Volume II - Issue 11 November 2012 Freedom...

November 2012 Volume II - Issue 11 Sponsored by Quaid Harley-Davidson Loma Linda, CA Loma Linda Harley Owners Group #300 Freedom Flyer Freedom Flyer Freedom Flyer

Transcript of Volume II - Issue 11 November 2012 Freedom...

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November 2012 Volume II - Issue 11

Sponsored by Quaid Harley-Davidson ● Loma Linda, CA

Loma Linda Harley Owners Group #300

Freedom FlyerFreedom FlyerFreedom Flyer

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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everyone Is Welcome

Inside this issue:


Assistant Director……………………….4


LOH News..……………………………..6

Blood Drive Officer……………………..7 Membership News………………………8

Calendar of Activity...…………………..9

LLHOG in Pictures…………………10-13

Chapter Advertisers...………………14-15

2012 LLHOG Officers Directory………16

Quaid Harley-Davidson Dealership: 25160 Redlands Boulevard, Loma Linda, CA 92354

Phone: 909-796-8399 Fax: 909-796-8609 Website: www.quaidharleydavidsonlomalinda.com

H.O.G. U.S. Phone: 1-800-258-2464

LLHOG Website: www.LomaLindaHOG.com

LLHOG Facebook page: www.Facebook.com/LomaLindaHarleyOwners

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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everybody Is Welcome


Rodger McEwanRodger McEwanRodger McEwan Hello again LLHOGERS!

…Well we out did ourselves again this year with the most

successful Vet Run ever. We drew riders from several

surrounding HOG Chapters, Biggs, Temecula Valley, Palm Springs,

Pomona Valley and Inland Empire along with several other riding

clubs and a record number of riders from the Crew who captured

the chapter challenge for having the most riders for the second

year in row. Congratulations ladies and gents.

Kudos to all the volunteers that stepped up to make this a very successful event, with out you it wouldn’t


Also a very special thanks to the Black Sheep for taking care of the parking duties and for leading the

various riding groups on the poker route.

One of the high lights of the day was the presenting of the colors with the Color Guards from the Camp

Pendleton Marine Air Base.

Again thanks to everyone who volunteered to make this event a huge success.

Then after our last meeting LOH our Ladies of Hog, Cindy and Sue, hosted a continental breakfast to

compliment the first in a long time “Hog Chapter Swap Meet” thanks girls you did a fantastic job of

putting this event together.

From what I heard sales were brisk and a lot of people took home their new found treasures, some to be

used on sprucing up their current ride and sadly enough others to collect dust in someone else’s garage.

As a reminder, at our next meeting we will be accepting additional nominees for the various officers

positions for next year, so come out and make your voices heard and support your chapter.

That’s it for this folks!!!! Remember, ride safe and be cognoscente of your fellow riders and above all

have fun.

I’ll see you on the road.

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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everybody Is Welcome


Bob LeeBob LeeBob Lee

Looks like I got my wish, the weather has cooled off

and the rides have been great. We have been

having a great time as usual, good turnout, some

new members and members from the past riding

with us. Everyone is welcome.

A very special thanks to all that helped make the

Veterans Poker Run the best we have had. It was fun for all and the board has had

members and guests complimenting the chapter.

Final nominations for officers will be at the next meeting. If anyone has a member

they would like to have on the board they need to come to the Nov. 18th meeting.

We need the entire chapter to get involved in the ANNUAL ST. ANNES FOOD DRIVE,

bring all toys, non perishable food items, and Stater Brothers gift cards to the dealer.

Everything will be delivered after the Nov. meeting.

The board is aggressively working on the transition dinner in January and we hope to

make it a spectacular event. We will have information at the Nov. meeting.

The Nov. meeting looks to be very busy so plan to be there and support the chapter.

The following members need to contact me and make arrangements to get their

name tags: Delfina Madrid, David Madrid, Robert Corbin, Jack Brammer,

John Dodrill, and Jamie O. Gomez.

Yours in service,

Bob Lee.

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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everybody Is Welcome


Randy KimRandy KimRandy Kim Treasurer’s ChestTreasurer’s ChestTreasurer’s Chest

Well Chapter Members, the Veteran’s / Quaid’s Open house is behind us and the hard work

of our fellow LLHOG’ers really paid off. It was a huge success and thanks to all of the

volunteers, without your help we could not have pulled it off.

Thank you for your vote of confidence in my nomination for Treasure in the first round of our

nominations. November is round two and please make your voice count in your selections

for the Primary Officer’s position. The Chapter Officers are your voice and they make your

Chapter run as smoothly as possible the way you want the Chapter to be operated.

It’s that time of the year that we renew our Chapter Dues, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the

New Year all rolled up on us at once. I know our pockets are thin this time of the year, so

now would be a good time to start planning your financial health for 2013. One way to do

that is to start a little savings account for you. Don’t treat it like a savings account but rather

as a payment to yourself. Act like it’s a bill that you pay each month to yourself.

Our next project is our Annual Transition Dinner in January, and once again we need

volunteers for this event. Stay tuned at the next Chapter meeting for more details and for

Transition Dinner tickets. The tickets are on sale now for $ 20.00 ea. so make your reservations

now or at the Nov Chapter meeting. Don’t be left out so get your tickets soon.

Also on the calendar is our St Anne’s food drive for the Nov 18th delivery to St. Anne’s.

Quaid’s has a box set up for your donations of canned goods, toys and gift cards from Stater

Bros. Let’s help them out with your generous donations.

Have a safe ride during these Holidays and have fun with your fellow Chapter members on

the Chapter rides…………

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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everybody Is Welcome

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Patty LeePatty LeePatty Lee

Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everybody Is Welcome




NEXT BLOOD DRIVE DATE: November 17, 2012 @ 9-11 AM

At LifeStream Location on

384 W. Orange Show Road San Bernardino, CA 92408

Ride to follow right after Blood Drive.


