Volume 1 of 1 - Skills: training.gov.au...CUS01 Music Training Package Volume 1 of 1 This document...

CUS01 Music Training Package Volume 1 of 1 Version Number: 2 Review Date: 31 January 2004

Transcript of Volume 1 of 1 - Skills: training.gov.au...CUS01 Music Training Package Volume 1 of 1 This document...

  • CUS01 Music Training Package

    Volume 1 of 1

    Version Number: 2Review Date: 31 January 2004

  • CUS01Music Training Package

    Volume 1 of 1

    This document comprises the endorsed component of the CUS01 Music Training Package endorsed bythe National Training Quality Committee in January 2001 and agreed by Ministers.

    It provides the introduction to the Training Package, including the Assessment Guidelines and theQualifications Framework and a listing of the units of competency.

    This Training Package is being reviewed for implementation in 2007. If you have any queries, pleasecontact the Industry Skills Council, Innovation & Business Skills Australia, on (03) 9815 7000 or emailthe helpdesk on www.ibsa.org.au

    CUS01 Music Training Package (Version 2) To be reviewed by: 31 January 2004Title Page

    Volume 1 of 1 Page 1 of 840©Commonwealth of Australia, 2005 Date Acquired from NTIS: 22 June 2006


  • CUS01 Music Training Package©Commonwealth of Australia, 2005

    This work has been produced with the assistance of funding provided by the CommonwealthGovernment through the Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST).

    An individual may make a photocopy of all or part of the work for their personal use.

    A Registered Training Organisation may make photocopies of all or part of the work for the teachingpurposes of that organisation, including for supply to its students provided that any consideration doesnot exceed the marginal cost of preparation, reproduction, assembly and delivery.

    Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved. Requests forpermission may be directed to:Branch Manager,Technology and Information Services Branch,Industry Skills Developement Group,Department of Eduction, Science and Training,GPO Box 9880 Canberra City, ACT, 2601.Website: www.dest.gov.au

    This work is the result of wide consultations with Australian industry participants. It is a collaborativeview and does not necessarily represent the view of DEST or any specific body. For the sake of brevityit may omit factors which could be pertinent in particular cases.

    While care has been taken in the preparation of this Training Package, DEST and the original developerdo not warrant that any licensing or registration requirements specified here are either complete orup-to-date for your State or Territory. DEST and the original developer do not accept any liability forany damage or loss (including indirect and consequential loss) incurred by any person as a result ofrelying on the information contained in this Training Package.

    This Training Package should not be regarded as professional advice and it should not be relied upon inany important matter without obtaining appropriate advice relevant to your circumstances.Published by:Australian Training Products LtdLevel 25, 150 Lonsdale StreetMelbourneVIC 3000Phone: +61 3 9655 0600Fax: +61 3 9639 4684

    First published: 1 April 2001ISBN: 0 642 79884 2

    Printed by:Document Printing Australia Pty Ltd332 - 342 Lorimer StPort MelbourneVIC 3207Phone: (03) 9684 1200

    AEShareNet Code: PPrint Version No: 2Release Date: 10/10/2005

    CUS01 Music Training Package (Version 2) To be reviewed by: 31 January 2004Imprint Page

    Volume 1 of 1 Page 2 of 840©Commonwealth of Australia, 2005 Date Acquired from NTIS: 22 June 2006



    Preliminary Information..........................................................................................................................................................7

    Important Note to Users......................................................................................................................................................... 7Summary of AQF qualifications in this Training Package.................................................................................................... 8Units of competency in this Training Package and their prerequisites'................................................................................. 9Imported units of competency in this Training Package......................................................................................................14


    What is a Training Package?................................................................................................................................................16Training Package Endorsed Components............................................................................................................................ 17Training Package, Qualification and Unit of Competency Codes....................................................................................... 18Training Package, Qualification and Unit of Competency Titles........................................................................................ 19

    Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................ 20

    The Australian music industry............................................................................................................................................. 20The music industry training package:.................................................................................................................................. 21

    Qualifications Framework.....................................................................................................................................................23

    The Australian Qualifications Framework...........................................................................................................................23Qualification titles................................................................................................................................................................27

    Qualifications.......................................................................................................................................................................... 29

    CUS10101 Certificate I in Music Industry (Foundation).....................................................................................................29CUS20101 Certificate II in Music Industry (Foundation)................................................................................................... 30CUS30101 Certificate III in Music...................................................................................................................................... 31CUS30201 Certificate III in Music Industry (Technical Production)..................................................................................32CUS30301 Certificate III in Music Industry (Music Business)...........................................................................................33CUS40101 Certificate IV in Music......................................................................................................................................36CUS40201 Certificate IV in Music Industry........................................................................................................................37CUS40301 Certificate IV in Music Industry (Business)......................................................................................................38CUS50101 Diploma of Music..............................................................................................................................................41CUS50201 Diploma of Music Industry (Technical Production)......................................................................................... 42CUS50301 Diploma of Music Industry (Business)..............................................................................................................43CUS60101 Advanced Diploma of Music.............................................................................................................................46CUS60201 Advanced Diploma of Music Industry.............................................................................................................. 47CUS60301 Advanced Diploma of Music Industry (Business)............................................................................................ 48

    Assessment Guidelines........................................................................................................................................................... 51

    Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................... 51Assessment System Overview............................................................................................................................................. 51Australian Quality Training Framework Assessment Requirement.................................................................................... 51Pathways...............................................................................................................................................................................52

    Designing Assessment Tools.................................................................................................................................................. 55

    Use of Assessment Tools..................................................................................................................................................... 55Using Prepared Assessment Tools....................................................................................................................................... 55Developing Assessment Tools............................................................................................................................................. 55Conducting Assessment....................................................................................................................................................... 56Access and Equity................................................................................................................................................................ 57Futher Sources of Information............................................................................................................................................. 58General Resources................................................................................................................................................................58Assessment Resources..........................................................................................................................................................58Assessment Tool Design and Conducting Assessment........................................................................................................59Assessor Training.................................................................................................................................................................59Assessment System Design and Management..................................................................................................................... 59

    Competency Standards.......................................................................................................................................................... 60

    What is Competency............................................................................................................................................................ 60Contextualisation of Units of Competency by RTOs...........................................................................................................60Components of Units of Competency.................................................................................................................................. 60Key Competencies................................................................................................................................................................62Performance Levels..............................................................................................................................................................63

    Appendices.............................................................................................................................................................................. 64

    CUS01 Music Training Package (Version 2) To be reviewed by: 31 January 2004Table of Contents

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  • Careers in the music industry............................................................................................................................................... 64


