Volume 99 Issue 13

GuilCo SoJo: MLK Day Events Recounted www.guilcosojo.com BY BRYAN DOOLEY SENIOR WRITER SEE BUDGET | PAGE 2 WWW.GUILFORDIAN.COM NEWS | PASTOR SANTES BEATTY | PAGE 3 FEATURES | WHAT’S NEW IN MUSIC | PAGE 8 INSIDE THIS ISSUE WEB- EXCLUSIVE CONTENT: KACEY MINNICK/GUILFORDIAN W&N | J-TERM EVENTS RECAP | PAGE 6 OPINION | FACEBOOK ENVY | PAGE 9 the Guilfordian Guilford College | www.guilfordian.com | Greensboro,NC Volume 99, Issue 13 | February 8, 2013 Actors from “The Trial” worked through the three-week J-Term as well as an extra week to produce the show. KAFKA MEETS THE STAGE NEWS Res. Life says Mary Hobbs residents, Greenleaf can stay After many residents had packed up and relocated, the women of Mary Hobbs returned from J-Term to find that the proposed summer renovation to their dorm has been postponed indefinitely. Initially, Guilford was promised a large portion of the requisite funds in the will of a former Mary Hobbs resident and Guilford alumna. However, it was recently discovered that this money could not be put toward the renovation due to specific stipulations in the will. “(The money) was earmarked for scholarships and endowing faculty positions, great stuff, but not allowing us use it for Hobbs,” said Vice President of Student Affairs Dean of Students Aaron Fetrow. “The reality is we were under the impression from (the donor) before she passed away that Guilford was getting this money and we could do what we wanted with it ... and she PLANS TO RENOVATE THE HISTORIC DORM NO LONGER EFFECT SPRING STUDENTS BY ALI KRANTZLER STAFF WRITER SEE HOBBS | PAGE 2 FEATURES The first J-Term has come and gone. During this time, students explored a field or project for a brief three weeks. In the case of the Theatre Studies department, Franz Kafke’s “The Trial” was prepared and staged. “I think that’s what J-Term is supposed to be about, taking on a challenge that couldn’t be replicated in the Fall or Spring semester,” said Marc Williams, visiting instructor of theatre studies and director of “The Trial.” Most J-Term projects ended promptly after ‘The Trial’ run of J-Term theatre BY CHASSIDY CRUMP GUEST WRITER SEE THE TRIAL | PAGE 7


The newest edition of The Guilfordian

Transcript of Volume 99 Issue 13

Page 1: Volume 99 Issue 13

GuilCo SoJo: MLK Day Events Recountedwww.guilcosojo.com







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the GuilfordianG u i l f o r d C o l l e g e | w w w . g u i l f o r d i a n . c o m | G r e e n s b o r o , N C

V o l u m e 9 9 , I s s u e 1 3 | F e b r u a r y 8 , 2 0 1 3

Actors from “The Trial” worked through the

three-week J-Term as well as an extra week to

produce the show.



Res. Life says Mary Hobbs residents, Greenleaf can stay

After many residents had packed up and relocated, the women of Mary Hobbs returned from J-Term to find that the proposed summer renovation to their dorm has been postponed indefinitely.

Initially, Guilford was promised a large portion of the requisite funds in the will of a former Mary Hobbs resident and Guilford alumna.

However, it was recently discovered that this money could not be put toward the renovation due to specific stipulations in the will.

“(The money) was earmarked for scholarships and endowing faculty positions, great stuff,

but not allowing us use it for Hobbs,” said Vice President of Student Affairs Dean of Students Aaron Fetrow. “The reality is we were under the impression from (the donor) before she passed away that Guilford was getting this money and we could do what we wanted with it ... and she



See HOBBS | Page 2


The first J-Term has come and gone. During this time, students explored a field or project for a brief three weeks. In the case of the Theatre Studies department, Franz Kafke’s “The Trial” was prepared and staged.

“I think that’s what J-Term is supposed to be about, taking on a challenge that couldn’t be replicated in the Fall or Spring semester,” said Marc Williams, visiting instructor of theatre studies and director of “The Trial.”

Most J-Term projects ended promptly after

‘The Trial’ run of J-Term theatre


See THE TRIAL | Page 7

Page 2: Volume 99 Issue 13


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Discussed the idea of student trusteeship

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Questions? Email: [email protected] or visithttp://guilfordsenate.wordpress.com

Compiled by Tim Leisman, Community Senate President

The new website will be up!Visit http://guilfordsenate.wordpress.com

We will revisit student scholarships and reach consensus on how to implement them.

Administration jumps the gun on Mary Hobbs renovations, students react when plans fall through was a Hobbs woman. We had talked to her about the Hobbs project.”

Prior to receiving this information, the administration instructed the Hobbs residents to move out mid-year so construction could be completed for the fall 2013 semester. Then the decision was made to hold off on the renovations.

The decision not to wait until the end of spring semester was made in part because Hobbs needs crucial safety renovations.

“The sprinkler system, heating and cooling, painting all need to be updated,” said Jen Agor, associate dean of students.

The decision to postpone the renovation was made quickly and left some residents feeling unsettled.

“The Thursday before I got back to campus I got an email from Jen that said, ‘We have people who are going to help you move out,’” said junior Chelsea Yarborough. “Then 30 minutes later I got an email from Aaron Fetrow saying they had called off the renovation.”

Other residents are upset with how the administration handled the situation.

“I was extremely disappointed and frustrated at the administration for putting all of my residents, myself, my fellow resident advisor and my hall director through such a wild

upheaval and then calling the whole thing off last minute and leaving us all upset, confused and feeling a bit displaced,” said sophomore Resident Advisor Brianna Halliwell.

Junior Elizabeth Munyan agreed.“As of now, I am a bit

disappointed that the renovation is no longer taking place because it stirred up a lot of controversy that is no longer relevant,” said Munyan. “It is frustrating that many residents had to compromise and make adjustments that are now unnecessary.”

There is no current timeframe for the Mary Hobbs renovation, and the Greenleaf will remain in its current location until further notice.

Leaving on a jet plane: study abroad fair shows options for student travels


Continued from Page 1

Colorful flags greeted students in Founders Hall on Wed., Feb. 6. Former study abroad participants shared stories and chatted with their peers about the benefits of spending a semester abroad. For more study abroad information, contact Jack Zerbe or Daniel Diaz in the Study Abroad Office in King Hall.



s by Ka

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Check out student opinions on the cancellation of Mary Hobbs renovations


“As of now, I am a bit disappointed that the renovation is no longer taking place because it stirred up a lot of controversy that is no longer relevant.”

Elizabeth Munyan, junior

Page 3: Volume 99 Issue 13

NEWS3February 8, 2013

Pastor Santes Beatty ‘97 served as the keynote speaker on Jan. 30 for the “Collective Voices Igniting Change” event series commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

When Africana Community Coordinator Jada Drew introduced Beatty to the audience, she gave a personal testimony about her relationship with the pastor.

“He inspired light in me and helped me believe I could achieve anything” said Drew.

In his speech, Beatty encouraged students to leave their comfort zone like King did and to make a difference in the world around them.

He began his speech with an anecdote about his in-laws giving him a Snuggie, describing it as “essentially a backwards robe … but it has pockets.”

Although Beatty was originally embarrassed to wear his Snuggie, he warmed up to it. As he later said, “I was content to sit in my Snuggie all day long.”

Beatty used the anecdote as a metaphor to encourage people to follow the King’s example and apply it to our lives by “releasing yourself from the Snuggie.”

