Volume 35, No. 4 September 2009 2009 › ... › pm-sept2009.pdf · Volume 35, No. 4 September 2009...

Volume 35, No. 4 September 2009 www.caea-arteducation.org Since 1965 California Art Education Association YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE 2009 CAEA STATE CONFERENCE IN LOS ANGELES CONFERENCE OVERVIEW 13 CONFERENCE FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE 14 LYNN HICKEY PROFESSIONAL SCHOLARSHIP 15 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS 16 ART EXHIBIT ENTRIES NEEDED 19 STRAND SESSIONS – ADMINISTRATIVE 22 STRAND SESSIONS – ELEMENTARY 24 DIGITAL FOCUS DAYS 26 COLLEGE CREDIT AVAILABLE 25 CONFERENCE TOURS 28 MASTER ARTIST CLASSES 30 WORKSHOP SCHEDULE 36 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM 43 HOTEL INFORMATION 44 TRAVEL INFORMATION 45 CONFERENCE PREVIEW 2009 There isn’t a better place to celebrate your passion for art than in a city that is one of the world’s centers of entertainment, culture, media, fashion, technology, and education. Any path you choose will lead you to educational sessions, exhibitor booths, art activities, social events, and networking opportunities that are sure to please. COVERAGE BEGINS ON PAGE 12 ALL ROADS LEAD TO ART

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Volume 35, No. 4 September 2009

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CONFERENCEPREVIEW2009There isn’t a better place to celebrate your passion for art than in a city that is one of the world’s centers of entertainment, culture, media, fashion, technology, and education. Any path you choose will lead you to educational sessions, exhibitor booths, art activities, social events, and networking opportunities that are sure to please.



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In the last year there has been no end to the news about the downturn in the economy, but what they fail to report on is all of the ways that dire times can encourage creative solutions. As art educators we are, in some cases, the first step in the students’ life to move towards a more creative and innovative life. Rather than finding ourselves discouraged by the flood of news and statistics, this is an opportunity to educate ourselves in the current state of art education and find creative ways to bridge those gaps. Having taught art education for over 34 years I can say without hesitation that art is a subject that can transform and enrich a students’ life and prepare them to be well rounded members of society. It is unfortunate that our state and national government doesn’t always see it the same way and back it up with funding. What we know about art education is that it can open up new worlds of learning for students. Unfortunately those worlds seem to be more available to those with more money. The problem is that art education is not equally accessible or available for all students. Recently in the NAEA News they posted the results of the “National Arts Report Card.” The findings show that although there is a lot of art being taught, it is, to put it bluntly, less accessible for minority students or students with less money. In many cases the amount of art education available is equal or greater then it was ten years ago. What the report card throws into sharp focus is the gaps that exist between racial, gender, and even socioeconomic lines. We know, as art educators, that there are numerous reasons to keep art alive in schools: cultural awareness, brain development, and increased observation, to name a few. It is up to us to keep pushing for a stronger art education in our individual schools and districts. The NAEA News reports that the “Nation’s Art Report Card, commonly referred to, as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the only continuing national measure of the academic achievement of America’s public and private schools. The last time it was measured was 1997 for music and visual arts and the next assessment will be in 2016.”

President’s MessageAdvocacy andInformationBy Kathleen [email protected]

If you are interested in reading the complete report card go the following websites to learn more:

The Nation’s Arts Report Card home page:http://www.nationsreportcard.gov/arts_2008

See Maximizing the Nation’s Arts Report Card atwww.arteducators.org The importance placed on art education in California and the United States is less than encouraging. We need strong advocates to promote our programs and to educate our school boards, administrators and fellow teachers about the importance of children having art education taught during the day and not an additional after school program. Now we can talk about the state of art in California. I recently found out that the position of Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Consultant has been eliminated by the California Department of Education (CDE). This is a loss to our communication and connection to Sacramento. Laurie Schell, Executive Director California Alliance for Arts Education states, “We need a person in that position who will continue to advocate for the arts in public education. While we recognize that the Department is acting in response to the legislature’s decision to provide local education agencies with flexibility to deliver categorical funding for arts education, it can be pointed out that the VAPA Consultant position preceded the categorical funding and has existed within the CDE system for 23 years. The position serves a critical role in the interpretation, implementation, and representation of arts education in California.”

(Left to right) Susan Wuerer, CAEA President-elect; Barry Shauck, NAEA President R.; Kathy Rogers, CAEA President.

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Master Calendar

September 12-13, 2009Executive Council MeetingLos Angeles, CA – Wilshire Grand Hotel

November 12-15, 2009CAEA State ConferenceLos Angeles, CA – Wilshire Grand Hotel

November 15, 2009Full Council MeetingOpen to all membersLos Angeles, CA – Wilshire Grand Hotel

January 16-17, 2010Full Council MeetingLocation TBD

The Painted MonkeySeptember 2009 3

CAEA Contact InfoCalifornia Art Education Association official address:

P.O. Box 28447, Anaheim, CA 92809Phone: 714-637-1816Email: [email protected]

As educators we are aware that high school graduates are required to take one year of visual arts/performing arts or foreign language. The UC and CSU systems require one year of visual arts/performing arts to be considered as an applicant. The visual and performing arts are considered as NCLB (No Child Left Behind) core academic courses and require NCLB compliant teachers of instruction. As an organization CAEA has sent out an email blast to all members to respond to the California Department of Education (CDE). The requirements and maintenance of a long-standing commitment to arts education as an essential component of a complete education, CAEA believes the California Department of Education must provide adequate representation for the concerns and interests of the visual and performing arts teachers and programs. Please send your emails to the following people to let them know that we need a VAPA consultant at the CDE. Here are the people to contact: Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Schools:[email protected] Gavin Payne, Chief Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction: [email protected] Deb Sigman, Deputy Superintendent for Assessment and Accountability: [email protected] Phil Lafontaine, Assistant Superintendent for Professional Development and Curriculum Support:[email protected]

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President Kathleen [email protected]

President-electSusan [email protected]

Past PresidentPenelope [email protected]

SecretarySally [email protected]

Executive SecretaryFaith Ray MacneilPO Box 28447Anaheim, CA 92809(714) [email protected]

TreasurerJane [email protected]

Northern Area PresidentSusan Manbeian(510) [email protected]

Northern Area President-electGini [email protected]

Central Area PresidentRita [email protected]

Central Area President-elect Shelley Juhl-O’[email protected]

Southern Area PresidentBruce [email protected]

Southern Area President-electNancy Andrzejczak, [email protected]@me.com

State Department RepresentativeNancy [email protected]

Conference AdministratorCraig [email protected]

Conference Managerdonna [email protected]

TCAP RepCarol [email protected]

ScholarshipCatherine Wilson(714) [email protected]

Professional AwardsTami [email protected]

Exemplary ProgramsElisabeth [email protected]

Youth Art MonthLori Love33390 Maple Tree LaneWildomar, CA [email protected]

Historian/Active RetiredGerald Scheib(818) [email protected]

Website CoordinatorSasha [email protected]

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This year’s conference theme is All Roads Lead to Art and most of us would agree with that statement. However, many of you may feel that there is “sig alert” in effect when it comes to funding your art program or attending this year’s conference, a place where educators go to recharge their batteries, tune their engines, and fuel up for another educational journey. For many, significant road blocks were created by the budget crisis, categorical fund shifts, and drastic cuts. But as experienced California drivers know, there are always back streets and byways around road blocks to get you where you need to go.

Here are some ways to get assistance:

NAEF Grant Funding

If you are an NAEA member, the National Art Education Foundation has a number of grants available to fund the purchase of equipment, support a new program, or provide you with funds for professional growth, to name a few. Sadly, money each year goes undistributed because no one applies or an application is not detailed enough and that knocks it out of the running. Go to the NAEA website (www.arteducators.org) and click on Grants and Opportunities for a list of these grants and what they cover. Look online at the CAEA website for a summary of tips for applying for these grants, something I learned at the recent NAEA Convention in Minnesota. In addition, NAEA provides a list of other national grants and programs that can help you with everything from technology to curriculum development, and there are many links to sites that will assist you through the challenge of grant writing. Often administration and district offices can provide guidance in grant writing, too.

CAEA Professional Development Scholarships

Due to restricted budgets, CAEA is offering assistance to newer teachers and veterans alike so that they can attend this year’s conference. The Lynn Hickey Professional Scholarship provides funds to attend the 2009 Conference for a CAEA member who is a newer teacher with five or less years of experience. For those CAEA members with five or more consecutive years of membership with no funding from their schools, districts, or universities, etc., CAEA is offering two to five Continuing Teacher Professional Development Scholarships. The scholarship consists of one full conference

Freeway to Financial AssistanceBy Susan [email protected]

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registration and one night’s stay in the Wilshire Grand Hotel. Look for more details on these opportunities on page 14 in this issue and on our website www.caea-arteducation.org, under Special Programs, Professional Development.

Parent and Community Support

Ask your parents for direct help. Talk to PTAs, send home a letter with students, or get something on the school website. Provide a wish list of supplies and equipment that you need. You may be surprised at what people will donate whether it be paint sets, brushes, or even just a packet of construction paper. Every little bit helps. Try local art and office supply stores or framing stores, too. Writing a note of appreciation for these donations goes a long way to encourage more giving!

Retiring Teachers Recycling

Retiring teachers often have cupboards full of personal books, special equipment, posters, and other teaching materials that they have purchased over the years and no longer need. When you retire, recycle by contacting your Area President and let them know what you have to offer to share with other teachers. You can also participate in Arts Share at the LA Conference (details on page 15).

With the protracted financial crisis in our state and local government, there is no one map to help teachers find their way to the desired destination of a quality, standards based, art education program, but there are resources out there if you are willing to drive just a bit farther in search of funding.

See you in Los Angeles!

©?Are you Copyright Savvy?Confused about copyright rules for you and your students? Are you unsure of what is copyrighted and what is not? Are you interested in copyrighting your own images? Not sure of the rules related to online and digital issues and how to apply them to the classroom? The Copyright Alliance, a non-profit education foundation, provides answers to these questions and many more at www.copyrightalliance.com.

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Report fromthe SecretaryBy Sally [email protected]

Abbreviated MinutesCAEA State Board MeetingMay 2 and 3, 2009, Pasadena, CA

MEMBERS PRESENT: Kathy Rogers, Penny Venola, Sally Paul, donna banning, Jane Leese, Susan Wuerer, Susan Manbeian, Faith Macneil, Tami Lincoln, Bruce Groff, Rita Torres, Shelly Juhl-O’Brien, Sasha Venola, Nancy Carr, Catherine Wilson, Carol Lockwood, Gerald Scheib, Betsy Holster, Matt Murray, Craig Tomlinson.

Reports were presented by the following: Secretary: Sally PaulTreasurer: Jane LeesePresident: Kathy RogersWebmaster: Sasha VenolaExecutive Secretary: Faith MacneilConference Manager: donna banningConference Administrator: Craig Tomlinson2009 Conference Co-Chair: Tami Lincoln and Bruce GroffPresident-elect: Susan WuererNorthern Area President: Susan ManbeianCentral Area President: Rita TorresSouthern Area President: Bruce GroffProfessional Awards: Tami LincolnState Department Representative: Nancy CarrYouth Art Month: Lori LoveScholarship: Catherine WilsonHistorian/Active Retired: Gerald ScheibExemplary Programs: Betsy HolsterTCAP: Carol Lockwood





Respectfully submitted,Sally Paul, Secretary

I hope everyone has had a great, relaxing summer and is ready to start another exciting year of art. The Central Area has been embracing the arts. The Bakersfield Museum of Art offered Art Camp for children ages 6-12. Each week was designed around different themes. Young artists around Kern County explored drawing, painting and 3D media. An art show for these students was held on Thursday, July 30 at the BMOA.

Older artists had the opportunity to also explore different media by taking classes at local gallery, Surface Gallery. These classes were held on a Saturday and included, figure drawing, book making, block printing, oil painting and ceramics. Local artists taught the classes and educators from the KHSD were given credit. This was a great time for artists to learn new skills and collaborate with others. Surface will be continuing to offer classes in the fall due to the overwhelming response from the community. Check out their website at:http://surface-gallery.blogspot.com/

We have already started planning for our CAEA mini-conference in fall. Our mini-conferences are a wonderful way for educators to meet new people and learn new, wonderful standard-based art lessons. Our fall conference is always in the Fresno area, and will be hosted by Barrie Burnham. The date will be September 19, 2009. The conference will be all day from 8-3 pm. Participants will need to bring a box lunch. If you are interested in presenting a lesson, please contact me via email at: [email protected].

In addition to the mini-conference, our state conference in Los Angeles is going to be a crucial opportunity for art educators to stock up on ideas and lessons, to boost all of our classrooms to the next level! Due to state budget constraints, we still hope everyone will take advantage of this amazing conference. This is the time to be an advocate for the arts and the state conference is a great place to do that!

Central AreaNewsBy Shelly Juhl-O-Brien - Central Area President [email protected]

In order to better serve you, CAEA is working on redesigning and updating our website. We need your input! Look for an important invitation and survey link that was emailed to you at the end of August. Responses are due by September 10. At the conclusion of the survey, find out how you can be eligible for a free CAEA membership. We thank you for your help.


Respondents can win a free membership!

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It was an exciting spring for Northern Area workshop attendees, and fall promises to be just as exciting with the upcoming state conference “All Roads Lead to Art,” local Northern Area workshops, fall meeting at the San Jose Museum and Holiday Social.

David Crammer amazed members at his glass workshop with the glass and ceramics program he has built up at Palo Alto High School in the last fifteen years. In addition to ceramics and glass blowing, he teaches glass and bronze casting. It was wonderful to tour his facility, see his students at works, hear about how he built his program from scratch and create the money to do it! We each cast our own glass project and learned how to fire it in a ceramic kiln. Workshop attendees walked away with lessons and a wealth of information on getting started in their classrooms. Hats off to David for creating such an extra ordinary program, one of only a few in the nation!

At the May workshops John Toki (sculptor, College of Arts and Crafts professor and president of Leslie Ceramics) went over the details of using an electric kiln and what it can do. He gave lots of trouble shooting tips and showed the proper way to load a kiln for firing various types of objects. This was a nuts and bolts workshop and even for a veteran ceramics teacher, there was plenty to be learned. In the afternoon John and Ben Belknap went over applications for under glazes, engobes, stains, oxides, and glazes. We talked about solving common glaze problems and other problems we might encounter teaching ceramics. These were two very valuable workshops for those of us teaching or interested in teaching ceramics! If you have

Northern AreaNewsBy Susan [email protected]

any questions about clay or are interested in putting a ceramics program together from scratch, John is the go-to guy!