    CUSADM01A Purchase or hire equipment/supplies...........................................................................................................66CUSADM02A Coordinate the purchase or hire of equipment/supplies.............................................................................. 70CUSADM03A Manage a project......................................................................................................................................... 74CUSADM04A Manage a major project...............................................................................................................................78CUSADM05A Develop and implement a business/strategic plan.......................................................................................82CUSADM06A Develop and implement an operational plan...............................................................................................86CUSADM07A Establish and maintain work and contractual relationships........................................................................ 90CUSADM08A Address copyright requirements..................................................................................................................94CUSADM09A Address legal and administrative requirements.......................................................................................... 99CUSADM10A Establish and manage contracts.................................................................................................................103CUSBAD03A Administer operations for performances and rehearsals............................................................................107CUSBAD06A Source and secure appropriate performance venues.................................................................................. 111CUSBAD13A Assess performing and recording deals......................................................................................................116CUSBAD15A Manage risk and crises for an act or show................................................................................................. 120CUSBAD18A Manage artists and their careers.................................................................................................................124CUSBFI12A Calculate, collect and distribute publishing income.....................................................................................131CUSBGE01A Develop and update music industry knowledge......................................................................................... 136CUSBGE11A Plan a career in music.................................................................................................................................139CUSBGE16A Maintain self or group in business..............................................................................................................145CUSBGE17A Maintain and apply music industry knowledge..........................................................................................151CUSBMA04A Develop and promote image......................................................................................................................157CUSBMA05A Promote the act to obtain deals..................................................................................................................161CUSBMA07A Assess the feasibility of an act for promotion........................................................................................... 165CUSBMA09A Promote own artistic work.........................................................................................................................169CUSBMA10A Determine publicity opportunities for an artistic event.............................................................................173CUSBMA14A Manage, promote and negotiate licensing on published works.................................................................176CUSBRA19A Develop artists and repertoire.....................................................................................................................181CUSFIN01A Finance a project.......................................................................................................................................... 186CUSGEN01A Use and adapt to changes in technology.................................................................................................... 190CUSGEN02A Work in a culturally diverse environment..................................................................................................194CUSGEN03A Collaborate with colleagues in planning and producing a project............................................................. 197CUSGEN04A Participate in negotiations.......................................................................................................................... 200CUSGEN05A Make presentations.....................................................................................................................................203CUSLRN01A Provide musical leadership in performance................................................................................................207CUSLRN02A Provide instrumental/vocal tuition............................................................................................................. 215CUSLRN03A Provide tuition for composition..................................................................................................................226CUSLRN04A Prepare for and lead a music rehearsal....................................................................................................... 234CUSLRN05A Direct or conduct music in performance.................................................................................................... 242CUSMAR01A Promote products and services.................................................................................................................. 250CUSMCP01A Contribute creative music ideas to a project.............................................................................................. 254CUSMCP02A Compose a simple song or tune................................................................................................................. 260CUSMCP03A Create a simple accompaniment for a song or tune................................................................................... 267CUSMCP04A Compose songs or tunes in a range of styles..............................................................................................273CUSMCP05A Create original music................................................................................................................................. 280CUSMCP06A Compose music for screen using electronic media.................................................................................... 288CUSMCP07A Prepare compositions for performance/ publishing................................................................................... 295CUSMCP08A Arrange music for a brief........................................................................................................................... 304CUSMCP09A Arrange music for screen........................................................................................................................... 313CUSMCP10A Interpret, confirm and create music for a brief.......................................................................................... 320CUSMCP11A Compose music for screen......................................................................................................................... 328CUSMGE01A Maintain self or group in music.................................................................................................................337CUSMGE02A Develop self as artist..................................................................................................................................342CUSMGE03A Use instruments, equipment and/or electronic technology for making music...........................................349CUSMGE04A Analyse music............................................................................................................................................354CUSMGE05A Write music copy, articles, criticism and/or program notes...................................................................... 360CUSMGE06A Read music.................................................................................................................................................366CUSMGE07A Analyse harmony....................................................................................................................................... 371CUSMGE08A Use the internet to access and modify music.............................................................................................376CUSMGE09A Use MIDI devices or software to perform music...................................................................................... 379CUSMGE10A Use MIDI devices and/or software to compose music.............................................................................. 382CUSMGE11A Develop music knowledge and listening skills..........................................................................................387CUSMGE12A Maintain and expand music knowledge and critical listening skills......................................................... 391CUSMGE13A Apply music knowledge and artistic judgement........................................................................................396CUSMGE14A Read music for performance and analysis................................................................................................. 403

    CUS01 Music Training Package (Version 2) To be reviewed by: 31 January 2004Table of Contents

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  • CUSMPF01A Develop basic technical skills for playing or singing music...................................................................... 411CUSMPF02A Develop technical skills for playing or singing music............................................................................... 416CUSMPF03A Develop and maintain stagecraft skills.......................................................................................................421CUSMPF04A Prepare self for performance...................................................................................................................... 426CUSMPF05A Rehearse music for performance................................................................................................................ 432CUSMPF06A Extend technical skills in performance.......................................................................................................439CUSMPF07A Plan, prepare and perform for a demo recording........................................................................................445CUSMPF08A Contribute to backup accompaniment for a performance.......................................................................... 452CUSMPF09A Evaluate and extend performance technique.............................................................................................. 457CUSMPF10A Develop and practise improvisation........................................................................................................... 463CUSMPF11A Perform music as part of a group................................................................................................................469CUSMPF12A Plan, prepare and present a live audition program..................................................................................... 476CUSMPF13A Plan and prepare a program for performance............................................................................................. 482CUSMPF14A Perform accompaniment.............................................................................................................................488CUSMPF15A Perform music as a soloist..........................................................................................................................495CUSMPF16A Perform improvisation for audience........................................................................................................... 501CUSMPF17A Develop technical skills and expand repertoire..........................................................................................506CUSMPF18A Refine performance technique and expand repertoire................................................................................512CUSMPF19A Use private practice to refine performance technique................................................................................ 519CUSMPF20A Plan, prepare and present a recital performance.........................................................................................527CUSRAD01A Collect and organise information............................................................................................................... 533CUSRAD02A Conduct research........................................................................................................................................537CUSSAF01A Follow safe practices in performing and/or listening to music................................................................... 541CUSSAF02A Follow health, safety and security procedures in the music industry..........................................................544CUSSOU01A Move and set up instruments and equipment............................................................................................. 547CUSSOU02A Operate portable audio recorder................................................................................................................. 550CUSSOU03A Transfer sound............................................................................................................................................ 553CUSSOU04A Record sound.............................................................................................................................................. 556CUSSOU05A Install, align and test sound equipment...................................................................................................... 560CUSSOU06A Lay soundtracks..........................................................................................................................................565CUSSOU07A Edit sound using analogue systems............................................................................................................ 570CUSSOU08A Operate sound reinforcement system......................................................................................................... 575CUSSOU09A Mix sound sources......................................................................................................................................579CUSSOU10A De-noise soundtracks..................................................................................................................................584CUSSOU11A Operate sound mixing console................................................................................................................... 587CUSSOU13A Set up, operate and de-rig portable sound recording equipment................................................................ 592CUSSOU14A Breakdown soundtrack............................................................................................................................... 599CUSSOU15A Create a final sound balance.......................................................................................................................602CUSSOU16A Develop sound design.................................................................................................................................607CUSSOU17A Develop and implement sound production for a recording........................................................................ 612CUSSOU18A Manage production for sound design......................................................................................................... 618CUSSOU19A Manage production for sound recording.................................................................................................... 624CUSSOU20A Prepare and compile music for a soundtrack..............................................................................................629CUSSOU21A Direct a final audio master..........................................................................................................................634CUSSOU22A Implement sound design.............................................................................................................................639CUSSOU23A Specify sound systems................................................................................................................................644CUSSOU24A Edit sound using computerised digital equipment/systems........................................................................648CUSTGE01A Supervise technical operations....................................................................................................................655BSXFMI404A Participate in, lead and facilitate work teams............................................................................................661BSZ401A Plan Assessment................................................................................................................................................665BSZ402A Conduct assessment.......................................................................................................................................... 672BSZ403A Review assessment............................................................................................................................................680BSZ404A Train Small Groups...........................................................................................................................................686CUEAUD3A Operate audiovisual equipment................................................................................................................... 691CUECLE1A Undertake general administrative procedures...............................................................................................695CUECOR1A Manage own work and learning...................................................................................................................699CUECOR2A Work with others..........................................................................................................................................702CUEEVT1A Plan and manage events................................................................................................................................708CUEEVT2A Tour the show............................................................................................................................................... 713CUEFIN1A Develop a budget........................................................................................................................................... 719CUEFIN2A Manage a budget............................................................................................................................................ 724CUEFIN3A Obtain sponsorship.........................................................................................................................................728CUEFOH6A Manage front of house..................................................................................................................................732CUELGT1A Repair and maintain lighting equipment...................................................................................................... 736CUELGT3A Operate follow spots.....................................................................................................................................741CUELGT4A Operate floor electrics.................................................................................................................................. 745CUELGT5A Operate lighting............................................................................................................................................ 749

