VT 8 8 P T . t> PLATTSBnUtH SKNTTXKL SfentinelJTRIH) TQ CARVE CONCUIWENTRESOLOTIONS SE •••••• | ___ : «&5taj AlrMV ilaWaWN aWi/ f^Atit QT KKW YORK. >f n« I OF TRK ' _ . AMI I UrrltcK rr-^^^'.'j,,,?j-: ,•-"*, : I LASSOED AOVERTiSi MANY I .average dutif collected «a im kr the Dem:»aaMfe-M^.»»fr lent to an ad valorem duty per" <^ im *&m^ of import* tlW «*«*»- f tMrteen «***. *J*d«r t*e ^ , tariff ^ i £ £ £ § M •ats ; : *a|y^p^g^^p ' "* "~~ "' "* *^J most of the W the fact - foreign 8 spent |pt- execute the laws congress may em laaid f^estd*nt Wilson been a r aUvweate of popular government, he wott$d v h*W called congress into ex- tivor^fnary session months ago ant! recomritended oy message the raisins of 1*K* funds congress might find --"-** ssary•'ft&t an adequate navy and _^-«i«iaVIly *pr «tfbmarines and ImttWtiofts fo* derensf. Had he done Mitt, there wou W hare been slight >Hlil>auTtlty of the occurrence of the MJIaVUlii iitiT riitiii ImlilMii or the *a«jiaa-i^^a. American ©otton. .•••.••. '^^ BWjN^r af attentive dte- _>^__^, : ©ondtrcted elrtier personal- •*#; t*r«Hi»1i*»• agency of tmreatisv §i^*r*»**« aiHl commissions, Jndl- fnftiaUve Is t>eirtg rapidly ^t(tft»ttoi i««»try. Private » not only saffer* the ordin- " ^ tff competition and ^mmm^^ym^Wtim:maB0t the han^ : of (AterfnUteot and cucertain ^^f^^m-^^--p«^mp» ww»- to o»ndoct a successful '. of *»*• lXotator*hip over hatt almost crash tnitiatve. Unless r sonn checked. It , dry rot, and r t>attle ae well ^^'Wm&'&mafr3GT repre- i.fcy ffe«ei>Mre consreasional f i i ^ W * a c e alone the poHU- tfiwl Franlrttji ft-fr fsttnre contests the i 'of «ie choice of the. I *4rtrict by tlrstttf St. Lawrence I BepobHcana through t the district should remember this fatfatuuy day cornea around.— *«:s^S«:i;;^** Tlt*,ja««mner tias«*»ed up the eitua- " :|^BrJm^; : :-'lfc;%-:|v clear ca«e of ^ ^ ^ ^ t i e ^ f p i ^ t ^ ' t t e * " ^Potsdam froiiticians. They care nothing about in «• far aa they thiBk Flffi STYLE If you car* for style, and 1 t» of people do, it can be had in our furm- tare department. We are prepared tor the fall trade. Our stock is at its best We sjhow a remarkable assortment of furniture, including Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Tables, chairs, and in fact Jf its anything f«>r the home, wo ha\e l5*ery piece from the lowest piec% to the highest, is made of good sub- stantial material. If we have phased you. before, the chances are »e can ome inland have a buy where your m< ne> Dnmkeo Soldier With Razor Held Him Up in Highway CIVILIANS GO TO THE ARMY MAN'S REUEF r\KKN TX) Till; M NT\ .1 Ml, IN V HACK AND MKKi;i) M* Tt> WAIT HI \H1\<; WHICH Wild l\V, (.1\ FX TOD \V serv A soldier, believpr} to be a in the "artillery branch of the connected with the brigade maneu- vers, showed himsalf very handy with a razor last night near the cor- ner of Bridge and Peru streets and caused no little commotion when he started to carve up things in that community. The first intimation that trouble was brewing- occurred at about 6:30 o'clock when John Vandervogan and day Martin were walking down JBridge street to