VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 ...esrf.or.tz/docs/Jan-Jun2015.pdf · AND...

ESRF ORGANIZES PAN-AFRICAN CONFERENCE ON OIL AND GAS VOCATIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE, VTEC AFRICA. VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 Editorial ............................... 2 • Welcome Kida ..................... 4 • Strategic Reserach .............. 5 • Governance and Capacity Development ....................... 6 • Commissioned Studies........ 9 • Knowledge Management ..... 10 • Human Resources ............... 11 Mrs. Margareth Nzuki Mr. Abdallah Hassan Mr. Senorine Libena Mr. Joseph Ngonyani Mr. Richard Ngilangwa INSIDE THIS ISSUE EDITORIAL TEAM >>> Page 2 >>> Page 3 The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) launched a Tanzania Human Development Report (THDR) 2014 on the 27 th March 2015 at Hyatt Regency – the Kilimanjaro Hotel in Dar es Salaam. His Excellency, Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal shaking hands with several officials as he arrived at the Julius Nyerere Conference Centre on 11th March 2015. GOV, UNDP and ESRF LAUNCH TANZANIA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2014 The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Dr. Servacius Likwelile (at the center) cutting the ribbon to mark the official launching of the book “Tanzania Human Development Report 2014”. On his left is Dr. Hoseana Lunogelo the Executive Director ESRF and to the right is Rodriguez Alvaro (UN Resident Coordinator) The launching ceremony was graced by the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance Dr. Servacius Likwelile. The report emanates from the Global Human Development Reports which have been produced annually since early 90s. The Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) in collaboration with GETENERGY UK organized a two day Conference on the 11th and 12th March, 2015 which was held at the Julius Nyerere Convention Centre. The colorful event was officiated by H.E. Dr. Mohammed Gharib Bilal, the Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, attracting over 200 senior leaders in education and training for the hydrocarbon sectors across East Africa and beyond. The event explored “How Local Content Policies are evolving with respect to the Hydro-Carbon sector” drawing on lessons that could be gleaned from Tanzania’s experience, where different stakeholders shared their experiences with regards to the conference theme. VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 January - June 2015

Transcript of VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 ...esrf.or.tz/docs/Jan-Jun2015.pdf · AND...

Page 1: VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 ...esrf.or.tz/docs/Jan-Jun2015.pdf · AND GAS VOCATIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE, VTEC AFRICA. VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791


VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015

• Editorial...............................2• WelcomeKida.....................4• StrategicReserach..............5• GovernanceandCapacity

Development.......................6• CommissionedStudies........9• KnowledgeManagement.....10• HumanResources...............11

Mrs. Margareth NzukiMr. Abdallah HassanMr. Senorine LibenaMr. Joseph NgonyaniMr. Richard Ngilangwa



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TheGovernmentoftheUnitedRepublicofTanzania in collaboration with the UnitedNationsDevelopmentProgramme (UNDP)and the Economic and Social ResearchFoundation (ESRF) launched a TanzaniaHumanDevelopmentReport(THDR)2014onthe27thMarch2015atHyattRegency–theKilimanjaroHotelinDaresSalaam.

His Excellency, Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal shaking hands with several officials as he arrived at the Julius Nyerere Conference Centre on 11th March 2015.


The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Dr. Servacius Likwelile (at the center) cutting the ribbon to mark the official launching of the book “Tanzania Human Development Report 2014”. On his left is Dr. Hoseana Lunogelo the Executive Director ESRF and to the right is

Rodriguez Alvaro (UN Resident Coordinator)

The launching ceremony was gracedby the Permanent Secretary Ministryof Finance Dr. Servacius Likwelile. Thereport emanates from the Global HumanDevelopment Reports which have beenproducedannuallysinceearly90s.

The Economic and Social ResearchFoundation (ESRF) in collaboration withGETENERGY UK organized a two dayConferenceonthe11thand12thMarch,2015whichwasheldattheJuliusNyerereConventionCentre.

The colorful event was officiated byH.E. Dr. Mohammed Gharib Bilal, theVice President of the United Republicof Tanzania, attracting over 200 seniorleaders ineducationand training for thehydrocarbon sectors across East Africaand beyond. The event explored “HowLocalContentPolicies are evolvingwithrespect to the Hydro-Carbon sector”drawing on lessons that could begleaned from Tanzania’s experience,where different stakeholders sharedtheir experiences with regards to theconferencetheme.

