WAfrr Cards Cinch for Pennant? Mgr. Frisch Says We...

TELCPHONE WAfrr AOI im OK m PHATTSBUH6ir DAILY KEHJBLIUA* -THUR3l5AT» 'ATRTtl,18, 1987, -*T piEsirsErvci^ Cards Cinch for Pennant? Mgr. Frisch Says "We Have a Chance but It Won't Be Easy" -7$ se JS4sy » y BILL *RAUCHER Centra! Pr»»» Sports Editer , OASTONA BEACH, Pia., April . lA^Maosuger Ft-ankle Fwsch had A. •or* thumb. Not only that, but the Cardinals were not hitting thin *print< Besides, that very After- noon Johnny MIZP, first baseman _upon W^QJH the team depend* for •em« home runs thia year, had been found fmllty of swinging At the old No. 3 pitch <th« alow one). The frame had just ended, and the Cardinal* had made a lot c.% mis-takes (beside* not bitt'jhg;}. Mr, frteeh know*, of course, that it is human to err. but when the bovs throw away some chance* thai thinking might nave saved, they *.re #etng t© hear from Mr, TMiCh,, So when, J easie across Mm tn th* aiMfchOuse, he W M tnibb'ing with fCting*. '^> *a> Yw ; of wirgf he'd tt%,«bont the baM el«ib. - d*MWM5«fc}*>y * p*n.«A«t? • **1at H •••! 7% .Cj.^, #fc ^ ^y BASEBALL Bees Vs. Phils, A's Vs. Nats Is Opening Day Schedule -mfs booked; rt<*xt Mon- &M 9b?4fr*+ U«J * * • # • * * l a * * r * * * A** A* farther, you'll **e all the Cardinal* htiatMnf. Those who have loafing to do can do It down on the fara/ 1 Frisch rubbed hi* taped thumb, which wa# slightly awolltn. He had played eecond JiiwiAelS! that day Fraakle will he <* y*At* •old when «epte>*nb*f jean***, for a second baseman that**' >— "wail. thsVs seasoned Bui*titB}t *tft*f- noon the Fl**b h*d ,t«*a'»ia aid kittenish m\t, startla* It **S^^e**jaj^BJtA*aaaa» l*eer**^*SS*-aaa J^ffPW^^Ww ^- r . .... . -^a^ ...|«<l •'•*<»<•< «mJC> MM fa* aft ni«im[< "^^BiBi m M ***, «, at** tt» r»**h. *•** *a*e * ebeaea, « « t «?* <4WtJiWl at me*W *» MM, «*y«y*r ttot goto* to be eamy. r n d a Piece ift3t tsetter than I d« tbi* apfiflg. •ml light, loo. Mickey 0**n U turning* around the »t*A»!*» 'roosn, l"*p- oyt -to b* a capable kid. Only 20 j twr SlWrtlit #»*iifed jDeom a uliow- y*u*» Md, kttt ha* *.,iPood SB<»A4 fer]«*, IIIA S^l». M# and Ofrodo***M will | "W* lutv* g*& M»m« m«l huttlew UnMtli thA-t o*ay. *»ir* <i<*d heA'tier Wttlnf- <fl«ly»tfr* 1o»kldf at m*. mm, 'Mav* **** iHii»»ihii»f lik» til*! befor*), f ywn IjfcArd 'Pepper't «Kh«ili% A»# but *«;r **•**%•« *r«,-b<>Uer t)b!»|«li« *!«M HBH JleCSe* <w«jrttit •ywai", tJH/k * t tba Inifleld — Mi.j». IpIteJtftf fr^ 1 * CW««l*MfciS plat*. 8 * » ^•MHir 34*rtj«* l>ur<H?hen Ato Mat* ^ i > S« I gmm w*Tt hava % »«k« HEW YORK, April -14 (t;r )—Ma* jjfl* leafiie ba»eb«ll cttrfes e-w«ai» Ut- tii« bdMi» atretch of tb<s i raining- aeaion today, workiits their way nofth with e*blhif.lon « tint!I the season open* <itay* The National t^&gt-f Sf-ason o p - ena oifflcfaJiy In 3ost< n ApWl Wllk the !§««* antetfeui, n«: t*e t»hll- adelphSa Phillies In a double head- air. The Amerkaui l>eag ie g;o*« into Action the earae day at Washington With the Xationals takinf on the Philadelphia Athletic*, Remainder ot the club» In both circuit* begin Tuesday, fn the Katiotia!, the iBU lx»ul# Cardinals open fn. Cincinnati against th* Reds, th* Kew foj-k Giants invade tb* wllds of Flatbusb to taJka on.their deadliest eflamlta. the Brooklyn Dodger*, and the Pittsburg* Firate* play tb« Chicago C«bi at W^ifley HaM. After th* Inlttat gmm in the }m- Tor cfrcait at Washlnigton tlr* Kats eoma to K«w ^Sfork for a Taetday encounter Hrlth th* worid clianipioft Yankee*, the AthletSos go back home to entertain tb« Boston Red Soar the Cleveland Xnrdfan* tackle the Tigers at Detroit, and the cht- ttmfo White Wm ope* against the Browa* i» St. %*ntia. With leas Ujan a weak left to get ready lor t*i« iff-fAW* summer EXHIUTION GAME RESULTS (Knoxvllle (SAJ \% t Str IJOBIS Qi WaahlnftOn (AI*) 2, Boston (Kl.) 1. Philadelphia (AL> *, Phlladelplila (Nl,) 1 Brooklyn (Klf) 1* Norfolk (PL) 5. Ghlcaaj* (AI>> *, Pittsburg* (NL> 1. Cincinnati (NI*) 18, Boston (AL) 5. New York (AL) 7, MngimmUn <NTP> 4. Cleveland (Al» I New York (K St, Lottla <AL) 1Q, CM^ag-a 0»I,> Congress At Rochester Is Likely To Attract 500 Teams RAW BOOKS Newomiers lit tht Doubleheader Scheduled for High School Court OILERS R « Y C.P.HR; Third Game Of Series; Local Wonder Five Opposes > Montreal Y. M. H. A. ROCHESTER, April 1*^ (trt»> *- The vanguard of h< ' womem bowi- ing teams reprea&rstin^ every awe> tioil of the country arrived bera t#- day for t&mOEOW*» gala opening of the 1*37 National Women's Bowl. Ins; €^n**sa, Th« rnKSbet ot ienaiiilsrf jifa- toppers entered ' fit the- SO-day <Iasetc this year imr exceed* - ^hm- mark established * In Chlcs«« Hi If3», wfcen 471 five-woman ffretsee participated tit t*adi ereate. Tna Kasty team ot Ctetwli&m&i Itlff chsmpions, la unosf th* t*w- ored quint* entered fa the kMsg 1^«- ,woman arlnd. Other eitlea reyrC' eented wiCa OSB* pi am* tiiasg *•* dnde San Francisco, I»* Aageies, Chiearo, Clnctitn#ttj T*o!edo> J>»- trolt, tHcrahm* CSty, Kew