Beatty is a former Guilford student, football player and employee.

During his time as an employee for Guilford, he was appointed as the head of the Bonner Scholars program. In his first year in that position, he was offered position of Africana Community Coordinator.

“I was in shock,” said Beatty.

He did not know if he could take on the job at only 22 years old. He was encouraged by his peers and decided to leave his comfort zone and take the job.

Today, Beatty is a high school pastor for Kentwood Community Church in Kentwood, Mich.

Through his sermons and mentoring of high school students, Beatty leads by example just as King did.

Attendees of the speech were moved by Beatty’s words.“I was very inspired by the speech Pastor Beatty proposed,”

said first-year Trenor Colby. “The passion that was infused into its words has made me think

twice about what I want my experience to be like at Guilford.”Beatty closed his speech with a quote from King. “A life worth living is a life of service.”

America is supposed to be the land of opportunity. Everyone has the same chance to succeed, right?

According to Geoffrey Canada, a visit to an impoverished and violent city borough like Harlem can quickly disprove this belief.

Growing up nearby in the South Bronx of New York City, Canada experienced the dangers and mayhem of poor, inner-city life on a daily basis.

Understanding firsthand the unfairness of children living in a world where gunshots outnumber high school graduates, he dedicated his life to helping eliminate violence in inner cities and giving children a chance for a better life.

His social activism and enthusiasm for changing lives made him a desirable choice for The Bryan Series.

Community members can look forward to hearing Canada speak on Feb. 10 at 3:30 p.m., at War Memorial Auditorium in Greensboro. Prior to the presentation, spectators will have the chance to hear the Guilford College Guitar Ensemble.

As president and CEO of the Harlem Children’s Zone since 1990, Canada strives to increase high school and college graduation rates in Harlem. This nonprofit provides free aid for impoverished children and families through parenting workshops, a supportive preschool program, public charter schools, and health programs to break the cycle of poverty.

“He has helped to bring critical issues in education to the forefront through film, books and appearances all over the country,” said David Temple, visiting assistant professor of education studies. “There are some who disagree with his picture of American schools and what needs to be done to transform them. Whether you agree with him or not, the

important thing is that he has inspired profound and passionate conversation.”

Canada is also a member of the Board of Directors of The After-School Corporation, an organization that serves to generate more educational opportunities for students throughout the country.

“We have a great teacher education program at Guilford,” said Ty Buckner, associate vice president for communications and marketing. “I really believe that (Canada) touches so many areas of that. He’s a principle problem-solver. He’s critically involved in community and justice. If you ticked off the seven core values the college has identified for itself, he pretty much hits each one of them.”

Buckner, who plays a key role in hiring, organizing and promoting these events, is excited to hear Canada speak because he thinks that it will be both an informative and entertaining presentation.

Rebeca Bonilla, a junior, watched the documentary “Waiting for ‘Superman,’” which featured much of Canada’s work, and is looking forward to hearing Canada speak next week as well.

“He’s created a system that gives kids a chance to succeed beyond adversities like crime, poverty or complicated home lives,” said Bonilla, an education studies and psychology double-major. “He has created a model that makes kids resilient to factors that often result in high drop out rates and high arrest rates. He has proven that these kids should, and can, succeed just like anyone else.”

Buckner too shares this excitement for Canada’s speech.

“I’m most excited that our students and our faculty and the members of the community will be really engaged with this program,” said Buckner. “I truly believe that, and that they will walk away having learned something and having heard from a person who is in the trenches doing this work.”

Bryan Series welcomes CanadaBY NATALIE SUTTONStaff Writer

Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, A. Philip Randolph, W.E.B. Du Bois, Booker T. Washington.

Every year, we celebrate these civil rights leaders who were courageous enough to look oppression in the face and fight for justice.

We often forget one man whose vision helped shape the civil rights movement.

His insight, along with his ability to organize and mobilize peace demonstrations, made him an invaluable part of the movement.

This man’s name was Bayard Rustin. And you have probably never heard of him.

It is okay, many have not. The reason is simple.

Rustin was an out gay man. The Multicultural Resource Center

held a screening of the documentary “Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin” on Feb. 1 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and as the first in a series of events in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

Winner of the 2003 CINE Golden Eagle Award and the 2004 American Library Association Notable Video Award, this documentary portrays the civil rights movement in a different light.

By telling the story through the eyes of Rustin, the documentary shows a new side to the Civil Rights Movement.

Because of his sexual orientation, Rustin was forced to stay behind the scenes of the movement, and as a result

he is often forgotten in discussions of civil rights today.

“Oftentimes, our civil rights heroes become untouchable icons, and we are diverted to believe that a few select people were responsible for desegregation and all of the social change we have today, and we accept that there is not more to the story,” said LGBTQA coordinator Parker Hurley.

In the question-and-answer session that followed the screening, Beatrice Franklin of the Multicultural Resource Center asked attendees to reflect upon the film and challenged them to keep the spirit of Rustin alive at Guilford and the outside world.

Students voiced their feelings of shame in not knowing his story and also shared their renewed sense of moral obligation to spread his message through activism within the community. After all, no one understood the power of grassroots activism better than Rustin.

Rustin himself once said, “We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers … the only weapon we have is our bodies, and we need to tuck them into places so wheels don’t turn.”

Guilford provides the perfect facility for community activism. Students interested in making a difference can look no further than the Bayard Rustin Center on campus.

Aptly named, the Bayard Rustin Center’s mission is to stay “committed to the cultivation of transformative educational experiences, building leadership within otherwise marginalized communities.”

Outside the lines: a reflection on Bayard Rustin’s life and work

MLK Day speaker challenges students to shed safety SnuggiesBY SYDNEY HAWKINSStaff Writer


“I was very inspired by the speech Pastor Beatty proposed. The passion that was infused into its words has made me think twice about what I want my experience to be like at Guilford.”

Trenor Colby, first-year



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Pastor Santes Beatty inspired students during an event about Martin Luther King Jr. in Dana Auditorium.

Page 4: Volume 99 Issue 13


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calendar of events


Women’s swimming — ODAC Championships @ Greensboro

Aquatic Center 6:30 p.m.



See your event hereemail: [email protected]

St. Valentine’s Day

Invasive Species Removal Workday @ The Lake

1–3 p.m.

Bingo night @ Founders Gallery West

8–9:30 p.m.

WQFS interest meeting @ Founders Gallery West

7:30 p.m.

49th anniversary of The Beatles’ first U.S. concert

$1 Taco Tuesday @ El Azteca 11 a.m. — 10 p.m.

Home Cookin’ for Seniors Potluck @ New Garden Friends

Mtg Fellowship Hall5–7 p.m.

Make a plush for your crush @ Founders Hall

12-1:30 p.m.

Women’s basketball game 5:30 p.m.

Men’s tennis match 3 p.m.

Love Black — Poetry, Music, & Drama by Josephus III @

Joseph M. Bryan Jr. Auditorium7–9 p.m.

Mardi Gras Ash Wednesday

Chinese New Year

FREELANCEon your own time

training available

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Page 5: Volume 99 Issue 13

WORLD & NATION5February 8, 2013


REPUBLIC OF RWANDAThe Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda acquitted and released Justin Mugenzi and Prosper Mugiraneza, the two men convicted of conspiring to commit genocide. The genocide systematically killed 800,000 of the ethnic minority groups Tutsi and Hutu. Appeal judges overturned the 30-year prison sentences on Feb. 4, declaring that the evidence offered at the 2011 trials was flawed. Organizations that offer survivor services are now protesting.

