W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _...

z ri 0 CO -:f V\ (l ~, ~ ~, "'a ~ ., -. - ~ ~0 ~ fj, CO ~ (b - ~ » CD ~n ~N

Transcript of W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _...

Page 1: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

~ a ~ i






































































































































































































































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2 The Irish Orienleer

Brendan OConner 31Moyglare Abbey Moynooth Co KildarePh086 2419428 e-maWAjax_OrienteershotmaiLcomNigel Foleyflsher RTCDublin Rd Athlone Co WestmeOth(0902-24465)Ted Lucey Kilpadder Dromahane Mallow Co Cork (022-473(0)John Geary tvlarshalstawn Mitchelstown Co Cork (022-25306)Miriam nI Chollir 6 Ashton POlk Blackrock Cork (021-319838)Ruth Lynam Baltybeys Blessington Co Wicklow (045-867183)Comdt Denis Reidy Adj Generals Branch Parkgote Dublin 8The Secretory DUOrlenteers House 27 TCDDUblin 2BillRegan 9 Floraville EnniskijlenCo Fermanagh BT746AP roe-01365middot326213)Lilian Quill 640 Collins Ave Dublin 9 (01-8376506)Tom Conlon Curratrench Ballyfarnon Bayle Co Roscommon(078-47055)Tony Joyce lIndlsfarne Bishopstown Cork (021-541246)Frank Ryan St tvlarymiddots Balllnfoyle Galway (091-753829)The Secretory PEDept RTCDublin Rood Galwoy (091-753161middot2213)Nora Lolor6 Knockslnna Grove Foxrock Dublin 18(01-2893497)Rory Costello 14Manor Court tvlanor Village Tralee Co Kerry(066-25532)Geoff Somerville 6 The HiliQueensway Derrylaghy BT179EY(08)1232-612284)Clore Nuttall 4 Upr Panorama TceSundays Well Cork (021-300373)Barbera Foley-FisherHolly Cottage Glosson Athlone CoWestmeath (0902middot85306)Maureen Loughery 39Moyolo Ave bullCastle Dawson Co Derry(08()1648-68602)Jocelyn Co tho Un36 Taney Rood Dundrum Dublin 14 (01-2985799)Kevin 0Dwyer 2Wellington Villas Military HillCork (021-506740)Michael Meade 7 Cedar COUll Kennedy Park Umerlck (061-412104)M61reWalsh tvlaorpork Kilmocanogue Co Wicklow (01-2868871)The Secretory PEOffice UCC College ROOdCOIkThe Secretory Bax 55 library Building UCD Belfield Dublin 4The Secretary co Porters Desk Concourse University CollegeGalwayVeronica Purcell Lodges Lone Newtown HIliTramore CoWaterfordco Yvonne Begley AFASHouse of Sport Longmile RoodDublin 12(01-4509845 fax 4502805) lOA Secretory Ken Griffin12 Island Way Muskerry Estate Ballincollig Co Cork (021-870338) e-mail epocorkioleSteven linton 39 Prince Edward Drive Belfast BT95GB (08-01232middot665439) htlp wwwasklpdemoncouknioonioahtmlPodralg Higgins 24 Alverno Ave Athlone Co WestmeathVera Murtagh 19The Cloisters Terenure Dublin 6W (01-4908237)John Mucklan 13 Elmvale Close Wilton Cork (021-343384)Ailbhe Creedon Tavlo Mount Prospect Douglas Co Cork (021-361824)Riversdale Dale Rood North Dorley Dole tvlatlock DerbyshireDE42HX (0044-1629-734042 FAX0044-1629-733769)Sec Gen Barbro Ronnberg Radiokatu 20 FI-00093SLUFinland(00358-40585 3801 fox 00358-93481 3113 amiddotmailiofolienteellngorg

The Irish Orlenreer is availablefrom aIIrish orienteering clubsor by direct subscription fromthe Editor John McCullough 9Arran Road Dublin 9(e-mail mcctioiolie)

Annual subscription costsIROSO for 6 issues

NEXT COpy DATE25th MCI~998

CONTENTSNtws 4World Cup Updalt 8Ioclr 10 BIIsles lOA AGM 13Htad ror 1M Hills ISRobin Brlson Proftlt ISTM MucLthou Troll 164211142 19JKMop 22IMRA raru 25NIFRA raru 26Colm ROfhtrllnrerultw 2710F News 29NollonolltllllUe 97 31Rtsufls 32FlKrurumiddotOrltnletrl 42

Cover photo flO Is paid for thecover photo Get going

Printed by Denton PrintDundrum Dublin 14

Results and articles areparticularly welcome on 3 12jnch noppy dish or bye-mailwith a printed version as backup Pleasekeep the formattingsimplel TlO is produced in theEditors attic on an Apple Macusing MS Word and QuarkXpress

ISSN 0790middot1194

For 24-hour orIenteerIngInformatron rIng (OJ)-

4569099 (lOA) or(0044-J399-873281


rhe IRIShoeienreeeNo 85 April - Mall 998


Joss Lynam orienteer and long-time AFAS President used to talkof the Tiglin tail wagging the AFAS dog wben AFAS (theAssociation for Adventure Sports) used to spend most of its timetrying to keep the Tiglin Centre going to the detriment of itsother responsibilities 1 am surprised bow little this is bappeningin the Irish Orienteering Association with theWorld Cup

The World Cup in KelTY the most important competition everstaged in Ireland could take up aLI the lOAs time but judgingfrom the recent Annual General Meeting it isnt Coachingdevelopment finance are all going ahead as if there was no WorldCup to look after The World Cup committee in Cork is doingextraordinary work to get the show on the road with theShamrock OmiddotRingen in tow

What next though The World Cup is taking up a lot of the timeand energies of the people involved TIle rest of us wiU have to doour sbare too not just for the World Cup but in the months andyears after it when the prime movers are taking a well-earnedrest

WeU have the World Cbampionships in Scotland in August nextyear This is the first real cbance the Irish team will have toprepare properly for a WOC Scotland is near many of the Squadhave run there before we can go to training camps there we cansend a full team Lets set our eyes on WOC99 now Let us notfall into the trough behind the World Cup wave - theres a realopportunity bere The spin-off from WOC99 publicity in Britaincan be used to re-launch orienteering here

The lOA needs to take stock for too long it bas been so tied upwith the day to day business that it sometimes may not see thebig picture The reorganisation of the Sports Council grantssystem under John Treacy might prompt a re-appraisal of whereorienteering is going but its something you should all contributeto However wilh the level of non-compliance exhibited bymany clubs bordering on civil disobedience (consider the leviesissue raised at the AGM) it will be an uphill struggle

In the meantime see you in Killarney

The Irish Orieneer 3

sectsectposrWORLD CUP UllDATE

An Posts Letter Post Division have agreed tosponsor the World Cup in Kerry in May Theirhelp with the generous assistance alreadyreceived and promised from the Sports Councilshould make the event financially secure Theman behind the sponsorship deal is Letter Postdirector Alan Goddard a member of SouthYorkshire Orientecrs who has competed in theShamrock O-Ringen himself on a couple ofoccasions An Post will announce theirinvolvement in the competition at a pressconference in Dublin in late April

At the end of March over 200 competitors from26 countries had entered the World Cup races inKillarney Teams from Australia AustriaBelgium Britain Bulgaria Canada CzechRepublic Denmark Estonia Pin land GermanyHungary Ireland Italy Japan Lithuania NewZealand Norway Poland Portugal RussiaSlovakia Sweden Switzerland Ukraine Somecountries are not ending fulJ teams of 12 runners(Prance entered but has since withdrawn)

The teams dont have to be declared until justbefore the events but we can expect to see thelikes of European Cross-country ChampionCarsten Jorgensen of Denmark multiple WorldChampion Jorgen Martensson and British starsYvette Hague and Steve Hale

An unforeseen complication is the fact that thequalification race for the Classic Distance eventat Croban (tbe first real event of the week) is alsoto determine qualification for the Lake Districtrace a week later rather than having a separatequalification race for tbat This means that if youcant run in the Irish qualification race you areunlikely to be able to run in the British raceseither One person Who will be affected by this isMarcus Pinker Who surveyed the Crehan mapsfor the first two races clearly he will be ineligibleto compete in those races but as a result he cant

4 The Irish Orienteer

qualify in his own right for the UK races eitherQualification however is on a federation basisrather than an individual basis so there is stillhope

All clubs and individuals are expected to help Ifyou havent yet volunteered do it now This is themost important orienteering event ever held inIreland 200 elite runners coming to run herecould be a great boost for our confidence and wewant to do our best for them

Incidentally the finish of the Classic race is justbehind the new Post Office at Glenflesk maybe aspecial postmark for the event

The Shamrock O-Ringen being run inconjunction with the World Cup will also use theSporUdent electronic timing system for most ifnot all classes so youll be able to get your splittimes for each leg though you may have todevise a new way of carrying your controldescriptions since the control card is just asmall plastic key attached to your fingerMore details elsewhere in this issue

LEINSTER RETAIN INTERPROLeiuster retained tbe Interprovincial trophy atKnockbarron Co Offaly on 22nd February witba score of 238 points to Munsters 159 Ulsterwere a close third with 147 and Connacht showedan improvement with 48 points

CONNACHT CHAMPS 98Its easy to be critical of events which dont meetones expectations but harder to provide somehelpful analysis of how things could beimproved How the few orienteers in Connacbtkeep going with the smaIJ numbers taking part isremarkable Nevertheless if the standards ofplanning and organisation do not improve thenumber of oricntcers travelling from outsideConnachr to these events will drop to a trickle ordry up altogether and the Connacht orienteersthemselves deserve better

IDA Rules Guideline 51 says- National andRegional Championship events and the Irish 2-Day are cross-country orienteering competitions

held in daytime with courses designated by agegroup They represent the highest standard ofcompetition available in IrelandI am in something of a quandary as to what tosay Golden Grove is a nice litlle area for anintroductory event but is it Championshipquality Knockbarron is a great little area but is itin need of a revised map at least wherevegetation is concerned The time isapproaching (indeed for some it has alreadyarrived) when a trip to the Connacht Champs isno longer even considered National League orno Perhaps a reminder of the wealth ofinformation in the IDA Rules Guidelines andAppendixes would provide some indication ofwhere improvements could be madeThis was one of Midland Navigators firstventures into tbe big time so there may be someexcuses but experienced planners andcontrollers have a responsibility to thecompetitors too I hope the organisers wont bediscouraged but they really need to take a look atwhat they are providing and get the prioritiesright




CIolhlng by UL1lIASPORTRONHluHeuY~GELERTampVIEWF~ ~~----~------~------------------------ ~EQUIPMENT NEW (i) UIhIpOtt puna- haw cordII aJrMdy1Ied I~~(U)Out_ linN Include oonttOlldentificallon laga (tywk) and plu1ic cane 1tT - -CIpa lev- proIIKtorI) (lit) w now haw tow prIeM lot oontroillaga TAG-Heuer II and lane rnatldng Iape


bull 9tIIII bull aIhn 16d1e1l t FNI_ tsupeduI_ _I For comprohBnsJve catalogue and price Nst please send 5AE to~ ullepo1 BRITAINS LEADING SUPPLIERt d 0 OF ORIENTEERING KITunltlg THE ORIENTEERS SHOP 4 SfMARYS STREET NEWPORT SHROPSHIRE Tf1 0 7ABPhone 01952111~1a Fa 019521125320 httpYlsitwebcomlultnlaport

ODDS and ENDS and ODDS The IOF High Tech Working Group is tomeet at the World Cup in Killarney If you areinterested in the application of technology toorienteering you might like to go along Look outfor details at the events Lost for Words Nothing to do withorienteering except indirectly but GENs WynMcCormack - an orienleer for many years - hasasked for a mention of her book dealing withdyslexia at second level schools Wyn is aguidance counsellor and teacher and is themother of twin dyslexic sons The book covers arange of topics which can affect dyslexic studentsand their families including choosing a schooleducational options and support servicesLost for Words - a practical guide to dyslexia atsecond-level is available from bookshops fromACLD 1 Suffolk St Dublin 2 or from TowerPress - Stillorgan 3 Priory Drive Blackrock CoDublin aLpound699 +pound1 P amp P Nothing to do with orienteering either buttheres an interesting quote from someone called

The Irish QrienJeer 5

Joe Whittle which I came across in the TaxAdvice Bureaus 1998 Guide There is a veryreal difference between commitment andinvolvement - in a traditional Irish breakfast thechicken is involved but the pig is committed Lost at the Connacht Championships alarge Thermos flask belonging to Patrick Tuohyof the Galway-Mayo Institute of TechnologyFound at the Interprovincial at Knockbarron aRussian thumb compass was left at the drinkstableContact Barbara Foley-Fisher (0902-85306) For those of you who like to plan aheadtbe dates for the 2001 World Championships inFinland have been cbanged the new dates arefrom July 29th to August 5th 200 lThe reasonfor the change was to allow for the right intervalafter the 6th World Games in Akita Japan from16th-26th August AJAX pair Colm Rotbery and MichaelWalters (the Australian whos been doing well inO-races here recently) won the 25 km and 50 kmsections of the third Irish Ultrarunners WicklowTrail race on 5th April The 50 ken race was fromJohnny Foxs pub in Glencullcn to Luggala andback the 25 km race was just the return legThe current Irish Mountain Log describes twonew rock climb routes ou Carrick Mountain CoWicklow No doubt tbe orienteers found themalready

ROGAlNEAT LASTSetanta Orienteers are to replace their excellentbut poorly attended WiclcJow MountainMarathon with a rogaine this year on 4th5tbJuly A wba A ROGAlNE its a long distancescore event in this case 20 hours for teams oftwo Its an established form of competition inAustralia and the USA Normally the start andfinish are in the middle of the area with someshelter and food so you can come back and getsome food and sleep before pushing on again butthats part of the tactics like a pit stop in aformula 1 raceThere will be a mass start of all teams at 1400bours on Saturday Teams wbo arrive atthe finish after the cut off time of 1000 am onSunday will be penalised The winning teamswill be determined by totalling the number ofpoints scored for each control visited less any6 The Irish Orienteer

penalty points for over-running the cut off timeThe entry fee is pound20 per team Food will beavailable at the Event Centre throughout theduration of the event A sleeping area will also beavailableThere will be the following Classes ofcompetition open mixed female veteranveteran mixed veteran female To participate inany veteran class the combined ages of the twoteam members on the day of the competitionmust be at least eighty years

The entry form is in this issue Its certainly aninteresting idea Lets hope its well supported

DUBLIN BY NIGHTThe second seriesof night events inthe Dublin areawas again asuccess thoughnumbers ofparticipants wereonly around tbe20-30 mark Theseries started with

the 3ROC event in Phoenix Park on February3rd then AJAX at Killiney Hill a week laterGEN at Carrickgollogan SET at Hellfire andfinally AJAX (Damien Cashin) at Pine ForestThe weather was fine for all except the last eventand the views over the city and surrounds in thedark were magical Well done again MartinFlynn for persuading the clubs LOrun the eventsAll we have to do now is persuade the orienteersto take part

WOC76AGAlNThose of you keen on nostalgia andor goodorienteering might like to consider a trip to theScottish Championships on the June BankHoliday weekend The areas are Damaway forestfor the Individual on Saturday 6th (includingBOF National Event 4) and Anagach on Sunday7th for the Relays

Darnaway was the area used for the 1976 WorldChampionships the first WOC at which Irelandhad a team and was a landmark in Irish and

Britisb orienteering Anagach was also usedduring the 1976 WOC

Individual entries to Eric Lovie 13 NorthcoteCrescent Aberdeen AB 15 TIE Scotland (0044-1224-319692) Fees STGpound850450 plus 2SAEs Closing date 8th May Relays feesSTGpound219 per team special entry forms fromEric Levie

LEINSTER CHAMPSTrooperstown near Laragh in Co Wicklowprovided fast running conditions for the LeinsterChampionships on April 4th Starting high in theforest planner Andrew Butterfield took thelonger courses straight onto the open hillside fora loop of Trooperstown Hill before dropping alltoo briefly into the wonderful deciduous forestnear Ballard followed by the inevitable slogacross the boggy rough open along the swollenAvonmore River to regain the forest and thefinishThe area is one which has been used since themid 1970s and is not too demanding on thetechnical side and some of the controls andorsites were very visible because of the low heatheron the mountain Cork Os Toni ODonovan wonthe W21E class and Irish Champion ColmRothery won the M21E

M2l E Colm Rothery AJAX 7714Marcus Pinker CorkO 8015John Feehan AJAX 8227

W21EToni ODonovan CorkO 7537Ailbhe Creedon CorkO 8140Eileen Loughman CNOC 8155

MIO B Healy GENM12 SOBoyle CNOCMI8 D Burke CorkOM20 A Quinn 3ROCM2ILJ Hoare AJAXM21S o Evans CNOCM35 LQuinn SETM40L K 0Dwyer CorkOM45L D Reidy AJAXM50 W Hollinger LVOM55 T Feehan BVOCM60 M Reed FermOM65 PWalsh SET

WlO E FOley-Fisher NMNAVW12 J Hingerty GENWl4 NOBoyle CNOCWI6 L Cotter BOHCWI8 S Healy GENW20 AAustin CorkOW21L B Lawler CNOCW2IS DONeilJ FINW35 J Flanagan AJAXW40L Ruth Lynam CNOCW45 GPower 3ROCW50 MNowlan 3ROCW55 C Nuttall LceOW60 D Large GENW65 MOSullivan LeeO

WICK-LOWEThis years Comeragh Mountain Challenge isactually not in the Comeraghs at all it has movedto WiclcJow Pat Healys Lowe Alpine MountainChallenge is based in the GlenrnalurelRatbdrumarea on the weekend of May 16-l7th Therell bea new 5-colour 125000 scale map and fourcourses from 25 km to 45 km or so As always itsfor teams of two carrying their gear for anovernight campDetails from Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh CoKildare (045-441625)

LETfERBOXlNGMention was made recently on the orienteeringnewsgroup on the internet of something calledIetterboxing an activity practised onDartmoor Heres a resume of an article in theSmithsonian magazine about it It seems a bit likea permanent O-course

An obscure group of intrepid collectors give thisEnglish version of orienteering their heartystamp of approval A letterbox is a plastic screw-top bottle that contains a small notebook and aunique rubber stamp Thousands of lettcrboxesare hidden throughout the wild country ofDartmoor National Park in southwesternEngland Letterboxing is sort of a combination oforienteering and treasure hunting that consists ofusing maps clues and compasses to find tbehidden containers Once a box is located thefinder inks the stamp from the box and presses it

The Irish Orienleer 7

into his notebook then inks his personal stampand presses that into the notebook kept in the boxThe stamp copy he takes home is bis reward forthe effort Many lenerboxers have collectedhundreds of stamp copies which they enjoyreviewing at their leisure Letterboxing givesenthusiasts an excellent excuse for spending longdays tramping over the moors The greatchallenge is to interpret the complicated clues tothe wbereabouts of each box The clues are givenon detailed clue sheets available fromletterboxers (all of the boxes hidden on Dartmoorhave been put out over the years by letterboxersthemselves) and an organization that publisbes aclue catalogue Letterboxers trace their hobbyback to 1854 when a Victorian gentleman walkerput his calling card in a bottle and stuck the bottleinto a bank at Cranmere Pool in a remote part ofDartmoor Wbo could have foreseen that fromsuch a modest beginning would emerge anelaborate pastime that has become almost a wayof life for many of its aficionados(Abstract of an article by Chris Granstromoriginally published in the April 1998 issue ofSmithsonian Magazine)r-------------- RememberI II ICompassSport (STGpound1750 for1 year STGpound34 for two years)Orienteering World (lRpound14 for

1 year) and the ScientificJournal of Orienteering (IRpound9

for 1 year) are all availablethrough The Irish Orienteer

For CompassSport send your[credit card details preferably foriI the others send cheques made I out to The Irish Orienteer I IL ~

8 The Irish Orienteer



(Extracts from Bulletin 3 sent to allFederations entered in March)

Dates and types or racesPriday 22nd May Qualification racesSaturday 23rd May Classic Distance - ABand C FinalsMonday 25th MayTeams

Relay for National

WebSiteFurther information and copies of Bulletin 2 amp 3available on htpplhomepagetineLie-ioa

Event VenueQualifier and Classic DistanceGlenflesk (on road N22) Killarney Co KerryRelay Final Muckross National Park (on roadN71) Killarney Co Kerry

Event DirectorKen Griffin 12 Island Way Muskerry EstateBallincollig Co Cork IrelandTelephone +353-21-870338 (H) fax +353-21-312970 (W) e-mail irishoatinetie

Event OfficialsIOF Controller Oivind Holt NorwayDay 1 - Planner Justin May National ControllerAlan Shaw Mapper Marcus PinkerDay 2 - Planner Bernard Creedon NationalController Alan Shaw Mapper Marcus PinkerDay 3 - Planner Pat Long National ControllerKevin 0Dwyer Mapper Barry Dalby

Maximum number of competitors per federation6 men and 6 women for individual events2 mens teams and 2 womens teams for relay

events (3 runners in each team)

Qualification scheme for the races3 parallel races for botb men and women Thefirst 20 from each group go to the A final nos 21to 40 from each group go to the B final and therest go to the C final depending on numbers

Event CentreGleneagles Hotel Muckross Road (road numberN71) Killarney Co Kerry Ireland (adjacent torelay area)Tel +353-64-31870 Pax +353-64-32646Location 2km from town centre Single roomIRpound40Double roomlRpound25 per person sharing

Further details of accommodation etc in theKillarney area may be bad by contactingDestination Killarney at TelIFax +353-1-8742949 Fax +353-1-8742439CampingCaravan sites witb full facilitiesavailable on request

Preliminary Timetable for EventsWednesday 20th May1200-1800 World Cup Office at EventCentre open Arrival of early teams Trainingpossibilities on local terrain amp maps -Inchigeelagh area

Thursday 21st May1000 - 1800 World Cup Office at Event Centreopen1300 - 1800 Model event at Carrigawaddra1200 Deadline for confirmation of team names1200 Start draw for the qualification race atEvent Centre (closed event)1600 Start lists available at Event Centre office1900 Team officials meeting at Event CentreTraining possibilities on local terrain amp maps -lncbigeelagb area

Friday 22nd May0900 - 1200 World Cup Office at Event Centreopen0900 - 1100 Model event at Carrigawaddra1300-1630 Start Qualification Race atCrohane Lake1700 - 1930 Start Shamrock O-Ringen 98

spectator races at Crobane Lake1900 Start lists for A B C finals available atEvent Centre1900 Team officials meeting at Event Centre

Saturday 23rd May1000 - 1300 Start A B finals at CrohaneGlenflesk1430 - 1700 Start SOR 98 spectator race atCrohane Glenflesk2000 Banquet amp Celli M6r at Event Centre2100 Prize giving ceremony at Event Centreduring Banquet

Sunday 24th May1000 - 1200 Start SOR 98 spectator races -chasing start at Black Lakes1330 SOR 98 Spectator race prize givingceremony at Black Lakes1300 - 1600 Model event at Muckross1600 Final entry for relays with competitorsnames and starting order at Event Centre1900 Team officials meeting at Event Centre

Monday 25th May1000 Slart womens relay at Muckross House1130 Start of mens relay at Muclcross House1400 Prize giving at Muckross House

Location and description of the terrainThe qualifier and classic distance terrain arelocated in the area around Glenflesk Co Kerry23km and 14km southeast of Killarney towncentre respectively The terrain is hilly roughopen complex moorlandThe relay terrain is mainly hilly mixed forestparkland and some rough open areas - 4 kin soutbof Event Centre and 6 km from hostels inKillarney town centre

Course DetailsQualifier - Men 76 km320m17 controls 45mins winning timeQualifier - Women 53km1210ml13 controlsSf)minutesWTA Final - Men 125km5I 5ml26csnS minsB Final- Men 98km1340mI19cs n5 minsA Final- Women 85km315m1l5cs 70 minWT

The Irish Orienleer 9

B Pinal - Women 67 kml260mll5 csl 70 minWTRelay - Men 65km1190m17cs100 mins (3logs)Relay - Women 51km1125m14csloo mins (3legs)

Handing In Final Team ListsFinal entries with individual team membersnames to be banded into event office inGleneagles Hotel by 1200 brs on Thursday 21stMay 1998 Start draw for Qualifying races willbegin at 1200 brs Names and running order forRelays to be handed into event office in by 1600brs on Sunday 24th May 1998

TlmlnglPunchingWe propose to use the Sporlident system ofpuncbing for tbe events This is for controlregistering only Start and Pin ish will be normal -start on Bleep and finisb by crossing the Finishline The equipment will be set up at the Modelevents also See details on how to use the systemon attached page

Training opportunitiesTraining opportunities will be available in theInchigeelagh area on Wednesday and Thursday20121 st May These maps are by the samemapper as for the individual World Cup eventsMaps available from event office Transportprovided only on request costs depend ondemand Own transport would be best as theIocation is not on a direct bus route fromKillarney This area is about 65km fromKillarney using main roads

Model EventsThe timetable and venue for the model events aregiven above Maps available from event officeTransport provided only on request costs dependon demand The Model events are adjacent to theWorld Cup areas

Clothing requirementsThere are no special clothingfootwear rules forthe events normal IOF rules apply Good lowerbody cover required and full body coverrecommended due to tbe nature of the terrain

1Q The Irish Orienleer

SpectatorRacesShamrock O-Ringen with chasing starts on day 3on same maps as World Cup Friday 22ndSaturday 23rd Sunday 24th May 1998 Pre entryrequired entry form attached all age classesavailable Entries toBernard Creedon Tavie Mount ProspectDouglas Co Corle IrelandTelepbone +353-21-361824 fax +353-21-361825 E-mail bcreedonindigoie

CeremoniesThere will not be an official opening ceremonyNeat dress expected for prize giving and banquetin Event Centre 2000 brs Saturday 23rd May

Event CateringThe ladies of Cork Orienteering Club will beoperating a Soup Kitchen for Days 1 amp 2Good food (including vegetarian) at reasonablerates will be served in the assemblyfinish areasrespectively Soup teas coffees minerals juiceveg burgers etc served Full menu and priceswill be included with Bulletin 4 We would urgeyou to support this wortby venture as they aremaking a very special effort on your behalf Nootber catering concessions will beaccommodated There is a cafeteria in MuckrossHouse - Relay area

Dont forget to get your entries in for the10tb Shamrock O-Ringen Entry forms in thisissueTheres accommodation available at theGleneagles Hotel just mention the World Cuporienteering event and you 11get the same rate

Back toBasicsMapping

Aongbus OChHrigb

Our sports only fixed assets are its mapsWe dont possess club-houses playingpitches or other real-estate so theres astrong case for making tne best maps that wecan afford It happens that outstanding mapsare actually quite affordable and also quitenecessary

Six reasons for maklng great mapsbull Everyone gets a buzz out of competing ona truly great map - even if tbe terrain is NOTalways Grade A Scandinavianbull Outstanding maps make course-planning alot easier The planner doesnt have to duck andweave througb dubiously mapped areas As aresult competition is fairer On a superblysurveyed map its quite difficult to wrongly placea control There is NO ambiguity and NOcancelled coursesbull Good O-babits and skills follow fromusing terrific O-maps Top-class mapping meansoutstanding contour representation - even inrelatively uninteresting terrain Subtle slopechanges are captured Bad mapping (andespecially poor contour representation) lead topoor orienteering technique Orienteers areforced to discount all but the largest contourfeatures and must rely on good old compass andpacingbull Outstanding surveying saves moneyOnce the expense of producing the first edition ofa map is absorbed subsequent revisions needconcentrate only on vegetation cbanges A

digitised map will last forever Poorly mappedareas prove expensive in the long run since theywill eventually have to be completely re-surveyed Everyone bas to put-up witb them inthe meanwbilebull Lose your position on a splendid map andyou know the mistake is yours alone - not themappers An accurate map allows you takeresponsibility for your own performance (Somemight NOT view this as an advantage) As soonas you can trust the map your concentration andmap-contact sharpen and you get closer to thaIperformance state where (trance-like) you flowthrough controlsbull A well-surveyed map is always fondlyremembered It is a source of pride to mapperand sponsoring club alike On the nip-side apoorly surveyed map erodes the reputation ofeveryone associated with it

Implications of pursuing a strategy ofproducing only top quality mappingThe unit costs of map production areapproximately pound040 pound080 and pound 154depending on the production method used (Seethe section on map production scenarios below)The premium to be paid for a top quality product(worst-case approx pound1) is a relatively smallfraction of an event entry fee As it is we chargecomparatively low competition entry fees Othersports with lower overbeads levy higherparticipation fees from participantsIf eacb large lOA club produces a lop-class maponce every two years and each small clubproduces an excellent map once every threeyears it will take 10 years (until 2009 AD) toproduce a stock of 100 outstanding new orrevised maps hereIn order that as many people as possible get to useexcellent maps priority attention might be givento mapping areas near cities as well aschampionship standard terrainGradually our outstanding mapping willcontribute to better lrisb competitive results bothat home and abroad (How will we cope witb allthis success)Producing great mapping will help build-up ourown O-mapping industry This will happen

The Irish Orienteer 11

there is going to be a higher level of scrutiny andfollow-up by the Sports Council to see that statedgoals are being achieved


because not all clubs have either the expertise orthe time to devote to the production ofmarvellous maps Much of the work (fun) mayhave to be contracted to specialists However inorder to be a good mapper you must first be agood orienteerA mapping project which is contracted to aspecialist might incur increased start-up costswbich cannot be recouped until the map isproduced This means that chasing bank-loansand government (lottery) grants could become abot topicAsideIt is always a good idea that the surveyorsname appears in the map credits heshe cansubsequently bask in the glow of our admiration

Assumptions made in comparing the 3scenariosMap bas area of 6 sq Jan - mixture openmountain and forest (similar in size to currentmaps of Curragh West or of Three RockMountain)Map is computer drawn5000 copies of the map are printed Noallowance is made for wasteCosts in these examples are based OD using 3overlapping photos and 2 stereo models toproduce a photogrammetric plot (However amap of area 6 sq km can often be covered by onepair of 60 overlapping 152mm formatI20000 scale photographs)The daily rate for a surveying contractor isestimated as pound140 per day This is calculated onthe basis of an annual salary of pound30000 (fromwhich transport equipment and other overheadsarc paid) a 43 week working year (the rest of thetime is spent OD administration procuring workand holidays) an 8 hour working day and a 5 dayweek and 5 days on average taken to survey anddraw Isq kmFieldwork and drawing costs in scenarios 2 and 3(with club members doing the surveying andcartography) include equipment depreciationstationery and petrolClub mappers ace as skilled as professionalsurveyors (In many instances this is NOT a validassumption)Independent checking is carried out by clubmembers in alJ three casesCosts are approximate but are based on theactual costs of recent mapping and are inclusiveof VAT

Juniors Officer Ted Lucey reported on the yearsactivities training camps and competitions butlamented the lack of fitness and commitment totraining by the junior squad comparing it to tbelevel of training expected of comparable agebasketball players with 10 hours training perweek The title of a recent newspaper articlesummed it up Sacrifices have to be made tofulfil a dream

An uncontroversial AGM of the lOA Whatevernext

The meeting took place after the LeinsterChampionsbips at Trooperstown on April 4th andthe turnover of the Executive Committee wasunusuaUy lowAll the usual things which happen at an AGMhappened reports from the Officers and so on Inhis address Bernard Creedon the lOAChairman hoped that the World Cup wouldgenerate more publicity for orienteering here andattract more people to the South West fororienteering in future He expresseddisappointment however in the numbers ofpeople in orienteering so that the lack of growthin numbers is limiting development the broaderthe base of the pyramid the higher the top

Coacbing Officer Prank Ryan reminded all thequalified conches of the need to go out and coachnow Schools and scouts could be bigdevelopment areas The lOA has co-operatedvery well with the National Coaching andTraining Centre in Limerick and is benefitingfrom this contact 34 people have now beenaccredited as Level I or Lever 2 coaches

Three O-map production scenariosThe table below compares three mappingscenarios Examples amp 2 follow bestcartographic practice - recent 1 20000 scalephotography is used by specialist orienteeringphotogramrnetrists to produce aphotogrammetric plot An accurate completeand consistent map is then surveyed from thephotogrammetry computer drawn andindependently checked before printing Inscenario 1 tbe production of the map iscontracted out to a mapping specialist whereasin scenario 2 the map is produced by anexperienced club mapper Scenario 3 details thecost of producing an orienteering map from anexisting paper map (revision) In all examplesthe new survey is captured on computer checkedand printed in a standard way The costs used forcomparison purposes have been kept as realisticas possible

Other officers gave written reports DevelopmentOfficer Brendan Cryan sees increasing thenumbers participating in the sport as the keyespecially the young He hopes to establish threeSchools Orienteering Associations in MunsterLcinster and ConnachtlUlster and to runintroductory courses for teachers to make thescheme a success Individual scbools can nowaffiliate to lOA as associate members

Money mattersDue to Treasurer Noel Donaghs astute financialmanagement imagination and good luck thelOA benefited from Sports Council grants lastyear to tbe tune of pound34000 pound10000 was for theWorld Cup pound7000 for electronic timingequipment pound3000 for coaching pound2000 was forteams competing abroad pound2000 was anOutstanding Sports persons Grant for UnaCreagh and the remaining pound10000 was thenormal administrati ve grant to tbe AssociationBoth Noel and Bernard made the point that theAssociation will have to increase its income inorder to develop Noel also reported that we havegot cheaper insurance this year with cover forschools - insurance is a major cost at aboutpound3000 per annum He suggested going for ascheme of individual membership of lOA whichwould allow club affiliation fees to be reduced tothe advantage of smaller clubs (at present clubsof uP to 100 members pay pound150 more than 100pay pound300)New grant application procedures will mean thatlOA could benefit from increased funding but

Technical Officer Sean Cotter hopes to have ameeting of representatives of all affiliated clubsand organisations with the tecbnical sub-committee in the autumn to look at the lOA rulesand constitution

Comparison of ScenariosScenarIo 1 Scenario 2Activity Scenario 3 Reports were also submitted from the Fixtures

Secretary Lillian Quill and Studentrepresentative Daire OsborneProcure photos (3 photos Scale 120(00) pound800 pound800

Pbotogrammetry pound1200 pound1200(2 models - 5m contour interval)Fieldwork amp Drawing (30 man days) pound4200 pound1200 pound1200Final Drawing (5 man days) pound700Independent Cbecking(6 man days) pound200 pound200 pound200Platemaking amp Printing pound600 pound600 pound600TOTAL (5000 maps) pound7700 pound4000 pound2000Price per map pound154 pound080 pound04012 The Irish Orienteer

New executiveThere were no elections for the Executive sincethere was no surplus of candidates Thecommittee for the next year isChairman Bernard Creedon Secretary KenGriffin Treasurer Noel Donagh Fixtures LillianQuill Technical Sean Cotler Juniors Ted Lucey

The Irish Orien(eer 13

Coaching Frank Ryan Development BrendanCryan Public Relations John McCulloughEnvironment David Carter Jean ONeill (FIN) isto consider the position of International Officerand the position of mapping officer is vacant

Prank Ryan and Toni ODonovan werenominated as FlOArepresentatives Mick Kellettwas suggested as AFAS representative but bewasnt there so that still has to be confirmed

Levies proposalA CorkO proposal about event levies generatedsome discussion but it was referred back to theExecutive to do something about the situationLevies of 10 of the income from every eventare supposed to be paid to lOA but it is clear thattbis isnt happening either clubs arent payinglevies at all or they are paying 10 of the profitnot 10 of the income Of pound2938 paid in levieslast year a whopping pound1447 (thais 49) waspaid by CorkO Admittedly pound888 of this was forthe Shamrock O-Ringen but 5 clubs paid none atall and others paid in the range pound720 to pound280The problem is that there is no attempt made atenforcing the payment of levies Tbe levies arepaid by tbe competitors for the development oforienteering and the clubs are given the job ofcollecting and passing on tbis money If theydont pass it on they are defrauding both the lOAand tbe competitors its like solicitors usingclients money wbich can get tbem disbarredClubs arc supposed LO send in their auditedaccounts to lOA every year but not all clubs doThe lOA has undertaken to take a stronger Lineonthe matter

Other stuff Frank Ryan suggested standardisingentry fees be paid pound7 + pound2 late for the LeinsterChamps but only pound4 for Connacht Mmm Individual membership would give us a mucbbetter idea of the actual situation In themeantime clubs are asked to send in to lOA a listof their current members names addresses ageclasses and pbone numbers preferably on diskbutif they have any reservations about the DataProtection aspect then on paper will do VeteranTeam manager Alan Gartside (who was waitingfor the LOC prize giving) commented that it wasoften very difficult to contact team members and14 The Irish Orienteer

reserves to notify them of selection A centralregister of members would belp enormously TedLucey wondered whether clubs would ever againget grants towards map production and wasassured that this would happen again The date ofthe Irish Championships was raised too Mayclashes witb 3rd level students exams Juneclashes with scbool exams April is too early andshortens the season too much July is too late weve been here before over the years

Awards Tbis year the Mactire Tropby forachievements in the past year went to MarcusPinker the Silva Trophy for services toorienteering went to Noel Donagh and the SilvaAward for behind the scenes activity went toMargaret Creedon

Map of the Year The Grade Imap of the yearaward went to Cork 0 for Cobduff the Grade 2went to CorkO for Firmount and the Grace 3went to Cork 0 for Botllehill No other clubssubmitted maps for assessment

Finally Ken Griffin brought the meeting up todate on the World Cup arrangements for Kerry inMay 27 teams bave entered with about 250runners We need about 60 people to run theevent (the BOF event the next week has a bulletinwith three pages of helpersl) but we will be underpressure for manpower He again appealed toclubs and individuals to volunteer and to workfor the success of the event not just spectate


Tired of orienteering Why not trysome variations

Mountain Marathon TriumphsAn Irish Orienteers Perspective

Aonghus OClcirigh

The mountain marathon - a test of team-workendurance mountain-racing orienteering andsurvival skills The standard in this part ofEurope is the Karrimor International MountainMarathon (KlMM) a 2-day event which hasbeen run every year in Great Britain since 1968A team consists of a pair of athletes who navigatearound an extremely long orienteering-typecourse set in mountainous terrain The mapsused arc usually of about I40000 scale with10m contour interval Competitors carry withthem a tent sleeping-bags and all the food andclothes they will need for 2 days and one nightNorthern Irelands version of the event - TheMourne Mountain Marathon - started in the late1970s and bas been growing every year sinceThe republics equivalent event - The LoweAlpine Comeragh Mountain Challenge -organised by Pat Healy is 5 years old Thecompetition moves to Wicklow this year for its6tb running on a newly drawn map

Comeragh Challenge Elite class winners1993 lim Brown amp Martin McNiff1994 John Kewley ampMark Seddon1995 Gerry Brady amp Marcus Pinker1996 Brendan Bolland amp Gerry Brady1997 Megan Argharad amp Brendan Bolland(Mixed A Course) 53223John Casey amp Brendan OBrien (Open A Course)618 19

(Note In 1997 there was NO Elite class offeredMembers within pairs are listed in alpbabetical


Phenomenon1be seeds of the Comeragh Mountain Challengewere sown as far back as 1975 when pioneers PatHealy and Wally Young placed 3rd in theA-classof the Karrimor that year

A decade would pass before the MountainMarathon universe would be truly astounded bythe exploits of one Irish orienteer in particular - apbenomenon named Robin Bryson His talentsas athlete mountain racer and mountainmaratboner are widely reported but not generallyknown are his exploits in orienteering In 1985he was Northern Irish O-Champion and was oneof the five men selected to represent Ireland atWOC85 held in Australia (For financialreasons the team did not travel)

Brysons mountain racing career isexceptional He is truly a world-class athleteHis World CupWorld Trophy performancesinclude 4th 6th 4th and 9th in consecutive years1991- 94 He has won the Matterhorn race andholds the record for the ascent of Snowdon Hisversatility doesnt end there Robin has also beenNational 15k road-racing cbampion bas won theDublin X-Country Championships was twice amember of the winning DSD team in theNational X-Country Championships and hasrepresented Ireland in X-country A story is (oldof him in the early 80s cycling from Dublin toGlcndalough running (and winning) a mountain-race and then cycling horne He is still verymuch a keen cyclist

Marathon ManIn 1985 Robin won the Mourne MountainMarathon He then proceeded to win the Eliteclass in the Karrimor twice (85 88) and wasrunner-up in 87 1was privileged to partner bimfor the second of bis two KIMM victories Thepairing happened quite by accident Pat Farrellyand myself bad originally entered as a team Twoweeks before the event Pat became injured and Iteamed-up with Brian Ervine Two nights beforetravelling Brian rang me and told me that he badsome GOOD news and some DAD news TheBAD news was that he was injured and couldntcompete the GOOD news was that he bad founda replacement - Robin Bryson (Robins regular

The Irish Orienleer 15

KIMM partner Ken Taylor had also succumbedto injury) What struck me about Robin duringthe following days was his calmness - heexhibited the coolness of a champion In recentyears he has restricted his mountain marathoninvol vement to planning the Mourne eventBrian Ervine is also renowned for his mountain-racing achievements and like Robin hisorienteering accomplishments are NOT widelypublicised Brian has been Northern IrishOrienteering Champion twice (89 94) and haswon seven Mourne Mountain Marathons He hascompeted for Northern Ireland in ten consecutiveMountain Racing World Cupl World Trophyevents as has Jim Patterson - also from theNorth (Only Scotsman Colin Donnelly hascompeted in all eleven world races) Brian haswon the All-Ireland Mountain RacingChampionships twice and the Northern IrelandMountain Racing Championships three times

(Thanks to Douglas Barry Brian Ervine and PatHealy for much of the information in this article)


MOUNTAIN CHALLENGETwo Day Two PersonTeamMountainMarathon with Overnight Campsite

GLENMALURE-RATHDRUMCO WICKLOW (IRELAND EAST)Saturday 16th May 1997Sunday 17th May 1997

Two Day Navigalion(Endurance Event (IX Teams of TwoNew five colour map - Survey 1997-1998

125000 10 metre contours

Course lengths (over 1wo days)Elite Course E 045kmappltox

Course A 40km appltaxCourse 8 35km appro

Walking - Course C 25km appmxFot furtt- Information Entry Forms write 10Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh Co Kildare Ireland

TeVFax (045) 441625 From UK dial 010 353 04S441625Entry 10mraquo will be pooted 10 11 1997 oppIic bullnlS

]6 The Irish Orienleq

The MacLehoseTrail

Last November Dave Weston Eugene0 Sullivan and Philip Brennan fromDublins Setanta Orienteers took part in anunusual event in Hong Kong Philip takesup the story

It all started witb the words You should try theMacLehose Trail An innocent enoughstatement at the time as we sat sipping pints ofbeer in The Hairy Lemon ill Dublin but little didwe realise the pain and misery that lay in store forus

Having completed a number of long distanceruns around Ireland myoid friend Conor told usabout this famous Trailwalker event that tookplace every November in Hong Kong where hebad worked for the past 5 years The fact that hehad never actually done tbe event should havealerted me to the dangers ahead but Conor wasnow waxing lyrical about the stunningmountains coastal vistas beautiful weather andgeneral exotica of it all

liang Kong for me conjures up images ofthousands of skyscrapers rising from the sea andsix million people running around workingevery hour God sent and living 011 top of oneanother However 1was soon to discover that theNorthern Territories which border mainlandChina contain 21 country parks through whichthe MacLehose Trail runs for 100 km

Team SETANTAAnd so it was that Team Setanta entered theevent quietly confident albeit with prettylimited knowledge of what lay ahead of us OurChief Mathematician Dave Weston did hishomework OJ) the course and confidently assuredus that with only 7000 feet of ascent Over thewhole distance it would be a piece of cake andwith that he promptly headed off to China for the3 weeks prior to the event promising to meet us

in Ned Kellys Last Stand (where else 1) ahostelry of dubious reputation in Kowloon twonights before the race

Eugene 0Sullivan and myself were not quite soconfident and decided that a little bit of trainingmight be in order before we left dear old IrelandWeekends were spent running around the Glen oflmaal in mist and getting lost in the environs ofLugnaquilla Would they have swampy bogdriving rain and impenetrable fog like this inHong Kong Imused to myself as we ran aroundin circles arguing about where we were andwhich was the quickest way back to FentonsPub After a while we convinced ourselves thatthere was no point in doing any more training inthese conditions as the weather would be totallydifferent over there and anyway we would onlywear ourselves out and we should be conservingour energy instead

Arrivalth the race starting on the 21 st of November weflew out on the 15th arriving on the evening ofSunday the 16th and giving ourselves most of aweek to acclimatise to the heat (28 degrees Cappro x) and get over our jetlag

Alistair our contact in Hong Kong met with usand put our minds at rest with all the gory detailsof the Maclehose Trail Named after a formerGovernor who had a keen interest in mountainwalking and pushed through the first parkconservation laws in 1976 the trail links togethera chain of 7 parks Running from East to West itspans the entire length of the New Territories andconnects beaches and the highest mountainpeaks Over 730 four person teams had enteredand there would be two starts II am and 3pm Aswe were late entrants we had the afternoon start

At a pre-race pasta dinner in AlistairS house wemet other trailrunners some of whom had veryserious ambitions to beat last years time somehoping to beat other teams and some just hopingto finish When asked what time we hoped to doDave nonchalantly suggested that we would behappy with a time of between 15 and 18 hoursChoking on his ravioli a mega fit lookingFrenchman named Philippe commented that

perhaps we might be underestimating thedifficulty of the event A veteran of two previousTrailwaIkers his ambition was to break 20 hoursand here were 3 Paddies with no previousexperience or knowledge of the event talkingabout a time of 15hours I quickly found myselfcramming down more and more pasta and onlooking around noticed Dave amp Eugene doinglikewise

Race day dawned bright and sunny and we spentthe morning stocking up on supplies for theevent Hilary had (somewhat reluctantly) agreedto be our support team and would meet us atcheckpoints 3 6 8 and at the finish We gave hera timetable showing what time we expected tofinish each stage and loading her down withrucksacks full of food and drinks we bade hergoodbye

StartAt the start there was great commotion with over365 teams milling about stretching struttingposing and generally psyching out andantagonising the opposition With such a largecrowd we ended up about 200 metres back fromthe starting line and even with a little jostlingcould get no closer Finally the whistle soundedand off we went at long last the waiting was over

TIle first stage was supposedly 109 km in lengthand followed a road around a reservoir beforeclimbing over a large mountain down to abeautiful beach and ending in a deserted villagecalled Long Ke We soon found ourselves amongthe leading four teams and quickly caught andpassed the French team comprising of Philippeand his colleagues The heat was very intense butwe drank continuously and felt strong andconfident The fact that a TV crew in a helicopteroverhead were busy filming the leading teams nodoubt gave us the extra impetus to run that littlebit harder

At the end of the road we climbed steeply up thefirst mountain a little too steeply for my likingand teams we bad already overtaken now beganto pass us However as we came down the otherside we moved very fast over the rocky steepground and soon

The Irish Orienteer 17

regained our position As the evening wore onand darkness descended we joined a rollercoaster ride of high peaks steep ascents steeperdescents dense forests rugged ridges andwindswept summits Navigation at night didntpose too much of a problem as the route wasusually very obvious and there were so manypeople on the trail that if you were in any doubtyou just waited until the next team arrived

We hit checkpoint 3 around 9pm 6 hours on thetrot and half an hour ahead of schedule By now itwas obvious that Daves calculation of 7000 feetof total climb was way off the mark We hadalready climbed at least that height and hadanother 60 km to go IAndjudging from our mapthe ground ahead looked even steeper Our ChiefMathematician had erred slightly in hiscalculations the actual total climb was 7000metres not feet By God had we underestimatedit stages 4 amp 5 were looming and word had itthey were savage in comparision to the previousthree

Through the nightWell fed and watered by Hilary we set off into thedark night and after innumerable hours up anddown never ending mountains and ridges thewords of Christy Moore came to mind Endlessnigbt witbout dawning I have two abidingmemories of that night One is the procession oflight from head torches bobbing along the trailand from the top of some peaks these lightsstretched out miles in front and behind Theygave a great indication of the route and thehorrors ahead Oh no were not going all theway up there are we At this stage ChiefMathematician Mr 7000 ft himself was keepinga very low profile My other memory is the lightsof Hong Kong which occasionally came intoview Absolutely stunning and surreal it wasincredible to look at and from where we were itwas somewhat like a scene from a space agemovie

At checkpoint 6 we were in denial but the trustyHilary was there to greet us with a smile and hadbefriended another support team who took pityon this bedraggled bunch of Irishmen and shared

their bar-b-que18 The Irish Qrienteer

sausages with us Having lost some time onstages 4 amp 5 we were under pressure to move onand weariness was setting in

In the early bours of the morning strange thingscan happen and this was no ordinary night Davehooked up with some Danisb lady who took hishand told him everything would be aUright andplied him with some unusual drugs supposedlyto cure his cramping (yeah likely story Dave)Tiring of each others company we staggered onand with failing torch batteries we prayed for thedawn

DawnSunrise can be a beautiful thing but when youhave been on the go for 16 hours climbed over15000 feet and up and down God knows howmany steps ones admiration for a beautifulsunrise becomes somewhat diminished Sittingon top of Needle Hill the highest point on stage 7and looking miles into the distance at BeaconHill which was only halfway around stage 8 Icould have cried My so-called friend whosewords You should try the MacLehose Trailwere now resounding in my ear was now mybitter enemy No Christmas card for him thisyear The sun was now well up pretty soon itwould be 30 degrees C and nowhere to hide

At checkpoint 8 Hilarys smile had faded a littleShe too had been up all night and the realisationof the madness of it all was beginning to dawn onher By now we were more like robots thanhumans got to keep going eat food drink drinkkeep going From here on it was a case of Ivecome this far and Im damn well going to finishthis Most of the hard work was over stages 9and 10 were relatively flat but by now the soles ofour feet felt like they had been flailed with abamboo cane and any attempt to run broughtextreme pain to the body

Checkpoint 9 was like an oasis of calm Only10 of teams had already been through so all ourovertaking and jostling on the trail during thenight had paid off Even still we were well off ourtime and now our ambition was to break 23hours After gulping down some hot Chinese teawe set off on the last leg only 99 km to go

To the FinishStage 10 wound around another reservoir oftenalmost doubling back on itself Althoughrelatively flat it seemed to go on foreverfollowing every twist and turn of the lake Afteran age it climbed up to a cachwater and back onto a tarmacadam surface By now bodies werelying scattered all around We were nearing thefinish and despite complete exhaustion teamsbecame competitive again and began running thelast few kilometres home However many peoplesuffered severe cramping and ended up lying onthe ground writhing in agony and unable tomove Anxious team-mates busily masssaged thewounded and encouraged them to get up andcomplete the race Time enough for lying down atthe Finish

