Volume 42, Issue 6 Hutchinson Elks Lodge No. 2427 ... September 2011 Color.pdf · Tales of Elks...

Tales of Elks Hutchinson Elks Lodge No. 2427 Greetings All The Orange Spec -tacular Ice Cream Shake Booth was a big success again this year. The Booth had total receipts of $4,862.58 and ex- penses of $2,166.47, for a profit to the Lodge of $2,696.11. I want to thank Jeff Hartwig and his crew for doing the setup on Thursday. This was a three-day event this year; and I want to thank Rick Wilke, Jackie Smith, Darla Hartwig, Arlys Gehlen, Lane Schlecht, Steve Queenan, Chuck Schmidt, George Lehn, Dale Peters, Mike Piehl, Jody Beier and our newest member Sarah Benson, and her two daughters Libby and Emma for helping to serve the shakes. I would also like to again thank the Past Exalted Rulers Association for helping the Lodge buy this machine 3 years ago. It has been a good investment. With September arriving, the Lodge begins one of the busiest months of the year. On Sep- tember 12 we have the Central District Fall Conference and District Deputy Clinic at Brainerd. Then on September 16 and 17 we have the Taste of Hutch. Kevin Burich is in charge of this event. This is a big fund raiser for our Lodge and takes a lot of people to work our booth at the Taste of Hutch. Kevin has a sign-up sheet at the Lodge, so please help him out by signing up to work. On the 22 nd , 23 rd and 24 th of September we have the Cash Wise Food Stand. Rick Wilke is in charge of this event; and again Rick needs a number of volunteers to help out at the Stand. So please signup at the Lodge. Also on the same weekend, September 24 and 25, we have the Gun & Coin Show. Volunteers will be needed to cook food outside and selling the food inside at our food stand. We will be doing a Ditch Clean Up in Octo- ber. If you remember, it was so wet last spring that the Lodge didn't get it done. So, we will be attempting the clean up on October 8. Like usual we will meet in Biscay at 8:30 a. m. on Saturday morning. If we can get a dozen peo- Volume 42, Issue 6 September, 2011 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Exalted Ruler’s Message 1 Does Talk / GER Carr’s Message 2 By-Law Revision / MN Elk Youth Camp Raffle 3 Honor & Remember Flag / Duffers Outing / Essay Contest Winner / Organ/Tissue Donner 4 Club Activities 5 September Calendar . 6 October Calendar / State President’s Message / Veterans Program Results Membership 7 8 ple there, it will take no time at all to walk and clean the ditch. Hope you can be there to help with this event. Last month I talked about people who keep our Lodge going. This month I want to talk about a group of people who are very impor- tant to our Lodge--the Board of Trustees. The Board is chaired by Larry Wagner, along with members, Larry Smith, John Jennings, Jack Fitzwater, and the four lead officers. The Board sets the budgets for the Lodge, Club, and Hutch Elks, Inc., and presents them to the Lodge for approval. The Board also oversees the operation of the Club. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the budget or the operation of the Club, direct them to the Board. The next Board of Trustees meeting is September 22 at 7:00 p. m. at the Lodge. Have a safe and fun-filled Labor Day week- end. Until next month…. Fraternally, Paul Ackland, Exalted Ruler EXALTED RULER’S MESSAGE 2011-2012 Officers Exalted Ruler........... Paul Ackland (Jeanie) Leading Knight ............. Rick Wilke (Mary) Loyal Knight ............. Jeremy Bakke Lecturing Knight ........ Tammy Prior (George Lehn) Secretary ............. Dennis Schroeder (Louise) Treasurer ..................... Michael Loe (Tonia Bymers) Esquire ................................. Vacant Inner Guard ............... Lane Schlecht (Donna) Tiler ........................... Stan Scieszka (Karen) Chaplain ............... Clifford DeBlock (Shirley) 2011-2012 Board of Trustees Larry Wagner, Chair (One Year) Larry Smith John Jennings (Two Year) (Three Year) Jack Fitzwater Vacant (Four Year) (Five Year) Elks Tales Editor & Coordinator Dennis Schroeder Distribution Manager Stan Scieszka The Tales of Elks is published monthly under the auspices of the Grand Lodge and Hutchinson Lodge #2427 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the U. S. A., 720 Highway 7 East, Box 272, Hutchinson, MN 55350, Permit No. 3. Ditch Clean-Up Tim Pulkrabek, Chair Meet at Biscay on Saturday, October 8, at 8:30 a.m.

