Volume XXXIII, Issue 9 - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com ›...

Volume XXXIII, Issue 9 May 7, 2014 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pastor’s Corner 2 Congregational Care 3 Inside Story 2 CHURCH POLO SHIRTS 6 Box Tops for Education 6 INSERT FOR VBS 7 Calendars 8 Inside this issue: Special points of interest: CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, PAGES 5 & 6 Homebuilders Sunday Evening Fellowship Sunday School Godly Play Summer Fun-VBS and Camp Burnamwood For the past few years, our church has joined with Centre College and Centenary United Methodist to sponsor the Hope Springs Yard Sale. The sale helps promote the re-use of thousands of items donated by Centre College students, and it raises funds to aid several great causes. This year’s sale will be held at the end of May, and volunteers are needed every day May 25-30. We especially need people with pick-up trucks to assist in collecting items on Sunday evening May 25. Pricing and sorting will take place May 27-29, with the sale tentatively set for May 30. If you can volunteer in any capacity, please contact Patsi Trollinger ([email protected]) or Ann Young ([email protected]). SAVE THE DATE Hands to Work, Hearts to God As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galations 6:10 Once again, Easter at the Presbyterian Church of Danville was truly moving, from the beginning of Lent to the Sunday afternoon egg hunt organized by the Sunday Fellowship Committee. Such a rich spiritual journey doesn’t happen without weeks or months of planning, preparation and execution. In addition to our dedicated and hard working staff, dozens of church members volunteered to assist with the many extra services and activities during this special time in the Christian year. It began on March 2 with the Covenant, introducing the wooden door at the front of the sanctuary and the concept of “Jesus stands at the door and knocks. Open the door to Spiritual Disciplines.” Thanks to those who conceived this idea and made the door, as well as the banner outside the church. The chili supper before the Ash Wednesday service was prepared by the Worship and Music Committee. The many cooks of the Hospitality Committee prepared our delicious Easter Sunday breakfast and created the beautiful decorations for the tables. Others picked up 50 pots of blooming plants in Lexington and arranged them in an exuberant display in the sanctuary for Easter morning. We also appreciate those who donated the cost of these flowers in memory or in honor of loved ones, and those who delivered white lilies to our homebound members. Thank you to our choir, instrumentalists and hand bell performers for their hours of rehearsals and their glorious performance on Easter Sunday, as well as special music all during the season. This church has come to expect outstanding musical performances that lift the spirit at Easter, and we are never disappointed.

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Page 1: Volume XXXIII, Issue 9 - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › thepresbyterianchurchofdanville... · 2014-05-07 · Volume XXXIII, Issue 9 May 7, 2014 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pastor’s

Volume XXXIII, Issue 9

May 7, 2014


Pastor’s Corner 2

Congregational Care 3

Inside Story 2


Box Tops for Education 6


Calendars 8

Inside this issue:

Special points of




Sunday Evening Fellowship

Sunday School

Godly Play

Summer Fun-VBS and Camp Burnamwood

For the past few years, our church has joined with Centre College and Centenary United Methodist to sponsor the Hope Springs Yard Sale. The sale helps promote the re-use of thousands of items donated by Centre College students, and it raises funds to aid several great causes. This year’s sale will be held at the end of May, and volunteers are needed every day May 25-30. We especially need people with pick-up trucks to assist in collecting items on Sunday evening May 25. Pricing and sorting will take place May 27-29, with the sale tentatively set for May 30. If you can volunteer in any capacity, please contact Patsi Trollinger ([email protected]) or Ann Young ([email protected]).