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  • CUEMAR2A Undertake market research..........................................................................................................................754CUEMAR3A Undertake marketing activities....................................................................................................................758CUEOHS1A Implement workplace health, safety and security procedures......................................................................761CUEOHS2A Establish and maintain a safe and secure workplace....................................................................................769CUESMT1A Assist in stage managing the production......................................................................................................779CUESMT6A Follow scores............................................................................................................................................... 785CUESOU1A Repair and maintain sound equipment......................................................................................................... 788CUESOU6A Design sound systems.................................................................................................................................. 793CUETEM2A Manage systems........................................................................................................................................... 798CUETEM3A Establish and manage resources and technical requirements...................................................................... 801CUETGE1A Undertake simple lighting/sound/audiovisual activities...............................................................................806CUETGE2A Assist with staging........................................................................................................................................810CULMS413A Use information technology....................................................................................................................... 813THHGHS03A Provide first aid.......................................................................................................................................... 817THHGLE05A Roster staff................................................................................................................................................. 819THHGLE06A Monitor staff performance..........................................................................................................................822THHGLE07A Recruit and select staff............................................................................................................................... 824THHGLE12A Develop and manage marketing strategies.................................................................................................827THHGLE15A Manage financial operations...................................................................................................................... 830THHGLE16A Manage physical assets.............................................................................................................................. 834THTSMA01A Coordinate the production of brochures and marketing materials.............................................................838

    CUS01 Music Training Package (Version 2) To be reviewed by: 31 January 2004Table of Contents

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  • Preliminary Information

    Important Note to Users

    Training Packages are not static documents; they are amended periodically to reflect the latest industrypractices and are version controlled. It is essential that the latest version is always used.

    Check the version number before commencing training or assessment

    This Training Package is Version 2 - check whether this is the latest version by going to the NationalTraining Information Service (www.ntis.gov.au) and locating information about the Training Package.Alternatively, contact Innovation & Business Skills Australia Ltd at http://www.ibsa.org.au to confirmthe latest version number.

    Explanation of version number conventions

    The primary release Training Package is Version 1. When changes are made to a Training Package,sometimes the version number is changed and sometimes it is not, depending on the extent of thechange. When a Training Package is reviewed it is considered to be a new Training Package for thepurposes of version control, and is Version 1. Do not confuse the version number with the TrainingPackage's national code (which remains the same during its period of endorsement).

    Version modification history

    The version details of this endorsed Training Package are in the table below. The latest information isat the top of the table.

    Version Release Date Comments

    2 10/10/2005 Unit CUSSOU12A-Edit sound using digital systems revised toCUSSOU24A - Edit sound using computerised digitalequipment/systems

    1.01 6/07/2002 Minor typographical changes to competency units withinqualifications listings

    1.00 5/04/2001 Primary Release

    Forms control: All endorsed training packages will have a version number displayed on the imprintpage of every volume constituting that training package. Every training package will display anup-to-date copy of this modification history form, to be placed immediately after the contents page ofthe first volume of the training package. Comments on changes will only show sufficient detail toenable a user to identify the nature and location of the change. Changes to training packages willgenerally be batched at quarterly intervals. This modification history form will be included within anydisplayed sample of that training package and will constitute all detail available to identify changes.

    CUS01 Music Training Package (Version 2) To be reviewed by: 31 January 2004Preliminary Information

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  • Summary of AQF qualifications in this Training Package

    Code Title

    CUS10101 Certificate I in Music Industry (Foundation)

    CUS20101 Certificate II in Music Industry (Foundation)

    CUS30101 Certificate III in Music

    CUS30201 Certificate III in Music Industry (Technical Production)

    CUS30301 Certificate III in Music Industry (Music Business)

    CUS40101 Certificate IV in Music

    CUS40201 Certificate IV in Music Industry

    CUS40301 Certificate IV in Music Industry (Business)

    CUS50101 Diploma of Music

    CUS50201 Diploma of Music Industry (Technical Production)

    CUS50301 Diploma of Music Industry (Business)

    CUS60101 Advanced Diploma of Music

    CUS60201 Advanced Diploma of Music Industry

    CUS60301 Advanced Diploma of Music Industry (Business)

    CUS01 Music Training Package (Version 2) To be reviewed by: 31 January 2004Preliminary Information

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  • Units of competency in this Training Package and their prerequisites'Note – the pre-requisite column is only displayed if pre-requisites exist.