The last half kilometre was downhill and we ranall the way crossing the line in a daze What joyto see the finish banner finally the nightmare wasover As I lay on the ground watching othercompetitors finish I still found it difficult toaccept it was all over When you have been on thego for so long the mind seems to find it hard tobelieve that you have actually finished 100 kmand over 23000 ft of ascent completed Tune 23hours and 5 minutes

Never againBack in Dublin the post mortem begins We allbelieve we should have broken 20 hours Duringthe night of the event we met many people doingThe Trail for the third or fourth time and in viewof the pain and the suffering we were goingthrough at the time we were in agreement thatthis was tbe first and last time for us But now thepain is forgotten only the joy on finishingrernaims and maybe one day we will go back andtackle it again Sub 20 hours is achievable andafter all we owe it to ourselves

(Reprinted from the January 1998 SetantaOrienteers newsletter)

42 at 42Steve Jones (Eryri Orienteers) is anorienteer and fell runner who has run severaltimes in the Shamrock O-Ringen This is hisaccount of his Bob Graham Round anattempt to do the 72 mile circuit in the LakeDistrict in under 24 hours at the age of 42

Approaching Keswick on the afternoon atSaturday June 7th in a very heavy thunderstormthere was no way I was going to start a BobGraham round later tbat day - 72 miles 27000feet climb and 42 tops in the pouring rain I didntthink so

Dropping JUdith Callum and my mother at thebed and breakfast in Keswick didnt help as theyhad a spare bed in their room - the evening meallooked pretty good too However clearing skiesrevealed a good view at our first top Skiddawand I was soon pointing out to Judith the ascentroute and beginning to feel more positive aboutactually starting (finishing was anotber questionaltogether)

Au revoir KeswickI was taking part in a clockwise attempt an theBob Graham organised by two members atWrekin- Lawrence Jones and Andy dougb A small groupat supporters and helpers had gathered at tbeMoat Hall In Keswick to see us oft - or to makesure we started The weather by now was quitepleasant lulling us into a false sense at securityand I was therefore feeling quite confident as welogged away tram the hall at 630pmOur two supporters on this leg were Mike Callowand Stuart Turner carrying our spare toad waterand clothes and ensuring that we kept to theschedule The time schedule of 2272 hours thatwe were following had been devised byLawrence and Andy after much recceing at theroute and discussions with Bob Graham routeexperts

The Irish Orienteer 19

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

major rUHdminor (KIdcar pnlkjng ~1Ieadin roadracklarcc pathtli purhindistinct puhIIHrIOW ridehith Fencerw~

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sensonu) WHerCOUIOC l11nOW mnrshmarsh scusonal marshwnrer rnnk pond lakei(gtIbril~c lorddislinCI VCLCI1I10nchanceUP IIId - -rough open landopen land with scuuered trecxrough open land with $Clltc~d treessandy ground PlL- R~1) IJOIltSI IUI1forest slow run CouRSESforesr walk -impussublc vcgcuuion fuSundergrowth slow rul1bl E lt)

ulldcrgrowtll walk0111 or l)tlnd~ lrcaline of proposed new fence

T_-~r1I~nnln~ 1](11

descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 2: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit























2 The Irish Orienleer

Brendan OConner 31Moyglare Abbey Moynooth Co KildarePh086 2419428 e-maWAjax_OrienteershotmaiLcomNigel Foleyflsher RTCDublin Rd Athlone Co WestmeOth(0902-24465)Ted Lucey Kilpadder Dromahane Mallow Co Cork (022-473(0)John Geary tvlarshalstawn Mitchelstown Co Cork (022-25306)Miriam nI Chollir 6 Ashton POlk Blackrock Cork (021-319838)Ruth Lynam Baltybeys Blessington Co Wicklow (045-867183)Comdt Denis Reidy Adj Generals Branch Parkgote Dublin 8The Secretory DUOrlenteers House 27 TCDDUblin 2BillRegan 9 Floraville EnniskijlenCo Fermanagh BT746AP roe-01365middot326213)Lilian Quill 640 Collins Ave Dublin 9 (01-8376506)Tom Conlon Curratrench Ballyfarnon Bayle Co Roscommon(078-47055)Tony Joyce lIndlsfarne Bishopstown Cork (021-541246)Frank Ryan St tvlarymiddots Balllnfoyle Galway (091-753829)The Secretory PEDept RTCDublin Rood Galwoy (091-753161middot2213)Nora Lolor6 Knockslnna Grove Foxrock Dublin 18(01-2893497)Rory Costello 14Manor Court tvlanor Village Tralee Co Kerry(066-25532)Geoff Somerville 6 The HiliQueensway Derrylaghy BT179EY(08)1232-612284)Clore Nuttall 4 Upr Panorama TceSundays Well Cork (021-300373)Barbera Foley-FisherHolly Cottage Glosson Athlone CoWestmeath (0902middot85306)Maureen Loughery 39Moyolo Ave bullCastle Dawson Co Derry(08()1648-68602)Jocelyn Co tho Un36 Taney Rood Dundrum Dublin 14 (01-2985799)Kevin 0Dwyer 2Wellington Villas Military HillCork (021-506740)Michael Meade 7 Cedar COUll Kennedy Park Umerlck (061-412104)M61reWalsh tvlaorpork Kilmocanogue Co Wicklow (01-2868871)The Secretory PEOffice UCC College ROOdCOIkThe Secretory Bax 55 library Building UCD Belfield Dublin 4The Secretary co Porters Desk Concourse University CollegeGalwayVeronica Purcell Lodges Lone Newtown HIliTramore CoWaterfordco Yvonne Begley AFASHouse of Sport Longmile RoodDublin 12(01-4509845 fax 4502805) lOA Secretory Ken Griffin12 Island Way Muskerry Estate Ballincollig Co Cork (021-870338) e-mail epocorkioleSteven linton 39 Prince Edward Drive Belfast BT95GB (08-01232middot665439) htlp wwwasklpdemoncouknioonioahtmlPodralg Higgins 24 Alverno Ave Athlone Co WestmeathVera Murtagh 19The Cloisters Terenure Dublin 6W (01-4908237)John Mucklan 13 Elmvale Close Wilton Cork (021-343384)Ailbhe Creedon Tavlo Mount Prospect Douglas Co Cork (021-361824)Riversdale Dale Rood North Dorley Dole tvlatlock DerbyshireDE42HX (0044-1629-734042 FAX0044-1629-733769)Sec Gen Barbro Ronnberg Radiokatu 20 FI-00093SLUFinland(00358-40585 3801 fox 00358-93481 3113 amiddotmailiofolienteellngorg

The Irish Orlenreer is availablefrom aIIrish orienteering clubsor by direct subscription fromthe Editor John McCullough 9Arran Road Dublin 9(e-mail mcctioiolie)

Annual subscription costsIROSO for 6 issues

NEXT COpy DATE25th MCI~998

CONTENTSNtws 4World Cup Updalt 8Ioclr 10 BIIsles lOA AGM 13Htad ror 1M Hills ISRobin Brlson Proftlt ISTM MucLthou Troll 164211142 19JKMop 22IMRA raru 25NIFRA raru 26Colm ROfhtrllnrerultw 2710F News 29NollonolltllllUe 97 31Rtsufls 32FlKrurumiddotOrltnletrl 42

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rhe IRIShoeienreeeNo 85 April - Mall 998


Joss Lynam orienteer and long-time AFAS President used to talkof the Tiglin tail wagging the AFAS dog wben AFAS (theAssociation for Adventure Sports) used to spend most of its timetrying to keep the Tiglin Centre going to the detriment of itsother responsibilities 1 am surprised bow little this is bappeningin the Irish Orienteering Association with theWorld Cup

The World Cup in KelTY the most important competition everstaged in Ireland could take up aLI the lOAs time but judgingfrom the recent Annual General Meeting it isnt Coachingdevelopment finance are all going ahead as if there was no WorldCup to look after The World Cup committee in Cork is doingextraordinary work to get the show on the road with theShamrock OmiddotRingen in tow

What next though The World Cup is taking up a lot of the timeand energies of the people involved TIle rest of us wiU have to doour sbare too not just for the World Cup but in the months andyears after it when the prime movers are taking a well-earnedrest

WeU have the World Cbampionships in Scotland in August nextyear This is the first real cbance the Irish team will have toprepare properly for a WOC Scotland is near many of the Squadhave run there before we can go to training camps there we cansend a full team Lets set our eyes on WOC99 now Let us notfall into the trough behind the World Cup wave - theres a realopportunity bere The spin-off from WOC99 publicity in Britaincan be used to re-launch orienteering here

The lOA needs to take stock for too long it bas been so tied upwith the day to day business that it sometimes may not see thebig picture The reorganisation of the Sports Council grantssystem under John Treacy might prompt a re-appraisal of whereorienteering is going but its something you should all contributeto However wilh the level of non-compliance exhibited bymany clubs bordering on civil disobedience (consider the leviesissue raised at the AGM) it will be an uphill struggle

In the meantime see you in Killarney

The Irish Orieneer 3

sectsectposrWORLD CUP UllDATE

An Posts Letter Post Division have agreed tosponsor the World Cup in Kerry in May Theirhelp with the generous assistance alreadyreceived and promised from the Sports Councilshould make the event financially secure Theman behind the sponsorship deal is Letter Postdirector Alan Goddard a member of SouthYorkshire Orientecrs who has competed in theShamrock O-Ringen himself on a couple ofoccasions An Post will announce theirinvolvement in the competition at a pressconference in Dublin in late April

At the end of March over 200 competitors from26 countries had entered the World Cup races inKillarney Teams from Australia AustriaBelgium Britain Bulgaria Canada CzechRepublic Denmark Estonia Pin land GermanyHungary Ireland Italy Japan Lithuania NewZealand Norway Poland Portugal RussiaSlovakia Sweden Switzerland Ukraine Somecountries are not ending fulJ teams of 12 runners(Prance entered but has since withdrawn)

The teams dont have to be declared until justbefore the events but we can expect to see thelikes of European Cross-country ChampionCarsten Jorgensen of Denmark multiple WorldChampion Jorgen Martensson and British starsYvette Hague and Steve Hale

An unforeseen complication is the fact that thequalification race for the Classic Distance eventat Croban (tbe first real event of the week) is alsoto determine qualification for the Lake Districtrace a week later rather than having a separatequalification race for tbat This means that if youcant run in the Irish qualification race you areunlikely to be able to run in the British raceseither One person Who will be affected by this isMarcus Pinker Who surveyed the Crehan mapsfor the first two races clearly he will be ineligibleto compete in those races but as a result he cant

4 The Irish Orienteer

qualify in his own right for the UK races eitherQualification however is on a federation basisrather than an individual basis so there is stillhope

All clubs and individuals are expected to help Ifyou havent yet volunteered do it now This is themost important orienteering event ever held inIreland 200 elite runners coming to run herecould be a great boost for our confidence and wewant to do our best for them

Incidentally the finish of the Classic race is justbehind the new Post Office at Glenflesk maybe aspecial postmark for the event

The Shamrock O-Ringen being run inconjunction with the World Cup will also use theSporUdent electronic timing system for most ifnot all classes so youll be able to get your splittimes for each leg though you may have todevise a new way of carrying your controldescriptions since the control card is just asmall plastic key attached to your fingerMore details elsewhere in this issue

LEINSTER RETAIN INTERPROLeiuster retained tbe Interprovincial trophy atKnockbarron Co Offaly on 22nd February witba score of 238 points to Munsters 159 Ulsterwere a close third with 147 and Connacht showedan improvement with 48 points

CONNACHT CHAMPS 98Its easy to be critical of events which dont meetones expectations but harder to provide somehelpful analysis of how things could beimproved How the few orienteers in Connacbtkeep going with the smaIJ numbers taking part isremarkable Nevertheless if the standards ofplanning and organisation do not improve thenumber of oricntcers travelling from outsideConnachr to these events will drop to a trickle ordry up altogether and the Connacht orienteersthemselves deserve better

IDA Rules Guideline 51 says- National andRegional Championship events and the Irish 2-Day are cross-country orienteering competitions

held in daytime with courses designated by agegroup They represent the highest standard ofcompetition available in IrelandI am in something of a quandary as to what tosay Golden Grove is a nice litlle area for anintroductory event but is it Championshipquality Knockbarron is a great little area but is itin need of a revised map at least wherevegetation is concerned The time isapproaching (indeed for some it has alreadyarrived) when a trip to the Connacht Champs isno longer even considered National League orno Perhaps a reminder of the wealth ofinformation in the IDA Rules Guidelines andAppendixes would provide some indication ofwhere improvements could be madeThis was one of Midland Navigators firstventures into tbe big time so there may be someexcuses but experienced planners andcontrollers have a responsibility to thecompetitors too I hope the organisers wont bediscouraged but they really need to take a look atwhat they are providing and get the prioritiesright




CIolhlng by UL1lIASPORTRONHluHeuY~GELERTampVIEWF~ ~~----~------~------------------------ ~EQUIPMENT NEW (i) UIhIpOtt puna- haw cordII aJrMdy1Ied I~~(U)Out_ linN Include oonttOlldentificallon laga (tywk) and plu1ic cane 1tT - -CIpa lev- proIIKtorI) (lit) w now haw tow prIeM lot oontroillaga TAG-Heuer II and lane rnatldng Iape


bull 9tIIII bull aIhn 16d1e1l t FNI_ tsupeduI_ _I For comprohBnsJve catalogue and price Nst please send 5AE to~ ullepo1 BRITAINS LEADING SUPPLIERt d 0 OF ORIENTEERING KITunltlg THE ORIENTEERS SHOP 4 SfMARYS STREET NEWPORT SHROPSHIRE Tf1 0 7ABPhone 01952111~1a Fa 019521125320 httpYlsitwebcomlultnlaport

ODDS and ENDS and ODDS The IOF High Tech Working Group is tomeet at the World Cup in Killarney If you areinterested in the application of technology toorienteering you might like to go along Look outfor details at the events Lost for Words Nothing to do withorienteering except indirectly but GENs WynMcCormack - an orienleer for many years - hasasked for a mention of her book dealing withdyslexia at second level schools Wyn is aguidance counsellor and teacher and is themother of twin dyslexic sons The book covers arange of topics which can affect dyslexic studentsand their families including choosing a schooleducational options and support servicesLost for Words - a practical guide to dyslexia atsecond-level is available from bookshops fromACLD 1 Suffolk St Dublin 2 or from TowerPress - Stillorgan 3 Priory Drive Blackrock CoDublin aLpound699 +pound1 P amp P Nothing to do with orienteering either buttheres an interesting quote from someone called

The Irish QrienJeer 5

Joe Whittle which I came across in the TaxAdvice Bureaus 1998 Guide There is a veryreal difference between commitment andinvolvement - in a traditional Irish breakfast thechicken is involved but the pig is committed Lost at the Connacht Championships alarge Thermos flask belonging to Patrick Tuohyof the Galway-Mayo Institute of TechnologyFound at the Interprovincial at Knockbarron aRussian thumb compass was left at the drinkstableContact Barbara Foley-Fisher (0902-85306) For those of you who like to plan aheadtbe dates for the 2001 World Championships inFinland have been cbanged the new dates arefrom July 29th to August 5th 200 lThe reasonfor the change was to allow for the right intervalafter the 6th World Games in Akita Japan from16th-26th August AJAX pair Colm Rotbery and MichaelWalters (the Australian whos been doing well inO-races here recently) won the 25 km and 50 kmsections of the third Irish Ultrarunners WicklowTrail race on 5th April The 50 ken race was fromJohnny Foxs pub in Glencullcn to Luggala andback the 25 km race was just the return legThe current Irish Mountain Log describes twonew rock climb routes ou Carrick Mountain CoWicklow No doubt tbe orienteers found themalready

ROGAlNEAT LASTSetanta Orienteers are to replace their excellentbut poorly attended WiclcJow MountainMarathon with a rogaine this year on 4th5tbJuly A wba A ROGAlNE its a long distancescore event in this case 20 hours for teams oftwo Its an established form of competition inAustralia and the USA Normally the start andfinish are in the middle of the area with someshelter and food so you can come back and getsome food and sleep before pushing on again butthats part of the tactics like a pit stop in aformula 1 raceThere will be a mass start of all teams at 1400bours on Saturday Teams wbo arrive atthe finish after the cut off time of 1000 am onSunday will be penalised The winning teamswill be determined by totalling the number ofpoints scored for each control visited less any6 The Irish Orienteer

penalty points for over-running the cut off timeThe entry fee is pound20 per team Food will beavailable at the Event Centre throughout theduration of the event A sleeping area will also beavailableThere will be the following Classes ofcompetition open mixed female veteranveteran mixed veteran female To participate inany veteran class the combined ages of the twoteam members on the day of the competitionmust be at least eighty years

The entry form is in this issue Its certainly aninteresting idea Lets hope its well supported

DUBLIN BY NIGHTThe second seriesof night events inthe Dublin areawas again asuccess thoughnumbers ofparticipants wereonly around tbe20-30 mark Theseries started with

the 3ROC event in Phoenix Park on February3rd then AJAX at Killiney Hill a week laterGEN at Carrickgollogan SET at Hellfire andfinally AJAX (Damien Cashin) at Pine ForestThe weather was fine for all except the last eventand the views over the city and surrounds in thedark were magical Well done again MartinFlynn for persuading the clubs LOrun the eventsAll we have to do now is persuade the orienteersto take part

WOC76AGAlNThose of you keen on nostalgia andor goodorienteering might like to consider a trip to theScottish Championships on the June BankHoliday weekend The areas are Damaway forestfor the Individual on Saturday 6th (includingBOF National Event 4) and Anagach on Sunday7th for the Relays

Darnaway was the area used for the 1976 WorldChampionships the first WOC at which Irelandhad a team and was a landmark in Irish and

Britisb orienteering Anagach was also usedduring the 1976 WOC

Individual entries to Eric Lovie 13 NorthcoteCrescent Aberdeen AB 15 TIE Scotland (0044-1224-319692) Fees STGpound850450 plus 2SAEs Closing date 8th May Relays feesSTGpound219 per team special entry forms fromEric Levie

LEINSTER CHAMPSTrooperstown near Laragh in Co Wicklowprovided fast running conditions for the LeinsterChampionships on April 4th Starting high in theforest planner Andrew Butterfield took thelonger courses straight onto the open hillside fora loop of Trooperstown Hill before dropping alltoo briefly into the wonderful deciduous forestnear Ballard followed by the inevitable slogacross the boggy rough open along the swollenAvonmore River to regain the forest and thefinishThe area is one which has been used since themid 1970s and is not too demanding on thetechnical side and some of the controls andorsites were very visible because of the low heatheron the mountain Cork Os Toni ODonovan wonthe W21E class and Irish Champion ColmRothery won the M21E

M2l E Colm Rothery AJAX 7714Marcus Pinker CorkO 8015John Feehan AJAX 8227

W21EToni ODonovan CorkO 7537Ailbhe Creedon CorkO 8140Eileen Loughman CNOC 8155

MIO B Healy GENM12 SOBoyle CNOCMI8 D Burke CorkOM20 A Quinn 3ROCM2ILJ Hoare AJAXM21S o Evans CNOCM35 LQuinn SETM40L K 0Dwyer CorkOM45L D Reidy AJAXM50 W Hollinger LVOM55 T Feehan BVOCM60 M Reed FermOM65 PWalsh SET

WlO E FOley-Fisher NMNAVW12 J Hingerty GENWl4 NOBoyle CNOCWI6 L Cotter BOHCWI8 S Healy GENW20 AAustin CorkOW21L B Lawler CNOCW2IS DONeilJ FINW35 J Flanagan AJAXW40L Ruth Lynam CNOCW45 GPower 3ROCW50 MNowlan 3ROCW55 C Nuttall LceOW60 D Large GENW65 MOSullivan LeeO

WICK-LOWEThis years Comeragh Mountain Challenge isactually not in the Comeraghs at all it has movedto WiclcJow Pat Healys Lowe Alpine MountainChallenge is based in the GlenrnalurelRatbdrumarea on the weekend of May 16-l7th Therell bea new 5-colour 125000 scale map and fourcourses from 25 km to 45 km or so As always itsfor teams of two carrying their gear for anovernight campDetails from Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh CoKildare (045-441625)

LETfERBOXlNGMention was made recently on the orienteeringnewsgroup on the internet of something calledIetterboxing an activity practised onDartmoor Heres a resume of an article in theSmithsonian magazine about it It seems a bit likea permanent O-course

An obscure group of intrepid collectors give thisEnglish version of orienteering their heartystamp of approval A letterbox is a plastic screw-top bottle that contains a small notebook and aunique rubber stamp Thousands of lettcrboxesare hidden throughout the wild country ofDartmoor National Park in southwesternEngland Letterboxing is sort of a combination oforienteering and treasure hunting that consists ofusing maps clues and compasses to find tbehidden containers Once a box is located thefinder inks the stamp from the box and presses it

The Irish Orienleer 7

into his notebook then inks his personal stampand presses that into the notebook kept in the boxThe stamp copy he takes home is bis reward forthe effort Many lenerboxers have collectedhundreds of stamp copies which they enjoyreviewing at their leisure Letterboxing givesenthusiasts an excellent excuse for spending longdays tramping over the moors The greatchallenge is to interpret the complicated clues tothe wbereabouts of each box The clues are givenon detailed clue sheets available fromletterboxers (all of the boxes hidden on Dartmoorhave been put out over the years by letterboxersthemselves) and an organization that publisbes aclue catalogue Letterboxers trace their hobbyback to 1854 when a Victorian gentleman walkerput his calling card in a bottle and stuck the bottleinto a bank at Cranmere Pool in a remote part ofDartmoor Wbo could have foreseen that fromsuch a modest beginning would emerge anelaborate pastime that has become almost a wayof life for many of its aficionados(Abstract of an article by Chris Granstromoriginally published in the April 1998 issue ofSmithsonian Magazine)r-------------- RememberI II ICompassSport (STGpound1750 for1 year STGpound34 for two years)Orienteering World (lRpound14 for

1 year) and the ScientificJournal of Orienteering (IRpound9

for 1 year) are all availablethrough The Irish Orienteer

For CompassSport send your[credit card details preferably foriI the others send cheques made I out to The Irish Orienteer I IL ~

8 The Irish Orienteer



(Extracts from Bulletin 3 sent to allFederations entered in March)

Dates and types or racesPriday 22nd May Qualification racesSaturday 23rd May Classic Distance - ABand C FinalsMonday 25th MayTeams

Relay for National

WebSiteFurther information and copies of Bulletin 2 amp 3available on htpplhomepagetineLie-ioa

Event VenueQualifier and Classic DistanceGlenflesk (on road N22) Killarney Co KerryRelay Final Muckross National Park (on roadN71) Killarney Co Kerry

Event DirectorKen Griffin 12 Island Way Muskerry EstateBallincollig Co Cork IrelandTelephone +353-21-870338 (H) fax +353-21-312970 (W) e-mail irishoatinetie

Event OfficialsIOF Controller Oivind Holt NorwayDay 1 - Planner Justin May National ControllerAlan Shaw Mapper Marcus PinkerDay 2 - Planner Bernard Creedon NationalController Alan Shaw Mapper Marcus PinkerDay 3 - Planner Pat Long National ControllerKevin 0Dwyer Mapper Barry Dalby

Maximum number of competitors per federation6 men and 6 women for individual events2 mens teams and 2 womens teams for relay

events (3 runners in each team)

Qualification scheme for the races3 parallel races for botb men and women Thefirst 20 from each group go to the A final nos 21to 40 from each group go to the B final and therest go to the C final depending on numbers

Event CentreGleneagles Hotel Muckross Road (road numberN71) Killarney Co Kerry Ireland (adjacent torelay area)Tel +353-64-31870 Pax +353-64-32646Location 2km from town centre Single roomIRpound40Double roomlRpound25 per person sharing

Further details of accommodation etc in theKillarney area may be bad by contactingDestination Killarney at TelIFax +353-1-8742949 Fax +353-1-8742439CampingCaravan sites witb full facilitiesavailable on request

Preliminary Timetable for EventsWednesday 20th May1200-1800 World Cup Office at EventCentre open Arrival of early teams Trainingpossibilities on local terrain amp maps -Inchigeelagh area

Thursday 21st May1000 - 1800 World Cup Office at Event Centreopen1300 - 1800 Model event at Carrigawaddra1200 Deadline for confirmation of team names1200 Start draw for the qualification race atEvent Centre (closed event)1600 Start lists available at Event Centre office1900 Team officials meeting at Event CentreTraining possibilities on local terrain amp maps -lncbigeelagb area

Friday 22nd May0900 - 1200 World Cup Office at Event Centreopen0900 - 1100 Model event at Carrigawaddra1300-1630 Start Qualification Race atCrohane Lake1700 - 1930 Start Shamrock O-Ringen 98

spectator races at Crobane Lake1900 Start lists for A B C finals available atEvent Centre1900 Team officials meeting at Event Centre

Saturday 23rd May1000 - 1300 Start A B finals at CrohaneGlenflesk1430 - 1700 Start SOR 98 spectator race atCrohane Glenflesk2000 Banquet amp Celli M6r at Event Centre2100 Prize giving ceremony at Event Centreduring Banquet

Sunday 24th May1000 - 1200 Start SOR 98 spectator races -chasing start at Black Lakes1330 SOR 98 Spectator race prize givingceremony at Black Lakes1300 - 1600 Model event at Muckross1600 Final entry for relays with competitorsnames and starting order at Event Centre1900 Team officials meeting at Event Centre

Monday 25th May1000 Slart womens relay at Muckross House1130 Start of mens relay at Muclcross House1400 Prize giving at Muckross House

Location and description of the terrainThe qualifier and classic distance terrain arelocated in the area around Glenflesk Co Kerry23km and 14km southeast of Killarney towncentre respectively The terrain is hilly roughopen complex moorlandThe relay terrain is mainly hilly mixed forestparkland and some rough open areas - 4 kin soutbof Event Centre and 6 km from hostels inKillarney town centre

Course DetailsQualifier - Men 76 km320m17 controls 45mins winning timeQualifier - Women 53km1210ml13 controlsSf)minutesWTA Final - Men 125km5I 5ml26csnS minsB Final- Men 98km1340mI19cs n5 minsA Final- Women 85km315m1l5cs 70 minWT

The Irish Orienleer 9

B Pinal - Women 67 kml260mll5 csl 70 minWTRelay - Men 65km1190m17cs100 mins (3logs)Relay - Women 51km1125m14csloo mins (3legs)

Handing In Final Team ListsFinal entries with individual team membersnames to be banded into event office inGleneagles Hotel by 1200 brs on Thursday 21stMay 1998 Start draw for Qualifying races willbegin at 1200 brs Names and running order forRelays to be handed into event office in by 1600brs on Sunday 24th May 1998

TlmlnglPunchingWe propose to use the Sporlident system ofpuncbing for tbe events This is for controlregistering only Start and Pin ish will be normal -start on Bleep and finisb by crossing the Finishline The equipment will be set up at the Modelevents also See details on how to use the systemon attached page

Training opportunitiesTraining opportunities will be available in theInchigeelagh area on Wednesday and Thursday20121 st May These maps are by the samemapper as for the individual World Cup eventsMaps available from event office Transportprovided only on request costs depend ondemand Own transport would be best as theIocation is not on a direct bus route fromKillarney This area is about 65km fromKillarney using main roads

Model EventsThe timetable and venue for the model events aregiven above Maps available from event officeTransport provided only on request costs dependon demand The Model events are adjacent to theWorld Cup areas

Clothing requirementsThere are no special clothingfootwear rules forthe events normal IOF rules apply Good lowerbody cover required and full body coverrecommended due to tbe nature of the terrain

1Q The Irish Orienleer

SpectatorRacesShamrock O-Ringen with chasing starts on day 3on same maps as World Cup Friday 22ndSaturday 23rd Sunday 24th May 1998 Pre entryrequired entry form attached all age classesavailable Entries toBernard Creedon Tavie Mount ProspectDouglas Co Corle IrelandTelepbone +353-21-361824 fax +353-21-361825 E-mail bcreedonindigoie

CeremoniesThere will not be an official opening ceremonyNeat dress expected for prize giving and banquetin Event Centre 2000 brs Saturday 23rd May

Event CateringThe ladies of Cork Orienteering Club will beoperating a Soup Kitchen for Days 1 amp 2Good food (including vegetarian) at reasonablerates will be served in the assemblyfinish areasrespectively Soup teas coffees minerals juiceveg burgers etc served Full menu and priceswill be included with Bulletin 4 We would urgeyou to support this wortby venture as they aremaking a very special effort on your behalf Nootber catering concessions will beaccommodated There is a cafeteria in MuckrossHouse - Relay area

Dont forget to get your entries in for the10tb Shamrock O-Ringen Entry forms in thisissueTheres accommodation available at theGleneagles Hotel just mention the World Cuporienteering event and you 11get the same rate

Back toBasicsMapping

Aongbus OChHrigb

Our sports only fixed assets are its mapsWe dont possess club-houses playingpitches or other real-estate so theres astrong case for making tne best maps that wecan afford It happens that outstanding mapsare actually quite affordable and also quitenecessary

Six reasons for maklng great mapsbull Everyone gets a buzz out of competing ona truly great map - even if tbe terrain is NOTalways Grade A Scandinavianbull Outstanding maps make course-planning alot easier The planner doesnt have to duck andweave througb dubiously mapped areas As aresult competition is fairer On a superblysurveyed map its quite difficult to wrongly placea control There is NO ambiguity and NOcancelled coursesbull Good O-babits and skills follow fromusing terrific O-maps Top-class mapping meansoutstanding contour representation - even inrelatively uninteresting terrain Subtle slopechanges are captured Bad mapping (andespecially poor contour representation) lead topoor orienteering technique Orienteers areforced to discount all but the largest contourfeatures and must rely on good old compass andpacingbull Outstanding surveying saves moneyOnce the expense of producing the first edition ofa map is absorbed subsequent revisions needconcentrate only on vegetation cbanges A

digitised map will last forever Poorly mappedareas prove expensive in the long run since theywill eventually have to be completely re-surveyed Everyone bas to put-up witb them inthe meanwbilebull Lose your position on a splendid map andyou know the mistake is yours alone - not themappers An accurate map allows you takeresponsibility for your own performance (Somemight NOT view this as an advantage) As soonas you can trust the map your concentration andmap-contact sharpen and you get closer to thaIperformance state where (trance-like) you flowthrough controlsbull A well-surveyed map is always fondlyremembered It is a source of pride to mapperand sponsoring club alike On the nip-side apoorly surveyed map erodes the reputation ofeveryone associated with it

Implications of pursuing a strategy ofproducing only top quality mappingThe unit costs of map production areapproximately pound040 pound080 and pound 154depending on the production method used (Seethe section on map production scenarios below)The premium to be paid for a top quality product(worst-case approx pound1) is a relatively smallfraction of an event entry fee As it is we chargecomparatively low competition entry fees Othersports with lower overbeads levy higherparticipation fees from participantsIf eacb large lOA club produces a lop-class maponce every two years and each small clubproduces an excellent map once every threeyears it will take 10 years (until 2009 AD) toproduce a stock of 100 outstanding new orrevised maps hereIn order that as many people as possible get to useexcellent maps priority attention might be givento mapping areas near cities as well aschampionship standard terrainGradually our outstanding mapping willcontribute to better lrisb competitive results bothat home and abroad (How will we cope witb allthis success)Producing great mapping will help build-up ourown O-mapping industry This will happen

The Irish Orienteer 11

there is going to be a higher level of scrutiny andfollow-up by the Sports Council to see that statedgoals are being achieved


because not all clubs have either the expertise orthe time to devote to the production ofmarvellous maps Much of the work (fun) mayhave to be contracted to specialists However inorder to be a good mapper you must first be agood orienteerA mapping project which is contracted to aspecialist might incur increased start-up costswbich cannot be recouped until the map isproduced This means that chasing bank-loansand government (lottery) grants could become abot topicAsideIt is always a good idea that the surveyorsname appears in the map credits heshe cansubsequently bask in the glow of our admiration

Assumptions made in comparing the 3scenariosMap bas area of 6 sq Jan - mixture openmountain and forest (similar in size to currentmaps of Curragh West or of Three RockMountain)Map is computer drawn5000 copies of the map are printed Noallowance is made for wasteCosts in these examples are based OD using 3overlapping photos and 2 stereo models toproduce a photogrammetric plot (However amap of area 6 sq km can often be covered by onepair of 60 overlapping 152mm formatI20000 scale photographs)The daily rate for a surveying contractor isestimated as pound140 per day This is calculated onthe basis of an annual salary of pound30000 (fromwhich transport equipment and other overheadsarc paid) a 43 week working year (the rest of thetime is spent OD administration procuring workand holidays) an 8 hour working day and a 5 dayweek and 5 days on average taken to survey anddraw Isq kmFieldwork and drawing costs in scenarios 2 and 3(with club members doing the surveying andcartography) include equipment depreciationstationery and petrolClub mappers ace as skilled as professionalsurveyors (In many instances this is NOT a validassumption)Independent checking is carried out by clubmembers in alJ three casesCosts are approximate but are based on theactual costs of recent mapping and are inclusiveof VAT

Juniors Officer Ted Lucey reported on the yearsactivities training camps and competitions butlamented the lack of fitness and commitment totraining by the junior squad comparing it to tbelevel of training expected of comparable agebasketball players with 10 hours training perweek The title of a recent newspaper articlesummed it up Sacrifices have to be made tofulfil a dream

An uncontroversial AGM of the lOA Whatevernext

The meeting took place after the LeinsterChampionsbips at Trooperstown on April 4th andthe turnover of the Executive Committee wasunusuaUy lowAll the usual things which happen at an AGMhappened reports from the Officers and so on Inhis address Bernard Creedon the lOAChairman hoped that the World Cup wouldgenerate more publicity for orienteering here andattract more people to the South West fororienteering in future He expresseddisappointment however in the numbers ofpeople in orienteering so that the lack of growthin numbers is limiting development the broaderthe base of the pyramid the higher the top

Coacbing Officer Prank Ryan reminded all thequalified conches of the need to go out and coachnow Schools and scouts could be bigdevelopment areas The lOA has co-operatedvery well with the National Coaching andTraining Centre in Limerick and is benefitingfrom this contact 34 people have now beenaccredited as Level I or Lever 2 coaches

Three O-map production scenariosThe table below compares three mappingscenarios Examples amp 2 follow bestcartographic practice - recent 1 20000 scalephotography is used by specialist orienteeringphotogramrnetrists to produce aphotogrammetric plot An accurate completeand consistent map is then surveyed from thephotogrammetry computer drawn andindependently checked before printing Inscenario 1 tbe production of the map iscontracted out to a mapping specialist whereasin scenario 2 the map is produced by anexperienced club mapper Scenario 3 details thecost of producing an orienteering map from anexisting paper map (revision) In all examplesthe new survey is captured on computer checkedand printed in a standard way The costs used forcomparison purposes have been kept as realisticas possible

Other officers gave written reports DevelopmentOfficer Brendan Cryan sees increasing thenumbers participating in the sport as the keyespecially the young He hopes to establish threeSchools Orienteering Associations in MunsterLcinster and ConnachtlUlster and to runintroductory courses for teachers to make thescheme a success Individual scbools can nowaffiliate to lOA as associate members

Money mattersDue to Treasurer Noel Donaghs astute financialmanagement imagination and good luck thelOA benefited from Sports Council grants lastyear to tbe tune of pound34000 pound10000 was for theWorld Cup pound7000 for electronic timingequipment pound3000 for coaching pound2000 was forteams competing abroad pound2000 was anOutstanding Sports persons Grant for UnaCreagh and the remaining pound10000 was thenormal administrati ve grant to tbe AssociationBoth Noel and Bernard made the point that theAssociation will have to increase its income inorder to develop Noel also reported that we havegot cheaper insurance this year with cover forschools - insurance is a major cost at aboutpound3000 per annum He suggested going for ascheme of individual membership of lOA whichwould allow club affiliation fees to be reduced tothe advantage of smaller clubs (at present clubsof uP to 100 members pay pound150 more than 100pay pound300)New grant application procedures will mean thatlOA could benefit from increased funding but

Technical Officer Sean Cotter hopes to have ameeting of representatives of all affiliated clubsand organisations with the tecbnical sub-committee in the autumn to look at the lOA rulesand constitution

Comparison of ScenariosScenarIo 1 Scenario 2Activity Scenario 3 Reports were also submitted from the Fixtures

Secretary Lillian Quill and Studentrepresentative Daire OsborneProcure photos (3 photos Scale 120(00) pound800 pound800

Pbotogrammetry pound1200 pound1200(2 models - 5m contour interval)Fieldwork amp Drawing (30 man days) pound4200 pound1200 pound1200Final Drawing (5 man days) pound700Independent Cbecking(6 man days) pound200 pound200 pound200Platemaking amp Printing pound600 pound600 pound600TOTAL (5000 maps) pound7700 pound4000 pound2000Price per map pound154 pound080 pound04012 The Irish Orienteer

New executiveThere were no elections for the Executive sincethere was no surplus of candidates Thecommittee for the next year isChairman Bernard Creedon Secretary KenGriffin Treasurer Noel Donagh Fixtures LillianQuill Technical Sean Cotler Juniors Ted Lucey

The Irish Orien(eer 13

Coaching Frank Ryan Development BrendanCryan Public Relations John McCulloughEnvironment David Carter Jean ONeill (FIN) isto consider the position of International Officerand the position of mapping officer is vacant

Prank Ryan and Toni ODonovan werenominated as FlOArepresentatives Mick Kellettwas suggested as AFAS representative but bewasnt there so that still has to be confirmed

Levies proposalA CorkO proposal about event levies generatedsome discussion but it was referred back to theExecutive to do something about the situationLevies of 10 of the income from every eventare supposed to be paid to lOA but it is clear thattbis isnt happening either clubs arent payinglevies at all or they are paying 10 of the profitnot 10 of the income Of pound2938 paid in levieslast year a whopping pound1447 (thais 49) waspaid by CorkO Admittedly pound888 of this was forthe Shamrock O-Ringen but 5 clubs paid none atall and others paid in the range pound720 to pound280The problem is that there is no attempt made atenforcing the payment of levies Tbe levies arepaid by tbe competitors for the development oforienteering and the clubs are given the job ofcollecting and passing on tbis money If theydont pass it on they are defrauding both the lOAand tbe competitors its like solicitors usingclients money wbich can get tbem disbarredClubs arc supposed LO send in their auditedaccounts to lOA every year but not all clubs doThe lOA has undertaken to take a stronger Lineonthe matter

Other stuff Frank Ryan suggested standardisingentry fees be paid pound7 + pound2 late for the LeinsterChamps but only pound4 for Connacht Mmm Individual membership would give us a mucbbetter idea of the actual situation In themeantime clubs are asked to send in to lOA a listof their current members names addresses ageclasses and pbone numbers preferably on diskbutif they have any reservations about the DataProtection aspect then on paper will do VeteranTeam manager Alan Gartside (who was waitingfor the LOC prize giving) commented that it wasoften very difficult to contact team members and14 The Irish Orienteer

reserves to notify them of selection A centralregister of members would belp enormously TedLucey wondered whether clubs would ever againget grants towards map production and wasassured that this would happen again The date ofthe Irish Championships was raised too Mayclashes witb 3rd level students exams Juneclashes with scbool exams April is too early andshortens the season too much July is too late weve been here before over the years

Awards Tbis year the Mactire Tropby forachievements in the past year went to MarcusPinker the Silva Trophy for services toorienteering went to Noel Donagh and the SilvaAward for behind the scenes activity went toMargaret Creedon

Map of the Year The Grade Imap of the yearaward went to Cork 0 for Cobduff the Grade 2went to CorkO for Firmount and the Grace 3went to Cork 0 for Botllehill No other clubssubmitted maps for assessment

Finally Ken Griffin brought the meeting up todate on the World Cup arrangements for Kerry inMay 27 teams bave entered with about 250runners We need about 60 people to run theevent (the BOF event the next week has a bulletinwith three pages of helpersl) but we will be underpressure for manpower He again appealed toclubs and individuals to volunteer and to workfor the success of the event not just spectate


Tired of orienteering Why not trysome variations

Mountain Marathon TriumphsAn Irish Orienteers Perspective

Aonghus OClcirigh

The mountain marathon - a test of team-workendurance mountain-racing orienteering andsurvival skills The standard in this part ofEurope is the Karrimor International MountainMarathon (KlMM) a 2-day event which hasbeen run every year in Great Britain since 1968A team consists of a pair of athletes who navigatearound an extremely long orienteering-typecourse set in mountainous terrain The mapsused arc usually of about I40000 scale with10m contour interval Competitors carry withthem a tent sleeping-bags and all the food andclothes they will need for 2 days and one nightNorthern Irelands version of the event - TheMourne Mountain Marathon - started in the late1970s and bas been growing every year sinceThe republics equivalent event - The LoweAlpine Comeragh Mountain Challenge -organised by Pat Healy is 5 years old Thecompetition moves to Wicklow this year for its6tb running on a newly drawn map

Comeragh Challenge Elite class winners1993 lim Brown amp Martin McNiff1994 John Kewley ampMark Seddon1995 Gerry Brady amp Marcus Pinker1996 Brendan Bolland amp Gerry Brady1997 Megan Argharad amp Brendan Bolland(Mixed A Course) 53223John Casey amp Brendan OBrien (Open A Course)618 19

(Note In 1997 there was NO Elite class offeredMembers within pairs are listed in alpbabetical


Phenomenon1be seeds of the Comeragh Mountain Challengewere sown as far back as 1975 when pioneers PatHealy and Wally Young placed 3rd in theA-classof the Karrimor that year

A decade would pass before the MountainMarathon universe would be truly astounded bythe exploits of one Irish orienteer in particular - apbenomenon named Robin Bryson His talentsas athlete mountain racer and mountainmaratboner are widely reported but not generallyknown are his exploits in orienteering In 1985he was Northern Irish O-Champion and was oneof the five men selected to represent Ireland atWOC85 held in Australia (For financialreasons the team did not travel)

Brysons mountain racing career isexceptional He is truly a world-class athleteHis World CupWorld Trophy performancesinclude 4th 6th 4th and 9th in consecutive years1991- 94 He has won the Matterhorn race andholds the record for the ascent of Snowdon Hisversatility doesnt end there Robin has also beenNational 15k road-racing cbampion bas won theDublin X-Country Championships was twice amember of the winning DSD team in theNational X-Country Championships and hasrepresented Ireland in X-country A story is (oldof him in the early 80s cycling from Dublin toGlcndalough running (and winning) a mountain-race and then cycling horne He is still verymuch a keen cyclist

Marathon ManIn 1985 Robin won the Mourne MountainMarathon He then proceeded to win the Eliteclass in the Karrimor twice (85 88) and wasrunner-up in 87 1was privileged to partner bimfor the second of bis two KIMM victories Thepairing happened quite by accident Pat Farrellyand myself bad originally entered as a team Twoweeks before the event Pat became injured and Iteamed-up with Brian Ervine Two nights beforetravelling Brian rang me and told me that he badsome GOOD news and some DAD news TheBAD news was that he was injured and couldntcompete the GOOD news was that he bad founda replacement - Robin Bryson (Robins regular

The Irish Orienleer 15

KIMM partner Ken Taylor had also succumbedto injury) What struck me about Robin duringthe following days was his calmness - heexhibited the coolness of a champion In recentyears he has restricted his mountain marathoninvol vement to planning the Mourne eventBrian Ervine is also renowned for his mountain-racing achievements and like Robin hisorienteering accomplishments are NOT widelypublicised Brian has been Northern IrishOrienteering Champion twice (89 94) and haswon seven Mourne Mountain Marathons He hascompeted for Northern Ireland in ten consecutiveMountain Racing World Cupl World Trophyevents as has Jim Patterson - also from theNorth (Only Scotsman Colin Donnelly hascompeted in all eleven world races) Brian haswon the All-Ireland Mountain RacingChampionships twice and the Northern IrelandMountain Racing Championships three times

(Thanks to Douglas Barry Brian Ervine and PatHealy for much of the information in this article)


MOUNTAIN CHALLENGETwo Day Two PersonTeamMountainMarathon with Overnight Campsite

GLENMALURE-RATHDRUMCO WICKLOW (IRELAND EAST)Saturday 16th May 1997Sunday 17th May 1997

Two Day Navigalion(Endurance Event (IX Teams of TwoNew five colour map - Survey 1997-1998

125000 10 metre contours

Course lengths (over 1wo days)Elite Course E 045kmappltox

Course A 40km appltaxCourse 8 35km appro

Walking - Course C 25km appmxFot furtt- Information Entry Forms write 10Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh Co Kildare Ireland

TeVFax (045) 441625 From UK dial 010 353 04S441625Entry 10mraquo will be pooted 10 11 1997 oppIic bullnlS

]6 The Irish Orienleq

The MacLehoseTrail

Last November Dave Weston Eugene0 Sullivan and Philip Brennan fromDublins Setanta Orienteers took part in anunusual event in Hong Kong Philip takesup the story

It all started witb the words You should try theMacLehose Trail An innocent enoughstatement at the time as we sat sipping pints ofbeer in The Hairy Lemon ill Dublin but little didwe realise the pain and misery that lay in store forus

Having completed a number of long distanceruns around Ireland myoid friend Conor told usabout this famous Trailwalker event that tookplace every November in Hong Kong where hebad worked for the past 5 years The fact that hehad never actually done tbe event should havealerted me to the dangers ahead but Conor wasnow waxing lyrical about the stunningmountains coastal vistas beautiful weather andgeneral exotica of it all

liang Kong for me conjures up images ofthousands of skyscrapers rising from the sea andsix million people running around workingevery hour God sent and living 011 top of oneanother However 1was soon to discover that theNorthern Territories which border mainlandChina contain 21 country parks through whichthe MacLehose Trail runs for 100 km

Team SETANTAAnd so it was that Team Setanta entered theevent quietly confident albeit with prettylimited knowledge of what lay ahead of us OurChief Mathematician Dave Weston did hishomework OJ) the course and confidently assuredus that with only 7000 feet of ascent Over thewhole distance it would be a piece of cake andwith that he promptly headed off to China for the3 weeks prior to the event promising to meet us

in Ned Kellys Last Stand (where else 1) ahostelry of dubious reputation in Kowloon twonights before the race

Eugene 0Sullivan and myself were not quite soconfident and decided that a little bit of trainingmight be in order before we left dear old IrelandWeekends were spent running around the Glen oflmaal in mist and getting lost in the environs ofLugnaquilla Would they have swampy bogdriving rain and impenetrable fog like this inHong Kong Imused to myself as we ran aroundin circles arguing about where we were andwhich was the quickest way back to FentonsPub After a while we convinced ourselves thatthere was no point in doing any more training inthese conditions as the weather would be totallydifferent over there and anyway we would onlywear ourselves out and we should be conservingour energy instead

Arrivalth the race starting on the 21 st of November weflew out on the 15th arriving on the evening ofSunday the 16th and giving ourselves most of aweek to acclimatise to the heat (28 degrees Cappro x) and get over our jetlag

Alistair our contact in Hong Kong met with usand put our minds at rest with all the gory detailsof the Maclehose Trail Named after a formerGovernor who had a keen interest in mountainwalking and pushed through the first parkconservation laws in 1976 the trail links togethera chain of 7 parks Running from East to West itspans the entire length of the New Territories andconnects beaches and the highest mountainpeaks Over 730 four person teams had enteredand there would be two starts II am and 3pm Aswe were late entrants we had the afternoon start

At a pre-race pasta dinner in AlistairS house wemet other trailrunners some of whom had veryserious ambitions to beat last years time somehoping to beat other teams and some just hopingto finish When asked what time we hoped to doDave nonchalantly suggested that we would behappy with a time of between 15 and 18 hoursChoking on his ravioli a mega fit lookingFrenchman named Philippe commented that

perhaps we might be underestimating thedifficulty of the event A veteran of two previousTrailwaIkers his ambition was to break 20 hoursand here were 3 Paddies with no previousexperience or knowledge of the event talkingabout a time of 15hours I quickly found myselfcramming down more and more pasta and onlooking around noticed Dave amp Eugene doinglikewise

Race day dawned bright and sunny and we spentthe morning stocking up on supplies for theevent Hilary had (somewhat reluctantly) agreedto be our support team and would meet us atcheckpoints 3 6 8 and at the finish We gave hera timetable showing what time we expected tofinish each stage and loading her down withrucksacks full of food and drinks we bade hergoodbye

StartAt the start there was great commotion with over365 teams milling about stretching struttingposing and generally psyching out andantagonising the opposition With such a largecrowd we ended up about 200 metres back fromthe starting line and even with a little jostlingcould get no closer Finally the whistle soundedand off we went at long last the waiting was over

TIle first stage was supposedly 109 km in lengthand followed a road around a reservoir beforeclimbing over a large mountain down to abeautiful beach and ending in a deserted villagecalled Long Ke We soon found ourselves amongthe leading four teams and quickly caught andpassed the French team comprising of Philippeand his colleagues The heat was very intense butwe drank continuously and felt strong andconfident The fact that a TV crew in a helicopteroverhead were busy filming the leading teams nodoubt gave us the extra impetus to run that littlebit harder

At the end of the road we climbed steeply up thefirst mountain a little too steeply for my likingand teams we bad already overtaken now beganto pass us However as we came down the otherside we moved very fast over the rocky steepground and soon

The Irish Orienteer 17

regained our position As the evening wore onand darkness descended we joined a rollercoaster ride of high peaks steep ascents steeperdescents dense forests rugged ridges andwindswept summits Navigation at night didntpose too much of a problem as the route wasusually very obvious and there were so manypeople on the trail that if you were in any doubtyou just waited until the next team arrived

We hit checkpoint 3 around 9pm 6 hours on thetrot and half an hour ahead of schedule By now itwas obvious that Daves calculation of 7000 feetof total climb was way off the mark We hadalready climbed at least that height and hadanother 60 km to go IAndjudging from our mapthe ground ahead looked even steeper Our ChiefMathematician had erred slightly in hiscalculations the actual total climb was 7000metres not feet By God had we underestimatedit stages 4 amp 5 were looming and word had itthey were savage in comparision to the previousthree

Through the nightWell fed and watered by Hilary we set off into thedark night and after innumerable hours up anddown never ending mountains and ridges thewords of Christy Moore came to mind Endlessnigbt witbout dawning I have two abidingmemories of that night One is the procession oflight from head torches bobbing along the trailand from the top of some peaks these lightsstretched out miles in front and behind Theygave a great indication of the route and thehorrors ahead Oh no were not going all theway up there are we At this stage ChiefMathematician Mr 7000 ft himself was keepinga very low profile My other memory is the lightsof Hong Kong which occasionally came intoview Absolutely stunning and surreal it wasincredible to look at and from where we were itwas somewhat like a scene from a space agemovie

At checkpoint 6 we were in denial but the trustyHilary was there to greet us with a smile and hadbefriended another support team who took pityon this bedraggled bunch of Irishmen and shared

their bar-b-que18 The Irish Qrienteer

sausages with us Having lost some time onstages 4 amp 5 we were under pressure to move onand weariness was setting in

