Voltaire X


Transcript of Voltaire X

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T H E R T . H O N . J O H N M O R L E Y  

F O R T Y - T H R E E V O L U M E S








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Limited to one thousand sett

for America and reat !ritain"

#!et$een t$o ser%ants of &umanit'( $ho a))eared

ei*hteen hundred 'ears a)art( there is a m'sterious re+ation"

, , , , Let us sa' it $ith a sentiment of

)rofound res)ect- .ES/S WEPT- VOLTAIRE S0ILED"

Of that di%ine tear and of that human smi+e is com)osed the

s$eetness of the )resent ci%i+i1ation"#



S/ !/ R!S


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 T&E RT" &ON" .O&N 0ORLE3



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&APP3 .O!


VOL" 7


VOLTAIRE2S &O0E IN ENEVA " Frontis)iece


 T&E D/KE OF S/LL3 8?



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W&AT is ca++ed ha))iness is an astract idea( com6

)osed of %arious ideas of )+easure for he $ho has

ut a moment of )+easure is not a ha))' man( in +i<e

manner that a moment of *rief constitutes not a

misera+e one" P+easure is more transient than ha)6

)iness( and ha))iness than fe+icit'" When a )erson

sa's I am ha))' at this moment( he auses the

$ord( and on+' means I am )+eased" When )+easure

is continuous( he ma' then ca++ himse+f ha))'" When

this ha))iness +asts a +itt+e +on*er( it is a state of

fe+icit'" We are sometimes %er' far from ein*

ha))' in )ros)erit'( ust as a surfeited in%a+id eats

nothin* of a *reat feast )re)ared for him"

 The ancient ada*e( #No )erson shou+d e ca++ed

ha))' efore his death(# seems to turn on %er' fa+se

)rinci)+es( if $e mean ' this ma=im that $e shou+d

not *i%e the name of ha))' to a man $ho had een

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so constant+' from his irth to his +ast hour" This

continuit' of a*reea+e moments is rendered im)os6

si+e ' the constitution of our or*ans( ' that of

the e+ements on $hich $e de)end( and ' that of

man<ind( on $hom $e de)end sti++ more" Constant

ha))iness is the )hi+oso)her2s stone of the sou+ it


; Phi+oso)hica+

is a *reat dea+ for us not to e a +on* time unha))'"

A )erson $hom $e mi*ht su))ose to ha%e a+$a's

eno'ed a ha))' +ife( $ho )erishes misera+'( $ou+d

certain+' merit the a))e++ation of ha))' unti+ his

death( and $e mi*ht o+d+' )ronounce that he had

een the ha))iest of men" Socrates mi*ht ha%e een

the ha))iest of the ree<s( a+thou*h su)erstitious(

asurd( or iniuitous ud*es( or a++ to*ether( uridi6

ca++' )oisoned him at the a*e of se%ent' 'ears( on the

sus)icion that he e+ie%ed in on+' one od"

 The )hi+oso)hica+ ma=im so much a*itated( #Ne6

mo ante oitum fe+i=(# therefore( a))ears aso+ute+'

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fa+se in e%er' sense and if it si*niGes that a ha))'

man ma' die an unha))' death( it si*niGes nothin*

of conseuence"

 The )ro%er of ein* #&a))' as a <in*# is sti++

more fa+se" E%er'od' <no$s ho$ the %u+*ar de6

cei%e themse+%es"

It is as<ed( if one condition is ha))ier than an6

other if man in *enera+ is ha))ier than $oman" It

$ou+d e necessar' to ha%e tried a++ conditions( to

ha%e een man and $oman +i<e Tiresias and I)his(

to decide this uestion sti++ more $ou+d it e neces6

sar' to ha%e +i%ed in a++ conditions( $ith a mind

eua++' )ro)er to each and $e must ha%e )assed

throu*h a++ the )ossi+e states of man and $oman to

 ud*e of it"

It is further ueried( if of t$o men one is ha))ier

than the other" It is %er' c+ear that he $ho has the

*out and stone( $ho +oses his fortune( his honor( his

Dictionar'" ?

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$ife and chi+dren( and $ho is condemned to e

han*ed immediate+' after ha%in* een man*+ed( is

+ess ha))' in this $or+d in e%er'thin* than a 'oun*(

%i*orous su+tan( or La Fontaine2s co+er"

!ut $e $ish to <no$ $hich is the ha))ier of t$o

men eua++' hea+th'( eua++' rich( and of an eua+

condition" It is c+ear that it is their tem)er $hich

decides it" The most moderate( the +east an=ious(

and at the same time the most sensi+e( is the most

ha))' ut unfortunate+' the most sensi+e is often

the +east moderate" It is not our condition( it is the

tem)er of our sou+s $hich renders us ha))'" This

dis)osition of our sou+s de)ends on our or*ans( and

our or*ans ha%e een arran*ed $ithout our ha%in*

the +east )art in the arran*ement"

It e+on*s to the reader to ma<e his reHections on

the ao%e" There are man' artic+es on $hich he can

sa' more than $e ou*ht to te++ him" In matters of

art( it is necessar' to instruct him in aairs of

mora+s( he shou+d e +eft to thin< for himse+f"

 There are do*s $hom $e caress( com( and feed

$ith iscuits( and $hom $e *i%e to )rett' fema+es -

there are others $hich are co%ered $ith the man*e(

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$hich die of hun*er others $hich $e chase and

eat( and $hich a 'oun* sur*eon s+o$+' dissects(

after ha%in* dri%en four *reat nai+s into their )a$s"

&as it de)ended u)on these )oor do*s to e ha))'

or unha))'J

We sa' a ha))' thou*ht( a ha))' feature( a ha))'

re)artee( a ha))' )h'sio*nom'( ha))' c+imate( etc"


 These thou*hts( these ha))' traits( $hich stri<e +i<e

sudden ins)irations( and $hich are ca++ed the ha))'

sa++ies of a man of $it( stri<e +i<e Hashes of +i*ht

across our e'es( $ithout our see<in* it" The' are

no more in our )o$er than a ha))' )h'sio*nom'

that is to sa'( a s$eet and no+e as)ect( so inde)end6

ent of us( and so often deceitfu+" The ha))' c+imate

is that $hich nature fa%ors - so are ha))' ima*ina6

tions( so is ha))' *enius( or *reat ta+ent" And $ho

can *i%e himse+f *eniusJ or $ho( $hen he has re6

cei%ed some ra' of this Hame( can )reser%e it a+$a's

ri++iant J

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When $e s)ea< of a ha))' rasca+( ' this $ord

$e on+' com)rehend his success" #Fe+i= Su++a#

the fortunate Su++a( and A+e=ander VI"( a du<e of

!or*ia( ha%e ha))i+' )i++a*ed( etra'ed( )oisoned(

ra%a*ed( and assassinated" !ut ein* %i++ains( it is

%er' +i<e+' that the' $ere %er' unha))'( e%en $hen

not in fear of )ersons resem+in* themse+%es"

It ma' ha))en to an i++6dis)osed )erson( ad+'

educated a Tur<( for e=am)+e( of $hom it ou*ht to

e said( that he is )ermitted to dout the Christian

faith to )ut a si+<en cord round the nec<s of his

%i1iers( $hen the' are rich to stran*+e( massacre( or

thro$ his rothers into the !+ac< Sea( and to ra%6

a*e a hundred +ea*ues of countr' for his *+or'" It

ma' ha))en( I sa'( that this man has no more re6

morse than his mufti( and is %er' ha))' on a++

$hich the reader ma' du+' )onder"

 T&ere $ere former+' ha))' )+anets( and other,

Dictionar'" 9

unha))'( or unfortunate unha))i+'( the' no +on*er

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e=ist" Some )eo)+e $ou+d ha%e de)ri%ed the )u+ic

of this usefu+ Dictionar' ha))i+'( the' ha%e not


/n*enerous minds( and asurd fanatics( e%er'

da' endea%or to )reudice the )o$erfu+ and the i*6

norant a*ainst )hi+oso)hers" If the' $ere unha)6

)i+' +istened to( $e shou+d fa++ ac< into the arar6

it' from $hich )hi+oso)hers a+one ha%e $ithdra$n



 T&E +a$s of o)tics( $hich are founded u)on the

nature of thin*s( ha%e ordained that( from this sma++

*+oe of earth on $hich $e +i%e( $e sha++ a+$a's see

the materia+ hea%en as if $e $ere the centre of it(

a+thou*h $e are far from ein* that centre that $e

sha++ a+$a's see it as a %au+ted roof( han*in* o%er a

)+ane( a+thou*h there is no other %au+ted roof than

that of our atmos)here( $hich has no such )+ane

that our sun and moon $i++ a+$a's a))ear one6third

+ar*er at the hori1on than at their 1enith( a+thou*h

the' are nearer the s)ectator at the 1enith than at the


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At thirt' de*rees @:

At fort'6G%e de*rees M:

Its a))arent ma*nitudes in the %au+ted roof are as

its a))arent e+e%ations and it is the same $ith the

moon( and $ith a comet"

It is not hait( it is not the inter%ention of tracts

of +and( it is not the refraction of the atmos)here

$hich )roduces this eect" 0a+eranche and Re*is

ha%e dis)uted $ith each other on this suect ut

Roert Smith has ca+cu+ated"

Oser%e the t$o stars( $hich( ein* at a )rodi6

*ious distance from each other( and at %er' dierent

de)ths( in the immensit' of s)ace( are here consid6

ered as )+aced in the circ+e $hich the sun a))ears to

tra%erse" 3ou )ercei%e them distant from each other

in the *reat circ+e( ut a))ro=imatin* to each other

in e%er' circ+e sma++er( or $ithin that descried '

the )ath of the sun"

It is in this manner that 'ou see the materia+

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Dictionar'" II

hea%en" It is ' these in%aria+e +a$s of o)tics that

'ou )ercei%e the )+anets sometimes retro*rade and

sometimes stationar' there is in fact nothin* of the

<ind" Were 'ou stationed in the sun( $e shou+d

)ercei%e a++ the )+anets and comets mo%in* re*u6

+ar+' round it in those e++i)tica+ orits $hich od as6

si*ns" !ut $e are u)on the )+anet of the earth( in a

corner of the uni%erse( $here it is im)ossi+e for us

to eno' the si*ht of e%er'thin*"

Let us not then +ame the errors of our senses(

+i<e 0a+eranche the stead' +a$s of nature ori*i6

natin* in the immuta+e $i++ of the A+mi*ht'( and

ada)ted to the structure of our or*ans( cannot e


We can see on+' the a))earances of thin*s( and

not thin*s themse+%es" We are no more decei%ed

$hen the sun( the $or< of the di%init' that star a

mi++ion times +ar*er than our earth a))ears to us

uite Hat and t$o feet in $idth( than $hen( in a

con%e= mirror( $hich is the $or< of our o$n hands(

$e see a man on+' a fe$ inches hi*h"

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If the Cha+dsean ma*i $ere the Grst $ho em6

)+o'ed the understandin* $hich od esto$ed u)on

them( to measure and arran*e in their res)ecti%e sta6

tions the hea%en+' odies( other nations more *ross

and uninte++i*ent made no ad%ance to$ards imitat6

in* them"

 These chi+dish and sa%a*e )o)u+ations ima*ined

the earth to e Hat( su))orted( I <no$ not ho$( '

its o$n $ei*ht in the air the sun( moon( and stars

8> Phi+oso)hica+

to mo%e continua++' u)on a so+id %au+ted roof ca++ed

a Grmament and this roof to sustain $aters( and

ha%e Hood6*ates at re*u+ar distances( throu*h $hich

these $aters issued to moisten and ferti+i1e the


!ut ho$ did the sun( the moon( and a++ the stars

rea))ear after their settin*J Of this the' <no$

nothin* at a++" The hea%en touched the Hat earth -

and there $ere no means ' $hich the sun( moon(

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and stars cou+d turn under the earth( and *o to rise

in the east after ha%in* set in the $est" It is true

that these chi+dren of i*norance $ere ri*ht ' chance

in not entertainin* the idea that the sun and G=ed

stars mo%ed round the earth" !ut the' $ere far

from concei%in* that the sun $as immo%a+e( and

the earth $ith its sate++ite re%o+%in* round him in

s)ace to*ether $ith the other )+anets" Their fa+es

$ere more distant from the true s'stem of the $or+d

than dar<ness from +i*ht"

 The' thou*ht that the sun and stars returned '

certain un<no$n roads after ha%in* refreshed them6

se+%es for their course at some s)ot( not )recise+' as6

certained( in the 0editerranean Sea" This $as the

amount of astronom'( e%en in the time of &omer(

$ho is com)arati%e+' recent for the Cha+daeans

<e)t their science to themse+%es( in order to otain

there'( *reater res)ect from other nations" &omer

sa's( more than once( that the sun )+un*es into the

ocean and this ocean( e it oser%ed( is nothin* ut

the Ni+e here( ' the freshness of the $aters( he

Dictionar'" 8B

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re)airs durin* the ni*ht the fati*ue and e=haustion

of the da'( after $hich( he *oes to the )+ace of his

re*u+ar risin* ' $a's un<no$n to morta+s" This

idea is %er' +i<e that of !aron Fceneste( $ho sa's(

that the cause of our not seein* the sun $hen he

*oes ac<( is that he *oes ac< ' ni*ht"

As( at that time( the nations of S'ria and the

ree<s $ere some$hat acuainted $ith Asia and a

sma++ )art of Euro)e( and had no notion of the coun6

tries $hich +ie to the north of the Eu=ine Sea and to

the south of the Ni+e( the' +aid it do$n as a certaint'

that the earth $as a fu++ third +on*er than it $as

$ide conseuent+' the hea%en( $hich touched the

earth and emraced it( $as a+so +on*er than it $as

$ide" &ence came do$n to us de*rees of +on*itude

and +atitude( names $hich $e ha%e a+$a's retained(

a+thou*h $ith far more correct ideas than those

$hich ori*ina++' su**ested them"

 The !oo< of .o( com)osed ' an ancient Ara

$ho )ossessed some <no$+ed*e of astronom'( since

he s)ea<s of the conste++ations( contains ne%erthe6

+ess the fo++o$in* )assa*e- #Where $ert thou(

$hen I +aid the foundation of the earth J Who hath

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ta<en the dimensions thereof J On $hat are its foun6

dations G=ed J Who hath +aid the cornerstone there6


 The +east informed schoo+o'( at the )resent da'(

$ou+d te++ him( in ans$er- #The earth has neither

cornerstone nor foundation and( as to its dimen6

sions( $e <no$ them )erfect+' $e++( as from 0a*e+6

8M Phi+oso)hica+

Ian to !ou*ain%i++e( %arious na%i*ators ha%e sai+ed

round it"#

 The same schoo+o' $ou+d )ut to si+ence the

)om)ous dec+aimer Lactantius( and a++ those $ho

efore and since his time ha%e decided that the earth

$as G=ed u)on the $ater( and that there can e no

hea%en under the earth and that( conseuent+'( it is

oth ridicu+ous and im)ious to su))ose the e=istence

of anti)odes"

It is curious to oser%e $ith $hat disdain( $ith

$hat contem)tuous )it'( Lactantius +oo<s do$n

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u)on a++ the )hi+oso)hers( $ho( from aout four hun6

dred 'ears efore his time( had e*un to e ac6

uainted $ith the a))arent re%o+utions of the sun

and )+anets( $ith the roundness of the earth( and

the +iuid and 'ie+din* nature of the hea%en throu*h

$hich the )+anets re%o+%ed in their orits( etc" &e

inuires( #' $hat de*rees )hi+oso)hers attained

such e=cess of fo++' as to concei%e the earth to e a

*+oe( and to surround that *+oe $ith hea%en"#

 These reasonin*s are u)on a )ar $ith those he has

adduced on the suect of the si'+s"

Our 'oun* scho+ar $ou+d address some such +an6

*ua*e as this to a++ these conseuentia+ doctors -

#3ou are to +earn that there are no such thin*s as

so+id hea%ens )+aced one o%er another( as 'ou ha%e

een to+d that there are no rea+ circ+es in $hich the

stars mo%e on a )retended Grmament that the sun

is the centre of our )+anetar' $or+d and that the

earth and the )+anets mo%e round it in s)ace( in or6

Dictionar'" 8 @

its not circu+ar ut e++i)tica+" 3ou must +earn that

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there is( in fact( neither ao%e nor e+o$( ut that the

)+anets and the comets tend a++ to$ards the sun(

their common centre( and that the sun tends to6

$ards them( accordin* to an eterna+ +a$ of *ra%ita6


Lactantius and his *a+in* associates $ou+d e

)erfect+' astonished( $ere the true s'stem of the

$or+d thus unfo+ded to them"


WERE a si+<$orm to denominate the sma++ uan6

tit' of do$n' sustance surroundin* its a++( hea%en(

it $ou+d reason ust as correct+' as a++ the ancients(

$hen the' a))+ied that term to the atmos)here

$hich( as 0" de Fontene++e has $e++ oser%ed in his

#P+ura+it' of Wor+ds(# is the do$n of our a++"

 The %a)ors $hich rise from our seas and +and(

and $hich form the c+ouds( meteors( and thunder(

$ere su))osed( in the ear+' a*es of the $or+d( to e

the residence of *ods" &omer a+$a's ma<es the

*ods descend in c+ouds of *o+d and hence )ainters

sti++ re)resent them seated on a c+oud" &o$ can an'

one e seated on $ater J It $as )erfect+' correct to

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)+ace the master of the *ods more at ease than the

rest he had an ea*+e to carr' him( ecause the ea*+e

soars hi*her than the other irds"

 The ancient ree<s( oser%in* that the +ords of

cities resided in citade+s on the to)s of mountains(

su))osed that the *ods mi*ht a+so ha%e their citade+(

8 ; Phi+oso)hica+

and )+aced it in Thessa+'( on 0ount O+'m)us(

$hose summit is sometimes hidden in c+ouds so

that their )a+ace $as on the same Hoor $ith their


After$ards( the stars and )+anets( $hich a))ear

G=ed to the +ue %au+t of our atmos)here( ecame

the aodes of *ods se%en of them had each a )+anet(

and the rest found a +od*in* $here the' cou+d" The

*enera+ counci+ of *ods $as he+d in a s)acious ha++

$hich +a' e'ond the 0i+<' Wa' for it $as ut

reasona+e that the *ods shou+d ha%e a ha++ in the

air( as men had to$n6ha++s and courts of assem+'

u)on earth"

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When the Titans( a s)ecies of anima+ et$een

*ods and men( dec+ared their ust and necessar' $ar

a*ainst these same *ods in order to reco%er a )art

of their )atrimon'( ' the father2s side( as the' $ere

the sons of hea%en and earth the' contented them6

se+%es $ith )i+in* t$o or three mountains u)on one

another( thin<in* that $ou+d e uite enou*h to

ma<e them masters of hea%en( and of the cast+e of


Ne%e for et terris securior arduus c1ther(

Aectasse ferunt re*num ce+este *i* antes

A+taue con*estos stru=isse ad sidera monies"

O%iD2s 0etamor)h"( ( 8@868@B"

Nor hea%en itse+f $as more secure than earth

A*ainst the *ods the Titans +e%ied $ars(

And )i+ed u) mountains ti++ the' reached the stars"

It is( ho$e%er( more than si= hundred +ea*ues

from these stars to 0ount O+'m)us( and from some

stars inGnite+' farther"

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Dictionar'" 8?

