=T W H . vdCkf No.ssi V "ffiiiir yiforid W w ’ Sufierere Menior- ^ ito President'Harding In tlie Ifiterats of B etter Treat- went : ■ , SET. FORTH CONDITIONS .WHICH CAPOT CONTINUE Oonirafit Byjtem in TI«e by tho State AutUations Eogenders Sittiation A m o u n t i n g to K ^ ' Dowariylit Onietty, I'W^snmflTON, R - c , lag that ‘he moro th u MOO mohtftlly -.dliabled former torrlefl nen dbw pUe* .<cd:Jn''itiito IniUtuUcFtn. w»r«'vietliai| ,sr ■neb negleet, lodltftrcnco «n<l pro«(«ring'’ st « ....... . "W «k reproiifh oo tlie honor of tha ration,” tbp dJMbled. Amerleaa vet«r* ana of th<< world war, i& '» memoriAl preientod io^ay to Pm ldant‘naidipg urged fmmedi«t« action, by. ttiii gorani- ^ mont )ool(lo{f to tbo tnatment of all tveh eofiti Js fedeni] iflitltuttoni. Ncgleet Of theio raiei to itatc inititu* tiqiu, tbo mfoiorlaV laid, <i comuiittlnc to pcrmaernt Inionlty nnn^r nf tbo vfc- lima who hy timely trfatmcot probably eoald be eared. Describing the eondition of "eon- tract” rasei of thli <tau In tho iait<> tuttnni bf tbo state of.Ohio as typical ,of .tb'oM In '*proctleall,T ovory Btate," thO'memorial awerfed'the trovemment hod "fa'^med out the inisue ez'serviep acB of Qhb to state isv}uns whieb are DotoriQUBl/ nvfrerowdod, under-mooned an<l Ina'rle’fiiifttely equipped to treat and carp for them," wmie it baa not pro* Tided ono fcdenU Inilltutlon for thli parpose f i'tfte ' j ' "■ Menfli*«p.oa',noor. '■ f Iho LonjrvJoir as/loa of JlamlHoa eonoty, Ohio, tho neaerial'tild, “ ii ntl 'ver.v erowded lt|il 240 Idmatbi'slcen thB>{(utlttttlon « f o f Whom, 7 'iii^liii^^eg ^ ftof oae, - treatyr thiv.-mbntil ''dl»eaM< 'and' ouds being, dally■'.aiiomod: to>p«Ttaancnt ijuanity.'^ Noiie pf' tbe/lutUuttoBa, It TO* furthor biWTted, Mg^gato their An,a»eri^o'Mofl^a?-#SO(J :00 e«6 I . pa^eni out pf,1m*$517^0 tireual Tntln* * tcnahea; fw 'pAia: 1 ^ .’ t2i« ,«*7i9rtinwik ' WBi' ib o ^ 'ln 'tignrerfor -tbb BlDo la* iiUtntlona "of '.eitfld' la the 'mejnortaJ.v'.-' ’ . . ' ., / ' ■WJIl K rt(tenunlt P««>4a. r In bandteds of -mt UHiitcd, X rolatlrei arfl rtifDilng^tQ-.'e6mnU noD- taJlj' ditable'd Yetoftnii,' who’ might be Teitorod'to ttnfnl eltizaubl& .to cod- ' dlttou Id tbo ‘'eontraet aiyluni, moit of wbiefi.-tba'taomorijd uld, an "aoth- ' log" mort than loekopa.” ' ** ' O sg m * was DTged'.to.'talcc aclinn early to remedy the sltuaUoo. F iiiE iiliiliiiK : i E M i * J .TiatfWord Of Japanese Accept. \ . aaoe of SiAamameot Trea- . . : ty is 8tm Delayed WASHINQTOKi'n, C., ,f/p) — Sll'l 'ftwritlnz tho .receipt, by jho Japanert jjj delORntlin of InBtnutloni from Tokln which'aro .cxpcct«d-to..pcnaU...rptnp!c; ,_ ' tftin of ffic navnj IlniUatJOR treaty, tho nrm* conference today prepared to < tom again to the ituily of W r Eaitorn ,,,, -ond'rtielfle nuestiona. ; , The deiogationi j)f the nine powori partietp&tinR' in .<^e <liicujR^oi« bf . , thoib queitiona wero called to meet at _.y ^i30 D'ehck in the first sesiion to bo held'by thnt portion of the eonfercaee « ilnco January 6. Prior td tho mceUag, _,J the headi of tho delfgaltoai of the five " ' naval powari held anothaiBDtiion and i» »h(t Ampr/can.delogaUea.tafft. ' > nJ Iho meeting of the Far Ebstom 7 .•ommlttoo waa called, aecordlng to tbe S underatandlng a t ths Chl&eie ilelcga* ^ * tion bca^qnarton for the. porpoi^ of . pauiag .in tAo flaal draft of (ho Chin- fic tariff agreement. leader tho tariff agreetnent which •wns put 5n.final form oa Frlda.r at a C/. mcetlng.pf tho Root roinmiltee on draft ‘ ' the Chinese wotiij bo permitted to levy a ruitoma duty of B per eeat effective m p)Mo of ao actual .1 J^S per eeot 111 -K whlcH is now ro^elveiU-ln''addition. the Jiownrj have agreed.Jo [lontiit,,'a oal iurtax of 2 1;2, por font on aeeeiirtlei; and a 5 pej eebt lartax on loraMes. . AOCDSED MAX BSXS&SEX). DECbRAlI, Ja., M>) — JehB JfcCabc, stat. ' indli^ted with V n. Rou Ailitnagb on real r tHi’ ',chnTS3>.ef bavlhg. wurdered her effr hnsbnnd, an Iowa.,, race, horse owner, apm who disil of poisoning, h u boea releaa* bria I'd /m n JiO. itn,.A^bt:tglr.reee:ii}r font . wa* acqalttod.,' , 'T h e ^ ------------- nia. BBOSEOA0B HBU IK m im i^ bold NTAV YO'BK, {/P)'— An inwluntary vn*!' pptitlon imbahknipUf wa* filed la tho ‘f'*'" federal court'today agaln*t E. D. Dier . Afld'comnflf, stock brokers. Jadgo .Inl«n Ifeek appointed Mo.ifred W. B. lairUk roedw . jn : t BE ONIjY AS N PA fm Arrests Made Following Finding of Bodies of Two Sfaoovor; of'OoBd Mon Belifiv- odEeotatotitiempte^Llg. ■ I ,, or B.ald on Ship' ? Ill 'BtLO.XI, M lusiil i OlKOVtr, of tho.hodlM o'f ,twb'raen,,app»r- catlr foreign sallora, on.-the beach... i/iri. here; h u le itn ten arreulB by iBB ' .iMiI nellw^Vho aMfrt tbe men I in •'illo'l » ■ fightf which fol- '. . lowed an attempt ia*t week.-to lat- Jiold lip nnd raid a llquor »muggllflK Bcboober at anchor nrar.the eout. ' *nio poIieiJ Uworv, win dlioloM' what is aald lo bo -th? first Inatanre of. attemjited plracyin e'oancctlon with rum running on th« lUE Atlantic. - . About tho widdie of tl.o past week, AV. nceording to the police, a Cuban fUh- Jng saflfV, rum Jadw, dropped nnebor, ers I" the vlnnity of Dog K«<y*, and tbe, eaptain made tgjeemeat J otn part/ or to. pixollans to rome to tbe sjnack in gas- ollao laitnrhei to carry tho liquor to tiio fflaiofand. K^ckaof Botli Bnk«a .' ,rt. On Friilay. night, tho police ai»rt, an* tb# party mada tha.trip to tho Cuban ,\at. lioat. but Itistead of payiuR tor ' tho (ns liquor, tiny overcsune tfg crcw of the meo fishing imaek and. broo^t abont 100 « fB»e» ot liquor here; tha Most of the liquor has |.cen soUed. t*r. tho pollcj declare., Tbe fofclgn. 1>oat tlM AlHipwM^d after ihe fiuht. The lag llco boHere that .the two bodies wash- ini. c'l nWorc were meoiljcra ot her crew. iW An awtopsy showid the of eMh ini. mnn had been broken, '."I! Land Forces are to Mr be Heavily Reduced . in Next Five Years ! 'tl- ' ^ (Bl Japanese Hewspaper Annonoes - I’’ ’ Policy, Without Beference i icp .to Oonlerenoe' ' ire - ~ I ed TOKIO, v n —Tho JapanMe war nd offleo, regardfeM of the outcome of ro- tho Washington. confercnco, plan* ill redaction ef tbo' Itllkado’fl' land 'torea hf W.OTO men wltbJa flvo I -- yoam;'-ftceerdlng. 'to the Toklo' I ea Nlebl NicbL To make up for tho il conseqsent lou ia soff««tlvencu, ' CO advanced typc»;of,.iawhine rifles, . lit engines and £a|i.'Rin,.lMiPttached ■fl, ' mnde dralothln^aSnnnltlo?; /o^ ■•> >2 ago, :<}DiIdiog aad other U n d .^ ; v .r. it . jatntat'p«perty tetnM tth«^iS'to : i. '. penwDBoi. ' It Preliminary invostigatiou in; tbo h'l ». mduttloa plan aro nlrtafty nniw D Ir way. __________________• Di j; Death is Believed Jj; ' Due to Fallitig in FireWhUeAstien”’ --------- mi , Diacoveryof Charred Body of ' Omaha Uan Gives Blse to e , Q oeer Theory »o !• .■ , rel U3AVB1TW0ETH,. Knn., Ifft- . ll' the ehnrred Body toiind ^tiday ia" (ic ft ravins near the National Soldlera »«' homo here, hsa t>con lilcntified as . thnt of W’nltcr Urson, Port Cal- I Fl houn, Tioli,. and rolativc* have been nntUfcl IdcnUflcntlfin wiis ae- 1 '• • compIHhcd by a lia'nk pa*s book I” No. «MTS imiod I>y, the Stnto bank | -iof Omatia^ Nob, OllklaUbrilfvr Larson RlniDed • , n fire to warm, himnclf nml thrn fell Rikteeii (inil toIU'I Inth thv 1 . _ 1 ARBUCKLE CASE iURY ' 1 ; NOT YET COMPLETED ; niABH of QiTlnl5tifab of Dtfeau OonnMl OoapAis^oBit to Take n„i .... 8AN JTlANOlBCoTcal.. (JP t ~ Th^ iary box Ja fh<? trrnml munMonght/'r trial of'Bomoo C. (Pntty> ArlmcWi', was temporarir^. filled ngsln today but the exp)ulng of Mrs. Mary Murphy, oae ’6f the two jiroapodlve women Jur- •— or*, left n vacancy oace ntarc. x> The dcfeiiM.asked If sho had'told nelghbo** tbat "therf* nu/jht to be ftomo w.iman oa tho jary who \tUl han^ ^ It again itke Mrs. nubbard did in tho y'„; n™t ithi." Mrt. Murphy dctvlcw UftvIoR“ mftde , aey taeh rfmarU . Sho waj< rwujc'), , . howcTer. Another woman pnMird tempot* . _ arlly, filling the box for the sccond „ ' [time todav with two women and ten i * A t’tlsl* polot Ulni'M of Oas'in XfcNab, chief counsel for Arbuekle, Icanned tho court to declaro n reteu. TREATY RiGHTs'>HELD J ----- ^ . Of t Oallfoml* 8Utnt« D«clai*4 Innlid by forn DKUIoa«f SBpnot'OOQlt ' the . ______ TinM W'ABIfrWOTOy, D. C.'W>I-A treaty seat with a lofcign nation lypersedei a demi stalls statute relatlDg to tle.htldisg of Mai-i real Mtato, Iho supreme courModay lO tomi fttcfl held in refiisini to i-onilder any in ci apofal H. 8. Herrltk, soujfht to bring, from tho aupreme rourt of Cfll- 000 forBU-agaJfisl*A..nasJctta.' aa ItaJiaoX^^y The lUto eourt held that thp Calllbf- ^t«i nift-law, r»obIbltlng an-Italian from gm , holding ].ro]«rtr -in the stale v u la’ vftlSil lueniiiip In eoTif«ct wltb the tlont Irenty of jSri fk-ilh riBlf. ' . Head r j IqJ, ■B>jiSt>ymArBsa. ; Tonijht and Tuciday probably ' pcrti joow, warmer. anj' ASSOCIAfED PRESS N VLLS . TWm PAlLa, n)AH u M I U I i H I I BB *• Gatliering Called by Hoover I the Instance O f ; Presldet ' Harding'R^Umeii its Sei ^lons _ ^ , ;!£ WABniNOTON, ‘ (fft-'oojt.m e. th* between railroad cxeentlves iU)d leidei of railroad employes* naloas whie have beoa inaugnrated ooder thi) d reelion of SrcreUry Hooter wllh . ^i< ,wto oHmlnaelflg dtugrMmeaU as controverites, were resumed todav wU ^ ®‘ txetttUvrt reprtuntlng the prinrjj» K"; roads of ihe country hi atteadanc along with heads of tbe four brothei ' hood*., •. ' Tlie' mofllng to4ny was the soconi *” » bell) nn/].‘r tbo dlrertioa o f Mr. lloe vei-, who 1* Acting at Ihfr suggestion o rm lilcnt Harding. The llrst meetlni inn >'l’'*Qt a week ago, at the hon< of, thn ciimmorce aeeretnry. . Wages 6H<J ralJroAf) ra f^ woro undor stood to hnvr boon ghne Into to tonn extent at tho inaugural meotln'g nad 1 ntu ttiuupht that todar's dUuisslon: rnnBcd lo n eonilderabte extent aronnt S I"" I” !”'". j Promlaeat Uea oa Both BidM I Among Ihe ra!(rouI mon, partJcipat' ing la Ihe (lathering today were Carl Ora.r, president of the Union Pacific, W. W. .\tlorburr, vlco-preildetit of the IVnnnylvnnla, A. H. Smith, president rs the New York rentral. and B. V. Hush,- president of tho Missouri Pa- AS Por tlir<- 'rallroad'rbrotbrrhooda Wnr rcn a. Stone, e l^ f of the engineer*; W. 0. Lee, rblef of tho trainmens Tim- othy 8h».i for the enfjlneraen and'L. n.'Shepponl of thn. eonducton. were preient, piur It waii'Ainderstood otiior I ufflrcrs (if tJirlr orgnnliatloris n%well. U B i l i i i i l S H illS liiE W tliS V bontroyeray.jlSetweeo Biflcii. r^'Ue^W iA .K p i,D o w n .', ', .•CinC\iJ0,'.(/P) — :Reninndins Ihnt he reveal co.nespouilfneo with Herbort IToerfr, wJiicb .nemijinper rcjwrts frouj Dolse, Idaho, lald formed thn ba«ii of a itatcment. byOovcruor Davli at- tacking, the American committee for nusslsn iainlBD relief, Ibnt eommlltco toiny roMlvecl n talcgrrtm. from Oo»- ornor IhvU aaylng that he "did not ^ understand, nnv ■clmrg>a • bad." b.'en made.” f Qoveriuir nrivin’wn* quoted ns saving bo bcliovctl (ba An^crieau commiKeo for Russian fdmino relief was one of 1 sDversI orgaalzntioDs designed U> give \ relief iu Buntn to sovlMs only. Thla , statement 'waiTGanied by W. ^S'. Lig- 1 ' KCtt. attlng'seeretnry of.'the rommlt- tee. , , FREIGHT ON' gas fS CUT' iTanff to salt Laka Cltr. Ogden and ' I Tzovo if U iM rliO r B«doe«d WAMllINQTOKr Ti. O' WV lUliroid rates on gasoline from a * ' number of 'produPlng points to Salt " f/ake Olty. Ogden (ind Provo, fftah, J were ordered -reduced today by, . | from; III to 20 per cent, effective * April 11, by tho inlcratale com- * ' I merce eommisslon. N'ew rnti’ji wero preHnrlhcd which the i pommlssion snid, should n'ot.exceed M rent*'per 100 pottnd* from Korenoe. 1 C(dn.. (1.^ fenU from CnsiH'r, Wyo., OH rent* frt(in flrevlmll, W_vn., 75 eenls from Wilminclon, Col,, find fii rent* ' frnm Hntir. 'Cut. Krnm Hit^ild-rotiti- i, ilentn'. fli'fil. nr^ortltng (o tho deelslon, e the new lates Miall not eiceed <1 per V JOO poumJA fi * I " y -M O Tir. AOnOK DIBJOBSBD. it VTA81IIN0T0N, D. C.. (fl>) — Chlel <-'i Justice T.ift In the supremo rourt ei tmuneed today the dismlxsnl for want Ji of jurisdiction of the application of th<( C Knn*flj^ 0»ty raotJon. pWiire jnacblao ti operators, locnl number 170, Ihe Ihler fi nationtil Allinnpc aC.fp'catcr fllage,.Em’ vl ployes and others, to'hrlng l>eforo thi> a< loort an appeal in n erwe. originally ni brought ngalntt them b.*- John P. Hughes and Wesley K. Ilrlner, doing buslncss.pi the Eailern thcnler,' Kansai City, Mo, ______ , ASPmcS TO SSKATB SEAT. u! WA8HIN0T0K, D. C., (iP) -, Ropre- *ti fOQUtivo Albert IV. Jefferiii, Omaha, hi of tbe vcond Nobraaka rtlslriet, today formall,r announced hla esndidscy for ba the repdbUc))n nominatloh -for' tho po Ignited 8late< senate. >no will leek the cei seat occupied by fieaWor. IHlchcock, democrat,, whose present term ekpirei - ^ktareli 4, 1DS.1. Mr. Jef/eris U an at- : torney and.is nerving bis second term lie in eongrcnti,- - ' , ' diV OOOD BOADa DBAW THOUaANDa. “o' 4-<IHrqA0 0 , t/pj — Tf.«trtWihnrf dele- «fc| gat«a from all parli of the United oci Stair* aad Canada were In Chlragi^. to- od day for tho.wonlag of tbo annual-Nr.- fei tional Good Roads Congnu and Oood Roadi ahow ia the Coliseoni. They in- dlndedi Rovflr^ra, federal, .stato. and - 1 Mttsfy aighway cftlei»U,.- triitlo e«- wh pvta Uld other leaden In the baildlag me ind'malatnaace of md;».' • -to- JHEW^APmr^IN Twm M l AHO. MOKDA.T, JAHUABT le, IW3. , f Bi itish Gene II AreNotProi S E loyd Georg'e D eclat cision th at E arliei , : V iew ofSolitiM lS r at LONDOK, p fent 5es- 'M lniater Llojrd OeorgeVad the re altnatloa. There w u.a fairly naeral opl moraiag'a B«wm»per«-tai( tho ol lacea rnaiy,.. prgbabljr wonld not be hih ideri Oeorfc iJad bw ine «oarJaeed Ibxt ^ncEitrsFsnu S G eneral W alkout' of C B rings O ut H uge I »■' D riven by S trikers— ' S"; En^plpyes of Com pai In'! Double Murder ia Charged Against. Former Offiei^ Dr. Botiort HiOraoken pJ EasI the' < Bt Loois Aooased of lCiiHi)g ont Man and Woman '’«• ,BA8T 8T. .LOUia HI.. (flV- . < -Two warrants ‘ charRjng' murder' I were iMiicd thia afternoon n«alnat . Dr, Bohert MrCraekcn. M yatn old. of Ilollvllle. In conneclion with tho deaths ofM w. C’lhra lUch- -'■* w in e , 313, a n d her father-in-law," William Itlrbwlne. 7^. who weri' touad thot to death in the Illeh- ' I wlno Itomo last Mondiiv. I nr. McCracken'Il n former coro-' • ner of 8t. Clnlr rounty luid former .honlth cnmmbisloner of Kiint. 8t. 1C \ E i i S E l E S rt ______ Resolution Introduced by Sena- I; tor King Would Curtail Pro-. » posal of Delegates,. ’’ , \ V A siilN O T O N ~ C.; Jot . reMlution-offwd* today In- gci^tor King, doinoerat. Utah, the sonnti' would If express its diiapproval of a proposal . pow boforo the members of tbe eon- I* feronces whlrh would result, the rfso- , Iutlon mJd, In ('ecrfaln powers, In-, ^ eluding, the United Stntes," controlhni; : "tbp Chinese finanrr* and tajiw anUr: ^ would otherwise abridge the i«litical’ 7 and flaenl nutonnmy of China." 'The ! _ reiolutlon went nver under the rules. ii .^ h o resolution would put the senate > loa tecorA n» imyinii, ‘'That Sny nt- J tempt 'b.v other natin;is tn eontrdl the iateraal taxation (if-Chinn, Is In contra- ventioh of settled policy of the United Btntei nnd nn unwarranted Interfer ' ence with-the independent power* nnd . nevrrelgn richt* nf the Chinese'govern- ' mont. and is io violntloo of intetDs- tional Inw nnd that InternatioBal com- ity which should exUt between free anii (ndependtint *|ntts.’' __ j . CONFERENCE'MEMBERS GO j . T«n Xaptaua Attaches and. Offldili d I leare.for Land of th# Mikado, j > ' WA8II1NOTON. 1>. fi„ yp) -/Ten!.' memhers-of the Jntyin>se‘arm»^.j^fpr'h . cnee deloantlon will leave tomorrow oV'-f '. Mrdni’silay for .lapan,- (anbarking-Vf > fittii Franrhm on thflV«camcc:^fuvii Mam OB .TiionnrA- 24..'JAmong.ihe«i re- 0 tiirnlnff i.r«' Major flcnobfOtakc, who c . came,her" frnm Europe to assist Gen- eral Tniinkft. Ihe chief army cx|»rt for , Japan jt the eonforencer Lieutenant i Colonel Moorlta, Mnjor Nlsslharn. I>ro- fpjsor Negisbi' of tbe Toklo Commer- j (•lal unlvfmUy. who Is one of the ad- vi»om to the delegation; I'r. Tachl, an advisor t» tho. foreign office on Inlcr- - national .law, and several secretarlciu noHTs roob oosis. ^ tlFt'l,V , 0., -ConttnDlSg‘bla ‘r fight agalnit food profiteers and th* bi high eo»t of living in Tiffin. Mayor lo Unger todny established Uiree bnad stores, two at flro, stations nnd one In pt hit sulonobile sopply hODse here. pt Bread Is being brought front Toledo tn bakeries hnd retallod Jjt 0 rents ^ o( pound loaf. Tiffin brciid.retails at 1 cn " ;».• n ^ 'tH O iuLX, PBooBEssmo I i: .wjam.voro.'f, s. c.. lied debt funding hill wa* approved-lo- ,1 , dnv' by the-aeitfic.:finance committee:,4 after ,most'-of thfr-ptijy»loas. ebjeeted to by Beiretarv^clW of the treasorv-,,, department had been eUmlnatcd. Deni-L:, oeratio mcmb^ra of the eomtaittee yot- '! od agalnit tho hill In Its perfected fetia. 'v rAKOUS SSPKQBBB'OIBS. ' , . LONDON, UP) -A t .lohn Kirk, flO, Dc who wn.'phlef offlecr of the (fovejB-.tmc ment exnedltlnn of David Uvlngitone a ie 'Afriea-lB -liSS, dj»i yeat^rday; , slii W FAILS c6viv0l ILY N leralElectiprts obableUntilMdy lared to H ave Reached De-' ler D ate N o t A dvisable, in ll S ituation G enerally lih poUtleal ultnatlan, eapecUlIv tbe question • golsg to coll a geoerai election, has again » France ol Vrian® ie renoval fron the foreground of |b« Irish I opinlea onong tbe poUtleal w riter la thla 10 oieetlon, Keeatiy foreshadowod for PA- bild beforo May. It was-ald that Lloyd Ibat 'as nrljr elwlloa w u uadeslnible. l E s n i f i i K S i i M i i i r i B i i i i r ® t Operati-ves of Street Cars > Flocks of Jitneys, : M anj t— O rd e r is Ig n o re d b y Some pany ^ KICIIMONDvVa- ~ etrikcs call rd for Icdav by platform. men anil I shoimien cmptoycd . by tho 1 Vlfginif Hallway and l*owcr comiany In oppo *ihf billon to.B wago cut, weto effective to varj'ing dvgrrrs' in Kichw.nd, Norfolk and I'ortjojouth, according to eatly re- BaSt parts to. thp .company. In Petcnburc no- it «i« <lcclnrrd Ihn pniployei ignored tho «trik.»,.order. — Only n few car* nrre being optfratoa , her« on the main lloiir of tbe comMny and .tliouMinds wtre forced to walk to thrif wur^ thU morning. Many of tho '''* utrikcrs.wero reported to have taken ,fobs as driven of jitneys which inne- dlafoly niadfl their appt'aranco la con; ulilpraWc'KJimliera, w, p'ou, urM ls wore miule hero when , the poUc.u broke up ga»'«* of atrike (.vmiMilhisiTi who woro atti'mptlng to . luterferc witb oitemtlon of single ears.: ' e 'F B E i i l E T i r P N f f i i N T O i l ’. AlbWV.BOTMt.^to:.br^D6W« 4 M inister to Ooioaies if Ao:. q^Vaiic6''i^.itecel€fld• '■ •' ■ / m is^ UP) — The ne^ rablnet un- ia« der ffa)7uond Poincare’went Into, pow- ' er lod®^.' wHh th«j p«bUrall6n in thp ». official joijm l. of W prf;i|JentJa) Ho- rrees, onn.'for each nilniiti-r and ^nder- • • accretnrj' of state. " ■ 1 Alhiirt 8nrrdut wlif iw decreed mln* I r tl .Islrr ot Iho colonles,.<^i:po(t ha hold 1 tor is the Rriflod eoblnfll^.jrJ/en' hi* accept- t oW aacc is received fttiujrWnshliigttjn. « lul Senator Pant Ufifinnel; who wa* 1 on- nreiidertt (>f I'rtuico.for n fow nonths :«o- in 1020. teildnlng an account.of. ill 1 (n-, health, ba'i'filed a demand in' the sen' t me nte for an interpellatloo on the foreign i in))rpoliry of Premier PoJnrarc.. In hi# let- I cal tcT'ivf i\oU<katlati to the.intm ltr, i l \ The DcKhani I. suitgoated that an exchange < .. h)f views'iii ldiipen*ablfl,ln,the prfient ate circumitaneei.. , ] t ILLINOliwOMEN TO . ' . TRY PDUTlCAL GftM^ loounat P»grgiwiT*,P«tjr OrgiaU- ' ed and Prtpuod for Axtloa 1 nil Bi'itiNnnELp, iirr yp) - a pew potUlcal VMty to bp called the "Tlotrs- ' ' pvelt pMgrcalvp part.v” and run'cti- *A firelr hr w timcn. filwl.ineorporafliJtt papers todav with 8errcUr>' of BUtn * ;fjmi>r«nn nf Illlnala. iTlip' Incorpomt- .1 arc CbUngo and Oak .Park women., ,t Thl' Inriiriwratlon cprtlfies the new •( I'litti'.-ivl'*. nomlnntp of support eandi^ h .wVi''"!'** sot' siditect to domina- 0 ^ ’f'^lioii'.ftf.,'lnvi«ll)lr jfftvernmpnts' pr lo ii nu‘''r'ntilfol;Mlpfa'tion or dnmlnatlon of. 0 W ‘po'itfcnl bftssei.’ " ' . r V‘> The Inrorporatnr* includp Anna Mv- '«• or* MrK^nilry and Emma K.. Lewi* of u I'O Oak Park. . ’ , ' li " ESTIMATE of ' LOSS HIGH { 0- ' . u '7* Damara )ry FKaiAs fa K<txla. laxu .| d- w m Probably Sxcead Qtt«t«r W ' * IB , * Mmioa --------- it MEXIA. Tcxna (fl»J ~ CTeartng awtiy of.debris from Saturday nisbt's'fin ,( ,w|ilch‘ r\^trtrvyed seven two-atorj' build- Ja 'nr* on I'omuipw strpet; hrTe'ww fo 1- lirgin todnv. ITio estimated property rt lf,w -Bf,* - u d S'fltjonal guardsmen and Tcxa* rang: n Pt*, sent there to onforc-j mariial law ^ proclaimed Thunday b.r Qoverner N^ff 1,; 0 tn rid,Mexla and tho adjacent oil fields a of a’Icir.'d law hrrtikers, maintained S,cu«rd of the humed area. . P .............. .. .......1 '."." of I H isanro px.A2m IB SA IT.. , } WA8111>;OTON. D. C , — Tho •[Cftmmerrlnl senplano reiKirtcd Ipst off ■(tt<f east toa»l of FloiWa ha* aitWtd t\v J^flt thf Island ot jllminl. one ot the'ila- sfa * hnmns.' npeordlntf to a report recclvtd tbt '!by the' navy department. Orders dl* re- ' I reeling hub^ehasers to srareh for thli j • aarlal cruiser .have betn. reaclndei. ’ ©er -------- ----- 'coi TOU&IKUATBdSSOm, pETROrr, iff)-roMT imtta ot iho m , Detroit honic of corrwtlon ew ap^ ttl# , ^ t morniag bj^^arlng pie iron bara tm lor a cdttldor wladoir tnd dodglBg' a ta,r liili , sllladB of bullet# fired by gaard*.,^/ ing ?EWS 'v''.'' mwi mm i3p«Ts'. ' B P i f f i l S » f l i l l E S T i - v i y p i ' l E British M orltles in Dublin S Castle Transfer'Ali Govern- - menfal Rlghfs Under Treaty hu Terras '*■ ______ . '/i Doauji, w )--Ik . *»«»; m#st4l powsti for XcalaBd. a t ' tLJ ed la Ui« Brittih anthoiUl## at =s= ftiblia MrtHi ww* twisid tfw tc* day to Ul# proMAenil geraiuaant of zrsU&d, u esnamsMl laat Sat- , vtfli7 nndtr tha AnglMjlili tm ty. Tha trtnifer v u mada b f Vlsconat TV ntfiUlxn. thl iSTi Utstnmt, ia II thavprlvy eonaeU.diasW .. ", ^ The vlrcroy this n»oralag'#w»ll«d a telepbone message annoDncingJhat th# irS ministry had'arrived n tH e eaitle but oot unlil IsSn o'clock thlf-a««^ .n y noon..dld the ehcors of tho erbi^ oot'...^ tide Mtimtnec the arrtraf nf Mleha«l** n e Colllai, Professor John’McNeill, P. J. Hogaj*. .1o» McQrath. Kevia 0 ‘Blggtni nnd \Vl!llnm Coigrave.. 'ImmeSlatelv afterward Vl«o\jnl Plli»!an, with two, *“*'■ aides Arrived on<l they nil pitKeeded to the privy council chamber whrto Ahf , transfer of /kpirers was ctJeeti'3. Plf; . L uiaw irta Oathtt, \ From on early honr thli momlag all ti lo ‘I'O ras^le-wrro blocked . ' V gooil J-umorcd crow ^ wtttching for what jffli described «s the,'"fall of DuWln Urttle." Tbo metropolitan po- . lice tlcalt in a friendly manner, with all eomera tad the auxUlarlet In nalfoTW “"y ^tched tho proceedings,from tlielf old ” quarter*, where they had’examined so ^ many arreitod filna .T e in e n ; ................ = B ra B tJillS llft ? - iB illT llilllB ira. . /. ..' ■' Attorneys'&nd Jndge-ib. Confer' ', eace toi per^t of ^ More Time. (I ^ Log: AHOELFi, — The ten V.* «onie:rr-rqQ two men. eonipeilsg thr jhrjr.in^^e^ofj^ntj^-'to^ . ' Ii.#nacdy,:A8guat''iy.fijij;!re^#ni6^,ta 8nporior Jb4h<,’Bli»nrV®- Bwra’a. c'onrt today'io'.iifriuae;;f^(ic,,deli^fa'' . . / Uont u tf t,h© faVe of Bntth. Thn Jnrr-*- m* hu b^n out since 3:BT p^'ln.'lalt.in'^'•• %A one. bo rrafler.thei ji^*had7r-.j '.O ' resB«*d dellbflratlofli Jodgo-Beovt . r* tent for ,the.attorneys for,both-aides and held a eonferenco with. U»n as n* the ouestloh of how loag, the -jury • Id Rhoula bo held in 'tit pffort-to «caro ' /.• averdiet, It.ww d6iidf4,t«,Mralt.tfe deliberations to eontlnud. at, leu t for ' 1* a few hours. , it .When the inry wont baclr into ita ill room It bad been tn a<tnat cQnf«reDe« B' A toUl o f SO honr#> and had tbe cuo ;n. under consideration -inore{ than &*>. t- hoart., Attorneys u ld -thU aptrroaebed t the local record for loag eonalderatlon'. of-a verdict,. ( PEUEIWLj %. ' ■' ••. ' • ^ .. Mystery SnrroondB fa d in g the * Body , 0! HonoraWe Victor ... ^ , . dJbsoQ ia Hot«r B jLONPON\(ff^Tie l«h5f ofaa lrlah-,,r- fl man found dead in a hotel ait Horahaa, I. In 8unex,. on.Batvrday, wna identified I. .today as that of tho Honombto Victor V’Gil'soy. son of tho late Mrd Aah- hoiirnp. and brother of tho p rS tat Bar* I- on Ashbonroe Hia wife w u in'Amer- 0 l(^»n glrl,.Oaro)l»o D(rSinier,'dao8ht{>r t. ot >Vedcrick Do Billlor of New' Xo.rk, , whom he mRTtlcd In 1509. * ' 2^..' (llbionLon arflvlhg it tho hotel ^ t- f urday,. asked b«:. allowed'-tn temaln ., la the:rmdklAg'rDom^'wh^"fi#..wu . . ... hter found dead;' Ho had iw lottily . ; J sUted a fth e hnfpl Ibat bi'- ' Irishman and n rebel, and that hi) had -. lived with his father, h',*rtaer Jori ; ehaneollof of IrttJaad.'if.U^Vflfe'W *. (tal lod^ In Dublin fonrieea ago. Atme'broken,-bo'ttlfli were dttw nrod In the flrtnUice'aad-a amaU,.^^Uty ' of liquid had;t«en i^ )e d on U oW^- ' atone. V v'; ■' ^ ' TO ONE tlSiSBk - ' ■ WA8IHNOTON> {/IV-Creatog of * as additional dir^tor of. the. f«deraL rcacrve board so, as r t pave lh « .w for *■ the appoinliaent of »,-Mdlrt,''fBnnctV- ' by tho pntldent la pr«Msed In a. nb- itltute ahiendipent to n e federal'k > lorve aet offered today'*y, ■ Benatot Koi^ojg, w ^ I^ - ' ■wiii. soT"wnr;AflAnr,' - WASniKOroX.', '«V-B«}W*'ata';- tlv« Rnfa«. Hardy,-democrat, I'nt. .Uuv abth ’Tcxa* district, aanoooeed today; tbat he would not be a: caadldata'for nj-flfPtien.,'He 1* srerTbtf -Wa aW»»h term in iho hduao aad la tanking dem- ocrat mnwbw «f thd nerehant.mirtne eoBBlttcc. WAXZftA^003B8-ZNTklnR<falC02r, ' WASmSOJON/U' «#»-• ,■ ltor.,l«n)I!«;t<^>' »pnb]i<aa^; W lw o^B. inlrodwtd. i •. lag for another pafik<r lavutipilBn.

