WALL ST. IIILill Long R - Chronicling...

M$!' : THE WORLD: SATURDAY EVENING. JULY 30, 1892. WALL ST. H&i (from Xatt XlghCt Sporting Kjtlra.) THE TURF. R P Bergen and Galway I Recipients of Many p Congratulations. K k;.murphv remains with ehret K B Gideon's Coup on Ha'penny K Other Track Talk, Hs! Marti Bel ecu and Mr. James Onlwfty were Ma$ tbe recipients ot many congratulations v tcrtlay. Marty rode Id the same old form that PHju- - mado him famous a few vears k, and he PKi fcaa fairly broken Uiu Ntrealc of III luck that PBtf basnovcrcd about lilm nlncottie opening uf PBl,, thewasuu. He lias changed Ills style of i -f lug also. Ho nuloucer lays out of the race, PB but while riding a vtaltltiir race keeps null up Mtji? With Ms U0'11- - 'lben arc lew Jockeys who Mtf' can out flalsh Derifcn when he Is ildlug In WmL Mi best form. Ample proof of thl li tbe (act Uf that in tbe Newark Stakes yesterday Loona-PlR- F cll. ridden by Taral, was a neck in front Kgjr twenty yards from the wire. With a good IKE ttorae under blm such an advantnge makes KPt? Tarat a bard man to Ixat borne, yet Uergen Hut- clearly ootnnlshcd blm wltb Adelbcrt and PK iton a grand race. Tbe finish In this raco PjKr. was blood-stlrrli- g and a better cue has ' HK' never bo;n bccl on the track. Bergen Mfa also, won the Hollywood Handicap with ! IKV Lustre, wearing down and bentlnj out Kg Katie a. ally, with Sims up. Hotn Adclbert JMbp and Lustre were bred by Mr. Galway, and It Rbf Is a long time since the black and jtllow Mp colors have been seen In nont. Tbe vtlns E&J", wtro pleasing to s, for Mr. Onlway HB'A Is a thorough sportsman who does not bet or Uk? make a business of tbe tblng, as do some Imcl other turfmen. IBii , IfE?, Tho number ot bead finishes at Monmouth IV& l'ark tbls season have been remarkable, l'be ittjJJ like ba uovcr been aeon on niter tracks ipSy Yejlctday four of the six races were vvouur PK-- .' uliort beads, and the Judges placed tho it $ ncrs correctly. Hwf 1'cnny nnd Long Uctcb were the only start- - K era In the fourth race yesterday. When the Bgt swayback collared Longstreet's uuwortby W5ii on the far turn ha rumakud, " Huh, UKi, 1 van oeat i oil, etfii If I can't bout unr elder K;?! bruthcr." 'I ben cut loobo and cantered homo am ejy winner. PBy Mr. Oebbard thought that Kxpcrlmont Kj. would win Jestordny, uud, on bis trainer's ftv ailvl.r tlint the lilly had greatly improved, liu Kbr: LackeJ her Utavily. Bliu uiu a vervui-up- mk poiutlug jce, however, tlnUblug in tlis ruck. Hfr Hrf Miss Maude was n, poor third Hi the llollj- - k wood Handicap yesterday. 1 it lur laM ijlu p; llio pulled ui luino und )eslerday vu nt to lltu ft,1; post a trltlu bore. Alter tho i ace she ugatii PE?; pulled up lame. Mar May Win is badly named. Just Lose would K be decidedly tnuio uppvoprlate, fur lio Just S.jTj manages Id get beat more nliuit beads than r any other home In training, icalcrdny K,' mother denial, was credited to blm, liu- - M,f s Juki nlpplug him on thu imjsi. PBIy Trestle boltecLat the bead of tbe stretch, KV and young Tod hluaue pulled blm Lackrlbt BiV, luimut uf 'liiDUr. Ksrriwiu yollcd "l.oik ouipand tnojuungsttr managed to pet out uf tb way just In llinu to picvvnt n eulilxioii. mts TbQlscldcut completely uunorud theKn.ip- - Kjif tw,tc alul f,M ill.l nut. Itnlan u II li til,, inimi il.un PHJ2 Teuny wlUl LUVuwuti but I or this happen- - Kl . PTOr Lceobatchce would han won tbe Newark Rfr Stakes to a certainty bad not uu run Into the IHfC teucs un tbe uppur turn. Tbo colllnluu turn Vj Ilamlltnn's IKiot and threw the lioito back lK. half a dozen lengths. 'JIiId gumnd Loea-- batches mado up, unil at Hm milih was k. lapped on Merry Monaicb, wno was only u WKU: UugtU behlud tbe luaJcrf. Tito imiiiii at Kfv which the accident happened Is whcrulho j'.J,. teuporarv i alls are placi d acrois t ho straight Hr cuqrso. Doniutu bumped Into It n fewdatu K alru, and uarrowly escciod being thiowu t"i- - down. Murphy has not been discharged ns was cr- - ,- roneoualy piloted In many paicrj)ii!turda. h1 As was stated In jclenluj' I'.i kmso U'om n. BS;.. Murphy was simply onored it Httni to givu up Fh'S bis contract. Tbls bo reliued and ba will be aid his salary lu full, but ulll nut ride fur f be stable. Wf Mr. John Hunter has sold the colt Hesperus, by Helmdel, out uf Kctltitlc, tu Kr' George uatues tor ."oo. PBfff. rroprlety vtas tried six furlongs lu 1.KIU a few days ago, and Matt Allen buiiei ed be had . aclncli ou tbe Hollywood Handicap. 'J liu mp ally was unplaced. PM$ ... n? Jack Joyncr bad Cbesapeako out yesterday, ' Ba but from tbe w ay tliu old cauipalguer norkcU P.V- - It u doubtful whether be can be got up tu u WkiL race (bis year. f mfy ntre ran away a halt mile Just before tho mtl-- Tennr-l.on- g ueach raco, but II d.d blm no K; barm evidently, tor be finished a good sti oug Ksi' second to Koiuad lu the lat race. gf ... PJf-?v- - Mr. Gideon bad l,oou straight and plsco ' ob Ha'penny yrsteiday. Mi rf Kf WAS HE A SUICIDE? Bffi' pK Vurpby Found Dead wltb a Bullet Kf Holo In Bis Hen,.!. PJf- - 'UrirML TO TBS tvtsi-- o WORID. pKu. Oriit Ntcs, L. 1., July !iU. The mjbtcry PKi4 surrounding the death of John K. Murphy, pB whowaslouud with a bullet wound In tho PW, bead In bis own bouso at Tort a hlugtou, mfs has not yet been cleared up. K coroner tcliencl: began the Inquest last PMtii nlzbu Hr. W. ). Wyhong, who mado tho P&'y. autopsy, said tbe bullet entered behind tbo Bf. ear, taking au upward coureo to ho brain, Pj?V wblch would Indicate that be commltteil Wp3 tsulcUo. 'Ibe position ot tbe arms and pistol pKJp was not explained. PBj$' The wife and sister-in-la- of Murphy wcro K tnlbeboubo at tbe time of tbe occurrence, t. and ssy they beard no report. HU sou John te,1Be.a 'bat be was not at home at ibe lime. H The Innudst was adjourned until Thursday M-- titxu InlbemeautlmethuCutoncrwllluros- - k; ecuut Inquiries. w m pBjp- - rortlflcallons in Frltlsh Columbia. K, Ottawa, ont, Jul) that PPJ. one million dollars arolubespciit ou fortlnca. K tlous In llrltlsU foluiubU. lion, Mac:.enle PPJ liowell, Mlnlstei of Militia und ( ukiuum, una PJPPPj Gen. Herbert .iro tu go Weil nho.tly m look lm,' dver tbo ground, nnd If Indications are lu l.o ataPF' "V1 '" .".".' "I''"!.' before the wtrk &; will bo begun of tbrowlug up a line of iV,ueAT,ycn w" ",akt l""flaa forilnea aHnr4 Tn,.!lle n1 station at tu-- vulntratle. KvW'i Nlon and Nurerobor? Cblidrsp. PBPK 0'"etl NeUn writes ( I lie bm at IHBkiI Sf1''' y)f:u la manufacture lot. PPBf JWBy Wrl.' STOCK REPORTS. - Prices Follow the Mercury in Its Steady Upward Move. Bulls in High Feather and Buy Right and Lett. S. V. White I'arta svlth n Block ol 300 Shurjti ot Western Union. WAM, Stukit. Julr ytt.-S- aloi ot stocks up to noon were i:!0,0!)0 shues. In- cluding 14,000 sugar, despite thelunt. 'Ibis Is tho largest total for some tlui- -. The temper of speculation wns decidedly bullish and pretty mucn everything en tho list scored higher prlcjs The most marked Improvement was In Atchison, Missouri Western Union, Mlnncupolli und M: Louis aud Iowa Central, which rcjo to :i points. Htocks continued to keep pace with tho thermometer Ibis afternoon and tho bulls were In high leather. 'Ihe leading stocks were bougbt Willi a good deal of conlldence. nnd still higher prices wcro mado lu a major- ity of Instances. Tho bears made several at- tempts to check tbe upward movement but wero forced to retreat, and weronot n little dlsconcciltfd by the boldness of tbelr antago- nists. Kluel quotations were about tbo best, of the day, and the conimlsslon houses had liberal buying orders lor Huston and Western aicount. 8. V. White, who has been n rouslstcnt bull on sugar and Western Unlou for along time, solJ .".03 of tbe fotmcr this afternoon to II T. llogert t liiT!. with the prUllogo uf putting" the slock at lOU'S up to Wednes- day next. I here Is talk ot a set Ip dividend ou Western Union la September, and piomlnent butises i ere buyers of the stock un thli theory to- day. Ilcport has It that sercrul new bull pools are forming and tint cciiuln stocks now lu tbo background will be taken bold ot and ad- vanced next week. Messrf. Neslage, Colgate k Co. will ship-50.0- ounces bar diver und 5,000 Mexi- can silver coin to Europe by tho steamship Kraslc-tnono- w. Handy Haruuu will also I ship loo.oou etinces ot the while mstal. 'IhckKleaieailied tbe heavy total of uv.1.',, i:u slians ot ILsted slocks und ."1,0011 ounces tf sl(vcr. Cloilr-i- f (Quotations, Orln. Ill Kti. I nw. Do. Ara.rlcin Hurir Hit .. 101N 101)1 l'dl Mini, Ara.rmu Cotlou Oil ... 4J( H 4, JJ t Aio.tlolnUolvoi, lllli(. ..US ,71'!, 7lll 1l.(, Americau Ktpr... u l'-- u l.'u liu it lit l4 0 Atib..'lvp. (llllMH, as'i 'M'l tin :,u4 Uilt a Ohio vs is DTI. uh lluSalo. it. fun i'J !- -! ' tiM l..u,U. hootbtrn MH Vu bv'l frj'., I'KiilrAl I'.oac il'K 1,1'M uiU DlitupeslcaA OI1I0 Js '.'tu at, '.'tl, Uilc.Uir. aualsar.... IIM 1". loi U liilt Clinxu Nuriimcat... U7j, 11,), 11. h ll.Ji tit', a unu..i ..01 . lo Iti, II Hit Cull.. Mil. A ht. Paul,. - ".li i3U s "i Llll,-- . , .Vlll tkl.l'.il 1JIW, I 'it I, 1'JuSi l'Ji.t, tlllr., Uixk It. t I'M... !'! lllit XUA ll . .lun.jc O.I tut. 101 lot loj lii.i ui.T.. Liu.,u. a Ht. 1. r.oii n;i. i, n; , l.ili.m,(,..ui u. lu't ll.,'i 11. '. U.', i.'i.i. X itvik. V'ail.r .1 M .ifl .111 I nlDiain i oil Irmi MS tl. itl, MS Dal.. Lack. A Wait .... 10u I In ISj lliu llalawkraa Itlidaoj...,, 1:18 13 !l Lit LI-- ! liau. A lllil llranJa pld. tuM 4UM t'Jt( n( Ula. aLaUlataad.. .. H tSji II IB', hillxm l.laclriuLo... ., 1U:U lur'j ll'l'l 10r. t.iaalAnriliHU na(.... I la IV .11 M 13sU Illloula Utntral 1U4 10 l 10. 10. ' luual'aull.l UVf I'.U I'M t'.'j li.wat'Kiiiral pral .. . tl it II it Uileil.ll....... f'Jl, In), in), lulu UkcMior...., 13 IS ISa 13V l.akICila W..l.m ., UH JV JH4 ill, ItiulatlllaA a,Srilla.- - 71 711, lid, T IS liDbtiau t'onail... 1sji Ml MVi, is.a, Minn. .01. IJiii.. . ., Iilh 1 N Mil, 174 alum. m, Umi, pf all, 3i, :i,', ,n LlLinnrininlSn t'.lilj I. 111. Ill allV Mil, Kan.a. A Inn. 19, It, l.y, (,',l Mo. Kan ATat.vraf. 'i,l U7 'Ji J,!, Nat.Uitd.llii Hi !.,', lil IvlS Sal, I'oiiL Lo. p.a lit lit II 11 t( uimu .17, till', alfc, a, A.I 11.1 V. uJ tlSVi KW Uti tu, Nat. l.lii.IUll ... .iM :iil US 3b Naw.l.rnar Dantrai ,., l'JSh, Vi'H IS7W lillt, ha York I'tntral. ... II IN lull tills Its', N. V rtorth.rn in ... 16"i I H 14 lfi K. Y. ANawCoilaud... a lit, ;UH uili, :i,i, . It. 4 M. I.,,,.. IH IS is IS K. .. Laka F.rlaAW.. 'jut, mu J7I, jhi, N. ... I.. I.. A W. vttt. lis l!i us (1SU N. Y.,Klll(l. Wasi... i Uh lt( N. V..HH..I. AW'lil. pf I..V, (!(, 111, i4 ".ortu.ka itaaiaritprit . t.'-s- , IIIH till, Northaru Paoirtd tip till, jV., til.K i Notlbaru I'ariUuprat . s.'i tti h)K ftsaj Noitli Ainanoau . ... lilt. lit It'l t?i tlntarlii A Weatnrn VJ'l ." Ilia, .11 llrta, It lliiDiuv llirlll, Jj '21 VI 'Jl racme Mail jv at .H ai I blla. A lltaning oi lit, i II leu.it,. a i. ran. ml, 171. 1,1, !'. I7U filla ,1,1,11, JS ;3 .,1 31 K.1 iVJMft HI, hi, I'l U Koji.iamla Wa-- I pral. 'Ha "lol ',11, 7.,., ht, Paul a Omaha 3ui. 5iH so nil, M. .'.ma Omana pii. Il'.iii nm, 1 1JU ll'-- 'i M. I'auK lUlulli 44 41 41 tl Nl. I'.. 11 hi n vlau. 11. J, 1IJN II ft 11 ',4 Ht. u houtnweiletn ... Sl4 IH Ma IH hll.ar IVtllttfala R SO Pit sn boottiarn I'aolno 3rt 31 34 88 ;iia. 1..11.1 UH is 1JU u( 'laiaal'aclSo. . ... Mi, 9U ptl m, Sanu. Coal Alton at ns, .St! 83li Union Facllio 3Ha tut, 3il a ', nioaanprvi . . ., 'js, li ar.t, vv.alarn Unlun lala usu us HAT, U7T, WkaaliuatAl.aliiKria SlCJ 1H ail, WnaalinaALak. I!.pt.. ',ji, ',), 7'Jl, .I'), 1.4 ulr. Mlrtltlc Scoottl. nMifollowlliiarelbe tloslug (.uotJtlonsot mining ntocks at tuv CuusullUiiUd kxtuanga uf. j$l. ;m, Ail4. Am, II,j,. .uj llornhilt'r J. til Allrn. , , .01 liuiihil.ar. .ni Adaiua o.a - 1 uu Imu liiii , ,ju AiKnM.l h.ar.uii. .Ill h. Co . l.rio lji't,i. , tn .(w I'allelaa.. .Ill .'.V Mdf'l.l). ,14 .la (If al lll.l. l,i) llltlal'bi1; .2J loillt 'J i iMoalcan, . 1,'IU Ihilnar ., .,11 'aloiilton ,, liarroionv .lit Vlono 'In Hreete... ..15 ,M1 Navajo .. ,o I'n.w'kja. ,1, .17 N.Uallali. .06 llalmon, ., .'JO ,p North Silt C.AO Calajonla llulanu..., IV.ull U.ll 7 Ophlr. . , 2,;il (hdlUr. , ,V0 II. a,M ,. ,u t.l'clnl.. .ril - I'ljmoalh. - 1.UU Lkrjtolita. Ill - I'll', (,. t. .10 Col. ln, . ,V - I'll', Aril. ,60 I'.U. A Va. il.au KuL'ul.'aa. .SS 5H Cui i.oi.- - haraio ... .(,1 taeall i. , ,10 .Matrn Xar. ,J0 UoraaUel! Ihtaiid'J. ... 1. il Stock' 11 ,11! Stini.'t. . lit HkjU 1(1.01 -.- haiiliacu... - .1(1 bl 1C.0J -'- ban K.l.ai. .10 liunklu .lu -- ihlHatOj I .3.1 Daamrool t. Ilopaa ,ut) ..'larta . . 1,011 -- h. , Do. Ltit'kaCo, l.to -- cl U V ,3J II .lolKhoaliona., - ,01 l.ilasiint. .'