Vir*i+ Ec+o*ue %( @? does not hesitate to sa'-

#Su )ediusue %idet nues et sidera Da)hnis"#

Da)hnis( the *uest of hea%en( $ith $onderin* e'es(

Vie$s in the 0i+<' Wa'( the Starr' s<ies(

And far eneath him( from the shinin* s)here

!eho+ds the mornin* c+ouds( and ro++in* 'ear"


!ut $here then cou+d Da)hnis )ossi+' )+ace


At the o)era( and in more serious )roductions(

the *ods are introduced descendin* in the midst of

tem)ests( c+ouds( and thunder that is( od is

rou*ht for$ard in the midst of the %a)ors of our

)ett' *+oe" These notions are so suita+e to our

$ea< minds( that the' a))ear to us *rand and su6


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 This )hi+oso)h' of chi+dren and o+d $omen $as

of )rodi*ious antiuit' it is e+ie%ed( ho$e%er( that

the Cha+daeans entertained near+' as correct ideas as

ourse+%es on the suect of $hat is ca++ed hea%en"

 The' )+aced the sun in the midst of our )+anetar'

s'stem( near+' at the same distance from our *+oe

as our ca+cu+ation com)utes it and the' su))osed

the earth and some )+anets to re%o+%e round that

star this $e +earn from Aristarchus of Samos" It

is near+' the s'stem of the $or+d since esta+ished '

Co)ernicus - ut the )hi+oso)hers <e)t the secret to

themse+%es( in order to otain *reater res)ect oth

from <in*s and )eo)+e( or rather )erha)s( to a%oid

the dan*er of )ersecution"

 The +an*ua*e of error is so fami+iar to man<ind

Vo+" IO >

8 Phi+oso)hica+

that $e sti++ a))+' the name of hea%en to our %a)ors(

and the s)ace et$een the earth and moon" We

use the e=)ression of ascendin* to hea%en( ust as %e

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sa' the sun turns round( a+thou*h $e $e++ <no$ that

it does not" We are( )roa+'( the hea%en of the in6

haitants of the moon and e%er' )+anet )+aces its

hea%en in that )+anet nearest to itse+f"

&ad &omer een as<ed( to $hat hea%en the sou+

of Sar)edon had Hed( or $here that of &ercu+es re6

sided( &omer $ou+d ha%e een a *ood dea+ emar6

rassed( and $ou+d ha%e ans$ered ' some harmoni6

ous %erses"

What assurance cou+d there e( that the etherea+

sou+ of &ercu+es $ou+d e more at its ease in the

)+anet Venus or in Saturn( than u)on our o$n

*+oeJ Cou+d its mansion e in the sunJ In that

Hamin* and consumin* furnace( it $ou+d a))ear

dicu+t for it to endure its station" In short( $hat

$as it that the ancients meant ' hea%enJ The'

<ne$ nothin* aout it the' $ere a+$a's e=c+aim6

in*( #&ea%en and earth(# thus )+acin* com)+ete+'

dierent thin*s in most asurd connection" It $ou+d

e ust as udicious to e=c+aim( and connect in the

same manner( inGnit' and an atom" Pro)er+' s)ea<6

in*( there is no hea%en" There are a )rodi*ious num6

er of *+oes re%o+%in* in the immensit' of s)ace(

and our *+oe re%o+%es +i<e the rest"

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 The ancients thou*ht that to *o to hea%en $as

to ascend ut there is no ascent from one *+oe to

another" The hea%en+' odies are sometimes ao%e

Dictionar'" 89

our hori1on( and sometimes e+o$ it" Thus( +et us

su))ose that Venus( after %isitin* Pa)hos( shou+d

return to her o$n )+anet( $hen that )+anet had set

the *oddess $ou+d not in that case ascend( in refer6

ence to our hori1on she $ou+d descend( and the

)ro)er e=)ression $ou+d e then( descended to

hea%en" !ut the ancients did not discriminate $ith

such nicet' on e%er' suect of natura+ )hi+oso)h'(

their notions $ere %a*ue( uncertain and contradic6

tor'" Vo+umes ha%e een com)osed in order to as6

certain and )oint out $hat the' thou*ht u)on man'

uestions of this descri)tion" Si= $ords $ou+d ha%e

een sucient #the' did not thin< at a++"# We must

a+$a's e=ce)t a sma++ numer of sa*es ut the'

a))eared at too +ate a )eriod( and ut rare+' dis6

c+osed their thou*hts and $hen the' did so( the

char+atans in )o$er too< care to send them to hea%en

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' the shortest $a'"

A $riter( if I am not mista<en( of the name of

P+uche( has een recent+' e=hiitin* 0oses as a

*reat natura+ )hi+oso)her another had )re%ious+'

harmoni1ed 0oses $ith Descartes( and )u+ished a

oo<( $hich he ca++ed( #Cartesius 0osaisans# ac6

cordin* to him( 0oses $as the rea+ in%entor of

#Vortices(# and the suti+e matter ut $e fu++ $e++

<no$( that $hen od made 0oses a *reat +e*is+ator

and )ro)het( it $as no )art of &is scheme to ma<e

him a+so a )rofessor of )h'sics" 0oses instructed

the .e$s in their dut'( and did not teach them a

sin*+e $ord of )hi+oso)h'" Ca+met( $ho com)i+ed

>O Phi+oso)hica+

a *reat dea+( ut ne%er reasoned at a++( ta+<s of the

s'stem of the &ere$s ut that stu)id )eo)+e ne%er

had an' s'stem" The' had not e%en a schoo+ of

*eometr' the %er' name $as utter+' un<no$n to

them" The $ho+e of their science $as com)rised in

mone'6chan*in* and usur'"

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We Gnd in their oo<s ideas on the structure of

hea%en( confused( incoherent( and in e%er' res)ect

$orth' of a )eo)+e immersed in ararism" Their

Grst hea%en $as the air( the second the Grmament in

$hich the stars $ere G=ed" This Grmament $as

so+id and made of *+ass( and su))orted the su)erior

$aters $hich issued from the %ast reser%oirs '

Hood6*ates( s+uices( and cataracts( at the time of the


Ao%e the Grmament or these su)erior $aters

$as the third hea%en( or the em)'ream( to $hich St"

Pau+ $as cau*ht u)" The Grmament $as a sort of

demi6%au+t $hich came c+ose do$n to the earth"

It is c+ear that( accordin* to this o)inion( there

cou+d e no anti)odes" Accordin*+'( St" Au*ustine

treats the idea of anti)odes as an asurdit' and

Lactantius( $hom $e ha%e a+read' uoted( e=)ress+'

sa's #can there )ossi+' e an' )ersons so sim)+e as

to e+ie%e that there are men $hose heads are +o$er

than their feetJ# etc"

St" Chr'sostom e=c+aims( in his fourteenth hom6

i+'( #Where are the' $ho )retend that the hea%ens

are mo%a+e( and that their form is circu+ar J#

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Lactantius( once more( sa's( in the third oo< of

Dictionar'" > 8

his #Institutions(# #I cou+d )ro%e to 'ou ' man'

ar*uments that it is im)ossi+e hea%en shou+d sur6

round the earth"#

 The author of the #S)ectac+e of Nature# ma' re6

)eat to 0" +e Che%a+ier as often as he )+eases( that

Lactantius and St" Chr'sostom are *reat )hi+oso6

)hers" &e $i++ e to+d in re)+' that the' $ere *reat

saints and that to e a *reat saint( it is not at a++

necessar' to e a *reat astronomer" It $i++ e e6

+ie%ed that the' are in hea%en( a+thou*h it $i++ e ad6

mitted to e im)ossi+e to sa' )recise+' in $hat )art

of it"


INFERN/0( suterranean the re*ions e+o$( or

the inferna+ re*ions" Nations $hich uried the dead

)+aced them in the inferior or inferna+ re*ions"

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 Their sou+( then( $as $ith them in those re*ions"

Such $ere the Grst )h'sics and the Grst meta)h'sics

of the E*')tians and ree<s"

 The Indians( $ho $ere far more ancient( $ho had

in%ented the in*enious doctrine of the metem)s'6

chosis( ne%er e+ie%ed that sou+s e=isted in the in6

ferna+ re*ions"

 The .a)anese( Coreans( Chinese( and the inhai6

tants of the %ast territor' of eastern and $estern

 Tartar' ne%er <ne$ a $ord of the )hi+oso)h' of the

inferna+ re*ions"

 The ree<s( in the course of time( constituted an

immense <in*dom of these inferna+ re*ions( $hich

>> Phi+oso)hica+

the' +iera++' conferred on P+uto and his $ife Pros6

er)ine" The' assi*ned them three )ri%' counse++ors(

three house<ee)ers ca++ed Furies( and three Fates to

s)in( $ind( and cut the thread of human +ife" And(

as in ancient times( e%er' hero had his do* to *uard

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his *ate( so $as P+uto attended and *uarded ' an

immense do* $ith three heads for e%er'thin*( it

seems( $as to e done ' threes" Of the three )ri%'

counse++ors( 0inos( acus( and Rhadamanthus( one

 ud*ed reece( another Asia 0inor for the ree<s

$ere then unacuainted $ith the reater Asia and

the third $as for Euro)e"

 The )oets( ha%in* in%ented these inferna+ re*ions(

or he++( $ere the Grst to +au*h at them" Sometimes

Vir*i+ mentions he++ in the #neid# in a st'+e of

seriousness( ecause that st'+e $as then suita+e to

his suect" Sometimes he s)ea<s of it $ith con6

tem)t in his #eor*ics# ii" M9:( etc""

Fe+i= ui )otuit rerum co*noscere causas

Atue metus omnes et ine=orai+e fatum

Suecit)edius stre)itumue Acherontis a%ariQ

&a))' the man $hose %i*orous sou+ can )ierce

 Throu*h the formation of this uni%erse(

Who no+' dares des)ise( $ith sou+ sedate(

 The den of Acheron( and %u+*ar fears and fate"


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 To this reasonin*( )rofane )hi+oso)h' had noth6

in* to re)+'" 3et( a*reea+' to that contradiction or

)er%erseness $hich distin*uishes the human s)ecies(

and seems to constitute the %er' foundation of our

nature( at the %er' time $hen Cicero )u+ic+' de6

c+ared that #not e%en an o+d $oman $as to e found

$ho e+ie%ed in such asurdities(# Lucretius ad6

mitted that these ideas $ere )o$erfu++' im)ressi%e

u)on men2s minds his oect( he sa's( is to destro'


" """ Si cerium Gnem esse 6%iderent

sErumnarum homines( a+iua ratione %a+erent

Re+i*ionius atue minis osistere 6%atum"

Nunc ratio nu++a est restandi( nu++a facu+tas

 .Lternas uoniam )oenas in morte timendum"

L/CRETI/S( i" 8:"

>M Phi+oso)hica+

"""" If it once a))ear

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 That after death there2s neither ho)e nor fear

 Then mi*ht men free+' trium)h( then disdain

 The )oet2s ta+es( and scorn their fancied )ain

!ut no$ $e must sumit( since )ains $e fear

Eterna+ after death( $e <no$ not $here"


It $as therefore true( that amon* the +o$est

c+asses of the )eo)+e( some +au*hed at he++( and

others trem+ed at it" Some re*arded Cererus( the

Furies( and P+uto as ridicu+ous fa+es( others )er6

)etua++' )resented oerin*s to the inferna+ *ods" It

$as $ith them ust as it is no$ amon* ourse+%es -

Et uocumue tamen miseri %enere( Garentant(

Et ni*ros mactant Gecudes( et 0 amus di%is

Inferias mittunt mu+toue in reus aceris

Acrius admittunt anintos ad re+i*ionem"

L/CRETI/S( iii" @8"

Na'( more than that( $here2er the $retches come

 The' sacriGce +ac< shee) on e%er' tom(

 To )+ease the manes and of a++ the rout(

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When cares and dan*ers )ress( *ro$ most de%out"


0an' )hi+oso)hers $ho had no e+ief in the

fa+es aout he++( $ere 'et desirous that the )eo)+e

shou+d retain that e+ief" Such $as 4imens of

Locris" Such $as the )o+itica+ historian Po+'ius"

#&e++(# sa's he( #is use+ess to sa*es( ut necessar'

to the +ind and ruta+ )o)u+ace"#

It is $e++ <no$n that the +a$ of the Pentateuch

ne%er announces a he++" A++ man<ind $as in%o+%ed

in this chaos of contradiction and uncertaint'( $hen

 .esus Christ came into the $or+d" &e conGrmed the

ancient doctrine of he++( not the doctrine of the

heathen )oets( not that of the E*')tian )riests( ut

Dictionar'" >

that $hich Christianit' ado)ted( and to $hich e%er'6

thin* must 'ie+d" &e announced a <in*dom that $as

aout to come( and a he++ that shou+d ha%e no end"

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&e said( in e=)ress $ords( at Ca)ernaum in a+i6

+ee( #Whosoe%er sha++ ca++ his rother 2Raca2 sha++

e condemned ' the sanhedrim ut $hosoe%er

sha++ ca++ him 2foo+(2 sha++ e condemned to ehenna

&innom( ehenna of Gre"#

 This )ro%es t$o thin*s( Grst( that .esus Christ

$as ad%erse to ause and re%i+in* for it e+on*ed

on+' to &im( as master( to ca++ the Pharisees h')o6

crites( and a #*eneration of %i)ers"#

Second+'( that those $ho re%i+e their nei*hor

deser%e he++ for the ehenna of Gre $as in the %a+6

+e' of &innom( $here %ictims had former+' een

urned in sacriGce to 0o+och( and this ehenna $as

t')ica+ of the Gre of he++"

&e sa's( in another )+ace( #If an' one sha++ of6

fend one of the $ea< $ho e+ie%e in 0e( it $ere et6

ter for him that a mi++stone $ere han*ed aout his

nec< and he $ere cast into the sea"

#And if th' hand oend thee( cut it o it is et6

ter for thee to enter into +ife maimed( than to *o into

the ehenna of ine=tin*uisha+e Gre( $here the

$orm dies not( and $here the Gre is not uenched"

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#And if th' foot oend thee( cut it o it is et6

ter for thee to enter +ame into eterna+ +ife( than to e

cast $ith t$o feet into the ine=tin*uisha+e ehenna(

$here the $orm dies not 1 and $here the Gre is not


>; Phi+oso)hica+

#And if thine e'e oend thee( )+uc< it out it is

etter to enter into the <in*dom of od $ith one

e'e( than to e cast $ith oth e'es into the ehenna

of Gre( $here the $orm dies not( and the Gre is not


#For e%er'one sha++ e urned $ith Gre( and

e%er' %ictim sha++ e sa+ted $ith sa+t"

#Sa+t is *ood ut if the sa+t ha%e +ost its sa%or(

$ith $hat $i++ 'ou sa+tJ

#3ou ha%e sa+t in 'ourse+%es( )reser%e )eace one

$ith another"#

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&e said on another occasion( on &is ourne' to

 .erusa+em( #When the master of the house sha++ ha%e

entered and shut the door( 'ou $i++ remain $ithout(

and <noc<( sa'in*( 2Lord( o)en unto us 2 and he $i++

ans$er and sa' unto 'ou( 2Nescio %os2 I <no$ 'ou

not $hence are 'ou J And then 'e sha++ e*in to

sa'( $e ha%e eaten and drun< $ith thee( and thou

hast tau*ht in our )u+ic )+aces and he $i++ re)+'(

2Nescio %os(2 $hence are 'ou( $or<ers of iniuit'J

And there sha++ e $ee)in* and *nashin* of teeth(

$hen 'e sha++ see there Araham( Isaac( and .aco(

and the )ro)hets( and 'ourse+%es cast out"#

Not$ithstandin* the other )ositi%e dec+arations

made ' the Sa%iour of man<ind( $hich assert the

eterna+ damnation of a++ $ho do not e+on* to our

church( Ori*en and some others $ere not e+ie%ers

in the eternit' of )unishments"

 The Socinians reect such )unishments ut the'

are $ithout the )a+e" The Lutherans and Ca+%inists(

Dictionar'" >?

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$ith that doctrine so eminent+' re)ressi%e of human

%ice( so necessar' to the %irtue and ha))iness of

man<ind the doctrine of he++ and 'et 'ou do not

e=)+icit+' announce it and( $hi+e it is admitted '

a++ the nations $hich surround 'ou( 'ou are content

> Phi+oso)hica+

to +ea%e it for some commentators( after four thou6

sand 'ears ha%e )assed a$a'( to sus)ect that this

doctrine mi*ht )ossi+' ha%e een entertained '

'ou( and to t$ist and torture 'our e=)ressions( m

order to Gnd that in them $hich 'ou ha%e ne%er said"

Either 'ou are *ross+' i*norant not to <no$ that

this e+ief $as uni%ersa+ in E*')t( Cha+dsea( and

Persia or 'ou ha%e committed the most dis*racefu+

error in ud*ment( in not ha%in* made it the foun6

dation6stone of 'our re+i*ion"#

 The authors of the .e$ish +a$s cou+d at most

on+' ans$er- #We confess that $e are e=cessi%e+'

i*norant that $e did not +earn the art of $ritin*

unti+ a +ate )eriod that our )eo)+e $ere a $i+d and

ararous horde( that $andered( as our o$n records

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admit( for near+' ha+f a centur' in im)ractica+e

deserts( and at +en*th otained )ossession of a )ett'

territor' ' the most odious ra)ine and detesta+e

crue+t' e%er mentioned in the records of histor'" We

had no commerce $ith ci%i+i1ed nations( and ho$

cou+d 'ou su))ose that( so *ross+' mean and *ro%e+6

+in* as $e are in a++ our ideas and usa*es( $e shou+d

ha%e in%ented a s'stem so reGned and s)iritua+ as

that in uestionJ#

We em)+o'ed the $ord $hich most near+' corre6

s)onds $ith sou+( mere+' to si*nif' +ife $e <no$

our od and &is ministers( &is an*e+s( on+' as cor6

)orea+ ein*s the distinction of sou+ and od'( the

idea of a +ife e'ond death( can e the fruit on+' of

+on* meditation and reGned )hi+oso)h'" As< the

Dictionar'" >9

&ottentots and ne*roes( $ho inhait a countr' a

hundred times +ar*er than ours( $hether the' <no$

an'thin* of a +ife to comeJ We thou*ht $e had

done enou*h in )ersuadin* the )eo)+e under our in6

Huence that od )unished oenders to the fourth

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*eneration( either ' +e)ros'( ' sudden death( or '

the +oss of the +itt+e )ro)ert' of $hich the crimina+

mi*ht e )ossessed"

 To this a)o+o*' it mi*ht e re)+ied - #3ou ha%e

in%ented a s'stem( the ridicu+e and asurdit' of

$hich are as c+ear as the sun at noon6da' for the

oender $ho eno'ed *ood hea+th( and $hose fami+'

$ere in )ros)erous circumstances( must aso+ute+'

ha%e +au*hed 'ou to scorn"#

 The a)o+o*ist for the .e$ish +a$ $ou+d here re6

 oin - #3ou are much mista<en since for one crim6

ina+ $ho reasoned correct+'( there $ere a hundred

$ho ne%er reasoned at a++" The man $ho( after he

had committed a crime( found no )unishment of it

attached to himse+f or his son( $ou+d 'et trem+e

for his *randson" !esides( if after the time of com6

mittin* his oence he $as not s)eedi+' sei1ed $ith

some festerin* sore( such as our nation $as e=6

treme+' suect to( he $ou+d e=)erience it in the

course of 'ears" Ca+amities are a+$a's occurrin* in

a fami+'( and $e( $ithout dicu+t'( insti++ed the e6

+ief that these ca+amities $ere inHicted ' the hand

of od ta<in* %en*eance for secret oences"#

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It $ r ou+d e eas' to re)+' to this ans$er ' sa'6

in*- #3our a)o+o*' is $orth nothin* for it ha)6

BD Phi+oso)hica+

)ens e%er' da' that %er' $orth' and e=ce++ent )er6

sons +ose their hea+th and their )ro)ert' and( if

there $ere no fami+' that did not e=)erience ca+am6

it'( and that ca+amit' at the same time $as a chas6

tisement from od( a++ the fami+ies of 'our com6

munit' must ha%e een made u) of scoundre+s"#

 The .e$ish )riest mi*ht a*ain ans$er and sa'

that there are some ca+amities inse)ara+e from

human nature( and others e=)ress+' inHicted ' the

hand of od" !ut( in return( $e shou+d )oint out

to such a reasoner the asurdit' of considerin*

fe%er and hai+6stones in some cases as di%ine )un6

ishments in others as mere natura+ eects"

In short( the Pharisees and the Essenians amon*

the .e$s did admit( accordin* to certain notions of

their o$n( the e+ief of a he++" This do*ma had

)assed from the ree<s to the Romans( and $as

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ado)ted ' the Christians"

0an' of the fathers of the church reected the

doctrine of eterna+ )unishments" It a))eared to

them asurd to urn to a++ eternit' an unfortunate

man for stea+in* a *oat" Vir*i+ has Gne+' said -

"""" Sedit eternumue sedeit

Infe+i= Theseus"

/nha))' Theseus( doomed fore%er there(

Is G=ed ' fate on his eterna+ chair"


!ut it is %ain for him to maintain or im)+' that

 Theseus is fore%er G=ed to his chair( and that this

)osition constitutes his )unishment" Others ha%e

ima*ined Theseus to e a hero $ho cou+d ne%er e

Dictionar'" B8

seen on an' seat in he++( and $ho $as to e found in

the E+'sian Fie+ds"

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A Ca+%inistica+ di%ine( of the name of Petit

Pierre( not +on* since )reached and )u+ished the

doctrine that the damned $ou+d at some future

)eriod e )ardoned" The rest of the ministers of his

association to+d him that the' $ished for no such

thin*" The dis)ute *re$ $arm" It $as said that

the <in*( $hose suects the' $ere( $rote to him(

that since the' $ere desirous of ein* damned $ith6

out redem)tion( he cou+d ha%e no reasona+e oec6

tion( and free+' *a%e his consent" The damned ma6

 orit' of the church of 7eufchate+ eected )oor Petit

Pierre( $ho had thus con%erted he++ into a mere

)ur*ator'" It is stated that one of them said to him -

#0' *ood friend( I no more e+ie%e in the eternit'

of he++ than 'ourse+f ut reco++ect that it ma' e

no ad thin*( )erha)s( for 'our ser%ant( 'our tai+or(

and 'our +a$'er to e+ie%e in it"#

I $i++ add( as an i++ustration of this )assa*e( a

short address of e=hortation to those )hi+oso)hers

$ho in their $ritin*s den' a he++ I $i++ sa' to

them - #ent+emen( $e do not )ass our da's $ith

Cicero( Atticus( 0arcus Aure+ius( E)ictetus( the

Chance++or de 82&o)ita+( La 0othe +e Va'er( Des6

'%eteau=( Rene Descartes( Ne$ton( or Loc<e( nor

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$ith the res)ecta+e !a'+e( $ho $as so su)erior to

the )o$er and fro$n of fortune( nor $ith the too

scru)u+ous+' %irtuous inGde+ S)ino1a( $ho( a+thou*h

+aorin* under )o%ert' and destitution( *a%e ac<

B > Phi+oso)hica+

to the chi+dren of the *rand )ensionar' De Witt an

a++o$ance of three hundred Horins( $hich had een

*ranted him ' that *reat statesman( $hose heart(

it ma' e rememered( the &o++anders actua++' de6

%oured( a+thou*h there $as nothin* to e *ained '

it" E%er' man $ith $hom $e intermin*+e in +ife is

not a des !arreau=( $ho )aid the )+eaders their fees

for a cause $hich he had for*otten to rin* into

court" E%er' $oman is not a Ninon de L2Enc+os(

$ho *uarded de)osits in trust $ith re+i*ious Gde+it'(

$hi+e the *ra%est )ersona*es in the state $ere %io6

+atin* them" In a $ord( *ent+emen( a++ the $or+d

are not )hi+oso)hers"

#We are o+i*ed to ho+d intercourse and transact

usiness( and mi= u) in +ife $ith <na%es )ossessin*

+itt+e or no reHection $ith %ast numers of )ersons

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addicted to ruta+it'( into=ication( and ra)ine" 3ou

ma'( if 'ou )+ease( )reach to them that there is no

he++( and that the sou+ of man is morta+" As for m'6

se+f( I $i++ e sure to thunder in their ears that if

the' ro me the' $i++ ine%ita+' e damned" I $i++

imitate the countr' c+er*'man( $ho( ha%in* had a

*reat numer of shee) sto+en from him( at +en*th

said to his hearers( in the course of one of his ser6

mons- 2I cannot concei%e $hat .esus Christ $as

thin<in* aout $hen he died for such a set of scoun6

dre+s as 'ou are"2 #

 There is an e=ce++ent oo< for foo+s ca++ed #The

Christian Peda*o*ue(# com)osed ' the re%erend

father d2Outreman( of the Societ' of .esus( and

Dictionar'" BB

en+ar*ed ' Cou+on( cure of Vi++e6.uif6+es6Paris"

 This oo< has )assed( than< od( throu*h Gft'6one

editions( a+thou*h not a sin*+e )a*e in it e=hiits a

*+eam of common sense"

Friar Outreman asserts in the hundred and

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Gft'6se%enth )a*e of the second edition in uarto

that one of 5ueen E+i1aeth2s ministers( !aron

&unsdon( )redicted to Ceci+( secretar' of state( and

to si= other memers of the cainet counci+( that

the' as $e++ as he $ou+d e damned $hich( he

sa's( $as actua++' the case( and is the case $ith a++

heretics" It is most +i<e+' that Ceci+ and the other

memers of the counci+ *a%e no credit to the said

!aron &unsdon ut if the Gctitious aron had said

the same to si= common citi1ens( the' $ou+d )ro6

a+' ha%e e+ie%ed him"

