VSLP Overview

MikeHed Dev Div Globalization Team


The Visual Studio Learning Pack 2.0 is a software package created by Microsoft to help students learn about computer programming. It consists of the following five components: Sort Designer Control is a supplementary teaching tool developed to help students learn the basic concepts, algorithms, and implementations of popular computer sorting algorithms. It supports bubble and insertion sorting. The control generates initial values automatically and demonstrates intermediate states in the sorting process. It also generates sorting source code for both Visual Basic and C#. Search Designer Control is a teaching tool developed to help students learn the basic concepts, algorithms, and implementations of popular data search algorithms. It supports binary and sequential searches. The control generates initial values automatically and demonstrates intermediate states in the searching process. It also generates source code for both Visual Basic and C#. Using the Visual Sort Designer and Visual Search Designer Controls teachers can easily develop a sample program to demonstrate the fundamentals of sorting and searching. They can also customize the control's appearance by simply dragging the control onto a form and setting its properties. These visual demonstrations help in teaching programming concepts and increase students' interest in learning. Visual Declarative Designer is an intuitive variable declaration tool designed for novice programmers. During the coding process the student can declare variables of various types and generate the corresponding source code. Visual Variable Declarative Designer provides a visual approach to variable declaration. Teachers in the Information Technology (IT) field can use this designer to teach students the basic concepts of variable declaration and naming, variable types, access modifiers, and initial values. Assistant Class Designer is a visual class designer for novice programmers. This designer guides students through the processes of adding classes, properties, methods and events. The designer also generates the corresponding source code for new classes. By using this designer, teachers and students can easily create and configure complicated classes. Assistant Class Designer provides an intuitive and interactive method for designing classes and helps students to understand key object-oriented programming concepts such as classes, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. The Assistant Class Designer generates source code for C# only. Visual Programming Flow Chart is a supplementary teaching tool designed to help students understand program control flow. It generates flow charts for functions and saves them in the JPG picture format. This tool is easily activated from the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) by simply right-clicking on a function name and choosing “Generate flow chart…” from the context menu. The resulting flowchart can be customized by changing its colors and other effects. This visual tool provides an intuitive way to explore source code, to examine its control flow, and to identify logic errors.

Transcript of VSLP Overview

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MikeHedDev Div Globalization Team

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Visual Studio Learning Pack 2.0 History: The Visual Studio Learning Pack (VSLP) was originally created to

meet the needs of middle-school students in China. It has been updated to support the free Visual Studio Express products since many schools use these products.

Mission: The mission of the VSLP is to make Visual Studio more accessible to new programmers around the world and to assist computer science teachers in building lesson plans and teaching programming concepts.

Components: Search Designer Control Sort Designer Control Visual Programming Flow Chart Visual Declarative Designer Assistant Class Designer (C# Only)

Language Versions: English, Simplified Chinese, Spanish (coming soon)VSLP on Visual Studio GalleryDownload VSLP 2.0 (English)

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Search Designer Control

Step through the search visually

Generate working search code

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Sort Designer Control

Step through the sort visually

Generate working sort code

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Visual Programming Flow Charts

Generate customizable flowcharts from your code

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Visual Declarative Designer

Declare variables and arrays interactively

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Assistant Class Designer

Declare classes, properties and events interactively (C# only)

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VSLP works with Express Editions

Take advantage of Express Editions Learning Center