W W W . T E A C H S U N D A Y S C H O O L . C O M ...€¦ · C O M Scrumptious Bible Snacks 48...

W W W . T E A C H S U N D A Y S C H O O L . C O M Scrumptious Bible Snacks 48 Easy Snacks to Go with Popular Bible Stories, Teachings, & Holidays www.TeachSundaySchool.com 1

Transcript of W W W . T E A C H S U N D A Y S C H O O L . C O M ...€¦ · C O M Scrumptious Bible Snacks 48...

W W W . T E A C H S U N D A Y S C H O O L . C O M

Scrumptious Bible Snacks

48 Easy Snacks to Go with Popular Bible Stories,

Teachings, & Holidays

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Table Of ContentsIntroduction 9

Popular Old Testament Stories & Related Snacks #1 - #14 13

Snack #1: Garden of Eden Fruit Salad’s Day 14

Story: Creation

Scripture: Genesis 1

Snack #2: Animals on Board 16

Story: Noah’s Ark

Scripture: Genesis 6:9 – Genesis 9:17

Snack #3: Traveling Satchel S’mores 17

Story: Father Abraham Leaves His Homeland

Scriptures: Genesis 12 - 16

Snack #4: Pretzel Ladders 18

Story: Jacob’s Ladder

Scripture: Genesis 28:10-22

Snack #5 Treasure Chest Mix 19

Story: Joseph’s Slavery Turned to Great Fortune

Scripture: Genesis 37-50

Snack #6: Burning Bush Cookies 20

Story: Moses at the Burning Bush

Scripture: Exodus 3

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Snack #7: Rice Krispies Commandment Tablets 21

Story: Moses and the Ten Commandments

Scripture: Exodus 20

Snack #8: Jericho Wall Bricks 23

Story: Joshua Brings Down the Walls of Jericho

Scripture: Joshua 6

Snack #9: Sling Shot Chocolate Bites 25

Story: David & Goliath

Scripture: 1 Samuel 17

Snack # 10: Braids of Strength 26

Story: Samson & Delia

Scripture: Judges 16

Snack #11: Fiery Furnace Pickles & Cheese Crackers 27

Story: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego:

Scripture: Daniel 3

Snack #12: Snore Cookies 28

Story: Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Scripture: Daniel 6

Snack #13: Wheel of Time Chocolate Pie 29

Story: Ezekiel and the Wheel

Scripture: Ezekiel 1-3

Snack #14: Plankton Salad 30

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Story: Jonah & the Whale

Scripture: Jonah 1-3

Popular New Testament Stories & Related Snacks, #15-#30 31

Snack #15: Promises of Angels Cake 32

Story: Mary sees an Angel

Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

Snack #16: Fruit Roll-Up Scrolls 33

Story: Jesus in the Temple

Scripture: Luke 2:41-52

Snack #17: Desert Dessert 34

Story: Jesus in the Desert

Scripture: Luke 4:1-13

Snack #18: Wedding Grapes & Cake 35

Story: Jesus at the Wedding of Cana

Scripture: John 2:1-11

Snack #19: Fishers-of-Men Banana Boats 36

Story: Jesus calls Simon Peter & Andrew

Scripture: Matthew 4:19

Snack #20: Samarian Sun Chips & Messiah Salsa 37

Story: Jesus and the Samarian Woman at the Well

Scripture: John 4:13-30

Snack #21: Carrots-Are-Good-For-The-Eyes Salad 38

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Story: Jesus heals a blind man

Scripture: Mark 10:46-52

Snack #22: Sea Foam Jell-O 39

Story: Jesus Walks on Water

Scripture: Mark 6:45-52

Snack #23: Bread of Life Loaf 40

Story: Jesus Lets the Children Come to Him

Scripture: Matthew 19:13-15

Snack #24: Rice Up and Walk Pudding 41

Story: Jesus Heals the Paralytic

Scripture: Mark 2:1-12

Snack #25: Carrot On a Stick Donkey Snacks 43

Story: Jesus and the Donkey on Palm Sunday

Scripture: Matthew 21

Snack #26: Resurrection Fish over a Fire 45

Story: Jesus eats Fish with His Disciples after the Resurrection

Scripture: Luke 24:36-45

Snack #27: Lightning & Clouds Cracker Snack 46

Story: The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven

Scripture: Acts 1:1-10

Snack #28: Gospel Spread on Crackers 47

Story: Peter Spreads the Gospel after Pentecost

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Scripture: Acts 2

Snack #29: Illumination Lemon Creation 48

Story: Phillip Helps the Ethiopian Understand the Gospel

Scripture: Acts 8:26-40

Snack #30: Shipwreck Stew 49

Story: Apostle Paul Gets Caught at Sea

Scripture: Acts 10:27-28

8 Snacks to Go with the Parables of Jesus, #31-#38 50

Snack #31: Popcorn Ball Rock & House 51

Parable: House on the Rock

Scripture: Matthew 7:24

Snack #32: Fertile Ground & Sunflower Seeds 53

Parable: Parable of the Soils

Scripture: Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8

Snack # 33: Wheat & Tares Oatmeal Cookies 54

Parable: Parable of the Weeds

Scripture: Matthew 13

Snack #34: Mustard Seed Bites 56

Parable: Faith like a Grain of Mustard Seed

Scripture: Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 13

Snack #35 Jewels for Jesus Kabobs 57

Parable: Parable of the Treasure

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Scripture: Matthew 13

Snack #36: Fish N’ Nets Tuna Melts 58

Parable: Parable of the Nets

Scripture: Matthew 13

Snack #37: Equal Pay Pretzel Nuggets 60

Parable: Parable of the Harvest Workers

Scripture: Matthew 20

Snack #38: Celery & Carrot Lamp Stands 61

Parable: Parable of the Ten Virgins

Scripture: Matthew 15

Snacks to Serve on 5 Special Holidays: #39 - #44 62

Snack #39: Halloween Jacolantern Cheese Ball 63

Snack #40: Thanksgiving Apple Turkeys 64

Snack #41: Easter Basket Cupcakes 65

Snack #42: Valentine’s Day Chocolate & Strawberry Treat 66

Snack #43: Christmas Chocolate & Peppermint Dipped Oreos 67

Snack #44: Thanksgiving Apple Cider 68

Five Fun & Easy Beverages 71

Beverage 1 Midnight Juice: 71

Beverage #2 Desert Juice: 71

Beverage #3 Land of Plenty Juice: 72

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Beverage #4 Passion Juice: 73

Beverage #5 SonShine Juice: 73

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Most Sunday School teachers have thought longingly, while pouring yet another bag of pretzels into a plain old bowl, “Gee, I’d like some really interesting snacks for my students. If only I had the time!” Teachers have “a lot on their plates” already these days before having to think up creative snacks to go with Sunday School lessons! We have tried to take care of that task for you. We’ve taken the most

popular Bible stories and teachings of the Old and New Testaments and designed easy, economical theme snacks to go with each. Snacks like Burning Bush Cookies and Rice-Up-And-Walk Pudding will provide interesting and yummy ways to further interest children in the lessons.

Most Snacks are Extremely Easy

These recipes will rarely require you to turn on the oven…or the microwave. You’ll do more spreading than baking, as these involve many items that are already-made, such as store-bought cookies and cakes. You’re often merely adding theme frosting, sprinkles and touches that are symbolic to the lesson. All ingredients are purchasable in basic supermarkets, and there are no “weird” ingredients.

Where an ingredient borders on weird (i.e. lime juice for quick-easy kid salsa), we have noted short cuts or ways around it.

Average Prep Time is Fifteen Minutes

We have not included prep time on our snacks, because that will largely depend on how many children you have. However, hardly any should require more than fifteen minutes to prepare for an av-erage class of eight students. Be sure to read all instructions before starting, however, as some will re-quire time for chilling or softening.