Were the time e%er to arri%e in $hich no citi1en

of London e+ie%ed in a he++( $hat course of con6

duct $ou+d e ado)tedJ What restraint u)on

$ic<edness $ou+d e=istJ There $ou+d e=ist the

fee+in* of honor( the restraint of the +a$s( that of the

Deit' &imse+f( $hose $i++ it is that man<ind sha++

e ust( $hether there e a he++ or not"


O/R co++ea*ue $ho $rote the artic+e on #&e++#

has made no mention of the descent of .esus Christ

into he++" This is an artic+e of faith of hi*h im6

)ortance it is e=)ress+' )articu+ari1ed in the creed

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of $hich $e ha%e a+read' s)o<en" It is as<ed $hence

Vo+" 8: B

BM Phi+oso)hica+

this artic+e of faith is deri%ed for it is not to e

found in either of our four *os)e+s( and the creed

ca++ed the A)ost+es2 Creed is not o+der than the a*e

of those +earned )riests( .erome( Au*ustine( and


It is thou*ht that this descent of our Lord into

he++ is ta<en ori*ina++' from the *os)e+ of 7ic6

odemus( one of the o+dest"

In that *os)e+ the )rince of Tartarus and Satan(

after a +on* con%ersation $ith Adam( Enoch( E+ias

the Tishite( and Da%id( hears a %oice +i<e the thun6

der( and a %oice +i<e a tem)est" Da%id sa's to the

)rince of Tartarus( #No$( thou fou+ and miscreant

)rince of he++( o)en th' *ates and +et the Kin* of

+or' enter(# etc" Whi+e he $as thus addressin*

the )rince( the Lord of 0aest' a))eared sudden+'

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in the form of man( and &e +i*hted u) the eterna+

dar<ness( and ro<e asunder the indisso+u+e ars(

and ' an in%inci+e %irtue &e %isited those $ho

+a' in the de)th of the dar<ness of *ui+t( in the

shado$ of the de)th of sin"

 .esus Christ a))eared $ith St" 0ichae+ &e

o%ercame death &e too< Adam ' the hand and

the *ood thief fo++o$ed &im( earin* the cross" A++

this too< )+ace in he++( in the )resence of Carinus and

Lenthius( $ho $ere resuscitated for the e=)ress )ur6

)ose of *i%in* e%idence of the fact to the )riests

Ananias and Caia)has( and to Doctor ama+ie+( at

that time St" Pau+2s master"

 This *os)e+ of Nicodemus has +on* een consid6

Dictionar'" B@

ered as of no authorit'" !ut a conGrmation of this

descent into he++ is found in the First E)ist+e of St"

Peter( at the c+ose of the third cha)ter - #!ecause

Christ died once for our sins( the ust for the unust(

that &e mi*ht oer us to od dead indeed in the

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Hesh( ut resuscitated in s)irit( ' $hich &e $ent

to )reach to the s)irits that $ere in )rison"#

0an' of the fathers inter)reted this )assa*e %er'

dierent+'( ut a++ $ere a*reed as to the fact of the

descent of .esus into he++ after &is death" A fri%6

o+ous dicu+t' $as started u)on the suect" &e

had( $hi+e u)on the cross( said to the *ood thief-

#This da' sha+t thou e $ith 0e in )aradise"#

!' *oin* to he++( therefore( &e fai+ed to )erform

&is )romise" This oection is easi+' ans$ered '

sa'in* that &e too< him Grst to he++ and after$ards

to )aradise ut( then( $hat ecomes of the sta' of

three da'sJ

Euseius of Caesarea sa's that .esus +eft &is

od'( $ithout $aitin* for Death to come and sei1e

it and that( on the contrar'( &e sei1ed Death( $ho(

in terror and a*on'( emraced &is feet( and after6

$ards attem)ted to esca)e ' Hi*ht( ut $as )re6

%ented ' .esus( $ho ro<e do$n the *ates of the

dun*eons $hich enc+osed the sou+s of the saints(

dre$ them forth from their conGnement( resuscir

tated them( then resuscitated &imse+f( and con6

ducted them in trium)h to that hea%en+' .erusa+em

$hich descended from hea%en e%er' ni*ht( and $as

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actua++' seen ' the astonished e'es of St" .ustin"

B; Phi+oso)hica+

It $as a uestion much dis)uted $hether a++ those

$ho $ere resuscitated died a*ain efore the' as6

cended into hea%en" St" Thomas( in his #Summar'(#

asserts that the' died a*ain" This a+so is the o)inion

of the discriminatin* and udicious Ca+met" #We

maintain(# sa's he( in his dissertation on this *reat

uestion( #that the saints $ho $ere resuscitated(

after the death of the Sa%iour died a*ain( in order

to re%i%e hereafter"#

od had )ermitted( a*es efore( that the )rofane

enti+es shou+d imitate in antici)ation these sacred

truths" The ancients ima*ined that the *ods resusci6

tated Pe+o)s that Or)heus e=tricated Eur'dice

from he++( at +east for a moment that &ercu+es de6

+i%ered A+cestis from it that scu+a)ius resusci6

tated &i))o+'tus( etc" Let us e%er discriminate e6

t$een fa+e and truth( and <ee) our minds in the

same suection $ith res)ect to $hate%er sur)rises

and astonishes us( as $ith res)ect to $hate%er a)6

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)ears )erfect+' conforma+e to their circumscried

and narro$ %ie$s"



A REEK $ord( si*nif'in* #e+ief( or e+ected

o)inion"# It is not *reat+' to the honor of human

reason that men shou+d e hated( )ersecuted( mas6

sacred( or urned at the sta<e( on account of their

chosen o)inions ut $hat is e=ceedin*+' +itt+e to

our honor is that this mischie%ous and destructi%e

Dictionar'" B?

madness has een as )ecu+iar to us as +e)ros' $as to

the &ere$s( or +ues former+' to the Caris"

We $e++ <no$( theo+o*ica++' s)ea<in*( that heres'

ha%in* ecome a crime( as e%en the $ord itse+f is

a re)roach $e $e++ <no$( I sa'( that the Latin

church( $hich a+one can )ossess reason( has a+so

)ossessed the ri*ht of re)ro%in* a++ $ho $ere of a

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dierent o)inion from her o$n"

On the other side( the ree< church had the same

ri*ht accordin*+'( it re)ro%ed the Romans $hen

the' chose a dierent o)inion from the ree<s on

the )rocession of the &o+' S)irit( the %iands $hich

mi*ht e ta<en in Lent( the authorit' of the )o)e(


!ut u)on $hat *round did an' arri%e Gna++' at

the conc+usion that( $hen the' $ere the stron*est(

the' mi*ht urn those $ho entertained chosen o)in6

ions of their o$nJ Those $ho had such o)inions

$ere undouted+' crimina+ in the si*ht of od( since

the' $ere ostinate" The' $i++( therefore( as no one

can )ossi+' dout( e urned to a++ eternit' in an6

other $or+d ut $h' urn them ' a s+o$ Gre in

this J The suerers ha%e re)resented that such con6

duct is a usur)ation of the urisdiction of od

that this )unishment is %er' hard and se%ere( consid6

ered as an inHiction ' men and that it is( more6

o%er( of no uti+it'( since one hour of suerin* added

to eternit' is an aso+ute ci)her"

 The )ious inHicters( ho$e%er( re)+ied to these

re)roaches that nothin* $as more ust than to )ut

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B Phi+oso)hica+

u)on urnin* coa+s $hoe%er had a se+f6formed o)in6

ion that to urn those $hom od &imse+f $ou+d

urn( $as in fact a ho+' conformit' to od and

Gna++'( that since( ' admission( the urnin* for an

hour or t$o $as a mere ci)her in com)arison $ith

eternit'( the urnin* of G%e or si= )ro%inces for

chosen o)inions for heresies $as a matter in

rea+it' of %er' +itt+e conseuence"

In the )resent da' it is as<ed( #Amon* $hat can6

nia+s ha%e these uestions een a*itated( and their

so+utions )ro%ed ' factsJ# We must admit $ith

sorro$ and humi+iation that it $as as<ed e%en

amon* ourse+%es( and in the %er' same cities $here

nothin* is minded ut o)eras( comedies( a++s(

fashions( and intri*ue"

/nfortunate+'( it $as a t'rant $ho introduced

the )ractice of destro'in* heretics not one of those

eui%oca+ t'rants $ho are re*arded as saints ' one

)art'( and monsters ' another( ut one 0a=imus(

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com)etitor of Theodosius I"( a decided t'rant( in the

strictest meanin* of the term( o%er the $ho+e em)ire"

&e destro'ed at Trier( ' the hands of the e=e6

cutioner( the S)aniard Prisci++ian and his adherents(

$hose o)inions $ere )ronounced erroneous ' some

isho)s of S)ain" These )re+ates so+icited the ca)6

ita+ )unishment of the Prisci++ianists $ith a charit'

so ardent that 0a=imus cou+d refuse them nothin*"

It $as ' no means o$in* to them that St" 0artin

$as not eheaded as a heretic" &e $as fortunate

enou*h to uit Trier and esca)e ac< to Tours"

Dictionar'" B9

A sin*+e e=am)+e is sucient to esta+ish a usa*e"

 The Grst Sc'thian $ho scoo)ed out the rains of his

enem' and made a drin<in*6cu) of his s<u++( $as

a++o$ed a++ the ran< and conseuence in Sc'thia"

 Thus $as consecrated the )ractice of em)+o'in* the

e=ecutioner to cut o #o)inions"#

No such thin* as heres' e=isted amon* the re6

+i*ions of antiuit'( ecause the' had reference on+'

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to mora+ conduct and )u+ic $orshi)" When meta6

)h'sics ecame connected $ith Christianit'( con6

tro%ers' )re%ai+ed and from contro%ers' arose dif6

ferent )arties( as in the schoo+s of )hi+oso)h'" It

$as im)ossi+e that meta)h'sics shou+d not min*+e

the uncertainties essentia+ to their nature $ith the

faith due to .esus Christ" &e had &imse+f $ritten

nothin* and &is incarnation $as a )ro+em $hich

the ne$ Christians( $hom &e had not &imse+f in6

s)ired( so+%ed in man' dierent $a's" #Each(# as

St" Pau+ e=)ress+' oser%es( #had his )ecu+iar

)art' some $ere for A)o++os( others for Ce)has"#

Christians in *enera+( for a +on* time( assumed

the name of Na1arenes( and e%en the enti+es *a%e

them no other a))e++ations durin* the t$o Grst cen6

turies" !ut there soon arose a )articu+ar schoo+ of

Na1arenes( $ho e+ie%ed a *os)e+ dierent from the

four canonica+ ones" It has e%en een )retended

that this *os)e+ diered on+' %er' s+i*ht+' from that

of St" 0atthe$( and $as in fact anterior to it" St"

E)i)hanius and St" .erome )+ace the Na1arenes

in the crad+e of Christianit'"

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MD Phi+oso)hica+

 Those $ho considered themse+%es as <no$in*

more than the rest( too< the denomination of *nos6

tics( #<no$ers# and this denomination $as for a

+on* time so honora+e that St" C+ement of A+e=6

andria( in his #Stromata# a+$a's ca++s the *ood

Christians true *nostics" #&a))' are the' $ho ha%e

entered into the *nostic ho+iness Q &e $ho deser%es

the name of *nostic resists seducers and *i%es to

e%er' one that as<s"# The Gfth and si=th oo<s of

the #Stromata# turn entire+' u)on the )erfection of


 The Eionites e=isted incontesta+' in the time of

the a)ost+es" That name( $hich si*niGes #)oor(#

$as intended to e=)ress ho$ dear to them $as the

)o%ert' in $hich .esus $as orn"

Cerinthus $as eua++' ancient" The #A)oc6

a+')se# of St" .ohn $as attriuted to him" It is e%en

thou*ht that St" Pau+ and he had %io+ent dis)utes

$ith each other"

It seems to our $ea< understandin*s %er' nat6

ura+ to e=)ect from the Grst disci)+es a so+emn

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dec+aration( a com)+ete and una+tera+e )rofession

of faith( $hich mi*ht terminate a++ )ast( and )re6

c+ude an' future uarre+s ut od )ermitted it not

so to e" The creed ca++ed the #A)ost+es2 Creed(#

$hich is short( and in $hich are not tc e found the

consustantia+it'( the $ord trinit'( or the se%en

sacraments( did not ma<e its a))earance efore the

time of St" .erome( St" Au*ustine( and the ce+erated

Dictionar'" M8

)riest RuGnus" It $as ' this )riest( the enem' of

St" .erome( that $e are to+d it $as com)i+ed" &ere6

sies had had time to mu+ti)+'( and more than Gft'

$ere enumerated as e=istin* in the Gfth centur'"

Without darin* to scrutini1e the $a's of Pro%i6

dence( $hich are im)enetra+e ' the human mind(

and mere+' consu+tin*( as far as $e are )ermitted(

our fee+e reason( it $ou+d seem that of so man'

o)inions on so man' artic+es( there $ou+d a+$a's

e=ist one $hich must )re%ai+( $hich $as the ortho6

do=( #the ri*ht of teachin*"# The other societies(

esides the rea++' orthodo=( soon assumed that tit+e

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a+so ut ein* the $ea<er )arties( the' had *i%en

to them the desi*nation of #heretics"#

When( in the )ro*ress of time( the Christian

church in the East( $hich $as the mother of that in

the West( had irre)ara+' ro<en $ith her dau*hter(

each remained so%erei*n in her distinct s)here( and

each had her )articu+ar heresies( arisin* out of the

dominant o)inion"

 The ararians of the North( ha%in* ut recent+'

ecome Christians( cou+d not entertain the same

o)inions as Southern countries( ecause the' cou+d

not ado)t the same usa*es" The' cou+d not( for e=6

am)+e( for a +on* time adore ima*es( as the' had

neither )ainters nor scu+)tors" It a+so $as some6

$hat dan*erous to a)ti1e an infant in $inter( in the

Danue( the Weser( or the E+e"

It $as no eas' matter for the inhaitants of the

M> Phi+oso)hica+

shores of the !a+tic to <no$ )recise+' the o)inions

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he+d in the 0i+anese and the march of Ancona" The

)eo)+e of the South and of the North of Euro)e had

therefore chosen o)inions dierent from each other"

 This seems to me to e the reason $h' C+aude( isho)

of Turin( )reser%ed in the ninth centur' a++ the

usa*es and do*mas recei%ed in the se%enth and

ei*hth( from the countr' of the A++oro*es( as far

as the E+e and the Danue"

 These do*mas and usa*es ecame G=ed and )er6

manent amon* the inhaitants of %a++e's and moun6

tainous recesses( and near the an<s of the Rhone(

amon* a seuestered and a+most un<no$n )eo)+e(

$hom the *enera+ deso+ation +eft untouched in their

sec+usion and )o%ert'( unti+ the' at +en*th ecame

<no$n( under the name of the Vaudois in the

t$e+fth( and that of the A+i*enses in the thirteenth

centur'" It is <no$n ho$ their chosen o)inions

$ere treated $hat crusades $ere )reached a*ainst

them $hat carna*e $as made amon* them and

that( from that )eriod to the )resent da'( Euro)e

has not eno'ed a sin*+e 'ear of tranui++it' and to+6


It is a *reat e%i+ to e a heretic ut is it a *reat

*ood to maintain orthodo=' ' so+diers and e=ecu6

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tionersJ Wou+d it not e etter that e%er' man

shou+d eat his read in )eace under the shade of his

o$n G*6tree J I su**est so o+d a )ro)osition $ith

fear and trem+in*"

Dictionar'" MB


Of the E=tir)ation of &eresies"

It a))ears to me that( in re+ation to heresies( $e

ou*ht to distin*uish et$een o)inion and faction"

From the ear+iest times of Christianit' o)inions $ere

di%ided( as $e ha%e a+read' seen" The Christians of

A+e=andria did not thin<( on man' )oints( +i<e those

of Antioch" The Ach2aians $ere o))osed to the

Asiatics" This dierence has e=isted throu*h a++

)ast )eriods of our re+i*ion( and )roa+' $i++ a+6

$a's continue" .esus Christ( $ho mi*ht ha%e united

a++ e+ie%ers in the same sentiment( has not( in fact(

done so $e must( therefore( )resume that &e did

not desire it( and that it $as &is desi*n to e=ercise

in a++ churches the s)irit of indu+*ence and charit'(

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' )ermittin* the e=istence of dierent s'stems of

faith( $hi+e a++ shou+d e united in ac<no$+ed*in*

&im for their chief and master" A++ the %ar'in*

sects( a +on* $hi+e to+erated ' the em)erors( or

concea+ed from their oser%ation( had no )o$er to

)ersecute and )roscrie one another( as the' $ere

a++ eua++' suect to the Roman ma*istrates" The'

)ossessed on+' the )o$er of dis)utin* $ith each

other" When the ma*istrates )rosecuted them( the'

a++ c+aimed the ri*hts of nature" The' said - #Permit

us to $orshi) od in )eace do not de)ri%e us of

the +iert' 'ou a++o$ to the .e$s"#

A++ the dierent sects e=istin* at )resent ma'

ho+d the same +an*ua*e to those $ho o))ress them"

 The' ma' sa' to the nations $ho ha%e *ranted )ri%6

MM Phi+oso)hica+

i+e*es to the .e$s - Treat us as 'ou treat these sons

of .aco +et us( +i<e them( $orshi) od accordin*

to the dictates of conscience" Our o)inion is not

more inurious to 'our state or rea+m than .udaism"

 3ou to+erate the enemies of .esus Christ to+erate

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us( therefore( $ho adore .esus Christ( and dier

from 'ourse+%es on+' u)on sut+e )oints of theo+o*'

do not de)ri%e 'ourse+%es of the ser%ices of usefu+

suects" It is of conseuence to 'ou to otain their

+aor and s<i++ in 'our manufactures( 'our marine(

and 'our a*ricu+ture( and it is of no conseuence at

a++ to 'ou that the' ho+d a fe$ artic+es of faith dif6

ferent from 'our o$n" What 'ou $ant is their

$or<( and not their catechism"

Faction is a thin* )erfect+' dierent" It a+$a's

ha))ens( as a matter of necessit'( that a )ersecuted

sect de*enerates into a faction" The o))ressed

unite( and conso+e and encoura*e one another" The'

ha%e more industr' to stren*then their )art' than

the dominant sect has for their e=termination" To

crush them or e crushed ' them is the ine%ita+e

a+ternati%e" Such $as the case after the )ersecution

raised in B:B ' the Caesar( a+erius( durin* the +ast

t$o 'ears of the rei*n of Dioc+etian" The Christians(

after ha%in* een fa%ored ' Dioc+etian for the +on*

)eriod of ei*hteen 'ears( had ecome too numerous

and $ea+th' to e e=tir)ated" The' oined the

)art' of Constantius Ch+orus the' fou*ht for Con6

stantine his son and a com)+ete re%o+ution too<

)+ace in the em)ire"

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Dictionar'" M@

We ma' com)are sma++ thin*s to *reat( $hen

oth are under the direction of the same )rinci)+e or

s)irit" A simi+ar re%o+ution ha))ened in &o++and(

in Scot+and( and in S$it1er+and" When Ferdinand

and Isae++a e=)e++ed from S)ain the .e$s( $ho

$ere sett+ed there not mere+' efore the rei*nin*

d'nast'( ut efore the 0oors and oths( and e%en

the Cartha*inians the .e$s $ou+d ha%e eected a

re%o+ution in that countr' if the' had een as $ar+i<e

as the' $ere o)u+ent( and if the' cou+d ha%e come

to an understandin* $ith the Aras"

In a $ord( no sect has e%er chan*ed the *o%ern6

ment of a countr' ut $hen it $as furnished $ith

arms ' des)air" 0ahomet himse+f $ou+d not ha%e

succeeded had he not een e=)e++ed from 0ecca and

a )rice set u)on his head"

If 'ou are desirous( therefore( to )re%ent the

o%erHo$ of a state ' an' sect( sho$ it to+eration"

Imitate the $ise conduct e=hiited at the )resent

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da' ' erman'( En*+and( &o++and( Denmar<( and

Russia" There is no other )o+ic' to e ado)ted $ith

res)ect to a ne$ sect than to destro'( $ithout re6

morse( oth +eaders and fo++o$ers( men( $omen( and

chi+dren( $ithout a sin*+e e=ce)tion( or to to+erate

them $hen the' are numerous" The Grst method

is that of a monster( the second that of a sa*e"

!ind to the state a++ the suects of that state '

their interest +et the 5ua<er and the Tur< Gnd their

ad%anta*e in +i%in* under 'our +a$s" Re+i*ion is

M; Phi+oso)hica+

et$een od and man ci%i+ +a$ is et$een 'ou and

'our )eo)+e"


It is im)ossi+e not to re*ret the +oss of a #&is6

tor' of &eresies(# $hich Strate*ius $rote ' order

of Constantine" Ammianus 0arce++inus informs us

that the em)eror( $ishin* to ascertain the o)inions

of the dierent sects( and not Gndin* an' other )er6

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son $ho cou+d *i%e correct ideas on the suect( im6

)osed the oce of dra$in* u) a re)ort or narrati%e

u)on it on that ocer( $ho acuitted himse+f so $e++(

that Constantine $as desirous of his ein* honored

in conseuence $ith the name of 0usonianus" 0"

de Va+ois( in his notes u)on Ammianus( oser%es

that Strate*ius( $ho $as a))ointed )refect of the

East( )ossessed as much <no$+ed*e and e+ouence(

as moderation and mi+dness such( at +east( is the

eu+o*ium )assed u)on him ' Lianius"

 The choice of a +a'man ' the em)eror sho$s

that an ecc+esiastic at that time had not the ua+ities

indis)ensa+e for a tas< so de+icate" In fact( St"

Au*ustine remar<s that a isho) of !resse( ca++ed

Phi+astrius( $hose $or< is to e found in the co++ec6

tion of the fathers( ha%in* co++ected a++ the heresies(

e%en inc+udin* those $hich e=isted amon* the .e$s

efore the comin* of .esus Christ( rec<ons t$ent'6

ei*ht of the +atter and one hundred and t$ent'6ei*ht

from the comin* of Christ $hi+e St" E)i)hanius"

com)risin* oth to*ether( ma<es the $ho+e numer

ut ei*ht'" The reason assi*ned ' St" Au*ustine

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Dictionar'" M?