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EDITORIAL TEAMMrs. Margareth NzukiMr. Abdallah HassanMr. Senorine LibenaMr. Joseph NgonyaniMr. Richard Ngilangwa

Page 2: VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 ...esrf.or.tz/docs/Jan-Jun2015.pdf · AND GAS VOCATIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE, VTEC AFRICA. VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791

The THDR 2014 which bears the themeEconomic Transformation in Human Development is prepared to addresscountry specific themes, since the GlobalHuman Development Reports skip manyissues at national level. The preparationof the Tanzania Human DevelopmentReport 2014 was led by Economic andSocial Research Foundation (ESRF) incollaborationwithotherpartnersincluding;the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS),Office of Chief Government StatisticianZanzibar (OCGS) and Department ofEconomics, University of Dar es Salaam.The project is being funded by UnitedNationsDevelopmentProgramme(UNDP).Speakingduring the launch,Dr.ServaciusLikwelile said that the report plays a keyrole in informing policy developmentprocesses in Tanzania especially at thecurrentperiodwhere theGovernmentand

otherstakeholderhaveinitiatedtheprocessof reviewing Five YearsDevelopment Plan(2010/11–2015/16)andNationalStrategyfor Growth and Reduction of Poverty(MKUKUTAII).On another development, Dr. HoseanaLunogelo informed the participants theTHDR2014analysesthekindsofstructuraltransformation needed for Tanzania tobecome a middle income country by2025. The report provides a broaderunderstanding of the interplay betweeneconomic transformation and humandevelopment in Tanzania – its challenges,its’opportunities,anditsconstraints.He furthermore informed the participantsthatpreparationofthereportwasprecededby the preparation of ten backgroundpapers.Thesebackgroundpapers formedthe key materials for deliberation duringNational Conference on Unleashing

Growth potentials which was convenedin September 2014; the conferencewas graced by H.E Dr. Jakaya Kikwete –the President of the United Republic ofTanzania.Speakingonthesameoccasion,Mr.AlvaroRodgriguez-ResidentCoordinatoroftheUNsystemandUNDPResidentRepresentativeinTanzaniatoldtheparticipantsthatoverthepast25years,UnitedNationsDevelopmentProgramme (UNDP) has been supportingcountries to analyse country specificdevelopment challenges through nationalhuman development reports. “TanzaniaHumanDevelopmentReport2014whichislaunchedtodayisaresultofsuchsupportextendedbyUNDPtothegovernmentandthepeopleofTanzaniatohelpthecountryarticulate its development challenges andinformpolicyoptions”,hesaid.

EDITORIAL NOTEItgivesusmuchpleasure,privilegeandhonorto welcome our esteem stakeholders andthe general public to this first edition of theEconomic and Social Research Foundation(ESRF)Newsletter.Thiseditioncoversthefirsthalfof theyear2015 (January–June)and itdescribesinasnapshortthemajoreventsandactivitieswhich the Foundation performed intheperiodinquestion.This period was quite exciting andmemorableas for thefirst time in thehistoryof the establishment of the Foundation, wewitnessedtheBoardofTrusteesapprovingthefirstwoman,Dr.TausiMbagaKida,asthenewExecutiveDirectorforthetenureoffouryears.Dr.TausiMbagaKidawhohassucceededDr.HoseanaBohelaLunogelo effective1stMay,2015becomingthefourthExecutiveDirectorfrom the onset of the Foundation in 1994.The editorial deskwelcomes andwishesDr.Tausi Kida the best in her new position andsays thank you to the outgoing ExecutiveDirectorDr.HoseanaLunogeloforhis8yearsofservicetotheFoundation.In this half year period, the Economic andSocialResearchFoundation(ESRF)organizedand staged its third Annual Conference. Thisyear the Foundation collaborated with GetEnergyLtd(UK)organizedVTECAFRICA2015,ahigh-levelPan-Africanforum.TheConferenceaddressedVocationalEducationandTechnicalTraining for oil and gas industries acrossAfrica. The three days event was graced byHisExcellencyDr.MohamedGharibBilal,VicePresidentoftheUnitedRepublicofTanzania.Againinthesameperiod,ESRFincollaboration

withtheGovernmentoftheUnitedRepublicofTanzaniaandtheUnitedNationsDevelopmentProgramme (UNDP) launched the HumanDevelopmentReport2014.Thereportwhichbears the theme “Economic Transformationfor Human Development” was launchedat the Hyatt Regency Dar Es Salaam, TheKilimanjaro by the Permanent SecretaryMinistryofFinanceDr.ServaciusLikwelile.Research and Publication Departmentcontinued to carry out rigorous and policy-orientedresearchthatgeneratesnewinsightsand options for promoting policies thatfacilitate mineral related inclusive growth.DuringthisperiodinquestiontheDepartmentsuccessfullycompletedtheimplementationoffiveresearchprojects:tomentionfew,PhaseI of the Assessment of the Implementationof the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPOA)Project for the Least Developed Countries(LDCs) and Promoting Agriculture, ClimateandTradelinkagesinEastAfrica(PACT-EAC).The Department continued to implement 5projectscarried forward fromyear2014and7newprojectsstartedin2015.Someoftheprojectsincluded:ReviewoftheMicrofinancePolicy 2000; Review of the Energy Policy2003; TanzaniaMonitoring andEvaluation II;PilotStudyforAssessingtheImpactofPolicyCoherenceforDevelopmentonFoodSecurityin Tanzania and National EnvironmentalPolicy Review. The period also witnessedthe Governance and Capacity BuildingDepartmentreachingstakeholdersviatrainingprograms, policy dialogues, workshops andknowledgedisseminationsystems