All Fit the Average or Less-Than-Average Budget

Some Sunday Schools provide a budget for snacks, and none of these should exceed the average budget. If your Sunday School doesn’t budget for them, many can be made with objects found in your cabinets or refrigerator. Some ingredients you can use over and over. For example, if you keep a size-

able container rainbow sprinkles, chocolate morsels, and chocolate syrup, you won’t have to buy them

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each time! Many ingredients can be substituted for others that you might have in your refrigerator. For

example, Garden of Eden Fruit Salad calls for walnut pieces. But if you have pecan pieces or even pea-nuts, they can be used instead.

Part of being economical is having an eye for substitutes and finding what in your cabinet might work instead. Many will work with our snacks! That is because most involve the use of premade items; hence, you won’t be “fudging the ingredients” of a recipe. For example, Pretzel Ladders, used with the

Jacob’s Ladder story, call for peanut butter to make the ladder rungs stick. If you’re low on peanut but-ter but have cream cheese, voila!

Themes Will Appeal to Kids’ Taste Buds

While kids can be picky eaters, we find that most will eat snacks that look interesting and are part of something bigger, such as a story you’ve made real in a lesson. They’re not likely to say, “I don’t like cream cheese with pretzels; I want peanut butter!” Hence, substitutions are fine, and don’t be con-cerned about the use of things that might be new to younger children, like sprinkles of coconut. The main goal with theme-related snacks is to make the lesson more real to students. You may get a few

who will try to pick the coconut off, but more than likely, you’ll have young children trying something new so that they can stay part of the story!

Intro Lines

We have provided lines of introduction to each snack for the teacher to say, so that it’s clear how the snack relates to the story. A few are slightly involved, helping to shed more light on the lesson, while others are fairly straight forward. The teacher’s lines are in italics at the end of each snack.

Serving Needs Stated

As sometimes teachers have to prepare snacks in the classroom or in less-than-adequate church kitchen conditions, as total list of needed supplies is included. You can gage out what your church might have or not have if you’re preparing snacks on-site instead of at home.

Flexible Use

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There are many Bible stories and while we’ve picked the most popuar Sunday school, it could be

that you’re teaching a story we don’t have included. The snack themes are broad enough so that they can be used with several stories!

For example, Snore Cookies are suggested to go with Daniel and the Lion’s Den as told in Daniel 6, because the lions snored off to sleep instead of eating Daniel. But they could also be used in the story of Apostle Peter escaping from prison in Acts 12, when the angels caused the guards to snore off to

sleep.A little change in your introduction could provide a snack that goes with several tales. Snacks

are designed so that your imagination is a welcome part of preparation if needed.

More Snacks: 8 Famous Teachings of Christ

We’re not always teaching stories in Sunday School. Sometimes we’re teaching the famous words of Jesus, such as the parables. Therefore we’re including eight snacks to go with the parables of Jesus that are most used in Children’s Sunday School. They follow the same format as the story snacks—being easy to prepare, economical, flexible, and requiring about 15 minutes prep time. Each

also includes mentions in the Table of Contents of how the snack could be used in other stories.

Five Holiday Snacks

Most teachers like to do something special for the holidays, and hence we have put snacks in a

special section to go with Valentines Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. While a lit-tle more involved than snacks for regular lessons, these will not turn your kitchen upside down or create yet another holiday cyclone of your oven or countertops. The most difficult requirement is to make cup-cakes from a mix or thread gumdrops on toothpicks.

Several of the recipes mention pictures that are available online, as these came from teachers

who had scoured the Internet for things that look extra pretty as well as being fairly easy. These last five special recipes do not include Intro lines or scriptures, as lessons are diverse on

these. However, think up your own before class time, using the snack to reinforce the lesson your youth ministry has chosen.

Finally: Five Easy Beverages That Go With Most Any Sunday School Lesson.

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Many Sunday School teachers like to serve a beverage with a snack, but they don’t need yet an-

other complication. These beverages rely on easy tricks using fruit and colored ice cubes. While tasty, their value is more in the symbolism you can create that has to do with the lesson. They involve easily purchased juices, such as Gatorade and iced tea, and will put the final touches on the snacks you have thought out and prepared!

While the main goal with our snacks was to bring the special stories of the Bible into snack time, we think you will enjoy the speedy, easy, and economical elements to all!

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Popular Old Testament Stories & Related Snacks #1 - #14

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Snack #1: Garden of Eden Fruit Salad’s DaySTORY: CREATION


Ingredients:• Pineapple chunks• Orange or tangerine sections• Strawberries or dried cranberries (depending on time of year)• Walnut pieces• Coconut• Lettuce leaves• Chocolate syrup in a squirt bottle

Snack Instructions:

Combine together in a fruit bowl chunks of pineapple, orange or tangerine sections, and strawberries or dried cranberries (depending on the time of year or what’s available). Add in walnut pieces.

To give your salad a “Garden of Eden” look, take iceberg or romaine lettuce and line the outer edge of your serving bowl. Add the filler so that the leaves stick up. Finally sprinkle the top with coconut, then using chocolate syrup, draw four or five zig-zag lines across and back.

Serve on paper plates. Be prepared to add a dab of chocolate sauce to each child’s plate if they wish to dip their fruit.


Mixing bowl Can opener Serving spoonPaper Plates, one for each childPlastic spoons


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Adam and Eve ate wonderful things like fruit from the plants and trees that God made them. Today, we’re going to do the same! (Point out items in your salad dish.) They probably ate from pineapple trees, strawberry bushes, orange trees, and cracked coconuts from their coconut groves. Only differ-ence: We have chocolate, and they probably didn’t!

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Snack #2: Animals on BoardSTORY: NOAH’S ARK


Ingredients:• Bran loaf or ginger bread loaf (a loaf will serve approximately 8 children, so you may need two.)• Cream cheese• Animal crackers• Raisins• Cinnamon

Snack Instructions:Cut the loaf into eight pieces, and lay them flat. Spread with cream cheese generously. Stand four ani-mal crackers on each piece, using the cream cheese as your sticky standing tool. Sprinkle each piece with raisins, then a light sprinkle of cinnamon.

Service:Bread knife for cutting and spreadingPlatterPaper plates or paper towels for serving

Introduction:Noah saved the real animals in the flood…but it’s okay for us to eat ours…served especially on small arks!

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Ingredients:• Marshmallows• Chocolate Hershey pieces or candy kisses• Graham Crackers

Snack Instructions:Place the bag of marshmallows, chocolate Hershey pieces and graham crackers, and enough napkins for each child into a small overnight bag or back pack.

Service:Using the words to the introduction below, serve the students one graham cracker square, four squares of Hershey chocolate, and several marshmallows.

Introduction:Abraham had to do something really nervy; most of us would probably not have the nerve. God asked him to leave his home and everything he knew to go somewhere that would be promised to him. Abra-ham packed all his belongings, probably in sacks and bags. If we had to do such a thing today, we might have to leave certain toys and favorite things behind and fit everything we’d need into something like this. (Hold up satchel.) But God wanted Abraham to know that he would take great care of him un-til he got to the place God promised. Abraham did not go hungry. God wants us to know he would al-ways take care of us…(unzip the satchel and show the s’more items)…and He promises us great things, too, if we believe!

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Snack #4: Pretzel Ladders STORY: JACOB’S LADDER


Ingredients:• Rod pretzels, one for each child• Stick pretzels, four for each child• Peanut butter• Chocolate morsels

Snack Instructions:Break rod pretzels in half. Smear a line of peanut butter down one side. Line both halves up beside each other, an inch or two apart, with the peanut butter facing up. Line up four rod pretzels across both rods as ladder rungs, using the peanut butter to make them stick. Press chocolate morsels into the peanut butter between the ladder rungs. Repeat for all children.