Transcript of W FAILS c6viv0l =TWHN PAVLLS M lILY N

=T W H. v d C k f N o . s s i V

" ffiiiir

y ifo r id W w ’ S u f i e r e r e M e n io r -

^ i t o P r e s i d e n t 'H a r d i n g In

t l i e I f i t e r a t s o f B e t t e r T r e a t -

w e n t : ■

, S E T . F O R T H C O N D IT IO N S


Oonirafit Byjtem in TI«e by tho State AutUations Eogenders Sittiation A m o u n t i n g to

K ^ ' Dowariylit Onietty,

I'W^snmflTON, R- c , la g th a t ‘ he moro t h u MOO mohtftlly

-.dliabled form er torrlefl n e n dbw pUe* .<cd :Jn ''itii to IniUtuUcFtn. w »r« 'v ie tlia i| , s r ■neb negleet, lodltftrcnco«n<l p r o « (« r in g '’ s t «

....... . " W « k reproiifh oo tlie honor o f thara tio n ,” tbp dJMbled. Amerleaa vet«r* ana o f th<< world w ar, i& '» memoriAl preientod io ^ a y to P m ld a n t ‘n a id ip g urged fmmedi«t« action, by. ttiii gorani-

^ m ont )ool(lo{f to tbo tn a tm e n t o f all tveh eo fiti J s fedeni] if litltuttoni. Ncgleet Of th e io r a ie i to ita tc inititu* tiq iu , tbo mfoiorlaV laid, <i comuiittlnc to pcrm aern t Inionlty nnn^r nf tbo vfc- lima who hy tim ely trfatm cot probably eoald be eared.

D escribing the eondition of "eon- t r a c t” ra se i o f th l i < tau In tho iait<> tu ttnn i b f tbo s ta te of.Ohio as typical ,of .tb'oM In '*proctleall,T ovory B tate," thO 'm emorial a w erfed 'the trovemment hod "fa '^m ed ou t the inisue ez'serviep acB o f Q h b to s ta te isv}uns whieb are DotoriQUBl/ nvfrerowdod, under-mooned an<l Ina'rle’fiiifttely equipped to tr e a t and carp for th e m ," wmie it baa no t pro* Tided ono fcdenU Inilltutlon fo r th li parpose f i 'tf te ' ‘

j ' "■ Menfli*«p.oa',noor. '■ f Ih o LonjrvJoir a s / lo a of JlamlHoa

eonoty, Ohio, tho n e a e r i a l ' t i l d , “ ii ntl 'ver.v erowded l t | i l 240 Idmatbi'slcen

thB>{(utlttttlon « f o f Whom,

7 'i i i^ l i i i ^ ^ e g ^ f to f oae, -

t r e a t y r thiv.-mbntil ''dl»eaM< 'a n d ' ouds

being, dally■'.aiiomod: to>p«Ttaancnt ijuan ity .'^ Noiie p f ' tbe /lu tU u ttoB a ,It TO* furthor biWTted, M g^gato their

A n ,a»e ri^o 'M ofl^a?-#SO (J: 00 e « 6 I . p a ^ e n i ou t p f ,1m*$517^0 tireual Tntln* *

tcnahea; f w 'pAia: 1 . ’ t2i« ,«*7i9rtinwik ' WBi' i b o ^ ' l n 't ig n r e r fo r -tbb BlDo la* iiUtntlona "o f '.eitfld ' la the'm ejnortaJ.v'.-' ’. . ' .,

/ ' ■WJIl K rt ( te n u n lt P««>4a. r I n bandteds o f -m t UHiitcd,

X ro la t lre i arfl rtifDilng^tQ-.'e6m nU noD- ta Jlj' ditable'd Yetoftnii,' who’ m ight be T eito rod 'to t tn fn l e ltizaub l& .to cod-

' d l t t o u Id tbo ‘ 'eon trae t a iy lu n i, m oit o f wbiefi.-tba'taomorijd u ld , a n " a o th -

' log" m ort than loekopa.” ' ** 'O s g m * was DTged'.to.'talcc aclinn

early to remedy the sltuaUoo.

F i i i E i i l i i l i i i K

: i E M i *J .TiatfW ord Of Japanese Accept.\ . aaoe of SiA am am eot Trea- .

. : ty is 8 tm Delayed

WASHINQTOKi'n, C., ,f/p) — Sll'l 'ftw ritlnz tho .receipt, by jho Jap an e rt jj j delORntlin o f InBtnutloni from Tokln w h ich 'aro .cxpcct«d-to..pcnaU...rptnp!c; ,_

' tftin o f ffic navnj IlniUatJOR trea ty , thonrm* conference today prepared to < to m again to the itu ily o f W r E aito rn ,,,,

-o n d 'r t ie lf le nuestiona. ; ,The deiogationi j ) f the nine powori

partietp&tinR' in .<^e <liicujR^oi« b f . , thoib queitiona wero called to meet a t

_ .y ^i30 D 'ehck in the f irs t sesiion to bo „ h e ld 'b y th n t portion of the eonfercaee « ilnco January 6. P rior td tho mceUag, _,J the headi o f tho delfgaltoai o f th e five " ' naval pow ari held anothaiBDtiion and i»»h(t Ampr/can.delogaUea.tafft. ' > n J

I h o meeting of the F a r Ebstom 7 .•ommlttoo waa called, aecordlng to tbe

S underatandlng a t th s Chl&eie ilelcga* ^ * tion bca^qnarton for the. porpoi^ of . p a u ia g .in tAo flaa l d ra ft o f (ho Chin- f ic ta r i f f agreement.

leader tho ta r i f f agreetnent which •wns pu t 5n.final form oa F rlda.r a t a C / . m cetlng.pf tho Root roinmiltee on d ra ft ‘

' the Chinese wotiij bo permitted to levy a ruitom a du ty of B per eeat effective m p)Mo o f ao actual .1 J^S per eeot 111

-K whlcH is now ro^e lveiU -ln ''add ition .the Jiownrj have agreed.Jo [ lon tiit,,'a o a l iu r ta x of 2 1;2, por fo n t on aeeeiirtlei; • and a 5 p e j eeb t la rta x on loraMes.

. AOCDSED M AX BSXS&SEX).D ECbRA lI, Ja., M>) — JehB JfcCabc, stat.

' indli^ted w ith V n . R o u A ilitnagb on real r tHi’',chnTS3> .e f bavlhg. wurdered her effr

hnsbnnd, an Iowa.,, race, horse owner, apm who disil o f poisoning, h u boea releaa* bria I'd /m n JiO. itn ,.A ^ b t: tg lr .r e e e : ii} r fo n t

. wa* a c q a ltto d ., ' , 'T h e^ ------------- n ia .

BB O SEO A 0B H B U IK m i m i ^ bold NTAV YO'BK, {/P)'— An inw lun ta ry vn*!'

pptitlon im b a h k n ip U f wa* filed la tho ‘f'*'" federal cou rt'to d ay agaln*t E . D. D ier . A fld 'com nflf, stock brokers. Jadgo .In l«n I fe ek appointed Mo.ifred W. B. la irU k r o e d w . j n

: t B E ONIjY AS

N PAf m Arrests Made

Following Finding o f Bodies o f Two

S f a o o v o r ; o f 'O o B d M o n B e lif iv - o d E e o t a t o t i t i e m p t e ^ L l g .

■ I ,, o r B .a ld o n S h i p ' ?

I l l 'B tLO.XI, M l u s i i l i OlKOVtr, o f tho.hodlM o'f ,tw b 'raen ,,app»r-

■ c a t l r foreign sallora, on.-the beach ... i/iri . here; h u l e i t n ten arreulB by iBB

' .iM iI n e llw ^V h o aM frt tbe men I i n •'illo'l » ■ figh tf which fol- ' .

. lowed an a ttem p t ia*t w eek .-to l a t - Jiold lip nnd raid a llquor »muggllflK

Bcboober a t anchor n ra r .th e e o u t.' *nio poIieiJ Uworv, w in dlioloM' w hat is aald lo bo -th? f irs t Inatanre o f . attem jited p lr a c y in e'oancctlon w ith rum running on th«

lUE A tlantic. -. About tho widdie o f tl.o p ast week,

AV. nceording to the police, a Cuban fUh- Jng saflfV , rum Jadw , dropped nnebor,

e r s I" the v ln n ity o f Dog K«<y*, and tbe, eaptain made tgjeemeat Jot n p a r t / or

to . p ixollans to rome to tbe sjnack in gas- ollao laitnrhei to carry tho liquor to tiio fflaiofand.

• K ^ c k ao f B otli B n k « a .', r t . On F riilay . n igh t, tho police a i» r t , an* tb# pa rty mada th a .t r ip to tho Cuban ,\a t. lioa t. b u t Itistead o f payiuR to r ' tho (n s liquor, t in y overcsune tfg crcw of the meo fishing im aek and. b r o o ^ t abont 100

« fB»e» o t liquor here; tha Most o f the liquor has |.cen soUed. t* r. tho pollcj declare., Tbe fofclgn. 1>oat tlM AlHipwM^d a fte r ih e fiu h t. The lag llco boHere th a t .the two bodies wash- ini. c 'l nWorc were meoiljcra ot her crew. iW An awtopsy show id the o f eMh ini. mnn had been broken,

'."I! Land Forces are to Mr be Heavily Reduced

. in N ext Five Years !'tl- ' — ^(Bl J a p a n e s e H e w s p a p e r A n n o n o e s - I’’’ P o l ic y , W i t h o u t B e f e r e n c e i icp . to O o n l e r e n o e ' 'ire - ~ Ied TOKIO, v n —Tho JapanM e war ‘ nd offleo, regardfeM of the outcome of ro- tho W ashing ton . confercnco, plan* ill redaction e f tb o ' Itllkado’fl' land 'torea hf W.OTO men w ltbJa flvo I - - yoam ;'-ftceerd lng . 'to th e Toklo' I e a N lebl NicbL To m ake up fo r tho i l conseqsent lo u ia soff««tlvencu, 'CO advanced typc»;of,.iaw hine rifles, .

lit engines and £a |i.'R in ,.lM iP ttached

■fl, ' mnde d r a lo th ln ^ a S n n n l t lo ? ; /o ^ ■ •>>2 ago, :<}DiIdiog aad other U n d .^ ; v .r.i t . j a tn ta t 'p « p e r ty te tn M tth « ^ iS 'to : i.}» '. penwDBoi. 'I t Prelim inary invo stig a tio u in; tbo h'l». m d u ttlo a p la n a ro n lrtafty n n iw DIr way. __________________• • Di

j ; Death is Believed Jj;

' Due to Fallitig in “F ireW hU eA stien”’

--------- mi, D i a c o v e r y o f C h a r r e d B o d y o f

' O m a h a U a n G iv e s B l s e t o e , Q o e e r T h e o r y »o!• .■ , • • rel‘ U3AVB1TW0ETH,. K nn., I f f t - . l l '

th e ehnrred Body to iind ^ t id a y ia " (ic ft rav ins near the N ational Soldlera »«' homo here, h sa t>con lilcntified a s . thn t o f W’n ltc r U rso n , Port Cal- I Fl houn, Tioli,. and rolativc* have been n n tU fc l IdcnU flcntlfin wiis ae- 1

'• • compIHhcd by a lia'nk pa*s book I” No. «MTS im iod I>y, the Stnto bank |

• -iof Omatia^ Nob,OllklaU b r ilfv r Larson RlniDed • ,

• n fire to warm, himnclf nml thrn ’ fe ll Rikteeii (inil toIU 'I Inth thv 1

• . _ 1


niABH of Q iT ln l5 t i f a b o f D t f e a u OonnMl O oapA is^oB it to Take n„i

— ....

8 AN JTlANOlBCoTcal.. (JPt ~ Th^ iary box Ja fh<? trrnm l munMonght/'r tria l o f'B om oo C. (Pntty> ArlmcWi', was tem porarir^. filled ngsln today bu t the exp)ulng of Mrs. Mary Murphy, oae ’6f the two jiroapodlve women Jur- •— or*, le f t n vacancy oace ntarc. x>

The dcfeiiM .asked If sho h a d 'to ld nelghbo** tb a t "therf* nu/jht to be ftomo w .iman o a th o ja ry who \tU l han^ ^I t again itke Mrs. nub b ard did in tho y'„;n™ t i t h i . "

M rt. M urphy dctvlcw UftvIoR“ mftde , a e y taeh rfmarU. Sho waj< rw ujc '), , . howcTer.

A nother woman pnMird tempot* . _ arlly , filling the box for the sccond „ '

[time todav w ith two women and ten i * A t ’tlsl* po lo t Ulni'M o f Oas'in

XfcNab, chief counsel for Arbuekle,I canned tho court to declaro n re te u .

T R E A T Y R i G H T s '> H E L D J----- . Of t

Oallfom l* 8U tn t« D «clai*4 I n n l id by forn D K U Io a« f S B pnot'O O Q lt ' th e

. ______ TinMW'ABIfrWOTOy, D. C .'W >I-A trea ty seat

w ith a lofcign nation lypersedei a demi stalls s ta tu te relatlD g to t le .h t ld i s g o f Mai-i real M tato, Iho supreme courM oday lO tomi fttcfl held in refiis in i to i-onilder any in ci apo fa l H . 8 . H errltk , soujfht to bring , from tho aupreme ro u rt of Cfll- 0 0 0 forB U -agaJfisl*A ..nasJctta.' aa I ta J iao X ^ ^y The lU to eourt he ld th a t th p Calllbf- ^ t« i nift-law , r»obIbltlng a n -I ta lia n from g m , holding ] .ro ]« rtr -in the s ta le v u la ’ vftlSil lueniiiip In eoTif«ct w ltb th e tlontIrenty o f jS ri fk-ilh riB lf. ' . Head

r j IqJ,■ B > jiS t> ym A rB sa . ;

T on ijh t and Tuciday probably ' p c rtijo o w , warmer. a n j '


V L LS. T W m P A lL a , n)AH

u M I U I i H I I

B B*• Gatliering Called by Hoover I ” the Instance O f ; Presldet

' Harding'R^Umeii its Sei ^lons _ ,

; ! £ WABniNOTON, ‘ (fft-'oojt.me. th* between railroad cxeentlves iU)d leidei

of railroad employes* naloas whie have beoa inaugnrated ooder thi) d reelion of S rc reU ry H oo te r wllh . i<,w to oHmlnaelflg dtugrM m eaU a s

controverites, were resumed todav wU ^ ®‘ tx e tt tU vr t r e p r tu n tln g the prinrjj» K "; roads of ihe coun try hi atteadanc

along with heads of tbe four brothei ' hood*.,

• . ' Tlie' m ofllng to4ny was the soconi * ” » bell) nn/].‘r tbo d lrertioa o f Mr. lloe

vei-, who 1* Acting a t Ihfr suggestion o rm l i l c n t H arding. The llrs t meetlni

inn >'l’'*Qt a week ago, a t the hon<of, thn ciimmorce aeeretnry.

. W ages 6H<J ralJroAf) r a f ^ woro undor stood to hnvr boon ghne Into to tonn extent a t tho inaugural meotln'g nad 1 n tu ttiuupht th a t to d a r 's dUuisslon: rnnBcd lo n eonilderabte extent aronnt

S I"" I” !”'".j P rom laeat U e a o a Both BidMI Among Ihe ra!(rouI mon, partJcipat' ing la Ihe (lathering today were Carl Ora.r, president o f the Union Pacific, W. W. .\tlo rb u rr , vlco-preildetit o f the IVnnnylvnnla, A. H . Sm ith, president

rs the New York ren tra l. and B. V.Hush,- president o f tho Missouri Pa-

AS “” P o r tlir<- 'rallroad'rbrotbrrhooda Wnr rcn a . Stone, e l ^ f o f the engineer*; W. 0 . Lee, rb le f o f tho trainmens Tim­othy 8 h».i fo r the enfjlneraen a n d 'L . n .'S h ep p o n l o f thn . eonducton. were preient, p iu r It waii'Ainderstood otiior

I u fflrcrs (if tJ irlr orgnnliatloris n% well.

U B i l i i i i l S

■ H i l l S l i i E W t l i S

V b o n t r o y e r a y . j l S e t w e e o B i f lc i i .

r ^ ' U e ^ W i A . K p i , D o w n . ' , ' ,

■ .•C inC \iJ0 ,'.( /P ) — :Reninndins Ihnt he reveal co.nespouilfneo with Herbort IToerfr, wJiicb .nemijinper rcjwrts frouj Dolse, Idaho , la ld formed thn ba«ii of a ita tcm ent. b y O o v c ru o r Davli a t ­ta ck in g , the American committee for nusslsn iainlBD relief, Ibn t eommlltco toiny roMlvecl n talcgrrtm. from Oo»- ornor Ih v U aaylng th a t he " d id not

^ understand, nnv ■ clmrg>a • bad." b.'en m ade.”

f Qoveriuir nrivin’wn* quoted ns saving bo bcliovctl (ba An^crieau commiKeo for Russian fdmino relief was one of 1 sDversI orgaalzntioDs designed U> give \ relief iu B u n tn to sovlMs only. Thla , sta tem ent 'waiTGanied by W. ^S'. Lig- 1

' KCtt. a ttln g 's e e re tn ry o f.'th e rommlt- tee. , , •

FR EIG H T O N ' g a s fS C U T 'iT a n ff to s a l t L ak a C ltr. Ogden and ' I Tzovo i f U iM r liO r B«doe«d ’

W A M llIN Q T O K r Ti. O' W V ‘ lU liro id rate s on gasoline from a *' number of 'produPlng points to Salt " f/ake Olty. Ogden (ind Provo, fftah, J were ordered -reduced today by, . | from; III to 20 p e r cent, effective * April 11, by tho inlcratale com- *'

I merce eommisslon. •N'ew rnti’ji wero preHnrlhcd which the i

pommlssion snid, should n'ot.exceed M re n t* 'p e r 100 pottnd* from Korenoe. 1 C(dn.. (1. fenU from CnsiH'r, Wyo., OH rent* frt(in flrevlmll, W_vn., 75 eenls from W ilminclon, Col,, find fii rent* ' frnm Hntir. 'Cut. Krnm H it^ ild -ro titi- i, ilentn'. fli'fil. nr^ortltng (o tho deelslon, e the new la te s Miall not eiceed <1 per V JOO poumJA fi

* I " y- M O T i r . A O n O K DIBJOBSBD. it

VTA81IIN0T0N, D. C.. (fl>) — Chlel <-'iJustice T .ift In th e supremo rourt eitmuneed today th e dismlxsnl for want Jio f jurisdiction o f the application of th<( CKnn*flj^ 0 »ty raotJon. pW iire jnacblao tioperators, locnl num ber 170, Ihe Ih le r finationtil Allinnpc aC.fp'catcr fllage,.Em’ vlployes and others, to 'h rln g l>eforo thi> a<lo o rt an appeal in n erw e. originally ni brought ngaln tt them b.*- John P. Hughes and Wesley K . Ilrlner, doing buslncss.pi th e E ailern thcnler,' KansaiCity, Mo, ______ „

, A S P m c S TO SSK A TB SEAT. u!W A 8H IN 0T 0K , D. C., (iP) - , Ropre- *ti

fOQUtivo A lbert IV. Jefferiii, Omaha, h i o f tbe v c o n d N obraaka rtlslriet, today formall,r announced hla esndidscy for ba th e repdbUc))n nominatloh - fo r ' tho po Ignited 8late< senate . >no will leek the cei seat occupied by fieaWor. IHlchcock, democrat,, whose presen t term ekpirei - ^ktareli 4, 1DS.1. Mr. Je f/e r is U an a t- : torney a n d .is nerving bis second term lie in eongrcnti,- - ' , ' diV

OOOD BOADa DBAW THOUaANDa. “o'4 -<IHrqA0 0 , t/pj — Tf.«trtW ihnrf dele- «fc| gat«a from all p a rli o f the United oci S tair* a ad C anada w ere In Chlragi^. to- od day for th o .w o n la g o f tbo annual-Nr.- fe i tional Good Roads C o n g n u and Oood Roadi ahow ia th e Coliseoni. They in- dlndedi Rovflr^ra , federal, . s ta to . and - 1 M ttsfy aighw ay cftlei»U,.- tr i i t lo e«- wh p v ta Uld o the r le a d e n In the baildlag me in d 'm a la tn a a c e o f m d ;» . ' • - t o -

J H E W ^ A P m r ^ I N Tw m

M lAHO. MOKDA.T, JA H U A B T le , IW 3. ,

f Bi itish Gene II AreNotProi

SE l o y d G e o r g ' e D e c l a t

c i s i o n t h a t E a r l i e i

, : V i e w o f S o l i t i M l S

r a t LONDOK, p

f e n t5 e s - 'M ln ia te r Llojrd O eorgeV ad the re

a ltnatloa.There w u . a fa ir ly n a e r a l opl

m oraiag 'a B «w m »per«-tai( tho ol lacea rnaiy,.. prgbabljr wonld n o t be hih ideri O eorfc iJad b w in e «oarJaeed Ibxt


S G e n e r a l W a l k o u t ' o f C

B r i n g s O u t H u g e I

» ■ ' D r i v e n b y S t r i k e r s — '

S " ; E n ^ p l p y e s o f C o m p a i

In '! D o u b le M u rd er ia“ C h a rg ed A g a in s t .

F orm er O ffie i^D r . B o t i o r t H i O r a o k e n p J E a s I

the' < Bt L o o i s A o o a s e d o f lC iiH i)g ont M a n a n d W o m a n

'’«• ,BA8 T 8 T. .L O U ia HI.. (flV - . < -T w o w arran ts ‘ charRjng' murder'

I were iMiicd thia afternoon n«alnat . Dr, B ohert M rCraekcn. M yatn old. of Ilollvllle. In conneclion w ith tho deaths o fM w . C’lhra lUch-

-'■* w ine, 313, and her father-in-law," W illiam Itlrbw lne. 7^. who weri' touad thot to death in the Illeh- '

I wlno Itomo la s t Mondiiv.I n r . M cCracken 'Il n form er coro-'

• ner o f 8 t. Clnlr rounty luid former .honlth cnmmbisloner o f Kiint. 8 t.

1C \

E i i S E l E S

r t ______

“ R e s o lu t i o n I n t r o d u c e d b y S e n a -

I; t o r K in g W o u ld C u r t a i l P r o - .

» ■ p o s a l o f D e l e g a t e s , .

’’ , \V A s i i lN O T O N ~ C.; Jo t .re M lu tio n -o ffw d * today In- g c i^ to r K ing, doinoerat. U tah, the sonnti' would

If express its diiapproval o f a proposal . pow boforo the members of tbe eon-

I* feronces w hlrh would result, the rfso- , Iutlon mJd, In ( 'ecrfa ln powers, In-, eluding, the U nited S tn te s ," controlhni; :

" tb p Chinese finanrr* and tajiw anUr: would otherwise abridge the i« li tic a l’ 7 and flaenl nutonnmy o f C h ina ." 'The ! _ reiolutlon w ent nver under the rules. ii

. ^ h o resolution would pu t the senate > loa tecorA n» imyinii, ‘'That Sny nt-

J tem pt 'b.v o the r natin;is tn eontrdl the ia tera a l taxation (if-Chinn, Is In contra- ventioh of settled policy o f the United B tn tei nnd nn unw arranted In terfer ' ence w ith -th e independent power* nnd . nevrrelgn richt* n f the Chinese'govern- ' mont. and is io violntloo of intetDs- tional Inw nnd th a t InternatioBal com­ity which should exUt between free anii (ndependtint * |n tts .’ ' __ j

. C O N F E R E N C E 'M E M B E R S G O j

. T«n X a p ta u a A ttaches a n d . O ff ld i l i d I l e a r e . f o r L and o f th# M ikado, j

> ' W A8II1NOTON. 1>. fi„ yp) - / T e n ! . ' ■ m em hers-of the Jntyin>se‘a rm » ^ .j^ fp r 'h . cnee deloantlon will leave tomorrow oV'-f '. M rdni’silay for .lapan,- (anbarking-V f >

fittii Franrhm on thflV «cam cc:^fuv ii M am OB .TiionnrA- 24..'JAmong.ihe«i re- 0 tiirnlnff i.r«' M ajor f lcn o b fO ta k c , who c. cam e ,her" frnm Europe to assist Gen­eral Tniinkft. Ihe chief arm y c x |» r t for , Ja p an j t the eonforencer L ieutenant i Colonel M oorlta, Mnjor Nlsslharn. I>ro- fp jsor N egisbi' of tb e Toklo Commer- j (•lal unlvfmU y. who Is one of the ad- vi»om to the delegation; I 'r . Tachl, an advisor t» tho. foreign office on Inlcr- - na tional .law, and several secretarlciu

n o H T s r o o b o o s i s . ^t lF t 'l ,V , 0 ., -ConttnDlSg‘ bla ‘r

f ig h t a g a ln it food profiteers and th* bi high eo»t o f living in T iffin . Mayor lo U nger todny established Uiree b n a d stores, two a t flro, stations nnd one In pt h i t su lo n o b ile sopply hODse here. pt

B read Is being brought front Toledo tn b akeries hnd retallod J jt 0 ren ts o( pound loaf. T iffin b rciid .re tails a t 1 cn

" ;».•■ n ^ ' t H O iuLX , P B o o B E s s m o I

i: .wjam.voro.'f, s . c..lied deb t funding hill wa* approved-lo- , 1, dnv' by the -ae itfic.:finance com m ittee: , 4 a f te r ,m ost'-of thfr-ptijy»loas. ebjeeted to by B e i r e ta r v ^ c lW of the treaso rv -,,, d epartm en t had been eUmlnatcd. D eni-L :, oera tio mcmb^ra of the eomtaittee yot- ' ! od a g a ln it tho h ill In Its perfected fe tia . 'v • ■

rA K O U S SS PK Q B B B 'O IB S . ' ,. LONDON, UP) - A t .lohn K irk, flO, Dc who w n .'p h le f offlecr o f the (fovejB-.tmc m ent exnedltlnn o f D avid U vlngitone a i e 'A friea-lB -liSS, d j» i yeat^rday; , slii

W FAILS c 6 v i v 0 l

IL Y NleralElectiprtsobableUntilMdyl a r e d t o H a v e R e a c h e d D e - '

l e r D a t e N o t A d v i s a b l e , i n

l l S i t u a t i o n G e n e r a l l y

lih poUtleal ultnatlan, eapecUlIv tbe question• go lsg to coll a geoerai election, has again » France o l Vrian® ie renoval fro n th e foreground of |b« Irish

I opinlea onong tbe poUtleal w r i te r la thla 10 oieetlon, K eeatiy foreshadowod fo r P A -

b i ld beforo May. I t w a s -a ld th a t Lloyd Ibat 'a s n r l j r e lw lloa w u uadeslnible.

l E s n i f i i K S i i

M i i i r i B i i i i r ®

t O p e r a t i - v e s o f S t r e e t C a r s

> F l o c k s o f J i t n e y s , : M a n j

t— O r d e r i s I g n o r e d b y S o m e

p a n y ^

KICIIMONDvVa- ~ e trik cs call r d for Icdav by p la tfo rm . men anil I shoimien cmptoycd . by tho 1 V lfginif Hallway and l*owcr com iany In oppo *ihf billon to.B wago cu t, weto effective to varj'ing dvgrrrs' in K ichw.nd, N orfolk and I 'ortjojouth, according to e a tly re-

B a S t pa rts to. thp .company. In P e tcnbu rc no- i t « i« <lcclnrrd Ihn pniployei ignored

tho «trik.»,.order. —Only n few car* n r re being optfratoa

, her« on th e main lloiir o f tbe comMny and .tliouMinds w tre forced to w alk to th rif wur^ thU morning. M any of tho

'''* u trikcrs.w ero reported to have taken ,fobs as d riv en o f jitneys which in n e - dlafoly niadfl the ir appt'aranco la con; ulilpraWc'KJimliera,

w, p'ou, u r M ls wore miule hero when , the poUc.u broke up ga»'«* o f a trike

(.vmiMilhisiTi who woro atti'm ptlng to . luterferc w itb oitemtlon of single ears.:

' e ' F B E i i l E T i r

P N f f i i N T O i l


’. A lb W V .B O T M t .^ to : .b r ^ D 6 W « 4 M in i s t e r t o O o io a ie s i f A o : .

q ^ V a i i c 6 ' ' i ^ . i t e c e l € f l d •' ■ • ' ■ • /

• m i s ^ UP) — The n e ^ rab lne t un- ia « der ffa)7uond Poincare’w ent Into, pow- '

e r lod® .' wHh th«j p«bUrall6n in thp ». o fficial jo i jm l . o f W prf;i|JentJa) Ho-

rrees, onn.'for each nilniiti-r and ^nder- • • accretnrj' of s ta te . " ■ 1

Alhiirt 8 nrrdut wlif iw decreed mln* I r tl .Islrr o t Iho co lonles,.<^i:po(t ha ho ld 1 to r is the Rriflod eoblnfll^.jrJ/en' hi* accept- t oW aacc is received fttiujrW nshliigttjn. « lu l Senator Pant U fifin n el; who wa* 1 on- nreiidertt (>f I 'rtuico.for n fow n o n th s :«o- in 1020. te ildnlng an a c c o u n t.o f . ill 1 (n-, health, ba 'i'filed a demand in' the sen ' t m e nte for an interpellatloo on the foreign i in))rpoliry o f Prem ier PoJnrarc.. In hi# let- I cal tcT'ivf i\oU<katlati to th e .in tm l tr , i l \ The DcKhani I. suitgoated th a t an exchange < .. h )f views'iii ldiipen*ablfl,ln,the p rfie n t ate circum itaneei.. , ]

t I L L IN O liw O M E N TO . ' . T R Y P D U T lC A L GftM^l o o u n a t P » g rg iw iT * ,P « tjr OrgiaU -

' ed and P r tp u o d for A xtloa 1

nil B i 'i t iN n n E L p , i i r r yp) - a pewpotUlcal VMty to bp called th e "Tlotrs- '

' pvelt pM grcalvp part.v” and ru n 'c ti- *A firelr hr wtimcn. filw l.ineorporafliJtt

papers todav w ith 8 errcUr>' o f BU tn * ;fjmi>r«nn nf Illlnala. iTlip' Incorpomt- .1

arc CbUngo and Oak .Park women., ,t Thl' Inriiriwratlon cprtlfies th e new •(

I'litti'.-ivl'*. nomlnntp of support eandi^ h .w V i''" ! '* * so t' siditect to domina- 0

’f'^ lioii'.ftf.,'lnvi«ll)lr jfftvernmpnts' p r lo ii nu‘''r'ntilfol;Mlpfa'tion or dnmlnatlon of. 0

W ‘po'itfcnl bftssei.’ " ' . rV‘> The Inrorporatnr* includp Anna Mv- '«• or* MrK^nilry and Emma K.. Lewi* of u I'O Oak Park. . ’ , ' li

" ES TIM A TE o f ' LOSS HIGH {0- ' ■ — . u'7* D am ara )ry FKaiAs fa K<txla. l a x u . | d- w m Probably Sxcead Q tt« t« r W ' * IB , * M m ioa

• ■--------- itM EXIA. Tcxna (fl»J ~ CTeartng awtiy

o f.d eb ris from Saturday n i s b t 's ' f i n ,( ,w|ilch‘ r\^trtrvyed seven two-atorj' build-

Ja 'n r* on I 'om uipw strpet; h rT e 'w w fo1- lirgin todnv. ITio estimated propertyrt lf,w -Bf,* - ud S'fltjonal guardsmen and Tcxa* rang: n Pt*, sent there to onforc-j m ariia l law ^

proclaimed T hunday b.r Q overner N ^ff 1, ; 0 tn rid,M exla and tho adjacent oil fields a o f a’Icir.'d law hrrtikers, m aintained S ,cu«rd of the hum ed area. . K«P................ .......1'."." o fI H i s a n r o px.A2m IB S A I T . .