ttfit,: Omaha and San Antonio, Tax, -JsiaA svArilssTer' KUgsweal 5U«* Merle WarmWer ChIe«fO. preeeflt matoj gAine ttU« bolder and ofte«* tfe*'*W' *op»m •*•* tp Iww! * pwrfect #•• Axsata, wlM a t - tempt to regain the atl-*ve*ite title which she woa la ItU. la thi* event she will be compeOag- agsiiiut dOflblebeadet wfit featttt* ~two of the laadlny atnatcnr ^alntct* of Montreal—the Canadian I^tcific Railroad team and the Ycnfn.sr Men'* Hebrew Aasociation iiwe. Tn* iSrat pama irlll atart at *j*gt f waaager* »tt««pt*d to i«>«j ##& ^cteck-iwith the K*ti*-1 %h% rough tpoti IR tlialr III? ^••'-llrtsrgh "Wonder yitra «f»posJna; to* ball IBAC«J1«M, Tn« tirst two teawa j TJCffA< . mll 4 ti,g j««iRd «o«f#st )ttts i t*arrlTa9RlJOBitr«*«rrAtto«* Wi«|tij # Rro wn , OUer* againat tlic rbiladalpltia'a two club*, and th^i^pj^n team. A*» 1»av* taken 4Sfe« meaasir* «T- f^^ rMUk *«*«» of Montreal |t«r*d in the competition, Chicago * Poot «ea«o«- baakeiball «*Bi«if wilt be played ift tbC» clty_ Satarday evemng; r « the Wg;b scboot coJirtl A|jaat ye«r*a w4Kaa*> Miaa 191a »«r* JHrnn? Wfl»e»*» KstiaMl T.«api«r* tW0JI ts<s ipmiinem m<$m to»i**- twlca in a rew» The WAAWagt^ni^^i thla a#a««l at i^mhtt City Xat.lsn*l# wiH b* the n e « , Arriving J m i |g ^ ^ ^ ^ tfe* fiiateat on 1M* e t a V ' m* fttpeh. -AA«J*^* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ * w 1» the CftMdl** m l n w t e . t« » » * * * « to be r e l e n t e d *y tha iawa.lnder svt fern* Friday *»d - ^ ^ w|ft 9mmr - te t W p c l ty at full StaittWay attbm»g% t b * local* ^ i f t t t a f t a ar«lnst «, teaj» attested. nm sat a preylaw of tft* T^emj.^^j .^^mf pit.ttili«r#*'# leadtof tia. IV»ia «'#SerJdg*, JJm Rrowa and! Mill "a atauiaar ^iel»*r. |g»*JSAt ;-«•-. jSsA*t HMH ' t^it iothe'r day that the Was Houee Gt»»R «p^n ,, d *:n ti-lx v<«ar e»sy. I .•ever vra« lufky enouVrh to play on a team that irw a txMmant «aay, I You know how St is — I don't ISp> «r« to ao -a^J eeaaton." My 3«*« w*m"t hold tjn. St« Martin did a jweat iob at second when I. fcsd to <*«lt J,o^ tpaae ftfllnsm flnnt get tTw M*a liuA ^^ talt StlI - u WMk ^^^ ^ t»«yra To win *vary(Wnr Without l aWW , a , eUU| ^tsck. We'll be *e«4V hu«tlipg. "Wh<»n a. taaxn lan't hUBtlinr.. V rt 'i *ee some etich rame ;«. r mj MW t»nt ; win M Wv nlB eteenth •there juwt now. Tt looked m»rt like | bean hag; to me. \ juraln. t flfare, If J have, to fold mf>. P^i not trying- to fooi yourself, Tbla "You con Id mpot some of the RJM! loafinK this sfternooTj And yon saw who was "huatljnir, didn't y<*)? Before -we *«o along" wwch G O LF FACTS NOT THEORIES By Alex Morrison . CtftstrMl Prat* nineteenth 'yea* a* a player. Rut I grueas J can atari "We've rot to ire-t eome mora wiling, some power hitting. Tm pot so murh worried about jiltchlwr, with Warneke. T>lxr,y and J^aul T>ftaa. Jim 'Wlnford and one of the new boys for startei*a. Hvba and Atxlrew* look fine, CstcMnf la all wm '$• '•^•AA^ *s^pss^essg#s«, ^B» a,^r%s*(s w*mJW % WW- VI ^s^w m*s> •^BBSS^SA* Jga^^sp^^B^PsaiP •'J^tV a>rta« ; »,t third, Mit kail «mtt« »utf«b* frfgyw* *&mr totetkat, T**, ot tlwl 1 , I bope, W**ra gofiiK fn \ iana* IJAA » !»t »f ftft «o»4 If w# atart him, anyway, t ww, and; get *ome »ltt*aa\ t wwt #e*4« ablft J*!en tMArtln} t« the outfield. J p«w»-r Mttl»g-~*" •Guttanisg*. probably will 3*gd *»rr, f •3v*% then .yobnby Mtat* lln»t Fleaty faat, ! baae"«»n wbe -ctewtad. JM* laat year, •W«*tl*r« '6»l*f« : *A:k*d paat, 'Tbat 1*. !*# #l*rt-*d l» •^•fla gl.vinsr l>on pa4r*it and . walk past- Frteeb nailed 5ili«t« fM*» Jlosrdajrarsy all po**Me, a, *»»Wjt for the a 4 w pltcli tills cbance* to win *a «stfi*ld Job,: year, b«b , ?* , aatd ih% l«*d«r of tb« Vft « | l worried *&owt Medwirlc ; «a* H«s»# f»«nts. <lll«* isad ympmi tnMmm and Pfratea wi»o mot' iwAyartfc IsJag fa t**4r ftomc ww»a »»t« tfaa^ SJ^ WiWiir rive wtll have Hay- . 1 'ASM tflF 'tftK -fbsha^KAeV^'* "*s^M^^h^ft. ^Ba^ttMfif Hk^BflMfe- -iFSTge' -Wssv "wsW P*^lswn^^pi f ^FH^Hr ^HBAW^BE ^B^SEW^B roeiatcr, who a^ao holds the *iAHe* •crown- ' Tbe CMcairo wo^am tiit t*w p«»s in 1*5$ tor aa aJt-tiiae Att-aveata ipatk of WU. •*•,- tn the doubles the Held will earn-' I pete against last vear'e ck«tipk>a' *J.ip pair, Jdrs, Lorain* BsJdy and Mrs. Adelaide Iindetnaaa. Chieate t* Sandf M Team* Besides the 299 local UrtJt h* wpreaeatsd by 2f teams; Toledo, 29; Omaha. If, And Cfn- cinnatt if, Other eitlea from eeaftt ^stss^sV^ V ^ s f f a i .^^^AV^^flH- ^^^^1^^^, seW'^WF eagiPgfl^ • gg#*BrP****a^*g ggWg^g^sT^^s^s^*i. from I to JO ftra-worn*« groaaa. TiMBOi'iww a wpealaA' wilt ! ftsgi*|f the nanal faAfara attendaat *• the annual bkse-Hts*** evaat. aDeya w»*ra tile artn ft*) S*)OBC arKI Id— Thotnaa ISriBAaaa te.gal' pit ot Hsuwfe eoafMence ia* a yeoag* 1 I>re**eav who ptlota- east of the ywungeat ia ta* najora last plana to invert A ftnr ajBowg t h e * air. - Aad T^ee le**« tike ta* real deaaita a vataer Mack year as its* Utaeas arrecked aia abeer. Lea ta* asaaaa with the BaSA '3m. If, aae\ altar aartirJgsstiar ia m few gaaiea, waa etratsk ay ttl did aagaas* ta hart • few ter vitte ia the ' Southera Bat his thlet •f the ^eliyery startiaf •f cael ot kaag aalt I trataiac kfai the taflc givea ta* a*: fHWafSt JgfatpCWffCB I w f "*?aP^ TWsl^Ww mt mit- er MAirtin, Tbejll b«»t3* and theym hoi* Mayba this Fsdgiftt fa :re«tili from Colotnbna) or Bord« AgaTAp C-obUInrd from Rrookjjn *n a tpad*> will give «« some better bitting. 