Service:Butter knife for spreading peanut butterLarge platterPaper towels

Introduction:(Lay platter of ladders on table and start handing them out.) These are sort of like the ladder Jacob saw. Only thing is…we can eat ours! Let’s enjoy them, remembering that the ladder to God is in our hearts, and we need to remember to climb it every day!

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• ½ cup almonds• ½ cup peanuts• ½ cup raisins• ½ cup dried cranberries• 4 cups Chex or Life Cereal• ½ cup M&M pieces

Snack Instructions:Mix all ingredients in together except M&M’s. As kids tend to argue over who got more chocolate, once they are served, spoon out five M&Ms onto the top of their mixture.

Service:Paper plates for servingServing spoonTwo cereal boxes: One filled with the mix, one empty. They don’t have to be of the same cereal. Hide the full one away in the cabinet and bring the empty one to the serving table.

Introduction:(Hold up empty cereal box.) Joseph knew from his dreams that God planned to bless him with many treasures. What he didn’t realize was that God’s plan would have a lot of twists and turns. Just when Joseph thought he was coming into his riches, he became a slave. It seemed to him (turn the empty box over and shake it to show it is empty) that his life had become an empty container, filled with nothing at all. What happens sometimes is that we’re looking for our treasure at the wrong times or in the wrong places.

(Put the empty cereal box down, go to the cabinet and bring out the full one. Shake it.) When the time is right, God intends us to have the fullness of his blessings. Right now, let’s eat the treasure he sent us to-day. (Serve mix, then put on M&Ms)

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Snack #6: Burning Bush CookiesSTORY: MOSES AT THE BURNING BUSH


Ingredients:• Vanilla Wafers or plain sugar cookies• Vanilla icing• Orange food coloring (red and yellow mixed together)• Rainbow Sprinkles

Snack Instructions:Lay enough cookies out on a flat surface so that you have two for each child.Mix the food coloring into the vanilla icing so that it is orange.Spread in any “wild” fashion across the tops of the cookies so it looks like a fire flame.Dust lightly with rainbow sprinkles on top of icing

Service:Serving platter for cookies (do not stack, as icing will grow messy)Paper towels for serving.

Introduction:When Moses saw the flames on the burning bush, it took him a moment to realize that the fire was not destroying the bush! In the same way, the flames on our cookies are not burning them. They’ll taste just right as we eat and ask God to be part of our lives as well!

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Snack #7: Rice Krispies Commandment TabletsSTORY: MOSES AND THE TEN COMMANDMENTS


Ingredients:• 6 cups Rice Krispies• 3 Tbs. Butter or Margarine• 10 oz. bag of marshmallows• Squeezable container of chocolate syrup

Snack Instructions:In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Re-move from heat.

Add Rice Krispies cereal. Stir until well coated.

Using buttered spatula or wax paper, evenly press mixture into the shape of a tablet, with rectangular corners at the bottom and a dome shape at the top.

Add on mini chocolate chips or mini M&M pieces.

Using a chocolate syrup container with a spout, make an attempt to scribble ten lines across the tablet is if they were the Ten Commandments.

Service:Platter for the “scroll”Mixing bowl Big spoon for stirringBread Knife for cuttingPlates or paper towels for serving

Introduction:Moses brought the tablets with the Ten Commandments down from the mountain so that the Hebrew people could know about His nature, and what He considers right and wrong. Let’s go over them again while we enjoy our own edible “tablet.” Announce as you cut and serve, one at a time:

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1. Have no other gods. 2. Have no idols. 3. Honor God's name. 4. Honor the Sabbath day. 5. Honor your parents. 6. Do not murder. 7. Do not commit adultery. 8. Do not steal. 9. Do not perjure yourself. 10. Do not covet.

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Ingredients:• Graham Crackers• Ginger Bread House Icing (see recipe below)• Gum drops or M&M pieces

Snack Instructions:The Walls of Jericho can be made in two ways: One is for those who would like to make the walls stand up, and is one for the busy teachers who merely want to get the snack served to the children.

Ginger Bread House Icing is very sticky and it dries, serving as the glue that holds the house together, but it is also very yummy—and very easy:

Whip together using a mixer:5 cups of confectioner’s sugar2 egg whites

Whip until stiff peaks form.

Lay out a piece of wax paper, three feet long. Lay graham cracker squares one beside the other with only a slight space between them, maybe a quarter inch. Spread icing over the spaces evenly, using a plastic bag with a hole in it or a professional icing writer. Press in gum drops or M&Ms lightly. Allow to dry until hardened.

Repeat three times, so that you have the four walls of Jericho.

As in the story the walls came tumbling down, we will not attempt to attach the walls and stand them (for experts only). Just try to keep them in four pieces throughout the lesson.

Service:Paper platesNapkinsBroom to sweep up crumbs!

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Remaining M&Ms or gumdrops

Introduction:Joshua brought down the walls of Jericho, with a trumpet and a shout! (With clean hands, try to break off squares without losing icing or gumdrops. Give each child a few squares.) Now we can eat our “Walls of Jericho” and feel like we’re part of that story!

(If they don’t get equal gumdrops, add a few on their plate to make things even.)

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Snack #9: Sling Shot Chocolate BitesSTORY: DAVID & GOLIATH


Ingredients:• Chocolate Pound Cake• Vanilla Pound Cake• Red licorice strings• Sprinkle Topping

Snack Instructions:The bite size pieces of cake will serve as the rocks David used to slay Goliath. Cut both pound cakes up into bite size squares, 1-inch by 1-inch. Place two of each color into a cupcake holder, which will serve as the sling where David put each deadly stone.

The licorice is an imitation of like the leather lengths of King David’s slingshot with which he slew Go-liath. Using a knife, punch two holes on either side of the cupcake holder, near to the top. Run a piece of licorice string through one hole and tie a knot on the outside so that it won’t pull through. Run the other end through the other hole and again, tie it on the outside.

Sprinkle with whatever you have available: Confectioner’s sugar, M&M pieces, gum drops, raisins.

Service:Bread knife for cutting cake piecesPaper cupcake linersServing platterPaper towels or plates Bring in all slingshots on a serving platter and give one to each child.

Introduction:David had a sling shot, and now we do too! Only the rocks should taste pretty yummy and go down eas-ily!

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Snack # 10: Braids of StrengthSTORY: SAMSON & DELIA


Ingredients:• String licorice, three pieces for each child• Fruit Loops, a half-dozen for each child• Life savers, one for each child

Snack Instructions:With clean hands, take three strings of licorice and tie one end. Work four various colored fruit loops onto each of three strands, stopping at differing points. Careful not to break the fruit loops, braid the licorice pieces. Tie off the bottom by working all three pieces through a Lifesaver.

Service:Serving platterPlates

Bring all braids out on a serving platter and give one to each child, careful not to break the Fruit Loops.

Introduction:Delilah stole away Samson’s strength by cutting off his braid. We’re going to gather strength today by eating braids (even though there’s not much nutrional value in this one!)

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Snack #11: Fiery Furnace Pickles & Cheese CrackersSTORY: SHADRACH, MESHACH AND ABEDNEGO:


Ingredients: • Bread & Butter Pickles, cut round• Cheese Nips or Cheez-It Crackers• Store-bought Dip• Olives or Raisins or Nuts

Snack Instructions:On a clean serving platter, make three stick figures out of pickles. Use the dip on a knife to create eyes, mouths, and hair without too much smearing (just do your best; it’s supposed to look funny). You’ll want to use enough pickles so that every child can have a couple. If you need more, lay some around the sides.

Fill in around the three with cheese crackers. Put the dip container on the tray and, using olives or rai-sins, make a smile face on it to portray the angel. Older children generally like olives, whereas younger children will like raisins or nuts. (Do not use olives with pits!)

Dot the rest of the tray with the olives, raisins or nuts.