Transcript of Volume 42, Issue 6 Hutchinson Elks Lodge No. 2427 ... September 2011 Color.pdf · Tales of Elks...

Tales of Elks

Hutchinson Elks Lodge No. 2427

Greetings All

The Orange Spec-tacular Ice Cream Shake Booth was a big success again this year. The Booth had total r e c e i p t s o f $4,862.58 and ex-p e n s e s o f $2,166.47, for a

profit to the Lodge of $2,696.11. I want to thank Jeff Hartwig and his crew for doing the setup on Thursday. This was a three-day event this year; and I want to thank Rick Wilke, Jackie Smith, Darla Hartwig, Arlys Gehlen, Lane Schlecht, Steve Queenan, Chuck Schmidt, George Lehn, Dale Peters, Mike Piehl, Jody Beier and our newest member Sarah Benson, and her two daughters Libby and Emma for helping to serve the shakes. I would also like to again thank the Past Exalted Rulers Association for helping the Lodge buy this machine 3 years ago. It has been a good investment. With September arriving, the Lodge begins one of the busiest months of the year. On Sep-tember 12 we have the Central District Fall Conference and District Deputy Clinic at Brainerd. Then on September 16 and 17 we have the Taste of Hutch. Kevin Burich is in charge of this event. This is a big fund raiser for our Lodge and takes a lot of people to work our booth at the Taste of Hutch. Kevin has a sign-up sheet at the Lodge, so please help him out by signing up to work. On the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September we have the Cash Wise Food Stand. Rick Wilke is in charge of this event; and again Rick needs a number of volunteers to help out at the Stand. So please signup at the Lodge. Also on the same weekend, September 24 and 25, we have the Gun & Coin Show. Volunteers will be needed to cook food outside and selling the food inside at our food stand. We will be doing a Ditch Clean Up in Octo-ber. If you remember, it was so wet last spring that the Lodge didn't get it done. So, we will be attempting the clean up on October 8. Like usual we will meet in Biscay at 8:30 a. m. on Saturday morning. If we can get a dozen peo-

Volume 42, Issue 6

September, 2011

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :

Exalted Ruler’s Message 1

Does Talk /

GER Carr’s Message


By-Law Revision /

MN Elk Youth Camp Raffle


Honor & Remember Flag /

Duffers Outing /

Essay Contest Winner /

Organ/Tissue Donner


Club Activities 5

September Calendar . 6

October Calendar /

State President’s Message /

Veterans Program Results




ple there, it will take no time at all to walk and clean the ditch. Hope you can be there to help with this event. Last month I talked about people who keep our Lodge going. This month I want to talk about a group of people who are very impor-tant to our Lodge--the Board of Trustees. The Board is chaired by Larry Wagner, along with members, Larry Smith, John Jennings, Jack Fitzwater, and the four lead officers. The Board sets the budgets for the Lodge, Club, and Hutch Elks, Inc., and presents them to the Lodge for approval. The Board also oversees the operation of the Club. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the budget or the operation of the Club, direct them to the Board. The next Board of Trustees meeting is September 22 at 7:00 p. m. at the Lodge. Have a safe and fun-filled Labor Day week-end. Until next month….


Paul Ackland, Exalted Ruler


2011-2012 Officers Exalted Ruler ........... Paul Ackland (Jeanie) Leading Knight ............. Rick Wilke (Mary) Loyal Knight ............. Jeremy Bakke Lecturing Knight ........ Tammy Prior (George Lehn) Secretary ............. Dennis Schroeder (Louise) Treasurer ..................... Michael Loe (Tonia Bymers) Esquire ................................. Vacant Inner Guard ............... Lane Schlecht (Donna) Tiler ........................... Stan Scieszka (Karen) Chaplain ............... Clifford DeBlock (Shirley)

2011-2012 Board of Trustees Larry Wagner, Chair (One Year)

Larry Smith John Jennings (Two Year) (Three Year)

Jack Fitzwater Vacant (Four Year) (Five Year)

Elks Tales Editor & Coordinator Dennis Schroeder

Distribution Manager Stan Scieszka

The Tales of Elks is published monthly under the auspices of the Grand Lodge and Hutchinson Lodge #2427 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the U. S. A., 720 Highway 7 East, Box 272, Hutchinson, MN 55350, Permit No. 3.