1 * Frtariii r»sbt<e4 his. tfwmh agAin, ; »rp a weak fly when !»e -rat wlib all. ' bla mlgtsi at a *lr»w *sa« that alter* jnnni})< "!R#ttrr watt for tilt go»d on**, 4obnn\'. 'If *«u learn bnw *J ' b't that Mnd, lei 01* "know 'bow yat i»1« tt 4 w*U >wi"" : I With that, FVJsrb durked Into a liftdd t%# tApe froro It and Jft**k*.1*a^.f»we,. ALBANY LIGHTWEIGHT IN AAU SEMI-FINALS 1 A Y 0 I N HAS BACKFIELD DRILLS, ROCKNE STYLE BftSTOV, April 1* VI*1P) -ThirtY* two boxers from H State*. Hawaii and the JMstrict of Columbia were left today to fight it owt for »lght nstionsl AK1" titles and FVajikis MirabMe, sbtfty Albany lightweight, wag one or them. FranKl*, who rose to the Adirondack Association 3.IS pound championship mftt'r 1\%\* mg- b*1d the nnvl^e featherweig/ht title in 1P3S a.nd open l2**po«nd laurels in *86. ia rated a real threat for the nations! championsbin He flattened I>o«ls Ijempesl*, rharlosion, S. C. scrapper M^ndav nijrht and seorpd a dertsion o\er Richard Gregwv. Butler, Pa.. la*t ni^ht. The Albanj star la scheduled t«»' mei*t Joseph Kelly of PMladelpbia) In the semi finals. Music Ala* W#cfcsre The cards are stacked Against most players the minute they take the driver out of the bA£. They seem to realize this, but optimism '-r something goads them into try- ir,g ir once more. They figure that t he next try will bring success. If an accurate record were made, I'm sure the average player wetuid find that he misses more shots, and gets into more trouble with the driver than he doe* with ; any other club. Why? Because : the club, the way it is made in roost cases, demands a perfect \ Kwin^-. This requirement come* rhrough the way the striking- aur- ] face is finished. Most drivers have no loft to •'be dtftxface and worse yet, the ; surface is convex, bulged AS they ' tall It, in order to get more rojl ' on the end of the shot WhAt , goocl is more roll if such a club- face sends your ball into the '•"•ugh or causes you to have such ' % fear Qf the club that you can't -.ft the ball straight? ' The first rule vdth all chib* is ; a> ger the-ball up, then to send it 1 htraigW and finally to get the "^assaaaV^ew^^**^^™"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ " ELIMINATION CARD AT BARRACKS LAST NIGHT ATTRACTED BIG CROWD Result* of the e'trnlnations bo<ut« held st Flattahnrgh Barrack* last evenlnr were «« fo'o'we; BOXi^Q MfiDonoiigvh, UZ, Co. E deci«on- ed Cole, 151, Co. I.. Algiers. W, Co- C dectsioned Murray, 1&6, Co. M> Ma«cfiir, 16S, Co. M koncked out Iscnwitz. US, To. E, third round. Bates, 14$, Co. P knorked ont Kane, 150, Co. G. second round. Wilson, liR, Co. T> knocked out FU-ppn, Hi, Co. K. second round. WRESTLING Brown, Co, A, 125 threw Renello, Cu. I. 124 in 7 minutes. Bdr-elle. -Cn. J -1?G t h r * w Wilson, MJkM SOUTH BBND, APrtl U. «Tl— BackfieM strategy ** practiced by K»«ta |PUH"kn« in the days of the' immortal "Four Horsemen* is being" revived h*< •Coach 33ln»er lA>d*n aa' he drillai more than. .3S0 Kotre p » » c 'football ra.ndfdate» in gprtn^ prac* If.rA j T5»a youthful mentor -of tha "KighUwr Irish" — himself a for- ' ! mer fullback with the undefeated I national charaptonahlp Horsemen I of 1*S< — ha* announced plans to 1 I dere'on « "work horse" nnit and a ' l"pnnv eirpre**** barkfleld. Tl«* •Ulirowback to his playlnjr' davs nnder 'Roekne, Lavden ex-« plains. J# the result of realization j of the value of epeed and decep- tion tn football and of the seres, j Kfiy for two complete backfields to ( carrv this ba'l for the Irish d'jrlfi^ | a rigtvrmi* 3M? schedule. Tbe **ilfork horse*' unit wfl be compose! ;of the heavier, slower" candidates for the ball earrylnjr positional, and will start the games plaving- throyjrh the first quart*; »r the first half. t/>Nj>ov i l T l - M a r ? "ttaaiahea b?*rednm among; worker* engaged in monotonous 30b* and improve* witfnit, Tb*» discovery baa been made by K, Wyatt a»d 7. Jf- Tjuufdofc dtssing- *«»*rl*n*»* Iwarinir on repetttlva wo.5» wb^h thev desmbft in a rep«r* * , t !•- jwa«>d bs« t h * Med; .** R****r«k «>0"i!3cSe-. iiDfiif»»i«Atwe.|»tot^elc^h» i r#*inflAji jptlnmm* «•»' wffl tlr [twa^gfama iatra*ctty eejrieA at wsa« taeu ta "PafiagelaklA tb* AtW*tt«* and PhtlfitA #tltt *«y» titer** -tttta %* t __^_ . j»«»««** e4 with a thre«-»A»«!« aeiiat b% tween the "Cub* a»d Whit* ft?*, "Th^ m* J^ats ogrdinstAand Hr*w»» will'*" t ., ... . , ^ - « . .« , A , _ * w _* - » . . * ^ ^ ;UoeI*e« A»At*ttr kajre* ehampton-;«»!tvenir* ot lb* *»M.-western oil imteh irtrenstii in a jwHr atid the* ., f t t?