MOSCOW, RUSSIAThe French Parliament redefined marriage to include same-sex couples on Feb. 2. The U.K. also passed legislation to legalize gay marriage in an overwhelmingly affirmative vote of 400-175. But in Moscow, police

arrested protestors at the recent “kiss-in” where gay couples openly embraced outside of their Parliament building. The protest was in opposition to a law known as “anti-gay propaganda,” that prohibits encouraging minors to be gay.





















K LONDON, UKThe skeleton of King Richard III was discovered beneath a parking lot in Leicester. Scientists found 10 injuries on the body, including fatal wounds from a battle in 1485. The skeleton is being used to reconstruct images of the King’s face and body.

LARA STATE, VENEZUELAIn the northwestern prison of Uribana, a Jan. 26 prison riot resulted in 61 deaths and more than 120 injured inmates. While the riots were in rebellion against prison authority, many Venezuelans blame President Hugo Chavez and his government for an insufficient prison system. In 2012, the total number of prisoner casualties was 591. There are currently 50,000 inmates, but prison housing for only 14,000 in the country.

“If you want to end wars, have women fight them,” said Robert Duncan, visiting assistant professor in political science.

Women are now fighting those wars. Last November, four female soldiers and the American Civil Liberties Union sued the Pentagon and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, stating that women already served in combat roles but went unrecognized.

Not long after, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended lifting the ban and Panetta affirmed it. With the ban on women serving in combat positions now lifted, women can take up jobs in ground combat units and on the front lines.

Following this decision, the U.K. considered pursuing similar reform. Females in the U.K. have already become more involved in politics. Now, some women in the U.K. are looking for equal involvement in their military as well.

“On the whole, women (in the House of Commons are) more consensual,” said Charles Moore, columnist for the Spectator

and Daily Telegraph. “I would actually be very sad if the way women stand for peace and gentleness in society was taken away.”

Similarly, some believe women could help achieve peace through participation in combat roles.

“In Afghanistan and Iraq, you can’t have a male frisking a female indigenous person,” said Duncan. “The more interactions we have with male oriented culture, where women are put off limits, you’re going to have a need for females in the military to do certain things that would be objectionable if men did.”

But some still doubt that women can handle the physical and psychological stress of combat.

“So what are we achieving … except wasting a huge amount of resources by trying to train women up to a level I don’t think they are going to meet,” Major Judith Webb, the first female to lead an all-male field squadron in the British Army, told BBC News.

“All through history, we have underestimated the physical abilities of women,” said Professor of Sports Studies

Kathy Tritschler. “Some women are absolutely capable of doing all tasks, including the tasks of combat. Not every woman will be, nor will every man … but gender does not define who is capable of succeeding.”

Still, the U.K. is conflicted about combat reform. There are citizens who feel women should be protected from dangerous situations.

“Females do all kinds of jobs today, so if they choose to serve in combat roles good luck to them, but I will always see it as the male’s role to protect the females,” said U.K. citizen Peter Tarry in an email interview.

U.K. females are not necessarily in favor of changing military roles, however.

“I actually don’t agree with women on the front line,” said U.K. citizen Gill Tarry. “I am happy for them to be nurses or doctors.”

For now, women in the U.K. will remain behind the front lines. A Ministry of Defense spokesman told the BBC, “The Ministry of Defense 2010 review into women serving in combat roles concluded there should be no change to the existing policy. There are no plans to review this policy before the end of operations in Afghanistan.”

UK pursues reform for women in armed combat after US lifts front lines banBY CHRISTIANNA VAN DALSENStaff Writer

Check out our web-

exclusive article discussing

Obama’s second inaugural address.


INTERPRETED By anney Bolgiano

Go to: www.guilfordian.com

to see this article

Page 6: Volume 99 Issue 13

The 43rd World Economic Forum was held in Davos, Switzerland on Jan. 23–27.The forum gathered business leaders as well as political and humanitarian figures to discuss the state of the global economy and develop solutions to a variety of fiscal dilemmas.Some major concerns at this year’s forum included the ongoing economic crisis in Europe, Japan’s deflating currency and the future possibilities and pitfalls of the Internet.International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde stated that 2013 will prove to be “a make-or-break year for the global economy.” “Don’t relax,” warned Lagarde.

Hillary Clinton has resigned as Secretary of State following her testimony before Congress regarding the attacks on Benghazi last September.

Clinton’s Republican opponents on the Foreign Relations Committee criticized her during the hearings instead of inquiring about the attacks. Clinton kept her reserve,

but occasionally returned fire.“It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again,” a frustrated Clinton said while pounding the desk with her fists.Senator John Kerry was confirmed by the Senate as her replacement in a 94–3 vote and took office on Feb. 1.

On Jan. 22, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kept legislative control following parliamentary elections. However, a newly created centrist-populist party took 19 seats. Lapid vowed that he would not act as a “fig leaf” covering Netanyahu’s far-right policies and wishes to revisit peace negotiations with Palestinians.

Despite his partisanship, Lapid is expected to receive a cabinet post and Netanyahu said that the two men

“have had an opportunity to do great things together.” Other winners are the center-

leftist Labor Party with 15 seats and the Jewish Home, a right-wing religious

party, which claimed 12 seats.

WORLD & NATION6 www.guilfordian.com

A man hangs suspended in the dark; his face is bloodied, his lungs waterlogged, and heavy metal blares so that he cannot sleep. He is here because he is alleged to have financially aided the 9/11 bombers.

This is one of the earliest scenes in Kathryn Bigelow’s film “Zero Dark Thirty,” which has been nominated for this year’s Academy Award for Best Picture. Bigelow won Best Picture in 2010 for “The Hurt Locker,” which also illustrates military action in the Middle East.

Controversy over the depiction of torture in various scenes throughout the movie has overshadowed its critical acclaim. Several members of the Academy who recently nominated the film for their top award are now calling for it to be boycotted.

In an article he wrote for Truthout, actor and Academy member David Clennon argues that the film’s moral is that “torture sometimes works” comparing its lack of morality to that of the film “The Birth of a Nation,” which is commonly stigmatized as racist.

Bigelow confronted these negative perceptions of her film in a recent article for the Los Angeles Times stating, “in the arts … depiction is not endorsement.”

However, in his article for The New York Review of Books, Steve Coll argues that where “Zero Dark Thirty” fails is not in what it depicts about torture, but what it fails to depict about torture. Coll argues that the film fails to portray the CIA and FBI officials who questioned the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques.”

This view of the notorious manhunt for Osama bin Laden may be partially due to the film’s limited approach in following one central character known as “Maya,” played by Jessica Chastain.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science Robert Duncan points out that this hunt was really a “very complex effort involving hundreds of analysts, not one woman.”

Regarding the concept of torture in the film, Duncan said, “torture exists, people do it,” but continued, “information from torture is useless … someone would admit to being Elvis’s love child.”

In her article for Los Angeles Times Bigelow concludes, “I think Osama bin Laden was found due to ingenious detective work. Torture was, however — as we all know — employed in the early years of the hunt.”

“That doesn’t mean it was the key to finding Bin Laden,” Bigelow continued. “It means it is a part of the story we couldn’t ignore. War obviously isn’t pretty, and we were not interested in portraying this military action as free of moral consequences.”

“Zero Dark Thirty” is now playing in movie theaters across the U.S.