During theperiod theDepartmentconductedtwopolicydialogues;EnhancingtheQualityofEducation:ReflectionsontheNewEducationandTrainingPolicy (2014) inTanzaniaaswellas the National Pre-Budget Policy Dialogue,focusingonacriticalanalysisoftheImplicationsofthe2014/15budgetontheEducationandAgricultureSectorsinTanzania.TheDepartmentalsoorganizedtwoknowledgesharingworkshops;the7thandFinalNationalReference Group Meeting of the PACT EACProjecton “Climate,Food,andTrade:TakingStockof our Impacts onPolicy andPracticeand The Stakeholder’s workshop for theassessment of performanceandutilizationofbiogasrenewableenergyinTanzania.Under the Knowledge Management,the Department continued with theimplementation of collaborative projects;the Capacity Development For Results-Based Monitoring, Evaluation & AuditingprojectandPro-PoorEconomicGrowthandEnvironmentally Sustainable Development.ESRF implements these projects with theGovernment of Tanzania and UNDP. In thishalf of the year the Department managedto launch Mobile Kilimo in Ileje District,supported trainings on modern beekeepingin Nyasa and Ileje districts, supported theestablishmentofcommunity radios inNyasaandIlejeandsupportedtheestablishmentofESRFOnlineTV.As we invite you to this first edition of ournewsletter,letustakethisopportunityonbehalfoftheFoundationtothankallstakeholders;theGovernmentofTanzania,TheUnitedNationsDevelopmentProgramme(UNDP),Foundationfor Civil Society, IDRC, ACBF and others fortheircontinuedsupporttoESRF.

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T h e E c o n o m i c a n d S o c i a l R e s e a r c h F o u n d a t i o n ( E S R F ) N e w s l e t t e r 2

Page 3: VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 ...esrf.or.tz/docs/Jan-Jun2015.pdf · AND GAS VOCATIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE, VTEC AFRICA. VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791

The Conference aimed atdeveloping a strong andinternationally competitiveeducation system, for

immediateandpressingrequirementfaced by National Oil Companies(NOCs)andGovernments.

In order to meet this ambition it isrequired to have skilled, competenttechnicians and operator workforceto offer significant domesticemploymentopportunitieswhichwillrealizetherapidexpansionofnationallaborforcestomatchdesiredindustrygrowthandnationalquotaambitions.

During the VTEC Africa 2015, thediscussions uncovered a number ofspecificperspectivesthatwillhelptoinformthedevelopmentofvocationaleducationandtrainingfortheindustrygoingforwardtomentionafew;

• Understanding the specificrequirements for skills andcompetenciesandhavingaclearpictureofthenumbersinvolved.

• Buildingatechnicallycompetentworkforce for the oil and gassector.

• There are lessons that can belearntfromotherindustries(mostnotablytheextractiveindustriesinMozambique and Tanzania). Bylookingatthemodelsofeducationand training that have beendeveloped for thesecomparativesectors,wecanlearnagreatdealabout how best to meet skillsdemandsforoilandgas.

• Akeychallengefortheeducationandtrainingsectoristobuildlocalcapacity that not only is able toproduce skilled and competentworkersbutthatdoesthis in linewithinternationalstandards.

• Opportunities exist for regionalbenchmarking and pan-regionalcollaborationonskillsstandards.

• The development of skills andcompetenciesfortheoilandgassector needs to extend into thewidereconomy.

• Theroleofwomen inanyfutureworkforce requires thought andaction.

TheConferencewasthecontinuationofAnnualConferencesonUnleashingGrowthPotentials inTanzaniawhichthe Economic and Social Research(ESRF)organizes.

ESRF organizes Pan-African Conference on Oil and Gas Vocational Training Initiative>>> Page 1

The Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Hon. Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal in a group photo with participants of Pan – African Conference at the Julius Nyerere Conference Centre.

Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal giving the speech during the Pan – African

Conference on Oil and Gas

Dr. Tausi Mbaga Kida giving the welcoming remarks

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TheBoardofTrusteesof theEconomicandSocialResearchFoundation (ESRF)appointed Dr. Tausi Mbaga Kida asthe new Executive Director. Dr. KidabeganherfirstfouryeartenureofOfficeeffectivelyfromMay1st,2015.

ShetakesoverfromDr.HoseanaBohelaLunogelo,whosetenureofofficeendedon the 30th April 2015. Dr. Lunogelowill continue to be a Senior Advisorand Principal Research Associate tothe Economic and Social ResearchFoundation(ESRF).