*g.a*a brtfig th* an-etand !Bd^g»|| r * l,,^, > ei y *' aitaat A isimtll ajg» and t*#» two ifroirt Okla^oiae; CStjr ta «r*» lt-p«int de- Iiio» »f tbat-i^dty a* tb* *Be- *br taa; ctsloA In 9fn»tt*aL : lis* taBuraaroeBt- - Restdea -bewsttagr j Tb« Canadian team ts f&* -of the j in- jail Jiyenta dartnA her twa-da-Y i faafeat IA Cjusada AW* 1ml$ the . vMl. the princes* will dtsiirlbut* %o Him York for tht 1a*t two of tJwir I f -gajro*' -nrla** aerlea, Rroadway B a t u a g C<wra«i.!*»4«woer j«*k T&ojH I* st)U qaotlSA •*»« Y«n- ke#« at «%-*a money to win the Ameckaa Xjemtztm, rsce« while the Cardinal* «r* fa\onte* at f to % to I YldCA- LEAGUE Th« A»na»l Rsniptet f«r wen -who __ .- v ., „«. *h*v« taken part in tha tawlfngr *c- c«p tht^atlnaal pennatit, Tha In- ^ ^ 4 thr . •MM tttgra wtfl * MA Mondayl^*«^ A awlmmng- title, tn- MISS RAWLS AIMS . AT 4 SWIM TITLES CHICAGO* Itl w April U (WR) — Kaiberfna Raw-I* ot Miami Bemcb- opened her campalAn for four diana, Tfgam a»sl Red J^iX rank *m*m4, third and fourth reapeetKe- ly In Day!*'* Asaerican l>agrae IsMk* ..the aanse p»-*K!en* (oecttpteil by the Cub**, OSan't* and PSr»t*» Is tl>» aenior loop- '^seagaPwAi ^s^a aWjagaar t* Seaa »wet - tff3t st ttajtaAWter) An erear 1M ftrte hag eg -ta." tiny Ka*e> leeaj reifa a* tb* fesar-" day -fadevf' Kaeet gag uader way - at the iAke Snore Atbietle dnk. Pre- lifRiaariea in the ltt-yart fra* atyle and J*0-yard Individual med- ley wee* scheduled today arttk iSa- al* in both events toaight, JISsw-Rawi*, net yet -ft, bot mX- ready-a ^e4eTmar-o^-tw»~<^ymi»lcs, wa* the_favjorita in the gsedley, 190- yard breast-strok* and "tM-yard free atyle. She aieo waa entered: in T*wn*bl B »H!»d r«r H TARKXTTM. P*. tUPI —- Com- missioner Florence 35errlck Camp **nt a llfl.53 bill to Harrison Township for damaire done to. her silk hose while she attended meet- ings of the township board- "And tire WH Isn't a j«ke/* aaid >fr* + C*mv~ "i have rained a lot -nor* than IJn worth of stacking* on tbo*e chairs,*' DOCTORS AND DENTISTS SANOj OAXf*AXJ>, CaJ. April It iCPI— This rity ia p.ne -of e»Jy three in the fittied states that pc»s«a»#A A band **«*ropo*ed entirely of phjsieis-ris and denUata, It nttmhara l-< players. nmt a* g;U « the TW\ IrotHUm; * » ^ tn3t ^ 1 "* e3t fl ' M ,ft ^ ^ "H«* fM * tyl *- Alt tnembem ar« sske.1 ta t«ke dire notice and ho on Jinn4 prcmptly at fill. DAILY CROSS WORD PUZZU F*»l*owins- are the &-<-**«* of t h e . double* matches heM last si^ht; » -ctarke. JOmbali ^t5S i'% a;:.t€S3. Selmrr, Ssren^n *'& 371 313-1*83 Attattn* Wrtsht 35S $55 S31-I03S ' Cowta, Hapso-34 9U its SSIuiosa ' Rassler Must Rtiow His Ropes Scotland Yard Te Rsdoe* P0NZI MAKING BID FOR BILLIARD LEAD IJOXDDN (TT} — Scotland Yard is to be reduced, but only ia. weight Sir Xorman Kendal, chief of the criminal investigation de- partment,, remarked about the growl nr obesity of the C, I, B-, 'with the result thst a program of i morning- seitinff-up exercises has jheen devised fir more than 1S9 detective*.. TPRW TORSC, April l i . (IT) — Andrew |Pon*i, forwer titlfholder frpm phiHsdebibla, can take the lead in the worM pocket bliliarrf championship toiirnej' today by d< featlng- JSrwin Rudolph of Clevt- lamd. "J*onsl, with K'X victories and t-wo defeats, la in second place behind ihe leading J'irany Caraa of Wii- miBKton, T>el., .defending- champion, with six wins and one lass. Ponzi defeated nnofrio T*n 4 ri "of Bro( } ]<- jJtJfcJif ». % |A# Pigg, i — H U*E DE*TAiNO For whiter wsabing, house, clean- ing. Removes all stains. Ask your grocer.—adv. . (10-11) Caras opponent today. Ralph Greenlea| of Kew York, who has,he'd th* title tf tiroes, was virtually eliminated fnpm cbam- ponship hopes as-he sluffered his third loss, 125 to 115, to Rudolph, He stillhas to meet Ponzi and Caras in addition his match with tw 1 ilie*"3dosconi of Phiiadclnhla to-" ACROSS 1—Red garnet 22—Performs This might be an emharrassinir position if Dr Lcn HaH. ras;ler. didn't know hv$ ropc«. Al Bjgignano has just chucKed the good doc- -Organ of hearing 10—A river In Siberia 12—Prop 14—A local swelling of any kind IS—Nonsense 18—Fiddled while Rome burned 19—printer's measure 20—To lay in v surrounding matter 21—Spun fiber- as wool 24—Assign 25—Exclama- tion expres- sive of gladness 26—A land tax (Shetland islands) 2S—An image of worship 30—Lukewarm 32—Tied 33—A wooden pail fProv. Eng.) 34-Hotel 35—A tributary of the Ohio river 8—The juris- 23—Small diction of Italian cola an abbot 28—A pen for 3 , 11—Back s'.vine 13—Tell faittas- -27—The altar tic tales end of A / 15—An elabo- -church J rate public 28—Ridge of speech sand 17—Ancient 31—A lair silver coins 32—Twice' of Greece Answer to previous putzlei s. c A & P A N E L 1 fsl E D A N & b4 P •E ilSl" T A !W DOWN 2—Grassy Plains 3—Artiftce - t— A" form of the >eri3 •to be" -Small point 6—Floods 7—Domesti- eate A. U A S P A T H T 1 T A fNl •E. ft A K E D R O r4 P E R F- A X 1 U bH W A Q- 0 M C O R A 1 R A V. T A I T E M S Ni M A IT R C A N