Jos Stances, mural artist, John Toki, sculptor, and Lisa Norman, artist and public school facilitators of mural art, gave a wonderful workshop on the making of public art. They wowed us with their public projects, talked about the making of their work and gave us advice and steps on how to get started at our own schools. Lisa has done amazing work in the public schools and went step-by-step on how you go about taking an idea using students and community and transforming it into an installed finished piece of work. This was an outstanding workshop, and one that I was particularly looking forward to.

Proposed upcoming workshops include block printing, altered books, transferring of images on just about anything, and making trading cards. Look for places and dates in your emails. If you live in the Northern Area (maybe San Francisco and East Bay are too far to go) and would like to host a workshop in your area, please let me know about it. These workshops are all about getting together, developing and sharing ideas and experiences. Maybe you are developing a project that you would like some advice on, or you would like to go to a workshop on it before you get started. Let me hear from you. This organization was developed with the intention of supporting you in the classroom… so speak up.

The next meeting will be at the San Jose Museum of Art on Saturday, October 2, 2009 at 11 AM. Following our meeting, a museum member will speak about the museum and their school and community outreach programs. Members may take a guided tour and eat lunch in a very nice café. Email me about free tickets to the museum. (The date is tentative as yet. I am waiting confirmation.) Once again, if you are a member in the Northern Area and are not receiving emails from me, please email me at [email protected]

Before I go, I would like to give a big ”Howdy Welcome” to new members: Julie Baptista, student teacher in Fremont, Valerie Gibbs, Redwood High School, Redwood City, Leslie Smith of Oakland, Gina Holmberg, Irvington High School, Fremont, and Alexander Lefkort, Thornton Junior High, Fremont. Glad you joined!

To all Northern Area members, a big “Welcome back to School” …and let me hear from you…!


In order to better serve you, CAEA is working on redesigning and updating our website. We need your input! Look for an important invitation and survey link that was emailed to you at the end of August. Responses are due by September 10. At the conclusion of the survey, find out how you can be eligible for a free CAEA membership. We thank you for your help.


Respondents can win a free membership!

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I have to smile as I reflect upon the past year as the CAEA Southern Area President. Last September many people asked me if I was ready to serve as President and I was happy to say, “Yes, I am ready! In my first article, I wrote CAEA is about you – the members. I asked you, “Are you ready? Are you ready for what lies ahead? Are you ready to take full advantage of all CAEA has to offer? Are you ready to grow as an arts leader in your school or art organization?”

Over the past year, I dodged several bullets, namely personal loss, the economy, and a pink slip. Most educators would be pressed to the wall and possibly forego extra duty responsibilities, yet I kept hearing an inner voice telling me “keep busy, keep busy.” At times I felt like Winston Churchill, a man who always pressed forward – taking quick 10-minute naps, with the world relying on his every waking minute. My father-in-law died, and being there for my wife Patti took a whole world of comfort while her personal storm passed; the economy took a severe turn for the worse, preventing many people from doing art related activities; cut backs seemed to be the popular phrase of the day; and lastly I saw the writing on the wall spelling out “I’ve been Pink Slipped.” Things were looking pretty grim, yet my inner voice kept saying, “keep busy, keep busy.”

By being “crazy busy”, I managed to find ways to solve the problems that confronted me. I found unique partnering opportunities and alternative ways to pay for professional development, which enabled me to take full advantage of all that CAEA has to offer. I was able to attend the annual state art conference, as well as pay for county seminars that provided me with the informational knowledge to weather art storms that we all are facing today. By being visible and advocating for the arts, people recognize your efforts and will do everything possible to keep you. I managed to have my pink slip rescinded and now have a full-time teaching position this school year.

As I grow as your arts leader, I know that I have a support system through CAEA, through my county, district and school arts leaders, and through each and every member of our wonderful association.

Take the initiative, be a part of your association, never let your inner thoughts be alone in your art room, step outside just as any great artist would do and paint your own picture of opportunity, membership association, and be a part of your local arts leadership team. It’s crazy busy at times but

Southern AreaNewsBy Bruce [email protected]

art is never done; there is always something to create. So I ask again this year, are you ready for what lies ahead? I am! Are you?

Southern Area News and Activities:

The Southern Area Conference Committee has planned a great conference for this year at the Los Angeles Wilshire Grand Hotel, November 12-15, 2009. The theme is “All Roads Lead to Art.” Start planning now to attend the Conference in one of the world’s centers of entertainment, culture, media, fashion, technology, and education. Map out your conference route and find your way through a maze of educational sessions, exhibitor booths, art activities, social events, and networking opportunities. Contact Tami Lincoln or myself, if you have any questions or better yet, be visible and volunteer any time you may have to the Conference. We are your 2009 Los Angeles Conference Co-Chairs and we look forward to sharing this experience with you.

Congratulations to Karen Keys and her student, Emmanuel Amezcua for winning the Idyllwild Summer Art Camp Scholarship.

Congratulations to Sarina Sherwin and her student, Brooke Boukather for winning the Sargent Art New York Trip.

Congratulations to Jane Leese, nominated and elected to the CAEA Executive Council as Treasurer.

Important Dates:

LA Conference Planning MeetingSeptember 12, 2009 (1:00 PM) Wilshire Grand Hotel

SmART DayOctober 10th, 8:30am-12:00pm, CSUNKeynote speaker who is Mark Allen, professor of art at Clairmont College and artist in residence at the Hammer Museum this year. Twelve workshops to select from and the cost is $15 for teachers or a school can send 5 or more for $50. contact Larry Oviatt (Coordinator) at 562 519 4516 or email [email protected]

SDCAEA Fall Art Educators Workshop DayOctober 10, 2009 NTC Liberty Station10 dynamic, standards-based, hands-on lessons given by teachers for art specialists and generalist educators. Breakfast provided by Al Teatro. Lunch will also be provided!For more info Contact Elizabeth Morton [email protected] or visit our website: http://www.sdcoe.net/sdcaea/welcome.asp

CAEA State Conference in Los AngelesWilshire Grand Hotel-November 12-15, 2009

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The California Arts Project (TCAP)Rave Reviews for the Courageous Creativity Conference at Disney’s Paradise Pier

Over 100 California educational leaders interested in arts education gathered to see, experience, and learn from the inside of the intersection of visual and performing arts education for their students and the arts, media, and entertainment sector.

By Carol [email protected]

“Awesome, amazing and informative!” was one of the evaluation comments written by a participant of The California Arts Project’s 3rd Annual Courageous Creativity Conference: Leading the Nexus of Arts & Career Education, held June 24 – 26, 2009 at Disney’s Paradise Pier® Hotel in Anaheim.

The sold out conference, opened Wednesday night with keynote speaker, Martin Sklar, Disney’s “Imagineering Ambassador” speaking on “Followership,” and closed on Friday, with Dan Hahn, producer and animation author on “Why We Create.” In between, over the two and a half days, participants engaged in special presentations, uniquely designed behind the scenes conference tours, breakout sessions, and one of a kind experiences. “What a fantastic environment to highlight the creativity and collaboration of the arts.” The California Arts Project and Walt Disney Imagineering again jointly designed the conference to maximize resources from both agencies. In Martin Sklar’s conference welcome he wrote “The arts, in their broadest definition, may be more deeply imbedded in the “Disney DNA” than any other company in the world. At Imagineering, we have 140 different disciplines working together to create Disney Magic. The results are enjoyed by millions of people every hour of every day in our 11 parks and resorts around the world.”

Kristine Alexander, The California Arts Project’s Executive Director wrote in her welcome, “The story of California’s response to the challenges facing education today will be written by you the educational leaders. It will take informed, creative and courageous decisions daily by educational leaders within districts, schools, and communities to develop, implement, and expand standards-based, comprehensive, arts education for all students within our state.”

The Disney Resort provided the perfect venue as a successful corporate example for participants to immerse themselves

in the world of arts and entertainment. The California Arts Project’s resources provided insight and inspiration through breakout sessions as to the need for rigorous visual and performing arts education for all students. Sessions on finding the links for student success between visual and performing and arts, media, and entertainment education standards were held in various formats including “Conversation Panels” with practicing professionals in all three arts, media, and entertainment pathways. Educational leaders found resources and supports to improve their arts education programs.

One participant responded to the evaluation question about what might change due to the conference about their approach to career education with “Looking at and including Career Technical Education standards in my courses, becoming more proactive in research, and developing relationships within the business community in the arts.” An elementary principal found insight into “…the importance of having rounded experiences in the arts and core curriculum.”

Early Friday morning, participants had a magical pre-Disneyland opening experience when visiting the “It’s A Small World” attraction. The recent makeover of this world-famous icon was detailed to us in a fascinating talk from Tony Baxter, Senior Vice President of Creative Development, Walt Disney Imagineering and Kim Irving, Director Concept/Show Design, Walt Disney Imagineering. We learned about the the creative process involved in

“A Thousand Hands - From Concept to Opening Day.” One attendnee said, “I found fascinating, how to stay true to the original concept and interject new technology and ideas.”

Participants then returned to the hotel for another conference favorite, the Imagineering Panel discussion and lunch with an Imagineer as the Imagineers joined the participants at a table to talk over lunch. The Imagineers provided insight into the interdependence of creativity with arts, science, and literature. The panel shared their own educational journeys and insights into their daily work life. “Loved it! A true example of the interdependence of creativity - Art, Science, Literature. If these stories were shared with students, the concept of lifetime learners would be better understood.”

“The story of California’s response to the challenges facing education today will be written by you theeducational leaders.”

– Kristine Alexander,Executive Director, TCAP

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The Exemplary Visual Arts Program was initiated over a decade ago to honor and recognize, publicly, CAEA members and their exemplary programs in California schools, pre-Kindergarten through grade 12. Through the application and dissemination process, members will be able to describe the unique characteristics of their outstanding work, and that of their students, with interested teachers, parents, administrators, school board members and curriculum developers.

The Exemplary Visual Arts Program has three primary goals:1. To honor CAEA members and their visual arts programs, pre-k through grade 122. To inform others about these members and their programs3. To promote and expand opportunities for all students in California to receive diverse, yet exemplary, visual arts educational programs. The person being nominated must hold current membership in CAEA. It is recognized that an exemplary visual arts pro-gram must show exemplary incorporation of the CALIFORNIA VISUAL ARTS STANDARDS. In addition, it must be exem-plary in one or more of the following areas to support arts instruction. Please indicate which areas are to be reviewed for the award with this nomination.

Name of Nominee Title CAEA membership #

Home Address of nominee City Zip

Phone # of nominee Email

Contact person, if nominating a school or department

School name Phone Email

School Address City Zip

Principal District

Nominated by Position

Home Address City Zip

Phone Email

School name Phone Email

School Address City Zip

On the back of this paper or on a separate sheet please tell how your nominee meets the award in each area checked above. The nomination will be reviewed and if accepted, you will be contacted to submit actual documentation and evidence for the areas checked by March 1, 2010. A site visitation in March or April may occur following the documentation review.

___1. Use of technology ___5. Multilingual processes

___2. Use of community resources ___6. Authentic assessment

___3. Integration or correlation ___7. Gifted and talented and/or advance placement

___4. Multicultural processes ___8. Sequential program and/or program articulation

among feeder and/or receiver schools

I nominate the following candidate for the CAEA Exemplary Art Award:

Submit to: Betsy Holster 306 Molokai Drive Placentia, CA 92870


Deadline for Nominations: February 1, 2010Deadline for all documentation/evidence tosupport Nomination: March 1, 2010

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Nomination Criteria for 2010 Outstanding Art Educators of the YearIt is time for nominations for the 2010 Awards Program of the California Art Education Association. Listed below are the criteria for these awards. You may now officially submit your nominations to the CAEA Professional Awards Chair, Tami Lincoln. These will be screened by the Area Awards Committees for adherence to the awards criteria. Nominees are sent application packets and the State Council votes on the qualified applicants. Your participation in this important recognition process will help to showcase, on the state level, art educators who are doing outstanding work every day in the profession of art education. (Active membership in CAEA required to nominate a candidate.)

CAEA’s Rationale for Conferring Awards on Our Membership:• To increase public awareness of the importance of a quality art program for all of California’s children• To set the standards for quality art education• To show how those standards can be achieved• To show our appreciation to individuals or organizations who have made outstanding contributions to art education• To encourage membership in CAEA and active participation in CAEA at the local or state level.

The awards criteria are applicable to all outstanding art educators, and will be considered in varying degrees in the selection of awardees.

California’s Outstanding Visual Art Educator of the YearNominees must be a current member in CAEA in good standing for the last five consecutive years, and a member of NAEA because his/her name will be submitted to the NAEA for national award consideration.

Criteria• Demonstrated outstanding leadership within the field of teaching. • Demonstrated leadership within CAEA. • Contributed to the body of knowledge in the field of art education at the local, state or national level through research, publication, or exhibition.• Actively contributed to curriculum design at the local or state, or national level.• Advanced the cause of art education through strong advocacy and leadership.• Developed an outstanding art education program at the local, state level, or national level.• Motivated and inspired others including students, colleagues, community members or members of the teaching profession.

Outstanding Performance AwardsNominees must be current members in CAEA in good standing for the last three consecutive years.

• Elementary Art Educator • Museum Art Educator• Middle School Art Educator • Art Supervisor and/or Administrator• Secondary Art Educator • Higher Education Art Educator

Criteria• Demonstrated outstanding leadership within the field of teaching. • Demonstrated leadership within CAEA• Contributed to the body of knowledge in the field of art education at the local, state or national level through research, publication, or exhibition.• Advanced the cause of art education through strong advocacy and leadership.• Actively contributed to curriculum design at the local or state level• Motivated and inspired others including students, colleagues, community members or members of the teaching profession.

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- Active Retired Visual Art Educator (Outstanding Performance Award)

• Demonstrated outstanding leadership in CAEA. • Motivated and inspired others including students, colleagues, community members or members of the teaching profession.• Demonstrated personal commitment and evidence in one or more of the following areas:1) Contributed to the body of knowledge in the field of art education at the local, state or national level through research publication, or exhibition.2) Advanced the cause of art education through strong advocacy and leadership.3) Actively contributed to curriculum design at the local or state level

Area Service Awards

- Award of Merit: Nominees must be current members for the last consecutive three years.Criteria• Demonstrated outstanding leadership within the field of teaching.• Demonstrated leadership within CAEA• Contributed to the body of knowledge in the field of art education at the local or state level through research, publication, or exhibition.• Advanced the cause of art education through strong advocacy and leadership.• Motivated and inspired others including students, colleagues, community members or members of the teaching profession

- Douc LangurNominees must be current members of CAEA. Criteria• Demonstrated outstanding leadership within the field of teaching. • Demonstrated leadership within CAEA• Advanced the cause of art education through strong advocacy and leadership.• Contributed to local or state conferences in designing workshops, panel presentations, or media events

- The Ruth Jansen AwardNominees must have demonstrated achievement and excellence in art education and be a current member in good standing. Criteria• Impact on students: Positively influenced students through projects, programs and/or activities.• Professional Growth: Contributed to education through activities such as research, leadership in professional organizations (local and regional), and the impact on the community• Professional Activities: Influenced other educators through activities such as workshops, conferences, parent and/or community.

