatriotic to oppose the administration in its efforts to provide nationaldefense(

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    'hat e*tent could it "e used= ould the President have the ri$ht to command it to operate outside the countr5 in other 'ords! inCanada= Con$ress had discussed the con6uest of Canada as the maor operation of the proposed 'ar( But 'hen it came to a 6uestiosendin$ militia there! Con$ress hemmed and ha'ed( Mem"ers 'ere not so sure as to ho' such an infrin$ement of States+ ri$hts 'ou"e received in their "aili'ic,s( The voted the President the authorit to call to arms a force of volunteers not e*ceedin$ K-!--- me"ut on the matter of forei$n service the dod$ed! leavin$ that hi$hl important "ut delicate issue to the President+s discretion(

    Ootin$ to raise the re$ular arm to FK!--- men 'as one thin$! recruitin$ it 'as 6uite another( ?nder the la' ever a"le7"odied man'as a mem"er of the State militia( Conse6uentl "efore a man could enlist in the re$ular arm he had to "e released from the militiaAnd ho' man! pra! 'ould elect to si$n up for a term of five ears as Giles+ "ill directed! 'hen the could serve their countr$allantl on a t'o months+ enlistment= At the moment onl a fe' thousand 'ere 'ith the colors( As for the use of the militar for

    forei$n service at the President+s discretion! that meant $oin$ over the heads of the $overnors! promised certain protests from thoseopposed to the 'ar and the administration and provo,ed a serious constitutional 6uestion( There 'as $rave dan$er of the 'ar "ein$fou$ht out in the courts rather than on the "attlefields(

    The a"surdit of the situation 'as manifested 'hen! a fe' das after the passa$e of the "ill! )epresentative Porter proposed the raisof a provisional force of 2-!---5 for! said he! 3e have made a parade in passin$ la's to raise 2K!--- troops and K-!--- volunteers"ut in truth and in fact 'e have not $iven him Rthe President a sin$le man(3

    The raisin$ of the arm havin$ "een thus dou"tfull disposed of! the ne*t 6uestion that presented itself 'as ho' the men 'ere to "epaid! fed! e6uipped and armed( Mone o"viousl 'as needed( 06uall o"vious 'as the fact that it had to come from the people( Th'as a matter 'hich Con$ressmen 'ould have li,ed to i$nore! "ut the Secretar of the Treasur! Al"ert Gallatin! 'as constantlremindin$ them of it( Gallatin! a "ald7headed little forei$ner 'ith an accent! a merchant 'ho could onl thin, in terms of dollars andcentsJ hat if he had "een the onl man in the )epu"lican part a"le to meet the $ifted Hamilton in de"ate over fiscal matters=

    A mem"er of the upper class! he ou$ht to have "een a .ederalist( But for some stran$e reason he preferred to consider himself ali"eral( 4f he couldn+t put up 'ith the American 'a of doin$ thin$s! 'h didn+t he $o "ac, to the S'iterland from 'hich he hadcome= hen his collea$ues had "loc,ed his aspirations to "e Secretar of State the thou$ht the 'ere done 'ith him! and here he'as turnin$ up in the 'orst of all positions as holder of the purse strin$s! interferin$ 'ith the preparations for a 'ar " insistin$ that'ould cost moneJ The truth of the matter 'as! accordin$ to the 'ar part! that Gallatin didn+t 'ant 'ar an more than did the othemerchants to 'hose class he "elon$ed( ri$ht! )epu"lican from Marland! openl char$ed him 'ith as much(

    As earl as

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    The press and the "an,ers prevailed( ?p to Ma 1/! 'ithin a month of the declaration of 'ar!

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    ?(S( Con$ressman #ohn )andolphs :pposition to the ar of 18124n the ?(S( House of )epresentatives on ecem"er 1-! 1811; 4n His :'n ords

    #ohn )andolph %also ,no'n as #ohn )andolph of )oano,e& served in the ?(S( House of )epresentatives %Oir$inia! March /!1D7March F! 181F5 March /! 181K7March F! 181D5 March /! 1817ecem"er 2>! 182K5 March /! 182D7March F! 1825 Marc/! 18FF7Ma 2/! 18FF %died in office&&! served as a ?(S( Senator %ecem"er 2>! 182K7March F! 182D&! and served as ?(S(Minister to )ussia in 18F-( #ohn )andolph of )oano,e 'as a direct descendant of #ohn )olfe and Pocahontas(

    E4t is a 6uestion! as it has "een presented to the House! of peace or *arBut it is impossi"le that the discussion of 6uestion! "road as the 'ide ocean! of our forei$n concerns! involvin$ ever consideration of interest! of ri$ht! ofhappiness! and of safet at home5 touchin$ in ever point all that is dear to freemen Utheir lives! their fortunes! and

    their sacred honor5 can "e tied do'n " the narro' rules of technical routineThe RCommittee of .orei$n)elations have felt themselves authoried %'hen the su"ect 'as "efore another committee& to recommend the raisof standin$ armies! 'ith a vie' %as has "een declared& of immediate 'ar a 'ar not of defense! "ut of con6uest! ofa$$randiement! of am"ition a 'ar! forei$n to the interests of this countr5 to the interests of humanit itself( 4,no' not ho' $entlemen! callin$ themselves repu"licans! can advocate such a 'ar( hat 'as their doctrine in 1D! 'hen the command of the arm! that hi$hest of all possi"le trusts in an $overnment! "e the form 'hat it ma! 'reposed in the "osom of the .ather of his countrJ The sanctuar of a nations loveJ the onl hope that never camin vain=$ut is )ar the true remedy? 2ho )ill pro#it *y it? SpeculatorsD a #e) luc7y merchants )ho dra)priEes in the lotteryD commissaries and contractors0 2ho must su##er *y it? 1he people0 Itis their *lood theta'es that must #lo) to support it4n 'hat situation 'ould ou then place some of the "est men of the nation=ur people )ill not su*mit to *e ta'ed #or this )ar o# con(uest and dominion0 1he +oernment o# the 3nite

    States )as not calculated to )a+e o##ensie #orei+n )arD it )as instituted #or the common de#ence and +enera)el#areDand 'hosoever 'ill em"ar, it in a 'ar of offence! 'ill put it to a test 'hich it is " no means calculated toendure( ?(S( Con$ressman #ohn )andolph! in a speech he delivered inside the ?(S( House of )epresentatives on ecem"1-! 1811 %Source; The +ife of ,ohn Ran-olph of Roano.e" Hu$h A( Garland! p( 28872F&

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    2That 'ar 'as inevita"le! and 'ould "e declared so soon as the nation 'as put into a posture of defence( 4t 'as also said inde"ate that one of the o"ects! and a necessar result of the 'ar! 'ould "e the con6uest of Canada( :n the 1-th da of ecem"Mr( )andolph made one of his most po'erful and elo6uent speeches in opposition to these 'ar measures( As the speech is to found in most of the collections of American elo6uence that have "een pu"lished from time to time! 'e must content ourselve'ith an e*tract here and there! "arel sufficient to e*plain in his o'n 'ords the $rounds of opposition( 3 4t is a 6uestion!3 saidMr )andolph! 3 as it has "een presented to the House! of peace or 'ar( 4n that li$ht it has "een re$arded! in no other li$ht can consider it! after declarations made " mem"ers of the Committee of .orei$n )elations( ithout intendin$ an disrespect to tchair! 4 must "e permitted to sa! that if the decision esterda 'as correct! + that it 'as not in order to advance an ar$umentsa$ainst the resolution! dra'n from topics "efore other committees of the House!+ the 'hole de"ate7na! the report itself on 'h'e are actin$7is disorderl! since the increase of the militar force is a su"ect at this time in a$itation " the select committee