.Ml . illcua - .SO tioultlAU. .UU 11. Uon 711 JlalaANoc l.uo Ward Con. .11 ,!IV llouiaat'ka. U. 60 IV. JackaL tj WHEN THE DINNER BELL RINGS I'oiU ought tofatl huofry, ud when thrjff! hungry tlijronf lit to ti4f guot ilifftttlonn. Hut, tUi! thej (Jun't-fTuu- tly. Ttat ,'lu !lke u( Ibt Jut tud of th uujul( of the lntmkm ami tbofkttou uf youth, mlddlt tge in4 tif' cwi-f- Ihe piou imp, tlytipii mivilir pu tllir for a!i;tllii'a,plaftienif"ii m lb ahtpa uf tiftrttmn, vliid "it aint unoomfuiiibla tilnt(mtiun uf Ihaatoiuach and gvnrra Ultturbjnca in ht ci. trie rcxlu.i. I)ftirti ( vrry lotirrally aicuiii pati'ei l.y t.,f(uti.vM, irrejclanty nf llio ba.Tili, lnutunU and i aro !:,, for fatb and all uf whuli.aawall sililr nuf, l!oh Utr'n Stmiuth llitlarait th patjpn vlicfu Valatia', rhflumllo and kiduoy trot tie J, Uck f tlroDRtti and flnh, and failuta of auualila and tba puwf r to rcat tranqultly, art alao uitrcoma by tba I.ltUr. Vou'II Ba Borry irYou Don't Raad Thin Ileid ih U'UMA'A rA(JK, printed dl!x In fboWoKKtvo Would. And don't torstl the tiUMMEU K1C60KT YAGE. FAT FOLKS REDUCED HY DR. SNYDER, Tbo Successful Obesity Specialist. Mra.Allea Minis, dream. M.i, WrUbt Dcfor tianncnt.aaill'i. sftr trestmani, IC3 ll. TIip fitllowliif varanoi havn takan treatrnvnt of llr. Nniriar. tfllli loa, of tvatgnt a, attaa Imlow. thotifii cUMrlullj anatifralliii'iulrlta W atampi , ato luilo'td. ' lltfDra. Aftar. I oaa &1r ItAthalC JoSnaon, . S.'.V lb. 147 lb. 1 78 lb, Mra. Alicaalapla, ..... Or.fon, Mo. , 330" IBS " h II. Umru, Via., 310" 205" ,1," Mnipon V'ati inkle. Wanklln. III. , . IJt " S98 " I'JIl " Mr, Itaorce rri"lin,n, I nrl lildvall. Cal. , '173 " W3 " IOU " Mia harall Hainer, 1111 S Mil il , I eaten . worth, tan ...... 27S " 170 " III.) PATIENTS THBATED HY MAIL Ctinlliliitlal. Ilarntlr , antl vr 111. nn atarvliiK. in tuuvaulaurai.r bait aflficta Yvr arlioulara call or aiUlrtas, w UU Cr. lit autops, Dr. O. W. F. Snyder, McVfckcr's ThAra Hullillrg UHCAC0. HOTELS. i IIIITlll. MARLBOROUGH, HlttlADWAV, 30TII AMI U7T1I sTj.., MIU' aOltlt. A.VIKltll'AN AMI bt'ltOPKAN I'l.ANM. 4UII IttXMIS. I OENTISTHT . HANKS PsTaTioN I IrKCtt and low ot.t irlca htnt-clt- luiUiiKfrn In ihe UpitvJnltUi. ft BEST TEETH PiQ OX HI lllil It I'l.VTI.' Oaflaf s AllltATI.II t.H Vt'ttt V' ttna ITl'-f- , no irnra ,,V1 nr lakrs I il.lua, t,olt SI. Ml up, aoft.&lle, up. P.lltactlos nllti pura (rath faa 60c , ultQualgla tt&o. i Never I'lturJ, llnr, Maihl or husilrtv. HltOOKI.VH 17b ullo at., uaar Kim plao. JtHSlIv CITV-tr- nar Vork aud liroaa ; tm ; Ntiroro'biircr'H Toymakers, Nrll NrUn.;iref airilinllrrniinbablri. who help tnmiakp our ITirUtaasaiipullrs. I See lb "atniday lVvrld' RIDLEYS GUIIO STREET, NEW YORK. Grand "Round Up" AM BANKRUPT SALE. HOSIERY. r.oo tiny.. (Ju.st i.Mi'oitunn i. viii:x' i (iiiAitA.NTi:t:ii'Asrm.ACK coi'iox lio.si:, 1 UI.L ItlidULAIl M AlllI, ITtFA'Cll lTH.T. ISe. pair. ' 1 LOT t.AUH'H' FAST III.ACK ltNII HtaVI'l'- - IAN COT! OS' 1IOSK, MJMU PLAIN, OITILK.S iiuoi'.srncii, IOC. PAIR. .lis in: to si:i,i. I'nu iir. 1 OAHK I.ADlr.S' Itllllllll) tlVI.mtK.CAN VF.BTh, CllUCIIl.T M.CIv ANH AltMH-l- ;l. HON-IIU- Sle. vt.sr.s, iB3? SALE PRICE- - 14c. IIOVS' WAISTS I.OCO AtShOltTLK,) OK ALL BIZKa AND KINDS laJU. lluys' Dumet Kluniiel Wulsts anil Hiouses. MM.FNDIl) VALUIl-A- LI, MZLS, 49c. Tlioso banlcriipt Shoes are nearly none. I.ADIhS' IIUTrOV BOOT.S-SI- F.S 11LVIAIV. IN(1, 'J',. 3 AND :i, ' A IMIHI" ,'I1T TO Cl.I.'Alt TUIL1! II TT. 11AVIC 11ICKN 8.00 Tl) $5.00, Now 69c. F.UftSKI' OXI'Cr.DS. IN DL3IKAI1LL HI.LS ANDCOLOHS VKUVUNf, $1.39.' EDI,. RIDLEY & SONS, 308 Ifl 321 M St, 1 1 see it? ? f (ITU AVI. llrVAN7Vl (ITIIAti:. $3.99 ,m-.V.';- - Va'?i.v. S3.99 IIAIIV CAUKlAll.ft. .Mai'IINI.. Clltl-Krs- , iiDV'KS. PICTURFS. LUDWI6,BAUMANN:& COMPANY. . "Jl0 M t12 IITII .WV KUAiuuBKK-KA- rir hiii ni:ak li Hi hi. OUR Ti:it.11i $1.00 per irefk on C'J.ftil vr .Tcel on. 0i) I, .'lit pur we Hit ph. luOl .l.Oii per week o.t 'J1.!! a.00 per woflk on. . 5lr, J.Su per weuic un. 3UJ DUmoid 'iiraal Pennyroyal pills. Orlstnal ami Onlr Of nut a. A 'k iwtrrllthlf. iADita.sk K vsit-- ""n;it fur ''MthrHiSt b,igtfjffV& iCsr"anU Ptt.d In Utl M a.'JVv Wsjjnifta'at tt'iici, i.id ,ih blurl'- - 2p 1 Wibou Take 19 tit Iter, fttutt V f-Av- fffj i9iout 'Kiffi'uritt i an ftaiTfafion .M t 1nit(ltl oi nt 4t, In mt fpji rf ttirifinlt,i nn1 ItcUfk? IT Jdrls4(M,"fuifnMii .'cinrn MidL r 10,000 TwiiniorlH-- rmt riper, Cklekektrr rttrmieal Co., MlidUnn Huunrft. U It .11 - itp'tV"' SHi.Ja.. Pv ttinilH&k j7a lTlicse Muy CDisiiifs ur- - x--". I IsvW Jreal In IS boii.s vt lllioul,,,, I WsnKlnrootrnlenre.ntlerllonalM'nY 1 1 SW'n vvlilrh Cnpnlbn. "wpt-b- s u:id (nil. V J It You Wait to Taste Tea in Perfection TIIV Ol It "II " TttAfs. It ymi ii.a ('.vlonlps. a Iistp the nnett in Hit, fliy. l tl.Minir Hi Try II It joti ua. CtiKc.. try our "13" lileml. tomatrti our ' II "Te. ll lalhp tieit. Html furarrUr hat tu I'Al.l.s.SAN ,V Kt'DII'. 1 1 anil 13 V aa.y al. , New Vor. I it f aaaMaa Maaaaaaa 'fURNITUHE FURNITURE, CARPETS, fiirm. rrrt'prrn. rirtiirr FolillnR-Hri- Urn.n nntl Irnn Itt-d-f. Ac; iu itict fi'rililuu for linii.pltpr.liic. On 111 erml terms of credit takultyt. HENRY 1VI ANN 3 & SONS, 13n hTIl ATI:.. TliaVTInta llulMWf. M:vH:i2l) sr FIlHMI'UrtFaolil taitlinntcaati drrnalt, Ionian tr.llt. anormona atock; ,ip.n .reninaa. Mauu factur.ta' Auriit, lu) VVral Jtltliat. BUSINESS PROPERTY TO LET. Brookli 1 BRICK STABLE TO LET, 10 Stalls, 100 Feet Deep, WITH TWO YEARS' LEASE. WITH MUHKIIN IMl'IIOVF.MnNTS. ALL IN HOOD OltDhl;. M). I'J 5 UlKi.CN hi . M.AU HOVT ST.. IIKOOKLY.V Watti, gaa and tJel Included in rant, which la r tinatjia; good Hchl aud vpntllatlon, lilfli citing,, aiilli a auprnor VAl,ON WASH, cariiag. for from JO to So wajrona en aenad lloor, oat.bin and hayloft orar alahl., alliellal with yellow pin., no dual orhaysr.1, ground lloor fitrnlahr, I'lttity of cach and .arrlvga room.ti.a of tiuaiueaa oKcr ami futures, with large, iilriaanl roarhuien'e room on tnird Itoor. hem In central ' Ication, conreuieut to rldg. and lerrlea, ia very ' ((callable (or a lUIAltlllM, M'AHI.lt, I.IVFIIY MA 111. F.. hALII AND lAl'HAM.h hTAULL, alao lor Itker, grocer or inllkmati noi.d aao irale a good I AIH'L.V'I I It MIDI' Hit (All.. IIIAtil, nllol. aa one cnti-- s ,1,1c la lls'ited lit , ' wiulcwa looking otit on vacant iota, nfleriug imoliatruitioa I u .. g li I nil rrnti'allnii tliialtt.la Kill would ir.tka a gor.l III.ACKhMI I II MIDI', tbe If aee rune lo May, le'Jt, wilti h. privilege of renewal for to jeala more, luijnlrn ot or a.l drea, t.KOIK.l. II, Lt'Dl.lt:, I'uhltir llulldlng, New York, 'Ihaouly (eiaou autbuiUed to mate Ifrmi. INSTRUCTION. eVTKNUIiltArilV and tyn.rltlnf leaanni at III Uroad.ay.N. Y, ; turn, 1 ier naak ; call or write. RAILROADS. REtDING IIILill SYSTEM. Station foot of Liberty St., North Rim. 'I l.ne Tatle in eltect June'JC, 1CJJ. Trnlna lenTr via CVntrnl Hntlroiad nt Nrtr .fer.eT, VVASIll.MIION I LYKIl DAILY ll.tlllf, M . I'llII.ADI LI'IIIA FAST LI.VF, HXUIlt'T SUN-D- V. 4 I' Vt. CHAN Ills' I XPHLSS, I'.XCLFl' HU.VDAY, 8.4 A. M., t.tlll I'. M I.ONtl liilANCU H.YIlll, I'XI'Kl'l' SUNDAY, 3.JUI-- . M. For Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington KOYAL I.LUE LINE. riilladelnhia Kiprtrr. 1.00. 7.(5. 11.00, 10 01, 11. tin. tvitn Dining Car, A. M.. I.JO, xi:.. fl.oo, with Dining Car, l.uu, S.UO, 0 OU, ,, 1, S.f, I. M, VJ lo liishl. Mindax, tl.ul), IU. .Ill, 1.3(1. with limine; Car, A, .VI.. I ,10. .1. .HI, uilli liming ;,r, j. Oil. U. UU I'. .M.. I'J ID night. llalllmoiH ati'i Vvaahiniiloii l.iorcaa dallr, at D.uu. II. .III. nilli IMnuic Car. A. M , 1.31), J 30, Dining Car, S.IMl I'. II., lV.lonlglil. Aft.titlou.il train wieu dt)a lor llaltluiore at 0.00 1'atior car, on day frame, steepen jn night trains, lor Itemllng at 4.00. ?.(',. 8.4", A. M , 1.00, 1 an. a. is. l.uo. 3.01), 5.4:1. 7. o i m. . w.ii nulit, eziept haturilay night tittndnta, 11. tin A. M., 1.00, J. .ID, o.UJ. 0..IO, C.lll) 1'. .11 , l li liluht. llarrlatnircat 4 110, 7.4.", H.4r A. V(. , 1 I) I, 1..1II. 4.0J, l.UU, r to l. .VI , rj.U night. .ei. ISalnroay nlhl Sundata, ll.tJDA.M., 1 uo. .I.Uti. C. .up Jl., i... is night, lor l'otuvill... 4. tin, 7 1.1, H.45 A.M. I OO.l.l'.ll, 4.011. 7..'ll I'. M. , 1 . 1.1 .i.ght. .tieiil hatnr.l.y liljl.t nmnlava, 11 3l)A. M, , l.tli', .1. JO, U.OU1'. .Vt. . It! U nlallt. lor .S'lnloir), Lenlaliurg and VV illiamenoit. a. 4 7.4.1, H.4i A. .VI.. 1,0(1, 1.30, 7. IU I' VI., 1J 1.1 nl.'lii'.iivpt hatnrdav night, Sunday, , 7.13 A. M. ( ll. Oil I'. l. i ll.irnnldl.lKhl. lor a, Ion, llutlileiieui, A ei'totvn. Ma icli riiutik. A 4.1)1. 7.14. b 41 A. VI . 1.0(1. 4 till. 3.41. 7 '10 ui AI'i.ntoMi I'. .M. , Miiiidaya, 4.0,7.13 A. M. . 1.00 r..3UP. M or WilkH-liarr- i'lttaton and Si.rAuton, H, 43 A. M. . I.tl'l I'. M. Mm 'A)e, 4 .ill A l I'nrllleti llridge llrancli an l.a'.e llopvtcnntr (1.0(1.8.41 A. .VI. l.uu, 4 UU P. .VI. Mindaj, 7.13 A. .11. For Perth A nlmy. 4 no, .1 31, fl. 13, 10..IU, 11. .10 A. M . 1. HI, J 11, 4.011, I ,IU, .10), .1..IO, 6.11, 7.10 I'. M. .Suiidaya, tl.UU. 11. JO A. 31. , t.oU ALL HAIL HOUTL. 1'orl.oui: llranrh. tlienn l.i.ive, .lc lir Ficehol Inuil Atlaiitk-lllllan.l.- :l(l, K.1 11. .Ill A M. . 1 .10 4 till, 0.1.1 I' VI. fumlar., U. 1.1 A. 31 . 4.00 H M . -- iiei.t 1 teehoi'l. lor lied bank, I nj Ittniicli ati'i ininleaouth t) Point I'liaaant, 4 :IU, B.15, 11130. 11.30 A.. VI , (1 J().Mti.nla)i,ouly). 1.II.2 41. ll.M. 4.0(1. 4 Ml. 6.:i0, 0.13 P. .VI. lay. lescetit Dcau llroto and Arln ry I'arl ), 0.13, II 2(1 A. VI 4.00 P. VI I oi l.akeiron I, 'Ifin, itlvjr. Ilvrncgvt Pare and 1'vrnei.at. 4 JO. 8. 1.1 A. SI. , I, III, t. Ill I'. VI. 1 r Vllnntl t I Ity ViuelanJ ami liriilgeton, 4.3,1 A. M . 1 tin P. M. I or .Vtniiinii'tth resell. Acalirleht sn llittlt'anl Peat li at 4. .Ill, H 13 A VI , 1.30, t.t'O. 0. 13 P. jl flMii IKMIK KOI'li:. I or Lone llntiLh. Oto.sii dlove, Ac, from pier S N It . lout llcitoret. lor AllHlill,- lllKh'sn.la. Illililvn.1 llcarli. h,.tlitl?lH ii il Ling Hruiit.li at 4. JO, tl UU, 11.00 A.M., I.lMl, 3.41, 4. 30, 3.JU P. 1. A M. 1.00 P.M. For IMlieron. tlctin I, rove, Afllmry Park an 1 P. hit P. regain, ll.UD A 31 . 1.L0, 3.40. 4 .il), 0. 'il P. St. I'.ir Lakeivood, 'Ionia Hirer and llaiucgai utl.JU A. .11 , 1 00, J 13 P. 31 TrnliiA lent e M n I Ion toot I.lliref r .,, tit I.KIIIIill VVI 1,1, V ItAil.HOAII. r.l'frFAI.O AND rlHUAUO l',M'HK-)- DAILY 8.1.1 A. vt.. 7 llJll M. M'HANaON' l.l'l(l, I M I'll' SUNDAY. 8. 13 A. VI , 12. Ji), .1 13, 7 It) P. M. For Buffalo, Nieaia Tails and tits West, 8.15 A. JL, 7. Jul' M hi.udaya.S 13 A. JI ,7 30 lor Fusion, 7 OU, 8.13 A. JI., 12.30. 2.1.1, 1.43, r.. la. 7.3(1 V JI. Mmh,e, ..un, e, ll, ll ou A. Jl . 4 40. 7. .10 P. JI. lor itethleheui, Allfntown nnd Jlluoh C'vink. 7oo, H.1J A Id. i'.'.HU, J. 6 (eicepl JUi ol II Itniikl. .1 43. 3 13. 7..IU I' 31. Mtuiltve, ,.U0. rs.1.1. II. UU A. .11. 4 40. 7 'III P. .M. lor llarln- - Iod, 8.13 A .11.. 12.111. .1.4 I. 71U P. At nun-dat- 8.1.1. 11. UU S VI. , 7... II P. .11 lor polutM iu ill, Jlihaiuiy toal region at h. 11 A. VI., 12,3(1, 3 45 P. JI Nimlats, 8.13, 11 UU I'or VVillealiSrrn, I'tlttton and .Soiruton, 8. 1 i JI 12.311. .115, 7. lo I'. M. Minuaja, ojeept biranto'i, f. 13 A. JI .7.JIP tl. lor hliulM. 8.1.1 A JI , IJ JO. 7.30 P. Jl. h in- - date, b. 1.1 t. JL. 7.1.0 I' Jl 'Itckita an. I ptiloi-te- i eeil. ,an I', piotllio) a'rf Noa. i;.'. 2.13, 'J'.l, 413. 78.1. 1142, 1140 llroaduat . 7 I Murray et., ,iU Canal at., .11 I aat 14lh at.. 211 Col "oliua ate. r.ni 1 I IVchI I23tli at.. .Irtt Yolk, ' 3.1 Waelongtoi, ai. , 721, Fulton at., llrooklyn, ana 74 Broadway, VVllliaiuenurg. ' Weatcott rxpTcali). ttll call (or anil , heck bag ca,:o nnni hotei rr resldt.ni.il to de.linatlou A. A. Jli'l.) OH, C. II. HANCOCK, Pree't nnd Oen. Jl'gr. dei.Pas Agent. "AMERICA'S GREATEST tMILfiOAD" NEW YORK CENTRAL. & HUDSON RIVER RR. l.rM'l l.inr in Mnsnrn I'rIIi". Alltriiti arrtTeat anil ilepart Horn Pin-- I mi MftthMi, iI'h unlv rillrrna dlatiuu lultievlijr if v ork, I rallies Ui.v m .olli-vt- tS.;,0 . tl. Mti'lltl .VI A IK l.VPUI.SS I anil t train in Hi mi rid .No intra fart. Ar- - ri.ea J.un&lu.'t I'll", ii .( larttMi ., I' M. l.IO A. .tl. I. M' MAIL For Alliuitjr, iSfiri- - ti'ga, I'lii-a- , UiclitiPlil hracu8P, Huch- - .itcr, Hat.iTia, liu ft a In llJO . 11. NAKA'MM.A, laAKC (JKOIK.K AND MO.Nl.il. A I. M'l'.t-lAl- , ltfj.t lifii.i-ain- , ftr .saraU'Kfta Ailirouilick .Muttntn'nH, ItutlauJ an I Moi.trtfit lll.Otl . ..-N- r.V VOKk AM C'llll'Al.l) I.I.MI!H Mnn nt i'ntiaff.iat y.43 A M. ntsM tlni, ().:U A. II. II. V ;(;SS. Dally nr-..- , I.HO'.H. SAP.AIOISA MMIir.) (haturflnv 11 llilalrne f. til 1 tl .. .a. .. III IS Ktj ... I midllK i.'