Certificates of AppreciationThese awards are presented to outstanding individuals and organizations that work to support the goals of the field of art education and the profession. Membership is not required. Consider principals, superintendents, boards of education, local and regional politicians, and supportive business persons for these awards.

How to nominate someone for an award:*PLEASE NOTE: To nominate someone for an award, you must be a current CAEA member. Complete the Nomination Form (also available at www.caea-arteducation.org) and mail or e-mail to Tami Lincoln, CAEA Professional Awards Chair, or your area president by January 1, 2010. Once received, the Area Presidents must have nominations approved by their area board. After approval, Area Presidents can mail or email final nomination forms to Tami Lincoln, CAEA Professional Awards Chair, 2251 Monterey Peninsula Dr., Corona, CA 92882 ([email protected]). These final nomination forms must be postmarked on, or before, February 1, 2010. All forms must be filled out completely or they will not be considered for recognition. Nominations will not be accepted after the deadline date, no exceptions.


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By Bruce Groff & Tami Lincoln2009 Co-Conference Chairs

All Roads Lead to Art! Especially when those roads lead to Los Angeles and the CAEA 2009 State Art Conference! We hope you have made arrangements with your travel agent and plan on joining us here in Los Angeles, November 12th through the 15th. There isn’t a better place to celebrate your passion for art than in a city that is one of the world’s centers of entertainment, culture, media, fashion, technology, and education. Any path you choose will lead you to educational sessions, exhibitor booths, art activities, social events, and networking opportunities that are sure to please.

The conference committee, made up of highly motivated and dedicated Southern Area members, has been meeting almost every month since June of 2008 to bring you the best keynote speakers, workshop opportunities, master artist class choices, and special events that this wonderful, multicultural, and historic city has to offer. We are still hard at work, mapping out your itinerary for this annual trek. We have kept the best of the traditional conference fare and are bringing in some new ideas to make your journey more enjoyable and rewarding.

As Conference Co-Chairs, we hope that the following pages will be invaluable to you as you begin to plan your trip to the city known the world over simply as LA. Make sure that you don’t miss any tours, master artist classes, or workshops available for your enjoyment. Be sure to look for the many special events that we have planned for your enjoyment. Information on hotel accommodations and registration are also included as well as travel tips to make the journey a little easier. Don’t turn back now, you’re on the main highway and are in for an incredible journey.

12 The Painted MonkeySeptember 200912

All Roads Lead to Art

CAEA State Art ConferenceLos Angeles

November 12-15, 2009

WHAT IS INCLUDED IN MY REGISTRATION FEE?• Many, many exciting standards based learning instructional workshops • Friday Keynote Speaker: Ruth Weisberg• Saturday Keynote Speaker: Bill Viola• Exhibitors with lots of new products and ideas• Student Art Exhibit• Virtual Student Exhibit• Lesson Plan CD• Entertainment• Valuable networking that comes with meeting your fellow art teachers from across the state• Life Drawing Open Studio with instruction by Jamie Sweetman

Plus these inclusive events:• Exhibitor’s Evening Kickoff with complimentary wine and hors d’oeuvres• Teacher as Artist Exhibition and Area Receptions with complimentary wine • Saturday, Nov. 14, Silent Auction and Dinner with complimentary wine • Sunday, Nov. 15, Awards Breakfast and Keynote Speaker, Frank Romero

Be sure to indicate YES or NO on the registration form for these events listed above.

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2009 Conference OverviewAll Roads Lead to Art • Los Angeles, CA • November 12-15, 2009

(Schedule subject to change)


Exhibitors Open7:30am-4:15pm

Tour #4Watts Towers9:30am-12:20pm

Master Classes8:30am-11:30am


Lunch On Own11:00am-12:30pm

New Members Meet & Greet11:30am-12:30pm Exhibitors Closed12:30pm-1:30pm

Master Classes12:30pm-3:30 pm


Visit Exhibitors before they close at 4:15pm

General SessionWilshire Grand Golden StateKeynote Speaker:Ruth Weisberg4:30pm-5:45pm

Teacher as Artist ReceptionRosewood Room6:00pm-7:00pm

Friday Night GalaFIDM7:00pm-9:30pm

Life Drawing Open Studio9:30pm-11:00pm



Opening and Welcome8:30am-9:00am

Stephanie GrahamOn Our Way to Cultural Proficiency9:00am-10:00am


Margaret HeritageAssessment Practices that Provide Direction10:15am-11:15am

Dr. Tina VartanianDesigning a Road Map for At-Risk Youth11:15am-11:45am

Maureen GemmaDoorways and Bridges11:45am-12:30pm

Lunch12:30pm-1:30pmWilshire Room

Mark ZahnRenaissance High School1:30pm-2:15pm

Marka H. BurnsCarpool Discussion2:15pm-3:00pm

Nancy CarrState Highway 3:00pm-3:45pm

Geraldine WalkupThe End of the Road3:45pm

General SessionWilshire Grand Golden StateKeynote Speaker:Ruth Weisberg4:30pm–6:00pm



Visit Exhibitors and Student Art Exhibits7:30am-8:30am

TCAP Elementary Strand Workshop Opening: Session I8:30am-11:30am

Visit Exhibitors and Student Art Exhibits11:00am-12:00pm

Lunch 12:00pm–1:00pmWilshire Room

Elementary Strand Workshop: Session 21:00pm-3:00pm

Connecting to the Classroom3:00pm-3:30pm

TCAP Elementary Strand Closing3:30pm-4:00pm

General SessionWilshire Grand Golden State Keynote Speaker:Bill Viola4:30pm-5:45pm

Registration7:00 am-12:00pm

Area Breakfasts 7:00am-8:00am

Exhibitors Open7:30am-1:00pm

Tour #5Historic Theater Tour (walking tour)9:30am-12:30pm

Master Classes8:30am-11:30am


Lunch On Own11:15am--1:00pm

Teacher as Artist Exhibit closes at 12 noon

Visit Exhibitors before Final Closing at1:00pm

Master Classes12:30pm-3:30pm


General SessionWilshire Grand Golden State Keynote Speaker: Bill Viola4:30pm-5:45pm

Silent/Live Auction and Dinner6:15pm–9:30pmWilshire Grand Pacific Ballroom

Awards BreakfastWilshire GrandGolden State –Keynote Speaker:Frank Romero8:00am-10:30am


2010 ConferenceMeetingGarden East10:45am-11:45am

Open State Council MeetingGarden East12:00pm-2pm

Thursday, Nov. 12 Friday, Nov. 13 Saturday, Nov. 14 Sunday, Nov. 15


Tour #2J. Paul Getty Museum-Getty Center9:30am-3:30pm(Lunch on your own on site)

Tour #3The Broad Contemporary Art Museum/Art & Craft and Folk Art Museum(Lunch on your on site)11:00am-4:00pm

Exhibitor Kick-Off EventPacific Ballroom6:00pm-8:00pm

ArtWalk: Downtown LA7:30pm-10:00pm(Free)

Master Classes7:00pm-10:00pm


Tour #1A Taste of LA9:30am-3:30pm

Wed., Nov. 11

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CAEA is offering scholarships to provide assistance to continuing members who might wish to attend the 2009 Conference but cannot, due to current statewide financial conditions. Qualified applicants will be placed in a drawing, and the 2-5 scholarship winners will be chosen at random. Scholarship consists of one full conference registration and one room night at the Wilshire Grand Hotel.

Criteria: • Membership: Current, active member of CAEA for FIVE or more consecutive years. • Financial Need: Employer (districts, schools, universities, etc.) will not provide funding to attend.

Proposal:A typed plan (one page maximum) of how you will share your CAEA conference experience with your colleagues and school administrators at the completion of the conference.

Newsletter Article:A thoughtful and insightful article on your educational reflections (what you gained) from the conference for the January 2010 issue of The Painted Monkey (Due December 1, 2009 to: Catherine Wilson, [email protected])






City State Zip

Email address

Home phone Work Phone Cell Phone

Place of employment

Have you been a member of CAEA for five or more consecutive years?


My signature indicates: • That my employer (school, district, university, etc.) cannot cover my expenses to attend the 2009 conference. • My commitment to write a brief, thoughtful, insightful article on my educational reflections (what I gained) from the conference for the January 2010 issue of The Painted Monkey (Send to Catherine Wilson at [email protected]) by December 1, 2009.)

Please attach a statement (one page maximum, explaining how you will share your CAEA conference experience with your colleagues and school administrators at the completion of the conference.

Send completed application to Kathy Rogers at [email protected] or to 78 N. Medea Creek Lane, Oak Park, CA 91377 Questions? Contact Catherine Wilson at [email protected] or Kathy Rogers at [email protected]

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Last Name: First Name: M.I.:

Address: City: Zip:

Email: Home Phone:


School Address:

City: State: Zip:

If awarded this scholarship: I agree to write a brief article for The Painted Monkey at the conclusion of the conference reflecting on my experiences at the conference and I agree to share my experiences with my colleagues and district administration.

Applicant’s Signature Date:


CATHERINE WILSON, Scholarship Chair1910 HICKORY, SANTA ANA, CA. 92707OR TO: [email protected]

The Lynn Hickey Professional Development Scholarship

$500 Award to Attend the CAEA Conference in November!It’s not too late to apply for financial support for the CAEA Conference in Los Angeles this November.

Applications Due: September 25, 2009

This scholarship established to honor Lynn Hickey’s lifelong commitment to art education is awarded to a classroom instructor, K – 12, who is a current CAEA member and has been teaching for five years or less.

PURPOSE: To provide CAEA member with funds to attend the annual CAEA conference. The award may be applied to cover registration, master class fees, substitute teacher fees, travel or lodging costs.

WHO MAY APPLY: Current CAEA members in good standing who are currently classroom instructors, K – 12, and are in their first five years of teaching.

AMOUNT OF SCHOLARSHIP: Up to $500 will be reimbursed with receipted evidence for expenses related to attendance at the 2008 CAEA Conference in Los Angeles, November 12 – 15, 2009.

TO APPLY: Fill out the form below and attach to your one page (500 word) explanation of your teaching experiences and how you would use the support.

Lynn Hickey Professional Development Scholarship

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Ruth Weisberg has been Dean at the University of Southern California’s Roski School of Fine Arts since 1995. As an artist Weisberg works primarily in painting, drawing and large-scale installations.

As an artist, Weisberg has been a particularly active exhibitor with over 75 solo and 185 group exhibitions. Major exhibitions were recently mounted at the Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena and

the Skirball Museum, Los Angeles. Her work is included in over 65 major museum and university collections world wide. Recent commissions include a 28 ft. mural permanently installed at the New York Jewish Federation.

She has been the recipient of many honors including the upcoming Women’s Caucus for Art Lifetime Achievement Award for 2009. A documentary entitled Ruth Weisberg: On the Journey by Laura Vazquez was released in April, 2003.


COMPLETING THE CIRCLE: THE ART OF RUTH WEISBERG By Julia R. Myers, Ph.D.Published to accompany the university’s exhibition “Michigan Collects Ruth Weisberg,” March 12–April 27, 2007

RUTH WEISBERG: UNFURLEDEssays by Matthew Baigell and Donald Kuspit88 Page Exhibition Catalogue38 Color IllustrationsPublished by The Skirball Museum, Distributed by University of Washington Press, 2007

THE OPEN DOOR: A PASSOVER HAGGADAHby Sue Levi Elwell (Editor), Ruth Weisberg (Illustrator)

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Bill Viola (b.1951) is considered a

pioneer in the medium of video

art and is internationally recog-

nized as one of today’s leading

artists. He has been instrumental

in the establishment of video

as a vital form of contemporary

art, and in so doing has helped

to greatly expand its scope in

terms of technology, content,

and historical reach. For over 35

years he has created videotapes,

architectural video installations,

sound environments, electronic

music performances, flat panel video pieces, and works

for television broadcast. Viola’s video installations—total

environments that envelop the viewer in image and sound—

employ state-of-the-art technologies and are distinguished by

their precision and direct simplicity. They are shown in museums

and galleries worldwide and are found in many distinguished

collections. His single channel videotapes have been widely

broadcast and presented cinematically, while his writings have

been extensively published, and translated for international

readers. Viola uses video to explore the phenomena of sense

perception as an avenue to self-knowledge. His works focus

on universal human experiences—birth, death, the unfolding

of consciousness—and have roots in both Eastern and Western

art as well as spiritual traditions, including Zen Buddhism,

Islamic Sufism, and Christian mysticism. Using the inner

language of subjective thoughts and collective memories, his

videos communicate to a wide audience, allowing viewers to

experience the work directly, and in their own personal way.

Photo: Kira Perov





TRANSFIGURATION, 2007Black-and-white High-Definition video on plasma display mounted on wallPhoto: Kira Perov


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Throughout his 40 year career as an artist, Frank Romero has been a dedicated member of the Los Angeles arts community. As a member of the 1970s Chicano art collective, Los Four, Romero and fellow artists Carlos Almaraz, Beto de la Rocha and Gilbert Lujan, helped to define and promote the new awareness of La Raza through murals, publications and exhibitions. Los Four’s historic 1974 exhibition at

the Los Angeles County Museum of Art was the country’s first show of Chicano art at a major art institution.

Since then, Romero has successfully balanced a career in both the public and private arenas. He has completed over 15 murals throughout the city, and was a key contributor to the 1984 Olympic Arts Festival with “Going to the Olympics,” a large






LE MONDE, 2006

scale mural which adorns one of Los Angeles’ busiest freeways (Highway 101). He created a 44’ mural, The L.A. River, which was featured recently at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles’ “L.A.: Light/Motion/Dreams” exhibition. Among his most noted works are the 21’ mural painting, The History of the Chicano Movemiento, and the political trilogy The Closing of Whittier Boulevard, The Death of Ruben Salazar and The Arrest of the Palateros.

Romero has shown extensively in the United States, Europe and Japan. Notable exhibitions include “Chicanarte” (L.A. Municipal Gallery), “Hispanic Art in the United States” (Corcoran Gallery, Washington D.C. and national tour), “Le Demon des Anges” (Nantes, France; Barcelona, Spain; Lund Sweden and Brussels, Belgium), and “American Kaleidoscope” (National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.).

Frank Romero was a recipient of the prestigious 2001/2001 COLA Award Grant. In addition, his work is included in Cheech Marin’s “Chicano Visions: American Painters on the Verge” which was at The Los Angeles Museum of Art in 2008. The artist and his wife, Sharon, also a painter, divide their time between homes in Los Angeles, California and Southern France.


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Please join art educators throughout the state at the California Art Education Association’s Los Angeles State Art Conference, November 12-15, 2009. Teachers will be presenting their artwork in the “Teacher As Artist Exhibition” on Friday, November 13th.