Dr. Kida becomes the fourth ExecutiveDirector since ESRF was establishedin 1994 under the leadership of Prof.SamuelWangwe.

Dr. Kida is a Development Economistwith an experience of over 15 yearsin program management, capacitydevelopment and socio-economicresearch. She holds a PhD inDevelopmentEconomics fromErasmusUniversity Rotterdam, the NetherlandsandMAinEconomics(UniversityofDaresSalaam).ShealsoholdsBADegreeinEconomics(UniversityofDaresSalaam).

Priortothisappointment,Dr.KidawastheDirectorofProgrammesattheEconomicandSocialResearchFoundation(ESRF)since February 2011. The newDirectorhas authored a number of publicationsincludingchapters inbooksandarticlesininternationaljournals.


SheplayedatechnicalandcoordinationroleindirectingtheprocessofproducingTanzania Human Development Report(THDR) 2014 “Economic TransformationforHumanDevelopment” forwhich shestood as the Project Manager. Dr. Kidais also a member of Regional SteeringCommittee for developing East AfricaVision2050.



Dr. Tausi Mbaga Kida, the New Director ESRF

Dr. Tausi Kida the new ED and Dr. Hoseana Lunogelo the outgoing ED during the welcoming and farewell event at ESRF Auditorium.

ESRF staff in a group photo

T h e E c o n o m i c a n d S o c i a l R e s e a r c h F o u n d a t i o n ( E S R F ) N e w s l e t t e r 4

Page 5: VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 ...esrf.or.tz/docs/Jan-Jun2015.pdf · AND GAS VOCATIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE, VTEC AFRICA. VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791

Between January and June 2015, theStrategic Research and PublicationDepartment continued to carry outrigorousandpolicy-orientedresearchthatgenerates new insights and options forpromoting policies that facilitatemineralrelated inclusive growth. This involvedresearch on the expected revenuesfrom Tanzania’s natural resources andevaluation of alternative spendingpatterns that would result into inclusivegrowth. Thedepartment also continuedwith another research on how therecentlydiscoverednaturalgasresourcewill increase economic opportunities forthepoorandreduceinequality.

Otherareasthat theStrategicResearchandPublicationDepartmenthasworkedon in the period between Januaryand June 2015 include research onunlocking the growth potential ofmicroand small businesses in the country;inclusive green growth; utilization ofbiogas renewable energy; promotion offish farming value chain; assessment ofgood governance initiatives through thesystemofdecentralizationbydevolution;agriculture sector developmentparticularlythemarketingofsmallholderfarmer’s crops, assessment of policiesand strategies to control environmentaldegradation to ensure that efficiency inagricultureandtradearenotinjeopardy;expansionofformalagriculturefinancing

anditsimplicationonlivelihoodandoverallwelfareof farmers.ThedepartmentalsocontinuedmonitoringtheimplementationoftheNationalDevelopmentVision2025to inform the government and citizensat grassroots levels through publicationof swahili-written brochures entitled‘DarubiniyaDirayaMaendeleoyaTaifa’.

During the period, two researchersunder the department participated ina collaborative East African researchexchange facilitated by King AbdullahPetroleumStudiesandResearchCentre(KAPSARC)inRiyadh,SaudiArabia.Themain objective of the exchange was tounderstandthescopeofnaturalresourcedevelopmentinEastAfrica,theeffectsof

anaturalresourcewindfallsoneconomicdevelopment and the nature of demandandvolatilityoftheglobalnaturalresourcemarket. The exchange created thecapabilitytoconstructamacroeconomicmodelling framework for the countriesusing the national income and productaccounting data to ensure that themacroeconomic models describe andpredicttheeconomicsystemsascloselyas possible. Additionally, the exchangeexplored ways on how Tanzania’sgas value chain could promote localcontent:bycreating jobsathomeratherthan abroad, and promoting domesticbusinessratherthanforeignfirms.

In the period between January andJune 2015, the department successfullycompleted the implementation offive research projects: Phase I of theAssessment of the Implementation oftheIstanbulProgrammeofAction(IPOA)ProjectfortheLeastDevelopedCountries(LDCs); Promoting Agriculture, ClimateandTrade linkages inEastAfrica (PACT-EAC); Tanzania Human DevelopmentReport (THDR) 2014; EnhancingEnergy Security in Rural Tanzania: CaseStudies of Community-Driven Low-Cost Investments in Renewable EnergyProjectsandRelatedModels;andHumanSecurity Implications of Climate ChangetoSub-SaharanAfricaandHowIndiacanAssist.

Researchers in a group photo during the KAPSARC collaborative East African research exchange in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia-February 2015.

