Volunteer and Internship Program · 2020-07-07 · VOLUNTEER ROLES staff and volunteers to achieve...

Volunteer and Internship Program Asociación ANDES is guided by a mission of creang local capacies and strategic responses to confront the socioeconomic, cultural, ecological, and polical effects of global changes on indigenous peoples and local communies. We aim to protect and promote the biocultural heritage of indigenous peoples and the tradional resource rights associated with them. AN- DES envisions human well-being in sustainable indigenous communies, based on the respect for human rights, cultural di- versity, and parcipatory democracy. ANDESs work with the communies of the Parque de la Papa [Potato Park] has helped to create global momentum behind the creaon and protecon of biocultural heritage territories and Food Neigh- borhoods, safeguarding the agrobiodiversity and cultural resources of indigenous peoples around the world. ANDES also focuses on epistemological diversity and innovave educaon for indigenous and non-indigenous peoples alike, currently being developed through the Yachay Kuychi Pluriversity, an educaon iniave which aims to create holisc approaches to learning and collaboraons between western science and indigenous knowledge. Finally, ANDES acts as the Secretariat for the Internaonal Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples (INMIP), working to connect communies from around the world to confront the urgent and intersecng challenges of climate change, food security, and human rights. VOLUNTEER ROLES ANDES, INMIP, and the Yachay Kuychi Pluriversity depend on the support of passionate and commied staff and volunteers to achieve their mission. Volunteers can support the ongoing work of these organizaons in a variety of ways, including: Event volunteers: short term volunteer roles designed to support a specific event. Organizaon volunteers: roles typically lasng 3-6 months during which the volunteer supports the day- to-day operaons of the organizaon . Communicaons volunteers: roles typically lasng 3-6 months during which the volunteer supports the communicaons and outreach of the organizaon, including social media, materials for publicaon, and web maintenance and design. INTERNSHIPS For individuals hoping to develop independent research projects while gaining professional skills, ANDES offers internship opportunies. Interns should be currently enrolled in an accredited university program at the undergraduate or graduate level, and should develop a research proposal related to the key themes and projects of ANDES, INMIP, and/or the Pluriversity. Those compleng research must fulfill an obligaon to work in collaboraon with indigenous communies, obtaining consent at all steps of the process and acvely sharing their results with partner communies. A PLACEMENT WITH ANDES OFFERS AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS AND PROFESSIONALS OF ALL LEVELS TO: Work closely with Indigenous Communies Engage in innovave and creave research Work from a holisc and transdisciplinary approach Receive professional and academic formaon in the context of a small, indigenous-run NGO Improve Spanish and/or Quechua language skills

Transcript of Volunteer and Internship Program · 2020-07-07 · VOLUNTEER ROLES staff and volunteers to achieve...

Page 1: Volunteer and Internship Program · 2020-07-07 · VOLUNTEER ROLES staff and volunteers to achieve their mission. Volunteers can support the ongoing work of these organizations in

Volunteer and Internship Program

Asociación ANDES is guided by a mission of creating local capacities and strategic responses to confront the socioeconomic, cultural, ecological, and political effects of global changes on indigenous peoples and local communities. We aim to protect and promote the biocultural heritage of indigenous peoples and the traditional resource rights associated with them. AN-

DES envisions human well-being in sustainable indigenous communities, based on the respect for human rights, cultural di-versity, and participatory democracy. ANDES’s work with the communities of the Parque de la Papa [Potato Park] has

helped to create global momentum behind the creation and protection of biocultural heritage territories and Food Neigh-borhoods, safeguarding the agrobiodiversity and cultural resources of indigenous peoples around the world. ANDES also

focuses on epistemological diversity and innovative education for indigenous and non-indigenous peoples alike, currently being developed through the Yachay Kuychi Pluriversity, an education initiative which aims to create holistic approaches to learning and collaborations between western science and indigenous knowledge. Finally, ANDES acts as the Secretariat for

the International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples (INMIP), working to connect communities from around the world to confront the urgent and intersecting challenges of climate change, food security, and human rights.


ANDES, INMIP, and the Yachay Kuychi Pluriversity depend on the support of passionate and committed

staff and volunteers to achieve their mission. Volunteers can support the ongoing work of these

organizations in a variety of ways, including:

Event volunteers: short term volunteer roles designed to support a specific event.

Organization volunteers: roles typically lasting 3-6 months during which the volunteer supports the day-

to-day operations of the organization .

Communications volunteers: roles typically lasting 3-6 months during which the volunteer supports the

communications and outreach of the organization, including social media, materials for publication, and

web maintenance and design.


For individuals hoping to develop independent research projects while gaining professional skills,

ANDES offers internship opportunities. Interns should be currently enrolled in an accredited university

program at the undergraduate or graduate level, and should develop a research proposal related to

the key themes and projects of ANDES, INMIP, and/or the Pluriversity. Those completing research must

fulfill an obligation to work in collaboration with indigenous communities, obtaining consent at all

steps of the process and actively sharing their results with partner communities.



• Work closely with Indigenous Communities

• Engage in innovative and creative research

• Work from a holistic and transdisciplinary approach

• Receive professional and academic formation in

the context of a small, indigenous-run NGO

• Improve Spanish and/or Quechua language skills

Page 2: Volunteer and Internship Program · 2020-07-07 · VOLUNTEER ROLES staff and volunteers to achieve their mission. Volunteers can support the ongoing work of these organizations in

To apply for a volunteer or internship role with ANDES, INMIP, or the Pluriversity,

please send an up-to-date CV and a statement of interest to Tammy Stenner at:

[email protected]

Applying for a placement with ANDES


We have a strong preference for volunteers who speak fluent Spanish and English; candidates must at

least manage Spanish at a basic level.