Service:Platter for the fiery furnaceKnife for creating faces on three menSmall serving fork for pickles and dipLarge serving spoon for pickles and crackersPlates for children

Introduction:(Put down fiery furnace tray and pass around plates). Here we have Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, and the angel whom the Lord sent to visit with him. We’re going to “ingest them” into our lives with this yummy snack!

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Snack #12: Snore CookiesSTORY: DANIEL AND THE LION’S DEN


Ingredients:• Vanilla Wafers or Sugar Cookies• Vanilla Icing• Food Coloring: Blue, Red and Yellow

Snack Instructions:The snack is prepared to be colorful, using three food dyes, but if you are in a hurry, any color will suf-fice (or none!)Separate the icing into three dishes. Mix into each a few drops of food coloring, so you have some red, some blue, some yellow.Using a professional icing writer or a plastic bag with a hole, create the letter “Z” on all of the cookies.

Place them on a serving tray (do not stack, as the icing will get messy)

Service:Platter for serving3 plastic bags for squeezing icing or professional icing writerBowls for separating icingFork for stirring in food coloring

Introduction:Daniel was in serious trouble when he went into the Lion’s Den…or so everyone thought. But God was good. He put the lions to sleep. Maybe God fed them “snore cookies” that made them “Zee-out” a lit-tle like the cookies we’re serving today!

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Snack #13: Wheel of Time Chocolate PieSTORY: EZEKIEL AND THE WHEEL


Ingredients:• Graham Cracker Pie Crust• Instant Chocolate Pudding• Cool Whip• Chocolate Chips• Rainbow Sprinkles

Snack Instructions:Note: If you would rather, you can buy a chocolate pie in the supermarket and simply add chocolate chips and sprinkles to it.

Whip up instant chocolate pudding mix and chill until it no longer moves in the dish.

Spread evenly over the graham cracker pie crust. Top with cool whip.

Create a “wheel” of chocolate chips by sprinkling them along the circumference of the pie.

Create an “inner wheel” with the sprinkles, an inch or two in from the outer wheel.

If you have more than 8 students, repeat to feed all. Chill until ready

Service:Bowl for making puddingSpoon for stirring and spreadingKnife or pie cutter Plates for serving

Introduction:Ezekiel 1 describes the wheel Ezekiel saw in some very mysterious terms. Some think Ezekiel actually saw four wheels. Some think he only saw one, but it had wheels within its wheel. Sort of like this pie! Someday we’ll get to the know the truth about what Ezekiel saw, but for now, we just need to trust God…and love chocolate!

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Snack #14: Plankton SaladSTORY: JONAH & THE WHALE


Ingredients:• Raisins• Sun Flower Seeds• Peanuts• Dried cranberries• Corn Pops Cereal

Snack Instructions:Add together1 cup raisins1 cup sun flower seeds1 cup dried cranberries2 cups peanuts4 cups of Corn Pops Cereal

Service:Serving bowlLarge serving spoonBowls, plates or paper towels for serving

Introduction:Jonah was quite an unusual meal for the giant fish. We’re assuming it was a whale, and as big as whales are, they generally eat microscopic sea life called “plankton.” Under a microscope, it would look very much like our snack today. However, we like to see what we eat!

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Popular New Testament Stories & Related Snacks, #15-#30

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Snack #15: Promises of Angels CakeSTORY: MARY SEES AN ANGEL


Ingredients: • Angel food cake• Strawberry or raspberry jam• Chocolate sauce

Snack Instructions:Spread the jam generously on top of the angel food cake, maybe a half-inch thick. Let it sink in for a couple minutes. Cut the cake into pieces and lay the pieces on their sides without spaces in between when possible. (Use a sharp knife to cut angel food cake, and saw it back and forth without putting pressure on it.)Just before serving, make squiggly lines across all pieces with the chocolate syrup.

Service:Serving platter for cake piecesKnife for cutting and spreading jamPlates and forks for children

Introduction:Today we learned how an angel came and visited Mary and told her about the birth of Jesus through her. So now, we’re eating angel food cake…which isn’t really food for angels. It’s just soft and fluffy like an-gels are! Enjoy!

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Snack #16: Fruit Roll-Up ScrollsSTORY: JESUS IN THE TEMPLE


Ingredients:• Fruit Roll-Ups, one for each child• Strawberry crème cheese• Strawberry or raspberry jam• Gumdrops

Snack Instructions:Unroll Fruit Roll-up. Spread with a thin layer of cream cheeseSpread on top a thin layer of strawberry or raspberry jamRoll up againHold together with one or two toothpicks, kind with the blunt endCover the sharp end by sticking a gumdrop onto it.Repeat for each Roll-up

Service:Platter for servingKnife for spreadingTooth picks (the kind with the blunt end)Paper towels for serving

Introduction:Jesus was in the temple when his parents found him. What did the people study in temples? Scrolls! So, here are some scrolls for us to enjoy…

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Snack #17: Desert Dessert STORY: JESUS IN THE DESERT


Ingredients: • Large bran muffins • Strawberry cream cheese, softened• Jar of cherries

Snack Instructions:Remove bran muffins from their packaging. Lie each on its side and cut four circle shaped bran pieces out of each. Put the circles on a serving tray.

Place a dollop of cream cheese on each, maybe a tablespoon full.

Put a cherry on top of the cream cheese. Leave at room temperature so that cream cheese will soften and kids can spread it.

Service:Serving platterKnife for cutting & spreadingPlatesA few plastic knives so students can spread their cream cheese

Introduction:When Jesus was tempted in the desert, he was hungry. Satan told him to turn the stones nearby into bread and eat. Jesus said, “Thou shalt not live by bread alone,” in reply, or the temptation may have yielded something that looks like what we have today.

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Snack #18: Wedding Grapes & CakeSTORY: JESUS AT THE WEDDING OF CANA


Ingredients:• Angel Food Cake• Raspberries• Cool Whip• Green Grapes• White grape fruit juice (or fruit juce) chilled

Snack Instructions:Cut the angel food cake into slices and lay flat on serving platter. Try to make slices flat instead of very angled (smaller slices).

Mash a half cup raspberries until they are a jelly-like substance. Add them to the cool whip, stirring un-til it turns light pink.Put 2 tablespoons of cool whip on each slice and spread smooth.Snip bunches of grapes off in small clusters of about six grapes each.Lay a cluster on top of each slice of cake.

Service:Platter for serving slicesFork for mashing and stirringPlatesNapkinsCups for juicePlastic forks

Introduction:Jesus changed water to wine at a wedding. We’re going to have our own celebration, serving wedding cake and our own version of wedding juice!

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Snack #19: Fishers-of-Men Banana BoatsSTORY: JESUS CALLS SIMON PETER & ANDREW


Ingredients:• Bananas (one for each child)• Large Marshmallows (four for each child)• Small chocolate chips• Chocolate syrup

Snack Instructions:Cut the knotty end of the banana peel off, then slit the peel on the inside of the curve. Loosen the peel but leave it on. Between the peel and the banana, spoon in some chocolate chips.Spear three marshmallows with three toothpicks, then attach them to the banana at the slit by spearing the banana. Lie the “boat with three men” on its side on a serving tray and repeat with each banana.

Serve onto plates. Add a bit of chocolate syrup to each plate for dipping.

Service:Knife or scissors for cutting off knotty tail of banana peelToothpicks (buy kind with one blunt end)Paper plates for serving

Introduction:We tend to think of the disciples as very holy and very special people. Truth: they were normal guys, just like us at first. When Jesus called them to be disciples, Peter and Andrew were out fishing in boats. So we’ve made Fishers-of-Men Boats to celebrate how they were called!

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Snack #20: Samarian Sun Chips & Messiah SalsaSTORY: JESUS AND THE SAMARIAN WOMAN AT THE WELL


Ingredients:• Bag of Sun Chips• Can of diced tomatoes • 2 Tbs. minced onion• 2 tsp. minced garlic• 2 Tbs. finely chopped Cilantro• 1 tsp. salt• 2 tsp. Lime Juice

This will feed approximately 6 students, so double as necessary

Snack Instructions:Place sunchips around on a serving tray. In the center place a dish for the Messiah Salsa.