for this dierence is( that $hat a))ears heres' to

the one( does not a))ear so to the other" Accord6

in*+' this father te++s the 0anichaeans- #We ta<e

the *reatest care not to treat 'ou $ith ri*or such

conduct $e +ea%e to those $ho <no$ not $hat )ains

are necessar' for the disco%er' of truth( and ho$ dif6

Gcu+t it is to a%oid fa++in* into errors $e +ea%e it to

those $ho <no$ not $ith $hat si*hs and *roans

e%en a %er' s+i*ht <no$+ed*e of the di%ine nature is

a+one to e acuired" For m' o$n )art( I consider it

m' dut' to ear $ith 'ou as I $as orne $ith

former+' m'se+f( and to sho$ 'ou the same to+erance

$hich I e=)erienced $hen I $as in error"#

If( ho$e%er( an' one considers the infamous im6

)utations( $hich $e ha%e noticed under the artic+e

on #enea+o*'(# and the aominations of $hich this

)rofessed+' indu+*ent and candid father accused the

0anichasans in the ce+eration of their m'steries as

$e sha++ see under the artic+e on #4ea+# $e sha++

e con%inced that to+eration $as ne%er the %irtue of

the c+er*'" We ha%e a+read' seen( under the artic+e

on #Counci+(# $hat seditions $ere e=cited ' the

ecc+esiastics in re+ation to Arianism" Euseius in6

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forms us that in some )+aces the statues of Constan6

tine $ere thro$n do$n ecause he $ished the

Arians to e to+erated and So1omen sa's that on

the death of Euseius of Nicomedia( $hen 0ace6

donius( an Arian( contested the see of Constantino)+e

$ith Pau+( a Catho+ic( the disturance and confusion

ecame so dreadfu+ in the church( from $hich each

M Phi+oso)hica+

endea%ored to e=)e+ the other( that the so+diers(

thin<in* the )eo)+e in a state of insurrection( ac6

tua++' char*ed u)on them a Gerce and san*uinar'

conHict ensued( and more than three thousand )er6

sons $ere s+ain or suocated" 0acedonius ascended

the e)isco)a+ throne( too< s)eed' )ossession of a++

the churches( and )ersecuted $ith *reat crue+t' the

No%atians and Catho+ics" It $as in re%en*e a*ainst

the +atter of these that he denied the di%init' of the

&o+' S)irit( ust as he reco*ni1ed the di%init' of the

Word( $hich $as denied ' the Arians out of mere

deGance to their )rotector Constantius( $ho had de6

)osed him"

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 The same historian adds that on the death of

Athanasius( the Arians( su))orted ' Va+ens( a))re6

hended( ound in chains( and )ut to death those $ho

remained attached to Peter( $hom Athanasius had

)ointed out as his successor" A+e=andria resem+ed

a cit' ta<en ' assau+t" The Arians soon )ossessed

themse+%es of the churches( and the isho)( insta++ed

' them( otained the )o$er of anishin* from

E*')t a++ $ho remained attached to the Nicean


We read in Socrates that( after the death of

Sisinnius( the church of Constantino)+e ecame a*ain

di%ided on the choice of a successor( and Theodosius

the 3oun*er )+aced in the )atriarcha+ see the %io+ent

and Ger' Nestorius" In his Grst sermon he ad6

dresses the fo++o$in* +an*ua*e to the em)eror-

#i%e me the +and )ur*ed of heretics( and T $i++ *i%e

Dictionar'" M9

'ou the <in*dom of &ea%en second me in the e=6

termination of heretics( and I en*a*e to furnish 'ou

$ith eectua+ assistance a*ainst the Persians"# &e

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after$ards e=)e++ed the Arians from the ca)ita+(

armed the )eo)+e a*ainst them( )u++ed do$n their

churches( and otained from the em)eror ri*orous

and )ersecutin* edicts to eect their e=tir)ation"

&e em)+o'ed his )o$erfu+ inHuence suseuent+'

in )rocurin* the arrest( im)risonment( and e%en

$hi))in* of the )rinci)a+ )ersons amon* the )eo)+e

$ho had interru)ted him in the midd+e of a dis6

course( in $hich he $as de+i%erin* his distin*uishin*

s'stem of doctrine( $hich $as soon condemned at

the Counci+ of E)hesus"

Photius re+ates that $hen the )riest reached the

a+tar( it $as customar' in the church of Constantino6

)+e for the )eo)+e to chant- #&o+' od( )o$erfu+

od( immorta+ od# and the name *i%en to this

)art of the ser%ice $as #the trisa*ion"# The )riest(

Peter had added - #Who hast een cruciGed for us(

ha%e merc' u)on us"# The Catho+ics considered this

addition as containin* the error of the Eut'chian

 Theo)athists( $ho maintained that the di%init' had

suered the'( ho$e%er( chanted the trisa*ion $ith

the addition( to a%oid irritatin* the em)eror Anas6

tasius( $ r ho had ust de)osed another 0acedonius(

and )+aced in his stead Timotheus( ' $hose order

this addition $as ordered to e chanted" !ut on a

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)articu+ar da' the mon<s entered the church( and(

instead of the addition in uestion( chanted a %erse

Vo+" 8: M

@: Phi+oso)hica+

from one of the Psa+ms- the )eo)+e instant+' e=6

c+aimed - #The orthodo= ha%e arri%ed %er' season6

a+' Q# A++ the )artisans of the Counci+ of Cha+cedon

chanted( in union $ith the mon<s( the %erse from the

Psa+m the Eut'chians $ere oended the ser%ice

$as interru)ted a att+e commenced in the church

the )eo)+e rushed out( otained arms as s)eedi+' as

)ossi+e( s)read carna*e and conHa*ration throu*h

the cit'( and $ere )aciGed on+' ' the destruction

of ten thousand +i%es"

 The im)eria+ )o$er at +en*th esta+ished throu*h

a++ E*')t the authorit' of this Counci+ of Cha+cedon

ut the massacre of more than a hundred thousand

E*')tians( on dierent occasions( for ha%in* refused

to ac<no$+ed*e the counci+( had )+anted in the hearts

of the $ho+e )o)u+ation an im)+aca+e hatred

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a*ainst the em)erors" A )art of those $ho $ere

hosti+e to the counci+ $ithdre$ to /))er E*')t(

others uitted a+to*ether the dominions of the em6

)ire and )assed o%er to Africa and amon* the Aras(

$here a++ re+i*ions $ere to+erated"

We ha%e a+read' oser%ed that under the rei*n

of the em)ress Irene the $orshi) of ima*es $as re6

esta+ished and conGrmed ' the second Counci+ of

Nice" Leo the Armenian( 0ichae+ the Stammerer(

and Theo)hi+us( ne*+ected nothin* to eect its ao+i6

tion and this o))osition caused further distur6

ance in the em)ire of Constantino)+e( ti++ the rei*n

of the em)ress Theodora( $ho *a%e the force of +a$

to the second Counci+ of Nice( e=tin*uished the )art'

Dictionar'" @ 8

of Iconoc+asts( or ima*e6rea<ers( and e=erted the

utmost e=tent of her authorit' a*ainst the 0ani6

chaeans" She des)atched orders throu*hout the em6

)ire to see< for them e%er'$here( and )ut a++ those

to death $ho $ou+d not recant" 0ore than a hun6

dred thousand )erished ' dierent modes of e=ecu6

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tion" Four thousand( $ho esca)ed from this se%ere

scrutin' and e=tensi%e )unishment( too< refu*e

amon* the Saracens( united their o$n stren*th $ith

theirs( ra%a*ed the territories of the em)ire( and

erected fortresses in $hich the 0anichaeans( $ho

had remained concea+ed throu*h terror of ca)ita+

)unishment( found an as'+um( and constituted a hos6

ti+e force( formida+e from their numers( and from

their urnin* hatred oth of the em)erors and Cath6

o+ics" The' freuent+' inHicted on the territories

of the em)ire dread and de%astation( and cut to

)ieces its disci)+ined armies"

We arid*e the detai+s of these dreadfu+ mas6

sacres those of Ire+and( those of the %a++e's of Pied6

mont( those $hich $e sha++ s)ea< of in the artic+e on

#Inuisition(# and +ast+'( the massacre of St" !ar6

tho+ome$( dis)+a'ed in the West the same s)irit of

into+erance( a*ainst $hich nothin* more )ertinent

and sensi+e has een $ritten than $hat $e Gnd in

the $or<s of Sa+%ian"

 The fo++o$in* is the +an*ua*e em)+o'ed res)ect6

in* the fo++o$ers of one of the )rinci)a+ heresies '

this e=ce++ent )riest of 0arsei++es( $ho $as sur6

named the master of isho)s( $ho de)+ored $ith it6

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@> Phi+oso)hica+

terness the %io+ence and %ices of his a*e( and $ho

$as ca++ed the .eremiah of the Gfth centur'" #The

Arians(# sa's he( #are heretics ut the' do not

<no$ it the' are heretics amon* us( ut the' are

not so amon* themse+%es for the' consider them6

se+%es so )erfect+' and com)+ete+' Catho+ic( that the'

treat us as heretics" We are con%inced that the'

entertain an o)inion inurious to the di%ine *enera6

tion( inasmuch as the' sa' that the Son is +ess than

the Father" The'( on the other hand( thin< that $e

ho+d an o)inion inurious to the Father( ecause $e

re*ard the Father and the Son eua+" The truth is

$ith us( ut the' consider it as fa%orin* them" We

*i%e to od the honor $hich is due to &im( ut the'(

accordin* to their )ecu+iar $a' of thin<in*( main6

tain that the' do the same" The' do not acuit

themse+%es of their dut' ut in the %er' )oint $here

the' fai+ in doin* so( the' ma<e the *reatest dut' of

re+i*ion consist" The' are im)ious( ut e%en in

ein* so the' consider themse+%es as fo++o$in*( and

as )ractisin*( *enuine )iet'" The' are then mis6

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ta<en( ut from a )rinci)+e of +o%e to od and( a+6

thou*h the' ha%e not the true faith( the' re*ard that

$hich the' ha%e actua++' emraced as the )erfect

+o%e of od"

#The so%erei*n ud*e of the uni%erse a+one

<no$s ho$ the' $i++ e )unished for their errors

in the da' of ud*ment" In the meantime he )a6

tient+' ears $ith them( ecause he sees that if the'

are in error( the' err from )ure moti%es of )iet'"#

Dictionar'" @B


&ermes( or Ermes( 0ercur' Trisme*istus( or

 Thaut( or Taut( or That"

WE NELECT readin* the ancient oo< of 0ercur'

 Trisme*istus( and $e are not $ron* in so doin*" To

)hi+oso)hers it has a))eared a su+ime )iece of ar6

*on( and it is )erha)s for this reason that the' e6

+ie%ed it the $or< of a *reat P+atonist"

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Ne%erthe+ess( in this theo+o*ica+ chaos( ho$ man'

thin*s there are to astonish and sudue the human

mind Q od( $hose tri)+e essence is $isdom( )o$er

and ount' od( formin* the $or+d ' &is thou*ht(

&is $ord od creatin* sua+tern *ods od com6

mandin* these *ods to direct the ce+estia+ ors( and

to )reside o%er the $or+d the sun the Son of od

man &is ima*e in thou*ht +i*ht( &is )rinci)a+

$or< a di%ine essence a++ these *rand and +i%e+'

ima*es da11+e a sudued ima*ination"

It remains to e <no$n $hether this $or<( as

much ce+erated as +itt+e read( $as the $or< of a

ree< or of an E*')tian" St" Au*ustine hesitates

not in e+ie%in* that it is the $or< of an E*')tian(

$ho )retended to e descended from the ancient

0ercur'( from the ancient Thaut( the Grst +e*is+ator

of E*')t" It is true that St" Au*ustine <ne$ no

more of the E*')tian than of the ree< ut in his

time it $as necessar' that $e shou+d not dout that

&ermes( from $hom $e recei%ed theo+o*'( $as an

E*')tian sa*e( )roa+' anterior to the time of

@M Phi+oso)hica+

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A+e=ander( and one of the )riests $hom P+ato con6


It has a+$a's a))eared to me that the theo+o*'

of P+ato in nothin* resem+ed that of other ree<s(

$ith the e=ce)tion of Timaeus( $ho had tra%e++ed in

E*')t( as $e++ as P'tha*oras"

 The &ermes Trisme*istus that $e )ossess is

$ritten in ararous ree<( and in a forei*n idiom"

 This is a )roof that it is a trans+ation in $hich the

$ords ha%e een fo++o$ed more than the sense"

 .ose)h Sca+i*er( $ho assisted the +ord of Canda+e(

isho) of Aire( to trans+ate the &ermes( or 0ercur'

 Trisme*istus( douts not that the ori*ina+ $as E*')6

tian" Add to these reasons that it is not %er' )ro6

a+e that a ree< $ou+d ha%e addressed himse+f so

often to Thaut" It is not natura+ for us to address

ourse+%es to stran*ers $ith so much $arm6hearted6

ness at +east( $e see no e=am)+e of it in antiuit'"

 The E*')tian Escu+a)ius( $ho is made to s)ea<

in this oo<( and $ho is )erha)s the author of it(

$rote to Ammon( <in* of E*')t - #Ta<e *reat care

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ho$ 'ou suer the ree<s to trans+ate the oo<s of

our 0ercur'( our Thaut( ecause the' $ou+d dis6

G*ure them"# Certain+' a ree< $ou+d not ha%e

s)o<en thus there is therefore e%er' a))earance of

this oo< ein* E*')tian"

 There is another reHection to e made( $hich is(

that the s'stems of &ermes and P+ato $ere eua++'

formed to e=tend themse+%es throu*h a++ the .e$ish

schoo+s( from the time of the Pto+emies" This doc6

Dictionar'" @@

trine made *reat )ro*ress in them 'ou see it com6

)+ete+' dis)+a'ed ' the .e$ Phi+o( a +earned man

after the manner of those times"

&e co)ies entire )assa*es from 0ercur' Tris6

me*istus in his cha)ter on the formation of the

$or+d" #First+'(# sa's he( #od made the $or+d in6

te++i*i+e( the &ea%ens incor)orea+( and the earth

in%isi+e he after$ards created the incor)orea+ es6

sence of $ater and s)irit and Gna++' the essence of

incor)orea+ +i*ht( the ori*in of the sun and of the

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Such is the )ure doctrine of &ermes" &e adds

that the $ord( or in%isi+e and inte++ectua+ thou*ht(

is the ima*e of od" &ere is the creation of the

$or+d ' the $ord( ' thou*ht( ' the +o*os( %er'

stron*+' e=)ressed"

After$ards fo++o$s the doctrine of Numers(

$hich descended from the E*')tians to the .e$s"

&e ca++s reason the re+ation of od" The numer of

se%en is the accom)+ishment of a++ thin*s( #$hich

is the reason(# sa's he( #that the +'re has on+' se%en


In a $ord Phi+o )ossessed a++ the )hi+oso)h' of

his time"

We are therefore decei%ed( $hen $e e+ie%e that

the .e$s( under the rei*n of &erod( $ere )+un*ed

in the same state of i*norance in $hich the' $ere

)re%ious+' immersed" It is e%ident that St" Pau+

$as $e++ informed" It is on+' necessar' to read the

Grst cha)ter of St" .ohn( $hich is so dierent from

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@; Phi+oso)hica+

those of the others( to )ercei%e that the author $rote

)recise+' +i<e &ermes and P+ato" #In the e*innin*

$as the $ord( and the $ord $as $ith od( and the

$ord $as od" The same $as in the e*innin*

$ith od" A++ thin*s $ere made ' &im( and $ith6

out &im $as not an'thin* made" In &im $as +ife

and the +ife $as the +i*ht of man"# It is thus that

St" Pau+ sa's - #od made the $or+ds ' &is Son"#

In the time of the a)ost+es $ere seen $ho+e soci6

eties of Christians $ho $ere on+' too +earned( and

thence sustituted a fantastic )hi+oso)h' for sim6

)+icit' of faith" The Simons( 0enanders( and Ce6

rinthuses( tau*ht )recise+' the doctrines of &ermes"

 Their BBons $ere on+' the sua+tern *ods( created

' the *reat !ein*" A++ the Grst Christians( there6

fore( $ere not i*norant men( as it a+$a's has een

asserted since there $ere se%era+ of them $ho

aused their +iterature e%en in the Acts the *o%6

ernor Festus sa's to St" Pau+ - #Pau+( thou art e6

side th'se+f much +earnin* doth ma<e thee mad"#

Cerinthus do*mati1ed in the time of St" .ohn the

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E%an*e+ist" &is errors $ere of a )rofound( reGned(

and meta)h'sica+ cast" The fau+ts $hich he re6

mar<ed in the construction of the $or+d made him

thin< at +east so sa's Dr" Du)in that it $as not

the so%erei*n od $ho created it( ut a %irtue in6

ferior to this Grst )rinci)+e( $hich had not the

<no$+ed*e of the so%erei*n od" This $as $ishin*

to correct e%en the s'stem of P+ato( and decei%in*

himse+f( oth as a Christian and a )hi+oso)her ut

Dictionar'" @?

at the same time it dis)+a'ed a reGned and $e++6e=er6

cised mind"

It is the same $ith the )rimiti%es ca++ed 5ua<ers(

of $hom $e ha%e so much s)o<en" The' ha%e een

ta<en for men $ho cannot see e'ond their noses(

and $ho ma<e no use of their reason" &o$e%er(

there ha%e een amon* them se%era+ $ho em)+o'ed

a++ the sut+eties of +o*ic" Enthusiasm is not a+$a's

the com)anion of tota+ i*norance( it is often that of

erroneous information"

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$ith the )ro%isions of their char*e" The' $ere com6

mensa+ ocers of the <in*2s house" 0atthieu had

these )ri%i+e*es under &enr' IV"( ut did not there6

fore $rite a etter histor'"

At Venice it is a+$a's a no+e of the senate $ho

)ossesses this tit+e and function( and the ce+erated

Nani has G++ed them $ith *enera+ a))roation" It

is %er' dicu+t for the historio*ra)her of a )rince

not to e a +iar that of a re)u+ic Hatters +ess ut

he does not te++ a++ the truth" In China histori6

o*ra)hers are char*ed $ith co++ectin* a++ the e%ents

and ori*ina+ tit+es under a d'nast'" The' thro$ the

+ea%es numered into a %ast ha++( throu*h an oriGce

resem+in* the +ion2s mouth at Venice( into $hich is

cast a++ secret inte++i*ence" When the d'nast' is

e=tinct the ha++ is o)ened and the materia+s di*ested(

of $hich an authentic histor' is com)osed" The

*enera+ ourna+ of the em)ire a+so ser%es to form the

od' of histor' this ourna+ is su)erior to our

ne$s)a)ers( ein* made under the su)erintendence

of the mandarins of each )ro%ince( re%ised ' a

su)reme triuna+( and e%er' )iece earin* an au6

thenticit' $hich is decisi%e in contentious matters"

E%er' so%erei*n chose his o$n historio*ra)her"

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Vittorio Siri $as one Pe+isson $as Grst chosen '

Louis 7IV" to $rite the e%ents of his rei*n( and

acuitted himse+f of his tas< $ith e+ouence in the

histor' of Franche6Comte" Racine( the most e+e6

*ant of )oets( and !oi+eau( the most correct( $ere

Dictionar'" @9

after$ards sustituted for Pe+isson" Some curious

)ersons ha%e co++ected #0emoirs of the Passa*e of

the Rhine(# $ritten ' Racine" We cannot ud*e

' these memoirs $hether Louis 7IV" )assed the

Rhine or not $ith his troo)s( $ho s$am across the

ri%er" This e=am)+e sucient+' demonstrates ho$

rare+' it ha))ens that an historio*ra)her dare te++

the truth" Se%era+ a+so( $ho ha%e )ossessed this

tit+e( ha%e ta<en *ood care of $ritin* histor' the'

ha%e fo++o$ed the e=am)+e of Am'ot( $ho said that

he $as too much attached to his masters to $rite

their +i%es" Father Danie+ had the )atent of his6

torio*ra)her( after ha%in* *i%en his #&istor' of

France# he had a )ension of ;:: +i%res( re*arded

mere+' as a suita+e sti)end for a mon<"

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It is %er' dicu+t to assi*n true ounds to the

arts( sciences( and +iterar' +aor" Perha)s it is the

)ro)er dut' of an historio*ra)her to co++ect ma6

teria+s( and that of an historian to )ut them in order"

 The Grst can amass e%er'thin*( the second arran*e

and se+ect" The historio*ra)her is more of the sim6

)+e anna+ist( $hi+e the historian seems to ha%e a more

o)en Ge+d for reHection and e+ouence"

We need scarce+' sa' here that oth shou+d

eua++' te++ the truth( ut $e can e=amine this *reat

+a$ of Cicero - #Ne uid %eri tacere non audeat"#

#That $e ou*ht not to dare to concea+ an' truth"#

 This ru+e is of the numer of those that $ant i++us6

tration" Su))ose a )rince conGdes to his his6

torio*ra)her an im)ortant secret to $hich his honor

;: Phi+oso)hica+

is attached( or that the *ood of the state reuires

shou+d not e re%ea+ed shou+d the historio*ra)her

or historian rea< his $ord $ith the )rince( or etra'

his countr' to oe' CiceroJ The curiosit' of the

)u+ic seems to e=act it honor and dut' forid it"

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Perha)s in this case he shou+d renounce $ritin*


If a truth dishonors a fami+'( ou*ht the his6

torio*ra)her or historian to inform the )u+ic of it J

No dout+ess he is not ound to re%ea+ the shame

of indi%idua+s histor' is no satire"

!ut if this scanda+ous truth e+on*s to )u+ic

e%ents( if it enters into the interests of the state

if it has )roduced e%i+s of $hich it im)orts to <no$

the cause( it is then that the ma=ims of Cicero shou+d

e oser%ed for this +a$ is +i<e a++ others $hich

must e e=ecuted( tem)ered( or ne*+ected( accordin*

to circumstances"

Let us e$are of this humane res)ect $hen treat6

in* of ac<no$+ed*ed )u+ic fau+ts( )re%arications(

and inustices( into $hich the misfortunes of the

times ha%e etra'ed res)ecta+e odies" The' can6

not e too much e=)osed the' are eacons $hich

$arn these a+$a's6e=istin* odies a*ainst s)+ittin*

a*ain on simi+ar roc<s" If an En*+ish )ar+iament

has condemned a man of fortune to the torture if

an assem+' of theo+o*ians had demanded the +ood

of an unfortunate $ho diered in o)inion from

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themse+%es( it shou+d e the dut' of an historian to

ins)ire a++ a*es $ith horror for these uridica+ as6

Dictionar'" ; 8

sassins" We shou+d a+$a's ma<e the Athenians

+ush for the death of Socrates"