Transcript of WAfrr Cards Cinch for Pennant? Mgr. Frisch Says We...

TELCPHONE WAfrr AOI im OK m PHATTSBUH6ir DAILY KEHJBLIUA* -THUR3l5AT» 'ATRTtl,18, 1987, -*T piEsirsErvci

Cards Cinch for Pennant? Mgr. Frisch Says "We Have a Chance but It Won't Be Easy"

-7$ se JS4sy

» y B I L L * R A U C H E R

Centra! Pr»»» Sports Editer , OASTONA BEACH, Pia., April . lA^Maosuger Ft-ankle Fwsch had A. •or* thumb. Not only that, but the Cardinals were not hitting thin *print< Besides, that very After­noon Johnny MIZP, first baseman

_upon W^QJH the team depend* for •em« home runs thia year, had been found fmllty of swinging At the old No. 3 pitch <th« alow one).

The frame had just ended, and the Cardinal* had made a lot c.% mis-takes (beside* not bitt'jhg;}. Mr, frteeh know*, of course, that it is human to err. but when the bovs throw away some chance* thai thinking might nave saved, they *.re #etng t© hear from Mr, TMiCh,, So when, J easie across Mm tn th* aiMfchOuse, he W M tnibb'ing with fCting*. ' > *a> Yw ; of w irg f he'd tt%,«bont the baM el«ib. - d*MWM5«fc}*>y * p*n.«A«t?

• **1at H •••! 7% . C j . ^ , # f c ^ ^ y


Bees Vs. Phils, A's Vs. Nats Is Opening Day


-mfs booked; rt<*xt Mon-

&M 9b?4fr*+ U«J * * • # • * * l a * * r * * * A * * A *

farther, you'll **e all the Cardinal* htiatMnf. Those who have loafing to do can do It down on the fara/ 1

Frisch rubbed hi* taped thumb, which wa# slightly awolltn. He had played eecond JiiwiAelS! that day Fraakle will he <* y*At* •old when «epte>*nb*f jean***, f o r a second baseman that**' >— "wail. thsVs seasoned Bui*titB}t *tft*f-noon the Fl**b h*d ,t«*a'»ia aid kittenish m\t, startla* It

**S^^e**jaj^BJtA*aaaa» l*eer**^*SS*-aaa J^ffPW^^Ww

^ - r . .... . - ^ a ^ .. . |«<l • ' • * < » < • < «mJC> MM fa* aft n i « i m [ < " ^ ^ B i B i m M ***, « , a t * * t t »

r»**h. *•** *a*e * ebeaea, « « t «?* <4WtJiWl at me*W *» MM, «*y«y*r ttot goto* to be eamy. r n d a Piece i f t3t tsetter than I d« tbi* apfiflg.


light, loo. Mickey 0**n U turning* around the »t*A»!*» 'roosn, l"*p-oyt -to b* a capable kid. Only 20 j twr SlWrtlit #»*iifed jDeom a uliow-y*u*» Md, kttt ha* *.,iPood SB<»A4 fer]«*, IIIA S l». M# and Ofrodo***M will | "W* lutv* g*& M»m« m«l huttlew UnMtli thA-t o*ay.

*»ir* <i<*d heA'tier Wttlnf- <fl«ly»tfr* 1o»kldf at m*. mm, 'Mav* **** iHii»»ihii»f lik» til*! befor*), f ywn IjfcArd 'Pepper't «Kh«ili% A»# but *«;r **•**%•« *r«,-b<>Uer t)b!»|«li« *!«M HBH JleCSe* <w«jrttit •ywai", tJH/k * t tba Inifleld — Mi.j». IpIteJtftf fr^1* CW««l*MfciS plat*. 8*» ^•MHir 34*rtj«* l>ur<H?hen Ato Mat* ^ i > S« I gmm w*Tt hava % » « k «

HEW YORK, April -14 (t;r )—Ma* jjfl* leafiie ba»eb«ll cttrfes e-w«ai» Ut-i» tii« bdMi» atretch of tb<s i raining-aeaion today, workiits their way nofth with e*blhif.lon « tint!I the season open* <itay*

The National t^&gt-f Sf-ason op-ena oifflcfaJiy In 3ost< n ApWl i» Wllk the !§««* antetfeui, n«: t*e t»hll-adelphSa Phillies In a double head-air. The Amerkaui l>eag ie g;o*« into Action the earae day at Washington With the Xationals takinf on the Philadelphia Athletic*, Remainder ot the club» In both circuit* begin Tuesday,

fn the Katiotia!, the iBU lx»ul# Cardinals open fn. Cincinnati against th* Reds, t h * Kew foj-k Giants invade tb* wllds of Flatbusb to taJka on.their deadliest eflamlta. the Brooklyn Dodger*, and the Pittsburg* Firate* play tb« Chicago C«bi at W^if ley HaM.

After th* Inlttat gmm in the }m-Tor cfrcait a t Washlnigton tlr* Kats eoma to K«w Sfork for a Taetday encounter Hrlth th* worid clianipioft Yankee*, the AthletSos go back home to entertain tb« Boston Red Soar the Cleveland Xnrdfan* tackle the Tigers a t Detroit, and the cht-ttmfo White Wm ope* against the Browa* i » St . %*ntia.

With leas Ujan a weak left to get ready lor t*i« iff-fAW* summer


WaahlnftOn (AI*) 2, Boston (Kl.) 1.

Philadelphia (AL> *, Phlladelplila (Nl,) 1

Brooklyn (Klf) 1 * Norfolk (PL) 5.

Ghlcaaj* (AI>> *, Pittsburg* (NL> 1.

Cincinnati (NI*) 18, Boston (AL) 5.

New York (AL) 7, MngimmUn <NTP> 4.

Cleveland (Al» I New York (K

St, Lottla <AL) 1Q, CM^ag-a 0»I,>

Congress At Rochester Is Likely To Attract

500 Teams


Newomiers lit th t

Doubleheader Scheduled for High School Court •


Third Game Of Series; Local Wonder Five Opposes > Montreal Y. M. H. A.

ROCHESTER, April 1*^ (trt»> * -The vanguard of h< ' womem bowi-ing teams reprea&rstin^ every awe> tioil of the country arrived bera t#-day for t&mOEOW*» gala opening of the 1*37 National Women's Bowl . Ins; €^n**sa,

Th« rnKSbet ot ienaiiilsrf jifa-toppers entered ' fit the- SO-day <Iasetc this year imr exceed* - hm-mark established * In Chlcs«« Hi If3», wfcen 471 five-woman ffretsee participated tit t*adi ereate.