It is essential that volunteers have strong written and verbal communication skills.

Applicants should have demonstrated interest in the areas in which ANDES, INMIP, and the

Pluriversity work.

Applicants should be self-motivated and must be comfortable working both independently and as part

of a team.

“Volunteering for ANDES was such an amazing experience, I would

definitely encourage anyone with an interest in biodiversity and Indigenous

rights to apply! An internship with ANDES goes beyond voluntourism—it is a

real profesional opportunity to work with an NGO and local communities.

It was an immersive and eye opening experience which gave me a deeper

understaning of responsible and reciprocal collaboration with indigenous


- Jessica, Former ANDES Volunteer Researcher

Page 3: Volunteer and Internship Program · 2020-07-07 · VOLUNTEER ROLES staff and volunteers to achieve their mission. Volunteers can support the ongoing work of these organizations in

What to expect while volunteering with ANDES


Weather conditions in Cusco can be unpredictable and change within a short period. Temperatures range from lows of -2 to 4°C, and highs of 17 to 22°C, with an average of 11°C. The Potato Park has an even higher altitude than Cusco and its tempera-tures tend to be lower, especially in shaded areas. November to March is rainy season, while July and August are the coldest months. (See https://www.worldweatheronline.com/cusco-weather-averages/cusco/pe.aspx for more information.)

It is best to bring clothing suitable for layering, allow-ing you to take off or add layers with rapid changes in weather conditions. Woolens, fleece jackets, hats and even scarves will ensure comfort; a light rain jacket will help with wind-chill and keep you dry in the event of rain. Adequate footwear, such as walk-ing boots and comfortable socks, is highly recom-mended for field work, along with a small back pack for carrying excess clothing and other items you may need.

The sun is extremely strong. Sunshine and UV rays are much stronger close to the equator and at high altitudes. We highly recommend wide brimmed hats, sunglasses and sunblock. If you have lighter skin or are especially sensitive to the sun, take extra precautions to limit exposure of to the sun.


The offices of ANDES are located in the residential neighborhood of Santa Monica, about a fifteen minute drive from the historic center of Cusco. Trans-portation to and from the office is simple and inexpensive, as the office is within walking distance of one of the principle roads in the city. The office can easily be reached by bus, taxi, or walking. Some volunteers prefer to live in the center of Cusco, while others are happier finding accommodations nearer to the office. You can find lodging through Facebook Marketplace, the Expats Cusco Facebook group (note that you’ll have to send a request to join), and through Airbnb. Past volunteers have had positive experiences staying at the Cusco Wanchaq Hostel (http://www.villabettyhostalbyb.com/ ) and the Healing House Hostel (http://healinghousecusco.com/), both of which offer private rooms for reasonable prices. Another option for lodging is to coordinate a homestay, a particularly valuable experience for those look-ing to improve their Spanish skills and/or deepen their understanding of Pe-ruvian culture. A couple of contacts for homestays are:

Tyler Compere, Volunteer/ homestay Coordinator at Proyecto Peru, [email protected]

Erin Riccio, Volunteer Coordinator at Amauta, [email protected]

ANDES does not coordinate housing for volunteers, but we are happy to pro-vide advice and guidance when possible as volunteers work to organize their travels.


The city of Cusco is situated at an elevation of approx-imately 3,400 meters, and the altitude can influence how you feel and what you are capable of doing on your first days in the city. The Potato Park communi-ties reach an even higher elevation of up to 4,500 meters. It is common for visitors at this altitude to experience the effects of high altitude, locally known as soroche. Symptoms may include fatigue, breath-lessness, difficulty sleeping, nausea and headache, among others. These often pass after a day or two and many people do not experience any symptoms. We recommend that you drink plenty of water and coca tea, eat lightly, and get plenty of rest on the first days.

Occasionally, visitors may have difficulty breathing and oxygen may be required. There are several good health care facilities in Cusco in the case of severe altitude sickness or other health issues.

It is recommended that you get some kind of interna-tional health insurance for your time in Peru.


Citizens of most countries have the right to stay in Peru for up to 183 out of 365 days on a tourist visa. Typically, the visa issued at the airport in Lima will be for a maximum period of 90 days and you can then request additional days (up to 183 days total) once in the country. More info about visas can be ob-tained through the Peruvian consulate in your country: http://www.consulado.pe/paginas/Inicio.aspx.

For the purposes of clearing customs, all medications you are carrying to Peru should be in their original containers and clearly labeled. If carrying syringes or needles, make sure to have a physician´s letter documenting their medical necessity.


Intern and volunteer positions are typically unpaid, though costs related to field work are covered (i.e. transportation to and from field sites, meals eaten in the field, etc.). Below is a rough monthly budget:

Rent for a furnished room or apartment: 500-1000 soles

Food: 400-600 soles if you eat in restaurants; 200-300 soles if you cook at home

Transportation: Bus fare is 0.80 soles; an average taxi ride from ANDES office to the city center is 5 soles

Cell phone: A monthly plan including calls, texts, and data costs about 30 soles


All volunteers and interns will work under the supervision of team leaders on the projects to which they are assigned. Volunteers and interns are expected to work independently on assigned tasks, and should be comfortable working without direct supervision on a daily basis.

The main location of work will be in our Cusco office, located at Ciro Alegría H-13, Santa Monica, Cusco, Peru. Depending on your project, you may make frequent trips to field sites in the Lares Valley, the Parque de la Papa, and the Pluriversity campus in Huaran. The office has a very casual dress code—the most important thing is that you have clothing appropriate for the weather and for working in the field. Typical work hours are from 9am-6pm with a one hour lunch break, Monday-Friday with occasional fieldwork on weekend days.