    raised on that "ranch of the President+s messa$e( But it is impossi"le that the discussion of a 6uestion! "road as the 'ide oceanof our forei$n concerns! involvin$ ever consideration of interest! of ri$ht! of happiness! and of safet at home5 touchin$ inever point all that is dear to freemen7+ their lives! their fortunes! and their sacred honor5+ can "e tied do'n " the narro' rulestechnical routine( The Committee of .orei$n )elations has indeed decided that the su"ect of armin$ the militia %'hich 4 pressupon them as indispensa"le to the pu"lic safet& does not come 'ithin the scope of their authorit( :n 'hat $round! 4 have "eand still am! una"le to see( The have felt themselves authoried %'hen the su"ect 'as "efore another committee& torecommend the raisin$ of standin$ armies! 'ith a vie' %as has "een declared& of immediate 'ar7a 'ar not of defence! "ut ofcon6uest! of a$$randiement! of am"ition7a 'ar forei$n to the interests of this countr! to the interests of humanit itself( 34,no' not ho' $entlemen callin$ themselves repu"licans can advocate such a 'ar hat 'as their doctrine in 1D87! 'hen thcommand of the arm! that hi$hest of all possi"le trusts in an $overnment! "e the form 'hat it ma! 'as reposed in the "osomof the .ather of his countrJ the sanctuar of a nation+s loveJ the onl hope that never came in vain= hen other 'orthies of threvolution! Hamilton! Pinc,ne! and the oun$er ashin$ton! men of tried patriotism! of approved conduct and valor! of

    untarnished honor! held su"ordinate command under him= )epu"licans 'ere then un'illin$ to trust a standin$ arm even to hhands! 'ho had $iven proof that he 'as a"ove all human temptation( here no' is the revolutionar hero to 'hom ou area"out to confide this sacred trust= To 'hom 'ill ou confide the char$e of leadin$ the flo'er of our outh to the hei$hts ofA"raham= ill ou find him in the person of an ac6uitted felon= hatJ Then ou 'ere un'illin$ to vote an arm! 'hen suchmen as have "een named held hi$h commandJ hen ashin$ton himself 'as at the head! did ou then sho' such reluctancefeel such scruple= And are ou no' nothin$ loth! fearless of ever conse6uence= ill ou sa that our provocations 'ere lethen than no'! 'hen our direct commerce 'as interdicted! our am"assadors hooted 'ith derision from the .rench court!tri"ute demanded! actual 'ar 'a$ed upon ou= Those 'ho opposed the arm then 'ere indeed denounced as the partisans of.rance! as the same men77some of them at least are no' held up as the advocates of 0n$land5 those firm and undeviatin$repu"licans! 'ho then dared! and no' dare! to clin$ to the ar, of the Constitution! to defend it even at the e*pense of their famrather than surrender themselves to the 'ild proects of mad am"ition( There is a fatalit! sir! attendin$ plenitude of po'er( Soor late some mania seies upon its possessors! the fall from the di hei$ht! throu$h the $iddiness of their o'n heads( Li,e a

    vast estate! heaped up " the la"or and industr of one man! 'h(ch seldom survives the third $eneration( Po'er $ained " patiassiduit! " a faithful and re$ular dischar$e of its attendant duties! soon $ets a"ove its o'n ori$in( 4nto*icated 'ith their o'n$reatness! the federal part fell( ill not the same causes produce the same effects no' as then= Sir! ou ma raise this arm!ou ma "uild up this vast structure of patrona$e! this mi$ht apparatus of favoritism5 "ut! +la not the flatterin$ unction to osouls!+ ou 'ill never live to eno the succession ou si$n our political death 'arrant( V V V EThis 'ar of con6uest! a 'ar fothe ac6uisition of territor and su"ects! is to "e a ne' commentar on the doctrine that repu"lics are destitute of am"ition! theare addicted to peace! 'edded to the happiness and safet of the $reat "od of their people( But it seems this is to "e a holidacampai$n5 there is to "e no e*pense of "lood or treasure on our part! Canada is to con6uer herself! she is to "e su"dued " theprinciples of fraternit( The people of that countr are first to "e seduced from their alle$iance! and converted into traitors! aspreparator to the ma,in$ them $ood citiens( Althou$h 4 must ac,no'led$e that some of our flamin$ patriots 'ere thusmanufactured! 4 do not thin, the process 'ould hold $ood 'ith a 'hole communit( 4t is a dan$erous e*periment( e are tosucceed in the .rench mode " the sstem of fraterniation( All is .renchJ But ho' dreadfull it mi$ht "e retorted on the

    southern and 'estern slaveholdin$ States( 4 detest this su"ornation of treason(

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    commercial ri$hts! and 'ill $o to 'ar for themJ 4 'ish to ,no'! in point of principle! 'hat difference $entlemen can point out"et'een the a"andonment of this or of that maritime ri$ht= o $entlemen assume the loft port and tone of chivalrous redressof maritime 'ron$s! and declare their readiness to surrender ever other maritime ri$ht! provided the ma remain unmolestein the e*ercise of the hum"le privile$e of carrin$ their o'n produce a"road! and "rin$in$ "ac, a return car$o= o ou ma,ethis declaration to the enem at the outset= o ou state the minimum 'ith 'hich ou 'ill "e contented! and put it in her po'to close 'ith our proposals at her option= $ive her the "asis of a treat ruinous and dis$raceful "eond e*ample and e*pressiand this too after havin$ turned up our noses in disdain at the treaties of Mr( #a and Mr( Monroe= ill ou sa to 0n$land!/&n- the *ar *hen yo please give s the -irect tra-e in or o*n pro-ce *e are content23 But 'hat 'ill the merchants ofSalem! and Boston! and ( so mustsome of the truest friends of the countr deprecate the success of our arms a$ainst the onl po'er that holds in chec, the archenem of man,ind( Bur people )ill not su*mit to *e ta'ed #or this )ar o# con(uest and dominion0 1he +oernment o#

    3nited States )as not calculated to )a+e o##ensie #orei+n )arD it )as instituted #or the common de#ence and +eneral)el#areD and )hosoeer )ill em*ar7 it in a )ar o# o##ence )ill put it to a test )hich it is *y no means calculated to

    endure0Ma,e it out that Great Britain did insti$ate the 4ndians on a late occasion! and 4 am read for "attle! "ut not fordominion( 4 am un'illin$! ho'ever! under present circumstances! to ta,e Canada at the ris, of the Constitution5 to em"ar, in common cause 'ith .rance! and "e dra$$ed at the 'heels of the car of some Burr or Bonaparte( .or a $entleman fromTennessee! or Genesee! or la,e Champlain! there ma "e some prospect of advanta$e( Their hemp 'ould "ear a $reat price "the e*clusion of forei$n suppl 4n that! too! the $reat importers 'ere deepl interested( The upper countr on the Hudson and la,es! 'ould "e enriched " the supplies for the troops( 'hich the alone could furnish( The 'ould have the e*clusive mar,eto sa nothin$ of the increased preponderance from the ac6uisition of Canada! and that section of the ?nion! 'hich the southeand 'estern States had alread felt so severel in the apportionment "ill(3 Mr )andolph d'elt on the dan$er arisin$ from the"lac, population( He said he 'ould touch this su"ect as tenderl as possi"le5 it 'as 'ith reluctance; that he touched it at all! "in cases of $reat emer$enc the state phsician must not "e deterred " a sic,l! hsterical humanit! from pro"in$ the 'ound

    his patient! he must not "e 'ithheld " a fastidious and mista,en humanit from representin$ his true situation to his friends! even to the sic, man himself! 'here the occasion called for it( 3hat! sir is the situation of the slaveholdin$ States= urin$ th'ar of the )evolution! so fi*ed 'ere their ha"its of su"ordination! that 'hile the 'hole countr 'as overrun " the enem! 'invited them to desert! no fear 'as ever entertained of an insurrection of the slaves( The +ife of ,ohn Ran-olph of Roano.e" Hu$h A( Garland! p( 28872F

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    5A-6S -ADS7War -essa+e to Con+ress5une 1, 181

    /o the Senate and 9ouse o% 0epresentatives o% the :nited States

    communicate to Con+ress certain documents, 'ein+ a continuation o% those hereto%ore laid 'e%ore them on the su';ect o% oua%%airs )ith 4reat Britain.

    Without +oin+ 'ack 'eyond the rene)al in 18< o% the )ar in )hich 4reat Britain is en+a+ed, and omittin+ unrepaired )ron+s

    n%erior ma+nitude, the conduct o% her 4overnment presents a series o% acts hostile to the :nited States as an independent anneutral nation.