Tna Kasty team ot Ctetwli&m&i Itlff chsmpions, la u n o s f th* t*w-ored quint* entered fa the kMsg 1^«-,woman arlnd. Other eitlea reyrC' eented wiCa OSB* pi am* t i iasg *•* dnde San Francisco, I » * Aageies, Chiearo, Clnctitn#ttj T*o!edo> J>»-trolt, tHcrahm* CSty, Kew ttfit,: Omaha and San Antonio, Tax,

-JsiaA svArilssTer' KUgsweal 5U«* Merle WarmWer ChIe«fO.

preeeflt matoj gAine ttU« bolder and ofte«* tfe*'*W' *op»m •*•* tp Iww! * pwrfect # • • Axsata, wlM at­tempt to regain the atl-*ve*ite title which she woa la I t U . l a thi* event she will be compeOag- agsiiiut

dOflblebeadet wfit featttt* ~two of the laadlny atnatcnr ^alntct* of Montreal—the Canadian I^tcific Railroad team and the Ycnfn.sr Men'* Hebrew Aasociation iiwe.

Tn* iSrat pama irlll atart a t *j*gtf waaager* »tt««pt*d to i«>«j ##& ^cteck-iwith the K*ti*-1 %h% rough tpoti IR tlialr III? ^••'-llrtsrgh "Wonder yitra «f»posJna; t o * ball IBAC«J1«M, Tn« tirst two teawa j T J C f f A < . m l l 4 ti,g j««iRd «o«f#st )ttts i t*arrlTa9RlJOBitr«*«rrAtto«* W i « | t i j # Rrow n , OUer* againat tlic rbiladalpltia'a two club*, and th^i^pj^n team.

A*» 1»av* taken 4Sfe« meaasir* «T- f^^ rMUk *«*«» of Montreal |t«r*d in the competition, Chicago

* Poot «ea«o«- baakeiball «*Bi«if wilt be played ift tbC» clty_ Satarday evemng; r « the Wg;b scboot coJirtl A | j a a t ye«r*a w4Kaa*> Miaa 191a »«r*

JHrnn? Wfl»e»*» KstiaMl T.«api«r*tW0JI t s < s ipmiinem m<$m to»i**-twlca in a rew» The WAAWagt^ni^^i thla a#a««l at i^mhtt City Xat.lsn*l# wiH b* the n e « , Arriving J m i | g ^ ^ ^ ^ tfe* fiiateat

on 1M* e t a V ' m* fttpeh. - A A « J * ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ * w 1» the CftMdl** m l n w t e . t« » » * * * « to be r e l e n t e d *y tha iawa.lnder svt fern* Friday *»d - ^ ^ w | f t 9 m m r -te t W p c l t y at full StaittWay attbm»g% tb* local* ^ i f t t t a f t a ar«lnst «, teaj» attested. nm s a t a preylaw of tft* T ^ e m j . ^ ^ j .^^mf pit.ttili«r#*'# leadtof

tia. IV»ia «'#SerJdg*, JJm Rrowa a n d ! Mill "a atauiaar ^iel»*r. |g»*JSAt ;-«•-. jSsA*t HMH '

t^it iothe'r day that the Was Houee Gt»»R «p^n,,d *:n ti-lx v<«ar e»sy. I .•ever vra« lufky enouVrh to play on a team that i r w a txMmant «aay, I

You know how St is — I don't ISp> «r« to ao -a J eeaaton." My 3«*« w*m"t hold tjn. St« Martin did a jweat iob at second when I. fcsd to <*«lt

J ,o^ tpaae ftfllnsm flnnt get tTw M*a liuA ^^ talt S t l I -u W M k ^ ^ ^ ^ t»«yra To win *vary(Wnr Without l a W W , a , e U U | ^ t sck . We'll be *e«4V hu«tlipg.

"Wh<»n a. taaxn lan't hUBtlinr.. Vrt'i *ee some etich rame ;«. r m j M W t»nt ; w i n M W v n l Beteenth •there juwt now. Tt looked m»rt like | bean hag; to me. \

juraln. t flfare, If J have, to fold mf>. P^i not trying- to fooi yourself, Tbla

"You con Id mpot some of the RJM! loafinK this sfternooTj And yon saw who was "huatljnir, didn't y<*)? Before -we *«o along" wwch


By Alex Morrison . CtftstrMl Prat*

nineteenth 'yea* a* a player. Rut I grueas J can atari

"We've rot to ire-t eome mora wiling, some power hitting. Tm pot so murh worried about jiltchlwr, with Warneke. T>lxr,y and J^aul T>ftaa. Jim 'Wlnford and one of the new boys for startei*a. Hvba and Atxlrew* look fine, CstcMnf la all


'$• '•^•AA^ *s^pss^essg#s«, ^ B » a,^r%s*(s w*mJW % WW- V I ^s^w m*s> • BBSS SA* Jga^^sp^^B^PsaiP •'J^tV

a>rta« ;»,t third, Mit kail «mtt« »utf«b* frfgyw* *&mr totetkat, T**, ot tlwl1, I bope, W**ra gofiiK fn \ iana* IJAA » !»t »f ftft «o»4 If w# atart him, anyway, t w w , and; get *ome »ltt*aa\ t w w t #e*4« ablft J*!en tMArtln} t« the outfield. J p«w»-r Mttl»g-~*" •Guttanisg*. probably will 3*gd *»rr, f •3v*% then .yobnby Mtat* lln»t Fleaty faat, ! baae"«»n wbe -ctewtad. JM* laat year,

•W«*tl*r« '6»l*f« : *A:k*d paat, 'Tbat 1*. !*# #l*rt-*d l» • •fla gl.vinsr l>on pa4r*it and . walk past- Frteeb nailed 5ili«t«

fM*» Jlosrdajrarsy all po**Me, a,*»»Wjt for the a 4 w pltcli tills cbance* to win *a «stfi*ld Job,: year, b«b,?*, aatd ih% l«*d«r of tb« Vft « | l worried *&owt Medwirlc ; «a* H«s»# f»«nts. <lll«* isad ympmi

tnMmm and Pfratea wi»o #» mot' iwAyartfc IsJag fa t**4r ftomc ww»a »»t« tfaa^ S J ^ W i W i i r r ive wtll have Hay- .

1 'ASM t f lF 'tftK -fbsha^KAeV^'* "*s M h ft. ^Ba^ttMfif Hk^BflMfe--iFSTge' -Wssv "wsW P*^lswn^^pi f ^FH^Hr ^HBAW^BE ^B^SEW^B

roeiatcr, who a^ao holds the *iAHe* •crown- '

Tbe CMcairo wo^am tiit t*w p«»s in 1*5$ tor a a aJt-tiiae Att-aveata ipatk of W U . •*•,-

tn the doubles the Held will earn-' I pete against last vear'e ck«tipk>a' *J.ip pair, Jdrs, Lorain* BsJdy and Mrs. Adelaide Iindetnaaa.