Messiah Salsa is actually a recipe for “homemade kid salsa,” mild, without the jalapeño peppers! If you are pressed for time, you can buy fresh salsa in most supermarket’s fresh vegetable section.

Empty the tomatoes into the dish. Stir in garlic well. Stir in minced onion, salt and lime juice until all is even. Add cilantro last and save a few sprigs to sprinkle on the top for a fresh look. Add to dish.

Service:Serving platter for chipsDish for salsaBigger dish for stirring in ingredientsKnife for choppingPlates for serving

Introduction:When Jesus met the Samarian woman, (hold up on chip) she was surprised that Jesus would even speak to her. He told her that he would give her rivers of living water, (hold up bowl of salsa) implying it was perfectly all right for Jews and Samarians to mix up together. (Dip the chip in the salsa). Let’s pretend that Jesus is the Salsa, and we are the chips, so we can mix our lives together with His!

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Snack #21: Carrots-Are-Good-For-The-Eyes SaladSTORY: JESUS HEALS A BLIND MAN


Ingredients:• 1 lb. of grated carrots• 1 cup crushed pineapple• 1/2 cup raisins• 1 tablespoon honey• 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, or to taste• 1 dash lemon juice• Crackers, Ritz or Triscuits

Snack Instructions:Mix carrots, pineapple, raisins, honey, mayo and lemon juice in together and stir until smooth. Place in a serving bowl.

Line a serving platter with crackers and put the serving bowl in the middle.

Service:Serving platter and bowlMixing bowlLarge spoon for mixing and servingPlatesForks (as they may have trouble scooping onto crackers)

Introduction:When Jesus healed the blind man, we’re not sure why he used his own spit as part of the healing. We’re just glad it worked! Today we’re also glad the physicians don’t use spit when we visit them. But modern science does tell us…carrots are good for the eyes! So, let’s celebrate the blind man’s sight by taking good care of our eyes with carrot salad.

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Ingredients:• 2 pint containers of Green or Blue Jell-o• 1 container of Cool Whip• Rainbow Sprinkles

Snack Instructions:Empty jell-o into a mixing bowl and break with a fork until mushySlowly add in cool whip and stirPour into a serving dishSprinkle rainbow sprinkles on top in the shape of a rainbow

Service:Mixing bowl Serving bowlServing spoonForkPlates and plastic forks

Introduction:Jesus walked on the water when it was very stormy. At certain times in our lives, things get “stormy” and hard. But we can always be certain that He is there, walking along beside us, and that eventually the sun will come out again. That’s why we have the rainbow on top of our sea-foamy snack!

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Ingredients:• Pound cake• 1/2 cup butter, softened• 1 cup creamy peanut butter• 3 tablespoons milk, or as needed• 2 cups confectioners' sugar• 4 strawberries

This will serve approximately 8 children, so double as needed

Snack Instructions:Cut the pound cake into 8 slices and lie flat on a serving platter

In a mixing bowl, combine butter, peanut butter, milk, and confectioner’s sugar for a tasty peanut butter spread. Spread a thin layer on top of each slice. Top with half a strawberry.

Service:Serving platterMixing bowlKnife for cutting strawberries and spreading spreadPaper towels for serving

Introduction:Jesus said, “Let the children come until me, because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” Because Jesus also referred to himself as “The Bread of Life,” it would be a fine idea to serve our fancy “Bread of Life” to children!

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Snack #24: Rice Up and Walk PuddingSTORY: JESUS HEALS THE PARALYTIC


Ingredients:• Rice Pudding 32 oz.• Cinnamon Graham Crackers • Cool Whip• Cinnamon• Raspberries

Snack Instructions:Pour rice pudding into serving bowl and spread evenly. Sprinkle cinnamon fairly evenly over pie. Break graham crackers into smallest rectangles and stick them halfway into the pie along the edge of the serving bowl so that they are distributed evenly. Using the raspberries, make a stick figure of a man jumping, similar to this one:

Sprinkle chocolate chips around him. Chill until time to serve.

Service:Serving bowlServing SpoonBowls for servingPlastic Spoons

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Introduction:When Jesus healed the paralytic, He said, “Your sins are forgiven. Rise up and walk.” The healed man probably did a dance something like this little fellow…on our Rice-Up-And-Walk pudding.

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Snack #25: Carrot On a Stick Donkey SnacksSTORY: JESUS AND THE DONKEY ON PALM SUNDAY


Ingredients:• One for each student of:• Clean carrots with outer layer peeled• Stalk of celery, long• String licorice, red• Peanut butter

Garden Vegetable Dip can be purchased in a store, or if you have time, you can make this easy recipe, a favorite on allrecipies.com:

• 1 cup light sour cream• 1 cup mixed herbs, such as, parsley, chives and dill• 2/3 cup light mayonnaise• 2 tbsp. rice vinegar• 4 tbsp. milk• 1 tsp. salt• 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper• 24 oz reduced-fat cream cheese, room temperature• Assorted vegetables, such as, baby carrots, sliced bell peppers, cucumbers

Snack Instructions:For making dip:In blender, process sour cream, herbs, mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons water, vinegar, salt, and cayenne pep-per until smooth and pale green. Cut cream cheese into chunks. Add to blender, one at a time, processing until smooth. Transfer mix to serving bowl. Place serving bowl on the center of a clean serving platter.

For making Donkey snacks:Wash all carrots and celery sticks. With a sharp knife, draw a small hole near the top center of the celery stalk. Thread the licorice through and tie a small knot at the back. Take the other end of the licorice and tie it around the carrot, about an inch from the top of the fat end. Tie a secure knot. Take the end of the celery stick not tied with licorice and dip it in a good sized glob of peanut butter, maybe a tablespoon full.

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Dip all points of the carrots into the dip bowl so that they either stand by themselves or rest against the sides of the bowls. Stand the celery stalks against the outside of the dish evenly, all the way around. The peanut butter will help ground them.

After the introduction, let the children each take a Donkey Snack onto a plate. Add dip to each plate for further dipping if they wish.

Service:Clean serving platterClean serving dishBlender if you are making dip from the recipeServing spoonPlates for serving

Introduction:As Jesus is Lord of the universe, He could have rode into Jerusalem on a big, shining stallion. But Jesus is humble, and so he chose a donkey. His donkey was touched by God and behaved very well that day, but generally, donkeys can be very stubborn. Sometimes the only way to move one forward is to hold a carrot on a stick in front of him. Let’s remember to be humble and not stubborn as we eat our snacks…

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Ingredients:• Pepperidge Farm Fish • Rye Bread• Cream Cheese, softened• Cheddar sprinkle cheese

Snack Instructions:Spread cream cheese on slices of rye bread and cut the slices in half. Lay them on a serving platter. Place six or eight Pepperidge farm fish on top of each half slice. Sprinkle cheese on the top of all.

Service:Serving platterKnife for spreadingPlates

Introduction:Jesus ate to prove to his disciples that he was really and truly resurrected—in body. He was not a ghost. It was important that His disciples know this, because it proved that someday they would be resurrected, too, and Jesus had won over death! The thing he ate was fish, and to celebrate that, we’ve prepared a tasty, fishy snack for you also…

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Snack #27: Lightning & Clouds Cracker SnackSTORY: THE ASCENSION OF JESUS INTO HEAVEN


Ingredients:• Graham Crackers• Marshmallow Fluff• Cheese curls

Snack Instructions:Break graham crackers into perfect squaresSpread Marshmallow Fluff on each squareTop with Three cheese curls in the shape of a lightning bolt

Spread remaining cheese curls on a clean platterLay the graham cracker squares evenly on top.