the depot to meet some friends who were returning to Cohoes on the excursion train. As they came to the corner of Bridge and Peru streets, the soldier, who liad keen drtnWng, stepped out from Peru--street ..in; front of them and en- gaged them in conversation. They advised the man to go back to the Barracks, to which ^e replied In abusive language. An. offer was made jU> Show him the : wa^t^mik,. Thus he resented and in a aeeoad he had whipped a razor out of his pocket and was brandishing it about in the air. ,The soldier had not reckoned with his victims for before he knew it, "Jack" Vaudervogan had Jfeiased the man by the arms and taken the razor from Mm, *Ma£k" quietly folded up the razor and put it hack in the sol- dier's pocket. Martin arid Vahder- vogan theft headed the man for home* aad they proceeded on their way to the -train.: /. ; : ---. :':"';'-i / . , "-V".: Upon their return up^ JJridge «ftreet : |^ito";i^'-Bep^^,th^ /^Uee4 ; -aa- they, passed Peru street, that an automo- oile had stopped a short distance be- yond the corner bad that the soldier with h^ opea riw.r bad^lield up an ^uigfi'jff ."f^^^ilajrJ^pd|i'ja^wft;:tje • M^-M§^§^m.' )0&}:J$j&&m to .•jjaii."> *^^l^ : 'jft^'m*$: *&*&* : A •''^""" ; ^^e^a^n"soidier;*^K ; ; 5andin«•-ai ^%pyer fat on the mattes prw"wft^^ieltied. hlm/IIke a log- to;; roadside, the opea raaor dropping frjona h^ hand to the ground. 'Hmtir mmitim, * city haekman, jirove up to the scene and picked up riuebV W*nil«s Vandervogan ms& JatartiB lifted the ^ian Into the rig. toa thei Arore the three UP pridge street to Wfersaret street where t^y called Oiitoer Liberty ^»a turned jtb«4r^prisoner over info th« hawis of the law. The soldier immediately locked «ip and will be given a hearing this morning at I o'clock . None of the party ascertain- fd the name of the officer ift the ear Who proceeded oi* ht» way to the |»©st after the drunken man had been put tbe hfteleman's rig* they would be able to use him to pro- mote their own interests What thev want to d» is to keep the office of congressman in St. Lawrence count} all the time for their own ber,ef>: They 'have no thoughts <is to ihe w- i- fare of the rest of the d.strict, or '>f nything eise, except •h*'m s 'f-'^f- J&* r ery mother's ym of thfm f ook- mjf out frr No 1 Tn^j dj re <ja'- hr is congressman, whftr.fr r .H really fitted for the o! can deliver to them 1 Want. They know Urn oald do their bidding- nothing more. In view therefore, roiled Rep< lin and Memx counti« duty of all fair-nun ,n (it, L^wrtnce co-u thwarting the «e'fic. Potsdam nag by %>> p>-'/. a* J til the of i and fort7-w^rn of th? lt«« <••* B'txt hundred and thr*r, ^.^ bowki aKtlt U •--! t H a ww M talUifto 4otlan. t»* a«kt % of not to per •••IMI. l n ia ta* city of Haw T«ik, SsM ritora tan* <rf aot SKM» tk» trim. tt»«tr t«apc«tive dates of tmm. not be arid tat law tkaa »tt. tW hi b i aglH MNNr «Mr #4 Mfev far a period <rf twfcrty in—IInllu dayx Ssadar* exnpted, in at Hast «s» AtaSy lil'iim pom priat«d ia tk« elty «f iMr Totk aarf ••* t* dar ttate of Sk* I mud matt* mmd pm»vi*4 tfcat is laittrf Stst*«. ta Oat *xmr m mvj xtmmL, «aati W her aiamam tnsm aaefc «toetioa. 