    Code Title

    CUSADM01A Purchase or hire equipment/supplies

    CUSADM02A Coordinate the purchase or hire of equipment/supplies

    CUSADM03A Manage a project

    CUSADM04A Manage a major project

    CUSADM05A Develop and implement a business/strategic plan

    CUSADM06A Develop and implement an operational plan

    CUSADM07A Establish and maintain work and contractual relationships

    CUSADM08A Address copyright requirements

    CUSADM09A Address legal and administrative requirements

    CUSADM10A Establish and manage contracts

    CUSBAD03A Administer operations for performances and rehearsals

    CUSBAD06A Source and secure appropriate performance venues

    CUSBAD13A Assess performing and recording deals

    CUSBAD15A Manage risk and crises for an act or show

    CUSBAD18A Manage artists and their careers

    CUSBFI12A Calculate, collect and distribute publishing income

    CUSBGE01A Develop and update music industry knowledge

    CUSBGE11A Plan a career in music

    CUSBGE16A Maintain self or group in business

    CUSBGE17A Maintain and apply music industry knowledge

    CUSBMA04A Develop and promote image

    CUSBMA05A Promote the act to obtain deals

    CUSBMA07A Assess the feasibility of an act for promotion

    CUSBMA09A Promote own artistic work

    CUSBMA10A Determine publicity opportunities for an artistic event

    CUSBMA14A Manage, promote and negotiate licensing on publishedworks

    CUSBRA19A Develop artists and repertoire

    CUS01 Music Training Package (Version 2) To be reviewed by: 31 January 2004Preliminary Information

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  • Code Title

    CUSFIN01A Finance a project

    CUSGEN01A Use and adapt to changes in technology

    CUSGEN02A Work in a culturally diverse environment

    CUSGEN03A Collaborate with colleagues in planning and producing aproject

    CUSGEN04A Participate in negotiations

    CUSGEN05A Make presentations

    CUSLRN01A Provide musical leadership in performance

    CUSLRN02A Provide instrumental/vocal tuition

    CUSLRN03A Provide tuition for composition

    CUSLRN04A Prepare for and lead a music rehearsal

    CUSLRN05A Direct or conduct music in performance

    CUSMAR01A Promote products and services

    CUSMCP01A Contribute creative music ideas to a project

    CUSMCP02A Compose a simple song or tune

    CUSMCP03A Create a simple accompaniment for a song or tune

    CUSMCP04A Compose songs or tunes in a range of styles

    CUSMCP05A Create original music

    CUSMCP06A Compose music for screen using electronic media

    CUSMCP07A Prepare compositions for performance/ publishing

    CUSMCP08A Arrange music for a brief

    CUSMCP09A Arrange music for screen

    CUSMCP10A Interpret, confirm and create music for a brief

    CUSMCP11A Compose music for screen

    CUSMGE01A Maintain self or group in music

    CUSMGE02A Develop self as artist

    CUSMGE03A Use instruments, equipment and/or electronic technologyfor making music

    CUSMGE04A Analyse music

    CUSMGE05A Write music copy, articles, criticism and/or program notes

    CUS01 Music Training Package (Version 2) To be reviewed by: 31 January 2004Preliminary Information

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  • Code Title

    CUSMGE06A Read music

    CUSMGE07A Analyse harmony

    CUSMGE08A Use the internet to access and modify music

    CUSMGE09A Use MIDI devices or software to perform music

    CUSMGE10A Use MIDI devices and/or software to compose music

    CUSMGE11A Develop music knowledge and listening skills

    CUSMGE12A Maintain and expand music knowledge and criticallistening skills

    CUSMGE13A Apply music knowledge and artistic judgement

    CUSMGE14A Read music for performance and analysis

    CUSMPF01A Develop basic technical skills for playing or singing music

    CUSMPF02A Develop technical skills for playing or singing music

    CUSMPF03A Develop and maintain stagecraft skills

    CUSMPF04A Prepare self for performance

    CUSMPF05A Rehearse music for performance

    CUSMPF06A Extend technical skills in performance

    CUSMPF07A Plan, prepare and perform for a demo recording

    CUSMPF08A Contribute to backup accompaniment for a performance

    CUSMPF09A Evaluate and extend performance technique

    CUSMPF10A Develop and practise improvisation

    CUSMPF11A Perform music as part of a group

    CUSMPF12A Plan, prepare and present a live audition program

    CUSMPF13A Plan and prepare a program for performance

    CUSMPF14A Perform accompaniment

    CUSMPF15A Perform music as a soloist

    CUSMPF16A Perform improvisation for audience

    CUSMPF17A Develop technical skills and expand repertoire

    CUSMPF18A Refine performance technique and expand repertoire

    CUSMPF19A Use private practice to refine performance technique

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  • Code Title

    CUSMPF20A Plan, prepare and present a recital performance

    CUSRAD01A Collect and organise information

    CUSRAD02A Conduct research

    CUSSAF01A Follow safe practices in performing and/or listening tomusic

    CUSSAF02A Follow health, safety and security procedures in the musicindustry

    CUSSOU01A Move and set up instruments and equipment

    CUSSOU02A Operate portable audio recorder

    CUSSOU03A Transfer sound

    CUSSOU04A Record sound

    CUSSOU05A Install, align and test sound equipment

    CUSSOU06A Lay soundtracks

    CUSSOU07A Edit sound using analogue systems

    CUSSOU08A Operate sound reinforcement system

    CUSSOU09A Mix sound sources

    CUSSOU10A De-noise soundtracks

    CUSSOU11A Operate sound mixing console

    CUSSOU13A Set up, operate and de-rig portable sound recordingequipment

    CUSSOU14A Breakdown soundtrack

    CUSSOU15A Create a final sound balance

    CUSSOU16A Develop sound design

    CUSSOU17A Develop and implement sound production for a recording

    CUSSOU18A Manage production for sound design

    CUSSOU19A Manage production for sound recording

    CUSSOU20A Prepare and compile music for a soundtrack

    CUSSOU21A Direct a final audio master

    CUSSOU22A Implement sound design

    CUSSOU23A Specify sound systems

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  • Code Title

    CUSSOU24A Edit sound using computerised digital equipment/systems

    CUSTGE01A Supervise technical operations

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  • Imported units of competency in this Training Package