Dr. Lunogelo launching a book on Climate, Food and Trade in Tanzania as an output of the PACT-EAC Research Project. On his left is Ms. Gladness Mkamba, Director Forest and Beekeeping at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and on the far left is H.E. Modest Jonathan Mero, Ambassador of Tanzania to the UN in Geneva.

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The Governance and CapacityDevelopment Department (GCDD) hascontinuedtofocusitseffortsonbuildingcapacities in policy development andanalysis.

Usingevidencebasedresearchfindings;theDepartment has continued to reachstakeholders through training program,policy dialogues, workshops andknowledgedisseminationsystems.AlltheCDactivitiescontinuetobeimplementedinthebackdropofnationaldevelopmentframeworks namely; the TanzaniaDevelopmentVision (TDV2025)andthecorrespondingprogramsliketheNationalStrategy for Growth and Reduction ofPoverty (NSGRP/MKUKUTA II) and theFiveYearDevelopmentPlan(FYDP2011–2016/17).

From January to June 2015, theDepartment conducted two policydialoguesnamely;Enhancing the Quality of Education: Reflections on the New Education and Training Policy (2014) in Tanzania” held on 20th March at ESRF conference hall, as well as the NationalPre-BudgetPolicyDialoguethatwasheld

ReferenceGroupMeeting of the PACTEAC  Project on “Climate, Food, andTrade: Taking Stock of our Impactson Policy and Practice held on 17thApril 2015 at Kunduchi Beach Hoteland the Stakeholder’s workshop forthe assessment of performance andutilizationofbiogasrenewableenergyinTanzaniaheldon27thFebruary2015atESRFconferencehall.

The Department in collaboration withGet energy Ltd (UK) organized VTECAFRICA 2015, a high-level Pan-Africanforum from 10th to 12th March 2015.This conference addressed VocationalEducation and Technical Training foroil and gas industries across Africa.The Conference was officiated by HisExcellency,VicePresidentoftheUnitedRepublic of Tanzania. The DepartmentalsocollaboratedwithLegatumInstituteUK in organizing the “2015 AfricanSummit: Promoting wealth and wellbeing” that was held on 20th to 21stMay2015atHyattRegencyHotel.TheFoundationfacilitatedoneofthebreakoutsessionsduringtheconference.

on 13thMay 2015, focused on criticallyanalyzing the implication of the 2014/15budget on Education and AgricultureSectorsinTanzania.

The period also met the Departmentalso organized two knowledge sharingworkshops; the 7th and Final National >>> PAGE 9

Some of the participants who completed the five days course on Impact Evaluation held at ESRF Conference Hall from 1st -5th June 2015.

Prof. Suleman Sumra giving his presentation during the Policy Dialogue on Enhancing the Quality of Education: Reflections on the New Education and Training Policy (2014) in Tanzania.

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Page 7: VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 ...esrf.or.tz/docs/Jan-Jun2015.pdf · AND GAS VOCATIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE, VTEC AFRICA. VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791

His Excellency, Mohamed Gharib Bilal, The Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, in a group photo with participants during the VTEC AFRICA conference.

On 1st-5th June 2015 the DepartmenthostedthetrainingonImpactEvaluationthat was advertised to differentstakeholders and several applicationswere received. This important trainingaimed at providing researchers,project managers, policy makers, andpractitioners of development with thenecessary methodology and practicalknowledgetomeetthegrowingdemandfor rigorous evaluation of developmentprograms. This training was held atESRFConferencehall.

SomeoftheparticipantswhocompletedthefivedayscourseonImpactEvaluationheld at ESRF Conference Hall from 1st-5thJune2015.

Meanwhilethedepartmenthascontinuedto host university students for fieldattachmentsanduniversitygraduatesasinternsforthementoringandcoaching.During the January-June intake thedepartment received 35 applicationsout of which 4 students have beenselected for field attachments and 2

Participants in a group photo during the 7th and Final National Reference Group Meeting of the PACT EAC Project on “Climate, Food, and Trade: Taking Stock of our Impacts on Policy and Practice in Dar es Salaam.   Held on 17th April 2015.

>>> PAGE 7


Among other activities conducted bythe department include the training ofCSO’sonEvidencebasedadvocacy,andMonitoringandEvaluationinthecontext

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The Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Hon. Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal exchanging words with Dr. Tausi Kida (Director of Programes) and Mrs. Margareth Nzuki (Head of Knowledge Management Department) when he visited ESRF’ Booth during the Pan – African Conference on Oil and Gas Conference.

Group photo of the High-Table Delegates at the Launch of Tanzania Human Development Report (THDR) 2014.

ESRF Executive Director Dr. Tausi Kida (Right) with staff in front of the new CD-RBMA Project vehicle provided by UNDP.

Dr. Tausi Kida meeting with stakeholders in preparation for THDR 2017 at the Executive Director’s Office - ESRF

Participants of the Get Energy VTEC Oil & Gas, at ESRF Conference Hall in March 2015.