RECEPTIONThe reception begins at 6:00 pm and concludes at 7:00 pm in conjunction with the Area Receptions and Past President’s Reception. Artwork will be on display until Saturday, November 14th at noon.

FORMAT FOR SUBMISSION All Work must be presented in a professional format and be no larger than 24” x 36”, including the frame/mat. Teacher As Artist entrants may photocopy the entry form/label (included below) and attach it to the bottom right corner of two-dimensional work on the frame/mat on the front of the work or attach it to the bottom of three-dimensional work. Please deliver work when you check in at the conference, just look for the Teacher as Artist table.

Donated artwork will be stored for the Scholarship Auction, Saturday evening directly following the show. All additional artwork must be picked up by noon on Saturday, November 14th in the Rosewood Room.

FOR MORE INFO...For additional information contact Lora Sanders at [email protected] or Pam Fraleigh at [email protected].





Phone (cell)


Item can go to Silent Auction after exhibit: Yes No


Copy and attach to bottom right front ofmatted 2-D work or the bottom of 3-D work.

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TWO–DIMENSIONAL WORK:All work must be matted and may not be larger than 24”x36” including the mat. Student Art Exhibit entrants may photocopy the accompanying form/label and attach it to the bottom right hand corner of the mat on the front of the work. Please print clearly. Written student reflections are encouraged if typed and labeled with student name, title of work, and instructor’s name and school. Clip reflections to the back of the artwork. Wrap multiple entries and label package with your name, school, contact number, and inventory of student work included.

Work may be delivered to the Student Art Exhibit area at the registration desk from 4:00-8:00pm on Thursday Nov. 12th and 8:00am-12:00pm Friday Nov. 13. For questions, more information, or to make special arrangements to deliver work, contact Ellen Slatkin at [email protected]. Please email Ellen in advance if you are planning to deliver artwork so we have an idea for our need for boards.


Please note: CAEA will make every effort to handle the work with care; however, CAEA cannot be responsible for work displayed in a public location.

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STUDENT ART EXHIBIT ENTRY FORM LABELCopy and attach to bottom right front of the matted 2-d work. Please Print Clearly.


Title of Work

Grade Age

Media or Technique


School/ Studio

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Entries for the VIRTUAL STUDENT ART EXHIBIT at the 2009 CAEA State Art Conference: All Roads Lead to Art are needed. IN ADDITION to the traditional Student Art Exhibit of two-dimensional work, a Virtual Student Art Exhibit will be shown on a continuous loop during conference hours. This format will allow for student artwork that is usually not exhibited at the CAEA State Conference, for instance, oversized two-dimensional pieces, three-dimensional pieces, digital based works, and video/animation clips. Also, if you are flying or traveling light and space is a concern, this is a good way to still display your students’ work. The Virtual Student Art Exhibit will also be available on a DVD at the conference for a small donation.

Oversized two-dimensional work, three-dimensional work, short video / animation clips (under 1 minute) will be accepted. All two-dimensional and three-dimensional works must be photographed and submitted in .jpeg format (digital pictures). Video and animation clips must be in mp4 format. No material owned or copyrighted by someone else may be included in your video submission. This includes music, sequences, and other media sources. We suggest the creation of original background music.


Please type or carefully print all information:





Yes, as a participating teacher, I would like to pre-order a Virtual Student Art Exhibit DVD for $1.00. I understand that I will provide the payment at the conference when I pick up my DVD at the CAEA Store.

The exhibit is open to all K-12 CAEA teachers. Your entry must consist of the following mailed no later than October 10, 2009:

1. Completed entry form (below).2. Inventory sheet of student work.3. Artwork burned to a CD or DVD.4. Signed required student release forms (to allow for distribution of DVD--Forms available on the CAEA Web Site, www.caea-arteducation.org).5. Required video/photograph release signed by each person appearing in the video (Forms available on the CAEA Web Site, www.caea-arteducation.org).

Please send work by October 2, 2009 to:

Catherine Wilson Mater Dei High School1202 W. Edinger Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92707

Please print clearly. Please pack CD/DVD of artwork in a padded or photo mailing envelope and label the CD/DVD and the envelope with your name. For additional questions, please contact Catherine Wilson at [email protected] with CAEA Art Show in the subject line.

Note: Traditional two-dimensional Student Art Exhibit Entry Forms are available on the previous page.Photograph, save, and send your best examples from this year’s work!



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Strand SessionsAdministrator Strand (Friday, November 13, 2009)



How can educators ensure that “All Roads Lead to Art” for every student? Are there really no roadblocks to those with special needs or limited resources?

The Administrative Strand will put the pedal to the metal and share with educators effective skills to help make art education available to a diverse student population. There will be no stop signs on this incredible journey, so fasten your seat belt and get ready for a wild ride!

Our journey will begin with a orientation on how to use Cultural Proficiency as a framework for closing educational gaps in art education. Educational leaders in elementary, secondary, court and community schools, as well as higher education will provide examples of successful art programs that have effectively addressed the requirements of all students.

All students deserve the right to a lifetime of learning and enjoyment in the arts. Join us and help guide our students down the road to success.

Outcomes: • Gain knowledge of cultural proficiency• Understanding the power of differentiated Instruction • Learn Formative Assessment strategies that increase student achievement in the arts


Friday Nov. 13, 2009

8:00 Registration

8:30 Welcome, Introductions, PrologueGeraldine Walkup, Administrator, Visual and Performing Arts, Los Angeles County Office of Education

Nancy Carr, Consultant, California Department of Education

9:00 On Our Way to Cultural Proficiency Stephanie Graham, Consultant for Multicultural Education, School Equity and Student Achievement for the Los Angeles County Office of Education and Geraldine

Walkup, Administrator, Visual and Performing Arts, Administrator, Los Angeles County Office of Education

10:00 Break

10:15 Assessment Practices that Provide Direction to Learning Assessment With and For StudentsMargaret Heritage, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (CRESST), UCLA and Norma Silva, Principal, Para Los Niños Charter

Elementary School, Los Angeles

11:15 Designing a Road Map for At-Risk Youth Dr. Tina Vartanian, Coordinator, Visual and Performing Arts for Educational Programs, Los Angeles County Office of Education

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11:45 Doorways and Bridges: ART LINKS to Success for Special Needs StudentsMaureen Gemma, K12 Visual and Performing Arts Coordinator, Sacramento County Office of Education, Region 3 Arts Lead

12:30 Lunch – Davis Publications Presentation

1:30 Renaissance High School Paves the Way to Success Mark Zahn, Principal Renaissance High School for the Arts, Long Beach Unified School District

2:15 Carpool Discussion Moderator Marka H. Burns, Cal State University Long Beach

A panel of college professors - Q and A regarding art education concerns at higher education.

3:00 State HighwayNancy Carr, Consultant, California Department of Education

Update on what is happening at the state level in regards to the Visual and Performing Arts. Nancy will also discuss what quality art education looks like K-12, for all children.

3:45 The End of the RoadGeraldine Walkup, Administrator, Visual and Performing Arts, Los Angeles County Office of Education

Reflections on the day and closing remarks.

4:30 Transition to Keynote Speaker Ruth Weisberg in the Golden State Ballroom

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24 The Painted MonkeySeptember 200924

ON THE ARTISTIC EXPRESSION HIGHWAYPRESENTED BY THE CALIFORNIA ARTS PROJECT (TCAP) & CAEAThe California Arts Project on November 14, 2009 will be presenting the Elementary Strand IV, On the Artistic Expression Highway, during the California Arts Education Association annual State Conference, All Roads Lead to Art, in Los Angeles. This full day, specifically designed for multiple subject elementary teachers, will focus on empowering elementary teachers to begin building an artistic expression highway for their students in the visual arts. The strand will be facilitated and presented by outstanding Teacher Leaders from The California Arts Project.

The day will provide teachers with an introduction to the visual arts content standards, two hands on workshop experiences in visual arts content knowledge, processes, and skills appropriate for the elementary student. Participants will be engaged in art making, connecting experiences to their classrooms, and professional reflection.

Participants will leave ready to merge onto the Artistic Expression Highway with ideas for their students, a copy of the Visual Arts K- 12 Content Standards, and confidence to support the creative and artistic expression of their students. Complimentary Lunch is included.

This strand is limited to 35 participants, so register early!

Strand SessionsElementary Strand (Saturday, November 14, 2009)


Saturday Nov. 14, 2009

7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Registration Opportunity to Visit Exhibitors and Student Exhibitions

8:30 a.m. TCAP Elementary Strand Opening Elementary Strand Workshop Session 1

11:00 – 12:00 Opportunity to Visit Exhibitors and Student Exhibitions

12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch

1:00 p.m. Elementary Strand Workshop Session 2

3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Connecting to the Classroom

3:30 – 4:00 p.m. TCAP Elementary Strand Close

4:30 – 5:45 p.m. Conference Keynote Speaker Bill Viola

For more information please contact TCAP CAEA Strand Chair, Kris Alexander, [email protected] or CAEA Conference Co-Chair Tami Lincoln, [email protected].

Also Included:• Visit to the Conference Student Art Exhibits and Exhibitors

• Conference Keynote Speaker Bill Viola, International Video Artist

Fees: Register by 10/15 $125 After 10/15 $150With full Conference Registration $65


Please note: THIS IS DESIGNED FOR GENERALIST TEACHERS, and is not designed for elementary art education specialists.

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CONFERENCE CREDIT AVAILABLEAttendees of this year’s CAEA Conference in Los Angeles will be able to receive Professional Development Credits through Chapman University. Paperwork, including three forms (A, B, & C) will be available after registering onsite at the conference. The forms are also available in advance online at www.caea-arteducation.org.

Participants can earn one unit of credit for attending and reflecting on 15 hours of sessions or two credits for 30 hours of sessions. The fee for college credits is $60.00 per unit. Attendees complete two copies of the Chapman University Extended Learning Credit Registration, Form A. One copy of the completed form and payment must be turned in at the Registration Desk at the Conference or mailed to the address listed on the forms. The second copy is kept for the attendee’s records.The California Art Education Association Annual Conference offers Keynote Speakers, Workshops, and Masters Workshops concerning the history of art, art criticism, and aesthetics, art making, and curriculum and pedagogy in art. Those seeking credit will be asked to write a one-page overview highlighting the key learning concepts and plans for applying these concepts and techniques in the classroom (Form C) and complete a sign-in sheet of attendance (Form B), requesting the signature of the presenter for each event you attended.

IMPORTANT: Pick up your forms immediately after registering at the conference or, better still, print copies from the CAEA website, www.caea-arteducation.org. It is much easier to start getting the necessary presenter signatures as you attend instead of trying to track people down after the fact.

Completed worksheets MUST be received before the registration desk closes on Saturday, November 14th, 2009 at 1:00pm or mailed ASAP to the address provided on the forms. For more information, contact Betsy Holster at [email protected].

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All through this year’s conference the focus will be on digital media in the visual arts classroom as taught by visual arts teachers. Digital media workshops will be offered every day of the conference, but Saturday will be the day when multiple workshops dealing with the many different aspects of digital arts (such as 2-D animation, 3-D animation, computer graphics, digital photography, digital image manipulation, digital video production, multimedia installation, equipment, software, standards based lessons, and rubrics), including master classes at and tours of the “new” Los Angeles High School for the Arts will be offered for all conference attendees. With payment of your full conference registration or a one-day pass you will be able to access the many strategies for bringing the digital highway to your classroom. The digital art arena is rapidly expanding; virtually every visual arts teacher is entering the arena or is on the outskirts wondering how the digital arts will affect their classroom. For this reason, this year’s conference will offer sessions to cover the gamut of digital needs and interests that are emerging in today’s never-ending rapid succession of cheaper, faster, better, wider, farther, and more interactive; everyone attending the conference is welcome to attend. Saturday’s digital focus will also offer keynote speaker, internationally known video artist, Bill Viola.

To take advantage of all the digital offerings just plan to attend those sessions marked with a computer icon in the workshop schedule (pages 40-45 of this issue).

Digital Class Offerings:

Thursday Nov. 12, 2009

Art that Serves: Digital Photoshop & ScanningTime: 7:00pm–8:15pmLocation: Mac Lab / Los Angeles RoomExperience Level: BeginningGrade: M/HS

Friday Nov. 13, 2009

Master Class: Digital Artist Trading Cards – A Unique Format for Teaching & Learning Teri Brudnak Time: 8:30am–11:30amLocation: Mac Lab / Los Angeles Room

Master Class: Fingerprint Portraits (in the style of Chuck Close) Time: 12:30 - 3:30Instructor: Julie LuskLocation: Mac Lab / Los Angeles Room

21st Century Cubism: Digital Photography, Photoshop & CollageTime: 10:00am–11:15pmLocation: Wilshire HotelExperience Level: BeginningGrade Level: M / HS


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Friday Nov. 13, 2009

“Are You Reading Me?” – Digital Photoshop & OverprintingTime: 8:30am–9:45amLocation: Mac Lab / Los Angeles RoomExperience Level: AdvancedGrade: HS

Animated Storytelling in the Digital Age: Digital Animation, Film MakingTime: 10:00am–11:15amLocation: Mac Lab / Los Angeles RoomExperience Level: IntermediateGrade: HS

Using Photoshop as a Tool: Photoshop - Principles & Elements of DesignTime: 12:30pm–1:45pmLocation: Mac Lab / Los Angeles RoomExperience Level: BeginningGrade: M

The Bridge: Connecting the Art Lab & Tech Lab Using Adobe Creative Suite (CS4) SoftwareTime: 2:00pm–3:15pmLocation: Mac Lab / Los Angeles RoomExperience Level: BeginningGrade: M

Panel Discussion: Fostering Creativity in the Visual ArtsTime: 3:30pm–4:00pmLocation: Mac Lab / Los Angeles Room

Saturday Nov. 14, 2009

The Painted MonkeySeptember 2009 27

Using Wikis, Blogs and Web 2.0 in Art Ed: Understanding & Using Web 2.0Time: 12:30pm–1:45pmLocation: Wilshire HotelExperience Level: BeginningGrade: E/M/HS

Master Class: “Stop-motion Animation: Stop the Motion & Find the Magic” & Tour of Arts High SchoolTime: 8:30am–11:30amLocation: Los Angeles High School for the ArtsInstructor: Joan Dooley

DIGITAL FOCUS DAYSPhotoshop Lessons Part 1Time: 12:30pm–1:45pmLocation: Los Angeles High School for the ArtsInstructor: Bill Diebold

Photoshop Lessons Part 2Time: 2:00pm–3:15pmLocation: Los Angeles High School for the ArtsInstructor: Bill Diebold

Saturday Nov. 15, 2009

Supporting Creativity, Community & Collaboration Through RSS, Delicious, Twitter, & Ning (Social Networking)Time: 8:30am–9:45amLocation: Mac Labs / Los Angeles RoomGrade: E/M/HS

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The Broad Contemporary Art Museum at The Los Angeles County Museum Of Art Plus the Craft And Folk Art MuseumTour #3: Thursday November 12, 11:00am–4:00pm

LACMA has been undergoing a major expansion and renovation effort known as the Transformation. The first phase, the Broad Contemporary Art Museum, was recently opened and features the work of renowned artists such as Richard Serra, Barbara Kruger, John Baldessari, Ed Ruscha, Cindy Sherman, and many more. Enjoy a special tour of BCAM. After lunch on your own, at the museum’s Plaza Café or Pentimento, spend the afternoon exploring the 60,000 square feet of exhibition space and/or plan a visit to LA’s Craft & Folk Art Museum right across the street. Through its exhibits and events, showcasing folk arts from throughout the world, “CAFAM acts as a catalyst for cultural understanding and unity in one of the most diverse cities in the world.”

