Volunteer Reflection Assignment


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Volunteer Reflection

Name Of Contact: Melinda Chappell, Director

Name Of Agency: Coastal Carolina Adaptive Sports and Recreation

Volunteer Event/ Activity: Adaptive Surf Clinic- Wheel Of Surf

Date/ Time: Saturday September 13th, 2014 8:00 am – 12:00 pm


During my volunteer experience at the Adaptive Surf Clinic I took part in setting up the event as

well as participating on the Red surf team. My job was to stand beach side and help the surfers recover

after riding in the waves. Also I held organizational responsibilities having to get each participant a

chance to ride as I listened for the horn to sound. The mission of this event is to encourage those with

mobility impairments to embrace live as a surfer working with many people. Also it’s a promotion of

wellness, which every person on this planet deserves to embrace as much as possible. Coastal Carolina

Adaptive Sports and Rec put this whole event together with the help of a non-profit Ocean Cure. They

are a 501c3 non-profit, which enhanced this experience by having their surf instructors right there to


Description of Work Performed:

Prior to this experience I wasn’t really sure what I was in for because I have never worked with

anyone with disabilities. It was more of a new experience but I wasn’t sure how I should talk to them

since I haven’t really interacted this strongly before. Within the first 30 minutes of the event I was

having a great time and felt like it was any other day at the beach just having a lot of fun with great

people. From the first surfer to the last the joy was outrageous they would catch a good wave and it was

my job to make sure everything was safe and sound when they come ashore. My work as a volunteer

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really lined up with the means of the whole event. Considering all involved including a non-profits, and

many other sponsors who were all there to encourage everyone to enjoy life.


Two things I learned during this event was that leadership, and organization is incredibly huge

for this to take place. Melinda Chappell had a ton of moving parts, which had to come together in a team

in order for this to work. But for that to happen someone has to be in charge and prepare all the

equipment, tents, volunteers, and anything else needed to make this happen. In relation, this event was

excellent and ran smooth from start to finish, more importantly everyone had a great time as well.

Overall the goal of the event was met in way of promoting wellness through enhancing persons of

disabilities by enjoying a great day surfing in a friendly and safe manner. In future events I would like to

see the participants get a little extra time to ride opposed to the 10 minutes they were allowing. My

reason being it takes a little bit longer to get a good wave in Myrtle Beach. Other then that this was a

great event and I would absolutely lend my time to do it again great experience.

Lessons Learned / Class Concepts:

One huge lesson I learned is to have a passion for life and enjoy it as much as you can. What I

saw from this event was remarkable it was just exciting and happy scene through and through. Two

concepts from class that relate are non-profits, which Ocean Cure, supported everything there and

physical constraints. The important part of everything that went on included surf instruction and safety,

which was provided by the non-profit. We talked recently about non-profits and how great they are for

doing such events. With the concept of physical constraints most of every participant had them and its

goes to show overcoming such constraints enhance the well being of the individual. In watching that its

made feel happy, as well which is why I feel all the way around it, was a great day.

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