.i'.i r. it. Mit'Mivw'.Mi'rtN vLsTiiiiji.:: I.I till I.I) lie I litmus 11.13; llid'auipolla, 11 .1.1 A. Jl . -- l I. ma, ,.1.11' Jl I. ...i I: il. vtii'd.lis I ai v .sPF.l'IVI, Hie t locac.i, 3 mil'. M day. U.llOP. II, AI.UANY.IktIY ANDNVUATOI.s. hl'l.t I At. Kvccpl Sunday., tviln through Draw. Ing.ltoiitn Care 1.3(1 I", il. NOlnil MIOKt: VI ATIIIUI.C tlMIII!) DneChlragK. t .10 1'. M ne,l day. II I'. .11. I'SVl l!H!N FXI'KKDt Due I hicago, ', OOP, VI.. st U.ila, 7 4.1 A. Jl. 7.011 P. .il. NlllttllLUN l.XPitrhS Due at Jltntrtnlat 7 31 A. JI 7. till P. II. Ill I I AI ll.NIAtiAHA FALLS AM) llllltl.SAMI l.sl.VNIl M'l.CIAL II o ItTiifelo 7,30 A, M., .Niagara I all. I) A, M. aud Clayton .: I' "ll. II1AH.VI VIHUONDACKS AND lilOUSAMl ISLAND SPctlAI. Due Paul smilU'e IU i)J ,t Jt , Sirana.-- , 10 40 J , Tnpper lake, 11 13 A. Jl., i ml losl I, 11.30 A M . Claitou 1,1 oil Ulaiiui. 1.15 A. Jl. K.tKI I'. II. CIM'I.SN Vll A.M. ST. I.III'IS M'ltl'.-- S Duo I inciniiaii, 7.1)0 1' J,, Indian anolla. '.I f'U P it. . SI. iKJ'lla. ',. Jl 1'. tl 11.0 1 l. ll, I.IMIIhll CAM' MAIL Sleeping tar paarnaere (or llnchestrr unit. )).!.- - P. . llli'SC.I) Mlllli 1 XP11FSS. riiiMiH.n. linos, Miurii adams and UU P. ItKslllltl. Illl.l.s Inn througt tiaina MA Ht 111,1. VI DIVISION, NI.VV VlliiK I'FN 'llttl. 10.01 A. M .due Pitlanel I I. .Ill 1' M , Niilll Attains 2 JU P. 11 I 3UP. II., due Pitta Held 8.1U I' M .lnrlh AilamaO lu I' 11. alan 2 30 P VI Fri.laye and Saturdaja, arrive Pitta held il 23 P. VI. . I or tune oi total trains, tlcUrta and apace In Sleeping i are appli at l.ra..d I cutrl station, or at 1IJ, 201. 41.1.. 8l,'M2 llroadttay 2 13 Coltiinl.ua eve , ,,i Weal illli at. an. I UMIi at, elation, New 1 ork. .1.1 Washington at , 720 lulloii at and 74 llr adwsr. I II . Itiookltn t Dally parent Siinilave. Other trains ilally AI or. Irani, esrept tho.o leaving at 8 to, 11.10 0.20 A Jl audi JU, 3.JU, 4.3U, il.UO P M. stop at litttliel slalimi JOHN JI UltK KY, t.l.ol'.I.K 11. IIAMI'I.S, liejeial Jlanagcr. lien'l Psiaenger Agrnl, CtSII OP I lll.lllr Owing It, i ttciirivo alterations we are going to make, ttoliatoilitnleilti asirillte KIDO.OIIU worth i.lliiel iriiltu'e end Cariieie duritic ItiW month IJiil), eiiiliug l,y tugu.t I. Itriiieinber. 100,llOI) ttorltud line i uinitiirenu.l Carpets. I.oo.t. uiuat lie .old. I i iiioearly. I Ms is au linueat ale. IM.ItAI.N i AIIPLls, 21c. UP. lAI'I'MUY " cue " Vl I.V 1 I i,st. ,. .'HKjui.ris i un PAiiion suir. 2U.UU 1'. T. IlKllilNH, Cor, irth at. 721) aud 731 8th aea. PROPOSALS. AqUi:Dr'T7,0MMISsONFlts''ilFIICJ, ltooui 2U2, Slewsit llullillng, N". 280 liroadnay, Nltv Yi.Hk, JL1.V28, 1832. 'HI CONritAt tons, llul. or propnialE lor tl.'lng ll-- work and furnish-nil- -' the material- - , ailed (or in the approved lortuol conliait now on nle lu Ihe oltnc ol tr Auueilurl I t.inuiira ouera, for uiMIng tl e uew tlrolon Dam at I oruell sue, on Croton Itlver, lu tin, tottti of I olllitliilt. ratel ester I'ountt. New Yolk will lie reri'lreilei lln. ol'Le until WLD.M.sDAV. Ihe 2lllliljo( tlll'ilat, IH'J2, al .1 o'cllkk P. M , al which .l,.. ai ll.ourlliey "ill lis pulilii l opened h) II e In i, lu . I o.iini h.i nera, an.l tl e awatd ol 1. ui 'int rat I (or di I v av 'I 'tork e.nd aanl uisti rials will tm n.ailv aaul CuiiiiiiUalonera ap no hi theieelte-- a. ptatu ali.o. II ank tonus oi .aid at'lrited rentratt and tho ape, Iniaiioiia thereof, an.l l ula oi proposal., ami r ml cr tnteoipea for their nit loaitre, and louu ol l.oliil., anl alto the plain of aall wink and all other imormall n, ran he outlined al Itieal.ove onieot ihe A'uediii.t Coianusaionera on applica Hot. lo the Secretary, Hy urderot (he Ai,ue1uot Cnmrnlaainnera .IAJIK.se. DUANK, Prealdant, .1. 11. l.t'H.rv, Secretar). 2MSCEUAN0W. HIRIIinr t'AHH I'lHCFS paid (or"all klnrla o( bid .old and ailvar, lot) Uowery, near lira jd at, frrtfiiltrjniiYmiiiii EXCURSIONS. Long Island Railroad's GREAT EXCURSION ROUTES TO THE SEA. Manhattan Beach. HiKlirst Tiiiicriituio Yeitrr luy 70" ('ii,.iioi:r.'M i'a.holn c(i.nci:kt AI'TllltNflllN AMI I'.VHMMl. lf.avi: foot tiAur siitii sr, 0.21', 8.40. 10.10, 11,10 A. Jl., 12.1U. 1 IU, '.' .10, .1.5o. "4 50. 3 5u, aud ilieieallir frouifi lulolMUP. Jl ADIIIIIONAL IHAlNit ousatiiiitaya,2.1U, 3 111, I 111. .1.1111' ,11. , Sun- OS),, 8.40, 10.10. 11.10 A vt,, 12 10, '1,20, 1.40 2,211.2 tu. 1.2(1. .1 to, "4.20, ami half houny lrom4.40to!l.4l)P. .11. ,. 1 Mil ALLS I' .lerinliu.aof all E'cvatcd roads an i street. car lines, hourly rum 7 lo A.M. ,tu 1,10 P.M.. ami from I 4Utn! It) I'. Al. AU- DI I lON'AI. I'ltAI.I Saturday.. 12.40 P Jl. hourly from 2. Ill A. Jl toll. Hi P. Jl. i ihvae t talus aie fa.l il plots. me, 3U minutes f itili, L. 1. Cit) tu atopa.l (Parlor care on all trains.) HOIN1) Tltll', I'HNTS. HHOCK's Cl (Mi (It VsTAI. I'AI.H'K MHIIU (litis rs Lrery evening at 8. .u. exiept Sundays.I Jtondaya. AII1ltfsslll, i!.j I'llM's, Oriental anil Manhattan Hotels. mm: itoti.tt- - i:.ci.i.i.i:nt tiMM:. V.M) .1,1.11 Vl t lilt, l.ONO I si. AND I 111 I,. 11, 7 ill, Si. HI. ln.nl 11 lu V. Jl 12 OU, 1.(1 1, 'I. I, ..ni, "2.4., 3.01, t li., .02, l OS, 7 ou, 8, 11, J.liu, tl.uU. 10 .o, ld.to P Jl. .saltllilays only . s.m.)s. 7.1.1. ') 18. 10,11, HI (.1. II Of, II 2.1, II .10 A VI. 12.13, I ll.,, I -- .1. 1 41, 2.1(1, 2..I.1, 2....'. .1.10. .1.4(1. 4 1 i, .1 13, (,1. I..48, 7 UU, 7.25, 7..1- -. 8 11. 8 2.1. U IB, '.I H.I 111.22 P Jl. it(M'M) Tltll', .ill I'lLVI'M. LONG BEACH, L. I. Ll AVI Itl' 1' FASI' .ITU M'.,N. V , f, 40, 7.311. 10.10 II, I 2U, 4,211. .1 2U, d.fiil. I . u, 1.1 I' Jl SiMusis. h 4U. '0.20 ..J 12.511. 1.5U, 2. oil. J.jJ, 4 t i, T. .10. 7 50 P. Jl. gouey 'island. HIV 'I'll ItHTH HV j Culver Route AMI Bay Ridge Ferr;. riWWeWs Fair?7 i it? mujiotr ' jt$m$Wi, HAGSinCIBt iwMPRT sVjajeT IIILVVOIILD A de Ightful .ail in last steamers 1 vo (lland Conterts daily. VYonderlul lolbge. ran plan's and I ortieiiituralcuriotitiej An uiieiiuslio t vl nacorp. anil Aunarl mi " KI.FI.N Dl.l'lslll LAND." rh" Dairy " lioal lig. Iialluli'i, Iinttli,in. and Oililar.lt. steam l.ttrncnea tjenuiiio l,ie i Island 'lam liat.e. I tinner it it tail . S'lLs.Ml.itS I.IIAVI I'ldllSN ll., loot of Curllat'tlt St , S.15, 0.41. IU 41 A. Jl , 12.0U SI., 1.J0, 2.JU, J.JU, 5 I J P. Jl 321) ST, FAST l:lVt:l'.. 'I tin, 10 ill. 11. "0 A. .11. , 12.4.1. 2.13, .' r. 1. 1 , .1.41 P 11. till! I'll 5111 SI . U'ttlllKl.l'.V, IMU, 1U.01. 11.03 A JI . 12.20. I. .in, 2.. li. .'...10 P. .11 I.IIAVI. III. Ill IsLSM) li'.t.l A. Jt. lor Pier lh a.ld 32 I at ; 11.41, 12. 15, lor Plei 1S....U. Fill! AU. LANlllNtiS 3.00, 3 00, 0.00, 7.00 au I 8 on P. II Mr. I . irileslON .TM'IsCTS Mr. L.Xntt IIOA'I'S sll.'.UtVS AND llOLlll tY i. Iron Steamboat Company 'I lie Holt Itno'.r lit CONEY aSLAWD A.Nl Tlir Oiilv Itnnlfi UtitiiilnR in BELDEM POatiST, in I (iir Hlmil Sound, Id (.inr I Uanil ( rif, I'J c le U ui ( lam (LaiVes, bu. eili lubujriU IMiuita.icuj I Is, i'luc a i vim cui w i:i.k ti.mi: TAIII.I '. I )t Ihi am I roii, e JJ i Mrvt. .V. H . !i,ui iti nr, tl o i A. .M.. I. .M il 1 tin, i r., ... .in, ... ir, .. iiis.int, i.4iu. ;. nn, t; pii. : im i. m rrin.i I'.it (new) No I, IS. it. iiier Hntti-- ri ptaon tuVlioti, llevaiu ruxla), U. ! llf.J'l, 11 A, M., lj.il, I. .10. J. 10. J lt. 3.43, 4'i, ,' .10. l..tu, 7..1U, K.yo, 11..1UI'. il ItnniMMi nn m fn fit Uiand It .ii A. M.. li in. I.ju, li;, .".J5. 4 10, 5 (JO, Lib, (.. 4U. 7 10, V i IU 40 I. M. I'oit Hui'rN I'niM I rnm lltHgp Dock, I.r-I- hn, ; mi. ii.no a m l .in, i.vt :.u(i, r.no w M i m.n.iititr., I . it., 'i 'i li -- ':. a, M.,1 :'. J J3, . : J . SI I nnu UOth Pt. V K , HO, 11, 60 A. M.. )0, .' 'it, ft ,,!.. 7 All V M. HUt HMNil 1IUIM I'.l I Vr IV'IM At 11. UI . M., I, HO, .1 III'. A 00, 7.0.) Mill '.I 00 I", .1 I xrMrNltij. l. Ctiiii', lev'niul ."( -i I.4CI11 flOll lu II t ttll'II fulfil 10 i i tu Erie Lines. Every Sunday. uHolaU 107 inltp-- i from o VonV, fi, lhn lisnlts ot lh rintiful I) 'lawaro Itirt-r- , 1,0(1 (ret nbnto thnyii, 1 eaTl liumbcrtift I'd M M. .NtJ aJhuur at tnosftoa llnnobjy tf'J Al. Greenwood Hi 7k 44 inllfB frnt Nit Vrrl In lh mltist of a prhriril formt. 1,000 fupt nliMTc tlil.j wile-- . Iin ( hm-- I fruit. Ill (HU MM UJtUt. V It A. tl, Home by ROGKAWAV mkm. Gen. Slocum and Grand Renublic. lFAVf. Moitnlvo. AWT. VV.,l"2.Iat , Jtew Y"rl. 8 411 10.00 1 3J Weal 10th at., ev, York...... 8 Ml 111.13 1.411 llatlerr ll aatlelianleni. N Y 0.13 10.31 113 .lenelFa Wharf, ltrook )n , II..1I) 1.1)0 2.1.1 lereey I ity, Anne, boats,... 8 33 10.3.1 1.33 Itelurning, lea, e beach II oil A. JL.oandti..lO p. 31. jo t.n. i vm: not mi i mi'. ;,oi"i's. NORTH BEAGH and College Point T II - .11 II It It ( V. S U N I) A V. 'Itventy tninule. doliehtful aallli) elepant ileaui-loat- e Irom loot last uthh at.lK'evatel llK.slstlon J'JIhal , loth 2.1 and 3d area, llur I ollrue Point HOIItl.V , (nun 7 A VI to U P Jl. lloata in I. land Pier, North llrat.li IIOCUI.Y, from 7 A. M to lo A. M on eignal oul), then II A I.I' lllll'ltl.Y UU 1) P. Jl. I.a.l boat from Worm li eat ii .10 :to I It I'arc 10 I enlN. In Mlltlll UI'Al ll atao by elegant Rummer liorsetare via Kaat 31th at., end I'let trie tare via fraat'JJilat. forrle,. Kit. I'nir l I'rols. RIVEREDCE PARK. SllVV IIIY MIMl.tlHIt Hh'HII'iT. An hour's eailutt the HUM I.N IU IIUDhON lo Hie WOULD HhSOVVNH) PAI.ISADFS. Ibl'COII IIODItLSII()'l'i:,MIYttl'l'N. STEAMERS LEAVE 13th St.. N. R landing al tilth at , N. It , lite minute. I.I, r. HOI i.l.l I) V. III I. .11, 23e KXfJlthlO.N 'llt'Klfr lie. A. UP'llll: AMI.IHt A.N iiiiini: 'Hie luagiiitireiit neiv tnrre.ilrik stearaor. 'Illl.l III Sll.lt. I apt. .lame. I.yntll, will male regular Nun. Is, morulug eicuralonato .MlWIIlim.. Isndlng al loukers, loua Islaml and West Point. lea vinc!!rldi.'e, In, a.llrool.l)u,at 8.30, West llllll.l.. .V It., 13 VVe.l 2Jd St.. N. ,!(Ji Jlauliallaiivllle, llllli at 111 UU A Jl. Deveri'll'a 47lh Regiment Hand lu choke con- cert. I are, entire giand eieiirslon, 3t) Lent,. BI'NIIAY I'MHIIISION StMiuera Heanird'irTd Albertlna will leave Netv York fiot of I ranklln si. Nundar, .luly'JI, for Highlands and Highland lle.th only at tl.ou A, M For Highland., High, laud J'eecn, lied Hank and Intarnudlate lanillnga atV.3UA, M. Ilalutnlng leave lle.l Hank alO.Jd P. a.. Highland, it 3.3(1 and 4,30 P.M. Ktcnr-Ion- . 60c, EXCURSION Tll"WF,sr POIr.'f.'Newbtirg and I'oughke.uil. dally lairept Hundaya) l.y Albany Day-li- itaamera at ll A, M. from W. 22d it, pi.r. REAL ESTATE. V JERC, 30HNS0N, JR.'S FLAG l&i PROTECTED BY DECISION ipisK OF SUPREME COURT, piaTOW9tw HOV. 13th, 188a. rJERinwa J DCNT It'TATrr FLG. "Xim Last Week of the OLD PRICES. DEMOREST ON THE HILLTOPS, ON Till. PENNSYLVANIA IIAH.TIOAI), OVER. I.OOKINtl P.AHWAY, I. J. ON AND AITKH MONDAY.AUC.1, Prices Will Be Positively Advanced. Lots 25x150 ft. each, from $40 apiece up, pay- able in weekly instalments of 50 cents and upward. Free Excursion daily. ,irill.JOHNMIN', Jll CO LIIIEHTY ST., NEW YOltls, AND 18'J AND 101 MONTAOUK SI'., illtOOM.Y.V. LOTS GIVEN AWAY" at 1'Iue View, N. ,) , onlj $ I. Anplr to s.Afi.e V CJ.. ait Wait 69tliit. iTAOSrOHV nntl Laeiilent Iiousm. all ji nictit MorritaAiiU, at a tsciiflp. Dr. I taLililUH, ti Khliixluii lost vitality restored ti) -- - A tit J dy.leeiildTrlthnilrtl. M, . t'litHinriiiifif locmo Vd C S fV e ) nil iierrous dlaeanea, u (V&. 't, SVi "ll'li Weak ' Tn ifs.' J .. ,llri.l Power, T!FPitZJS) lulnrsa, l.oaa VI-i.- t (ita '.sua 'li; is.su. tuitty. 2,'prTOiia-nob- s, Ijii.elttrdr nil drnlnsuod loss of power Imhlii i M'si'uii't'dliyoturi'St'rttoiiorpiceaslTo nso tici'iliiti i ii. oiilutii or stimulants which booh Ion. I ' ,1 c 't'siimptloti nnd Insanity. Put iii i tnr.irry in toil iockot. SI )ier VicUi , i.vn til, .lorr.l. Witlioyt'ry53orderwo t'lt,. ii ii 'ittf,i fjitwantrt lo curr r teftind Iht k 'i'( in Mtnr Srett. Jene Nertl o.,CblrBgo. Icr';o it' Hi;J:.ut'l Pliamacv. flSB'way, N, Y. AtV- - Vllonc. and 1311 B'way, M. Y. At A n Viradli , 191 Fulton St.. BrooLlyn, H. T. xfifOU RsSELFIH vElltmfiy Ash your DruggUt for a H flZ3g&f bottle of 1I!k . The only UTK.I,7 "" uiBiu temeUy for all aTari aSv3Jf ,ho "aiiatutnl discharge! and Kli'WLM private illwraHca of men and tha fSSSiM debilitating wcaineas peculiar J'SJs'5l to uoii'in. It cures In a few PamfiWdais without th aid ot iSSe-w-R piiMlclty of a doctor. Vtrvi i 1ke ''I"T"'' American Cure. w'-'Vi'- Manufnct tired by 'swlMS'n" Evan "'F HEW PUBLICATIONS. .) Itll'.HV Till! AUCUST FAiUlLY HERALD! ( (inifiiifnc I'oiir Nn, mitlCoim.lrlr Ntorlpit i i'lit 11 whu'nnH.ir ritMll1 lltlllblt IN II in- lirt , on I Aiiotli r uierit o( tlio Uf w and urigl nal hi rial tut, (i t i tl nil "NO s.NT" toctliT with uiu ti iKoful fiml cntFrtnlnincinlf- - Iniirniin t iittrr nf t .nt nl iv it. ornrj house-- t ui. tint vlinlq fit in nt ni o (r the Hlivr AT-Y- IC tlTH i: M I famltr inicni!.'. er nt, I't'lrr, lit renin iiitil(tv t Sl.?." cnrl. I or bale by all book ninl in."