The cost for this tour is: $45.00/person

A Taste Of LATour #1: Wednesday November 11, 9:30am–3:30pm

Wednesday is a holiday and those of you who plan to arrive early for the conference and want to enjoy a never-before-experienced tour of Los Angeles, join us for a taste of LA’s art, architecture, and ambience. The day will include a docent led walking tour of downtown’s “historic core,” centered on the area around Pershing Square. The tour highlights many important LA landmarks including the Bradbury Building, Angel’s Flight, the Central Library, and the Grand Central Market,” featuring a dazzling array of foods that reflect the international diversity of Los Angeles. Other possible stops include the Flower Mart, The Original Pantry and the bustling bargain bazaar--Santee Alley in the Fashion District. Since this is basically a walking tour, easy in activity level, be sure to wear comfortable shoes.

The cost for this tour is: $30.00/person

The J. Paul Getty Museum At The Getty CenterTour #2: Thursday November 12, 9:30am–3:30pm

Perched atop a hill overlooking the Los Angeles Basin, the J. Paul Getty Museum, designed by Richard Meier, showcases its collection of Western art “against a backdrop of dramatic architecture, tranquil gardens, and breathtaking views.” The collection includes European paintings, drawings, manuscripts, decorative arts, sculpture, and European and American photographs. Wander through the galleries and gardens and enjoy lunch on your own on the terrace at the museum cafe.

The cost for this tour is: $45.00/person


Interior of the Bradbury Building

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Tour #4:Friday November 13, 9:30am–12:20pm

Visit a unique cultural icon in Los Angeles: The Watts Towers. Begun in 1921, Simon Rodia, an Italian immigrant, worked on the towers for over 34 years. “Construction worker by day and artist by night, Rodia adorned his towers with a diverse mosaic of broken glass, sea shells, generic pottery and tile, a rare piece of 19th-century, hand painted Canton ware and many pieces of 20th-century American ceramics. Rodia once said, ‘I had it in mind to do something big and I did it.’” The tallest of his towers stands 99½ feet and contains the longest slender reinforced concrete column in the world. Once slated to be demolished, it was saved by a group of concerned citizens and has undergone years of restoration and renovation to preserve it. This tour includes a visit to the towers, the Watts Towers Art Center, a film about Rodia, galleries that feature local or student artists, as well a workshop related to the visit.

The cost for this tour is: $35.00/person

Watts Towers


Tour #5:Saturday November 14, 9:30am–12:30pm

“The Broadway Historic Theatre District between Third Street and Olympic Blvd. is home to an astonishing twelve movie palaces built between 1910 and 1931. Erected during Broadway’s heyday as the entertainment epicenter of Los Angeles, most of these elaborate theatres could handle crowds of 2,000 people or more. The exteriors as well as the interiors of these grand structures reflect the flamboyance and imagination of the entertainment industry. Variously built to showcase vaudeville, film, or stage plays, the theatres today have a variety of uses, including churches, retail, a dance club, filming, and special events.” This is a docent led walking tour that is moderate+ in activity level and some interiors are not wheelchair accessible. Wear comfortable shoes. (Please note: Access to interiors is limited in some cases and dependent on event scheduling.)

The cost for this tour is: $30.00/person

The Million Dollar Theater


Special Tour (just added):Friday November 13, 10:00am–11:30am

FIDM extends a special invitation to CAEA Conference attendees to tour the Los Angeles campus!

We hope you will join us for a 1 1/2 hour tour on Friday, November 13th following the FIDM workshop, Art & Design: How Art Informs Design. A shuttle will be provided to pick you up at10:00 a.m. and bring you back to the hotel.

While on campus, you will view sketches of 3rd year advanced study students in Fashion Design and Theatre Costume Design, display windows designed by Visual Communications students, a display by Textile Design students, an exhibit of custom designed Fender Guitars designed by FIDM Graphic Design students, FIDM's state-of-the-art Digital Media Center, FIDM's award-winning East and West Design Studios and more!

There is no additional cost for this tour, however you MUST RSVP with Darlene Peters if you plan on attending the tour. To reserve your space, please contact Darlene via email at: [email protected].



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Master Artist ClassesPlease note: Final schedule subject to change.

There will be a $50.00 additional fee for each master class payable with your conference registration. Register early to be sure to get your first choice in master classes. If you register early and have paid in full by September 15, you are eligible to win a free master class!

Figurative Drawing (#261)

Instructor: Sang Young BangClass size limit: 30Materials fee: $10.00

The participants will gain an understanding of the natural forms in the body and how they exist in the whole and parts of the figure, learn the basic anatomical relationships relevant to descriptive drawing of the human form, gain competence in linear/tonal methods of figure drawing, and be able to depict basic proportional relationships.

Figure drawing does not merely describe contoured images of human form but it must be a manifestation of figure gestures based on proper understanding of human anatomy. Life drawing instructor at Otis College of Art and Design, Sang Young Bang will introduce how to simplify human anatomy for figure quick sketches while developing line quality, spontaneity and accuracy. Rendering technique and head drawing will be also demonstrated and a costumed model will be provided.



FRIDAY MORNINGPatterns of Influence: Decorative Surface Techniques in Ceramics (#350)

Instructor: Karen Koblitz, Head of Ceramics, USC Roski School of Fine ArtClass size limit: 20Materials fee: $5.00

My work pays homage to the functional roots of ceramics while elaborating on historical and decorative elements. The influences in my work come from life experience as well as travels and readings. The class will include a power point presentation that will show objects and places that have inspired my work. I will give a demonstration on various processes I employ in the surface patterning of my pieces. I use molds, linoleum blocks and many times transfer patterns onto the clay surface with the use of paper stencils. I also use a variety of tools in carving designs into the clay.


Register for Los Angeles 2009 and pay in full by September 15 and get the lowest prices, priority sign ups for Master Classes and qualify for a Free Master Class Drawing (up to three classes will be given away.) It’s easy to Register. Look for the Registration Form on page or register online at www.caea-arteducation.org!

Look for information in this issue or on our Web site (www.caea-arteducation.org) for other special ticketed events such as tours, master artist classes, special strands, the Friday Night Gala at FIDM, and many other opportunities.

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Figurative Drawing (#351)

Instructor: Sang Young BangClass size limit: 30Materials fee: $10.00

Repeat of session from Thursday evening. See previous description.

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Digital Artists Trading Cards Create a Unique Format For Teaching and Learning (#352)

Instructor: Teri BrudnakClass size limit: 30Materials fee: no fee

So many concepts can be taught via the creation of Artists Trading Cards. From teaching concepts of the elements and principles of art to exploring subjects unique to specific design topics, ATCs are an engaging way to involve students in group interaction and discussions. The use of digital tools extends the creation of ATCs to an exciting level. Using scanners, photography, digital collage, vector graphics and typography can layer many levels of visual complexity and meaning. Participants will learn how to prepare materials for scanning, create layered files of visual elements and overlay templates for layout and cutting. We will discuss types of card stock and set up for printing as well as using traditional art materials to enhance the cards after printing.

Various lessons that use the creation of ATCs as a focal point will be discussed. Bring flash drive, with digital images if you wish.

Enamel (#353)

Instructor: Pam NowakClass size limit: 25Materials fee: $10.00

Experience the transformation of glass powders, colored lumps and threads into glossy pendents and jewelry. The process of copper enameling is exciting and the effects are endless as you learn to use simple stencil and scraffito techniques to layer enamel onto copper shapes. A quick flash in the kiln and your results are ready to view. Materials will be available to turn these pieces into wearable, one of a kind art!

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Watercolor Techniques on Silk (#361)

Instructor: Olivia BatchelderClass size limit: 30Materials fee: $25 per person includes four one-ounce bottles of silk dye to take home, piece of treated silk, stretching frame, and stainless pins. BRING WATERCOLOR BRUSHES. Top notch silk painting brushes will be available for sale for $20 each if you forget. Working on treated silk canvas with bright permanent dyes and watercolor techniques enables us to paint just as a watercolorist does on paper - the color is vibrant and the dye does not bleed. There is no need for a linear outline. Olivia will show you how to prepare the canvas, transfer your

design, and modulate and blend colors for realistic painterly effects for lush complex work. This is an advanced technique for achieving control in silk painting. This class will hurl you into the rich world of painting with dye on silk using watercolor techniques.

Ink Drawing Techniques (#360)

Instructor: Jenny PhelpsClass size limit: 20Materials fee: $10.00

India ink is a fantastically versatile medium, allowing users to create wonderfully textured drawings, subtle washes, and luminous representations. Using brushes, sticks, and pens, this Master Class will expose participants to a wide range of ink drawing techniques. We will focus on black india ink, but colored ink will be available for demonstration and use for those who are interested. Participants can bring an image to work from or draw from an on-site setup.


Fingerprint Portraits (#362)

Instructor: Julie LuskClass size limit: 30Materials fee: no materials fee

Raku (#462)

Instructor: T. RobertClass size: TBDMaterials: Bring 2-3 pieces of bisque pieces of pottery no larger than 8”X 8”.

Raku firing is a fascinating process to see and be a part of—both dramatic and exciting. It is also a wonderful way to actually watch the glazes melt and see what happens inside the kiln in a matter of minutes. Participants will learn the history, philosophy and aesthetics of Raku as well as actively be involved in the glazing, loading and firing of wares. They will be instructed on traditional glaze techniques and encouraged to extend boundaries to explore and innovate their own concepts of design and application as it relates to “Rakuness.” Participants will actively be involved in the firing process and will learn key elements to successful firing. Equipment, glaze, and tools will be provided. Fun, quick and exciting, participants will leave with finished work. Bring bisque pots (no larger then 8” x 8”) or chose from a selection provided.

Appropriate dress of long pants, long sleeves, protective eyewear and hard shoes, long hair tied back.

Following in the style of Chuck Close’s later work, we will be creating a fingerprint self-portrait. As a class we will take digital photos of one another. We will work together to bring the image into Adobe Photoshop and create a second layer to sketch out the lights and darks of each image. Each student will scan an inked fingerprint and learn how to turn it into a brush, that will then be used to complete the self portrait.

Participants in this class will gain an understanding of Chuck Close’s art and career, as well as the element of value and principles of pattern and repetition. We will discuss teaching this technique to high school students, incorporating the elements and principles of art as well as the philosophy of using the natural self-portrait of a fingerprint to create a self-portrait using digital media. Lesson plans will be handed out. CDs will be available for purchase to save work, or students may bring flash drives if desired.

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Liquid Metals and Patinas (#363)

Instructor: Madelynne EngleClass size limit: 20Materials fee: $20.00

Advances in materials now allow the artist to create both paintings and sculpture with liquid metal coatings over virtually any surface or texture. This class will cover the basic use of materials and hands-on application of the metal coatings and patinas. They are appropriate for both contemporary and traditional forms. The liquid metals offer substantial reliability and durability to otherwise degradable surfaces. Because the liquid metals can be applied to everything from found objects to gauze, from old gears to slippers, from canvas to stone, your work has increased sustainability and will allow you to create something enduring from almost nothing. That’s true upcycling. These metal coatings are soluble and non-toxic.

This class is intended to introduce you to new materials, and to encompass techniques that deliver relevant, immediately applicable tools and knowledge. You will leave class with a selection of your own metal and patina samples for your portfolio... a new creative choice, creative voice. Never stop playing! ...and bring an old apron to wear in class...these materials are meant to be permanent.

SATURDAY MORNINGPrintmaking and More (#450)

Instructor: Heather C. ConyersClass size limit: 20Materials fee: $10.00

This class offers participants the opportunity to pursue their artistic vision using relief printmaking with print foam. The key focus is the evolution of an image on a variety of surfaces. For added richness and texture, the image can be altered and an assortment of other materials will be used –collage, watercolor paints, and/or oil pastels to create spectacular, innovative works of art. Heather Conyers is a printmaker and collage artist. She teaches art for several LACMA programs, South Pasadena Art Center and various schools in LA County. Her prints and collages have been shown in solo and group exhibitions.

Traditional Hand-Bound Books (#451)

Instructor: Rosanne KleinermanClass size: 20Materials fee: $10.00

Learn to make a traditional hand-bound book that you can use for a sketch book, journal, or artist book. You will learn to sew signatures, and bind the pages into a hard cover. There will be time to decorate the cover with collage and drawing materials. You will make a hard cover book approximately 8-1/2” X 7” using materials that you probably already have in your studio. A native of Los Angeles, Rosanne Kleinerman is a painter, jewelry designer, bookbinder and

art educator. She has exhibited her work in Los Angeles, New York and many places in-between. Her paintings and sculptures can be seen in the book Wings Over the City, and on the web at www.jingle-jangle.net. Ms. Kleinerman teaches art to children and adults at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, UCLA and at various schools and museums in Los Angeles County. She was recently an educational consultant for the CD-ROM Jump-Start Artist and is the Executive Director for the Hollywood Bowl’s Fine Arts Programs. She received her degree from the San Francisco Art Institute.

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Using Photographic Paper with Paint and Gesso (#453)

Instructor: Sherrill KahnClass size: 30Materials fee: TBD

Each student will paint on plain or digitally printed glossy photo paper with Sargent Art’s Watercolor Magic and Gesso. Layers of paint will be built using the two products. The textures and colors created are easily achieved by combining the two media. Sherrill Kahn is a former art teacher and member of CAEA. She has written six books on various art techniques. She travels all over the world giving classes and workshops.

Folded Slab / Lidded Boxes (#455)

Instructor: Scott YoungClass size: 20Materials fee: no materials fee

This clay master class will focus on the unique fabrication, construction and decoration of a folded slab lidded box The participants will shape the folded box using paper templates and explore surface treatments with organic and found objects. Coil and slab feet and lid ornamentation will complete the box. Due to time constraints the boxes will not be fired. Scott Young received his MFA from Fullerton and currently teaches at Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, California and does frequent guest workshops

Stop Motion, Insert Magic: Simple Stop-motion Animation (#454)

Instructor: Joan DooleyClass size: 25Materials fee: no materials fee

This hands-on class will teach stop-motion (frame by frame) animation, a technique easily accessible yet rich in creative possibilities for the classroom. In this workshop participants will make their own stop-motion project using the pixilation and/or paper puppet technique. The materials used will be iStopmotion software (created for the k-12 arena; very affordable on apple.com) and a digital camcorder connected to a computer. Student samples will be shown to analyze and inspire the day’s projects. Key concepts of animation such as storyboarding and onion-skinning will be covered. Attendees will be also be given a private tour of the new Visual and Performing Arts HS.