In the early bours of the morning strange thingscan happen and this was no ordinary night Davehooked up with some Danisb lady who took hishand told him everything would be aUright andplied him with some unusual drugs supposedlyto cure his cramping (yeah likely story Dave)Tiring of each others company we staggered onand with failing torch batteries we prayed for thedawn

DawnSunrise can be a beautiful thing but when youhave been on the go for 16 hours climbed over15000 feet and up and down God knows howmany steps ones admiration for a beautifulsunrise becomes somewhat diminished Sittingon top of Needle Hill the highest point on stage 7and looking miles into the distance at BeaconHill which was only halfway around stage 8 Icould have cried My so-called friend whosewords You should try the MacLehose Trailwere now resounding in my ear was now mybitter enemy No Christmas card for him thisyear The sun was now well up pretty soon itwould be 30 degrees C and nowhere to hide

At checkpoint 8 Hilarys smile had faded a littleShe too had been up all night and the realisationof the madness of it all was beginning to dawn onher By now we were more like robots thanhumans got to keep going eat food drink drinkkeep going From here on it was a case of Ivecome this far and Im damn well going to finishthis Most of the hard work was over stages 9and 10 were relatively flat but by now the soles ofour feet felt like they had been flailed with abamboo cane and any attempt to run broughtextreme pain to the body

Checkpoint 9 was like an oasis of calm Only10 of teams had already been through so all ourovertaking and jostling on the trail during thenight had paid off Even still we were well off ourtime and now our ambition was to break 23hours After gulping down some hot Chinese teawe set off on the last leg only 99 km to go

To the FinishStage 10 wound around another reservoir oftenalmost doubling back on itself Althoughrelatively flat it seemed to go on foreverfollowing every twist and turn of the lake Afteran age it climbed up to a cachwater and back onto a tarmacadam surface By now bodies werelying scattered all around We were nearing thefinish and despite complete exhaustion teamsbecame competitive again and began running thelast few kilometres home However many peoplesuffered severe cramping and ended up lying onthe ground writhing in agony and unable tomove Anxious team-mates busily masssaged thewounded and encouraged them to get up andcomplete the race Time enough for lying down atthe Finish

The last half kilometre was downhill and we ranall the way crossing the line in a daze What joyto see the finish banner finally the nightmare wasover As I lay on the ground watching othercompetitors finish I still found it difficult toaccept it was all over When you have been on thego for so long the mind seems to find it hard tobelieve that you have actually finished 100 kmand over 23000 ft of ascent completed Tune 23hours and 5 minutes

Never againBack in Dublin the post mortem begins We allbelieve we should have broken 20 hours Duringthe night of the event we met many people doingThe Trail for the third or fourth time and in viewof the pain and the suffering we were goingthrough at the time we were in agreement thatthis was tbe first and last time for us But now thepain is forgotten only the joy on finishingrernaims and maybe one day we will go back andtackle it again Sub 20 hours is achievable andafter all we owe it to ourselves

(Reprinted from the January 1998 SetantaOrienteers newsletter)

42 at 42Steve Jones (Eryri Orienteers) is anorienteer and fell runner who has run severaltimes in the Shamrock O-Ringen This is hisaccount of his Bob Graham Round anattempt to do the 72 mile circuit in the LakeDistrict in under 24 hours at the age of 42

Approaching Keswick on the afternoon atSaturday June 7th in a very heavy thunderstormthere was no way I was going to start a BobGraham round later tbat day - 72 miles 27000feet climb and 42 tops in the pouring rain I didntthink so

Dropping JUdith Callum and my mother at thebed and breakfast in Keswick didnt help as theyhad a spare bed in their room - the evening meallooked pretty good too However clearing skiesrevealed a good view at our first top Skiddawand I was soon pointing out to Judith the ascentroute and beginning to feel more positive aboutactually starting (finishing was anotber questionaltogether)

Au revoir KeswickI was taking part in a clockwise attempt an theBob Graham organised by two members atWrekin- Lawrence Jones and Andy dougb A small groupat supporters and helpers had gathered at tbeMoat Hall In Keswick to see us oft - or to makesure we started The weather by now was quitepleasant lulling us into a false sense at securityand I was therefore feeling quite confident as welogged away tram the hall at 630pmOur two supporters on this leg were Mike Callowand Stuart Turner carrying our spare toad waterand clothes and ensuring that we kept to theschedule The time schedule of 2272 hours thatwe were following had been devised byLawrence and Andy after much recceing at theroute and discussions with Bob Graham routeexperts

The Irish Orienteer 19

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

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descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 3: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

sectsectposrWORLD CUP UllDATE

An Posts Letter Post Division have agreed tosponsor the World Cup in Kerry in May Theirhelp with the generous assistance alreadyreceived and promised from the Sports Councilshould make the event financially secure Theman behind the sponsorship deal is Letter Postdirector Alan Goddard a member of SouthYorkshire Orientecrs who has competed in theShamrock O-Ringen himself on a couple ofoccasions An Post will announce theirinvolvement in the competition at a pressconference in Dublin in late April

At the end of March over 200 competitors from26 countries had entered the World Cup races inKillarney Teams from Australia AustriaBelgium Britain Bulgaria Canada CzechRepublic Denmark Estonia Pin land GermanyHungary Ireland Italy Japan Lithuania NewZealand Norway Poland Portugal RussiaSlovakia Sweden Switzerland Ukraine Somecountries are not ending fulJ teams of 12 runners(Prance entered but has since withdrawn)

The teams dont have to be declared until justbefore the events but we can expect to see thelikes of European Cross-country ChampionCarsten Jorgensen of Denmark multiple WorldChampion Jorgen Martensson and British starsYvette Hague and Steve Hale

An unforeseen complication is the fact that thequalification race for the Classic Distance eventat Croban (tbe first real event of the week) is alsoto determine qualification for the Lake Districtrace a week later rather than having a separatequalification race for tbat This means that if youcant run in the Irish qualification race you areunlikely to be able to run in the British raceseither One person Who will be affected by this isMarcus Pinker Who surveyed the Crehan mapsfor the first two races clearly he will be ineligibleto compete in those races but as a result he cant

4 The Irish Orienteer

qualify in his own right for the UK races eitherQualification however is on a federation basisrather than an individual basis so there is stillhope

All clubs and individuals are expected to help Ifyou havent yet volunteered do it now This is themost important orienteering event ever held inIreland 200 elite runners coming to run herecould be a great boost for our confidence and wewant to do our best for them

Incidentally the finish of the Classic race is justbehind the new Post Office at Glenflesk maybe aspecial postmark for the event

The Shamrock O-Ringen being run inconjunction with the World Cup will also use theSporUdent electronic timing system for most ifnot all classes so youll be able to get your splittimes for each leg though you may have todevise a new way of carrying your controldescriptions since the control card is just asmall plastic key attached to your fingerMore details elsewhere in this issue

LEINSTER RETAIN INTERPROLeiuster retained tbe Interprovincial trophy atKnockbarron Co Offaly on 22nd February witba score of 238 points to Munsters 159 Ulsterwere a close third with 147 and Connacht showedan improvement with 48 points

CONNACHT CHAMPS 98Its easy to be critical of events which dont meetones expectations but harder to provide somehelpful analysis of how things could beimproved How the few orienteers in Connacbtkeep going with the smaIJ numbers taking part isremarkable Nevertheless if the standards ofplanning and organisation do not improve thenumber of oricntcers travelling from outsideConnachr to these events will drop to a trickle ordry up altogether and the Connacht orienteersthemselves deserve better

IDA Rules Guideline 51 says- National andRegional Championship events and the Irish 2-Day are cross-country orienteering competitions

held in daytime with courses designated by agegroup They represent the highest standard ofcompetition available in IrelandI am in something of a quandary as to what tosay Golden Grove is a nice litlle area for anintroductory event but is it Championshipquality Knockbarron is a great little area but is itin need of a revised map at least wherevegetation is concerned The time isapproaching (indeed for some it has alreadyarrived) when a trip to the Connacht Champs isno longer even considered National League orno Perhaps a reminder of the wealth ofinformation in the IDA Rules Guidelines andAppendixes would provide some indication ofwhere improvements could be madeThis was one of Midland Navigators firstventures into tbe big time so there may be someexcuses but experienced planners andcontrollers have a responsibility to thecompetitors too I hope the organisers wont bediscouraged but they really need to take a look atwhat they are providing and get the prioritiesright




CIolhlng by UL1lIASPORTRONHluHeuY~GELERTampVIEWF~ ~~----~------~------------------------ ~EQUIPMENT NEW (i) UIhIpOtt puna- haw cordII aJrMdy1Ied I~~(U)Out_ linN Include oonttOlldentificallon laga (tywk) and plu1ic cane 1tT - -CIpa lev- proIIKtorI) (lit) w now haw tow prIeM lot oontroillaga TAG-Heuer II and lane rnatldng Iape


bull 9tIIII bull aIhn 16d1e1l t FNI_ tsupeduI_ _I For comprohBnsJve catalogue and price Nst please send 5AE to~ ullepo1 BRITAINS LEADING SUPPLIERt d 0 OF ORIENTEERING KITunltlg THE ORIENTEERS SHOP 4 SfMARYS STREET NEWPORT SHROPSHIRE Tf1 0 7ABPhone 01952111~1a Fa 019521125320 httpYlsitwebcomlultnlaport

ODDS and ENDS and ODDS The IOF High Tech Working Group is tomeet at the World Cup in Killarney If you areinterested in the application of technology toorienteering you might like to go along Look outfor details at the events Lost for Words Nothing to do withorienteering except indirectly but GENs WynMcCormack - an orienleer for many years - hasasked for a mention of her book dealing withdyslexia at second level schools Wyn is aguidance counsellor and teacher and is themother of twin dyslexic sons The book covers arange of topics which can affect dyslexic studentsand their families including choosing a schooleducational options and support servicesLost for Words - a practical guide to dyslexia atsecond-level is available from bookshops fromACLD 1 Suffolk St Dublin 2 or from TowerPress - Stillorgan 3 Priory Drive Blackrock CoDublin aLpound699 +pound1 P amp P Nothing to do with orienteering either buttheres an interesting quote from someone called

The Irish QrienJeer 5

Joe Whittle which I came across in the TaxAdvice Bureaus 1998 Guide There is a veryreal difference between commitment andinvolvement - in a traditional Irish breakfast thechicken is involved but the pig is committed Lost at the Connacht Championships alarge Thermos flask belonging to Patrick Tuohyof the Galway-Mayo Institute of TechnologyFound at the Interprovincial at Knockbarron aRussian thumb compass was left at the drinkstableContact Barbara Foley-Fisher (0902-85306) For those of you who like to plan aheadtbe dates for the 2001 World Championships inFinland have been cbanged the new dates arefrom July 29th to August 5th 200 lThe reasonfor the change was to allow for the right intervalafter the 6th World Games in Akita Japan from16th-26th August AJAX pair Colm Rotbery and MichaelWalters (the Australian whos been doing well inO-races here recently) won the 25 km and 50 kmsections of the third Irish Ultrarunners WicklowTrail race on 5th April The 50 ken race was fromJohnny Foxs pub in Glencullcn to Luggala andback the 25 km race was just the return legThe current Irish Mountain Log describes twonew rock climb routes ou Carrick Mountain CoWicklow No doubt tbe orienteers found themalready

ROGAlNEAT LASTSetanta Orienteers are to replace their excellentbut poorly attended WiclcJow MountainMarathon with a rogaine this year on 4th5tbJuly A wba A ROGAlNE its a long distancescore event in this case 20 hours for teams oftwo Its an established form of competition inAustralia and the USA Normally the start andfinish are in the middle of the area with someshelter and food so you can come back and getsome food and sleep before pushing on again butthats part of the tactics like a pit stop in aformula 1 raceThere will be a mass start of all teams at 1400bours on Saturday Teams wbo arrive atthe finish after the cut off time of 1000 am onSunday will be penalised The winning teamswill be determined by totalling the number ofpoints scored for each control visited less any6 The Irish Orienteer

penalty points for over-running the cut off timeThe entry fee is pound20 per team Food will beavailable at the Event Centre throughout theduration of the event A sleeping area will also beavailableThere will be the following Classes ofcompetition open mixed female veteranveteran mixed veteran female To participate inany veteran class the combined ages of the twoteam members on the day of the competitionmust be at least eighty years

The entry form is in this issue Its certainly aninteresting idea Lets hope its well supported

DUBLIN BY NIGHTThe second seriesof night events inthe Dublin areawas again asuccess thoughnumbers ofparticipants wereonly around tbe20-30 mark Theseries started with

the 3ROC event in Phoenix Park on February3rd then AJAX at Killiney Hill a week laterGEN at Carrickgollogan SET at Hellfire andfinally AJAX (Damien Cashin) at Pine ForestThe weather was fine for all except the last eventand the views over the city and surrounds in thedark were magical Well done again MartinFlynn for persuading the clubs LOrun the eventsAll we have to do now is persuade the orienteersto take part

WOC76AGAlNThose of you keen on nostalgia andor goodorienteering might like to consider a trip to theScottish Championships on the June BankHoliday weekend The areas are Damaway forestfor the Individual on Saturday 6th (includingBOF National Event 4) and Anagach on Sunday7th for the Relays

Darnaway was the area used for the 1976 WorldChampionships the first WOC at which Irelandhad a team and was a landmark in Irish and

Britisb orienteering Anagach was also usedduring the 1976 WOC

Individual entries to Eric Lovie 13 NorthcoteCrescent Aberdeen AB 15 TIE Scotland (0044-1224-319692) Fees STGpound850450 plus 2SAEs Closing date 8th May Relays feesSTGpound219 per team special entry forms fromEric Levie

LEINSTER CHAMPSTrooperstown near Laragh in Co Wicklowprovided fast running conditions for the LeinsterChampionships on April 4th Starting high in theforest planner Andrew Butterfield took thelonger courses straight onto the open hillside fora loop of Trooperstown Hill before dropping alltoo briefly into the wonderful deciduous forestnear Ballard followed by the inevitable slogacross the boggy rough open along the swollenAvonmore River to regain the forest and thefinishThe area is one which has been used since themid 1970s and is not too demanding on thetechnical side and some of the controls andorsites were very visible because of the low heatheron the mountain Cork Os Toni ODonovan wonthe W21E class and Irish Champion ColmRothery won the M21E

M2l E Colm Rothery AJAX 7714Marcus Pinker CorkO 8015John Feehan AJAX 8227

W21EToni ODonovan CorkO 7537Ailbhe Creedon CorkO 8140Eileen Loughman CNOC 8155

MIO B Healy GENM12 SOBoyle CNOCMI8 D Burke CorkOM20 A Quinn 3ROCM2ILJ Hoare AJAXM21S o Evans CNOCM35 LQuinn SETM40L K 0Dwyer CorkOM45L D Reidy AJAXM50 W Hollinger LVOM55 T Feehan BVOCM60 M Reed FermOM65 PWalsh SET

WlO E FOley-Fisher NMNAVW12 J Hingerty GENWl4 NOBoyle CNOCWI6 L Cotter BOHCWI8 S Healy GENW20 AAustin CorkOW21L B Lawler CNOCW2IS DONeilJ FINW35 J Flanagan AJAXW40L Ruth Lynam CNOCW45 GPower 3ROCW50 MNowlan 3ROCW55 C Nuttall LceOW60 D Large GENW65 MOSullivan LeeO

WICK-LOWEThis years Comeragh Mountain Challenge isactually not in the Comeraghs at all it has movedto WiclcJow Pat Healys Lowe Alpine MountainChallenge is based in the GlenrnalurelRatbdrumarea on the weekend of May 16-l7th Therell bea new 5-colour 125000 scale map and fourcourses from 25 km to 45 km or so As always itsfor teams of two carrying their gear for anovernight campDetails from Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh CoKildare (045-441625)

LETfERBOXlNGMention was made recently on the orienteeringnewsgroup on the internet of something calledIetterboxing an activity practised onDartmoor Heres a resume of an article in theSmithsonian magazine about it It seems a bit likea permanent O-course

An obscure group of intrepid collectors give thisEnglish version of orienteering their heartystamp of approval A letterbox is a plastic screw-top bottle that contains a small notebook and aunique rubber stamp Thousands of lettcrboxesare hidden throughout the wild country ofDartmoor National Park in southwesternEngland Letterboxing is sort of a combination oforienteering and treasure hunting that consists ofusing maps clues and compasses to find tbehidden containers Once a box is located thefinder inks the stamp from the box and presses it

The Irish Orienleer 7

into his notebook then inks his personal stampand presses that into the notebook kept in the boxThe stamp copy he takes home is bis reward forthe effort Many lenerboxers have collectedhundreds of stamp copies which they enjoyreviewing at their leisure Letterboxing givesenthusiasts an excellent excuse for spending longdays tramping over the moors The greatchallenge is to interpret the complicated clues tothe wbereabouts of each box The clues are givenon detailed clue sheets available fromletterboxers (all of the boxes hidden on Dartmoorhave been put out over the years by letterboxersthemselves) and an organization that publisbes aclue catalogue Letterboxers trace their hobbyback to 1854 when a Victorian gentleman walkerput his calling card in a bottle and stuck the bottleinto a bank at Cranmere Pool in a remote part ofDartmoor Wbo could have foreseen that fromsuch a modest beginning would emerge anelaborate pastime that has become almost a wayof life for many of its aficionados(Abstract of an article by Chris Granstromoriginally published in the April 1998 issue ofSmithsonian Magazine)r-------------- RememberI II ICompassSport (STGpound1750 for1 year STGpound34 for two years)Orienteering World (lRpound14 for

1 year) and the ScientificJournal of Orienteering (IRpound9

for 1 year) are all availablethrough The Irish Orienteer

For CompassSport send your[credit card details preferably foriI the others send cheques made I out to The Irish Orienteer I IL ~

8 The Irish Orienteer



(Extracts from Bulletin 3 sent to allFederations entered in March)

Dates and types or racesPriday 22nd May Qualification racesSaturday 23rd May Classic Distance - ABand C FinalsMonday 25th MayTeams

Relay for National

WebSiteFurther information and copies of Bulletin 2 amp 3available on htpplhomepagetineLie-ioa

Event VenueQualifier and Classic DistanceGlenflesk (on road N22) Killarney Co KerryRelay Final Muckross National Park (on roadN71) Killarney Co Kerry

Event DirectorKen Griffin 12 Island Way Muskerry EstateBallincollig Co Cork IrelandTelephone +353-21-870338 (H) fax +353-21-312970 (W) e-mail irishoatinetie

Event OfficialsIOF Controller Oivind Holt NorwayDay 1 - Planner Justin May National ControllerAlan Shaw Mapper Marcus PinkerDay 2 - Planner Bernard Creedon NationalController Alan Shaw Mapper Marcus PinkerDay 3 - Planner Pat Long National ControllerKevin 0Dwyer Mapper Barry Dalby

Maximum number of competitors per federation6 men and 6 women for individual events2 mens teams and 2 womens teams for relay

events (3 runners in each team)

Qualification scheme for the races3 parallel races for botb men and women Thefirst 20 from each group go to the A final nos 21to 40 from each group go to the B final and therest go to the C final depending on numbers

Event CentreGleneagles Hotel Muckross Road (road numberN71) Killarney Co Kerry Ireland (adjacent torelay area)Tel +353-64-31870 Pax +353-64-32646Location 2km from town centre Single roomIRpound40Double roomlRpound25 per person sharing

Further details of accommodation etc in theKillarney area may be bad by contactingDestination Killarney at TelIFax +353-1-8742949 Fax +353-1-8742439CampingCaravan sites witb full facilitiesavailable on request

Preliminary Timetable for EventsWednesday 20th May1200-1800 World Cup Office at EventCentre open Arrival of early teams Trainingpossibilities on local terrain amp maps -Inchigeelagh area

Thursday 21st May1000 - 1800 World Cup Office at Event Centreopen1300 - 1800 Model event at Carrigawaddra1200 Deadline for confirmation of team names1200 Start draw for the qualification race atEvent Centre (closed event)1600 Start lists available at Event Centre office1900 Team officials meeting at Event CentreTraining possibilities on local terrain amp maps -lncbigeelagb area

Friday 22nd May0900 - 1200 World Cup Office at Event Centreopen0900 - 1100 Model event at Carrigawaddra1300-1630 Start Qualification Race atCrohane Lake1700 - 1930 Start Shamrock O-Ringen 98

spectator races at Crobane Lake1900 Start lists for A B C finals available atEvent Centre1900 Team officials meeting at Event Centre

Saturday 23rd May1000 - 1300 Start A B finals at CrohaneGlenflesk1430 - 1700 Start SOR 98 spectator race atCrohane Glenflesk2000 Banquet amp Celli M6r at Event Centre2100 Prize giving ceremony at Event Centreduring Banquet

Sunday 24th May1000 - 1200 Start SOR 98 spectator races -chasing start at Black Lakes1330 SOR 98 Spectator race prize givingceremony at Black Lakes1300 - 1600 Model event at Muckross1600 Final entry for relays with competitorsnames and starting order at Event Centre1900 Team officials meeting at Event Centre

Monday 25th May1000 Slart womens relay at Muckross House1130 Start of mens relay at Muclcross House1400 Prize giving at Muckross House

Location and description of the terrainThe qualifier and classic distance terrain arelocated in the area around Glenflesk Co Kerry23km and 14km southeast of Killarney towncentre respectively The terrain is hilly roughopen complex moorlandThe relay terrain is mainly hilly mixed forestparkland and some rough open areas - 4 kin soutbof Event Centre and 6 km from hostels inKillarney town centre

Course DetailsQualifier - Men 76 km320m17 controls 45mins winning timeQualifier - Women 53km1210ml13 controlsSf)minutesWTA Final - Men 125km5I 5ml26csnS minsB Final- Men 98km1340mI19cs n5 minsA Final- Women 85km315m1l5cs 70 minWT

The Irish Orienleer 9

B Pinal - Women 67 kml260mll5 csl 70 minWTRelay - Men 65km1190m17cs100 mins (3logs)Relay - Women 51km1125m14csloo mins (3legs)

Handing In Final Team ListsFinal entries with individual team membersnames to be banded into event office inGleneagles Hotel by 1200 brs on Thursday 21stMay 1998 Start draw for Qualifying races willbegin at 1200 brs Names and running order forRelays to be handed into event office in by 1600brs on Sunday 24th May 1998

TlmlnglPunchingWe propose to use the Sporlident system ofpuncbing for tbe events This is for controlregistering only Start and Pin ish will be normal -start on Bleep and finisb by crossing the Finishline The equipment will be set up at the Modelevents also See details on how to use the systemon attached page

Training opportunitiesTraining opportunities will be available in theInchigeelagh area on Wednesday and Thursday20121 st May These maps are by the samemapper as for the individual World Cup eventsMaps available from event office Transportprovided only on request costs depend ondemand Own transport would be best as theIocation is not on a direct bus route fromKillarney This area is about 65km fromKillarney using main roads

Model EventsThe timetable and venue for the model events aregiven above Maps available from event officeTransport provided only on request costs dependon demand The Model events are adjacent to theWorld Cup areas

Clothing requirementsThere are no special clothingfootwear rules forthe events normal IOF rules apply Good lowerbody cover required and full body coverrecommended due to tbe nature of the terrain

1Q The Irish Orienleer

SpectatorRacesShamrock O-Ringen with chasing starts on day 3on same maps as World Cup Friday 22ndSaturday 23rd Sunday 24th May 1998 Pre entryrequired entry form attached all age classesavailable Entries toBernard Creedon Tavie Mount ProspectDouglas Co Corle IrelandTelepbone +353-21-361824 fax +353-21-361825 E-mail bcreedonindigoie

CeremoniesThere will not be an official opening ceremonyNeat dress expected for prize giving and banquetin Event Centre 2000 brs Saturday 23rd May

Event CateringThe ladies of Cork Orienteering Club will beoperating a Soup Kitchen for Days 1 amp 2Good food (including vegetarian) at reasonablerates will be served in the assemblyfinish areasrespectively Soup teas coffees minerals juiceveg burgers etc served Full menu and priceswill be included with Bulletin 4 We would urgeyou to support this wortby venture as they aremaking a very special effort on your behalf Nootber catering concessions will beaccommodated There is a cafeteria in MuckrossHouse - Relay area

Dont forget to get your entries in for the10tb Shamrock O-Ringen Entry forms in thisissueTheres accommodation available at theGleneagles Hotel just mention the World Cuporienteering event and you 11get the same rate

Back toBasicsMapping

Aongbus OChHrigb

Our sports only fixed assets are its mapsWe dont possess club-houses playingpitches or other real-estate so theres astrong case for making tne best maps that wecan afford It happens that outstanding mapsare actually quite affordable and also quitenecessary

Six reasons for maklng great mapsbull Everyone gets a buzz out of competing ona truly great map - even if tbe terrain is NOTalways Grade A Scandinavianbull Outstanding maps make course-planning alot easier The planner doesnt have to duck andweave througb dubiously mapped areas As aresult competition is fairer On a superblysurveyed map its quite difficult to wrongly placea control There is NO ambiguity and NOcancelled coursesbull Good O-babits and skills follow fromusing terrific O-maps Top-class mapping meansoutstanding contour representation - even inrelatively uninteresting terrain Subtle slopechanges are captured Bad mapping (andespecially poor contour representation) lead topoor orienteering technique Orienteers areforced to discount all but the largest contourfeatures and must rely on good old compass andpacingbull Outstanding surveying saves moneyOnce the expense of producing the first edition ofa map is absorbed subsequent revisions needconcentrate only on vegetation cbanges A

digitised map will last forever Poorly mappedareas prove expensive in the long run since theywill eventually have to be completely re-surveyed Everyone bas to put-up witb them inthe meanwbilebull Lose your position on a splendid map andyou know the mistake is yours alone - not themappers An accurate map allows you takeresponsibility for your own performance (Somemight NOT view this as an advantage) As soonas you can trust the map your concentration andmap-contact sharpen and you get closer to thaIperformance state where (trance-like) you flowthrough controlsbull A well-surveyed map is always fondlyremembered It is a source of pride to mapperand sponsoring club alike On the nip-side apoorly surveyed map erodes the reputation ofeveryone associated with it

Implications of pursuing a strategy ofproducing only top quality mappingThe unit costs of map production areapproximately pound040 pound080 and pound 154depending on the production method used (Seethe section on map production scenarios below)The premium to be paid for a top quality product(worst-case approx pound1) is a relatively smallfraction of an event entry fee As it is we chargecomparatively low competition entry fees Othersports with lower overbeads levy higherparticipation fees from participantsIf eacb large lOA club produces a lop-class maponce every two years and each small clubproduces an excellent map once every threeyears it will take 10 years (until 2009 AD) toproduce a stock of 100 outstanding new orrevised maps hereIn order that as many people as possible get to useexcellent maps priority attention might be givento mapping areas near cities as well aschampionship standard terrainGradually our outstanding mapping willcontribute to better lrisb competitive results bothat home and abroad (How will we cope witb allthis success)Producing great mapping will help build-up ourown O-mapping industry This will happen

The Irish Orienteer 11

there is going to be a higher level of scrutiny andfollow-up by the Sports Council to see that statedgoals are being achieved


because not all clubs have either the expertise orthe time to devote to the production ofmarvellous maps Much of the work (fun) mayhave to be contracted to specialists However inorder to be a good mapper you must first be agood orienteerA mapping project which is contracted to aspecialist might incur increased start-up costswbich cannot be recouped until the map isproduced This means that chasing bank-loansand government (lottery) grants could become abot topicAsideIt is always a good idea that the surveyorsname appears in the map credits heshe cansubsequently bask in the glow of our admiration

Assumptions made in comparing the 3scenariosMap bas area of 6 sq Jan - mixture openmountain and forest (similar in size to currentmaps of Curragh West or of Three RockMountain)Map is computer drawn5000 copies of the map are printed Noallowance is made for wasteCosts in these examples are based OD using 3overlapping photos and 2 stereo models toproduce a photogrammetric plot (However amap of area 6 sq km can often be covered by onepair of 60 overlapping 152mm formatI20000 scale photographs)The daily rate for a surveying contractor isestimated as pound140 per day This is calculated onthe basis of an annual salary of pound30000 (fromwhich transport equipment and other overheadsarc paid) a 43 week working year (the rest of thetime is spent OD administration procuring workand holidays) an 8 hour working day and a 5 dayweek and 5 days on average taken to survey anddraw Isq kmFieldwork and drawing costs in scenarios 2 and 3(with club members doing the surveying andcartography) include equipment depreciationstationery and petrolClub mappers ace as skilled as professionalsurveyors (In many instances this is NOT a validassumption)Independent checking is carried out by clubmembers in alJ three casesCosts are approximate but are based on theactual costs of recent mapping and are inclusiveof VAT

Juniors Officer Ted Lucey reported on the yearsactivities training camps and competitions butlamented the lack of fitness and commitment totraining by the junior squad comparing it to tbelevel of training expected of comparable agebasketball players with 10 hours training perweek The title of a recent newspaper articlesummed it up Sacrifices have to be made tofulfil a dream

An uncontroversial AGM of the lOA Whatevernext

The meeting took place after the LeinsterChampionsbips at Trooperstown on April 4th andthe turnover of the Executive Committee wasunusuaUy lowAll the usual things which happen at an AGMhappened reports from the Officers and so on Inhis address Bernard Creedon the lOAChairman hoped that the World Cup wouldgenerate more publicity for orienteering here andattract more people to the South West fororienteering in future He expresseddisappointment however in the numbers ofpeople in orienteering so that the lack of growthin numbers is limiting development the broaderthe base of the pyramid the higher the top

Coacbing Officer Prank Ryan reminded all thequalified conches of the need to go out and coachnow Schools and scouts could be bigdevelopment areas The lOA has co-operatedvery well with the National Coaching andTraining Centre in Limerick and is benefitingfrom this contact 34 people have now beenaccredited as Level I or Lever 2 coaches

Three O-map production scenariosThe table below compares three mappingscenarios Examples amp 2 follow bestcartographic practice - recent 1 20000 scalephotography is used by specialist orienteeringphotogramrnetrists to produce aphotogrammetric plot An accurate completeand consistent map is then surveyed from thephotogrammetry computer drawn andindependently checked before printing Inscenario 1 tbe production of the map iscontracted out to a mapping specialist whereasin scenario 2 the map is produced by anexperienced club mapper Scenario 3 details thecost of producing an orienteering map from anexisting paper map (revision) In all examplesthe new survey is captured on computer checkedand printed in a standard way The costs used forcomparison purposes have been kept as realisticas possible

Other officers gave written reports DevelopmentOfficer Brendan Cryan sees increasing thenumbers participating in the sport as the keyespecially the young He hopes to establish threeSchools Orienteering Associations in MunsterLcinster and ConnachtlUlster and to runintroductory courses for teachers to make thescheme a success Individual scbools can nowaffiliate to lOA as associate members

Money mattersDue to Treasurer Noel Donaghs astute financialmanagement imagination and good luck thelOA benefited from Sports Council grants lastyear to tbe tune of pound34000 pound10000 was for theWorld Cup pound7000 for electronic timingequipment pound3000 for coaching pound2000 was forteams competing abroad pound2000 was anOutstanding Sports persons Grant for UnaCreagh and the remaining pound10000 was thenormal administrati ve grant to tbe AssociationBoth Noel and Bernard made the point that theAssociation will have to increase its income inorder to develop Noel also reported that we havegot cheaper insurance this year with cover forschools - insurance is a major cost at aboutpound3000 per annum He suggested going for ascheme of individual membership of lOA whichwould allow club affiliation fees to be reduced tothe advantage of smaller clubs (at present clubsof uP to 100 members pay pound150 more than 100pay pound300)New grant application procedures will mean thatlOA could benefit from increased funding but

Technical Officer Sean Cotter hopes to have ameeting of representatives of all affiliated clubsand organisations with the tecbnical sub-committee in the autumn to look at the lOA rulesand constitution

Comparison of ScenariosScenarIo 1 Scenario 2Activity Scenario 3 Reports were also submitted from the Fixtures

Secretary Lillian Quill and Studentrepresentative Daire OsborneProcure photos (3 photos Scale 120(00) pound800 pound800

Pbotogrammetry pound1200 pound1200(2 models - 5m contour interval)Fieldwork amp Drawing (30 man days) pound4200 pound1200 pound1200Final Drawing (5 man days) pound700Independent Cbecking(6 man days) pound200 pound200 pound200Platemaking amp Printing pound600 pound600 pound600TOTAL (5000 maps) pound7700 pound4000 pound2000Price per map pound154 pound080 pound04012 The Irish Orienteer

New executiveThere were no elections for the Executive sincethere was no surplus of candidates Thecommittee for the next year isChairman Bernard Creedon Secretary KenGriffin Treasurer Noel Donagh Fixtures LillianQuill Technical Sean Cotler Juniors Ted Lucey

The Irish Orien(eer 13

Coaching Frank Ryan Development BrendanCryan Public Relations John McCulloughEnvironment David Carter Jean ONeill (FIN) isto consider the position of International Officerand the position of mapping officer is vacant

Prank Ryan and Toni ODonovan werenominated as FlOArepresentatives Mick Kellettwas suggested as AFAS representative but bewasnt there so that still has to be confirmed

Levies proposalA CorkO proposal about event levies generatedsome discussion but it was referred back to theExecutive to do something about the situationLevies of 10 of the income from every eventare supposed to be paid to lOA but it is clear thattbis isnt happening either clubs arent payinglevies at all or they are paying 10 of the profitnot 10 of the income Of pound2938 paid in levieslast year a whopping pound1447 (thais 49) waspaid by CorkO Admittedly pound888 of this was forthe Shamrock O-Ringen but 5 clubs paid none atall and others paid in the range pound720 to pound280The problem is that there is no attempt made atenforcing the payment of levies Tbe levies arepaid by tbe competitors for the development oforienteering and the clubs are given the job ofcollecting and passing on tbis money If theydont pass it on they are defrauding both the lOAand tbe competitors its like solicitors usingclients money wbich can get tbem disbarredClubs arc supposed LO send in their auditedaccounts to lOA every year but not all clubs doThe lOA has undertaken to take a stronger Lineonthe matter

Other stuff Frank Ryan suggested standardisingentry fees be paid pound7 + pound2 late for the LeinsterChamps but only pound4 for Connacht Mmm Individual membership would give us a mucbbetter idea of the actual situation In themeantime clubs are asked to send in to lOA a listof their current members names addresses ageclasses and pbone numbers preferably on diskbutif they have any reservations about the DataProtection aspect then on paper will do VeteranTeam manager Alan Gartside (who was waitingfor the LOC prize giving) commented that it wasoften very difficult to contact team members and14 The Irish Orienteer

reserves to notify them of selection A centralregister of members would belp enormously TedLucey wondered whether clubs would ever againget grants towards map production and wasassured that this would happen again The date ofthe Irish Championships was raised too Mayclashes witb 3rd level students exams Juneclashes with scbool exams April is too early andshortens the season too much July is too late weve been here before over the years

Awards Tbis year the Mactire Tropby forachievements in the past year went to MarcusPinker the Silva Trophy for services toorienteering went to Noel Donagh and the SilvaAward for behind the scenes activity went toMargaret Creedon

Map of the Year The Grade Imap of the yearaward went to Cork 0 for Cobduff the Grade 2went to CorkO for Firmount and the Grace 3went to Cork 0 for Botllehill No other clubssubmitted maps for assessment

Finally Ken Griffin brought the meeting up todate on the World Cup arrangements for Kerry inMay 27 teams bave entered with about 250runners We need about 60 people to run theevent (the BOF event the next week has a bulletinwith three pages of helpersl) but we will be underpressure for manpower He again appealed toclubs and individuals to volunteer and to workfor the success of the event not just spectate


Tired of orienteering Why not trysome variations

Mountain Marathon TriumphsAn Irish Orienteers Perspective

Aonghus OClcirigh

The mountain marathon - a test of team-workendurance mountain-racing orienteering andsurvival skills The standard in this part ofEurope is the Karrimor International MountainMarathon (KlMM) a 2-day event which hasbeen run every year in Great Britain since 1968A team consists of a pair of athletes who navigatearound an extremely long orienteering-typecourse set in mountainous terrain The mapsused arc usually of about I40000 scale with10m contour interval Competitors carry withthem a tent sleeping-bags and all the food andclothes they will need for 2 days and one nightNorthern Irelands version of the event - TheMourne Mountain Marathon - started in the late1970s and bas been growing every year sinceThe republics equivalent event - The LoweAlpine Comeragh Mountain Challenge -organised by Pat Healy is 5 years old Thecompetition moves to Wicklow this year for its6tb running on a newly drawn map

Comeragh Challenge Elite class winners1993 lim Brown amp Martin McNiff1994 John Kewley ampMark Seddon1995 Gerry Brady amp Marcus Pinker1996 Brendan Bolland amp Gerry Brady1997 Megan Argharad amp Brendan Bolland(Mixed A Course) 53223John Casey amp Brendan OBrien (Open A Course)618 19

(Note In 1997 there was NO Elite class offeredMembers within pairs are listed in alpbabetical


Phenomenon1be seeds of the Comeragh Mountain Challengewere sown as far back as 1975 when pioneers PatHealy and Wally Young placed 3rd in theA-classof the Karrimor that year

A decade would pass before the MountainMarathon universe would be truly astounded bythe exploits of one Irish orienteer in particular - apbenomenon named Robin Bryson His talentsas athlete mountain racer and mountainmaratboner are widely reported but not generallyknown are his exploits in orienteering In 1985he was Northern Irish O-Champion and was oneof the five men selected to represent Ireland atWOC85 held in Australia (For financialreasons the team did not travel)

Brysons mountain racing career isexceptional He is truly a world-class athleteHis World CupWorld Trophy performancesinclude 4th 6th 4th and 9th in consecutive years1991- 94 He has won the Matterhorn race andholds the record for the ascent of Snowdon Hisversatility doesnt end there Robin has also beenNational 15k road-racing cbampion bas won theDublin X-Country Championships was twice amember of the winning DSD team in theNational X-Country Championships and hasrepresented Ireland in X-country A story is (oldof him in the early 80s cycling from Dublin toGlcndalough running (and winning) a mountain-race and then cycling horne He is still verymuch a keen cyclist

Marathon ManIn 1985 Robin won the Mourne MountainMarathon He then proceeded to win the Eliteclass in the Karrimor twice (85 88) and wasrunner-up in 87 1was privileged to partner bimfor the second of bis two KIMM victories Thepairing happened quite by accident Pat Farrellyand myself bad originally entered as a team Twoweeks before the event Pat became injured and Iteamed-up with Brian Ervine Two nights beforetravelling Brian rang me and told me that he badsome GOOD news and some DAD news TheBAD news was that he was injured and couldntcompete the GOOD news was that he bad founda replacement - Robin Bryson (Robins regular

The Irish Orienleer 15

KIMM partner Ken Taylor had also succumbedto injury) What struck me about Robin duringthe following days was his calmness - heexhibited the coolness of a champion In recentyears he has restricted his mountain marathoninvol vement to planning the Mourne eventBrian Ervine is also renowned for his mountain-racing achievements and like Robin hisorienteering accomplishments are NOT widelypublicised Brian has been Northern IrishOrienteering Champion twice (89 94) and haswon seven Mourne Mountain Marathons He hascompeted for Northern Ireland in ten consecutiveMountain Racing World Cupl World Trophyevents as has Jim Patterson - also from theNorth (Only Scotsman Colin Donnelly hascompeted in all eleven world races) Brian haswon the All-Ireland Mountain RacingChampionships twice and the Northern IrelandMountain Racing Championships three times

(Thanks to Douglas Barry Brian Ervine and PatHealy for much of the information in this article)


MOUNTAIN CHALLENGETwo Day Two PersonTeamMountainMarathon with Overnight Campsite

GLENMALURE-RATHDRUMCO WICKLOW (IRELAND EAST)Saturday 16th May 1997Sunday 17th May 1997

Two Day Navigalion(Endurance Event (IX Teams of TwoNew five colour map - Survey 1997-1998

125000 10 metre contours

Course lengths (over 1wo days)Elite Course E 045kmappltox

Course A 40km appltaxCourse 8 35km appro

Walking - Course C 25km appmxFot furtt- Information Entry Forms write 10Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh Co Kildare Ireland

TeVFax (045) 441625 From UK dial 010 353 04S441625Entry 10mraquo will be pooted 10 11 1997 oppIic bullnlS

]6 The Irish Orienleq

The MacLehoseTrail

Last November Dave Weston Eugene0 Sullivan and Philip Brennan fromDublins Setanta Orienteers took part in anunusual event in Hong Kong Philip takesup the story

It all started witb the words You should try theMacLehose Trail An innocent enoughstatement at the time as we sat sipping pints ofbeer in The Hairy Lemon ill Dublin but little didwe realise the pain and misery that lay in store forus

Having completed a number of long distanceruns around Ireland myoid friend Conor told usabout this famous Trailwalker event that tookplace every November in Hong Kong where hebad worked for the past 5 years The fact that hehad never actually done tbe event should havealerted me to the dangers ahead but Conor wasnow waxing lyrical about the stunningmountains coastal vistas beautiful weather andgeneral exotica of it all

liang Kong for me conjures up images ofthousands of skyscrapers rising from the sea andsix million people running around workingevery hour God sent and living 011 top of oneanother However 1was soon to discover that theNorthern Territories which border mainlandChina contain 21 country parks through whichthe MacLehose Trail runs for 100 km

Team SETANTAAnd so it was that Team Setanta entered theevent quietly confident albeit with prettylimited knowledge of what lay ahead of us OurChief Mathematician Dave Weston did hishomework OJ) the course and confidently assuredus that with only 7000 feet of ascent Over thewhole distance it would be a piece of cake andwith that he promptly headed off to China for the3 weeks prior to the event promising to meet us

in Ned Kellys Last Stand (where else 1) ahostelry of dubious reputation in Kowloon twonights before the race

Eugene 0Sullivan and myself were not quite soconfident and decided that a little bit of trainingmight be in order before we left dear old IrelandWeekends were spent running around the Glen oflmaal in mist and getting lost in the environs ofLugnaquilla Would they have swampy bogdriving rain and impenetrable fog like this inHong Kong Imused to myself as we ran aroundin circles arguing about where we were andwhich was the quickest way back to FentonsPub After a while we convinced ourselves thatthere was no point in doing any more training inthese conditions as the weather would be totallydifferent over there and anyway we would onlywear ourselves out and we should be conservingour energy instead

Arrivalth the race starting on the 21 st of November weflew out on the 15th arriving on the evening ofSunday the 16th and giving ourselves most of aweek to acclimatise to the heat (28 degrees Cappro x) and get over our jetlag

Alistair our contact in Hong Kong met with usand put our minds at rest with all the gory detailsof the Maclehose Trail Named after a formerGovernor who had a keen interest in mountainwalking and pushed through the first parkconservation laws in 1976 the trail links togethera chain of 7 parks Running from East to West itspans the entire length of the New Territories andconnects beaches and the highest mountainpeaks Over 730 four person teams had enteredand there would be two starts II am and 3pm Aswe were late entrants we had the afternoon start

At a pre-race pasta dinner in AlistairS house wemet other trailrunners some of whom had veryserious ambitions to beat last years time somehoping to beat other teams and some just hopingto finish When asked what time we hoped to doDave nonchalantly suggested that we would behappy with a time of between 15 and 18 hoursChoking on his ravioli a mega fit lookingFrenchman named Philippe commented that

perhaps we might be underestimating thedifficulty of the event A veteran of two previousTrailwaIkers his ambition was to break 20 hoursand here were 3 Paddies with no previousexperience or knowledge of the event talkingabout a time of 15hours I quickly found myselfcramming down more and more pasta and onlooking around noticed Dave amp Eugene doinglikewise

Race day dawned bright and sunny and we spentthe morning stocking up on supplies for theevent Hilary had (somewhat reluctantly) agreedto be our support team and would meet us atcheckpoints 3 6 8 and at the finish We gave hera timetable showing what time we expected tofinish each stage and loading her down withrucksacks full of food and drinks we bade hergoodbye

StartAt the start there was great commotion with over365 teams milling about stretching struttingposing and generally psyching out andantagonising the opposition With such a largecrowd we ended up about 200 metres back fromthe starting line and even with a little jostlingcould get no closer Finally the whistle soundedand off we went at long last the waiting was over

TIle first stage was supposedly 109 km in lengthand followed a road around a reservoir beforeclimbing over a large mountain down to abeautiful beach and ending in a deserted villagecalled Long Ke We soon found ourselves amongthe leading four teams and quickly caught andpassed the French team comprising of Philippeand his colleagues The heat was very intense butwe drank continuously and felt strong andconfident The fact that a TV crew in a helicopteroverhead were busy filming the leading teams nodoubt gave us the extra impetus to run that littlebit harder

At the end of the road we climbed steeply up thefirst mountain a little too steeply for my likingand teams we bad already overtaken now beganto pass us However as we came down the otherside we moved very fast over the rocky steepground and soon

The Irish Orienteer 17

regained our position As the evening wore onand darkness descended we joined a rollercoaster ride of high peaks steep ascents steeperdescents dense forests rugged ridges andwindswept summits Navigation at night didntpose too much of a problem as the route wasusually very obvious and there were so manypeople on the trail that if you were in any doubtyou just waited until the next team arrived

We hit checkpoint 3 around 9pm 6 hours on thetrot and half an hour ahead of schedule By now itwas obvious that Daves calculation of 7000 feetof total climb was way off the mark We hadalready climbed at least that height and hadanother 60 km to go IAndjudging from our mapthe ground ahead looked even steeper Our ChiefMathematician had erred slightly in hiscalculations the actual total climb was 7000metres not feet By God had we underestimatedit stages 4 amp 5 were looming and word had itthey were savage in comparision to the previousthree

Through the nightWell fed and watered by Hilary we set off into thedark night and after innumerable hours up anddown never ending mountains and ridges thewords of Christy Moore came to mind Endlessnigbt witbout dawning I have two abidingmemories of that night One is the procession oflight from head torches bobbing along the trailand from the top of some peaks these lightsstretched out miles in front and behind Theygave a great indication of the route and thehorrors ahead Oh no were not going all theway up there are we At this stage ChiefMathematician Mr 7000 ft himself was keepinga very low profile My other memory is the lightsof Hong Kong which occasionally came intoview Absolutely stunning and surreal it wasincredible to look at and from where we were itwas somewhat like a scene from a space agemovie

At checkpoint 6 we were in denial but the trustyHilary was there to greet us with a smile and hadbefriended another support team who took pityon this bedraggled bunch of Irishmen and shared

their bar-b-que18 The Irish Qrienteer

sausages with us Having lost some time onstages 4 amp 5 we were under pressure to move onand weariness was setting in

In the early bours of the morning strange thingscan happen and this was no ordinary night Davehooked up with some Danisb lady who took hishand told him everything would be aUright andplied him with some unusual drugs supposedlyto cure his cramping (yeah likely story Dave)Tiring of each others company we staggered onand with failing torch batteries we prayed for thedawn

DawnSunrise can be a beautiful thing but when youhave been on the go for 16 hours climbed over15000 feet and up and down God knows howmany steps ones admiration for a beautifulsunrise becomes somewhat diminished Sittingon top of Needle Hill the highest point on stage 7and looking miles into the distance at BeaconHill which was only halfway around stage 8 Icould have cried My so-called friend whosewords You should try the MacLehose Trailwere now resounding in my ear was now mybitter enemy No Christmas card for him thisyear The sun was now well up pretty soon itwould be 30 degrees C and nowhere to hide

At checkpoint 8 Hilarys smile had faded a littleShe too had been up all night and the realisationof the madness of it all was beginning to dawn onher By now we were more like robots thanhumans got to keep going eat food drink drinkkeep going From here on it was a case of Ivecome this far and Im damn well going to finishthis Most of the hard work was over stages 9and 10 were relatively flat but by now the soles ofour feet felt like they had been flailed with abamboo cane and any attempt to run broughtextreme pain to the body

Checkpoint 9 was like an oasis of calm Only10 of teams had already been through so all ourovertaking and jostling on the trail during thenight had paid off Even still we were well off ourtime and now our ambition was to break 23hours After gulping down some hot Chinese teawe set off on the last leg only 99 km to go

To the FinishStage 10 wound around another reservoir oftenalmost doubling back on itself Althoughrelatively flat it seemed to go on foreverfollowing every twist and turn of the lake Afteran age it climbed up to a cachwater and back onto a tarmacadam surface By now bodies werelying scattered all around We were nearing thefinish and despite complete exhaustion teamsbecame competitive again and began running thelast few kilometres home However many peoplesuffered severe cramping and ended up lying onthe ground writhing in agony and unable tomove Anxious team-mates busily masssaged thewounded and encouraged them to get up andcomplete the race Time enough for lying down atthe Finish

The last half kilometre was downhill and we ranall the way crossing the line in a daze What joyto see the finish banner finally the nightmare wasover As I lay on the ground watching othercompetitors finish I still found it difficult toaccept it was all over When you have been on thego for so long the mind seems to find it hard tobelieve that you have actually finished 100 kmand over 23000 ft of ascent completed Tune 23hours and 5 minutes

Never againBack in Dublin the post mortem begins We allbelieve we should have broken 20 hours Duringthe night of the event we met many people doingThe Trail for the third or fourth time and in viewof the pain and the suffering we were goingthrough at the time we were in agreement thatthis was tbe first and last time for us But now thepain is forgotten only the joy on finishingrernaims and maybe one day we will go back andtackle it again Sub 20 hours is achievable andafter all we owe it to ourselves

(Reprinted from the January 1998 SetantaOrienteers newsletter)

42 at 42Steve Jones (Eryri Orienteers) is anorienteer and fell runner who has run severaltimes in the Shamrock O-Ringen This is hisaccount of his Bob Graham Round anattempt to do the 72 mile circuit in the LakeDistrict in under 24 hours at the age of 42

Approaching Keswick on the afternoon atSaturday June 7th in a very heavy thunderstormthere was no way I was going to start a BobGraham round later tbat day - 72 miles 27000feet climb and 42 tops in the pouring rain I didntthink so

Dropping JUdith Callum and my mother at thebed and breakfast in Keswick didnt help as theyhad a spare bed in their room - the evening meallooked pretty good too However clearing skiesrevealed a good view at our first top Skiddawand I was soon pointing out to Judith the ascentroute and beginning to feel more positive aboutactually starting (finishing was anotber questionaltogether)

Au revoir KeswickI was taking part in a clockwise attempt an theBob Graham organised by two members atWrekin- Lawrence Jones and Andy dougb A small groupat supporters and helpers had gathered at tbeMoat Hall In Keswick to see us oft - or to makesure we started The weather by now was quitepleasant lulling us into a false sense at securityand I was therefore feeling quite confident as welogged away tram the hall at 630pmOur two supporters on this leg were Mike Callowand Stuart Turner carrying our spare toad waterand clothes and ensuring that we kept to theschedule The time schedule of 2272 hours thatwe were following had been devised byLawrence and Andy after much recceing at theroute and discussions with Bob Graham routeexperts

The Irish Orienteer 19

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

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descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 4: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