    British cruisers have 'een in the continued practice o% violatin+ the American %la+ on the +reat hi+h)ay o% nations, and o% sei=and carryin+ o%% persons sailin+ under it, not in the e>ercise o% a 'elli+erent ri+ht %ounded on the la) o% nations a+ainst anenemy, 'ut o% a municipal prero+ative over British su';ects. British ;urisdiction is thus e>tended to neutral vessels in a situatio)here no la)s can operate 'ut the la) o% nations and the la)s o% the country to )hich the vessels 'elon+, and a sel%"redress assumed )hich, i% British su';ects )ere )ron+%ully detained and alone concerned, is that su'stitution o% %orce %or a resort to thresponsi'le soverei+n )hich %alls )ithin the de%inition o% )ar. Could the sei=ure o% British su';ects in such cases 'e re+arded a)ithin the e>ercise o% a 'elli+erent ri+ht, the ackno)led+ed la)s o% )ar, )hich %or'id an article o% captured property to 'ead;ud+ed )ithout a re+ular investi+ation 'e%ore a competent tri'unal, )ould imperiously demand the %airest trial )here thesacred ri+hts o% persons )ere at issue. n place o% such a trial these ri+hts are su';ected to the )ill o% every petty commander.

    /he practice, hence, is so %ar %rom a%%ectin+ British su';ects alone that, under the prete>t o% searchin+ %or these, thousands o%American citi=ens, under the sa%e+uard o% pu'lic la) and o% their national %la+, have 'een torn %rom their country and %romeverythin+ dear to them? have 'een dra++ed on 'oard ships o% )ar o% a %orei+n nation and e>posed, under the severities o% thdiscipline, to 'e e>iled to the most distant and deadly climes, to risk their lives in the 'attles o% their oppressors, and to 'e themelancholy instruments o% takin+ a)ay those o% their o)n 'rethren.

    A+ainst this cryin+ enormity, )hich 4reat Britain )ould 'e so prompt to aven+e i% committed a+ainst hersel%, the :nited Stateshave in vain e>hausted remonstrances and e>postulations, and that no proo% mi+ht 'e )antin+ o% their conciliatory dispositionand no prete>t le%t %or a continuance o% the practice, the British 4overnment )as %ormally assured o% the readiness o% the :nitStates to enter into arran+ements such as could not 'e re;ected i% the recovery o% British su';ects )ere the real and the soleo';ect. /he communication passed )ithout e%%ect.

    British cruisers have 'een in the practice also o% violatin+ the ri+hts and the peace o% our coasts. /hey hover over and harass

    our enterin+ and departin+ commerce. /o the most insultin+ pretensions they have added the most la)less proceedin+s in ouvery har'ors, and have )antonly spilt American 'lood )ithin the sanctuary o% our territorial ;urisdiction. /he principles and ruleen%orced 'y that nation, )hen a neutral nation, a+ainst armed vessels o% 'elli+erents hoverin+ near her coasts and distur'in+ commerce are )ell kno)n. When called on, nevertheless, 'y the :nited States to punish the +reater o%%enses committed 'y ho)n vessels, her 4overnment has 'esto)ed on their commanders additional marks o% honor and con%idence.

    :nder pretended 'lockades, )ithout the presence o% an ade@uate %orce and sometimes )ithout the practica'ility o% applyin+ oour commerce has 'een plundered in every sea, the +reat staples o% our country have 'een cut o%% %rom their le+itimate markeand a destructive 'lo) aimed at our a+ricultural and maritime interests. n a++ravation o% these predatory measures they have'een considered as in %orce %rom the dates o% their noti%ication, a retrospective e%%ect 'ein+ thus added, as has 'een done inother important cases, to the unla)%ulness o% the course pursued. And to render the outra+e the more si+nal these mock'lockades have 'een reiterated and en%orced in the %ace o% o%%icial communications %rom the British 4overnment declarin+ as true de%inition o% a le+al 'lockade that particular ports must 'e actually invested and previous )arnin+ +iven to vessels 'ound

    them not to enter.

    ot content )ith these occasional e>pedients %or layin+ )aste our neutral trade, the ca'inet o% Britain resorted at len+th to thes)eepin+ system o% 'lockades, under the name o% orders in council, )hich has 'een molded and mana+ed as mi+ht 'est suitpolitical vie)s, its commercial ;ealousies, or the avidity o% British cruisers.

    /o our remonstrances a+ainst the complicated and transcendent in;ustice o% this innovation the %irst reply )as that the orders)ere reluctantly adopted 'y 4reat Britain as a necessary retaliation on decrees o% her enemy proclaimin+ a +eneral 'lockadethe British sles at a time )hen the naval %orce o% that enemy dared not issue %rom his o)n ports. She )as reminded )ithoute%%ect that her o)n prior 'lockades, unsupported 'y an ade@uate naval %orce actually applied and continued, )ere a 'ar to thisplea? that e>ecuted edicts a+ainst millions o% our property could not 'e retaliation on edicts con%essedly impossi'le to 'ee>ecuted? that retaliation, to 'e ;ust, should %all on the party settin+ the +uilty e>ample, not on an innocent party )hich )as noeven char+ea'le )ith an ac@uiescence in it.

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    When deprived o% this %limsy veil %or a prohi'ition o% our trade )ith her enemy 'y the repeal o% his prohi'ition o% our trade )ith4reat Britain, her ca'inet, instead o% a correspondin+ repeal or a practical discontinuance o% its orders, %ormally avo)ed adetermination to persist in them a+ainst the :nited States until the markets o% her enemy should 'e laid open to British producthus assertin+ an o'li+ation on a neutral po)er to re@uire one 'elli+erent to encoura+e 'y its internal re+ulations the trade o%another 'elli+erent, contradictin+ her o)n practice to)ard all nations, in peace as )ell as in )ar, and 'etrayin+ the insincerity those pro%essions )hich inculcated a 'elie% that, havin+ resorted to her orders )ith re+ret, she )as an>ious to %ind an occasio%or puttin+ an end to them.

    A'andonin+ still more all respect %or the neutral ri+hts o% the :nited States and %or its o)n consistency, the British 4overnmenno) demands as prere@uisites to a repeal o% its orders as they relate to the :nited States that a %ormality should 'e o'servedthe repeal o% the *rench decrees no)ise necessary to their termination nor e>empli%ied 'y British usa+e, and that the *renchrepeal, 'esides includin+ that portion o% the decrees )hich operates )ithin a territorial ;urisdiction, as )ell as that )hich operaon the hi+h seas, a+ainst the commerce o% the :nited States should not 'e a sin+le and special repeal in relation to the :niteStates, 'ut should 'e e>tended to )hatever other neutral nations unconnected )ith them may 'e a%%ected 'y those decrees. Aas an additional insult, they are called on %or a %ormal disavo)al o% conditions and pretensions advanced 'y the *rench4overnment %or )hich the :nited States are so %ar %rom havin+ made themselves responsi'le that, in o%%icial e>planations )hihave 'een pu'lished to the )orld, and in a correspondence o% the American minister at London )ith the British minister %or%orei+n a%%airs such a responsi'ility )as e>plicitly and emphatically disclaimed.

    t has 'ecome, indeed, su%%iciently certain that the commerce o% the :nited States is to 'e sacri%iced, not as inter%erin+ )ith the'elli+erent ri+hts o% 4reat Britain? not as supplyin+ the )ants o% her enemies, )hich she hersel% supplies? 'ut as inter%erin+ )itthe monopoly )hich she covets %or her o)n commerce and navi+ation. She carries on a )ar a+ainst the la)%ul commerce o% a%riend that she may the 'etter carry on a commerce )ith an enemy a commerce polluted 'y the %or+eries and per;uries )hiare %or the most part the only passports 'y )hich it can succeed.

    An>ious to make every e>periment short o% the last resort o% in;ured nations, the :nited States have )ithheld %rom 4reat Britaunder successive modi%ications, the 'ene%its o% a %ree intercourse )ith their market, the loss o% )hich could not 'ut out)ei+h thpro%its accruin+ %rom her restrictions o% our commerce )ith other nations. And to entitle these e>periments to the more %avora'consideration they )ere so %ramed as to ena'le her to place her adversary under the e>clusive operation o% them. /o theseappeals her 4overnment has 'een e@ually in%le>i'le, as i% )illin+ to make sacri%ices o% every sort rather than yield to the claimo% ;ustice or renounce the errors o% a %alse pride. ay, so %ar )ere the attempts carried to overcome the attachment o% the Britica'inet to its un;ust edicts that it received every encoura+ement )ithin the competency o% the e>ecutive 'ranch o% our4overnment to e>pect that a repeal o% them )ould 'e %ollo)ed 'y a )ar 'et)een the :nited States and *rance, unless the*rench edicts should also 'e repealed. 6ven this communication, althou+h silencin+ %orever the plea o% a disposition in the:nited States to ac@uiesce in those edicts ori+inally the sole plea %or them, received no attention.