- i ticnl r tin I hy IHE INTERHATI.HAL NEWS COMPANY, Stl nod '..1 Ihitinr s ,, mil .lonr caal of j lilott'lvtltt , "art, York. You'll Bo Soi ry ,f Vou Don't Read Thla llrart tho WUJI VN'H I'AOK, printed oallr lu the Mokmsii Wiik: n. And don't, foreet ttu hL.Mlirit l'.Mii-"- EXCURSIONS. SISP3,S3T!!.OTEL AND GREAT NECK. I.IIMS ll A l SI.I'MI. line I'Alll.l. lull M'LAMHOAIP hteaincr bYl AN ItllUKK will liavs dally R4'- - ill'lrje ami Mindava etceptei) tllat at., K. R. al ill A VI an.l i M Itetlirning frnlll hands Point al ;a id ( P.M. I rnin OleatNet-- at .'.20 and O.'JO ' IMMMs AMI ol'MlAYb. I rnin ,11st at , II It at tl 1' M. Returning from Slii.lt IV.li.! -- I It I' .11.. I, real Neck at 8. JO 1'. M. Mcatm-- r .MM . V llttLII will leave, bnndete 'ml), I'iei Jl. 1' It . nl'.l.loA. M. , font of Brooms si et'.l JA M , .t . ll It . at 0.15 A.M. Iteliirnins Irn-- Ssnds Point at T.ltO P M. Mpjnnif llll.LW 11 Dt.ll leave dally tltatnrdaya and mi iLt"iiepie.ii Pier '.'I, I . K , at I P. M. :11st t ,1 I, . at I 1,1 1' M. Hcturntog fronr ol'il at " 111 1 M. AII"!DVVSftnui Her 21. 11 It., at 3 P. M.i trim lltl si . i: It., ntll.1.1 P. M. hi MUVMrorn I'Ur JJ. li. n., at n.ll A. M.I Sletat., I .11,, cllO A. .11. Hemming at 5.05 P.M. CQEEY ISLAND. ItltlliHTON HHAI'II. VMT Hltll.tmiN HKAf;il. BOATS HY Bay Ridge Ferry, Councctinc at Hay Ridge with Culver Route and Sea Beach Route, Leave font of Whitehall at., terminus of 1erata4 reads, Itioadwai and 7th ave. line, and Halt Una, hourly triim 7 lu In 10.10 and half hourly frona 10.40 until u.ll) and luYJU I'. .Vt Sundays, H.10, lU.iii.rj 10, and half hourly to 1.10 P. SI. Tnea .very 20 luiuute, to 'J. II), ami at 11.40, 10.10, 10.40. Last trains leave Coney Island daily at 11. OH; Sunday,, 11,20 1'. M. tiouralon tickets, 4(1 tents. '1 Hue, 40 minutes. a'AI.Vrs CAKMVAI. OF TI'.NICB AND liltAMI I'l HUM lilt KH ATV..ST IimillllON HVERY KIUHT AT B.lfc aTAnAlHI THE NEWEST, 3 IJ ii G w THE pleasantest THE CHEAPEST I island lit Rllil. h. So ii Hi llrnnklyn Kerry, foot ul Whin-hul- l m., al llutlrry. Kiial urldc rumii'i'tP'tr il i:lutnivil I rut n it IrniU lfrr. Till; Wlhl KNI NlAlNti wawcli vr irLj all ItKomltitf an I mitcolnc hoals at Notitn Itrmilvlyii Jeainliii,- - i In Coney ulanil no! r 1'ani'a lcnr-ni- lrli''i : r.: thapf4t of any, HO A TH I.KAVK KLJT VOHK onroii lioiiri an! halt huum from 3.30 A. M, to Jl.UU 1'. M. ller buata HiturJy and hunds)!. FORT LEE PARK: Uranii lluuiid ixrureioo, 2at-- . hiindat, July 31. llnli'l Ninr (Mull. I'nnulnr I'rlrea. Nivalin r leave I Jlli ai. (lamling at 311 h at.. N. It., IU niiniitea later), 'J, 'IP, 11 A. M., 12 M., 1 a. d. M, .1.30, "7. 8.11(1, 9 Hand 11 P. M. Uae. Kortl.ee '7, rl, 10, Ml A. !., Pi M,, M, 3. , I. .10. "7, la, H.UUand 10 P. M. Indtoataaall loterinedlala lanillngH are made. Staatnerl aad 1'I.I'AHANT VAI.I.ISr OHOVLTO LOT. Dally 'I uae, lath at., 10, 3 U andlOP.M. sBHNHAr.KXCUILSlUN "to Long II nin ch, atMausar Llheron. Ibarra l.wtnf .Ian. ai. N. K- - at XO A. M. Leavea lug llraucb 1'. li. Kuanaaa llckatiSOcatla. CALLED IT A DRUNKEN HOUSE. Congressman Watson's Sweeping Charges Against Colleagues. Inv aviocittrn rarn.l Wapiiimitov, Jul :. The World's Kalr lnatler was delayed In tho House IhU morn-Int- ,' hy AiiucMlon of prlvllcjo rulstd by Mr. Wbeiler, of Alalmms, relntlvu to certain slntements contained In it cjuipilin Iwok "Not llevnil; u llevolilllou," U'cenlly puu-llsh- by ltepiesentatlvo Wntton, uf Heorglo, levletvlnic I lie action uf tin' pivtcnt Contfrest and the posll Ions taken I'J Its liiemlfl s In tbo past. 'lliero wcieliud deinandt forth" "regular order," but llr. Wheeler upon Lcliifc' heard. lu order tn secure the floor ho had read nn extract from the book In which It Is asserted tb.it In tho. present Congress drunken mem- bers reeled ubout tho aisles to thu disirace of tho HcMUbllc nnd drunken speakers debato Krave Issues. This undoubtedly presented a question of privilege and Mr. Wheeler was recoijhled. He denounced the publication nstho mist ri- diculous falsehood ever uttered oil the Ameri- can Continent. (Applause.) Tim llouso nns thiowii Into a blato ol great contusion by an assertion by llr. Wat- son that every wind wrllleu In tbo book lo which .Mr. W'hceler referred was literally true, and that ho stood ready to deteud ovuiy word. 'Ilia assertion was glided with prolonged hisses. Mr. Wntsonvvas promptly called to order by Mr. Tracoy. of New York, win) wusgicatly Indignant over the wholcsatu charge upon the Hoil'C. Mr. Watson was permitted to explain liU language. Mr. lloaluer, ot Louisiana, Inlioduced a I (solution calling for Ihe appointment ot a committee to luveitlgato the truth ot Mr. Watson's charges and to recommend what courso shall bo taken with respect to the member (Mr. Watson) It thu chary cs uio found lo he untrue. 'lite ttieaker appointed Messrs. llootner, Wolvertou, Buchanan tVa.l. (Iiout and Mint-tur- n as the Spt t.lut (xuninltl.-- i to Investigate thu charges made by Mr. Watson. Mr. tbatuer's resolution wns ruled to ho privileged and was adopted without division. Itwasulter l.tto when the House lesumed tho consideration of the World's 1'alr amend- ments to tue sundry civil Appropriation hill. I'lllbiiMor lug was liumccilatelv inaugurated, JIi, Ctimmlngs, if New mU, nssiiminir tho coinmnnd ot tho nllbusters. and Mi, llallcy, uf 'lexas, ailing us lie ulernni. lu the M'iinie the tlmo wusoicttpied by a coiitlnuatlou of the tariff debate. GAVETHREEPQUNDSDFETHER. Lustig's Death Said to Be Due to This Lavge Dose. Philip l.ttstlg, ot Wist Hxty-tuurl- ti stieet, dlol at H o'clucU this morning while under thu Influenco ol nuodyius administered by physicians. I.tihtlg while lutovlcatcd last night lurched against a window und his hand went thiough J thefcluss, cutting lilt wt M badly. II- -, lollltiii.t Wist bKly-llll- h street nnd Ur. Jlieisol West sued weie called In In attend blm. f.usVlg was hnl, vl d with drink and pau, land Ihe police say that tu quiet liltn tun phisiclans administered thicc pounds ot ether as well as rhloroform, nnd besides gave him li) podei tnlc Injections ot morpnlue. Ho never rcuoveied consciousness. The i oi oner was notlllrd but has not yet I cached thu dead man's house. MESSENGER BOYS MAY STRIKE American District Tolcgrrnph Coys Have Qrlevancos Aftalnet tho Company. there 1 a 'trlkc brcwlnjln the American lilstrlct lelegiapli Couipau duvvntuu e. 'Ihe messenger toys lomplulti uf Uiu lung houri, and that they do nut get paid for mesiiages which urn undelivered tecuuse Ih'.ru Is no ouo at the address to lecelvu I hem Then there It a rumor lh.it llio Company Is going to nlmlMi Ihe puvmcul ol Ihreu cents lor men lucssage.iiroughl buck, and itilvuid ll.o long lioiii.-- . und I tin "lU'.-crt-" calls liuvu excited some of thu Iniys to u tiellion. 'Ihert wnsnioeellngiil the touch Kcinrmed thutth lu I muni tared I tsMiigut, and the llll'Sll01lllf U SlllkU VlUldlM'tlasCj. .MlOtllT meet lug tlll lu' held Sunday or Monihij, nml If astrlkulsdeieiujIUdlon plans will bo uinilo lo plot enl other boys Idling Uiu tinkers' t tare.. RETURNS IN FROM ORKNEY. They Show, os Wns Expected, the) Uberr.1 Ca.ndlde.tn Elected. Hit aaiocuTin rasas. I l.osnos, July an. The returns from the last of the conslltiienclev, that of thu orknoy and Midland Islnuds, to elect a member tu ths new rarllauitnt have been rccelrd. 'I hey shotv, as wns expected, the elietlounf j tho Liberal candidate, Mr. - I. veil, whore-- I cilvel.illT voles, against I, II 1 cast for his Dissident 1 Ikciatoppomnt. 1 ho n turn ( Ml. I.yi II and the recount In (iicenock us tho opposition mujoiliy lu tho new Hotiito of commons at tort. REILLY SUREmnEANT MURDER. But Hlu Victim May Rrcovor, Whllo He Himself Is Dead. I si AimriATin mo, I At iitsv, Jul) yu llionian KllJary. reslJ-In- g near the liotoii and Albaii) ciosslng In i halhani, was walking up tl.c track this iii'iriilni: w lira, lam's I'elllv, the flagman ai Uio tios'lng. s'ltuktd tK'lilud lilm and shot ' lilm lu I he in. I; uud i.nk, pit bl;ti tuliii with lilsllsl ulit soU'il lilm Iitir times. llelllv then went home and khoi himself In the nbdonien nnd ihiottgti llio forehead, mil cut his thio.it tronitar u ear. d)liigln a ish'rt ttiae. KlKiurt mat inotir. Hi 111) tt ta Hit) veaisolJ ii lid UilJary about scveut), lauillytr nbl"seloted. POWDERLY ACCUSES DEPEW, And Saya Plnkortond Provont the Settlement of !3t lives. Int- amocutku rsiaa. I WisnisGTON, July .!). -- ticncral Master Workman I'ovvderly, of the KnlghU ot Labor, appeared lieluit) the House Judklary Com. inltleHihts sfteinoun and made abroad de- nial of the statements of Dm I'lukerlcui rela- tive to the ch'iracler of their emploiecs. lleferrlngtoiho New Yotl; Ceulral strike, ho accused Mi iepcnrv.wlt!i drllbiraley causing the Htrl',e and Itirn going tu Kuroe. 'Hi i I'lnkeilotis pivrebled tho m-- i (lenient of strike, huh ild. i i;, Clnv Klnir I.01 n- - Hop). Inv aaaiH Aim enzal. Mi.ui'iiM, Tenu, Jul) vn. - The action of Jud;o llcwcll l'. Jackson, of ILo I nllid states Court, In pifusln: tho writ of habeas corpus In tho II. clay Ulng caio has had a very de. pressing effect upon the prltuncr, and i Is feartd that his mind Is giving nay. Ills only hope now I, lu application to Ibe United Motes Htipieino court tor a wilt of error and an accompan.! Ing May. or In tu event ot that lalliDg, in an upicnl to (lor. U'jclmuau. t READY TO FIGHT AND WIN. a) Committees of the Democratio National Committee Named. The Democratic National committee met this afternoon ami tbo Kxecutlvo aud Cam-palg- n Committees were nnu.ed. Tho Kxecutlvo Committee comprises M. K. Tarpicy, uf California: Charles H. Thotnis, Colorado; Cailos I'rcucli, Con- necticut s Kamuel Pasco, Florl Jn; Clsrk I Unwell, (icorgla: J.J. lllchardson, Iowa; (lew go W. lllalr, Kansas; Thomas II. Sherley, Kentucky.: ' C. Jerries, Louis- iana; AitUur Hawaii. Maine; Arthur P. (lor-ma- n, Maryland; David J. etimpau, Michigan; Mlihrel Dorau, Mlncssoia; Charlu II. Howry, Missouri; John 11. Piatlier, Mosourl; AlvaU W. Sutloway, New llampshlie; Mllos ltoss, New Jersey; Wllllim T. Hhechan, New York; XI. W. Hansom, N. C; Calvin H. Ill Ice, 0.1 Samuel II. Honey, It. L; Homes cuinmlngs, Tcnn.jO. T. Hull, To..; Ilradley II. Smallej, t., and M. II. Uoidou. Va., wltb Chairman William P. H.irrlty and Secretary Shccrln us minibn", 1 he ampalgn Committee Is as follows: Calvin H. Urlce, of Ohio; A. 1'. (loimau, ot Xlarvland; W.I', hboelian, of New York ; H. I. ftuialley, of Veriiiont ; M. W. llobjom, II. T. Cabiu, Illinois; IL C. Wall, ot Wlconsla: Joslnli ulncy, Ua'isacliuselts, and chairman W. K. Hnrrlly. The Campaign Committee will meet In tbls city Thursday, Aug. I, and llio Advisory committee will not be named until alter una lmellng. chairman Hurrlty left Inlo this afternoon for his home tu l'hltadclpblu. He will return lo Now York next. Tuesday. LITTLE JIM'S BODY FOUND. It Was Floating in the Water at tho Foot of Harrison Street. The body ot llttlo James McNamara, who disappeared on Tuesday night, was found floating In the Ninth llltcr Into this fitter- - noon at tho foot ot Huirlson street, wheic he was last seen 'Iheetori of tho llttto fellow's disappear-a- 0 and the cfToi is to r.ua lili.i will be found on the second page. THE CITY WILL SELL DRINKS. Btoux Falls Aldermen Favor the Municipal Saloon Idea. nr asiocutm! pnrm.l Siouv FAtu, 8. Dak., July y:i The council ccuiinttieu appointed to consider Attorney l.j ons's "municipal soloon" Idea, Is ready tu report unanimously In luvor of Inuuguindng tho scheme. Theseutlmentnii o igllie Alder-- 1 men tsf&vorablo to tbo ttlul ol city saloon?. Chulrman llildyc.ot the Coininlttce, iiukei the mediciiou that theclty will go Into the business, which, l.e tli'daTrs, will bicoino u popular that It will conllnuo ns one ot Ihe permanent Institution) ot thu municipality. Thu Cnnimllteo will 11 commend the estab- lishment of six city ralonns In lou Kail, one lor each word, and that there li ap- pointed a saloon superintendent. uudci'whoiii llio worklt g force 01 biifieiulers will opciuli, Ihe saloons to be opened from ,' a. i. to 111 r. at, The City Council will meet on Mohlay night to act ou the repoit. NOT ALARMED FOR MISS JORDAN. The Tounor Lady'a Mother Thinks Bbe Hos Probably Oone Ynchtlng-- . lav.rtar. m tui f v rNlNn wost n.l I.nvo llitAscii, N. J., Jul .Mabel Jordan lias not )ct rommtinlcatid wiih her mother, Mrs. John iTiaiubeiliilu. mid, til tliousli that ludy does not kuuw whcia she! I", she does not feel alarmed. Miss Jordan, who is Mrs. bnmliei lulu's daughter by a former Mirrlagc, Is 1111 young woman, und comes and go.'s at her own w 111. .thu has been In llutope, but was expected to leturn this .summer. tin Tuesday Mrs. buii.bcrlaln leeelvcd a telegram Irom her, dated illglilnuds, N. .1., sailug that shu would bo home later. M10 iccelvcd another saying that her daughter had missed the tl atn. Mis. Chamberlain has hoard nntlilna since then, hut thinks her daughter has probably fallen In wiiu friends who hivu Induced her tnguyaelillug.