Service:Serving platterKnife for spreading

Introduction:When Jesus left the earth last time, He went up into the clouds. He said that when he would return, it would be in the clouds again, with lightning flashing from east to west. Let’s celebrate his ascension and his return with our own fluffy clouds and flashes of lightning!

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Ingredients:• Bagel chips (whole not pieces)• Lipton onion soup pack• 8oz container of sour cream• Stick pretzels• Small Olives

Snack Instructions:Combine onion soup mix with sour cream and refrigerate 20 minutes until it hardens. Place liberal glop of dip on each bagel chip carefully so as not to break.Stand 5 pretzel sticks so they stand up in the dip on top of the bagel.Take a 6th pretzel stick and thread an olive through it. Then stand it with the other pretzels so the olive is near the base. Place each on a serving platter

Service:Platter for servingBowl and fork for mixing dipKnife for spreadingPaper Towels for serving

Introduction:After Pentecost, filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter has so much to share about Jesus. (Hold up a cracker with pretzels sticking out). He told the crowds about Him with a suddenly accurate memory of all Jesus had taught him. Jesus had said he was the Bread of Life, sort of like this cracker. He had said “You are the salt of the earth,” meaning people, so we’re sort of like these pretzels—very salty! The Holy Spirit had come upon Peter, which was making us stick to Jesus (point at dip, pretzels and bagel respectively). The Olive is for the place Jesus died…the Mount of Olives! Let’s eat and remember to let the Holy Spirit help us stick close to Jesus!

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Ingredients:• 2 graham cracker pie crusts• 1 can lemon pie filling• 8 oz. cream cheese softened• 2 tablespoons sugar• 1 container of Cool Whip (regular sized, not large)• Bag of Mini M&M pieces

This will serve approximately 16 children

Snack Instructions:Combine lemon pie filling, cream cheese, half of your Cool Whip, and sugar in a bowl and mix until even.

Spread evenly into the pie crust. Spread the remaining Cool Whip over the tops. Using the M&M pieces, form a sun on each pie—a circle with lines coming out of it. Try to form the sun circle with 8 lines, and that way, each child’s piece will have a line of M&Ms on the top.

Service:Mixing BowlFork or mixer for stirringKnife or pie cutter for servingPlates and plastic forks

Introduction:The sun was not the only thing that was bright when Phillip helped the Ethiopian in the desert to under-stand the gospel. The Holy Spirit was also lighting both their minds. In honor of that day, we have a bright sunny dessert for you—made of lemons and sunshine!

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Ingredients:• 1 loaf of cranberry bread• 1 loaf of banana bread

(note: other fruit breads will do if these are not available, but try to have one dark bread such as banana and one lighter such as cranberry)

• 1 can vanilla icing• Blue food coloring• Coconut

Snack Instructions:Cut both cakes into bite-sized pieces. Mix vanilla icing with blue food coloring until it turns sea-blue (Don’t mix too much; it’s okay to leave white streaks that will look like waves.)Put dollops of blue icing on all cake piecesStack on a serving tray so that the light cranberry pieces and the dark carrot pieces are mixed together.Sprinkle the whole arrangement with coconut

Service:Platter for servingBowl for mixing icingKnife for spreading and cuttingPlates for serving

Introduction:Paul told all on board the ship that they would be saved but their ship would be shipwrecked. In the end, it may have looked a lot like our “Shipwreck Stew” here on the platter. Let’s eat in memory of Paul’s desire to share all things that God told him!

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8 Snacks to Go with the Parables of Jesus, #31-#38

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Snack #31: Popcorn Ball Rock & HousePARABLE: HOUSE ON THE ROCK



• 14 Marshmallows• 14 candy kisses• Vanilla or chocolate icing, one readymade container• 2 cups sugar • 1 1/3 cups water • 1/2 cup corn syrup • 1 teaspoon vinegar • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 18 cups popped corn

Snack Instructions:

Make popcorn balls as following. This should take approximately 20 minutes. If you don’t have time, you can use store bought rice cakes instead of the popcorn balls:

Microwave enough popcorn to make 18 cups of popped corn, either 2 or 3 bags, depending on their size and how they pop.

In a medium saucepan, combine sugar, water, syrup, vinegar, and salt. Cook over high heat until mixture bubbles, then stir in vanilla.

Pour over popped corn, tossing gently until the mixture is even.

When mixture is cool enough to handle, press popcorn into 3-inch balls with lightly greased hands.

The popcorn balls make the “rock.” One marshmallow with a candy kiss for a roof will make the “house.” Drive a toothpick into the marshmallow and drive the sharp end into the popcorn ball until the

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marshmallow sits on top of it. Coat the top of a marshmallow with icing. Unwrap the candy kiss and put it atop the house, using the icing as a glue.

Cool completely on waxed paper. Put all on serving platter.


Stove and saucepan for heating popcorn ball mixtureSpoon for stirringToothpicks Serving platterPaper towels for serving.

Introduction:Jesus wanted us all to build our houses on the Rock. That means we should believe in Him for the good things in life instead of believing in the power of money or the power of important people. HE is our house on the rock, so let’s eat these in honor of Him!

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Snack #32: Fertile Ground & Sunflower SeedsPARABLE: PARABLE OF THE SOILS


Ingredients:• 4 cups granola cereal• 2/3 cup honey• 1 cup sunflower nuts

This recipe should yield 12 bars, so add or subtract accordingly

Snack Instructions:Spread a piece of wax paper, a couple of feet long, on a counter.Place granola in a bowl, gently shaking and breaking apart any large clumps with a fork. Heat honey in microwave for 30 seconds. Mix granola and warm honey in a large bowl.

Spray wax paper with cooking spray. Put the granola mixture on the wax paper, spreading with a spatula until it lies flat.

Sprinkle with a thin layer of sunflower nuts. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Cut into individual portions and refrigerate wax paper on a platter.

Service:Wax paperBowl for mixingFork for stirring and breakingSmall container for warming honeyMicrowaveSpatula for spreading and servingPaper plates for serving

Introduction:Jesus said the seeds that were sewn on the hallow ground would grow into strong plants. Just like we want to grow into strong Christians. Let’s eat and remember to grow strong in Christ.

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Snack # 33: Wheat & Tares Oatmeal CookiesPARABLE: PARABLE OF THE WEEDS


Ingredients:This snack calls for making easy homemade oatmeal cookies, but if you’re pressed for time, you can buy oatmeal cookie mix at the supermarket. Buy raisins also.

• 1 cup granulated sugar • 1 cup butter, softened • 1 cup flour • 1 tsp baking soda • 2 cups oatmeal• 1 ½ cups raisins

Snack Instructions:Combine ingredients in large bowl. Mix with electric mixer. Add about half the raisins and mix in.

Make small balls and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Using the other half of your raisins, make a line of five or six raisins. across the top of each cookie to represent the “tare.”

Flatten raisins into the mixture using the bottom of a glass if needed.

If you are doing this with a store-bought mix, make a line with the raisins across the top of each cookie.

• Bake at 350 10 - 12 minutes

Service:Bowl for mixingMixerCookie sheets for bakingPlatter for serving


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These cookies remind us of the wheat and the tares parable that Jesus told. The cookie is like the good wheat and the raisins are like the tares. If you try to pick out the tares, the whole cookie will crumble! Let’s just enjoy the cookies and let our digestive tracks do the job that God will do one day—separating the wheat from the tares.

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Ingredients:• 8 granola bars, any kind that is soft and chewy• Natella chocolate spread• Sesame seeds

(Note: Nutella is fairly new but growing ever more popular. It is a chocolaty nutty spread that works like jelly, such that you are making a peanut butter and chocolate sandwich as opposed to peanut butter and jelly. It is often found in the PB&J section of your supermarket, though sometimes in the baking aisle.)