    % no other proo% e>isted o% a predetermination o% the British 4overnment a+ainst a repeal o% its orders, it mi+ht 'e %ound in thecorrespondence o% the minister plenipotentiary o% the :nited States at London and the British secretary %or %orei+n a%%airs in181, on the @uestion )hether the 'lockade o% -ay, 18#, )as considered as in %orce or as not in %orce. t had 'een ascertainthat the *rench 4overnment, )hich ur+ed this 'lockade as the +round o% its Berlin decree, )as )illin+ in the event o% its remoto repeal that decree, )hich, 'ein+ %ollo)ed 'y alternate repeals o% the other o%%ensive edicts, mi+ht a'olish the )hole system'oth sides. /his invitin+ opportunity %or accomplishin+ an o';ect so important to the :nited States, and pro%essed so o%ten to 'the desire o% 'oth the 'elli+erents, )as made kno)n to the British 4overnment. As that 4overnment admits that an actualapplication o% an ade@uate %orce is necessary to the e>istence o% a le+al 'lockade, and it )as notorious that i% such a %orce haever 'een applied its lon+ discontinuance had annulled the 'lockade in @uestion, there could 'e no su%%icient o';ection on thepart o% 4reat Britain to a %ormal revocation o% it, and no ima+ina'le o';ection to a declaration o% the %act that the 'lockade did ne>ist. /he declaration )ould have 'een consistent )ith her avo)ed principles o% 'lockade, and )ould have ena'led the :nitedStates to demand %rom *rance the pled+ed repeal o% her decrees, either )ith success, in )hich case the )ay )ould have 'eeopened %or a +eneral repeal o% the 'elli+erent edicts, or )ithout success, in )hich case the :nited States )ould have 'eenusti%ied in turnin+ their measures e>clusively a+ainst *rance. /he British 4overnment )ould, ho)ever, neither rescind the

    'lockade nor declare its none>istence, nor permit its non"e>istence to 'e in%erred and a%%irmed 'y the American plenipotentiar7n the contrary, 'y representin+ the 'lockade to 'e comprehended in the orders in council, the :nited States )ere compelledto re+ard it in their su'se@uent proceedin+s.

    /here )as a period )hen a %avora'le chan+e in the policy o% the British ca'inet )as ;ustly considered as esta'lished. /heminister plenipotentiary o% 9is Britannic -a;esty here proposed an ad;ustment o% the di%%erences more immediately endan+erithe harmony o% the t)o countries. /he proposition )as accepted )ith the promptitude and cordiality correspondin+ )ith thenvaria'le pro%essions o% this 4overnment. A %oundation appeared to 'e laid %or a sincere and lastin+ reconciliation. /heprospect, ho)ever, @uickly vanished. /he )hole proceedin+ )as disavo)ed 'y the British 4overnment )ithout any e>planatio)hich could at that time repress the 'elie% that the disavo)al proceeded %rom a spirit o% hostility to the commercial ri+hts andprosperity o% the :nited States? and it has since come into proo% that at the very moment )hen the pu'lic minister )as holdin+the lan+ua+e o% %riendship and inspirin+ con%idence in the sincerity o% the ne+otiation )ith )hich he )as char+ed a secret a+eo% his 4overnment )as employed in intri+ues havin+ %or their o';ect a su'version o% our 4overnment and a dismem'erment o

    our happy union.

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  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    Source httpmemory.loc.+ovc+i"'inampa+ecolldEllacF%ileameE

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    $Source Li'rary o% Con+ressCon+ressional 0ecords&

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    War o% 181 Declaration o% War 0oll Call

    Federalist and #epu$lican %oliticians ho 'oted against the War of 1812 ()Na*+,::.S. Senators5ames A. Bayard Sr. $A.B. Princeton 1H8G& I :.S. Senator $*ederalist"Dela)are, 18G"181

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    #epu$lican %oliticians Who -oted for the War of 1812 ().ea+,::.S. Senators4eor+e -. Bi'' $A.B. Princeton 1HK& I :.S. Senator $Democratic 0epu'lican"Oentucky, 1811"181G, 18K"18

    Bur)ell Bassett I :.S. Con+ressman $0epu'lican"(ir+inia, 18!"181

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    David Bard $A.B. Princeton 1HH

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    7liver 9a=ard PerryRs messa+e to William 9enry 9arrison a%ter the Battle o% Lake 6rie on Septem'er 1, 181< 'e+an )ith )hat )ould 'ecoone o% the most %amous sentences in American military history We have met the enemy and they are ours. /his 18#! paintin+ 'y WilliamPo)ell sho)s Perry trans%errin+ to a di%%erent ship durin+ the 'attle.

    British soldiers 'urn various 'uildin+s, includin+ the White 9ouse, in Washin+ton, D.C. on /ugust 2 181durin+ War o% 181. Congressdeclared ar on the ritish 3mpire on 0une 18 18124 Dis+runtled American political po)er'rokers met privately at 9art%ord, ConnecticuDecem'er 181G to discuss secession and armistice. /he meetin+ )as later kno)n as the 9art%ord Convention.

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    7ri+inal caption 2A (6W o% the B7-BA0D-6/ o% *ort -c9enry, near Baltimore, 'y the British %leet taken %rom the

    7'servatory under the Command o% Admirals Cochrane F Cock'urn on the mornin+ o% the 1

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    American diplomats! led " #ohn Iuinc Adams! and British diplomats si$n the Treat of Ghent in Ghent! Bel$ium %formerl

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    The Battle of

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    2illiam "annin+ >-H

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    Treaty of Ghent (1814)

    1reaty o# Peace and 4mity *et)een ,is $ritannic "ajesty and the 3nited States o# 4merica0

    His Britannic Maest and the ?nited States of America desirous of terminatin$ the 'ar 'hich has unhappil su"sisted "et'een thet'o Countries! and of restorin$ upon principles of perfect reciprocit! Peace! .riendship! and $ood ?nderstandin$ "et'een them! hafor that purpose appointed their respective Plenipotentiaries! that is to sa! His Britannic Maest on His part has appointed the )i$hHonoura"le #ames Lord Gam"ier! late Admiral of the hite no' Admiral of the )ed S6uadron of His Maest+s .leet5 HenrGoul"urn 0s6uire! a Mem"er of the 4mperial Parliament and ?nder Secretar of State5 and illiam Adams 0s6uire! octor of CivilLa's; And the President of the ?nited States! " and 'ith the advice and consent of the Senate thereof! has appointed #ohn Iuinc

    Adams! #ames A( Baard! Henr Cla! #onathan )ussell! and Al"ert Gallatin! Citiens of the ?nited States5 'ho! after a reciprocalcommunication of their respective .ull Po'ers! have a$reed upon the follo'in$ Articles(

    A)T4CL0 TH0 .4)ST(

    There shall "e a firm and universal Peace "et'een His Britannic Maest and the ?nited States! and "et'een their respectiveCountries! Territories! Cities! To'ns! and People of ever de$ree 'ithout e*ception of places or persons( All hostilities "oth " sea land shall cease as soon as this Treat shall have "een ratified " "oth parties as hereinafter mentioned( All territor! places! andpossessions 'hatsoever ta,en " either part from the other durin$ the 'ar! or 'hich ma "e ta,en after the si$nin$ of this Treat!e*ceptin$ onl the 4slands hereinafter mentioned! shall "e restored 'ithout dela and 'ithout causin$ an destruction or carrin$ a'an of the Artiller or other pu"lic propert ori$inall captured in the said forts or places! and 'hich shall remain therein upon the0*chan$e of the )atifications of this Treat! or an Slaves or other private propert5 And all Archives! )ecords! eeds! and Papers!

    either of a pu"lic nature or "elon$in$ to private persons! 'hich in the course of the 'ar ma have fallen into the hands of the :fficeof either part! shall "e! as far as ma "e practica"le! forth'ith restored and delivered to the proper authorities and persons to 'homthe respectivel "elon$( Such of the 4slands in the Ba of Passama6uodd as are claimed " "oth parties shall remain in thepossession of the part in 'hose occupation the ma "e at the time of the 0*chan$e of the )atifications of this Treat until thedecision respectin$ the title to the said 4slands shall have "een made in conformit 'ith the fourth Article of this Treat(

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    and ei$ht three 'ithin the limits of the Province of

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    of one thousand seven hundred and ei$ht three( And "oth parties a$ree to consider such desi$nation and decision as final andconclusive( And in the event of the said t'o Commissioners differin$ or "oth or either of them refusin$! declinin$! or 'ilfull omittto act! such reports! declarations! or statements shall "e made " them or either of them! and such reference to a friendl Soverei$n State shall "e made in all respects as in the latter part of the fourth Article is contained! and in as full a manner as if the same 'asherein repeated(

    A)T4CL0 TH0 S0O0

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    A)T4CL0 TH0 0L0O0

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    artford Con'ention: Organized Crime?