Hands to Work, Hearts to God

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galations 6:10

Once again, Easter at the Presbyterian Church of Danville was truly moving, from the beginning of Lent to the Sunday afternoon egg hunt organized by the Sunday Fellowship Committee. Such a rich spiritual journey doesn’t happen without weeks or months of planning, preparation and execution. In addition to our dedicated and hard working staff, dozens of church members volunteered to assist with the many extra services and activities during this special time in the Christian year. It began on March 2 with the Covenant, introducing the wooden door at the front of the sanctuary and the concept of “Jesus stands at the door and knocks. Open the door to Spiritual Disciplines.” Thanks to those who conceived this idea and made the door, as well as the banner outside the church. The chili supper before the Ash Wednesday service was prepared by the Worship and Music Committee. The many cooks of the Hospitality Committee prepared our delicious Easter Sunday breakfast and created the beautiful decorations for the tables. Others picked up 50 pots of blooming plants in Lexington and arranged them in an exuberant display in the sanctuary for Easter morning. We also appreciate those who donated the cost of these flowers in memory or in honor of loved ones, and those who delivered white lilies to our homebound members. Thank you to our choir, instrumentalists and hand bell performers for their hours of rehearsals and their glorious performance on Easter Sunday, as well as special music all during the season. This church has come to expect outstanding musical performances that lift the spirit at Easter, and we are never disappointed.

Page 2: Volume XXXIII, Issue 9 - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › thepresbyterianchurchofdanville... · 2014-05-07 · Volume XXXIII, Issue 9 May 7, 2014 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pastor’s

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Dear Friends, Ed was a neighbor of ours when I was growing up. His son, Mark, has rented our family farm since I quite farming. Ed only had an 8th grade education. He had to go to work when he was 15. Despite his lack of formal education he had that rare genius of being able take anything apart and fix it. He could also make anything from wood or steel. He’d get an idea, light up his torch and start cutting or molding the pieces he needed. He bought farms that needed lots of work at very low prices and improved them. He bought an ancient bulldozer and tiling machine that looked like absolute junk, tore them all apart numerous times, fixed them and used them to improve the productivity of his farms. In the course of his life, through his hard work and ingenuity he accumulated a good amount of land and became prosperous. There simply wasn’t anything he couldn’t fix. Plus he was a good neighbor who often lent his talents to his less mechanically inclined neighbors. I admired his ability to tear things apart and then know how to put them back together. It astounded me. I learned a lot from him.

There is something very satisfying with being able to take something apart, fix it, put it back together again and then have it work. Some fixes are easy. You can see the problem and the solution. You get a nail in your tire. You pull it out, patch the hole and blow up the tire again and off you go. Some problems are harder to fix. Few people can work on their own cars anymore. They have so many electronic components that require car technicians to hook the cars up to computers to analyze the problems. Still, cars can be fixed. And then there are simply some problems that can’t be fixed. You break a glass or a mug. You’re probably going to throw it away and get a new one. More and more items like microwaves, TVs and small appliances can no longer be fixed. The TV repairman has gone the way of the full service gas station. These items are considered disposable. If they break, you throw it away and buy a new one.

We humans are like our inanimate objects. We confess that we live in a broken and fearful world. We’re all broken, each in our own way. The question is whether or not we can be fixed. Some fixes are easy, particularly if you catch them early. For example, most of us can thank our parents for steering us on right paths during our formative years. We may have chaffed at some of that guidance and even rebelled at it, but as a result we turned out to be decent, law-abiding citizens. Whereas if they hadn’t steered us away from bad influences we might not have turned out so well. Some fixes, however, are more complicated and require more work. They also require extended effort over longer periods of time. For example, the church hosts A.A. Those who attend have acknowledged their particular form of brokenness. The hard part comes in their effort at maintaining their sobriety and doing it over and over and over again, and not giving up. Best intentions aren’t enough. Countless people resolve each New Years that this will be the year that they’ll get more exercise and lose weight, and they’ll be dutiful for a week or two. What we have to do fix some of our problems often requires effort and plain old hard work. Some are willing to do the work. Some are not.

Some problems can’t be fixed. We aren’t able yet to fix all our genetic issues. Some people are genetically predisposed to cancer. People can take precautions, but they still may get cancer, just as some without any history of cancer in their family may also get cancer. We can do everything we can to prevent accidents, but they still happen.

