VSS Services

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Transcript of VSS Services

  • 8/19/2019 VSS Services


    VSS Writer Service Name

    ASR Writer VSS

    BITS Writer BITS

    COM+ REGDB Writer VSS

    DFS Replication service writer DFSR

    DHC !et Writer DHCServerFRS Writer "tFrs

    FSRM writer sr#svc

    IIS Con$i% Writer AppHostSvc

    IIS Meta&ase Writer IISADMI"

    Microso$t E'c(an%e Writer MSE'c(an%eIS

    Microso$t H)per*V VSS Writer v##s

    "TDS "TDS

    OSearc( VSS Writer OSearc(

    OSearc(, VSS Writer OSearc(,

    Re%istr) Writer VSS

    S(a-ow Cop) Opti#i.ation Writer VSS

    SSearc( VSS Writer SSearc(

    SSearc(, VSS Writer SSearc(,

    S/lServerWriter S01Writer

    S)ste# Writer Cr)ptSvc

    Ter#Serv1icensin% Ter#Serv1icensin%

    WI"S !et Writer WI"S

    WMI Writer Win#%#t

  • 8/19/2019 VSS Services


    Service Display Name

    Vol2#e S(a-ow Cop)

    Bac3%ro2n- Intelli%ent Trans$er Service

    Vol2#e S(a-ow Cop)

    DFS Replication

    DHC ServerFile Replication

    File Server Reso2rce Mana%er

    Application Host Helper Service

    IIS A-#in Service

    Microso$t E'c(an%e In$or#ation Store

    H)per*V Virt2al Mac(ine Mana%e#ent

    Active Director) Do#ain Services

    O$$ice S(areoint Server Searc(

    S(areoint Server Searc( ,

    Vol2#e S(a-ow Cop)

    Vol2#e S(a-ow Cop)

    Win-ows S(areoint Services Searc(

    S(areoint Fo2n-ation Searc( V,

    S01 Server VSS Writer

    Cr)pto%rap(ic Services

    Re#ote Des3top 1icensin%

    Win-ows Internet "a#e Service 4WI"S5

    Win-ows Mana%e#ent Instr2#entation