Joe Whittle which I came across in the TaxAdvice Bureaus 1998 Guide There is a veryreal difference between commitment andinvolvement - in a traditional Irish breakfast thechicken is involved but the pig is committed Lost at the Connacht Championships alarge Thermos flask belonging to Patrick Tuohyof the Galway-Mayo Institute of TechnologyFound at the Interprovincial at Knockbarron aRussian thumb compass was left at the drinkstableContact Barbara Foley-Fisher (0902-85306) For those of you who like to plan aheadtbe dates for the 2001 World Championships inFinland have been cbanged the new dates arefrom July 29th to August 5th 200 lThe reasonfor the change was to allow for the right intervalafter the 6th World Games in Akita Japan from16th-26th August AJAX pair Colm Rotbery and MichaelWalters (the Australian whos been doing well inO-races here recently) won the 25 km and 50 kmsections of the third Irish Ultrarunners WicklowTrail race on 5th April The 50 ken race was fromJohnny Foxs pub in Glencullcn to Luggala andback the 25 km race was just the return legThe current Irish Mountain Log describes twonew rock climb routes ou Carrick Mountain CoWicklow No doubt tbe orienteers found themalready

ROGAlNEAT LASTSetanta Orienteers are to replace their excellentbut poorly attended WiclcJow MountainMarathon with a rogaine this year on 4th5tbJuly A wba A ROGAlNE its a long distancescore event in this case 20 hours for teams oftwo Its an established form of competition inAustralia and the USA Normally the start andfinish are in the middle of the area with someshelter and food so you can come back and getsome food and sleep before pushing on again butthats part of the tactics like a pit stop in aformula 1 raceThere will be a mass start of all teams at 1400bours on Saturday Teams wbo arrive atthe finish after the cut off time of 1000 am onSunday will be penalised The winning teamswill be determined by totalling the number ofpoints scored for each control visited less any6 The Irish Orienteer

penalty points for over-running the cut off timeThe entry fee is pound20 per team Food will beavailable at the Event Centre throughout theduration of the event A sleeping area will also beavailableThere will be the following Classes ofcompetition open mixed female veteranveteran mixed veteran female To participate inany veteran class the combined ages of the twoteam members on the day of the competitionmust be at least eighty years

The entry form is in this issue Its certainly aninteresting idea Lets hope its well supported

DUBLIN BY NIGHTThe second seriesof night events inthe Dublin areawas again asuccess thoughnumbers ofparticipants wereonly around tbe20-30 mark Theseries started with

the 3ROC event in Phoenix Park on February3rd then AJAX at Killiney Hill a week laterGEN at Carrickgollogan SET at Hellfire andfinally AJAX (Damien Cashin) at Pine ForestThe weather was fine for all except the last eventand the views over the city and surrounds in thedark were magical Well done again MartinFlynn for persuading the clubs LOrun the eventsAll we have to do now is persuade the orienteersto take part

WOC76AGAlNThose of you keen on nostalgia andor goodorienteering might like to consider a trip to theScottish Championships on the June BankHoliday weekend The areas are Damaway forestfor the Individual on Saturday 6th (includingBOF National Event 4) and Anagach on Sunday7th for the Relays

Darnaway was the area used for the 1976 WorldChampionships the first WOC at which Irelandhad a team and was a landmark in Irish and

Britisb orienteering Anagach was also usedduring the 1976 WOC

Individual entries to Eric Lovie 13 NorthcoteCrescent Aberdeen AB 15 TIE Scotland (0044-1224-319692) Fees STGpound850450 plus 2SAEs Closing date 8th May Relays feesSTGpound219 per team special entry forms fromEric Levie

LEINSTER CHAMPSTrooperstown near Laragh in Co Wicklowprovided fast running conditions for the LeinsterChampionships on April 4th Starting high in theforest planner Andrew Butterfield took thelonger courses straight onto the open hillside fora loop of Trooperstown Hill before dropping alltoo briefly into the wonderful deciduous forestnear Ballard followed by the inevitable slogacross the boggy rough open along the swollenAvonmore River to regain the forest and thefinishThe area is one which has been used since themid 1970s and is not too demanding on thetechnical side and some of the controls andorsites were very visible because of the low heatheron the mountain Cork Os Toni ODonovan wonthe W21E class and Irish Champion ColmRothery won the M21E

M2l E Colm Rothery AJAX 7714Marcus Pinker CorkO 8015John Feehan AJAX 8227

W21EToni ODonovan CorkO 7537Ailbhe Creedon CorkO 8140Eileen Loughman CNOC 8155

MIO B Healy GENM12 SOBoyle CNOCMI8 D Burke CorkOM20 A Quinn 3ROCM2ILJ Hoare AJAXM21S o Evans CNOCM35 LQuinn SETM40L K 0Dwyer CorkOM45L D Reidy AJAXM50 W Hollinger LVOM55 T Feehan BVOCM60 M Reed FermOM65 PWalsh SET

WlO E FOley-Fisher NMNAVW12 J Hingerty GENWl4 NOBoyle CNOCWI6 L Cotter BOHCWI8 S Healy GENW20 AAustin CorkOW21L B Lawler CNOCW2IS DONeilJ FINW35 J Flanagan AJAXW40L Ruth Lynam CNOCW45 GPower 3ROCW50 MNowlan 3ROCW55 C Nuttall LceOW60 D Large GENW65 MOSullivan LeeO

WICK-LOWEThis years Comeragh Mountain Challenge isactually not in the Comeraghs at all it has movedto WiclcJow Pat Healys Lowe Alpine MountainChallenge is based in the GlenrnalurelRatbdrumarea on the weekend of May 16-l7th Therell bea new 5-colour 125000 scale map and fourcourses from 25 km to 45 km or so As always itsfor teams of two carrying their gear for anovernight campDetails from Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh CoKildare (045-441625)

LETfERBOXlNGMention was made recently on the orienteeringnewsgroup on the internet of something calledIetterboxing an activity practised onDartmoor Heres a resume of an article in theSmithsonian magazine about it It seems a bit likea permanent O-course

An obscure group of intrepid collectors give thisEnglish version of orienteering their heartystamp of approval A letterbox is a plastic screw-top bottle that contains a small notebook and aunique rubber stamp Thousands of lettcrboxesare hidden throughout the wild country ofDartmoor National Park in southwesternEngland Letterboxing is sort of a combination oforienteering and treasure hunting that consists ofusing maps clues and compasses to find tbehidden containers Once a box is located thefinder inks the stamp from the box and presses it

The Irish Orienleer 7

into his notebook then inks his personal stampand presses that into the notebook kept in the boxThe stamp copy he takes home is bis reward forthe effort Many lenerboxers have collectedhundreds of stamp copies which they enjoyreviewing at their leisure Letterboxing givesenthusiasts an excellent excuse for spending longdays tramping over the moors The greatchallenge is to interpret the complicated clues tothe wbereabouts of each box The clues are givenon detailed clue sheets available fromletterboxers (all of the boxes hidden on Dartmoorhave been put out over the years by letterboxersthemselves) and an organization that publisbes aclue catalogue Letterboxers trace their hobbyback to 1854 when a Victorian gentleman walkerput his calling card in a bottle and stuck the bottleinto a bank at Cranmere Pool in a remote part ofDartmoor Wbo could have foreseen that fromsuch a modest beginning would emerge anelaborate pastime that has become almost a wayof life for many of its aficionados(Abstract of an article by Chris Granstromoriginally published in the April 1998 issue ofSmithsonian Magazine)r-------------- RememberI II ICompassSport (STGpound1750 for1 year STGpound34 for two years)Orienteering World (lRpound14 for

1 year) and the ScientificJournal of Orienteering (IRpound9

for 1 year) are all availablethrough The Irish Orienteer

For CompassSport send your[credit card details preferably foriI the others send cheques made I out to The Irish Orienteer I IL ~

8 The Irish Orienteer



(Extracts from Bulletin 3 sent to allFederations entered in March)

Dates and types or racesPriday 22nd May Qualification racesSaturday 23rd May Classic Distance - ABand C FinalsMonday 25th MayTeams

Relay for National

WebSiteFurther information and copies of Bulletin 2 amp 3available on htpplhomepagetineLie-ioa

Event VenueQualifier and Classic DistanceGlenflesk (on road N22) Killarney Co KerryRelay Final Muckross National Park (on roadN71) Killarney Co Kerry

Event DirectorKen Griffin 12 Island Way Muskerry EstateBallincollig Co Cork IrelandTelephone +353-21-870338 (H) fax +353-21-312970 (W) e-mail irishoatinetie

Event OfficialsIOF Controller Oivind Holt NorwayDay 1 - Planner Justin May National ControllerAlan Shaw Mapper Marcus PinkerDay 2 - Planner Bernard Creedon NationalController Alan Shaw Mapper Marcus PinkerDay 3 - Planner Pat Long National ControllerKevin 0Dwyer Mapper Barry Dalby

Maximum number of competitors per federation6 men and 6 women for individual events2 mens teams and 2 womens teams for relay

events (3 runners in each team)

Qualification scheme for the races3 parallel races for botb men and women Thefirst 20 from each group go to the A final nos 21to 40 from each group go to the B final and therest go to the C final depending on numbers

Event CentreGleneagles Hotel Muckross Road (road numberN71) Killarney Co Kerry Ireland (adjacent torelay area)Tel +353-64-31870 Pax +353-64-32646Location 2km from town centre Single roomIRpound40Double roomlRpound25 per person sharing

Further details of accommodation etc in theKillarney area may be bad by contactingDestination Killarney at TelIFax +353-1-8742949 Fax +353-1-8742439CampingCaravan sites witb full facilitiesavailable on request

Preliminary Timetable for EventsWednesday 20th May1200-1800 World Cup Office at EventCentre open Arrival of early teams Trainingpossibilities on local terrain amp maps -Inchigeelagh area

Thursday 21st May1000 - 1800 World Cup Office at Event Centreopen1300 - 1800 Model event at Carrigawaddra1200 Deadline for confirmation of team names1200 Start draw for the qualification race atEvent Centre (closed event)1600 Start lists available at Event Centre office1900 Team officials meeting at Event CentreTraining possibilities on local terrain amp maps -lncbigeelagb area

Friday 22nd May0900 - 1200 World Cup Office at Event Centreopen0900 - 1100 Model event at Carrigawaddra1300-1630 Start Qualification Race atCrohane Lake1700 - 1930 Start Shamrock O-Ringen 98

spectator races at Crobane Lake1900 Start lists for A B C finals available atEvent Centre1900 Team officials meeting at Event Centre

Saturday 23rd May1000 - 1300 Start A B finals at CrohaneGlenflesk1430 - 1700 Start SOR 98 spectator race atCrohane Glenflesk2000 Banquet amp Celli M6r at Event Centre2100 Prize giving ceremony at Event Centreduring Banquet

Sunday 24th May1000 - 1200 Start SOR 98 spectator races -chasing start at Black Lakes1330 SOR 98 Spectator race prize givingceremony at Black Lakes1300 - 1600 Model event at Muckross1600 Final entry for relays with competitorsnames and starting order at Event Centre1900 Team officials meeting at Event Centre

Monday 25th May1000 Slart womens relay at Muckross House1130 Start of mens relay at Muclcross House1400 Prize giving at Muckross House

Location and description of the terrainThe qualifier and classic distance terrain arelocated in the area around Glenflesk Co Kerry23km and 14km southeast of Killarney towncentre respectively The terrain is hilly roughopen complex moorlandThe relay terrain is mainly hilly mixed forestparkland and some rough open areas - 4 kin soutbof Event Centre and 6 km from hostels inKillarney town centre

Course DetailsQualifier - Men 76 km320m17 controls 45mins winning timeQualifier - Women 53km1210ml13 controlsSf)minutesWTA Final - Men 125km5I 5ml26csnS minsB Final- Men 98km1340mI19cs n5 minsA Final- Women 85km315m1l5cs 70 minWT

The Irish Orienleer 9

B Pinal - Women 67 kml260mll5 csl 70 minWTRelay - Men 65km1190m17cs100 mins (3logs)Relay - Women 51km1125m14csloo mins (3legs)

Handing In Final Team ListsFinal entries with individual team membersnames to be banded into event office inGleneagles Hotel by 1200 brs on Thursday 21stMay 1998 Start draw for Qualifying races willbegin at 1200 brs Names and running order forRelays to be handed into event office in by 1600brs on Sunday 24th May 1998

TlmlnglPunchingWe propose to use the Sporlident system ofpuncbing for tbe events This is for controlregistering only Start and Pin ish will be normal -start on Bleep and finisb by crossing the Finishline The equipment will be set up at the Modelevents also See details on how to use the systemon attached page

Training opportunitiesTraining opportunities will be available in theInchigeelagh area on Wednesday and Thursday20121 st May These maps are by the samemapper as for the individual World Cup eventsMaps available from event office Transportprovided only on request costs depend ondemand Own transport would be best as theIocation is not on a direct bus route fromKillarney This area is about 65km fromKillarney using main roads

Model EventsThe timetable and venue for the model events aregiven above Maps available from event officeTransport provided only on request costs dependon demand The Model events are adjacent to theWorld Cup areas

Clothing requirementsThere are no special clothingfootwear rules forthe events normal IOF rules apply Good lowerbody cover required and full body coverrecommended due to tbe nature of the terrain

1Q The Irish Orienleer

SpectatorRacesShamrock O-Ringen with chasing starts on day 3on same maps as World Cup Friday 22ndSaturday 23rd Sunday 24th May 1998 Pre entryrequired entry form attached all age classesavailable Entries toBernard Creedon Tavie Mount ProspectDouglas Co Corle IrelandTelepbone +353-21-361824 fax +353-21-361825 E-mail bcreedonindigoie

CeremoniesThere will not be an official opening ceremonyNeat dress expected for prize giving and banquetin Event Centre 2000 brs Saturday 23rd May

Event CateringThe ladies of Cork Orienteering Club will beoperating a Soup Kitchen for Days 1 amp 2Good food (including vegetarian) at reasonablerates will be served in the assemblyfinish areasrespectively Soup teas coffees minerals juiceveg burgers etc served Full menu and priceswill be included with Bulletin 4 We would urgeyou to support this wortby venture as they aremaking a very special effort on your behalf Nootber catering concessions will beaccommodated There is a cafeteria in MuckrossHouse - Relay area

Dont forget to get your entries in for the10tb Shamrock O-Ringen Entry forms in thisissueTheres accommodation available at theGleneagles Hotel just mention the World Cuporienteering event and you 11get the same rate

Back toBasicsMapping

Aongbus OChHrigb

Our sports only fixed assets are its mapsWe dont possess club-houses playingpitches or other real-estate so theres astrong case for making tne best maps that wecan afford It happens that outstanding mapsare actually quite affordable and also quitenecessary

Six reasons for maklng great mapsbull Everyone gets a buzz out of competing ona truly great map - even if tbe terrain is NOTalways Grade A Scandinavianbull Outstanding maps make course-planning alot easier The planner doesnt have to duck andweave througb dubiously mapped areas As aresult competition is fairer On a superblysurveyed map its quite difficult to wrongly placea control There is NO ambiguity and NOcancelled coursesbull Good O-babits and skills follow fromusing terrific O-maps Top-class mapping meansoutstanding contour representation - even inrelatively uninteresting terrain Subtle slopechanges are captured Bad mapping (andespecially poor contour representation) lead topoor orienteering technique Orienteers areforced to discount all but the largest contourfeatures and must rely on good old compass andpacingbull Outstanding surveying saves moneyOnce the expense of producing the first edition ofa map is absorbed subsequent revisions needconcentrate only on vegetation cbanges A

digitised map will last forever Poorly mappedareas prove expensive in the long run since theywill eventually have to be completely re-surveyed Everyone bas to put-up witb them inthe meanwbilebull Lose your position on a splendid map andyou know the mistake is yours alone - not themappers An accurate map allows you takeresponsibility for your own performance (Somemight NOT view this as an advantage) As soonas you can trust the map your concentration andmap-contact sharpen and you get closer to thaIperformance state where (trance-like) you flowthrough controlsbull A well-surveyed map is always fondlyremembered It is a source of pride to mapperand sponsoring club alike On the nip-side apoorly surveyed map erodes the reputation ofeveryone associated with it

Implications of pursuing a strategy ofproducing only top quality mappingThe unit costs of map production areapproximately pound040 pound080 and pound 154depending on the production method used (Seethe section on map production scenarios below)The premium to be paid for a top quality product(worst-case approx pound1) is a relatively smallfraction of an event entry fee As it is we chargecomparatively low competition entry fees Othersports with lower overbeads levy higherparticipation fees from participantsIf eacb large lOA club produces a lop-class maponce every two years and each small clubproduces an excellent map once every threeyears it will take 10 years (until 2009 AD) toproduce a stock of 100 outstanding new orrevised maps hereIn order that as many people as possible get to useexcellent maps priority attention might be givento mapping areas near cities as well aschampionship standard terrainGradually our outstanding mapping willcontribute to better lrisb competitive results bothat home and abroad (How will we cope witb allthis success)Producing great mapping will help build-up ourown O-mapping industry This will happen

The Irish Orienteer 11

there is going to be a higher level of scrutiny andfollow-up by the Sports Council to see that statedgoals are being achieved


because not all clubs have either the expertise orthe time to devote to the production ofmarvellous maps Much of the work (fun) mayhave to be contracted to specialists However inorder to be a good mapper you must first be agood orienteerA mapping project which is contracted to aspecialist might incur increased start-up costswbich cannot be recouped until the map isproduced This means that chasing bank-loansand government (lottery) grants could become abot topicAsideIt is always a good idea that the surveyorsname appears in the map credits heshe cansubsequently bask in the glow of our admiration

Assumptions made in comparing the 3scenariosMap bas area of 6 sq Jan - mixture openmountain and forest (similar in size to currentmaps of Curragh West or of Three RockMountain)Map is computer drawn5000 copies of the map are printed Noallowance is made for wasteCosts in these examples are based OD using 3overlapping photos and 2 stereo models toproduce a photogrammetric plot (However amap of area 6 sq km can often be covered by onepair of 60 overlapping 152mm formatI20000 scale photographs)The daily rate for a surveying contractor isestimated as pound140 per day This is calculated onthe basis of an annual salary of pound30000 (fromwhich transport equipment and other overheadsarc paid) a 43 week working year (the rest of thetime is spent OD administration procuring workand holidays) an 8 hour working day and a 5 dayweek and 5 days on average taken to survey anddraw Isq kmFieldwork and drawing costs in scenarios 2 and 3(with club members doing the surveying andcartography) include equipment depreciationstationery and petrolClub mappers ace as skilled as professionalsurveyors (In many instances this is NOT a validassumption)Independent checking is carried out by clubmembers in alJ three casesCosts are approximate but are based on theactual costs of recent mapping and are inclusiveof VAT

Juniors Officer Ted Lucey reported on the yearsactivities training camps and competitions butlamented the lack of fitness and commitment totraining by the junior squad comparing it to tbelevel of training expected of comparable agebasketball players with 10 hours training perweek The title of a recent newspaper articlesummed it up Sacrifices have to be made tofulfil a dream

An uncontroversial AGM of the lOA Whatevernext

The meeting took place after the LeinsterChampionsbips at Trooperstown on April 4th andthe turnover of the Executive Committee wasunusuaUy lowAll the usual things which happen at an AGMhappened reports from the Officers and so on Inhis address Bernard Creedon the lOAChairman hoped that the World Cup wouldgenerate more publicity for orienteering here andattract more people to the South West fororienteering in future He expresseddisappointment however in the numbers ofpeople in orienteering so that the lack of growthin numbers is limiting development the broaderthe base of the pyramid the higher the top

Coacbing Officer Prank Ryan reminded all thequalified conches of the need to go out and coachnow Schools and scouts could be bigdevelopment areas The lOA has co-operatedvery well with the National Coaching andTraining Centre in Limerick and is benefitingfrom this contact 34 people have now beenaccredited as Level I or Lever 2 coaches

Three O-map production scenariosThe table below compares three mappingscenarios Examples amp 2 follow bestcartographic practice - recent 1 20000 scalephotography is used by specialist orienteeringphotogramrnetrists to produce aphotogrammetric plot An accurate completeand consistent map is then surveyed from thephotogrammetry computer drawn andindependently checked before printing Inscenario 1 tbe production of the map iscontracted out to a mapping specialist whereasin scenario 2 the map is produced by anexperienced club mapper Scenario 3 details thecost of producing an orienteering map from anexisting paper map (revision) In all examplesthe new survey is captured on computer checkedand printed in a standard way The costs used forcomparison purposes have been kept as realisticas possible

Other officers gave written reports DevelopmentOfficer Brendan Cryan sees increasing thenumbers participating in the sport as the keyespecially the young He hopes to establish threeSchools Orienteering Associations in MunsterLcinster and ConnachtlUlster and to runintroductory courses for teachers to make thescheme a success Individual scbools can nowaffiliate to lOA as associate members

Money mattersDue to Treasurer Noel Donaghs astute financialmanagement imagination and good luck thelOA benefited from Sports Council grants lastyear to tbe tune of pound34000 pound10000 was for theWorld Cup pound7000 for electronic timingequipment pound3000 for coaching pound2000 was forteams competing abroad pound2000 was anOutstanding Sports persons Grant for UnaCreagh and the remaining pound10000 was thenormal administrati ve grant to tbe AssociationBoth Noel and Bernard made the point that theAssociation will have to increase its income inorder to develop Noel also reported that we havegot cheaper insurance this year with cover forschools - insurance is a major cost at aboutpound3000 per annum He suggested going for ascheme of individual membership of lOA whichwould allow club affiliation fees to be reduced tothe advantage of smaller clubs (at present clubsof uP to 100 members pay pound150 more than 100pay pound300)New grant application procedures will mean thatlOA could benefit from increased funding but

Technical Officer Sean Cotter hopes to have ameeting of representatives of all affiliated clubsand organisations with the tecbnical sub-committee in the autumn to look at the lOA rulesand constitution

Comparison of ScenariosScenarIo 1 Scenario 2Activity Scenario 3 Reports were also submitted from the Fixtures

Secretary Lillian Quill and Studentrepresentative Daire OsborneProcure photos (3 photos Scale 120(00) pound800 pound800

Pbotogrammetry pound1200 pound1200(2 models - 5m contour interval)Fieldwork amp Drawing (30 man days) pound4200 pound1200 pound1200Final Drawing (5 man days) pound700Independent Cbecking(6 man days) pound200 pound200 pound200Platemaking amp Printing pound600 pound600 pound600TOTAL (5000 maps) pound7700 pound4000 pound2000Price per map pound154 pound080 pound04012 The Irish Orienteer

New executiveThere were no elections for the Executive sincethere was no surplus of candidates Thecommittee for the next year isChairman Bernard Creedon Secretary KenGriffin Treasurer Noel Donagh Fixtures LillianQuill Technical Sean Cotler Juniors Ted Lucey

The Irish Orien(eer 13

Coaching Frank Ryan Development BrendanCryan Public Relations John McCulloughEnvironment David Carter Jean ONeill (FIN) isto consider the position of International Officerand the position of mapping officer is vacant

Prank Ryan and Toni ODonovan werenominated as FlOArepresentatives Mick Kellettwas suggested as AFAS representative but bewasnt there so that still has to be confirmed

Levies proposalA CorkO proposal about event levies generatedsome discussion but it was referred back to theExecutive to do something about the situationLevies of 10 of the income from every eventare supposed to be paid to lOA but it is clear thattbis isnt happening either clubs arent payinglevies at all or they are paying 10 of the profitnot 10 of the income Of pound2938 paid in levieslast year a whopping pound1447 (thais 49) waspaid by CorkO Admittedly pound888 of this was forthe Shamrock O-Ringen but 5 clubs paid none atall and others paid in the range pound720 to pound280The problem is that there is no attempt made atenforcing the payment of levies Tbe levies arepaid by tbe competitors for the development oforienteering and the clubs are given the job ofcollecting and passing on tbis money If theydont pass it on they are defrauding both the lOAand tbe competitors its like solicitors usingclients money wbich can get tbem disbarredClubs arc supposed LO send in their auditedaccounts to lOA every year but not all clubs doThe lOA has undertaken to take a stronger Lineonthe matter

Other stuff Frank Ryan suggested standardisingentry fees be paid pound7 + pound2 late for the LeinsterChamps but only pound4 for Connacht Mmm Individual membership would give us a mucbbetter idea of the actual situation In themeantime clubs are asked to send in to lOA a listof their current members names addresses ageclasses and pbone numbers preferably on diskbutif they have any reservations about the DataProtection aspect then on paper will do VeteranTeam manager Alan Gartside (who was waitingfor the LOC prize giving) commented that it wasoften very difficult to contact team members and14 The Irish Orienteer

reserves to notify them of selection A centralregister of members would belp enormously TedLucey wondered whether clubs would ever againget grants towards map production and wasassured that this would happen again The date ofthe Irish Championships was raised too Mayclashes witb 3rd level students exams Juneclashes with scbool exams April is too early andshortens the season too much July is too late weve been here before over the years

Awards Tbis year the Mactire Tropby forachievements in the past year went to MarcusPinker the Silva Trophy for services toorienteering went to Noel Donagh and the SilvaAward for behind the scenes activity went toMargaret Creedon

Map of the Year The Grade Imap of the yearaward went to Cork 0 for Cobduff the Grade 2went to CorkO for Firmount and the Grace 3went to Cork 0 for Botllehill No other clubssubmitted maps for assessment

Finally Ken Griffin brought the meeting up todate on the World Cup arrangements for Kerry inMay 27 teams bave entered with about 250runners We need about 60 people to run theevent (the BOF event the next week has a bulletinwith three pages of helpersl) but we will be underpressure for manpower He again appealed toclubs and individuals to volunteer and to workfor the success of the event not just spectate


Tired of orienteering Why not trysome variations

Mountain Marathon TriumphsAn Irish Orienteers Perspective

Aonghus OClcirigh

The mountain marathon - a test of team-workendurance mountain-racing orienteering andsurvival skills The standard in this part ofEurope is the Karrimor International MountainMarathon (KlMM) a 2-day event which hasbeen run every year in Great Britain since 1968A team consists of a pair of athletes who navigatearound an extremely long orienteering-typecourse set in mountainous terrain The mapsused arc usually of about I40000 scale with10m contour interval Competitors carry withthem a tent sleeping-bags and all the food andclothes they will need for 2 days and one nightNorthern Irelands version of the event - TheMourne Mountain Marathon - started in the late1970s and bas been growing every year sinceThe republics equivalent event - The LoweAlpine Comeragh Mountain Challenge -organised by Pat Healy is 5 years old Thecompetition moves to Wicklow this year for its6tb running on a newly drawn map

Comeragh Challenge Elite class winners1993 lim Brown amp Martin McNiff1994 John Kewley ampMark Seddon1995 Gerry Brady amp Marcus Pinker1996 Brendan Bolland amp Gerry Brady1997 Megan Argharad amp Brendan Bolland(Mixed A Course) 53223John Casey amp Brendan OBrien (Open A Course)618 19

(Note In 1997 there was NO Elite class offeredMembers within pairs are listed in alpbabetical


Phenomenon1be seeds of the Comeragh Mountain Challengewere sown as far back as 1975 when pioneers PatHealy and Wally Young placed 3rd in theA-classof the Karrimor that year

A decade would pass before the MountainMarathon universe would be truly astounded bythe exploits of one Irish orienteer in particular - apbenomenon named Robin Bryson His talentsas athlete mountain racer and mountainmaratboner are widely reported but not generallyknown are his exploits in orienteering In 1985he was Northern Irish O-Champion and was oneof the five men selected to represent Ireland atWOC85 held in Australia (For financialreasons the team did not travel)

Brysons mountain racing career isexceptional He is truly a world-class athleteHis World CupWorld Trophy performancesinclude 4th 6th 4th and 9th in consecutive years1991- 94 He has won the Matterhorn race andholds the record for the ascent of Snowdon Hisversatility doesnt end there Robin has also beenNational 15k road-racing cbampion bas won theDublin X-Country Championships was twice amember of the winning DSD team in theNational X-Country Championships and hasrepresented Ireland in X-country A story is (oldof him in the early 80s cycling from Dublin toGlcndalough running (and winning) a mountain-race and then cycling horne He is still verymuch a keen cyclist

Marathon ManIn 1985 Robin won the Mourne MountainMarathon He then proceeded to win the Eliteclass in the Karrimor twice (85 88) and wasrunner-up in 87 1was privileged to partner bimfor the second of bis two KIMM victories Thepairing happened quite by accident Pat Farrellyand myself bad originally entered as a team Twoweeks before the event Pat became injured and Iteamed-up with Brian Ervine Two nights beforetravelling Brian rang me and told me that he badsome GOOD news and some DAD news TheBAD news was that he was injured and couldntcompete the GOOD news was that he bad founda replacement - Robin Bryson (Robins regular

The Irish Orienleer 15

KIMM partner Ken Taylor had also succumbedto injury) What struck me about Robin duringthe following days was his calmness - heexhibited the coolness of a champion In recentyears he has restricted his mountain marathoninvol vement to planning the Mourne eventBrian Ervine is also renowned for his mountain-racing achievements and like Robin hisorienteering accomplishments are NOT widelypublicised Brian has been Northern IrishOrienteering Champion twice (89 94) and haswon seven Mourne Mountain Marathons He hascompeted for Northern Ireland in ten consecutiveMountain Racing World Cupl World Trophyevents as has Jim Patterson - also from theNorth (Only Scotsman Colin Donnelly hascompeted in all eleven world races) Brian haswon the All-Ireland Mountain RacingChampionships twice and the Northern IrelandMountain Racing Championships three times

(Thanks to Douglas Barry Brian Ervine and PatHealy for much of the information in this article)


MOUNTAIN CHALLENGETwo Day Two PersonTeamMountainMarathon with Overnight Campsite

GLENMALURE-RATHDRUMCO WICKLOW (IRELAND EAST)Saturday 16th May 1997Sunday 17th May 1997

Two Day Navigalion(Endurance Event (IX Teams of TwoNew five colour map - Survey 1997-1998

125000 10 metre contours

Course lengths (over 1wo days)Elite Course E 045kmappltox

Course A 40km appltaxCourse 8 35km appro

Walking - Course C 25km appmxFot furtt- Information Entry Forms write 10Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh Co Kildare Ireland

TeVFax (045) 441625 From UK dial 010 353 04S441625Entry 10mraquo will be pooted 10 11 1997 oppIic bullnlS

]6 The Irish Orienleq

The MacLehoseTrail

Last November Dave Weston Eugene0 Sullivan and Philip Brennan fromDublins Setanta Orienteers took part in anunusual event in Hong Kong Philip takesup the story

It all started witb the words You should try theMacLehose Trail An innocent enoughstatement at the time as we sat sipping pints ofbeer in The Hairy Lemon ill Dublin but little didwe realise the pain and misery that lay in store forus

Having completed a number of long distanceruns around Ireland myoid friend Conor told usabout this famous Trailwalker event that tookplace every November in Hong Kong where hebad worked for the past 5 years The fact that hehad never actually done tbe event should havealerted me to the dangers ahead but Conor wasnow waxing lyrical about the stunningmountains coastal vistas beautiful weather andgeneral exotica of it all

liang Kong for me conjures up images ofthousands of skyscrapers rising from the sea andsix million people running around workingevery hour God sent and living 011 top of oneanother However 1was soon to discover that theNorthern Territories which border mainlandChina contain 21 country parks through whichthe MacLehose Trail runs for 100 km

Team SETANTAAnd so it was that Team Setanta entered theevent quietly confident albeit with prettylimited knowledge of what lay ahead of us OurChief Mathematician Dave Weston did hishomework OJ) the course and confidently assuredus that with only 7000 feet of ascent Over thewhole distance it would be a piece of cake andwith that he promptly headed off to China for the3 weeks prior to the event promising to meet us

in Ned Kellys Last Stand (where else 1) ahostelry of dubious reputation in Kowloon twonights before the race

Eugene 0Sullivan and myself were not quite soconfident and decided that a little bit of trainingmight be in order before we left dear old IrelandWeekends were spent running around the Glen oflmaal in mist and getting lost in the environs ofLugnaquilla Would they have swampy bogdriving rain and impenetrable fog like this inHong Kong Imused to myself as we ran aroundin circles arguing about where we were andwhich was the quickest way back to FentonsPub After a while we convinced ourselves thatthere was no point in doing any more training inthese conditions as the weather would be totallydifferent over there and anyway we would onlywear ourselves out and we should be conservingour energy instead

Arrivalth the race starting on the 21 st of November weflew out on the 15th arriving on the evening ofSunday the 16th and giving ourselves most of aweek to acclimatise to the heat (28 degrees Cappro x) and get over our jetlag

Alistair our contact in Hong Kong met with usand put our minds at rest with all the gory detailsof the Maclehose Trail Named after a formerGovernor who had a keen interest in mountainwalking and pushed through the first parkconservation laws in 1976 the trail links togethera chain of 7 parks Running from East to West itspans the entire length of the New Territories andconnects beaches and the highest mountainpeaks Over 730 four person teams had enteredand there would be two starts II am and 3pm Aswe were late entrants we had the afternoon start

At a pre-race pasta dinner in AlistairS house wemet other trailrunners some of whom had veryserious ambitions to beat last years time somehoping to beat other teams and some just hopingto finish When asked what time we hoped to doDave nonchalantly suggested that we would behappy with a time of between 15 and 18 hoursChoking on his ravioli a mega fit lookingFrenchman named Philippe commented that

perhaps we might be underestimating thedifficulty of the event A veteran of two previousTrailwaIkers his ambition was to break 20 hoursand here were 3 Paddies with no previousexperience or knowledge of the event talkingabout a time of 15hours I quickly found myselfcramming down more and more pasta and onlooking around noticed Dave amp Eugene doinglikewise

Race day dawned bright and sunny and we spentthe morning stocking up on supplies for theevent Hilary had (somewhat reluctantly) agreedto be our support team and would meet us atcheckpoints 3 6 8 and at the finish We gave hera timetable showing what time we expected tofinish each stage and loading her down withrucksacks full of food and drinks we bade hergoodbye

StartAt the start there was great commotion with over365 teams milling about stretching struttingposing and generally psyching out andantagonising the opposition With such a largecrowd we ended up about 200 metres back fromthe starting line and even with a little jostlingcould get no closer Finally the whistle soundedand off we went at long last the waiting was over

TIle first stage was supposedly 109 km in lengthand followed a road around a reservoir beforeclimbing over a large mountain down to abeautiful beach and ending in a deserted villagecalled Long Ke We soon found ourselves amongthe leading four teams and quickly caught andpassed the French team comprising of Philippeand his colleagues The heat was very intense butwe drank continuously and felt strong andconfident The fact that a TV crew in a helicopteroverhead were busy filming the leading teams nodoubt gave us the extra impetus to run that littlebit harder

At the end of the road we climbed steeply up thefirst mountain a little too steeply for my likingand teams we bad already overtaken now beganto pass us However as we came down the otherside we moved very fast over the rocky steepground and soon

The Irish Orienteer 17

regained our position As the evening wore onand darkness descended we joined a rollercoaster ride of high peaks steep ascents steeperdescents dense forests rugged ridges andwindswept summits Navigation at night didntpose too much of a problem as the route wasusually very obvious and there were so manypeople on the trail that if you were in any doubtyou just waited until the next team arrived

We hit checkpoint 3 around 9pm 6 hours on thetrot and half an hour ahead of schedule By now itwas obvious that Daves calculation of 7000 feetof total climb was way off the mark We hadalready climbed at least that height and hadanother 60 km to go IAndjudging from our mapthe ground ahead looked even steeper Our ChiefMathematician had erred slightly in hiscalculations the actual total climb was 7000metres not feet By God had we underestimatedit stages 4 amp 5 were looming and word had itthey were savage in comparision to the previousthree

Through the nightWell fed and watered by Hilary we set off into thedark night and after innumerable hours up anddown never ending mountains and ridges thewords of Christy Moore came to mind Endlessnigbt witbout dawning I have two abidingmemories of that night One is the procession oflight from head torches bobbing along the trailand from the top of some peaks these lightsstretched out miles in front and behind Theygave a great indication of the route and thehorrors ahead Oh no were not going all theway up there are we At this stage ChiefMathematician Mr 7000 ft himself was keepinga very low profile My other memory is the lightsof Hong Kong which occasionally came intoview Absolutely stunning and surreal it wasincredible to look at and from where we were itwas somewhat like a scene from a space agemovie

At checkpoint 6 we were in denial but the trustyHilary was there to greet us with a smile and hadbefriended another support team who took pityon this bedraggled bunch of Irishmen and shared

their bar-b-que18 The Irish Qrienteer

sausages with us Having lost some time onstages 4 amp 5 we were under pressure to move onand weariness was setting in

In the early bours of the morning strange thingscan happen and this was no ordinary night Davehooked up with some Danisb lady who took hishand told him everything would be aUright andplied him with some unusual drugs supposedlyto cure his cramping (yeah likely story Dave)Tiring of each others company we staggered onand with failing torch batteries we prayed for thedawn

DawnSunrise can be a beautiful thing but when youhave been on the go for 16 hours climbed over15000 feet and up and down God knows howmany steps ones admiration for a beautifulsunrise becomes somewhat diminished Sittingon top of Needle Hill the highest point on stage 7and looking miles into the distance at BeaconHill which was only halfway around stage 8 Icould have cried My so-called friend whosewords You should try the MacLehose Trailwere now resounding in my ear was now mybitter enemy No Christmas card for him thisyear The sun was now well up pretty soon itwould be 30 degrees C and nowhere to hide

At checkpoint 8 Hilarys smile had faded a littleShe too had been up all night and the realisationof the madness of it all was beginning to dawn onher By now we were more like robots thanhumans got to keep going eat food drink drinkkeep going From here on it was a case of Ivecome this far and Im damn well going to finishthis Most of the hard work was over stages 9and 10 were relatively flat but by now the soles ofour feet felt like they had been flailed with abamboo cane and any attempt to run broughtextreme pain to the body

Checkpoint 9 was like an oasis of calm Only10 of teams had already been through so all ourovertaking and jostling on the trail during thenight had paid off Even still we were well off ourtime and now our ambition was to break 23hours After gulping down some hot Chinese teawe set off on the last leg only 99 km to go

To the FinishStage 10 wound around another reservoir oftenalmost doubling back on itself Althoughrelatively flat it seemed to go on foreverfollowing every twist and turn of the lake Afteran age it climbed up to a cachwater and back onto a tarmacadam surface By now bodies werelying scattered all around We were nearing thefinish and despite complete exhaustion teamsbecame competitive again and began running thelast few kilometres home However many peoplesuffered severe cramping and ended up lying onthe ground writhing in agony and unable tomove Anxious team-mates busily masssaged thewounded and encouraged them to get up andcomplete the race Time enough for lying down atthe Finish

The last half kilometre was downhill and we ranall the way crossing the line in a daze What joyto see the finish banner finally the nightmare wasover As I lay on the ground watching othercompetitors finish I still found it difficult toaccept it was all over When you have been on thego for so long the mind seems to find it hard tobelieve that you have actually finished 100 kmand over 23000 ft of ascent completed Tune 23hours and 5 minutes

Never againBack in Dublin the post mortem begins We allbelieve we should have broken 20 hours Duringthe night of the event we met many people doingThe Trail for the third or fourth time and in viewof the pain and the suffering we were goingthrough at the time we were in agreement thatthis was tbe first and last time for us But now thepain is forgotten only the joy on finishingrernaims and maybe one day we will go back andtackle it again Sub 20 hours is achievable andafter all we owe it to ourselves

(Reprinted from the January 1998 SetantaOrienteers newsletter)

42 at 42Steve Jones (Eryri Orienteers) is anorienteer and fell runner who has run severaltimes in the Shamrock O-Ringen This is hisaccount of his Bob Graham Round anattempt to do the 72 mile circuit in the LakeDistrict in under 24 hours at the age of 42

Approaching Keswick on the afternoon atSaturday June 7th in a very heavy thunderstormthere was no way I was going to start a BobGraham round later tbat day - 72 miles 27000feet climb and 42 tops in the pouring rain I didntthink so

Dropping JUdith Callum and my mother at thebed and breakfast in Keswick didnt help as theyhad a spare bed in their room - the evening meallooked pretty good too However clearing skiesrevealed a good view at our first top Skiddawand I was soon pointing out to Judith the ascentroute and beginning to feel more positive aboutactually starting (finishing was anotber questionaltogether)

Au revoir KeswickI was taking part in a clockwise attempt an theBob Graham organised by two members atWrekin- Lawrence Jones and Andy dougb A small groupat supporters and helpers had gathered at tbeMoat Hall In Keswick to see us oft - or to makesure we started The weather by now was quitepleasant lulling us into a false sense at securityand I was therefore feeling quite confident as welogged away tram the hall at 630pmOur two supporters on this leg were Mike Callowand Stuart Turner carrying our spare toad waterand clothes and ensuring that we kept to theschedule The time schedule of 2272 hours thatwe were following had been devised byLawrence and Andy after much recceing at theroute and discussions with Bob Graham routeexperts

The Irish Orienteer 19

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

major rUHdminor (KIdcar pnlkjng ~1Ieadin roadracklarcc pathtli purhindistinct puhIIHrIOW ridehith Fencerw~

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sensonu) WHerCOUIOC l11nOW mnrshmarsh scusonal marshwnrer rnnk pond lakei(gtIbril~c lorddislinCI VCLCI1I10nchanceUP IIId - -rough open landopen land with scuuered trecxrough open land with $Clltc~d treessandy ground PlL- R~1) IJOIltSI IUI1forest slow run CouRSESforesr walk -impussublc vcgcuuion fuSundergrowth slow rul1bl E lt)

ulldcrgrowtll walk0111 or l)tlnd~ lrcaline of proposed new fence

T_-~r1I~nnln~ 1](11

descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 5: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

into his notebook then inks his personal stampand presses that into the notebook kept in the boxThe stamp copy he takes home is bis reward forthe effort Many lenerboxers have collectedhundreds of stamp copies which they enjoyreviewing at their leisure Letterboxing givesenthusiasts an excellent excuse for spending longdays tramping over the moors The greatchallenge is to interpret the complicated clues tothe wbereabouts of each box The clues are givenon detailed clue sheets available fromletterboxers (all of the boxes hidden on Dartmoorhave been put out over the years by letterboxersthemselves) and an organization that publisbes aclue catalogue Letterboxers trace their hobbyback to 1854 when a Victorian gentleman walkerput his calling card in a bottle and stuck the bottleinto a bank at Cranmere Pool in a remote part ofDartmoor Wbo could have foreseen that fromsuch a modest beginning would emerge anelaborate pastime that has become almost a wayof life for many of its aficionados(Abstract of an article by Chris Granstromoriginally published in the April 1998 issue ofSmithsonian Magazine)r-------------- RememberI II ICompassSport (STGpound1750 for1 year STGpound34 for two years)Orienteering World (lRpound14 for

1 year) and the ScientificJournal of Orienteering (IRpound9

for 1 year) are all availablethrough The Irish Orienteer

For CompassSport send your[credit card details preferably foriI the others send cheques made I out to The Irish Orienteer I IL ~

8 The Irish Orienteer



(Extracts from Bulletin 3 sent to allFederations entered in March)

Dates and types or racesPriday 22nd May Qualification racesSaturday 23rd May Classic Distance - ABand C FinalsMonday 25th MayTeams

Relay for National

WebSiteFurther information and copies of Bulletin 2 amp 3available on htpplhomepagetineLie-ioa

Event VenueQualifier and Classic DistanceGlenflesk (on road N22) Killarney Co KerryRelay Final Muckross National Park (on roadN71) Killarney Co Kerry

Event DirectorKen Griffin 12 Island Way Muskerry EstateBallincollig Co Cork IrelandTelephone +353-21-870338 (H) fax +353-21-312970 (W) e-mail irishoatinetie

Event OfficialsIOF Controller Oivind Holt NorwayDay 1 - Planner Justin May National ControllerAlan Shaw Mapper Marcus PinkerDay 2 - Planner Bernard Creedon NationalController Alan Shaw Mapper Marcus PinkerDay 3 - Planner Pat Long National ControllerKevin 0Dwyer Mapper Barry Dalby

Maximum number of competitors per federation6 men and 6 women for individual events2 mens teams and 2 womens teams for relay

events (3 runners in each team)

Qualification scheme for the races3 parallel races for botb men and women Thefirst 20 from each group go to the A final nos 21to 40 from each group go to the B final and therest go to the C final depending on numbers

Event CentreGleneagles Hotel Muckross Road (road numberN71) Killarney Co Kerry Ireland (adjacent torelay area)Tel +353-64-31870 Pax +353-64-32646Location 2km from town centre Single roomIRpound40Double roomlRpound25 per person sharing

Further details of accommodation etc in theKillarney area may be bad by contactingDestination Killarney at TelIFax +353-1-8742949 Fax +353-1-8742439CampingCaravan sites witb full facilitiesavailable on request

Preliminary Timetable for EventsWednesday 20th May1200-1800 World Cup Office at EventCentre open Arrival of early teams Trainingpossibilities on local terrain amp maps -Inchigeelagh area

Thursday 21st May1000 - 1800 World Cup Office at Event Centreopen1300 - 1800 Model event at Carrigawaddra1200 Deadline for confirmation of team names1200 Start draw for the qualification race atEvent Centre (closed event)1600 Start lists available at Event Centre office1900 Team officials meeting at Event CentreTraining possibilities on local terrain amp maps -lncbigeelagb area

Friday 22nd May0900 - 1200 World Cup Office at Event Centreopen0900 - 1100 Model event at Carrigawaddra1300-1630 Start Qualification Race atCrohane Lake1700 - 1930 Start Shamrock O-Ringen 98

spectator races at Crobane Lake1900 Start lists for A B C finals available atEvent Centre1900 Team officials meeting at Event Centre

Saturday 23rd May1000 - 1300 Start A B finals at CrohaneGlenflesk1430 - 1700 Start SOR 98 spectator race atCrohane Glenflesk2000 Banquet amp Celli M6r at Event Centre2100 Prize giving ceremony at Event Centreduring Banquet

Sunday 24th May1000 - 1200 Start SOR 98 spectator races -chasing start at Black Lakes1330 SOR 98 Spectator race prize givingceremony at Black Lakes1300 - 1600 Model event at Muckross1600 Final entry for relays with competitorsnames and starting order at Event Centre1900 Team officials meeting at Event Centre

Monday 25th May1000 Slart womens relay at Muckross House1130 Start of mens relay at Muclcross House1400 Prize giving at Muckross House

Location and description of the terrainThe qualifier and classic distance terrain arelocated in the area around Glenflesk Co Kerry23km and 14km southeast of Killarney towncentre respectively The terrain is hilly roughopen complex moorlandThe relay terrain is mainly hilly mixed forestparkland and some rough open areas - 4 kin soutbof Event Centre and 6 km from hostels inKillarney town centre

Course DetailsQualifier - Men 76 km320m17 controls 45mins winning timeQualifier - Women 53km1210ml13 controlsSf)minutesWTA Final - Men 125km5I 5ml26csnS minsB Final- Men 98km1340mI19cs n5 minsA Final- Women 85km315m1l5cs 70 minWT

The Irish Orienleer 9

B Pinal - Women 67 kml260mll5 csl 70 minWTRelay - Men 65km1190m17cs100 mins (3logs)Relay - Women 51km1125m14csloo mins (3legs)

Handing In Final Team ListsFinal entries with individual team membersnames to be banded into event office inGleneagles Hotel by 1200 brs on Thursday 21stMay 1998 Start draw for Qualifying races willbegin at 1200 brs Names and running order forRelays to be handed into event office in by 1600brs on Sunday 24th May 1998

TlmlnglPunchingWe propose to use the Sporlident system ofpuncbing for tbe events This is for controlregistering only Start and Pin ish will be normal -start on Bleep and finisb by crossing the Finishline The equipment will be set up at the Modelevents also See details on how to use the systemon attached page

Training opportunitiesTraining opportunities will be available in theInchigeelagh area on Wednesday and Thursday20121 st May These maps are by the samemapper as for the individual World Cup eventsMaps available from event office Transportprovided only on request costs depend ondemand Own transport would be best as theIocation is not on a direct bus route fromKillarney This area is about 65km fromKillarney using main roads

Model EventsThe timetable and venue for the model events aregiven above Maps available from event officeTransport provided only on request costs dependon demand The Model events are adjacent to theWorld Cup areas

Clothing requirementsThere are no special clothingfootwear rules forthe events normal IOF rules apply Good lowerbody cover required and full body coverrecommended due to tbe nature of the terrain

1Q The Irish Orienleer

SpectatorRacesShamrock O-Ringen with chasing starts on day 3on same maps as World Cup Friday 22ndSaturday 23rd Sunday 24th May 1998 Pre entryrequired entry form attached all age classesavailable Entries toBernard Creedon Tavie Mount ProspectDouglas Co Corle IrelandTelepbone +353-21-361824 fax +353-21-361825 E-mail bcreedonindigoie

CeremoniesThere will not be an official opening ceremonyNeat dress expected for prize giving and banquetin Event Centre 2000 brs Saturday 23rd May

Event CateringThe ladies of Cork Orienteering Club will beoperating a Soup Kitchen for Days 1 amp 2Good food (including vegetarian) at reasonablerates will be served in the assemblyfinish areasrespectively Soup teas coffees minerals juiceveg burgers etc served Full menu and priceswill be included with Bulletin 4 We would urgeyou to support this wortby venture as they aremaking a very special effort on your behalf Nootber catering concessions will beaccommodated There is a cafeteria in MuckrossHouse - Relay area

Dont forget to get your entries in for the10tb Shamrock O-Ringen Entry forms in thisissueTheres accommodation available at theGleneagles Hotel just mention the World Cuporienteering event and you 11get the same rate

Back toBasicsMapping

Aongbus OChHrigb

Our sports only fixed assets are its mapsWe dont possess club-houses playingpitches or other real-estate so theres astrong case for making tne best maps that wecan afford It happens that outstanding mapsare actually quite affordable and also quitenecessary

Six reasons for maklng great mapsbull Everyone gets a buzz out of competing ona truly great map - even if tbe terrain is NOTalways Grade A Scandinavianbull Outstanding maps make course-planning alot easier The planner doesnt have to duck andweave througb dubiously mapped areas As aresult competition is fairer On a superblysurveyed map its quite difficult to wrongly placea control There is NO ambiguity and NOcancelled coursesbull Good O-babits and skills follow fromusing terrific O-maps Top-class mapping meansoutstanding contour representation - even inrelatively uninteresting terrain Subtle slopechanges are captured Bad mapping (andespecially poor contour representation) lead topoor orienteering technique Orienteers areforced to discount all but the largest contourfeatures and must rely on good old compass andpacingbull Outstanding surveying saves moneyOnce the expense of producing the first edition ofa map is absorbed subsequent revisions needconcentrate only on vegetation cbanges A

digitised map will last forever Poorly mappedareas prove expensive in the long run since theywill eventually have to be completely re-surveyed Everyone bas to put-up witb them inthe meanwbilebull Lose your position on a splendid map andyou know the mistake is yours alone - not themappers An accurate map allows you takeresponsibility for your own performance (Somemight NOT view this as an advantage) As soonas you can trust the map your concentration andmap-contact sharpen and you get closer to thaIperformance state where (trance-like) you flowthrough controlsbull A well-surveyed map is always fondlyremembered It is a source of pride to mapperand sponsoring club alike On the nip-side apoorly surveyed map erodes the reputation ofeveryone associated with it