Chieate t* Sandf M Team* Besides the 299 local

UrtJt h* wpreaeatsd by 2f teams; Toledo, 29; Omaha. If, And Cfn-cinnatt if, Other eitlea from eeaftt

^stss^sV^ V ^ s f f a i . ^ ^ ^ A V ^ ^ f l H - ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ , seW'^WF eagiPgfl^ • gg#*BrP****a *g ggWg^g^sT^^s^s^*i.

from I to JO ftra-worn*« groaaa. TiMBOi'iww a wpealaA' wilt !ftsgi*|f

the nanal faAfara attendaat * • the annual bkse-Hts*** evaat. aDeya w»*ra tile

artn ft*) S*)OBC arKI

Id— Thotnaa ISriBAaaa te.gal' pit ot Hsuwfe eoaf Mence ia* a yeoag* 1 I>re**eav who ptlota-east of the ywungeat ia ta* najora last plana to invert A ftnr ajBowg t h e * air. - Aad T ee le**« tike ta* real

deaaita a vataer Mack year as i t s * Utaeas arrecked aia abeer. Lea ta* asaaaa with the BaSA '3m.

If , aae\ altar aartirJgsstiar i a m few gaaiea, waa etratsk ay ttl did aagaas* ta hart • few ter vitte ia the ' Southera

Bat his thlet • f the ^eliyery

startiaf •f

cael ot kaag aalt I

trataiac kfai the taflc

givea t a * a * :

fHWafSt JgfatpCWffCB I w f "*?aP^ TWsl^Ww mt mit­

er MAirtin, Tbej l l b«»t3* and theym hoi* Mayba this Fsdgiftt fa :re«tili from Colotnbna) or Bord« AgaTAp C-obUInrd from Rrookjjn *n a tpad*> will give «« some better bitting.1*

Frtariii r»sbt<e4 his. tfwmh agAin,

; »rp a weak fly when !»e -rat wlib all. ' bla mlgtsi at a *lr»w *sa« that alter* jnnni})< "!R#ttrr watt for tilt go»d on**, 4obnn\'. 'If *«u learn bnw *J

' b't that Mnd, lei 01* "know 'bow yat i»1« tt4 w*U >wi"" : I With that, FVJsrb durked Into a

liftdd t%# tApe froro It and Jft**k*.1*a .f»we,.



BftSTOV, April 1* VI*1P) -ThirtY* two boxers from H State*. Hawaii and the JMstrict of Columbia were left today to fight it owt for »lght nstionsl AK1" titles and FVajikis MirabMe, sbtfty Albany lightweight, wag one or them. FranKl*, who rose to the Adirondack Association 3.IS pound championship mftt'r 1\%\* mg- b*1d the nnvl^e featherweig/ht title in 1P3S a.nd open l2**po«nd laurels in *86. ia rated a real threat for the nations! championsbin

He flattened I>o«ls Ijempesl*, rharlosion, S. C. scrapper M^ndav nijrht and seorpd a dertsion o\er Richard Gregwv. Butler, Pa.. la*t ni^ht.

The Albanj star la scheduled t«»' mei*t Joseph Kelly of PMladelpbia) In the semi finals.

Music Ala* W#cfcsre

The cards are stacked Against most players the minute they take the driver out of the bA£. They seem to realize this, but optimism '-r something goads them into try-ir,g ir once more. They figure that t he next try will bring success.

If an accurate record were made, I'm sure the average player wetuid find that he misses more shots, and gets into more trouble with the driver than he doe* with ;

any other club. Why? Because : the club, the way i t i s made in roost cases, demands a perfect \ Kwin -. This requirement come* rhrough the way the striking- aur- ]

face is finished. Most drivers have no loft to

•'be dtftxface and worse yet, the ; surface is convex, bulged AS they ' tall It, in order to get more rojl ' on the end of the s h o t WhAt , goocl i s more roll if such a club-face sends your ball into the '•"•ugh or causes you to have such ' % fear Qf the club that you can't -.ft the ball straight? '

The first rule vdth all chib* is ; a> g e r the-ball up, then to send it 1 htraigW and finally to g e t the

"^assaaaV^ew^^**^^™"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "



Result* of the e'trnlnations bo<ut« held st Flattahnrgh Barrack* last evenlnr were «« fo'o'we;

BOXi^Q MfiDonoiigvh, UZ, Co. E deci«on-

ed Cole, 151, Co. I.. Algiers. W, Co- C dectsioned

Murray, 1&6, Co. M> Ma«cfiir, 16S, Co. M koncked out

Iscnwitz. US, To. E, third round. Bates, 14$, Co. P knorked ont

Kane, 150, Co. G. second round. Wilson, liR, Co. T> knocked out

FU-ppn, Hi, Co. K. second round.

WRESTLING Brown, Co, A, 125 threw Renello,

Cu. I. 124 in 7 minutes. Bdr-elle. -Cn. J -1?G thr*w Wilson,


SOUTH BBND, APrtl U. « T l — BackfieM strategy ** practiced by K»«ta |PUH"kn« in the days of the' immortal "Four Horsemen* is being" revived h*< •Coach 33ln»er lA>d*n aa' he drillai more than. .3S0 Kotre p » » c

'football ra.ndfdate» in gprtn^ prac* If.rA j T5»a youthful mentor -of tha "KighUwr Irish" — himself a for- '

! mer fullback with the undefeated I national charaptonahlp Horsemen I of 1*S< — ha* announced plans to 1 I dere'on « "work horse" nnit and a ' l"pnnv eirpre**** barkfleld.

Tl«* •Ulirowback to his playlnjr' davs nnder 'Roekne, Lavden ex-« plains. J# the result of realization j of the value of epeed and decep­tion tn football and of the seres , j Kfiy for two complete backfields to ( carrv this ba'l for the Irish d'jrlfi^ | a rigtvrmi* 3M? schedule.

Tbe **ilfork horse*' unit wf l be compose! ;of the heavier, slower" candidates for the ball earrylnjr positional, and will start the games plaving- throyjrh the first quart*; »r the first half.

t />Nj>ov i l T l - M a r ? "ttaaiahea b?*rednm among; worker* engaged in monotonous 30b* and improve* witfnit, Tb*» discovery baa been made by K, Wyatt a»d 7. Jf-Tjuufdofc dtssing- a« *«»*rl*n*»* Iwarinir on repetttlva wo.5» wb^h thev desmbft in a rep«r* * , t !•-jwa«>d bs« th* Med; .** R****r«k «>0"i!3cSe-.

i iDf i i f»» i«Atwe . |» to t^e lc^h» i r#* inf lAj i jptlnmm* «•»' wffl tlr [twa^gfama iatra*ctty eejrieA at wsa« taeu ta "PafiagelaklA tb* AtW*tt«* and PhtlfitA #tltt *«y» titer** -tttta %*t__^_ . j»«»««**

e4 with a thre«-»A»«!« aeiiat b% tween the "Cub* a»d Whit* ft?*, "Th^ m* J^ats ogrdinstAand Hr*w»» will'*" t ., ... . , ^ - « . .« ,A , _ J»