4Mnct,. turf •tjri'. 1' a«t«' GmtmmA la» of jrrw T<aar, o m a or tf S5. •* awtio* aas» cf artidh af Uie Cfeartffcrtfaa of ta* T ort. aai antion twofemfeadaad ai»err • « of W w m , that'fecaa* tfttrt in«nr fiscal ytfeax B»T aa a atnkiatr faad to pay tfe* fm«r»t oa t|Mi **S beta* a* it faJl. <taa tod u> p»/ *ad tfl#- tttaaar* d » ptteeipal tfcaarcf. aai a»b n ^ M bt aoftdot to p«^to a awa r^alto" oawrt^a: four of article ssvea 4 ti>« drf, m svofa atesl r**t tor w«A txttpt. tS* debt* ff*ci£M in M&.V.OT* tw •ball not be itnpoaed mad ooliectad a* Jt>r^-r*4 bf i t 4p* prorisioti* ot this act. | ». The {wriaioM <>T chapter one ot i &R* and of tk# acta tr or is •uch debt** »h4Li be tiKW**, ao tar a« tioa o* of aatd c*aal« aad ta* Of dome t&t work; to tte pwpafatisa |at«av.--ap«*scati«ta and catisttus; to Che (<trst of cobtrfi and boikda, to t.cina *a*i #* united by '. pumgt- el not 0,41 ta n WTtiofis, aa pro»%ii«d. Is meii-io. BJt-S*«s. cf- | ^f VACCINATION NO LONGER REQUIRED ire, ,;«rMJ«r*a •'; Wvia#.- :ia- tMrd-clswai. c i « « aosd ; « « • » * ••*< ,vW« ; - wiM not be re*»»ir^f -to.. W vae» : 4 b«for« ; they- Will-'»« *4n»itt«d to ih* >»biSc •ehft©!*,- «yl<iren of ih* first and sec-'-r.ii class c»J«tS maM ^* vaccinated as h*fet<*i«re bai #!•*•': where- the- proviaton -."ia»jj*r*-«-, tiv«« exeept tt«der eertaitt ct»»dittoft«. If an epl4«m|e f>f MRaill p*m *h«uW exSai 'in-*.ny third-el&iw cfiy»- vfllttjK^ or lOW'iS the »»t1iwiii*3r : «*«'. r««|a.ire ajt chi lire a •(&.&* iraesei»i«ed :b«€or«/tli#y wtlt be allowed 4ttert4 acBool. It U ufuierstood rha£ tfa« ^aa«*jf« of the foil *a« bri.uRht about through aj^tation .'marted;. by' /jmmm [ . i»** cl»tei«d. .|hat-- ; 4eatfts v had "aseettR** from 'the use - of' the ' *a>eeit*i>.. 8*f in* phystciari« «> thAt ihe **• w la*r »* a jtev back ward and tttaaid not b*rt enacted, aa u «UJ tend - to creati- eondltioc* / which »me «m« in ftttnre wijf «HT * 4an«eroas 'Wa^N^ t*ey also poH** otfi th«t• white small j*>x h««' sot tbe#n-: ef'Tttaat^d U fcaa r _ _ / / c o « t r * M ^ ' *b«MiHNfef '• W vm. '.' ' #f 'e««jpttJs^ry. ,viie^i»a|i«^ an<l-the/ quote 'sJatlstteis of inedleai and h«altli •ics ivB *Wfci*»rt of:-their-co»- tention. OmtOD Connty Potatoes Can Now Be Slapped Anywhere POWDERY SCAB NO LONGER INTERFERES \K\VII\I: w VN IMt» ( 1ION \lt^ >K 'i HI \ m n*n"t <rrni.it -f \ n -ip! i-.Aini ii rrl)»r, At hi* pi*e» of Mary &•«»•***, JoiajH Mary Brawn. H Dfh LS Of I &• that part ittone«« mot b«> oui jrre*l prajaaftwi 4* then for * Mate of tst* property: AH that certain ektf l in&w elijr> of County, H*W «-a.vt sf«l« of Plan Stroot ( calm Av<*n»«) tad k f tha d**ts> of If If WM f- »uit*.r«h. K T p W.A*BaV£iMJ)alT STRBET the 8neU. n» a X^.i R* TflVIDENDS [ 4t the field. It fir.4* byt Ev<:; fin*- ctaSrr, | erica'» pt: f a» h« ke<- s have an j 'Kawkef j ported tt> j aj*c*ftdinr ! thtnusand . if sa.j»e4. C. Tn -f»« a^ rd«a. s * n * h-a •- '* f*«. s:-::.:-: : fcfi^^n --iViar.vr "* r -• : # • f-.« 1 a»Ti ;»« r •*.f a*. •-, t r, »-.*.•. . IC -r ii " ~ * :- i 1 -^ :.f ' ^ t> 1 * •- e, «J