, } WA8111>;OTON. D. C , — Tho •[Cftmmerrlnl senplano reiKirtcd Ipst o ff ■ ■(tt<f east toa» l o f FloiW a ha* a itW td t\v J^flt th f Island ot jllm inl. one ot the 'ila - sfa* hnmns.' npeordlntf to a report recclvtd tb t '! b y the' navy department. O rders dl* re- ' I reeling hub^ehasers to srareh for th lij • aarlal cruiser .have b e tn . re a c ln d e i. ’ ©er‘ -------- ----- ' c o i

T O U & IK U A T B d S S O m , pETROrr, iff)-roMT imtta ot iho m

, D etroit honic o f corrw tlon e w a p ^ t t l # , ^ t morniag b j^ ^ a r ln g p ie iron bara tm lo r a cd ttldor w la d o ir t n d dodglBg' a ta,r liili

, sllladB o f bullet# f ired by g a a r d * . ,^ / ing

? E W S' v ' ' . ' ' m w i m m i3p«Ts'.

' B P i f f i l S

» f l i l l E S T i -

v i y p i ' l E

B r i t i s h M o r l t l e s i n D u b lin

S C a s t l e T r a n s f e r 'A l i G o v e r n - -

m e n f a l R l g h f s U n d e r T r e a t y

h u T e r r a s'*■ ______ .'/ i Doauji, w ) - - I k . *»«»; ■

m#st4l pow sti fo r XcalaBd. a t ' tLJ ed la Ui« B ritt ih anthoiUl## a t = s = f tib lia M rtHi w w * tw is id t f w tc*

day to Ul# proM A enil g e ra iu a a n t o f zrsU&d, u e sn am sM l la a t Sat-

, v tfli7 n n d tr th a A n g lM jlili tm t y .Tha tr tn if e r v u m ada b f V lsconat

T V n tfiU lxn. t h l iSTi Utstnmt, i a I I thavprlvy e o n a e U .d ia s W .. ",

The vlrcroy th is n»oralag '#w »ll«d a telepbone message annoD ncingJhat th#

i r S ministry had 'arrived n t H e eaitle bu t oo t unlil IsSn o 'clock th lf - a « « ^

. n y noon..dld the ehcors o f tho e rb i^ oot'...^ tide Mtimtnec the a r r t r a f n f Mleha«l**

n e Colllai, Professor Jo h n ’ McNeill, P . J . Hogaj*. .1o» M cQrath. K evia 0 ‘B lggtni nnd \Vl!llnm C o ig rave .. 'ImmeSlatelv

■ afterw ard V l«o \jn l P lli» !an , w ith tw o, *“*'■ aides Arrived on<l they n il pitKeeded

to the privy council cham ber w hrto Ahf , transfer o f /kpirers was ctJeeti'3.

P lf ; . L u i a w i r t a O a th t t ,\ From on early honr th l i m om lag all t i lo ‘I'O ras^le-w rro blocked . ' V gooil J-umorcd c ro w ^ wtttching for

w hat jffli described «s th e , '" f a l l o f DuWln U rttle ." Tbo metropolitan po-

. lice tlcalt in a friendly manner, w ith all eomera t a d th e auxU larlet In nalfoTW

“"y ^ t c h e d tho proceedings,from tlielf old ” quarter*, where th e y h a d ’examined so

^ many arreitod filna . T e i n e n ; ................

= B r a B t J i l l S l l f t

? - i B i l l T l l i l l l Bira. . / . ■ ..' ■'

Attorneys'&nd Jndge-ib. Confer'', eace toi p e r ^ t of

^ More Time.

(I ■ L og : A H O ELFi, — The ten V.* «onie:rr-rqQ two m e n . eonipeilsg th r

j h r j r . i n ^ ^ e ^ o f j ^ n t j ^ - ' t o ^ .

' Ii.#nacdy ,:A 8guat ''iy .fijij;!re^# n i6^ ,ta 8nporior J b 4 h < ,’B li» n rV ® - B w ra ’a. c'onrt to d a y 'io '.iifr iu ae ;;f^ (ic ,,d e li^ fa '' . .

/ U ont u t f t,h© faVe o f B n tth . T hn Jnrr-*- m* h u b ^ n out since 3:BT p ^ 'ln . ' l a l t . in '^ '• •

% A one. bo r ra fle r . th e i j i ^ * h a d 7 r - . j '.O' resB«*d dellbflratlofli Jodgo-B eovt . r* te n t fo r ,th e .a tto rn e y s fo r,b o th -a id es

and held a eonferenco w ith . U » n as n* the ouestloh o f how lo a g , the - ju ry •Id Rhoula bo held in 'tit p f fo rt- to « c a ro '/.• a v e rd ie t , I t .w w d 6 iid f4 ,t« ,M ra lt.tfe

deliberations to eontlnud. at, l e u t fo r '1* a few hours. ,it .When the in ry w ont baclr into ita ill room I t bad been tn a<tnat cQnf«reDe«B' A toU l o f SO honr#> and had tbe c u o ;n. under consideration -inore{ th a n &*>. t- h o a r t . , A ttorneys u l d -thU aptrroaebed t the local record for loag eonalderatlon '.

o f -a ve rd ic t,.

( ■ P E U E IW L j%. ' ■' • • . ' • ■.. Mystery SnrroondB fa d in g the

* Body ,0! HonoraWe Victor .. .^ , . dJbsoQ ia Hot«r

B jL O N P O N \( ff^ T ie l«h5f o f a a lr la h -,,r - fl man found dead in a hotel ait H orahaa,I. In 8unex,. on .B atvrday, wna identified I. .today as th a t o f tho Honombto V ictor V ’Gil'soy. son o f tho late M rd Aah-

hoiirnp. and brother o f tho p r S t a t Bar*I- on Ashbonroe Hia w ife w u in 'A m er- •0 l(^»n glrl,.Oaro)l»o D(rSinier,'dao8ht{>r t. ot >Vedcrick Do B illlor o f New' Xo.rk, ,

whom he mRTtlcd In 1509. * ' 2 ..' (llbionLon a rflv lhg i t tho hotel ^ t -

f u rday,. a sked b«:. allowed'-tn tem aln ., la th e :rm d k lA g 'rD o m ^ 'w h ^ " fi# ..w u . . ... h t e r found dead;' Ho had i w lo t t i l y . ;

J sU ted a f t h e hnfpl Ib a t bi'- ' Irishman and n rebel, and th a t hi) had -.

lived with h is fa the r, h ',* r ta e r J o r i ; ehaneollof o f I r t tJ a a d . 'i f .U ^ V f lfe 'W * .

(tal lo d ^ In D ublin fonrieea ago.Atme'broken,-bo'ttlfli were d t tw n ro d

In th e f lr tn U ice 'a ad -a a m a U ,.^ ^ U ty ' o f liquid had;t«en i ^ ) e d on U o W ^ - ' atone. V v'; ■' ^

' TO O N E tlSiSBk - ' ■WA8IHNOTON> { /IV -C rea to g o f *

a s additional d i r ^ t o r o f . th e . f«deraL rcacrve board so, as r t pave l h « . w for *■ the appoinliaent o f »,-M dlrt,''fBnnctV- ' by tho p n tld e n t la pr«M sed In a. n b - i tl tu te ahiendipent to n e fe d e ra l 'k > lorve a e t o ffered to d a y '* y , ■ Benatot Koi^ojg, w ^ I ^ -

' ■ w iii. s o T " w n r ;A f lA n r , ' - W A S n iK O roX .', '« V - B « } W * 'a ta '; -

tlv« Rnfa«. H ardy,-dem ocrat, I 'n t. .U uv a b th ’Tcxa* d istric t, aanoooeed to d a y ; tb a t he would no t b e a: caad ld ata 'fo r n j-flfP tien ., ' H e 1* srerTbtf -W a aW»»h term in iho hduao a ad la tank ing dem­o cra t mnwbw « f thd n e re h an t.m irtn e • eoBBlttcc.

W A X Z ftA ^0 0 3 B 8 -Z N T k ln R < falC 0 2 r, 'W A S m S O JO N /U ' « # » - • ,■

ltor.,l«n)I!«;t<^>' »pnb]i<aa^; W lw o ^ B . in lrodw td . i • .la g fo r another pafik<r la v u tip ilB n .

^ ■ , ■■ ■ ■ two

■ I F f lM l t lSEIPEllEflllIIIH,Twenty Year'Old Student'Will-

ing tO 'Afdmi His FallhSiri Nicolai Lenine Cannot Re­main at University^-. :

OXPOHD, Enjlnnfl, (ffl - A t lh u t E. Reodf, a Sfl-ycar-oli »tiidpnt of Worn- Mtcr folleijc, hn* born “ rttit iIohti," otherwlw rcmovfrt. from Oxford iinl- vrnlly l>y tlie vlci- r'tmiirp'lor and priw- tors for .rrtillog‘a rcvo!iitif>nar>''new*' pnper.Ybunc RmcIo enmc to Oxford frotp Kton, tin- mo»t fl>*lilnnftble puUlte Bphool In Enfflflin) Ant yr#r. Bnd ifl forth hi* ndvnncnl vIpw* In “ Frre Ox­ford. n CointiiunUt .loiirnnl ,of Youth,"•n intor-imlveraitV pnpfr.

Chhr’-<'» JI- Ol’"’’* odJtiV.ha* bcon’ "i<flnt dnwn" for two tcnnii.H u FaKb in L«nlne.

A ((cnRnit yoimc pinnt, cado pub- llfh- h'* mhulTAtion (ot liC-

■ nin’p ani M" fflllh in thr dii-tatoriMfJ • ' nf the ,')rfilrti*rint. IIi* u'nrli'l In nto

ndmlHinn thnt hii pnprr nrearhed lodi- tlon. Onp of thp offrnrllnK pirajrTnphi I >>t"tcd H' 't 'Mhi' ImtireooUle wnuW bi' ' bffwrl thp n’tcrnfltlvc of aurrtndrr or p lcrmlnntlon." nrul thnt “ thr do- otnirttnn of a tftr novld terrorlr-c the

Jntn >inrTMrtpr.''Tho Oxfo'd tinivfraltv nuthi'ritlri bc- llcvp ihnr >'oI»hpvl»t nrnpnmndn amon.rt thp Knf'Iltli .voulh Ik bcenmlni; a men-

P«nnlMlon B«fni«d. • • • 'Lcflnld tho io>-;rf trade en-VO.- fririMo dPllvnr'ii't nddroM'ln fon-

•pp<'t“on t ith ttip-rfiinMan famine tdUnf -Jn the tiill'(if. thp TTnfon. thP famoii* Oxford debntinc loclcty bnt pemlislon to uip, thfl.hnll wa* refiiiod/and Kra»' nln dpllTi-.rpiV hli iivecb io an nutra- h),v room boloosixff to the Society ,ol , FrJeodi, admUilop .to which only < gained by running tbs KQUotlot of ftn | iipronrlou* p»W . of;Oon-inppor»er».

M f l i B s ■■

. i p e o i i DMembers of National Oannors

AsBoolatlon Learn Bosnlts i of Sdentiflo Besearoh t__ J

t O’ MRVn.^T;, Ky.. <ff%-a8leneo Ut ’nid 'ow f>>e Rhont of ntbi»in!ne polioa- i"ff. ftfi'pwllnit to mfinbfr* of the Na tinnal 'Vit*ner»' v>**oplnllon. iWio.arr tipro fnr Ihr flflornlH anan#l cottvcn-

;C tint* 0 thvpTFrfnhntlonT,'Food r«'I*onirij'. *« it In ordinarily

•mrlnratoed. It wn* derlnred,* lit qftan dne to Imi>rotv>r dint or the carelrm hnndUnc of tooi cn the jinrt of thr foacvner. - -• PnenVpr nt n dinner drclared that >e rnnnera tiro Rpendln(r_S9prOOO tn-

----ntiftUyMn-flxWnrtVmWth Wd ..that*ome of-the nolnbV rciuKs have been flnnl eradipntinn nf tho.'liineor.due to botlOln''*, pipppinl'.v frpm lyianeJ Hfo

. (ilIvM. - -,fl» aVyra included Hr. V), J. Blirelow >1 Wnshinirlnn. D. C., dkoctor of the

r*tofiatinn'* laboratory, and C. H. rirnlly nf Snn Pranci«o, vice preiident of-Iho CalUomln PmWhe corpor#tlon.


. aid s A p ^ m n ^ ' S>tlift«A t h t t . l t B u W on % v ic to ry M d Bnd

)»•- , in S i U

" n b w VOBK, m - . - T l , c ' i ! « r a : » t irorlceri’ 'atrlko. wlileh hnii dliniptpd the tndustiy in Ketf Y<\fk tlMf NO' vemtxr H nnd hfli Icppt lhfliinnnd< idle, i* flxprctc'l Ib bp pnllpd'o /. -Mrtnljpri nf Ihr <trtke of the Tntcmottonhl Ln- dlo»’ nnrnicnt Worker* tml'.n will m«;c{ lonleht In ronnldpr thr’ ultuntlon.

Each M.do to thr enntrovor*}- nppH— ontly In rntlnfipd thnl it ha* won a

v|rfor>-. Rewimplli.n of work, iindrr old contU\Son», as MiRHrMcd by fipfr.'- • ■ tarie* Hoovrr and Hnvi«, temporflrily

continm‘8 the 4'1-hoiir 'w k nnd plpf-' work, wl-irh tho iininu d xlrrd, whili Ihe employe* pxpprt nn inventicatlon —

. . . of Inbor condition* which they nmcrl,Dwd rcmtdylnR.Clauiried advertlslnc i* the chcap A rirt thinff you cnn buy—mraiiirpd br ' '

. . |he profit* It may brlnjr yon.

Bad Colds f\ j r / E T , Mcrrey weather, expo<urc,W * n i ^ , and th e heavy cold u on. - |

D r. KlojV New Ducovery break* It up ([skkly u u l picuantly . Hou! d e u e d

. Dp, cottgh triievtd and yoa better. A t7ouriln>ssut»,«0c.

Dr. K in g ’sN e w D i s c o v e r yR}f Colds and Coufihs

B o m b fo r J I d p ? D r. [ -,lQai^ yoo 'the —

w iy ifeB atle . A t t i f d ro o it t i , 25c. VT \ P S O M P t t W O tT T OBTPB

j f a l Q i ^ p m s V

, TW IN p E l s r

liiHTH: m m , I i

ATI OPCK j y j

I C O M E ! 1 1 v ]


I S E E W IN D O W S - I

----------- r —— .Atthij' .r ^ ’ -Bpedal i

Wo nre i-ktri hu Towel dl

. Turkey : Hale I’fi Women'i

I * 7 Tg g _ y j 1 ^

• > 3 ? f i © 5 3 w £ « / S f ©

OUTING FLANNESpecial pnrebue of }000 yirdg'of oitra flaoQels. AU Dew patterns, bouffat etpeci Spocliil .... ——------- ------ -----

It’*,tho kind that Belli

[ S p f e i a l P n c K o i i

Final Clearqn " ' ' Winter-C

s in Bff.' -----Wall! 1

' i y j P Men’.• V t C J • rIovm

\ h £ W 'y “ ''■™ ■ v t I r ' ' l w il« m

■ ..r 'f c f t f ' | , | ! | | ; 1 . . . . I"'"-

Women'• heavy like «roal hate, ia hoatbAll sixes ..................v - -----------:— ••-Children'* eolton rlbbeVliMS.

..In all fixes. Pair............. .1 ....Women'■ fancy tklk ho*e.'

. •1.73 vnlur*' ............ .................. .........'<Vonien'*‘ fnQry iiilk striped ho*e, in b)

IcK, liile lop, sole, heel arid too.• HaJe 1‘rico ........ .. ........-.................___


§ A o e 8 for Every MetiBfnnts’ vici kid shoe*, in botb black and tan. Bee this woa- ,; r ... :... - .. S1.85 '■

I I T ’ S T H E -


Wnmrn’* mnllojfany Inrn oxford*.'In both brown and (JJi O Jf . hlnck. Siilp Prifi-.......


5 D A I L Y N E W S . T W I N ]

I i n : r o c i


I I I i l I I I I ’l I !


Staple arLOOK/ LOOKI!

this wenaarfnl Tnrkltt Towtl J A *ia l« ___ ____ ivC .are golni; to sell this great big Six44

heavy dwan Whilo Turki*h > >fO/kcl duriuK thU sale, at.................. -toy Red Tnble Domflsk. g g ^

nen's White Outing i’lanoei f7I!g%n«. Sale Pries , , ................ ,/r - lO C .

,3rt io. axtro fino qualityUnbleached • - I A .Muslin ..........-............ I V t •

. Perealea, I H aI Special at yard.......-

^ew spring patterns Id light J Percales go on sale. H Q _■ Hprelal, yard ____ I mL

42 Incb Pillow Cn*ci, la a good» .................2 5 c .^ , r 7 Amoikcag, Apron Qlnghams. ■

S : . ............, .....1 2 c

VEL, SPECIAL 15citra heavy qnallty light, colored outtog ipeclally for thi* sale. -

sells for Mfl rogul'ar,

M i i V i i o Wm ce^ nAlL-Goods!.75 Wright part wool anion suit* t grey only. ’(&1 Q ltill! i'ricb ____ ___ O X t J dien’s' eavy leather work O D /t 'ovei 11.23 values..-..-... W t en’s heavy cotton ribbed union

.............:........9 8 c ■oys' vellastlc fleeced Q Q a lion . suit*. Ati sizes___ 0«/CII men’* and boys' swcntcrs go la Is Krcat'snlo at CKE'THIRD OFF 0 marked price.ll mra’i wool Rhirta go during thli > le &1 OM&rOTnkta OTF marked ■Ico.

loalbcr lor only. ' '

‘ I Z Z I Z ' i s c .

........ .in b)aek and eordovan, /aibioned _____________ .$.1 2 ^ [

E PRICi; S S O F R E G U L A R P R I C E S .


(ember of the Familj

Ulssct' Ruiilaa bal ihoes. See > tills excellent valnff'at (gO IiLp Bnlo «5-6tt.UJ fi

Men's fine calfskin'd.rf** shoe*. g( ItuMlnn bnl. Salo Price— , y,

, i . R 2 5 ANI. $ 4 .8 5 , ■ ail'0 " '


f F A L L S , I D A H O . M O N ]

C H D A L E S T O R E - B U i l

• E . A L S A ISALE Will L

AND 61l E n u c n o N s - imd Fancy Wash

, I y LI * ; (o T 6

o . ' O . .

: :k t k5 . . .

W OM EN 'S 12.16 F U U for > FA S B lO im D BIL S; HOSB 11.06 . , , ,t 9 Inch fine mcrcerlced lisle ' lop, with double solo and 'I r c ln f o r e ^ t«p, spUeod ^0 1 , hcol and toe. tiilk leg is

full .21 Inehcs, taaking a standard full length 30 inch' • .

, stocking of the very best 'silk obtainable. EVery pair perfect and mode .by

.oAo of Am erica's best mao* < 1x0 u fae tu itr* . Black or whhe. of g In a ll sixes. SaJp

S a g n lv SplBuUd ia.46Valno. W edastday p<r p a ir-.---------- 11.96

" F i i i a l l T e a n - l I p ~ S i

Coats and20 Women’s Pur Trimm t»r Coats. Values to While they last, choice-

15 Women’s High Gra Trimmed Winter.Coats. to _?82.50. During th: Choice............................

yaPricepBig 8al» o f W om cn'i N e v Bptlng G Aprons, In th a n a r red, yellow ai Also m any o tber pattern* In b<mi J

. g io u n d a .' Made o f an e x tn c » d ( neatly trim m ed.. Bale Pdce , Obolee


m . N O T A S H O E B O U G H T

ilyS h o es of Qualiti

Misses’ ta n vUl VW shoes. A«k_

. : J 3. i 5,

Seo cur line of work Bboes at prioo^’lcfiB Ibau .J anywhere ih this o itjr ' v ,.i


LAST 10 day: » » 5 s / •

tROKEN■ T h o u s a n d s ^ 6f Y h G o o d s .

B ig T u rk isSpecial a]

H o r e i s a r e a l v a l a e . E x t r a la r g o i T u r k i s h to w e l s . S i i e 2 0 x 3 8 . • T lii s

T a ln e a n d i t i s g o io g i n t h e s a l e a t

H o s t s t o r e s a s k 6 0 c f o r t h i s s a m e f o r t h i s s a le .

.10 in. Dleoehcd Indian A C - 18) Head. Salo Prico____ ^ o t

tlili36 iu. Unbltfached Indian A A ^ , , , Head Muslin, yard

■ •• AllAO in. ikitt Finished ■% A .Illeached Muslin ........ 0-*fi]z0O Sheets, torn and ironed. Made 30 of good quality sheeting, (gi A A . wh Sale Prico_______ ^ X * U « / , Bal

Look for Other

S a i f r o f S t a n ’ s

d Dressesamed Win- ( t i - t m

i r ' f e f . S r t f o ; r .this sale,

si / 2 Pricei-

ng Style Bnnxalo* ^ ^ tr and blue cheek.« i UgUt sad dnrk«d quauty percale, 'i d e e .... .................... ...................

CUT DEl E R E Y O U A R E B U Y IN G S H O E H T A T W A R B R I C E S ! '

Hy--Buy Now and S.Little Women’s Kus*lan bftl and vici kid shoes. All sizns. Dor- ,

.. :.. $3.45

Jk ' '

Children■«„ brown elk seuffers. I ii.v.. During this snlo in.Iwo runs of

t E 8 5 w S 1 . 9 S ' - -Sy

m m \ .

I t H i o m u v

P C O M E !

tINKY a r d s o f N e w

ish Tow elat 29c!; e s iz e a n d e x t r a , e x t r a h e a v y ’

h i s i s a w o n d e r f u l

m e to w e l . B o n g h t e s p e c ia l ly

18x34 fino Cotton Huek Xowels. lli\mmcd ends.' During 1 Q -this salo,__________ l * / tIM Unbleached Sheeting, in a goodS ' ’? ;i ,.,,„ d ... . , . . .39c0-4 Uleached Sheetbg, AH 'During this salo _____, 4 0 C30 in. extra good qoality nnd heavy white outing flanner. 0 0 aBalo Pricc, yard.............. AAV ^

r Sale Items

l i W i i ■

■ ^ ' ' ' ■ ^ I J L >WL

EEP. ;.J E S T H A T H A V E O N L Y ’ y

Vt«n\!n's brown laee Mforda. All j |..... _ „$ 5.40 ■ i . ; ■

- S E E O T H E R M -

l O E S P E C I A L S .) N S A L E T A B L E D i -

iny*' good ^quality cair*kin \ ■ luchcf shoes. It’s the kind most ' tore* soli al ♦3.50. (pA 'ITfL I- .■>10 Prier .................. d ^ s D lT

M ' T H E M A N T H A T ^ ' 'l l HLW /iysyND ERSELLS ■

i . ' i . I , . J ; ■ '

• ........' : ( ............

' POBMPifP isn il!

— ' ■ ■ . I

E n g i n e e r s ; H a k e , S u r v e y s f o r

, P a r a l l e l U n e - l r o m S h o s h o n e b

I F a l l s t o M i ln e r ■ . ' » •. . . , ____ _ • lirail

In aalicIpnlioB ot early anlhorltn- P " ' tlon for fdDBtnKtion of a power tran i- m lu lon lino to parallel tho lioo now lo operatinu between ShoihoBo /«Ua .power ita tlon a n d .a dlit» lbu tlne ita - *“ J

y tlpn a t Milner, eaglnccra In tho cn p lo r ” y«; 0/ tho fdaho Powor company ara now „ “} coifagrd Jn'maklnjr au rrcy i Id t h b dif- tr ic t.

,y . , l . ........ • - lim it^ Bonrw O o w a m in t P ro je c t , man

Thnmeh tho M ilner station twwer b - . delivero'l lo a number of roclomntloL ®F •" ■■-t, ..p ro jec ti. inclndlDfi: the U line r Ijow

l i f t p r o jv t and the Minidoka and B ur­ley reclam atjoa dlstrlntfi which la i i ' ^

• yo a rb e^n a to augment f ro n thi* lource“ th e ir p o te r lopply from tho power «ta- ” PV

tlon e tU blbhed by tho roel&mhtion *“ •errlce. ' ' *7°/®■ iBfTeittlnR dBmanils for-j^owor from 'l^^R '

the U llncr ita tlon nliw Are belnir m adnl^M ^ by th e Vipont mlvcr minlnff d b tr lc tj f®' lituate ii acrois thn lU to ilhe in U ta h '^X ? J •b o u t 20 mllet louth o f (JaV'ey. Power, to the mlnlnir d litric t b di'llvcred over tbe line t&at-«arre* O ikfey aod other C a a tb rounty to'wni. .

ber (Serrea t« SAfefnard. inf^ t

I n addition ta 'p rov id in j; fo r delivery pcrao of heavlflr load* o f electric eutront, Moat eonitnictlon ,of tho propoied auzlllnry cd ii Uce from Shoihono falla to M ilner finnn would servo as a infefniard a(rainit in - ' “ I tc n u p tio n i in lervlco ine idoct’to 'i t o r m ." I w « r other fac to n which havo o rm lo n e d court;

' troub 'p hrretoforo. ' ' j. TTie Idaho Power com pdoy'a 'budget j j j j

. -ns approved by tho directcre laat week I „ a l Boijc, (loci not intludo appropriaUon* , ^ 0 for tho fonstruction of this line, but

. i t I la bollevrd th a t funds for tho pur- J'''® ' poio w in be forthcoming If nBticlpntcd »‘'V ‘ debanda fo r.in c ie au d w ie leo taaterlal- } ia . ■■‘"■I

t portn

•U N IV E R S IT Y S T U D E N T S .T i,,!


Otei -WBkMi, Twin ru n , «I4 Phlllp' r - a Bock, TUer, W in P U cm o a Um - 1 r R

V an ity T ean* I r U

U N rv^T lR IT y OP IDAHO, Moscow, (SpcclnlV—Pobato tryou ti n t tho Hni- T(>mlty o f Maho for poallloni on tlioj vo rillv (ielinllnjf tcam i reiu lted in tli,*! (olecHon nf thn foliowlnf^ mon:. W oljcri Qrcntboiian of Robe, deb^io mana^’i'r;! l^rrol Ililimnn, Bcxburir; hhiUip Buek, T n k i

I F iler; .Shelvy Atchley, 8?vlervlHe,. , T enn .;, filon W ilknon , Twin P a lli ji * Carid P^Mman, Boise. ' Koch' eonUst-

• lin t prnp^rrii n fivo'm lnuto apeerh onj .- the Bubji'ft o f compiitior;- n rb ltration l Ent

'O f labor d lip u tti affclll'nR public u tli-;produ , Itieai,-which b thia ycar 'n iju n t io n .io r et T hree fam ily members neled a< jndffox.’bccai

rrofcsflor C. W. Chenfiweth, uiiivor- tlio k » ity Oob.itfl eoacb, will, •mmeillntoly .Rct a atnrt trninlnj^ tho deliatc squad. An a(]rtji a ffinnn tive aiid n.neKatlve team o f twn hnd t men e.vh nnd ono nitcrnntn for Mch nvitic wlli bo xcleetod froni tho aqiiad o f ulomt The iinlversHy hn* nn iinu^ualiy.. a n r nlwjil «h6dn1e of debatfi th is year.* . ‘ ta tloi

' • . . — . Til.


______ - • . - takoTorty-'Nlno Shocks u-« B w orded In One

' ' . T e a r la ( M e . floma o f Long '" I '* -

L • i J i" ;■ BANTIAaO, OT - T.IO h o n .Im l!

Itnd fortv nine earthniioke shoeks >fOr,i' ,, rerfirdo.1 In Chi'o in 1020 nCfordl^^• tn

•» report ju s t published by th o -n a t io x J .. «ijmo5tiRUa\ nervke. The averjkpr ,itrrv n i between shock* w.ia 3^ while In the year prevloua'a ihock w asi ” re(ri*tercd every gfl.houra , 1 ^ "* “

Tho fren tc st lobmic ac tiv ity in .1020 " J " wa* tlio n tea rmbroclnff tho A c o n rn n in t, . , . •and Mnlp.1 vallcya In which tho princi- pal fltlL‘» -JTha mo«tapronninired fhiftk''wns_rccor'3o376h Ju ly , .. .20. tlio renter of. which wa* In tho

V Afoncngn-j valley. _ e = s :

' . U A lfT n O E E T S SOLD.