&a))i+'( e%en an entire )eo)+e a+$a's Gnd it *ood

to ha%e the crimes of their ancestors )+aced efore

them the' +i<e to condemn them( and to e+ie%e

themse+%es su)erior" The historio*ra)her or his6

torian encoura*es them in these sentiments( and( in

retracin* the $ars of *o%ernment and re+i*ion( )re6

%ents their re)etition"



DeGnition of &istor'"

&ISTOR3 is the recita+ of facts re)resented as

true" Fa+e( on the contrar'( is the recita+ of facts

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re)resented as Gction"" There is the histor' of

human o)inions( $hich is scarce+' an'thin* more

than the histor' of human errors"

 The histor' of the arts ma' e made the most

usefu+ of a++( $hen to a <no$+ed*e of their in%en6

tion and )ro*ress it adds a descri)tion of their

mechanica+ means and )rocesses"

Natura+ histor'( im)ro)er+' desi*nated #histor'(#

is an essentia+ )art of natura+ )hi+oso)h'" The his6

tor' of e%ents has een di%ided into sacred and )ro6

fane" Sacred histor' is a series of di%ine and mirac6

u+ous o)erations( ' $hich it has )+eased od for6

mer+' to direct and *o%ern the .e$ish nation( and(

in the )resent da'( to tr' our faith( #To +earn &e2

;> Phi+oso)hica+

re$( the sciences( and histor'(# sa's La Fontaine(

#is to drin< u) the sea"#

Sifa))renois r&treu( +es sciences( rhistoire(

 Tout ce+a( c2est +a mer a oire"

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LA FONTAINE( oo< %iii( fa+e >@"

 The Foundations of &istor'"

 The foundations of a++ histor' are the recita+s of

e%ents( made ' fathers to their chi+dren( and after6

$ards transmitted from one *eneration to another"

 The' are( at most( on+' )roa+e in their ori*in

$hen the' do not shoc< common sense( and the' +ose

a de*ree of )roai+it' at e%er' successi%e transmis6

sion" With time the fau+ous increases and the

true disa))ears hence it arises that the ori*ina+

traditions and records of a++ nations are asurd"

 Thus the E*')tians had een *o%erned for man'

a*es ' the *ods" The' had" ne=t een under the

*o%ernment of demi6*ods and( Gna++'( the' had

<in*s for e+e%en thousand three hundred and fort'

'ears( and durin* that )eriod the sun had chan*ed

four times from east and $est"

 The Phoenicians( in the time of A+e=ander( )re6

tended that the' had een sett+ed in their o$n coun6

tr' for thirt' thousand 'ears and those thirt'

thousand 'ears $ere as fu++ of )rodi*ies as the

E*')tian chrono+o*'" I admit it to e )erfect+'

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consistent $ith )h'sica+ )ossii+it' that Phoenicia

ma' ha%e e=isted( not mere+' for thirt' thousand

'ears( ut thirt' thousand mi++ions of a*es( and that

it ma' ha%e endured( as $e++ as the other )ortions

Dictionar'" ;B

of the *+oe( thirt' mi++ions of re%o+utions" !ut of

a++ this $e )ossess no <no$+ed*e"

 The ridicu+ous mirac+es $hich aound in the

ancient histor' of reece are uni%ersa++' <no$n"

 The Romans( a+thou*h a serious and *ra%e )eo6

)+e( ha%e( ne%erthe+ess( eua++' in%o+%ed in fa+es

the ear+' )eriods of their histor'" That nation( so

recent in com)arison $ith those of Asia( $as G%e

hundred 'ears $ithout historians" It is im)ossi+e(

therefore( to e sur)rised on Gndin* that Romu+us

$as the son of 0ars that a she6$o+f $as his nurse

that he marched $ith a thousand men from his o$n

%i++a*e( Rome( a*ainst t$ent' thousand $arriors

e+on*in* to the cit' of the Saines that he after6

$ards ecame a *od that the e+der Taruin cut

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throu*h a stone $ith a ra1or( and that a %esta+ dre$

a shi) to +and $ith her *ird+e( etc"

 The Grst anna+s of modern nations are no +ess

fau+ous thin*s )rodi*ious and im)roa+e ou*ht

sometimes( undouted+'( to e re+ated( ut on+' as

)roofs of human credu+it'" The' constitute )art of

the histor' of human o)inion and asurdities ut

the Ge+d is too immense"

Of 0onuments or 0emoria+s"

 The on+' )ro)er method of endea%orin* to ac6

uire some <no$+ed*e of ancient histor' is to ascer6

tain $hether there remain an' incontesta+e )u+ic

monuments" We )ossess on+' three such( in the $a'

of $ritin* or inscri)tion" The Grst is the co++ection

;M Phi+oso)hica+

of astronomica+ oser%ations made durin* nineteen

hundred successi%e 'ears at !a'+on( and trans6

ferred ' A+e=ander to reece" This series of o6

ser%ations( $hich *oes ac< t$o thousand t$o hun6

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dred and thirt'6four 'ears e'ond our %u+*ar era(

decided+' )ro%es that the !a'+onians e=isted as an

associated and incor)orated )eo)+e man' a*es e6

fore for the arts are struc< out and e+aorated on+'

in the s+o$ course of time( and the indo+ence natura+

to man<ind )ermits thousands of 'ears to ro++ a$a'

$ithout their acuirin* an' other <no$+ed*e or

ta+ents than $hat are reuired for food( c+othin*(

she+ter( and mutua+ destruction" Let the truth of

these remar<s e ud*ed of from the state of the

ermans and the En*+ish in the time of Caesar( from

that of the Tartars at the )resent da'( from that of

t$o6thirds of Africa( and from that of a++ the %arious

nations found in the %ast continent of America( e=6

ce)tin*( in some res)ects( the <in*doms of Peru and

0e=ico( and the re)u+ic of T+asca+a" Let it e

reco++ected that in the $ho+e of the ne$ $or+d not

a sin*+e indi%idua+ cou+d $rite or read"

 The second monument is the centra+ ec+i)se of the

sun( ca+cu+ated in China t$o thousand one hundred

and Gft'6G%e 'ears efore our %u+*ar era( and ad6

mitted ' a++ our astronomers to ha%e actua++' oc6

curred" We must a))+' the same remar< to the

Chinese as to the )eo)+e of !a'+on" The' had un6

douted+'( +on* efore this )eriod( constituted a %ast

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em)ire and socia+ )o+it'" !ut $hat )+aces the Chi6

Dictionar'" ;@

nese ao%e a++ the other nations of the $or+d is that

neither their +a$s( nor manners( nor the +an*ua*e

e=c+usi%e+' s)o<en ' their men of +earnin*( ha%e

e=)erienced an' chan*e in the course of aout four

thousand 'ears" 3et this nation and that of India(

the most ancient of a++ that are no$ susistin*(

those $hich )ossess the +ar*est and most ferti+e

tracts of territor'( those $hich had in%ented near+'

a++ the arts a+most efore $e $ere in )ossession e%en

of an' of them( ha%e een a+$a's omitted( do$n to

our time( in our )retended uni%ersa+ histories" And

$hene%er a S)aniard or a Frenchman enumerated

the %arious nations of the *+oe( neither of them

fai+ed to re)resent his o$n countr' as the Grst mon6

arch' on earth( and his <in* as the *reatest so%er6

ei*n( under the Hatterin* ho)e( no dout( that that

*reatest of so%erei*ns( after ha%in* read his oo<(

$ou+d confer u)on him a )ension"

 The third monument( ut %er' inferior to the t$o

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others( is the Arunde+ 0ar+es" The chronic+e of

Athens $as inscried on these mar+es t$o hundred

and si=t'6three 'ears efore our era( ut it *oes no

further ac< than the time of Cecro)s( thirteen hun6

dred and nineteen 'ears e'ond the time of its in6

scri)tion" In the histor' of a++ antiuit' these are

the on+' incontesta+e e)ochs that $e )ossess"

Let us attend a +itt+e )articu+ar+' to these mar6

+es( $hich $ere rou*ht from reece ' Lord

Arunde+" The chronic+e contained in them com6

mences Gfteen hundred and se%ent'6se%en 'ears e6

Vo+" 8: @

;; Phi+oso)hica+

fore our era" This( at the )resent time( ma<es an

antiuit' of B(BM 'ears( and in the course of that

)eriod 'ou do not Gnd a sin*+e miracu+ous or )ro6

di*ious e%ent on record" It is the same $ith the

O+'m)iads" It must not e in reference to these

that the e=)ression can e a))+ied of #rcia men6

da,# +'in* reece" The ree<s $e++ <ne$ ho$

to distin*uish histor' from fa+e( and rea+ facts from

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the ta+es of &erodotus ust as in re+ation to im6

)ortant )u+ic aairs( their orators orro$ed

nothin* from the discourses of the so)hists or the

ima*er' of the )oets"

 The date of the ta<in* of Tro' is s)eciGed in

these mar+es( ut there is no mention made of

A)o++o2s arro$s( or the sacriGce of I)hi*enia( or the

ridicu+ous att+es of the *ods" The date of the in6

%entions of Tri)to+emus and Ceres is *i%en ut

Ceres is not ca++ed *oddess" Notice is ta<en of a

)oem u)on the ra)e of Proser)ine ut it is not

said that she is the dau*hter of .u)iter and a *od6

dess( and the $ife of the *od of he++"

&ercu+es is initiated in the E+eusinian m'steries(

ut not a sin*+e $ord is mentioned of the t$e+%e

+aors( nor of his )assa*e to Africa in his cu)( nor of

his di%init'( nor of the *reat Gsh ' $hich he $as

s$a++o$ed( and $hich( accordin* to L'co)hron( <e)t

him in its e++' three da's and three ni*hts"

Amon* us( on the contrar'( a standard is rou*ht

' an an*e+ from hea%en to the mon<s of St" Denis

a )i*eon rin*s a ott+e of oi+ to the church of

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Dictionar'" ;?

Rheims t$o armies of ser)ents en*a*e in )itched

att+e in erman' an archisho) of 0ent1 is e6

sie*ed and de%oured ' rats and to com)+ete and

cro$n the $ho+e( the 'ear in $hich these ad%en6

tures occurred( is *i%en $ith the most )articu+ar

)recision" The ae Lan*+et( a+so condescendin* to

com)i+e( com)i+es these contem)ti+e foo+eries( $hi+e

the a+manacs( for the hundredth time( re)eat them"

In this manner are our 'outh instructed and en6

+i*htened and a++ these trum)er' fa+es are )ut in

reuisition e%en for the education of )rinces Q

A++ histor' is com)arati%e+' recent" It is ' no

means astonishin* to Gnd that $e ha%e( in fact( no

)rofane histor' that *oes ac< e'ond aout four

thousand 'ears" The cause of this is to e found in

the re%o+utions of the *+oe( and the +on* and uni6

%ersa+ i*norance of the art $hich transmits e%ents

' $ritin*" There are sti++ man' nations tota++' un6

acuainted $ith the )ractice of this art" It e=isted

on+' in a sma++ numer of ci%i+i1ed states( and e%en

in them $as conGned to com)arati%e+' fe$ hands"

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Nothin* $as more rare amon* the French and er6

mans than <no$in* ho$ to $rite do$n to the four6

teenth centur' of our era( scarce+' an' )u+ic acts

$ere attested ' $itnesses" It $as not ti++ the rei*n

of Char+es VII" in France( in 8M@M( that an attem)t

$as made to reduce to $ritin* some of the customs

of France" The art $as sti++ more uncommon

amon* the S)aniards( and hence it arises that their

histor' is so dr' and doutfu+ ti++ the time of Ferdi6

; Phi+oso)hica+

nand and Isae++a" We )ercei%e( from $hat has een

said( $ith $hat faci+it' the %er' sma++ numer of

)ersons $ho )ossessed the art of $ritin* mi*ht im6

)ose ' means of it( and ho$ eas' it has een to

)roduce a e+ief in the most enormous asurdities"

 There ha%e een nations $ho ha%e suu6

*ated a considera+e )art of the $or+d( and $ho

'et ha%e not een acuainted $ith the use of char6

acters" We <no$ that en*his Khan conuered a

)art of Asia in the e*innin* of the thirteenth cen6

tur' ut it is not from him( nor from the Tartars(

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that $e ha%e deri%ed that <no$+ed*e" Their his6

tor'( $ritten ' the Chinese( and trans+ated '

Father aui+( states that these Tartars $ere at that

time unacuainted $ith the art of $ritin*"

 This art $as( unuestiona+'( not +i<e+' to e

+ess un<no$n to the Sc'thian O*us6<an( ca++ed '

the Persians and ree<s 0adies( $ho conuered

a )art of Euro)e and Asia +on* efore the rei*n of

C'rus" It is a+most a certaint' that at that time( out

of a hundred nations( there $ere on+' t$o or three

that em)+o'ed characters" It is undouted+' )os6

si+e( that in an ancient $or+d destro'ed( man<ind

$ere acuainted $ith the art of $ritin* and the

other arts( ut in our $or+d the' are a++ of recent


 There remain monuments of another <ind( $hich

ser%e to )ro%e mere+' the remote antiuit' of cer6

tain nations( an antiuit' )recedin* a++ <no$n

e)ochs( and a++ oo<s these are the )rodi*ies of


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Dictionar'" ;9

architecture( such as the )'ramids and )a+aces of

E*')t( $hich ha%e resisted and $earied the )o$er

of time" &erodotus( $ho +i%ed t$o thousand t$o

hundred 'ears a*o( and $ho had seen them( $as

una+e to +earn from the E*')tian )riests at $hat

)eriods these structures $ere raised"

It is dicu+t to ascrie to the o+dest of the )'ra6

mids an antiuit' of +ess than four thousand 'ears(

and( it is necessar' to consider( that those ostenta6

tious )i+es( erected ' monarchs( cou+d not ha%e

een commenced ti++ +on* after the esta+ishment of

cities" !ut( in order to ui+d cities in a countr'

e%er' 'ear inundated( it must a+$a's e reco++ected

that it $ou+d ha%e een )re%ious+' necessar' in this

+and of s+ime and mud( to +a' the foundation u)on

)i+es( that the' mi*ht thus e inaccessi+e to the in6

undation it $ou+d ha%e een necessar'( e%en e6

fore ta<in* this indis)ensa+e measure of )recau6

tion( and efore the inhaitants cou+d e in a state

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to en*a*e in such im)ortant and e%en dan*erous

+aors( that the )eo)+e shou+d ha%e contri%ed re6

treats( durin* the s$e++in* of the Ni+e( et$een the

t$o chains of roc<s $hich e=ist on the ri*ht and +eft

an<s of the ri%er" It $ou+d ha%e een necessar'

that these co++ected mu+titudes shou+d ha%e instru6

ments of ti++a*e( and of architecture( a <no$+ed*e

of architecture and sur%e'in*( re*u+ar +a$s( and an

acti%e )o+ice" A++ these thin*s reuire a s)ace of

time aso+ute+' )rodi*ious" We see( e%er' da'( '

the +on* detai+s $hich re+ate e%en to those of our

'o Phi+oso)hica+

underta<in*s( $hich are most necessar' and most

diminuti%e( ho$ dicu+t it is to e=ecute $or<s of

ma*nitude( and that the' not on+' reuire un$earied

)erse%erance( ut man' *enerations animated ' the

same s)irit"

&o$e%er( $hether $e admit that one or t$o of

those immense masses $ere erected ' 0enes( or

 Thaut( or Cheo)s( or Rameses( $e sha++ not( in con6

seuence( ha%e the s+i*htest further insi*ht into the

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ancient histor' of E*')t" The +an*ua*e of that

)eo)+e is +ost and a++ $e <no$ in reference to the

suect is that efore the most ancient historians

e=isted( there e=isted materia+s for $ritin* ancient



As $e a+read' )ossess( I had a+most said( t$ent'

thousand $or<s( the *reater numer of them e=tend6

in* to man' %o+umes( on the suect( e=c+usi%e+'( of

the histor' of France and as( e%en a studious man(

$ere he to +i%e a hundred 'ears( $ou+d Gnd it im6

)ossi+e to read them( I thin< it a *ood thin* to

<no$ $here to sto)" We are o+i*ed to connect

$ith the <no$+ed*e of our o$n countr' the histor'

of our nei*hors" We are sti++ +ess )ermitted to

remain i*norant of the ree<s and Romans( and

their +a$s $hich are ecome ours ut( if to this

+aorious stud' $e shou+d reso+%e to add that of

more remote antiuit'( $e shou+d resem+e the man

$ho deserted Tacitus and Li%' to stud' serious+'

the #Thousand and One Ni*hts"# A++ the ori*ins

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Dictionar'" ? 8

of nations are e%ident+' fa+es" The reason is that

men must ha%e +i%ed +on* in societ'( and ha%e

+earned to ma<e read and c+othin* $hich $ou+d

e matters of some dicu+t' efore the' acuired

the art of transmittin* a++ their thou*hts to )osterit'

a matter of *reater dicu+t' sti++" The art of

$ritin* is certain+' not more than si= thousand 'ears

o+d( e%en amon* the Chinese and( $hate%er ma'

e the oast of the Cha+daeans and E*')tians( it a)6

)ears not at a++ +i<e+' that the' $ere a+e to read

and $rite ear+ier"

 The histor'( therefore( of )recedin* )eriods(

cou+d e transmitted ' memor' a+one and $e $e++

<no$ ho$ the memor' of )ast e%ents chan*es from

one *eneration to another" The Grst histories $ere

$ritten on+' from the ima*ination" Not on+' did

e%er' )eo)+e in%ent its o$n ori*in( ut it in%ented

a+so the ori*in of the $ho+e $or+d"

If $e ma' e+ie%e Sanchoniathon( the ori*in of

thin*s $as a thic< air( $hich $as rariGed ' the

$ind hence s)ran* desire and +o%e( and from the

union of desire and +o%e $ere formed anima+s" The

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stars $ere +ater )roductions( and intended mere+' to

adorn the hea%ens( and to reoice the si*ht of the

anima+s u)on earth"

 The Knef of the E*')tians( their Oshiret and

Ishet( $hich $e ca++ Osiris and Isis( are neither +ess

in*enious nor ridicu+ous" The ree<s eme++ished

a++ these Gctions" O%id co++ected them and orna6

mented them $ith the charms of the most eautifu+

?> Phi+oso)hica+

)oetr'" What he sa's of a *od $ho de%e+o)s or dis6

emroi+s chaos( and of the formation of man( is su6


Sanctius his anima+( mentisue ca)acius a+tce

Deer at adhuc( et uod dominari in ccetera )osset"

Natus homo est " " " "

OVID( 0etam"( ( %" ?;"

A creature of a more e=a+ted <ind

Was $antin* 'et( and then $as man desi*ned

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Conscious of thou*ht( of more ca)acious reast(

For em)ire formed( and Gt to ru+e the rest"


Pronaue cum s)ectent anima+ia ccetera terram

Os homini su+ime dedit coe+umue tueri

 .ussit( et erectos ad sidera to++ere %u+tus"

0ETA0"( i( %" M"

 Thus( $hi+e the mute creation do$n$ard end

 Their si*ht( and to their earth+' mother tend(

0an +oo<s a+oft( and $ith erected e'es

!eho+ds his o$n hereditar' s<ies"


&esiod( and other $riters $ho +i%ed so +on* e6

fore( $ou+d ha%e een %er' far from e=)ressin*

themse+%es $ith this e+e*ant su+imit'" !ut( from

the interestin* moment of man2s formation do$n to

the era of the O+'m)iads( e%er'thin* is )+un*ed in

)rofound oscurit'"

&erodotus is )resent at the O+'m)ic *ames( and(

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+i<e an o+d $oman to chi+dren( recites his narrati%es(

or rather ta+es( to the assem+ed ree<s" &e e*ins

' sa'in* that the Phoenicians sai+ed from the Red

Sea into the 0editerranean $hich( if true( must

necessari+' im)+' that the' had dou+ed the Ca)e of

ood &o)e( and made the circuit of Africa"

 Then comes the ra)e of +o then the fa+e of

Dictionar'" ?B

'*es and Candau+es then the $ondrous stories of

anditti( and that of the dau*hter of Cheo)s( <in*

of E*')t( ha%in* reuired a he$n stone from each

of her man' +o%ers( and otained( in conseuence(

a numer +ar*e enou*h to ui+d one of the )'ramids"

 To this( add the orac+es( )rodi*ies( and frauds of

)riests( and 'ou ha%e the histor' of the human race"

 The Grst )eriods of the Roman histor' a))ear

to ha%e een $ritten ' &erodotus our conuerors

and +e*is+ators <ne$ no other $a' of countin* their

'ears as the' )assed a$a'( than ' dri%in* nai+s into

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a $a++ ' the hand of the sacred )onti"

 The *reat Romu+us( the <in* of a %i++a*e( is the

son of the *od" 0ars( and a rec+use( $ho $as )ro6

ceedin* to a $e++ to dra$ $ater in a )itcher" &e has

a *od for his father( a $oman of +oose manners for

his mother( and a she6$o+f for his nurse" A uc<+er

fa++s from hea%en e=)ress+' for Numa" The in6

%a+ua+e oo<s of the Si'+s are found ' accident"

An au*ur( ' di%ine )ermission( di%ides a +ar*e Hint6

stone $ith a ra1or" A %esta+( $ith her mere *ird+e(

dra$s into the $ater a +ar*e %esse+ that has een

stranded" Castor and Po++u= come do$n to G*ht for

the Romans( and the mar<s of their horses2 feet are

im)rinted on the stones" The transa+)ine au+s ad6

%anced to )i++a*e Rome some re+ate that the' $ere

dri%en a$a' ' *eese( others that the' carried a$a'

$ith them much *o+d and si+%er ut it is )roa+e

that( at that time in Ita+'( *eese $ere far more

aundant than si+%er" We ha%e imitated the Grst

?M Phi+oso)hica+

Roman historians( at +east in their taste for fa+es"

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We ha%e our oriHamme( our *reat standard( rou*ht

from hea%en ' an an*e+( and the ho+' )hia+ ' a

)i*eon and( $hen to these $e add the mant+e of

St" 0artin( $e fee+ not a +itt+e formida+e"

What $ou+d constitute usefu+ histor'J That

$hich shou+d teach us our duties and our ri*hts(

$ithout a))earin* to teach them"