Transcript of WALL ST. IIILill Long R - Chronicling...

Page 1: WALL ST. IIILill Long R - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1892-07-30/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · Marti Bel ecu and Mr. James Onlwfty were ... JMbp and Lustre were


WALL ST.H&i (from Xatt XlghCt Sporting Kjtlra.)

THE TURF.RP Bergen and Galway

I Recipients of Many

p Congratulations.

Kk;.murphv remains with ehret

KB Gideon's Coup on Ha'penny

K Other Track Talk,

Hs! Marti Bel ecu and Mr. James Onlwfty wereMa$ tbe recipients ot many congratulations v

tcrtlay. Marty rode Id the same old form thatPHju- - mado him famous a few vears k, and hePKi fcaa fairly broken Uiu Ntrealc of III luck thatPBtf basnovcrcd about lilm nlncottie opening ufPBl,, thewasuu. He lias changed Ills style of i -f

lug also. Ho nuloucer lays out of the race,PB but while riding a vtaltltiir race keeps null upMtji? With Ms U0'11- - 'lben arc lew Jockeys who

Mtf' can out flalsh Derifcn when he Is ildlug InWmL Mi best form. Ample proof of thl li tbe (act

Uf that in tbe Newark Stakes yesterday Loona-PlR- F

cll. ridden by Taral, was a neck in frontKgjr twenty yards from the wire. With a goodIKE ttorae under blm such an advantnge makesKPt? Tarat a bard man to Ixat borne, yet Uergen

Hut- clearly ootnnlshcd blm wltb Adelbcrt andPK iton a grand race. Tbe finish In this racoPjKr. was blood-stlrrli- g and a better cue has

'HK' never bo;n bccl on the track. BergenMfa also, won the Hollywood Handicap with !

IKV Lustre, wearing down and bentlnj outKg Katie a. ally, with Sims up. Hotn Adclbert

JMbp and Lustre were bred by Mr. Galway, and ItRbf Is a long time since the black and jtllowMp colors have been seen In nont. Tbe vtlns

E&J", wtro pleasing to s, for Mr. OnlwayHB'A Is a thorough sportsman who does not bet orUk? make a business of tbe tblng, as do someImcl other turfmen.IBii ,IfE?, Tho number ot bead finishes at MonmouthIV& l'ark tbls season have been remarkable, l'beittjJJ like ba uovcr been aeon on niter tracksipSy Yejlctday four of the six races were vvouurPK-- .' uliort beads, and the Judges placed tho it $

ncrs correctly.

Hwf 1'cnny nnd Long Uctcb were the only start- -

K era In the fourth race yesterday. When theBgt swayback collared Longstreet's uuwortbyW5ii on the far turn ha rumakud, " Huh,UKi, 1 van oeat i oil, etfii If I can't bout unr elderK;?! bruthcr." 'I ben cut loobo and cantered homo

am ejy winner.

PBy Mr. Oebbard thought that KxpcrlmontKj. would win Jestordny, uud, on bis trainer's

ftv ailvl.r tlint the lilly had greatly improved, liuKbr: LackeJ her Utavily. Bliu uiu a vervui-up-

mk poiutlug jce, however, tlnUblug in tlis ruck.Hfr

Hrf Miss Maude was n, poor third Hi the llollj- -k wood Handicap yesterday. 1 it lur laM ijlup; llio pulled ui luino und )eslerday vu nt to lltuft,1; post a trltlu bore. Alter tho i ace she ugatii

PE?; pulled up lame.

Mar May Win is badly named. Just Lose wouldK be decidedly tnuio uppvoprlate, fur lio Just

S.jTj manages Id get beat more nliuit beads thanr any other home In training, icalcrdnyK,' mother denial, was credited to blm, liu- -M,f s Juki nlpplug him on thu imjsi.

PBIy Trestle boltecLat the bead of tbe stretch,KV and young Tod hluaue pulled blm LackrlbtBiV, luimut uf 'liiDUr. Ksrriwiu yollcd "l.oikouipand tnojuungsttr managed to pet out

uf tb way just In llinu to picvvnt n eulilxioii.mts TbQlscldcut completely uunorud theKn.ip- -Kjif tw,tc alul f,M ill.l nut. Itnlan u II li til,, inimi il.un

PHJ2 Teuny wlUl LUVuwuti but I or this happen- -

Kl .PTOr Lceobatchce would han won tbe Newark

Rfr Stakes to a certainty bad not uu run Into theIHfC teucs un tbe uppur turn. Tbo colllnluu turn

Vj Ilamlltnn's IKiot and threw the lioito backlK. half a dozen lengths. 'JIiId gumnd Loea--batches mado up, unil at Hm milih wask. lapped on Merry Monaicb, wno was only u

WKU: UugtU behlud tbe luaJcrf. Tito imiiiii atKfv which the accident happened Is whcrulho

j'.J,. teuporarv i alls are placi d acrois t ho straightHr cuqrso. Doniutu bumped Into It n fewdatuK alru, and uarrowly escciod being thiowu

t"i-- down.

Murphy has not been discharged ns was cr- -,- roneoualy piloted In many paicrj)ii!turda.h1 As was stated In jclenluj' I'.i kmso U'om n.

BS;.. Murphy was simply onored it Httni to givu upFh'S bis contract. Tbls bo reliued and ba will be

aid his salary lu full, but ulll nut ride furfbe stable.

Wf Mr. John Hunter has sold thecolt Hesperus, by Helmdel, out uf Kctltitlc, tu

Kr' George uatues tor ."oo.

PBfff. rroprlety vtas tried six furlongs lu 1.KIU afew days ago, and Matt Allen buiiei ed be had

. aclncli ou tbe Hollywood Handicap. 'J liump ally was unplaced.

PM$ ...n? Jack Joyncr bad Cbesapeako out yesterday, '

Ba but from tbe w ay tliu old cauipalguer norkcUP.V- - It u doubtful whether be can be got up tu u

WkiL race (bis year.f

mfy ntre ran away a halt mile Just before thomtl-- Tennr-l.on- g ueach raco, but II d.d blm no

K; barm evidently, tor be finished a good sti ougKsi' second to Koiuad lu the lat race.

gf ...PJf-?v-- Mr. Gideon bad l,oou straight and plsco

' ob Ha'penny yrsteiday.Mi rf

Kf WAS HE A SUICIDE?Bffi'pK Vurpby Found Dead wltb a BulletKf Holo In Bis Hen,.!.PJf- - 'UrirML TO TBS tvtsi-- o WORID.pKu. Oriit Ntcs, L. 1., July !iU. The mjbtcryPKi4 surrounding the death of John K. Murphy,pB whowaslouud with a bullet wound In thoPW, bead In bis own bouso at Tort a hlugtou,mfs has not yet been cleared up.K coroner tcliencl: began the Inquest lastPMtii nlzbu Hr. W. ). Wyhong, who mado thoP&'y. autopsy, said tbe bullet entered behind tboBf. ear, taking au upward coureo to ho brain,Pj?V wblch would Indicate that be commltteilWp3 tsulcUo. 'Ibe position ot tbe arms and pistolpKJp was not explained.PBj$' The wife and sister-in-la- of Murphy wcroK tnlbeboubo at tbe time of tbe occurrence,t. and ssy they beard no report. HU sou John

te,1Be.a 'bat be was not at home at ibe lime.H The Innudst was adjourned until ThursdayM-- titxu InlbemeautlmethuCutoncrwllluros- -

k; ecuut Inquiries.w m

pBjp- - rortlflcallons in Frltlsh Columbia.K, Ottawa, ont, Jul) that

PPJ. one million dollars arolubespciit ou fortlnca.K tlous In llrltlsU foluiubU. lion, Mac:.enlePPJ liowell, Mlnlstei of Militia und ( ukiuum, unaPJPPPj Gen. Herbert .iro tu go Weil nho.tly m looklm,' dver tbo ground, nnd If Indications are lu l.oataPF' "V1 '" .".".' "I''"!.' before the wtrk&; will bo begun of tbrowlug up a line of

iV,ueAT,ycn w" ",akt l""flaa forilneaaHnr4 Tn,.!lle n1 station at tu--


KvW'i Nlon and Nurerobor? Cblidrsp.PBPK 0'"etl NeUn writes ( I lie bm atIHBkiI Sf1''' y)f:u la manufacture lot.PPBf JWBy Wrl.'


Prices Follow the Mercury in ItsSteady Upward Move.

Bulls in High Feather and Buy

Right and Lett.

S. V. White I'arta svlth n Block ol

300 Shurjti ot Western Union.

WAM, Stukit. Julr ytt.-S- aloi otstocks up to noon were i:!0,0!)0 shues. In-

cluding 14,000 sugar, despite thelunt. 'IbisIs tho largest total for some tlui- -.

The temper of speculation wns decidedlybullish and pretty mucn everything en tholist scored higher prlcjs The most markedImprovement was In Atchison, Missouri

Western Union, Mlnncupolli und M:

Louis aud Iowa Central, which rcjo to :i

points.Htocks continued to keep pace with tho

thermometer Ibis afternoon and tho bullswere In high leather. 'Ihe leading stockswere bougbt Willi a good deal of conlldence.nnd still higher prices wcro mado lu a major-

ity of Instances. Tho bears made several at-

tempts to check tbe upward movement butwero forced to retreat, and weronot n littledlsconcciltfd by the boldness of tbelr antago-nists. Kluel quotations were about tbo best,of the day, and the conimlsslon houses hadliberal buying orders lor Huston and Westernaicount.

8. V. White, who has been n rouslstcntbull on sugar and Western Unlou for alongtime, solJ .".03 of tbe fotmcr this afternoon toII T. llogert t liiT!. with the prUllogo uf

putting" the slock at lOU'S up to Wednes-day next.

I here Is talk ot a set Ip dividend ou WesternUnion la September, and piomlnent butisesi ere buyers of the stock un thli theory to-

day.Ilcport has It that sercrul new bull pools

are forming and tint cciiuln stocks now lu

tbo background will be taken bold ot and ad-

vanced next week.Messrf. Neslage, Colgate k Co. will ship-50.0-

ounces bar diver und 5,000 Mexi-

can silver coin to Europe by tho steamshipKraslc-tnono- w. Handy Haruuu will also

Iship loo.oou etinces ot the while mstal.

'IhckKleaieailied tbe heavy total of uv.1.',,

i:u slians ot ILsted slocks und ."1,0011 ouncestf sl(vcr.

Cloilr-i-f (Quotations,Orln. Ill Kti. I nw. Do.

Ara.rlcin Hurir Hit .. 101N 101)1 l'dl Mini,

Ara.rmu Cotlou Oil ... 4J( H 4, JJ tAio.tlolnUolvoi, lllli(. ..US ,71'!, 7lll 1l.(,Americau Ktpr... u l'--u l.'u liu

it lit l4 0Atib..'lvp. (llllMH, as'i 'M'l tin :,u4Uilt a Ohio vs is DTI. uhlluSalo. it. fun i'J !- -! ' tiMl..u,U. hootbtrn MH Vu bv'l frj'.,I'KiilrAl I'.oac il'K 1,1'M uiUDlitupeslcaA OI1I0 Js '.'tu at, '.'tl,

Uilc.Uir. aualsar.... IIM 1". loi U liiltClinxu Nuriimcat... U7j, 11,), 11. h ll.Jitit', a unu..i ..01 . lo Iti, II HitCull.. Mil. A ht. Paul,. - ".li i3U s "iLlll,-- . , .Vlll tkl.l'.il 1JIW, I 'it I, 1'JuSi l'Ji.t,tlllr., Uixk It. t I'M... !'! lllit XUA ll

. .lun.jc O.I tut. 101 lot loj lii.iui.T.. Liu.,u. a Ht. 1. r.oii n;i. i, n;

, l.ili.m,(,..ui u. lu't ll.,'i 11. '. U.',i.'i.i. X itvik. V'ail.r .1 M .ifl .111

I nlDiain i oil Irmi MS tl. itl, MS

Dal.. Lack. A Wait .... 10u I In ISj lliullalawkraa Itlidaoj...,, 1:18 13 !l Lit LI-- !

liau. A lllil llranJa pld. tuM 4UM t'Jt( n(Ula. aLaUlataad.. .. H tSji II IB',hillxm l.laclriuLo... ., 1U:U lur'j ll'l'l 10r.t.iaalAnriliHU na(.... I la IV .11 M 13sUIllloula Utntral 1U4 10 l 10. 10. 'luual'aull.l UVf I'.U I'M t'.'jli.wat'Kiiiral pral .. . tl it II itUileil.ll....... f'Jl, In), in), luluUkcMior...., 13 IS ISa 13Vl.akICila W..l.m ., UH JV JH4 ill,ItiulatlllaA a,Srilla.- - 71 711, lid, T ISliDbtiau t'onail... 1sji Ml MVi, is.a,

Minn. .01. IJiii.. . ., Iilh 1 N Mil, 174alum. m, Umi, pf all, 3i, :i,', ,nLlLinnrininlSn t'.lilj I. 111. Ill allV

Mil, Kan.a. A Inn. 19, It, l.y, (,',lMo. Kan ATat.vraf. 'i,l U7 'Ji J,!,Nat.Uitd.llii Hi !.,', lil IvlSSal, I'oiiL Lo. p.a lit lit II 11 t(uimu .17, till', alfc, a,A.I 11.1 V. uJ tlSVi KW Uti tu,Nat. l.lii.IUll ... .iM :iil US 3bNaw.l.rnar Dantrai ,., l'JSh, Vi'H IS7W lillt,ha York I'tntral. ... II IN lull tills Its',N. V rtorth.rn in ... 16"i I H 14 lfiK. Y. ANawCoilaud... a lit, ;UH uili, :i,i,

. It. 4 M. I.,,,.. IH IS is ISK. .. Laka F.rlaAW.. 'jut, mu J7I, jhi,N. ... I.. I.. A W. vttt. lis l!i us (1SUN. Y.,Klll(l. Wasi... i Uh lt(N. V..HH..I. AW'lil. pf I..V, (!(, 111, i4".ortu.ka itaaiaritprit . t.'-s- , IIIH till,Northaru Paoirtd tip till, jV., til.K iNotlbaru I'ariUuprat . s.'i tti h)K ftsajNoitli Ainanoau . ... lilt. lit It'l t?itlntarlii A Weatnrn VJ'l ." Ilia, .11llrta, It lliiDiuv llirlll, Jj '21 VI 'Jlracme Mail jv at .H aiI blla. A lltaning oi lit, i IIleu.it,. a i.ran. ml, 171. 1,1, !'. I7Ufilla ,1,1,11, JS ;3 .,1 31K.1 iVJMft HI, hi, I'l UKoji.iamla Wa-- I pral. 'Ha "lol ',11, 7.,.,ht, Paul a Omaha 3ui. 5iH so nil,M. .'.ma Omana pii. Il'.iii nm, 1 1JU ll'-- 'iM. I'auK lUlulli 44 41 41 tlNl. I'.. 11 hi n vlau. 11. J, 1IJN II ft 11 ',4Ht. u houtnweiletn ... Sl4 IH Ma IHhll.ar IVtllttfala R SO Pit snboottiarn I'aolno 3rt 31 34 88;iia. 1..11.1 UH is 1JU u('laiaal'aclSo. . ... Mi, 9U ptl m,Sanu. Coal Alton at ns, .St! 83liUnion Facllio 3Ha tut, 3il a ',nioaanprvi . . ., 'js, li ar.t,vv.alarn Unlun lala usu us HAT, U7T,WkaaliuatAl.aliiKria SlCJ 1H ail,WnaalinaALak. I!.pt.. ',ji, ',), 7'Jl, .I'),

1.4 ulr.