Controversy in ‘Zero Dark Thirty’BY JOSH BARKERStaff Writer

J-Term: what you might have missedBY ANTHONY HARRISONStaff Writer

December 14, 2012

France Invades Mali

January 16, 2013January 22, 2013

January 23-27, 2013

February 1, 2013

Israeli Elections

Algerian Hostage Crisis

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

January 11, 2013

World Economic Forum

Benghazi Hearings


Online poll: Did “Zero Dark Thirty”

cross the line?


Terrorists linked with al-Qaeda attacked a gas plant in eastern Algeria on Jan. 16, taking more than 800 workers hostage.The primary target of the attack was the plant’s staff, namely workers of British, American and French origin. Many of the workers hid in their rooms and escaped the next day, but others were subject to random execution.The four-day siege ended on Jan. 19 after an assault by the Algerian military. All 32 of the militants were killed in the siege and nearly 40 of the hostages are confirmed dead, many as a result of terrorists using them as human shields to evade air strikes.

Since Jan. 11, France has assisted the military of Mali in driving Islamic militants out of the country.

Following a military coup last year, militants believed to be linked to al-Qaeda attacked major cities in Mali, including Timbuktu, Gao and Bamako, the nation’s

capital. The extremists enforced Sharia law in occupied areas and destroyed libraries, tombs, mosques and other valued cultural sites.Though formerly colonized by France, the Malian people responded positively to French relief. The citizens of Gao celebrated their liberation by playing banned music, smoking cigarettes and chanting, “France, France, Mali, Mali.”

On Dec. 14, 2012, Adam Lanza entered Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. and gunned down 20 children and six adults with a semi-automatic assault rifle before shooting and killing himself.Lanza, who was diagnosed with a developmental disorder, had also killed his mother earlier in the day.According to the state medical examiner, each victim was shot at least once, and one victim suffered 11 bullet wounds.The shooting has sparked intense discussion, debate and division over the issues of gun control, assault weapons and mental health services. On Jan. 26, Newtown residents were joined by thousands in a march on Washington, D.C., demanding stricter gun control.

Graphic by Michaela beGGinS

Page 7: Volume 99 Issue 13

FEATURES7February 8, 2013

As I wait in line at the Grill to place my order, I am bombarded with familiar faces and quickly find myself invested in several conversations all starting off with the same question, “How was your break?”

Whether you spent J-Term studying abroad, relaxing on the couch at home, playing a sport, or taking a course here on campus, memories were made and shared.

Director of the Friends Center Max Carter spent his J-Term in Palestine and Israel. The trip consisted of visiting holy sites, volunteering and facing a five-day snowstorm in Jerusalem.

“The trip was incredible,” said Carter. “I had high hopes for it, and it exceeded my expectations.

“When plans didn’t go the way we had anticipated, the backup plans were just as good.”

Guilford’s pilot J-Term was a success in terms of enrollment (176 students), content (62 different experiences) and faculty/staff involvement (39). The many different experiences offered for J-Term included independent studies, internships and study abroad programs.

“I did J-Term because it gave me an opportunity to travel.

I went to Cuba where I took classes on peace and conflict and did charity work in various homes and churches,” said sophomore James O’Neil. “I will definitely attend next year.”

“Woodworking with Jim Hood was awesome, and I would definitely do it again,” said senior Taylor Teodosio. “It’s a great way to get an extra four credits without it being too long.”

As successful as many people thought J-Term was, there were several people that weren’t big fans. Several complaints consisted of bad weather, limited food and the feeling of loneliness on campus.

“I was pissed at the fact that this year there weren’t any classes that went towards a general education requirement,” said sophomore Skylor Bee-Latty. “I understand that this was their first year testing things out for J-Term, but I didn’t like how limited we were to grill food.”

Sophomore Richard Adamson spent J-Term volunteering through Guilford at the Interactive Resource Center, a day center for homeless individuals.

Even though he had a great time sharing stories and eating dinner with his group and people from the day center, there were several things Adamson didn’t like about the program.

“The Guilford program was disorganized,” said Adamson. “If it wasn’t for the students in the group taking initiative, I

don’t think half the things we did would have happened. I would like to do it next year, but I think I would do it on my own and not through the Guilford program.”

To offer the many different J-Term experiences, a lot of preparation and hard work went into making this pilot term a success. It forced several changes to course schedules, graduation dates and the academic calendar. An important thing that faculty and staff kept in mind was the safety of students.

“There was a safety issue that we were cautious about because it is scary to be in your dorm alone,” said Dean of Students Aaron Fetrow. “We did keep in mind students feeling isolated or lonely.”

Planning has already started for next January and the goals have been set high.

“Our priorities include reducing the cost for students, improving and further supporting faculty during the proposal process, offering additional on-campus seminars and courses, and streamlining the registration process,” said Assistant to the President for Planning and Management Jeff Favolise in an email interview.

Students are optimistic that the administration and faculty will indeed work to make J-Term an even more rewarding experience in the future.

The good, the bad and the ugly: what happened over J-Term?BY BRITTANY MURDOCKStaff Writer

three weeks; however, students involved in the production of “The Trial” had an extra week of work before premiering their show.

The students who took this 1-credit practicum worked backstage and acted or stage-managed.

“It’s my job to record all the blocking for the shows,” said senior Renee Spence, the production’s stage manager. “Where everybody goes, what everybody’s doing, where all the props are.”

Meanwhile, the cast worked on both acting and completing the technical work that went on backstage.

“For this production, the actors served as major contributors to the play’s technical work,” said Williams. “They worked extremely hard and were probably feeling

a bit tired, but they were clearly having a lot of fun together.”

Senior Steven Masschelin, who headed up lights, paint, audio and props, was in charge of assigning the students to needed work.

“The difficult part was that I did not have a very consistent workforce,” said Masschelin. “People would be coming and going to and from rehearsal, sometimes staying as little as 45 minutes.”

Masschelin also faced challenges with the inexperience of the workers, many of who were new to the theatre and backstage work.

“While anybody can paint a floorboard, it takes a certain kind of person to stand on a rickety ladder and hang a 25-plus-pound instrument,” said Masschelin.

Each member of the show was required to spend allotted time either in rehearsals

or doing other work necessary for the production, like box office, costumes or putting together the set.

“The actors were also doing tech work when they weren’t called for rehearsal time,” said Spence. “I think everyone (in the production) put in an equal amount of work.”

Most of the students were in rehearsal from 10 a.m. to 5, 6 or 6:30 p.m. Including a lunch break, that was at least seven hours a day — not counting time spent working individually.

“The production schedule is more like what you’d find in a professional theatre,” said Williams. “Normally, our students have to find a way to attend rehearsal and meet production deadlines while juggling their normal academic coursework. … It’s been great to see how many students really thrived in this intensely concentrated environment.”

“I didn’t know what to expect from this project, but the end result was everything we could have hoped for,” said junior Connor Bayne. “One problem with the schedule, though, was that there was little time available for publicity, so we didn’t sell as well as we hoped.”

Though opening a show in the beginning of the semester presented unique challenges, those who saw the show found it intriguing.

“I’m still confused, but it’s an intriguing story,” said Spence. “I enjoyed going to see it every night.”

“Kafka creates a bizarre, fantastical world in which examining these issues and creating that world has been my focus for this production,” said Williams. “‘The Trial’ is probably the reason why Kafka earned his own adjective, ’ I wanted to find out what a theatrical version (of) ‘Kafkaesque’ might feel like.”

Williams explored that theme with a minimalist set where the actors often doubled as props. Throughout the show, the actors seemed to be caught in — or

even become — machines. Even though J-Term and “The Trial”

are completed, we can still look forward to the Theatre Studies department’s next production, “Spring Awakening.”


