Wachowski - Moving Beyond Memorizing the Past

Moving beyond memorizing the past Historical lessons that ignite students appetite for learning history Jen Wachowski Mishicot High School



Transcript of Wachowski - Moving Beyond Memorizing the Past

Moving beyond memorizing the pastHistorical lessons that ignite students appetite

for learning history

Jen WachowskiMishicot High School

Today’s Objectives:1. Teachers will be examining a

best teaching practice in the method of Gradual Release2.Teachers will discuss how

historical teaching has evolved to develop 21st century learners

3.Teachers will discuss their understanding of applying the GRR models into the classroom

through historical lessons

Let’s take a memory trip…

O Post it notes (Strategy one)

O Write how you would characterize your learning experience in history/social studies classes O One positive O One negative

O Discussion

“Apprenticeship of observation phenomenon”

Grossman 1991; Lortie 1975)

So, what does teaching history today….

Teaching history stigma

“Traditional” teachingODepth vs Breathe OSkills vs ContentOMemorize vs

ApplicationORelevance vs “Just

have to Know”OAssessments:..just

plan yikes!

Traditional “Teacher” Led


Teaching pedagogy Heritage vs HistoricalO Social common civic

valuesO Legacy of VIP

American figures, concepts, etc.

O Inspiration and Pride for US

O “Who we are, where we belong, and where we are from”

O Multiple approaches

O Seeking verifiable truth

O Reduce biasO Impartial stories

that use evidence and analysis to

O Not bend the past “How History is Taught in Schools” Author Larry


Teaching with GRR!

What’s your definition of Gradual Release of Responsibility?

OPlease turn and talk to form a definition with your peers.


GRR Definition(Fisher and Frey 2010)

ODuring the learning process, the cognitive load shifts slowly and purposefully from teacher as model, to joint responsibility, to independent practice and application by the learner.

Gradual Release of Responsibility

O Change in instructional practice

O Develops students into 21st century learnersO Provides students withthe framework they needto successfully complete a variety of learning tasks.

History (Pearson & Gallagher /Fisher and Frey)

DIY School




“You do it alone”

Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

The “Good Enough” Classroom



Focus Lesson

Guided Instruction

“I do it”

“We do it”

Independent“You do it alone”

Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.



Focus Lesson

Guided Instruction

“I do it”

“We do it”

“You do it together”


Independent “You do it alone”

A Model for Success for All StudentsFisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Examples of Lessons

Dinner with the Past

Historical Face-Off

Cuban Missile Crisis

Question and SourcesO Students are to be the historian

through this activity

O Have them sift through sources to determine why and how the crisis was averted, but then to have them determine WHO should receive credit.

CitationsO https://larrycuban.wordpress.com/2010/07/21/h


O Better Learning Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey 2008

O Close Reading and Writing From Sources Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey 2014

O Why Won’t You Just Tell Us the Answer? Bruce A. Lesh 2010