A cross section of Participants of the Pan-African Conference on Oil and Gas Conference at British Council Auditorium.

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Page 9: VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 ...esrf.or.tz/docs/Jan-Jun2015.pdf · AND GAS VOCATIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE, VTEC AFRICA. VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791

with the Economisti Associati (Italy)undertookComprehensive Evaluationof the African Development Bank’sDevelopment Results (CEDR) insectors of Energy (Electricity), Waterand Sanitation, Capacity Building(Vocational Training) and Transport(Roads) projects in Tanzaniawith theaimtopreparecountrystrategy2016to2022.Theevaluationexerciseaimedto provide an independent, credibleand evidence-based assessment ofthe bank’s development results and,in particular, the extent to which theBank’s interventions have made adifference.

2. Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Medium Term Strategic Plan Preparation 2014/15 – 2018/19

The project was contracted toEconomic and Social ResearchFoundation (ESRF) by thePamoja Twajenga (USAID) and itsimplementation took place fromJanuary12toMarch16,2015.Sincethe current PPRA’s Medium TermStrategic Plan (MTSP) 2009/2010-2014/2015 was expected to cometo an end in mid-2015, thus therewasaneed to reviewanddevelopanewMTSP2015/16-2019/2020.ThemainobjectiveoftheassignmentwasexclusivelytodevelopthenewMTSPwhichwouldactasthebasisforactionandannualplansandbudget.

3. Understanding and supporting sustained pathways out of extreme poverty and deprivation:

TheESRFisworkingwithODIandotherpartnersinEthiopia,UgandaandKenyaonsupportingsustainedpathwaysoutof extreme poverty and deprivation.Themain objective is to increase ourunderstandingofthefactorsassociatedwith sustained escapes from poverty,ofhowpoliciesandprogrammescansupporttheseescapesandthepoliticaland institutional pre-conditions underwhich these policies can successfullybeinitiated.

4. Papers on National Resources Development in Tanzania.

TheKoreaEnergyEconomicsInstitute,Gyeonggi-do,RepublicofKorea(KEEI)commissionedtheEconomicandSocialResearch Foundation to write paperson National Resources Developmentin Tanzania. The focus is to conductresearch for the issues related toenergypolicies,oilandgasinTanzaniaand provide policy recommendationson improvingbusinessenvironment intheenergysector.

5. Preparation of Analytical Brief on Green Growth and Inclusive growth in Tanzania

TheAfDBcommissionedESRFtododesk review and write two briefs ongreengrowthand inclusivegrowth inTanzania.Theobjectiveoftheanalyticalbriefs is, therefore, to help the BankmainstreamgreennessinitsnewCSP2016-2020andtoproposemeasuresto effectively support Tanzania in itstransition towards green growth andinclusivegrowth.

The Commissioned Study Department(CSD) is coordinating demand drivenresearch aligned to ESRF’s strategicplan. The CSD’s core activities includeconductingdemanddrivecommissionedresearches, writing proposals andexpressionofinterestsforbiddingtendersto generate revenue to the Institution,supervision of projects and attendingvariousmeeting fordisseminatingstudyresults.

From January to June 2015, CSDcontinuedtoimplement5projectscarriedforward from year 2014 and 7 newprojectsstartedin2015.Theseprojectsincluded: Review of the MicrofinancePolicy 2000; Review of the EnergyPolicy 2003; Tanzania Monitoring andEvaluation II; Pilot Study for Assessingthe Impact of Policy Coherence forDevelopment on Food Security inTanzania; National Environmental PolicyReview; Understanding and supportingsustained pathways out of extremepovertyanddeprivation;PPRAMediumTermStrategicPlanPreparation;Paperson National Resources Developmentin Tanzania; AfDB Country Strategyand Program Evaluation for Tanzania;PreparationofAnalyticalBriefonGreenGrowth in Tanzania; Youth to YouthFundPromotion;andanalyzingTanzaniaIndustrialCompetitiveness.

Project details:

1. AfDB Country Strategy and Program Evaluation for Tanzania:

The Economic and Social ResearchFoundation (ESRF) in partnership

AfDB Country Program and Strategy Evaluation Team with the Backbone Electricity project coordinators.(above) and Singida Regional Commissioner Dr. Parseko V. Konne (picture right) May 25, 2015

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The core function of the KnowledgeManagement (KM) Department isto support the Foundation, nation

and regional in theareasofpolicyanalysis,development management and researchcommunication. The major beneficiaries ofKM Department are; in house researchers,policyanalystsandotherstakeholders.TheKMDepartmentdoesalsodisseminationandcommunicationofknowledgeaccruedbytheFoundationandothercollaboratingpartnerstoreachwideraudience.