In September, nine whole blood and platelet donations were completed on behalf of our chapter by members

Debbie Forrester, Jon Haggard, John Ramirez, James Ryan, and Melvin Skaggs and three nonmembers. Thank you.

All members who donated at least two times during the year will receive a patch. These patches will be a “year bar” patch;

so if this is your first time you’ve earned the recognition, please let me know so I can also order a “Blood Sister”

or “Blood Brother” patch. These will be black and silver; but if you need a black and gold,

please let me know by November 15.

Our next Blood Drive will be at LifeStream on 11/17 from 9-11, with a lunch ride to follow.

The holiday is approaching and the hospitals always need

additional supplies at this time. Remember this as you’re out Christmas shopping for your family and friends.

LifeStream Donor Centers are close to stores and malls and they will schedule an appointment for your convenience.

Centers are located at:

384 W Orange Show Rd., San Bernardino, Ph: (909) 885-6503 1959 E Fourth St, Ontario, Ph: (909) 987-3158

4006 Van Buren Blvd, Riverside, Ph: (951) 687-2530 12520 Business Center Dr, Victorville, Ph: (760) 843-9700

Tell them you are donating for Loma Linda Harley, or MHDS, and we will receive the credit for our members, if needed.

Page 8: Volume II - Issue 11 November 2012 Freedom Flyerlomalindahog.com/images/FreedomFlyerNovember2012.pdf · successful Vet Run ever. We drew riders from several surrounding HOG Chapters,

Jack Brammer (November 5) Matt O’Harrow (November 5) Ernie Aveytia (November 6) Tony Jimenez (November 6) Kenny Baird (November 7)

Mark Mendiola (November 10) Beverly Conard (November 14) John Van Wyke (November 14)

Jerome Ringhofer (November 15) John Miller (November 15)

Kenneth Conard (November 15) Debbie Forrester (November 17)

Jon Flaherty (November 18) Louise Correnti (November 19)

Richard Fernandez (November 20) Randy Kim (November 23) Gale Allen (November 25)

Frank Scott (November 28) Jeff Peterson (November 28)

Cindy Gano (November 30)

F r e e d o m F l y e rF r e e d o m F l y e rF r e e d o m F l y e r P a g e P a g e P a g e 888

Happy “November” Birthday to our members:

1 9 0 5 7 4

Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everyone Is WelcomeLoma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everyone Is WelcomeLoma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everyone Is Welcome

At October’s General Membership meeting, Jeff Padgett joined our chapter. Welcome Jeff. It’s time to renew your LLHOG Membership for 2013. The cost remains at $20 for the calendar year. See me during rides and meetings for your form, or one is attached in this newsletter. You will receive information and updates from three sources: e-mail (make sure this is kept current), Facebook (“like” Loma Linda Harley Owners Group) and our website (lomalindahog.com). Our website is for members only and is password protected. If you are not sure of the user name and password call me, or one of the officers. If anyone has any questions regarding membership—local or national—call (909) 273-9609, e-mail ([email protected]), or come see me; I’ll be glad to help.

Patty Lee Membership Officer

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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everyone Is Welcome

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

Injured Warrios

Appreciation Run






Wednesday Ride

Leaves Quaid at

9:00 AM




The DAM Ride


- The DAM Ride

- Veterans Day




Wednesday Ride

Leaves Quaid at

9:00 AM





- General Meeting

- Annual St. Ann’s

Holiday Food and

Toy Drive


20 21

Wednesday Ride

Leaves Quaid at

9:00 AM








27 28

Wednesday Ride

Leaves Quaid at

9:00 AM

29 30



November 2012

November 2nd, 2012 2012 Inaugural Injured Warriors Appreciation Run Details TBA

November 10th-11th, 2012 The DAM Ride Leaving Goody’s at 7:30 AM RC: Scott Jones Pick up riders @ Summit Rest. KSU @ 8:30 AM RC: Rodger McEwan & Scott Jones

November 18th, 2012 General Membership Meeting @ Quaid’s Loma Linda at 9:00 AM

November 18th, 2012 Annual St. Ann’s Holiday Food and Toy Drive Leaving Quaid’s at 10:30 PM

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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everyone Is Welcome

Shoot, Loot, Scoot Ride October 7, 2012

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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everyone Is Welcome

Run For The Troops Ride October 13, 2012

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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everyone Is Welcome

American Heat Ride October 20, 2012

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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everyone Is Welcome

2012 LLHOG Swap Meet October 21, 2012

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F r e e d o m F l y e r P a g e 1 4

Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everybody Is Welcome


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Loma Linda Harley Owners Group ● Where Everybody Is Welcome


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2012 LLHOG Officers

Director: Rodger McEwan

909-238-8373 [email protected]


Randy Kim 909-831-9431

[email protected]

Blood Drive Officer: Patty Lee

909-273-9609 [email protected]

Road Captain: Robert Donley 951-315-3041

[email protected]

Assistant Director: Bob Lee

909-273-9610 [email protected]

LOH Co-Officer:

Susan B. 909-498-6394

[email protected]

Safety Officer: Scott Jones

909-534-6408 [email protected]


C. Jayne Miller 909-793-7376

[email protected]

Secretary: Margie Remai 909-641-4719

[email protected]

LOH Co-Officer: Cindy Gano 951-314-3677

[email protected]

Membership Officer: Patty Lee

909-273-9609 [email protected]


Sonny Walukow 909-269-9092

[email protected]




LOMA LINDA, CA 92354 PHONE: 909-796-8399