Ditch Clean-Up

Tim Pulkrabek, Chair Meet at Biscay on Saturday,

October 8, at 8:30 a.m.

Page 2 Volume 42, Issue 6

Does Talk - Louise Schroeder, Does Drove 233 President Does Members Summer is coming to a close. School will soon be in full swing. Drive slowly and watch for children. I hope every one had a nice summer. There still will be some nice days; so, enjoy the patio at the

Elks Lodge before the cold weather sets in. September 13 is the date of the Drove Busi-ness Meeting at Alexia Person’ home. We will meet to car pool. Plans will be made for the Gun and Coin Show Food Stand. If you can help out on Saturday, September 24 or 25, call me at 587-3660 to arrange a time slot. Our Social Meeting will be held on Septem-ber 20. We will meet at 5 p.m. to car pool for a dinner out. Husbands are invited along for the evening of socializing. October 11 is the Drove Business Meeting which will be at Karen Gehrke’s home. We

2011 Officers President .......... Louise Schroeder First Counselor… . Karen Gehrke Sr. Counselor .......... Doris Strand Secretary ............ Karen Scieszka Treasurer ................ Jackie Smith Conductor ............. Alexia Person Trustee ..................... Jan Draeger

will be discussing our State Meeting which will be held on October 28 and 29 in Roches-ter. Until next time…

Bavarian Cream Salad 1 envelope Knox unflavored gelatin ½ cup sugar divided ⅛ teaspoon salt 2 eggs separated 1 ¼ cup milk ½ teaspoon vanilla 1 cup cream whipped Mix gelatin, ¼ cup sugar and salt in double boiler. Beat egg yolks and milk together, add to gelatin mixture. Cook over boiling water, stirring constantly until gelatin is dissolved, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Chill mixture to unbeaten egg white consistency. Beat egg whites until stiff. Beat in remaining ¼ cup sugar. Fold gelatin mix-ture into egg whites. Fold whipping cream into gelatin mixture. Pour into mold.

Grand Exalted Ruler’s Message Honorable David R Carr

sons. They rely on the Lodge bulletin as their primary source of commu-nication, and it is important to in-clude something in each edition that will make them proud Elks. A photo of a child, veteran or disabled person being assisted by your Lodge can help to generate that pride. With our school-year now under way, I hope your Lodge has joined our national effort to “give the gift of words” to elementary stu-dents. The Dictionary Project has received praise from students, teachers and staff nation-wide. Our Members likewise support this pro-gram, which targets third-grade students who are just beginning to learn to use a dictionary. Next month is Elks National Foundation Month. I encourage every Lodge to schedule a function that will help you increase your Lodge per capita. The more we give, the more we receive for our charitable programs. Thank you for Caring and Sharing.


To Exalted Ruler, Officers and Members:

Most organizations recognize good leader-ship as the key to success with teamwork be-ing the primary contributor to that success. It is important that the Exalted Ruler, as Lodge leader, listens and constructively responds to points of view expressed by others, gives oth-ers the benefit of the doubt, supports those Officers and committees who need it, and rec-ognizes those Officers and Members who “Give from the Heart” by volunteering on behalf of their Lodges. The Exalted Ruler alone cannot do every-thing necessary to ensure Lodge or program success. A team melds together the skills, ex-periences and insights of several Members. It is important that every Lodge Officer and pro-gram coordinator attends District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Clinics. Officers and Members can become better acquainted with Grand Lodge programs by attending these clinics and using the Grand Lodge manuals and materials. Lodges conducting successful programs enhance pride in their Members. Pride is con-tagious and will result in fewer Members dropping out and creating an interest in others to become a part of your Lodge. Many Members are unable to attend Lodge meetings or other activities for various rea-

Sponsor three new members and receive this

Grand Exalted Ruler Award Pin.

Tales of Elks Page 3

Lodge By-Laws Revision The By-Laws - House Rules and Rules of Order of Hutchinson Lodge No. 2427 are up for General Revision this year. At the Lodge Meeting on September 1, 2011, the By-Laws Revision Committee will discuss the compiled changes to the By-Laws and the proposed new By-Laws which are listed below. No changes are recommended for the House Rules. At the September 15, 2011, meeting the members will discuss any other changes and vote on the General Revision of the By-Laws as a special order of business. Proposed changes:

Add Section 8. to Article VI. ARTICLE VI:


OF THE DEGREE TEAM Sec. 8. The Degree Team shall consist of

Members of the Lodge, especially qualified in rendition of the Initiatory Ritual ap-pointed by the Exalted Ruler with approval of the Lodge, and shall perform the Initia-tory Ritual from memory. All elected and appointed Offers shall have the right to be a part of the Degree Team at their elected or appointed station.