Mlrtltlc Scoottl.nMifollowlliiarelbe tloslug (.uotJtlonsot

mining ntocks at tuv CuusullUiiUd kxtuanga

uf. j$l. ;m, Ail4.Am, II,j,. .uj llornhilt'r J. tilAllrn. , , .01 liuiihil.ar. .niAdaiua o.a - 1 uu Imu liiii , ,juAiKnM.l h.ar.uii. .Ill

h. Co . l.rio lji't,i. , tn .(wI'allelaa.. .Ill .'.V Mdf'l.l). ,14 .la(If al lll.l. l,i) llltlal'bi1; .2Jloillt 'J i iMoalcan, . 1,'IUIhilnar ., .,11 'aloiilton ,,liarroionv .lit Vlono 'InHreete... ..15 ,M1 Navajo .. ,oI'n.w'kja. ,1, .17 N.Uallali. .06llalmon, ., .'JO ,p North Silt C.AOCalajonla llulanu..., IV.ullU.ll 7 Ophlr. . , 2,;il(hdlUr. , ,V0 II. a,M ,. ,u

t.l'clnl.. .ril - I'ljmoalh. - 1.UULkrjtolita. Ill - I'll', (,. t. .10Col. ln, . ,V - I'll', Aril. ,60I'.U. A Va. il.au KuL'ul.'aa. .SS 5HCui i.oi.- - haraio ... .(,1

taeall i. , ,10 .Matrn Xar. ,J0UoraaUel! Ihtaiid'J. ... 1. il

Stock' 11 ,11! Stini.'t. . litHkjU 1(1.01 -.- haiiliacu... - .1(1bl 1C.0J -'- ban K.l.ai. .10liunklu .lu -- ihlHatOj I .3.1Daamrool t. Ilopaa ,ut)..'larta . . 1,011 -- h. , Do.Ltit'kaCo, l.to -- cl U V ,3J

II .lolKhoaliona., - ,01l.ilasiint. .'.Ml . illcua - .SOtioultlAU. .UU 11. Uon 711JlalaANoc l.uo Ward Con. .11 ,!IVllouiaat'ka. U. 60 IV. JackaL tj


I'oiU ought tofatl huofry, ud when thrjff!hungry tlijronf lit to ti4f guot ilifftttlonn. Hut,tUi! thej (Jun't-fTuu- tly. Ttat ,'lu !lke u(

Ibt Jut tud of th uujul( of the lntmkm ami

tbofkttou uf youth, mlddlt tge in4 tif' cwi-f-

Ihe piou imp, tlytipii mivilir putllir for a!i;tllii'a,plaftienif"ii m lb ahtpa uftiftrttmn, vliid "it aint unoomfuiiibla tilnt(mtiunuf Ihaatoiuach and gvnrra Ultturbjnca in ht ci.trie rcxlu.i. I)ftirti ( vrry lotirrally aicuiiipati'ei l.y t.,f(uti.vM, irrejclanty nf llio ba.Tili,lnutunU and i aro !:,, for fatb and all ufwhuli.aawall sililr nuf, l!oh Utr'n Stmiuthllitlarait th patjpn vlicfu Valatia',rhflumllo and kiduoy trot tieJ, Uck f tlroDRttiand flnh, and failuta of auualila and tba puwf r torcat tranqultly, art alao uitrcoma by tba I.ltUr.

Vou'II Ba Borry irYou Don't Raad ThinIleid ih U'UMA'A rA(JK, printed dl!x In

fboWoKKtvo Would. And don't torstl thetiUMMEU K1C60KT YAGE.


DR. SNYDER,Tbo Successful Obesity Specialist.

Mra.Allea Minis, dream. M.i, WrUbt Dcfortianncnt.aaill'i. sftr trestmani, IC3 ll.

TIip fitllowliif varanoi havn takan treatrnvnt ofllr. Nniriar. tfllli loa, of tvatgnt a, attaa Imlow.thotifii cUMrlullj anatifralliii'iulrlta W atampi

, ato luilo'td.' lltfDra. Aftar. I oaa

&1r ItAthalC JoSnaon,. S.'.V lb. 147 lb. 1 78 lb,

Mra. Alicaalapla, .....Or.fon, Mo. , 330" IBS "h II.

Umru, Via., 310" 205" ,1,"Mnipon V'ati inkle.

Wanklln. III. , . IJt " S98 " I'JIl "Mr, Itaorce rri"lin,n,

I nrl lildvall. Cal. , '173 " W3 " IOU "Mia harall Hainer,

1111 S Mil il , I eaten .worth, tan ...... 27S " 170 " III.)PATIENTS THBATED HY MAIL

Ctinlliliitlal. Ilarntlr , antl vr 111. nn atarvliiK. intuuvaulaurai.r bait aflficta Yvr arlioulara

call or aiUlrtas, w UU Cr. lit autops,Dr. O. W. F. Snyder,

McVfckcr's ThAra Hullillrg UHCAC0.



MIU' aOltlt.A.VIKltll'AN AMI bt'ltOPKAN I'l.ANM.




. HANKS PsTaTioNI IrKCtt and low ot. t irlca htnt-clt-

luiUiiKfrn In ihe UpitvJnltUi.

ft BEST TEETH PiQOX HI lllil It I'l.VTI.' Oaflaf

s AllltATI.II t.H Vt'ttt V'ttna ITl'-f-

, no irnra ,,V1 nr lakrs I il.lua, t,oltSI. Ml up, aoft.&lle, up. P.lltactlos nllti pura (rathfaa 60c , ultQualgla tt&o.

i Never I'lturJ, llnr, Maihl or husilrtv.HltOOKI.VH 17b ullo at., uaar Kim plao.JtHSlIv CITV-tr- nar Vork aud liroaa

;t m


Ntiroro'biircr'H Toymakers,Nrll NrUn.;iref airilinllrrniinbablri.

who help tnmiakp our ITirUtaasaiipullrs.I See lb "atniday lVvrld'


Grand "Round Up"AM


HOSIERY.r.oo tiny.. (Ju.st i.Mi'oitunn i. viii:x' i

(iiiAitA.NTi:t:ii'Asrm.ACK coi'iox lio.si:,1 UI.L ItlidULAIl M AlllI, ITtFA'Cll lTH.T.

ISe. pair.'



IOC. PAIR..lis in: to si:i,i. I'nu iir.

1 OAHK I.ADlr.S' Itllllllll) tlVI.mtK.CANVF.BTh, CllUCIIl.T M.CIv ANH AltMH-l- ;l.HON-IIU- Sle. vt.sr.s,


ALL BIZKa AND KINDS laJU.lluys' Dumet Kluniiel Wulsts anil


49c.Tlioso banlcriipt Shoes are nearly

none.I.ADIhS' IIUTrOV BOOT.S-SI- F.S 11LVIAIV.IN(1, 'J',. 3 AND :i,'

A IMIHI" ,'I1T TO Cl.I.'Alt TUIL1! II TT.11AVIC 11ICKN 8.00 Tl) $5.00,





308 Ifl 321 M St, 1 1

see it? ? f(ITU AVI. llrVAN7Vl (ITIIAti:.$3.99 ,m-.V.';-

- Va'?i.v. S3.99IIAIIV CAUKlAll.ft. .Mai'IINI..

Clltl-Krs-, iiDV'KS. PICTURFS.


KUAiuuBKK-KA- rir hiii ni:ak li Hi hi.OUR Ti:it.11i

$1.00 per irefk on C'J.ftil vr .Tcel on. 0i)I, .'lit pur we Hit ph. luOl .l.Oii per week o.t 'J1.!!

a.00 per woflk on. . 5lr, J.Su per weuic un. 3UJ

DUmoid 'iiraalPennyroyal pills.Orlstnal ami Onlr Of nut a. A

'k iwtrrllthlf. iADita.sk Kvsit-- ""n;it fur ''MthrHiSt b,igtfjffV&iCsr"anU Ptt.d In Utl M a.'JVvWsjjnifta'at tt'iici, i.id ,ih blurl'- - 2p1 Wibou Take 19 tit Iter, fttutt Vf-Av- fffj i9iout 'Kiffi'uritt i an ftaiTfafion

.M t 1nit(ltl oi nt 4t, In mtfpji rf ttirifinlt,i nn1 ItcUfk?IT Jdrls4(M,"fuifnMii .'cinrn MidLr 10,000 TwiiniorlH-- rmt riper,

Cklekektrr rttrmieal Co., MlidUnn Huunrft.U It .11 - itp'tV"' SHi.Ja.. Pv

ttinilH&kj7a lTlicse Muy CDisiiifs ur-- x--". IIsvW Jreal In IS boii.s vt lllioul,,,, IWsnKlnrootrnlenre.ntlerllonalM'nY 1 1

SW'n vvlilrh Cnpnlbn."wpt-b- s u:id (nil. V J

It You Wait to Taste Tea in PerfectionTIIV Ol It "II " TttAfs.

It ymi ii.a ('.vlonlps. a Iistp the nnett in Hit,fliy. l tl.Minir Hi Try II

It joti ua. CtiKc.. try our "13" lileml. tomatrtiour ' II "Te. ll lalhp tieit. Html furarrUrhat tu

I'Al.l.s.SAN ,V Kt'DII'.1 1 anil 13 V aa.y al. , New Vor. I it f

aaaMaa Maaaaaaa



fiirm. rrrt'prrn. rirtiirr FolillnR-Hri-

Urn.n nntl Irnn Itt-d-f. Ac; iu itictfi'rililuu for linii.pltpr.liic.

On 111 erml terms of credit takultyt.

HENRY 1VI ANN 3 & SONS,13n hTIl ATI:..

TliaVTInta llulMWf. M:vH:i2l) srFIlHMI'UrtFaolil taitlinntcaati drrnalt, Ioniantr.llt. anormona atock; ,ip.n .reninaa. Mauu

factur.ta' Auriit, lu) VVral Jtltliat.




10 Stalls, 100 Feet Deep,




Watti, gaa and tJel Included in rant, which la rtinatjia; good Hchl aud vpntllatlon, lilfli citing,,

aiilli a auprnor VAl,ON WASH, cariiag.for from JO to So wajrona en aenad

lloor, oat.bin and hayloft orar alahl., alliellalwith yellow pin., no dual orhaysr.1, ground lloorfitrnlahr, I'lttity of cach and .arrlvga room.ti.aof tiuaiueaa oKcr ami futures, with large, iilriaanlroarhuien'e room on tnird Itoor. hem In central '

Ication, conreuieut to rldg. and lerrlea, ia very'

((callable (or a lUIAltlllM, M'AHI.lt, I.IVFIIYMA 111. F.. hALII AND lAl'HAM.h hTAULL,alao lor Itker, grocer or inllkmati noi.d aaoirale a good I AIH'L.V'I I It MIDI' Hit (All..IIIAtil, nllol. aa one cnti-- s ,1,1c la lls'ited lit , '

wiulcwa looking otit on vacant iota, nfleriugimoliatruitioa I u . . g li I nil rrnti'allnii tliialtt.laKill would ir.tka a gor.l III.ACKhMI I II MIDI',tbe If aee rune lo May, le'Jt, wilti h. privilege ofrenewal for to jeala more, luijnlrn ot or a.ldrea, t.KOIK.l. II, Lt'Dl.lt:, I'uhltir llulldlng,New York, 'Ihaouly (eiaou autbuiUed to mateIfrmi.


eVTKNUIiltArilV and tyn.rltlnf leaanni at IIIUroad.ay.N. Y, ; turn, 1 ier naak ; call or write.



Station foot of Liberty St., North Rim.'I l.ne Tatle in eltect June'JC, 1CJJ.

Trnlna lenTr viaCVntrnl Hntlroiad nt Nrtr .fer.eT,




8.4 A. M., t.tlll I'. MI.ONtl liilANCU H.YIlll, I'XI'Kl'l' SUNDAY,

3.JUI-- . M.

For Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington

KOYAL I.LUE LINE.riilladelnhia Kiprtrr. 1.00. 7.(5. 11.00, 10 01,11. tin. tvitn Dining Car, A. M.. I.JO, xi:.. fl.oo,with Dining Car, l.uu, S.UO, 0 OU, ,, 1, S.f, I.M, VJ lo liishl. Mindax, tl.ul), IU. .Ill, 1.3(1.with limine; Car, A, .VI.. I ,10. .1. .HI, uilli liming;,r, j. Oil. U. UU I'. .M.. I'J ID night.

llalllmoiH ati'i Vvaahiniiloii l.iorcaa dallr, atD.uu. II. .III. nilli IMnuic Car. A. M , 1.31), J 30,Dining Car, S.IMl I'. II., lV.lonlglil.

Aft.titlou.il train wieu dt)a lor llaltluiore at 0.00

1'atior car, on day frame, steepen jn nighttrains,

lor Itemllng at 4.00. ?.(',. 8.4", A. M , 1.00,1 an. a. is. l.uo. 3.01), 5.4:1. 7. o i m. . w.iinulit, eziept haturilay night tittndnta, 11. tin A.M., 1.00, J. .ID, o.UJ. 0..IO, C.lll) 1'. .11 , l lililuht.

llarrlatnircat 4 110, 7.4.", H.4r A. V(. , 1 I) I,1..1II. 4.0J, l.UU, r to l. .VI , rj.U night. .ei.ISalnroay nlhl Sundata, ll.tJDA.M., 1 uo. .I.Uti.C. .up Jl., i... is night,

lor l'otuvill... 4. tin, 7 1.1, H.45 A.M. I OO.l.l'.ll,4.011. 7..'ll I'. M. , 1 . 1.1 .i.ght. .tieiil hatnr.l.yliljl.t nmnlava, 11 3l)A. M, , l.tli', .1. JO, U.OU1'..Vt. . It! U nlallt.

lor .S'lnloir), Lenlaliurg and VV illiamenoit. a.4 7.4.1, H.4i A. .VI.. 1,0(1, 1.30, 7. IU I' VI.,1J 1.1 nl.'lii'.iivpt hatnrdav night, Sunday, , 7.13A. M. ( ll. Oil I'. l. i ll.irnnldl.lKhl.lor a, Ion, llutlileiieui, A ei'totvn. Ma icliriiutik. A 4.1)1. 7.14. b 41 A. VI . 1.0(1. 4 till.3.41. 7 '10 ui AI'i.ntoMi I'. .M. , Miiiidaya, 4.0,7.13A. M. . 1.00 r..3UP. M

or WilkH-liarr- i'lttaton and Si.rAuton, H, 43 A.M. . I.tl'l I'. M. Mm 'A)e, 4 .ill A l

I'nrllleti llridge llrancli an l.a'.e llopvtcnntr(1.0(1.8.41 A. .VI. l.uu, 4 UU P. .VI. Mindaj, 7.13A. .11.

For Perth A nlmy. 4 no, .1 31, fl. 13, 10..IU, 11. .10A. M . 1. HI, J 11, 4.011, I ,IU, .10), .1..IO, 6.11,7.10 I'. M. .Suiidaya, tl.UU. 11. JO A. 31. , t.oU

ALL HAIL HOUTL.1'orl.oui: llranrh. tlienn l.i.ive, .lclir Ficehol Inuil Atlaiitk-lllllan.l.- :l(l, K.1

11. .Ill A M. . 1 .10 4 till, 0.1.1 I' VI. fumlar.,U. 1.1 A. 31 . 4.00 H M . -- iiei.t 1 teehoi'l.

lor lied bank, I nj Ittniicli ati'i ininleaouth t)Point I'liaaant, 4 :IU, B.15, 11130. 11.30 A.. VI ,(1 J().Mti.nla)i,ouly). 1.II.2 41. ll.M. 4.0(1. 4 Ml.6.:i0, 0.13 P. .VI. lay. lescetit Dcau llrotoand Arln ry I'arl ), 0.13, II 2(1 A. VI 4.00 P. VI

I oi l.akeiron I, 'Ifin, itlvjr. Ilvrncgvt Pare and1'vrnei.at. 4 JO. 8. 1.1 A. SI. , I, III, t. Ill I'. VI.

1 r Vllnntl t I Ity ViuelanJ ami liriilgeton, 4.3,1A. M . 1 tin P. M.

I or .Vtniiinii'tth resell. Acalirleht sn llittlt'anlPeat li at 4. .Ill, H 13 A VI , 1.30, t.t'O. 0. 13 P. jl

flMii IKMIK KOI'li:.I or Lone llntiLh. Oto.sii dlove, Ac, from pier S

N It . lout llcitoret.lor AllHlill,- lllKh'sn.la. Illililvn.1 llcarli.

h,.tlitl?lH ii il Ling Hruiit.li at 4. JO, tl UU,11.00 A.M., I.lMl, 3.41, 4. 30, 3.JU P. 1.

A M. 1.00 P.M.For IMlieron. tlctin I, rove, Afllmry Park an 1

P. hit P. regain, ll.UD A 31 . 1.L0, 3.40. 4 .il),0. 'il P. St.

I'.ir Lakeivood, 'Ionia Hirer and llaiucgai utl.JUA. .11 , 1 00, J 13 P. 31

TrnliiA lent e M n I Ion toot I.lliref r .,, titI.KIIIIill VVI 1,1, V ItAil.HOAII.r.l'frFAI.O AND rlHUAUO l',M'HK-)- DAILY

8.1.1 A. vt.. 7 llJll M.M'HANaON' l.l'l(l, I M I'll' SUNDAY.

8. 13 A. VI , 12. Ji), .1 13, 7 It) P. M.

For Buffalo, Nieaia Tails and tits West,8.15 A. JL, 7. Jul' M hi.udaya.S 13 A. JI , 7 30

lor Fusion, 7 OU, 8.13 A. JI., 12.30. 2.1.1, 1.43,r.. la. 7.3(1 V JI. Mmh,e, ..un, e, ll, ll ou A.Jl . 4 40. 7. .10 P. JI.

lor itethleheui, Allfntown nnd Jlluoh C'vink.7oo, H.1J A Id. i'.'.HU, J. 6 (eicepl JUi olII Itniikl. .1 43. 3 13. 7..IU I' 31. Mtuiltve, ,.U0.rs.1.1. II. UU A. .11. 4 40. 7 'III P. .M. lor llarln- -

Iod, 8.13 A .11.. 12.111. .1.4 I. 71U P. At nun-dat-

8.1.1. 11. UU S VI. , 7... II P. .11

lor polutM iu ill, Jlihaiuiy toal region at h. 11A. VI., 12,3(1, 3 45 P. JI Nimlats, 8.13, 11 UU

I'or VVillealiSrrn, I'tlttton and .Soiruton, 8. 1 iJI 12.311. .115, 7. lo I'. M. Minuaja, ojeeptbiranto'i, f. 13 A. JI .7.JIP tl.

lor hliulM. 8.1.1 A JI , IJ JO. 7.30 P. Jl. h in- -date, b. 1.1 t. JL. 7.1.0 I' Jl

'Itckita an. I ptiloi-te- i eeil. ,an I', piotllio) a'rfNoa. i;.'. 2.13, 'J'.l, 413. 78.1. 1142, 1140 llroaduat .7 I Murray et., ,iU Canal at., .11 I aat 14lh at.. 211Col "oliua ate. r.ni 1 I IVchI I23tli at.. .Irtt Yolk,

' 3.1 Waelongtoi, ai. , 721, Fulton at., llrooklyn, ana74 Broadway, VVllliaiuenurg.