Students should bring a flash-drive to take home copies of their animation project plus lesson plan materials.

Colored Pencils (#452)

Instructor: Betsy HolsterClass size: 20Materials fee: $10.00

This class will cover all of the skills needed to draw with colored pencils. Whether you have already worked in colored pencils or are brand new to the medium, there will be valuable information for all. Various color application processes including tonal application, grisaille, and burnishing will be explored. Tips specific to the medium as well as tips to help teachers claim back the time to do their own artwork will be discussed, but most of the time will be spent drawing! A number of handouts will be given to participants. In addition, there will be lesson plans and information about the use of colored pencil in the art curriculum. If you have wanted to introduce this medium but have been hesitant, there will be useful tips and ideas for incorporating colored pencil into innovative art lessons. Instructor will furnish various papers, blender pencils, various gray colored pencils, and kneaded erasers for colored pencil.

Students should bring a good quality pencil set, sharpener (manual, battery operated, or electric with extension cord), and plastic/vinyl eraser or click eraser.

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SATURDAY AFTERNOONMosaic Tile Assemblages (#460)

Instructor: Carolyn MachadoClass size: 20Materials fee: $12.00 (bring small personal memento if possible)

The participants will create a small mosaic assemblage piece by using a variety of recycled materials. Consider bringing a small personal memento to add to the mix. This class is a great opportunity for the artist/non artist to enjoy and explore an exciting new medium. We will be working on a 8”x 8” tile.

My use of recycled materials is very intentional. I am intrigued with the natural aging process of all of my chosen items. I find such an overlooked beauty in the various stages and imperfections

that come with the passage of time, Whatever it was that originally attracted me to each item, I want that true odd beauty and fascination to remain. I am drawn to the Asian aesthetic, the beautiful simplicity of line, design, and sensitivity. The challenge is always to find beauty and harmony and perhaps a story in things so easily discarded by others.

Calligraphy - the Art of Fine Handwriting (#461)

Instructor: Sue CopseyClass size: 30Materials fee: $20.00 which includes Calligraphy Set

Calligraphy is a special way of producing beautiful handwriting. This Master Class will give participants the opportunity to use broad-edge pen nibs to create thick and thin strokes on paper. Using Chancery Cursive and other alphabet styles, participants will learn how to produce their own attractive cards, stationery, invitations/envelopes, place cards, name tags, and certificates. Fee payable to instructor for a calligraphy kit.

Magic with Digital Photography (#463)

Instructor: Sherrill Kahn Class size: 30Materials fee: $10.00

Each student will use digital photographs printed on cardstock or flat surfaces. The images will be combined with various media such as colored pencils, watercolor, gesso, oil pastels, or any other media of choice. Layers of color over the images will produce rich finished projects. Free digital programs will be discussed in class. Sherrill Kahn is a former art teacher and member of CAEA. She has written six books on various art techniques. She travels all over the world giving classes and workshops.

Draw with a Saw (#464)

Instructor: Karla Schmidt ComminsClass size limit: 20Materials fee: $5.00

Piercing and cutting with a jeweler’s handsaw is an essential basic skill for all metal artists. Student s will learn to “draw” simple contour shapes in copper and accentuate their design by piercing and cutting additional internal shapes to create a unique pin or pendant. A variety of simple and safe finishing techniques including cold connections, textures, and patinas will also be used and discussed.

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Art that Serves Location: Los Angeles RoomTime: 7:00 – 8:15Instructor: Janet Adams Grade Level: M/HSCreate pillows and draw string bags using scanned images that can be donated to different community charities.


Filipino Parol Location: GlenwoodTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Dick Blick - Julie Davis Grade Level: EIn the Philippines, during the Festival of Lights, parol (puh-roll), or star-shaped lanterns, symbolizes the victory of light over darkness as well as hope and goodwill. Participants will create parol with natural reed, translucent rice paper and liquid watercolor. Displayed in a window or hanging from a light fixture, they make colorful, festive decorations for any season.

Art & Design: How Art Informs Design Visual LiteracyLocation: Garden EastTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: FIDM - Darlene PetersGrade Level: HSHow is art transformed into design? Hear two acclaimed professionals and FIDM professors discuss their distinctions and similarities of both. Learn about their experiences in converting pure art into marketable art. Discover the language, thought processes, expectations, and realities of the multifaceted design profession. Attending this session will enable you to impart contemporaneous knowledge and inspire your current learners and future designers.

Coil Clay TilesLocation: DoheneyTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Priscilla Nielsen Grade Level: M/HSMaking tile “pictures” using the most basic coil methods and a surprise reveal!

Mono-printsLocation: ChandlerTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Karen Keys Grade Level: M/HSThis hands-on workshop will explore how to mono-print without a press. Participants will learn the step-by-step process to paint beautiful prints using watercolors.

Gourd SculptureLocation: HillhurstTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Naomi Kadinoff Grade Level: M/HSThis hands-on workshop explores the use of gourds as a rich medium for creating organic sculptural forms that can convey students’ concepts and feelings. Experiment with surface designs and discuss the construction of more complex forms using gourds and other materials.

Drawing Treetch and Other Fantastic Creatures Location: Del MarTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Frank DixonGrade Level: E/M/HSIn this workshop see Frank Dixon’s recently published book Drawing Treetch and Other Fantastic Creatures; practice drawing some fantastic creatures from the book: treetch (tree with faces), dragoons (a close relative of a dragon), kwuflyns (kittens with wings), and a tanglareye ( creature made with looping line design). You will try drawing using several different techniques; 1)step-by-step, 2) “drawing by shape”, and 3) random scribbling to discover your own fantasy creature.

Art With the Brain in Mind Location: SawtelleTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Eilene Green Grade Level: EThe brain is the major component in how a child sees and recreates what they see. Understanding how a child makes sense of their world as they explore through personal experiences; enables recognition of indicators for the child’s readiness for reading and writing, fosters self expression for the emerging of the child’s unique personality and encourage expressive art to generate joy in a child’s life. Isn’t that what education is all about? Going within and drawing out?


* Final schedule subject to change

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College Admissions Art Portfolio & Careers in the Visual ArtsLocation: SerranoTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Daniel Cho - Vision 21 ArtGrade Level: HSOverview of college admissions for art colleges and universities for visual arts degrees; portfolio content and explanation; types of careers and majors; salaries in the visual arts; colleges and universities to direct students to.

Printmaking with Clay, Glaze & UnderglazeLocation: GlenwoodTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Amaco - Rachel Rewerts Grade Level: E/M/HSLearn printmaking using clay and glaze! This unique technique can be used for all levels of art education. This is a hands-on workshop where you will get to play with clay, glaze and underglaze to create a beautiful piece of artwork.

Drawing Roads to EverywhereLocation: FernwodTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: donna banning Grade Level: HSDrawing is the basis for every other visual art endeavor in the secondary classroom. This workshop will present a variety of hands-on drawing techniques that have been very successful in generating student enthusiasm and teaching drawing skills.

Good Enough to Eat Location: DohenyTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Jeanette Carlstrom Grade Level: EWayne Thiebaud inspired cupcakes/cakes with special “recipe” for tempera & cornstarch collage work and painting.

Paper Maché Mask Making Location: ChandlerTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Stephanie Joner Grade Level: HSTribal masks created using paper maché with paste, newspaper, masking tape and wire hanger.

All Roads Lead to a Vanishing Point Location: Del MarTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Ann Fuerst Grade Level: MHover over the Florentine Baptistery in a helicopter with Fuerst. Then, journey to the front door of the duomo for Brunelleschi’s discovery of linear perspective; DVD available. Prepare to draw!

Art With the Brain in Mind Location: SawtelleTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Eilene Green Grade Level: EThe brain is the major component in how a child sees and recreates what they see. Understanding how a child makes sense of their world as they explore through personal experiences; enables recognition of indicators for the child’s readiness for reading and writing, fosters self expression for the emerging of the child’s unique personality and encourage expressive art to generate joy in a child’s life. Isn’t that what education is all about? Going within and drawing out?

21st Century CubismLocation: SerranoTime: 10:00 – 11:15Instructor: Catherine Wilson Grade Level: M / HSCreate a Cubist work using 21st century media. This hands-on workshop will demonstrate how to use digital photography, computers, collage and Prismacolor pencils to create a cubist still life. Bring a USB flash drive to save your work.

All Roads Lead to Timbuktu Location: DoheneyTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Ann Fuerst Grade Level: EJourney across desert sands in Africa to Timbuktu, where craftsmen create doors with fanciful hinges. Using metal foils and repouseé techniques, you will bring back an interdisciplinary lesson on art and Africa.

Autobiographical Rainstick, aka 3-Dimensional BookLocation: ChandlerTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Colette Miura Grade Level: HSLearn how to make a rainstick completely out of clay, and how to encourage students to personalize their pieces and see them as an art piece that celebrates their life. Embellish the surface with incised marks, and painted imagery to convey life events. Cardboard tube, a pair of roll-out cloths, a roller, a plastic card, newspaper, and plastic are all that is needed to construct this rainstick. Spikes and beads are also made out of clay. This process has been proven to be extremely successful time and time again.

Mail Art Identity Location: Del MarTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Pam Nowak & Laurel Farnham Grade Level: M/HSLearn about the avant-garde Mail Art Movement. Plan and produce postcards to exchange with another class; unique, eye-catching art.

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ArtABC’s Location: SerranoTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Pat Kodet Grade Level: EExplore those CD’s that contain 72 art lessons for grades 1 – 6. These lessons are based on the elements and principles of art for each grade level. Thousands of children have created wonderful art from these lessons. Take home new ideas and sample lesson plans.

Successful AP Art HistoryLocation: HillhurstTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Mike Beringer Grade Level: HSSuccessful techniques for getting students through Art History “from dirt to now,” and earn passing scores.

A Fun Way to Sgrafitto: Using Clay & Underglaze!Location: GlenwoodTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Amaco - Rachel Rewerts Grade Level: E/M/HSIn this hands-on workshop you will roll out a slab of clay, grab some underglazes and brushes then let your own creativity take it from there! Experience the versatility of our Velvet Underglazes and all the beautiful colors! Everyone will walk away with a beautiful and totally unique piece to bring back to their classroom!

Fun with the Elements of ArtLocation: Garden EastTime: 2:00 – 3:15Instructor: Jane CastilloGrade Level: EDive into your own visual culture and discover new ways to introduceStudents to the Elements of Art including the use of new media and technology. Walk away with plenty of new ideas ready to connect with in a cultural context.

People Who Make Change: Cross Cultural Themes in California History Location: DoheneyTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Lynette Henderson Grade Level: MThis workshop presents thematic, cross-cultural art tableaus focusing on significant figures in California history, such as indigenous peoples, explorers, immigrants, and civil rights leaders. Participants will receive curriculum materials and teaching strategies for the art projects, and will create their own mixed media 3-D figure.

It’s a Shoe In! Location: ChandlerTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Susan Wuerer, Grade Level: HSHere’s a lesson that will engage our students and develop problem solving skills in a three-dimensional format. Working with old shoes students develop a tribute to a well-known or significant person. It is a great way to use recycled materials along with paint, clay, or just about anything your students can work with. Session will include some helpful guides for your introduction, student examples, and resource ideas.

Visual Literacy through Manga: “The World Through Children’s Eyes”Location: Del MarTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Masami Toku Grade Level: M/HSWe invite you to participate in the international public art exhibition with the theme of “The World Through Children’s Eyes.” Through 4-panel manga art, students develop their visual literacy skills based on their favorite manga style. Through this workshop, teachers can learn how to include this project in their curriculum and submit artwork for the exhibition. Examples of artwork will be shown.

Making Writing a Work of ArtLocation: SawtelleTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Pat Semrick - University of New Hampshire Grade Level: EMake art the cornerstone of your school language arts program. Picturing Writing: Fostering Literacy Through Art and Image-Making are two innovative art-and-literature based approaches to writing that have proven their effectiveness, particularly among at-risk learners.

Maximum Output from Available TalentLocation: SerranoTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Ryan Pace Grade Level: HSYou won’t want to miss out on this energetic, fast paced, and inspiring workshop on how to get the most out of your Apathetic to AP students. Ryan shares how the fundamental principles that coaches have been using to build winning teams can be applied to an arts curriculum. This workshop is like 40 rolled into one! Featuring examples of self-portraits, sketchbooks, visual journals, artists’ trading cards, group projects, AP portfolios, mosaic murals, large scale installations, fundraising ideas, studio upgrades, ceramic busts, drums, animal heads, found object sculpture, skateboard designs and apparel, screen printing, life-size plaster figures, integrated art history, ceiling panel painting, water and light sculptures, art shows, and more.

OPEN STUDIO WITH MODELFeatured Workshop: Figure DrawingLocation: Garden EastTime: 9:00pm – 11:00pmInstructor: Jamie Sweetman

This class will be concerned with drawing the human figure, with an emphasis on proportions and on the skeleton. The skeleton is the armature of the body so knowing the bony landmarks will expand your skill in drawing the human figure. Henri Matisse wrote, “Fit the parts together into the other, and build your figure as a carpenter builds a house.” This drawing session will feature instruction by a wonderful figure

drawing instructor and a model. Bring your drawing board, drawing paper or sketchbook, and your favorite media and plan to end the evening enjoying this very special session.

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How to Teach Adobe Photoshop Successfully in High School

Location: “New” Los Angeles High School for the Arts (off-site, bus leaves at 8:00)Time: 8:30 – 11:15 (Double Session)Instructor: William DieboldGrade Level: HSLearn how presenter teaches Photoshop in his class. Attendees should have a working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and willingness to tech it in their classrooms. Student work will be shown, lesson plans outlined, strategies, handouts and visuals given out.

“Media Arts Innovations: Challenging the Aspect Ratio and Pushing All the Wrong Buttons” and Panel Discussion

Location: “New” Los Angeles High School for the Arts (off-site, bus leaves at 8:00)Time: 8:30 – 11:15 (Double Session)Instructor: Dain OlsenGrade Level: HSA panel discussion with seven media artist, arts organization representatives and media arts educators, moderated by Dain Olsen, media artist/educator.

Crayola DreamakersLocation: GlenwoodTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Crayola -Linda Parzych and Larry OviattGrade Level: EUse new and core Crayola products to integrate science and the visual arts.

“Are You Reading Me?”