Implications of pursuing a strategy ofproducing only top quality mappingThe unit costs of map production areapproximately pound040 pound080 and pound 154depending on the production method used (Seethe section on map production scenarios below)The premium to be paid for a top quality product(worst-case approx pound1) is a relatively smallfraction of an event entry fee As it is we chargecomparatively low competition entry fees Othersports with lower overbeads levy higherparticipation fees from participantsIf eacb large lOA club produces a lop-class maponce every two years and each small clubproduces an excellent map once every threeyears it will take 10 years (until 2009 AD) toproduce a stock of 100 outstanding new orrevised maps hereIn order that as many people as possible get to useexcellent maps priority attention might be givento mapping areas near cities as well aschampionship standard terrainGradually our outstanding mapping willcontribute to better lrisb competitive results bothat home and abroad (How will we cope witb allthis success)Producing great mapping will help build-up ourown O-mapping industry This will happen

The Irish Orienteer 11

there is going to be a higher level of scrutiny andfollow-up by the Sports Council to see that statedgoals are being achieved


because not all clubs have either the expertise orthe time to devote to the production ofmarvellous maps Much of the work (fun) mayhave to be contracted to specialists However inorder to be a good mapper you must first be agood orienteerA mapping project which is contracted to aspecialist might incur increased start-up costswbich cannot be recouped until the map isproduced This means that chasing bank-loansand government (lottery) grants could become abot topicAsideIt is always a good idea that the surveyorsname appears in the map credits heshe cansubsequently bask in the glow of our admiration

Assumptions made in comparing the 3scenariosMap bas area of 6 sq Jan - mixture openmountain and forest (similar in size to currentmaps of Curragh West or of Three RockMountain)Map is computer drawn5000 copies of the map are printed Noallowance is made for wasteCosts in these examples are based OD using 3overlapping photos and 2 stereo models toproduce a photogrammetric plot (However amap of area 6 sq km can often be covered by onepair of 60 overlapping 152mm formatI20000 scale photographs)The daily rate for a surveying contractor isestimated as pound140 per day This is calculated onthe basis of an annual salary of pound30000 (fromwhich transport equipment and other overheadsarc paid) a 43 week working year (the rest of thetime is spent OD administration procuring workand holidays) an 8 hour working day and a 5 dayweek and 5 days on average taken to survey anddraw Isq kmFieldwork and drawing costs in scenarios 2 and 3(with club members doing the surveying andcartography) include equipment depreciationstationery and petrolClub mappers ace as skilled as professionalsurveyors (In many instances this is NOT a validassumption)Independent checking is carried out by clubmembers in alJ three casesCosts are approximate but are based on theactual costs of recent mapping and are inclusiveof VAT

Juniors Officer Ted Lucey reported on the yearsactivities training camps and competitions butlamented the lack of fitness and commitment totraining by the junior squad comparing it to tbelevel of training expected of comparable agebasketball players with 10 hours training perweek The title of a recent newspaper articlesummed it up Sacrifices have to be made tofulfil a dream

An uncontroversial AGM of the lOA Whatevernext

The meeting took place after the LeinsterChampionsbips at Trooperstown on April 4th andthe turnover of the Executive Committee wasunusuaUy lowAll the usual things which happen at an AGMhappened reports from the Officers and so on Inhis address Bernard Creedon the lOAChairman hoped that the World Cup wouldgenerate more publicity for orienteering here andattract more people to the South West fororienteering in future He expresseddisappointment however in the numbers ofpeople in orienteering so that the lack of growthin numbers is limiting development the broaderthe base of the pyramid the higher the top

Coacbing Officer Prank Ryan reminded all thequalified conches of the need to go out and coachnow Schools and scouts could be bigdevelopment areas The lOA has co-operatedvery well with the National Coaching andTraining Centre in Limerick and is benefitingfrom this contact 34 people have now beenaccredited as Level I or Lever 2 coaches

Three O-map production scenariosThe table below compares three mappingscenarios Examples amp 2 follow bestcartographic practice - recent 1 20000 scalephotography is used by specialist orienteeringphotogramrnetrists to produce aphotogrammetric plot An accurate completeand consistent map is then surveyed from thephotogrammetry computer drawn andindependently checked before printing Inscenario 1 tbe production of the map iscontracted out to a mapping specialist whereasin scenario 2 the map is produced by anexperienced club mapper Scenario 3 details thecost of producing an orienteering map from anexisting paper map (revision) In all examplesthe new survey is captured on computer checkedand printed in a standard way The costs used forcomparison purposes have been kept as realisticas possible

Other officers gave written reports DevelopmentOfficer Brendan Cryan sees increasing thenumbers participating in the sport as the keyespecially the young He hopes to establish threeSchools Orienteering Associations in MunsterLcinster and ConnachtlUlster and to runintroductory courses for teachers to make thescheme a success Individual scbools can nowaffiliate to lOA as associate members

Money mattersDue to Treasurer Noel Donaghs astute financialmanagement imagination and good luck thelOA benefited from Sports Council grants lastyear to tbe tune of pound34000 pound10000 was for theWorld Cup pound7000 for electronic timingequipment pound3000 for coaching pound2000 was forteams competing abroad pound2000 was anOutstanding Sports persons Grant for UnaCreagh and the remaining pound10000 was thenormal administrati ve grant to tbe AssociationBoth Noel and Bernard made the point that theAssociation will have to increase its income inorder to develop Noel also reported that we havegot cheaper insurance this year with cover forschools - insurance is a major cost at aboutpound3000 per annum He suggested going for ascheme of individual membership of lOA whichwould allow club affiliation fees to be reduced tothe advantage of smaller clubs (at present clubsof uP to 100 members pay pound150 more than 100pay pound300)New grant application procedures will mean thatlOA could benefit from increased funding but

Technical Officer Sean Cotter hopes to have ameeting of representatives of all affiliated clubsand organisations with the tecbnical sub-committee in the autumn to look at the lOA rulesand constitution

Comparison of ScenariosScenarIo 1 Scenario 2Activity Scenario 3 Reports were also submitted from the Fixtures

Secretary Lillian Quill and Studentrepresentative Daire OsborneProcure photos (3 photos Scale 120(00) pound800 pound800

Pbotogrammetry pound1200 pound1200(2 models - 5m contour interval)Fieldwork amp Drawing (30 man days) pound4200 pound1200 pound1200Final Drawing (5 man days) pound700Independent Cbecking(6 man days) pound200 pound200 pound200Platemaking amp Printing pound600 pound600 pound600TOTAL (5000 maps) pound7700 pound4000 pound2000Price per map pound154 pound080 pound04012 The Irish Orienteer

New executiveThere were no elections for the Executive sincethere was no surplus of candidates Thecommittee for the next year isChairman Bernard Creedon Secretary KenGriffin Treasurer Noel Donagh Fixtures LillianQuill Technical Sean Cotler Juniors Ted Lucey

The Irish Orien(eer 13

Coaching Frank Ryan Development BrendanCryan Public Relations John McCulloughEnvironment David Carter Jean ONeill (FIN) isto consider the position of International Officerand the position of mapping officer is vacant

Prank Ryan and Toni ODonovan werenominated as FlOArepresentatives Mick Kellettwas suggested as AFAS representative but bewasnt there so that still has to be confirmed

Levies proposalA CorkO proposal about event levies generatedsome discussion but it was referred back to theExecutive to do something about the situationLevies of 10 of the income from every eventare supposed to be paid to lOA but it is clear thattbis isnt happening either clubs arent payinglevies at all or they are paying 10 of the profitnot 10 of the income Of pound2938 paid in levieslast year a whopping pound1447 (thais 49) waspaid by CorkO Admittedly pound888 of this was forthe Shamrock O-Ringen but 5 clubs paid none atall and others paid in the range pound720 to pound280The problem is that there is no attempt made atenforcing the payment of levies Tbe levies arepaid by tbe competitors for the development oforienteering and the clubs are given the job ofcollecting and passing on tbis money If theydont pass it on they are defrauding both the lOAand tbe competitors its like solicitors usingclients money wbich can get tbem disbarredClubs arc supposed LO send in their auditedaccounts to lOA every year but not all clubs doThe lOA has undertaken to take a stronger Lineonthe matter

Other stuff Frank Ryan suggested standardisingentry fees be paid pound7 + pound2 late for the LeinsterChamps but only pound4 for Connacht Mmm Individual membership would give us a mucbbetter idea of the actual situation In themeantime clubs are asked to send in to lOA a listof their current members names addresses ageclasses and pbone numbers preferably on diskbutif they have any reservations about the DataProtection aspect then on paper will do VeteranTeam manager Alan Gartside (who was waitingfor the LOC prize giving) commented that it wasoften very difficult to contact team members and14 The Irish Orienteer

reserves to notify them of selection A centralregister of members would belp enormously TedLucey wondered whether clubs would ever againget grants towards map production and wasassured that this would happen again The date ofthe Irish Championships was raised too Mayclashes witb 3rd level students exams Juneclashes with scbool exams April is too early andshortens the season too much July is too late weve been here before over the years

Awards Tbis year the Mactire Tropby forachievements in the past year went to MarcusPinker the Silva Trophy for services toorienteering went to Noel Donagh and the SilvaAward for behind the scenes activity went toMargaret Creedon

Map of the Year The Grade Imap of the yearaward went to Cork 0 for Cobduff the Grade 2went to CorkO for Firmount and the Grace 3went to Cork 0 for Botllehill No other clubssubmitted maps for assessment

Finally Ken Griffin brought the meeting up todate on the World Cup arrangements for Kerry inMay 27 teams bave entered with about 250runners We need about 60 people to run theevent (the BOF event the next week has a bulletinwith three pages of helpersl) but we will be underpressure for manpower He again appealed toclubs and individuals to volunteer and to workfor the success of the event not just spectate


Tired of orienteering Why not trysome variations

Mountain Marathon TriumphsAn Irish Orienteers Perspective

Aonghus OClcirigh

The mountain marathon - a test of team-workendurance mountain-racing orienteering andsurvival skills The standard in this part ofEurope is the Karrimor International MountainMarathon (KlMM) a 2-day event which hasbeen run every year in Great Britain since 1968A team consists of a pair of athletes who navigatearound an extremely long orienteering-typecourse set in mountainous terrain The mapsused arc usually of about I40000 scale with10m contour interval Competitors carry withthem a tent sleeping-bags and all the food andclothes they will need for 2 days and one nightNorthern Irelands version of the event - TheMourne Mountain Marathon - started in the late1970s and bas been growing every year sinceThe republics equivalent event - The LoweAlpine Comeragh Mountain Challenge -organised by Pat Healy is 5 years old Thecompetition moves to Wicklow this year for its6tb running on a newly drawn map

Comeragh Challenge Elite class winners1993 lim Brown amp Martin McNiff1994 John Kewley ampMark Seddon1995 Gerry Brady amp Marcus Pinker1996 Brendan Bolland amp Gerry Brady1997 Megan Argharad amp Brendan Bolland(Mixed A Course) 53223John Casey amp Brendan OBrien (Open A Course)618 19

(Note In 1997 there was NO Elite class offeredMembers within pairs are listed in alpbabetical


Phenomenon1be seeds of the Comeragh Mountain Challengewere sown as far back as 1975 when pioneers PatHealy and Wally Young placed 3rd in theA-classof the Karrimor that year

A decade would pass before the MountainMarathon universe would be truly astounded bythe exploits of one Irish orienteer in particular - apbenomenon named Robin Bryson His talentsas athlete mountain racer and mountainmaratboner are widely reported but not generallyknown are his exploits in orienteering In 1985he was Northern Irish O-Champion and was oneof the five men selected to represent Ireland atWOC85 held in Australia (For financialreasons the team did not travel)

Brysons mountain racing career isexceptional He is truly a world-class athleteHis World CupWorld Trophy performancesinclude 4th 6th 4th and 9th in consecutive years1991- 94 He has won the Matterhorn race andholds the record for the ascent of Snowdon Hisversatility doesnt end there Robin has also beenNational 15k road-racing cbampion bas won theDublin X-Country Championships was twice amember of the winning DSD team in theNational X-Country Championships and hasrepresented Ireland in X-country A story is (oldof him in the early 80s cycling from Dublin toGlcndalough running (and winning) a mountain-race and then cycling horne He is still verymuch a keen cyclist

Marathon ManIn 1985 Robin won the Mourne MountainMarathon He then proceeded to win the Eliteclass in the Karrimor twice (85 88) and wasrunner-up in 87 1was privileged to partner bimfor the second of bis two KIMM victories Thepairing happened quite by accident Pat Farrellyand myself bad originally entered as a team Twoweeks before the event Pat became injured and Iteamed-up with Brian Ervine Two nights beforetravelling Brian rang me and told me that he badsome GOOD news and some DAD news TheBAD news was that he was injured and couldntcompete the GOOD news was that he bad founda replacement - Robin Bryson (Robins regular

The Irish Orienleer 15

KIMM partner Ken Taylor had also succumbedto injury) What struck me about Robin duringthe following days was his calmness - heexhibited the coolness of a champion In recentyears he has restricted his mountain marathoninvol vement to planning the Mourne eventBrian Ervine is also renowned for his mountain-racing achievements and like Robin hisorienteering accomplishments are NOT widelypublicised Brian has been Northern IrishOrienteering Champion twice (89 94) and haswon seven Mourne Mountain Marathons He hascompeted for Northern Ireland in ten consecutiveMountain Racing World Cupl World Trophyevents as has Jim Patterson - also from theNorth (Only Scotsman Colin Donnelly hascompeted in all eleven world races) Brian haswon the All-Ireland Mountain RacingChampionships twice and the Northern IrelandMountain Racing Championships three times

(Thanks to Douglas Barry Brian Ervine and PatHealy for much of the information in this article)


MOUNTAIN CHALLENGETwo Day Two PersonTeamMountainMarathon with Overnight Campsite

GLENMALURE-RATHDRUMCO WICKLOW (IRELAND EAST)Saturday 16th May 1997Sunday 17th May 1997

Two Day Navigalion(Endurance Event (IX Teams of TwoNew five colour map - Survey 1997-1998

125000 10 metre contours

Course lengths (over 1wo days)Elite Course E 045kmappltox

Course A 40km appltaxCourse 8 35km appro

Walking - Course C 25km appmxFot furtt- Information Entry Forms write 10Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh Co Kildare Ireland

TeVFax (045) 441625 From UK dial 010 353 04S441625Entry 10mraquo will be pooted 10 11 1997 oppIic bullnlS

]6 The Irish Orienleq

The MacLehoseTrail

Last November Dave Weston Eugene0 Sullivan and Philip Brennan fromDublins Setanta Orienteers took part in anunusual event in Hong Kong Philip takesup the story

It all started witb the words You should try theMacLehose Trail An innocent enoughstatement at the time as we sat sipping pints ofbeer in The Hairy Lemon ill Dublin but little didwe realise the pain and misery that lay in store forus

Having completed a number of long distanceruns around Ireland myoid friend Conor told usabout this famous Trailwalker event that tookplace every November in Hong Kong where hebad worked for the past 5 years The fact that hehad never actually done tbe event should havealerted me to the dangers ahead but Conor wasnow waxing lyrical about the stunningmountains coastal vistas beautiful weather andgeneral exotica of it all

liang Kong for me conjures up images ofthousands of skyscrapers rising from the sea andsix million people running around workingevery hour God sent and living 011 top of oneanother However 1was soon to discover that theNorthern Territories which border mainlandChina contain 21 country parks through whichthe MacLehose Trail runs for 100 km

Team SETANTAAnd so it was that Team Setanta entered theevent quietly confident albeit with prettylimited knowledge of what lay ahead of us OurChief Mathematician Dave Weston did hishomework OJ) the course and confidently assuredus that with only 7000 feet of ascent Over thewhole distance it would be a piece of cake andwith that he promptly headed off to China for the3 weeks prior to the event promising to meet us

in Ned Kellys Last Stand (where else 1) ahostelry of dubious reputation in Kowloon twonights before the race

Eugene 0Sullivan and myself were not quite soconfident and decided that a little bit of trainingmight be in order before we left dear old IrelandWeekends were spent running around the Glen oflmaal in mist and getting lost in the environs ofLugnaquilla Would they have swampy bogdriving rain and impenetrable fog like this inHong Kong Imused to myself as we ran aroundin circles arguing about where we were andwhich was the quickest way back to FentonsPub After a while we convinced ourselves thatthere was no point in doing any more training inthese conditions as the weather would be totallydifferent over there and anyway we would onlywear ourselves out and we should be conservingour energy instead

Arrivalth the race starting on the 21 st of November weflew out on the 15th arriving on the evening ofSunday the 16th and giving ourselves most of aweek to acclimatise to the heat (28 degrees Cappro x) and get over our jetlag

Alistair our contact in Hong Kong met with usand put our minds at rest with all the gory detailsof the Maclehose Trail Named after a formerGovernor who had a keen interest in mountainwalking and pushed through the first parkconservation laws in 1976 the trail links togethera chain of 7 parks Running from East to West itspans the entire length of the New Territories andconnects beaches and the highest mountainpeaks Over 730 four person teams had enteredand there would be two starts II am and 3pm Aswe were late entrants we had the afternoon start

At a pre-race pasta dinner in AlistairS house wemet other trailrunners some of whom had veryserious ambitions to beat last years time somehoping to beat other teams and some just hopingto finish When asked what time we hoped to doDave nonchalantly suggested that we would behappy with a time of between 15 and 18 hoursChoking on his ravioli a mega fit lookingFrenchman named Philippe commented that

perhaps we might be underestimating thedifficulty of the event A veteran of two previousTrailwaIkers his ambition was to break 20 hoursand here were 3 Paddies with no previousexperience or knowledge of the event talkingabout a time of 15hours I quickly found myselfcramming down more and more pasta and onlooking around noticed Dave amp Eugene doinglikewise

Race day dawned bright and sunny and we spentthe morning stocking up on supplies for theevent Hilary had (somewhat reluctantly) agreedto be our support team and would meet us atcheckpoints 3 6 8 and at the finish We gave hera timetable showing what time we expected tofinish each stage and loading her down withrucksacks full of food and drinks we bade hergoodbye

StartAt the start there was great commotion with over365 teams milling about stretching struttingposing and generally psyching out andantagonising the opposition With such a largecrowd we ended up about 200 metres back fromthe starting line and even with a little jostlingcould get no closer Finally the whistle soundedand off we went at long last the waiting was over

TIle first stage was supposedly 109 km in lengthand followed a road around a reservoir beforeclimbing over a large mountain down to abeautiful beach and ending in a deserted villagecalled Long Ke We soon found ourselves amongthe leading four teams and quickly caught andpassed the French team comprising of Philippeand his colleagues The heat was very intense butwe drank continuously and felt strong andconfident The fact that a TV crew in a helicopteroverhead were busy filming the leading teams nodoubt gave us the extra impetus to run that littlebit harder

At the end of the road we climbed steeply up thefirst mountain a little too steeply for my likingand teams we bad already overtaken now beganto pass us However as we came down the otherside we moved very fast over the rocky steepground and soon

The Irish Orienteer 17

regained our position As the evening wore onand darkness descended we joined a rollercoaster ride of high peaks steep ascents steeperdescents dense forests rugged ridges andwindswept summits Navigation at night didntpose too much of a problem as the route wasusually very obvious and there were so manypeople on the trail that if you were in any doubtyou just waited until the next team arrived

We hit checkpoint 3 around 9pm 6 hours on thetrot and half an hour ahead of schedule By now itwas obvious that Daves calculation of 7000 feetof total climb was way off the mark We hadalready climbed at least that height and hadanother 60 km to go IAndjudging from our mapthe ground ahead looked even steeper Our ChiefMathematician had erred slightly in hiscalculations the actual total climb was 7000metres not feet By God had we underestimatedit stages 4 amp 5 were looming and word had itthey were savage in comparision to the previousthree

Through the nightWell fed and watered by Hilary we set off into thedark night and after innumerable hours up anddown never ending mountains and ridges thewords of Christy Moore came to mind Endlessnigbt witbout dawning I have two abidingmemories of that night One is the procession oflight from head torches bobbing along the trailand from the top of some peaks these lightsstretched out miles in front and behind Theygave a great indication of the route and thehorrors ahead Oh no were not going all theway up there are we At this stage ChiefMathematician Mr 7000 ft himself was keepinga very low profile My other memory is the lightsof Hong Kong which occasionally came intoview Absolutely stunning and surreal it wasincredible to look at and from where we were itwas somewhat like a scene from a space agemovie

At checkpoint 6 we were in denial but the trustyHilary was there to greet us with a smile and hadbefriended another support team who took pityon this bedraggled bunch of Irishmen and shared

their bar-b-que18 The Irish Qrienteer

sausages with us Having lost some time onstages 4 amp 5 we were under pressure to move onand weariness was setting in

In the early bours of the morning strange thingscan happen and this was no ordinary night Davehooked up with some Danisb lady who took hishand told him everything would be aUright andplied him with some unusual drugs supposedlyto cure his cramping (yeah likely story Dave)Tiring of each others company we staggered onand with failing torch batteries we prayed for thedawn

DawnSunrise can be a beautiful thing but when youhave been on the go for 16 hours climbed over15000 feet and up and down God knows howmany steps ones admiration for a beautifulsunrise becomes somewhat diminished Sittingon top of Needle Hill the highest point on stage 7and looking miles into the distance at BeaconHill which was only halfway around stage 8 Icould have cried My so-called friend whosewords You should try the MacLehose Trailwere now resounding in my ear was now mybitter enemy No Christmas card for him thisyear The sun was now well up pretty soon itwould be 30 degrees C and nowhere to hide

At checkpoint 8 Hilarys smile had faded a littleShe too had been up all night and the realisationof the madness of it all was beginning to dawn onher By now we were more like robots thanhumans got to keep going eat food drink drinkkeep going From here on it was a case of Ivecome this far and Im damn well going to finishthis Most of the hard work was over stages 9and 10 were relatively flat but by now the soles ofour feet felt like they had been flailed with abamboo cane and any attempt to run broughtextreme pain to the body

Checkpoint 9 was like an oasis of calm Only10 of teams had already been through so all ourovertaking and jostling on the trail during thenight had paid off Even still we were well off ourtime and now our ambition was to break 23hours After gulping down some hot Chinese teawe set off on the last leg only 99 km to go

To the FinishStage 10 wound around another reservoir oftenalmost doubling back on itself Althoughrelatively flat it seemed to go on foreverfollowing every twist and turn of the lake Afteran age it climbed up to a cachwater and back onto a tarmacadam surface By now bodies werelying scattered all around We were nearing thefinish and despite complete exhaustion teamsbecame competitive again and began running thelast few kilometres home However many peoplesuffered severe cramping and ended up lying onthe ground writhing in agony and unable tomove Anxious team-mates busily masssaged thewounded and encouraged them to get up andcomplete the race Time enough for lying down atthe Finish

The last half kilometre was downhill and we ranall the way crossing the line in a daze What joyto see the finish banner finally the nightmare wasover As I lay on the ground watching othercompetitors finish I still found it difficult toaccept it was all over When you have been on thego for so long the mind seems to find it hard tobelieve that you have actually finished 100 kmand over 23000 ft of ascent completed Tune 23hours and 5 minutes

Never againBack in Dublin the post mortem begins We allbelieve we should have broken 20 hours Duringthe night of the event we met many people doingThe Trail for the third or fourth time and in viewof the pain and the suffering we were goingthrough at the time we were in agreement thatthis was tbe first and last time for us But now thepain is forgotten only the joy on finishingrernaims and maybe one day we will go back andtackle it again Sub 20 hours is achievable andafter all we owe it to ourselves

(Reprinted from the January 1998 SetantaOrienteers newsletter)

42 at 42Steve Jones (Eryri Orienteers) is anorienteer and fell runner who has run severaltimes in the Shamrock O-Ringen This is hisaccount of his Bob Graham Round anattempt to do the 72 mile circuit in the LakeDistrict in under 24 hours at the age of 42

Approaching Keswick on the afternoon atSaturday June 7th in a very heavy thunderstormthere was no way I was going to start a BobGraham round later tbat day - 72 miles 27000feet climb and 42 tops in the pouring rain I didntthink so

Dropping JUdith Callum and my mother at thebed and breakfast in Keswick didnt help as theyhad a spare bed in their room - the evening meallooked pretty good too However clearing skiesrevealed a good view at our first top Skiddawand I was soon pointing out to Judith the ascentroute and beginning to feel more positive aboutactually starting (finishing was anotber questionaltogether)

Au revoir KeswickI was taking part in a clockwise attempt an theBob Graham organised by two members atWrekin- Lawrence Jones and Andy dougb A small groupat supporters and helpers had gathered at tbeMoat Hall In Keswick to see us oft - or to makesure we started The weather by now was quitepleasant lulling us into a false sense at securityand I was therefore feeling quite confident as welogged away tram the hall at 630pmOur two supporters on this leg were Mike Callowand Stuart Turner carrying our spare toad waterand clothes and ensuring that we kept to theschedule The time schedule of 2272 hours thatwe were following had been devised byLawrence and Andy after much recceing at theroute and discussions with Bob Graham routeexperts

The Irish Orienteer 19

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

major rUHdminor (KIdcar pnlkjng ~1Ieadin roadracklarcc pathtli purhindistinct puhIIHrIOW ridehith Fencerw~

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sensonu) WHerCOUIOC l11nOW mnrshmarsh scusonal marshwnrer rnnk pond lakei(gtIbril~c lorddislinCI VCLCI1I10nchanceUP IIId - -rough open landopen land with scuuered trecxrough open land with $Clltc~d treessandy ground PlL- R~1) IJOIltSI IUI1forest slow run CouRSESforesr walk -impussublc vcgcuuion fuSundergrowth slow rul1bl E lt)

ulldcrgrowtll walk0111 or l)tlnd~ lrcaline of proposed new fence

T_-~r1I~nnln~ 1](11

descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 6: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

B Pinal - Women 67 kml260mll5 csl 70 minWTRelay - Men 65km1190m17cs100 mins (3logs)Relay - Women 51km1125m14csloo mins (3legs)

Handing In Final Team ListsFinal entries with individual team membersnames to be banded into event office inGleneagles Hotel by 1200 brs on Thursday 21stMay 1998 Start draw for Qualifying races willbegin at 1200 brs Names and running order forRelays to be handed into event office in by 1600brs on Sunday 24th May 1998

TlmlnglPunchingWe propose to use the Sporlident system ofpuncbing for tbe events This is for controlregistering only Start and Pin ish will be normal -start on Bleep and finisb by crossing the Finishline The equipment will be set up at the Modelevents also See details on how to use the systemon attached page

Training opportunitiesTraining opportunities will be available in theInchigeelagh area on Wednesday and Thursday20121 st May These maps are by the samemapper as for the individual World Cup eventsMaps available from event office Transportprovided only on request costs depend ondemand Own transport would be best as theIocation is not on a direct bus route fromKillarney This area is about 65km fromKillarney using main roads

Model EventsThe timetable and venue for the model events aregiven above Maps available from event officeTransport provided only on request costs dependon demand The Model events are adjacent to theWorld Cup areas

Clothing requirementsThere are no special clothingfootwear rules forthe events normal IOF rules apply Good lowerbody cover required and full body coverrecommended due to tbe nature of the terrain

1Q The Irish Orienleer

SpectatorRacesShamrock O-Ringen with chasing starts on day 3on same maps as World Cup Friday 22ndSaturday 23rd Sunday 24th May 1998 Pre entryrequired entry form attached all age classesavailable Entries toBernard Creedon Tavie Mount ProspectDouglas Co Corle IrelandTelepbone +353-21-361824 fax +353-21-361825 E-mail bcreedonindigoie

CeremoniesThere will not be an official opening ceremonyNeat dress expected for prize giving and banquetin Event Centre 2000 brs Saturday 23rd May

Event CateringThe ladies of Cork Orienteering Club will beoperating a Soup Kitchen for Days 1 amp 2Good food (including vegetarian) at reasonablerates will be served in the assemblyfinish areasrespectively Soup teas coffees minerals juiceveg burgers etc served Full menu and priceswill be included with Bulletin 4 We would urgeyou to support this wortby venture as they aremaking a very special effort on your behalf Nootber catering concessions will beaccommodated There is a cafeteria in MuckrossHouse - Relay area

Dont forget to get your entries in for the10tb Shamrock O-Ringen Entry forms in thisissueTheres accommodation available at theGleneagles Hotel just mention the World Cuporienteering event and you 11get the same rate

Back toBasicsMapping

Aongbus OChHrigb

Our sports only fixed assets are its mapsWe dont possess club-houses playingpitches or other real-estate so theres astrong case for making tne best maps that wecan afford It happens that outstanding mapsare actually quite affordable and also quitenecessary

Six reasons for maklng great mapsbull Everyone gets a buzz out of competing ona truly great map - even if tbe terrain is NOTalways Grade A Scandinavianbull Outstanding maps make course-planning alot easier The planner doesnt have to duck andweave througb dubiously mapped areas As aresult competition is fairer On a superblysurveyed map its quite difficult to wrongly placea control There is NO ambiguity and NOcancelled coursesbull Good O-babits and skills follow fromusing terrific O-maps Top-class mapping meansoutstanding contour representation - even inrelatively uninteresting terrain Subtle slopechanges are captured Bad mapping (andespecially poor contour representation) lead topoor orienteering technique Orienteers areforced to discount all but the largest contourfeatures and must rely on good old compass andpacingbull Outstanding surveying saves moneyOnce the expense of producing the first edition ofa map is absorbed subsequent revisions needconcentrate only on vegetation cbanges A

digitised map will last forever Poorly mappedareas prove expensive in the long run since theywill eventually have to be completely re-surveyed Everyone bas to put-up witb them inthe meanwbilebull Lose your position on a splendid map andyou know the mistake is yours alone - not themappers An accurate map allows you takeresponsibility for your own performance (Somemight NOT view this as an advantage) As soonas you can trust the map your concentration andmap-contact sharpen and you get closer to thaIperformance state where (trance-like) you flowthrough controlsbull A well-surveyed map is always fondlyremembered It is a source of pride to mapperand sponsoring club alike On the nip-side apoorly surveyed map erodes the reputation ofeveryone associated with it

Implications of pursuing a strategy ofproducing only top quality mappingThe unit costs of map production areapproximately pound040 pound080 and pound 154depending on the production method used (Seethe section on map production scenarios below)The premium to be paid for a top quality product(worst-case approx pound1) is a relatively smallfraction of an event entry fee As it is we chargecomparatively low competition entry fees Othersports with lower overbeads levy higherparticipation fees from participantsIf eacb large lOA club produces a lop-class maponce every two years and each small clubproduces an excellent map once every threeyears it will take 10 years (until 2009 AD) toproduce a stock of 100 outstanding new orrevised maps hereIn order that as many people as possible get to useexcellent maps priority attention might be givento mapping areas near cities as well aschampionship standard terrainGradually our outstanding mapping willcontribute to better lrisb competitive results bothat home and abroad (How will we cope witb allthis success)Producing great mapping will help build-up ourown O-mapping industry This will happen

The Irish Orienteer 11

there is going to be a higher level of scrutiny andfollow-up by the Sports Council to see that statedgoals are being achieved


because not all clubs have either the expertise orthe time to devote to the production ofmarvellous maps Much of the work (fun) mayhave to be contracted to specialists However inorder to be a good mapper you must first be agood orienteerA mapping project which is contracted to aspecialist might incur increased start-up costswbich cannot be recouped until the map isproduced This means that chasing bank-loansand government (lottery) grants could become abot topicAsideIt is always a good idea that the surveyorsname appears in the map credits heshe cansubsequently bask in the glow of our admiration

Assumptions made in comparing the 3scenariosMap bas area of 6 sq Jan - mixture openmountain and forest (similar in size to currentmaps of Curragh West or of Three RockMountain)Map is computer drawn5000 copies of the map are printed Noallowance is made for wasteCosts in these examples are based OD using 3overlapping photos and 2 stereo models toproduce a photogrammetric plot (However amap of area 6 sq km can often be covered by onepair of 60 overlapping 152mm formatI20000 scale photographs)The daily rate for a surveying contractor isestimated as pound140 per day This is calculated onthe basis of an annual salary of pound30000 (fromwhich transport equipment and other overheadsarc paid) a 43 week working year (the rest of thetime is spent OD administration procuring workand holidays) an 8 hour working day and a 5 dayweek and 5 days on average taken to survey anddraw Isq kmFieldwork and drawing costs in scenarios 2 and 3(with club members doing the surveying andcartography) include equipment depreciationstationery and petrolClub mappers ace as skilled as professionalsurveyors (In many instances this is NOT a validassumption)Independent checking is carried out by clubmembers in alJ three casesCosts are approximate but are based on theactual costs of recent mapping and are inclusiveof VAT

Juniors Officer Ted Lucey reported on the yearsactivities training camps and competitions butlamented the lack of fitness and commitment totraining by the junior squad comparing it to tbelevel of training expected of comparable agebasketball players with 10 hours training perweek The title of a recent newspaper articlesummed it up Sacrifices have to be made tofulfil a dream

An uncontroversial AGM of the lOA Whatevernext

The meeting took place after the LeinsterChampionsbips at Trooperstown on April 4th andthe turnover of the Executive Committee wasunusuaUy lowAll the usual things which happen at an AGMhappened reports from the Officers and so on Inhis address Bernard Creedon the lOAChairman hoped that the World Cup wouldgenerate more publicity for orienteering here andattract more people to the South West fororienteering in future He expresseddisappointment however in the numbers ofpeople in orienteering so that the lack of growthin numbers is limiting development the broaderthe base of the pyramid the higher the top

Coacbing Officer Prank Ryan reminded all thequalified conches of the need to go out and coachnow Schools and scouts could be bigdevelopment areas The lOA has co-operatedvery well with the National Coaching andTraining Centre in Limerick and is benefitingfrom this contact 34 people have now beenaccredited as Level I or Lever 2 coaches

Three O-map production scenariosThe table below compares three mappingscenarios Examples amp 2 follow bestcartographic practice - recent 1 20000 scalephotography is used by specialist orienteeringphotogramrnetrists to produce aphotogrammetric plot An accurate completeand consistent map is then surveyed from thephotogrammetry computer drawn andindependently checked before printing Inscenario 1 tbe production of the map iscontracted out to a mapping specialist whereasin scenario 2 the map is produced by anexperienced club mapper Scenario 3 details thecost of producing an orienteering map from anexisting paper map (revision) In all examplesthe new survey is captured on computer checkedand printed in a standard way The costs used forcomparison purposes have been kept as realisticas possible

Other officers gave written reports DevelopmentOfficer Brendan Cryan sees increasing thenumbers participating in the sport as the keyespecially the young He hopes to establish threeSchools Orienteering Associations in MunsterLcinster and ConnachtlUlster and to runintroductory courses for teachers to make thescheme a success Individual scbools can nowaffiliate to lOA as associate members

Money mattersDue to Treasurer Noel Donaghs astute financialmanagement imagination and good luck thelOA benefited from Sports Council grants lastyear to tbe tune of pound34000 pound10000 was for theWorld Cup pound7000 for electronic timingequipment pound3000 for coaching pound2000 was forteams competing abroad pound2000 was anOutstanding Sports persons Grant for UnaCreagh and the remaining pound10000 was thenormal administrati ve grant to tbe AssociationBoth Noel and Bernard made the point that theAssociation will have to increase its income inorder to develop Noel also reported that we havegot cheaper insurance this year with cover forschools - insurance is a major cost at aboutpound3000 per annum He suggested going for ascheme of individual membership of lOA whichwould allow club affiliation fees to be reduced tothe advantage of smaller clubs (at present clubsof uP to 100 members pay pound150 more than 100pay pound300)New grant application procedures will mean thatlOA could benefit from increased funding but

Technical Officer Sean Cotter hopes to have ameeting of representatives of all affiliated clubsand organisations with the tecbnical sub-committee in the autumn to look at the lOA rulesand constitution

Comparison of ScenariosScenarIo 1 Scenario 2Activity Scenario 3 Reports were also submitted from the Fixtures

Secretary Lillian Quill and Studentrepresentative Daire OsborneProcure photos (3 photos Scale 120(00) pound800 pound800

Pbotogrammetry pound1200 pound1200(2 models - 5m contour interval)Fieldwork amp Drawing (30 man days) pound4200 pound1200 pound1200Final Drawing (5 man days) pound700Independent Cbecking(6 man days) pound200 pound200 pound200Platemaking amp Printing pound600 pound600 pound600TOTAL (5000 maps) pound7700 pound4000 pound2000Price per map pound154 pound080 pound04012 The Irish Orienteer

New executiveThere were no elections for the Executive sincethere was no surplus of candidates Thecommittee for the next year isChairman Bernard Creedon Secretary KenGriffin Treasurer Noel Donagh Fixtures LillianQuill Technical Sean Cotler Juniors Ted Lucey

The Irish Orien(eer 13

Coaching Frank Ryan Development BrendanCryan Public Relations John McCulloughEnvironment David Carter Jean ONeill (FIN) isto consider the position of International Officerand the position of mapping officer is vacant

Prank Ryan and Toni ODonovan werenominated as FlOArepresentatives Mick Kellettwas suggested as AFAS representative but bewasnt there so that still has to be confirmed

Levies proposalA CorkO proposal about event levies generatedsome discussion but it was referred back to theExecutive to do something about the situationLevies of 10 of the income from every eventare supposed to be paid to lOA but it is clear thattbis isnt happening either clubs arent payinglevies at all or they are paying 10 of the profitnot 10 of the income Of pound2938 paid in levieslast year a whopping pound1447 (thais 49) waspaid by CorkO Admittedly pound888 of this was forthe Shamrock O-Ringen but 5 clubs paid none atall and others paid in the range pound720 to pound280The problem is that there is no attempt made atenforcing the payment of levies Tbe levies arepaid by tbe competitors for the development oforienteering and the clubs are given the job ofcollecting and passing on tbis money If theydont pass it on they are defrauding both the lOAand tbe competitors its like solicitors usingclients money wbich can get tbem disbarredClubs arc supposed LO send in their auditedaccounts to lOA every year but not all clubs doThe lOA has undertaken to take a stronger Lineonthe matter

Other stuff Frank Ryan suggested standardisingentry fees be paid pound7 + pound2 late for the LeinsterChamps but only pound4 for Connacht Mmm Individual membership would give us a mucbbetter idea of the actual situation In themeantime clubs are asked to send in to lOA a listof their current members names addresses ageclasses and pbone numbers preferably on diskbutif they have any reservations about the DataProtection aspect then on paper will do VeteranTeam manager Alan Gartside (who was waitingfor the LOC prize giving) commented that it wasoften very difficult to contact team members and14 The Irish Orienteer

reserves to notify them of selection A centralregister of members would belp enormously TedLucey wondered whether clubs would ever againget grants towards map production and wasassured that this would happen again The date ofthe Irish Championships was raised too Mayclashes witb 3rd level students exams Juneclashes with scbool exams April is too early andshortens the season too much July is too late weve been here before over the years

Awards Tbis year the Mactire Tropby forachievements in the past year went to MarcusPinker the Silva Trophy for services toorienteering went to Noel Donagh and the SilvaAward for behind the scenes activity went toMargaret Creedon

Map of the Year The Grade Imap of the yearaward went to Cork 0 for Cobduff the Grade 2went to CorkO for Firmount and the Grace 3went to Cork 0 for Botllehill No other clubssubmitted maps for assessment

Finally Ken Griffin brought the meeting up todate on the World Cup arrangements for Kerry inMay 27 teams bave entered with about 250runners We need about 60 people to run theevent (the BOF event the next week has a bulletinwith three pages of helpersl) but we will be underpressure for manpower He again appealed toclubs and individuals to volunteer and to workfor the success of the event not just spectate


Tired of orienteering Why not trysome variations

Mountain Marathon TriumphsAn Irish Orienteers Perspective

Aonghus OClcirigh

The mountain marathon - a test of team-workendurance mountain-racing orienteering andsurvival skills The standard in this part ofEurope is the Karrimor International MountainMarathon (KlMM) a 2-day event which hasbeen run every year in Great Britain since 1968A team consists of a pair of athletes who navigatearound an extremely long orienteering-typecourse set in mountainous terrain The mapsused arc usually of about I40000 scale with10m contour interval Competitors carry withthem a tent sleeping-bags and all the food andclothes they will need for 2 days and one nightNorthern Irelands version of the event - TheMourne Mountain Marathon - started in the late1970s and bas been growing every year sinceThe republics equivalent event - The LoweAlpine Comeragh Mountain Challenge -organised by Pat Healy is 5 years old Thecompetition moves to Wicklow this year for its6tb running on a newly drawn map

Comeragh Challenge Elite class winners1993 lim Brown amp Martin McNiff1994 John Kewley ampMark Seddon1995 Gerry Brady amp Marcus Pinker1996 Brendan Bolland amp Gerry Brady1997 Megan Argharad amp Brendan Bolland(Mixed A Course) 53223John Casey amp Brendan OBrien (Open A Course)618 19

(Note In 1997 there was NO Elite class offeredMembers within pairs are listed in alpbabetical


Phenomenon1be seeds of the Comeragh Mountain Challengewere sown as far back as 1975 when pioneers PatHealy and Wally Young placed 3rd in theA-classof the Karrimor that year

A decade would pass before the MountainMarathon universe would be truly astounded bythe exploits of one Irish orienteer in particular - apbenomenon named Robin Bryson His talentsas athlete mountain racer and mountainmaratboner are widely reported but not generallyknown are his exploits in orienteering In 1985he was Northern Irish O-Champion and was oneof the five men selected to represent Ireland atWOC85 held in Australia (For financialreasons the team did not travel)

Brysons mountain racing career isexceptional He is truly a world-class athleteHis World CupWorld Trophy performancesinclude 4th 6th 4th and 9th in consecutive years1991- 94 He has won the Matterhorn race andholds the record for the ascent of Snowdon Hisversatility doesnt end there Robin has also beenNational 15k road-racing cbampion bas won theDublin X-Country Championships was twice amember of the winning DSD team in theNational X-Country Championships and hasrepresented Ireland in X-country A story is (oldof him in the early 80s cycling from Dublin toGlcndalough running (and winning) a mountain-race and then cycling horne He is still verymuch a keen cyclist

Marathon ManIn 1985 Robin won the Mourne MountainMarathon He then proceeded to win the Eliteclass in the Karrimor twice (85 88) and wasrunner-up in 87 1was privileged to partner bimfor the second of bis two KIMM victories Thepairing happened quite by accident Pat Farrellyand myself bad originally entered as a team Twoweeks before the event Pat became injured and Iteamed-up with Brian Ervine Two nights beforetravelling Brian rang me and told me that he badsome GOOD news and some DAD news TheBAD news was that he was injured and couldntcompete the GOOD news was that he bad founda replacement - Robin Bryson (Robins regular

The Irish Orienleer 15

KIMM partner Ken Taylor had also succumbedto injury) What struck me about Robin duringthe following days was his calmness - heexhibited the coolness of a champion In recentyears he has restricted his mountain marathoninvol vement to planning the Mourne eventBrian Ervine is also renowned for his mountain-racing achievements and like Robin hisorienteering accomplishments are NOT widelypublicised Brian has been Northern IrishOrienteering Champion twice (89 94) and haswon seven Mourne Mountain Marathons He hascompeted for Northern Ireland in ten consecutiveMountain Racing World Cupl World Trophyevents as has Jim Patterson - also from theNorth (Only Scotsman Colin Donnelly hascompeted in all eleven world races) Brian haswon the All-Ireland Mountain RacingChampionships twice and the Northern IrelandMountain Racing Championships three times

(Thanks to Douglas Barry Brian Ervine and PatHealy for much of the information in this article)


MOUNTAIN CHALLENGETwo Day Two PersonTeamMountainMarathon with Overnight Campsite

GLENMALURE-RATHDRUMCO WICKLOW (IRELAND EAST)Saturday 16th May 1997Sunday 17th May 1997

Two Day Navigalion(Endurance Event (IX Teams of TwoNew five colour map - Survey 1997-1998

125000 10 metre contours

Course lengths (over 1wo days)Elite Course E 045kmappltox

Course A 40km appltaxCourse 8 35km appro

Walking - Course C 25km appmxFot furtt- Information Entry Forms write 10Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh Co Kildare Ireland

TeVFax (045) 441625 From UK dial 010 353 04S441625Entry 10mraquo will be pooted 10 11 1997 oppIic bullnlS

]6 The Irish Orienleq

The MacLehoseTrail

Last November Dave Weston Eugene0 Sullivan and Philip Brennan fromDublins Setanta Orienteers took part in anunusual event in Hong Kong Philip takesup the story

It all started witb the words You should try theMacLehose Trail An innocent enoughstatement at the time as we sat sipping pints ofbeer in The Hairy Lemon ill Dublin but little didwe realise the pain and misery that lay in store forus

Having completed a number of long distanceruns around Ireland myoid friend Conor told usabout this famous Trailwalker event that tookplace every November in Hong Kong where hebad worked for the past 5 years The fact that hehad never actually done tbe event should havealerted me to the dangers ahead but Conor wasnow waxing lyrical about the stunningmountains coastal vistas beautiful weather andgeneral exotica of it all

liang Kong for me conjures up images ofthousands of skyscrapers rising from the sea andsix million people running around workingevery hour God sent and living 011 top of oneanother However 1was soon to discover that theNorthern Territories which border mainlandChina contain 21 country parks through whichthe MacLehose Trail runs for 100 km

Team SETANTAAnd so it was that Team Setanta entered theevent quietly confident albeit with prettylimited knowledge of what lay ahead of us OurChief Mathematician Dave Weston did hishomework OJ) the course and confidently assuredus that with only 7000 feet of ascent Over thewhole distance it would be a piece of cake andwith that he promptly headed off to China for the3 weeks prior to the event promising to meet us

in Ned Kellys Last Stand (where else 1) ahostelry of dubious reputation in Kowloon twonights before the race

Eugene 0Sullivan and myself were not quite soconfident and decided that a little bit of trainingmight be in order before we left dear old IrelandWeekends were spent running around the Glen oflmaal in mist and getting lost in the environs ofLugnaquilla Would they have swampy bogdriving rain and impenetrable fog like this inHong Kong Imused to myself as we ran aroundin circles arguing about where we were andwhich was the quickest way back to FentonsPub After a while we convinced ourselves thatthere was no point in doing any more training inthese conditions as the weather would be totallydifferent over there and anyway we would onlywear ourselves out and we should be conservingour energy instead

Arrivalth the race starting on the 21 st of November weflew out on the 15th arriving on the evening ofSunday the 16th and giving ourselves most of aweek to acclimatise to the heat (28 degrees Cappro x) and get over our jetlag

Alistair our contact in Hong Kong met with usand put our minds at rest with all the gory detailsof the Maclehose Trail Named after a formerGovernor who had a keen interest in mountainwalking and pushed through the first parkconservation laws in 1976 the trail links togethera chain of 7 parks Running from East to West itspans the entire length of the New Territories andconnects beaches and the highest mountainpeaks Over 730 four person teams had enteredand there would be two starts II am and 3pm Aswe were late entrants we had the afternoon start

At a pre-race pasta dinner in AlistairS house wemet other trailrunners some of whom had veryserious ambitions to beat last years time somehoping to beat other teams and some just hopingto finish When asked what time we hoped to doDave nonchalantly suggested that we would behappy with a time of between 15 and 18 hoursChoking on his ravioli a mega fit lookingFrenchman named Philippe commented that

perhaps we might be underestimating thedifficulty of the event A veteran of two previousTrailwaIkers his ambition was to break 20 hoursand here were 3 Paddies with no previousexperience or knowledge of the event talkingabout a time of 15hours I quickly found myselfcramming down more and more pasta and onlooking around noticed Dave amp Eugene doinglikewise

Race day dawned bright and sunny and we spentthe morning stocking up on supplies for theevent Hilary had (somewhat reluctantly) agreedto be our support team and would meet us atcheckpoints 3 6 8 and at the finish We gave hera timetable showing what time we expected tofinish each stage and loading her down withrucksacks full of food and drinks we bade hergoodbye

StartAt the start there was great commotion with over365 teams milling about stretching struttingposing and generally psyching out andantagonising the opposition With such a largecrowd we ended up about 200 metres back fromthe starting line and even with a little jostlingcould get no closer Finally the whistle soundedand off we went at long last the waiting was over

TIle first stage was supposedly 109 km in lengthand followed a road around a reservoir beforeclimbing over a large mountain down to abeautiful beach and ending in a deserted villagecalled Long Ke We soon found ourselves amongthe leading four teams and quickly caught andpassed the French team comprising of Philippeand his colleagues The heat was very intense butwe drank continuously and felt strong andconfident The fact that a TV crew in a helicopteroverhead were busy filming the leading teams nodoubt gave us the extra impetus to run that littlebit harder

At the end of the road we climbed steeply up thefirst mountain a little too steeply for my likingand teams we bad already overtaken now beganto pass us However as we came down the otherside we moved very fast over the rocky steepground and soon

The Irish Orienteer 17

regained our position As the evening wore onand darkness descended we joined a rollercoaster ride of high peaks steep ascents steeperdescents dense forests rugged ridges andwindswept summits Navigation at night didntpose too much of a problem as the route wasusually very obvious and there were so manypeople on the trail that if you were in any doubtyou just waited until the next team arrived

We hit checkpoint 3 around 9pm 6 hours on thetrot and half an hour ahead of schedule By now itwas obvious that Daves calculation of 7000 feetof total climb was way off the mark We hadalready climbed at least that height and hadanother 60 km to go IAndjudging from our mapthe ground ahead looked even steeper Our ChiefMathematician had erred slightly in hiscalculations the actual total climb was 7000metres not feet By God had we underestimatedit stages 4 amp 5 were looming and word had itthey were savage in comparision to the previousthree

Through the nightWell fed and watered by Hilary we set off into thedark night and after innumerable hours up anddown never ending mountains and ridges thewords of Christy Moore came to mind Endlessnigbt witbout dawning I have two abidingmemories of that night One is the procession oflight from head torches bobbing along the trailand from the top of some peaks these lightsstretched out miles in front and behind Theygave a great indication of the route and thehorrors ahead Oh no were not going all theway up there are we At this stage ChiefMathematician Mr 7000 ft himself was keepinga very low profile My other memory is the lightsof Hong Kong which occasionally came intoview Absolutely stunning and surreal it wasincredible to look at and from where we were itwas somewhat like a scene from a space agemovie

At checkpoint 6 we were in denial but the trustyHilary was there to greet us with a smile and hadbefriended another support team who took pityon this bedraggled bunch of Irishmen and shared

their bar-b-que18 The Irish Qrienteer

sausages with us Having lost some time onstages 4 amp 5 we were under pressure to move onand weariness was setting in

