Wanted: Host Family · 2019. 8. 22. · Wanted: H o s t F a m i l i e s G i v e a G e m s P l a ye...

Wanted: Host Families Wanted: Host Families Give a Gems Player a... "Home Away from Home" for the Summer! Create memories & lifelong friendships Be included in offers and perks Receive All-Access Passes Limited spots available! Contact us today...217-214-7436 [email protected]

Transcript of Wanted: Host Family · 2019. 8. 22. · Wanted: H o s t F a m i l i e s G i v e a G e m s P l a ye...

Page 1: Wanted: Host Family · 2019. 8. 22. · Wanted: H o s t F a m i l i e s G i v e a G e m s P l a ye r a . . . "H o m e Aw a y f r o m H o m e " f o r t h e S u m m e r ! Cr e a te

Wanted:Host Families

Wanted:Host Families

Give a Gems Player a...

"Home Away from Home" for the Summer!

Create memories & lifelong friendships

Be included in offers and perks

Receive All-Access Passes

Limited spots available! 

Contact us today...217-214-7436  [email protected]