ODEB^MMEHOAU. Qorinnny, (/Ph •Oao iiunilred thousuid or more v b ito r* ' |« a lready bavo npplied for tlckotji lo. Iho tii I’aaslnn j.lny lo bo alnRrd n e t t season. ,1 from May to September.' ' , w

A l M'»n ns It wn» dofinitely known oi th e play wonld be performed Ibl* year, price* brro were artvancod onbfmoualy [

A nd thcfO wa.i hp in rcn t a tondonry.. lo. . ^ o a r d ovctytlilni; possible a f^ i'n a t.’ the

day wben tfio " tlsh .fo ro lsn cT * '’ tam e.'T h o i ’ns^lon piny commltteo ha* taken

, y thU lituaticm in hand and will isiup p rim lists nnd iierk with ull enerity lu

.avoid .any "p ro fitccrin i:.’ ' ! ■ ■

w m i l k \


R I V A L,

' . ■I — ■' ' -T

'/ ■ ... • -i


Marital'Tronblos Easy. of. Set- . tleznent in Soviet Bnssia, '

Says Viflltor AssiM O A , L a tv ia ,. W V“ Thrco . dlvorcci 01

to any one person a w cubsldercd AlTo' ‘ lim it , in B()vIot Kutsla, arcordlnK tc Pariey OhrUtensea, o f ChlcnRo; ran- p . illilato for preiident ,• of the Unitccl a ta te i on the Farmer-Labor narly th-k- , : t .in 1920, who reeontly ipen t a montl;In Moieow. Mr. Chrlitcnscn vb ltud Mnhi loveial Bolabevik courts. n,,. ^

“ I t b falr(y e u y to Rct n divorce In n Joviet BumI ^ " salll Mr. Chrbtlansen f, ’ *hen in Biga. " b u t I un.leratand thu im it b three for oaah person. I f a n a im r woman hai appeared In tbo dl- ^yeo cowrtfl moro iban three tlmca, h 'j 5 "“ ' ir iho baa a vory difficu lt tim e. 1“ *'®*

Procsftlingi Simple

“ I visited ono dlvoreo hearing. I : I"! r a i extwmely limple. Tlie pair waa epMatod_ in U l f an hour. On arrival n tho court foom th'o man nnd woman J**’® ' roro teparalely qucitloncd by th>- ^ udRe. Ue lhc« got th e » to g tlb e r and '" m ried to penunde them th a t the ir quar- • ol could lie patched up and thoy n lp h t Dojse ivo togather. fThey ro u ld n 't *co i t th a t ffyT 'aj tho judge took them into an- th e r room lo algn papers dlssolvlnc b rir m n nhnp . oyer

Mr. C'lrlMiaDsen also v isU ed 'a num- er o f •'jK-ople’« courta ," correspond- og to police courts in Amerien, where craon* i to tried for minor offensea. *>'>'• ° lo s t o f th6 judges, ho said, wero dros*- • d in rough .elothes, including brown . The lannel ahirt*. In lit“ In ^ euc ra l," la ld M r.-C hrbtlanien, 10”

'I w ai amazed n t the falm ssa.'of theio ou rla ." o f 13;

, The


C0N 8T.VNfnN0PLE, ( f f ) ~ P i f t « a counl liouiand Greek and A naoalan ro^gee* lo t a - re beln)( sent from ib l i c ity to tho - . ilapd of Cypfua In ahlps provided bv !io Oreok government. T w enty Ihou- ^ and other refugeca are aw aiting trnn i- orlntlon, bu t tho Proneh authorities ro. porwadlng Chrbtian» not to go, , ■ thoy have itcured formal guaronteea ^ bat tha Turks will rerocct the ir live* , . b ? “ nd proper ty . ,


• and d?ako a QIass of Salts to Flash o f the

Kidneys if Blodder Both- ,e r .T o n . ? 7 . '

- — ' waa uE ating ment regularly cfentunlly

roducca kidney Iroublo lu aome form ■ r other, si^vs n well-knotvn nulhority, ceauso lho uric ac id 'Jn mc'at cxcitcf Iio kidorys, they 'bece'mo overworked; e t aluin{ish; clog up and cau,<o nil ir ta o f ('.'stress, partim lnriy backache nd m isor.vjn.tho kidney region; rbeu- vitlc t»vitifje*, sovrrc ' licadnehcx. iicid lomach, consllpalion, torpid Uver. Ircplcssncaa, lilnddor nnd iiriiinrv irri- itlon. ^Tlio moment ,vo:ir bnck linrlH or kid

cys a re n 't nrlini; rii’h t, or if'lilnddi.T others yon, gi’t About four oiinres of nd 8aU* from any good pharmacy; ake a tablrsponnfiil in a glass o f wa- nr befoift brenkfnat for .n fpw dnv* nd your kidneys will tl>cn a rt fin'i.-;'his fnmr»u* anils Is made from tbo n^ld f grape* nnd lemon juleo, combined •iih Ulhia, nnd'ha# ))eftti’ iised fo r gen- rations tn flush c 'oggrd klilhcyii nnd limiilhlo thi-m lo norm nrnctlv itv ; also0 Reutrnli>;o the nrlds in the urine lo1 no longer Irritates, thua cndlnR bind­er diioiilcr*.Jnd Sails cannot Injure ,an.vone;

mkes a (iellghlful rffervesren t llthia- r)iter drink which miUioni of men and fomen tnke now nnd then to keep the .idnoy* :>nd urinary organs dcnA, thiis voiding i>erioua kidney disease.—a d \.


HEAD L E n U C E S E E D .la scarce. I f ,y o u a rc going lo need It belter make ^ u re of ll righ t now. • Wq can atipply you

. w ilh tho finest slrnin.. Hoc us a l once.


TW IN FALLS, I D ^ O , You Know You Can ^ l y On , , Our ^ o d s

t ^ - w i t h t h MMMtMWr


f c i s o ' l ;


A s s e s s o r G a t h e r s I n f o r m a t io n “j ;

o n P r o g r e s s o f G a s W a g o n I t . '

'In I d a h o •

F ec i collected for T tviH ration o( whi motor vehicles reached th'o high record IK*®' '■'vpI In Twin ’FVII* county and In Idnho in JWO when to ta l collections fot ,Vv llii> rounty oa n3l|2 lironacB ifwued were ' li101,058.7.1, and for Ih o .a ltto on 51.C25 ‘‘ I’llcensc*. |fifl2 ,0 .tU i. U s t ^vuar the “ „•ounlv issued 4080 licenses nnd col. . c ried 182.182.14 lo fees, w hile In the jntire alafe thero ware 52,041 licensesuued a n d ' <841,2G4J’5 collected in 7, . . . nlUliCei. . . • B

Theae fuels and fiinirea are embodied n infofmation aupplled hy'B cerotary of jta le Bobert 0 . Jonra to 6. Claud J*"* llow art. Twin I 'a lb county aaseiuinr.Tho b lo present a paper on “ Methods W n Collection o f Motor Vehicle Lie- nse Fees.” a t aa annual mcct^nj; o( he county aiseisors e f l^ie s ta te in k b e , opiining Thursday. . Pri;

In form illon supplied by the aecre i 1 ary o f i.tato'T;i)vcr»..oolleelIfln^ since 013 whon the sta te government look iver th b function, nnd includes rri'-- M rd i o f Ada, T w in-Falls and Canyon rem ountiei, whlcK rank first among th« tend ountiot of the i la te ia respect lo num- tho ler o f licensei Issued anti amount o f ble ees collected. i Tl

The report thow i a steady incren*u Ihp n licensing of motor vehicle* *Inri- hb 013 w h en 'th ero were b iu e d tn the with ta te 2344 U m m o s on which a to ta l Tl f 137,21X1 in f m wa* collected. ' lavli Tho comparison a* between th e 'th r c ’ jteoii

lading counties follbwa: shin'No.of Amount j

kiunty. • Rflgbtration*. Collected ^» 1 » - I L(Tw in Kalla ....... 3080 CP,031.^7 dumA da ...... .............3277 . ♦M,4B7.M:uporCanyon ...... .......2227 ) .1W41.W.cl6sl

0 1 0 - jiodu.Ada ................... 4358 , 70,008.^u IcaaTwia Falls ..... _4.-!83 77,lM ./2 du ljCanyon ...... .......3055* 51.060.07 Mor:

B 2 0 - r o iA da ..................JODH 01,107.00.of rTwin Fall* ....... 5342 I)l.M8.7fi led !Canyon • ...... - .....4228 72,.'i50.2n 500;

D21— ■ wllhA da ............. '.,...'1324 !>7,021.80 tT w in 'F iilb ....... 4(180 82,182.14 HICanyon .......... -.43GIJ 7i,357.a'> ^

IB B T H rA V O B im 0BN A H BN T8 " "

BEBLIX , (/PHN’eeWMf* o f w oive* '‘ nd dogs' teelh woro among the rolics f the early stono age reported to bavp een dbcuvered in W calphallo. nenr tenglnrn, by scientific Inveitigntor*.

alone cheit containing atone vesaolr 'OS uneirthed. . ____

j l ' . . ,

C L E i ^ B

C o m f o r t s ,

i p g i

NEWS, TWIN f a l l s ' I


Doctor o f P e ip e ttu l UoUon la Among D ogm a E arned by Old Time n

S to d ra t . S j J

NEIV YOUK, ( ^ 3 . Fo ity o .i. y .- .n ago, W illiam.Cullen Bryanl Kemp be- ;nmo o stiident a t Cobimbb university, .q Todny ho is a tlll a student and biA nnt itrg mbsod a icmoater. D

H aving atudled everj'th lng worth In^ while .and exhausted all o f l|io "ol»- P g io i" Student IJemp, who is over 50 son, )reari old, b apending h is 't’me th b yea: ]) earning j.11 about the paleogbographlr ileve'opmvnt .of -N orth Ainerirw. •

lie has many degrees, including a ]) ‘ D .'P . M ,“ {(loetor of perpetual me- mui Linn), conferred by 'h i* fellow students.

Some i.iy . th a t Wllllnm wouldn't j itudy'w ben n boy, so Ihnt a wise unrle it' e ft a will providing for, him aa long a* j]ub le 'w as t legolarly carollrd .university , |m | iludent. n bt

Student Kemp w on’t ta lk , only, lu ]n ( iny: “ The moro yon learn, the moro nin^ ^ou know. " • this


Prince o f W ales Oaptnres P o im ltr ' b s Fancy ia Ind laa O lty a sd Troabls - ^

Ooaaei . ■ "

KiADPAi^ Indln. ha*eeovered from tho rioting which at. ended the arriva l hero on Pridav nf ho I’rinee of Wales, N’o -further Iron te 1* apnrehended.The prince nppnrentlv ha* capturf.l

ho populnr fnney, and- crowds awnit b every nppenrnnce, greeting him ;ith enthuslnsm.

The ilree ts nnd bulldlnp* bave been, tvbh ly derorated and- prcsnnt a got- eou»'apeelnele in . th e brlUl.int aun- bine. ,

UNEM PLOYM ENT OBOWINO.LONDON, m A* a re jjilt.o f th.)'

umping r f Qerman goodg consequent pon ihe low v a 'u e .o f the mark, the losing of n g rea t many p lants in thi- gdustrhl M id'ands b Imminent nn- ;aa .the government Impose* a heasy Ul7 OD German manufaclures, thn forning Post declares.'O fficia l s tn tistlcs give the number f rcelateied imemplo.ved in Ihe Unl- 7d Kingdom on November I I tia l,??'),- 00; nn Increaao 6 f 76,001 -.compnrM Uh Ihe previous week.

BRAP TIIK r i.A M tF fV p A no


OHAS. 2 . B O W O L im ft 00 .Pltone 2ie-W.> i

120 Slioibone B t W ett French -Dry Oloanlng

________ B e p tlf la k - r ^ e l i i f • ^


JA N UARAKiLANJ, P n i o \ ^ s , W h i t e

S h o e s , M e n ’ s 1



R E A L / E S T A T E TTRANSFERSrn m b h e d by tli^ Twta’PaUi.TlUe ta d »«nt

' A b f tn e t OomptsT princ_____ 'Auat

Deed: Chaa. H. Scott to 'J a n e V. B rltiScott, *1. lot H. part lot 7, block iX 1 Twin JVills. . .

Deed: 0 M. C lnar-to .1. N. Clnnr, ------jl400, lo t J.,b lock I, Wllmqro Ira rt. '

0 . B tnnetl to Marrn^ ' l lUrookmnn, ♦ !, SK NW 3J-1M 0., ' V

Deed: !.• H. borrow to Albert Ebol- |- InB 112^00,' p art SB 0B 4-10-17.

IVed: .U berl Kbeiiug to Uni ,1. .Tohn-' 7 ^son, J15J'I0, part SK 8K 4-10-17. H

Deed: W. .1. Vnnng to A, K. O e ^ ‘, J♦1. b t 2, Y oungs sub. Iol 7, DeLong f raddlllon, «

Deed; J . K. MiHican to MnrgnretMilllgnn, 11, pa rt NW NW -JHO.IO. gp

KANSAS OLUB TO B.’ SQTOT.-BUHL — M flm bers'>r Ihu Kantn» (!f

club of B'lhl, romiiosed nf .'ormer re 'l- $0denta of the 'Sunnnw er state, will hold 1n ban(iuot nnd “ get-together" metilinc f oin Odd bellows hall hero on. the eve- .ning of .lanuary 2<l. annoimeemont to Mthis e f fo r t. being iwued this week by ^11. II. Taylor, president of th r organ- ^Iu tlon . , . . B

The News b read by tfie v c ro a n ia t p earning elaaaes. ■

^B €

\ - S :

Denja: W Wc hav ^ 17th to

and . we aro j BbascH :

^ TUB Main N establlsl

K r lory g« f tU b TUi I . purjKise P larger c

____ havu yoi^ iBium Cl

>Artlon 1 ' the pati

' JU S T LOOK AT THBSB ULAN Beading Glnasei, in fine gold filled frnnfc Olaasea for constant wear, rimless gold for eyo g la sse a ----- ------------;_______ ____

, IlEN JA M IN PBANKLIN b tho fa ther ginsa two slgbta in one, In h b honot w e i

, lenses two alghta-In-one ono plece-~not •



e G o o d s , R e a d y t<

; F u r n i s h i n g s

a t e r ^ientStofa E m a Prqgr.

• L - .

J^ A R Y 16,1922 ..........

W HEAT r O E ST A SV piO B im O PB •-M EtBOUBNK, y p i ' - - A id to tb e ox- "

unt o f #2ClO,OOD in A iiitnillaa' aupplios, <rincip.tlly wheat, to be aMpped-from luatrnlian. stores already In G reat , Iritnlnr-^a to be extended to the a to rv "Bg people* of Europe by the:«o'mmou- roalth government.

Y o im ?

Th s p*!a u d t o r t m n a a im i g « d

tin lm w t. I t b r a p w n i t b , e « s a M d

TOt^ 11.40.

i e T h r i f i t y

S a v e Y o u r E y e s.njamin I'rank lin Week, Jan . 17-S4. have act aaldo tho week of J a a . to 24th na Bavo Vour Eyoa W eek > -

in order to help you to bo .th rif ty ,ro going to enable you to purebw e . icH n t prlcca the loweat iB 'yoora.

IB iu V I B 0!*TICAL CO., 110 I N o.,^]>o8ito Perrino Hotol. has )ll*hed u 'reputation for aatbfao-

gunrnntced optical acrvlco, aod ThcU t Special U pu t o n 'f o t tbe

nse o f oxtundlng our serrice to a .T clientele, and lo enable you to your eyes taken care o f a t a mla-

n cnst w ith n maximum of la tb - on as vro aro never latlsfied tmlew patient Is.

ANKLDT W BEK PBIOBSnnf^ largo torle len se iJ ....... |7 .60d filled apeetaelea

----------- ------- _________17.50 ■'iher and Inven to r of tho lilfoeal re will mako you a pair bf bifocal ot ceraonlcd ............... .. $8.75

IS,OptomeMst[OAL 0 0 .


t o W e a r ■

RE mtressive

ran ' .

h S H F : I wmmLrfflBfEs

M l ' i t i o n s t o P a i E x p e n s e s o l

' ■ 'F i i h e r a l s i , B i r t h s a n d M a r-

i f i a p e s ■ B e c o n i in o 'C o n iitio n

■ ■ '• O M 'u r r e n c e ! ' '

: ' ' t r C^llM tions'to p.iy• ■ tf c o .< e ! it;o t '(u n m li, b lf th t, and cvfr

tnAr>Iaf:wlaVo bceomo conmnn iD llcr• , llH.-whfl» t 1iOi:eBt c f <lyinir a t n fll

llv lnn h«< incMSMd'onontiOusly ulnfe tbo' -bci^flaing of. wJntM.

W hen ' there is n JmBtifr tbt. rm pIo;e* in a n .o fflc o bultdlriff n liM

(• Dindp’ opt of, tli'o. offiipshl* e t thr ; baildinir an<l tho pnpof.»iiilptly paiiod t .-ftrbttad,, .• fcol • ovcryonf conlrlhutw I W h c tt'a la b w r / 'H o s 'o r a member .of < h li fam ily i i iitrirlcen, tbo lis t.Ii poM d '■ tlitough the apartnipjit. buildlnff' In

wh'eU .'ii' UvcR, or i f in tho tnoarb i Ihroodh the whole fom m uniiy.'

1 . n in f u In B faiplly i* rauM for. th»liume |i'rJcMiiro 'an<l a marrlatto' h no!

; ofton paxic'd w ithout n ra ih contrlbus

I W orknioo 'anJ Itfn'-«alsrled ractoW?; 1 o/» thp “ vbJle p ro/rtiJoiif awn. ; bafo’y onnuRh'to buy'fooil aod fuel- ta

* *upport I h m during tho winter 1 months. Now rlotben are not to be ■; thouR ht.o f, parHcularly >noe», a pa i

' o f whicb cost* a« much as maoy heads ! u f fumllli-^. earn in a liibnth.

' 'Q o ijV nsa nn X % ''lA ti.U ohy v'lurkmen'KO nbout the ir itntiei

' . , In lu lls so piitclied th a t very little o( , f the privinai m ateria l rtrfnnin*.' Thoir

' shoA* Aro often^full of holoa, corrjr. nn* ■. incroug pAtc]]<*i or th e lr -ire t are wref;- •' pod with rtu*. ’

C’o n ip ln ln t- lr / it)ad e ';in .'a h o r cirdits . th a t. wh!7o tbo,'workmen aro, suffering ■ , under t h m <oB<llUons, the p n if lle tn ' ond forctgncra u e spenilinf; enomious

suras daily upon 'luxurlea. T iig Is eaus- :— I- It)j{ Btuflv ^Ittertioss am onj the work-

• c ri.The. cen tral ROvcrntncnl lias dlrfclod

,- th ttt tho names of those rn n v ir tc il jif ! specn lo tb o ' ond .'p rofltM rlnp ' Iw

: lubed prom inently in tbi) ncwspa]>ers.

J PARIS P U G tfEDBY WiLD CATS' ;*> RmII> SsHotM 8lttMtl«n CAUfM ' t r

H uiMlrtd* t t thV Anlmala lu fattlafl y .. .. e«J« rf« B eu lfonc .

.H ondm ls o t wiM c a t i roonlog Ioom ' ; la tlie B o lt <Je, Bo,ologoe. Part*, to d

‘ . tftUfllljr p rovW *'* M liC C 'lO P H C ^-r-^ \ bljfpedeitijfm is; t o a r lfonpd‘Ult«-wi ’« •! V ce i9 ''^ f (m iix)u tioo . b o t l t . i i rptllr::*

I fac t. M o re o v e r.'th « lr '« x ls t« < * i u r p ro T o k ^ a (MnBlct^'betveen tbe Soul* t « tv f o r .(&«• PiuU etiw ^ « f AfiioAlfl . t t o lU rd L o b n i’ a M litr . tlw W iar:^ !* ' k tb if w ild f t i l t a t a 'n a i t ' t o i b ^

I . a g ttttJ . wUI« tb e fiirtM r la*' t i l t t t lu t t^ .lK r iiw ih iiV A t& o ’ rlfhe to

f. cap tare ' tfaes ^ « o r fltber meana t h u it i m t n p i . T b« ',ea ti.' bow erer; t« f tM . to ^ ( e r th e b e i ^ ' aod a re so cah iiw t

! b f >^0 coQttanal a t t e ^ t a to I o n tb b n• ) Into n e u tb a t . th e y , now ahow flih t

w ^ e n m r n n ^ . b r d iM re o approadi . d t ih n r th e ir n o n l i i g atrolla. -Tbe

i 8« tM prefec tore 1 tak laf:thQ p nb len i I 80 serloDsl7 th a t a ap ed a l committee I ' > tiaa been oppotsted. to biTeAlcate. and i U preparing a'.retitirt' to .abow ' th a t oo*I J e a a .tb e cata can '.bo o a r te d f r tx a the

e lty’i b t n m plajrfK»u><>>tbe Rcceed*I .;iB | Httwra o l W lim * w H l.be m o » w -

ta x e than the ir parobla iin d i th e Bols I ^ e Boulogne will 1>ecbme a l dangeroiia \ i f o r hum ana a s some of tb e fd reati la

; o o n h e n I la u U .

No Tepograpltlcal F om ailty . ••’ W ith ilip M ccptlPn of a few u rcm ta tho CooU Inlet re’eloo. the jajvojcra-

< ;pby o f C h u n e b f o m t tn Alntkn If I rxceed ln ily rucecd .. the mouDtalna

n f m rising flbruptiy from :h f ■,0n: ReatiTTticUQU b a y 'th e towering

; . , - ; p n k a leeni to re o c b /tn to h e a fe a I (Tbe tim ber line Is n sua ily .a t on elcvo*' ilp o o t abou t 2,000 fee t: atiove this I '^ lae ba rren , gloclnl peaks,' raag ios,

‘ftotD S.000 to aooo fee t Id cleratloa.

;, MaHofltny.' A cork dipped lo a m lxttire of e q w l p a rta o f oxalic ncld'^aQd w ater and ,4ben robbed o re r ihc stolns on a M ahogany (Hano n-itl rcm are Ibem.

; 'W ben the sta ins haVr dlxappcared,• waah Ihe wood well w lih clear w ater

aod polish n s iinual .


I Chocolate Peanuts

: 4 0 c l b .

I V arn ey’s137 'M A IW W E B I

f . ' - ' ' • / '

T W I N F A i i L S . D A I

' p J i f o s t B e a u t i f u l R u s s i c

I::S H |

Ber- II aslinre

the ii*< tbrt


Inofb* j f i SB S

not . IK iQ U d s Mrlbu- . ^ M

nter > bepair M no. Kousuersoff, on« of the many eads titled B a ta laa refugees .iu-Leodon, is

reputed to-be-tho .inost beautiful o f tho

Jtl'w — , | i

“ TOOAy'S M A M E T STar- I


lions ---------Opening' H onrs on -Bxebasge Indicate

O ontlmisd H w atby T o m In M arket

. N EW YORK, (fl^ — OpenltiR price* pul,, p'u: tbo. atoek m arket today j>ointi'd to

n rcfunptloD o f-In st w eek 's upward ’ . movement uudct jsuldancc of' ra lli, ship-

nlnjpi'ond oils. Delaware and Hudson, iT S M crrantilo Marino- preferred. A tlantic

« u lf , Arecrlean IntemaUoncil, Stand- ' t y ard Oil of California, California Petro-

Icom.aitd Boyal Dutch woro higher by : f e l o n s ,to one point, BL Paul eom.

laon and proferred, Atchison, A tb n tle ^ Coast Lino, Boldwla Locomotlre. Botb-

le h w 8 tM l aad Chandier Motor also • “ * added to recent ffalnt.- I'amons Players

was itroi){(cat of tho-specialties, rising ,’e*- ii M points. ; - *r:;a OalltaioDoy r o u to alk per'cen t in tbo h k t t o t e r '^ i n g t , b u t ells, exceptlag Qcn- aul* oral A spbalti ; ptreDgt|ioDed. 'Mexican

Petroleum atfil ffouktbn ^ i l made n lo s M '^ m U . ' 'p K s i i u « ’ a g k i] i^ a tf^ « d tiiuelw p f itp e l ..Tio f iq r iw w a s Jnwor.

^ L iberty U id a v e re ineUned to eaw .but , . o ther bonds, showed firmness. .’ “ Broad aadT «aiT o tradinff, especially

in :miU, a t groai g tln a of oeo to I h n e point* wns th e dlstlBRulsbinR featttro

| w of to d a y 's stock m arket, deipi(e anez* ib n pe<n«d tigh ten ing o f money Yales. 8a]es i h t npproximalcd .ft00,0(jp-.share*. .'M b . W b e a t 'B Q ^ 'B e e tia U ie d n»e CaiOAQO <ff^~Absenee of any ag- leni grcsMvo (i«y!n{t lod to ■downturns. In lte« the price of w heat today dnring tho u d cariy- n n r t o f the board of trado sos- QQ. *lon. Keparta' of enlarged offerings of U,0 the BcW'erop i s A nstralia aad A r^n*

tine a ttrac ted some atteotiom An- iounecm ent' o f tUo failure of a New

^ York brokomgo houso also tended lo ro- stra in bnylBg hore, although i t w as said

" the eoneorn had no im portant interests I « whieh bnd boon le ft unsettled In tbe

g rain m arked Opening quotations; w hich .ranged from 1-S to 6-Bo lower, w ith Mnv a t *1.11 to ♦1.111-4 and Julyi

fu i a t 90 7-8e to »1.00, were followed byi T&- tllg h t fu ttbe r detll&t&

If ___________________ L _ ____ _ ..in i ~ ■ ^ ~

i ' " • f f . ng . . • ! :MLra- ■ , .

Savings.T h e h a b i t o l p u U in g t

a p a r t i c u l a r p u r p o s e , p e r b a

^ I i s o f g r o a t im p u r t a o o e in

ler s a c c e o d in a o c o m p l i s h io g

s e t yotUTBelf t o r o a c h o n e

*' w i l l f i n d o a c h g o a l a t t a i n t

S a v i n g o n a c h e c k in g acc c

t i o n o f s p e n d i n g b e f o r e tl

s a v i n g s , a c c o u n t . n r o k c s

w i th d r a w in g .


T h e F i r s t I s S

o f T m i

O l d e s t B a n k i


M e m b e r o f F e d e r a

■ r ' ^ \ -

AIEY n e w s , t w i n FAI

t s K i n R e f u g e e i n L o n d o n

laay refugeis now ro«ldlDg o t the i^nglis 1, i# copltol.-; t h o ' V ■ ■ • .

" T j • aubscquenfly the marVot rallied ot 0 ing to .Russian relief purchases', and I A a decrease In tho United S lates vlsibl

■; supply to ta l. Tbe close w t» sU ady i the aamo as S a turday 's finish to IH

■ lower, with May t l . l l 3-8 to 1.11 1. ami Ju ly •1.00 to 1.00 1-8.

(E O . Corn .afld oats declined w ith whca • A fler opening 1-8 to l-4@3-8e lowe

, . with May a t B2 1-2 to C2 0-8e, tho coi utiirkoL recovered slightly.

U m an d from casli houses togetbi ' ■ wllh u ' visible supply docrcoso tfoust

rlcf* something of an upturn in prices late J to The close was firm a t n shade to 1-E

net BdvnneB, M of 52 7-8c.'h 'p- o i l* s ta rted 1-8 to l'4® 3-8c dowi Ison, M a/ 38 l-4e, and then e a g ^ d a UttI mtic nioro.

Inercflsed ezorta o f-la rd helped tBtro' l i f t prQTislon Taloss despite a aetbae r by In tho price o f hogs, eom. - ff ie a t — No. 3 red |1 .17 j No. 2 har mtic ^1.10. ‘leth. ' Com No. 2 ml*cd 48 1-4 to 48 12c »1» No. 2 veUow. 48 1*4 to 4S i - ^ . . lycrt OaU N o.'2 whlto 30 1-2 to 38e; No. ^ g while 33 3-4 to S4 3-4e.

Bye No. 2, 70«. tbe Barley C3'to Ole. .

Qcn- T im othy,seed.$5 to 7i . lean Clover soe filS X O t o '14. ■?»in* Pork nom inal ‘Itlfld 'L a rd < W 7 .iwor. Bibs M to ,0 . , , •I,but M InM s#blli TiCKCt, ' . M INNEAPOLIS, W -* - n o ta r~ - U i W 'y changed to 25e higher in cArload lo t

lom lly pnteiila quoted a t »7.25 \t>■*»«* a borrel.“W : . B ran~M 2. ••“^ '* 1 ., , “ Chicago Rrodueo ..

^CHICAGO, ,</PJ-TButter— Lowei eri-nraery extras 33e; f lrs ta 2 7 .^ ,8 2 (

ag- soconds S.'S to SOe; slondarda 81e.I. In Egg*—Lower; receipts 10,000 casei tho firsts 35o; .’ordinary f l n t s 80 to 82c sos-j misrelldneous 33 to 34e; reirlgeratc

s o f I f irs ts-22 'lo 24c. .gon- Omaha LlTeatockAn- OMAHA, Neb., (/P);^Hog*—Bocolpt New OROO; fftUly active, 10 to We lowei } ro- bulk 180 to 210 pound bn to b en |7 .I said to 12.22; top «a.£S; «u lk 222 pound ■esU' nnd over tflJ>0 to »7.10; packing grade tb e :M .2 5 to |8 . .

Ions;; 'C attle—Reeelpts 7C00; b e tter p o d wer, i beef stcem and shestoek steady; heav; luly I beeves <7.60; others slow to 23e lower

b y i bulls w eak; veals ateadyi (toekcra a ir ; feeders fully a teadyj'spo t* blg'ier.

; Accountsog a s i d e s o m e in c o m e f o r a

i r h a p s t o b n y a n a u to m o b U e .

) i n b u i ld i n g a p t b e a b i l i t y to

l o g o t b e r o b j c o t lv e s . I f y o u .

o n e g o a l a f t e r a n o t h e r , y o u .

a in o d m a k e s t h e n e x t e a s i e r ,

a c c o u n t i s . s u b j e c t t o t e m p t a - .

re t h e o b jo o t I s a t t a i n e d . A

OS y o n th i n k tw ic e b e f o r e

^ ' ■ .

. ; T , ■

^ t i o n a l B a n k

a n F a l l s

k i n t h e C o u n t y .

m a s D E P O S ’IT A B Y

i r a l R e s e r v e S y s t e m

^ L S , I D A H O , . . M Q N p A r ,

. B hcep-B oceipls 7000; lam bs ‘laiMUy ' . 25e'^owO} ba lk %\IS& \o. in .S O ; u j

<11.05; sheep stronger} tfo (op 18.83; feeders strong top feeding lam bj 111.

Poxtlaitd U T«ft»ck i>.PORTLAND, Ore.; V P H C a tU e-a S t

higher; • rekt steady: receipts i;089| eholco steer* <7 to 7.7S; medium to good

. 10.25 to 7; fa ir to medium SS.75 to 0.25; coounon to fa ir 14.75 . to S.7G;

' choice feeders <5 to S.60; f^ ir to good <4.50 to 5; choice cows and belfors'|5.50

I io 0; to good«5.to 6.5(); f a lr tc' Inedlum' <4.50 to 6;'C0m'mDtf cowi <3.5C

to 4.50; can se ii »2.C0 to 3.50; bulls to 4i50; choice dairy calves <9.50 U 10.50; prime ligh t . 5 0 to 0.50; n e ^ u s ligh t <0J» to BM} heavy <5.50 to 0.50

Uoge—Strong; receipts 1160; prlmi ligh t <8.75 to 0 ; smooth heavy 230 t< 300 pounds <8 to'fiJiO; 800 pounds am up <7 to Sj rough heavy <5 to 7; fa: p igs <8.75 to 9j feeders <8.75 to 9

, foeilen *8.75 to 0 ; stags'IO to 0.50., Sheep — Receipts S,229t 75c to <

higher; east o f mouotidn iatobs <0 t 0.75} be tt valli7 <8 to 0; fa ir to gooc <0.SQ to 8 ) culls I4.S0 to 6 ; eastetB Ore gon feeders <7 to 8 ; ligh t year]|ngs'< to 7.50; heavy <0 to 7; ligh t w etbet <0 to 0.50; heav7 . f l to 4.50; e m s <3 t( 6.