The hardest thing to watch are the cases where people with fixable problems refuse to do anything about them. Some simply ignore the problem, pretending that it doesn’t exist, or they tell themselves that they’ll beat the odds, that they’ll be the one in a million that can eat all they want, drink as much as they want and never suffer any affects. Some, however, treat their lives or their relationships like appliances, as though they are disposable, that they can be thrown away and they’ll simply get a new one.

We’re broken people. If we’re smart, or if our eyes have been opened, or if we’re like the prodigal son and we’ve come to our senses, we realize the importance that faith plays in helping us to either overcome some of our brokenness or help us to cope with it. My friend, Ed, relied on the right tools to fix problems. Prayer, scripture, community, faith are the tools we use to help us. We’re broken people who rely on the grace of God. At same time, God calls on us to respond. We’re deluding ourselves if we think faith is easy. It’s not. It is hard, but it is our hope. May you all live into that hope.

Grace & peace, Jim

Page 3: Volume XXXIII, Issue 9 - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › thepresbyterianchurchofdanville... · 2014-05-07 · Volume XXXIII, Issue 9 May 7, 2014 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pastor’s

May 4, 2014

3rd Sunday of Easter Communion

Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Ps. 116:1-4, 12-19 1 Peter 1:17-23; Luke 24:13-35

May 11, 2014 4th Sunday of Easter

Acts 2:42-47; Ps. 23; 1 Peter 2:19-25 John 10:1-10

May 18, 2014 5th Sunday of Easter

Acts 7:55-60; Ps. 31:1-5, 15-16 1 Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14

May 25, 2014 6th Sunday of Easter

Acts 17:22-31; Ps. 66:8-20 1 Peter 3:13-22; John 14:15-21

P A G E 3

Our next collection will be SUNDAY

May 11, 2014

April 2014-$349.19


Joe Amburgey, Nedra Boitnott, Pat Bright, Jeanie Collier, Walter T. Goggin, Jr., Joyce Gordon, Paula Hill, Katie Kneisley, Nancy Lindsay, Wanda Medaris,

Susan Murphy, John B. Nichols, Kim Ragland, Scott Reisinger, Kelly Spoonamoor, Hazel Venezie, and

Mary Lou Elkin’s daughter Jane Bean Hunstad.

to all ages that came to Joe and Shirley Amburgey’s home and did a lot more than I would have thought possible. They were all pleasant to be around and knew what they were doing.

Shirley Amburgey and Joe

Chuck and I want to thank all of you who sent cards, food, and prayers to us during my recent surgery and recuperation.

The surgery was a success and all the cancer was removed. We are blessed to be members of such a caring congregation. Bless you!!

Evie and Chuck

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Pray for the People of South Sudan!

April 2014. The people of the new nation of South Sudan are in desperate need of help. Despite a Cessation of Hostilities agree-

ment, fighting has continued, causing tremendous suffering and large-scale displacement inside and outside the country. Early in

the year after a political dispute between President Salva Kiir and his former deputy Riek Machar, the fledgling nation erupted into

violence that left many dead and more than half a million forced from their homes.

Leading up to this conflict, there had been many incidents of inter-communal violence, primarily among the Nuer and Murle, which

had destabilized South Sudan’s western Jonglei State, causing massive displacement. The two ethnic groups, both predominately

Presbyterian, have been at odds for more than 50 years. The ethnic rivalries were exacerbated by the 1983-2005 war with Khar-

toum, which armed both communities and pitted them against each other. In the current situation, protecting people from violence

is essential and prevention of communicable diseases is critical, especially among displaced people as the rainy season approaches.

At the outbreak of the fighting, all PC(USA) mission co-workers serving in South Sudan were required to leave the country. Some

have since been able to return; others are being assigned temporary work in a different context until their return is possible. Please

pray for Debbie Blane, Jacob and Aliamma George, Nancy McGaughey, Shelvis and Nancy Smith-Mather, and Leisa Wagstaff, who

are committed to serving the people of South Sudan.