Continued from Page 1

January hard work pays off with production of ‘The Trial’

(Above) Joseph K., portrayed by first-year Henry Coates, struggles during his quest for acquittal. (Left) The cast rides a train which represents Joseph’s journey. The play ran for one weekend, Jan. 31–Feb. 2.



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Page 8: Volume 99 Issue 13

Music could not occupy a more important role for Guilford.

Shows at the Greenleaf and in downtown Greensboro, Guilford’s radio station WQFS, music department performances and even impromptu jam sessions not only entertain students but also bring them closer together.

“Sharing music can be a method of transferring ideas that are not easily conveyed through speech,” said senior Bonnie Hardie, a piano major, in an email interview.

Joshua Rodriguez, a junior music major who listens to everything from rap to bluegrass, tunes in to local artists at Guilford and jams on the viola.

“There are tons of people I have connections with musically,” said Rodriguez.

When a new student at Guilford was playing her fiddle outside, Rodriguez stopped and exchanged some tunes, getting to know her because of a shared interest in fiddle music.

Known for its eclectic interests, Guilford does not fall short when it comes to music. Indie rock, metal, electronic, opera, lo-fi, alternative hip-hop, bluegrass and rap all come up in conversations about music on

campus, and many stress that they listen to multiple genres.

“I kind of listen to everything, actually,” commented senior Caroline Loftus.

By tuning into WQFS at 90.9 FM, listeners can enjoy the many kinds of popular music at Guilford, including both commercial music and more independent and local music.

“As unique as Guilford is, there is such a range of interests musically,” said junior Kate Schwab, WQFS general manager.

A lot of people enjoy “really high-energy music like dubstep,” Schwab added. “(People like) what’s going to be the most fun to listen to. (At the same time,) we try to get as many local artists played as possible.” This way, listeners have access to the best of both worlds.

“What blew me away most about starting to listen to WQFS is how diverse it is,” said Kami Rowan, assistant professor of music and WQFS station manager. “I can’t think of a genre that’s not really covered.”

“If you hear music, go and check it out, and be adventurous,” said sophomore Camille Lindsley, a manager at WQFS and a member of the Greenleaf’s events committee.

As for the future of music on campus, Kami has noticed this trend: “I see all the

boundaries of genres fading … I think we’re going to have less of those boundaries (in the future).”

In the past, people listened to music more within specific categories, according to Kami. Now, “you’ll hear a much broader mix of genres than you used to hear, so that’s exciting!”

Interested in how to become more active

in Guilford’s musical scene? There’s a WQFS DJ interest meeting at 7:30 pm on Sunday, Feb. 10th in the Founders Upstairs Gallery.

If DJing doesn’t interest you, check out the events booked around Guilford, like Mykki Blanco’s March 26 concert at Glenwood Coffee & Books or the show featuring Cop Problem, Votnut, Demands and Retina at the Greenleaf on Feb. 15.


Guilford’s taste in music is just downright eclectic

Munich reunion: an extended German host family

Imagine a family reunion where all of your favorite aunts and uncles show up and are as happy to see you as you are to see them. Family drama is checked at the door. You get a chance to sit down and chat with those cousins whose names you always forget and find out that you have a surprising amount of things in common. The food, drink and laughs seem boundless.

You have such a great time that even before the reunion ends, you find yourself looking forward to the next time you and your family get together. As unlikely as the scenario may seem, that is exactly how it felt to spend two weeks with my extended Guilford family this past summer at the Munich study abroad reunion.

Our group of exactly 100 hailed from both sides of the Atlantic — 50 from Germany and 50 from America — and was organized and led by Professor of Foreign Languages Dave Limburg. We were professors, host families and alumni ranging from the class of 1983 to the class of 2011. Each day, we went on an excursion with a professor or host family, and each evening we descended en masse on a Biergarten to relax, reminisce and trade stories.

As we got to know each other, it became apparent that the alumni who participated in the reunion are caring, thoughtful people who not only keep up with current global issues but also look ahead and take action to shape a better tomorrow. Everyone in our group went on to become world travelers, as if our time in Munich was the catalyst for a lifelong journey to explore the unknown.

Most importantly, we all got to spend time with the professors and families who had guided and taught us while we lived abroad, and who became like favorite aunts and uncles to us.

Our German mentors were surprised and touched by the number of alumni who made the trip to see them. They had expected only a few of their former students to show up for the daily excursions and were shocked to find themselves at the center of attention in a group of 30 or more alumni on any given day.

The Yngborn family took us on a typical kind of German outing — a hike through picturesque countryside with stops at

a small chapel and palace grounds. Our feet were glad to reach the benches of the Biergarten that night!

On our excursion to Freising, our art history professor Dieter Kühnel simultaneously educated and entertained us with his vast knowledge and his ability to deliver jokes with a completely straight face. For example: “This is near the place where I met my wife Gabi, and every year we come back here to commemorate that tragic day.” Wait, what?

Our German history professor, Bernhard Lehmann, has a wide smile and an easy manner that quickly made you forget that history is supposed to be boring. Leo Brux, whom I remember from intermediate German, took us to the Franz Marc museum in Kochel, where he reacquainted us with his love of art and philosophy. If you think of the German psyche as being overly mechanistic and industrialist, you should hear Leo speak about the importance of untamed nature and imagination.

Barbara Hundshammer is the teacher whose beginning German class dispelled for good my fear of learning a new language. At the reunion nearly 20 years after that semester of German 101, I had the chance to sit with Barbara in the Biergarten at Andechs and proudly converse with her auf Deutsch.

Finally, there was the memorable afternoon we spent with Karl Fischer, a long-time friend of the program and one of its first organizers. He passed around his collection of postcards, papers, photos, and other memorabilia from the Munich study abroad program. His keepsakes dated back to the very beginning of the program in the early 1970s. Although Karl’s age is advanced, he still delights in good conversation and in teaching students risqué German phrases.

Spending two weeks in Munich in the company of some very special people made this one of the best reunions I’ve ever experienced. It makes me wish that everyone could have an opportunity like the Munich study abroad program to challenge their stereotypes and add wonderful new people to their Guilford family.



Guilford’s radio station, WQFS 90.9 FM, offers a variety of music ranging from dubstep to opera.



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Check out the full article online at:


Page 9: Volume 99 Issue 13

OPINION9February 8, 2013

A sudden change of financial resources postponed the renovation construction of Mary Hobbs Hall. The postponement leaves unanswered

questions and added stress for Hobbs residents and faculty.

The construction was set to take place in March 2013. Although Hobbs was in need of some fixes, such as installing a fire sprinkler system, it still had some residents upset about the timing and

miscommunication of the project.Residents of Hobbs were not

warned of the renovations before they signed up to live there. However, when I spoke with Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Aaron Fetrow, I did learn that the

student housing contract states the school can ask you to move from your dorm at any time.

I think the school made a mistake by believing they had a financial source for the project when it was not confirmed, and they could have done a better job of planning the construction so that the residents could have had more warning. Although the residents did not expect this, it is stated as a possibility in the student housing contract, so residents should always be prepared for the unexpected.

Even though this situation caused a lot of disappointment among residents and faculty members, I do believe there is a positive side. Residents and administrators should look at this as a learning experience instead of an array of miscues.

I believe the residents should take away that it is very important to completely understand your housing contract. That way, when something

like this does come up, it will not come as a complete shock.

As far as the administration goes, I think they should realize it is advisable not to announce a project until the financial portion is completely figured out.

“(The renovation announcement)was handled poorly,” said sophomore A.C. Canup. “Everybody in Hobbs was blind-sided. They could have given everyone some warning before we signed up for housing.”