2011-2012 Committees

Accident Prevention ..... Jack Fitzwater Americanism ................. Sidney Grams Auditing ............................. Mike Piehl Drug Awareness ............. Tammy Prior Flag Day ......................... Paul Ackland Government Relations ....... Rick Wilke Hoop Shoot .................. Jack Fitzwater Orientation .............. Dennis Schroeder Investigation .................. Jeremy Bakke Lapsation ........................ George Lehn Lodge Activities ................ Rick Wilke Membership ................... Paul Ackland Memorial Service ........... Paul Ackland National Foundation ...... John Jennings Veterans’ Service .......... Stan Scieszka Public Relations ...... Dennis Schroeder Welfare/Relief ............. Lodge Officers Visitation ................. Dennis Schroeder Youth Activities ............ Stan Scieszka Community Activities .... Paul Ackland Soccer Shoot .. Deb Card/Tammy Prior PER Association ............ Cliff DeBlock Club Board ..................... Paul Ackland Board of Trustees .......... Larry Wagner Charitable Gambling .. Brad Bonniwell Orange Spectacular ........ Paul Ackland Cash Wise Food Stand ...... Rick Wilke Taste of Hutch ................ Kevin Burich Boy Scouts Liaison ............ Sid Grams Elk of the Year ............... Kevin Burich Tales of Elks ............ Dennis Schroeder MN Elks Charities ............. Rick Wilke Scholarships .................. Charles Olson Kids Christmas ............. Kelly Phillips/ Tammy Prior Penny-A-Day .......... Dennis Schroeder Highway Clean-up ....... Tim Pulkrabek Duffers Tourney ........... Lane Schlecht/ Steve Queenan Family Picnic ................. George Lehn Gun Show ...................... Dale Harbarth State Bowling ............... Lane Schlecht/ Brad Burich Shrimp Boil ....................... Skip Quade Pancake Breakfasts ......... Paul Ackland Kids to Camp Raffle ........ Rick Phillips Outside Maintenance .............. Lee Cox Inside Maintenance ........ Kevin Burich

9th Prizes - 17 - $500 Winners 10th Prizes - 25 - $200 Winners

$50,000.00 in prizes will be given away. In addition, the 26 Lodges in the State of Min-nesota will benefit from the remaining $50,000.00 by raffle funds paying camper fees and bonuses. You may ask: “How does this Minnesota Elks Youth Camp Fund Raf-fle help Hutchinson Lodge?” The answer: Hutchinson sends 13 kids to camp each year and pays $75 per child for the week at Camp. The proceeds from this raffle will pay our camper fees and we will owe $0.00. If you would like to purchase a ticket or if you would like some tickets to sell, please leave your name and contact phone number at the Lodge.

Send a Deserving Child To Camp. Hutchinson Lodge 2427 members are again selling tickets for the Minnesota Elks Youth Camp Fund Raffle. The drawing will be held on October 22, 2011, at 1:30 p.m. during the Minnesota Elks Association Mid Year Con-ference in St. Cloud, Minnesota, at the Holi-day Inn. 1,000 tickets will be sold at the price of $100.00 per ticket.

Prizes are as follows: 1st Prize - 1 - $9,000 Winner

2nd Prizes - 2 - $4,000 Winners 3rd Prize - 1 - $3,500 Winner

4th Prizes - 2 - $3,000 Winners 5th Prize - 1 - $2,500 Winner

6th Prizes - 2 - $2,000 Winners 7th Prize - 1 - $1,500 Winner

8th Prizes - 2 - $1,000 Winners

MN Elks Youth Camp Fund Raffle

Club Happy Hours

Monday — Saturday

4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Dining Hours

Monday & Friday 5:00-8:30 p.m. Tues., Wed., Thurs., & Sat.

5:00-8:00 p.m.