    Code Title Origin

    BSXFMI404A Participate in, lead and facilitate work teams TBA

    BSZ401A Plan Assessment BSZ98

    BSZ402A Conduct assessment BSZ98

    BSZ403A Review assessment BSZ98

    BSZ404A Train Small Groups BSZ98

    CUEAUD3A Operate audiovisual equipment TBA

    CUECLE1A Undertake general administrative procedures TBA

    CUECOR1A Manage own work and learning TBA

    CUECOR2A Work with others TBA

    CUEEVT1A Plan and manage events TBA

    CUEEVT2A Tour the show TBA

    CUEFIN1A Develop a budget TBA

    CUEFIN2A Manage a budget TBA

    CUEFIN3A Obtain sponsorship TBA

    CUEFOH6A Manage front of house TBA

    CUELGT1A Repair and maintain lighting equipment TBA

    CUELGT3A Operate follow spots TBA

    CUELGT4A Operate floor electrics TBA

    CUELGT5A Operate lighting TBA

    CUEMAR2A Undertake market research TBA

    CUEMAR3A Undertake marketing activities TBA

    CUEOHS1A Implement workplace health, safety and securityprocedures


    CUEOHS2A Establish and maintain a safe and secure workplace TBA

    CUESMT1A Assist in stage managing the production TBA

    CUESMT6A Follow scores TBA

    CUESOU1A Repair and maintain sound equipment TBA

    CUESOU6A Design sound systems TBA

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  • Code Title Origin

    CUETEM2A Manage systems TBA

    CUETEM3A Establish and manage resources and technical requirements TBA

    CUETGE1A Undertake simple lighting/sound/audiovisual activities TBA

    CUETGE2A Assist with staging TBA

    CULMS413A Use information technology TBA

    THHGHS03A Provide first aid TBA

    THHGLE05A Roster staff TBA

    THHGLE06A Monitor staff performance TBA

    THHGLE07A Recruit and select staff TBA

    THHGLE12A Develop and manage marketing strategies TBA

    THHGLE15A Manage financial operations TBA

    THHGLE16A Manage physical assets TBA

    THTSMA01A Coordinate the production of brochures and marketingmaterials


    Explanation of the review date

    The review date (shown on the title page and in the header of each page) indicates when the TrainingPackage is expected to be reviewed in the light of changes such as changing technologies andcircumstances. The review date is not an expiry date. Endorsed Training Packages and theircomponents remain current until they are reviewed or replaced.

    CUS01 Music Training Package (Version 2) To be reviewed by: 31 January 2004Preliminary Information

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  • Overview

    What is a Training Package?

    A Training Package is an integrated set of nationally endorsed competency standards, assessmentguidelines and Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications for a specific industry,industry sector or enterprise.

    Each Training Package:

    • provides a consistent and reliable set of components for training, recognising and assessingpeople's skills, and may also have optional support materials

    • enables nationally recognised qualifications to be awarded through direct assessment ofworkplace competencies

    • encourages the development and delivery of flexible training which suits individual and industryrequirements

    • encourages learning and assessment in a work-related environment which leads to verifiableworkplace outcomes.

    How do Training Packages fit within the National Training Framework?

    The National Training Framework is made up of the nationally agreed quality arrangements for thevocational education and training sector, the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF), andTraining Packages endorsed by the National Training Quality Council (NTQC).

    How are Training Packages developed?

    Training Packages are developed by Industry Skills Councils or enterprises to meet the identifiedtraining needs of specific industries or industry sectors. To gain national endorsement of TrainingPackages, developers must provide evidence of extensive research, consultation and support within theindustry area or enterprise.

    How do Training Packages encourage flexibility?

    Training Packages describe the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in the workplacewithout prescribing how people should be trained.

    Training Packages acknowledge that people can achieve vocational competency in many ways byemphasising what the learner can do, not how or where they learned to do it. For example, someexperienced workers might be able to demonstrate competency against the units of competency, andeven gain a qualification, without completing a formal training program.

    With Training Packages, assessment and training may be conducted at the workplace, off-the-job, at atraining organisation, during regular work, or through work experience, work placement, worksimulation or any combination of these.

    Who can deliver and assess using Training Packages?

    Training and assessment using Training Packages must be conducted by a Registered TrainingOrganisation (RTO) that has the qualifications or specific units of competency on its scope ofregistration, or that works in partnership with another RTO as specified in the AQTF Standards forRegistered Training Organisations.

    Training Package Components

    Training Packages are made up of mandatory components endorsed by the NTQC, and optional supportmaterials.

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  • Training Package Endorsed ComponentsThe nationally endorsed components include the Competency Standards, Assessment Guidelines andQualifications Framework. These form the basis of training and assessment in the Training Packageand, as such, they must be used.

    Competency Standards

    Each unit of competency identifies a discrete workplace requirement and includes the knowledge andskills that underpin competency as well as language, literacy and numeracy; and occupational healthand safety requirements. The units of competency must be adhered to in training and assessment toensure consistency of outcomes.

    Assessment Guidelines

    The Assessment Guidelines provide an industry framework to ensure all assessments meet industryneeds and nationally agreed standards as expressed in the Training Package and the Standards forRegistered Training Organisations. The Assessment Guidelines must be followed to ensure theintegrity of assessment leading to nationally recognised qualifications.

    Qualifications Framework

    Each Training Package provides details of those units of competency that must be achieved to awardAQF qualifications. The rules around which units of competency can be combined to make up a validAQF qualification in the Training Package are referred to as the 'packaging rules'. The packaging rulesmust be followed to ensure the integrity of nationally recognised qualifications issued.

    Training Package Support Materials

    The endorsed components of Training Packages are complemented and supported by optional supportmaterials that provide for choice in the design of training and assessment to meet the needs of industryand learners.

    Training Package support materials can relate to single or multiple units of competency, an industrysector, a qualification or the whole Training Package. They tend to fall into one or more of thecategories illustrated below.

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  • Training Package support materials are produced by a range of stakeholders such as RTOs, individualtrainers and assessors, private and commercial developers and Government agencies.

    Where such materials have been quality assured through a process of 'noting' by the NTQC, theydisplay the following official logo. Noted support materials are listed on the National TrainingInformation Service (NTIS), together with a detailed description and information on the type of productand its availability (www.ntis.gov.au).

    It is not compulsory to submit support materials for noting; any resources that meet the requirements ofthe Training Package can be used.

    Training Package, Qualification and Unit of Competency Codes

    There are agreed conventions for the national codes used for Training Packages and their components.Always use the correct codes, exactly as they appear in the Training Package, and with the titlealways following the code.

    Training Package Codes

    Each Training Package has a unique five-character national code assigned when the Training Packageis endorsed, for example CUS01. The first three characters are letters identifying the Training Packageindustry coverage and the last two characters are numbers identifying the year of endorsement.

    Qualification Codes

    Within each Training Package, each qualification has a unique eight-character code, for exampleCUS10101. The first three letters identify the Training Package; the first number identifies thequalification level (noting that arabic numbers are not used in qualification titles themselves); the nexttwo numbers identify the position in the sequence of the qualification at that level; and the last twonumbers identify the year in which the qualification was endorsed. (Where qualifications are addedafter the initial Training Package endorsement, the last two numbers may differ from other TrainingPackage qualifications as they identify the year in which those particular qualifications were endorsed).

    Unit of Competency Codes

    Within each Training Package, each unit of competency has a unique code. The unit of competencycodes are assigned when the Training Package is endorsed, or when new units of competency are addedto an existing endorsed Training Package.