It is often as<ed $hether the fa+e of the sac6

riGce of I)hi*enia is ta<en from the histor' of .e)h6

thah $hether the de+u*e of Deuca+ion is in%ented

in imitation of that of Noah $hether the ad%en6

ture of Phi+emon and !aucis is co)ied from that of

Lot and his $ife" The .e$s admit that the' had no

communication $ith stran*ers( that their oo<s $ere

un<no$n to the ree<s ti++ the trans+ation made '

the order of Pto+em'" The .e$s $ere( +on* efore

that )eriod( mone'6ro<ers and usurers amon* the

ree<s at A+e=andria ut the ree<s ne%er $ent

to se++ o+d c+othes at .erusa+em" It is e%ident that

no )eo)+e imitated the .e$s( and a+so that the .e$s

imitated or ado)ted man' thin*s from the !a'6

+onians( the E*')tians( and the ree<s"

A++ .e$ish antiuities are sacred in our estima6

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tion( not$ithstandin* the hatred and contem)t in

$hich $e ho+d that )eo)+e" We cannot( indeed( e6

+ie%e them ' reason( ut $e rin* ourse+%es under

suection to the .e$s ' faith" There are aout

fourscore s'stems in e=istence on the suect of their

chrono+o*'( and a far *reater numer of $a's of

Dictionar'" ?@

e=)+ainin* the e%ents recorded in their histories $e

<no$ not $hich is the true one( ut $e reser%e our

faith for it in store a*ainst the time $hen that true

one sha++ e disco%ered"

We ha%e so man' thin*s to e+ie%e in this sensi+e

and ma*nanimous )eo)+e( that a++ our faith is e=6

hausted ' them( and $e ha%e none +eft for the

)rodi*ies $ith $hich the other nations aound"

Ro++in ma' *o on re)eatin* to us the orac+es of

A)o++o( and the miracu+ous achie%ements of Semir6

amis he ma' continue to transcrie a++ that has

een narrated of the ustice of those ancient Sc'6

thians $ho so freuent+' )i++a*ed Africa( and occa6

siona++' ate men for their rea<fast 'et sensi+e

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and $e++6educated )eo)+e $i++ sti++ fee+ and e=)ress

some de*ree of incredu+it'"

What I most admire in our modern com)i+ers

is the ud*ment and 1ea+ $ith $hich the' )ro%e to

us that $hate%er ha))ened in former a*es( in the

most e=tensi%e and )o$erfu+ em)ires of the $or+d(

too< )+ace so+e+' for the instruction of the inhaitants

of Pa+estine" If the <in*s of !a'+on( in the course

of their conuests( o%errun the territories of the

&ere$ )eo)+e( it is on+' to correct that )eo)+e for

their sins" If the monarch( $ho has een common+'

named C'rus( ecomes master of !a'+on( it is that

he ma' *rant )ermission to some ca)ti%e .e$s to re6

turn home" If A+e=ander conuers Darius( it is for

the sett+ement of some .e$ o+d6c+othesmen at A+e=6

andria" When the Romans oin S'ria to their %ast

 ; Phi+oso)hica+

dominions( and round their em)ire $ith the +itt+e

district of .udaea( this is sti++ $ith a %ie$ to teach

a mora+ +esson to the .e$s" The Aras and the

 Tur<s a))ear u)on the sta*e of the $or+d so+e+' for

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the correction of this amia+e )eo)+e" We must ac6

<no$+ed*e that the' ha%e had an e=ce++ent educa6

tion ne%er had an' )u)i+ so man' )rece)tors" Such

is the uti+it' of histor'"

!ut $hat is sti++ more instructi%e is the e=act

 ustice $hich the c+er*' ha%e dea+t out to a++ those

so%erei*ns $ith $hom the' $ere dissatisGed" O6

ser%e $ith $hat im)artia+ candor St" re*or' of

Na1ian1en ud*es the em)eror .u+ian( the )hi6

+oso)her" &e dec+ares that that )rince( $ho did not

e+ie%e in the e=istence of the de%i+( he+d secret

communication $ith that )ersona*e( and that( on a

)articu+ar occasion( $hen the demons a))eared to

him under the most hideous forms( and in the midst

of the most ra*in* Hames( he dro%e them a$a' '

ma<in* inad%ertent+' the si*n of the cross"

&e denominates him madman and $retch he as6

serts that .u+ian immo+ated 'oun* men and $omen

e%er' ni*ht in ca%es" Such is the descri)tion he

*i%es of the most candid and c+ement of men( and

$ho ne%er e=ercised the s+i*htest re%en*e a*ainst

this same re*or'( not$ithstandin* the ause and

in%ecti%es $ith $hich he )ursued him throu*hout

his rei*n"

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 To a)o+o*i1e for the *ui+t' is a ha))' $a' of

 ustif'in* ca+umn' a*ainst the innocent" Com)en6

Dictionar'" ??

sation is thus eected and such com)ensation $as

am)+' aorded ' St" re*or'" The em)eror Con6

stantius( .u+ian2s unc+e and )redecessor( u)on his

accession to the throne( had massacred .u+ius( his

mother2s rother( and his t$o sons( a++ three of

$hom had een dec+ared au*ust this $as a s'stem

$hich he had ado)ted from his father" &e after6

$ards )rocured the assassination of Ca++us( .u+ian2s

rother" The crue+t' $hich he thus dis)+a'ed to his

o$n fami+'( he e=tended to the em)ire at +ar*e ut

he $as a man of )ra'er( and( e%en at the decisi%e

att+e $ith 0a=entius( he $as )ra'in* to od in a

nei*horin* church durin* the $ho+e time in $hich

the armies $ere en*a*ed" Such $as the man $ho

$as eu+o*i1ed ' re*or' and( if such is the $a'

in $hich the saints ma<e us acuainted $ith the

truth( $hat ma' $e not e=)ect from the )rofane(

)articu+ar+' $hen the' are i*norant( su)erstitious(

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and irrita+eJ

At the )resent da' the stud' of histor' is occa6

siona++' a))+ied to a )ur)ose some$hat $himsica+

and asurd" Certain charters of the time of Da*o6

ert are disco%ered and rou*ht for$ard( the *reater

)art of them of a some$hat sus)icious character in

)oint of *enuineness( and i++6understood and from

these it is inferred( that customs( ri*hts( and )re6

ro*ati%es( $hich susisted then( shou+d e re%i%ed

no$" I $ou+d recommend it to those $ho ado)t this

method of stud' and reasonin*( to sa' to the ocean"(

223ou former+' e=tended to Ai*ues60ortes( Freus(

? Phi+oso)hica+

Ra%enna( and Ferrara" Return to them immedi6



Of the Certaint' of &istor'"

A++ certaint' $hich does not consist in math6

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ematica+ demonstration is nothin* more than the

hi*hest )roai+it' there is no other historica+ cer6


When 0arco Po+o descried the *reatness and

)o)u+ation of China( ein* the Grst( and for a time

the on+' $riter $ho had descried them( he cou+d

not otain credit" The Portu*uese( $ho for a*es

after$ards had communication and commerce $ith

that %ast em)ire( e*an to render the descri)tion

)roa+e" It is no$ a matter of aso+ute certaint'

of that certaint' $hich arises from the unanimous

de)osition of a thousand $itnesses or dierent na6

tions( uno))osed ' the testimon' of a sin*+e indi6


If mere+' t$o or three historians had descried

the ad%enture of Kin* Char+es 7II" $hen he )er6

sisted in remainin* in the territories of his ene6

factor( the su+tan( in o))osition to the orders of that

monarch( and aso+ute+' fou*ht( $ith the fe$ do6

mestics that attended his )erson( a*ainst an arm'

of anissaries and Tartars( I shou+d ha%e sus)ended

m' ud*ment aout its truth ut( ha%in* s)o<en

to man' $ho actua++' $itnessed the fact( and ha%in*

ne%er heard it ca++ed in uestion( I cannot )ossi+'

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do other$ise than e+ie%e it ecause( after a++( a+6

Dictionar'" ?9

thou*h such conduct is neither $ise nor common(

there is nothin* in it contradictor' to the +a$s of

nature( or the character of the hero"

 That $hich is in o))osition to the ordinar' course

of nature ou*ht not to e e+ie%ed( un+ess it is at6

tested ' )ersons e%ident+' ins)ired ' the di%ine

mind( and $hose ins)iration( indeed( it is im)ossi+e

to dout" &ence $e are ustiGed in considerin* as

a )arado= the assertion made under the artic+e on

#Certaint'(# in the *reat #Enc'c+o)aedia(# that $e

are as much ound to e+ie%e in the resuscitation of

a dead man( if a++ Paris $ere to arm it( as to e6

+ie%e a++ Paris $hen it states that $e *ained the

att+e of Fonteno'" It is c+ear that the e%idence of

a++ Paris to a thin* im)roa+e can ne%er e eua+

to that e%idence in fa%or of a )roa+e one" These

are the Grst )rinci)+es of *enuine +o*ic" Such a

dictionar' as the one in uestion shou+d e conse6

crated on+' to truth"

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/ncertaint' of &istor'"

Periods of time are distin*uished as fau+ous

and historica+" !ut e%en in the historica+ times

themse+%es it is necessar' to distin*uish truths from

fa+es" I am not here s)ea<in* of fa+es( no$ uni6

%ersa++' admitted to e such" There is no uestion(

for e=am)+e( res)ectin* the )rodi*ies $ith $hich

Li%' has eme++ished( or rather defaced( his histor'"

!ut $ith res)ect to e%ents *enera++' admitted( ho$

man' reasons e=ist for dout Q

o Phi+oso)hica+

Let it e reco++ected that the Roman re)u+ic $as

G%e hundred 'ears $ithout historians that Li%'

himse+f de)+ores the +oss of %arious )u+ic monu6

ments or records( as a+most a++( he sa's( $ere de6

stro'ed in the urnin* of Rome- #P+eraue in6

teriere"# Let it e considered that( in the Grst three

hundred 'ears( the art of $ritin* $as %er' uncom6

mon- #Kara )er eadem tem)ora +iters# Reason

$i++ e then seen for entertainin* dout on a++ those

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e%ents $hich do not corres)ond $ith the usua+ order

of human aairs"

Can it e considered %er' +i<e+' that Romu+us(

the *randson of the <in* of the Saines( $as com6

)e++ed to carr' o the Saine $omen in order to o6

tain for his )eo)+e $i%esJ Is the histor' of Lu6

cretia hi*h+' )roa+e can $e easi+' e+ie%e( on the

credit of Li%'( that the <in* Porsenna etoo< him6

se+f to Hi*ht( fu++ of admiration for the Romans( e6

cause a fanatic had )+ed*ed himse+f to assassinate

him J Shou+d $e not rather e inc+ined to re+' u)on

Po+'ius( $ho $as t$o hundred 'ears ear+ier than

Li%'J Po+'ius informs us that Porsenna suu6

*ated the Romans" This is far more )roa+e than

the ad%enture of Scae%o+a2s urnin* o his hand for

fai+in* in the attem)t to assassinate him" I $ou+d

ha%e deGed Po+trot to do as much"

Does the ad%enture of Re*u+us( inc+osed $ithin

a ho*shead or tu stuc< round $ith iron s)i<es( de6

ser%e e+iefJ Wou+d not Po+'ius( a contem)orar'(

ha%e recorded it had it een trueJ &e sa's not a

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Dictionar'" 8

sin*+e $ord u)on the suect" Is not this a stri<in*

)resum)tion that the stor' $as trum)ed u) +on*

after$ards to *ratif' the )o)u+ar hatred a*ainst

the Cartha*iniansJ

O)en #0oreri2s Dictionar'(# at the artic+e on

#Re*u+us"# &e informs 'ou that the torments in6

Hicted on that Roman are recorded in Li%'" The

)articu+ar decade( ho$e%er( in $hich Li%' $ou+d

ha%e recorded it( if at a++( is +ost and in +ieu of it( $e

ha%e on+' the su))+ement of Freinsheim and thus

it a))ears that Dictionar' has mere+' cited a er6

man $riter of the se%enteenth centur'( under the

idea of citin* a Roman of the Au*ustan a*e" Vo+6

umes mi*ht e com)osed out of a++ the ce+erated

e%ents $hich ha%e een *enera++' admitted( ut

$hich ma' e more fair+' douted" !ut the +imits

a++o$ed for this artic+e $i++ not )ermit us to en+ar*e"

Whether Tem)+es( Festi1$+s( Annua+ Ceremonies(

and e%en 0eda+s( are &istoric Proofs"

We mi*ht e natura++' +ed to ima*ine that a mon6

ument raised ' an' nation in ce+eration of a )ar6

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ticu+ar e%ent( $ou+d attest the certaint' of that

e%ent if( ho$e%er( these monuments $ere not

erected ' contem)oraries( or if the' ce+erate e%ents

that carr' $ith them ut +itt+e )roai+it'( the' ma'

often e re*arded as )ro%in* nothin* more than a

$ish to consecrate a )o)u+ar o)inion"

 The rostra+ co+umn( erected in Rome ' the con6

tem)oraries of Dui+ius( is undouted+' a )roof of the

Vo+" io;

> Phi+oso)hica+

na%a+ %ictor' otained ' Dui+ius ut does the

statue of the au*ur Nae%ius( $ho is said to ha%e di6

%ided a +ar*e Hint $ith a ra1or( )ro%e that Nae%ius

in rea+it' )erformed that )rodi*' J Were the statues

of Ceres and Tri)to+emus( at Athens( decisi%e e%i6

dences that Ceres came do$n from I <no$ not $hat

)articu+ar )+anet( to instruct the Athenians in a*ri6

cu+tureJ Or does the famous Laocoon( $hich e=ists

)erfect to the )resent da'( furnish incontesta+e e%i6

dence of the truth of the stor' of the Troan horse J

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Ceremonies and annua+ festi%a+s oser%ed uni%er6

sa++' throu*hout an' nation( are( in +i<e manner( no

etter )roofs of the rea+it' of the e%ents to $hich

the' are attriuted" The festi%a+ of Orion( carried

on the ac< of a do+)hin( $as ce+erated amon* the

Romans as $e++ as the ree<s" That of Faunus $as

in ce+eration of his ad%enture $ith &ercu+es and

Om)ha+e( $hen that *od( ein* enamored of Om6

)ha+e( mistoo< the ed of &ercu+es for that of his


 The famous feast of the Lu)erca+s $as instituted

in honor of the she6$o+f that suc<+ed Romu+us and


What $as the ori*in of the feast of Orion( $hich

$as oser%ed on the Gfth of the ides of 0a'J It

$as neither more nor +ess than the fo++o$in* ad%en6

ture - &'reus once entertained at his house the

*ods .u)iter( Ne)tune( and 0ercur'( and $hen his

hi*h and mi*ht' *uests $ere aout to de)art( the

$orth' host( $ho had no $ife( and $as %er' desirous

Dictionar'" B

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of ha%in* a son( +amented his unfortunate fate( and

e=)ressed his an=ious desire to the three di%inities"

We dare not e=act+' detai+ $hat the' did to the hide

of an o= $hich &'reus had <i++ed for their enter6

tainment ho$e%er( the' after$ards co%ered the

$e++6soa<ed hide $ith a +itt+e earth and thence(

at the end of nine months( $as orn Orion"

A+most a++ the Roman( S'rian( recian( and

E*')tian festi%a+s( $ere founded on simi+ar +e*ends(

as $e++ as the tem)+es and statues of ancient heroes"

 The' $ere monuments consecrated ' credu+it' to


One of our most ancient monuments is the statue

of St" Denis carr'in* his head in his arms"

E%en a meda+( and a contem)orar' meda+( is

sometimes no )roof" &o$ man' meda+s has Hatter'

struc< in ce+eration of att+es %er' indecisi%e in

themse+%es( ut thus e=a+ted into %ictories and of

enter)rises( in fact( aUed and aorti%e( and com6

)+eted on+' in the inscri)tion on the meda+J Fi6

na++'( durin* the $ar in 8?M:( et$een the S)aniards

and the En*+ish( $as there not a meda+ struc<( at6

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testin* the ca)ture of Cartha*ena ' Admira+ Ver6

non( a+thou*h that admira+ $as o+i*ed to raise the

sie*e J

0eda+s are then une=ce)tiona+e testimonies on+'

$hen the e%ent the' ce+erate is attested ' contem6

)orar' authors these e%idences thus corrooratin*

each other( %erif' the e%ent descried"

M Phi+oso)hica+

Shou+d an &istorian ascrie Fictitious S)eeches to

his Characters( and s<etch Portraits of themJ

If on an' )articu+ar occasion the commander of

an arm'( or a )u+ic minister( has s)o<en in a )o$6

erfu+ and im)ressi%e manner( characteristic of his

*enius and his a*e( his discourse shou+d unuestion6

a+' e *i%en $ith the most +itera+ e=actness"

S)eeches of this descri)tion are )erha)s the most

%a+ua+e )art of histor'" !ut for $hat )ur)ose re)6

resent a man as sa'in* $hat he ne%er did sa'J It

$ou+d e ust as correct to attriute to him acts

$hich he ne%er )erformed" It is a Gction imitated

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from &omer ut that $hich is Gction in a )oem(

in strict +an*ua*e( is a +ie in the historian" 0an'

of the ancients ado)ted the method in uestion(

$hich mere+' )ro%es that man' of the ancients $ere

fond of )aradin* their e+ouence at the e=)ense of


Of &istorica+ Portraiture"

Portraits( a+so( freuent+' manifest a stron*er

desire for dis)+a'( than to communicate information"

Contem)oraries are ustiGa+e in dra$in* the )or6

traits of statesmen $ith $hom the' ha%e ne*otiated(

or of *enera+s under $hom the' ha%e fou*ht" !ut

ho$ much is it to e a))rehended that the )enci+

$i++ in man' cases e *uided ' the fee+in*sJ The

)ortraits *i%en ' Lord C+arendon a))ear to e

dra$n $ith more im)artia+it'( *ra%it'( and ud*6

Dictionar'" @

ment( than those $hich $e )eruse $ith so much de6

+i*ht in Cardina+ de Ret1"

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!ut to attem)t to )aint the ancients to e+ao6

rate in this $a' the de%e+o)ment of their minds

to re*ard e%ents as characters in $hich $e ma' accu6

rate+' read the most sacred fee+in*s and intents of

their hearts this is an underta<in* of no ordinar'

dicu+t' and discrimination( a+thou*h as freuent+'

conducted( oth chi+dish and triHin*"

Of Cicero2s 0a=im Concernin* &istor'( that an

&istorian shou+d ne%er dare to re+ate a Fa+sehood

or to Concea+ a Truth"

 The Grst )art of this )rece)t is incontesta+e $e

must sto) for a moment to e=amine the other" If

a )articu+ar truth ma' e of an' ser%ice to the

state( 'our si+ence is censura+e" !ut I $i++ su))ose

'ou to $rite the histor' of a )rince $ho had re)osed

in 'ou a secret ou*ht 'ou to re%ea+ that secretJ

Ou*ht 'ou to sa' to a++ )osterit' $hat 'ou $ou+d

e crimina+ in disc+osin* to a sin*+e indi%idua+J

Shou+d the dut' of an historian )re%ai+ o%er the

hi*her and more im)erati%e dut' of a man J

I $i++ su))ose a*ain( that 'ou ha%e $itnessed a

fai+in* or $ea<ness $hich has not had the s+i*htest

inHuence on )u+ic aairs ou*ht 'ou to )u+ish

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such $ea<nessJ In such a case histor' ecomes


It must e a++o$ed( indeed( that the *reater )art

; Phi+oso)hica+

of anecdote $riters are more indiscreet than the' are

usefu+" !ut $hat o)inion must $e entertain of those

im)udent com)i+ers $ho a))ear to *+or' in scatter6

in* aout them ca+umn' and s+ander( and )rint and

se++ scanda+s as Voisin so+d )oisonsJ

Of Satirica+ &istor'"

If P+utarch censured &erodotus for not ha%in*

sucient+' e=to++ed the fame of some of the recian

cities( and for omittin* man' <no$n facts $orth'

of ein* recorded( ho$ much more censura+e are

certain of our modern $riters( $ho( $ithout an' of

the merits of &erodotus( im)ute oth to )rinces and

to nations acts of the most odious character( $ith6

out the s+i*htest )roof or e%idence J The histor' of

the $ar in 8?M8 has een $ritten in En*+and and

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it re+ates( #that at the att+e of Fonteno' the French

Gred at the En*+ish a++s and )ieces of *+ass $hich

had een )re)ared $ith )oison and that the du<e

of Cumer+and sent to the <in* of France a o= fu++

of those a++e*ed )oisonous artic+es( $hich had een

found in the odies of the $ounded En*+ish"# The

same author adds( that the French ha%in* +ost in

that att+e fort' thousand men( the )ar+iament issued

an order to )re%ent )eo)+e from ta+<in* on the su6

 ect( under )ain of cor)ora+ )unishment"

 The fraudu+ent memoirs )u+ished not +on* since

under the name of 0adame de 0aintenon( aound

$ith simi+ar asurdities" We are to+d in them( that

at the sie*e of Li++e the a++ies thre$ )+acards into

Dictionar'" ?

the cit'( containin* these $ords - #Frenchmen( e

comforted 0aintenon sha++ ne%er e 'our ueen"#

A+most e%er' )a*e is )o++uted ' fa+se statements

and ause of the ro'a+ fami+' and other +eadin* fam6

i+ies in the <in*dom( $ithout the author2s ma<in*

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out the sma++est )roai+it' to *i%e a co+or to his

ca+umnies" This is not $ritin* histor' it is $ritin*

s+anders $hich deser%e the )i++or'"