Sfent inelJTRIH) TQ CARVE CONCUIWENTRESOLOTIONS S E• • • • • • | ___ : « & 5 t a j

A l r M V i laWaWN aWi/ f^Atit QT KKW YORK. >f n« I OF TRK ' _ .

AMI I UrrltcK rr-^^^'.'j,,,?j-: ,•-"*, —:


MANYI .average dutif collected «a im

kr the Dem:»aaMfe-M^.»»frlent to an ad valorem duty

per" <^im*&m^of import* tlW «*«*»-

f tMrteen «***. *J*d«r t*e^ , tariff ^ i £ £ £ § M

•ats ;:*a|y^p^g^^p' I© "* "~~ "' "*

*^J most of theW the fact -

foreign8 spent |pt-

execute the laws congress may emlaaid f^estd*nt Wilson been a r

aUvweate of popular government, hewott$dv h*W called congress into ex-tivor^fnary session months ago ant!recomritended oy message the raisinsof 1*K* funds a« congress might find--"-** ssary•'ft&t an adequate navy and

_ ^ - « i « i a V I l y *pr «tfbmarines andImttWtiofts fo* derensf. Had he doneMitt, there wou W hare been slight>Hlil>auTtlty of the occurrence of theMJIaVUlii iitiT riitiii ImlilMii or the

* a « j i a a - i ^ ^ a . A m e r i c a n © o t t o n . .•••.••.

' ^ ^ BWjN r af attentive dte-_>^__^,: ©ondtrcted elrtier personal-

„ •*#; t*r«Hi»1i*»• agency of tmreatisv§i^*r*»**« aiHl commissions, Jndl-

fnftiaUve Is t>eirtg rapidly^t(t ft» ttoi i««»try. Private» not only saffer* the ordin-

" ^ tff competition and^mmm^^ym^Wtim:maB0t the han^: of (AterfnUteot and cucertain^^f^^m-^^--p«^mp» ww»-

• to o»ndoct a successful

'. o f * » * •lXotator*hip over

hatt almost crashtnitiatve. Unless

r sonn checked. It, dry rot, and

r t>attle ae well

^^'Wm&'&mafr3GT repre-

i.fcy ffe«ei>Mre consreasional

f i i ^ W * a c e alone

the poHU-tfiwl Franlrttji

ft-fr fsttnre contests thei 'of «ie choice of the.

I *4rtrict by tlrstttf St. LawrenceI BepobHcana through

t the district should remember thisfatfatuuy day cornea around.—


Tlt*,ja««mner tias«*»ed up the eitua-" :| BrJm ;::-'lfc;%-:|v clear ca«e of

^ ^ ^ ^ t i e ^ f p i ^ t ^ ' t t e * " ^Potsdamfroiiticians. They care nothing about

in «• far aa they thiBk

Flffi STYLEIf you car* for style, and 1 t» of

people do, it can be had in our furm-

tare department. We are prepared tor

the fall trade. Our stock is at its best

We sjhow a remarkable assortment of

furniture, including Beds, Springs,

Mattresses, Tables, chairs, and in fact

Jf its anything f«>r the home, wo ha\e

l5*ery piece from the lowest piec%

to the highest, is made of good sub-

stantial material. If we have phased

you. before, the chances are »e can

ome inland have a

buy where your m< ne>

Dnmkeo Soldier With RazorHeld Him Up in Highway


r \ K K N TX) T i l l ;M NT\ .1 Ml, IN V HACK ANDM K K i ; i ) M* Tt> WAIT

HI \ H 1 \ < ; WHICH Wildl\V, ( .1 \ FX TOD \ V


A soldier, believpr} to be ain the "artillery branch of theconnected with the brigade maneu-vers, showed himsalf very handywith a razor last night near the cor-ner of Bridge and Peru streets andcaused no little commotion when hestarted to carve up things in thatcommunity.