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  • A typical code is made up of 12 characters, normally a mixture of uppercase letters and numbers, as inCUSADM01A. The first three characters signify the Training Package (CUS01 Music TrainingPackage in the above example) and up to eight characters, relating to an industry sector, function orskill area, follow. The last character is always a letter and identifies the unit of competency version.The 'A' in the example above indicates that this is the original unit of competency. An incrementedversion identifier usually means that minor changes have been made. Typically this would mean thatwording has changed in the range statement or evidence guide, providing clearer intent. Where changesare made that alter the outcome, a new code is assigned and the title is changed.

    Training Package, Qualification and Unit of Competency Titles

    There are agreed conventions for titling Training Packages and their components. Always use thecorrect titles, exactly as they appear in the Training Package, and with the code always placed beforethe title.

    Training Package Titles

    The title of each endorsed Training Package is unique and relates the Training Package's broad industrycoverage.

    Qualification Titles

    The title of each endorsed Training Package qualification is unique. Qualification titles use thefollowing sequence:

    • firstly, the qualification is identified as either Certificate I, Certificate II, Certificate III, CertificateIV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma

    • this is followed by the words 'in' for Certificates I to IV and 'of' for Diploma and AdvancedDiploma

    • then the industry descriptor follows, for example Telecommunications, and• if applicable, the occupational or functional stream follows in brackets, for example (Computer


    For example:

    • CUS10101 Certificate I in Music Industry (Foundation)• CUS20101 Certificate II in Music Industry (Foundation)

    Unit of Competency Titles

    Each unit of competency title is unique. Unit of competency titles describe the competency outcomeconcisely, and are written in sentence case.

    For example:

    • CUSADM01A Purchase or hire equipment/supplies• CUSADM02A Coordinate the purchase or hire of equipment/supplies

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  • Introduction

    The Australian music industry

    The Australian music industry is a vital and energetic industry, which pervades the lives of mostAustralians. Chaotic, unregulated, creative, fragmented and diverse, the industry covers many differentgenres, with widescale participation across Australia - from small and isolated communities to majormetropolitan centres.

    Music is both an industry and an artform, meeting cultural and recreational needs while also offeringmajor employment opportunities across many sectors: recording, publishing, retail, music business,entertainment, radio, television, film, video, advertising, computer software, multimedia, teaching, and,of course, performance. 345,700 people are involved in music across Australia. Of these, 276,100 workas live performers and 96,450 musicians receive payment for their work.

    Work in the industry, particularly in performance, is primarily casual, contract, freelance andself-employed. Musicians must frequently generate their own work and juggle several jobssimultaneously.

    The Australian retail music market turns over more than $700 million per annum, with about 25% ofmusic retail volume being Australian product. It has significant export potential, both in dollar termsand in terms of advancing Australias image overseas. Contemporary music is the cultural form mostaccessible to Australians, with 28% of people, including 50% of 18-24 year olds, attending popularmusic performances. The sale, marketing and distribution of music products has changed with greateraccess to on-line purchasing, downloading music and conversion to digital format. To maximise salesin Australia and overseas, however, skills in areas such as marketing must be developed.

    The music industry is in a process of transformation. Artistic developments (such as cross-oversbetween genres) are influencing the industry's future, along with changes to technology, to consumerbuying patterns and to legislative frameworks.

    Like many sectors of the cultural industries, the Australian music industry has been profoundlyinfluenced by technological development in recent years, with the creation, performance andproduction of music all having altered, in some cases fundamentally. There have been changes to thenature of a recording 'studio' and its use; to live and studio recording and improved control of sound inpublic venues; and more opportunities for individuals to produce and release CDs at low cost.

    More changes are on the horizon as the introduction of new technologies accelerates. Music can, forexample, be composed using electronic technology, and composition software packages are becomingincreasingly diverse, inexpensive and sophisticated, enhancing the composition process and thecapacity for intelligent evaluation. New multimedia formats can be expected to influence the musicindustry, with increasingly diverse art forms emerging through collaborative projects in performance,installation and multimedia technology.

    These and other technological developments have major implications for education, training,employment and workplace practices. The need for industry-relevant training and industry-recognisedstandards has never been greater. In short, music education and training must prepare employees to takefull advantage of the artistic and employment potential offered by new technologies.

    As in other cultural sectors, performing rights and copyright provisions are assuming increasedimportance for artists and producers. Advances in technology allow easy access, through sampling andother processes, to the unauthorised use of the work of the originators and creators of music,disregarding or disguising performing rights obligations. Beginning and isolated artists who create andrecord music for sale through home studio production are often unaware of their performing andlicensing rights or, indeed, the rights of others in relation to performing or copyright. There is frequentunauthorised copying of performance, recorded and printed music, while music from diverse sourcesmay be used in multimedia projects without acknowledgment. Artists need a solid understanding of

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  • copyright provisions to ensure that their work is not exploited and their earning capacity is not reduced.

    Many people who work in the industry lack any formal recognition of their competencies. In 1991, forexample, over half the people working in the occupations of music director, private music tutor andpiano tuner stated that they had no formal qualifications.

    The national music industry training package seeks to address these challenges in several ways.

    • It defines career and training pathways and provides scope for entry to a range of employmentopportunities. Practitioners may enter training at the level that suits them.

    • It gives practitioners the opportunity to be assessed against national competency standards andreceive formal recognition of their skills and knowledge. It is now possible for practitioners to beawarded a national qualification without necessarily undertaking any additional training.

    • It provides opportunities for people to learn in many different ways and in many differentsituations: at work, on-line, in education institutions, through traineeships or other methods.

    • It includes a wide range of national competency standards across the areas of music practice,business and technology and it gives learners the opportunity to 'mix and match' competenciesaccording to their needs. Musicians can, for example, develop skills in small business ormarketing to supplement their performing skills.

    • It includes national competency standards in essential areas like copyright and occupationalhealth and safety.

    The music industry training package:

    • Has been developed by industry, for industry

    CREATE Australia, the national industry training advisory body for the cultural industries, developedthe package with extensive involvement of industry practitioners, enterprises, organisations andtraining organisations across Australia. Funding to develop the package was provided by the AustralianNational Training Authority (ANTA).

    • Permits many different ways of learning

    Learning occurs in many different ways, in many places and at many times - not simply throughdesignated learning " events". The music industry training package permits many different ways oftraining - in the workplace, in a training organisation, through work experience, workshops, flexiblelearning, or traineeships and apprenticeships.

    Training may involve a combination of several of these methods, and partnerships between trainingorganisations and industry. The method of learning will depend on what suits employers, learners andthe type of learning being undertaken.

    • Provides many pathways to competence and a national qualification

    People become competent in many different ways. Training packages recognise this by putting theemphasis on what learners can do and know, rather than on how they learned.