In the early bours of the morning strange thingscan happen and this was no ordinary night Davehooked up with some Danisb lady who took hishand told him everything would be aUright andplied him with some unusual drugs supposedlyto cure his cramping (yeah likely story Dave)Tiring of each others company we staggered onand with failing torch batteries we prayed for thedawn

DawnSunrise can be a beautiful thing but when youhave been on the go for 16 hours climbed over15000 feet and up and down God knows howmany steps ones admiration for a beautifulsunrise becomes somewhat diminished Sittingon top of Needle Hill the highest point on stage 7and looking miles into the distance at BeaconHill which was only halfway around stage 8 Icould have cried My so-called friend whosewords You should try the MacLehose Trailwere now resounding in my ear was now mybitter enemy No Christmas card for him thisyear The sun was now well up pretty soon itwould be 30 degrees C and nowhere to hide

At checkpoint 8 Hilarys smile had faded a littleShe too had been up all night and the realisationof the madness of it all was beginning to dawn onher By now we were more like robots thanhumans got to keep going eat food drink drinkkeep going From here on it was a case of Ivecome this far and Im damn well going to finishthis Most of the hard work was over stages 9and 10 were relatively flat but by now the soles ofour feet felt like they had been flailed with abamboo cane and any attempt to run broughtextreme pain to the body

Checkpoint 9 was like an oasis of calm Only10 of teams had already been through so all ourovertaking and jostling on the trail during thenight had paid off Even still we were well off ourtime and now our ambition was to break 23hours After gulping down some hot Chinese teawe set off on the last leg only 99 km to go

To the FinishStage 10 wound around another reservoir oftenalmost doubling back on itself Althoughrelatively flat it seemed to go on foreverfollowing every twist and turn of the lake Afteran age it climbed up to a cachwater and back onto a tarmacadam surface By now bodies werelying scattered all around We were nearing thefinish and despite complete exhaustion teamsbecame competitive again and began running thelast few kilometres home However many peoplesuffered severe cramping and ended up lying onthe ground writhing in agony and unable tomove Anxious team-mates busily masssaged thewounded and encouraged them to get up andcomplete the race Time enough for lying down atthe Finish

The last half kilometre was downhill and we ranall the way crossing the line in a daze What joyto see the finish banner finally the nightmare wasover As I lay on the ground watching othercompetitors finish I still found it difficult toaccept it was all over When you have been on thego for so long the mind seems to find it hard tobelieve that you have actually finished 100 kmand over 23000 ft of ascent completed Tune 23hours and 5 minutes

Never againBack in Dublin the post mortem begins We allbelieve we should have broken 20 hours Duringthe night of the event we met many people doingThe Trail for the third or fourth time and in viewof the pain and the suffering we were goingthrough at the time we were in agreement thatthis was tbe first and last time for us But now thepain is forgotten only the joy on finishingrernaims and maybe one day we will go back andtackle it again Sub 20 hours is achievable andafter all we owe it to ourselves

(Reprinted from the January 1998 SetantaOrienteers newsletter)

42 at 42Steve Jones (Eryri Orienteers) is anorienteer and fell runner who has run severaltimes in the Shamrock O-Ringen This is hisaccount of his Bob Graham Round anattempt to do the 72 mile circuit in the LakeDistrict in under 24 hours at the age of 42

Approaching Keswick on the afternoon atSaturday June 7th in a very heavy thunderstormthere was no way I was going to start a BobGraham round later tbat day - 72 miles 27000feet climb and 42 tops in the pouring rain I didntthink so

Dropping JUdith Callum and my mother at thebed and breakfast in Keswick didnt help as theyhad a spare bed in their room - the evening meallooked pretty good too However clearing skiesrevealed a good view at our first top Skiddawand I was soon pointing out to Judith the ascentroute and beginning to feel more positive aboutactually starting (finishing was anotber questionaltogether)

Au revoir KeswickI was taking part in a clockwise attempt an theBob Graham organised by two members atWrekin- Lawrence Jones and Andy dougb A small groupat supporters and helpers had gathered at tbeMoat Hall In Keswick to see us oft - or to makesure we started The weather by now was quitepleasant lulling us into a false sense at securityand I was therefore feeling quite confident as welogged away tram the hall at 630pmOur two supporters on this leg were Mike Callowand Stuart Turner carrying our spare toad waterand clothes and ensuring that we kept to theschedule The time schedule of 2272 hours thatwe were following had been devised byLawrence and Andy after much recceing at theroute and discussions with Bob Graham routeexperts

The Irish Orienteer 19

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

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descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 7: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

there is going to be a higher level of scrutiny andfollow-up by the Sports Council to see that statedgoals are being achieved


because not all clubs have either the expertise orthe time to devote to the production ofmarvellous maps Much of the work (fun) mayhave to be contracted to specialists However inorder to be a good mapper you must first be agood orienteerA mapping project which is contracted to aspecialist might incur increased start-up costswbich cannot be recouped until the map isproduced This means that chasing bank-loansand government (lottery) grants could become abot topicAsideIt is always a good idea that the surveyorsname appears in the map credits heshe cansubsequently bask in the glow of our admiration

Assumptions made in comparing the 3scenariosMap bas area of 6 sq Jan - mixture openmountain and forest (similar in size to currentmaps of Curragh West or of Three RockMountain)Map is computer drawn5000 copies of the map are printed Noallowance is made for wasteCosts in these examples are based OD using 3overlapping photos and 2 stereo models toproduce a photogrammetric plot (However amap of area 6 sq km can often be covered by onepair of 60 overlapping 152mm formatI20000 scale photographs)The daily rate for a surveying contractor isestimated as pound140 per day This is calculated onthe basis of an annual salary of pound30000 (fromwhich transport equipment and other overheadsarc paid) a 43 week working year (the rest of thetime is spent OD administration procuring workand holidays) an 8 hour working day and a 5 dayweek and 5 days on average taken to survey anddraw Isq kmFieldwork and drawing costs in scenarios 2 and 3(with club members doing the surveying andcartography) include equipment depreciationstationery and petrolClub mappers ace as skilled as professionalsurveyors (In many instances this is NOT a validassumption)Independent checking is carried out by clubmembers in alJ three casesCosts are approximate but are based on theactual costs of recent mapping and are inclusiveof VAT

Juniors Officer Ted Lucey reported on the yearsactivities training camps and competitions butlamented the lack of fitness and commitment totraining by the junior squad comparing it to tbelevel of training expected of comparable agebasketball players with 10 hours training perweek The title of a recent newspaper articlesummed it up Sacrifices have to be made tofulfil a dream

An uncontroversial AGM of the lOA Whatevernext

The meeting took place after the LeinsterChampionsbips at Trooperstown on April 4th andthe turnover of the Executive Committee wasunusuaUy lowAll the usual things which happen at an AGMhappened reports from the Officers and so on Inhis address Bernard Creedon the lOAChairman hoped that the World Cup wouldgenerate more publicity for orienteering here andattract more people to the South West fororienteering in future He expresseddisappointment however in the numbers ofpeople in orienteering so that the lack of growthin numbers is limiting development the broaderthe base of the pyramid the higher the top

Coacbing Officer Prank Ryan reminded all thequalified conches of the need to go out and coachnow Schools and scouts could be bigdevelopment areas The lOA has co-operatedvery well with the National Coaching andTraining Centre in Limerick and is benefitingfrom this contact 34 people have now beenaccredited as Level I or Lever 2 coaches

Three O-map production scenariosThe table below compares three mappingscenarios Examples amp 2 follow bestcartographic practice - recent 1 20000 scalephotography is used by specialist orienteeringphotogramrnetrists to produce aphotogrammetric plot An accurate completeand consistent map is then surveyed from thephotogrammetry computer drawn andindependently checked before printing Inscenario 1 tbe production of the map iscontracted out to a mapping specialist whereasin scenario 2 the map is produced by anexperienced club mapper Scenario 3 details thecost of producing an orienteering map from anexisting paper map (revision) In all examplesthe new survey is captured on computer checkedand printed in a standard way The costs used forcomparison purposes have been kept as realisticas possible

Other officers gave written reports DevelopmentOfficer Brendan Cryan sees increasing thenumbers participating in the sport as the keyespecially the young He hopes to establish threeSchools Orienteering Associations in MunsterLcinster and ConnachtlUlster and to runintroductory courses for teachers to make thescheme a success Individual scbools can nowaffiliate to lOA as associate members

Money mattersDue to Treasurer Noel Donaghs astute financialmanagement imagination and good luck thelOA benefited from Sports Council grants lastyear to tbe tune of pound34000 pound10000 was for theWorld Cup pound7000 for electronic timingequipment pound3000 for coaching pound2000 was forteams competing abroad pound2000 was anOutstanding Sports persons Grant for UnaCreagh and the remaining pound10000 was thenormal administrati ve grant to tbe AssociationBoth Noel and Bernard made the point that theAssociation will have to increase its income inorder to develop Noel also reported that we havegot cheaper insurance this year with cover forschools - insurance is a major cost at aboutpound3000 per annum He suggested going for ascheme of individual membership of lOA whichwould allow club affiliation fees to be reduced tothe advantage of smaller clubs (at present clubsof uP to 100 members pay pound150 more than 100pay pound300)New grant application procedures will mean thatlOA could benefit from increased funding but

Technical Officer Sean Cotter hopes to have ameeting of representatives of all affiliated clubsand organisations with the tecbnical sub-committee in the autumn to look at the lOA rulesand constitution

Comparison of ScenariosScenarIo 1 Scenario 2Activity Scenario 3 Reports were also submitted from the Fixtures

Secretary Lillian Quill and Studentrepresentative Daire OsborneProcure photos (3 photos Scale 120(00) pound800 pound800

Pbotogrammetry pound1200 pound1200(2 models - 5m contour interval)Fieldwork amp Drawing (30 man days) pound4200 pound1200 pound1200Final Drawing (5 man days) pound700Independent Cbecking(6 man days) pound200 pound200 pound200Platemaking amp Printing pound600 pound600 pound600TOTAL (5000 maps) pound7700 pound4000 pound2000Price per map pound154 pound080 pound04012 The Irish Orienteer

New executiveThere were no elections for the Executive sincethere was no surplus of candidates Thecommittee for the next year isChairman Bernard Creedon Secretary KenGriffin Treasurer Noel Donagh Fixtures LillianQuill Technical Sean Cotler Juniors Ted Lucey

The Irish Orien(eer 13

Coaching Frank Ryan Development BrendanCryan Public Relations John McCulloughEnvironment David Carter Jean ONeill (FIN) isto consider the position of International Officerand the position of mapping officer is vacant

Prank Ryan and Toni ODonovan werenominated as FlOArepresentatives Mick Kellettwas suggested as AFAS representative but bewasnt there so that still has to be confirmed

Levies proposalA CorkO proposal about event levies generatedsome discussion but it was referred back to theExecutive to do something about the situationLevies of 10 of the income from every eventare supposed to be paid to lOA but it is clear thattbis isnt happening either clubs arent payinglevies at all or they are paying 10 of the profitnot 10 of the income Of pound2938 paid in levieslast year a whopping pound1447 (thais 49) waspaid by CorkO Admittedly pound888 of this was forthe Shamrock O-Ringen but 5 clubs paid none atall and others paid in the range pound720 to pound280The problem is that there is no attempt made atenforcing the payment of levies Tbe levies arepaid by tbe competitors for the development oforienteering and the clubs are given the job ofcollecting and passing on tbis money If theydont pass it on they are defrauding both the lOAand tbe competitors its like solicitors usingclients money wbich can get tbem disbarredClubs arc supposed LO send in their auditedaccounts to lOA every year but not all clubs doThe lOA has undertaken to take a stronger Lineonthe matter

Other stuff Frank Ryan suggested standardisingentry fees be paid pound7 + pound2 late for the LeinsterChamps but only pound4 for Connacht Mmm Individual membership would give us a mucbbetter idea of the actual situation In themeantime clubs are asked to send in to lOA a listof their current members names addresses ageclasses and pbone numbers preferably on diskbutif they have any reservations about the DataProtection aspect then on paper will do VeteranTeam manager Alan Gartside (who was waitingfor the LOC prize giving) commented that it wasoften very difficult to contact team members and14 The Irish Orienteer

reserves to notify them of selection A centralregister of members would belp enormously TedLucey wondered whether clubs would ever againget grants towards map production and wasassured that this would happen again The date ofthe Irish Championships was raised too Mayclashes witb 3rd level students exams Juneclashes with scbool exams April is too early andshortens the season too much July is too late weve been here before over the years

Awards Tbis year the Mactire Tropby forachievements in the past year went to MarcusPinker the Silva Trophy for services toorienteering went to Noel Donagh and the SilvaAward for behind the scenes activity went toMargaret Creedon

Map of the Year The Grade Imap of the yearaward went to Cork 0 for Cobduff the Grade 2went to CorkO for Firmount and the Grace 3went to Cork 0 for Botllehill No other clubssubmitted maps for assessment

Finally Ken Griffin brought the meeting up todate on the World Cup arrangements for Kerry inMay 27 teams bave entered with about 250runners We need about 60 people to run theevent (the BOF event the next week has a bulletinwith three pages of helpersl) but we will be underpressure for manpower He again appealed toclubs and individuals to volunteer and to workfor the success of the event not just spectate


Tired of orienteering Why not trysome variations

Mountain Marathon TriumphsAn Irish Orienteers Perspective

Aonghus OClcirigh

The mountain marathon - a test of team-workendurance mountain-racing orienteering andsurvival skills The standard in this part ofEurope is the Karrimor International MountainMarathon (KlMM) a 2-day event which hasbeen run every year in Great Britain since 1968A team consists of a pair of athletes who navigatearound an extremely long orienteering-typecourse set in mountainous terrain The mapsused arc usually of about I40000 scale with10m contour interval Competitors carry withthem a tent sleeping-bags and all the food andclothes they will need for 2 days and one nightNorthern Irelands version of the event - TheMourne Mountain Marathon - started in the late1970s and bas been growing every year sinceThe republics equivalent event - The LoweAlpine Comeragh Mountain Challenge -organised by Pat Healy is 5 years old Thecompetition moves to Wicklow this year for its6tb running on a newly drawn map

Comeragh Challenge Elite class winners1993 lim Brown amp Martin McNiff1994 John Kewley ampMark Seddon1995 Gerry Brady amp Marcus Pinker1996 Brendan Bolland amp Gerry Brady1997 Megan Argharad amp Brendan Bolland(Mixed A Course) 53223John Casey amp Brendan OBrien (Open A Course)618 19

(Note In 1997 there was NO Elite class offeredMembers within pairs are listed in alpbabetical


Phenomenon1be seeds of the Comeragh Mountain Challengewere sown as far back as 1975 when pioneers PatHealy and Wally Young placed 3rd in theA-classof the Karrimor that year

A decade would pass before the MountainMarathon universe would be truly astounded bythe exploits of one Irish orienteer in particular - apbenomenon named Robin Bryson His talentsas athlete mountain racer and mountainmaratboner are widely reported but not generallyknown are his exploits in orienteering In 1985he was Northern Irish O-Champion and was oneof the five men selected to represent Ireland atWOC85 held in Australia (For financialreasons the team did not travel)

Brysons mountain racing career isexceptional He is truly a world-class athleteHis World CupWorld Trophy performancesinclude 4th 6th 4th and 9th in consecutive years1991- 94 He has won the Matterhorn race andholds the record for the ascent of Snowdon Hisversatility doesnt end there Robin has also beenNational 15k road-racing cbampion bas won theDublin X-Country Championships was twice amember of the winning DSD team in theNational X-Country Championships and hasrepresented Ireland in X-country A story is (oldof him in the early 80s cycling from Dublin toGlcndalough running (and winning) a mountain-race and then cycling horne He is still verymuch a keen cyclist

Marathon ManIn 1985 Robin won the Mourne MountainMarathon He then proceeded to win the Eliteclass in the Karrimor twice (85 88) and wasrunner-up in 87 1was privileged to partner bimfor the second of bis two KIMM victories Thepairing happened quite by accident Pat Farrellyand myself bad originally entered as a team Twoweeks before the event Pat became injured and Iteamed-up with Brian Ervine Two nights beforetravelling Brian rang me and told me that he badsome GOOD news and some DAD news TheBAD news was that he was injured and couldntcompete the GOOD news was that he bad founda replacement - Robin Bryson (Robins regular

The Irish Orienleer 15

KIMM partner Ken Taylor had also succumbedto injury) What struck me about Robin duringthe following days was his calmness - heexhibited the coolness of a champion In recentyears he has restricted his mountain marathoninvol vement to planning the Mourne eventBrian Ervine is also renowned for his mountain-racing achievements and like Robin hisorienteering accomplishments are NOT widelypublicised Brian has been Northern IrishOrienteering Champion twice (89 94) and haswon seven Mourne Mountain Marathons He hascompeted for Northern Ireland in ten consecutiveMountain Racing World Cupl World Trophyevents as has Jim Patterson - also from theNorth (Only Scotsman Colin Donnelly hascompeted in all eleven world races) Brian haswon the All-Ireland Mountain RacingChampionships twice and the Northern IrelandMountain Racing Championships three times

(Thanks to Douglas Barry Brian Ervine and PatHealy for much of the information in this article)


MOUNTAIN CHALLENGETwo Day Two PersonTeamMountainMarathon with Overnight Campsite

GLENMALURE-RATHDRUMCO WICKLOW (IRELAND EAST)Saturday 16th May 1997Sunday 17th May 1997

Two Day Navigalion(Endurance Event (IX Teams of TwoNew five colour map - Survey 1997-1998

125000 10 metre contours

Course lengths (over 1wo days)Elite Course E 045kmappltox

Course A 40km appltaxCourse 8 35km appro

Walking - Course C 25km appmxFot furtt- Information Entry Forms write 10Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh Co Kildare Ireland

TeVFax (045) 441625 From UK dial 010 353 04S441625Entry 10mraquo will be pooted 10 11 1997 oppIic bullnlS

]6 The Irish Orienleq

The MacLehoseTrail

Last November Dave Weston Eugene0 Sullivan and Philip Brennan fromDublins Setanta Orienteers took part in anunusual event in Hong Kong Philip takesup the story

It all started witb the words You should try theMacLehose Trail An innocent enoughstatement at the time as we sat sipping pints ofbeer in The Hairy Lemon ill Dublin but little didwe realise the pain and misery that lay in store forus

Having completed a number of long distanceruns around Ireland myoid friend Conor told usabout this famous Trailwalker event that tookplace every November in Hong Kong where hebad worked for the past 5 years The fact that hehad never actually done tbe event should havealerted me to the dangers ahead but Conor wasnow waxing lyrical about the stunningmountains coastal vistas beautiful weather andgeneral exotica of it all

liang Kong for me conjures up images ofthousands of skyscrapers rising from the sea andsix million people running around workingevery hour God sent and living 011 top of oneanother However 1was soon to discover that theNorthern Territories which border mainlandChina contain 21 country parks through whichthe MacLehose Trail runs for 100 km

Team SETANTAAnd so it was that Team Setanta entered theevent quietly confident albeit with prettylimited knowledge of what lay ahead of us OurChief Mathematician Dave Weston did hishomework OJ) the course and confidently assuredus that with only 7000 feet of ascent Over thewhole distance it would be a piece of cake andwith that he promptly headed off to China for the3 weeks prior to the event promising to meet us

in Ned Kellys Last Stand (where else 1) ahostelry of dubious reputation in Kowloon twonights before the race

Eugene 0Sullivan and myself were not quite soconfident and decided that a little bit of trainingmight be in order before we left dear old IrelandWeekends were spent running around the Glen oflmaal in mist and getting lost in the environs ofLugnaquilla Would they have swampy bogdriving rain and impenetrable fog like this inHong Kong Imused to myself as we ran aroundin circles arguing about where we were andwhich was the quickest way back to FentonsPub After a while we convinced ourselves thatthere was no point in doing any more training inthese conditions as the weather would be totallydifferent over there and anyway we would onlywear ourselves out and we should be conservingour energy instead

Arrivalth the race starting on the 21 st of November weflew out on the 15th arriving on the evening ofSunday the 16th and giving ourselves most of aweek to acclimatise to the heat (28 degrees Cappro x) and get over our jetlag

Alistair our contact in Hong Kong met with usand put our minds at rest with all the gory detailsof the Maclehose Trail Named after a formerGovernor who had a keen interest in mountainwalking and pushed through the first parkconservation laws in 1976 the trail links togethera chain of 7 parks Running from East to West itspans the entire length of the New Territories andconnects beaches and the highest mountainpeaks Over 730 four person teams had enteredand there would be two starts II am and 3pm Aswe were late entrants we had the afternoon start

At a pre-race pasta dinner in AlistairS house wemet other trailrunners some of whom had veryserious ambitions to beat last years time somehoping to beat other teams and some just hopingto finish When asked what time we hoped to doDave nonchalantly suggested that we would behappy with a time of between 15 and 18 hoursChoking on his ravioli a mega fit lookingFrenchman named Philippe commented that

perhaps we might be underestimating thedifficulty of the event A veteran of two previousTrailwaIkers his ambition was to break 20 hoursand here were 3 Paddies with no previousexperience or knowledge of the event talkingabout a time of 15hours I quickly found myselfcramming down more and more pasta and onlooking around noticed Dave amp Eugene doinglikewise

Race day dawned bright and sunny and we spentthe morning stocking up on supplies for theevent Hilary had (somewhat reluctantly) agreedto be our support team and would meet us atcheckpoints 3 6 8 and at the finish We gave hera timetable showing what time we expected tofinish each stage and loading her down withrucksacks full of food and drinks we bade hergoodbye

StartAt the start there was great commotion with over365 teams milling about stretching struttingposing and generally psyching out andantagonising the opposition With such a largecrowd we ended up about 200 metres back fromthe starting line and even with a little jostlingcould get no closer Finally the whistle soundedand off we went at long last the waiting was over

TIle first stage was supposedly 109 km in lengthand followed a road around a reservoir beforeclimbing over a large mountain down to abeautiful beach and ending in a deserted villagecalled Long Ke We soon found ourselves amongthe leading four teams and quickly caught andpassed the French team comprising of Philippeand his colleagues The heat was very intense butwe drank continuously and felt strong andconfident The fact that a TV crew in a helicopteroverhead were busy filming the leading teams nodoubt gave us the extra impetus to run that littlebit harder

At the end of the road we climbed steeply up thefirst mountain a little too steeply for my likingand teams we bad already overtaken now beganto pass us However as we came down the otherside we moved very fast over the rocky steepground and soon

The Irish Orienteer 17

regained our position As the evening wore onand darkness descended we joined a rollercoaster ride of high peaks steep ascents steeperdescents dense forests rugged ridges andwindswept summits Navigation at night didntpose too much of a problem as the route wasusually very obvious and there were so manypeople on the trail that if you were in any doubtyou just waited until the next team arrived

We hit checkpoint 3 around 9pm 6 hours on thetrot and half an hour ahead of schedule By now itwas obvious that Daves calculation of 7000 feetof total climb was way off the mark We hadalready climbed at least that height and hadanother 60 km to go IAndjudging from our mapthe ground ahead looked even steeper Our ChiefMathematician had erred slightly in hiscalculations the actual total climb was 7000metres not feet By God had we underestimatedit stages 4 amp 5 were looming and word had itthey were savage in comparision to the previousthree

Through the nightWell fed and watered by Hilary we set off into thedark night and after innumerable hours up anddown never ending mountains and ridges thewords of Christy Moore came to mind Endlessnigbt witbout dawning I have two abidingmemories of that night One is the procession oflight from head torches bobbing along the trailand from the top of some peaks these lightsstretched out miles in front and behind Theygave a great indication of the route and thehorrors ahead Oh no were not going all theway up there are we At this stage ChiefMathematician Mr 7000 ft himself was keepinga very low profile My other memory is the lightsof Hong Kong which occasionally came intoview Absolutely stunning and surreal it wasincredible to look at and from where we were itwas somewhat like a scene from a space agemovie

At checkpoint 6 we were in denial but the trustyHilary was there to greet us with a smile and hadbefriended another support team who took pityon this bedraggled bunch of Irishmen and shared

their bar-b-que18 The Irish Qrienteer

sausages with us Having lost some time onstages 4 amp 5 we were under pressure to move onand weariness was setting in

In the early bours of the morning strange thingscan happen and this was no ordinary night Davehooked up with some Danisb lady who took hishand told him everything would be aUright andplied him with some unusual drugs supposedlyto cure his cramping (yeah likely story Dave)Tiring of each others company we staggered onand with failing torch batteries we prayed for thedawn

DawnSunrise can be a beautiful thing but when youhave been on the go for 16 hours climbed over15000 feet and up and down God knows howmany steps ones admiration for a beautifulsunrise becomes somewhat diminished Sittingon top of Needle Hill the highest point on stage 7and looking miles into the distance at BeaconHill which was only halfway around stage 8 Icould have cried My so-called friend whosewords You should try the MacLehose Trailwere now resounding in my ear was now mybitter enemy No Christmas card for him thisyear The sun was now well up pretty soon itwould be 30 degrees C and nowhere to hide

At checkpoint 8 Hilarys smile had faded a littleShe too had been up all night and the realisationof the madness of it all was beginning to dawn onher By now we were more like robots thanhumans got to keep going eat food drink drinkkeep going From here on it was a case of Ivecome this far and Im damn well going to finishthis Most of the hard work was over stages 9and 10 were relatively flat but by now the soles ofour feet felt like they had been flailed with abamboo cane and any attempt to run broughtextreme pain to the body

Checkpoint 9 was like an oasis of calm Only10 of teams had already been through so all ourovertaking and jostling on the trail during thenight had paid off Even still we were well off ourtime and now our ambition was to break 23hours After gulping down some hot Chinese teawe set off on the last leg only 99 km to go

To the FinishStage 10 wound around another reservoir oftenalmost doubling back on itself Althoughrelatively flat it seemed to go on foreverfollowing every twist and turn of the lake Afteran age it climbed up to a cachwater and back onto a tarmacadam surface By now bodies werelying scattered all around We were nearing thefinish and despite complete exhaustion teamsbecame competitive again and began running thelast few kilometres home However many peoplesuffered severe cramping and ended up lying onthe ground writhing in agony and unable tomove Anxious team-mates busily masssaged thewounded and encouraged them to get up andcomplete the race Time enough for lying down atthe Finish

The last half kilometre was downhill and we ranall the way crossing the line in a daze What joyto see the finish banner finally the nightmare wasover As I lay on the ground watching othercompetitors finish I still found it difficult toaccept it was all over When you have been on thego for so long the mind seems to find it hard tobelieve that you have actually finished 100 kmand over 23000 ft of ascent completed Tune 23hours and 5 minutes

Never againBack in Dublin the post mortem begins We allbelieve we should have broken 20 hours Duringthe night of the event we met many people doingThe Trail for the third or fourth time and in viewof the pain and the suffering we were goingthrough at the time we were in agreement thatthis was tbe first and last time for us But now thepain is forgotten only the joy on finishingrernaims and maybe one day we will go back andtackle it again Sub 20 hours is achievable andafter all we owe it to ourselves

(Reprinted from the January 1998 SetantaOrienteers newsletter)

42 at 42Steve Jones (Eryri Orienteers) is anorienteer and fell runner who has run severaltimes in the Shamrock O-Ringen This is hisaccount of his Bob Graham Round anattempt to do the 72 mile circuit in the LakeDistrict in under 24 hours at the age of 42

Approaching Keswick on the afternoon atSaturday June 7th in a very heavy thunderstormthere was no way I was going to start a BobGraham round later tbat day - 72 miles 27000feet climb and 42 tops in the pouring rain I didntthink so

Dropping JUdith Callum and my mother at thebed and breakfast in Keswick didnt help as theyhad a spare bed in their room - the evening meallooked pretty good too However clearing skiesrevealed a good view at our first top Skiddawand I was soon pointing out to Judith the ascentroute and beginning to feel more positive aboutactually starting (finishing was anotber questionaltogether)

Au revoir KeswickI was taking part in a clockwise attempt an theBob Graham organised by two members atWrekin- Lawrence Jones and Andy dougb A small groupat supporters and helpers had gathered at tbeMoat Hall In Keswick to see us oft - or to makesure we started The weather by now was quitepleasant lulling us into a false sense at securityand I was therefore feeling quite confident as welogged away tram the hall at 630pmOur two supporters on this leg were Mike Callowand Stuart Turner carrying our spare toad waterand clothes and ensuring that we kept to theschedule The time schedule of 2272 hours thatwe were following had been devised byLawrence and Andy after much recceing at theroute and discussions with Bob Graham routeexperts

The Irish Orienteer 19

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

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descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 8: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

Coaching Frank Ryan Development BrendanCryan Public Relations John McCulloughEnvironment David Carter Jean ONeill (FIN) isto consider the position of International Officerand the position of mapping officer is vacant

Prank Ryan and Toni ODonovan werenominated as FlOArepresentatives Mick Kellettwas suggested as AFAS representative but bewasnt there so that still has to be confirmed

Levies proposalA CorkO proposal about event levies generatedsome discussion but it was referred back to theExecutive to do something about the situationLevies of 10 of the income from every eventare supposed to be paid to lOA but it is clear thattbis isnt happening either clubs arent payinglevies at all or they are paying 10 of the profitnot 10 of the income Of pound2938 paid in levieslast year a whopping pound1447 (thais 49) waspaid by CorkO Admittedly pound888 of this was forthe Shamrock O-Ringen but 5 clubs paid none atall and others paid in the range pound720 to pound280The problem is that there is no attempt made atenforcing the payment of levies Tbe levies arepaid by tbe competitors for the development oforienteering and the clubs are given the job ofcollecting and passing on tbis money If theydont pass it on they are defrauding both the lOAand tbe competitors its like solicitors usingclients money wbich can get tbem disbarredClubs arc supposed LO send in their auditedaccounts to lOA every year but not all clubs doThe lOA has undertaken to take a stronger Lineonthe matter

Other stuff Frank Ryan suggested standardisingentry fees be paid pound7 + pound2 late for the LeinsterChamps but only pound4 for Connacht Mmm Individual membership would give us a mucbbetter idea of the actual situation In themeantime clubs are asked to send in to lOA a listof their current members names addresses ageclasses and pbone numbers preferably on diskbutif they have any reservations about the DataProtection aspect then on paper will do VeteranTeam manager Alan Gartside (who was waitingfor the LOC prize giving) commented that it wasoften very difficult to contact team members and14 The Irish Orienteer

reserves to notify them of selection A centralregister of members would belp enormously TedLucey wondered whether clubs would ever againget grants towards map production and wasassured that this would happen again The date ofthe Irish Championships was raised too Mayclashes witb 3rd level students exams Juneclashes with scbool exams April is too early andshortens the season too much July is too late weve been here before over the years

Awards Tbis year the Mactire Tropby forachievements in the past year went to MarcusPinker the Silva Trophy for services toorienteering went to Noel Donagh and the SilvaAward for behind the scenes activity went toMargaret Creedon

Map of the Year The Grade Imap of the yearaward went to Cork 0 for Cobduff the Grade 2went to CorkO for Firmount and the Grace 3went to Cork 0 for Botllehill No other clubssubmitted maps for assessment

Finally Ken Griffin brought the meeting up todate on the World Cup arrangements for Kerry inMay 27 teams bave entered with about 250runners We need about 60 people to run theevent (the BOF event the next week has a bulletinwith three pages of helpersl) but we will be underpressure for manpower He again appealed toclubs and individuals to volunteer and to workfor the success of the event not just spectate


Tired of orienteering Why not trysome variations

Mountain Marathon TriumphsAn Irish Orienteers Perspective

Aonghus OClcirigh

The mountain marathon - a test of team-workendurance mountain-racing orienteering andsurvival skills The standard in this part ofEurope is the Karrimor International MountainMarathon (KlMM) a 2-day event which hasbeen run every year in Great Britain since 1968A team consists of a pair of athletes who navigatearound an extremely long orienteering-typecourse set in mountainous terrain The mapsused arc usually of about I40000 scale with10m contour interval Competitors carry withthem a tent sleeping-bags and all the food andclothes they will need for 2 days and one nightNorthern Irelands version of the event - TheMourne Mountain Marathon - started in the late1970s and bas been growing every year sinceThe republics equivalent event - The LoweAlpine Comeragh Mountain Challenge -organised by Pat Healy is 5 years old Thecompetition moves to Wicklow this year for its6tb running on a newly drawn map

Comeragh Challenge Elite class winners1993 lim Brown amp Martin McNiff1994 John Kewley ampMark Seddon1995 Gerry Brady amp Marcus Pinker1996 Brendan Bolland amp Gerry Brady1997 Megan Argharad amp Brendan Bolland(Mixed A Course) 53223John Casey amp Brendan OBrien (Open A Course)618 19

(Note In 1997 there was NO Elite class offeredMembers within pairs are listed in alpbabetical


Phenomenon1be seeds of the Comeragh Mountain Challengewere sown as far back as 1975 when pioneers PatHealy and Wally Young placed 3rd in theA-classof the Karrimor that year

A decade would pass before the MountainMarathon universe would be truly astounded bythe exploits of one Irish orienteer in particular - apbenomenon named Robin Bryson His talentsas athlete mountain racer and mountainmaratboner are widely reported but not generallyknown are his exploits in orienteering In 1985he was Northern Irish O-Champion and was oneof the five men selected to represent Ireland atWOC85 held in Australia (For financialreasons the team did not travel)

Brysons mountain racing career isexceptional He is truly a world-class athleteHis World CupWorld Trophy performancesinclude 4th 6th 4th and 9th in consecutive years1991- 94 He has won the Matterhorn race andholds the record for the ascent of Snowdon Hisversatility doesnt end there Robin has also beenNational 15k road-racing cbampion bas won theDublin X-Country Championships was twice amember of the winning DSD team in theNational X-Country Championships and hasrepresented Ireland in X-country A story is (oldof him in the early 80s cycling from Dublin toGlcndalough running (and winning) a mountain-race and then cycling horne He is still verymuch a keen cyclist

Marathon ManIn 1985 Robin won the Mourne MountainMarathon He then proceeded to win the Eliteclass in the Karrimor twice (85 88) and wasrunner-up in 87 1was privileged to partner bimfor the second of bis two KIMM victories Thepairing happened quite by accident Pat Farrellyand myself bad originally entered as a team Twoweeks before the event Pat became injured and Iteamed-up with Brian Ervine Two nights beforetravelling Brian rang me and told me that he badsome GOOD news and some DAD news TheBAD news was that he was injured and couldntcompete the GOOD news was that he bad founda replacement - Robin Bryson (Robins regular

The Irish Orienleer 15

KIMM partner Ken Taylor had also succumbedto injury) What struck me about Robin duringthe following days was his calmness - heexhibited the coolness of a champion In recentyears he has restricted his mountain marathoninvol vement to planning the Mourne eventBrian Ervine is also renowned for his mountain-racing achievements and like Robin hisorienteering accomplishments are NOT widelypublicised Brian has been Northern IrishOrienteering Champion twice (89 94) and haswon seven Mourne Mountain Marathons He hascompeted for Northern Ireland in ten consecutiveMountain Racing World Cupl World Trophyevents as has Jim Patterson - also from theNorth (Only Scotsman Colin Donnelly hascompeted in all eleven world races) Brian haswon the All-Ireland Mountain RacingChampionships twice and the Northern IrelandMountain Racing Championships three times

(Thanks to Douglas Barry Brian Ervine and PatHealy for much of the information in this article)


MOUNTAIN CHALLENGETwo Day Two PersonTeamMountainMarathon with Overnight Campsite

GLENMALURE-RATHDRUMCO WICKLOW (IRELAND EAST)Saturday 16th May 1997Sunday 17th May 1997

Two Day Navigalion(Endurance Event (IX Teams of TwoNew five colour map - Survey 1997-1998

125000 10 metre contours

Course lengths (over 1wo days)Elite Course E 045kmappltox

Course A 40km appltaxCourse 8 35km appro

Walking - Course C 25km appmxFot furtt- Information Entry Forms write 10Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh Co Kildare Ireland

TeVFax (045) 441625 From UK dial 010 353 04S441625Entry 10mraquo will be pooted 10 11 1997 oppIic bullnlS

]6 The Irish Orienleq

The MacLehoseTrail

Last November Dave Weston Eugene0 Sullivan and Philip Brennan fromDublins Setanta Orienteers took part in anunusual event in Hong Kong Philip takesup the story

It all started witb the words You should try theMacLehose Trail An innocent enoughstatement at the time as we sat sipping pints ofbeer in The Hairy Lemon ill Dublin but little didwe realise the pain and misery that lay in store forus

Having completed a number of long distanceruns around Ireland myoid friend Conor told usabout this famous Trailwalker event that tookplace every November in Hong Kong where hebad worked for the past 5 years The fact that hehad never actually done tbe event should havealerted me to the dangers ahead but Conor wasnow waxing lyrical about the stunningmountains coastal vistas beautiful weather andgeneral exotica of it all

liang Kong for me conjures up images ofthousands of skyscrapers rising from the sea andsix million people running around workingevery hour God sent and living 011 top of oneanother However 1was soon to discover that theNorthern Territories which border mainlandChina contain 21 country parks through whichthe MacLehose Trail runs for 100 km

Team SETANTAAnd so it was that Team Setanta entered theevent quietly confident albeit with prettylimited knowledge of what lay ahead of us OurChief Mathematician Dave Weston did hishomework OJ) the course and confidently assuredus that with only 7000 feet of ascent Over thewhole distance it would be a piece of cake andwith that he promptly headed off to China for the3 weeks prior to the event promising to meet us

in Ned Kellys Last Stand (where else 1) ahostelry of dubious reputation in Kowloon twonights before the race

Eugene 0Sullivan and myself were not quite soconfident and decided that a little bit of trainingmight be in order before we left dear old IrelandWeekends were spent running around the Glen oflmaal in mist and getting lost in the environs ofLugnaquilla Would they have swampy bogdriving rain and impenetrable fog like this inHong Kong Imused to myself as we ran aroundin circles arguing about where we were andwhich was the quickest way back to FentonsPub After a while we convinced ourselves thatthere was no point in doing any more training inthese conditions as the weather would be totallydifferent over there and anyway we would onlywear ourselves out and we should be conservingour energy instead

Arrivalth the race starting on the 21 st of November weflew out on the 15th arriving on the evening ofSunday the 16th and giving ourselves most of aweek to acclimatise to the heat (28 degrees Cappro x) and get over our jetlag

Alistair our contact in Hong Kong met with usand put our minds at rest with all the gory detailsof the Maclehose Trail Named after a formerGovernor who had a keen interest in mountainwalking and pushed through the first parkconservation laws in 1976 the trail links togethera chain of 7 parks Running from East to West itspans the entire length of the New Territories andconnects beaches and the highest mountainpeaks Over 730 four person teams had enteredand there would be two starts II am and 3pm Aswe were late entrants we had the afternoon start

At a pre-race pasta dinner in AlistairS house wemet other trailrunners some of whom had veryserious ambitions to beat last years time somehoping to beat other teams and some just hopingto finish When asked what time we hoped to doDave nonchalantly suggested that we would behappy with a time of between 15 and 18 hoursChoking on his ravioli a mega fit lookingFrenchman named Philippe commented that

perhaps we might be underestimating thedifficulty of the event A veteran of two previousTrailwaIkers his ambition was to break 20 hoursand here were 3 Paddies with no previousexperience or knowledge of the event talkingabout a time of 15hours I quickly found myselfcramming down more and more pasta and onlooking around noticed Dave amp Eugene doinglikewise

Race day dawned bright and sunny and we spentthe morning stocking up on supplies for theevent Hilary had (somewhat reluctantly) agreedto be our support team and would meet us atcheckpoints 3 6 8 and at the finish We gave hera timetable showing what time we expected tofinish each stage and loading her down withrucksacks full of food and drinks we bade hergoodbye

StartAt the start there was great commotion with over365 teams milling about stretching struttingposing and generally psyching out andantagonising the opposition With such a largecrowd we ended up about 200 metres back fromthe starting line and even with a little jostlingcould get no closer Finally the whistle soundedand off we went at long last the waiting was over

TIle first stage was supposedly 109 km in lengthand followed a road around a reservoir beforeclimbing over a large mountain down to abeautiful beach and ending in a deserted villagecalled Long Ke We soon found ourselves amongthe leading four teams and quickly caught andpassed the French team comprising of Philippeand his colleagues The heat was very intense butwe drank continuously and felt strong andconfident The fact that a TV crew in a helicopteroverhead were busy filming the leading teams nodoubt gave us the extra impetus to run that littlebit harder

At the end of the road we climbed steeply up thefirst mountain a little too steeply for my likingand teams we bad already overtaken now beganto pass us However as we came down the otherside we moved very fast over the rocky steepground and soon

The Irish Orienteer 17

regained our position As the evening wore onand darkness descended we joined a rollercoaster ride of high peaks steep ascents steeperdescents dense forests rugged ridges andwindswept summits Navigation at night didntpose too much of a problem as the route wasusually very obvious and there were so manypeople on the trail that if you were in any doubtyou just waited until the next team arrived

We hit checkpoint 3 around 9pm 6 hours on thetrot and half an hour ahead of schedule By now itwas obvious that Daves calculation of 7000 feetof total climb was way off the mark We hadalready climbed at least that height and hadanother 60 km to go IAndjudging from our mapthe ground ahead looked even steeper Our ChiefMathematician had erred slightly in hiscalculations the actual total climb was 7000metres not feet By God had we underestimatedit stages 4 amp 5 were looming and word had itthey were savage in comparision to the previousthree

Through the nightWell fed and watered by Hilary we set off into thedark night and after innumerable hours up anddown never ending mountains and ridges thewords of Christy Moore came to mind Endlessnigbt witbout dawning I have two abidingmemories of that night One is the procession oflight from head torches bobbing along the trailand from the top of some peaks these lightsstretched out miles in front and behind Theygave a great indication of the route and thehorrors ahead Oh no were not going all theway up there are we At this stage ChiefMathematician Mr 7000 ft himself was keepinga very low profile My other memory is the lightsof Hong Kong which occasionally came intoview Absolutely stunning and surreal it wasincredible to look at and from where we were itwas somewhat like a scene from a space agemovie

At checkpoint 6 we were in denial but the trustyHilary was there to greet us with a smile and hadbefriended another support team who took pityon this bedraggled bunch of Irishmen and shared

their bar-b-que18 The Irish Qrienteer

sausages with us Having lost some time onstages 4 amp 5 we were under pressure to move onand weariness was setting in

In the early bours of the morning strange thingscan happen and this was no ordinary night Davehooked up with some Danisb lady who took hishand told him everything would be aUright andplied him with some unusual drugs supposedlyto cure his cramping (yeah likely story Dave)Tiring of each others company we staggered onand with failing torch batteries we prayed for thedawn

DawnSunrise can be a beautiful thing but when youhave been on the go for 16 hours climbed over15000 feet and up and down God knows howmany steps ones admiration for a beautifulsunrise becomes somewhat diminished Sittingon top of Needle Hill the highest point on stage 7and looking miles into the distance at BeaconHill which was only halfway around stage 8 Icould have cried My so-called friend whosewords You should try the MacLehose Trailwere now resounding in my ear was now mybitter enemy No Christmas card for him thisyear The sun was now well up pretty soon itwould be 30 degrees C and nowhere to hide

At checkpoint 8 Hilarys smile had faded a littleShe too had been up all night and the realisationof the madness of it all was beginning to dawn onher By now we were more like robots thanhumans got to keep going eat food drink drinkkeep going From here on it was a case of Ivecome this far and Im damn well going to finishthis Most of the hard work was over stages 9and 10 were relatively flat but by now the soles ofour feet felt like they had been flailed with abamboo cane and any attempt to run broughtextreme pain to the body

Checkpoint 9 was like an oasis of calm Only10 of teams had already been through so all ourovertaking and jostling on the trail during thenight had paid off Even still we were well off ourtime and now our ambition was to break 23hours After gulping down some hot Chinese teawe set off on the last leg only 99 km to go

To the FinishStage 10 wound around another reservoir oftenalmost doubling back on itself Althoughrelatively flat it seemed to go on foreverfollowing every twist and turn of the lake Afteran age it climbed up to a cachwater and back onto a tarmacadam surface By now bodies werelying scattered all around We were nearing thefinish and despite complete exhaustion teamsbecame competitive again and began running thelast few kilometres home However many peoplesuffered severe cramping and ended up lying onthe ground writhing in agony and unable tomove Anxious team-mates busily masssaged thewounded and encouraged them to get up andcomplete the race Time enough for lying down atthe Finish

The last half kilometre was downhill and we ranall the way crossing the line in a daze What joyto see the finish banner finally the nightmare wasover As I lay on the ground watching othercompetitors finish I still found it difficult toaccept it was all over When you have been on thego for so long the mind seems to find it hard tobelieve that you have actually finished 100 kmand over 23000 ft of ascent completed Tune 23hours and 5 minutes

Never againBack in Dublin the post mortem begins We allbelieve we should have broken 20 hours Duringthe night of the event we met many people doingThe Trail for the third or fourth time and in viewof the pain and the suffering we were goingthrough at the time we were in agreement thatthis was tbe first and last time for us But now thepain is forgotten only the joy on finishingrernaims and maybe one day we will go back andtackle it again Sub 20 hours is achievable andafter all we owe it to ourselves

(Reprinted from the January 1998 SetantaOrienteers newsletter)

42 at 42Steve Jones (Eryri Orienteers) is anorienteer and fell runner who has run severaltimes in the Shamrock O-Ringen This is hisaccount of his Bob Graham Round anattempt to do the 72 mile circuit in the LakeDistrict in under 24 hours at the age of 42

Approaching Keswick on the afternoon atSaturday June 7th in a very heavy thunderstormthere was no way I was going to start a BobGraham round later tbat day - 72 miles 27000feet climb and 42 tops in the pouring rain I didntthink so

Dropping JUdith Callum and my mother at thebed and breakfast in Keswick didnt help as theyhad a spare bed in their room - the evening meallooked pretty good too However clearing skiesrevealed a good view at our first top Skiddawand I was soon pointing out to Judith the ascentroute and beginning to feel more positive aboutactually starting (finishing was anotber questionaltogether)

Au revoir KeswickI was taking part in a clockwise attempt an theBob Graham organised by two members atWrekin- Lawrence Jones and Andy dougb A small groupat supporters and helpers had gathered at tbeMoat Hall In Keswick to see us oft - or to makesure we started The weather by now was quitepleasant lulling us into a false sense at securityand I was therefore feeling quite confident as welogged away tram the hall at 630pmOur two supporters on this leg were Mike Callowand Stuart Turner carrying our spare toad waterand clothes and ensuring that we kept to theschedule The time schedule of 2272 hours thatwe were following had been devised byLawrence and Andy after much recceing at theroute and discussions with Bob Graham routeexperts

The Irish Orienteer 19

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

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descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 9: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

KIMM partner Ken Taylor had also succumbedto injury) What struck me about Robin duringthe following days was his calmness - heexhibited the coolness of a champion In recentyears he has restricted his mountain marathoninvol vement to planning the Mourne eventBrian Ervine is also renowned for his mountain-racing achievements and like Robin hisorienteering accomplishments are NOT widelypublicised Brian has been Northern IrishOrienteering Champion twice (89 94) and haswon seven Mourne Mountain Marathons He hascompeted for Northern Ireland in ten consecutiveMountain Racing World Cupl World Trophyevents as has Jim Patterson - also from theNorth (Only Scotsman Colin Donnelly hascompeted in all eleven world races) Brian haswon the All-Ireland Mountain RacingChampionships twice and the Northern IrelandMountain Racing Championships three times

(Thanks to Douglas Barry Brian Ervine and PatHealy for much of the information in this article)


MOUNTAIN CHALLENGETwo Day Two PersonTeamMountainMarathon with Overnight Campsite

GLENMALURE-RATHDRUMCO WICKLOW (IRELAND EAST)Saturday 16th May 1997Sunday 17th May 1997

Two Day Navigalion(Endurance Event (IX Teams of TwoNew five colour map - Survey 1997-1998

125000 10 metre contours

Course lengths (over 1wo days)Elite Course E 045kmappltox

Course A 40km appltaxCourse 8 35km appro

Walking - Course C 25km appmxFot furtt- Information Entry Forms write 10Pat Healy Cut Bush Curragh Co Kildare Ireland

TeVFax (045) 441625 From UK dial 010 353 04S441625Entry 10mraquo will be pooted 10 11 1997 oppIic bullnlS

]6 The Irish Orienleq

The MacLehoseTrail

Last November Dave Weston Eugene0 Sullivan and Philip Brennan fromDublins Setanta Orienteers took part in anunusual event in Hong Kong Philip takesup the story

It all started witb the words You should try theMacLehose Trail An innocent enoughstatement at the time as we sat sipping pints ofbeer in The Hairy Lemon ill Dublin but little didwe realise the pain and misery that lay in store forus

Having completed a number of long distanceruns around Ireland myoid friend Conor told usabout this famous Trailwalker event that tookplace every November in Hong Kong where hebad worked for the past 5 years The fact that hehad never actually done tbe event should havealerted me to the dangers ahead but Conor wasnow waxing lyrical about the stunningmountains coastal vistas beautiful weather andgeneral exotica of it all

liang Kong for me conjures up images ofthousands of skyscrapers rising from the sea andsix million people running around workingevery hour God sent and living 011 top of oneanother However 1was soon to discover that theNorthern Territories which border mainlandChina contain 21 country parks through whichthe MacLehose Trail runs for 100 km

Team SETANTAAnd so it was that Team Setanta entered theevent quietly confident albeit with prettylimited knowledge of what lay ahead of us OurChief Mathematician Dave Weston did hishomework OJ) the course and confidently assuredus that with only 7000 feet of ascent Over thewhole distance it would be a piece of cake andwith that he promptly headed off to China for the3 weeks prior to the event promising to meet us

in Ned Kellys Last Stand (where else 1) ahostelry of dubious reputation in Kowloon twonights before the race

Eugene 0Sullivan and myself were not quite soconfident and decided that a little bit of trainingmight be in order before we left dear old IrelandWeekends were spent running around the Glen oflmaal in mist and getting lost in the environs ofLugnaquilla Would they have swampy bogdriving rain and impenetrable fog like this inHong Kong Imused to myself as we ran aroundin circles arguing about where we were andwhich was the quickest way back to FentonsPub After a while we convinced ourselves thatthere was no point in doing any more training inthese conditions as the weather would be totallydifferent over there and anyway we would onlywear ourselves out and we should be conservingour energy instead

Arrivalth the race starting on the 21 st of November weflew out on the 15th arriving on the evening ofSunday the 16th and giving ourselves most of aweek to acclimatise to the heat (28 degrees Cappro x) and get over our jetlag

Alistair our contact in Hong Kong met with usand put our minds at rest with all the gory detailsof the Maclehose Trail Named after a formerGovernor who had a keen interest in mountainwalking and pushed through the first parkconservation laws in 1976 the trail links togethera chain of 7 parks Running from East to West itspans the entire length of the New Territories andconnects beaches and the highest mountainpeaks Over 730 four person teams had enteredand there would be two starts II am and 3pm Aswe were late entrants we had the afternoon start