The first intimation that troublewas brewing- occurred at about 6:30o'clock when John Vandervogan andd a y Martin were walking downJBridge street to the depot to meetsome friends who were returning toCohoes on the excursion train. Asthey came to the corner of Bridgeand Peru streets, the soldier, wholiad keen drtnWng, stepped out fromPeru--street ..in; front of them and en-gaged them in conversation. Theyadvised the man to go back to theBarracks, to which ^e replied Inabusive language. An. offer was madejU> Show him the :wa^t^mik,. Thus heresented and in a aeeoad he hadwhipped a razor out of his pocket andwas brandishing it about in the air.,The soldier had not reckoned withhis victims for before he knew it,"Jack" Vaudervogan had Jfeiased theman by the arms and taken the razorfrom Mm, *Ma£k" quietly folded upthe razor and put it hack in the sol-dier's pocket. Martin arid Vahder-vogan theft headed the man for home*aad they proceeded on their way tothe -train.: /. ; :---. :':"';'-i / . , "-V".:

Upon their return up^ JJridge «ftreet: |^ito";i^'-Bep^^,th^ /^Uee4 ; -aa- they,passed Peru street, that an automo-oile had stopped a short distance be-yond the corner bad that the soldierwith h ^ opea riw.r bad^lield up an

^uigfi'jff ."f^^^ilajrJ^pd|i'ja^wft;:tje •

M^-M§^§^m.' )0&}:J$j&&m to

.•jjaii."> *^^l^:'jft^'m*$: *&*&*: A

•' '^""" ;^^e^a^n"soidier;*^K ;;5andin«•-ai %pyer fat on the mattes

prw"wft^^ieltied. hlm/IIke a log- to;;roadside, the opea raaor dropping

frjona h^ hand to the ground.'Hmtir mmitim, * city haekman,

jirove up to the scene and picked upriuebV W*nil«s Vandervogan ms&

JatartiB lifted the ^ian Into the rig.toa the i Arore the three UP

pridge street to Wfersaret streetwhere t ^ y called Oiitoer Liberty^»a turned jtb«4r^prisoner over infoth« hawis of the law. The soldier

immediately locked «ip and willbe given a hearing this morning at Io'clock . None of the party ascertain-fd the name of the officer ift the earWho proceeded oi* ht» way to the|»©st after the drunken man had beenput t » tbe hfteleman's rig*

they would be able to use him to pro-mote their own interests What thevwant to d» is to keep the office ofcongressman in St. Lawrence count}all the time for their own ber,ef>:They 'have no thoughts <is to ihe w- i-fare of the rest of the d.strict, or '>f

nything eise, except •h*'ms'f-'^f-J&*rery mother's ym of thfm i« fook-mjf out frr No 1 Tn^j dj r e <ja'-

hr is congressman, whftr.fr r .H

really fitted for the o!can deliver to them 1

Want. They know Urnoald do their bidding-

nothing more.In view

therefore,roiled Rep<lin and Memx counti«duty of all fair-nun,n (it, L^wrtnce co-uthwarting the «e'fic.Potsdam nag by %>>

p>-'/. a* J

til the

of i

and fort7-w^rn of th? lt«« <••* B'txthundred and thr*r, ^ . ^ bowki aKtlt U •--! t

H a ww MtalUifto 4otlan. t»* a«kt% of not to

per • • • IMI .l n ia ta* city of Haw T«ik, SsM

ri tor a tan* <rf aot SKM» t k »trim. tt»«tr t«apc«tive dates of tmm.

not be arid tat law tkaa »tt. tWhi b i

aglH MNNr «Mr #4M f e v far a period <rf twfcrty in—IInllu dayx

Ssadar* exnpted, in at Hast «s» AtaSy lil'iimpom priat«d ia tk« elty «f iMr Totk aarf ••* t*

dar ttate

of Sk* I mud matt*mmd pm»vi*4 tfcat is

laittrf Stst*«. ta Oat *xmr m mvj xtmmL, «aati

W her aiamam tnsm aaefc «toetioa. 4Mnct,. • turf

•tjri'. 1' a«t«' GmtmmA la»

of jrrw T<aar, o m a ortf S5.