Snack Instructions:

Cut granola bars in half so that they are bite-sized. Spread the tops with a thin layer of Nutella. Spread sesame seeds on top. Place on a serving platter

Service:Knife for cutting and spreadingServing platterPaper towels for serving

Introduction:Jesus described the mustard seed as “the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of gar-den plants and becomes a tree.” It might look as if the tiny “mustard” seeds on top of our snacks grew into the bars underneath! Let’s let God grow our faith in just the same way. We can start out with just a smidgeon of faith, but we want to grow, grow, and grow!

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Snack #35 Jewels for Jesus KabobsPARABLE: PARABLE OF THE TREASURE



• Small Marshmallows• Gumdrops, varying colors• Dried Cranberries

Snack Instructions:

On wooden hors d’oeuvre kabobs, string marshmallows, gumdrops and dried cranberries. Use a marshmallow between each, so that every other item on the kabob is a marshmallow. Make enough so that each child can have two.

Service:Kabob sticks (small, for hors d’oeuvres)

Introduction:Jesus described the Kingdom of Heaven like a great treasure. He said that when a man found a great pearl, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. The ended up with great “jewels” of wisdom and an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ. Let’s enjoy our “jewels” and pretend they are treasures sent from heaven especially for us!

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Snack #36: Fish N’ Nets Tuna MeltsPARABLE: PARABLE OF THE NETS



• Canned Tuna, 1 oz per child• Mayo• Celery• Onion• Salt • Pepper• Onion Powder, ½ teaspoon per oz.• English muffins, ½ per child • Sprinkle cheddar cheese

Snack Instructions:Toast English muffin halves, and while they’re toasting, make your tuna as follows:

Mix in tuna with mayo, salt, pepper and onion powder. Chop onion and celery into fine pieces. Mix with tuna.

Place 1 oz of tuna on each toasted muffin half, about 2 tablespoons. Sprinkle the top with cheddar cheese, so that it looks like “netting” over the “fish.”

Refrigerate and serve cold, or microwave 6 halves at a time for 35 seconds and serve as a melt.

Service:Toaster for muffinsBowl for mixing tunaKnife for chopping Serving spoonServing platter


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The fish in the nets parable is supposed to teach us not to judge, but to let God do the judging when the right time comes. For now, it’s okay for us to enjoy all the fish in the nets…in our case it’s yummy tuna in a “cheese net.” Let’s enjoy!

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Ingredients:• 3 Tbs. sugar• 1 Tbs. brown sugar • 1 tsp. olive oil • 4 Tbs. yellow or golden brown mustard • 3/4 cup mayonnaise • 1 tablespoon dill weed • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder • 1/2 tablespoon garlic powder

Pretzel nuggets (should be nugget shaped!)

The above ingredients make a yummy and sweet mustard dip for kids. If you are pressed for time, you can use plain mustard.

Snack Instructions:Mix all ingredients except pretzels together to make mustard dip for pretzels. Keep in mixing bowl.

Service:Paper plates for servingSmall plastic cups for dipMixing bowlServing and mixing spoon

Introduction:(Lay a plate down in front of each child and put the small cup at the center. Lay one in front of yourself also.) The parable of the harvest workers teaches us that no matter what we’ve done, God loves us all the same. At the end of the day, the harvest workers got the same amount of coins. (Put eight nuggets on your plate and count them out.) It is like we all get the same amount of love from God. (Pick up your own small cup and fill it with Mustard dip.) God’s love is like this happy, yellow pretzel dip. It stays in the middle of us no matter what. And when we dip into Him (dip your pretzel in), we become a whole lot better!

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Snack #38: Celery & Carrot Lamp StandsPARABLE: PARABLE OF THE TEN VIRGINS


Ingredients:• Celery sticks, one for each child• Veggie cream cheese (regular cream cheese will do if veggie cream cheese is not available in

your supermarket)• Carrots, rounded or French cuts

Snack Instructions:Wash and cut celery stalks into six-inch pieces for “lamps.” Spread center with cream cheese.

Take three or four of the round carrot slices and stick them into the cream cheese to represent lamp flames.

Note about carrots: The French cut carrots are shaped like Ruffles potato chips. If you are cutting your own, use a fat carrot, and cut thin slices on a diagonal rather than straight across. It will give them an oval or “flame” shape.

Lay “lamp” onto a serving platter and repeat.

Service:Platter for servingKnife for cutting and/or spreadingPaper towels for serving

Introduction:Here we have our own version of lamp stands. In ours, the “oil” is like the cream cheese, and we have plenty to keep our lamps growing brightly. Let’s pray that we always have enough “faith” or “oil” to meet every situation, so that we’re relying on Jesus fully.

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Snacks to Serve on 5 Special Holidays: #39 - #44

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Snack #39: Halloween Jacolantern Cheese BallAs kids certainly have enough candy on Halloween, here is a cheese ball in the shape of a jacolantern that can be served with the healthy crackers of your choice, as found on the kelloggs.com recipe site:

Ingredients• 1 container (16 oz.) cold pack Cheddar cheese spread • Celery • Pitted black olives • Red bell pepper • Keebler Club Original crackers and/or• Keebler Townhouse crackers

Preparation:Shape cheese spread into ball. Place on serving plate. Insert piece of celery in top for pumpkin stem. Po-sition 2 olive slices for eyes. Cut small pieces of red pepper and place inside olive slices for eye pupils.

Cut triangle from red pepper and place on cheese for nose. Lengthwise slice olives and place on cheese for mouth.

Serve on a round platter, surrounded with crackers.

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Snack #40: Thanksgiving Apple Turkeys

Here is one the kids can help make. As featured on www.kidactivities.net/, apples are used for the body of the turkey, and his tail feathers, face and legs are made out of gumdrops.

Ingredients:• Apples, one for each child• Large marshmallows, one for each child• Gumdrops• candy corn • colored toothpicks

Preparation: The apple is the body of the turkey. Wash it well, then stand it so the stem is facing upward (the natural position). Remove the stem.

Place the large marshmallow on top, and attach it with a toothpick. This will be the turkey’s face.

Add colored mini-marshmallows or gum drops to 5 or 6 toothpicks. Turn the apple so the face is facing you instead of the ceiling. Stick the tail feathers in the other end of the apple, like a fan. Tiny raisin pieces make the eyes and a candy corn for the beak.

Use 3 yellow toothpicks for legs (in a triangular position so your turkey can stand up). Skewer with gumdrops to make the feet in two of them.

To see a picture, visit http://www.kidactivities.net/post/Thanksgiving-Snacks-and-Goodies.aspx

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Snack #41: Easter Basket Cupcakes A favorite Easter recipe of iVillage.com is its Easter Basket cupcake—very colorful! And if you wish to make it part of your Sunday Celebration, you can let the kids decorate their own.

Ingredients:• Sweetened flake coconut • Green food coloring• Vanilla frosting• Chocolate Frosting, warm and soft• String Licorice• Your favorite cupcake mix and ingredients it requires.

Preparation:Make cupcakes according to instructions on the mix box.In a small plastic bag, place 3 tablespoons of coconut and several drops of green food coloring. Shake together until it is well mixed. Use a small bowl to mix in vanilla frosting with just enough green food coloring to make it bright, Easter green. When the cupcakes have cooled, top with green icing and a bed of green coconut. Then peel away the cupcake paper. Frost all except the bottom with chocolate icing. Using a fork, make crossed lines in the chocolate icing so that it looks like a basket.

Lay on the serving platter. On the top, put a few jelly beans carefully, so that the green icing shows all around. To make the “basket” handle, braid together three pieces of string licorice. Cut the ends so that they are spiked. Push the ends into the cupcake. If this is too much trouble, use one piece of regular licorice. Just make sure you have bent it sufficiently that the ends will stay in the holes punctured on the sides of the cupcake.

See a picture at http://www.ivillage.com/easter-basket-cupcake/3-r-125376.