A %ast numer of $or<s ha%e een )rinted in

&o++and( under the name of histor'( of $hich the

st'+e is as %u+*ar and coarse as the ause( and the

facts as fa+se as the' are i++6narrated" This( it has

een oser%ed( is a ad fruit of the no+e tree of +i6

ert'" !ut if the contem)ti+e authors of this trash

ha%e the +iert' thus to decei%e their readers( it

ecomes us here to ta<e the +iert' to undecei%e


A thirst for des)ica+e *ain( and the inso+ence of

%u+*ar and *ro%e++in* manners( $ere the on+' mo6

ti%es $hich +ed that Protestant refu*ee from Lan6

*uedoc( of the name of Lan*+e%ieu=( ut common+'

ca++ed La !eaume++e( to attem)t the most infamous

tric< that e%er dis*raced +iterature" &e so+d to

Es+in*er( the oo<se++er of Fran<fort( in 8?@8( for

se%enteen +ouis d2or( the #&istor' of the A*e of

Louis 7IV"(# $hich is not his and( either to ma<e

it e+ie%ed that he $as the )ro)rietor( or to earn his

mone'( he +oaded it $ith ausi%e and aomina+e

notes a*ainst Louis 7IV"( his son( and his *randson(

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the du<e of !ur*und'( $hom he auses in the most


unmeasured terms( and ca++s a traitor to his *rand6

father and his countr'" &e )ours u)on the du<e

of Or+eans( the re*ent( ca+umnies at once the most

horri+e and the most asurd no )erson of conse6

uence is s)ared( and 'et no )erson of conseuence

did he e%er <no$" &e retai+s a*ainst the marsha+s

Vi++ars and Vi++eroi( a*ainst ministers( and e%en

a*ainst +adies( a++ the )ett'( dirt'( and scanda+ous

ta+es that cou+d e co++ected from the +o$est ta%erns

and $ine6houses and he s)ea<s of the *reatest

)rinces as if the' $ere amena+e to himse+f( and un6

der his o$n )ersona+ urisdiction" &e e=)resses

himse+f( indeed( as if he $ere a forma+ and author6

i1ed ud*e of <in*s - #i%e me(# sa's he( #a Stuart(

and I $i++ ma<e him <in* of En*+and"#

 This most ridicu+ous and aomina+e conduct(

)roceedin* from an author oscure and un<no$n(

has incurred no )rosecution it $ou+d ha%e een

se%ere+' )unished in a man $hose $ords $ou+d ha%e

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carried an' $ei*ht" !ut $e must here oser%e( that

these $or<s of dar<ness freuent+' circu+ate throu*h

a++ Euro)e the' are so+d at the fairs of Fran<6

fort and Lei)sic( and the $ho+e of the North is o%er6

run $ith them" Forei*ners( $ho are not $e++ in6

formed( deri%e from oo<s of this descri)tion their

<no$+ed*e of modern histor'" erman authors are

not a+$a's sucient+' on their *uard a*ainst me6

moirs of this character( ut em)+o' them as mater6

ia+s $hich has een the case $ith the memoirs of

Dictionar'" 9

Pontis( 0ontrun( Rochefort( and Pordac $ith a++

the )retended )o+itica+ testaments of ministers of

state( $hich ha%e )roceeded from the )en of for6

*er' $ith the #Ro'a+ Tenth# of !ois*ui++eert(

im)udent+' )u+ished under the name of 0arsha+

Vauan and $ith innumera+e com)i+ations of anas

and anecdotes"

&istor' is sometimes e%en sti++ more shamefu++'

aused in En*+and" As there are a+$a's t$o )arties

in furious hosti+it' a*ainst each other( unti+ some

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common dan*er for a season unites them( the $ri6

ters of one faction condemn e%er'thin* that the

others a))ro%e" The same indi%idua+ is re)resented

as a Cato and a Cati+ine" &o$ is truth to e e=tri6

cated from this adu+ation and satire J Perha)s there

is on+' one ru+e to e de)ended u)on( $hich is( to

e+ie%e a++ the *ood $hich the historian of a )art'

%entures to a++o$ to the +eaders of the o))osite fac6

tion and a++ the i++s $hich he %entures to im)ute

to the chiefs of his o$n a ru+e( of $hich neither

)art' can se%ere+' com)+ain"

With re*ard to memoirs actua++' $ritten '

a*ents in the e%ents recorded( as those of C+arendon(

Lud+o$( and !urnet( in En*+and( and de +a Roche6

foucau+d and de Ret1 in France( if the' a*ree( the'

are true if the' contradict each other( dout them"

With res)ect to anas and anecdotes( there ma'

)erha)s e one in a hundred of them that contain

some shado$ of truth"

9: Phi+oso)hica+

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Of the 0ethod or 0anner of Writin* &istor'( and

of St'+e"

We ha%e said so much u)on this suect( that $e

must here sa' %er' +itt+e" It is sucient+' <no$n

and fu++' admitted( that the method and st'+e of Li%'

his *ra%it'( and instructi%e e+ouence( are suita+e

to the maest' of the Roman re)u+ic that Tacitus

is more ca+cu+ated to )ortra' t'rants( Po+'ius to

*i%e +essons on $ar( and Dion'sius of &a+icarnassus

to in%esti*ate antiuities"

!ut( $hi+e he forms himse+f on the *enera+ mode+

of these *reat masters( a $ei*ht' res)onsii+it' is

attached to the modern historian from $hich the'

$ere e=em)t" &e is reuired to *i%e more minute

detai+s( facts more com)+ete+' authenticated( cor6

rect dates( )recise authorities( more attention to cus6

toms( +a$s( manners( commerce( Gnance( a*ricu+ture(

and )o)u+ation" It is $ith histor'( as it is $ith

mathematics and natura+ )hi+oso)h' the Ge+d of it

is immense+' en+ar*ed" The more eas' it is to com6

)i+e ne$s)a)ers( the more dicu+t it is at the )res6

ent da' to $rite histor'"

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Danie+ thou*ht himse+f a historian( ecause he

transcried dates and narrati%es of att+es( of $hich

I can understand nothin*" &e shou+d ha%e informed

me of the ri*hts of the nation( the ri*hts of the

chief cor)orate esta+ishments in it its +a$s( usa*es(

manners( $ith the a+terations ' $hich the' ha%e

Dictionar'" 98

een aected in the )ro*ress of time" This nation

mi*ht not im)ro)er+' address him in some such +an6

*ua*e as the fo++o$in* - I $ant from 'ou m' o$n

histor' rather than that of Louis +e ros and Louis

&utin 'ou te++ me( co)'in* from some o+d( un6

authenticated( and care+ess+'6$ritten chronic+e( that

$hen Louis VIII" $as attac<ed ' a morta+ dis6

ease( and +a' +an*uishin* and )o$er+ess( the )h'si6

cians ordered the more than ha+f6dead monarch

to ta<e to his ed a +oomin* damse+( $ho mi*ht

cherish the fe$ s)ar<s of remainin* +ife and that

the )ious <in* reected the unho+' ad%ice $ith

indi*nation" A+as Q Danie+( 'ou are unacuainted(

it seems( $ith the Ita+ian )ro%er #Donna i*nuda

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nianda I2uomo sotto +a terra"# 3ou ou*ht to )ossess

a +itt+e stron*er tincture of )o+itica+ and natura+ his6


 The histor' of a forei*n countr' shou+d e

formed on a dierent mode+ to that of our o$n"

If $e com)ose a histor' of France( $e are under

no necessit' to descrie the course of the Seine and

the Loire ut if $e )u+ish a histor' of the con6

uests of the Portu*uese in Asia( a to)o*ra)hica+

descri)tion of the recent+' e=)+ored countr' is re6

uired" It is desira+e that $e shou+d( as it $ere(

conduct the reader ' the hand round Africa( and

a+on* the coasts of Persia and India and it is e=6

)ected that $e shou+d treat $ith information and

 ud*ment( of manners( +a$s( and customs so ne$ to


9> Phi+oso)hica+

We ha%e a *reat %ariet' of histories of the es6

ta+ishment of the Portu*uese in India( $ritten '

our countr'men( ut not one of them has made us

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acuainted $ith the dierent *o%ernments of that

countr'( $ith its re+i*ious antiuities( !rahmins( dis6

ci)+es of St" .ohn( ueers( and !anians" Some

+etters of 7a%ier and his successors ha%e( it is true(

een )reser%ed to us" We ha%e had histories of the

Indies com)osed at Paris( from the accounts of those

missionaries $ho $ere unacuainted $ith the +an6

*ua*e of the !rahmins" We ha%e it re)eated( in

a hundred $or<s( that the Indians $orshi) the de%i+"

 The cha)+ains of a com)an' of merchants uit our

countr' under these im)ressions( and( as soon as

the' )ercei%e on the coast some s'mo+ica+ G*ures(

the' fai+ not to $rite home that the' are the )or6

traits and +i<enesses of the de%i+( that the' are

in the de%i+2s em)ire( and that the' are *oin*

to en*a*e in att+e $ith him" The' do not reHect

that $e are the rea+ $orshi))ers of the de%i+ 0am6

mon( and that $e tra%e+ si= thousand +ea*ues from

our nati%e +and to oer our %o$s at his shrine( and

to otain the *rant of some )ortion of his treasures"

As to those $ho hire themse+%es out at Paris to

some oo<se++er in the Rue de St" .acues( and at so

much )er o( and $ho are ordered to $rite a his6

tor' of .a)an( Canada( or the Canaries( as the case

reuires and o))ortunit' su**ests( from the memoirs

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of a fe$ Ca)uchin friars to such I ha%e nothin*

to sa'"

Dictionar'" 9B

It is sucient( if it e c+ear+' understood( that the

method $hich $ou+d e )ro)er in $ritin* a histor'

of our o$n countr' is not suita+e in descriin* the

disco%eries of the ne$ $or+d that $e shou+d not

$rite on a sma++ cit' as on a *reat em)ire and that

the )ri%ate histor' of a )rince shou+d e com)osed

in a %er' dierent manner from the histor' of

France and En*+and"

If 'ou ha%e nothin* to te++ us( ut that on the

an<s of the O=us and the .a=artes( one ararian

has een succeeded ' another ararian( in $hat

res)ect do 'ou eneGt the )u+icJ

 These ru+es are $e++ <no$n ut the art of $rit6

in* histor' $e++ $i++ a+$a's e %er' uncommon" It

o%ious+' reuires a st'+e *ra%e( )ure( %aried( and

smooth" !ut $e ma' sa' $ith res)ect to ru+es for

$ritin* histor'( as in reference to those for a++ the

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inte++ectua+ arts there are man' )rece)ts( ut fe$



&istor' of the .e$ish Kin*s( and of the #Para+i6


E%er' nation( as soon as it $as a+e to $rite( has

$ritten its o$n histor'( and the .e$s ha%e accord6

in*+' $ritten theirs" !efore the' had <in*s( the'

+i%ed under a theocrac' it $as their destin' to e

*o%erned ' od himse+f"

When the .e$s $ere desirous of ha%in* a <in*(

+i<e the adoinin* nations( the )ro)het Samue+( $ho

$as e=ceedin*+' interested in )re%entin* it( dec+ared

9M Phi+oso)hica+

to them( on the )art of od( that the' $ere reect6

in* od himse+f" Thus the .e$ish theocrac' ceased

$hen the monarch' commenced"

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We ma' therefore remar<( $ithout the im)uta6

tion of +as)hem'( that the histor' of the .e$ish

<in*s $as $ritten +i<e that of other nations( and

that od did not ta<e the )ains &imse+f to dictate

the histor' of a )eo)+e $hom &e no +on*er *o%erned"

We ad%ance this o)inion $ith the *reatest di6

dence" What ma' )erha)s e considered as conGrm6

in* it( is( that the #Para+i)omena# %er' freuent+'

contradict the !oo< of Kin*s( oth $ith res)ect to

chrono+o*' and facts( ust as )rofane historians

sometimes contradict one another" 0oreo%er( if

od a+$a's $rote the histor' of the .e$s( it seems

on+' consistent and natura+ to thin< that &e $rites

it sti++ for the .e$s are a+$a's &is cherished )eo)+e"

 The' are on some future da' to e con%erted( and

it seems that $hene%er that e%ent ha))ens( the' $i++

ha%e as com)+ete a ri*ht to consider the histor' of

their dis)ersion as sacred( as the' ha%e no$ to sa'(

that od $rote the histor' of their <in*s"

We ma' e a++o$ed here to ma<e one reHection

$hich is( that as od $as for a %er' +on* )eriod

their <in*( and after$ards ecame their historian(

$e are ound to entertain for a++ .e$s the most )ro6

found res)ect" There is not a sin*+e .e$ ro<er( or

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s+o)6man( $ho is not inGnite+' su)erior to Caesar and

A+e=ander" &o$ can $e a%oid endin* in )rostra6

tion efore an o+d6c+othes man( $ho )ro%es to us

Dictionar'" 9@

that his histor' has een $ritten ' od &imse+f(

$hi+e the histories of reece and Rome ha%e een

transmitted to us mere+' ' the )rofane hand of


If the st'+e of the histor' of the <in*s( and of the

#Para+i)omena(# is di%ine( it ma' ne%erthe+ess e

true that the acts recorded in these histories are not

di%ine" Da%id murders /riah Ishosheth and 0e6

)hiosheth are murdered Asa+om murders Am6

mon .oa murders Asa+om So+omon murders

his rother Adoniah !aasha murders Nada

4imri murders E+a Omri murders 4imri Aha

murders Naoth .ehu murders Aha and .oram

the inhaitants of .erusa+em murder Ama1iah( son

of .oash Sha++um( son of .aesh( murders 4ach6

ariah( son of .erooam 0enahhem murders Sha+6

+um( son of .aesh Pe<ah( son of Rema+iah( mur6

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ders Pe<ahiah( son of 0anehem and &oshea( son

of E+ah( murders Pe<ah( son of Rema+iah" We )ass

o%er( in si+ence( man' other minor murders" It

must e ac<no$+ed*ed( that( if the &o+' S)irit did

$rite this histor'( &e did not choose a suect )ar6

ticu+ar+' edif'in*"


Of ad Actions $hich ha%e een consecrated or

e=cused in &istor'"

It is ut too common for historians to )raise %er'

de)ra%ed and aandoned characters( $ho ha%e done

ser%ice either to a dominant sect( or to their na6

tion at +ar*e" The )raises thus esto$ed( come )er6

9; Phi+oso)hica+

ha)s from a +o'a+ and 1ea+ous citi1en ut 1ea+ of

this descri)tion is inurious to the *reat societ' of

man<ind" Romu+us murders his rother( and he is

made a *od" Constantine cuts the throat of his son(

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stran*+es his $ife( and murders a+most a++ his fam6

i+'- he has een eu+o*i1ed in *enera+ counci+s( ut

histor' shou+d e%er ho+d u) such ararities to de6

testation" It is undouted+' fortunate for us that

C+o%is $as a Catho+ic" It is fortunate for the An*+i6

can church that &enr' VIII" ao+ished mon<s( ut

$e must at the same time admit that C+o%is and

&enr' VIII" $ere monsters of crue+t'"

When Grst the .esuit !erru'er( $ho a+thou*h a

 .esuit( $as a foo+( undertoo< to )ara)hrase the O+d

and Ne$ Testaments in the st'+e of the +o$est )o)6

u+ace( $ith no other intention than that of ha%in*

them read he scattered some Ho$ers of rhetoric

o%er the t$o6ed*ed <nife $hich the .e$ Ehud thrust

u) to the hi+t in the stomach of the <in* E*+on and

o%er the sare $ith $hich .udith cut o the head of

&o+ofernes after ha%in* )rostituted herse+f to his

)+easures and a+so o%er man' other acts recorded(

of a simi+ar descri)tion" The )ar+iament( res)ectin*

the !i+e $hich narrates these histories( ne%erthe+ess

condemned the .esuit $ho e=to++ed them( and or6

dered the O+d and Ne$ Testaments to e urned -

I mean mere+' those of the .esuit"

!ut as the ud*ments of man<ind are e%er dif6

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ferent in simi+ar cases( the same thin* ha))ened to

!a'+e in circumstances tota++' dierent" &e $as

Dictionar'" 9?

condemned for not )raisin* a++ the actions of Da%id(

<in* of the )ro%ince of .udaea" A man of the name

of .urieu( a refu*ee )reacher in &o++and( associated

$ith some other refu*ee )reachers( $ere desirous

of o+i*in* him to recant" !ut ho$ cou+d he recant

$ith reference to facts de+i%ered in the scri)tureJ

&ad not !a'+e some reason to conc+ude that a++ the

facts recorded in the .e$ish oo<s are not the ac6

tions of saints that Da%id( +i<e other men( had

committed some crimina+ acts and that if he is

ca++ed a man after od2s o$n heart( he is ca++ed so

in conseuence of his )enitence( and not of his

crimes J

Let us disre*ard names and conGne our consider6

ation to thin*s on+'" Let us su))ose( that durin*

the rei*n of &enr' IV" a c+er*'man of the Lea*ue

)art' secret+' )oured out a )hia+ of oi+ on the head

of a she)herd of !rie that the she)herd comes

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to court that the c+er*'man )resents him to &enr'

IV" as an e=ce++ent %io+in )+a'er $ho can com)+ete+'

dri%e a$a' a++ care and me+ancho+' that the <in*

ma<es him his euerr'( and esto$s on him one of

his dau*hters in marria*e that after$ards( the <in*

ha%in* uarre++ed $ith the she)herd( the +atter ta<es

refu*e $ith one of the )rinces of erman'( his

father6in6+a$2s enem' that he en+ists and arms si=

hundred anditti o%er$he+med ' det and deauch6

er' that $ith this re*iment of ri*ands he rushes

to the Ge+d( s+a's friends as $e++ as enemies( e=ter6

minatin* a++( e%en to $omen $ith chi+dren at the

Vo+" 8: ?

9 Phi+oso)hica+

reast( in order to )re%ent a sin*+e indi%idua+2s re6

mainin* to *i%e inte++i*ence of the horrid utcher'"

I farther su))ose this same she)herd of !rie to e6

come <in* of France after the death of &enr' IV"

that he )rocures the murder of that <in*2s *randson(

after ha%in* in%ited him to sit at meat at his o$n

ta+e( and de+i%ers o%er to death se%en other 'oun*er

chi+dren of his <in* and enefactor" Who is the

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man that $i++ not concei%e the she)herd of !rie

to act rather harsh+' J

Commentators are a*reed that the adu+ter' of

Da%id( and his murder of /riah( are fau+ts $hich

od )ardoned" We ma' therefore conc+ude that

the massacres ao%e mentioned are fau+ts $hich od

a+so )ardoned"

&o$e%er( !a'+e had no uarter *i%en him ut

at +en*th some )reachers at London ha%in* com6

)ared eor*e II" to Da%id( one of that monarch2s

ser%ants )rints and )u+ishes a sma++ oo<( in $hich

he censures the com)arison" &e e=amines the $ho+e

conduct of Da%id he *oes inGnite+' farther than

!a'+e( and treats Da%id $ith more se%erit' than

 Tacitus a))+ies to Domitian" This oo< did not

raise in En*+and the s+i*htest murmur e%er' reader

fe+t that ad actions are a+$a's ad that od ma'

)ardon them $hen re)entance is )ro)ortioned to

*ui+t( ut that certain+' no man can e%er a))ro%e

of them"

 There $as more reason( therefore( )re%ai+in* in

En*+and than there $as in &o++and in the time of

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Dictionar'" 99

!a'+e" We no$ )ercei%e c+ear+' and $ithout dif6

Gcu+t'( that $e ou*ht not to ho+d u) as a mode+ of

sanctit' $hat( in fact( deser%es the se%erest )unish6

ment and $e see $ith eua+ c+earness that( as $e

ou*ht not to consecrate *ui+t( so $e ou*ht not to e6

+ie%e asurdit'"


 T&E A/T&OR of the #S)irit of La$s# has founded

his s'stem on the idea that %irtue is the )rinci)+e of

a re)u+ican *o%ernment( and honor that of mon6

archism" Is there %irtue then $ithout honor( and

ho$ is a re)u+ic esta+ished in %irtue J

Let us )+ace efore the reader2s e'es that $hich

has een said in an a+e +itt+e oo< u)on this suect"

Pam)h+ets soon sin< into o+i%ion" Truth ou*ht not

to e +ost it shou+d e consi*ned to $or<s )ossess6

in* durai+it'"

#Assured+' re)u+ics ha%e ne%er een formed on

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a theoretica+ )rinci)+e of %irtue" The )u+ic inter6

est ein* o))osed to the domination of an indi%idua+(

the s)irit of se+f6im)ortance( and the amition of

e%er' )erson( ser%e to cur amition and the in6

c+ination to ra)acit'( $here%er the' ma' a))ear"

 The )ride of each citi1en $atches o%er that of his

nei*hor( and no )erson $ou+d $i++in*+' e the s+a%e

of another2s ca)rice" Such are the fee+in*s $hich

esta+ish re)u+ics( and $hich )reser%e them" It

is ridicu+ous to ima*ine that there must e more

%irtue in a rison than in a S)aniard"#

ioo Phi+oso)hica+

 That honor can e the so+e )rinci)+e of mon6

archies is a no +ess chimerica+ idea( and the author

sho$s it to e so himse+f( $ithout ein* a$are of it"

#The nature of honor(# sa's he( in cha)ter %ii" of

oo< &i"( #is to demand )references and distinctions"

It( therefore( natura++' suits a monarchica+ *o%ern6


Was it not on this same )rinci)+e( that the Ro6

mans demanded the )raetorshi)( consu+shi)( o%ation(

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and trium)h in their re)u+icJ These $ere )refer6

ences and distinctions $e++ $orth the tit+es and )ref6

erences )urchased in monarchies( and for $hich

there is often a re*u+ar G=ed )rice"

 This remar< )ro%es( in our o)inion( that the

#S)irit of La$s(# a+thou*h s)ar<+in* $ith $it( and

commenda+e ' its res)ect for the +a$s and hatred

of su)erstition and ra)ine( is founded entire+' u)on

fa+se %ie$s"

Let us add( that it is )recise+' in courts that there

is a+$a's +east honor-

L2tn*annare( i+mentir( +afrode( i+furto(

E +a ra)ina di )icta %estita(

Crescer coi damno e )reci)i1io a+trtti(

E fare a se de ra+trui iasmo onore(

Son +e %irtu di ue++a *ente inGda"

PASTOR FIDO( atto %"( scena i"

Ram)er a%ec assesse en aectant r audace(

S#en*raisser de ra)ine en attestant +es +ois(

Etouer en secret son ami uon emrasse"

Voi+a r honneur ui re*ne a +a suite des rots"

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 To ase+' cra$+( 'et $ear a face of )ride

 To ro the )u+ic( 'et o2er +a$ )reside

Sa+ute a friend( 'et stin* in the emrace

Such is the honor $hich in courts ta<es )+ace"

Dictionar'" 8:8

Indeed( it is in courts( that men de%oid of honor

often attain to the hi*hest di*nities and it is in

re)u+ics that a <no$n dishonora+e citi1en is se+6

dom trusted ' the )eo)+e $ith )u+ic concerns"