TheDepartmentisformulatedbythreeUnits;themodernLibrary, InformationTechnologyand Communication which all togethersupport various activities pertaining to theDepartmentandtheFoundationingeneral.

At the first half of the year 2015, theDepartment continued to implement thetwoprojects; Capacity Development For Results-Based Monitoring, Evaluation & Auditing project and Pro-Poor Economic Growth And Environmentally Sustainable Development which theFoundation works in collaboration with theGovernment of Tanzania and the UnitedNations Development Program (UNDP).Often engagements include administrationand maintenance of online initiatives suchas;Foundationwebsites,Tz-Online,Taknet,Mobile Kilimo and the newly establishedESRFonlineTv.

UndertheCapacity Development Project,the Department managed to facilitate theestablishment of two community radiostations,theUnyanjaandIlejeFm.

Through the same project, Mazingira FmKagera Comminity Radio and SengerenaTeleCentrereceivedamodestsupport.


theGovernmentofTanzaniawiththesupportfromUNDPlaunchedMobileKilimoInitiativeinIlejeMbeya.Thishadbeenthecontinuationofassistingfarmersandbreederstofindmarketsfor their products aswell asmarketing theirproducedwhichwaspriordoneinBunda.

Other activities done under capacityDevelopment between January and Juneincluded;providedgrantstoSACCOS(KibaraSACCOS) for development of innovativefinancial mechanism between the SACCOsand Twiga Bancorp, supported ICT4RD inBundadistricttoscaleupeLearningandICTbest practices, provided support to ESRFtostrengthenand improve theMobilekilimoplatformandsupport toestablishOnlineTV.ThisTVplatformwould facilitate thesharingandexchangeofcommunityknowledgeandbestpracticesetc.

BetweenJanuaryandJune,theDepartmentthrough Pro-Poor Economic Growth and Environmentally Sustainable Development Project,managedtoproducesixtelevisionandradioprogramsatMaendeleoStudio.Theseprogramsweresenttovariouscommunity radios for dissemination. Otheractivitiesincluded;Supportedandpromotionof the integrated fishfarming by enablingthe JKT Bulamba toconstruct ponds toempower youths,support trainings towomen and youths,provide funds to TwigaBancorp to give loansto SACCOs, VICOBA,women groupsand individuals forenvironment, social andgendersafeguardsetc.

The Foundation’s activities and eventscontinued to appear in print and electronicmedia both online and offline. During thistime the events were covered throughmedia houses (Newspapers, Radios andTelevisions), exhibition, content studio andsocialmedia(Facebook,Twitter,blogs,ebrief).

Mentioningthefeweventscoveredincluded;the ESRF’s Annual Conference which wasorganized in collaboration with Getenergy,the launch of Human Development Report,various Policy Dialogues and the MGDsmeeting in Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar andDodoma.

The Knowledge Management Departmentcontinued informing various stakeholdersthrough its modern Library, whereby timelyliteratures are available. Also via its onlineserviceslike;TzOnline,thelibraryonlinewhereagoodnumberofpublicationsareavailable,Taknet, the online discussion platformwhere experts meet to discuss on mattersof national interests aswell as Foundation’swebsitewhereanumberofeducationalstuffare available. All these online activities aremonitoredbyKMDITunity.

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6. Consultancy for Youth to Youth Fund Promotion

The International Labor Organization(ILO)hascommissionedESRFtodoaresearchonyouthresourcemobilization.The objective of the consultancy isto support promotion and resourcemobilizationeffortsforfuturereplicationoftheFund.ThereportwillprovideclearguidancetotheILOandimplementingpartnersonhowandwheretolookforfundingforfutureimplementationoftheY2YFundANDwhattooffer.

Other activities of the Commissioned Research Department:

7. The power of networking:

As one of the activities of CSD isto strengthen networking with itsstakeholders, the department hasbeenable tovisit IITAwith theESRFExecutiveDirectorDr.Kidaandagreedto collaborate on future projects thatfalls under socio-economic policydevelopment.

A group photo of the IITA and ESRF team.

T h e E c o n o m i c a n d S o c i a l R e s e a r c h F o u n d a t i o n ( E S R F ) N e w s l e t t e r 1 0



Page 11: VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 ...esrf.or.tz/docs/Jan-Jun2015.pdf · AND GAS VOCATIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE, VTEC AFRICA. VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791

Staff DevelopmentStafftrainingisoneofthekeyfunctionsof the Human Resource Department.During the January – June 2015 Staffwere trained in their respective field ofspecialization. More emphasis was putonshort term trainingandpartnershipswithotherThinkTanksandothercentresofexcellence.The King Abdullah Petroleum Studiesand research Centre (KAPSARC)facilitated a collaborative East Africanresearch exchange programme inwhich Tanzania was represented bytwo researchers from ESRF namelyMr.SolomonBareguandMs.HossanaMpango.TheexchangewashostedattheKAPSARCfacilitiesinRiyadh,SaudiArabia.The main objective of the exchangeprogrammewastounderstandthescopeofnaturalresourcedevelopmentinEastAfrica, the effects of natural resourcewindfallsoneconomicdevelopmentand