' Weatcott rxpTcali). ttll call (or anil , heck bagca,:o nnni hotei rr resldt.ni.il to de.linatlou

A. A. Jli'l.) OH, C. II. HANCOCK,Pree't nnd Oen. Jl'gr. dei.Pas Agent.




l.rM'l l.inr in Mnsnrn I'rIIi".Alltriiti arrtTeat anil ilepart Horn Pin-- I

mi MftthMi, iI'h unlv rillrrna dlatiuu lultievlijrif v ork, I rallies Ui.v m .olli-vt-

tS.;,0 . tl. Mti'lltl .VI A IK l.VPUI.SSI anil t train in Hi mi rid .No intra fart. Ar- -

ri.ea J.un&lu.'t I'll", ii .( larttMi ., I' M.l.IO A. .tl. I. M' MAIL For Alliuitjr, iSfiri- -

ti'ga, I'lii-a- , UiclitiPlil hracu8P, Huch- -

.itcr, Hat.iTia, liu ft a InllJO . 11. NAKA'MM.A, laAKC (JKOIK.K

AND MO.Nl.il. A I. M'l'.t-lAl- , ltfj.t lifii.i-ain- ,

ftr .saraU'Kfta Ailirouilick .Muttntn'nH, ItutlauJan I Moi.trtfit

lll.Otl . ..-N- r.V VOKk AM C'llll'Al.l)I.I.MI!H Mnn nt i'ntiaff.iat y.43

A M. ntsM tlni,().:U A. II. II. V ;(;SS. Dally nr-..- ,

I.HO'.H. SAP.AIOISA MMIir.) (haturflnv11 llilalrne f. til 1 tl . . .a. .. III IS

Ktj ... I midllKi.'.i'.i r. it. Mit'Mivw'.Mi'rtN vLsTiiiiji.::

I.I till I.I) lie I litmus 11.13; llid'auipolla,11 .1.1 A. Jl . -- l I. ma, ,.1.11' Jl

I. ...i I: il. vtii'd.lis I ai v .sPF.l'IVI, Hiet locac.i, 3 mil'. M day.

U.llOP. II, AI.UANY.IktIY ANDNVUATOI.s.hl'l.t I At. Kvccpl Sunday., tviln through Draw.Ing.ltoiitn Care

1.3(1 I", il. NOlnil MIOKt: VI ATIIIUI.CtlMIII!) DneChlragK. t .10 1'. M ne,l day.II I'. .11. I'SVl l!H!N FXI'KKDt Due

I hicago, ', OOP, VI.. st U.ila, 7 4.1 A. Jl.7.011 P. .il. NlllttllLUN l.XPitrhS Due atJltntrtnlat 7 31 A. JI7. till P. II. Ill I I AI ll.NIAtiAHA FALLS AM)

llllltl.SAMI l.sl.VNIl M'l.CIAL II o ItTiifelo7,30 A, M., .Niagara I all. I) A, M. aud Clayton

.: I' "ll. II1AH.VI VIHUONDACKS ANDlilOUSAMl ISLAND SPctlAI. Due PaulsmilU'e IU i)J ,t Jt , Sirana.-- , 10 40 J ,Tnpper lake, 11 13 A. Jl., i ml losl I, 11.30 AM . Claitou 1,1 oil Ulaiiui. 1.15 A. Jl.

K.tKI I'. II. CIM'I.SN Vll A.M. ST. I.III'ISM'ltl'.-- S Duo I inciniiaii, 7.1)0 1' J,, Indian

anolla. '.I f'U P it. . SI. iKJ'lla. ',. Jl 1'. tl11.0 1 l. ll, I.IMIIhll CAM' MAIL Sleeping

tar paarnaere (or llnchestrr unit.)).!.- - P. . llli'SC.I) Mlllli 1 XP11FSS.riiiMiH.n. linos, Miurii adams andUU P. ItKslllltl. Illl.l.s Inn througt tiainaMA Ht 111,1. VI DIVISION, NI.VV VlliiK I'FN'llttl. 10.01 A. M .due Pitlanel I I. .Ill 1' M ,

Niilll Attains 2 JU P. 11 I 3UP. II., due PittaHeld 8.1U I' M .lnrlh AilamaO lu I' 11. alan2 30 P VI Fri.laye and Saturdaja, arrive Pittaheld il 23 P. VI. .I or tune oi total trains, tlcUrta and apace In

Sleeping i are appli at l.ra..d I cutrl station, orat 1IJ, 201. 41.1.. 8l,'M2 llroadttay 2 13 Coltiinl.uaeve , ,,i Weal illli at. an. I UMIi at, elation, New1 ork. .1.1 Washington at , 720 lulloii at and 74llr adwsr. I II . Itiookltn

t Dally parent Siinilave. Other trains ilallyAI or. Irani, esrept tho.o leaving at 8 to, 11.10

0.20 A Jl audi JU, 3.JU, 4.3U, il.UO P M. stopat litttliel slalimiJOHN JI UltK KY, t.l.ol'.I.K 11. IIAMI'I.S,liejeial Jlanagcr. lien'l Psiaenger Agrnl,

CtSII OP I lll.lllrOwing It, i ttciirivo alterations we are going to

make, ttoliatoilitnleilti asirillte KIDO.OIIU worthi.lliiel iriiltu'e end Cariieie duritic ItiW monthIJiil), eiiiliug l,y tugu.t I. Itriiieinber. 100,llOI)ttorltud line i uinitiirenu.l Carpets. I.oo.t. uiuatlie .old. I i iiioearly. I Ms is au linueat ale.

IM.ItAI.N i AIIPLls, 21c. UP.lAI'I'MUY " cue "Vl I.V 1 I i,st. ,..'HKjui.ris i unPAiiion suir. 2U.UU

1'. T. IlKllilNH,Cor, irth at. 721) aud 731 8th aea.


AqUi:Dr'T7,0MMISsONFlts''ilFIICJ,ltooui 2U2, Slewsit llullillng,

N". 280 liroadnay,Nltv Yi.Hk, JL1.V28, 1832.

'HI CONritAt tons,llul. or propnialE lor tl.'lng ll-- work and furnish-nil- -'

the material- - , ailed (or in the approved lortuolconliait now on nle lu Ihe oltnc ol tr AuueilurlI t.inuiira ouera, for uiMIng tl e uew tlrolon Damat I oruell sue, on Croton Itlver, lu tin, tottti ofI olllitliilt. ratel ester I'ountt. New Yolk will liereri'lreilei lln. ol'Le until WLD.M.sDAV. Ihe2lllliljo( tlll'ilat, IH'J2, al .1 o'cllkk P. M , alwhich .l,.. ai ll.ourlliey "ill lis pulilii l openedh) II e In i, lu . I o.iini h.i nera, an.l tl e awatdol 1. ui 'int rat I (or di I v av 'I 'tork e.ndaanl uisti rials will tm n.ailv aaul CuiiiiiiUaloneraap no hi theieelte-- a. ptatu ali.o.

II ank tonus oi .aid at'lrited rentratt and thoape, Iniaiioiia thereof, an.l l ula oi proposal., amir ml cr tnteoipea for their nit loaitre, and louu oll.oliil., anl alto the plain of aall wink and allother imormall n, ran he outlined al Itieal.oveonieot ihe A'uediii.t Coianusaionera on applicaHot. lo the Secretary,

Hy urderot (he Ai,ue1uot Cnmrnlaainnera.IAJIK.se. DUANK, Prealdant,

.1. 11. l.t'H.rv, Secretar).

2MSCEUAN0W.HIRIIinr t'AHH I'lHCFS paid (or"all klnrla o(

bid .old and ailvar, lot) Uowery, near lira jd at,





Manhattan Beach.HiKlirst Tiiiicriituio Yeitrr luy 70"('ii,.iioi:r.'M i'a.holn c(i.nci:kt

AI'TllltNflllN AMI I'.VHMMl.lf.avi: foot tiAur siitii sr,

0.21', 8.40. 10.10, 11,10 A. Jl., 12.1U. 1 IU, '.' .10,.1.5o. "4 50. 3 5u, aud ilieieallir

frouifi lulolMUP. Jl ADIIIIIONAL IHAlNitousatiiiitaya,2.1U, 3 111, I 111. .1.1111' ,11. , Sun-OS),, 8.40, 10.10. 11.10 A vt,, 12 10, '1,20, 1.40

2,211.2 tu. 1.2(1. .1 to, "4.20, ami half hounylrom4.40to!l.4l)P. .11.

,. 1 Mil ALLS I' .lerinliu.aof all E'cvatcd roadsan i street. car lines, hourly rum 7 lo A.M. ,tu 1,10P.M.. ami from I 4Utn! It) I'. Al. AU-DI I lON'AI. I'ltAI.I Saturday.. 12.40 P Jl.

hourly from 2. Ill A. Jl toll. Hi P. Jl.i ihvae t talus aie fa.l il plots. me, 3U minutes

f itili, L. 1. Cit) tu atopa.l (Parlor care on alltrains.)

HOIN1) Tltll', I'HNTS.

HHOCK's Cl (Mi (It VsTAI. I'AI.H'KMHIIU (litis rs

Lrery evening at 8. .u. exiept Sundays.I Jtondaya.AII1ltfsslll, i!.j I'llM's,

Oriental anil Manhattan Hotels.mm: itoti.tt- - i:.ci.i.i.i:nt tiMM:.

V.M) .1,1.11 Vl t lilt,l.ONO I si. AND I 111

I,. 11, 7 ill, Si. HI. ln.nl 11 lu V. Jl 12 OU, 1.(1 1,

'I. I, ..ni, "2.4., 3.01, t li., .02, l OS, 7 ou,8, 11, J.liu, tl.uU. 10 .o, ld.to P Jl. .saltllilaysonly .

s.m.)s. 7.1.1. ') 18. 10,11, HI (.1. II Of, II 2.1,II .10 A VI. 12.13, I ll.,, I -- .1. 1 41, 2.1(1, 2..I.1,2....'. .1.10. .1.4(1. 4 1 i, .1 13, (,1. I..48, 7 UU,7.25, 7..1- -. 8 11. 8 2.1. U IB, '.I H.I 111.22 P Jl.

it(M'M) Tltll', .ill I'lLVI'M.

LONG BEACH, L. I.Ll AVI Itl' 1' FASI' .ITU M'.,N. V , f, 40,

7.311. 10.10 II, I 2U, 4,211. .1 2U, d.fiil. I . u,1.1 I' Jl SiMusis. h 4U. '0.20 ..J 12.511.1.5U, 2. oil. J.jJ, 4 t i, T. .10. 7 50 P. Jl.

gouey 'island.HIV 'I'll ItHTH HV

j Culver RouteAMI

Bay Ridge Ferr;.

riWWeWs Fair?7

i it? mujiotr' jt$m$Wi, HAGSinCIBt


A de Ightful .ail in last steamers 1 vo (llandConterts daily. VYonderlul lolbge. ran plan'sand I ortieiiituralcuriotitiej An uiieiiuslio t vlnacorp. anil Aunarl mi " KI.FI.N Dl.l'lslllLAND." rh" Dairy " lioal lig. Iialluli'i,

Iinttli,in. and Oililar.lt. steam l.ttrncneatjenuiiio l,ie i Island 'lam liat.e. I tinner it it tail .

S'lLs.Ml.itS I.IIAVII'ldllSN ll., loot of Curllat'tlt St , S.15, 0.41.

IU 41 A. Jl , 12.0U SI., 1.J0, 2.JU, J.JU, 5 I JP. Jl

321) ST, FAST l:lVt:l'.. 'I tin, 10 ill. 11. "0A. .11. , 12.4.1. 2.13, .' r. 1. 1 , .1.41 P 11.

till! I'll 5111 SI . U'ttlllKl.l'.V, IMU, 1U.01.11.03 A JI . 12.20. I. .in, 2.. li. .'...10 P. .11

I.IIAVI. III. Ill IsLSM)li'.t.l A. Jt. lor Pier lh a.ld 32 I at ; 11.41, 12. 15,

lor Plei 1S....U.Fill! AU. LANlllNtiS 3.00, 3 00, 0.00, 7.00 au I

8 on P. IIMr. I . irileslON .TM'IsCTS Mr.L.Xntt IIOA'I'S sll.'.UtVS AND llOLlll tY i.

Iron Steamboat Company'I lie Holt Itno'.r lit


Tlir Oiilv Itnnlfi UtitiiilnR in

BELDEM POatiST,i n I (iir Hlmil Sound,

Id (.inr I Uanil ( rif, I'J c le U ui ( lam(LaiVes, bu. eili lubujriU IMiuita.icuj I Is,

i'luc a i vim cuiw i:i.k ti.mi: TAIII.I '.I )t Ihi am I roii, e JJ i Mrvt. .V.

H . !i,ui iti nr, tl o i A. .M.. I. .M il 1 tin, i r.,... .in, ... ir, .. iiis.int, i.4iu. ;. nn, t; pii. : im i. mrrin.i I'.it (new) No I, IS. it. iiier Hntti-- ri ptaontuVlioti, llevaiu ruxla), U. ! llf.J'l, 11 A, M.,

lj.il, I. .10. J. 10. J lt. 3.43, 4'i, ,' .10. l..tu,7..1U, K.yo, 11..1UI'. il ItnniMMi nn m fn fitUiand It .ii A. M.. li in. I.ju, li;,.".J5. 4 10, 5 (JO, Lib, (.. 4U. 7 10, V iIU 40 I. M.

I'oit Hui'rN I'niM I rnm lltHgp Dock, I.r-I-

hn, ; mi. ii.no a m l .in, i.vt :.u(i, r.no wM i m.n.iititr., I . it., 'i 'i li --':. a, M.,1 :'.J J3, . : J . SI I nnu UOth Pt. V K ,

HO, 11, 60 A. M.. )0, .' 'it, ft ,,!.. 7 All V M.HUt HMNil 1IUIM I'.l I Vr IV'IM At 11. UI . M.,I, HO, .1 III'. A 00, 7.0.) Mill '.I 00 I", .1I xrMrNltij. l. Ctiiii', lev'niul ."( -iI.4CI11 flOll lu II t ttll'II fulfil 10 i i tu

Erie Lines. Every Sunday.

uHolaU107 inltp-- i from o VonV, fi, lhn lisnlts ot lhrintiful I) 'lawaro Itirt-r- , 1,0(1 (ret nbnto thnyii,

1 eaTl liumbcrtift I'd MM. .NtJ aJhuur at tnosftoa llnnobjy tf'J Al.

Greenwood Hi 7k44 inllfB frnt Nit Vrrl In lh mltist of a prhririlformt. 1,000 fupt nliMTc tlil.j wile-- . Iin ( hm-- Ifruit. Ill (HU MM UJtUt. V It A. tl, Home by

ROGKAWAV mkm.Gen. Slocum and Grand Renublic.

lFAVf. Moitnlvo. AWT.VV.,l"2.Iat , Jtew Y"rl. 8 411 10.00 1 3JWeal 10th at., ev, York...... 8 Ml 111.13 1.411llatlerr ll aatlelianleni. N Y 0.13 10.31 113.lenelFa Wharf, ltrook )n , II..1I) 1.1)0 2.1.1lereey I ity, Anne, boats,... 8 33 10.3.1 1.33Itelurning, lea, e beach II oil A. JL.oandti..lO p. 31.jo t.n. i vm: not mi i mi'. ;,oi"i's.

NORTH BEAGHand College PointT II - .11 II It It ( V. S U N I) A V .

'Itventy tninule. doliehtful aallli) elepant ileaui-loat- e

Irom loot last uthh at.lK'evatel llK.slstlonJ'JIhal , loth 2.1 and 3d area, llur I ollrue PointHOIItl.V , (nun 7 A VI to U P Jl. lloata inI. land Pier, North llrat.li IIOCUI.Y, from 7A. M to lo A. M on eignal oul), then II A I.I'lllll'ltl.Y UU 1) P. Jl. I.a.l boat from Wormli eat ii .10 :to I It I'arc 10 I enlN.In Mlltlll UI'Al ll atao by elegant Rummerliorsetare via Kaat 31th at., end I'let trie tare viafraat'JJilat. forrle,. Kit. I'nir l I'rols.

RIVEREDCE PARK.SllVV IIIY MIMl.tlHIt Hh'HII'iT.An hour's eailutt the HUM I.N IU IIUDhON loHie WOULD HhSOVVNH) PAI.ISADFS.Ibl'COII IIODItLSII()'l'i:,MIYttl'l'N.STEAMERS LEAVE 13th St.. N. Rlanding al tilth at , N. It , lite minute. I.I, r.HOI i.l.l I) V. III I. .11,

23e KXfJlthlO.N 'llt'Klfr lie.A. UP'llll: AMI.IHt A.N iiiiini:

'Hie luagiiitireiit neiv tnrre.ilrik stearaor.'Illl.l III Sll.lt.

I apt. .lame. I.yntll,will male regular Nun. Is, morulug eicuralonato

.MlWIIlim..Isndlng al loukers, loua Islaml and WestPoint. lea vinc!!rldi.'e, In, a.llrool.l)u,at 8.30, Westllllll.l.. .V It., 13 VVe.l 2Jd St.. N. ,!(JiJlauliallaiivllle, llllli at 111 UU A Jl.

Deveri'll'a 47lh Regiment Hand lu choke con-cert. I are, entire giand eieiirslon, 3t) Lent,.BI'NIIAY I'MHIIISION StMiuera Heanird'irTd

Albertlna will leave Netv York fiot of I rankllnsi. Nundar, .luly'JI, for Highlands and Highlandlle.th only at tl.ou A, M For Highland., High,laud J'eecn, lied Hank and Intarnudlate lanillngaatV.3UA, M. Ilalutnlng leave lle.l Hank alO.JdP. a.. Highland, it 3.3(1 and 4,30 P.M. Ktcnr-Ion- .

60c,EXCURSION Tll"WF,sr POIr.'f.'Newbtirg andI'oughke.uil. dally lairept Hundaya) l.y AlbanyDay-li- itaamera at ll A, M. from W. 22d it, pi.r.



ipisK OF SUPREME COURT,piaTOW9tw HOV. 13th, 188a.



Last Week of theOLD PRICES.




MONDAY.AUC.1,Prices Will Be Positively Advanced.

Lots 25x150 ft. each,from $40 apiece up, pay-able in weekly instalmentsof 50 cents and upward.Free Excursion daily.,irill.JOHNMIN', Jll CO LIIIEHTY ST., NEW

YOltls, AND 18'J AND 101 MONTAOUK SI'.,illtOOM.Y.V.

