Voluntary Statement Roel Bermea


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Statement provided to authorities on the death of the La Joya police chief

Transcript of Voluntary Statement Roel Bermea

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DATE: 05-13-2011 TIME: 1:05AM



I have been informed that under the State of Texas Penal Code, Section 37.02: A person commits the offense of Perjury if, he/she makes a false statement under oath or swears to the truth of a false statement previo~Jy made, and the statement is required or authorized by law to be made under oath. (Initials: lf.-/'J )

BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Roel BERMEA, who being duly sworn on oath states:

I am the Chief of Police of Penitas, I have been employed in Penitas since December of 2010. My work address is 1111 South Main, Penitas, Hidalgo County. My telephone number is 956-874-7867.

I am voluntarily submitting this statement to Texas Ranger Ricardo RIVERA. I am giving this statement without any threats or promises and on my own free will. This statement may be used for whatever purpose q,~med necessary. I would prefer Ranger RIVERA to type this statement as I speak. (INITIALS: J:!!_j.

I have been the Penitas Police Chief since December 20, 2010. I work closely with La Joya PO, I have known Chief DEL ANGEL for about 35 years, we used to play baseball together. About a week ago, we attended a meeting to coordinate an operation. Chief DEL ANGEL walked in late, he sat down and listened to what everyone was saying. When it was his turn to talk he started saying that they had assisted ICE at the election sight. He went on to say that, his job was being threatened if a certain party won the election. He also said that some people at the meeting knew Keno Flores, but he didn't care. He kept on stressing " that certain party."

This past Tuesday, La Joya Police Lt. Julian GUTIERREZ told me that the Chief was having some personal issues involving his wife. He told me that he was actually concerned for his well-being because he did not seem to be himself, he had been acting strange. I told the Lt that he needed to talk to him because of the concerns that the police department had.

Today at about 7:45 or 8:00 PM, I got a call from Lt. GUTIERREZ who asked me for some advice. He told me that Chief DEL ANGEL had gone to work this morning, had picked up a unit and left. He then told me that different officers and dispatch had been trying to get a hold of him on the radio and by phone, but there had not been any response. He also told me that this afternoon he started getting concerned because he didn't show up to turn in his unit. He asked met$ he should call a city administrator, I told him that he should. I asked Lt INITIALS: PAGE j_ OF _..1_

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GUTIERREZ what the concern was. He told me that the Chief had not been himself. He told me that his attitude had changed mainly because of the ongoing issues with his wife. I told him that he needed to notify someone, Lt. GUTIERREZ told me that he was hesitant because he didn't want to make it seem like he was trying to take the Chi·efs job. I told him that when the Chief was not there, he was in charge of the department. He told me, he was going to make the call. Lt. GUTIERREZ called me back to let me know that he had talked to the cities administrators and asked me if he should put out an administrative message, which is basically a welfare concern. I asked Lt. GUTIERREZ if he wanted me to send a unit to the Chiefs residence, he told me that they had gone earlier but to go ahead anyway. I called my dispatcher and told them to instruct Penitas Officer Abelardo GUTIERREZ. I told them to be very discreet, I explained to them why they were concerned. Officer GUTIERREZ went to the house and he called me to tell me that there was a truck at the Chiefs house. The Mayor of Penitas called me shortly after to inform me what was going on.

Lt. GUTIERREZ called me and told me to go to the Chiefs lot at the lake. I knew where the lot was because he had tried to sell it to me before. Lt. GUTIERREZ also told me that they had found Chief DEL ANGEL dead. I got to the location, I saw that units and EMS were already there. I made contact with Corporal Saenz. I asked if anyone had approached the truck. He told me that EMS had approached it. From what I gather, they were the only ones that had been in the truck. I obtained some latex gloves and approached the Tahoe with Officer Posada. When I approached the Tahoe, I noticed that the tailights were on, when I got closer, I heard the engine running. I approached the Tahoe on the driver's side and noticed that the door was already open, I don't know who opened it I looked inside, not touching anything, I recognized Chief DEL ANGEL, he was sitting down in the driver's seat. I think his head was tilted to the right, his head was laying back on the backrest. I was looking for the gun. I think that the Chief is right handed. I didn't see the weapon, I noticed that the panel lights were on. I didn't notice if the radio or AJC was on. I went around to the passenger side. I advised Officer POSADA that I was going to check the passenger side to see if I could see the weapon. I opened the passenger side door and the weapon fell between my feet. I don't know for sure but I don't think the weapon was on the seat because I couldn't see it from the driver's side and I had a clear view. When I opened the door the weapon fell, I think it might have been between the seat and the door. When I opened the door, the weapon fell straight down. The weapon appeared to be a Glock, I think that is the weapon that is issued by La Joya PD. I looked at the Chiefs holster, which was on the right side and I didn't see a weapon.

I noticed that the Chief had a concentration of blood in the stomach area. I noticed that the right hand was clenched and was on the center console. I think his left hand was on the side of his body. At that point, I asked if Officer POSADA had a camera, he told me that he had his personal camera with him, I asked him to photograph the gun. He then took some photos of Chief DEL ANGEL. We walked back and a short while later Justice of the Peace OCHOA got there. Someone asked me if I could escort the judge over ther·e. Judge OCHOA saw Chief DEL ANGEL from the driver's side door and then he walked to see the gun and walked out of the area. The La Joya Officers secured the scene. We then called the Rangers.


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A short while later, Lt GUTIERREZ got to the location and I told him what we had observed. I got my camera and photographed the scene. After I photographed the vehicle, Lt. GUTIERREZ secured Chief DEL ANGEL'S hands Inside some manila envelopes. I have since relinquished the photographs to Ranger RIVERA. That's it.

I have never heard of any direct threats ever made to Chief DEL ANGEL. He has told me in that past that there had been threats against them.

I have read this statement and it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

END OF STATEMENT TIME: 2:09AM AM DATE: o5f312-J 11 ~~-




Subscribed and swom to before me, ~I '-",J 0 \2 : !.!...,."" , a peace officer of the State of Texas and pursuant to §602.002 Texas Government Code, on this the

t ~ day of M 4J , A.D. "'2.,0 I J