Obleago L lrea tock . "T n iC A O O , (iP) — Cattlo — Bcceijil 29,000; very slow, ta lking mostly £5 lower, on beef steers a p d 'f a t shestocl (|0Blily plain; practically nothing sold bulls atendy to w eak; beat , heavy b< lognas <4.75; bidding lower on -v e t calves; vonuera, stockera and feedei

’ a lrtu t steady.Hngs— Receipts 75,000; nrlive. 25 t

40c lower thnn S a tv rd a r 's average; to <8 early, out o f lino; practical top <7.7 on hogs' averaging over 175 peundi

. bulk <7.25 lo <7.50; pigs 23 to TSO lower bulk desirable <7.50 lo <7.85; fc' o t <8.

Shcep—Recelpts' 27,000; unover steady to SSc lower; f a i lambs to early tb shippers <12.75 bulk to pftci

J *0 « rt early <12.26 .to < l2J 0r-fn t ewe 'to sible feeder Iambi eorly <ll.SS to <11.71 - P ou ltty~A llvo , lower; fowls 23« i j e springs*22c; roosters 16e., .5 , F o u to M arket

C IIIO A ao, W > )-P o U to e F -^ ea d 3 b e a t •’C'oipts 54 cars; to ta l U. a shlpmeni iwer, <5®°! Wisconsin eoeked Bound Whlti (QfP <1J^ to <2.05 ewt.; Wisconsin bnl

Round m i l e s <2 to <2.15 ew t.; Mieh ither *acked Bound W hites pa rtly grai luaed M innesota sadater. W hites <1.75 to <1.03 ewt1.8c Red R iver sacked <2.10 cw t.; Idal

Rus*flts saeked <2J5 cwt.

S N EW YOBK, n . c „ ) , ra sugar m arkel was <)ulet and unchange

to a t ^ fo r Cuba's, cost and fre igh t, oqui to 8,61 fo r centrifugaL

hard ^ x i [ | i i ] | | ] i i | ■ '■ |||) i7 |r ij___ l_ l^

|G o s s a rd (•U'l- 5 > 1 ^ ' T l-Aa ^» e | E

8& ; g

ji'pts S ; f I • y J'A'-««5 B I - ' / v / h '17.16 W I ' f p - / / / J \ ands E I j y y \ \

M -

S y B F o r t h e d i s c r i r

’• d g s e t l i k e a f r o n t l a c i

_ p u r e . O u r b i g c o r s e

o n B A n e x p e r t f i t t e r i n

g c u s t o m e r s , T t e r e i

g a n y o t h e r m a k e . Tg q u a n t i t y o f t w e n t y

g f o r O n e W e e k — a t

j T h e y A r e !

I . . A l l u p - t o - d a t e

K n u m b e r s a n d r e d u <

g a i - e a ' G o s s a r d o u s t

g t h i s l o t ,

I , I f Y o i f v e N e

S '

g G o s s a r d S i

= . N u m b e i

i 1 2 0 4 .............................$ S £ 7

S ■ 8 8 i ............................$ 5 . 6 7

I . 8 0 1 ....... .....................$ S j6 7

i 6 7 7 - .............................$ 5 . 6 7

. I 3 9 2 .................... $ 4 M

I 5 9 0 . : . . . ..............

W 5 8 7 .............................$ 4 . 3 4

lllirtlierJin iifliin iM n


i:Y:tfANtJARY l€1922k,tiv Raw augar-fptnrea. after a4«aeing“ S 2 to fl polSu on buytoj by Wall atreeta t/ , and commission booies broke akarply *11’ Kinder inexeased trade ’aelllng and at• midday, wore. 3 to 5 pflbta below Sat-

” m r e were no, ebaagw in refined granulated Is quoUd a t 4.80 to 4J30 sugar and the demanj waa quieter, ^ e

5.75; txaasactUos ia wfln*cd ■

« .M MYSTEHY OF MOUNT EVERESTI . <3 s • - ------- ^>0 to Finding by Eaplorera of Imprint ef

• ' Human Foot on »«eunUin Olv.-n ')rimo Varloua E*ptanatlona. •

The progresa «f tho Royal 0»<-• f . t 'raphlcal s<)dety'8 expedition to Moutit ' fl. Everest, under the leadership of Col. ,0 ’ t Uownrd Bury, waa w ntcb^ wltb k«u lo' <l tetemsi by sclentliis, especially ai the <0 to! Nalurul. History uiuseuiu. SOutli.Keu- good sliictuii. (0 which the.spoils were to Ore- bave Iw n brousht for aWdj and cla* -

gs'<7. sinratlui, oti tbu return of the party. Uie« One Kiuieiueiii In a dispatch recelvcil W to from 0..lcuiel Uury excited speclul

curtoKUy, Bt«l U I* UopeU that thU vfUl be nuilHllctl by further, dlstoverlea In

seij ls (he. 0 .UIW gf Ihe eipctUUOii,' ^ -iC\uu Ut tbejie hi-lBUla (moro .than *‘®®“ ajWKi. wrlwa .Colonel Rury, “ •“ » •'tlim were curioua trocka In the -v « i We dlstinKulahwl har© and fox ledars i™fli»; bui one iimrk, like ihnt of n

hiiiuiu) foul. WUK most puxxllng. The 25 lo 'III*

top trai-k <if u wliu, hiHry man, und tlmt $7.75 Uiwie men 'vnn.* uct-oalonnlly to bo unds; founil In Iho wildest and most liiac-

TSOe I'taulhle tuuuniulns." few Nuiuriillsta here nre by no meani

prepared to scout Iho Idea of a buman loven; rncc living at aucIi an nltlUjde. The ' ‘ P proljablllty Is. however, tbat tbo eup P*“ * ' iK)«»ed •^lld, balnr tnun," la In realltj [?, , ,f a babooii, known aa n Uncaque. which

Is known to live at great belfbta on ' tbe Ulmalayai. and the footprini

would be very slmllnr. to tbo’humai icady; foot ' _ i - . ___ ___________

S Sa^e WUk«.srad* ' . . . _


r raw ongedoqual FortofcatalaTtlUfaadarowtafM os

^ O i l j W » o p 4 .» r i» l .» « M *« i

Corset Sale™

at Boot]^ Celebrated

tions o t One p ' t w e n t y ; S t \\ - Below.r i m i n a t i p g w e l l d r e s s e d w c

a c e d G o s s a r d w i t h a s t y l e i

r s e t d e p a r t r r i e n t h a s g r o w n

i n c h a r g e i s a s e r v i c e t h a t

p e a r e m o r e G o s s a r d s w o r n

T h e G o s s a r d C o m p a n y h m

i t y s t y l e s , < U l b r a n d n e w c o i

J t O N E - T H I R D O F F . W e j

i N ot D iscontinwt e m o d e l s . B e l b w w i l l b e

i u c e d p r i c e s — o n e - t h i r d m o

i s t o m e r p e r h a p s . y o u c a n i

! V e i ) c r l y o r n G o s s a r d s B e J

B i g R e d u c e d P r i c e S a i l

S a l e P r i c e . S t y l e s a t O n e

b e r s ^ a n d R e d u c e d P r i c e s a s

£ 7 ' 3 7 6 ................... ..........$ 4 . 0 0

■ 6 7 3 8 8 ........................... $ 4 . 0 0

. 6 7 3 8 4 .......................$ 3 . 4 0

. 6 7 3 9 4 .............................$ 3 . 4 0

M 3 8 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 . 4 0

M . 3 7 7 ............. .................$ 3 . 4 0

M . 3 8 2 .............. $ 3 . 4 0

'la v a g e Frwi i i i i i i l H i i i i i i i i i n

■ 5 2 ^ S ; H 2 S a S 5 S S S S S ^ 2 2 S a ! S ,:ing • Cari o f Palptlogs^ 're«t The;pi«thte«ilv'‘ >0o?«M 'npt'.to -,

(Offer from the lack of attrailoa wblcb | to lime dftracia frnm thPlrapiwumnce. on palnilnpl ehould-be llfhtly.cltanod .

. once a yeor. being wiped K«illy with a ? ] J very line ,sjA)DCtJ'-r chamois leather-

wet • with cleir water. Do not n»a r eoup or ony other cieanslnR subsfnnce

fin. Id the water. Imtpedlately oftejspong.Ing iwllah the aurfnco lightly f l th a dry illlt hflndkfr(hli^..;01lt frames

:cT »houldbedu8tP(lfn:qnen!ly.;Animel’a hnlr pulntbrurii la cfTectlve fnr-tWa.Fly marks can be reinovrtl by the uj* o fa imie.whlte ofegB.

Washlnflton'a Harvest'd 'M tisa.3e>i- ' During the w l iM'annn lln!.mo«a . 'uiit -raw<i 'luxuriantly on iK.!,.n>ofs und , Co'- q fidtt lhc :eovei« of Ihe' hotiaea *ln | L«ii' ^ o t t l ^ q d tbnt pan of'W«*hlnffton,

and when We dry.seas'it) qrrlyrt tfijB‘«u- roons l>ooomc8 » • 'InfJoniDinMe il»“t .U ;^.* to offerx a grcal. Ufe, roennre.;ll la

necf^ary to tetiy • away uwi thla tf- Is done wltb the aid of a long-hoodled lv«l tool aomething'ilke a rake:- In many dul commimlllof there. a r« ;1owa which '"‘III innVe thla Tcnsoval cotn^ralMry..' t t• 1° oakM an excellent fa rtllitrr . -

ban ■ / .ury, “ . " ......"''■IT'the TW IH _W JiB M apOM W Ifox I . Tla n u r . ^ »ad WodaO.

~ B y A t i t o S l { a g eiliut Leaving Twla Falls 8' abd a

be p. B. Oonneotlng a t Oooding wltbiiac- tralaa No. M aad 17 going wait.

'j Leading Ooodlag 8 a. m.'-aad liSO»QB! p. to., arriTlag In Twin Falla lOtSOInan a. m. and 4 p. dl'-ho These eara aro equipj«d wlili bBai>

oa, n aU n f tho trip a pleamrfc. ’

S T r a s k B r o s . S , H o n s o a , -io n Twla » 1» Otnea SognoB tf(M)>rlnl ' Pbosa.M orpfln ■■ .' . ..T-'. ' •

t e l N M N T S « d I l i w t l D S■ -■•-A&KFOR'

« j e w m g y f l o r l i c h ' sn K ^ l l i y V ^ . ' Qngutal

IW dim ffltim sitadfndaai^lfvPowder

•■Oit Prifi^1„sard Corset I th ’S--- - >'■■■: ’■ JI W i t h R e d u c * I

l e - T h i r d O f f o r i I

S t y l e s . R e a d I

w o m a n t h e r e i s n o c o r - ■

e m a d e t o f i t ' e v e r y f i g - g

r a b y l e a p s a n d b o u n d s , M

i t i s a p p r e c i a t e d b y o u r , S

r n i n T w i n F a l l s t h a n S

m s a l l o w e d i t s a c e r t a i n f f l .

c o r s e t s . t o p l a c e o n s O l e 5

e j u s t r e c e i v e d t h e m . =

l e d N u m b e r s I

ie f o u n d a l i s t o f t h e s e a

n o r e n e x t w e e k . ' i f y O n | | u

V f i n d y o u r n u m b e r ! i n : S

J F i t t e d A t T h i s ' W \ ' 1

J '

n e - T h i r d O f f i ^ I

a s F o l l o w s : , \ : , S

I ' ^63.... $340 1I 264 ............$2M II ' ,2 5 0 .............:...:$2M. I

2 4 1 J 2J 7. a . ;225...^..

, 2 2 6..

HnBoolft’f lV . -

iV ';- ■ ' ■ . . .

i ' - i f f l i i i i i

::: mO v er 9 3 P e r C e n t o l P e rso n n e l •

' o f t h e S h ip s O ffice rs a tid !

C re w s i r e . -U n ited S t a te s || B o m - . , 1

V -' ■ ______ _ll; • , , *■< WASniNOTON'. D.’ C.. (/P) — The " f n UuUad SUUs/aavy. ,ii 00.7 ps.r eont

pure ^ituriean, . • ecerclnn- Dcaby Ii profirl of IiU Bav>* ■'

jVaad aolil todaiy' thnt it wtw.tho b « t "' In 'the WDriilj'bBrki"jr"hl)i Htatp-1 ■ ; m tnt.by flginrfi' TefBtiOy romplloil 1)v S

the bum n of bftVlgntion;whirh/*how Ihnt on-,li;ly l; n4tlvrf.botir »t5!ort rBi>- P

I'TCMnt eei>t:i'natura]tud ofn• " p»f ernt;,colonial nnttvn, 4.89 per

i:Mot..«nd,lbt*.balBii''o.ftU«ni?, The Iwl )»; , ntuabcr,.pily, ,352 At. Iho end of "J

tho -flaAal year, the nAVy-eomprlwd “ -119.20» men of*»hlch •humber ;WO,457 ^

,.nere nnjlvoi, •'(flSO.wore bom,In Guam,. 8ntnoa, .thc Ebillpplned or.; Virgin lsl. •

^diiV anVniSG^ .vorc natnralizcd ritl-

Msa Are H vidplekei P." Tho ^ lo irn Hia show it l i 'a hand- pUkpd navy fop ont of J33,tH» npplf- ({i

- ; iccaiita, ont* I t ^ a woro dcteptcd. ' f*' I t i*. n.ji(<a1thy. 'nav>* .afloat anil

* , a lW ^ According, lo. the italcmcnt of I ,:the iiirjjeo'n 'Bcnem!,, ; , i t ,i(i.n. »ffUrbehaYP<I D#%'y, too,.'iu •*?I only 6.S per cant of the {uUl. number'or

..^ch a ifd t j^ero'dliltoi)ordbIo, and but , o.05.per,,cfi)^‘ rtlu).-tofnr;inpn'.in the

•ervlre durlnjr'tbo 'ycsf, dweried. Good ..rnuitiiet tne<UI>''>Tt'‘tbe'M rviro" total to;

I ‘•oYCT- aU thooaand’. some men havlnj; da : -nijtht lo:lli(ir'''(rediUfttK»"«^ktify'1o thf Iio • charnrler tHf ^Ii)l(oil.c)on. up

' Now Yorkors-'PrMotninatfl. . ioi ■' Tlie distribution of men by-rtftte* cU

irhcA New -Yorlr- the lead in both nO' Tb ^ tlvlty and ri'oldface: l V-''2 In lh» da

, .fpMncr and. 14,170 In Iho latter. Penn- in ' •ylvAnlA ' fomrs .«rond In each Hat,

w ^thi^l.\,and 020D, rcipectivoly. The ntiilvo.M'ni’ lUt Rivea third place, to 5 Haaiaehiiaatts, fourth to Illlnola, and w< fifth to Texfit. . • • • • J, .O^t:^».,f^*llS fotfti, .,110,203 anitori cwthero aro 110,024 while;‘S.145 Plllrinoi;

^SBS. u e ^ e i ; lOQ Cblricse; 8H Japan- '^ a # ; J30'Satnoftttir’WB'CBlinibfirej; 29fl •• irawnlWuf m Vorio HIcom, and S'? ,

Am'erttan iaalanr'""’ **-' ' •• • . • J Amtrloaa'flaVy-alno it^a young

navy; 41,355 being- unjler SI { two-thirdK of them are' 24 yeara and under; and

.. only M l Bre..fthovo:4{5, nllhongh 53 art*I ;Over'<l0 ^nd ■tUl 'fletlve. .

Eight per cent 'of, tbo mliitcd men ■_1 ;.;iiro raarrlcd, a total of 0830 men. Over I? r /.liWf tho ncn havo had prsvloiia ten

i’-*ervle«, iin'd.-.440''of then h*vo-aerved :«9ver.M,_ye^^^^^ ' >»*

Mirac_ k t h e o n l y - k n o w

j c a t i n g ’t h f e i n t e m a l i c o m l :

' . t h e i p i s l p n r i n g s . .

■ 'I f MIRACLE O il, will-thoro » buKtioii chaiuborH o f .tlie en g in e - . p a r tf i o f t lie c a rb u re to r , vqIvch t

ta k o lih d cxhnuH t o u t le t ; i f M il

w tiie oxcQBsive h e a t p e n e ra tc d by an d , lu b r ic a te th e u p p e r w allB .of

, e tc . : i f i t j lV c o n s e q a e n c o , e lim lm ' p a ^ ^ i i i ( ^ '‘t f i e r e V re<Juccs o v e r

I , tlo 'n ^ a b d T e m ilta in a a m o o U ie rn ; ■ I(jr ‘‘p ic k u p ” , o n h ig h g e a r a n d t

^ , t e r a y e ra g o ispeed go in g u p -g ra d t io n ; i f i t j s p e r fe c tly so lu b le i n

■ v c fy -M a li oiibcG

H n o 'o r ono ( im if t to e ig h ty g a lh

; p rac tic a ll ,y c lira iiia to c a rb o n an i

: th o c a t tip fo r d a y s a t a tim o t( yfigy lnding o f c y lin d e r w all* a iid

' b a d iy ,f ro m l l i o cxccssivQ W 'oar a c a rb o n i n t i ie v a ly -« ^ ta t; i f i t y?

y • s ^ h v i l 'l f i 's u f i ^ bfetore tlic* cham b

^ V o i n , ' BO t b i t th e carboQ-gaBci

“ th e p is to n r i n g s a n d sp o il tlio In . 'oil i n th"o c r i ^ c m o ; a n d lo s t bii 1 5 l o t | p j p c r c e n t i o ^ l i n p , t h c n

. i i ^ d of, o n ly $ 2.00 . • '

I n d o r s e m e n t s o f l ^ d i

g i n e e r s , a n d n a m e s of c o i

d r i v e r s , o n r e q u e s t

^ . E x c l u s i v e d i s t r i l m t i b r \

. of T w i n 5 ^ 1 1 s , J e l ^ i V i e a i

AnwittadSer' W } i o l e s M e a m

i w V a i l s ,.

W EDDING GOWN Is O F i«A G N iFIC EN T-D ES IG N 1.■ ■' • ; • . ■ ' . a

- ' oeitiim e to f>b W pm b y P tln e a n U n y * is T tlm nph o f H ^ r e XndlAn W otk ^

, ____: P

S L o n d o n ;- ~ Prlncci* M a ry 'i *

woddlDg'gbwn 1< to be ono bf rloth of (diver, o f magnificent detlgn, Tho n a - f. te ria l. wna brogght by, th e 'q u w a from *' Ind ia aome yoari ago, and U deaeribed “ aa tl trium ph o f native m&Dufactun.'. ^

The d ro u x i l l havx, n, train of Ivbo' l \ altii, ah o t.w ith aiiver, which is being

w orrn hy . hand workera a t Braintree, Emoz, i n old £ng llih «llk’ manufactur- ^ ing ccnicr, w here-the a r t of allk weav- *,

T ing haa been pawed down from genera- tlon to gcnoratlbn. 8 0 ' g rea t ia the- o. ro re U ken in the m u iu fa rtu re o f thi« n ia trrb il th a t o n ly ,a few io c ln i o r) finished cocB'dny. .

Tho .tra in l i czp^eted bo ready y aooa and i t will bo placed In tho haadi al

o f Hie embroiderers. ' b<' 'M any j.lana fo r prcM nliag weddlnj,; g if ts to tho k ing 's daughter n ro 'afoot.

^ T ile 'ford mayor o f London i | opening a „ ^ popular' fiinti for tho purpOK', w ith eon- ^ „ trlLutloos llm itud to one pound ater- ", i i .« . . I"I itum or has It th a t Vlicoubt Loacelleif and hia loyal bride may spend pa rt of th e ir honeymoon a t tbo .beautifu l villa dti

7 Medici n t Flosolo, near Plorencn, Italy . 50

'! 0 U A S 0 8 AOAINST BBPBTITIOK. WASHINGTON,' I).' C.; f/P>-Eml.odi

m eat In tho senate rules of tho ie partJi o f tho corrupt p o e tlrea net which were

. h e ld ' Invalid by the aupreme eourt of

. (2f<}. llaU cu B ta te t la . revcn lng tha Nuwberr:/ senatorial caso. U provided

I in an amcudiuent to tbp rules lubailt*I ted todav by Senator Pbmurenc, demo-

r ra t, Ohio, who led iho .forces oppoaed lo Senator N ew berry In tho Miehigan cbnteit decided last T hunday;

A B K I r O E INFOBUATIOK.W A 8inN 0T 0K ,"D . C., m ~ Sena­

tor McCormick, ’ropuhliean, Illinois, to ­day iatroduci^dr and the 'senate; ha lf an ho iir;Iater, adopted ti resnlntlon calling upon th e , sta to departm ent to auppi) so th (nforiiiation os.lc has on (he finao- clal affaira o f European goveromcnta.Tbe roj-jlutloa asked cspeelally for d a ta on the ezpenditurca 'nf those gov- trn n en ta for inliitary purpoa'c*.! ,

O CKVEB EZOUBeiOKS. t f n io n /P a c if ic -Byitom. - National

W eitem 'Stock show. One and one-half fare round tr ip . Ticicota on into Jan- o m M.-J7 Inelosivo., L iu i t , Jm innrr 2 5 t i A ik 0 . 8 . L. agenlB .-^dv.

AOVIOB^TO OSOHABOIBTH,• J . A. W aters will g lve .txpo rt aJvt.» ou on-bard c are-and pruning.'TTbofle voiir problema_to 8 0 « i< - * iy . '

W om an'C afaful W ith V t te r a . .' 'W omen, iih u ruhi. yre more rureful In addrtw lnic ihe lr leifera titan- are the men. uirnnltiiE if) n v e tm n a t­tache of Ihl* lirail IMter flfllr# lfj-Wn«h- Inginn.' • , ,1

Mo w n s y s t ' e m o f l u b r i - ^

m b u a t i o n m o t o r a b o v e j ' ;

lo r o i ig h ly l u b r i c a t e t l i e c o m -

? n e , a a w e l l t o t h o m o v a b le

JH a n d v a l v e KteiiiH o f t b o in'-

M I R A C L E O I L w i l l s u r r i v e

b y t h e e x p lo s io n o f t b e g a »

.o f t b e c y l i n d e r , p i s t o n r i n ^ ,

i l n a t c 8 f r i c t i o n o n t h e s e v i t a l

v e r h e a t i n g , n o i s e a n d v i b r a - '

p n m n i n g e n g in e a n d a r e a d -

id t h e - m a i n t e n a n c e o f a b e t> |

r a d e b e c a u s e o f t h i s l u b r i c a - 1

i n ^ B o l i n e a n d i s u ^ e d i n a

UCGS t o f iv e g a l lo n s o f g a s o -

a l l o n s o f g o x o liu f i ; I f i t w i l l ' ;

a n d - t h e n e c e b l t y o f l u y in g ]

0 t o r e m o v e c a r b o n f in d U ie

U ld v a l v e s t h a t a r e w o r k i n g ^

r a n d t h e c a a e - h a r d e n i n g o f 3

t w i l l , m a i n t a i n c o m p r e s s io n , '

j n b o r - w c l l s a n d p i s t o n r i u ^ . I ^

a s e s 'd o n o i e s c a p e d o w n p o s t j

1 l u b r i c a t i n g q u a l i t i c i o f t h o

; b u t n o t l e a s t , ( f U 'w il l s a v e

i c n i t i s w o r t h $ 1 0 .0 0 a q u a r t 1 ] I

d i n g a u t o m o t i v e e n - ,

c o n v i n c e d t w i n F a l l s I 1 '

r w a n t e d i n e a c h c i t y 'J

a n d C a s s i a c o u n t i e s , . '

■ I :i

irviceStationi n d R e t a i l I

fi18 , ID A H O .](

.. .. ....

[ L Y : N E W g , T W l N : F A I i . lO T O L n »TAjri>AIIDIZB BBOO

„ W A B H raO T O N ,'(m -B «d» u « . to N loae th e ir Indivldaality .under atand-

t trd lu t io a p l a u 'o f tko- dlviilon of „ slm pllfioJ : praeUco of th e commerco

d opartneu t. They will ao longer ap­pear in uneoutli and- irregular sires

t, w ith tricK. maltrestcfr having a pro- p j .cllvlly to alldb to tho floor- In , the

boura o f drepest s lc p n ,_ U p to this time, the sta tem ent ha lf sire

^ bed was anyth ing from ^ p a rk bench upward, so f a r as standards w ent.''’

ry ■■■■ ' IIg . DBHVEB EXOUBSXONB.®* Union - Paclfie ' System. • National

W estern Slock show. One and one-half faro round tr ip . TickeU on aale Jan- uary 14-17 inelniive. Limit January

J®' £6 th. • Aak 0 . S. L . affents.-adv.-. -

ri ' . * ■*8 y Thih Heeta.

y The elglil-yH iM ld ion of a Northl< aide fomlljr waa sbowlng a n .o n lm tl! book to his lln lc fou^yea^ota brotb* ■K e r. Coralng-to, th e p ic tu re .o f a rein* '*• deer, w ith ' Kb ^ d shaped hoofs, b# '■ inid, -Now n llly , you can olwayu iell ' J, a woman reindeer by the kind of :

becia II wear*."-IndlanaDoIlH Newt. ,I ' * . 'f Popular, copyright ’ books, 05c each a during .Ttinuary only. We have a w i

500 t l t lu . . .C lo a .B o o k '8 t o t t . - ^ v . ]

I , , ,, . , ' , • ' ■Ie

In Oul- • . ' .

' Dishes- OUPS

Tn a g?od fairly heavy white chinn. The k ‘od to u«o for eveiy day. Set

I of a l t fups on ly 'fo r __________ B5c.

S A D O E K SF'erhapa tho saucers g r t broken and you need them without eup.i. The imme white patterns. Hct o f fl...60e

BABY DISHESA new fhipqient-of baby plate*. A ;;ood heavy plate w ith animals di<« dlgB», Tlie kind thn t do not brcnk e a r f ly — ------------------- iSo

42-PIBOB SET 'We hnvo obout six 12-piece sets

. Blue PIrd pattern , etc., complete to iiJi' iiir n c r y ih y ; jp;.-JaJI»- priced n t . . . f . ....... - ..................................I 0J 5 ■

GOBLETSWe huyo o nice asiortm cnt o f plain '

•• o r o tM itl'gob lets A r rcd lt to aav table --- ----------------3Cfl

XIOHT GLOBESTungsten ligh t globes: In S3, 40-or SO W itt. Xheae are Iglobes t l a t wo ean reisommend highly. -Tot5fl‘w a t^ ,J6 c

TOWELSi \ We h a v r ^ tn b lo of slightly ^ J e d ; towols'AriM l qnalitiea. CottoitJ^are

going iJii tt), pu t in yonr supply aow.I '• • " O » ra a rtl i 'o f f ;........ . . •

■O O W N BA TSA gooiKfiuallly Uhreo-nound cotton b a t t / 'R e g u la r \M m f o r t sire. . '8po-

4 U 5

i ' . ; / ■’/ / '> ’. ' ; ^ ' - i u a s ■■ 7 1 lW -» o w ; i n J l l l f i t f e - K ln . SIxSI

t l . b i th -

D O O E M A M., Yon-Will need. door, b a t* ias soon a t

uio thaw comes. We offer a good ilw Cocoa rib ro m at a t | 1 . W ■

o n O L O I SSanilac brand oil clotli hi all culvn and rnost all pa tterns. Use oil cloth in your k itc h e n ..... .................-._:...39c

OOHFOBTSA 'c o tto n com fort 72x90, a ll eolors. Covered w ltb good quality allkoline, stuffed w ith flu ffy cotton..-___W.60

' BLANKETS..licncon blankets by government te s t ' aro warmer than wool,,6Qx84. U a t season they sold as high as $11.00. ' i lo s t nil colora ______________ WvOO

: ''jlL L O M ' '■ A special pillow lN 9(ti Ituaranteod -

to w t a i n no Inlcture or foreigii m ntter-oIanyB ort. Contains all new tcn ttim '. I ttgo la r t3.50, speeial 12.99

■ 6 V E E m .S •OvDn'li* cr All-Qvera, in iliea up to '15 ycM i. Mode' o f good Jiravy '• irclght denim - _______________9Bo

. sH O P P n r o iA a s • "Something aaw ia ,» ;& a tk o t bog. Made,of h ^ v j tvrlatt w ith a hamllB. flpcclaUyr’p r lo e d -------- _________ 15c

KNITTED URDEBSKlRt'S 'Ladlc) and children.'a k iilt ’ tttidpr- sklrte Jn g n y atiH whJJo m lu ti. 'to ' |1.7(>. Tlioy will no t wrlaklo and , will keep ono w a r n ,______ _ ..^ I .0 o .

FLANNEL GOWNSWc have on tho UbJe”!! lot o f chi.'- d ren ’j slightly soiled flnnnol-gowna raluoa to ^ . 00. f lm l the sUo yb'i , need n l ..... ..................................- J U O

S H iV D J O M u a s .W e , p e e k e d a ahipment o‘ -"'

shaving m-igi trimmed w ilh 'grrlil bnn’d ....... .........._.p5n.36c

BTT.LIKEN SHOES ,Iieel bbick cnlf ahoe. .Kn idcnl f

olioe io r tho growing girl. I t will - t m 'or-nnd weijr. AU «l*ca-;;..-.W.Of. »

BABYSHOESA vnst ni^ortmcflt of baby iKocs in ^n ll'a ty lcs , colors and combinations ^8 ofU*4«ilu aolc^t tliBt wear ns well M t,

• Icalhor .......................... „......... . C5c a

b l i S i . I D A H O , M O N D A Y , ■

i i n i E T E L E G R A i t l S |LONDON, (ff)-Q cno ra l nramwcll

p . Booth ha*, ju i t - nnnouotvd th a t Ihc Balvatlon anny Intend;; olmost-lmmo>

Q. dlately to pu t Into o e ra t lo n 'a ichemo for thc ,oarly tr tin ife r of:i0,0(W British

U tho. Dominl9ns.?-Evorj>-«n8jg of tliem ,.w lll>bc‘|io,lng to ossured em- ;}j ployiaent.

, KO - D E o i f f lo K B ^ r o a r a o o M ^W ASniNGTON^ (/l^ D e c la io n day

' ' In tho auj^remo’ e o u rt today brooght ll forth nb.'docltloQ i,'so \'cral’o rden 'only 1/ being notfcd.'■ • '

■; STBAUB AND O I,A t)U m t d t.lro to extend thank*--tq lha .pub lic o f Twin FalU' and -T w in fUl*-.eo>mty for tho ' liberal patronage which mnde our sale o f the Clothcry stock sueb a wonderful

It aucccss. Wp wish to aay in corrcctlbn 1 th a t thoa* who .were unab 'e to purchase p any goods during the aalo’.will be given ■ . au opportuolty to aecuro' somo. o f t)ie '- m any-bargnlus-that nre ly ft oyer. Wo ■

. removed the remainder (0 our Old stand

. and U eow .on sa lu .; T liankiog you ‘ ngaln,, rrspe tlfn lly , STRAUB 'AND OLAUDFR. 8 . B trana.-odv .

b The now year oieanf new le tte r and < t Invoice filefc Wo bavo th e m ./ Cios «

Qook Btsro.—adv.' I

r Do We"1-

W e t a k e t h i s o p p o r t n n l t y t o c o m e t o 'V is it o u r d o w n s t a i r s Bt h o s t o f o x o e p t lo n a l ly lo w p r i c e d W e h a v o l i s t e d h e r o o n ly a le v

ic w e o r e s u r e w i l l b o w e lc o m e ]s( B e a d e v e r y i t e m a n d b r i n g y o n t

i. --------------------------------------

0 Remnants , JW o libTO Jb s t flUeid * tablo v l tb

a ew re.mnaBta. We h id * lo t of them' le ft 7B>Br tbe boUdaya u d biTS ^, m atked them .cfpocUUy low for qtilck ,! • ta le . Come down u u t look th n n g ti ,> tbem wbOa the aaso rtnen t la coa>

p lrte . ^

1 • • ,,: A L U M im n i f W A E B ,- I

You may bnve your choice of 'Alu * mlnum snuc« |>ans w ith 113*,-perco­lators, cu llnnilen, ,tc'n pots aud. set .