Change Article X, Section 3. and 4. ARTICLE X:

FEES AND DUES Section 3. The fee for affiliation for an unaffiliated Elk holding a Certificate of Re-lease from another Lodge shall be $15.00→ $20.00. Section 4. Upon application for reinstate-ment… Before such reinstatement, the appli-cant shall pay to the Lodge a reinstatement fee of $15.00→$20.00 dollars, and in addi-tion thereto, a proportionate share of the cur-rent dues, prorated in the same manner as the dues of a new member, together with any indebtedness owing to the Lodge or Club.

Add Section 3. to Article XIII ARTICLES XIII:

BILLS AGAINST THE LODGE Section 3. All checking, investment and savings accounts of the Lodge shall require two signatures for any monetary transac-tions, one of which shall be the Treasurer. The second signatory shall be the Exalted Ruler, the Lodge Secretary or the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

To Our Absent Brother…...Roger KableRoger KableRoger KableRoger Kable

Membership No. 12 , Charter Member Born: March 20, 1943 � Died: August 14, 2011

Elk of the Year, 1970; Exalted Ruler, 1994; Life Member, 2008

The faults of our members we write upon the sands; their virtues, upon the tablets of love and memory.

Volume 42, Issue 6 Page 4

The Honor and Remember Flag was created to serve as a national symbol that specifi-cally acknowledges the sacri-fice of men and women in the United States Armed Forces who have given their lives for

their country in over two centuries of America's history. The Red Field - represents the blood spilled by brave men and women in America's military throughout our history who gave their lives so that our nation would remain free. The White Field - below the gold star recognizes the purity of sacrifice. There is no greater price an American can pay than to give his or her life in service to our country. The Blue Star - represents active service in military conflict. This symbol originated with World War I, but on this flag it signifies service in all wars from the American Revolution to present day. The Gold Star - signifies the ultimate sacrifice of a warrior in active service who will not return home. Gold reflects the value of the life that was given. The Folded Flag - signifies the final tribute to an individual life presented to the family for their significant loss. The Flame - is an eternal reminder of the spirit that has de-parted this life yet burns on in the memory of all who knew and loved the fallen hero. We will always HONOR their selfless sacrifice and REMEM-BER them individually by name.

Why I'm Proud to be an American

Kirsten Barott, Age 13,

7th Grade, Glencoe-Silver Lake Lincoln School I'm proud because we can live in an independent country, where we can celebrate and honor our own traditions. We can dress how we want to dress, whether it's part of our culture, or the newest style. We may be criticized by people in "different shoes," but that's what makes us great. Many people go through our distinct nation and don't appreciate the importance of it. Many generations of our families have walked on the land where many people have lost their lives, and others have prospered during legendary wars. All of which started with differences. The American Revolution started with similar things we still fight about today. The American Revolution was the political upheaval during the last half of the is" century in which our 13 colonies, joined together to break free of the British Empire. They worked together, no matter how different a person they were. Living souls, human kind, people of different abilities and ages, that is what makes the world go round. Without unlike decisions and thoughts, we would all be robots. Unable to show how we really feel. In other countries, it is a life or death situation to go against, and or, not follow their perceptions of how they want things to be. Here in our Americanized civilization, we have freedom of re-ligions and speech. America is full of diverse people, and I'm happy to be one of them.

Honor & Remember Flag

Elks Duffers Outing Lane Schlecht, Chair

The 2011 Elks Duffers Golf Outing was held at the Crow River Golf Club on August 6. There were 30 golfers in atten-dance with the following results: Ladies Flight 1st Place – Tammy Prior, 2nd Place – Donna Ber-ger, 3rd Place – Pat Stairs Men’s A Flight 1st Place – Jim Summerfield, 2nd Place – Tom Helland and Neil Berger (Tie) Men’s B Flight 1st Place – George Lehn, 2nd Place – Kevin Sil-ius, 3rd Place – Roger Roepke Field Events were awarded to Jake Fitzwater for Longest Drive and Longest Putt while Ron Garbers received Closest To The Pin Award There were five “Skins” awarded. Those winners were: Neil Berger, Tom Helland, Jim Summerfield, Pat Stairs and Craig Gill. Thanks to the following for donating prizes: Green Lake Liq-uor, Squeaky’s, George Lehn, Regional Eye Optical (Steve Queenan), Crow Chemical (Roger Klinghagen), Writz Bever-age, Locher Brothers, C & L Distributing, and Viking Coke. Special thanks to George Lehn, Tammy Prior, Deb Card, and Tony Maiers for their help on that day. It was quite a busy week and would have been impossible to accomplish this event with-out them. They really “Stepped Up” and made the day run smoothly. I can’t possibly thank them enough. I apologize if I missed anyone who helped or donated prizes and am looking forward to the 2012 Duffers Outing. Hope to see even a bigger turn out!