Location: Los Angeles RoomTime: 8:30 – 9:45Instructor: Catherine Wilson Grade Level: HSLooking for a new way to use Adobe Illustrator while encouraging students to look at social issues and the media? This hands-on workshop will demonstrate a mixed media method of incorporating street art, newspaper articles and visual imagery. Bring a USB flash drive to save your work.

A Passion for Pattern Location: DoheneyTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Penny Venola Grade Level: M/HSThis workshop studies the work of Gustav Klimt in the context of the Vienna Secession Movement and contemporary issues of repatriation of Nazi confiscated art. Pattern and texture are explored through the creation of a mixed media collage.

Bobble HeadLocation: ChandlerTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Colette Miura Grade Level: HSIn this workshop you will learn how to make a clay Bobble Head. Basic hand building methods are used to create two pieces that when combined with a spring will work cohesively as a bobble head. The head actually does bobble, and the spring, well you learn to make it yourself. This project has become very popular with the students, and their success rate is extremely high.

From Reality to Abstraction DrawingLocation: Del MarTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Jodi Evans & Kristin Vanderlip Taylor Grade Level: MGo through the process of abstraction by way of learning to represent the concrete and then, through a series of projects designed to foster understanding of abstraction of the same object. Historical reasons will be discussed, as will various modalities for achieving the image: observational drawing, enlargement, fragmentation, distortion, and non-representation.

Picture This!Location: SawtelleTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Nancy Andrzejczak & Monique Poldberg Grade Level: EConnect visual art education to your literacy block instruction by using fine children’s picture books. Receive an in-depth bibliography, see great examples of student work, and learn how to use questioning techniques to build aesthetic perception and artistic vocabulary.

Art Integration: What is it and How do You do it? Location: HillhurstTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Susan Hansen Grade Level: E/M/HSLearn a process to write and present art integration lessons that do justice to the art standards and the other content standards. This lesson will feature a process to implement parallel arts-integration lesson design.

Two-Dimensional Animation Location: BalboaTime: 8:30 - 9:45Instructor: Tami Lincoln & Brice Wilson Grade Level: HSParticipants will develop an awareness and appreciation of the art of animation and the creative opportunities for expression gained through its tools. A demonstration of the basic principles and drawing techniques (heads, bodies, facial expressions, etc.) of animation will be given. Lesson plans, as well as information on technology, equipment and the supplies necessary to implement an animation program will be shared.

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Paper Clay in the Classroom Location: Garden EastTime: 8:30 – 9:45Instructor: Laguna Clay -T Roberts Grade Level: E/M/HSNew Paper Clay from Laguna Clay Company; teach traditional clay techniques and furnish projects without firing. Finish work with tempera, acrylic, or glaze.

Manga for Classroom EdLocation: Garden EastTime: 10:00 – 11:15 Instructor: Julia ReedGrade Level: E/M/HSManga (Japanese Comics) is captivating your students’ interest. Learn more from professional manga artist about connecting manga with traditional classroom art education. Includes interactive drawing demonstrations. Generous goodie bag with lesson plans, video demonstrations, sample manga club proposals, workbooks & product samples. Limited to one class/bag per teacher.

Animated Storytelling in the Digital Age Location: Los Angeles RoomTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: SCAD – Jeremy Mooreshead Grade Level: HSWorkshop takes attendees through the means by which animation filmmakers utilize the orthodoxies of live action filmmaking while being free to deploy visual strategies that are unique to animation.

Sgraffito & Mishima; Techniques in Surface Decoration Location: DoheneyTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Caroline Davies, Grade Level: HSTake your ceramics decoration to another layer. Sgraffito is a term used to describe a technique of ceramic decoration that involves painting a coat of a colored slip onto leather hard clay, and then carving through the slip to reveal the clay color below. Mishima, originated by the Japanese, is an inlaying technique in which the design is incised on leather hard clay and then filled with a contrasting slip. Techniques of these related but opposite methods will be demonstrated and examples shown.

Lottsa Lessons: Powerful, Fun and Successful Location: ChandlerTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Lori Stevens, Grade Level: M/HSTwenty-five years in the making, here is a progressive curriculum for your beginning art classes! A high-energy presentation of lessons in drawing, color and design will be provided. Go back to your classroom with more ideas than you can fit into a year!

Map It!Location: Del MarTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Deboral Krall & Katherine Ng Grade Level: E/M/HSParticipants will make a folded autobiographical or narrative map using drawing, collage, and folding techniques. Fun, original, with lots of curriculum tie-ins. Bring a copy of a map to personalize or use one of ours.

Georgia and Gaudi: Bringing Genius to Life in Picture Book BiographiesLocation: SawtelleTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Rachel Rodriguez Grade Level: ECome listen as children’s author Rachel Rodríguez shares Building on Nature: the Life of Antoni Gaudí, her new fall release picture book about the famed Spanish architect. Rachel’s interactive, multi-media presentation reveals how a children’s book gets made, featuring a behind the scenes look at Julie Paschkis’ process for illustrating the book. Attendees will get art lesson plans for Gaudí and for Rachel’s book on Georgia O’Keeffe (Through Georgia’s Eyes) also illustrated by Paschkis, a New York Times “Best Illustrated Book Award” winner.

National Board Certification: Basics and Benefits Location: SerranoTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Julie Tonkovich & Linda Erickson Grade Level: E/M/HSAn overview of the National Board Certification process, a standards-based program to promote accomplished teaching. The National Board process strengthens teaching practice and improves student learning, may increase financial opportunities, can contribute to CEU and re-certification requirements, and many states recognize the National Board Certification.

Mandala Project Location: BalboaTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: Jamie LoomisGrade Level: HSCreate mandalas using transfer techniques, color and ink.

Books On the Road - The Traveling Sketchbook ProjectLocation: GlenwoodTime: 10:00 - 11:15Instructor: donna banning and Sally PaulGrade Level: E/M/HSThe sketchbook visions “Books On the Road” project involves 50 sketchbooks that will record visual journeys beginning with this workshop. This is a collaborative endeavor that will shape the visual journals as they move among the CAEA members, their students and beyond. The traveling “books on the road” will gather visual impressions and record creative thinking with the marks the participants make on their pages. We challenge you to learn more about this very interesting experiment in gathering visual records as well as sharing your own. See where we might go with it and see possible applications for your own classroom. The real fun will be when you see where the books have been in 2010!

Manga for Classroom EdLocation: Garden EastTime: 12:30 - 1:45 Instructor: Julia Reed, Grade Level: E/M/HSManga (Japanese Comics) is captivating your students’ interest. Learn more from professional manga artist about connecting manga with traditional classroom art education. Includes interactive drawing demonstrations. Generous goodie bag with lesson plans, video demonstrations, sample manga club proposals, workbooks and product samples. Limited to one class/bag per teacher.

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Overglaze Decoration on TilesLocation: GlenwoodTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Amaco - Rachel Rewerts Grade Level: E/M/HSTry our Gloss Decorating Colors (GDC) on glazed tiles! This exciting way to use these glazes will offer your classroom an endless possibility of affordable and fast projects. You only have to fire these once and you are done! With so many colors to choose from, the creative possibilities are endless too! Let your students’ imaginations run wild when you bring this back to the classroom!

Using Photoshop as a ToolLocation: Los Angeles RoomTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Travis ChatamGrade Level: MWays to incorporate Photoshop into your art curriculum. Not a workshop in Photoshop techniques. Use Photoshop as a tool to reinforce the principles and elements of design. Will present a unit titles “The Elements and Principles of Design, Color, Contrast, Balance and Positive and Negative Space”.

Strings, Straws and Symmetry Location: ChandlerTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Robbie Filkorn Grade Level: ECome try some fun, easy techniques with tempera paint that can be easily integrated with science standards.

Clay WhistleLocation: DoheneyTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Colette Miura Grade Level: HS

Using Wikis, Blogs and Web 2.0 in Art Ed. Location: Del MarTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Cris Gunter Grade Level: E/M/HSThis session will provide definitions and contexts for wikis and blogs with examples of each currently being used by art educators. Descriptions with visuals will be provided on how to get started on setting up wikis and blogs for your school, classroom, or personal art efforts.

Art Speaks: Integrating Art and Language Arts in the StudioLocation: SawtelleTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Rachel Bernstein Grade Level: EEducators from Los Angeles County Museum of Art will present strategies for interpreting works of art through discussion and writing activities that encourage interdisciplinary learning, develop vocabulary, and build observation skills and oral language skills. Curriculum materials will be provided.

Major Art/Minor ArtistsLocation: SerranoTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Helen Seigel Grade Level: M/HSBe inspired by eclectic projects based on the work of an individual artist, an art movement, or the art of a particular culture. Inspired not only by art, but also by literature, science, and mathematics – students experienced the act of making meaningful art about life. View projects involving drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, and mixed-media. Exhibition installation will also be addressed. Participants will receive a packet of project descriptions to inform their own teaching. Numerous technical and conceptual connections with the Standards are evident. Although this program was taught at the elementary level, the projects could be easily adapted for older students. Many additional lessons will be shared through the SAUSD website.

Semiotic Bundt Cake Chart: Analyzing Images in Visual Culture Location: BalboaTime: 12:30 - 1:45Instructor: Heather Murray Grade Level: HSAs approaches to art interpretation emphasize the role of art in visual culture, it is important to provide students with tools and strategies for making detailed, informed, and well-supported arguments. Using a simplified semiotic theory - “bundt cake chart,” - a helpful strategy for teachers and students to develop meaning from popular culture and traditional art images will be demonstrated.

Insoluble PaintingsLocation: GlenwoodTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Julie Davis-Dick Blick Grade Level: E Based on the scientific concepts of insolubility and density, this technique seals water-based paint and mineral oil inside a laminating pouch. The different densities cause the liquids to repel one another in an ever-changing and interactive piece that continually flows and responds to touch.

The Bridge: Connecting the Art Lab and Tech Lab Using Adobe Suite

Location: Los Angeles RoomTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Adam Stockman and Vicki SchmitzGrade Level: MThe bridge is an imaginary one, a connection between the art room and the technology lab. Many projects start on the computer and end in the art room and vice versa, including creating negative space designs in Adobe Illustrator in order to screenprint (lab to art room); drawing cartoon characters then coloring them with Adobe Photoshop (art room to lab); bookmaking; animation. See how something in the virtual world can become concrete art objects and how real world art objects can be turned digital.

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Bamboo Brush PaintingLocation: DoheneyTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor Pat Kodet Grade Level: E/MHands-on workshop teaches three brushstrokes to create a painting of bamboo. Learn what the traditional materials are for Chinese brush painting, but paint with today’s watercolors. Write a haiku poem to go with your painting.

Postmodernism a Puzzle?Location: ChandlerTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Rita Rickmers Grade Level: HSGet up to date with this workshop that explains the differences between Modern Art and Postmodern Art. Become familiar with many of today’s major contemporary artists. Learn postmodern vocabulary and concepts from “appropriation” to “pastiche”. A successful and engaging high school postmodern painting lesson will be presented and examples of student work will be shared.

Lesson Planning for Interdisciplinary Learning Location: Del MarTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Jim Dahl, Kay Devine & Melanie Vogel Grade Level: EExplore lesson planning as an active process integrating arts with other K-6 subjects in relation to child development and the limited time for art in today’s schools. Complete projects and demonstrations will be offered.

Visual Thinking Strategies - Growing Through ArtLocation: SawtelleTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Oren Slozberg -Visual Thinking Strategies Grade Level: EExplore VTS, a tool that impacts teachers’ teaching and students’ performance through visual arts. VTS is a pedagogy that will change how your school views art education.

Arts Integration into the Core K - 12 CurriculumLocation: SerranoTime: 2:00 - 3:15Instructor: Julie Tonkovich Grade Level: E/M/HSThis session will explore an interdisciplinary approach between the visual arts and language arts, social studies, math and science.


Supporting Creativity, Community and Collaboration Through RSS, Delicious, Twitter and Ning - Digital: Social Networking Beginning

Location: Los Angeles RoomTime: 11:15 - 11:30Instructor: Matt CauthronGrade Level: E/M/HSLearn the value of social networking in the arts classroom to feed professional growth and support creativity, community, and collaboration.

Animation KitsPencil TestersHeader StripsPencil Testers

Lightfoot Ltd, inc.

Lesson Plans ClayMationAcme PegbarsHole Punches Pencils

Pro Discs






Animation Supplies at a Discount!

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2009 Conference Registration Form

California Art Education Association State Conference: “All Roads Lead to Art” Los Angeles 2009 - NOVEMBER 12 – 15 - at the Wilshire Grand Hotel

No phone calls please – only email. For information contact: Tami Lincoln at [email protected] or donna banning at [email protected]

Note: If any special needs are required, please attach a letter of explanation.

Registration Information:

Name: ______________________________________________


City/State/Zip: ________________________________________

H#(____) ______-__________ Cell# (____) ______-__________

Email: _______________________________________________

Please fill out completely. Fill out separate registration for spouse/guest and attach to this form. One payment is okay for multiple registrations. Save money by registering early!

Postmarked by: 9/15 10/15 at Conf ___ 10. CAEA Active Member..…….….....$325...….$345.......$375

___ 13. CAEA New Member (first time only)….$280…...$310…....$340

___ 16. CAEA Retired Member………..….$170..….$185.......$200

___ 19. CAEA Full Time Student Member….$100…....$100…...$100 (Copy of student ID required)

___ 22. Non-Member….…………….…..….$390.......$420......$450

___ 25. Four or more teachers from the same District (Price per teacher)…...…….$305…….$325…...$345 (All must be current members, send together, & use separate

registration form for each person)

One Day Pass: (Does not include food events)

___ 30. Friday Only (Current member: access to workshops/speaker)…...$170 ___ 31. Fri. Only (New member)……………………………………........$205

(Includes membership and access to workshops/speaker)

___ 40. Saturday Only (Current member: access to workshops/speaker) $170 ___ 41. Saturday Only (New member)…………………...………….….$205

(Includes membership and access to workshops/speaker)

Friday Nov. 13th, 2009 Administrative Strand

___ 50. Administrative Strand (Includes lunch)…..….$125……..$150 ___ 52. With full conference registration (Includes lunch).…….....$65

Saturday Nov. 14th, 2009 Elementary Strand

___ 60. Elementary Strand (Inc. lunch).........................$125…...$150

___ 62. With full conference registration (inc. lunch)……….....…....$65

Food Events: You MUST circle YES or NO for each event. YES must be circled if you are planning to attend and receive a ticket for admittance into the included events. Y/N 203. Thurs., Exhibitor’s Kick Off ……………………....…...NC Y/N 302. Fri. Teacher as Artist/Area Reception……...…..……NC Y/N 405. Sat., Scholarship Silent/Live Auction & Dinner...........NC Y/N 501. Sun., Awards Breakfast & Keynote..….................…NC

Did YOU circle YES or NO above?