LOTS GIVEN AWAY"at 1'Iue View, N. ,) , onlj $ I. Anplr to

s.Afi.e V CJ.. ait Wait 69tliit.iTAOSrOHV nntl Laeiilent Iiousm. all ji

nictit MorritaAiiU, at a tsciiflp. Dr.I taLililUH, ti Khliixluii

lost vitality restoredti) --- A tit J dy.leeiildTrlthnilrtl.M, . t'litHinriiiifif locmoVd C SfV e ) nil iierrous dlaeanea,

u (V&. 't, SVi "ll'li Weak' Tn ifs.' J .. ,llri.l Power,

T!FPitZJS) lulnrsa, l.oaa VI-i.- t(ita '.sua 'li; is.su. tuitty. 2,'prTOiia-nob- s,

Ijii.elttrdr nil drnlnsuod loss of powerImhlii i M'si'uii't'dliyoturi'St'rttoiiorpiceaslTonso tici'iliiti i ii. oiilutii or stimulants which boohIon. I ' ,1 c 't'siimptloti nnd Insanity. Putiii i tnr.irry in toil iockot. SI )ierVicUi , i.vn til, .lorr.l. Witlioyt'ry53orderwot'lt,. ii ii 'ittf,i fjitwantrt lo curr r teftind Iht

k 'i'( in Mtnr Srett. Jene Nertl o.,CblrBgo.Icr';o it' Hi;J:.ut'l Pliamacv. flSB'way, N, Y.AtV- - Vllonc. and 1311 B'way, M. Y.At A n Viradli , 191 Fulton St.. BrooLlyn, H. T.

xfifOU RsSELFIHvElltmfiy Ash your DruggUt for a H

flZ3g&f bottle of 1I!k . The onlyUTK.I,7 "" uiBiu temeUy for all aTari

aSv3Jf ,ho "aiiatutnl discharge! andKli'WLM private illwraHca of men and thafSSSiM debilitating wcaineas peculiar

J'SJs'5l to uoii'in. It cures In a fewPamfiWdais without th aid otiSSe-w-R piiMlclty of a doctor.Vtrvi i 1ke ''I"T"'' American Cure.

w'-'Vi'- Manufnct tired by


.) Itll'.HV Till! AUCUST

FAiUlLY HERALD!( (inifiiifnc I'oiir Nn, mitlCoim.lrlr Ntorlpit

i i'lit 11 whu'nnH.ir ritMll1 lltlllblt IN II in-lirt , on I Aiiotli r uierit o( tlio Uf w and uriglnal hi rial tut, (i t i tl nil

"NO s.NT"toctliT with uiu ti iKoful fiml cntFrtnlnincinlf--

Iniirniin t iittrr nf t .nt nl iv it. ornrj house-- tui. tint vlinlq fit in nt ni o (r the Hlivr AT-Y- IC

tlTH i: M I famltrinicni!.'. er nt, I't'lrr, lit reniniiitil(tv t Sl.?." cnrl. I or bale by all bookninl in."- i ticnl r tin I hy


Stl nod '..1 Ihitinr s ,, mil .lonr caal ofj lilott'lvtltt , "art, York.

You'll Bo Soi ry ,f Vou Don't Read Thlallrart tho WUJI VN'H I'AOK, printed oallr lu

the Mokmsii Wiik: n. And don't, foreet ttuhL.Mlirit l'.Mii-"-



I.IIMS ll A l SI.I'MI.line I'Alll.l. lull M'LAMHOAIPhteaincr bYl AN ItllUKK will liavs dally R4'- -

ill'lrje ami Mindava etceptei) tllat at., K. R. alill A VI an.l i M Itetlirning frnlll hands Pointal ;a id ( P.M. I rnin OleatNet-- at .'.20 and O.'JO

' IMMMs AMI ol'MlAYb.I rnin ,11st at , II It at tl 1' M. Returning from

Slii.lt IV.li.! -- I It I' .11.. I, real Neck at 8. JO 1'. M.Mcatm-- r .MM . V llttLII will leave, bnndete'ml), I'iei Jl. 1' It . nl'.l.loA. M. , font of Broomssi et'.l JA M , .t . ll It . at 0.15 A.M.Iteliirnins Irn-- Ssnds Point at T.ltO P M.

Mpjnnif llll.LW 11 Dt.ll leave dally tltatnrdayaand mi iLt"iiepie.ii Pier '.'I, I . K , at I P. M.:11st t ,1 I, . at I 1,1 1' M. Hcturntog fronr

ol'il at " 111 1 M.AII"!DVVSftnui Her 21. 11 It., at 3 P. M.i

trim lltl si . i: It., ntll.1.1 P. M.hi MUVMrorn I'Ur JJ. li. n., at n.ll A. M.I

Sletat., I .11,, cllO A. .11. Hemming at 5.05 P.M.



Bay Ridge Ferry,Councctinc at Hay Ridge with

Culver Route andSea Beach Route,

Leave font of Whitehall at., terminus of 1erata4reads, Itioadwai and 7th ave. line, and Halt Una,hourly triim 7 lu In 10.10 and half hourly frona10.40 until u.ll) and luYJU I'. .Vt Sundays, H.10,

lU.iii.rj 10, and half hourly to 1.10 P. SI. Tnea.very 20 luiuute, to 'J. II), ami at 11.40, 10.10,10.40. Last trains leave Coney Island daily at11. OH; Sunday,, 11,20 1'. M. tiouralon tickets,4(1 tents. '1 Hue, 40 minutes.a'AI.Vrs CAKMVAI. OF TI'.NICB AND

liltAMI I'l HUM lilt KHATV..ST IimillllON HVERY KIUHT AT B.lfc


3 IJ iiG w THE pleasantest

THE CHEAPEST Iislandlit Rllil. h. So ii Hi llrnnklyn Kerry, foot

ul Whin-hul- l m., al llutlrry. Kiial urldcrumii'i'tP'tr il i:lutnivil I rut n it IrniUlfrr. Till; Wlhl KNI NlAlNti wawclivr irLj all ItKomltitf an I mitcolnc hoals at NotitnItrmilvlyii Jeainliii,-- i In Coney ulanilno! r 1'ani'a lcnr-ni- lrli''i: r.: thapf4t of any, HO A TH I.KAVK KLJTVOHK onroii lioiiri an! halt huum from 3.30 A.M, to Jl.UU 1'. M. ller buata HiturJy andhunds)!.

FORT LEE PARK:Uranii lluuiid ixrureioo, 2at-- . hiindat, July 31.

llnli'l Ninr (Mull. I'nnulnr I'rlrea.Nivalin r leave I Jlli ai. (lamling at 311 h at.. N.

It., IU niiniitea later), 'J, 'IP, 11 A. M., 12 M., 1

a. d. M, .1.30, "7. 8.11(1, 9 Hand 11 P. M. Uae.Kortl.ee '7, rl, 10, Ml A. !., Pi M,, M, 3. ,I. .10. "7, la, H.UUand 10 P. M. Indtoataaall

loterinedlala lanillngH are made. Staatnerl aad1'I.I'AHANT VAI.I.ISr OHOVLTO LOT.

Dally 'I uae, lath at., 10, 3 U andlOP.M.sBHNHAr.KXCUILSlUN "to Long II nin ch, atMausar

Llheron. Ibarra l.wtnf .Ian. ai. N. K-- at XO A.M. Leavea lug llraucb 1'. li. KuanaaallckatiSOcatla.


Congressman Watson's Sweeping

Charges Against Colleagues.

Inv aviocittrn rarn.lWapiiimitov, Jul :. The World's Kalr

lnatler was delayed In tho House IhU morn-Int- ,'

hy AiiucMlon of prlvllcjo rulstd by Mr.

Wbeiler, of Alalmms, relntlvu to certainslntements contained In it cjuipilin Iwok

"Not llevnil; u llevolilllou," U'cenlly puu-llsh-

by ltepiesentatlvo Wntton, uf Heorglo,levletvlnic I lie action uf tin' pivtcnt Contfrestand the posll Ions taken I'J Its liiemlfl s In tbopast.

'lliero wcieliud deinandt forth" "regularorder," but llr. Wheeler uponLcliifc' heard.

lu order tn secure the floor ho had read nnextract from the book In which It Is assertedtb.it In tho. present Congress drunken mem-

bers reeled ubout tho aisles to thu disirace of

tho HcMUbllc nnd drunken speakers debatoKrave Issues.

This undoubtedly presented a question of

privilege and Mr. Wheeler was recoijhled.He denounced the publication nstho mist ri-

diculous falsehood ever uttered oil the Ameri-can Continent. (Applause.)

Tim llouso nns thiowii Into a blato olgreat contusion by an assertion by llr. Wat-

son that every wind wrllleu In tbo book lowhich .Mr. W'hceler referred was literallytrue, and that ho stood ready to deteud ovuiyword.

'Ilia assertion was glided with prolongedhisses.

Mr. Wntsonvvas promptly called to orderby Mr. Tracoy. of New York, win) wusgicatlyIndignant over the wholcsatu charge uponthe Hoil'C.

Mr. Watson was permitted to explain liUlanguage.

Mr. lloaluer, ot Louisiana, Inlioduced aI (solution calling for Ihe appointment ot acommittee to luveitlgato the truth ot Mr.Watson's charges and to recommend whatcourso shall bo taken with respect to themember (Mr. Watson) It thu chary cs uio foundlo he untrue.

'lite ttieaker appointed Messrs. llootner,Wolvertou, Buchanan tVa.l. (Iiout and Mint-tur- n

as the Spt t.lut (xuninltl.-- i to Investigatethu charges made by Mr. Watson.

Mr. tbatuer's resolution wns ruled to hoprivileged and was adopted without division.

Itwasulter l.tto when the House lesumedtho consideration of the World's 1'alr amend-ments to tue sundry civil Appropriation hill.

I'lllbiiMor lug was liumccilatelv inaugurated,JIi, Ctimmlngs, if New mU, nssiiminir thocoinmnnd ot tho nllbusters. and Mi, llallcy, uf'lexas, ailing us lie ulernni.

lu the M'iinie the tlmo wusoicttpiedby a coiitlnuatlou of the tariff debate.


Lustig's Death Said to Be Due toThis Lavge Dose.

Philip l.ttstlg, ot Wist Hxty-tuurl- ti

stieet, dlol at H o'clucU this morning whileunder thu Influenco ol nuodyius administeredby physicians.

I.tihtlg while lutovlcatcd last night lurchedagainst a window und his hand went thiough

J thefcluss, cutting lilt wt M badly.II- -, lollltiii.t Wist bKly-llll- h street nnd

Ur. Jlieisol West sued weiecalled In In attend blm.

f.usVlg was hnl, vl d with drink and pau,land Ihe police say that tu quiet liltn tunphisiclans administered thicc pounds otether as well as rhloroform, nnd besides gavehim li) podei tnlc Injections ot morpnlue.

Ho never rcuoveied consciousness.The i oi oner was notlllrd but has not yet

I cached thu dead man's house.


American District Tolcgrrnph CoysHave Qrlevancos Aftalnet thoCompany.

there 1 a 'trlkc brcwlnjln the Americanlilstrlct lelegiapli Couipau duvvntuu e.

'Ihe messenger toys lomplulti uf Uiulung houri, and that they do nut get paid formesiiages which urn undelivered tecuuseIh'.ru Is no ouo at the address to lecelvuI hem

Then there It a rumor lh.it llio Company Isgoing to nlmlMi Ihe puvmcul ol Ihreu centslor men lucssage.iiroughl buck, and itilvuidll.o long lioiii.--. und I tin "lU'.-crt-" calls liuvuexcited some of thu Iniys to u tiellion.

'Ihert wnsnioeellngiil the touch Kcinrmedthutth lu I muni tared I tsMiigut, and thellll'Sll01lllf U SlllkU VlUldlM'tlasCj. .MlOtllTmeet lug tlll lu' held Sunday or Monihij, nmlIf astrlkulsdeieiujIUdlon plans will bo uinilolo plot enl other boys Idling Uiu tinkers't tare..


They Show, os Wns Expected, the)Uberr.1 Ca.ndlde.tn Elected.

Hit aaiocuTin rasas. I

l.osnos, July an. The returns from thelast of the conslltiienclev, that of thu orknoyand Midland Islnuds, to elect a member tuths new rarllauitnt have been rccelrd.

'I hey shotv, as wns expected, the elietlounfj tho Liberal candidate, Mr. - I.veil, whore-- Icilvel.illT voles, against I, II 1 cast for hisDissident 1 Ikciatoppomnt.

1 ho n turn ( Ml. I.yi II and the recount In(iicenock us tho opposition mujoiliy lu thonew Hotiito of commons at tort.


But Hlu Victim May Rrcovor, WhlloHe Himself Is Dead.

I si AimriATin mo, I

At iitsv, Jul) yu llionian KllJary. reslJ-In- g

near the liotoii and Albaii) ciosslng Ini halhani, was walking up tl.c track thisiii'iriilni: w lira, lam's I'elllv, the flagman aiUio tios'lng. s'ltuktd tK'lilud lilm and shot

' lilm lu I he in. I; uud i.nk, pit bl;ti tuliii withlilsllsl ulit soU'il lilm Iitir times.

llelllv then went home and khoi himself Inthe nbdonien nnd ihiottgti llio forehead, milcut his thio.it tronitar u ear. d)liigln a

ish'rt ttiae. KlKiurt mat inotir.Hi 111) tt ta Hit) veaisolJ ii lid UilJary about

scveut), lauillytr nbl"seloted.


And Saya Plnkortond Provont theSettlement of !3t lives.

Int- amocutku rsiaa. I

WisnisGTON, July .!). -- ticncral MasterWorkman I'ovvderly, of the KnlghU ot Labor,appeared lieluit) the House Judklary Com.inltleHihts sfteinoun and made abroad de-nial of the statements of Dm I'lukerlcui rela-tive to the ch'iracler of their emploiecs.

lleferrlngtoiho New Yotl; Ceulral strike,ho accused Mi iepcnrv.wlt!i drllbiraleycausing the Htrl',e and Itirn going tu Kuroe.

'Hi i I'lnkeilotis pivrebled tho m-- i (lenientof strike, huh ild.

i i;, Clnv Klnir I.01 n- - Hop).Inv aaaiH Aim enzal.

Mi.ui'iiM, Tenu, Jul) vn. - The action ofJud;o llcwcll l'. Jackson, of ILo I nllid statesCourt, In pifusln: tho writ of habeas corpusIn tho II. clay Ulng caio has had a very de.pressing effect upon the prltuncr, and i Isfeartd that his mind Is giving nay. Illsonly hope now I, lu application to Ibe UnitedMotes Htipieino court tor a wilt of error andan accompan.! Ing May. or In tu event ot thatlalliDg, in an upicnl to (lor. U'jclmuau.




Committees of the Democratio

National Committee Named.

The Democratic National committee metthis afternoon ami tbo Kxecutlvo aud Cam-palg- n

Committees were nnu.ed.Tho Kxecutlvo Committee comprises M.

K. Tarpicy, uf California: Charles H.

Thotnis, Colorado; Cailos I'rcucli, Con-

necticut s Kamuel Pasco, Florl Jn; ClsrkI Unwell, (icorgla: J.J. lllchardson, Iowa;

(lew go W. lllalr, Kansas; ThomasII. Sherley, Kentucky.: ' C. Jerries, Louis-iana; AitUur Hawaii. Maine; Arthur P. (lor-ma- n,

Maryland; David J. etimpau, Michigan;Mlihrel Dorau, Mlncssoia; Charlu II. Howry,Missouri; John 11. Piatlier, Mosourl; AlvaU W.Sutloway, New llampshlie; Mllos ltoss, NewJersey; Wllllim T. Hhechan, New York;XI. W. Hansom, N. C; Calvin H. Ill Ice, 0.1

Samuel II. Honey, It. L; Homes cuinmlngs,Tcnn.jO. T. Hull, To..; Ilradley II. Smallej,

t., and M. II. Uoidou. Va., wltb ChairmanWilliam P. H.irrlty and Secretary Shccrln usminibn",

1 he ampalgn Committee Is as follows:Calvin H. Urlce, of Ohio; A. 1'. (loimau, ot

Xlarvland; W.I', hboelian, of New York ; H.I. ftuialley, of Veriiiont ; M. W. llobjom, II.

T. Cabiu, Illinois; IL C. Wall, ot Wlconsla:Joslnli ulncy, Ua'isacliuselts, and chairmanW. K. Hnrrlly.

The Campaign Committee will meet In tblscity Thursday, Aug. I, and llio Advisorycommittee will not be named until alter unalmellng.

chairman Hurrlty left Inlo this afternoonfor his home tu l'hltadclpblu. He will returnlo Now York next. Tuesday.


It Was Floating in the Water attho Foot of Harrison Street.

The body ot llttlo James McNamara, whodisappeared on Tuesday night, was foundfloating In the Ninth llltcr Into this fitter- -

noon at tho foot ot Huirlson street, wheic hewas last seen

'Iheetori of tho llttto fellow's disappear-a-

0 and the cfToi is to r.ua lili.i will be foundon the second page.


Btoux Falls Aldermen Favor theMunicipal Saloon Idea.

nr asiocutm! pnrm.lSiouv FAtu, 8. Dak., July y:i The council

ccuiinttieu appointed to consider Attorneyl.j ons's "municipal soloon" Idea, Is ready tureport unanimously In luvor of Inuuguindngtho scheme. Theseutlmentnii o igllie Alder-- 1

men tsf&vorablo to tbo ttlul ol city saloon?.Chulrman llildyc.ot the Coininlttce, iiukei

the mediciiou that theclty will go Into thebusiness, which, l.e tli'daTrs, will bicoino upopular that It will conllnuo ns one ot Ihepermanent Institution) ot thu municipality.

Thu Cnnimllteo will 11 commend the estab-lishment of six city ralonns In lou Kail,one lor each word, and that there li ap-pointed a saloon superintendent. uudci'whoiiillio worklt g force 01 biifieiulers will opciuli,Ihe saloons to be opened from ,' a. i. to 111

r. at,The City Council will meet on Mohlay

night to act ou the repoit.


The Tounor Lady'a Mother ThinksBbe Hos Probably Oone Ynchtlng-- .

lav.rtar. m tui f v rNlNn wost n.lI.nvo llitAscii, N. J., Jul .Mabel

Jordan lias not )ct rommtinlcatid wiih hermother, Mrs. John iTiaiubeiliilu. mid, til

tliousli that ludy does not kuuw whcia she!I", she does not feel alarmed.

Miss Jordan, who is Mrs. bnmliei lulu'sdaughter by a former Mirrlagc, Is 1111

young woman, und comes and go.'sat her own w 111. .thu has been In llutope, butwas expected to leturn this .summer.

tin Tuesday Mrs. buii.bcrlaln leeelvcd atelegram Irom her, dated illglilnuds, N. .1.,sailug that shu would bo home later. M10iccelvcd another saying that her daughterhad missed the tl atn.

Mis. Chamberlain has hoard nntlilna sincethen, hut thinks her daughter has probablyfallen In wiiu friends who hivu Induced hertnguyaelillug.