Americanism Contest Winner Sid Grams, Americanism Chair

Organ and Tissue Donation Program

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA has joined forces with Donate Life America to increase donations of organs, eyes and life-saving tissue. The Grand Lodge, Lodge Activities/State Associations Com-mittee is asking Elks Lodges nationwide to promote the Organ Donor Program in their Lodge Bulletins and Lodge Web sites to help inspire members and citizens in their communities to make these life-saving donations. The need is paramount. More than 110,000 patients were wait-ing for organ transplants as of March 2011, according to the Donate life America Web site, www.donatelife.net. Only 28,663 organ transplants had been performed in 2010, and even fewer - 14,502 - organ donations had been made in that year. We Elks Members can help close the gap! The effort of Lodges to promote the program through their Bulletins and Web site can gain them five points in their quests to be named an All American Lodge. More incentives will be announced in coming years as the program takes shape throughout Elkdom. For more information on the importance of donation and how to become a registered donor in your state, click on the Donate Life icon to go to the Donate LifeSM web-site, or by logging onto www.donatelife.net. This is a great way to show that "Elks Give from the Heart."

Page 5

Support The Following Advertisers

Tales of Elks

Dale’s Auto Sales 20641 Hwy. 7 West, Hutchinson, MN 55350

www.DalesAutoSalesMN.com Dale Harbarth Open 9 am - 8 pm Mark Harbarth We Trade, Finance & Warranty (320) 587-2663

Elks Give from the Heart Elks Care...Elks Share

Lodging and Conference Center 1000 Hwy 7 West, Hutchinson, MN 55350

320-587-6030 1-800-369-0145

Thirsty Thursdays

$1 Tap Beer plus Appetizers

Every Wednesday

Burger Night Serving 5 - 8 p. m.

$1.50 Burgers $1.75 Cheeseburger $1.00 Fries

�In-house catering �Meeting and banquet rooms

Place your “Business Card’ ad on this page. Your ad will run in each month’s issue for one year. The Tales of Elks is mailed to over 325 members and others, is available at the Lodge, and can be read on hutchelks.org website. Cost is only $6.25 per month. Payment must be made in advance and be for the full year. Send ad information/business card and $75 to Elks, Box 272, Hutchinson, MN.

Best Western Victorian


Town & Country Tire

Be a Proposer

Tires and More since 1984 Bob Elliott Owner DOWNTOWN 100 Washington Ave. E. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone 320-587-5250 Fax 320-234-7637 [email protected] www.tireone.com

Elks Give From The

Heart! www.donatelife.net You have the Power to

Donate Life. Register as an Organ, Eye and Tissue Donor Today

Texas Hold'em League every Tuesday! Come one, come all. Still fun after all these years. 6:30 sign in, shuffle at 7 PM.

Volume 42, Issue 6 Page 6

Volunteers needed for: Taste of Hutch Food Stand Cash Wise Food Stand Gun Show Ticket Sales and Food Stand Call the Lodge 587-3116

Tales of Elks Page 7

moving from Utah to Georgia. So much change. Beginnings. Middles. Ends. I’ve celebrated, laughed and enjoyed. But I’ve also cried and felt sorry for myself and fought a deep blue funk. Until it finally occurred to me that this is all an opportunity for growth and change. We can choose to accept change, or we can fight it tooth and nail. Which will I choose for each situation? I view each of these challenges as my opportunity to GROW. As I’ve tried to explain in my speeches, my theme of GROW does not just pertain to Elkdom. As we grow and change as indi-viduals, our experiences will transfer to other areas of our lives, including our work lives, our recreational lives, and yes, our lives as Elks. The experiences that challenge us will hopefully make us better human beings and better Elks. I am challenging myself to use the good AND the bad experiences and outcomes and apply these lessons to my daily life. I challenge all of you to do the same. Continue to GROW…continue to change, my friends.