    /he 7ld State 9ouse in 9art%ord, Connecticut )as completed in 1HK#. /he 9art%ord Convention )as held at /he 7ld State 9ouse in 9art%oConnecticut in Decem'er 181G.

    Prominent Participants at the 9art%ord Convention

    Le%t to ri+ht 5ohn /read)ell, athan Dane, 9arrison 4ray 7tis, 4eor+e Ca'ot, Chauncey 4oodrich, 5ames 9illhouse

    Prominent Participants at the 9art%ord ConventionChauncey 4oodrich $B.A. Jale 1HH#& I :.S. Senator $*"Connecticut, 18H"181

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    athaniel Smith I :.S. Con+ressman $*"Connecticut, 1HK!"1HKK&? 5ud+e o% the Supreme Court o% Connecticut $18#"181K&/heodore D)i+ht I Secretary o% the 9art%ord Convention? :.S. Con+ressman $*"Connecticut, 18#"18H&

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    The War of 1812*y Francis F0 $eirnepu"lished " 0( P( utton N Co(! 4nc(

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    Boston itself 'as threatened 'ith invasion and little or no preparation 'as made for its defense( The .ederalist leaders of the rather 'elcomed the arrival of the British! 'hom the had favored throu$hout the 'ar( Some of them asserted openl thatBoston ou$ht to capitulate and that the British could "e counted upon to respect private propert( The fate of Ale*andria!Oir$inia! ho'ever! revealed that the British 'ere not as particular a"out private propert as the Boston .ederalists ima$ined( Tflour! to"acco and other $oods "elon$in$ to individuals had "een seied( hen the Bostonians heard of that the instinct ofo'nership triumphed over the instinct of part politics( At last even the most violent of the .ederalists for$ot their preudices!too, off their coats and set to 'or, on the cit+s fortifications( Proud and hau$ht mem"ers of the Suffol, Bar and students froHarvard ru""ed shoulders 'ith the masses as the earth'or,s 'ent up( But the threat did not materialie( The British fleet leftBoston in peace and! as the fear of invasion receded! Boston+s sense of $rievance rose(

    1he chie# *one o# contention )as the state militia0 3pon the threat o# inasion Goernor Stron+ called upon the 9ationGoernment #or #unds to support the troops0 1he Secretary o# 2ar replied that the support )ould *e #orthcomin+ i# th

    "assachusetts militia )ere placed under the command o# re+ular o##icers0 1his Goernor Stron+ re#used to do #earin+

    that once under Federal control the militia )ould *e marched out o# the state and into %anada0The Secretar of armade the same offer to the Governors of Connecticut! )hode 4sland and Oermont5 "ut! li,e Governor Stron$! all of them refusSuch "ein$ the case the Secretar of ar declined to provide the funds( 4n the ees of the Secretar of ar his decision 'aslo$ical enou$h! "ut not to the

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    attempted either course! should "e treated as traitors( Ho' em"arrassin$ to "oth 'ere these declarations of ri$hts to appear som/K ears laterJ

    Stimulated " the press pu"lic e*citement rose to fever pitch( The 'ar 'as almost for$otten in the interest over 'hat 'as ta,inplace at Hartford( 0*treme .ederalists! 'hose nec,s 'ere not at sta,e! ur$ed the dele$ates to $o the limit( Pic,erin$+s idea 'a,ic, the est out of the ?nion and return to a union of the thirteen ori$inal states 'ith dele$ates! 22 'ere colle$e $raduateand nine 'ere urists( Their avera$e a$e 'as K2(

    These 'ere men of maturit and responsi"ilit! capa"le no dou"t of solemn deli"eration and protest5 "ut not the sort to erect"arricades! def authorit and ris, their propert and their nec,s in an a"ortive revolt( :"servers closest to the scene 6uic,lreco$nied the convention for 'hat it 'as( Colonel #esup lost no time in assurin$ Secretar Monroe that the people ofConnecticut 'ere not prepared for re"ellion and that the actions of the convention 'ere no cause for pu"lic alarm( #ohn Lo'ea pamphleteer and fire"rand! 'ho acted as a mouthpiece for Pic,erin$ and 'ho 'as doin$ his "est to e$$ on the dele$ates toe*treme measures! soon reported in dis$ust to his master! 3The are not calculated for "old measures(3 :f :tis in particular! ''as loo,ed upon as the leader and archconspirator! he 'rote! 3Mr( :tis is naturall timid! and fre6uentl 'averin$ toda"old! tomorro' li,e a hare trem"lin$ at ever "reee(3 4n short! Lo'ell declared! he did not ,no' 3a sin$le "old and ardent m

    amon$ the Massachusetts and Connecticut dele$ations(

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    The Hartford Convention mi$ht have ceased then and there to "e ne's! and dou"tless 'ould 6uic,l have "een for$otten! hadnot! almost " accident! hit upon the one possi"le means of redeemin$ itself( The rulin$ aristocrac of

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    constitutional convention( Gouverneur Morris! 'ho had called the dele$ates the 3ise Men of the 0ast!3 no' retracted his'ords! and ridiculed their deli"erations in an open letter( The )epu"licans! on the other hand! 'ere relieved that the report 'ano 'orse( 3Certain it is! that the proceedin$s are tempered 'ith more moderation than 'as to have "een e*pected!3 admitted thNational Intelligencer( 4f! said the editor! the convention 'as called to effect separation from the ?nion! at least the dele$atesappeared to "e $oin$ a"out it in a peacea"le 'a(

    et in spite of all that had happened in

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    8PS @ne of the gentlemen *as calle- Tits @ates or some sch name8

    Source; ?niversit of Chica$o

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    Prominent Jale 4raduates F /heir 7ccupation durin+ the War o% 181

    5oel Barlo)B.A. Jale 1HH8

    :.S. -inister to *rance$ovem'er 1H, 1811"Decem'er #, 181&

    7liver Wolcott 5r.B.A. Jale 1HH8

    President o% Bank o%America $181"181G&

    5ohn C. CalhounB.A. Jale 18G

    :.S. Con+ressman$D0"South Carolina,


    Stephen 6lliottB.A. Jale 1HK1

    President o% the Bank o%the State o% South

    Carolina $181"18

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    Jale :niversity 4raduates and War o% 181 $181"181!& and Second Bar'ary War $181!&

    4overnment 7%%icials %rom ConnecticutSamuel W. Dana $B.A. 1HH!& I :.S. Senator $*"Connecticut, 181"181&Chauncey 4oodrich $B.A. 1HH#& I :.S. Senator $*"Connecticut, 18H"181ander Wolcott $B.A. 1HH8& I Collector o% the Port o% -iddleto)n, Connecticut $181"188&

    *ederal and State 4overnment 7%%icialsStephen 0. Bradley $B.A. 1HH!& I :.S. Senator $D0"(ermont, 1HK1"1HK!? 181"181

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    Samuel 5ones 5r. $B.A. 1HK& I -em'er o% e) Jork State Assem'ly representin+ e) Jork CityQ $181"181G&Peter William 0adcli%% $B.A. 1HK

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    Prominent 9arvard 4raduates F War o% 181

    6l'rid+e /. 4erryB.A. 9arvard 1H#

    (ice President o% the :.S.$-arch G, 181

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    9arvard :niversity 4raduates and the War o% 181 $181"181!& and Second Bar'ary War $181!&

    4overnment 7%%icials6l'rid+e /. 4erry $B.A. 1H#& I (ice President o% the :nited States $-arch G, 181

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    /homas Da)es I 7verseer o% 9arvard :niversity $181"18tile millsQ $181

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    Princeton :niversity 4raduates and the War o% 181 $181"181!& and Second Bar'ary War $181!&

    5ames -adison $A.B. 1HH1& I President o% the :nited States $18K"181H&William Branch 4iles $A.B. 1H81& I :.S. Senator $Democratic 0epu'lican"(ir+inia, 18G"181!&5ames A. Bayard Sr. $A.B. 1H8G& I :.S. Senator $*ederalist"Dela)are, 18G"181

    Smith /hompson $A.B. 1H88& I 5ud+e o% the Supreme Court o% e) Jork $181"181G&Peter 6arly $A.B. 1HK& I 5ud+e o% the Supreme Court o% 4eor+ia $18H"181

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    1812 Presidential 0lection %

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    "homas 0efferson! 181/

    E4 do not remem"er the conversation "et'een us 'hich ou mention in ours of

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    2ar o# -.-/: r+aniEed %rime?