Fetrow said, “The one silver lining in this whole thing is that by the time people start to sign up for housing again, there will be a warning next to Hobbs stating that you could potentially be moving in the middle of the semester.”

Hopefully, this postponement will better prepare faculty and residents for future projects such as this one and help the whole campus understand the importance of housing contracts.

Statuses, profile pictures, memes and those pictures you took when you went to that place you’ve been talking about for weeks — shared.

Facebook has become an enormous part of our everyday social networking, defining how we interact with friends and family. Our generation was able to communicate without Facebook because it was created during our high school years.

However, younger generations have grown up with Facebook, developing a sense of detachment from interaction with the outside world.

In Germany, a study was recently released by Berlin’s Humboldt University and Darmstadt’s Technical University stating that Facebook has created a sense of “social envy” among users and can lead

to an increased feeling of isolation and lack of satisfaction with one’s life.

Dr. Hanna Krasnova of Humboldt University conducted two studies composed of 600 Facebook users. Her findings revealed that Facebook does stir up intense feelings of envy.

Furthermore, the study also revealed that users who communicate infrequently through Facebook but read the posts and click through the pictures of others tend to be less satisfied with their lives.

So the question is as follows: is this study actually worthwhile, or is it completely far-fetched?

In my opinion, this study could go both ways. I have felt a sense of envy while flipping through the photos of my friend’s vacations to tropical islands and posts about their exciting lives as I’m sitting on my couch eating Ben and

Jerry’s and watching re-runs of “How I Met Your Mother.”But does this create a sense of isolation for me? Not really.

It creates a fleeting thought of, “Wow, I wish I could go to Bermuda for my vacation and look that good in a bikini.” Then I go back to my ice cream.

However, I see how people may feel isolated. Seeing how many “likes” a person receives on a post compared to your own can make users feel like what they have posted is not worthy of that little red number.

“Facebook has made me sometimes feel like my social life is inadequate,” said senior Caroline Loftus. “I compare my social life to friends who go to larger schools and see these raging parties that they go to.

“Also, most days I feel that my day-to-day life isn’t interesting enough to put on Facebook.”

This virtual reality that we have created for ourselves — not just Facebook but the internet as a whole — can be damaging to the overall happiness of a person.

“People who project their information on Facebook seem to be seeking validation for relationships, political attitudes and other aspects of their lives,” said senior Tali Raphael.

“I do not compare myself to others on Facebook or in real life because I have never felt comparable in that way. However, I can understand how this isolation could occur if you are envious, and that envy turns into self-loathing.”

Facebook has created this virtual reality that most of us have become accustomed to. It is how we communicate with one another, express ourselves and brag about or validate what we do on a daily basis. Facebook envy is both a real and misunderstood concept, and because of this, more people are feeling isolated from the world we live in today.

If this feeling of isolation continues because of social networking, where will we be in five years?

Mary Hobbs postponement could be learning experience

Facebook envy: isolation in a crowd



While North Carolina’s weather may not realize it, February has just begun and the semester is barely underway. While most Guilford students spent their J-Term traveling, taking classes or drinking hot chocolate under blankets, The Guilfordian staff spent our time stalking other newspaper websites, making notes about layout styles, reading motivational works and practicing writing headlines.

We know you’ve heard this all before, but we are extremely excited for this upcoming semester. We have formatting changes to make; we are slowly but surely making the change from a newspaper design to a news-magazine design. This means that we are putting bigger pictures on the front page, changing up colors and fonts, and generally making the issue more graphic and image-heavy.

As a staff, we are also working on expanding our Web operation. We are looking to implement apps that allow for community participation. We want our social media to help speak for us with more status updates, pictures and weekly teasers. We also have a bragging right: The Guilfordian is the only college newspaper in the nation with a Social Justice section (fondly called GuilCo SoJo). Our online SoJo blog discusses social justice issues close to home and around the world.

Meanwhile, our video team is stocked full of talented videographers who want to document such slices of everyday life at Guilford as favorite napping spots, Kent Chabotar’s daily schedule and even where our food waste goes.

In a week, we are going to be attending the North Carolina College Media Convention, where we hope to get a critique, learn a thing or two and bring home some awards. We have been working hard to produce a quality paper for you and we hope that our efforts and love for Guilford shine above the competition. But if not, whatever. We are not doing this for the plaques on the wall or the recognition. We want to represent you, your voice, your ideas, your passions and your stress.

Are we representing you? No? Tell us. Yes? Tell us. We could do better? Please tell us. For the next few Fridays, Guilfordian staff members will be sitting at a table in Founders, armed with newspapers and a blank sheet of paper. Please jot down any story or video ideas, critiques, compliments, or funny GIFs. If you think about something halfway through the week, visit us Tuesday or Wednesday nights in the Publications Suite, first floor of Founders in the Student Commons. We usually have cookies.

We are students. We get busy, we get overwhelmed and we may make mistakes. Help us out. Send an email at [email protected]. Did we do something you want to see again? Send us an email about that too. We’d love to hear from you.

We have 11 issues left. Help us document your

Reflecting guilfoRd college's coRe QuakeR values, the topics and content of staff editoRials aRe chosen thRough consensus of all 15 editoRs.

An update from your friendly newspaper


Bruce B. Stewart Awards• Candidatesnominated


• Anyfull-timefacultyorstaffmemberiseligible

• Threeawardswillbegivenat$5,000each

-Twoteachingawards forjr.andsr.faculty-Onecommunity serviceawardforstaff

Deadline: March 15at 5:00 p.m.

Nominations being accepted in the President’s Office

Page 10: Volume 99 Issue 13

Imagine attending college with no roof over your head. According to the Free Application for Federal Student

Aid, more than 33,000 college students nationwide face this situation. Guilford is no exception to this statistic.

While some of us don’t acknowledge homelessness on campus, the problem is a complex issue.

Because most homeless students choose not to reveal their situation, I believe the statistic mentioned above is higher. And Guilford has its own numbers to contribute, despite not knowing exactly what they are.

“Homelessness isn’t just the stereotypical bum image,” says James Shields, director of the Bonner Center. “It’s also crashing on a friend’s couch when you have no place to go, not being allowed to go home because you flunked

out. It’s a variety issue.” This variety means no one can really tell who is homeless.

Homelessness creates such a massive stigma that most of the homeless population keeps their situation hidden and their identities anonymous by revealing themselves only to confidential sources.

According to Dean of Students Aaron Fetrow, students facing the highest risk for homelessness are CCE students.

“This is because it is easier for administration to keep up with and reach out to traditional students,” says Fetrow.

However, traditional students do not always spend all four years on campus. For those students, homelessness becomes a greater possibility.

“Most traditional students who become homeless do so in their junior or senior year,” Fetrow estimates.

Almost all of us have a hefty amount of loans to pay after graduation. We all know it’s true when we call ourselves “poor college students.”

I faced the following fact long ago amidst my own work with the homeless and hungry: anyone is one missed

paycheck away from homelessness.As a student body, we choose not to acknowledge this.

The idea of a personal economic decline that leads to a life on the streets is not something we consider on a daily basis.

Why don’t we? We’re supposed to be a socially conscious campus.

The reason is simple: privilege. Not white privilege. Not straight privilege. Just privilege.

The only way to break this trend of apathy at Guilford is to step beyond the “bubble.” According to Associate Dean of Students Jen Agor, there is only so much the Guilford administration can do, due to liability and safety issues.