“Growth Spurts” — We all have obser-vances and dates and events that help us grow and eventually shape our lives in some way. I have been pondering some of these events in my life recently, and have determined that I am much like the cater-pillar in the chrysalis, waiting to emerge into the world as a new and changed being. One of my nieces just celebrated her 21st birthday. (Wasn’t she JUST born a few

weeks ago?) My cousin welcomed her second grandchild into the world last week. (Wasn’t the baby’s mother JUST born a few weeks ago?) Randy and I celebrated our 25th Wedding An-niversary in July. (I remember it like it was yesterday!) Randy signed up for Social Security benefits as of his birthday last week. (How did THAT happen?) You see what I mean. My work situation has changed dramatically. I’m no longer selling wine and spirits but am back in the grocery department trying to get used to a grueling schedule that includes mostly nights and weekends and sleeping during the day. My husband was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer, and September brings fear and challenges with its treatment. My mother-in-law has been placed in Hospice care after her long battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. Our daughter and grandson are

Minnesota Elks Association President Lisa Richmond

Year-end Results of Veterans Programs

Robert M. Hennings, Director, Elks National Veterans Service Commission

Several years ago we started publishing statistics that reflect the generosity of Members and their spouses who work so hard to keep our pledge to the Veterans of our Armed Forces. It is with a great deal of pride that the Elks National Veterans Service Commission lists the statistics for the 2010-2011 frater-nal year. Continued on page 8

Ditch Clean-Up

Non-Profit Organization U. S. POSTAGE 55350

PAID Hutchinson, MN

Permit No. 3

Hutchinson Elks Lodge 2427 P. O. Box 272 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Phone: 320-587-3660 E-mail: [email protected]

September, 2011

quent Member unhappy with us. They are still Members and our friends. Give them a “Flag decal” and ask them to advertise for the Elks. Give them an Elks (Drug Awareness) seat belt cutter, for example. Tell them we hope they never have to use it but if they do, it is from an Elks program. The Lodge may have some-thing else that can be used in this case.

Membership Program Aims for Zero Delinquents

Charles W. Lester, Chairman, Grand Lodge Membership Committee

_ _


Lodge is Available for Rentals!

Whatever the occasion--the Club can accommo-date groups from 2-130. Catering is available. Call the Lodge for prices and to reserve your date!

Call 587-3116.

A new Zero Delinquents program has been launched. Local Lodges should tackle the delinquency problem in their Lodges now. You still have time to retain your current Members who have not paid their dues. The Zero Delinquents program is to augment the Plus 1 mem-bership program. Now would be a good time to initiate face-to-face contact with the Members who have not paid their dues. Please remember that these are Members who have an obliga-tion to the Lodge for their dues by April 1. After April 1 they are delinquent. Have someone in the Lodge make a friendly house call on these individuals and ask them the big question, “Can I get a check for your Lodge dues?” Please remember that these Members are our friends. Be nice to them. If they say they cannot pay their dues at this time, ask them if they can see their way clear to pay only ½ year’s dues and then, before October 1, consider paying the remainder of the year. Explain that the Lodges need their help to continue their many good works within the community and nationwide. If you can convince the delinquent Members that the Lodge needs them and wants them they will probably stay. Everyone wants to feel needed. Now, if delinquent Members do not desire to pay their dues, give them something. We do not want to go away with the delin-

Current Resident Or...

Participants in Programs: 1,075,856 Elks Who Worked—166,948 Helpers—72,999 Total—239,947 Hours Donated: Elks—887,102 Helpers—535,273 Total Hours*—1,422,375 Cash Value of Donated Hours—$30,381,930.00 Miles Traveled: Elks—3,240,841 Helpers—2,456,382 Total Miles—5,697,223 Cash Value of Miles Traveled—$2,848,612 Contributions: Cash— $3,873,540 Non-Cash—$6,274,839 Hours Worked—$30,381,930 Miles Traveled**—$2,848,612 Total Contributions—$43,378,921 *The Federal government has determined that the cost of work done by charita-ble organizations like the Elks would average out to $21.36 per hour if per-formed by social care and government agencies. **Mileage computed at $.50 per mile.

These statistics don’t tell the complete story. A dollar value cannot be attached to the care and love our volunteers put into their work with those who served America in times of peril. We thank our wonderful volunteers as they continue Serving Our Nation’s Veterans.

Veterans Program Results Continued from page 7

Steak Fry September 24

Grill Your Own Sirloin Salad Bar, Toast,

Baked Potato Start Grilling at 5 p. m