* w _* - » . . * ^ ^ ;UoeI*e« A»At*ttr kajre* ehampton-;«»!tvenir* ot l b * *»M.-western oil imteh irtrenstii in a jwHr atid the* . , f „ t

t?*g.a*a brtfig th* an-etand !Bd^g»||r*l,,^,• >e i y*'

aitaat A isimtll ajg» and t*#» two ifroirt Okla^oiae; CStjr ta «r*» lt-p«int de- Iiio» »f tbat-i^dty a* tb* *Be- *br taa;

ctsloA In 9fn»tt*aL : l i s * taBuraaroeBt- - Restdea -bewsttagr j Tb« Canadian team ts f&* -of the j in- jail Jiyenta dartnA her twa-da-Y i faafeat IA Cjusada AW* 1ml$ the . vMl . the princes* will dtsiirlbut*

%o Him York for t h t 1a*t two of tJwir I f -gajro*' -nrla** aerlea,

Rroadway Batuag C<wra«i.!*»4«woer j«*k T&ojH I* st)U qaotlSA •*»« Y«n-ke#« a t «%-*a money to win the Ameckaa Xjemtztm, rsce« while the Cardinal* «r* fa\onte* at f to % to


Th« A»na»l Rsniptet f«r wen -who _ _ .- v ., „«. „ *h*v« taken part in tha tawlfngr *c -c«p th t^at lnaa l pennatit, Tha In- ^ ^ 4 t h r .

•MM t t tgra wtfl * M A M o n d a y l ^ * « ^ A ' « awlmmng- t it le , tn-


CHICAGO* Itlw April U (WR) — Kaiberfna Raw-I* ot Miami Bemcb-opened her campalAn for four

diana, Tfgam a»sl Red J iX rank *m*m4, third and fourth reapeetKe-ly In Day!*'* Asaerican l>agrae IsMk* ..the aanse p»-*K!en* (oecttpteil by the Cub**, OSan't* and PSr»t*» Is tl>» aenior loop-

'^seagaPwAi ^s^a aWjagaar

t * Seaa »wet -

tff3t st ttajtaAWter) An erear 1M ftrte hag eg -ta."

tiny Ka*e> leeaj reifa a* tb* fesar-" day -fadevf' Kaeet gag uader way- a t the iAke Snore Atbietle d n k . Pre-lifRiaariea in the l t t - y a r t fra* atyle and J*0-yard Individual med­ley wee* scheduled today arttk iSa-al* in both events toaight,

JISsw-Rawi*, net yet -ft, bot mX-ready-a ^e4eTmar-o^-tw»~<^ymi»lcs, wa* the_favjorita in the gsedley, 190-yard breast-strok* and "tM-yard free atyle. She aieo waa entered: in

T*wn*blB »H!»d r«r H

TARKXTTM. P*. tUPI —- Com­missioner Florence 35errlck Camp **nt a llfl.53 bill to Harrison Township for damaire done to. her silk hose while she attended meet­ings of the township board- "And tire WH Isn't a j«ke/* aaid >fr*+

C*mv~ "i have rained a lot -nor* than IJn worth of stacking* on tbo*e chairs,*'


This rity ia p.ne -of e»Jy three in the fittied states that pc»s«a»#A A band **«*ropo*ed entirely of phjsieis-ris and denUata, It nttmhara l-< players.

nmt a* g;U « the TW\ IrotHUm; * » ^ t n 3 t ^ 1 " * e 3 t fl'M , f t ^ ^ " H « * f M * • t y l * -Alt tnembem ar« sske.1 ta t«ke dire notice and ho on Jinn4 prcmptly at f i l l . DAILY CROSS WORD PUZZU

F*»l*owins- are the &-<-**«* of the. double* matches heM last si^ht; » -ctarke. JOmbali t5S i'% a;:.t€S3. Selmrr, Ssren^n *'& 371 313-1*83 Attattn* Wrtsht 35S $55 S31-I03S ' Cowta, Hapso-34 9U its SSIuiosa '

Rassler Must Rtiow His Ropes

Scotland Yard Te Rsdoe*


I J O X D D N (TT} — Scotland Yard is to be reduced, but only ia. weight Sir Xorman Kendal, chief of the criminal investigation de­partment,, remarked about the growl nr obesity of the C, I, B-,

'with the result thst a program of i morning- seitinff-up exercises has jheen devised fir more than 1S9 detective*..

TPRW TORSC, April l i . ( I T ) — Andrew |Pon*i, forwer titlfholder frpm phiHsdebibla, can take the lead in the worM pocket bliliarrf championship toiirnej' today by d< • featlng- JSrwin Rudolph of Clevt-lamd.

"J*onsl, with K'X victories and t-wo defeats, la in second place behind ihe leading J'irany Caraa of Wii-miBKton, T>el., .defending- champion, with six wins and one lass. Ponzi defeated nnofrio T*n4ri "of Bro(}]<-

jJtJfcJif ». % |A# Pigg, i — H

U*E DE*TAiNO For whiter wsabing, house, clean­

ing. Removes all stains. Ask your grocer.—adv. . (10-11)

Caras opponent today. Ralph Greenlea| of Kew York,

who has,he'd th* title tf tiroes, was virtually eliminated fnpm cbam-ponship hopes as-he sluffered his third loss, 125 to 115, to Rudolph, He s t i l l h a s to meet Ponzi and Caras in addition his match with

tw1ilie*"3dosconi of Phiiadclnhla to-"

ACROSS 1—Red garnet 22—Performs

This might be an emharrassinir position if Dr Lcn HaH. ras;ler. didn't know hv$ ropc«. Al Bjgignano has just chucKed the good doc-

-Organ of hearing

10—A river In Siberia

12—Prop 14—A local

swelling of any kind

IS—Nonsense 18—Fiddled

while Rome burned

19—printer's measure

20—To lay in v surrounding matter

21—Spun fiber-as wool

24—Assign 25—Exclama­

tion expres­sive of gladness

26—A land tax (Shetland islands)

2S—An image of worship

30—Lukewarm 32—Tied 33—A wooden

pail fProv. Eng.)

34-Hote l 35—A tributary

of the Ohio river

8—The juris- 23—Small diction of Italian cola an abbot 28—A pen for3 ,

11—Back s'.vine 13—Tell faittas- -27—The altar

tic tales end of A / 15—An elabo- -church J

rate public 28—Ridge of speech sand

17—Ancient 31—A lair silver coins 32—Twice' of Greece

Answer to previous putzlei

s. c A &


L 1 fsl



N & b4

P • E



A !W


2—Grassy Plains

3—Artiftce -t— A" form of

the >eri3

•to be" -Small point

6—Floods 7—Domesti-









1 T

A fNl

• E . ft A


D R O r4

P E R F-

A X 1



W A Q-0 M



R A V.