This is where the work of Junior Hunger Fellow Helen

Mandalinic is crucial. She has been on the front line against homelessness for many years. Her work with the campus food pantry and Community Kitchens Project aids the homeless both within and outside Guilford.

“It’s not what Guilford can do, but what students can do,” Mandalinic says. “It’s about joining organizations that are already making a big impact. That way, we create a stronger force to help the issue.”

Her advice is the only way we can continue in preventing and stopping homelessness.

We can’t rely on others to solve this issue, especially when it is so close to our doorsteps. It’s our own ideas and work that will end homelessness.

Since its birth, the United States military has denied women the option of performing combat-oriented jobs. On Jan. 24, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced to the press that this ban had been removed.

“If they can meet the qualifications for the job then they should have the right to serve,” stated Panetta.

While this decision seems like a slam-dunk for feminists and equal-rights activists alike, this policy change is largely cosmetic.

Women have historically served as full-fledged members of the military in America since 1948, though they have been blocked from enlisting in jobs that were considered “front-line” positions. Theoretically, this has been to protect women, but this practice limited the professional aspirations of military females. Despite this, many female service members perform jobs that place them in clear danger, regardless of what their job may be.

In an email interview, I spoke with Specialist Tonya Landis, who has served in the Army for the past six years. Landis is a mechanic and is regularly outnumbered by her male counterparts. Despite this, she routinely accomplishes difficult tasks in dangerous situations.

Landis reflects the more common opinion within the military. “I think it is a bad idea to have women in combat (positions),” said Landis. “There are some things that women physically shouldn’t be doing.

“I think there are many hurdles left for females, civilian and military alike. The biggest for military is being taken seriously and not be labeled as a slut or whore.”

Opponents of this change in policy such as Landis argue that women on the front lines will be too distracting, and that male soldiers will have difficulty focusing on the task at hand. Others argue that women are not physically capable of performing these laborious jobs.

Regardless of how physically demanding these positions are or whether or not a woman on the battlefield may distract her male colleagues, neither of these arguments really hold water. Women are already in these combat zones. The only thing they lack is the same training as their male counterparts.

Associate Professor of Philosophy Lisa McLeod works with students pursuing the women, gender and sexuality studies major. When asked about this policy change, she did not seem impressed.

“What is probably the biggest hurdle left is changing the public perceptions of women,” said McLeod.

So, yes, this recent policy change is a good thing, and it will go a long way in supporting the professional advancement of female service members, though inequality is still rampant in both the military and civilian worlds.


Are women qualified to serve beside men in combat?

‘Home Sweet Dorm’ only goes so far: student homelessness

According to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, more than 33,000 college students nationwide face (homelessness). Guilford is no exception to this statistic.





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Page 11: Volume 99 Issue 13

Blood was shed in the name of politics at the Egyptian city of Port Said after 21 were sentenced to death over a soccer riot in Egypt last year. Outraged protesters stormed the streets Saturday, killing 37 and injuring at least 300, according to The Namibian.

Gunshots and fire swept the northern city as devotees of the Masry soccer team protested the sentencing of the Masry fans and former police officers convicted of killing 74 Ahly fans during a Feb. 2012 soccer game.

“Egyptians are very worried about what is happening because they feel the country is getting into a very difficult situation,” said Sadek, professor of political sociology

at the American University in Cairo to USA Today.

What began as a sports-related riot last year now has the whole nation in a panic.

Masry fans claim the soccer riot was encouraged by former members of the Mubarak regime in order to destabilize the nation.

Alternatively, the Ultras, as extreme Ahly fans call themselves, claim the melee that took 74 lives and injured another 1,000 was a subplot orchestrated by police attempting to end the Ultras’ activity. The Ultras therefore demanded that those responsible for the killings be sentenced to death to

prevent further chaos across the nation.

“I don’t think you can completely blame the police,” said the captain of Guilford men’s soccer team, junior Michael MacVane. “I think it was a riot

because the teams don’t like each other, and I think it was a little of soccer bad blood.”

But riots soon became conflict rooted in something deeper than the game. Now identified as another of many riots and protests in Egypt, such violence is reminiscent of the instability found in the nation’s Arab Spring movement.

“We need to look more deeply at the issues underlying the conflict and the

instability in Egypt now and reflect back on the revolution that ousted Mubarak a couple of years ago,” said Assistant Professor of Peace and Conflict Amal Khoury. “The protests and riots fell on the second year anniversary of the uprising as well, and the protestors have political and other concerns that they are rioting against.”

The conflict is no longer an issue of athletic competition.

The Egyptian army has since deployed to Port Said to provide protection for the prison and other government buildings, according to the Los Angeles Times.

“Egyptians now have minimum respect for rule of law,” political analyst Mazen Hassan told USA Today. “It will be very difficult for them to accept verdicts that they see as unjust, especially when it comes to Port Said.”

In a country where soccer is so loved, the season kicked off Saturday with military-guarded stands instead of the usual roaring fans, according to CNN.

“Violence at soccer games hurts the image of the game that I love so much,” said Head Guilford Men’s soccer Coach Jeff Bateson. “It is a fantastic game, and crosses so many more lines in culture than we in America can truly comprehend.”

SPORTS11February 8, 2013

“Lady Magic” enchants Guilford athletes

S t u d e n t - a t h l e t e s , c o a c h e s and administrators gathered in the Alumni Gym on Jan. 27 to welcome Hall of Famer, former WNBA player, Olympian and current studio analyst for the Oklahoma City Thunder, Nancy Lieberman, aka “Lady Magic.”

“I wanted speakers that really care about young people,” said Dave Odom ‘61, former Wake Forest and University of South Carolina head basketball coach and creator of the Guilford Athletic Leadership Forum.

Odom, inspired by the Bryan Series, wanted to provide Guilford student-athletes with opportunities for leadership development.

After placing four phone calls to different speakers, all four expressed immediate interest in participating in this unique program.

Odom’s ultimate hope is that the events will inspire leadership both in the classroom and on the playing field.

Nancy Lieberman was the third speaker in a series of four.

“All of these speakers have been successful in their own

professions,” said Odom.Lieberman spoke of an

interview with Muhammad Ali that she watched as an eight-year-old, naming it as her inspiration to become the greatest of all time.

“Improving the ‘me’ in order to improve the ‘we,’ is the key to success,”said Lieberman. She encouraged players to train their hardest to be the best possible, which in turn improves the team as a whole.

Lieberman described riding the Subway to Rucker’s Park as a youth to play with the top basketball players in Harlem, New York.

To establish herself as welcome, Lieberman asked one of the court’s veterans, “Is your name Rucker? No? Good. Then it’s not your park, and I want to play.”

Lieberman used this as an example to show how important it is to believe in yourself and to not let anyone ever tell you that you cannot do something.

Head Women’s Basketball Coach Stephanie Flamini said that this was one of the most important parts of the speech for her.

“Believing in oneself is a biggie for me,” Flamini said. “Players

have to believe in themselves first and foremost.”

“We are very fortunate,” Flamini continued. “Having these high quality speakers come and talk is something our student-athletes will never forget and (is) an opportunity no other school in the ODAC has.”

Senior Ben Nelson, captain of the Guilford men’s tennis team, found Nancy Lieberman’s advice helpful.

He referenced Lieberman’s point about self-improvement to better the team. “She talked about her college basketball career, making it her mission to beat out the starters,” Nelson said. “You can always be the better player.”

Lieberman said, “I saw the future. It was very moving to me,” and advised college students not to complicate relationships or life and to enjoy their time at school.

She described college as the best time of one’s life and advised enjoying the time spent on campus.

