W10 Presents: Microsoft Surface


Transcript of W10 Presents: Microsoft Surface

  • 1. Surface.

2. WHO IS W10? 3. the team ERIC NICOLE STEVEN JOSE JILLIAN LAUREN JESSE BEN MIKE MATT ACCOUNT ACCOUNT STRATEGY CREATIVE CREATIVE CREATIVE CREATIVE CREATIVE CREATIVE CREATIVE 4. The Surface had an identity crisis. What selling points were important to customers? Who was buying the Surface and why? the dilemma 5. We searched high and low for information about the Microsoft Surface. 6. We visited Best Buy, Staples, and the Microsoft Store in Boston. the search 7. We found the Microsoft Surfaces presence online. the search 8. We found what people were saying about the Surface online. the search 9. We asked people on Reddit to tell us their favorite thing about the Surface. the search 10. Its the device that defines and paves the path that computer devices of the future should follow, for me. the search Reddit user Swineherd Productivity and portability. The Surface Pro along side Office 365 is incredible. I actually enjoy working now. Reddit user FrankReynolds 11. We were onto something. the search 12. We created a survey and posted it all over the Internet. We got awesome results. the search 13. 70% of people said they would consider buying a device that combines the functions of a laptop and a tablet 73% of people said they would consider buying a tablet that can run full Windows applications the search 14. 74% of people said they would consider buying a computer where the screen could be detached and used separately as a tablet 76% of people said they would consider buying a tablet thats as powerful as a laptop 75% of people said they liked Microsoft the search 15. Why did you purchase the Surface? Daily usage, carrying in/out of places. I have an IBM laptop at work that I can take with me, but the Surface weight, Office applications and mouse swayed me. the search 16. Full Windows capability so the tablet, i.e. the Microsoft Surface Pro can be used as my home computer and as a fully functioning computer tablet away from home. the search Why did you purchase the Surface? 17. I was looking for a new computer to replace my gargantuan and heavy 15 inch laptop. I knew I wanted a light smaller computer that had as much or more power, i could get work done on, and had a keyboard for actually doing the work. I also really wanted a stylus to take notes for my engineering classes which often have diagrams and so I couldnt just type up the notes. the search Why did you purchase the Surface? 18. Push the Surface Pro as a trailblazer product. Focus on the key features that are important to consumers. Show the features, instead of just creating a spectical. Promote a bundle deal in purchasing the Surface. the recommendations 19. The Surface should be sold to individuals who are looking for an edge in their daily routine which they will find through the Surface. the insights 20. Dont force the sense of community through the Click In campaign and let it happen on its own. the insights 21. Expose how the Surface can make your life complete. the insights 22. We are Surface. 23. the target Mundane Mitch late 20s/early 30s college educated mid-level employee technologically overwhelmed has a tablet & a laptop, but hates going between the two aspires to be more organized and efficient 24. Do-It-Yourself voice that expresses the need to be an individual. Wants to be a part of the individuals community. the voice 25. The Surface Pro gives you the edge. the idea 26. Research to find out who our consumers are. Find out which mediums our consumers are most likely to be reached on. Make our advertising efforts interactive with consumers to drive B2C participation. the campaign 27. Microsite TV Spots OOH Guerilla Print Social the tactics 28. 2 campaigns 29. Welcome to the Mt. Olympus Office Park. Where Office Gods are using the Surface. 30. Its no myth. 31. the Zeus spothttps://vimeo.com/65835899 32. the Poseidon spothttps://vimeo.com/65835688 33. the statue 34. the contest 35. the twitter 36. the twitter 37. the microsite 38. the print Surface DO NOT DISTURB CURRENTLY PLANNING THE GREATEST UNDERWATER CITY WHICH I WILL NAME... ATLANTIS! (also if you happen to have a beard and play with lightning bolts, REALLY dont come in) Instructions: 1. Acquire scissors 2. Cut out along dotted line 3. Hang on door when privacy is needed to make transcendent work 4. Bask in success front 39. the print Surface ENTER YOU MAY STEP INTO MY DOMAIN AND SPEAK WITH ME. BUT BEWARE, YOU MAY EXIT A BETTER PERSON. (you may not step into my domain if you play with silly lightning bolts.) Instructions: 1. Acquire scissors 2. Cut out along dotted line 3. Hang on door when one is feeling generous with their wisdom 4. Change lives back 40. the print Surface DO NOT DISTURB CURRENTLY PLANNING THE 8th WONDER OF THE WORLD. TRESSPASSERS WILL BE ELECTROCUTED. SURVIVORS WILL BE ELECTROCUTED AGAIN. (and if you live with the fishes and always carry around a trident, ABSOLUTELY dont come in ) Instructions: 1. Acquire scissors 2. Cut out along dotted line 3. Hang on door when privacy is needed to make transcendent work 4. Bask in success front 41. the print Surface ENTER YOU MAY ENTER AND IF ADVICE IS WHAT YOU SEEK PREPARE TO HAVE YOUR LIFE CHANGED. (but if you are all wet and smell of fish, KEEP WALKING.) Instructions: 1. Acquire scissors 2. Cut out along dotted line 3. Hang on door when one is feeling generous with their wisdom 4. Change lives back 42. the billboard 43. The Static Zone 44. the microsite 45. the microsite 46. the microsite 47. the microsite 48. the snakes spothttps://vimeo.com/65835475 49. the drowning spothttps://vimeo.com/65835476 50. the birds spothttps://vimeo.com/65835477 51. the print 52. the print 53. the print 54. the instagram contest 55. the twitter 56. the pop-up 57. We obsessed over the Surface for months. We put our all into our campaigns and are very confident that our ideas will expand your products awareness and sales. 58. W10 Surface.