•* awtio* aas» cf artidhaf Uie Cfeartffcrtfaa of ta*

T ort. aai antion two femfead aad ai»err • « of

Wwm, that' fe caa*tfttrt in«nr fiscal ytfeaxB»T aa a atnkiatr faad to pay tfe* fm«r»t oa t|Mi**S beta* a* it faJl. <taa tod u> p»/ *ad tfl#-tttaaar* d » ptteeipal tfcaarcf. aai a»b n ^M bt aoftdot to p«^to a awa r^al to U»" oawrt^a:

four of article ssvea 4 ti>«drf, m svofa atesl r**t tor w«A

txttpt. tS* debt* ff*ci£M in M&.V.OT* tw•ball not be itnpoaed mad ooliectad a* Jt>r^-r*4 bfi t4p* prorisioti* ot this act.

| ». The {wriaioM <>T chapter oneot i

&R* and of tk# acta

tr or is•uch debt** »h4Li be

tiKW**, ao tar a«tioa o*of aatd c*aal« aad ta*

Of dome t&t work; to tte pwpafatisa|at«av.--ap«*scati«ta and catisttus; to

Che (<trst of cobtrfi and boikda, to

t.cina *a*i #* united by '.

pumgt- el n o t 0,41 ta n

WTtiofis, aa pro»%ii«d. I s meii-io. BJt-S*«s. cf- | f


ire, ,;«rMJ«r*a •'; Wvia#.- :ia-tMrd-clswai. c i « « aosd ;««•»* ••*< ,vW«;-

wiM not be re*»»ir^f -to.. W vae»:

4 • b«for« ; they- Will-'»« *4n»itt«dto ih* >»biSc •ehft©!*,- «yl<iren of ih*first and sec-'-r.ii class c»J«tS maM ^*vaccinated as h*fet<*i«re bai #!•*•':where- the- proviaton • t» -."ia»jj*r*-«-,tiv«« exeept tt«der eertaitt ct»»dittoft«.If an epl4«m|e f>f MRaill p*m *h«uWexSai 'in-*.ny third-el&iw cfiy»- vfllttjK^ orlOW'iS the »»t1iwiii*3r :«*«'. r««|a.ire a j tchi lire a •(&.&* iraesei»i«ed :b«€or«/tli#ywtlt be allowed i« 4ttert4 acBool.

It U ufuierstood rha£ tfa« ^aa«*jf« ofthe foil *a« bri.uRht about throughaj^tation .'marted;. • by' /jmmm[ . i»**cl»tei«d. .|hat--;4eatftsv • had "aseettR**from 'the use - of' the ' *a>eeit*i>.. 8*f in*phystciari« « > thAt ihe **• w la*r »* ajtev back ward and tttaaid not b*rt

enacted, aa u «UJ tend - to creati-eondltioc* / which » m e «m« inftttnre wijf b« «HT * 4an«eroas 'Wa^N^t*ey also poH** otfi th«t• white smallj*>x h««' sot tbe#n-: ef'Tttaat^d U fcaa

r _ _ / / c o « t r * M ^ ' *b«MiHNfef '• W vm. '.' '#f 'e««jpttJs^ry. ,viie^i»a|i«^ an<l-the/quote 'sJatlstteis of inedleai and h«altli

•ics ivB *Wfci*»rt of:-their-co»-tention.

OmtOD Connty Potatoes CanNow Be Slapped Anywhere


\ K \ V I I \ I : w VNI M t » ( \ « 1 I O N \ l t ^

>K 'i HI \mn*n"t<rrni.it -f \ n

- i p ! i-.Aini ii

rrl)»r, At hi* pi*e» of

Mary &•«»•***, JoiajHMary Brawn.


D f h LS Of I &•that part it ton e«« mot b«>oui jrre*l prajaaftwi 4*then for * Mate of tst*

property:AH that certain ektfl in&w elijr> of

County, H*W«-a.vt sf«l« of Plan Stroot (calm Av<*n»«) tad k

f tha d**ts> ofIf If WM

f- »uit*.r«h. K T



n» a X^.i

R* TflVIDENDS[ 4t the field. It fir.4*

byt Ev<:;• fin*- ctaSrr,

| erica'» pt:f a» h« ke<-s have an

j 'Kawkefj ported tt>j aj*c*ftdinr! thtnusand. if sa.j»e4.

C. Tn

-f»« ard«a.

s * n *h-a •- '*


s:-::.:-::fcfi^^n --iViar.vr "* r -•

: • • #

• f-.«

1 a»Ti

; » « r

•*.f a*.

•-, t

r, » - . * . • . .

IC -r i i " ~ *

:- i 1

-^ :.f ' ^ t>

1 * • -

e, «J