> of tlirtp saui-o pann at,.'_..... _ _ |1 .4 0 ^

1 . U Y S T I O M I T T S ' •Indlspcn<tu|)lu, I n . thn ,'k itchen ; will . ge t th l 'p re n i le t t o f patis, elcan.^ Try ',

1 ono now a t ..._____ ____________'-Wc

„ \ L A M P S , i. Some \crj-

silk ibudcx, othera with .rolored '.parcbiitent, shades, regular 18.00} - S

very 'fi-e^ ia l .... .......'....................16.00 hn

O A E P E T .W A B P • . d' , Wo havo carpet the

, wanted eblor*, green, red, orange, i-blnck, yellow nnd w blte; ha lf balls i,

;■ .... V - - .... .......... i ; - . . . - : - : - . . , ;

G L A S S E S •■ U gh t. medium or heavy • weight p

glnMca in vnriniiN aiten; 'a glass to r every p u rp o se ..... ..............lOo and up

M x m o B O W L SOoojI , ' henvv mixing bowls. Tlit-y aro really lndiai>ensablo In tho k itch­en, n t ............................................... .76?

.S C A L E SE very household ahouid hnve a pair , o f scah*; theso aru finished In bine enamel and accurate ' f o r ' general

In O u rS h *O ow sstalra v e h tv a prtcU ctU y no

r e t io a tM t w B 'cvi te ll q iuU ty aho«a f

com* down -for a look. You a o t

E I D P U M P B ^ ,^

. ,H h ek or brown f irs t Quality Wn W punp* . T o n hoelfc, Oii t(K - In dayV m orket’thby ijtc^lO.OO vnl- ' 'ai

■ nei, All s it ts flnd widths} spe- a l clal ............................... . H .o s u<

' P A I E N T b X F O B D S - ’

T oday m ilady'* w ardrobe Is not eompleto w lthbut a pa ir o f,lo w ,- A beel • pa ten t : leather, oxford*. wl Thoso oro very attracllv*!- 5. a t __________18.88 ; W,

f lO O T O H O S A I S C

A black , low. heel Scotch grain ' Lt oxford fo r enrly spring, I t Is ' gr over so Rood looking nnd righ t bli

, up to t i e minute a t y l e T l

B B t i l K E N O X r O E D S "

A very good looking n illlken ox--• ford iiiMbrown cal/. '.D u low- A

• heer a ad m e ^ ttia toe. i - d a a d y «oto w e a r 'w ith w ool, hose. Spe- "flcl-il ...... -------------------------- «».9S «o

, S A T I N P U M P SBlack " o r whito sa tln 'p u m p s with Bh fnU U n l» toola.. We c m moram end

• these fo r evening wenf.~.AU s liw , »ad w ^ lb s .while they ;bj.7 .......,83.0fl

O D D L O T SW« tavve f ille d n tab le w ith odd loU<if prtwpiL Btmpa. la satin sowle Annd pa len ls; vnlues tu H2,00. Most h f'all si" '* Itiid w id tts . H n d your bna lu I r t __________________ W.46 t :

JANUARY m - m '

“ R E A L ES T A T E TR A N S FERS— r n m U i r t u t h . Twin n m B U . [ |U

i V '• ' 'nO' ,• , . • ■“ "* '7mo pped JV ln .Palis Connty to J . II. ish Shields, Jr ., $30.00; lo t 24j block 7, Buhl tno Townslte. ' 'lay Quit claim; o ; A. irdJonnell to a l \, -Vaadament, $1.00, NB'NiS'!lO.O.JC. '. Q uit elafan '. d e e d -S h ir li/ I '.'V anda- * m c tt- to O rant Miller, $1,'; la n o land. W Q uJf claim A lbert W a f n to Calh«r- Jh t ine Gasser, otvir 11, E 1.2-0W, 20-0-lC.

Deed- C. A, Dodd to Wm.: U. Murphy, «-tOOO, lot e,.Orchnlara Subdiv.

D ei'd-W illiam n . . Morphy to J . %, Oabhart, ♦3,700.00, nimq as above.*'

ths claim Earl'.M urray to 'B .U ardlng, 11.00, B I-a SE, 8-10-18. '

ful • Deed Jaa.,Burmelatvr to‘C h a a i:a All-. 16„ bright. *300,'lo fO ,,b lock 1, Ol^on Add.! u o Hi'ed 6 . D. Stew art to. Wm. L . A dana, rcH $7,000, 8 B N E, U -1M 7.(^0 '' Kin. Cert. 8 {ato of Idaho to Jetae kVo M artin, W' 1-2 8W, 9.-14-18. ,hd , --------- „« ,

• DENVBE EX pO B V O N E ’ Union' Paeifie Byalc(o. N ational

W estern Stock ahow. One nnd bne h^lf od faro routid td p . T ickets un aale Jan- Im nary 14-17 ibclusive. L im it Jannarv

E3th., Aak O; B. I.. agen te .-;i.lv . ',

nstairst o e x t e n d t o y o u a c o r d i a l w el<

s s to r e . Y o n w i l l a lw a y s f i n d a ic e d m e r o h a n d is o o f h i g h q u a l i t y . J e w d r o n r s p e c i a l i t e m s w h ic h > e Is e w a ^ to a l l o n r m a n y p a t r o n s . ' ro n r l i s t - w i t h 'y o n . fi,

' 'I ^ T O T I M M J l i t

----------- — J --------------------------1_ ------- cia

~ „ OUELINO IRONS*Curliu,{ irons are pm ctlcjil.and saf- IT thnn the old lamp flame. THey last

for years; regular $ 0 .3 0 ..... ......$4.23 J*“l

! V . , " ‘ cttlator a t a p rifo *o low tb a t i t . V-o J ahouid Induce you 'to buy.lt..„..|lLOO hrs-

_ llo t/P o ia t ;ro n ?w ^ ti? cord.;who use them would not take th ree ; y 6 times tho purchase price i f BnabJo to

. to get onothcr ......... _ ._ ...I5 ,0 0 , -

W ^ F L E IBON ‘; The w aules.w hnn cooked w ith bot >i<q.

grease in tliese w affle irona ,- no „ui .tam oki'i-no odor cooked a t th e . t a - ' Q,r<

I blu .... .................... :____ 112.00 . , “f^

■ iirnctWnncltcheiT'usif, I'nV'gii siie! <frlll' -"i^■ w ear-odd .w4ar‘: . . . : " - . . ,> . ; . . ._ .„ „ , l _ 4 5 i■

. Bmnll n s h ^ trS s '^ ^ ^ iiw M . H atch I holder and glass ree ^ ta e les . A>}

nsh tray In tho homo la always b a n - ,. dy i-pH ced----------- --------- --------- -SOfl

Knive* of n l ^ n j ^ ^ a r c ) 'giiaran-' •” teed tu wonr f o r ’40 fhir(l.'''Bxfellonf ; Om qunJity s t r c l ; 's e t 'o f i 'lh r t t t knlvea,

. • a t , . I . ™ . 1114-j

0-Sd-BZY Cedar , 3„ M o p

0-ao-Exy Codai U ops fOr cleaa- ing, dnatlng; and pbUtbliis h a r t 'g«n wood or palnt«d floon , oU d o t h ' d a l woodwork, etc. W e are offering mop, h ttid ls and oil a t tb e Bp«- ' tra , clal prico o f ............. ........

L - ------ ;--------------------- ,11k- ' J --------1 . for

lioeDept. fine

' DO rank to pay aad i t 1* fo r tbia ; >e*a

MS for le a .* ^ o l n w» i& viu yoa to '

a o t b t t i r g e d V t e V . ' , ' -• ^

OHILDBEN'^ SHOESWe have filled a ,tab le ,w lth odd

• lo lj o f clilldren’s shoes in blaek '’' anri brown k id and calf.-'^ Most ;

a ll of them aro ivelt *ole»lD.val- ; ' a e i u e a lo ia .0 p . They cannot be TO- ; for placed a t ________ -H O S ’

■ m S T S T E P S .■ ,™A dandy black k id flrat-stop alioe «»s with patelil tip . 8 if(}s from l t o “5. O s e i m can reeommeM f e r . ' '

■‘'w.'ar ..........f l.3 5 -^'Jaj)

S B O w m o o m L a ' a a o E M r ,Low heel b road 'toe ahoo for tb* | ' i

• growing gur,' M adf nf hL-nvy ,Wo blnck calf: Ooo thnt will wearT h j broad too gives p len ty of

..room for the Iocs .......... .....S4.60

PATENT POMPS.V.ituolity patent iw tlier pump of « , i , «clby m,oke; -full, Louis hoel,' ono ‘ stMO. iied atitcIlllIg^ itlgb l up y e n to the minute alyle ........... W.BC

OH H^M N-S SHOESBlack kid sliMs in siriis (> 1-2 to 8.Donblo tip wedgu heel. ' L ight com- fottnb'in shoes for tho littlo to ts ; mwm

. I l .!5 V jliic : > K . U ...... i _ ...... , U 0• • ............. - Holb

BBOWK.OAL? SHOEA heavy brown calf shoo w ith low A ,hrcl lo r every day wear. Medium t'lllubroad :oe; a shne’ tha t w on’t sc u ff , bleTn.Uly ________________ H fiO prlr«

O nr'O ptical D apa itm en t ia 'e o n -,W plete la eTory w*y. Special a t­

ten tion flT es to tba e7M :of chU- drea . .


I Prlehe’ s O p lic a l P a rlo r

StoreBargdim ■■

in Our Pantry ' Special DepartmentI n thia d e p u tm en t y e a w ill tlwaya

f ind tba qnailty merdum dlae carried la onbitantiaUy undor p^bed ..,

T O M A T O E S - .Again wo are offoriag thoso good H u ll toRintocf a t r a apct'inl. price.Htaad.Trd slzo and' Well filled; ape- ciol, II fn r,______ __________ :..SUX)

O E i s q oTlio large Ihree-iwnnd r.nn of Crises hos ngnin been reduced. IJm lt, Hircc I>ound^ to a custom er..™ -.,'.____ 63c ',' !

' . ■ M I L K ■ ■Y-ou n^y-.,have.'U arna^nn^m ilk atp brsa than whoIesalej'lImVt'e'd 10 canh Jo .a customer. 10;cans fq r . . . 91-00,'

■’s Y E U P " - ' ; - " ' '* ' ' , rY o ^ i a y li'ave the la rg r 's fro can of L o g ^ h i n Syrup a t lesi tban who‘o-

■ sole

TootIipie5?of^n^a^®^ioV;>ii(i;;(]ua1ity; W o-.haven 't raarfy pack- ,' p ^ i le ft',so g e t ydur»/arl;^ l.;^-> :5d.' :

W A T f lH K fl- t ..............J

• ' i ? ' ’S I L V B f i - P O L S k '- ' - ' '.WrlghV.'a >81iver ftw n v ' f i 'Ih e i’he**,* to '.u s j ,0ft, yourr, cxp«n»lvc ,-.silV(»;d

.K oep,jour,sllvexw aro,.w ell,poll*b«l.,i i Tlio j a r ----------

RlnMi is n in i l o ^ t l S in B k i r b f U 'x ; ' ..........One piirkagic of>i3itoi6 iir''t)^uui-''t(f'-' . four bars.of\lantxdry,aottj>: very, spo*'^ clal, 4 .fo r .....j

' ' B O E A X A ib 'A la rg j pa>'kago of l ib r i 'ia id , for cleaning iw ltery, cbln'a^vare'Ar'glkaa- wnre; special,'-the' p a ik a j^ '’ .':,......ific'^

B u n l i g l . ? ^ H ? ^ f o r ? ^ w t for,*, ' g e ae n i household.loandr}- use} spe< - ciai; 11 Vnra for’_____

m aker o f Cr)-stal aoap* tbo bara or'c slltihtly amallerj-.spcelal, Jl-MbtinL f o r ____________ILOO '-

O S E H E o n . t ' ' . ' ' ■A n idenl toilet aoap moilo from the finest olla and Ingredients [Missllile to ob ta in .' D aintily scented. Biiy fo r ~ leaa than cost; 10 bara fur..._...„|LO0 '

IV O R Y S O A POno bundrod puro soap; use it, fo r* washing thoso dain ty cUthes o r uio for tho bath. I t b refrealiing; 13 bara f o r _____ ________________ 11.00

- ' G L Y C E R IN ERose gSycorlne s o ^ b i e x t r s - la j jo - bars. I t is ’ a »oap we asm recom ." , mend for general b a th U H )'13 bara f o r ' _______ _____ ____ _— ILOO

T T A ttn W A T E R S O A PThis' i | a.aoai) th a t wc can especially ------rccummcnd for ba rd w ater; .It. lath- era wcll in hard o r cold wiitt-rj 17bora for .—— L_____ ..tlJ )3 s

Jap H o s i^ \? S ® ^ d a ? n ? i^ p u tfu m rd 80.-II1 fo r to ilet -iiset ,Hi>eclnlr-13 tiani fo r _______ _____

' - T W I N KWo havo Twink lu all-shades ami rolora for d y e in g 'tb * .to ln lio st o f • ' ' ' rubric___ _______..............................

Seeds[ t wlU aooD b«i tim e to tblnk. o f out; tarly spring gurdflsi. W v tcava a xm ple te Une of tte iU n i: m it a for ' regetablea and f lo w w » .„ ------ ,i..,5e

B T T S IN E S S W O M B ’S•O X F O R D ,

^'blft.'-K kid oxford th a t rnui, la*ted iamu>lly fo r .tb e business womau. ' >. ^ h itn rv ’hrol arid weffluni broad toe,W hy mndo --------------------------

B i A o k . n n O X F O B D\ n ill lk e n ' oxford In -b lac k kid, >'Ither low or m ilita ry b < e l ." H « d . ile so..-. 'O no we ean teCiWmoaa, .>rlre.1 ____ __________ | 8 i 0 , •- .

' , ‘ A

: TWIN F A U S d E y . WEWSi" -' ^ ^ ■ ■■i-i- lint

i)BUed «vrry Bfunioon 6 « m fiunday; "^’tw in W I* N«wi"iVbiw^ \nc7 ■

^ , <E»,taUlihe<l l»0O ■ j

, IcO r'A . ns:A D ...A :v ............... P w ldon t ^I JOHN C. liA R V gr................. , ]

Cn(tr«d SI *Mond cloM malt mntter |^ | MprtI t , ]>1S. Dl tlio pOitflCrics Kt T wIm P« tU, Idaho, under ths lUt .of March 1. .nul

, ^ -— (,t

o . . f.vi. m onib*.......... ; .............. . r . .................. .............. I . «

■s month!........................•..................... I’fJ. intinth............................... ; ..................... 69 i,l

ilEU BER OP ASSOCIATED I'llBSS iiia . , The AMocifltfd PrcM 1« #ieluil»*Ijr wi- f . .

• tilled 10 tlio uio for rfpubHcailon of All■ oAwxdltpAtcho* er»ditcd to it. or not oih> Hip

erwlto cmdUod In ihU paptr. and alto tho local tiewa publUhod hortln. AU rlrhtx (»Ii

: .wmenM A»»oc!nlod Prtu*. iiu\

No re'tiKinillilllt; la auum nl for lh-- nnd , oir« of untoIleltMl mBnuKrlpti, plioto-1 «T»phi or olhor eontrlbtitod mailer. Ar- uji1 tl<4ci subinllted for publication v l t l ' t>r ,,; u kO or not a t the dlMi^tlnn of On- «<lt- . '' tw and no inanuterlpi will be rr(um»<l• -------oiilfM ueconipftnled by neccwwrj' i>oii-i , , hC*-- . . _____ _______________ of

Th# Newi U n member of iho Audli <iav StnrtuQ of ClrculMJoni. Irom whom tuH Intomutlon u i to.clrcuUilon may bo ob- the

, b lned upon npollctillon. UeUlled inror- . „■ matlon lu p p ll^ locally upon rfqueii. -


' ■ tiw rs* n . D«vld Co., :no.. I ' l M*dltoiv(il?l Ave.. New York: A. R. Keator, HU H an-1„„„ ford Bulldlnf. Chicago. ®''

: " . i.TrBB ■ o r t h e b o i j i h s e a s “

Whnl « llli ■f'rcJoriPk ' O 'H rlcn '. ' book* and !’auL GnUKuii) * I'lcturo* tljL my*Ur islf* of tlip Baulli 8«ai, whicli hnvo Blroiigly jiiijKialcd' lo tlip whl*e 1,,^ people of the nortli Icmpfrntc to&u cvor mni dnco Hcniiau M clrfllc iiublinhftci trail “ Tj-pDc" W .vi'ar* nffo, aro bow allur- Tlic loK Ihctn motu than over. An cxpctU- tlon *Dt out for thn t pa rt of thi« onrtU nliU' co t Jon;; i.Ii]rc, compoicd of porioni ' who wfro told thn t with a thomand j""" do lln rt or so .th o f could, live there | iniih comfortably, and w ithout lhp nccci*it.x | o f work, fo r thtf rotnoiartcr'of' th e ir j|,p , day i. Tlicro is no doubt thn t i t e o t t t . lu ' a Iriui lo )>vo In Iho Bouth bco* than Amcrlcn; fo r n storjr comei frota Syd- soy , A uiiralin , to tbo offect tha t g reat Biarbjo piitnccs in tho a ll bu t forgotten Bancln i»lc# o f tho M alay arehlpeU go,*l.ut

I b u ilt by Dutch motchaota In the lix - "/*f' tcen th ccLtury oul o f tho proeebda o f r,7n tJicIr f?mir^«hln(; 's p le o - p la a ta tio u , Ihnt a a / 'n o w bo obtained a t a ronUl o f | i n

. . . nndft raonth.W ith uii Ihu low cost of living, the »p11«

doilRhtful climate, tho r«*mhatio, w t - roun.linR*. : tho pleturoaque Bctaory; i<i||| how Innn would th6"TmiTngo~Anrerieaa 1)0 rontfiit lo live there! I t I* »afo to '» iy thn t Ji Bojourn of a .fo w raonllu i>nji( would be nufflcienl. There aro phiioi' •pl^tn^^.w.ioiiy'hBpiiiuP*** 1 entiroly In-

tr- dopcndcnl of Utfir environment, In wort wlioin i* .xeni|.llfJpd Iho {TUlli of Mil-

' to n '* Mvinir. “ Tho mind lii iU own ‘ plnrc, nn<I in ilw lf can nmko a hcavrn

■Toitt'.'of Icc'll, a hel! of ha ivcn .” Hul _ thoy are Hire. '

To liwi-II In marble hall* iii lln' uplpo . la?And*, “ where ovory |>rin|H'rl |ilea*cii

and only man i* vllo;’ ' ••.iptivate* lh?. piinglnatinn! but a (jrent doal iijoro i«

required lu iiitijify iino who hn* borome accu*tuniv<) to' the liuar .Rnd knloido' •coplo Uftt tl>i' Blftlcn, wlHiIt* InleniiSnablo vnriety of nrtlvllloi.

• a n d InteroHtii lu oreupy 'h e .allenllou and keep llie *plrlt youthful.


Oovoriimi'ril fitTnli whn Imve been Invesllj’fillnj' the lik-InK eo*l* nf wago- farnerx n '|« irl lliiil Kuropcan* nro mort th r if ty than n e are. tW hnvo been

• told Ihn'. iH'fore, hiil il In rathor »iif- priaitic to find ihom i>larin(f a larcc fbnre of Hie Manii- nn Aiii<rii’nn lintifo-

-•/« wiW-*. wl.oiii ihe.v iir'.'ui>.'..i)f Inckinp , l l l f tifU ir if t . In snvpntv nf tlio

,• eharnc' v trio in , Iruitn allotfpd tn bo chnriwtcri»tic nf Antrrl.vniv hoii«e wive,. nro cited. One whirh neem* eipeciall.v w orthy of ron*ideralion ii> Ihat Ainerl-

•enna nre uillin ;; In pay wb.iti'ver i..\Bsked fo/ nil artirlo , bu t Kifropenrt* r i t i not ;iny more than Iii tlieir judg. ment the nrlirlc I* worth.

I t i» rcjmcnnnt to onr ?ielf're*pi'cl to hnRcl.' w llh *ho])lioei>piii. lu many ptirla o f Ihe Old \Yorld, >;n|ie(!inlly oit tho conti'ioiil. ilenleri oii'tninnrlly ask

' , inoro Ihnii Ihoy 'expert In rcceivo, and jiro*pofliv:'jVurehnscr* offor le*s ,thnr. tboy oxiieif In g ive; diekerinR then on- aue* until n bat(;nin I* *triick, ,1’cr Imps thi« MBlom i* morn produleivc of th r if t than onr*; Ibe fixed prlt-e plan probnbly doo.i rondueo to iiinke ii* pa.v.

> v lth o u t r),ieallon, wlmlovc' i* a*ki'd." T a k e il or ioftvo i t " it thn *hop-

keeper'* u|linialum , nnd If wc w ant the ■ n rtltle lirnVy, we aro tcm |’lc3,-perhaps,

to give moro thnn we can afford. B at tficM i* an nJlerntiljvc: v e oan gp (o other.*Iin]r.i nnil m-o if tho nrt^ le oan

profiired more clicnply. And prpu- «b ly it ' hnii boen m oit persons* obser- (\’ntinn. thiiu- wouien, and oiiK-ciaJly iioijncwiveii, .aro .more neruttoined to

' jlo in;; this llian men.^ t l I* /■good plan lo oonipnre prices, 'iSlKer' by vU lling the ahopi, o r ^ H

f e . '■

TWIN'FALLS-DAJLY}j*ludyinjr' th f a ilverllaem cnl*,-'bcferb irhl •imaklUK .1 piirehnse. CouildwnWe _var.- • Intion wllt-J;o fojind not infrc'ciuenlly. 'npj,

---------- " '♦ . ity.' Ifl WOMAN TH E “ V ILI.A IN 7”

Hcnder* nf Itunkin who. havo firinly s tr i ■ IrfihovcU in hi* argum cat tl 'a t a ll great

.nutbort Iinvn p’jieed, womnn la the role qi,]] . (if gunrdian angi’l of th e -.Torld. recti- ;I fylng Ihe blunder* of men, may well [ lie acl^Dit nt thu nttiludo of Iho novel- yor)

>■1 of todny who penist* in p icturing j*he innlhor iis the villain of Ih t tale aud fnther a v th u innrty r. who' arouse* all tho Ihe »ymimlhy‘ of the roador. - It |* the | | | '« fiil<i* and foolish prIdo uf ihe m oltor |||^„ « h lrh KjccW* tho houacholil In tho “ novel ot today nnd thu fnther t'o tlen | ’J®‘ .md ftill* in Iho vain attem pt to keep Q f ' up w ith bur awbllion. thor

While Iho matchmaking molhor ia no now (haracter !• .fiction, ‘.he portrayal ta lk of the mc-'thur a* the villain seema to 1°U8 tiave been rnrried to unduv lengths b) u the newest writur*, and more than one Amc good numan ha* prolcifud th a t th t mother i* boing unjustly p a in ted 'In^ fletjon, thus eauning a diarcspcel for jMI'woiaanbodd. ‘ HIII ' A Clever Argument |

Tho 11. II. niover rompnr;/, Dulniquc.Iowa, m anufoeluren uf m en 'i furnlsTt' higK, hnvu Ju it iuued a elrculiir o f a innst •.•onvliiclng rhaHieU'r to the trade. Thu rnptian reads: “ He K air."The nrtlrle follown: .• “ IVnpto pay tV f fnr a will of olulhe,*

nnd I'laln thn t Ihe ptieo J* nnronmn- able. Inn-ankf the *ull ronliiln* onle ♦.'> worth of raw wool. -Tbe c’othing ' iiiiinufncluror nu*«-Vr* by *l;ilinK thn l ( '''“J it is tbo blah cast o f Inbor which ‘j'” '*' make* the on*t of the unit. ' But n «rent many ivople aro nnt mitlsfie.? tvilh IbU nn»weet- Thov iitill want to be *how;i. They fool th a t thoru iniwt "PP® be a nljfgcr lB_tlie woodpllu soniowhcru. . I ”

“ lltkvc they , l«jw«v«T, ev«r #toppe-\ lu Ihln'c: thnl *ix egg plnnfa nl :ij i-entii each, in ooMon, can be proiluocd frnm ono *eod W hich'cost MOO of a “ ' ‘’f ccutj Ihat aeveral tons of npple* onu be raised on nn apple treo which enst bnt .10 rent*; th a t an aero of o a b , “• wnrlh >12, ooinc* from fifly .fivo conti ' worth of »ted | lh a l n <>'1,000 automobile , !" mannfaclurcd out of iron worth $.'0; thfit <2,000 worth of finished l-'H'd* i-nn be mado from four dollnr* Oa nnd f if ty oen ts 'w ortb o f silk worms; decla t h a l ,a pjeco of fino furniture w h ich ]go 'fj Kell* for n thounand I* made from n o f nl ii.»ihoKan,v log wbieh a native o f the on 11 Iroplr* floated dowit •* ntreani nnd eomn udd 'a Irnder fo r a plug of toline tho. | I’o; Hint II Item brandt pninUag whleb ordo> Is prirolet* ron*umed liul a dollar'* On wnrth o f pninlj tha t ♦.'5 worth of nn tr tend )>aper rjin bo manufaolurod nul o f tioha I'cntii worIh of Vagaj- tha t the hand- vlccr wnrkod tra /e lo th whieh serve* a kiu;; bn t may be fashioned out o f a (iiinrler’* nenit worth o f flax ; t lu l most nf tho mlHun- had liiiralandingK whieh cnafiii>o iw would flisappehr If >vt> ennbi bu t ma*ter fnetn RE




G a r r i s i. iii a Posing Act .of Ex

"Most Perfectly F

A Rare Trea• ' ■■■ ■ 1

LY NEWS,- TWIN FALLSirhieh cost nbtbing bin a little m ental i c ffo tti , ' . ‘ J

I ' “ Lnbor brings the ogg 'p lan t, thit d apple tree nnd the onl f ie ld 'to ina lu r ity . Iron, without labor, is a* uh 'Ivss ns elay. w ith long dny* of b b o r I t be <omcs Ih'j twolvo-eylindor engine. The s tr to d of s i l k 'in . th e cocoon^ is as w orth lu s aa a blade of grass un til it becomes Joined to m an's invcntlvr ab ility .

VAnd *0 i t l* ,w ith vool—It must bo washvd and iroured, carded or cumbc’I di on expensive m aehinurr, made into ynrns, woven into fabrics, shrunk, f in ­ished, tnilurcd, loborfid with through a . . limulfcii opiimitjons—li t m l ly laillioos {, o f bntard*. bolng eocounlorod—until thb little |iaD|lful o f wool from the ,]j, nhcep’* bnek, wllh which tbo operatlo.i started , turns out to bu tho most in- (],, slgnificnnt pnrt o f the wliolu proeoss. . .

“ And so u I* w ith a tlum iand other {j, products, whether mido of wool, cut- toD, iron, eoppor, leather or cocoons. |_, O f courao, if any man still th inks thnl gij thoro Is not much o f anyth ing In a suit i,|] o f clothe* but iiome raw wool, the thing for him to do Is lo make bi* own elolh. q i tailor it- Into a suit and thu* get the laugh on tho clothier nnd the manufae- ip , lurer. ,i,,

“ L e t’s be' fa lt t L et ovotv honest American look into his own tabor ce*t.i before ho occu*c« hi» neighbor of bO' y,i Ing a profiteer. ”

IM ff ii l! § BEEiTED'lllliEiiS|

Croat Oonferoaoo oa Subject of P’® ProBont State of Unrest |i,°;

Olvca Promlflo ■]wit

llOMBAY, (/p) — Thc 'eonforenee of Hn representatives |tf all *linde* of publle opinion, sumninnod by tho I>unilll Mni- nvSyn nn.i n numlier nf uther non-party leader*, uroiied liore yeitordnv under the chnlrmunsliip of Kir Cliulti'r ftink , i „ arnn N'n.var w ith 200 dDloirnte* in nl- •ni, londnnro, ' An H romilt of the disctii- slnn, ih i ’h i'h M. K. Ohandl, the non-' f iv foooerationlKt lender, took p a rt, the dIffuron.'M belwocn Iho vnrioui pnrtir.i appear t6 be narrowing. .u]

The proci-etiing* wero held in prI\7ito -i^, bu t i t is understood th a t the M olaviyi in his opening nddrcss d c = ■eribcd tho dovoloptnent of tho non- co -o^ra t|on movement which ho nicrib- ed tb the blunders o f the government and its unjuitifiablo polUy of repro i- lion. Ho outllnei] the cundillons un- ier whl-h nn honornblo solt'em cnt df tho punJab, khalifat nnd other out- itanding qilertlons would bo possiblo,

W taU A ll B e le iu d . .Oandhi in M dresslng (ho gathcrlnc.

leclored proposed resolutions did nnt ?o' f a r jnough. He wanted the relca*e 5f a ll ''po litica l p risoners" anil dwelt jn the e:«cc»se8 which bo snid bad boen ;ommIlUi1 by tho government undor tho- pret<ixt of m aintaining Inw an i 5,rdor.

Onndhi snid he vnu prepared to .n t ­tend IV round tnhle cenfetanre uncomll- tlohally, if l t w?re convened by tho eiceroy, h u t wanted a chnngo of heart 3n tJio jm rt o f tho f^overrmonl, nnd [wniteneo for -th e grlovou' wrong* )t la d Inflicted.

R E a D t o e DAILY .VBWS.


s o n S i s t e :Exceptional Beauty Fei■ Formed Girl in the Wor

at for Our Pa■ 1 - ' ■ ■ .


B i ^ ^ i, rHy FIKKT N lO H TR n.l ^

Tho u jii '.f Mondnv vaudeville will bo rii the board* a t the New Orpheum to- pj day and promise* to be another high to eln«» h ll'. =

Hiith N^ombers o f Ibo team,. M ane [ nnd C^ntK, nro mniical en ttr ta iners o f! Htorlintr w orth. Their num beri consist | o f solos nnd duels from musical um e-* dies, bnlnds, ote. Ono n f the members I o f the' dno accompanle* the other on tbo plnno. W alker and Drown are tw r colored people th a l havo beea .ono of tho comedy h it# o f the year. T hey do a Toutioe of singing, ta lk ing and danc­ing tiia t moro than pleuos. Oorrlion f ils tc n furnish a n 'a r ti il l< p a rt o f tho bill w ith {.eautlfal pOilng. Thesq girU have heen proelalmod tho ^ 'Perfection O ir la / ' Also on this elever hill will bo aeon n ifty poses by Twin Pall* gir'a .Tho usual fea ture picture w ill also be shown.

No fashionable cabaret in New Tork, tho e lty of lights, can surpass in brll llaneo or color or extravnganee o^ fin ­ish th n t which' {* nsed in Oeorire T itx m nurico 'i Param ount production of “ E xpcrlenep ,'’ which Is to be 'show n a t th e Idaho theater today and Tues­day. T he/icenarlo * t th ia well known pfay by Oeorge V. H oburt, caJfed fo t a typ leal New, Y e tk ' 7«tnnT4Tit,, n fte r tno m anner o f such tnstltntions o f pleasure before tho days of prohibi­tion. No expense w u spared to make th is seeno 'renlistle and beautiful.

Tho colnr aeheme Is blnck and gold w ith a bntkground of gold melol cloth. I Hugo omi.lo pillnrt, capped w ith m etal i domes, a re se t n t intervals on the din-, ing room floor. Although only ono quar-l te r o f the cabaret was bu ilt i t accom-1 modalod four hundred people. F o r rich-j np** o f coior and novelty, th is has sei-] don i'b een surpassed In any picture.: Rlelmrd liartholmes*. a pnan ln r’youn(il S'-reen pltjyer, hn* the leading role of ‘■Youth.”