    #ames Madison

    E# all the enemies to pu*lic li*erty )ar is perhaps the most to *e dreaded *ecause itcomprises and deelops the +erm o# eery other0 2ar is the parent o# armiesD #rom these

    proceed de*ts and ta'es5 and armies! and de"ts! and ta*es are the ,no'n instruments for "rin$inthe man under the domination of the fe'( 4n 'ar! too! the discretionar po'er of the 0*ecutive ise*tended5 its influence in dealin$ out offices! honors! and emoluments is multiplied5 and all themeans of seducin$ the minds! are added to those of su"duin$ the force! of the people( The samemali$nant aspect in repu"licanism ma "e traced in the ine6ualit of fortunes! and the opportunitiof fraud! $ro'in$ out of a state of 'ar! and in the de$enerac of manners and of morals en$endere" "oth( 9o nation could presere its #reedom in the midst o# continual )ar#are0 ?(S( Con$ressman #ames Madison! fromPolitical @servations! April 2-! 1DK

    #ohn #a

    EBut the safet of the people of America a$ainst dan$ers fromforeignforce depends not onl ontheir for"earin$ to $iveAstcauses of 'ar to other nations! "ut also on their placin$ and continuin$themselves in such a situation as not to invitehostilit or insult5 for it need not "e o"served that tharepreten-e-as 'ell as ust causes of 'ar( 4t is too true! ho'ever dis$raceful it ma "e to humannature! that nations in $eneral 'ill ma,e 'ar 'henever the have a prospect of $ettin$ anthin$ "na! a"solute monarchs 'ill often ma,e 'ar 'hen their nations are to $et nothin$ " it! "ut for thepurposes and o"ects merel personal! such as thirst for militar $lor! reven$e for personal affronam"ition! or private compacts to a$$randie or support their particular families or partisans( These

    and a variet of other motives! 'hich affect onl the mind of the soverei$n! often lead him to en$ain 'ars not sanctified " ustice or the voice and interests of his people( #ohn #a!?e-eralist7188F&! in an address to the Michi$an Militar Academ on #une 1! 18D

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    4merican =eolution: Family Feud or r+aniEed %rime?

    3Patric, Henr Before the Oir$inia House of Bur$esses3! a paintin$ of Patric, Henr+s 34f this "e treason! ma,e the most of itJ3 speea$ainst the Stamp Act of 1D>K( %Paintin$ " Peter .( )othermel&

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    Benamin .ran,lin flies a ,ite durin$ a li$htnin$ storm in an attempt to discover electricit durin$ one of his famous scientificdiscoveries( The "o on the left is Benamin .ran,lins ille$itimate son illiam .ran,lin( Benamin .ran,lins relationship 'ith hille$itimate son illiam .ran,lin soured durin$ the American )evolution5 Benamin .ran,lin supported American independence an'as a dedicated Patriot 'hile illiam .ran,lin! a lon$time Colonial Governor of

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    Great Britain; Parliament The Currenc Act5 April 1! 1D>/

    H0)0AS $reat 6uantities of paper "ills of credit have "een created and issued in his Maest+s colonies or plantations iAmerica! " virtue of acts! orders! resolutions! or votes of assem"l! ma,in$ and declarin$ such "ills of credit to "e le$al tendin pament of mone; and 'hereas such "ills of credit have $reatl depreciated in their value! " means 'hereof de"ts have"een dischar$ed 'ith a much less value than 'as contracted for! to the $reat discoura$ement and preudice of the trade andcommerce of his Maest+s su"ects! " occasionin$ confusion in dealin$s! and lessenin$ credit in the said colonies orplantations; for remed 'hereof! ma it please our most e*cellent Maest! that it ma "e enacted5 and "e it enacted " the@in$+s most e*cellent maest! " and 'ith the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal! and commons! in this

    present parliament assem"led! and " the authorit of the same! That from and after the first da of Septem"er! one thousandseven hundred and si*t four! no act! order! resolution! or vote of assem"l! in an of his Maest+s colonies or plantations inAmerica! shall "e made! for creatin$ or issuin$ an paper "ills! or "ills of credit of an ,ind or denomination 'hatsoever!declarin$ such paper "ills! or "ills of credit! to "e le$al tender in pament of an "ar$ains! contracts! de"ts! dues! or demands'hatsoever5 and ever clause or provision 'hich shall hereafter "e inserted in an act! order! resolution! or vote of assem"l!contrar to this act! shall "e null and void(

    44( And 'hereas the $reat 6uantities of paper "ills! or "ills of credit! 'hich are no' actuall in circulation and currenc inseveral colonies or plantations in America! emitted in pursuance of acts of assem"l declarin$ such "ills a le$al tender! ma,e hi$hl e*pedient that the conditions and terms! upon 'hich such "ills have "een emitted! should not "e varied or prolon$ed! sas to continue the le$al tender thereof "eond the terms respectivel fi*ed " such acts for callin$ in and dischar$in$ such "il"e it therefore enacted " the authorit aforesaid! That ever act! order! resolution! or vote of assem"l! in an of the said

    colonies or plantations! 'hich shall "e made to prolon$ the le$al tender of an paper "ills! or "ills of credit! 'hich are no'su"sistin$ and current in an of the said colonies or plantations in America! "eond the times fi*ed for the callin$ in! sin,in$!and dischar$in$ of such paper "ills! or "ills of credit! shall "e null and void(

    444( And "e it further enacted " the authorit aforesaid! That if an $overnor or commander in chief for the time "ein$! inor an of the said colonies or plantations! shall! from and after the said first da of Septem"er! one thousand seven hundred ansi*t four! $ive his assent to an act or order of assem"l contrar to the true intent and meanin$ of this act! ever such $overor commander in chief shall! for ever such offence! forfeit and pa the sum of one thousand pounds! and shall "e immediateldismissed from his $overnment! and for ever after rendered incapa"le of an pu"lic office or place of trust(

    4O( Provided al'as! That nothin$ in this act shall e*tend to alter or repeal an act passed in the t'ent fourth ear of therei$n of his late maest @in$ Geor$e the Second! intituled! An act to re$ulate and restrain paper "ills of credit in his Maest+

    colonies or plantations of )hode 4sland and Providence plantations! Connecticut! the Massachuset+s Ba! and

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  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    Le%t American colonists in Boston tarred and %eathered British ta> collectors durin+ the 1H#s and early 1HHs.

    0i+ht /he British Parliament, on 'ehal% o% the Bank o% 6n+land and the British 6ast ndia Company, passed /he Stamp Act o1H#! $also kno)n as Duties in American Colonies Act o% 1H#!&, /o)nshend Acts o% 1H#H, and the /ea Act o% 1HH< in an attemto %orce the colonists to pay their %air share o% de't that )as accumulated durin+ the *rench and ndian War.