    The music industry training package offers individuals the opportunity to gain formal recognition fortheir skills and knowledge, regardless of where they acquired those skills - whether in educationinstitutions, through practical experience or through a combination of both. Individuals can be assesseddirectly against competency standards and receive part or all of a qualification without necessarilyundertaking any additional training.

    • Provides a national framework for training and assessment

    For the first time in Australia there are national vocational education and training qualifications for themusic industry. Thus, it is easier to transfer skills from one situation to another and the qualificationsawarded in one state or territory are recognised across Australia.

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  • • Gives workplaces and industry bodies more scope to be involved in establishing and providingtraining

    There are many ways in which workplaces and industry bodies may become involved in training. Theymay, for example, elect to register as training organisations or they may enter into partnerships withother training organisations.

    • Provides training and assessment opportunities for people entering the industry and those alreadyworking in it

    The package is sufficiently flexible to accommodate the learning needs of trainees, apprentices,students or experienced employees.

    Scope of the music industry training package

    The music industry training package sets out the competencies required for many different careersacross the industry including those in recording, live performance, computer software and multimedia,music publishing, advertising, music video, radio, film and television, music tuition, music therapy andmusic media. A detailed list of careers in the music industry is included in the appendix.

    Ongoing development and review

    The music industry training package was endorsed for three years, after which it must be reviewed toensure its relevance to changing industry circumstances.

    So that users of the package can be confident that they are using the most recent version of the package,this package includes:

    • a code (CUS01) with the last two numbers indicating the year of endorsement• codes for each competency standard, with the last character of each code representing the version

    of the standard (A= the first version, etc)• a code for each qualification, with the last two numbers representing the year in which the

    qualification was endorsed

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  • Qualifications Framework

    The Australian Qualifications Framework

    What is the Australian Qualifications Framework?

    A brief overview of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) follows. For a full explanation ofthe AQF see the AQF Implementation Handbook, 3rd Edition 2002. You can download it from theAustralian Qualifications Advisory Board (AQFAB) website (www.aqf.edu.au) or obtain a hard copyby contacting AQFAB on phone 03 9639 1606 or by emailing AQFAB on [email protected]

    The AQF provides a comprehensive, nationally consistent framework for all qualifications inpost-compulsory education and training in Australia. In the vocational education and training (VET)sector it assists national consistency for all trainees, learners, employers and providers by enablingnational recognition of qualifications and Statements of Attainment.

    Training Package qualifications in the VET sector must comply with the titles and guidelines of theAQF. Endorsed Training Packages provide a unique title for each AQF qualification which mustalways be reproduced accurately.


    Training Packages can incorporate the following eight AQF qualifications.

    • Certificate I in …• Certificate II in …• Certificate III in …• Certificate IV in …• Diploma of …• Advanced Diploma of …• Vocational Graduate Certificate of …• Vocational Graduate Diploma of …

    On completion of the requirements defined in the Training Package, a Registered TrainingOrganisation (RTO) may issue a nationally recognised AQF qualification. Issuance of AQFqualifications must comply with the advice provided in the AQF Implementation Handbook and theAustralian Quality Training Framework Standards for Registered Training Organisations, particularlyStandard 10.

    Statement of Attainment

    Where an AQF qualification is partially achieved through the achievement of one or more endorsedunits of competency, an RTO may issue a Statement of Attainment. Issuance of Statements ofAttainment must comply with the advice provided in the AQF Implementation Handbook and theAustralian Quality Training Framework Standards for Registered Training Organisations, particularlyStandard 10.

    Under the Standards for Registered Training Organisations, RTOs must recognise the achievement ofcompetencies as recorded on a qualification or Statement of Attainment issued by other RTOs. Giventhis, recognised competencies can progressively build towards a full AQF qualification.

    AQF Guidelines and Learning Outcomes

    The AQF Implementation Handbook provides a comprehensive guideline for each AQF qualification.A summary of the learning outcome characteristics and their distinguishing features for each VETrelated AQF qualification is provided below.

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  • Certificate ICharacteristics of Learning OutcomesBreadth, depth and complexity of knowledge and skills would prepare a person to perform a definedrange of activities most of which may be routine and predictable.Applications may include a variety of employment related skills including preparatory access andparticipation skills, broad-based induction skills and/or specific workplace skills. They may alsoinclude participation in a team or work group.

    Distinguishing Features of Learning OutcomesDo the competencies enable an individual with this qualification to:

    • demonstrate knowledge by recall in a narrow range of areas;• demonstrate basic practical skills, such as the use of relevant tools;• perform a sequence of routine tasks given clear direction• receive and pass on messages/information.

    Certificate IICharacteristics of Learning OutcomesBreadth, depth and complexity of knowledge and skills would prepare a person to perform in a rangeof varied activities or knowledge application where there is a clearly defined range of contexts inwhich the choice of actions required is usually clear and there is limited complexity in the range ofoperations to be applied.Performance of a prescribed range of functions involving known routines and procedures and someaccountability for the quality of outcomes.Applications may include some complex or non-routine activities involving individual responsibilityor autonomy and/or collaboration with others as part of a group or team.

    Distinguishing Features of Learning OutcomesDo the competencies enable an individual with this qualification to:

    • demonstrate basic operational knowledge in a moderate range of areas;• apply a defined range of skills;• apply known solutions to a limited range of predictable problems;• perform a range of tasks where choice between a limited range of options is required;• assess and record information from varied sources;• take limited responsibility for own outputs in work and learning.

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  • Certificate IIICharacteristics of Learning OutcomesBreadth, depth and complexity of knowledge and competencies would cover selecting, adapting andtransferring skills and knowledge to new environments and providing technical advice and someleadership in resolution of specified problems. This would be applied across a range of roles in avariety of contexts with some complexity in the extent and choice of options available.Performance of a defined range of skilled operations, usually within a range of broader relatedactivities involving known routines, methods and procedures, where some discretion and judgementis required in the section of equipment, services or contingency measures and within known timeconstraints.Applications may involve some responsibility for others. Participation in teams including group orteam co-ordination may be involved.

    Distinguishing Features of Learning OutcomesDo the competencies enable an individual with this qualification to:

    • demonstrate some relevant theoretical knowledge• apply a range of well-developed skills• apply known solutions to a variety of predictable problems• perform processes that require a range of well-developed skills where some discretion and

    judgement is required• interpret available information, using discretion and judgement• take responsibility for own outputs in work and learning• take limited responsibility for the output of others.

    Certificate IVCharacteristics of Learning OutcomesBreadth, depth and complexity of knowledge and competencies would cover a broad range of variedactivities or application in a wider variety of contexts most of which are complex and non-routine.Leadership and guidance are involved when organising activities of self and others as well ascontributing to technical solutions of a non-routine or contingency nature.Performance of a broad range of skilled applications including the requirement to evaluate andanalyse current practices, develop new criteria and procedures for performing current practices andprovision of some leadership and guidance to others in the application and planning of the skills.Applications involve responsibility for, and limited organisation of, others.