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Snack #42: Valentine’s Day Chocolate & Strawberry TreatIngredients

• 24 large strawberries ( or 3 per child)• 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate morsels • 1 tablespoon vegetable shortening • 1 1/2 cups crushed nuts, such as cashews and pistachios• Lollipop sticks, one for each strawberry

PreparationWash and dry strawberries.

Combine chocolate morsels with the shortening. Microwave on high for thirty seconds. Stir and repeat twice.

Place nuts in a shallow dish. Push skewers into strawberries through stem end. Dip in chocolate so that half is covered and half stays red. Allow excess chocolate to drip off. Roll in nuts. Place on wax paper. Refrigerate for 20 minutes so chocolate can firm up.

Cover with plastic wrap and hold in place with a pretty Valentine’s Day ribbon.

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Snack #43: Christmas Chocolate & Peppermint Dipped Oreos

This is easy, and a kid favorite involving their two favorite things: Oreos and dipped chocolate!

Ingredients: • Enough Oreos so that each child can have two• 3 cups of Semi Sweet chocolate morsels• 3 tablespoon of vegetable shortening• ½ cup Peppermint Candies or Candy Cannes, crushed


Place wax paper out on the counter.

Place chocolate morsels and shortening in a microwave safe dish. Microwave on high for thirty sec-onds. Stir and repeat until chocolate is hot and smooth.

Pour 1/3 of the chocolate into another dish to dip the cookies. This will prevent crumbs from getting in the entire mixture.

Place a sandwich cookie in the bowl of chocolate then flip it using a fork to completely submerge the cookie. Remove it, shaking off the excess, then place it on the wax paper.

Apply a light dusting of the peppermint candy on the top.

Repeat for all cookies, replenishing and reheating chocolate as needed.

Refrigerate cookies or allow to dry 20 minutes.

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Snack #44: Thanksgiving Apple CiderMaterials• Apple Cider, enough for every student to have a cup• Cinnamon Sticks, several• 1 can mandarin orange sections in syrup• Wooden spoon• Tall pitcher• Can opener• Strainer (if serving to very young children)• Styrofoam cups, one for each student • Canned whip cream• Cherries


Open the can of mandarin sections. Put all materials on the table in front of the children.

Teacher’s Words:

Most of the things we thank the Lord for on Thanksgiving are things we can taste, touch, smell,

hear or see. What about the things we can’t see? Like the Father Himself, his son Jesus, and the

Holy Spirit?

Our faith says that there is only ONE God. Our heavenly father is God. Jesus is God. The Holy

Spirit is God. And yet the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are three distinct beings. One God:

three distinct beings. How can we be thankful for what we don’t even understand? Let’s try to

understand it.

The Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—are sort of like this cider, these cinnamon sticks, and

these mandarin orange sections. Very different, aren’t they?

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God the Father like this cider. Pour it into the pitcher.

He fills the whole universe and is the basis for all things.

Jesus is like these cinnamon sticks. He had a physical body when he was here on earth. Stir the ci-

der using one of the sticks. He made the gospel understandable to mankind. He died for our sins,

break a stick in two and drop both parts and the other cinnamons sticks in the cider pitcher. Then He

went back up to be with God the Father.

When Jesus went up to heaven, he sent the Holy Spirit, who is a lot like these delicious mandarin

sections. He “sweetened life” for us. He fills us and helps us know what to do every day. Pour the

mandarin sections and juice into the pitcher. Stir with the wooden spoon.

Three distinct beings. ONE GOD. This delicious and spicy cider is certainly ONE RECIPE, isn’t

it? It’s got the base, the spice and the sweetener, and it will tasty yummy. But we certainly can’t

separate out the tastes of cinnamon and mandarin from the cider now, can we?

Have the assistant begin to pour into glasses. For very young children, use the strainer, as they might

not like “things” floating in their beverage.

This whip cream is like us—we stand on the Father, son and Holy Spirit and rely on them to keep

us afloat in life.

Add a squirt of whip cream on top of each glass.

The cherry…what is that? That’s like our thanks! God the Father sent us Jesus, and Jesus sent

the Holy Spirit so that we can rest safely in our lives on the love of the Trinity! Let’s decorate our-

selves with thanks!

Add a cherry to each.

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Let’s drink up and thank God for the things we can’t see…like the Holy Trinity…now that we un-

derstand it a little better!


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Five Fun & Easy BeveragesHere are five easy beverages that go with most lessons. While tasty and easy, they are sure to add to the theme found in your morning’s teaching. They are flexible enough that with a little imagination, you can alter them slightly to meet your specific lesson needs. Most are very recognizable; but you’re giving them that twist of new meaning by applying them directly to your story. Kids’ imaginations will love applying drinks they already love to stories that are meaningful.

As colors and substances are symbolic and add to the story, try to serve in a clear glass or plastic pitcher. When possible, freeze fruit before using. It will add to the freshness and chill.

Beverage 1 Midnight Juice: If you are teaching a story that takes place at night or involves nights, such as Jacob’s Ladder or Noah’s 40 nights, Midnight juice can be used with just the briefest of explanations from you on what it is. It can also be used in stories where people have to wait long times to get God’s blessings. The lesson is that sometimes we have to wait for God’s timing. It seems like it will always be “midnight” while we’re waiting for the “sun.” However, if we’re patient and live with what God has already provided, we’ll be sure to see the sun in good time.

Ingredients: Blue Gatorade4 drops of blue food coloring Sections of 1 or 2 tangerines or oranges

Preparation:Add 4 drops of blue food coloring to Gatorade to make it just a little bit darker. Peel the oranges or tangerines and break into sections, removing the skin lines. Drop into the juice to form “moons.” Chill and serve in cups.

Beverage #2 Desert Juice:

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Many Bible stories take place in the hot desert, and since most kids like sweetened ice tea, this one is a hit. The desert is brown, like ice tea, and the strawberries and oranges symbolize the powerful sun that beats down in red and orange rays.

Ingredients:Store bought iced tea8 strawberries2 tangerines or 1 orangeSprig of mint (if possible)

Preparation:Mix ice teaWash strawberries and cut them in halfDrop them into the ice teaFill with ice cubes shortly before serving and put the sprig of mint at the top.

Beverage #3 Land of Plenty Juice: If you’re telling a Bible story with a very happy ending or one about the future promises of God, Land of Plenty Juice would be perfect. As it is very colorful, it is intriguing to children, who love to pick out the different pieces of fruit from their cups and eat them.

Ingredients: 7 Up12 raspberries12 blueberries or black berries2 kiwis2 tangerines or 1 orange

Preparation:Skin the kiwis and cut each into six slices. Skin the tangerines and discard the strings that stick to sections. If you are using an orange, after skinning, cut the meat in half and then break apart into sections so they aren’t too long. Wash berries.

Place all fruit in the bottom of a clear glass serving pitcher. Fill with ice and 7 up just before serving. Some fruit will rise to the top, and others will stay on the bottom, so give it a good stir before serving.

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Beverage #4 Passion Juice: Any story about how much God or Jesus loves us would be great accompanied by Passion Juice with a snack.

Ingredients: Pink lemonade, frozen 16 raspberries 8 strawberries

Preparation:Mix lemonade according to instructionsCut the stems off the strawberries, but leave them whole so they are shaped like hearts. Add raspberries and ice cubes.

Beverage #5 SonShine Juice: This is only challenging in that it requires a blender. But some kids claim to always want to drink or-ange juice like this after tasting it. SonShine Juice is great for any story about the promises of Jesus or any story about God watching over us.

Ingredients: Frozen Orange JuiceIce CubesWaterVanilla ice cream (if available)

Preparation:Put the frozen orange juice and ¾ of the suggested amount of water into the blender. If you have vanilla ice cream, it will keep the orange juice from separating easily after you blend it. If so, add 1 cup. Fill up with ice cubes. Blend until the mixture turns smooth and light orange. Serve quickly.

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