    EBut in the sstem of la's 'hich has "een esta"lished for the mana$ement of our American and est 4ndian colonies! theinterest of the home consumer has "een sacrificed to that of the producer 'ith a more e*trava$ant profusion than in all our othcommercial re$ulations( A $reat empire has "een esta"lished for the sole purpose of raisin$ up a nation of customers 'ho sho"e o"li$ed to "u from the shops of our different producers all the $oods 'ith 'hich these could suppl them( .or the sa,e ofthat little enhancement of price 'hich this monopol mi$ht afford our producers! the home consumers have "een "urdened 'i

    the 'hole e*pense of maintainin$ and defendin$ that empire( .or this purpose! and for this purpose onl! in the t'o last 'ars!more than t'o hundred millions have "een spent! and a ne' de"t of more than a hundred and sevent millions has "eencontracted over and a"ove all that had "een e*pended for the same purpose in former 'ars( 1he interest o# this de*t alone isnot only +reater than the )hole e'traordinary pro#it )hich it eer could *e pretended )as made *y the monopoly o# th

    colony trade *ut than the )hole alue o# that trade or than the )hole alue o# the +oods )hich at an aera+e hae *ee

    annually e'ported to the colonies0 It cannot *e ery di##icult to determine )ho hae *een the contriers o# this )hole

    mercantile systemD not the consumers )e may *eliee )hose interest has *een entirely ne+lectedD *ut the producers

    )hose interest has *een so care#ully attended toD and amon+ this latter class our merchants and manu#acturers hae *

    *y #ar the principal architects04n the mercantile re$ulations! 'hich have "een ta,en notice of in this chapter! the interest of manufacturers has "een most peculiarl attended to5 and the interest! not so much of the consumers! as that of some other setsproducers! has "een sacrificed to it( !ealth of Nations" Adam Smith! Boo, /! Chapter 8

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    /he Boston -assacre on -arch !, 1HH. British soldiers murdered American colonists on 'ehal% o% the British 6ast ndiaCompany, the Bank o% 6n+land, and the 9ouse o% 9anover.

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    /he Boston /ea Party )as held in Boston on Decem'er 1#, 1HHes on tea and other merchandises topay %or e>penses related to the *rench and ndian War and to su'sidi=e the British 6ast ndia Company, a corporation approved 'y the 9ouo% 9anover, a royal %amily %rom 9anover, 4ermany, to esta'lish tradin+ posts $colonies& in ndia, A%rica, and orth America. 24uest )orker$colonists& in Boston re'elled a+ainst the de't collectors $'ankers and usurers& as )ell as ta> collectors as a result o% the esta'lishment o% tBank o% 6n+land money as the o%%icial currency in the colonies and the economic recession and endless de't that resulted %rom the ne)currency. Colonists )ere %orced to 'orro) money at a hi+h rate o% interest in order to sustain their 'usinesses and their %amilies.

    The Midni$ht )ide of Paul )evere near Boston on April 18! 1DDK

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    The British )ed Arm %)edcoats& terrories American %0n$lish& colonists durin$ the Battle of Le*in$ton near Boston on Apri1! 1DDK( %

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    Thomas #efferson! Benamin .ran,lin! )o$er Sherman! and other American citiens %formerl British colonists& si$n theeclaration of 4ndependence in Philadelphia! Pennslvania on #ul /! 1DD>(

    Mem"ers of the Sons of Li"ert pull do'n the statue of @in$ Geor$e 444 of Great Britain at Bo'lin$ Green in Lo'er Manhattin

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    $ritish =o**er $arons durin+ the =eolutionary 2ar

    Kin+ Geor+e III o# the 3nited

    Kin+dom o# Great $ritain

    %)ei$n! :cto"er 2K! 1D>-#anuar 2! 182-&

    Frederic7 9orth

    /nd &arl o# Guil#ord >Lord


    Prime Minister of Great Britain%#an( 28! 1DD-

    March 22! 1D82&5Chancellor of the 0*che6uer

    %Sept(11! 1D>DMarch 2D! 1D82&5

    Chancellor of the ?niversit of

    :*ford %1DD271D2&

    &d)ard 1hurlo)

    Attorne General for 0n$landand ales %1DD171DD8&5Lord Chancellor of Great

    Britain%1DD871D8F! 1D8F71D2&

    4le'ander 2edder*urn

    &arl o# =osslyn

    Attorne General for 0n$laand ales %1DD871D8-&5

    Solicitor General for 0n$laand ales %1DD171DD8&

    Goernors o# the $an7 o# &n+land:

    Samuel Beachcroft! Governor of the Ban, of 0n$land %1DDK71DDD&Peter Gaussen! Governor of the Ban, of 0n$land %1DDD71DD&aniel Booth! Governor of the Ban, of 0n$land %1DD71D81&illiam 0'er! %1D8171D8F&

    ,er "ajestys 4ttorney General #or &n+land and 2ales:

    0d'ard Thurlo' %2> #anuar 1DD1 11 #une 1DD8&5 Lord Chancellor of Great Britain %1DD871D8F! 1D8F71D2&

    Ale*ander edder"urn %11 #une 1DD8 21 #ul 1D8-&5 Solicitor General for 0n$land and ales %1DD171DD8ames allace %21 #ul 1D8- 18 April 1D82&

    Llod @enon %18 April 1D82 2 Ma 1D8F&

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    This paintin$ depicts the forces of British Maor General Charles Corn'allis! 1st Mar6uess Corn'allis %1DF8718-K& %'ho 'as nothimself present at the surrender&! surrenderin$ to .rench and American forces after the Sie$e of or,to'n %Septem"er 28! 1D817:cto"er 1! 1D81& durin$ the American )evolutionar ar on :cto"er 1! 1D81( The ?nited States $overnment commissionedTrum"ull to paint patriotic paintin$s! includin$ this piece! for them in 181D! pain$ for the piece in 182-(

    ETo this estimate of our a"ilities! let me add a 'ord as to the application of them! if! 'hen cleared of the present contest! and othe de"ts 'ith 'hich that 'ill char$e us! 'e come to measure force hereafter 'ith an 0uropean po'er( Such events aredevoutl to "e deprecated( oun$ as 'e are! and 'ith such a countr "efore us to fill 'ith people and 'ith happiness! 'e shoupoint in that direction the 'hole $enerative force of nature! 'astin$ none of it in efforts of mutual destruction( It should *e ouendeaour to cultiate the peace and #riendship o# eery nation! even of that 'hich has inured us most! 'hen 'e shall hacarried our point a$ainst her( :ur interest 'ill "e to thro' open the doors of commerce! and to ,noc, off all its shac,les! $ivinperfect freedom to all persons for the vent of 'hatever the ma chuse to "rin$ into our ports! and as,in$ the same in theirs(9eer )as so much #alse arithmetic employed on any su*ject as that )hich has *een employed to persuade nations tha

    it is their interest to +o to )ar0 2ere the money )hich it has cost to +ain at the close o# a lon+ )ar a little to)n or a li

    territory the ri+ht to cut )ood here or to catch #ish there e'pended in improin+ )hat they already possess in ma7in

    roads openin+ riers *uildin+ ports improin+ the arts and #indin+ employment #or their idle poor it )ould render

    them much stron+er much )ealthier and happier0 1his I hope )ill *e our )isdom0 Thomas #efferson!Notes on the State of Birginia! Iuer 22 %EPu"lic revenue and e*pences& %'ritten in 1D8171D82&

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    ?nited 0mpire Loalists %British colonists in the Thirteen Colonies 'ho remained loal to the British 0mpire! informall ,noas ELoalists& arrive in

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    %rominent .ale >ni'ersit* 7raduates & #e'olutionar* War (1@181,

    William Livin+stonB.A. Jale 1HG1

    4overnor o% e) 5ersey$1HH#"1HK&

    Philip Livin+stonB.A. Jale 1H

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    %rominent ar'ard >ni'ersit* 7raduates & #e'olutionar* War (1@181,

    5ohn AdamsB.A. 9arvard 1H!!

    -em'er o% theContinental Con+ress$-ass., 1HHG"1HHH&

    Samuel AdamsB.A. 9arvard 1HG

    -em'er o% theContinental Con+ress$-ass., 1HHG"1H81&

    5ohn 9ancockB.A. 9arvard 1H!G

    4overnor o%-assachusetts

    $1H8"1H8!, 1H8H"1HK

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    Jale :niversity 4raduates and /heir 7ccupation durin+ the 0evolutionary War $1HH!"1H81&

    0ev. aphtali Da++ett $B.A. 1HG8& I President o% Jale :niversity $1H##"1HH8&0ev. 6=ra Stiles $B.A. 1HG#& I President o% Jale :niversity $1HH8"1HK!&0ev. 6lea=ar Wheelock $B.A. 1H

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    9arvard :niversity 4raduates and /heir 7ccupation durin+ the 0evolutionary War $1HH!"1H81&

    4overnment 7%%icials/homas 9utchinson $B.A. 1HH& I 0oyal 4overnor o% the Province o% -assachusetts Bay $1H#K"1HHG&? a /ory durin+ the 0evolutionary WaAndre) 7liver $B.A. 1HG& I Lieutenant 4overnor o% the Province o% -assachusetts Bay $1HH1"1HHG&/homas 7liver $B.A. 1H!