The Deputy Minister for Industry, Tradeand Marketing, Hon. Janet Mbene onMay 9th, 2015 graced the launching ofMobile Kilimo Platform in Ileje District,the initiative by the government ofTanzania, supported by United NationsDevelopment Program (UNDP) andcoordinatedbytheEconomicandSocialResearchFoundation(ESRF).TheMobileKilimo initiative is aplatformto support farmers and traders topublicize and discovermarkets for theirproducts in a timely and cost effectiveway by connecting them with markets.Beneficiaries will benefit from gettingspecial information and knowledge onvarious better farming and environmentconservation aswell as alerts regardingchallengesof farming,suchasoutbreakofdiseases,floodsetcIn her opening speech, the guest ofhonorHon.MbeneapplaudedESRF forcoming up with such an initiative. Shesaid the initiativewill bemore beneficialto Ilejedistrictdueto the fact thatmorethan 80% of people are farmers. She

thenatureofdemandandvolatilityoftheglobalnaturalresourcemarket.Mr.DeodatusSagamikoattendedaPublicSeminar on “Comprehensive StandardLabour Practices at the Work Place”organized by Association of TanzaniaEmployers(ATE).TheSeminarcoveredonChallengesofLabourRelationsattheWorkPlace, application of the Code of GoodPracticeby theCourts,how todealwithgrievancesat theworkplace,challengestobefacedbyemployersinimplementingthe new law onWorkers Compensation,application of Collective Bargaining toPromote Workplace productivity andhandlingofdisciplinaryproceduresattheWorkplace.Ms.DorisLikwelilewonaScholarship toattend the evaluating Youth EmploymentProgramme which was an ExecutiveCourse organized by the InternationalLabourOrganization.The trainingheldatthe International Training Centre in Turin,Italy

urgedIlejepeopletotaketheadvantageofbeingamong the fewpilotdistricts inthecountry.The M-Kilimo launching was precededbyaoneday training to35 IlejeDistrictagriculturalandforestryextensionofficerswho will inform and encourage farmerstousetheplatformandshareknowledgewithfarmersonvariousissuespertainingto agricultural sector in their respectivelocalities.Duringtheceremony,theguestofhonorhanded over to extension officers withcomputertabletsthatwillenablethemtomakeuseoftheplatform.TheEconomicandSocialResearchFoundation (ESRF)is therefore hoping that farmers andtraders will use the initiative to improvetheirlivelihood.The Ileje District Commissioner, Mrs.Rosemary Staki Senyamule promisedto make close follow up on theimplementation of the project in thedistrict. She told extension officers tousetheprovidedtabletsfortheintendedpurposes.

A grant from UNDP The foundation has received a newbrandMotorVehicleNissanPatrolmakewith Reg. No. DFPA 1317 from UNDPthrough the Ministry of Finance. Thevehicle has been donated to assist theCapacity Development Project which isbeing implemented by the KnowledgeManagement Department. Thanks toUNDPforthevaluedandtimelydonationsince the vehicle is also assisting othergovernanceissues.

Staff PerformanceESRF is proud of exercising itsadministrative role of assessing StaffperformancestoeachStaffwhenhis/herassessmentperiodbecomesdue. Thistooltriestoevaluateonhowanemployeehasfaredagainstsetobjectivesonannualbasis. During the period under review,eighteenemployeeswereevaluatedandawarded increments and promotion inrecognitiontotheirgoodperformance.

The colorful ceremony was attendedby government, non- governmentalorganization officials and general publicbeingthesecondintherawafterthefirstlaunchedinBundadistrictin2014.Mobile Kilimo is an outcome of studieswhich Economic and Social ResearchFoundation (ESRF) conducted indifferent wards in Bunda and BukobaRural Districts. The studies revealedthat majority of studied households dopossess mobile phones; therefore theusage of mobile phones would easycommunicationamongcommunities.

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Page 12: VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791 JANUARY- JUNE, 2015 ...esrf.or.tz/docs/Jan-Jun2015.pdf · AND GAS VOCATIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE, VTEC AFRICA. VOLUME 14, NUMBER 1 ISSN 0856- 5791

T h e E c o n o m i c a n d S o c i a l R e s e a r c h F o u n d a t i o n ( E S R F ) N e w s l e t t e r 1 2

An online platform for dissemination of evidence based information / knowledge for policy makers, researchers,

academicians and the general public.


ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION (ESRF)51 Uporoto Street, off Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road

P.O. Box 31226, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Tel : (255-22) 2926084-9, Fax : (255-22) 2926083, E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.esrftz.org