W hnt Is tiieless to yoo may be valu­able lu others — advcrtlie i t In the j e laiiifled eolnmns. ^



P O F m ^ FKIOE&

A dn lt» -lC c , laclc iltng T u I Oblldroo->Cc, Ko T ax I

i w O R Hm o r r 6 w « .t \


m k - '

. .N iftyPo


ifw ■ Ber» ^ w V -

A War

The Mtt. , 8 Part t

‘‘Ai; r s

■ S t a n

’eatiiring the ont ahow ij r l d ■ . E ren in

C hU dreij-

atrons I

-I ' ' ',

J A N U A R Y 1 6 , 1 9 2 2

M A lti" r a i i O N B a s «wr,Ti'*Rpr>B E IP A S T , yp) ^•Jncly-sVx 8Snn ri,

’ Fein prisoners wore released here to ‘ re. d a y . . T hu 's tree ta surn^undlng. tho prl- so

sen, wero strongly gnardod by ^soldiers taand police, bu t there was no public !<•

. demonstration. tl<■ Fatlior Dominie,’ who was splrilunl dca dvbor lo tbo lato riHirenco MacHwlney; I><lord mayor o f Cork, w a t among tho 30 s

° flian Ftiin. prisonera relensed from 6 t '• Parkhu rrt prison, o a the Iilo o f W ighl h to(4iy.

e [ “ T " ■ ■


1 T ho story o f a youth who w ent —

out lo sock Buecet^ and fouad ^

) the world—as i t . i s l All o f Ita '

good and evil. Ail of Ite laugh- ^

, ler, love and tears. . m

Lived In am az ing /scene* ' of

beauty and th rilling adventure

I . by an enormous supporting east

[ Including M arjorie Daw, John

1 if ilte rn , N Ita NnldL Betty Car-

; penter, Sibyl Carmen, Jed Proa- \ A ty nnd Lllyan Tashman; [1

' u]

Bee tho garden where dream* ' J

begin—tho revels o f the primrose ■

p # lh ~ th o corridor* of chaneo—

place of forgnlten“ hopes—the

house of lost BouIs*>tbc Innd tha t ; '

lovc calls home.

Run tho whole gam ut of life in

.. no hour and n half I In a .g rea t,

Bimple, hum an ' story, throbbing

w ith the beart-beat o f the world.

All the ftdvoDlurcs tha t Youth ;

has ever dreamed'—made real!

Molded Into n drama that beat*

with thu heart-throb of tho world. I


- O E O R O E V . H O B A B T ' '

“ Kitchen Lady” ^

• H E U M ALWV ----------


ve Acts of VaiE X T R A A D D E D A T T R ^



P o s e s a n d E x q u i s i t e G o w n s

L e a d i n g M e r c h a n t s o f 0

---------- ^ A l s 'o S h o w i n g ­

' S AND CLARK WALII Vocal Episode . '

rt Ford Iar Veteran Prosontlng

Imicsd Doughboy Ht Fotoplay Feature

Across the kad lin f' ^tarring Frank U ayo i t ; j E

n r Nl<titl7 '> E e s la i 7 o'OIoek

’CQing ShW —A dnlta 40c -

e s— U>e; W ar T ax IncIndM

riK EE—l:SO ; 10 A in> SOe '

■ ' • I ■,

U O N ^A N A 'h i* iw .009 «crea o f Ir- ■ rignlcd Jnn il.uM et **MKlamatlon pfojects. . Blch productive s T T n p t e d to sugar b e e ^ ^ 'ta toea frmin' growing and ovryiBK- I S w % £ W .r t c r m . to aetual « t - tier*.; For full information «nd f t ^ descriptive puhllcatlona. addresa K. * •Leedy, Oonetnl Agriculturala ien t Agent, O reat Nbrtheru Railway.8 t Panl, M inn--*dv..'

U E .\rt TMK I'A ll.V

iliTlgD —,3 X3 34 D T U E S D A Y '

« A U lttZ ulM r n m i t _■

x jq je ^ e n c e{U C H A im S in X K Q U fE M

u - V O D T H ’ • y

jL ' ,y Z H ^



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a g e o r o b .

F I T Z M A D R I C F , fP R O D U C T IO N ..: ■ .


— — “ .■


LY ^

a u d e v i l l eRACTION

shion Show”'ITFVL TWIN'S. “ns as Furnished by■ Our City "

r —

IK E RA N D BROWN 'Id Komed7 E nterta iner*—Comedy,

a i a ^ . D nndng ^


' ' t w

DailyAdvertisements \


' E l a l j o r a t e L in k s R i g g e d l i p in R ig h t

P u i ld in g in H e a r t o f P a r i s j n

W i t l l I n g e n io u s H a z a r d s a n d b a

B u n k e r s ■ T n

PARIS, P a riilnn jrolfon, nn- j j j q ,aWc,' bttauno to ro to IktiT jr m a t ry rlub^, h#ve broiiRhb al Ilokf righ t Jnto tho heurt o f Pm 1». Ari ^ ir.doDr ,iotf club, nniquo in Europe, h u <orfi,]n 3o»t bcDU openod on tho Chunipii-Ely'. uiea, w ith .p u tt in g grccin tniujplnntcd from Dieppe.

T be p ^ rn « aro laid In tho middle of n lonff Iwll and tnWci uro bcI around tlicm ao th a t metnbBn ran dino while o the ri n 'ay or' have dinner a fte r a |p„;j J,, flBDic. Thp lo fty timnDl or hall nher.' the cnntft i i plftj-eiJ, 1» Illuminated a t niffht and, makcfi pbiiiblo practice hftv.. p .hoU of -10 yardB.

When Ihl- hall hltn tho tide curfialns i t returned to the Rreca on an in- j?ithon rliried p ijno . There are many ini;eni- OUI biinVcm of vnrlouB Bhnpe# mmle of ,^eal tu rf. P n r l i fo In npproacli >hotv j. I . a f lo n W j. 'm p i,y » » y .. • „ j _ „

MembcrBhlp In the new elub I* ro Qerniar Mtrirted tu tb e member* of the Icaillnn jn,tnnc P trl* clubs nnd SSO vo''*''*’ '' ^Already

[ have applied for momlwr'hlpi Indoor j Itolf i t fxpfctvd tn bri'ome a popular ■port nraonjr w ealthy I’arisiaaB.

M A T n O H T IN tO N D O N « =IX > 8 A N 0 E L B 8 ,y p ^ a c k D « m p M y , j---------

heavy wei{(bt champion, will meet! F r QeorKet Carpentier, Enropotn title hold*] er in ’ London, providing promoters fo r; f l i foch n m atch wonld p o it ,“ fub«tan tlar l ^ n n to o B ," aeecrdlng t» J te k KeoroB,' Demp»oy’B m jaager. Kearn* did not In-’ ■ dleat* w hotkw he would be wilUag to* accept on o ffe r n r r y i n ; a im aller tk ia i th a t p o t op Vy Tex B lekard i t J e n e y LtUU

■ ■ . ' ■ ■ ■ . ■■! E bb

0«Vt m i M d to H unt Tfvtflim. :T be w O e U u ( u n p n I Dl

KTowtb found la e w u ln |* r t» of ; rope, arow tejf t f iw iocbw uDde^ j ' c ro w d , i t a i J t w u tld e r td a delicacy ! U fg i fo r tb e u b le . Doea u « « tu n tra ls e a V IQ to eod 'them . Tbey I n r o t« delect tbe prsteoo« tlie. tn u a c ;.a n le c Ibe «vr> .te 9«-of ti r • Cthit vdo r < lM n ^« u t l?y th e tmfllfc' T t» tlo ri when •v e r

• <be tp o t, i t i ^ t and p«t» th♦^*^oon(l J- w itb b it iHtw. T bea tbe m an ^ lv« «P t b t iim fflt • f j l f l

Mackerel Run m Q reat 6«hoate.Som e tc h o o lt n t nmrVerel a re half m s

fiQe ivide 0Q(} twi-nty tnllca lone. iiD<l ^ t n cflth n itH '« «'<tntnln 1.000AM t a r j jJ* * ■ •elt of null. -

\ J A N I I / W y y W f t ^

y 4 « i ^ "I

A l

\ m^ \ m ‘ * . m o *

M 0 S /tw & (!lQ S D .E.

V S K i m -

w o o K M 6W ^ V WIUIE OUMPk J

WECK ? ^ .

' W I N . F A L L S - D A I L Y N E \

Newsunder this hea


------- , • * Colonel

B h t t o V is e P a s s p o r t s o f

T r a v e l e r s r i a k i n j U s e o f

D a n z ig C o r r i d o r M a y C a u s e cuitom*

T r o u lJ le— — tho con

UOA, {/Pj — Tho L atvian (p)vern- zen« bj n t h a i Iiecomo Irritod by Poland'n ports, ompt t(' prevent free tra n i it o f for- to wei n pauoncort throufih tho Daneljf roundftl ridor T.'lllioiit I’dlUh vinri on- the ir _ _ _ m ' isporti. Tlio ta tv ian * questioned Innd'.i rlftbt to tbi« partial rioslni;Ihe corr/dor and ilerlare Pofnad's

Ion in In direct enntrmllction to tho mu of the Verxalllei trea ty which ,up tbJ famous corridor fflvlnj po- (Purni* d a c r . '« to the sen. Wheat,’olaud'e prncttcc In dennndlaR tha t eip ier.1 c rotiini; the rnrrlilor must I t Polish viact on their patsnortn han itod complaint bv thtvellera be- g ._ .L i •en tUe B tW c rtales—L lthuaula. ^ ihonia and L atv ia—and wTatom Eu 10 for moro than n yonr.^>r many month* Polliih cendomiorie I t bo tidcd -Iroini t>K lUe en trasce L e x lt to tho corrblor thnt divide* ..Cattit -many in to 'tw o piirU nnd In many v ^ , 6( lancei; havo ejected passcnRerii who Hog*- , 'not ha^1 l tho PoU»li vlic*. even Sheep cn tlify wore only in transit Ihroufih poult

corridor betw een connlrie* on both 10c. f t of I t An AmerlcJin traveller was

freshly. Mined Vtah and Rock Springs p.ut«

C O A L S i.m u p _______ 511).60 per tw i obIobjJk k .............. $10.00 per ton-» n t ..............$ 9.00 per ton

D m f s w fU M P E I T O T

. ■— YHONS 142—

Vaiteig TransiBr (58. H ‘AOZVTS rOB Z30ir OOAX • ’ Outtor

courunr (

_____ • _ ■ T urkey

£ Z

r ^ H a m L

' r o rk c

1I n y - > Jecf-

----------- No. li■ No; 8-

No. K^ . No. 1.

V o p o d i o u t e l r l o w r a t e * ^ ^ ro m o t h t r p o i n t *

L e a v e T w i n F « i l 8

T o d a y ^

A r r i v e L o « A n g e l e s

’ S e c o n d D a y JJ";

> b m a n r a n d M a r d i a r » a o t t ' j w g h t f u l m o o t b t i n

o n t l i e n i C a l i f o r n i a . erativ.

;o r n « m a o n . « d f « f t t r , £ l “le ta iu c o n t o l t u lar e>.E.S«Oiraa A .M .5 « lth slble

A cM l ■ H A rtA irn ' pTociii■ T W W F A IL S . -

/ — / V r o u » « o ^ f

E W S , T W I N F A L L S , I D ^

5 Glas'

ead, One Cent iB y a c t u a l c o u n t , f o u r , o u t b

; h e s e . p e o p l e w h a t y o u h a v

s a l e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i t i o n y

ttfrod U> pay tho” jqofvnJent of~#l^” l ' ^h ii P u i u r . i i t . ; F O R

W o su a U iJcet Com vUint Jrs . William IL Haskell, w ife , o f of Ho oncl Hn*keH, head o f tbo American »tpck ief adu.lnUtratlon }n lluw la, recent- ISlil. complained to the American com-

Ition in Rlffi bccauso o f’ experience* , ™I undjfw ent n t tho hand* of PolUb oesl . toms csnmine'Ja- w tile crossing Ibc jolnin Tidor. "^ow Polish aulborillei b a re closed

corrl la r absolutely to L atv ian citl- It by refusing to visa th e ir pass- jo j '» •U. L atv lau t who desire to travel w estern Europe have to take 0 . . . ^

indftbout route by boat to Qemmny.


T W IN F A L L S M A R K E T ™______ cast, ,

O rtla.jrnished by Twin P tlls I’lour UiHs'ileat, No. 1, c w t . ......... ......- ......11.25 I'O!

P tcduc t. ' irapio

IilTett<iA. „ t p .(Kiiritiiilii-a.by liideiwndent m ^ o

U arkat.l t - — 'a ttle — Co«vs 3@-lfi Jloerx * I J.-, .ll, 5@7e. 'lo g » -P rfm c , 5@0c. fX)J>hecp—Mutton, 4cj lim bs, 5e. o? Ti’oultr>—Heu», IO.-; ■ 'l«lit f rv e ^ , a d b

' ' 2 . H.

WOUflBWlTB'a GUIDE.(RCI.-.II Price*./ ’ j

r r u i t t tn d V eg ttib le t, p . . i , 1 .U ,---------- ---------- U . M ^ ! 0 y ;:*to«s, e w t -------------------------IL8.*lu k , P.T l b . -------------------------. «jbaire. per l b . ---- ---- ------------ . .o;iiliflower, lb____________ 10@18 l-:;c

--------------------------- - " r iW 'p t ------------------------------— .J»P roT lttO u tn d StavlM . .

nr. 48-lb. « t e k _______«LS1@|1.1S Store,Bar, bee^ WO X n . __________ t m Mrito:ja r, e tao , lOO I b t . ----------------- H.CO —~<aui Clieete --------------------- — ^,ck Cbocte -------------- - • .10 ^ 5t u t _______________________ .OC Oe»u«u d ....... ......... . n nestH er ( o e a m o tr ) -----------------tlu r (n m e l i) -----------------------------Z^c , a g ^

r k « « _____________ . * .<06 » o ____________________ L - - 3 y ____e k t ------------------------------------- -SO I Iicliont ---------- .25 t«omint • -- ---------------------------------- Bwcclc o n _________________ _____ 25 ®33« Telopeon, sliced .... — .VJmi ^ 1' I M.J ,..,.,------- -— 4 6 ^m ■*U«d • ,40 “ clo*,k d o n . i l 1.2@!io “ i,llion c t ^ ___ 17 1 .80 t5 ., k — '1? ' t 5rk stukss® ........................... - , , , . .s')3loak — S itlo in £5ej T bone 2Bo} ii-ii.in d 2 5 e ;]% ]( ik ’17'l.S<. MoinJecf—P JP ro aB t 18@J7 l-2c; pJote ------

briskflt fle. ________ 'NX'

'' L —O&IiaiOiU) 7IUE I£ B L S ^

( C lty o r MounUin Time) ' kespi -------- reato

^Easlbottud . r Oto. 1 4 0 _____ ____D ep trt 7:20 «. tpa rl• o ;8 4 ...... ....._ - .- .D o p a r tf l:1 0 p . a . | Fifth

'W oitbouad i ~ lx )Io. 8 3 _______— D epart 1:53 p. m .; cotU;Io. « 5 — I____ Deptirt 4 : « p. b .. Pays'


Bouthbonud 1 n S h Ilo. J 2 9 ________D opart 1 :« .p . BJ.: — —

Worlbbouod io'. 3 « --------------A rrive 5:00 .p. m. | - ;yQ

afATT. suf*wTLtn» ■ , rtneh- ) .trtiii

No. » .m . ■ ■ No. U S t . 1:06 p. m. VfJNo. l U < t 4:16ip. D. I rnreNo. M » t B:?0 . p .« . ■ “ Bogerto* brtno li a t 1:01 p. m.

The fo re to ing mall makenp i t «p - ' mile■ativo and «ffoetive under o rd L a* ^ ' • —sodlttoB’, i t % g ie a t amotmt o f m tU . ~lould be d w p ^ » t abont tho « g - ~ —lar closing Umo i t wonld be Impos- W./ble to dispatch th e mall on tbe ono •ecito boui.

. Btatir

A sn sP L E e x ;


• - i * m • ■ssifiecper word per„ i

; bf eveiy five homes in Tvf ive to sell, trade or exchai you want, or the help you

)R S A L E - R E A L E S T A T E F O R

cXJlt Ba l e —HO aereB tw o miles we*t FO]Hogerxon; house, bam , large elslem chip ck fem e, nU in cultlvntion. Phone macbi111. a fte r

Fo r .s a l e o r T nA D >>-ono o"fThe , " ko1It SO acre trac ts In the county; ad- mule* ning the town of Filer. S trictly we*t, rdem rix-room house kud good oul- F iler. ilUiiig*! gldcnalk nil-thu way to bu*l- — IS pa rt o f tow n; will u l l or trade iXII • larger piece of land. ? . C. Qraves, pnoun ler, Idaho. • or of

KUi: 8 A l.E~il<-al, good NoM hs'd ; ]q ]. Jity , lI lO , tiood soli, good lemis. l>r. f '« 'i t. Twin Kallt. nJr p,

POK SA L E — F i re u m , l-S mile 'Jni®' li, 1-4 mile totith W athbg ton school am to liad e Jo t » Ford t t i . L. a

n in e•'OB 8A L B -A r e t i ba rg tl# ia well- proved nortb ^ d o farm . Dr. Dwlgbt.

■X)B BALB O P T B A D ^T w o -ro 7 m POI jte red ond kaltomlned boote, two 140 e ; . tlo tet* , fro n t ta d baek liM piug “ fch| lawn, bam and two ex tra lot*; a ip. Pbone 12a or call a t I I I Ba*l to m p in . te r, 1

f o r R E N T

?r)B RKNT— 160 acres,. 2 miles ,wo.-i -------Tw in M 'l i t m yst bavo eiiulpmeul ^.POl

d be ^ l e to flnoaeo bimaeif. Inquire Plioni H. Nortli, Tw in Falls. ^

POR BEOT—F urnished bouie. Ap mixed r 3 ^ Third ave. W., or 021 Seventh row I e. E.- --------- --------------------- ... — ’PO]

SICKLY fnralubcd Uritn froo t room.j m a n bout; largo enough for two. to Kood homo cooking, $2S. pet r - - ntV f Or. Second ave. N. I>bobe MS.

TYPBwaiTBBar ^ ’‘J: P Itcnt a typew riter. Speual ra te s f>'r p g •ee months. R ent applied i f pur- ssed. Wo bave a fly ,B itk« o f mn* ine yoa w aut. A sen tt (« r t t e New .Q th yoi. Si-e, or phooe T M b P n lit Boon .)re, 607. or w rite B iehw ‘ 'T h e T y r 1 r o i i te r Mnn,** Burfgy. ■ coupe

POB B K N T -B w » > K \ K a i r i v e i 'o j cholM l«ciit}oa; «eeirpieil by c . gn aucbomi*. C»H tm l. 'lo y d ^ a v e n Co., <1^0 1 * t door. , PkoDifiy o n}wn*u«*e«pi«Jt poreb and gar- e, modmn, «le«e 1«, '130 per m onth. FO fW e Twum, on& em 'cxcep t-fum ace. l i u t , 8.00. .winil«lAJOYiD OBAVKN CO., nt.«r 1

1S3 'M ain Ave. E. ••— FOI I HAiVIE TCm 15ENT desirable •!*- u d a jm houAD’on iBlgbtb ave. No. U . J . |224 8 reeley, !Flr<t TIational Bank I IM k -;— ilephono

POE] tBENOMlflB " w a ^ No., ilo jo 'ln ,” a fron t room, electric heat, th adjoiuSng; 'largo onnigl, to r tw o Btltmen.

rO B IlE N T -JI> o r o o n T ; [ i t t i e « u , „UKsnnh.®, tim plelely furnUkod <-« ____;ht hoiiiekeoping. The Oxford, 4fS {7/

N._____________________________ w rap

NIOB (juiet'Toom f o r . i a a t« ra ^ ?a*M, ^ esial-nuiso. 310 8 lztb ave. Tju'FlMitl ' n n 1“ - Phob

FOB R E N T -E x tra mce ll*b t UTik «ping rooms, w ltb bath p r ir ile f ■: ]>{to»e M ontble. 404 Sccond ave. a -

FOK B E N T -T h re e room t n n l s Mjo rto e n l, reuonable? Bungaiaw Apt*., jn jt ifib -St. und Second ave. E . ' —I . .------------------------------------------------ D /FOB RENT—A five room, Btodorv geeotlltg e . 31S'W alnnt St. Inrjuire Boi^.' -------lystto Lumber Co. DO

FOB B E N T-Pnrnlf"heil rooni. e w iT .f ^ >oT, no d e ra , boQteVeeplng. 5CC U tii . Pbon)rtb . -------

- -------- OA

P O S IT IO N W A N T E D ->

S ft^ fN o T L A D y ^ w la b rs work « a ‘“K ' neh.. AW ly -2.W E ighth ave. N., ^WiFtt’is.

ivA N T K tv-P ractica i nursing or~wiil re for children. Phone .'■I4J3. dwrll

WAITTED—Position a s hoBscwutker ' 'town. Apply two mile* lontb, hnlf <0 , lo weat of Foundry.

~ ~ ~ ~ H E L P W A N T E D

WATTTED— Experiondcd sales lady; down0 who can tako complete rharco of n id i L dopMlmont. Reply In w ritlnc . kii,oirting experience. I». 0 . Box 9:;n. _ j„^g


, w ^ \ / T i w i w v r u i s r.HNOM MILl.tE V IC 0E S5 i KNOVif V&M l^S MCf'K A HECK— — . t>tjpV « w s ,« c < K y i

------ X jn s tK iM o ftSOy>


f U A R Y 1 6 , 1 9 2 2

d Ad !- i n s e r t i o n , , a r x d

T w i n F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e N e i

h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o m s

f o u n e e d — b N E C E N T p e r

O R S A L E - M iS C E L L A N E O y S F O R

FOR bAIiE—J>ougbnot nnd potato hip o u tlit, including Gem doughnut ■ lacbme. Coll -Monday and Tuesday f te r 2 p. m. JflO Sccond avc. E, .______ ________________________■ lo r bFOB SALE—Right, borne*, eows, 10181

mles and boKs. 0 . D. Sullivan, 4 mU. rond*t :c*t, 1.1-4 ml*. MUth o f the 8 W corncr •'^2.

- ■■ 1

I'CR BA LB-^la** N. BO ChlcsKo noumatlc tank mounted «‘r com prem .'P r operated by direct .rbnnectcd orse power fuol oil engine. Cylinder^ l iu . 0 1-2 by 7 1-4 with lO'inch stroke .!,,p ,.( / lated capacity cubic feet of f r i 'j - r - " Ir per luinute a t 100 pound* pressure, j KOi height 0700 pouudt; oW ate* on kero lutlote (oe, gta or fuol oil; b andy 'and com- bodge a c t ma<i>)lne, can bo readily movod good ' Q l i t owD wheels, sultablo for tninll lourln, line or prospecting. May bo ln*pect- isoo. d a t 302 Broadway, Boise, Idaho hone 073." Price 47SO.OO \ l u u--------------------------------------- i------------ r«a<lslPOBD parts . Auto >Vrecking Cu, actenl

40 Second ave. 80 . | _ ^-------------------------------------------------- - 1 W ftIBTbB fi FIX TD BES FOB BA LE-.

^mplote ou tfit, safe, deak', oaah regit 1 tr, addl/ig machine, ihelving in tec- lour, m lrro n , window llx tu re* ,-« lfc -i“ s V rle fiztun-B of a ll k indt. Inquire leorge L oopo li Tho C>nlhcry. '

FOR 8 A L B -F a n cy DelWous applrft” 1*1?,'’ ■hon t 816B4. _______^

H E N FBKD—We bave tho flB eitlfttifn lixed"balanced ration in town. Dar. \Va)ia ow Bros. Seed * Supply Co., Phono «. ------- - — -------- ------------------------- I WAFO B SA LE-^Power bay baler, Idxitt >oung

*1«. Can be, teen a t Lawrence .\ln- W. U. hino thop. W. I G illette. I

FOB BALE—N etted {{cm potnlO''* ' ||binb Cc per cwt. P ione 378hi. ! ' p n- - •. • ------------------:•............... MnhouPOB BAL£~Bedroom set, din>3. ; / ,

o o a u t , player plauo, M ajestic lauR.-.' W pfi U l^ lB 'f ir r te la s l eopditlon.- -’M

r o B U A L t^ lM l tide-Ugbi ^ a t t ' t o r (•upet aod ted tM . U ooa^t shop. {''" j

P o F lu iL 'E - T i S a t k i , ippiM.' ' i i !. grade Jona tban i u d Q rboet Qoiden. \ifji ?«o a i l e t w eit, 1 M toulb- P a t W yju. jua,|„>koDo 4 1 7 B a ;.......

. . . - i W .1FOB 8A LB>.IO O wiadthlelds, a lljtv o j

iu a , price* rwa ta ab le ; beadU^btt aud g uart b'indow fUa*. HI»m« 4, Mooa^i Shop, n «|| i«.iir poirtoffie . ; - -

. ............. -.......... - . WAFOB. 8 ALB—titeycict, ttieyeiet, Urv* luroj

ad aeeeetertet. W e n « r ’t Bepair Sbop, Wvpn 24 Seooad t t . E. ■

M IS C E L U N E O U S [A U .'K lN J W 'O p ’sE W IN O .'a lttrlD j; ___ ;

md reotodolinir; prieea tcuauablp . nsoM S65U.

" 0 A 8 u " ”paid # « .b a th to b . '" 7 a e k '» W lK l ’ool hall, CartW ord , H abo . ne t si

“ n S H E B M E N , At»cotlool JJ(h1s n - m p p e J , re-vatn itbed s a d r e p a i r e d .! ^ . h t i E . Cam tay, 112 E ighth a v * E.

■ BOABD A ND BOOM, «7 per w ee?! ?hoh#]i34R. ^ -

WAKTED—Bewisg by tb e day or *1 » m e ; prlees m so a a b le . Pboae 1200W.

r e p ^ shop for a ll yourj P*!* a t lH u b le t . t c t i t ^ . Auto Wccek l n n ( og Oo; 140 fieeond ave. 60 . I

DA N.S PLACE, S b w fc o ii. 's - ,: 3eeoad iu n d elo tbet bought and sold

" d O K T FORGET D a n ’t p l a c e " " ' jj

DBESSM ASINO: ICrt. E lla Oameroa !' ?bono'eW W. ' — “

CA R 0W >fER8~can-uso our shop~lo ' ____lo tbofa’ <mn repair w oA ; "mlnlmumiAOOC *«l.” T iy .-tW i ter^’iec. Anto W rcrk 8 ht ng 'C o ., :40 Second ave. 80. j* " ~ "

m o n e y T O I O A N ; , o i u

T a K ^ 1.^'ANP «na donttilT pa.viaf'S i I f'' Iwrllin^- 'ntn* Artbuf 1. 9w i*

By Our Own W alt Maton. ' h o KSin* Kiood up In a trolle}’..c a r and t —__

r l«1 to rilne to a .s tm p ; b u f tlie tm ck BWEl van rous1\ «od a t every Jnlt th e »at j "*In 11 >tmn).' mnn'-i lap. ' Dovni up, i lown ii|>-fi’i liisi slic llrrd . and luild j , vlili a wear}' Rinllc: "W ill tomehody ,j,n Kindly fell me, plenKo; how mnny Hnr i0>8 tn tfif n i l l e r —BottOD 'TrnniwripL _ Tf


« x j f ? J y N —




lews, daily. Tell' all & r, rent, houses fot er word — Phone 32.

)R S A L E _ - J U T O M 0 B l l ^ '

i Jll NALt. Uh rKAr.r.-Kirii •■Ittt ril ardkO e^o.liu ^

POB BALE—Ford tourlug; tbe mo- r b u been overbaulcil, tUU. One 18 Ford touring, 91P3; one 1018 Ford id*ter, ♦210. C'enlrnI OarttRC. I’boae

KOI) .SALE—Anotbcr Ford a t a bnr. iu ; Overland OU, $235; 84 Willy* ' ilUhc 5-pas*eager. #400. Ta.vlor Auto , ) 'J n u u d ftve.'.So,

« ) U - l* i iy " ' lee • • B T f i F ^ f ^ U o T 1 g r in d e r . 147 Second a re . N.

K o T b aL E -IO S O B uiek 'ligb t 0, n - Inted s a d J a / ia e eraditioo, 11050; dge tonring,' repainted, «430; Ford, iKl U tc t t s d r o u good, IlCO; Be«' irlng c a r ,-1010 m od^. lookt like bbw,H). llo r re tt Auto Bales Co.

lUU S A L t OU T R A tlB ~ tiv u « U k o i.lslei in fxU a good eondition; wlB ;epl i'o rd lu .tra d e Pbone 309W.

rfftNTED' w iS C ELLA N EOU S -WANTED—Closed Ford t. te d aa t or niH's nnd lato model toujjng c a n j5h__ .YitlUius- C«BtTaL,QftTiigt,_ 3>iu*bone et. W ett, . '

WANTED—Boom for man snd wife w w ork, w ith lady wbo will cate for ild 3 y c a r t o ld; eloso in. I'hone 004.

WANT TO BUY 40 nere* of best al- Ifa InnJ. Addrc** 420 Lincoln S t., a lia W alia, Wn*h.

W ANTED TO B U P -O n o " 'o T tii« ung >ic(itch collie dogs. A ddrett . U., r a re Now*.

\y hpob iiV -W hcc l chair fo r'invalid , linbew o f •

in ^ u lfc T JT polaloes, r a b b a ^ ap- inounfcu^ or tm all lot.. Call I'honr

I H M n f f — number tw6U l U n i i n i L , B, 38 P „ .

i • f Ijltsr bogt or stock bo tt.'iv '^ rn w n ,. Kimberly- Pbono 31. .

V ^ T i b ^ Q O fee t t^ u d -h ta & m ber. iid Vane«, in>bli;i M ark e t '

W A .v rE b ^ A lf M«Bio'«d“Taborer»' oakip tb e Labor Uall tbe ir bead-

larterk. i 'w i tigb t and heak Opt*, a ll i:mr«.

WANTED— H o m tj Kood.ebrai) p a i . ' ira; Kru mills* west,-I-1>4 lo'utb. P a t ypn. l»buMB M7B.1. t '

l i i i s - i i t i i r iQLA^S

5 m 6 w a i j W 8 ^ v 1 ^ . r r t r e ? d l T i b » '>t work. Mooa’t thop.' Pbone 5.

f l g n g P t tP A T B TTfq"^

PA LLS ^ O E ’^ P X i B ^Utiop. 132 Shoshone Wf*t. SbeM ri'palrrd while you w ail.

T B A H S m


BUOE-HA.'DL CO.— Pboar 871 or 10 T tu c i icrviee. 104 Second avaaot aortb;

p r o f e j j i o n d l


O O O tn J r iS T ’^ ^ ^ n r T ^ l m e B . IC# ' Shoabone S t. 80 . Pbone 9i&. ‘ '


5liN ■ W , OBa S S ^ U w T e T S tr t1'ruM Building, Phone 03S-B.

B H r a ' i . 'w n .B O N - U w y e T r

OMBB a 'M IL L S — Boyd 0 ^

ETEBLBT ft'SW B BL SY — ‘AIt law. Prjietlee in t i l to u r 'Falls. Idaiso.

H , WIBE—U w y er . F^li- i-olleetlon dfptrtm efit,Hiioms C and 7 . 'o te r Twi

. Ttiinl Co.. Twin f ^ s .


He- NKOH T H e IC& p TO t r

" t e o f i h . !J W f « r W W • 1 ■- io d ay ,l i t .rem oyah-.

t ' . t b i l H'W.*' nra.;-- i.