    Colle+e 6ducatorsSamuel Locke $A.B. 1H!!& I President o% 9arvard :niversity $1HH"1HH

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    0u%us Oin+ $B.A. 1HHH& I -em'er o% the Continental Con+ress $-assachusetts, 1H8G"1H8H&athan Dane $B.A. 1HH8& I -em'er o% the Continental Con+ress $-assachusetts, 1H8!"1H88&Samuel Allyne 7tis $B.A. 1H!K& I -em'er o% the Continental Con+ress $-assachusetts, 1H8H"1H88&4eor+e /hatcher $B.A. 1HH#& I -em'er o% the Continental Con+ress $-assachusetts, 1H8H"1H88&Paine Win+ate $B.A. 1H!K& I -em'er o% the Continental Con+ress $e) 9ampshire, 1H88&5ohn Da)son $B.A. 1H8& I -em'er o% the Continental Con+ress $(ir+inia, 1H88&

    Si+ners o% the Declaration o% ndependence $5uly G, 1HH#&Samuel Adams $B.A. 1HG&William 6llery $B.A. 1HGH&0o'ert /reat Paine $B.A. 1HGK&William Williams $B.A. 1H!1&

    5ohn 9ancock $B.A. 1H!G&5ohn Adams $B.A. 1H!!&William 9ooper $B.A. 1H#&6l'rid+e 4erry $B.A. 1H#&

    Si+ners o% the Articles o% Con%ederation $5uly K, 1HH8&*rancis Dana $B.A. 1H#&? 5ohn Went)orth 5r. $B.A. 1H#8&

    Si+ners o% the Constitution $Septem'er 1H, 1H8H&0u%us Oin+ $B.A. 1HHH&

    Dele+ates to the Constitutional Convention in 1H8H*rancis Dana $B.A. 1H#&? 6l'rid+e 4erry $B.A. 1H#&5ohn Pickerin+ $B.A. 1H#1&? Ben;amin West $B.A. 1H#8&

    9arvard :niversity 4raduates and /heir 7ccupation durin+ the *rench and ndian War $1H!G"1H#

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    Princeton :niversity 4raduates and /heir 7ccupation durin+ the 0evolutionary War $1HH!"1H81&

    4overnment 7%%icialsAle>ander -artin $A.B. 1H!#& I 4overnor o% orth Carolina $1H81"1H8!, 1H8K"1HK&5oseph 0eed $A.B. 1H!H& I Attorney 4eneral o% Pennsylvania $1HH8"1H8&William Brad%ord 5r. $A.B. 1HH& I Attorney 4eneral o% Pennsylvania $1H8"1HK1&Wai+htstill Avery $A.B. 1H##& I Attorney 4eneral o% orth Carolina $1HHH"1H81&Luther -artin $A.B. 1H##& I Attorney 4eneral o% -aryland $1HH8"18!, 1818"18&Samuel Livermore $A.B. 1H!& I Attorney 4eneral o% e) 9ampshire $1HH#"1H8&athaniel iles $A.B. 1H##& I-em'er o% Connecticut State Le+islature $1HHK"1H81&? 5ud+e o% the (ermont Supreme Court $1H8G"1H88&David 0amsay $A.B. 1H#!& I -em'er o% the South Carolina State Le+islature $1HH#"1H8, 1H81"1H8, 1H8G"1HK&? President o% the SouthCarolina State Senate $1HK1"1HKH&

    Colle+e Presidents and Church 7%%icials5ohn 6)in+ $A.B. 1H!G& I Provost o% the :niversity o% Pennsylvania $1HHK"18&5ames -annin+ $A.B. 1H#& I inau+ural President o% Bro)n :niversity 0hode slandQ $1H#!"1HK1&Samuel Stanhope Smith $A.B. 1H#K, salutatorian& I inau+ural President 0ectorQ o% 9ampden"Sydney Colle+e (ir+iniaQ $1HH!"1HHK&5ohn Blair Smith $A.B. 1HH

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    /he Bank o% e) Jork )as esta'lished in e) Jork City on 5une K, 1H8G. Ale>ander 9amilton, )ho served as the %irst Secretary o% the/reasury under President 4eor+e Washin+ton, served as a director o% the Bank o% e) Jork %rom 1H8G to 1H88. /he Bank o% e) Jorkmer+ed )ith -ellon *inancial Corporation on 5uly , H.

    Presidents of the Ban, of

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    )uasi War+ & ar$ar* Wars: Organized Crime?

    :.S. avy Lieutenant Stephen Decatur 5r. 'ecomes the %irst American military hero since the 0evolutionary War )hen he leads a %orce o% :-arines in the capture o% /ripoli $present"day capital city o% Li'ya& and the destruction o% a portion o% the /ripolitan %leet in Au+ust 18G durithe *irst Bar'ary War $181"18!&. /his action is memoriali=ed in the -arine Corps 9ymn From the alls of 5ontezuma "o the shore"ripoli4

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    Jale :niversity 4raduates and *irst Bar'ary War $181"18!&

    4overnment 7%%icials4ideon 4ran+er $B.A. 1H8H& I Postmaster"4eneral o% the :nited States $181"181G&0ichard La) $B.A. 1H!1& I 5ud+e o% the :.S. District Court %or the District o% Connecticut $1H8K"18#&5ohn S. 9o'art $B.A. 1H!H& I 5ud+e o% the :.S. District Court %or the District o% e) Jork $1HK8"18!&:riah /racy $B.A. 1HH8& I :.S. Senator $*ederalist"Connecticut, 1HK#"18H&5ames 9illhouse $B.A. 1HHander Wolcott $B.A. 1HH8& I Collector o% the Port o% -iddleto)n, Connecticut $181"188&

    Paul -um%ord $B.A. 1H!G& I Lieutenant 4overnor o% 0hode sland $18

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    %rominent ar'ard >ni'ersit* 7raduates & "he First ar$ar* War (18E118E@,

    5ohn uincy AdamsB.A. 9arvard 1H8H

    :.S. Senator$*"-ass., 18

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    -ap o% the :nited States o% America 'e%ore the ac@uisition o% Louisiana. /he %ederal +overnment +overned the )estern territories ceded 'ythe States.

    /he third si+nin+ o% the Louisiana /reaty takes place in e) 7rleans in 18plouisiana.c%m&

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    9apoleonic 2ars N $alance o# Po)er >-.OH

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    /he Battle o% /ra%al+ar, a naval 'attle that occurred on 7cto'er 1, 18!, )as a sea 'attle %ou+ht 'et)een the British 0oyal avy and thecom'ined %leets o% the *rench avy and Spanish avy, durin+ the apoleonic Wars $18

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    "ap o# the ,oly =oman &mpire in -.( The Hol )oman 0mpire e*isted from >2 to Au$ust >! 18->! 'hen Hol )oman0mperor .rancis 44 %0mperor .rancis 4 of Austria& a"dicated his throne follo'in$ his defeat to

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    *rench nvasion o% 0ussia $181&

  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    apoleon Bonaparte and his *rench army appear in -osco), 0ussia in Septem'er 181 durin+ the *rench nvasion o% 0ussia. /he city o%-osco) )as set on %ire a%ter the 0ussian C=ar and his army a'andoned the city. "he French !n'asion of #ussia (%atriotic War of 1812,lasted from 0une 2 1812 until Decem$er 1 18124

    /he 0ussian army and its allies, includin+ the Prussian army and Austrian army, enter Paris, *rance in -arch 181G. apoleoa'dicated as 6mperor o% *rance on April #, 181G, e%%ectively endin+ the apoleonic Wars and esta'lishin+ a 2ne) )orld ordecontinental 6urope. "he War of the 6ith Coalition lasted from 1812 until 1814

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  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?


    apoleon Bonaparte escapes %rom 6l'a 'y ship on *e'ruary #, 181!.

    /he Battle o% Waterloo, %ou+ht on 5une 18, 181! near Waterloo, Bel+ium, ended apoleonNs rule in *rance and created a2'alance o% po)er3 that involved 4reat Britain, *rance, Prussian 6mpire, and Austrian 6mpire. /he Spanish 6mpire 'e+an todecline a%ter the apoleonic Wars. "he War of the 6e'enth Coalition (NapoleonGs undred Da*s, lasted from 5arch 2E181@ until 0ul* 8 181@4

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  • 8/13/2019 War of 1812 and Napoleonic Wars: Organized Crime?