At a pre-race pasta dinner in AlistairS house wemet other trailrunners some of whom had veryserious ambitions to beat last years time somehoping to beat other teams and some just hopingto finish When asked what time we hoped to doDave nonchalantly suggested that we would behappy with a time of between 15 and 18 hoursChoking on his ravioli a mega fit lookingFrenchman named Philippe commented that

perhaps we might be underestimating thedifficulty of the event A veteran of two previousTrailwaIkers his ambition was to break 20 hoursand here were 3 Paddies with no previousexperience or knowledge of the event talkingabout a time of 15hours I quickly found myselfcramming down more and more pasta and onlooking around noticed Dave amp Eugene doinglikewise

Race day dawned bright and sunny and we spentthe morning stocking up on supplies for theevent Hilary had (somewhat reluctantly) agreedto be our support team and would meet us atcheckpoints 3 6 8 and at the finish We gave hera timetable showing what time we expected tofinish each stage and loading her down withrucksacks full of food and drinks we bade hergoodbye

StartAt the start there was great commotion with over365 teams milling about stretching struttingposing and generally psyching out andantagonising the opposition With such a largecrowd we ended up about 200 metres back fromthe starting line and even with a little jostlingcould get no closer Finally the whistle soundedand off we went at long last the waiting was over

TIle first stage was supposedly 109 km in lengthand followed a road around a reservoir beforeclimbing over a large mountain down to abeautiful beach and ending in a deserted villagecalled Long Ke We soon found ourselves amongthe leading four teams and quickly caught andpassed the French team comprising of Philippeand his colleagues The heat was very intense butwe drank continuously and felt strong andconfident The fact that a TV crew in a helicopteroverhead were busy filming the leading teams nodoubt gave us the extra impetus to run that littlebit harder

At the end of the road we climbed steeply up thefirst mountain a little too steeply for my likingand teams we bad already overtaken now beganto pass us However as we came down the otherside we moved very fast over the rocky steepground and soon

The Irish Orienteer 17

regained our position As the evening wore onand darkness descended we joined a rollercoaster ride of high peaks steep ascents steeperdescents dense forests rugged ridges andwindswept summits Navigation at night didntpose too much of a problem as the route wasusually very obvious and there were so manypeople on the trail that if you were in any doubtyou just waited until the next team arrived

We hit checkpoint 3 around 9pm 6 hours on thetrot and half an hour ahead of schedule By now itwas obvious that Daves calculation of 7000 feetof total climb was way off the mark We hadalready climbed at least that height and hadanother 60 km to go IAndjudging from our mapthe ground ahead looked even steeper Our ChiefMathematician had erred slightly in hiscalculations the actual total climb was 7000metres not feet By God had we underestimatedit stages 4 amp 5 were looming and word had itthey were savage in comparision to the previousthree

Through the nightWell fed and watered by Hilary we set off into thedark night and after innumerable hours up anddown never ending mountains and ridges thewords of Christy Moore came to mind Endlessnigbt witbout dawning I have two abidingmemories of that night One is the procession oflight from head torches bobbing along the trailand from the top of some peaks these lightsstretched out miles in front and behind Theygave a great indication of the route and thehorrors ahead Oh no were not going all theway up there are we At this stage ChiefMathematician Mr 7000 ft himself was keepinga very low profile My other memory is the lightsof Hong Kong which occasionally came intoview Absolutely stunning and surreal it wasincredible to look at and from where we were itwas somewhat like a scene from a space agemovie

At checkpoint 6 we were in denial but the trustyHilary was there to greet us with a smile and hadbefriended another support team who took pityon this bedraggled bunch of Irishmen and shared

their bar-b-que18 The Irish Qrienteer

sausages with us Having lost some time onstages 4 amp 5 we were under pressure to move onand weariness was setting in

In the early bours of the morning strange thingscan happen and this was no ordinary night Davehooked up with some Danisb lady who took hishand told him everything would be aUright andplied him with some unusual drugs supposedlyto cure his cramping (yeah likely story Dave)Tiring of each others company we staggered onand with failing torch batteries we prayed for thedawn

DawnSunrise can be a beautiful thing but when youhave been on the go for 16 hours climbed over15000 feet and up and down God knows howmany steps ones admiration for a beautifulsunrise becomes somewhat diminished Sittingon top of Needle Hill the highest point on stage 7and looking miles into the distance at BeaconHill which was only halfway around stage 8 Icould have cried My so-called friend whosewords You should try the MacLehose Trailwere now resounding in my ear was now mybitter enemy No Christmas card for him thisyear The sun was now well up pretty soon itwould be 30 degrees C and nowhere to hide

At checkpoint 8 Hilarys smile had faded a littleShe too had been up all night and the realisationof the madness of it all was beginning to dawn onher By now we were more like robots thanhumans got to keep going eat food drink drinkkeep going From here on it was a case of Ivecome this far and Im damn well going to finishthis Most of the hard work was over stages 9and 10 were relatively flat but by now the soles ofour feet felt like they had been flailed with abamboo cane and any attempt to run broughtextreme pain to the body

Checkpoint 9 was like an oasis of calm Only10 of teams had already been through so all ourovertaking and jostling on the trail during thenight had paid off Even still we were well off ourtime and now our ambition was to break 23hours After gulping down some hot Chinese teawe set off on the last leg only 99 km to go

To the FinishStage 10 wound around another reservoir oftenalmost doubling back on itself Althoughrelatively flat it seemed to go on foreverfollowing every twist and turn of the lake Afteran age it climbed up to a cachwater and back onto a tarmacadam surface By now bodies werelying scattered all around We were nearing thefinish and despite complete exhaustion teamsbecame competitive again and began running thelast few kilometres home However many peoplesuffered severe cramping and ended up lying onthe ground writhing in agony and unable tomove Anxious team-mates busily masssaged thewounded and encouraged them to get up andcomplete the race Time enough for lying down atthe Finish

The last half kilometre was downhill and we ranall the way crossing the line in a daze What joyto see the finish banner finally the nightmare wasover As I lay on the ground watching othercompetitors finish I still found it difficult toaccept it was all over When you have been on thego for so long the mind seems to find it hard tobelieve that you have actually finished 100 kmand over 23000 ft of ascent completed Tune 23hours and 5 minutes

Never againBack in Dublin the post mortem begins We allbelieve we should have broken 20 hours Duringthe night of the event we met many people doingThe Trail for the third or fourth time and in viewof the pain and the suffering we were goingthrough at the time we were in agreement thatthis was tbe first and last time for us But now thepain is forgotten only the joy on finishingrernaims and maybe one day we will go back andtackle it again Sub 20 hours is achievable andafter all we owe it to ourselves

(Reprinted from the January 1998 SetantaOrienteers newsletter)

42 at 42Steve Jones (Eryri Orienteers) is anorienteer and fell runner who has run severaltimes in the Shamrock O-Ringen This is hisaccount of his Bob Graham Round anattempt to do the 72 mile circuit in the LakeDistrict in under 24 hours at the age of 42

Approaching Keswick on the afternoon atSaturday June 7th in a very heavy thunderstormthere was no way I was going to start a BobGraham round later tbat day - 72 miles 27000feet climb and 42 tops in the pouring rain I didntthink so

Dropping JUdith Callum and my mother at thebed and breakfast in Keswick didnt help as theyhad a spare bed in their room - the evening meallooked pretty good too However clearing skiesrevealed a good view at our first top Skiddawand I was soon pointing out to Judith the ascentroute and beginning to feel more positive aboutactually starting (finishing was anotber questionaltogether)

Au revoir KeswickI was taking part in a clockwise attempt an theBob Graham organised by two members atWrekin- Lawrence Jones and Andy dougb A small groupat supporters and helpers had gathered at tbeMoat Hall In Keswick to see us oft - or to makesure we started The weather by now was quitepleasant lulling us into a false sense at securityand I was therefore feeling quite confident as welogged away tram the hall at 630pmOur two supporters on this leg were Mike Callowand Stuart Turner carrying our spare toad waterand clothes and ensuring that we kept to theschedule The time schedule of 2272 hours thatwe were following had been devised byLawrence and Andy after much recceing at theroute and discussions with Bob Graham routeexperts

The Irish Orienteer 19

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

major rUHdminor (KIdcar pnlkjng ~1Ieadin roadracklarcc pathtli purhindistinct puhIIHrIOW ridehith Fencerw~

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sensonu) WHerCOUIOC l11nOW mnrshmarsh scusonal marshwnrer rnnk pond lakei(gtIbril~c lorddislinCI VCLCI1I10nchanceUP IIId - -rough open landopen land with scuuered trecxrough open land with $Clltc~d treessandy ground PlL- R~1) IJOIltSI IUI1forest slow run CouRSESforesr walk -impussublc vcgcuuion fuSundergrowth slow rul1bl E lt)

ulldcrgrowtll walk0111 or l)tlnd~ lrcaline of proposed new fence

T_-~r1I~nnln~ 1](11

descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 10: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

regained our position As the evening wore onand darkness descended we joined a rollercoaster ride of high peaks steep ascents steeperdescents dense forests rugged ridges andwindswept summits Navigation at night didntpose too much of a problem as the route wasusually very obvious and there were so manypeople on the trail that if you were in any doubtyou just waited until the next team arrived

We hit checkpoint 3 around 9pm 6 hours on thetrot and half an hour ahead of schedule By now itwas obvious that Daves calculation of 7000 feetof total climb was way off the mark We hadalready climbed at least that height and hadanother 60 km to go IAndjudging from our mapthe ground ahead looked even steeper Our ChiefMathematician had erred slightly in hiscalculations the actual total climb was 7000metres not feet By God had we underestimatedit stages 4 amp 5 were looming and word had itthey were savage in comparision to the previousthree

Through the nightWell fed and watered by Hilary we set off into thedark night and after innumerable hours up anddown never ending mountains and ridges thewords of Christy Moore came to mind Endlessnigbt witbout dawning I have two abidingmemories of that night One is the procession oflight from head torches bobbing along the trailand from the top of some peaks these lightsstretched out miles in front and behind Theygave a great indication of the route and thehorrors ahead Oh no were not going all theway up there are we At this stage ChiefMathematician Mr 7000 ft himself was keepinga very low profile My other memory is the lightsof Hong Kong which occasionally came intoview Absolutely stunning and surreal it wasincredible to look at and from where we were itwas somewhat like a scene from a space agemovie

At checkpoint 6 we were in denial but the trustyHilary was there to greet us with a smile and hadbefriended another support team who took pityon this bedraggled bunch of Irishmen and shared

their bar-b-que18 The Irish Qrienteer

sausages with us Having lost some time onstages 4 amp 5 we were under pressure to move onand weariness was setting in

In the early bours of the morning strange thingscan happen and this was no ordinary night Davehooked up with some Danisb lady who took hishand told him everything would be aUright andplied him with some unusual drugs supposedlyto cure his cramping (yeah likely story Dave)Tiring of each others company we staggered onand with failing torch batteries we prayed for thedawn

DawnSunrise can be a beautiful thing but when youhave been on the go for 16 hours climbed over15000 feet and up and down God knows howmany steps ones admiration for a beautifulsunrise becomes somewhat diminished Sittingon top of Needle Hill the highest point on stage 7and looking miles into the distance at BeaconHill which was only halfway around stage 8 Icould have cried My so-called friend whosewords You should try the MacLehose Trailwere now resounding in my ear was now mybitter enemy No Christmas card for him thisyear The sun was now well up pretty soon itwould be 30 degrees C and nowhere to hide

At checkpoint 8 Hilarys smile had faded a littleShe too had been up all night and the realisationof the madness of it all was beginning to dawn onher By now we were more like robots thanhumans got to keep going eat food drink drinkkeep going From here on it was a case of Ivecome this far and Im damn well going to finishthis Most of the hard work was over stages 9and 10 were relatively flat but by now the soles ofour feet felt like they had been flailed with abamboo cane and any attempt to run broughtextreme pain to the body

Checkpoint 9 was like an oasis of calm Only10 of teams had already been through so all ourovertaking and jostling on the trail during thenight had paid off Even still we were well off ourtime and now our ambition was to break 23hours After gulping down some hot Chinese teawe set off on the last leg only 99 km to go

To the FinishStage 10 wound around another reservoir oftenalmost doubling back on itself Althoughrelatively flat it seemed to go on foreverfollowing every twist and turn of the lake Afteran age it climbed up to a cachwater and back onto a tarmacadam surface By now bodies werelying scattered all around We were nearing thefinish and despite complete exhaustion teamsbecame competitive again and began running thelast few kilometres home However many peoplesuffered severe cramping and ended up lying onthe ground writhing in agony and unable tomove Anxious team-mates busily masssaged thewounded and encouraged them to get up andcomplete the race Time enough for lying down atthe Finish

The last half kilometre was downhill and we ranall the way crossing the line in a daze What joyto see the finish banner finally the nightmare wasover As I lay on the ground watching othercompetitors finish I still found it difficult toaccept it was all over When you have been on thego for so long the mind seems to find it hard tobelieve that you have actually finished 100 kmand over 23000 ft of ascent completed Tune 23hours and 5 minutes

Never againBack in Dublin the post mortem begins We allbelieve we should have broken 20 hours Duringthe night of the event we met many people doingThe Trail for the third or fourth time and in viewof the pain and the suffering we were goingthrough at the time we were in agreement thatthis was tbe first and last time for us But now thepain is forgotten only the joy on finishingrernaims and maybe one day we will go back andtackle it again Sub 20 hours is achievable andafter all we owe it to ourselves

(Reprinted from the January 1998 SetantaOrienteers newsletter)

42 at 42Steve Jones (Eryri Orienteers) is anorienteer and fell runner who has run severaltimes in the Shamrock O-Ringen This is hisaccount of his Bob Graham Round anattempt to do the 72 mile circuit in the LakeDistrict in under 24 hours at the age of 42

Approaching Keswick on the afternoon atSaturday June 7th in a very heavy thunderstormthere was no way I was going to start a BobGraham round later tbat day - 72 miles 27000feet climb and 42 tops in the pouring rain I didntthink so

Dropping JUdith Callum and my mother at thebed and breakfast in Keswick didnt help as theyhad a spare bed in their room - the evening meallooked pretty good too However clearing skiesrevealed a good view at our first top Skiddawand I was soon pointing out to Judith the ascentroute and beginning to feel more positive aboutactually starting (finishing was anotber questionaltogether)

Au revoir KeswickI was taking part in a clockwise attempt an theBob Graham organised by two members atWrekin- Lawrence Jones and Andy dougb A small groupat supporters and helpers had gathered at tbeMoat Hall In Keswick to see us oft - or to makesure we started The weather by now was quitepleasant lulling us into a false sense at securityand I was therefore feeling quite confident as welogged away tram the hall at 630pmOur two supporters on this leg were Mike Callowand Stuart Turner carrying our spare toad waterand clothes and ensuring that we kept to theschedule The time schedule of 2272 hours thatwe were following had been devised byLawrence and Andy after much recceing at theroute and discussions with Bob Graham routeexperts

The Irish Orienteer 19

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

major rUHdminor (KIdcar pnlkjng ~1Ieadin roadracklarcc pathtli purhindistinct puhIIHrIOW ridehith Fencerw~

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sensonu) WHerCOUIOC l11nOW mnrshmarsh scusonal marshwnrer rnnk pond lakei(gtIbril~c lorddislinCI VCLCI1I10nchanceUP IIId - -rough open landopen land with scuuered trecxrough open land with $Clltc~d treessandy ground PlL- R~1) IJOIltSI IUI1forest slow run CouRSESforesr walk -impussublc vcgcuuion fuSundergrowth slow rul1bl E lt)

ulldcrgrowtll walk0111 or l)tlnd~ lrcaline of proposed new fence

T_-~r1I~nnln~ 1](11

descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 11: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

The first three and ThrelkeldThe mild conditions in Keswick were soonforgotten as we encountered a heavy rain showerand strong winds on top of Skiddaw anindication perhaps at what the night ahead had instore for us However improving conditionsmade for an enjoyable fun aver Great Calva andBlencathra we even took time out to rescue alamb stuck in a bog OUf spirits were high on therocky descent of Halls Fell as we real ised that wewere 30 minutes up on our schedule arriving atThrelkeld at 10 pm1 changed my shoes and clothes whilst beingspoon fed macaroni cheese by Judith - eithergetting huge mouthfuls at once or none at all asshe chatted to Lawrence and Andy now J knowhow our son Callum must have felt Tnc 13minute rest flew by but we were all glad to leavethemidge-infested rest stop next to the sewageworks

Headtorches on Hel ellyn Supporters on this leg were Rick Haughtonnavigating John Broadhead and Robin Popecarrying gear and lighting the way With the lightrapidly fading 50 minutes later we stood on topat dough Head and donned coats and beadtorcbesfor the long run across the Dodds and Helvellynetc Soon after we heard the first rumble ofdistant thunder and a sudden nash of lightning litthe darkening sky Now were in for it [thought to myselfAround 1130 pm in semi-dark conditionsremarked to Lawrence that perhaps it wouldntget much darker 30 minutes later I was hangingonto John Broadhead as his powerful headtorchlit the way in pitch black conditions - I only usedmy Petzl when running single file along narrowtracks The thunder and lightning continuedaround us but luckily despite the strong windsthe rain held off Little did I know that down inKeswick it was bucketing down and my motherand Judith were lying in their beds listening to therain and wondering worrying rather as to oursituationThe strong winds - we could hardly stand up onHelvellyn - began to take their toil and we losttime on most of the legs particularly Low Man20 The Irish Orienleer

and Dollywaggon Leaving the latter peak wedlost our early 30 minute advantage and were nowlO minutes down on our schedule

and floundering on FairfieldThe slow rocky descent to Grisedale Tarn wasparticularly tiring and after a brief consultationAndy decided hed had enough and set oft forDunmail Raise with John and Robin leavingRick Lawrence and myself to tackle Fairfieldand Seat Sandal We took the direct route upFairfield tram the tarn scrambling through screeboulders and craggy outcrops unfortunatelyRicks headtorcb battery gave out as he wasnavigating I decided that be should use mineThis left me somewhat in the dark as we circledthe top of Fairfield looking for the summit cairnWe also missed the path off the top andscrambled down the scree slopes eventuallycontouring back to the path lower down Myenthusiasm began to wane at this time and Iwasstruggling to keep up on Seal Sandal Rick andLawrence not realising that I d dropped quite sofar behind were soon out of sight all the descentand I found myself alone in the darkness not quitesure of the route down However distantglimpses of their head torches guided my way butby the time Iarrived at Dunmail Raise it was 310am 15 minutes dawn on schedule and I wasfeeling a little despondent and very close topulling out

Dunmail a down and dawnTony Walne waiting to help an the next sectionunfortunately bore the brunt of my frustration atthis point however I still had a few words forLawrence waiting in the camper van TIrednessand the bad weather had got to me and I could notimagine going on - I had to take it out onsomeone sorry LawrenceHowever a few mouthfuls of pasta together witha cup of tea from Debi Clough helped revive meOur support team for tbe next leg Andy LewsleyIfor Powell and Tony Walne were all kit ted outand ready to go - theyd also travelled quitetar tobe there liar from Reading and Tony fromPlymouth so there was no way I could let themdown

in the ball light at dawn we set off on the steep

climb out at Dunmail Raise Andy leading theway he could run the route with his eyes closedIfor by my side and Tony with Lawrence Iguesslfor had detected my lack of confidence at thisstage as he encouraged me on keeping memoving slowly forward and not even allowingme to check on Lawrence behind us

Nearly a 43rdOver the next few tops despite feeling quite sickfor a while I kept up a reasonable pace and lostcontact with Lawrence and Tony as we ran intorather misty conditions on Sergeant Man andHigh Raise Ifor gave them a chance to catch upby leading me off Thunacar Knott towards PaveyArk thankfully realising quite quickly that if wasnot one of the 42 tops on the days listAfter regrouping an Harrison Stickle just afterSam Imanaged a few words with Lawrence aswe scrambledcrawled up Pike a Stickle itappeared that he too was feeling sick and hadnteaten for a while - the prospect of admittingdefeat was looming as our energy reserves werediminishing Realising that) had to start eatingagain ) was offered various delicacies by thesupport team egjelly babies mixed fruit chocolate bars etceventually deciding on a chewy bar whichfortunately stayed down I actually began to feelbetter until the wind and rain hammered into usagain as we climbed Rossen Pike

Blueberry buns on Broad CragAndy then led us on a lillie known route on adirect line through the crags to Bowfell arrivingthere just before 7 am As we continued on to EskPike if became obvious that Lawrence wasstruggling to keep with the pace and soreluctantly we spilt into two groups - Andy andTony continuing with me whilst Ifor stayed withLawrence who shortly afterwards decided thatthe weather and tiredness were getting the betterof him and he opted for a quick descent toWasdale

Traversing the rocky terrain at Great End IIICrag and Broad Crag took my mind off theconditions and tiredness - attention was in factfocused on eating an Asda blueberry donutwhilst negotiating the huge boulders of Broad

Crag a novel approach to breakfast on a Sundaymorning 13 minutes Later (827 am) we werestanding on Englands highest peak Scafell Pike

Tbe Seaells and a 3000 descentAndy calculated that we were exactly one hourdown on our 22 12 hour schedule but a sub-24hour time was still feasible if we could reachWasdale by 930 am Descending off the Pike weheaded for Broad Stand and unable to find arope which was to assist our climb on the directroute up the crags we decided on a furtherdescent around West Wall Terrace and then up asteep gully leading towards the top of ScafellLosing another 6 minutes on this leg a rapiddescent into Wasdale was essential even withmy legs complaining that this was not a fell raceand we didnt have to run flat-out downhill (itwasnt exactly fiat-out but it felt like it now)

Shaving II minutes off our schedule time wearrived in Wasdale a1935 am to be greeted by anequally tired-looking support team offering hottea and cold macaroni cheese As Iwas unable toeat my tub of macaroni in the time it takes todrink a cup of tea whilst changing shirts ie lessthan 5 minutes Tony quickly piled the rest of ifinto a plastic bag for me to cat later (so much formy 20 minute restl) With Tony having to returnto baby-sitting duties elsewhere my support teamdwindled to one ieAndy Lewsley but then whobetter to guide you round than the man (also aged42) who once held the record for the youngestever Bob Graham 1

Macaroni in the mistThe long steep climb up Yew barrow seemed tofly by as we chatted most of tbe way up arrivingat the summit cairn 3 minutes ahead of ouralloued 45 minutes Following a los Naylor shortcut around Yewbarrows northern crags we weresoon on the long climb up Red Pike arriving at1111 am again keeping to our scheduled legtime Now only 41 minutes down on our originalschedule with most of the long climbs behind usJ began to feel much more confident aboutfinishing within the 24 hours

With very fired legs climbing was actually lessof a problem than negotiating steep rocky

The Irish Orienteer 21

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

major rUHdminor (KIdcar pnlkjng ~1Ieadin roadracklarcc pathtli purhindistinct puhIIHrIOW ridehith Fencerw~

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sensonu) WHerCOUIOC l11nOW mnrshmarsh scusonal marshwnrer rnnk pond lakei(gtIbril~c lorddislinCI VCLCI1I10nchanceUP IIId - -rough open landopen land with scuuered trecxrough open land with $Clltc~d treessandy ground PlL- R~1) IJOIltSI IUI1forest slow run CouRSESforesr walk -impussublc vcgcuuion fuSundergrowth slow rul1bl E lt)

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descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 12: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

1filIn ~1f~~1fscale I 15000 contours 5m survey 1997o metres 1000

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descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 13: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

descents but with Steeple Pillar and Kirkfellbehind us only the rocky slopes of Great Gablestood between us and an easy run into Honister Ifinished my bag of macaroni cheese as weapproached the top of Gable in rain and mistwhich resulted in a rather slow descent to WindyGap

Passing Green Gable little did I know thatanother of our support team Steve Barnard hadbeen sitting there patiently far 2 hours waiting forour arrival and only decided on a return toHonister as the rain moved in a few minutesbefore us (Hed unfortunately left Honisterbefore our schedule update arrived)

We were soon descending the grassy slopes ofGrey Knots and I spotted someone franticallywaving in the car-park at Honister - my mother Ifelt quite emotional as we arrived at Honisterwith Mum Judith Callum and Steve 1111 wailingto greet us all relieved that wed come safelythrough the previous nights thunderstormsOnly another 3 hours running to do and then itllall be over I cheerfully informed them

3 peaks and 3hoursAndy volunteered to accompany me all the wayto Keswick much to Steves relief as althoughhe was kitted up and ready to go he was feelingrather tired after competing in the 23 mileEnnerdale race the day before (only 23 miles )

We set off after a 6 minute rest for the long climbup Dale Head The knowledge that I was soon tofinish helping us to take 8 minutes off ourscheduled time Hindscarth quickly followed andwe were soon on the last climb Robinson whichproved harder than I thought

Reaching the summit at 404 pm 1 had well over2 hours for the long descent and return toKeswick bull Should be OK I thought to myself butit did look a long way from the top of RobinsonReaching the road in the lower part of the valleywe were met by Lawrence whod driven roundto encourage me Otl the final few miles - thoughId quite happily have got in the car if hed askedme The last miles seemed to drag on butfortunately Andy knew the scenic route via fields24 VIe Irish Orienteer

and woods which kept us off the roads most ofthe way IRISH MOUNTAIN



I struggled to run up even the smallest hills as weapproached Keswick and was mighty relieved aswe turned onto Keswick High Street We weresoon met by Steve and Lawrence and joggedslowly up towards the Moot Hall running the lastfew steps with Callum and Judith Touch thehall they all shouted so we can stop ourwatches I think I actually fell on it but I donthave mucb recollection of the next few minutesRelief at having finished quickly passed as I satbead between my knees feeling hot and sick andtrying not to pass out hoping someone wouldguide my mother away from my direction

Format is date location distance (km) climb(m) time location details

2210498 Hell Fire Relay 34 km 85m 730pmRatbfarnbam Co Dublin250498 Knockdhu International 76 km 448 m100pm Dr Lame Co Antrim2904198 Goal Flash 45 kID 200m730pm LambDoyles PUb Sandyford Co Dublin0605198 Hell Fire Flicker LLl 34 km 85 m730pm Hell Fire Woods Killakee Co Dublin1305198 Sugarloaf Rush LL2 37 km 213m730pm former Calary Filling Station 25 milesfrom Kilmacanogue on Roundwood Road1705198 Round Mountain LC2 80km 335m1200 Hrs Lumpers Pub Off DundalklNewry Rd2005198 Howth LL3 48km 183m 730pm GAAClub Dungriffin Rd Howth Co Dublin2405198 The Djouce Rocket 89km 427m 1200Hrs Lake Car Park Djouce Woods Co Wicklow(5 miles south of Enniskerry)2405198 Nagles Mountains MCI 113km 335m230pmNear Kilavullen Mallow Co Cork270598Three Rock Dash LL4 48km 198m730pmTicknock Car Park near Lamb DoylesPub Sandyford Co Dublin3105198 Carraunloohill137kml 126 mI200 hrsBreanlee Lough Acoose Glencar Co Kerry (16miles from KilLarney)0306198Bray Head LLS 50km 274m 730pm070698Glendalough LC3 190km 854m1130am Upr Lake Car Park Co Wicklow070698Doon MC2 80km 335m 230pm 2Miles From Doon Co Limerick100698Blue Light LL6 55km 326m 730pmBlue Light Pub nr Sandyford Co Dublin1306198Croagh PAtrick IC3CCI 77km 762m230pm Murrisk near Westport Co Mayo140698 Nephin CC2 80km 610m 1200hrs Dr

Castlehill 5km Crossmolina Co Mayol70698Corrig LL7 56km 305m 730pm Signs

Anyoneor golfMy finish lime was 555 pm so it took me 23hours and 25 minutes which I felt was reasonablein the conditions wed endured Sickness andfaintness having passed a few minutes later I washelped back to the car where tiredness soonovercame me and I slept most of the way back toNorth Wales

So the 42 tops completed at the age at 42 Whatnext people ask A long rest1 reply

Thanks again to everyone who supported me Icouldnt have done if without you andparticularly Lawrence and Andy for organisingthe whole attempt - I guess pound11 be up there againsupporting them on their next attempt The lastword goes to my mother who later asked if Idever considered taking up golf Well you neverknow

(From Y Ddraig the newsletter of the WelshOrienteering Association)

Cover PhotoBill Simpson (LVO)at the JK Relaysin Wales at Easter

from Stone Cross Ballinascorney Co Dublin21106198Flagsta1I LC4 1761cm925m 1200 Hrsflagstaff Car Park off NewrylOundalk rd21106198Seefm - Ballybouras MC3 80km 427m230pm Glenosheen Co Limerick2406198Scalp LLS 64km 244m 730pm DublinSport Hotel KiIteman Co Dublin2806198Claragh Mountain MC4 62km 352m230pm Millstreet Co Cork01107198 Maulin LL9 8Okm 457m 73OpmCrone Wood Car Parle Gleneree Co Wicklow0507198 EUROPEAN TROPHYINTERNATIONAL Sestriere near Turin Italy0807198 Sorrel HiU LL 10 1OOkm412m 73OpmLaeken Co Wicklow1207198 GALTYMORE IC4IMC5 120km1295m 1200 Noon Glencoshabinnia Glen ofAherlow Co TIpperary1507198 War Hill LLlI 10OIem430m 73OpmLuggala on RoundwoodSaJly Gap road CoWicklow1907198 Slievenamon MC6 8Okm 591m230pm Kehoes Pub Kilcash Co Tipperary22107198 Paddock Lake-Maulin LLl2 105km580m 730pm Djouce Woods Co Wicklow2607198 DUFF HILL IC5ILC5 100km 580m1200 brs Sally Gap Crossroads Co Wicklow29107198 Sugarloaf (barbeque) LLl3 561em427m 730pm Kilmacanogue Co Wicklow02108198 Mangerton MC7 97km 701m 230pmMangerton Car Park (Signposted fromMuckross Park Hotel Killarney)05108198 Kippure 10Okm 427m 730pmFeatherbed Rd Co Dublin1908198 Sugarloaf Relay - 37km 213m730pm Calary 25 miles from Kilmacanogue2308198 BRANDON (uphill trial) IC6 97km914m 1200 Noon An Bothar pub near BrandonCreek New Uphill Route to selectlrish Teamfor World Trophy in Reunion1909198 WORLD TROPHY INT lie deReunion Indian Ocean2709198 Dublin PeaksJunior Trial 113km410m 1200 Noon Ticknock Car ParkSandyford Co Dublin

For more information contact Douglas Barry (01-2868180) e-mail imraiolieor visit the IMRAwebsite htlpIshawiolie-iulfalindexhtm

The Irish Orienleer 25


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 14: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit


Hill amp Dale Stieve Muck Start 1930Hill amp Dale Hen amp Cock Start 1930Hill amp Dale Meelmore amp MeelbegStart 1930

16May Spelga Skyline Start 1200 (1130Ladies) 12 Mis 4500ft Spelga DamCar Park Mournes

21 May Hill amp Dale White Plains Start 19304 June Hill amp Dale Loughshannagh 1930

Rostrevor Medium Junior 7 rnls2500 ft

II June HiU amp Dale Rocky Start 193018 June Hill amp Dale Binnian (to top 7) 193021 June Flagstaff To Carlingford Start 1200

Il Mis 3000ft From Flagstaff CarPark Near Newry

26 June Hill amp Dale Drinahilly 19304 July World Trophy Selection Race

Newcastle5 July European Mountain Running Trophy

Italyl8 July Moel Siabod 62 miles 2300 feet Br

30 April7May14May

6 June

Champ medium

25 July Snowdon International Start l400 10miles 3250ft

1August Slieve Donard New route5 August Scrabo Youth Champ Start 1945 3

ml 750ft Scrabo Estate Newtownards8August Mourne Seven Sevens Challenge

Donard Park Newcastle15August Lurig Challenge Start 1400 Short

35 Miles lOOOft Cushendall Co Antrim22 August Annalong Horseshoe 1200 l3

Miles 5200ft Dunneywater Mournes12 September Slieve Croob Youth Champs

Seeconnell Centre1400hrs 4 ml 1200ft19middot20 September Andersons Two-Day

Mourne Mountain Marathon

For more information contact DevelopmentOfficer Jim Hayes 25 Dermot Walk ComberBT23 5NU Tel 01247 872802 or visit theNIFRA website via IMRA


28thmiddot3Oth August 1998

Once again Cappanalea OEC is running thesuccessful National Adventure Marathon Thisgruelling Outdoor Team Challenge will takeplace inKerry on the last weekend of August 98The format of the competition will involve ateam event with each team participating in 9Stages covering approximately 50 miles over thefuUthree day weekend Teams will be made up offour members which may compete ill one ofthree categoriesFemale only male only mixedteamsUnlike relay events all team members mustcompete in all stages There will be strict cut-offlimes for completing each stage so teams mustwork hard throughout the eventThe 9 scheduled stages will demand a strongcommitment to - Teamwork Navigation and

26 The Irish Orienteer

Prolonged Endurance Stamina and an ability towork in a remote wilderness environmentActivities wilJ include night navigation hiUrunning water sports cycling orienteering andinitiative exercises All learn members must havea good general sporting aptitude and haveconfidence on water Beyond two teammembers having good map-reading andnavigational skills no further specialist skills arerequiredThe all-inclusive cost per tearn is pound320 for theweekend This fee covers accommodation (fullboard) event transport specialist equipmentevent materials and insuranceTo ensure your teams place a deposit of pound50 andthe completed Booking Form must be receivedby Cappanalea OEC Oulagh West CaraghLake Killorglin Co Kerry before the 2407198The organisers reserve the right to vet allapplicants

Colm RotheryInterviewed

John Feehan at last caught up with ColmRothery for long enough to interview himColm is the current Irish Champion andcharted a a meteoric rise through the ranksto make the World Championships and winthe Irish title two years in a row with acombination of natural ability anddetermination Cohns father Sean is oneof the founding fathers of Irish orienteeringand his brother Eoin is a former IrishChampion and WOC team member Colm iscurrently an outdoor education teacher withDublin VEC

John Feehan Colm your family nallle hasa very long association withorienteering in Ireland When did youfirst run on a map

CoLm Rothery In 1972 The Glen of theDowns on a black and white photocopywith 100 foot contours

JF How did you perform at these earlyevents

CR I often won but the courses werephysically and technically easier ThenI began to lose and my interest dived

JF You then left orienteering for manyyears Did you stay in touch with theorienteering scene in that time

CR No I wasnt interested in orienteeringor running in any form I was hardlyaware of my brother Eoinsperformances when be was winning

JF You came back to orienteering whenEoin left Ireland Why then

CR I gave up smoking in 1990 joined agym and decided to get fillerOrienteering seemed a sociable way ofgetting fit and it a scene I had been

familiar with as a child

JF How did you fare in those firstreturn eventsShane ONeill (then 12 years old) beatme on a red course in October 90 Iwas wearing Doc Martens My thirdevent was IOC91 in Rossadrehid andit was an eye-opener I was wearingglasses in the rain and I finished in thebottom half of M2l S



Were you encouraged by these runsI could see improvements but I wasmaking huge errors (20 minutes +)Contact lenses helped and soon themistakes lessened

JF How was your running developing atthis stageI had a lot of knee and shin-splintproblems Basically my muscles wereoverused too quickly and I wasntstretching enough My running wassuperior to my orienteering however



How did work fit inI was working as a courier I wasrunning 3middot4 times a week 4-5 miles aday

JF 1992 was your first year of prominencein terms of National Squad You went toWorld CIlP races and training inCzechoslovakia What memories haveyou of thatWell 1 was last a lot internationalcompetition helped me to improve a lotbut I still had big mistakes and Iknew Ihad to eliminate these The next year Igot a thumb compass and this helped alot


JF How important were other orienteersin helping YOIlto improveI asked a lot but got little concrete helpBeing with other Elites helped to giveme something to strive for andinternational competition was a hugesource of motivation Ive had to

The Irish Qrienteer 27



develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 15: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit


develop technique largely by myselfThe thumb compass was a big help

Whatgoals did you set yourselfTo win the Leinster League was aninitial one In 9495 I was looking atChampionship events and Iwent to theWorld Cup in Germany in 1994 toprepare for WOC 95 in Germany Ididquite well and realised Icould do wellin the World Champs

iF What performances got you on theteamLeinster Champion 2nd in NorthernIreland and winning Day 2 of theShamrock O-Ringen which I wasdelighted with as it was a high pressuresituation


iF At this stage Colm you had arrivedand you went on to become IrishChampion in 1996 and 97 Tell usthough about your athleticachievementsI decided to do steeplechase because ofmy interest in orienteering In 94 Ibroke 10 minutes and felt Ihad more inme Barry Keane became my coach andadvised me to do the shorter trackevents I began to do a track sessionevery week My speed increaseddramatically Now Iam setting PBs innearly every race Last year I did 156for 800 metres 931 for steeplechaseand Ican do better



What are your goals in athleticsTo beat 152 in 800 and to representIreland at the World VetsCbampionsbips at steeplechase nextyear


What about orienteeringFrom this year Isee orienteering takinga back seat The World Cup races willpossibly be my last major focus inorienteering Scotland and WOC99does appeal to me too Wbo know

28 The Irish Orienteer

JF How important is your currentteaching job toyour training

CR Extremely important as I can now traintwice a day if I choose A 9-to-5 jobwould make training much moredifficulL

iF Do you ever see yourself inorienteering administration

CR No Definitely nol Im not acommittee person I prefer action totalk

iF Have you thoughts on any aspect oforienteering in Ireland of concern toyou

CR Idont think people get enough creditfor their work I think the squad shouldget more support and resources I regretthe lack of financial support To travelto WOC97 in Norway train andprepare properly stretched my financesto a huge degree I couldnt get asummer job in order to prepareproperly

JF Do elite orienteers give enough to thesport

CR I dont know about others but I am toobusy with athletics hill runningtraining and my job to think about it Ispend many hours every week andmany pounds on orienteering Thatseems enough

JF Thanks Calm Congratulations onyour successes to date I suppose youllbe going for Irish Champion threetimes in a row this year - Good luckBut youll have competition

(Editors note By a strange coincidence I havesome results from an event at Cronybyrne infront of me The B course (about 5 miles) waswon by M de Courcy in 2 hours 2 minutes EoinRothery was 3rd in 214 and Colm Rothery andhis mother were 12th in 246 The event was on22nd March 1970 and Colm was ten)


IOF HeadlinesLowered tee tor associate membersOne of the initial efforts in the OlympicProgramme is to increase the number of membersin the IOF to at least 75 A number of countrieshave been approached and in several theorientccrs are interested in joining the 10F ThelOP membership fee has however proved to beprohibitive for many countriesTo help new countries the IOF Council hasdecided to lower the fee for associate membersfrom FIM 1000 (approx 180 USD) to FIM 200(approx 37 USD) Additionally it has beenagreed that the year of application shall be free ofcharge100 number of countries interested in joining theIOF is constantly growing Andorra ChineseTaipei Greece Kenya Malta Mexico Moldovathe Philippines and Thailand are knocking at thedoor Which one will be the 50th IOF member

OLYMPIC PLANSThe 1996 10F Congress decided that the work ofthe lOP should aim at getting the fourorienteering disciplines included in theprogramme of the relevant Olympic Games Tocoordinate all aspects of this work the IOFCouncil has formed the Olympic Project SteeringGroup The action plan however contains tasksnot only for a small group of people but foreverybodyEach orienteering discipline has a number ofdevelopment steps to go in order to reach aposition where inclusion in the Garnes becomes aviable option The programme for AchievingOlympic Programme Status for Orienteering is alist of activities related to those developmentsteps which are of a general character TheOlympic Project Action Plan is based on four

components to increase tbe number of membersin the IOF to devise an Olympic event to raisethe profile of orienteering and to strengthen themember federations and the IOF An importantobjective of the Olympic Project is - at this stage-to promote and market the sport of Orienteeringas such The message to be conveyed must besimple distinct and uni-vocal

Increased number of membersTo become eligible for inclusion in theprogramme of the Olympic Games orienteeringmust meet the criteria in the Olympic CharterOnly sports widely practised by men in at least 75countries and on 4 continents and by women inat least 40 countries and on 3 continents may beincluded in the programme of the SummerGames The criteria for the Winter Games and theParalympics are lower The number of membersin theIOF is currently 49

TIle events programme in the Olympic Garnes isextensive and the time available is Limited soeach sport must fit into the overall programmeThe event must be reasonably easy to follow andshow on IV The current WOC programme doesnot meet the requirements

There is immense competition to get new eventsand new sports into the Olympic Games Onlysports attracting the world of sports attentionwill have a chance of making the GamesOrienteering must raise its profile and everyonewithin tbe sport bas to make a contributionOrienteering has to become part of a number ofstrategically selected world-wide games toincrease the visibility of the sport internationally

An increased visibility and a higher profile oforienteering require the launching of a systematicand carefully planned information andcommunication program The main target groupfor this program is the media

Orienteering must also establish good relationswith the National Sports Federations theNational Olympic Committees the IOC and theGames Organisers An environmental policymust be developed and introduced in ail membercountries

The Irish Orienteer 29

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 16: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

In order to develop orienteering in general and toimplement the Olympic programme in particularthe member federations and the IOF must bestrengthened This includes increased resourcesin terms of money and people increasedknowledge and skills and improved co-operationMany members of the IOF need to bestrengthened to be able to promote thedevelopment of orienteering at a national levelto take part in the international event programmeand the work of the lOP A programme must bedeveloped and implemented witb the assistanceof the stronger federations in the lOP

[be professional organisation of the 10F needs tobe strengthened to cope with the tasks included inthe Olympic programme

III order to increase our knowledge andunderstanding of the Olympic Movement and inorder to get assistance in opening up channels totbe IOC a group of people being presently orformerly IOC members should be established asan advisory group

Orienteering events need to become more easy 10

organise and take part in and more easy to followfor the public and the media A programmeaiming at making aspects of orienteering moresimple needs to be implemented

Broadly there are two stages in any attempt tobecome part of the Olympic Games programmeachieving the criteria in order to be eligible toapply for inclusion and the lobbying tbat mustfollow submission of an application

At its January meeting Council assessed thecurrent situation and concluded that there is aneed to work on both these two levels For Foot-0 MTB-O and Trail 0 we are in stage one andthe basic work on the overall level is extremelyimportant For Ski-O the situation is differentbecause of the existing application for inclusionin the programme of the 2002 Winter OlympicGames in Salt Lake City

Council agreed that the IOF should enhance the30 The Irish Oriemeer

work to gel Foot-O included in the SummerOlympic Games Both the formal and theinformal route should be used ie the work onfulfilling tbe formal criteria sbould bestrengthened and alongside this other possibleways to reach the goal should be investigatedThe informal route includes eg theestablishment of contacts with appointed GamesOrganisers


A II Ireland League 1997Connacht ChampionshipsMunster ChampionshipsIrish Championships

Events 123

4 Leinster Championships5 Northem Ireland Championships

Additionally in view of the existing applicationfor inclusion of the Winter Games 2002 in SaltLake City Council decided to continue lobbyingfor this This work is to be done by a small projectgroup


RULES 1 Eligibility members ofaffiliateltl clubs only2 Classes MlW21 E MlW35L to MlW70L and MlWl2A to MN-I20A (28 classes)3 Scoring 1st 12 points 2nd 10 pts 3rd 9pts 41h8 pts down to 1 point for 11th and other finishers4 Ties if any class leaders have equal points the winner Isthe person with the most 9Yeflt wins

General raising of orienteerings profile withinthe international sports community is essentialfor all disciplines at whatever stage they are inrelation to achieving Olympic programme statusTo tbis end the IOF has applied to have foot-orienteering Included in the World Games inAkita Japan in 2001

NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coe IOC NIOC NAME CLUB coc IOC NIOCMoe toe TOTAl Moe toe TOTAL IIIOC toe TOTAl~PIa Pla Pla PlaPlaPIa PIa Pla Pla Pla ItoPla PIa PIa Pla Pla PIa Pla

M21E W21E W18AstevenUntxgtn NWOC 12 9 10 31 Elloen Loughman CNOC 9 7 9 9 2l Cre OConnor Cortc012 12 12 36Colm RoUry AJIo)( e 10 12 21 Susan Healy GEN 10 10 10 30Brendn OBrlen AJAX 10 8 8 7 26 W40L Flann Austin Cork 0 9 8 12 29Brendn Oelaney CNOC 8 4 1 12 8 26 Mary Healy GEN 12 10 12 12 36GeotfSomeltVille LVO 9 e 8 23 AmSge LVO 10 9 10 12 32 M20AJohnCoeey FUCCO 3 10 4 17 Heather MoJury LVO 9 8 7 9 9 27 Raymond HoloNln CNOC 12 10 8 30

Mary Austin Cork 0 9 8 10 27 Anchw Quinn 3ROC 8 9 12 29M38L Ellen Feehan BVOC 7 8 7 22s~ Ollmore LVO bull 10 10 2S M18ATed Luoey BOC 8 7 8 2 W4liL Che Finlay Finn 012 10 12 34John ODonovan BVOC 7 8 9 2 Mona Nowtn 3ROC 12 10 12 12 36 Gerald ButIlaquo 3ROC 5 7 12 8 28

Teresa FonIay FermO 10 10 12 l2M40L AIne OSuIivan 3ROC 8 2 1 10 25 MilAJoIwI McCullough 3ROC bull 12 12 U Wyn McConnade GEN 9 8 8 25 Rory FIny Finn 012 bull 10 12 34Geny8ntdy Corle 0 10 10 10 30 AIiIon Tottenham Ferm 01 7 5 8 8 22 Luke ccrwt d lROC 10 12 8 4 30Kevin ODwyer SO 10 10 9 8 9 29 Barba Ff_ MN 5 4 4 5 7 t7 Jona Lucey BOC 8 9 12 7 2911m MonIoMy Corle 0 8 7 8 12 29 FQN SET 8 5 6 17 OIenBurkl CortO 10 2 12 24Senen OBoyfe CNOC 8 5 7 20 JooepNne Ol(oeffo BVOC 6 6 16 PuI McGlhon NWOC 9 7 6 22KIeron McOonaId AJIo)( 6 5 7 la Zollan F-F1oher MN 6 9 7 22CIYe MIJury LVO bull 5 3 4 6 15 W50l Nathan Ff1oIIef MN 5 3 5 5 10 20RIck AId Corte 0 2 2 3 2 7 JunONeill F1N 12 12 10 12 3C Ogtkt Carter CortO 7 4 8 19PuI DII1no WEGO 1 I I 3 MueWeIaII 3ROC 10 10 12 V 32 TrOllOt JoIInIon NWOC6 I 8 15

John McGr81h lROC 4 2 3 6 13M41iL WULBill BImon lVO 10 10 bull 7 bull zs C Nu1IolI lAeO 12 12 12 36 MI4ABiyONeiI CNOC 9 9 3 9 7 ~ Vera Murtagh 3ROC 10 10 8 28 Oayld Healy OEN 12 12 10 12 12 36ReymondFWy Form 0 7 5 8 8 Nlla Walsh lROC 0 10 12 10 32Paddy OBrlen AJAX 12 6 I 19 W60L K HouIIhn Corte0 10 9 3 9 28Brendan McGrath 3ROC 8 8 4 I a Dia Largl OEN 12 12 12 38 Rober1 Wheldon NWOC 5 8 5 18RIchard Willomoon LVO 7 1 2 6 IS FaithWMe SET 10 10 10 30 Ben PearcSmith NWOC 2 6 9 17Tom McCormack GEN 8 2 3 13

111eOlympic Project Steering Group under thechairmanship of lOP Senior Vice President AleeJacobson started its work in late 1997 The groupis directly subordinate to tbe IOF Council and hasthe task to coordinate all aspects of the work ondevelopment towards the Olympics The groupconsists of representatives of both IOF memberfederations and tbe elite runnersThe OPG members are Ake Jacobson(chairperson) Lucie Bilbro Livio Guidolin ShinMurakoshi Jorgen Mru-tensson Juraj NemecMaria Nimvik Helge Simonsen BarbroRonnberg Sigitas Stasiulis

Whether or not Ski-Orienteering will be includedin the programme of the 2002 Winter Olympic Inthe Winter Olympic Games in Nagano three newsports were included snow-boarding curlingand womens ice-hockey This bas added some500 new athletes to tbe Games The IOC wants toassess the impact of additional athletes on theGames before taking the decision on the finalprogramme of the 2002 Games in Salt Lake City

WI2AAmy Houlihlu1lara Stevn

MI2AChristian FmiddotFlsIMMNThomes Cone BOCPaul Geary BVOCAtan Syage LVO 9

M50Lern-WllsonTed FeehanEltIw1IrdB N~andRichard McCour1Rober1 OConnorAlan GartlldNigel C-CrowfordIan LocklngtonHarold White

CoritO 12 12 10 12 36NWOC 12 10 12 w

10 10 12 8 10 3212 10 9 31

12 8 4 243 9 21

LVO 12 6 9 9 12 Uavoc 10 12 7 9 31AJAX 9 7 8 10 27LVO 7 6 8 1 22CorkO 9 10 I 20LVO 5 3 4 6 8 19lROC 8 2 6 5 19NWOC4 I 4 6 I3ROC 5 I 3 5 13

Fenn 0 10 12 12 34CNOC 12 12 6 9 10 w3ROC 9 9 7 5 9 27

WI4ANiamh Morrissey Corte 0 10 12 12 34Sharon Lucey BOC 9 10 10 12 32 M60LSh~ Nowlan 3ROC 12 9 8 10 31 Noel BogNlamh OBoyte CNOC 7 9 9 12 30 Fronk Cunnono

BIDRogonW16ALaura Cor SOC 10 10 12 32 Me5lCaroline Oemehy BOC 12 10 9 31 Non ErvineOenise Huly CNOC 9 8 10 27Melanie McDonald AJAX 3 10 8 2 IBeth Smyth NWOC 7 6 7 20

NWOC 10 10 10 30Cork0999 27Form OS 4 9 9 26

M5SLMuwIIiRoedPddy LalOfMichael Butle

LVO 10 10 10 3D

The lrimiddothOrienteer 31

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 17: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

Junior Squad Fundralslng Event Three 46 M18 NEnglish UCDO 19314 Results KINNlnY Co Offaly 2 Nov 1997Rock Wood Sunday 16th November Uv1ahon DNF

MIOJ McGrath DNF CNOC Lelnster League Event 31997 M18 CBlau UCDO DNF GeEE~ ac km

RWoIiDUO DNF BROWN 1l2 sm 1 Trevor Fisher M21 CNOC 5312

this scatter event was a fund raiser organised by the W35 RMcOonnell GEN DNF 1 Justin May M40 3ROC 54132 MioHelo - 5516