Special Ticketed Events:



____101. Tour #1 – A Taste of LA ……………………………………$30

Thursday, Nov. 12th, 2009 TOURS and EVENTS ____201. Tour #2 – Getty Museum/Getty Center…………….…..…$45 ____202. Tour #3 – The Broad/Craft & Folk Art Museums… ... ……..$45 ____204. Guest Exhibitors Kick-Off …………………………..………$30

Friday, Nov. 13th, 2009 TOURS and EVENTS

____301. Tour #4 – Watts Towers…..…………………….….…........$35 ____303. Guest for Teachers as Artist/Area Reception……..…$10 ____304. Friday Evening Gala………….....……………….………..$25

Saturday, Nov. 14th, 2009 TOURS and EVENTS ____401. Tour #5 – Historic Theater Tour……….…………………..$30 ____402. Northern Area Breakfast……………….……………..…....$20 ____403. Central Area Breakfast……………….…………....…........$20 ____404. Southern Area Breakfast.…………………….……...….....$20 ____406. Guest for Scholarship Silent/Live Auction & Dinner.........$60

Sunday, Nov. 15th, 2009

____502. Guest for Awards Breakfast & Keynote.……..……..........$35

Master Artist Classes (Please fill in Master Artist Class # from list)

(The fee for each Master Artist class is $50. Material fees are listed in the class descriptions and are payable to the instructor the day of the class.)

Thu. pm: 1st choice ____; 2nd choice ____; 3rd choice ____.............$50

Fri. am: 1st choice ____; 2nd choice ____; 3rd choice ____.............$50

Fri. pm: 1st choice ____; 2nd choice ____; 3rd choice ____.............$50

Sat. am: 1st choice ____; 2nd choice ____; 3rd choice ____............$50

Sat. pm: 1st choice ____; 2nd choice ____; 3rd choice ____............$50


Other: ___80. I will donate and bring an art piece for the Silent Auction. ___81. I will bring an art piece for the Teacher as Artist Exhibit. TOTAL REGISTRATION FEES……………..…….…..$ ____________

TOTAL SPECIAL TICKETED EVENTS…...……….…$ ____________

*Membership Fees for 11/1/2009 thru 10/31/2010 $_____________ (Current CAEA membership required at conference time. Attach completed membership form. For form go to the association’s website at caea-arteducation.org) TOTAL FEES $_____________





NO PURCHASE ORDERS ACCEPTED REGISTRATION (Note: Classes and events can be added after registering. Check caea-arteducation.org)

___ Check enclosed ____Charge to ___ Visa ____ MasterCard

Credit Card #__________________________________ Exp Date ______ 3 Digit Verification # ____ (On back of card)

Name on Card: ________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________ I authorize CAEA to charge my credit card for the appropriate fees.

Mail Completed Pre-Registration form to : CAEA, Faith Macneil, P O Box 28447, Anaheim CA 92809 Mail Completed Registration form to: CAEA, Faith Macneil, PO Box 28447, Anaheim CA 92809

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All room rates are net non-commissionable and are quoted exclusive of appropriate state and local taxes, currently 14.045%.

FEATURES AND AMENITIES:The Wilshire Grand is centrally located in downtown Los Angeles, and walking distance to almost everything downtown has to offer. Located at the corner of 7th street and Figueroa, and only 4 blocks to the Los Angeles Convention Center, Staples Center, Nokia Theater and the new LA Live Complex. Right across the street is the 7th Street & Metro subway station that can take you to Hollywood in 15 minutes or Universal Studios in only 25 minutes. Why drive, when you can go Metro! Shop til you drop right across the street at Macy’s and all the shops at the 7th & Fig plaza. In addition to the four fabulous restaurants in the hotel, there are dozens to choose from within easy walking distance or a very short cab ride away.

Superior rooms are of standard size offering a king or two double beds. Secure and comfortable accommodations with amenities that include complimentary wireless Internet access, work desk, remote control TV with LodgeNet movies on demand, multiline phones, AM/FM alarm clock radio, iron and board, makeup mirror, hair dryer and custom climate control.

The Wilshire Grand Los Angeles is a Smoke-Free Hotel. Smoking is only permitted in designated outdoor smoking areas.

PARKING:There is no self-parking at the The Wilshire Grand Hotel. Valet parking is available (limited spaces) for $35/day; entrance is off Francisco Street. There are many offsite lots in the area, including the corner of Flower and 8th St ($20/day).

RESERVATIONS:Reservations must be made by Thursday, October 22, 2009, in order to guarantee a room at the CAEA prices. Reservations may be made by calling the hotel room reservation department at 213-612-3900, or through the toll-free number at 888-773-2888. In doing so, please request the group rate for California Art Education Association.

Superior Junior Suite Executive

Singles/Doubles $145.00 $169.00 $189.00

Suites $425.00 and up $500.00 and up

Additional Person $25.00



LOCATION:Wilshire Grand, Los Angeles930 Wilshire BoulevardLos Angeles, CA 90017Phone: 213/688-7777Fax: 213/612-3989

WEB SITE:www.wilshiregrand.com


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Travel InformationHOW DO I GET HERE?

* Look for more travel tips on our website at caea-arteducation.org



From LAX:1. Start going toward the AIRPORT EXIT on WORLD WAY S (< 0.1 mi)2. Take ramp onto SEPULVEDA BLVD SOUTH toward I-105 (0.7 mi)3. Take ramp onto I-105 EAST (6.7 mi)4. Take the I-110 exit toward LOS ANGELES (8.2 mi)5. I-110 NORTH becomes CA-110 NORTH (0.5 mi)6. Take the 9TH ST exit- EXIT 22A- toward DOWNTOWN. (0.4 mi)7. Turn SLIGHT LEFT onto JAMES M WOOD BLVD. (0.1 mi)8. Turn LEFT onto S FIGUEROA ST. (0.3 mi)9. Turn LEFT onto WILSHIRE BLVD. (0.1 mi)10. Arrive at Wilshire Grand 930 WILSHIRE BLVD, LOS ANGELES

From Burbank Airport:1. Start going toward the AIRPORT EXIT (< 0.1 mi)2. Turn Left on W EMPIRE AVE (1.0 mi)3. Turn Left on N LINCOLN ST (0.3 mi)4. Make a Hard Right Turn on N SAN FERNANDO BLVD (0.3 mi)5. Take Left ramp onto I-5 SOUTH toward LOS ANGELES (9.5 mi)6. Take the CA-110 SOUTH exit toward LOS ANGELES (2.9 mi)7. Take the 6TH ST/4TH ST exit onto S BEAUDRY AVE toward WILSHIRE BLVD (0.7 mi)8. Turn Left on WILSHIRE BLVD (0.1 mi)9. Arrive at Wilshire Grand 930 WILSHIRE BLVD, LOS ANGELES

From North of Los Angeles:1. Take I-5 south2. Transition onto CA-170 south (6.4mi)3. Continue on US-101 south (9.7mi)4. Take the CA-110 / Pasadena Fwy / Harbor Fwy exit toward Pasadena (< 1mi)5. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for San Pedro/Harbor Fwy / I-110 and merge onto CA-110 south / Harbor Fwy (< 1mi)6. Take the 4th St. exit toward 6th Street / 3rd Street / Wilshire Blvd. (< 1mi)7. Keep left at the fork, follow the signs for CA-110 (< 1mi)8. Keep left at the fork, follow the signs for 6th Street and merge onto S. Beaudry Ave. (<1 mi)9. Turn left at Wilshire Blvd. Hotel will be on the right.

The Painted MonkeySeptember 2009 45

www.caea-arteducation.org Since 1965California Art Education Associationwww.caea-arteducation.org Since 1965California Art Education Association

The Wilshire Grand Hotel, 930 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017

From East of Los Angeles:1. Take I-10 west / San Bernardino Fwy toward Los Angeles2. Merge onto US-101 north (1.1 mi)3. Take the CA-110 / Pasadena Fwy / Harbor Fwy exit toward San Pedro (< 1mi)4. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for CA-110 (< 1mi)5. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for San Pedro / Harbor Fwy / I-110 and merge onto CA-110 south / Harbor Fwy (< 1mi)6. Take the 4th Street exit toward 6th Street / 3rd Street / Wilshire Blvd. (<1 mi)7. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for CA-110 (< 1mi)8. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for 6th Street and merge onto S. Beaudry Ave (< 1mi)9. Turn left at Wilshire Blvd. Hotel will be on the right.

From South of Los Angeles:1. Take I-5 north2. Continue on US-101 north (signs for Los Angeles / US-101) (3.7 mi)3. Take the CA-110 / Pasadena Fwy / Harbor Fwy exit toward San Pedro (<1 mi)4. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for CA-110 (<1 mi)5. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for San Pedro / Harbor Fwy / I-110 and merge onto CA-110 south / Harbor Fwy (<1 mi)6. Take the 4th Street exit toward 6th Street / 3rd Street / Wilshire Blvd. (<1 mi)7. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for CA-110 (<1 mi)8. Keep left at the fork, follow signs for 6th Street and merge onto S Beaudry Ave (<1 mi)9. Turn left at Wilshire Blvd. Hotel will be on the right.

The Wilshire Grand Hotel recommends the Yellow Cab Co. (877-922-8294). Taxi from LAX costs approx. $50.00.

Continued on next page

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46 The Painted MonkeySeptember 200946


Friday, November 13, 4:00pm to 4:30pm, location TBD.

Meet fellow new members and start networking. Seasoned CAEA members will be there to give you some insight into the workings of your new professional organization. They will help you to get the best out of your first conference. Bring yourself, a friend, and any questions you may have about the California Art Education Association. At the conclusion, we will transition to the Golden State Ballroom to hear our keynote speaker, Ruth Weisberg.


Friday, November 13th during the General Session at 4:30 pm. A reception honoring all Past Presidents will follow in conjunction with the Teacher as Artist and Area Receptions at 6:00 pm in the Rosewood Room.


Help a fellow CAEA teacher and support art education by donating materials, tools, art posters, teaching aides, and any other educational items that you no longer need to ARTS SHARE, a new event at the state conference in Los Angeles. The ARTS SHARE room will be set up at the conference where you can bring items to give to someone else to use. While some continuing teachers may have something they want to share, this is also a great opportunity for retired or soon to be retired teachers to pass on posters, used books, and other treasures to new teachers who are just getting started or to assist continuing teachers, who may be struggling with budget issues. Questions? Contact Susan Wuerer at [email protected] and look for the ARTS SHARE room in LA. Thanks for your generosity!





Travel InformationHOW DO I GET HERE? (continued)

BY METROLINK / AMTRAKFrom Pasadena:Take the Gold Line from Pasadena to Union Station and transfer to the Red Line or Purple Line. See www.metro.net for more information.

From Long Beach:Take the Blue Line to th 7th Street Metro Station.See www.metro.net for more information.

From Union Station, Downtown Los Angeles1. Once in Union Station, follow the signs for the red Line and take any of the Metro trains from that platform (Red or Purple Line). One-way fare is $1.25; bring exact change as the machine gives dollar coins as change. 2. Exit at the 7th Street Mtro Station (third stop on Red or Purple line)3. Follow the signs for “Exit to 7th Street/Figueroa Street.”4. Cross Figueroa and the hotel will be on your right.

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New Format This Year!We have a fun-filled evening planned for you. Start the evening out with a complimentary glass of wine as you browse and bid on a spectacular array of silent auction items and enjoy the music of Louie Johnson’s Rock and Roll Band, a legend in the San Gabriel Valley for us rockers from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s. During a three course, plated dinner, enjoy the wit and humor of comedienne Katsy Chappell as she auctions off the marvelous live auction items donated to raise money for the CAEA Scholarship Fund. Check out, collect your items, and finish off the evening with dancing to Louie and his band. Join us and don’t miss out on the fun!

Donate to the Silent Live Auction and Help a Student on the Road to Success

To make this year’s Silent/Live Auction the best yet, we need your help because the success of the auction depends on the generosity of our membership. Besides artwork, art supplies, new books, jewelry, and home décor, consider gift cards to popular stores, cash, hair products, as well as use of a second home for a weekend, the possibilities are endless. Family and friends may want to help too!

For each donation, you will receive a raffle ticket for a drawing for $25.00 worth of Silent/Live Auction shopping. (Number of certificates given away depends on the number of donations made.)

To make donating faster and easier, send in a donation form that you can find on the CAEA website, www.caea-arteducation.org under Conference, Silent Auction and Dinner. Email a digital version to susan.wuerer@verizon,net or send a hard copy to P O Box 903, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 and just bring the item when you come. Your donations are tax deductible.

You can make a difference in a child’s life with your donations! Students need our help now more than ever!


Featuring the Teacher as Artist Exhibit, Area Receptions, Tribute to Past Presidents,

and the FIDM Museum and Galleries

The day doesn’t have to end after Key Note Speaker, Ruth Weisberg on Friday. An elegant evening has been planned for you to top off a wonderful day of tours, master classes, and workshops. Wear your best dress-up outfit and attend the “Teacher as Artist” and Area Receptions in the Rosewood Room at the Wilshire Grand Hotel. After mingling with other educators from across the state, visiting with past CAEA Presidents, and taking in some fine art produced by your contemporaries, board the bus to the nearby “Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising” museum and galleries. The Gala committee has planned an evening of wine and hors d’oeuvres, which you can enjoy while listening to the famous Los Angeles Madrigal singers and a fabulous jazz ensemble. The highlight of the evening will be a tour of the museum’s current exhibition, “High Style: Betsy Bloomingdale and Haute Couture”. The wonderful gift store will open for us as well. After the Gala, enjoy dinner at one of the many nearby Los Angeles restaurants, which will afford a wonderful closure to the evening. Don’t miss this one of a kind event!

To order or request a catalog call 1-800-913-8555,or visit www.crizmac.com for our online marketplace.

CRIZMAC Art & Cultural Education Materials, Inc.P.O. Box 65928, Tucson, AZ 85728

Fax 520.323.6194

Take your students on a journey through the

world of art with the finestmulticultural resources

available from CRIZMAC.

Order today!www.caea-arteducation.orgwww.caea-arteducation.org

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A publication of theCalifornia Art Education AssociationP.O. Box 28447, Anaheim, CA 92809

©2009 California Art Education Association (CAEA). All rights reserved. “The Painted Monkey” is the property of CAEA. Reproduction of any part of this publication is prohibited without the prior written consent of CAEA. Please direct all inquiries to: [email protected].

CAEA is the professional organization dedicated to the advancement of art education at all levels in the state of California. CAEA’s purposes are to increase public awareness regarding art education, develop and implement strategies for statewide arts advocacy, inform the membership about current issues in art education, recognize the achievements of art educators and students, advocate an art requirement for graduation from secondary schools, and assist the California State Department of Education with the development and implementation curriculum materials. For more information about CAEA, visit: www.caea-arteducation.org.

The Painted Monkey, Volume 35, No. 4. September 2009.