Our brothers and sisters of South Sudan need our prayer and support as they

seek a stable future of justice and peace. Presbyterian leaders call on us to

pray for the people, government and churches of South Sudan. Prayers are

requested especially for an end to the political and inter-tribal violence and for

the safety of those who have fled their homes. Pray also for those who mourn

the loss of loved ones, those injured in the conflicts, political and religious

leaders, and for all who work for peace and justice.

*** The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) celebrates more than 100 years

of ministry in Sudan. Its engagement in the country has involved

ministry through mission personnel and partner church relationships.

Learn more at :


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Homebuilders, a young adult group May Event:

UK Arboretum

Saturday, May 31 10:30 AM

500 Alumni Dr., Lexington, KY 40503

Bring a picnic lunch, some soccer balls, Frisbees, and your sunglasses and join us at the UK Arboretum for some fellowship. If you haven't been there before, there are paved walking paths, woods, open fields, and beautiful gardens. Meet in the main parking lot at 10:30 AM


May 4th, we celebrated the year with tie dye, games and a cookout. What a great year! There have been 12-20 children involved in choir and art each week. The children’s choir has blessed worship once a month, not to mention the beauty of hearing children sing “Simple Gifts” or “Love Your Neighbor” throughout their days. During Lent, the art class explored spiritual disciplines by making God boxes, planting tomato seeds to share, and praying with beads bracelets. We even joined PYC for dinner, volleyball and a scavenger hunt last week. Thanks for great music leadership Zach Klobnak, Megan Dove, and John Erwin! Thanks to our Centre students for great art leadership Krissy Raque and Sandy Zhang and Diane Reed


Godly Play The entire family is invited to attend The End of the Year Celebration May 11 from 9:30-10:30 am. 5th graders will be promoted, light refreshments are provided.

Thank you to all the storytellers and doorkeepers this year! It is a blessing to our children, church, and world that you share the Bible stories with this generation. Thanks to Katy Bramel, Tressa Brown, Melissa Caudill, Vickie Glidewell, Don Good, Rebecca Good, Jean Harney, Gail Jackson, Judith Jia, Susan Matherly, Hannah McIntryre, Bunny Scutchfield, Jean Smith, Tom Quilligan, and Amy Wilson. And our Godly Play will never be the same without Lucy Williams. We have been so blessed with her wonderful spirit and storytelling.

Adult Classes Generation Faith’s final class is May 4.

Stephen Dove will lead class.

Explorers in Room 122

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Summer Fun!

VBS 2014: Oh the Places God Goes

June 23-26, 2014 from 5:30-8:30 pm

Bring the kids for dinner, music, bible stories, games, and crafts with a Sussical flair. Want to help lead a crew, set up dinner, play the drums? Talk to Sid Woolcott or Amy Shreve.

Check out Camp Burnamwood

At least 7 of our elementary students are heading to Burnamwood this summer. You should go too! There are camps for grade school, middle and high school youth and interest areas like drama or nights owls. Talk to Amy Shreve or Hannah McIntyre for camp scholarship applications. Check out the summer schedule at http://www.burnamwood.net/programs/summer-camp

The Local Mission Committee has placed "Box Tops for Education" con-tainers in the Fellowship Hall and main entrances. If you are not al-ready collecting for a favorite school, please place your Box Tops for Educa-tion in our containers and we will divide them evenly among our area ele-mentary schools. It is an easy way to earn cash for our schools! For more information, please see the display in Fellowship Hall. Thank you!

Interested in a church shirt? It’s a small way to show the community our church’s loving presence. Wear a Presbyterian Church of Danville polo while delivering soup on Saturday, to the Great American Brass Band Festival, or drinking coffee at the Hub. More details and order forms will be in the office during the week and in Fellowship Hall on Sundays. Orders are due May 22.

Talk to Amy Shreve with questions, [email protected].