Lelnster Juniors There were three courses with the M55 MKeliett GEN DNF 2 Brendan OBrlen tvt21 AJAX 5707 3 FMcCormack M60 CNOC 5538

controls being taken In any order and no time KParker StKev DNF 3 PHlggins tvt21 MIN 60014 JohndeLocy M45 AJAX 5546

limit The target winning times were 30 45 and 60 M40 DShort CNOC DNF 4 Martrl Pettersson - UCGO 61225 DavldHeqIy M14 GEN 5647

minutes so the long course was too short and the M40 KMcDonald AJAX DNF 5 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6641 6 Ulf Andersson M21 DUO 6049

short course too long I Some very slow times suggest tvt21 ALowlor DNF 6 KIeran OBrien tvt21 FWAR 68387 DWickham M35 AJAX 6153

some competitors chose the wrong course 7 MartlnFlym tvt21 AJAX 6910 8 KevfnCarey M40 3ROC 6155

~IUmCQUli1 8 Tony Joyce tvt21 AJAX 7351 9 Bohan M21 CNOC 6212

Thiswas the first event I hove planned Thanks to 1 W21 OCooke AJAX 3850 9 PBrennan tvt21 SET 770110 Brennan FWAR 6226

3ROC and CNOC seniors for their help The event 2 M35 DCorrle FIN 4234 10 Cathal Cregg M35 FWAR 772811 RMcDonnell 6414

rolsed pound234 for the Lelnster Junior Squad -Luke 3 M21 AButterfteld GEN 4456 11 Ray Holohan tvt20 CNOC 7903 12 AIH MOO GEN 6434

Crawford 4 BEnrlght 4729 12 Senan OBoyie M40 CNOC 794113 Eamon Cregg M40 FWAR 6530

5 W14- NOBoyle CNOC 4855 13 KMcDonald M40 AJAX 822914 MDooley MOO CNOC 6753

LQDgQQU[~ 6 MS5 lMcGrllth 3ROC 4955 14 BBeI M40 GEN 824015 Derek Clarke MNav 6857

1 tvt21 BO81len AJAX 4149 7 W21 NPhlilips 3ROC 5036 15 Zoltan Foley-FlsherMl6 WHO 850216 Anthony Lawlor M21 6859

2 M40 JMay3ROC 4436 8 M65 SRothery 3ROC 5346 16 Peter McNamoraM20 DUO 955417 Maire Waish W50 3ROC 6956

3 tvt21 HMcLlndon 3ROC 4532 9 M45 JGray 3ROC 5600 17 John dArcy tvt21 FWAR 1084918 BFoley-Fisher W45 MNav 7118

4 M40 J McCullough 3ROC 4820 10 tvt21 JPAnderson DUO 5702 1DNF19 LizButter W18 CNOC 7232

5 M40 G81acly CORKO 4908 II W20 SMcCormock GEN 581620 Prendergast - GEN 7356

6 M40 DCashln AJAX SO12 12 W40 SDempsey 5940 BLUE61 km21 John Francis M40 DFO 7435

7 tvt21 MFlynn AJAX 5300 13 M60 PCooke AJAX 6427 1 DCashln M40 AJAX 560322 BLowlor W21 CNOC 7941

8 tvt21 PCosey GEN 5336 14 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 6635 2 Pat FarreUy M35 CNOC 562923 A nI ShuilleobhanW45 3ROC 8006

9 M40 BBeYGEN 5356 15 W21 AJoyce GEN 6654 3 AndrewQuln tvt20 3ROC 584024 SOhEafa M35 - 8126

10 M35 DBrennan 3ROC 5517 16 WSO AMcCormock GEN 7047 4 AOMuilane tvt21 GEN 623625 Eamon McGlnleyM21 AJAX 8604

11 tvt21 LDonovan AJAX 5553 17 W40 NLalor GEN 7131 5 Patrick Cosey tvt21 GEN 63SO26 Joonna Mclnerney- 8606

12 M40 WYoung CNOC 5610 18 W21 MBaes DUO 7537 6 Paddy OBrien M45 AJAX 635827 Richard Lowe - 8708

13 M18 GButler 3ROC 6055 19 M17 PRoycroft SET 7618 7 Ed Niland tvt21 AJAX 651428 David McKenna- FWAR 8726

14 tvt21 AAyling DUO 6309 20 W20 ASodller 7731 8 Alan Ayling DUO 683229 Kevfn Roche M21 - 8907

15 MS5 PMcCormock GEN 6417 21 W55 CWolsh 3ROC 7928 9 Eddie Niland MSO AJAX 723930 Nigel FoIey-FlsherM45 MNav 9223

16 W40 RLynam CNOC 6449 22 W21 MFlynn 6006 10 David 81ennon M35 3ROC 730531 GEl Power W45 3ROC 9544

17 M18 AQulnn 3ROC 6459 23 W20 VHlckey DUO 9313 Damien Kelly tvt21 FIN 730532 EOSuilieabholnMSO 3ROC 9805

16 M45 PGorgan AJAX 6556 24 WSO TBut1er 3ROC 9656 12 BMcGrath M45 3ROC 751333 Heather Noonan- - 10148

19 M45 BMcGrath 3ROC 6650 25 M70 JLynam 3ROC 10014 13 Brendan Cryan M35 3ROC 751934 Faith WhIte W60 SET 11714

20 M45 TMcCormack GEN 6652 26 W21 RKlernan GEN 11452 14 DQulnn GEN 752135 Michoel Butter M55 3ROC 11911

21 W21 ACreedon DUO 6656 27 W45 MBurke 3ROC 13522 15 Brion Jones tvt21 DUO 754836 Damian QuigleyM21 13603

22 W45 MNowian 3ROC 6753 26 W16 LPeekChon DUO 13738 16 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 761137 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 13642

23 tvt21 BJones DUO 6851 29 RWeedle GEN lSO49 17 N C-Crawford MSO 3ROC 76123DNF

24 tvt21 MBohan CNOC 7121 303132333435 18 FOBrien W21 AJAX 762625 W21 FO81len AJAX 7634 ShodCQU[~ 19 Rowan Lyons tvt21 DUO 7724 aEQ ~ 2km

26 M18 NDolan DUO 7732 1 MS CShOlt CNOC 5900 20 Colin Burns tvt21 AJAX 77261 Hilde Creagh W21 3ROC 4745

27 tvt21 GElllott 3ROC 7939 2 M45 TDevlin GEN 6032 21 John Dempsey tvt21 7829 2 ChrlsBlau M18 UCDO 5716

28 W21 BLalor CNOC 6016 3 M12 SDevlin 6118 22 Ruth Lynam W40 CNOC 78453 Joe Quigley MNav 5956

29 M35 SOHoofa 6043 4 JTucker CNOC 6246 23 J Keatlnge tvt21 AJAX 60004 Darragh Jones M16 DUO 6117

30 W21 CBuHer CNOC 8144 5 W12 GTucker CNOC 6252 24 Joan Flanagan W35 AJAX 8306 5 Ali Sodleir W20 DUO 7534

31 tvt21 RLyons DUO 8236 6 LDoyle 8133 25 Nathan Foley-fisherMl6 MNav 84056 DGonnon 7606

32 W35 JFlonagan AJAX 8238 7 DCarney 8605 26 Gordon Elliott tvt21 3ROC 85307 SolButler W14 CNOC 7754

33 M45 SMurray SET 6243 8 GCarney 8611 27 PLalor MS5 CNOC 8734 6 Jane Tully W16 DUO 8326

34 MS5 MBuHer 3ROC 8414 9 FMaguire 8629 28 Andrew Boyle tvt21 AJAX 8742 9 RPvanRljswijk M21 DUO 8359

35 W45 WMcCormack GEN 8435 10 AMagulre 3ROC 8631 39 Fergal Buckley tvt20 DUO 8830 10 Paul SWift M16 DUO 8416

36 tvt21 1McDonagh FWAR 8520 11 Hennah 11553 30 Brendan DohertyMSO GEN 9111 11 Niall English M20 UCDO 8439

37 M60 PWolsh SET 8827 M14 DODwyer DLSO DNF 31 FMartindale M60 3ROC 915712 Deborah Walsh W20 DUO 8752

38 MS5 BHolilnshead 3ROC 8929 M6 MHossett DNF 32 David Butler MSO CNOC 9604 13 J 81enn FWAR 9105

39 W45 ANlSuilioobhain3ROC 8955 M6 CMoran3 ROC DNF 33 TTalbot MNav 1005314 AUeen Farrell FWAR 9527

40 JDevitt 9641 MIO PMcCormack GEN DNF 34 Susan Healy W18 GEN 10256 15 Deirdre Murphy W21 UCDO 9902

41 MSO DBuHer CNOC 13131 M14 CBond DLSO DNF 35 Garech 81ennanMl8 UCGO 1101942 tvt21 HKulimann UCDO 13831 MIO RShort CNOC DNF 36 DShert M40 CNOC 11629 UiZtlI GHEEI 4Qkm

43 tvt21 CNugent UCDO 13851 37 PatTobin 16Bn 121121 Niall Wolsh M14 3ROC 3856

44 M18 PSWlftDUO 14933 38 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 125192 DeniseHooly W16 CNOC 4152

45 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 16000 2DNF 3 AM Cantwell-KellyW21 FIN 4200

32 The IrishOriemss4 Carmel Carey W35 3ROC 4216

The Irish Orienteer 33

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 18: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

5 DLarge WOO GEN 4650 4 Uno Creagh W21 3ROC 5812 OReidy Ajax M45 430 40 390 PLeddy COAC M21 310 140 170

6 Moura Higgins WSS SET 5032 5 Philip Brennan M21 SET 5947 RHolohan CNOC M21 380 380 TGray 3ROC M16 170 170

7 BGreene M16 3ROC 5200 6 Dove Weston M35 SET 6036 J McCullough 3ROC M40 420 40 380 SRothery 3ROC M70 100 100

8 Claire INolsh WSS 3ROC 5308 7 Denis Reidy M45 AJV( 6301 BBeIl GEN M40 380 20 seo G Power 3ROC W45 100 100

9 TKeegon M21 3ROC 5328 8 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 7135 DBrennon 3ROC M40 380 50 330 OHayes Navy 100 100

10 FONeili W45 SET 0058 Paul Smyth G Cunningham M21 330 330 Campbells 170 10 10011 M McDonald W16 AJAX 6136 DNF TMcCormack GEN M45 330 10 320 ONeal family GEN 100 100

12 RINoIl DUO 6221 PSmyth FUCCO M21 340 20 320 E OBrain Fin MSS 220 00 10013 G Fitzgerald - 3ROC 6651 1v1ed111IlCQlla~ i 2 klIl KMcDonald Ajax M40 310 310 I Murphy 100 10014 BONelll M50 SET 6756 1 John Francis M40 DFO 5538 N C-Crawford 3ROC M50 300 300 GGreene OLSO M14 150 15015 Karl Heneghan M20 DUO 7254 2 Gory Rice M35 SET 5714 DGorman Shack 300 300 MWalsh 150 15016 Vela Murtagh WSS 3ROC 7515 3 Tommy Burke M40 FIN 6139 EOShea GEN M35 330 30 300 EGiguere 150 15017 CMorrlson W21 AJAX 7809 4 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 8815 J Francis OFO M40 290 290 Larklnx3 3ROC 150 15018 Damian Leonard - 10421 MSmyth CNOC 320 30 290 G Fltzgerdd 3ROC W55 150 15019 Noreen Doherty W10 GEN 10444 SbQltSQU[~i~i ~1Il DCorrle Fin M40 310 20 290 EMcGinley Ajax M21 230 80 15020 Toni Bufier W50 3ROC 10736 1 PFox M35 4758 BMcGrath 3ROC MOO 290 290 BHerlihy Navy 140 14021 Angela Healy - - 11408 2 Claire Walsh W55 3ROC 5909 L Quinn Set M35 200 280 I Coghlan 3ROC W35 190 50 14022 Robert Rowlands - 12711 3 Ken OConnor M21 8212 G EHlott 3ROC M21 280 280 HYoung CNOC W14 140 1401 DNF 4 Gory Prior M18 8412 N Phillips 3ROC W21 290 10 280 F McCormack CNOC 300 170 130

James Galvin M20 8412 RLynam CNOC W40 280 10 270 NStrlnger M21 130 130QRA~~E ~l ~1Il 5 Aislinn Hopkins W18 9505 IiBonar-Law GEN M6S 270 270 GODulll Shock W21 130 1301 C Foley-Fisher M12 MNav 2817 6 Nicola Cunnungham W20 9605 M Nowlan 3ROC W45 200 200 TMcCormack GEN M12 130 1302 ABell M14 GEN 3200 7 Geraldine Lynch 9805 SHealy GEN Wle 200 200 CQulnn Set MIO 130 130

3 A Burke M14 GEN 3409 Alex Fox M18 9805 GGroy 3ROC M18 250 250 ACuihane 130 130

4 JampC Buggie W16 CNOC 3545 8 UsaBamp Frances B 11358 TDevlin GEN M45 250 250 A Talon 130 130

5 David Niland M12 AJAX 4352 9 LisaGollogly amp Nlamh Dowdry 11558 A NlSulleobhaln 3ROC W45 240 240 M Keegan 130 130

6 SSherlock W - 4817 SMurray Set M50 240 240 OONeIN 130 130

7 M MacMeanrain M21 UCOO 5853 Non-Finishers SHarrlson DUO M21 240 240 FSmyth Fin 130 1308 Ruth Naughton W20 DUO 7050 George Barry PConroy 3ROC M40 240 240 RHarrington 180 50 130

9 Gavin Carney - 9643 Kelley Byrne M OConnell 3ROC W35 240 240 TDoyle W21 130 13010 Denise Carney 11300 Louise Crawley M Bahan CNOC M21 310 70 240 M Higgins Sat W55 130 10 120

Claron Doyle DShor CNOC M40 240 240 CFrancls UA Wli 120 120

YELLOW 2 iklIl Caroline GaMagher NOSoyie CNOC W14 400 100 240 CMoran 3ROC W6 120 1201 RauRoland UCOO 2259 Dermot Hogan NCormock CNOC M21 330 100 230 CMcKenna IstDublin 120 120

2 Jennifer Butler W18 3ROC 2944 Emer McGrath M BuNer 3ROC MSS 230 230 J Lynam 3ROC M70 180 70 110

3 Dalre Osborne UCGO 3136 Christy Maguire HWhlte 3ROC M55 230 230 BGreene 3ROC M16 200 90 1104 WlmDanlels - UCGO 3321 Jordana Marron PMcCormack GEN M55 230 230 JOConnor Shack W21 110 1105 Seamus OSoyie Ml0 CNOC 3327 Mark Middleton PDetoffoll M21 240 10 230 ASlrr-pson Shack W21 110 1106 EJ Foley-Fisher Wl0 MNav 3815 John Monaghan FOBrien Ajax W21 250 20 230 SHarton lstDublin 110 1107 Rachel Woollett WSS PXN 4028 EmerMulhall PDunne WEGO M40 220 220 SSmyth Fin 110 1108 Graham Clorke M14 MNav 4410 Vera Murtagh ODoran Fin M21 220 220 SOSoyie CNOC MIO 110 110

9 SFoley - - 5356 Orlo Ryon E Dunne 3ROC M21 280 00 220 R Rigney CNOC 180 80 10010 M Heoly - 0014 Jenny Sheridan MGalUgan M35 220 220 TFlanogan Navy 110 10 10011 Hilary Nelland 7157 GoIiStrahan JMeode M50 220 10 210 C WIlson ltDublin 100 10012 Niall Brennan M14 3ROC 7351 Anton INolsh SOHeofa Ajax M35 200 50 210 SCryan 110 10 10013 Hlroko Ikeda 10000 Deirdre Walsh W McCormackGEN W45 220 10 210 RShort CNOC MIO 100 100

Cecilia amp Barbaro - 10000 Leigh Woods OOHeorcholnAjax M35 230 30 200 SCulien MIO 100 1002DNF Michael Hannon lost cord CWalsh 3ROC W55 210 10 200 H Cullen 100 100

J Brown M21 200 200 VCulien 100 100

WIlIIE l~KIIl Thanks to Jean Mullen for her help and to Paul E Quinn Set W35 200 200 ACulien Ml0l00 1001 Claire ONeill W12 CNOC 1716 Dunne for taking In controls John McCullough RGeraghty lstDublin 210 10 200 MampEJoyce GEN W21 100 1002 ConorShort M5 CNOC 2733 controller planner orgonlser ONogle 3ROC W45 220 20 200 SKennedy OBCS 90 903 SCragg Ml0 FWAR 3043 MKellett GEN M55 310 110 200 JMulien 3ROC W65 90 904 MMurray M10 FWAR 3046 FSwift M45 200 200 K Lynch 90 905 Siofra Dempsey W5 6710 SETANTA SCORE EVENTmiddot KILAKEE CWalsh M21 190 190 V Murtagh 3ROC W55 150 00 90

821998 R Mooney Navy 190 190 Ryan Family 90 90Dublin by Night - Event 1 Phoenix Park A McCormackGEN W50 190 190 Ryan Fomily2 90 90

3 February 1998- 3ROC Time allowed = 50 min Maximum score 480J Gray 3ROC M50 190 190 SOConnor CNOC 90 901Condon CNOC M45 190 190 Ramp M OSoyie 140 50 90

D Cashin Ajax M40 480 40 440 BMurphy 180 180 TButler 3ROC W50 80 80LQDSJCQIl~~ ~~ ~1Il SOSoyle CNOC M40 480 50 430 D Guilfoyle 50e M21 230 50 180 PMcCormack GEN Ml0 80 801 Colm Rothery M21 AJAX 4611 M Walters Aus M21 450 40 410 SMcCormack GEN W20 180 180 SHarkness IDubUn 80 802 Domlen Cashin M40 AJAX 5404 UCreagh 3ROC W21 440 30 410 B Lawlor CNOC W21 200 80 180 N Hutchinson 3ROC W21 180 100 803 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5642 W Young CNOC M45 400 400 CMcGnJth 3ROC W50 220 40 180 A Butterfield GEN M35 480 400 80

34 The Irish Orienteer TheJrish Orienteer 35

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 19: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

GCarney MIO 70 70 4 M18 AQuln 3ROC 6721 38 W21 JennyOC 17200 11 EShaw 4730Robert 100 30 70 5 M35 MMalgan SET 6731 39 M21 MKelly Almy 22100 12 M35 TMcGrath AJAX 5012NQulnn Set M12 100 40 60 6 M18 GButIer 3ROC 7014 40 M21 AHogarty Almy 22100 13 DMeyer 5646JDee IstDubiln 60 60 7 M45 lMcCormack GEN 7155 M21 FHealy SET MP13 14 SRellly 5712Caolmhe Ajax WlO 50 50 8 M21 LDonovan AJAX 7408 EManus DSQ 15 EDOfnal 5915RSmyth Navy 160 110 50 9 W21 EGlanvile 3ROC 7413 M21 DGulifoyie DNF 16 CBuHer 60151 Bittel 100 50 50 10 M21 EOunne 3ROC 7639 W20 CODulll DNF 17 YLeahy 6015PRyan 100 50 50 11 M35 SOhEafa AJAX 7813 SRyan CNOC DNF 18 EDornan 6115CShort CNOC M6 40 40 12 M45 POBrlen AJAX 7823 RDalton CNOC DNF 19 DLynam 6115SDempsey 140 100 40 13 W40 RLynam CNOC 7900 POShea DNF 20 HLynch 6130LDunn 150 120 30 14 M21 RLyons DUO 7900 W18 Kelly Almy DNF 21 FLynch 6130MReld W21 130 140 -10 15 M35 LQuMln SET 7947 M21 Kelly Almy DNF 22 EHobson 6212LQuill Fin W50 100 140 40 17 M50 JMeade 8130 M21 BKing MP10 23 DMadigan 6212M Murphy 280 330 -50 18 M21 GElliott 3ROC 8235 24 AWall 6315NBrennon M14 70 160 -90 19 M35 BCryan 3ROC 8431 Ught Green Course 25 A Hobson 644892ndScouts 60 150 -90 20 M35 DBrennon 3ROC 8919 1 M20 KHeneghan DUO 4513 26 M16 DNolan AJAX 6508CErdpohl 220 340 -120 21 W45 MNowlan 3ROC 9137 2 M35 PFox 4726 27 W60 JMuien 3ROC 6812ECallan 220 340 -120 22 M35 JRowe FIN 9140 3 M18 BGreene 3ROC 4945 28 ILooby 6930A OReilly 100 230 -130 23 W18 SHealy GEN 9232 4 W50 AMcCormack GEN 5107 29 W21 RKJernan GEN 7005RHynes 100 230 -130 24 M21 CBurns AJAX 9548 5 M21 DQulm Navy 5153 30 JBurger 8140HBowe 100 230 -130 25 MSmyth CNOC 10006 6 M21 PMcHugh DFO 5216 31 M5 DKernan 8441KBittel 100 230 -130 26 M40 DShort CNOC 10700 7 W55 ClAblsh 3ROC 5225 32 RKing 8746YampRBeIl GEN W9 20 190 -170 27 RRigney CNOC 10938 8 RHarrlngton 5249 33 W45 MForeman 3ROC 9300PMcCabe 130 310 -180 28 W21 DONeIM FIN 11200 9 EHume Fermo 5332 34 M15 DForeman 9320JMcCabe 120 310 -190 M21 RlAbllace AJAX DNF 10 M21 FDawson Army 5411 35 MI5 BGogan 9320Duffy M21 190 330 -240 11 M40 RFlanagan FIN 5810 36M11 MRuddy 9900Ryan 110 400 -290 Green Course 12 M50 BMcGrdth 3ROC 5900 37 JMartin 11230DMcCabe 70 450 -380 1 M55 PMcCormack GEN 5719 13 M21 PWoods DFO 6029 38 MI8 CLoughnane AJAX 11524J Lynch Navy 20 500 480 2 M35 DWlckham AJAX 5851 14 RonanM Navy 6110 39 MI3 SODonnell MP3

3 W35 OCooke AJAX 5954 15 W21 KThompson DUO 6231 40 M14 NBrennan DNF4 M40 VJones FIN 6029 16 M40 DCorrle FIN 6326 41 LMcGovern DNF

Three Rock Wood 5 W21 BLawlor CNOC 6432 17 PGeoghegan 6326

DUO Leinster League event 15 February 6 M21 Bohan CNOC 6555 18 LAlrnstrong DFO 6503 Red Course7 W45 ANlShullleabhaln 3ROC 7212 19 W45 FONelll SET 6554 1 M65 PlAblsh SET 4858

1998 8 W16 DHealy CNOC 7341 20 W45 CMcGrath 3ROC 6809 2 W35 MFlynn 56419 W50 GPower 3ROC 7500 21 W14 SNowian 3ROC 6854 3 M65 PCooke AJAX 6109

6lQltdl CQU~i 10 M45 DOColmaln GEN 7519 22 M21 RClarke DFO 6918 4 M15 JNefY)On 63151 M40 JMay 3ROC 6113 11 W35 RMcDonnei GEN 7603 23 M21 DMcCabe DFO 6918 5 W40 HMadnervey CNOC 63202 M35 AOClelrlgh CNOC 6209 12 M60 A Bonar-Law GEN 7618 24 W21 TDoyle 7240 6 M25 GLawIor 63203 M21 MPlnker CorkO 6403 13 W50 JONelll FIN 7920 25 W21 CMorrison AJAX 7244 7 SDempsey 72404 M21 MlAblten Aus 7035 14 M21 JBrown 8040 26 W21 NHutchlnson 3ROC 7449 8 LHalpln 73005 M21 MFlynn AJAX 7250 15 W40 AMMcKenna AJAX 8100 27 W21 JMcElwaln 3ROC 7723 9 BHalpin 73006 M21 BDelaney CNOC 7705 16 M45 JFll2Slmons 3ROC 8114 28 M21 RByrne DFO 8008 10 LWhelan 73007 M40 JMcCullaugh 3ROC 7725 17 M35 MGalligan 8150 29 W50 lBuHer 3ROC 8402 11 Tomorow 75098 M40 BBeIl GEN 8042 18 M21 DToffoll 8158 30 W55 VMurtagh 3ROC 8722 12 Jones 76509 M21 PCasey GEN 8316 19 M55 MBuHer 3ROC 8535 31 W18 SMcCormack GEN 8950 13 JWhyte 3ROC 772010 M45 DReldy AJAX 8332 20 W45 WMcCor mack GEN 8615 32 W50 SDoherty GEN 11350 14 W45 MOmiddotColmaln GEN 784011 W21 UCreagh 3ROC 8541 21 M35 POBrlen GEN 9040 33 Doolin DNF 15 PNeolan 861412 M40 GBrady 8927 22 M40 JFrands DFO 9130 34 M21 ESievin DFO DNF 16 MBorry 861613 M40 KMcDonald AJAX 8959 23 W21 MDaoley CNOC 9540 35 RSmith Navy DNF 17 ELyons 882714 M21 PBrennan SET 9218 24 M35 CMcMenamy FIN 10424 36 DHayes Navy DNF 18 Crean 882715 M40 PHealy CNOC 9308 25 M21 FDaoiey CNOC 10441 37 BHenlihy Navy DNF 19 M21 SCondret 923816 M21 DWeston SET 9410 26 M18 NBrowne Army 10731 20 W35 EQulnn SET 952317 M21 GCunningham 9654 27 IConlan Almy 11246 Orange Course 21 J+AKneeshaw 960418 M17 GDoherty GEN 10345 28 M55 MKeliett GEN 11400 1 M14 ABell GEN 2803 22M40 LQulli FIN 980219 M21 ENlland AJAX 10700 29 M21 DSmyth 11430 2 ClAblsh 3132 23 W21 MReld 984820 M21 PSmyth FUCCO11239 30 W21 Alrnstrong Almy 12139 3 M14 ABurke GEN 3545 24 PBrophy FLA 1374921 M21 DDoran FING 11818 31 M21 NStrlnger Almy 12916 4 M45 TDevlin Gen 3845 25 M21 MMurphy 1374922 JDevitt DFOEC 13743 32 MMocBeorty 13116 5 SHassett SET 4040 26 AKenny 14700

33 M21 Coon 13710 6 M50 lBurke FIN 4100 27 LMulvllle 1484561Ui Ca6se 34 W40 LNaughton 3ROC 14103 7 M18 PDrennon AJAX 4117 28 W21 DMurphy UCDO 149091 M40 DCashin AJAX 6247 35 ACulhane 14800 8 M12 SDevlin GEN 4118 29 AConnelly 150402 M21 BJones DUO 6503 36 M21 KBrennan Almy 16300 9 M12 CBurke FIN 4300 30 FEmmet 152403 M35 GOShea GEN 6705 37 W21 NSlmpson SOEC 17100 10 W21 DNlcol 4415 SConway MP936 The lrishOripoundnJen The Irish Otienteer 37

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 20: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

SMcCormack GEN DNF 15 Gerard Butler M18 3ROC 5902 7 Mark Byrne DFO 5130 16 Edward Lowe M16 WHO 580016 KBohanna - 5916 8 David Browne M21 CNOC 5144 17 Malread Joyce W21 GEN 6110

J~II2tLCQI~ 17 GEvans M21 CNOC 6147 9 UltanCoen DFO 5223 18 Jean Mullen W65 3ROC 69451 M14 GGreen DLSO 1604 18 ConorMcGrath 6232 10 McGrath DFO 5230 19 Nlamh + Nlamh W14 GEN 71262 WlO CCashln AJAX 2105 19 Nina Phillips W21 3ROC 6252 11 Nigel Rothwel M16 WHO 5615 20 Brian Larkin MlO 79533 M14 DODwyer DLSO 2246 20 N C-Crawford M50 3ROC 6322 12 EndaCahlK M21 AJAX 5700 RDarrepaal M9 SET 79534 W12 DBeIl GEN 2253 21 T McCormack M45 GEN 6440 13 Robert Stewart M16 WHO 5812 22 Ilona Dorrepaal W6 SET 80105 M10 RShort CNOC 2413 22 JohnRowe M35 FIN 6655 14 Paul Dunne M40 WEGO 66326 W12 JHingerty GEN 2442 23 E Redmond 6710 15 Aidan Hegarty - 6643 tELLQW 2Z ~rn7 M6 CShort CNOC 2519 24 Rowan Lyons M21 DUO 6717 16 1051692 DFO 6648 1 Anthony Cole AJAX 21258 Ml0 BHealy GEN 2627 25 Raymond Russell M21 AJAX 6722 17 TTilbury DFO 6955 2 Garet Greene M14 DLSO 21279 W40 MHeaIy GEN 2641 26 RoryWallace M21 AJAX 6843 Martine Kelly DFO 6955 3 Pablo M14 WHO 241010 SOConnor CNOC 3127 27 McEvoy - - 7030 19 Nlal Brennan M14 - 7240 4 MarkCondei M14 251111 W10 CMagulre FING 3319 28 EGlanviie W21 3ROC 7100 20 Maher DFO 7252 5 David ODwyer M14 DLSO 251712 W10 HJones FING 3319 29 John Brown M21 7142 BillSmith DFO 7252 6 Adam Cullen MlO 253513 W11 EFltzslmons 3ROC 4004 30 A Butterfield M35 GEN 7245 22 AHeerey W21 DFO 7719 Rualrl Short M10 CNOC 253514 W5 CMongon SET 4608 31 Don Short M40 CNOC 7325 23 SIMcManus DFO 7810 SomCulien M10 253515 M BMangan SET 4616 32 Gordon Elliott M21 3ROC 7439 G Kelly DFO 7810 9 GerCarter W16 WHO 2621

33 Niall Browne M18 7Batt 7534 10 JillMasterson W14 WHO 263534 David Butler M50 CNOC 7625 LIiZ1IIiZBEEtI12 sm 11 D Bell W12 GEN 2820

ResultsCURRAGH WEST 8 Mar 98 35 NeMDobbs M18 DUO 7757 1 A Drlon M18 WHO 3015 12 LMcLaughlin - AJAX 2845CNOC Lelnster League Event 8 36 Brendon Cryan M35 3ROC 7854 2 MOConell W35 3ROC 3258 13 C Cashin WlO AJAX 2924

37 Mark McEneaney - SJC 8012 3 Jim Hoore M21 AJAX 4343 14 Rob Jackson M14 WHO 302038 Jim Barrett M60 CNOC 9044 41 BGreene M18 3ROC 4400 15 Gory Cotton M14 WHO 32406BQ~ ]Qikrn

5 Carmel Corey W35 3ROC 4429 16 Conor M6 CNOC 34111 John Feehan M21 AJAX 4943 iZBEEtImiddotQ 2 krn 6 DNagle W45 3ROC 4453 Roy EIUs M40 34112 Justin May M40 3ROC 5307 1 EMcGlnley M21 AJAX 4436 7 Mervyn Eaton M35 SET 4703 Michelle Ellis W12 - 34113 Colm RotheIY M35 AJAX 5324 2 EOShea M35 GEN 4631 8 Robt Harrington 4715 19 Rlona Flood W10 FIN 36454 MWolters M21 AJAX 5400 3 Kevin Corey 3ROC 4717 9 Denise Healy W16 CNOC 4830 20 MWoolmlngton W14 WHO 38525 Marcus Pinker M21 CorkO 5444 4 TKeegon M21 3ROC 4733 10 Claire INalsh W55 3ROC 4915 21 KateJulie Roche 41556 Brendan OBrien M21 AJAX 5452 5 DWickham M35 AJAX 4926 11 A McCormack W50 GEN 5015 22 KOCallaghan M18 DFO 45117 Roy Holohan M20 CNOC 5706 6 Joson Masterson M18 WHO 5000 12 Brennan John - DUO 5100 John Morton M18 DFO 45118 GBrady M40 CorkO 5746 7 PMcCormack M55 GEN 5048 13 SMcCormack W20 GEN 5257 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 45119 Senan OBoyle M40 CNOC 5835 8 BHolllnshead M55 3ROC 5511 14 Nora Lalor W45 GEN 5425 25 Michael Foran M21 DFO 455010 Martin Flynn M21 AJAX 5914 9 D OHearcoln M35 AJAX 5515 15 DLarge W60 GEN 5800 26 PMcCormack M10 GEN 463511 Pot Farrelly M35 CNOC 5948 10 Harold Wlhlte M55 3ROC 5555 16 DlNalsh W20 DUO 6021 27 David Ffrench M14 DLSO 480012 Denis Reidy M45 AJAX 6000 11 Fachtna Healy M21 SET 5657 17 FWhlte - SET 6120 28 C McDonnell-ByrneM14 DLSO 674513 Mulcohy - CNOC 6036 12 JlmOBrien M50 AJAX 5742 18 KMcCormack W GEN 6335 29 Robert King - 680214 BDelaney M35 CNOC 6148 13 Mick Kellett M55 GEN 5748 19 JC KuUmann M21 UCDO 6340 30 J Hingerty W12 GEN 683515 Dove Weston M35 SET 6315 14 WMcCormock W45 GEN 5813 20 C Morrison W21 AJAX 6648 JodyHanion - 683516 Adrian Tucker M35 CNOC 6430 15 Jean ONeill W50 FIN 6033 21 JossLynam M70 3ROC 684717 PBrennan M21 SET 6434 16 GerPower W45 3ROC 6104 22 G Fitzgerald 3ROC 7020 WHITE2Qkrn18 EdNlland M21 AJAX 6600 17 Michael Butler M55 3ROC 6247 23 Vera Murtagh W55 3ROC 7904 1 Cathai Burke M12 FIN 330019 Patrick Cosey M21 GEN 6603 18 John Francis M40 DFO 6252 24 LQull1 W50 FIN 8040 2 F+BFlood M5 FIN 533420 BBelI M40 GEN 6710 19 LizButler W20 CNOC 6443 25 Joson Martin +1 OBCS 811921 Allbhe Creedon W21 DUO 6934 20 Robert Wall M21 DUO 6700 26 Rosarle Kiernan GEN 851022 Paul Smyth M21 FUCCO 7827 21 AniShuilieabhon W45 3ROC 6733 H Maclnerney W40 CNOC DNF Results of 3ROC event at Foxes Rock23 Dove Daran M35 FIN 9640 22 A Bonor Low M65 GEN 6928

Carlingtord23 KThampson W20 DUO 6945 QB8t1~E ~7 smBLUE84 krn 24 AJoyce W21 GEN 7300 1 Alan Bell M14 GEN 2830 March 22nd 1998 Lelnster League 91 DCashin M40 AJAX 4752 25 M Dooley M60 CNOC 7851 2 John Morton M18 DFO 30232 Jim Maguire 4832 26 EMocMenamin M21 UCDO 8626 3 Ion Matthews M18 DFO 3103 Black COUI$G 99km SCOrn3 David Brennan M35 3ROC 5102 27 AAyling M21 DUO 9816 4 KOCaRaghan M18 DFO 3210 1 Marcus Pinker CorkOM21 69434 Joe ODonahoe 5323 28 Deirdre Murphy W20 UCDO 10033 5 FOSullivan 3641 2 Coim Rothery AJAX M35 73005 Gartland 5410 AM McKenna W40 AJAX DNF 6 Anthony Cole AJAX 3650 3 Aonghus OClelrigh CNOC M35 79176 MolioyU 5533 Martin Brennan DNF 7 LMcLoughlin AJAX 3704 4 Brian Ervine LVO M21 8103

Colin Burns M21 AJAX 55338 TMcCormock M12 GEN 3749 5 Brendan OBrien AJAX M21 8428

8 Brion Jones M21 DUO 5540 BED 57 krn 9 Mary Flynn W35 - 3751 6 PHiggins MNAVM21 89179 Michael Smyth CNOC 5550 1 Fronk Flood M21 FIN 4046 10 Tom Keane GEN 3816 7 JohnCasey M21 893810 GriffinS sJC 5657 2 Ronan Rigney M35 CNOC 4242 11 Michael Foran M21 DFO 4217 8 MichaellNalters AJAX M21 923811 JLalor M45 GEN 5720 3 RShaw DFO 4651 12 A Burke M14 GEN 4330 9 Denis Reidy AJAX M45 980012 J Flanagan W35 AJAX 5743 4 Robert Finnegan M40 FIN 4804 13 Gerard Brennan 11Med 4511 10 Martin Flynn AJAX M21 981113 A OMullane M21 GEN 5826 5 Tom Burke M45 FIN 4933 14 Ivan Caffrey M8 SET 4923 11 ENiland AJAX M21 1113514 SOhEafa M35 AJAX 5852 6 Darren Keily DFO 5120 Tommy Caffrey SET 4923 12 PatrlckCasey GEN M21 1235338 Tbelrisb Orienleer The Irish Orienteer 39

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 21: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

13 PaulSmyth FUCCO M21 13435 13 Vera Murtagh 3ROC W55 11035 e1QQcio~2km 17Qm SMcGrath M20 6214

GBIadyCcltKO M40 DNPI4 AHeery AJAX W21 DNF wYoung M45 CNOC 5046 Slynam M70 3ROC 6505Steven linton tNVOC M21 DNP14 PMcCormack MS5 GEN 6042 SMcEvoy W21 AJAX 6550

BDelaney CNOCM35 DNF YlIlsrt SSIUII2 21smZlim NOmiddotBoyie W14 CNOC 6410 EKennedy 6830I RShort CNOC MIO 2305 Rlyncrn W40 CNOC 6615 M Flynn 6935

llrown ~~1I2 Z 2km ~m 2 Garret Greene DlSO MIO 2454 Bohan M21 CNOC 6708 I Coghlan 7930

1 JustinMoy 3ROC M40 5413 3 Burkhard Scholtz WHO M18 251- BMcGrath M45 3ROC 6729 LQulll W50 FIN 8000

2 Hug Mcllndon 3ROC M21 6218 4 David French DISO M14 2515 JFltzslmmons M45 3ROC 6740 V Murtach W55 3ROC 8304

3 Una Creagh 3ROC W21 6431 5 Caolmhe Cashin AJAX WlO 2612 JMcGrath MS5 3ROC 6829 l Pye GEN 8310

4 Roy Holohan CNOCM21 6807 6 David ODwyer DLSO M14 3048 RRussell M21 AJAX 6921 DBody OBCS 8359

5 BIIISlmpson lVO M45 7006 7 C+TBurke FIN M12jM403456 EButier W18 CNOC 6927 JMartin OBCS 8359

6 J McCullough 3ROC M40 7418 8 Bernie LynCh W21 3507 PWalsh 1v160 SET 6935 R Kiernan GEN 8855

7 Clive Majury lVO M45 7521 9 DaraODull M21 3707 A Boyle M21 AJAX 6940 JWalsh 9624

8 PBlennan SET M21 7712 o ConoIShoft CNOC M6 3802 RGarrett M40 3ROC 6951 KParker 9624

9 BBeU GEN M40 7740 11 Helena Jones FIN WlO 4517 UCoghlan W21 3ROC 7220 M Walsh M45 DNF

10 Tony Joyce AJAX M21 9059 12 JennyMangan FIN Wl0 4518 DOColmain M45 GEN 7340 EPye DNF

11John Rowe FIN M35 11318 13 Sue Masterson WHO W14 4628 NDobbs M18 DUO 7340

12 Dave Daran FIN M21 12809 14 CLafferty FIN 5059 MGalUgan M35 7243 He(~J1es (ZQkm2ZQm

13 EOSuHlvan SET M21 DNF 15 AKlllen FIN 5607 DOHearcoln AJAX 7450 A OClelrigh M35 CNOC 5024

Colin Henderson LVO M45 DNP12 16 Slabhan Killen FIN 5627 DQulnn M45 GEN 7520 BOBrlen M21 AJAX 5304

MWalters AJAX M21 NjC Richard Knowles MI4 DNF DCorrle M40 FIN 7832 BDelaney M21 CNOC 5552Clan 0 Leary DNF D Butler MSO CNOC 7840 HMcllndon M21 3ROC 5622

IIIU ~s1I1116 lkm 22lim RLowe 7943 M Flynn M21 AJAX 5849

1 Andrew Qunn 3ROCM2O 5843 QU~ngl ~SIIIII Mkm llIm IODonnell GEN 7943 BCorbett CORK 6025

2 Brian Jones DUO M21 5931 1 Ted McCormack GEN M12 5652 SMurroy M45 SET 8250 DWeston M21 SET 6127

3 Paddy OBrien AJAX M45 6131 2 Jean Mullen 3ROC W65 9917 GPower W45 3ROC 8433 SOBoyle M40 CNOC 6140

4 N C -Crawford 3ROC M50 6221 Rosorie Kiernan GEN W40 MP4 C Blau M18 UCDO 8616 GBrady M40 CORK 6157

5 Tom McCormack GEN M45 6248 Robert Jackson WHO M14 DNF JONei W50 FIN 8814 lQuinn M35 SET 6440

6 WHolilnger LVO M50 6330 MoryRegan POBrIen M18 AJAX 9000 DBrennan M35 3ROC 6640

7 Eloughman CNOCW21 6813 BBlelgh M18 UCDO 9205 BBeIl M40 GEN 6646

8 Richard McCourt LVO M55 6815 Results of DUO event Hellfire Woods BHollinshead MS5 3ROC 9407 AOMuliane M21 GEN 6704

9 Colin Burns AJAX M21 6929 Dublin 30111997 G Porter M45 GEN 9704 PSmyth M21 FUCCO 6800

10 DonShort CNOCM40 7232 R Wallace M21 AJAX DNF L Donovan M21 AJAX 6841

Jl Joan Flanagan AJAX W35 7453 Bambi lt2SkmJQOmJOmiddotBrien M40 AJAX DNF JWatt W45 GEN 7210

12 FOBllen AJAX M21 7538 DONelll W21 FIN DNF NCrawford M50 3ROC 7545

13 Greg McConn lVO M35 7729 NQulnn M12 SET 2818 MButler MS5 3ROC DSQ POBrien M45 AJAX 7549J Brooks W21 3ROC 3050

14 Gerard Butler 3ROC M18 7815PMcCormack Ml0 GEN 3200

BEvans M21 CNOC 7810

15 AIar1Gartside LVO M55 7834 PocgbQD1Q~(ilkm 215m D Doran M21 FIN 8700

16 Ruth Lynam CNOCW40 7940 CQunn MlO SET 3340 DHealy M14 GEN 3214 J Lalor M41 GEN 8700

17 David Brennan 3ROC M35 7945 EFilzsmons Wll 3ROC 3542 NWalsh M14 3ROC 3549

18 RMcDonnell GEN W35 8233 T DevIn M45 GEN 3731 D Higgins 3646

19 Gordon Eliott 3ROC M21 8559 10Keeffe 3807 GRlce SET 3725CONNACHT CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLDEN

20 Susan Healy GEN W18- 8841 SHarldn AJAX 3810 NNowlan W45 3ROC 3728 GROVE RO$crea 21 February 1998

21 Rowan Lyons DUO M21 9354 SDevlin M12 GEN 3847 SHealy W18 GEN COURSEA 894km 250m

22 Alison Tottenham lVO W45 10721 C Burke MlO FIN 3955 3908 M21EAonghus OCleirigh CNOC 6105

23 Deirdre ONeIH FIN W21 11424 T Burke M40 FIN l McCormack M14 GEN 3916 M21LRay Holohan CNOC 9005

24 JRussell 12502 3957 M Walsh W50 3ROC 4102

Raymond Russel AJAX M21 DNF A OBllen W14 AJAX 4239 BGreave M16 3ROC 4124 CO~RSEB 813km 200m

Una Coghlan 3ROC W21 DNF VOBrien W14 AJAX 4239 D Brooks MSO 3ROC 4550 W21 ToniODonovan CorkO 8553

Val Jones FIN M40 DNF GCarney 4242 SRothery M65 3ROC 4615CBond M14 DCSO 4325 COKeeffe W35 RN 4712 M20 Andrew Quin 3ROC 7903

light Gr n COUIM 32km 125m HYoung W13 CNOC 4334 Dlarge W60 GEN 4750 M35 DaveWeston SET 7915

1 EOSullleabhain 3ROC M50 3605 DODwyer M14 DCSO 4558 C Walsh W55 3ROC 4759 M40 Kevin ODwyer Cork 0 7602

2 DLarge GEN W60 4700 Nlalor W14 GEN SOBoyle Ml0 CNOC 5150 13Paul Dunne WEGO 12023

3 CMorrison AJAX W21 4935 4610 RFlanagan M40 5240

4 FONelll SET WSO 5000 A Heeney AJAX 4850 J McElwain W21 3ROC 5326 COURSEC 636km 200m

5 Robert Harrington 5545 CMoran 3ROC 4916 EQuinn W35 SET 5406 W21L Uno Coghlan 3ROC 9909

6 Claro ODulll Shack W20 5558 J Tucker M10 CNOC 6248 CMcGrath W45 3ROC 5443 M18 Declan Kelly WatO 6318

7 DWalsh DUO W20 6121 G Tucker W12 CNOC 6324 ACormack WSO GEN 5505 4 Zollan foley-Fisher MNav 6900

8 ClaileWalsh 3ROC W55 6211 E Corbett MlO CORK 6625 PRyan GEN M4SDenis Reidy Ajax 5230

9 Garech Blennan SET M19 6705 C Tracey 6650 5718 9 FronkSwln FWAR 10616

10 Derek Guilfoyle SOE M21 5759 A Mansfield oscs 7230 MOColman W45 GEN 5748 MSOWilbert HolUnger lVO 5852

11 BillyONeill SET M50 7950 L Bates OBCS 7230 J RussaN 5805 M21SCharles Reid NWOC 6609

12 Toni Butler 3ROC W50 7951 RCarney 8500 EMocMeanhain M21 UCDO 5841 Continued on page 43

40 TheIrish orienua The Irish Orienteer 41

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer

Page 22: W c./ I Jet · a ~. i'!..... Compass Point has moved to a new tarser hi2h street shop (off M6 J32 _ only 20mlns W on M55). You've read about Compass Point's shop in Lytham-now visit

ORIENTEERING FIXTURES November7 TOLLYMORECo Down NI Series 9 LVOGR J 35 3221 CAIRN WOOD Dundonald Co DownLVO Night event GR J 45 76

December5 NI NIGHTCHAMPIONSHIPSSfColumbs Park12 GOSFORDMarkethill Co ArmaghLVO Sprlnt-O GR H97 40

April18 BELFASTCASTlE LVOSprlnt-O 2 GR J 33 7919 GLENANAAlt Co Cork BVOC Ballyhoura League GR R6513 start 11-219 SCARTNAMUCKBandon Co CorlltLeeO W47SS94 11-13019 SAGGARTCo Dublin AJAX Start 11-1 GR0 02 2325 SPRINGWElLCo Derry mvOC NISeries3 GR C 76 2526 KNOCKACAREIGH Co Cork CorkO score event 11-1 GRW 36034326 ROCKMARSHALLDundalk Co Louth FINStart 11 - 1 LL11GR J 12OS26 BOF NATIONAL EVENT 2 Stourhead

May2-3 IRISHCHAMPIONSHIPSSUeveGullion and Markethlll Co Armagh LVO3-4 BRITISHCHAMPIONSHIPS Aldershot10 BANNA STRANDCo Kerry KO ML7 GRQ 75 2311-210 GLENDALOUGHCo Wlcklow 3ROC 11- 1 Lelnster League tlnal GRT 119616 CASTlEWELLANCo Down LVOsonnt-o 3 GR J 323716-17 LOWEALPINEMOUNTAINMARATHONRathdrum area Co Wlcklow17 GLENCREECo Wlcklow GEN Start 1200 Mass start score event GR0 191422-25 WORLDCUPKillarney Co Kerry22-24 SHAMROCKO-RINGEN Killarney Co Kerry Entry form enclosed30 BURRENCo Fermanagh FermO NI Series5 GR H09 3728-31 WORLD CUP RACES Lake District Incl BOF NATIONAL EVENT 3 High Dotnon


EVENINGSERIESCork Business Houses League BOC Thursday eveningsApril23 Rostellan Whitegate Co Cork start 5-8 pm30 Knockaroura Mourneabbey start 5-8 pmMay 7Garrycloyne Waterloo start 5-8 pm14 Botl1ehlllstart amp-8pm21 Lyradane Grenagh start amp-8prn28 Warrenscourt Wood Kilmurry start 5-8 pm

For details of fixtures check with the organisers the lOA Int-O-line (01-4569099) or theNIOA event line laquo0044)-01399-873281)In many cases the Information given here Includes a contact phone number starttimes and on Ordnance SUNey grid reference lOA fixtures are only listed If the eventIs registered with lOA Start times are generally 1100 to 100 pm unless otherwisestated

June6 SCOTTISHCHAMPIONSHIPS National event Darnaway Forres7 SCOTTISHRELAYCHAMPIONSHIPSAnagach Grantown on Spey Entriesetc

Eric Lovle 0044-1224-31969220 PORTSTEWARTCo Derry NWOC NI Series 5 Sand dunes GRC 80 36

No other details of fixtures were available at the time of going topress Look out for business houses events in Cork Dublin andKildare over the summer More details in the next issue - a World CupSpecial

September12 SLIEVECReOB Ballynahlnch Co Down NI Series 6 GR J 324719-20 MOURNEMOUNTAINMARATHON26 NORTHERNIRELANDCHAMPIONSHIPSGorfln Glen near Omagh Co Tyrone

FermO GR H49 83

Connacht Chomps results conHnued COURSEG 124km 30m3 Jam McCulla WEGO 7767 Wl0 Erlnna Foley-Fisher MNav 2362

M 10 Conor SelVage LVO 2337COURSED 497km 160mW20Orla Jennings UCGO 7846 COURSEH 306km 60mW35 Morello Fyffe FermO 5721 W16 Caroline Dennehy BOC 3631W40 Ann Savage LVO 67211 W55 Clare Nuttall Lea 0 3936M55 ErnieWilson LVO 4336 W60Anne Cosburn WEGO 10437M161an Fellows FermO 4112 M65 Fred Colnan CorkO 51174 Nathan Foley-Fisher MNav 4762

COURSEI 182km 30mCOURSEE 374km 120m W12 Jane Hlngerly GEN 4444W45 Ger Power 3ROC 4531 M 12Padrolg OBnlen BOC 22306 Barbaro FOley-Fher MNav 6406W18 Aislinn Austin Cork 0 3418 (Connocht Champions In bold)W21SViolet Cordner LVO 73104 Undo Ryan WEGO 8160 Planner Padraig HigginsM60 Maxwell Reed FermO 3246 Organisers Barbara and Nigel Foley-Fisher

Controller Ted LuceyCOURSEF 376km 120m Assistants Joe and Kathleen Quigley Zoltan andW14 Nlamh OBoyle CNOC 2105 Nathan Foley-FisherIan Hanna and Tom TalbotM14 Niall Walsh 3ROC 2150 Noel Donagh Frank and Deirdre Ryan Christian3 Chrlsllan Foley-Fisher MNav 2926 and Erinna Foley-Fisher

The irish Orienteer 43

July4-5 SETANTAROGAINECo Wicklow 20 hour score event Entry form enclosed


October4 IRISHORIENTEERTROPHYlnter-club competition Co Wlcklow10 CASTlEWELLANCo Down NI series 7 LVOGR J 323724 DOOHATIY GLEBECo Fermanagh NI Series8 FermO GR H 1831_

42 The Irish Orieneer