“Looking back on this experience, we should all smile,” Lieberman said. “You have to show up for people, but also in life.”


Egyptian soccer riots kill dozens, injure hundredsBY JAMIE LUCKHAUSStaff Writer



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Pearson named all-star, plays in Dream Bowl

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, senior Joe Pearson played in The Dream Bowl All-Star Game in Roanoke, Va. After being selected as a captain for his natural leadership abilities, his team went on to shut out their opponents 37–0. This college bowl showcased 76 NCAA Division III and NAIA athletes from across the country.

The offensive lineman was nominated after the Guilford football team finished top-three in the Old Dominion’s Athletic Conference for passing and averaged 376.1 yards in total offense.

After an outstanding performance in The Dream Bowl, Pearson was invited to play in the Hansen Bowl in Virginia Beach, Va. on Feb. 18.

His employer was so impressed by his work ethic and athletic prowess that he helped pay for Pearson to attend his second all-star event. When not on the field or in the classroom Pearson works on a farm performing grounds maintenance duties including

bailing hay. As Canadian Football League

scouting camps approach, Pearson trains at Proehlific Park to increase his potential for playing football at the professional level.

As he continues to impress coaches at all-star events, Pearson remains humble in his pursuit of his childhood ambition.

L.A. LOGANSportS editor



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Thirty-seven people were killed and 300 injured in a riot in Egypt after a soccer game. Masry fans and former polices officers were recently convicted of killing 74 Ahly fans. There are many different claims about the riots, mainly political and police related.

Page 12: Volume 99 Issue 13


In their previous Super Bowl, the Baltimore Ravens ousted the Giants 34–7. A similar story loomed over Super Bowl XLVII as the record-setting Joe Flacco and the Ravens topped the San Francisco 49ers.

The Superdome lights blacked out with no warning during the third quarter. After an agonizing 34-minute delay, the 49ers fought back to cut into their deficit.

Without a doubt, the game went from blowout to blackout and finally to shootout.

In a sensational 34–31 thriller, the Baltimore Ravens fended off the 49ers’ comeback and lifted the

Lombardi trophy for the second time in team history.

The victory didn’t come in style and it wasn’t elegant or easy.

“How could it be any other way,” said Head Coach John Harbaugh on ESPN. “It’s never pretty. It’s never perfect. ... It speaks to our resolve, speaks to our determination.”

Behind red-hot Joe Flacco, the Ravens never trailed in this game. Flacco’s 287 yards and three touchdowns lifted him to the Super Bowl Most Valuable Player.

Jacoby Jones stunned the 49ers’ defense with arguably two of the greatest Super Bowl plays: a 52-yard touchdown catch and a record-tying 108-yard kickoff return.

“When he caught the ball,

you could see it in his eyes,” said Raven’s sports medic Pratik Patel during a phone interview with the Guilfordian. “There was only one place he was headed.”

After the sudden power outage, 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick counterattacked with a 15-yard touchdown dash.

“(Kaepernick is) like a Michael Vick: a young, explosive talent. Only less prone to injury,” said Phillip Collier, sophomore offensive lineman.

Kaepernick looked on par to cap off an unbelievable season with a Super Bowl ring. In the final two minutes, the 49ers needed just 7 yards to seize the lead.

The Ravens once again proved

capable of finding the winning formula just when people started to count them out.

“It’s almost like they can find a hero, a game-changer, to deliver them,” said Marvin Wells, a Ravens fan.

In a do-or-die defensive stand, the Ravens came up clutch. Led by veterans Ray Lewis and Ed Reed, the defense denied the 49ers a score on four consecutive attempts.

Many believe that it was Baltimore’s destiny to win. A Super Bowl ring is due credit to Flacco’s coming of age, a welcome homecoming for Ed Reed and a fitting end to a 17-year career for Ray Lewis.

Described as the epitome of

physical dominance and leadership, Lewis has battled countless injuries and performance-enhancing drug charges.

“The adversity that that man has faced — everything from murder charges to injuries … there’s leadership there,” said Guilford’s Head Football Coach Chris Rusiewicz.

It was not long ago that Baltimore appeared to be faltering out of playoff contention. Sunday, the same locker room soared atop the football world.

When Ray Lewis hangs up his boots and sits down with his children, he will have quite a story to tell. And at the end of it all, he can top it off with a cherry: his storybook finish.

As the dog days of college basketball approach, the Guilford Men’s basketball team has one important matchup coming up on Feb. 9 against a very tough opponent.

The Virginia Wesleyan Marlins (16–6, 11–2 ODAC) will be coming into this game, second in the Old Dominion Athletic Conference. Guilford (16–6, 8–5 ODAC) is fighting for the fourth place spot in the ODAC.

The Quakers are looking to finish off the regular season well. Hopefully, this will include a victory against Athletic Director and Head Coach Tom Palombo’s alma mater. This win could be a revenge of sorts for the team’s 63–49 loss on Dec. 8 at Virginia Beach. One of the Quakers’ most devastating losses came against the Marlins.

Quaker fans are optimistic about the 2012–13 Quakers, as underlined by senior Vanessa Johnson.

“(This year’s team) has so much potential,” Johnson said. “I expect them to be as good as they were last year.”

She and most other avid fans of the Quakers

hope for something good to cheer for as the season comes to a close and the conference tournament gets set in motion.

“After two years of ‘down’ seasons following consecutive final four appearances (in 2009 and 2010), this year’s team shows promise of going into post-season play,” said Campus Ministry Coordinator Max Carter, via email. Carter closely follows Quaker athletics in the years he has been at Guilford and he enjoys watching the various student-athletes that have taken his courses.

“It is also Josh Pittman’s senior year, a player I have followed since he was in 8th grade and who is one of (Guilford’s) all-time greatest players,” said Carter.

Pittman is third in the ODAC with 17.2 per game and second in assists with five per outing. Pittman and three other seniors give the Quakers veteran experience, as they progress through an up-and-down season with thrilling wins and shattering losses.

Virginia Wesleyan is led by senior forward Chris Astorga, an offensive threat who averages 15.9 per game. At a recent game against Emory & Henry, he dropped in 24 in a 86–63 blowout. Three players currently average in the double

figures. Some fans believe that this upcoming game

will be among the most important the team will play, with Carter, a Hoosier native, quipping the matchup as a ‘barn-burner.”

However, the team emphasizes the importance of playing their best, one game at a time.

“As a player and senior, we treat each game the same,” said senior guard Travis Tracy via email. “There isn’t a real significant difference in this game compared to the rest. We are just going to go out and play hard and play Guilford College basketball.

“At this point in the season we believe we have a good chance of winning the ODAC tournament. We are taking one game at a time (and) working (on) trying to get better as a team, so we can fulfill our goal of winning the ODAC “championship.”

At this point of the season, the Quakers are looking to place in the top half of the conference, go deep in the ODAC tournament, and hopefully make an appearance in the national tournament.

The game against Virginia Wesleyan will take place on Feb. 9 at Ragan-Brown Field House at 3 p.m.

Basketball prepares for match-up against Virginia Wesleyan




Visit from Nancy LiebermanBY KIM KLEIMEIERStaff Writer

Egypt explodes over soccer tragedyBY JAMIE LUCKHAUSStaff Writer


See Page 11

Ravens quarterback and Super Bowl MVP Joe Flacco cheers while surrounded by teammates and media during victory celebrations for Super Bowl XLVII on Feb. 3, 2013, in New Orleans.



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The Baltimore Ravens prevail in Super Bowl XLVII