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Page 8: Volume XXXIII, Issue 9 - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com › thepresbyterianchurchofdanville... · 2014-05-07 · Volume XXXIII, Issue 9 May 7, 2014 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pastor’s

Monday, May 12 6:00 pm Budget and Finance Meeting 7:30 pm Deacon’s Meeting Tuesday, May 13 7:00 pm Session Meeting Wednesday, May 14 Thursday, May 15 10:30 am Thursday Morning Bible Study 12:00 pm Communications Meeting 12:00 pm Salt Shaker Deadline Friday, May 16 Saturday, May 17 Sunday, May 18 Jackie Lindberg preaching Hannah McIntyre preaching at Burnamwood 8:30 am Worship with Eucharist 11:00 am Worship 5:30 pm PY

Wednesday, May 7 6:00 pm Bell Choir Practice 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice Thursday, May 8 10:30 am Thursday Morning Bible Study Friday, May 9 Saturday, May 10 9:00 am Soups On Us Sunday, May 11 Mother’s Day Cents-Ability Offering 8:30 am Worship with Eucharist 9:30 am Church School 11:00 am Worship (Children’s Choir) 2:00 pm McDowell Place Worship Service 5:30 pm PYC (Cookout at Leahey’s) 10:00 pm Get Centred

Monday, May 19 6:30 pm Stephen Ministry Supervision Tuesday, May 20 7:00 pm Local Mission Wednesday, May 21 Thursday, May 22 10:30 am Thursday Morning Bible Study 7:00 pm Worship and Music Committee Friday, May 23 Saturday, May 24 Sunday, May 25 Centre Baccalaureate 8:30 am Worship with Eucharist 11:00 am Worship at Centre College Baccalaureate in Norton Centre 5:30 am PYC

Ushers for the 11:00 am Worship Services: May: Jim and Patty Gibson and Scott and Nita Reisinger *Indicates Head Usher

Lay Readers for 8:30 am Worship Service 1st Sunday Hannah Green 2nd Sunday John Lacy 3rd Sunday Dale Kihlman 4th Sunday Becky Gash 5th Sunday

Lay Readers for 11:00 am Worship Service May 11: Youth May 18: Eric Smith May 25: Centre Baccalaureate

Nursery Volunteers May 11: Ann Young May 18: Laura & James Russell May 25: No Nursery Acolyte Schedule

May 11: Ashley Rankin May 18: Katie Beth Woolcott May 25: Doug Brown

Greeters for the 11:00 Worship Services: May: Brenda Mitchell June: Barbara Reynierson July: Gail Manning

Elder/Deacon of the Week May 11: 8:30-Claire Johnson and Susan Neale 11:00-Jannie Nallinger and Nancy Martindale May 18: 8:30-Liz Orndorff and Maureen Beto 11:00-Mike Teterick and Gayle Waddell May 25: 8:30-Lynn Preston and Darren Peckler

Communion Servers for 8:30 am Worship Service: 1st Sunday: Jackie Stigall 2nd Sunday: Joe Schultz 3rd Sunday: Shan Kihlman 4th Sunday: Don or Nancy Porter Communion Schedule May 4, 2014 (Tray) Preparers: *Jean Harney and Sis Guerrant Servers: *Clay Albright, Joanie Lukins, Susan Neale, Julie Rodes, Anastasia Knight, Scott Reisinger, Amy Wilson, and Bill Garriott Communion Schedule June 1, 2014 (Tray) Preparers: *Dennis and Karen Moore Servers: *Kim Ragland, Melanie Thornber-ry, Bill Nelson, Roger Hartner, Megan Shelton, Jon Ricker, and Tom Quilligan

*Indicates Head Preparer and Server

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May 15, 2014 (12:00 noon)

May 29, 2014 (12:00 noon)

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500 West Main Street Danville, KY 40422 Email: [email protected]

Church: 859-236-6692 Fax: 859-236-6360


We’re on the Web



500 West Main Street

Danville, KY 40422


Jim Stewart: [email protected] Hannah McIntyre: [email protected] Zachary Klobnak: [email protected] Amy Shreve: [email protected] Stephanie Buchenroth: [email protected] Ginger Arth: [email protected] Tim Shelton: [email protected]



















Pastor Jim Stewart