! i l i l i c i 1“ ! fmisiisi.i i ilP flS E l:

— .....— l.ih

■ O j l e g a t i o n o f H a n s e n a n d R ockrf," ,

, ; < J r e e k ’ C i t iz e n s L o o k in g 'I n to : ;p

; l e g a l P r o c e d u r e a n d R e c o r d s .»

o f V a lu a t io n , a n d E x t e n t t '. — ■ IK

R rn t «lei>i tow ard creatioo of th ii* 'o Ilrvnocn tiighway d U trk t to ise lnde .tn - P< rltot>- bolwocp tho 6ropoa>d MurtanRh iil^lnray dUtrlct on the n u t and thv <'n prtnwMMl K Jm bcrlyliie liw nr dU tiict on on th r w cit niu) extrndlDK from 8 ba1(0 TiTcr Mulh to till’ »t*lc and eountv ' Irtimilarv linf, nro Iwinp taken by n .rc i

, dclcuntlon of rltl*ftn* of H *nnn Bisd;thi Kork Crcok followloff.n meeting a t I've ilfinaftn FHdnv oreoini; n t wbieb jucb l netlon wag dreided upon. ■ ‘ |(iir

Mcmln?ri of tho dclfijaHon bclniU nn; I’O ' 0 . T>, lH 'k John McDonald, K. B .|nc

• - Hniitli nnd J . D. KoeniK of Ilonncn, and , 1'“ Dotnroso of Rock Creek,. w cre |«u

ticm Raturday iDtgulrinf' in to U'Kal ]>r<).| 'fp d u ro nnd eountr rceordu I f f o r in p ir

upon the proponed blffhwa.v i lU t r i r t ' l formntio*!. i f

T»k* o a ly W «y o p « . > |' eiMikwrnen fO> tlio dclcRatlon ex-]

prcMed tho oplolfto tb n t Iherr w nt ' nothlnj: le ft fo r rosidnnU of the pro-. I’osi'd d lstrie t lo do czec{it to proceed

j w ilb -p lnn i for tho propoiiod dlM ritt in ' v ien^ .o f the a ftio a of] reildeiitA of ' otber'proi>owd diitrlet« ronleniphtinK p l i the wlthilrnwal from tho oriplnal Twin

.Fall* dlstrte t of pnietlcally n ll .o f it«j I tm l lo r y except nparioly ncttlrd a trip i;! aJnn? the loutli and v e s t liousdarief.j _1 of the* county. . I "i DiH>ttlon,pf tbu llan tc it and Roek! '

C w k eH,l*cnii la thU m atte r »Brk« tb p ! 1,0 ! bc([innlus( of action looking tow ard |>, t m a lin n of the f if th lilgbway dietrict »,oi > on t of'tc rrltory~li«retofore included Ip'pln i. the Tw in Rill« bighwny dU lrlet. .A n .,i,I c lrrtlnn on crcatlon o f tb r propoied mi

f^m bcfly lil|{hwnc»’ dU triet hiUi boen ||,i ; called liy rnunty,. officials lo bo held Loi

Jfluuary :!0| while tho petltlou for crc- cfi ^ a tion of th r pr6p p se < ^ i^ 1L t 'g ^ d li- | |,u. ■ t r lc t bn« been doclrA2<T ii!j,|_ .,,;L byU ,ri i ro im tv off:claU an ftne .734-J'P*“ »"’in tri

is to lie {wnrd ns/ . ' -f O *“ • ' '? n i 1 a re eonipletrd ti W E " “ 't e o d i o f r^mi

"‘ p M i j v . ' " ‘ • l u t a ,’ I»ptllion« f ^ j :' Lakes : i l « h w n y , 'V j ^ ; ^ j H1 to rritu rv , L „i l««rly,d)»uirLon fjfC hot»l. og, tbe »• Mffhwny dla trict o K v A N T E n ^ .* " ' !•' J ‘ trridlnir I'rimi 8 n a k p « rlU tV li nnI hl((h lino cnnal, havo^Mob in rffoutn- |,ni

tloii 'fo r fi'vrral dnyn, while ro<ldenls ^tr I o f llKsHalmon rlVer projoct aru koown ])(,( 1 to ' h n \ / 'lakcn action liioklnif tow ard tw: c rra tirii of n liii:bwny ilM rlfl to , in- ,n ,! rtDdp-k‘r r i li .r r t< » th flJo u tb :o f .J lu 'p ro '‘b*

poicd-Bliie'I<akPR dU trlr t. ‘ iKu

i f f lilK M ifi II MINKEIIlKllli;;! Ooort Deviates Prom Pjedioted : ' Procedaro aod Includes the i Criminal Actions ' ,

. TJiri-e crim inal' cases, were io t by ' i JudRC W. A .'B abcock la d istric t court' 1

hero this mornlnit. fo r tria l dnH ns the K. jircsent l.’rm of coiirt followlnir dispoal- of t!on of the six riv il nc tlon i'lo t for tria l rop before jn ry thifi.wook. .Is

• Aetlon of Iho court lo thta regapd ori . ’ marked ii departure from forecasts of

court officials who last week when the eri< ., • cJt II r a « » w m set fo r tr ia l on;the Uay l»oi

tbe Jury wn* lo nppear, predicted th a t bf* 1 no crim inal cases .would bo tried dur-* wh

in jr the p rew nt term. hei• The crtm lnal ea*c« K t ifeday for trial

I ' . on Thursday next ar« tbnie o f CbirleiI .. Summers, charged w ith lllrsa l manufae- C /

, • tu ro of liquor, and o f W. n . J e u lo and ‘ • T , K. Mills, cbarged wllh drawing 1

• cheeks without fund* in the bank. ;E igh t (tallons cif home made whiikoy

were found by thp poltfio on Summeti’ . .

Ircmisca when, ho was arrested last ' uly, and th e chargo of llTegal manu-!*"* . fartu re preferred,nRalnst him.

: Jostle is orruned o f drawintr s bad' ,: check In the iinm of MB ou Ihe Bank

of Kimberly ond in fftvoi_of .William ,L . Downinjf. Mills Is ebarffcd w ith IS'

** snlnff tw o cheeks w ithout funds on the • n r s t N ational Bank, of Kimberly. The ;

< ’ f i n t w ai in the sum o f and in f a r o r , " " o f R. E. P leke tt, .wbo 'i i the complain- fj|i Injr.witnesB, and the second, for M , wn*

pa.’ able lo Jaftics K irk. ,

BEEKB DIVOSCB DECRfiE ! j A lleabg di’w rtlon daiin;; from lesi Bff,

- -< i( |P ih a n 'f lv i- 'ii lo n tlis a fte r Iheir m.nrrlap> , i . U ncnln, Neb., In AnVual, 11118, Mr*.

< W * ^ y r s s l e Hjnlth. Ihroufrh her nttonie.r. , , , - ^ * ^ F t n n k I a fitrphon. todnV flled n pctl- i . , J a o * ^ 6 n In dlatrlel court', here for divorce ,

B'lTton II. Hmith niid restoration ^ ^ ^ 'O r t J p J r e r I’ornier nnm e.'Jcsaic Baowhfll. i •

* To til? Iji» t Mnn. Zhne' O rc r 's new ,,,| book, ia jiwl out. P r l t r IS.O'O. Clo*.}.,

*iK<V. .Book fitnrf.—ndv. ■

’ Y T L if -O TH E C IA S S IH E D *D»! ‘ I j ]

\Farm ersi, DoP U R E B R E D S H O E

' ; W e d n e s d a y , J a n .

, , ; i a ' F O R X Y P A T Mf n l l . , . . 11,1. . . " H T h u r s d a y , J a n . I I

■; : K ; ; : i ; - ' i D y R 0 C B R E

- i I I I . A Bo.,1 p l i B i u r S d a y , ' J a i f . - 1 9 l

" ’. ' • w - ^ A t - M c M a s t e

iMIISTiTPIllSfOi P I lilyBIDHEPiS'i{Now Floor and-Installation of I

i;.. .."Strinjors'' Make Up the -I;' -; • . Oosi Bill. - • .

•Uirectom of tho .Twin Palls hichwa.v ldi» triet lti-*M*lon Salunlny aftcrnooir

''A uthorized pfiyuiciit <if a final entimate Mi ‘r involrlnj; nn a y ^ e g a te e ipeo illluh!'o f )‘ iipprnximnt^ly for repnlrlni; of I th e , Ilnn jon ' liridgr. Conslriictlaa of

S. a neiv floor b f heavy limbers, (iddltlon Ilf fou r’ncK.»trinfiorH:alouK, tb r entire length n f thu span and re|ilnccniecl of iRo flueh ktrlni’cra which wcro found to

i . l )0 broken, eon itltu ted the bill for re- 1, pairs. Nino itrlngvrs originally, were wciI Lullt undfr tho floor o f tbe bridge, nov wa, line* added brlhglng tbo. to ta l up. to 13 a it and add ing matorially to . tho strength I>ot I of. th e -» triietu rf. , ' ' ' ' s tr '[ The commUsloners rrecnlly adopted i off i|rrgu tatio ii« prohlbUlu); the erou ing o f l ]i |th e bridj{o V ony vehicle or rnjtlm’ wlliiw olghin,; inoni than 10 tons. ntnI • Action was deferred-by Ibe eummls' sal

nlnners upon the audit of. dUtrlet fi- - J-1 nances iiilidHtted by John Wolfcaden, Kit I.'inccounlnnt, nnd upun.. pro|>oaoLi fur nuilIjniblicfttlon nf tbo eon\iniM«ionerK' nn- frl|>>nunl roporl. dia, . . ' ins

P E - f S W I ; SPBOHM

--------- nnil

I C h a r g e o f L iq u o r P o s s e s s io n | f

I A g a i n s t K ir k . D is m i s s e d o n

I S t io w ln g o f S p i t e W o rkI " ' . . . ___ __,j W hiskey found by e lty pnllrc In two J I I bottles Jind n .J iig a t thn resldenco of 11'. M. KIr)«, cdriienler. here on Kovem-

■j ber .'i, wns un t Kirk 'k tirnw rty .bu t wns I : plneed tliure by K ennedy for th t | y , piiriwar of ge ltln ;; even w ith Kirk be . rnnae K I'k hnd reported lo the offlrerr Ihnt Kennedy, wnK running n w iw bllnj

I houao lu Twiu FnlU and hod eauaed the j cffleers fo closo Kennecly's plnco of n ,i

I biisinesa, nccordlng lo nn nffldnvll ' , Imnde by n . L. I'lnrl nnd rend In dli- „ ' ( tr ie t eo.irl here this mornmir by Prow -' L ''

J,lfHthii:,Atti>niev Prnnk L . Btephnn In ■. Jconnnrtliin wilh bin mntion for dl.i- , ’ini»»al of the e h arcu 'o f Illrgnl poMes- ,

’nn of liquor preferred ngalnKl Kirk.: . The molloa wn»i granted bv Jiiduo i (Jlnbeork nnd Kirk.-w1l« oMered relea*- i^ d from lil« bond given to leeure b it

n|ipearnner nf trln l lu ’distriet eonrt. • , Knri. 'in bln nffldav lt, deelared th a t "

nn or aboul X flv c m b c r h e got into an hulomobl!.' w ith Keniiedv on Rhoahono i,.., Ktrret in the v ielnlly of, the Tnnniia i ’l pooV riinm; ll^it Keimi'rty placed tb e . two boMIcH nnd Jng of llnuor In tho . j . enr nnd iVove lo Kirk '* residenre wher.!

*b«-lMk out o f th e .« a r ;'th « tiK uaned / Ti'lurtied Immedialelf ( o 'th e , ^ea r'w ltlir iil Ihe 1i>iiior nnd told Flari IhnI he bnd en"lied it in Ihe imekets of n hiinllng m n t nnd on the floor, nt K irk 's realdehro nnd tha t ho Itui done v L thia for the |iuri>oai< of relnllallon.

J H E I T O F B U H L C A R I S r u

A S C R I B E p T O T R A V E L E R ■

: Fonnar B«p«lr 8hej> P roprla tor a t Bohl ' >) Sbova TTp a t AmM rigaJTilU w itit

--------- palT heft of nn automobile owned by T.

K. .lones nnd left by Jiini in custody ,q„ of J . I/ig«don' a t Bolil, which wa» reported inUalng last <TIinrtday night, y f

.Is a ttribu ted to J . P . Ferguson, form- e rlr p ro p rIe to t-» # -ji , repair shop jat Huhl. who w is arrested Sunday a t Am- . . . eriean Fa'Ia. w ilh the inlMing ear In his jioMcasinii, Ferguson U *aid to have n . , been offering 4bo r a r for aale for IlOO

- when.ho wns arrested. Ho w m brongbt hero and lodgi'd in tbe county Jail to r aw ait tr ia l on a larceny charge.

I ' . ^S A L V A T « « I S T S R E T U R N ^

, O apttln and lC n . 'J . T. Pazdy E a a r p nan lsstloo O enuB indtt .

’ ('n tdaln J . F , Purdy, commander of itbo Twin F a 'la Balvalion Army rorpsi iw ith Mr^- Purdy, returned Sunday from . Ban fVaiielsco whero they had been for

two weeks Id attendance n l a confer' ence o f flalvntlon Arm y officers .of the western territory* which waa addressed by Commnnder Kvangelinn Booth. Moro thnn 700 Snivatiou Army officers ntlended the conference, nnd tbe nudi-

'e nee when Commander Booth spoke, filled thi« e lty nuditorium for the flrsl' time slneo Its. rreclion,

i f a r m l b a d b b s b s t d b k .; E. Brosaard. county agricultural agent, and A. I . O 'B elly, county.vocflj; tional etobs leader, returoed Sunday a fle r an absence of 10 daya while th iy attended sen looa of a achool for head le ttucc gfow ari a t N anpo , and the itn le »ee»l ^ o w a t Idaho R ilfi. •

j AWAKBN UO BN BB OLBRK.' -The f i r tt-m a rr la n - lie e n s e ia n e d in

this county slnco Ja n u ary -4 W)ii iuued ,lato Saturday n t the county lecordcr’a i office to Oliver W. J o h u o a -o f Mnr* !.|ao'gfa,'and LouUo H. L ltchneld o f Ha- 'zelton . . •


)on'f Forgeto r t h o r n s a l e 'in„18th,l?i.M . , MEATJlOCiS .19th, 10:30 A. M. • RElDSbWS ; 19th„12:30:P, M. iter’s ’B _am -:^’

..... T\VIX FALLS d a il :


M u c h T r o u b le a n d N o t a L i t t l e

D a m a g e a s R e s u l t o f W e ll .

. M e a n t E f f o r t s t o T h a w I h e

P i p e s ' • '

laexiKiM endeavor to aolvo cold w eather plnmblng problems bv dousing w ater meter* n itli hoi r a le r Is enualni' a g reat deal o f unnrcesiary trouble I>oth to bouoehobler* and Ihr municipal street and waterworks depnrtment. rlly

I offlclnln ^nld today.'1 Meier* aro so coustrnclcd tha t they f ' w ill- rarely frerr-e, J . J . Pllgorrim, •

utreet 'nnd wnli'twork* sn|terintendent, ' aald today.

• • At tho wime tbne they n rr qnlle « n - , Kitlve to extremes of temperaturo and

iiudden’ ai'p 'lentlim of hot w ater lo n frigid m e terJ* gv'noMlly ntlrnded with , dlaastrnii« n-an’.ta. In ii majority of ^ Instnnees whero. damage hns resulted from endravor to tte w oul a meter. Mr. 1‘Ilirerriin (uild. InvestlgaHon has

I ahiiwn tha t the froren piirllnn of the M-atcr .jiipe wns :not Iu the vicinity oT lho.iuele>snt nil. • ; '''

Bounding nn n 'ppr.il 'lo liouaehoblers In refrain frt>ui tam pering w ith tbe meler In ease of trouble w ith w ater *{ lunjilv in cold w ralber, Mr. Pllg'crrim mid thnl ngenlN of the 'c lly .aro on dutv both ' n lsh t nnd dii.v. ready lo n'spond lii nny cn»o wbpre -ihn meter U even “ aus|iecled ■ tiK Ihe 'ennse o f tbe dlffl- '}. eull.v, . ^

No change H miido for *ljls nervln-. - fj

T A X P A Y E R S W IL L C O N F E R «

W IT H C O U N T V A S S E S S O R !l> --------- , . - • f,

BdceUng w ith O fficial U A m n g e d Un- d der AtupiCM o f Otiunb«r of Ooia* U

' jnerca Oommltteo

U n d er. unapleos of the Twin I’nlM m Chambor r.f Commrrce tax eommltU'e, It A eonfcrenee of business m en.nnd ta t- jn payers'gonernJIy 'w ltli Counly Assessor ol 8 . Clnuil 8 lr« tir t . relntlvn to asscsf- ii: ment of tnxnble propert.r, Kn* been ar rnngrd to be, held In the rham brr o f , eommere.f ufflees n t I:!.*; o'e.lock Tucs-, I day aflernoon. • ’ I

Mr. HIru'iirt in lo trixve ou Wcdnes- I day for Boise to n ttend an nimufll meeting of^the e.ounty asses-iora o f.th e stnte nl whieh ngreement Is to by renehed nn bnsr* of itemonal proiierly || tux 'na^eum ent and dlseiinslon enlered nl Into of ornblenis eomitvon to the asses--b; aors n? the sevoml counties.' . |

A siniilnr m eeting,held Inal year In In advance of tb e a**es*or'* departure W fur a *Imi'ar conferoneo brought ont a bi nnm U r flfanggejtloB ii.'tho-hlgH 'T lM * af w hirh wns m-knowledged by tbe off'- hi elal, ' m

■ n


“F i m Ju ry o f Prosont Term to Dotot- i, mino OontroTony B otvoes Qrow* fi

o r isd B n rw n

Trial of tbo caso of A. L.Scvo'rcombo pogalnst Benny nnd company. Involving Lalleged refusal on tho p a rt o f tho com- mpany lo accept and pay for pototoos diiiirgnlned for, w oi begun In' d iil rie t n court here this mornln|r when the firs t ju ry for the term w u called t i tho box. Mr. Bevemcombo i i n l o g for 11,881.73on iwo cnuseji o f o c tb o , oacb covering \ia separate proffered delivery of M ta- „]toes In the fall and w in te r.o f 1020. |, P orter and \^ tb a m aro a ttom ey i forBevcrcombe, and J . II. Eelm'an of ,P ayette, appoan fo r th e company. ^

CASH ON HAND fo r'iev o ra l mort- gage lonns. tllO li. »tr,00. «40no and tlous other sum'*, A rthur L. Swtm 4 i C a .-» d v . ,. , . ^

A n nR e m a m d ( o n s a le a l A s e d 'o u o r ig in a l s a n d e v e r j w e r e u n a

: Sale will no


Mereur^a Decline "Marks Three Year^

Records for ColdV . . • - ' •

A new low temperaturo rrcord Q ' for''W l|iter leaion* hore *ine« 1010 ' m. '.w n*>iet;Saturdav night when th r u

I merciiry In Ihe tlicrmomelei-' n t the I local weatber o b w m to r y droppedI to 0 degrcps below reroV The low- J

ra t trm p m tu ro previously record- Jje l^fo I thi> season n-ns 4 dcgroei be- n

, low xcri), rt-adicd.on Friday night. Ii ’ On D ir'fniUer'O j 1010, tho records I show, triiipcratu_r» here fell to 13

' d rg rrrs below xc~ro and on Januar}’ pI JI, 1010, i t dropped to :!0 dcKrort 8

below r.crv, whlc^ is the . coldest ' tiwrtitbirr un record hero. . ai

lligh 'tifD pera lu rc Saturday was ■! 1 :;.1;_degrceii abovo aero nnd on B un-'I day tbo mercury roso only to 2l); degrees above aoro, • . c

W ormer w eather w ith a proba- cI b lllty c f anow is tho forecast f o r , c:

. Idaho tonight nnd Tuesday, ]|------------ . I . ■ tljmsiiFimo ^

i lill«M!lESTIlllEII:‘ ______ f »•1 Ohamber of Oommeroe Bcrean'][I Takes Steps to Obtain the 11<

PoroBt Service Fnnds'— ■ ,«i

w ith n view to form ulntlug Wl appil- rfttlon lu thu Unili'd Sliiti* forest serv-

I ler fo r funds for eohslructlon of a ” .. road through the nnlionnl fn rrsl re- . servo In T w in FnUs county frnm ShO'

xhonp Bsslii to B o rk ’Crrek ,-a li)«<tlni(: n f •tho Tw in I'^llln Chamber o f Com- “

iiierrr roads bnrrau ha* been called by I It. C. Ix tseh , elinlnnnn, to confer w ltb ”, illrcetors <uid engineer* of the Twin "

Fall.1 h ii;bvay d b lr lc t In nn e ffo rt to . reaeJi an nRrcenicnl on tho route for

the jiro|Wi»ed rond.. .A fler Ibe route is duturminvd, nppll- entlon to the fo rest“w rv ic r 'fo r funds

I fur its ronstrueliun wll) be mndo ,' throiTgb Ibe bighwny d is trir i. Nn

funds of Ihe *lnt(;,,eounly..or hlgbwav- diMrlet \fitl bc'involvp'd Iu 'H io umb-r-

tnking, if la understood. | .ConstruVlion of the proposed road -g

will bo o f benefit especially tb ranch- 8 I men aud livestock men. It Is said, while h , II- will open nu nvenuo for b ringing In }j■ I'OsIs, piilcH nnd firewood th a t now nrr.,jj■ nlmbst impoMlble to obtain beeailM' of p,- iinsatlsfnrlory road ennditlona.

• * IR

' I 'P e r iO M .a ^ .l . i |il\ J i ------------- _ ■ , J j^

iJ r . nnd Mrn. C. K. W right will leave jy (Ills pvoiilng for Ogden wliAu iKi-y w lllm n ttend tbo wedding of Mr. W rlgU fsif ,

■ibrolher. • '! .I M iss Uolrii itleli, who Iuik Ikpii thej

house guest of ber sister, Mrs. C. K .i. W right, 'departed Batntdny for .h e rt,. borne At Okucu, .U ta h . . : !o

Mr. and Mr*. C. B. Paulson, who ® havo been residing a l tb'.- Kced npart j, menls, lo ft Twin Falls Saturdnv for ,, H(.ekland, ^11,, whero tbey will m»ike r the ir fu tu re home. ' • S'

TWO TBATFIC 0FPBN D BB 8 ^V iolation of m nnlclpal traffic ''rcgu-

bitlona w as charged In two eatoa bo­foro Police Judge Paul R . Tabor th is d morning. H enry Shnon pald^'a fino of )| (2.60 for parking hi* ear in too eloso }) proximity to a flro plug while Ralph u

: liognn pleaded extenuating e lrc i^ - c stances for tu rn ing bis car in tbo mid- p

I dlo of a block a t a la te hour Sundn)r u ; Bight, ■ • e

I - ...... > — 1o ; r - B im N o T&iP.

Mr*. Dora N o ln n , p rorietor o f the g' Vogue millinery and women’s appaw l ;

shop, will leave today on a buying tr ip i,' 10 (nilcflgo and New York. ri

■-------:------ li' The Jnnuary issue of the telephone tdirectory goe* to p re u Januory 53. ti102S. I t will be necessary to bavo aC pnew lis tings nnd changes In before tbR^ vdate.' The M oantaln S tates Tel. & UTel. Co.—odv.— ' - T r - * ----------fi

l o u n[er o f t h e C l d;:Our o ld si i t at the 0

sa le t i c k e t s y g a r m e n t , ib le t o a t t eow have the £

^aus &


J o c ^ g r o T i t i f l i

''BofOTe '-Bapremfl O o ar i4 J^ m e * .'R . hi Bothwoll Ireturped Sundajr frqm Boiaj 8«w here ho appeared as an fljttorooy in fau case before the sta te suiircmo' court Ifr

, , . I * - ■ r i. B o e o re u ' from C z ji lp e la ^ A r tb u r pi J . rc a v c y ,' who boa been confined tb bi# bed for. tho post te n days w ith an nttoek o f 'c ^ s ln e la s is roporled to bo im^trovlng'rapluly.', ■-

, •: . i...!*.:. . . ■ . niD iiiruice H a n Botunu-^-E. V. Ship-

. pivy, s l i te juanager for Uye Coutral 8 ta tca ..M fo . Insuraseo . company, rr- i t tu rned Buoday' from Bolso where bo ol


l several days on a biisines* mis- '

. Wlioeton oa P ro g n ia —J , C. Wheelon, g conoral manager o f tho T w in ' Falls Canal company, Is to .bo tho f irs t speak- n

, c r a t the Idabo Irriga tion congrvu at ilupcrt Friday and S a turday next. At tbo\orenoon‘sessloa Friday hb Is ached- 1 u le d -to dUcuss " A New Method of ^ Cleaning Mos* and S ilt-{rom 'C anal* ," j,j

■ ■ dlI D lrocton .K am a ,O fflceT *-p irec tori jeII n f tbo Mutual Building and Loan asK - is >n: elation, w ith . beadqunrterji hero, bnvcy rlccted the following officers fo r tho

I year: 0 . J . Mohnson, president; P . W. ij ’“ .M eBoberts, vice president; F . 0 . Lech- u

Iciter, iecsctary; Dr. Q. H . thidw ell, « jtreasu rerj K. H. i’cter*, .genera) man-

' I nger. _

! ; j u n k e t I I O p tlm ln le -T l.0 H er. A.. G. i'earson, newly Inslalled p ^ to r of

tho F in t I»reNbyterIan chureb, was ft , i guest of tho Kiwanls club a t ils lunch- <

,„ |o o n mecHng flt 4bc,Bogerson hotel to* u’ day, JIu brought .ti measage of opti- „ mUm nnd of confldenro In the capauil-

ity u f A merica In the oxlstlog ceo- v 1“ nomie situallon. • , .

‘0 ' ' i:

J . 'lo .'«"■■■ I . I I , II » ^fo F.dIt-1 by Mrs. E. B. '.VllHama c IV ' Tclephnno Jlfl.* •r-i --------- pi

I . M rs..'K roybn Qrren was the honor i i l 'tu r s t a t iV party given liy Mrs. Clyde h- e in iin o n 'o n SalnrdBj( rven ing a t her lo home in llje lU rd apartmchl*. “ Plfrb in H u n d re d " wa* the .d lv rn ion , U lss Jen- j |

W ftlkrr winning th r p rito fo r hlgh- r>f,rst score, and Miss Edltb Shaffer the

j consolatlnn, Mrs. Oroen received the j Rilest fnror. A fler the pim es a dell- “ .eidus two course lunchcon was serve). ■ iT h r.guen t lis t la<nuded .tho following * j Intftnnlrt'friends of Mr*. Oreen; Me.V I j Id im rs 7.. K. nnd Charles N orth, A lbert I i.ind Harr>‘ Brnoll, C, A. Miller, Ilarolif i M rrritt.M lsses Both ^^ay„arM C ToUlI,

’■olFIorrneo Newton, Hrlco D ate, Albo^ ill ( tin e Bcm.ll, Jenn lr W alker, Edith flhnf- " 'f e r , Ixiis lllckmnn, Neldn Poke) and• iI.a iim Tay)or. ■■■■■[. •

I f , ■ : , • . '. ‘Mrs, H ..J , Voangi a n d 'M iss lA ura

.T aylpr rntertnlned n t {rv'kenslogton on iS atn rd a y * f te rw » n ,' >«o»pllmbKtteg

, Mrs. Ivnn Ponahup, Tho guest* were ‘ Mrs. ,1a:nes R. BotHwoll, Mrs. W. Orr ” Chnpmau. Mrs. J . A’. W alkrr, Mrs.

H enry Champlln, Mrs. K esyoo Oreen,• Miss Lots Hiekiuan, MU* :^elda Pokel

and Miss I^ u ra Tnylor. lUfreshmoiiti wero s c rv b d 'h tr In the aflernoon.

*• ilr* . ({. E. W right pnlortalned a t a delightful tea on {''riday aftornoon of

» l u t w rek for her sU tcr .M lu Holen f BieJi, of Ogdon. French marigold* wero 'b used to doeorato the te a taldo and Mrs. n- C. I>. Thoraaa and Mr*. W, A. Flower (1- poured; Mrs. W right was oasUUd in

serving by.M rs. Ilalpb P ink, Mrs. Clar- rncR Bcntty bnd M n . M erlin Batley, T hirty gocits were present.^ '

^0 S T B T ^ S ' BB T lA lT IB FEOBLBK : L r*tcr W. Stsyens wa* today baled

■P beforo Judge 0 . P: Duvall in nrobato rourt brae a t thn Instance of d ty po* lice, to explain hi* presencp in Twin

I t fh lls In contravention of his promise 3, to .th e e ourt'to remnin away onder *ni-

pension o f sentence Imposed upon con- viction of 'Violation of tho prohlbltbjn

& laws. Declilon o f tbe eonrt was de­ferred.

ic e mM h e r y s t o c s ta n d , t o b e old sale pr. 3 r e m a in in g t. S o a l l th e n d t h e Cloisame opporti]

c Glaul

ISCarsofPditle : to Leave Twin Falla

. n f ttfcn carload* of cattlo whlcli"’ '^ ? & h a v e - .b o o n 'f e d a t the 'A m algam ated , l ' S o g v ooajpany factory hero during th r f r . fa ll and 'w la ter iBonthi, wll) bo shipped^!from bero tom orrow to tho Los'A ngeles n iirk c t by th e UWb Con8trn5tlon_eom -;'..pany- . ■ ^

; A N N O im O E M ^ T S . . ' •, 1

Chapler D, 1*, E . ^ . sUterhpod. >wi». ^ n e o t h t the homo o f Mrs-Zonas BmUh^ i - 147 Soventli • avenuo c o i t ’on Tueida)?^ evening. Mrs. L aura Dor, Btato o r g ^ s j , ixer, will ho here a t th l* ,t ta ? for, h r t ;■ official v is it to tho cbapler.' ' . . J ^

Tbe M olhbdlst chureb n okcs the toU "> lowiog announcements: The B t a n d a r ^ . , Bearer d r la wfll a e e t In the p a r io n .o P ^ r the chonh 'T uajday orenlng .at 7", ?dniv W hite, le a d e r? 'M n . M cBill,'a iijw rln; ; * tendaat: On Thursday afteraoon tb? gUl* society of tho K in g > HBtaW, wlIi ! i m eet in t i e cburch parlora a fte r ochoo). \ Members o f Mr. P i c k e t t ' i i la sa .wiU ; havo B social ift the chureb pariors F r l r '. -.ff day evening. Tho W jiley Epworth • leaguo will m eet Friday ovening in th e i Interme'dlato departm ent o f tho ' ehuro lu .

There will bo no niceltng of tho Bo*';.' ' ines*'on-l Professlooa) W omen's e )ub j this ovening A* Mrs. Burton E . . i lo r a o ' who waa to address the moeting b u

• been callcd out of thO' city.


The following registered w arrao tj.o f ‘ th# Citv of Twin Pnlls Idaho a ro ealled■ for’payment th is dato and will bo p a id > .

00 p resen ta tion 'a t m y offiee> *lBt«Mt>■ cca4es on Jtlnuary' 2fl t;'W^2;•■•'*•■•■•'• *''

aeneraI Fund, 1021 ApproprUUon,' NoM,1354 to i:i887 1 o a

W arrant Itedim pCon ’'F 'ijild, I'JIoW noon lo 1311(3 lnr). •, .

- Iiitereal Fund. L. I iJ )l* t. No. 34, Np..;4415. ^■ Intcr'pal Fund, L. L V IA . No. 85, N?,

In lcrrs l Fund, L. L^Dlst; No. .17, No.;421.

Street Sprinkling Fund, 1021 Apprg-:, priation, Nos» 547 lo MO, Joel. - ■

r j ; e . HALL, t t e a s t u B r , •

r C ity o f Twin FalH, Idaho;> D ated a t Twin F allf, Idhho, Jannary■ iP tt-

; BEAD T M -D A IL T N E W a

Sinclair’s Store Closed •

• I■ ■ IM^. l i m iV M II I !

le n t■ c k isn o w *, s en tire ljf-l ■ r jc e s , t h e ' ? o n o a c h h o s e w h o - ) s in g O u tunity,