    Distinguishing Features of Learning OutcomesDo the competencies enable an individual with this qualification to:

    • demonstrate understanding of a broad knowledge base incorporating some theoretical concepts• apply solutions to a defined range of unpredictable problems• identify and apply skill and knowledge areas to a wide variety of contexts, with depth in some

    areas• identify, analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources• take responsibility for own outputs in relation to specified quality standards• take limited responsibility for the quantity and quality of the output of others.

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  • DiplomaCharacteristics of Learning OutcomesBreadth, depth and complexity covering planning and initiation of alternative approaches to skills orknowledge applications across a broad range of technical and/or management requirements,evaluation and co-ordination.The self directed application of knowledge and skills, with substantial depth in some areas wherejudgement is required in planning and selecting appropriate equipment, services and techniques forself and others.Applications involve participation in development of strategic initiatives as well as personalresponsibility and autonomy in performing complex technical operations or organising others. It mayinclude participation in teams including teams concerned with planning and evaluation functions.Group or team co-ordination may be involved.The degree of emphasis on breadth as against depth of knowledge and skills may vary betweenqualifications granted at this level.

    Distinguishing Features of Learning OutcomesDo the competencies or learning outcomes enable an individual with this qualification to:

    • demonstrate understanding of a broad knowledge base incorporating theoretical concepts, withsubstantial depth in some areas

    • analyse and plan approaches to technical problems or management requirements• transfer and apply theoretical concepts and/or technical or creative skills to a range of situations• evaluate information, using it to forecast for planning or research purposes• take responsibility for own outputs in relation to broad quantity and quality parameters• take some responsibility for the achievement of group outcomes.

    Advanced DiplomaCharacteristics of Learning OutcomesBreadth, depth and complexity involving analysis, design, planning, execution and evaluation acrossa range of technical and/or management functions including development of new criteria orapplications or knowledge or procedures.The application of a significant range of fundamental principles and complex techniques across awide and often unpredictable variety of contexts in relation to either varied or highly specificfunctions. Contribution to the development of a broad plan, budget or strategy is involved andaccountability and responsibility for self and others in achieving the outcomes is involved.Applications involve significant judgement in planning, design, technical or leadership/guidancefunctions related to products, services, operations or procedures.The degree of emphasis on breadth as against depth of knowledge and skills may vary betweenqualifications granted at this level.

    Distinguishing Features of Learning OutcomesDo the competencies or learning outcomes enable an individual with this qualification to:

    • demonstrate understanding of specialised knowledge with depth in some areas• analyse, diagnose, design and execute judgements across a broad range of technical or

    management functions• generate ideas through the analysis of information and concepts at an abstract level• demonstrate a command of wide-ranging, highly specialised technical, creative or conceptual

    skills• demonstrate accountability for personal outputs within broad parameters• demonstrate accountability for personal and group outcomes within broad parameters.

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  • Qualification titles

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  • Each qualification has been given a title consistent with the format of the Australian QualificationsFramework. The titles have been determined by the music industry to ensure that they describeoutcomes that are meaningful and easily recognised by the industry.

    The music industry training package specifies the only acceptable nomenclature and code for aqualification issued under the training package and must be used by registered training organisationsresponsible for issuing qualifications. The qualifications issued by a registered training organisationshould show a full list of all the units of competency achieved.

    There are 14 national qualifications in the music industry training package. Certificates I and II aregeneral qualifications which provide a broad introduction to the music industry and give individuals theopportunity to develop a range of foundation skills and knowledge. At higher levels individuals mayselect from three possible streams: music (performing, composing or a combination of both), technicalproduction and music business. Each of these qualifications gives individuals the opportunity toincorporate units from the other streams (included in the unit bank).

    Nominating specialisations

    The music industry training package offers national qualifications in three streams: music (performing,composing or a combination of both), technical production and music business. However, thequalifications in the music stream do not specify specialisations (such as music styles or genres)because this would result in the addition of numerous qualifications to the framework without anyactual change in their structure.

    Neither do the competency standards specify any particular style or genre of music. However, allperforming, composing and related standards state that the assessee must nominate the area ofspecialisation in which he or she is to be assessed.

    It is essential that qualifications fully describe the specialisations in which individuals achievecompetence in performance and/or composition. There is, for example, a big difference betweenperforming classical and contemporary music. To address this requirement, all qualifications andStatements of Attainment should clearly state the appropriate specialisation (eg style of music). Thisinformation should be recorded either on the qualification/Statement of Attainment or on anaccompanying transcript.

    The following list sets out the main specialisations which will apply, either singly or in combination.

    Musical styles

    • contemporary• jazz• classical• world


    As far as possible the specialisation should nominate the individual instrument (eg violin, drums,guitar) where competence has been achieved. Note that candidates may achieve competence in one ormore instruments and that a specialisation may combine the style of music with the nominatedinstrument.

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  • Qualifications

    CUS10101 Certificate I in Music Industry (Foundation)To attain the Certificate I in Music (Foundation) achieve six units: three core units and three others.

    Core units

    Achieve all units

    CUSBGE01A Develop and update music industry knowledge

    CUSMGE11A Develop music knowledge and listening skills

    CUSSAF01A Follow safe practices in performing and listening to music

    Other units

    Achieve three units

    CUSMPF01A Develop basic technical skills for playing or singing music

    CUSSOU01A Move and set up instruments and equipment

    CUSSOU02A Operate portable audio recorder

    THHGHSO3A Provide first aid

    CUSSOU03A Transfer sound

    CUSMGE08A Use the internet to access and modify music

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  • CUS20101 Certificate II in Music Industry (Foundation)To attain the Certificate II in Music (Foundation) achieve 10 units: four core units plus six others.

    Core units

    Achieve all units

    CUSBGE01A Develop and update music industry knowledge

    CUSMGE11A Develop music knowledge and listening skills

    CUSSAF02A Follow health, safety and security procedures in the music industry

    CUECOR2A Work with others

    Other units

    Achieve six units

    CUETGE2A Assist with staging

    CUSRAD01A Collect and organise information

    CUSMCP01A Contribute creative music ideas to a project

    CUSMPF02A Develop technical skills for playing or singing music

    CUSSOU07A Edit sound using analogue systems

    CUSSOU06A Lay sound tracks

    CUECOR1A Manage own work and learning

    CUSSOU01A Move and set up instruments and equipment

    CUSSOU02A Operate portable audio recorder

    THHGHSO3A Provide first aid

    CUSADM01A Purchase or hire equipment/supplies

    CUSMGE06A Read music

    CUSSOU04A Record sound

    CUSSOU03A Transfer sound

    CUECLE1A Undertake general administrative procedures

    CUETGE1A Undert