W. Mei Fang Senior Instructional Designer and Instructor, CFD Resources: Rubric Design Fundamentals...

W. Mei Fang Senior Instructional Designer and Instructor, CFD Resources: www.sjsu.edu.cfd/resources/ assessment Rubric Design Fundamentals 1

Transcript of W. Mei Fang Senior Instructional Designer and Instructor, CFD Resources: Rubric Design Fundamentals...

Page 1: W. Mei Fang Senior Instructional Designer and Instructor, CFD Resources:  Rubric Design Fundamentals 1.


W. Mei FangSenior Instructional Designer and Instructor, CFD

Resources: www.sjsu.edu.cfd/resources/assessment

Rubric Design Fundamentals

Page 2: W. Mei Fang Senior Instructional Designer and Instructor, CFD Resources:  Rubric Design Fundamentals 1.


“A Rubric is an assessment tool that communicates to students your expectations on how well they are or could be accomplishing their learning outcomes.”

“It’s a matrix using rating scales and criteria of learning outcomes.”

“ A tool to help grade consistently.”

“It’s a list of observable and measurable learning outcomes in different stages.”

What’s a Rubric?

Page 3: W. Mei Fang Senior Instructional Designer and Instructor, CFD Resources:  Rubric Design Fundamentals 1.

3Photo credit: Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

Assessing If and How Well We Learned

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Excellent Good Need more work

Method of tying the shoelaces securely

Done correctly with double knots on both shoes

Double knots but loose knots on both shoes

Loose single knots or no knots were tied on one or both shoes

Ability to run with shoelaces tied

Time limit = one minute or more

Time limit = less than one minute more than 30 seconds

Time limit = less than 30 seconds

Ability to explain the reasons for tying shoelaces securely.

Describe a consequence of running with loose shoelaces i.e. “I will fall and hurt myself.”

Give key words to indicate the consequence, i.e. “ouch”, “trip”, “fall”, etc.

“I dunno!”

Total of =_________

Example of Rubric Componentsfor Tying Shoelaces

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Excellent Good Need more work

Method of tying the shoelaces securely

Done correctly with double knots on both shoes

Double knots but loose knots on both shoes

Loose single knots or no knots were tied on one or both shoes

Ability to run with shoelaces tied

Time limit = one minute or more

Time limit = less than one minute more than 30 seconds

Time limit = less than 30 seconds

Ability to explain the reasons for tying shoelaces securely.

Describe a consequence of running with loose shoelaces i.e. “I will fall and hurt myself.”

Give key words to indicate the consequence, i.e. “ouch”, “trip”, “fall”, etc.

“I dunno!”

Total of =_________

Example of Rubric Componentsfor Tying Shoelaces

Assessed Areas or Learning Outcomes

Rating Scale or Learning Benchmarks

Descriptor that is observable

and measurable


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Rubric Types and Characteristics

Holistic rubrics will provide the big picture of your assessment criteria and general descriptors of your expectations for the assignment. Examples

Analytic rubrics will break down the big picture into components of specific expectation, quantifiable descriptors with rewards such as points, grade, etc.

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Evaluation of Samples of Rubrics from Higher Ed

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10On business Planhttp://course1.winona.edu/shatfield/air/Business%20Plan%20%20%20Walton%20College.doc


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ExamplesAnalytical Rubric for logs and journal writing

Area of Product

Criteria Rating

daily entries

regular daily entriesentries 90% of the timeentries 80% of the timeentries less than 80% of the time


use of scientific language

consistent, accurate usage of termsadequate usage of scientific termsoccasional use with few errorsno terms or frequent errors in usage


application to the real world

able to apply learningusually finds practical applicationoccasionally relates to real life skillsno practical application


concept understanding

shows understanding of key conceptsusually demonstrates understandinginadequately demonstrates understandingpoor understanding of concepts


clarity of thought

well organizedadequate organizationlimited organizationpoor organization


Holistic Rubric for Essay Questions

Response Criteria Rating


Clarity of thought, Complete. Shows understanding of all processes, reasonable hypothesis or thoughtful questions, conclusions supportable by data, shows creativity, some graphic representation of data or concepts.



Clarity of thought, shows understanding of major processes, includes good hypothesis or questions, draws acceptable inferences and conclusions, may have graphic representations.


Minor Flaws

Completes the assignment, but explanations may be slightly ambiguous or unclear, may contain some incompleteness, inappropriateness, or unclearness in representation, hypothesis, understanding of processes, or conclusions.


Nearly Satisfactory

Begins successfully, but omits significant parts or fails to complete, may misuse scientific terms, representations may be incorrect or omitted, incorrect or incomplete in analysis, inferences and conclusions.


Fails to complete

Assignment and explanation is unclear, or major flaws in concept mastery, incorrect use of scientific terms, inappropriate or omitted hypothesis.


Unable to begin effectively

Product does not reflect the assignment, does not distinguish what information is needed, restates the question without making an attempt at a solution.


No attempt Does not begin assignment. 0

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Align the rubric criteria and weighting with your learning outcomes in your syllabus.

Decide on the purpose(s) for your rubric before selecting a construction format

Repurpose or customize from existing rubric examples Construct your descriptors to be observable,

measurable, single-minded, and worded for students to understand

Involve students to create a rubric or to test a rubric Be flexible with your rubric so that you can revise the

expectations according to the actual levels of your students’ performance

Tips for Creating a Rubric

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Steps to create a rubrichttp://www.ucdenver.edu/faculty_staff/faculty/center-for-faculty-development/Documents/Tutorials/Rubrics/index.htm

Basic examples of rubric typeshttp://www2.gsu.edu/~mstnrhx/457/rubric.htm

Resource for examples of rubrics [.pdf]http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cts=1331077542135&ved=0CFIQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.csub.edu%2FTLC%2Foptions%2Fresources%2Fhandouts%2FRubric_Packet_Jan06.pdf&ei=259WT7vTJabkiALUxumHCA&usg=AFQjCNHipUTAhgrDdWmuu_YZVsig3tYngw

VALUE examples from AACUhttp://www.aacu.org/value/rubrics/index.cfm?CFID=39770849&CFTOKEN=62721187

Rubric Examples from Fresnohttp://www.csufresno.edu/irap/assessment/rubric.shtml

Rubric example for creating a business plan [.doc]http://course1.winona.edu/shatfield/air/Business%20Plan%20%20%20Walton%20College.doc

Rubric example for writing http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/s/a/sam50/rubric.htm

More examples and related resources from the CFD websitehttp://www.sjsu.edu/cfd/teaching-learning/assessment/

6 Facets of Understanding Rubrichttp://faculty.fullerton.edu/npelaez/BIOL102/UBDrubric.htm