 The ce+erated sa'in* of the re*ent( du<e of Or6

+eans( is sucient to destro' the foundation of the

#S)irit of La$s# - #This is a )erfect courtier he

has neither tem)er nor honor"#


P&ILOSOP&ERS ha%e inuired( $hether humi+it'

is a %irtue ut %irtue or not( e%er' one must a*ree

that nothin* is more rare" The ree<s ca++ed it

#ta)einosis# or #ta)eineia"# It is stron*+' recom6

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mended in the fourth oo< of the #La$s of P+ato# -

he reects the )roud and $ou+d mu+ti)+' the hum+e"

E)ictetus( in G%e )+aces( )reaches humi+it'- #If

thou )assest for a )erson of conseuence in the o)in6

ion of some )eo)+e( distrust th'se+f" No +iftin* u)

of th' e'e6ro$s" !e nothin* in thine o$n e'es

if thou see<est to )+ease( thou art +ost" i%e )+ace

to a++ men )refer them to th'se+f assist them a++"#

We see ' these ma=ims that ne%er Ca)uchin $ent

so far as E)ictetus"

Some theo+o*ians( $ho had the misfortune to e

)roud( ha%e )retended that humi+it' cost nothin* to

E)ictetus( $ho $as a s+a%e and that he $as hum6

+e ' station( as a doctor or a .esuit ma' e )roud

' station"

!ut $hat $i++ the' sa' of 0arcus Antoninus(

IO> Phi+oso)hica+

$ho on the throne recommended humi+it'J &e

)+aces A+e=ander and his mu+eteer on the same +ine"

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&e said that the %anit' of )om) is on+' a one

thro$n in the midst of do*s that to do *ood( and

to )atient+' hear himse+f ca+umniated( constitute the

%irtue of a <in*"

 Thus the master of the <no$n $or+d recom6

mended humi+it' ut )ro)ose humi+it' to a mu6

sician( and see ho$ he $i++ +au*h at 0arcus Au6


Descartes( in his treatise on the #Passions of the

Sou+(# )+aces humi+it' amon* their numer( $ho

if $e ma' )ersonif' this ua+it' did not e=)ect to

e re*arded as a )assion" &e a+so distin*uishes e6

t$een %irtuous and %icious humi+it'"

!ut $e +ea%e to )hi+oso)hers more en+i*htened

than ourse+%es the care of e=)+ainin* this doctrine(

and $i++ conGne ourse+%es to sa'in*( that humi+it'

is #the modest' of the sou+"#

It is the antidote to )ride" &umi+it' cou+d not

)re%ent Rousseau from e+ie%in* that he <ne$ more

of music than those to $hom he tau*ht it ut it

cou+d induce him to e+ie%e that he $as not su)erior

to Lu++i in recitati%e"

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 The re%erend father Viret( corde+ier( theo+o*ian(

and )reacher( a++ hum+e as he is( $i++ a+$a's Grm+'

e+ie%e that he <no$s more than those $ho +earn to

read and $rite ut his Christian humi+it'( his mod6

est' of sou+( $i++ o+i*e him to confess in the ottom

of his heart that he has $ritten nothin* ut non6

Dictionar'" 8:B

sense" Oh( rothers Nonnotte( u'on( Pantoui++et(

%u+*ar scri+ers Q e more hum+e( and a+$a's ear

in reco++ection #the modest' of the sou+"#


I WILL su))ose that 0adame Dacier had een the

Gnest $oman in Paris and that in the uarre+ on

the com)arati%e merits of the ancients and moderns(

the Carme+ites )retended that the )oem of the 0a*6

da+en( $ritten ' a Carme+ite( $as inGnite+' su)e6

rior to &omer( and that it $as an atrocious im)iet'

to )refer the #I+iad# to the %erses of a mon<" I $i++

ta<e the additiona+ +iert' of su))osin* that the

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archisho) of Paris too< the )art of the Carme+ites

a*ainst the *o%ernor of the cit'( a )artisan of the

eautifu+ 0adame Dacier( and that he e=cited the

Carme+ites to massacre this Gne $oman in the church

of Notre Dame( and to dra* her( na<ed and +ood'(

to the P+ace 0auert $ou+d not e%er'od' sa' that

the archisho) of Paris had done a %er' $ic<ed ac6

tion( for $hich he ou*ht to do )enance J

 This is )recise+' the histor' of &')atia" She

tau*ht &omer and P+ato( in A+e=andria( in the time

of Theodosius II" St" C'ri+ incensed the Christian

)o)u+ace a*ainst her( as it is re+ated ' Damasius

and Suidas( and c+ear+' )ro%ed ' the most +earned

men of the a*e( such as !ru<er( La Cro1e( and !as6

na*e( as is %er' udicious+' e=)osed in the *reat

#Dictionnaire Enc'c+o)ediue(# in the artic+e on


IOM Phi+oso)hica+

A man $hose intentions are no dout %er' *ood(

has )rinted t$o %o+umes a*ainst this artic+e of the

#Enc'c+o)aedia"# T$o %o+umes a*ainst t$o )a*es(

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on+' the conseuences of a++ the oects that I ha%e

)ercei%ed" I utter the $ord #ein*# in *enera+(

on+' ecause I ha%e <no$n )articu+ar ein*s I

utter the $ord #inGnit'(# on+' ecause I ha%e seen

certain +imits( and ecause I )ush ac< those +imits

in m' mind to a *reater and sti++ *reater distance( as

far as I am a+e" I ha%e ideas in m' head on+' e6

cause I ha%e ima*es"

Dictionar'" 8:@

And $ho is the )ainter of this )ictureJ

It is not m'se+f I cannot dra$ $ith sucient

s<i++ the ein* that made me( ma<es m' ideas"

And ho$ do 'ou <no$ that the ideas are not made

' 'ourse+fJ

!ecause the' freuent+' come to me in%o+unta6

ri+' $hen I am a$a<e( and a+$a's $ithout m' con6

sent $hen I dream"

 3ou are )ersuaded( then( that 'our ideas e+on*

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to 'ou on+' in the same manner as 'our hairs( $hich

*ro$ and ecome $hite( and fa++ o( $ithout 'our

ha%in* an'thin* at a++ to do $ith the matter J

Nothin* can )ossi+' e c+earer a++ that I can

do is to fri11+e( cut( and )o$der them ut I ha%e

nothin* to do $ith )roducin* them"

 3ou must( then( I ima*ine( e of 0a+eranche2s

o)inion( that $e see a++ in od J

I am at +east certain of this( that if $e do not see

thin*s in the reat !ein*( $e see them in conse6

uence of &is )o$erfu+ and immediate action"

And $hat $as the nature or )rocess of this

action J

I ha%e a+read' to+d 'ou re)eated+'( in the course

of our con%ersation( that I do not <no$ a sin*+e

s'++a+e aout the suect( and that od has not com6

municated &is secret to an' one" I am com)+ete+'

i*norant of that $hich ma<es m' heart eat( and m'

+ood Ho$ throu*h m' %eins I am i*norant of the

)rinci)+e of a++ m' mo%ements( and 'et 'ou seem to

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io; Phi+oso)hica+

e=)ect ho$ I shou+d e=)+ain ho$ I fee+ and ho$ I

thin<" Such an e=)ectation is unreasona+e"

!ut 'ou at +east <no$ $hether 'our facu+t' of

ha%in* ideas is oined to e=tensionJ

Not in the +east" It is true that Tatian( in his dis6

course to the ree<s( sa's the sou+ is e%ident+' com6

)osed of a od'" Irenaeus( in the t$ent'6si=th cha)6

ter of his second oo<( sa's( #The Lord has tau*ht

that our sou+s )reser%e the G*ure of our od' in

order to retain the memor' of it"# Tertu++ian as6

serts( in his second oo< on the sou+( that it is a

od'" Arnoius( Lactantius( &i+ar'( re*or' of

N'ssa( and Amrose( are )recise+' of the same o)in6

ion" It is )retended that other fathers of the Church

assert that the sou+ is $ithout e=tension( and that in

this res)ect the' ado)t the o)inion of P+ato this(

ho$e%er( ma' $e++ e douted" With res)ect to m'6

se+f( I dare not %enture to form an o)inion I see

nothin* ut oscurit' and incom)rehensii+it' in

either s'stem and( after a $ho+e +ife2s meditation

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on the suect( I am not ad%anced a sin*+e ste) e6

'ond $here I $as on the Grst da'"

 The suect( then( $as not $orth thin<in* aoutJ

 That is true the man $ho eno's <no$s more

of it( or at +east <no$s it etter( than he $ho reHects

he is more ha))'" !ut $hat is it that 'ou $ou+d

ha%eJ It de)ended not( I re)eat( u)on m'se+f

$hether I shou+d admit or reect a++ those ideas

$hich ha%e cro$ded into m' rain in conHict $ith

each other( and actua++' con%erted m' medu++ar'

Dictionar'" 8:?

ma*a1ine into their Ge+d of att+e" After a hard6

fou*ht contest et$een them( I ha%e otained noth6

in* ut uncertaint' from the s)oi+s"

It is a me+ancho+' thin* to )ossess so man' ideas(

and 'et to ha%e no )recise <no$+ed*e of the nature

of ideasJ

It is( I admit ut it is much more me+ancho+'(

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and ine=)ressi+' more foo+ish( for a man to e+ie%e

he <no$s $hat in fact he does not"

!ut( if 'ou do not )ositi%e+' <no$ $hat an idea

is( if 'ou are i*norant $hence ideas come( 'ou at

+east <no$ ' $hat the' come J

 3es ust in the same $a' as the ancient E*')6

tians( $ho( $ithout <no$in* the source of the Ni+e(

<ne$ )erfect+' $e++ that its $aters reached them '

its ed" We <no$ )erfect+' that ideas come to us

' the senses ut $e ne%er <no$ $hence the'

come" The source of this Ni+e $i++ ne%er e disco%6


If it is certain that a++ ideas are *i%en ' means

of the senses( $h' does the Soronne( $hich has

so +on* ado)ted this doctrine from Aristot+e( con6

demn it $ith so much %iru+ence in &e+%etius J

!ecause the Soronne is com)osed of theo+o*ians"


A++ in od"

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In od $e +i%e and mo%e and ha%e our ein*"

ST" PA/L( Acts =%ii( >"

Aratus( $ho is thus uoted and a))ro%ed ' St"

io Phi+oso)hica+

Pau+( made this confession of faith( $e )ercei%e

amon* the ree<s"

 The %irtuous Cato sa's the same thin*- #.u6

)iter est uodcumue %ides uocumue mo%eris"#

Lucan2s #Pharsa+ia(# i=( @:" #Whate2er $e see(

$hate2er $e fee+( is .o%e"#

0a+eranche is the commentator on Aratus( St"

Pau+( and Cato" &e succeeded( in the Grst instance(

in sho$in* the errors of the senses and ima*ination

ut $hen he attem)ted to de%e+o) the *rand s's6

tem( that a++ is in od( a++ his readers dec+ared the

commentar' to e more oscure than the te=t" In

short( ha%in* )+un*ed into this a'ss( his head e6

came e$i+dered he he+d con%ersations $ith the

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Word he $as made acuainted $ith $hat the Word

had done in other )+anets he ecame( in truth( a6

so+ute+' mad a circumstance $e++ ca+cu+ated to e=6

cite a))rehension in our o$n minds( a)t as $e some

of us are to attem)t soarin*( u)on our $ea< and

)un' o)inions( %er' far e'ond our reach"

In order to com)rehend the notion of 0a+e6

ranche( such as he he+d it $hi+e he retained his

facu+ties( $e must admit nothin* that $e do not

c+ear+' concei%e( and reect $hat $e do not un6

derstand" Attem)tin* to e=)+ain an oscurit' '

oscurities( is to act +i<e an idiot"

I fee+ decided+' that m' Grst ideas and m' sensa6

tions ha%e come to me $ithout an' co6o)eration or

%o+ition on m' )art" I c+ear+' see that I cannot

*i%e m'se+f a sin*+e idea" I cannot *i%e m'se+f

Dictionar'" 8:9

an'thin*" I ha%e recei%ed e%er'thin*" The o6

 ects $hich surround me cannot( of themse+%es(

*i%e me either idea or sensation for ho$ is

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it )ossi+e for a +itt+e )artic+e of matter to )ossess

the facu+t' of )roducin* a thou*ht J

I am therefore irresisti+' +ed to conc+ude that

the Eterna+ !ein*( $ho esto$s e%er'thin*( *i%es

me m' ideas( in $hate%er manner this ma' e done"

!ut $hat is an idea( $hat is a sensation( a %o+ition(

etc"J It is m'se+f )ercei%in*( m'se+f fee+in*( m'6

se+f $i++in*"

We see( in short( that $hat is ca++ed an idea

is no more a rea+ ein* than there is a rea+ ein*

ca++ed motion( a+thou*h there are odies mo%ed" In

the same manner there is not an' )articu+ar ein*

ca++ed memor'( ima*ination( ud*ment ut $e our6

se+%es rememer( ima*ine( and ud*e"

 The truth of a++ this( it must e a++o$ed( is su6

cient+' )+ain and trite ut it is necessar' to re)eat

and incu+cate such truth( as the o))osite errors are

more trite sti++"

La$s of Nature"

&o$( +et us no$ as<( $ou+d the Eterna+ !ein*(

$ho formed a++( )roduce a++ those %arious modes or

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ua+ities $hich $e )ercei%e in or*ani1ed odies J

Did &e introduce t$o ein*s in a *rain of $heat(

one of $hich shou+d )roduce *ermination in the

otherJ Did &e introduce t$o ein*s in the com6

)osition of a sta*( one of $hich shou+d )roduce

no Phi+oso)hica+

s$iftness in the otherJ Certain+' not" A++ that

$e <no$ on the suect is that the *rain is endo$ed

$ith the facu+t' of %e*etatin*( and the sta* $ith

that of s)eed"

 There is e%ident+' a *rand mathematica+ )rin6

ci)+e directin* a++ nature( and aectin* e%er'thin*

)roduced" The H'in* of irds( the s$immin* of

Gshes( the $a+<in* or runnin* of uadru)eds( are

%isi+e eects of <no$n +a$s of motion" #0ens

a*itat mo+em"# Can the sensations and ideas of

those anima+s( then( e an'thin* more than the ad6

mira+e eects or mathematica+ +a$s more reGned

and +ess o%iousJ

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Or*anisation of the Senses and Ideas"

It is ' these *enera+ and com)rehensi%e +a$s

that e%er' anima+ is im)e++ed to see< its a))ro)riate

food" We are natura++'( therefore( +ed to conecture

that there is a +a$ ' $hich it has the idea of this

food( and $ithout $hich it $ou+d not *o in search

of it"

 The eterna+ inte++i*ence has made a++ the actions

of an anima+ de)end u)on a certain )rinci)+e the

eterna+ inte++i*ence( therefore( has made the sensa6

tions $hich cause those actions de)end on the same


Wou+d the author of nature ha%e dis)osed and

adusted those admira+e instruments( the senses(

$ith so di%ine a s<i++ $ou+d he ha%e e=hiited

such astonishin* ada)tation et$een the e'es and

Dictionar'" 8 8 8

+i*ht et$een the atmos)here and the ears( had it(

after a++( een necessar' to ca++ in the assistance of

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other a*enc' to com)+ete his $or< J Nature a+$a's

acts ' the shortest $a's" Protracted )rocesses in6

dicate $ant of s<i++ mu+ti)+icit' of s)rin*s( and

com)+e=it' of co6o)eration are the resu+t of $ea<6

ness" We cannot ut e+ie%e( therefore( that one

main s)rin* re*u+ates the $ho+e s'stem"

 The reat !ein* Does E%er'thin*"

Not mere+' are $e una+e to *i%e ourse+%es

sensations( $e cannot e%en ima*ine an' e'ond

those $hich $e ha%e actua++' e=)erienced" Let a++

the academies of Euro)e )ro)ose a )remium for

him $ho sha++ ima*ine a ne$ sense no one $i++

e%er *ain that )remium" We can do nothin*( then(

of our mere se+%es( $hether there e an in%isi+e

and intan*i+e ein* enc+osed in our rain or dif6

fused throu*hout our od'( or $hether there e

not and it must e admitted( u)on e%er' s'stem(

that the author of nature has *i%en us a++ that $e

)ossess or*ans( sensations( and the ideas $hich

)roceed from them"

As $e are thus secured under &is formin* hand(

0a+eranche( not$ithstandin* a++ his errors( had

reason to sa' )hi+oso)hica++'( that $e are in od

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and that $e see a++ in od as St" Pau+ used the

same +an*ua*e in a theo+o*ica+ sense( and Aratus

and Cato in a mora+ one"

What then are $e to understand ' the $ords

88> Phi+oso)hica+

seein* a++ in odJ The' are either $ords destitute

of meanin*( or the' mean that od *i%es us a++ our


What is the meanin* of recei%in* an ideaJ We

do not create it $hen $e recei%e it it is not( there6

fore( so un)hi+oso)hica+ as has een thou*ht( to sa'

it is od $ho )roduces the ideas in m' head( as it

is &e $ho )roduces motion in m' $ho+e od'"

E%er'thin* is an o)eration of od u)on &is crea6


&o$ is E%er'thin* an Action of odJ

 There is in nature on+' one uni%ersa+( eterna+(

and acti%e )rinci)+e" There cannot e t$o such

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)rinci)+es for the' $ou+d either e a+i<e or dif6

ferent" If the' are dierent( the' destro' one

another if the' are a+i<e( it is the same as if the'

$ere on+' one" The unit' of desi*n( %isi+e throu*h

the *rand $ho+e in a++ its inGnite %ariet'( announces

one sin*+e )rinci)+e( and that )rinci)+e must act

u)on a++ ein*( or it ceases to e a uni%ersa+ o)inion"

If it acts u)on a++ ein*( it acts u)on a++ the

modes of a++ ein*" There is not( therefore( a

sin*+e remnant( a sin*+e mode( a sin*+e idea( $hich

is not the immediate eect of a uni%ersa+ cause )er6

)etua++' )resent"

 The matter of the uni%erse( therefore( e+on*s

to od( as much as the ideas and the ideas as much

as the matter" To sa' that an'thin* is out of &im

$ou+d e sa'in* that there is somethin* out of the

Dictionar'" 8 8B

%ast $ho+e" od ein* the uni%ersa+ )rinci)+e of

a++ thin*s( a++( therefore( e=ists in &im( and ' &im"

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 The s'stem inc+udes that of #)h'sica+ )remo6

tion(# ut in the same manner as an immense $hee+

inc+udes a sma++ one that endea%ors to H' o from

it" The )rinci)+e $hich $e ha%e ust een unfo+din*

is too %ast to admit of an' )articu+ar and detai+ed


Ph'sica+ )remotion occu)ies the *reat su)reme

$ith a++ the chan*in* %a*aries $hich ta<e )+ace in

the head of an indi%idua+ .ansenist or 0o+inist

$e( on the contrar'( occu)' the !ein* of !ein*s

on+' $ith the *rand and *enera+ +a$s of the uni6

%erse" Ph'sica+ )remotion ma<es G%e )ro)osi6

tions a matter of attention and occu)ation to od(

$hich interest on+' some +a'6sister( the s$ee)er of

a con%ent $hi+e $e attriute to &im em)+o'ment

of the most sim)+e and im)ortant descri)tion the

arran*ement of the $ho+e s'stem of the uni%erse"

Ph'sica+ )remotion is founded u)on that sut+e

and tru+' recian )rinci)+e( that if a thin<in* ein*

can *i%e himse+f an idea( he $ou+d au*ment his

e=istence ut $e do not( for our )arts( <no$ $hat

is meant ' au*mentin* our ein*" We com)re6

hend nothin* aout the matter" We sa' that a

thin<in* ein* mi*ht *i%e himse+f ne$ modes $ith6

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out addin* to his e=istence ust in the same man6

ner as $hen $e dance( our s+idin* ste)s and cross6

in*s and attitudes *i%e us no ne$ e=istence and

to su))ose the' do so $ou+d a))ear com)+ete+' a6

Vo+" io

88M Phi+oso)hica+

surd" We a*ree on+' so far in the s'stem of )h'si6

ca+ )remotion( that $e are con%inced $e *i%e our6

se+%es nothin*"

!oth the s'stem of )remotion and our o$n

are aused( as de)ri%in* men of their +iert'" od

forid $e shou+d ad%ocate such de)ri%ation" To do

a$a' $ith this im)utation( it is on+' necessar' to

understand the meanin* of the $ord +iert'" We

sha++ s)ea< of it in its )ro)er )+ace and in the

meantime the $or+d $i++ *o on as it has *one on

hitherto( $ithout the Thomists or their o))onents( or

a++ the dis)utants in the $or+d( ha%in* an' )o$er

to chan*e it" In the same manner $e sha++ a+$a's

ha%e ideas( $ithout )recise+' <no$in* $hat an

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idea is"


 T&IS scientiGc term si*niGes no more than #the

same thin*"# It mi*ht e correct+' trans+ated '

#sameness"# This suect is of considera+' more

interest than ma' e ima*ined" A++ a*ree that the

*ui+t' )erson on+' ou*ht to e )unished the in6

di%idua+ )er)etrator( and no other" !ut a man

Gft' 'ears of a*e is not in rea+it' the same indi6

%idua+ as the man of t$ent' he retains no +on*er

an' of the )arts $hich then formed his od' and

if he has +ost the memor' of )ast e%ents( it is cer6

tain that there is nothin* +eft to unite his actua+

e=istence to an e=istence $hich to him is +ost"

I am the same )erson on+' ' the consciousness

Dictionar'" 88@

of $hat I ha%e een comined $ith that of $hat I

am I ha%e no consciousness of m' )ast ein* ut

throu*h memor' memor' a+one( therefore( esta6

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+ishes the identit'( the sameness of m' )erson"

We ma'( in truth( e natura++' and a)t+' re6

sem+ed to a ri%er( a++ $hose $aters )ass a$a' in

)er)etua+ chan*e and Ho$" It is the same ri%er as

to its ed( its an<s( its source( its mouth( e%er'6

thin*( in short( that is not itse+f ut chan*in*

e%er' moment its $aters( $hich constitute its %er'

ein*( it has no identit' there is no sameness e6

+on*in* to the ri%er"

Were there another 7er=es +i<e him $ho +ashed

the &e++es)ont for disoedience( and ordered for it

a )air of handcus and $ere the son of this 7er=es

to e dro$ned in the Eu)hrates( and the father de6

sirous of )unishin* that ri%er for the death of his

son( the Eu)hrates mi*ht %er' reasona+' sa' in

its %indication - #!+ame the $a%es that $ere ro++in*

on at the time 'our son $as athin* those $a%es

e+on* not to me( and form no )art of me the'

ha%e )assed on to the Persian u+f a )art is mi=ed

$ith the sa+t $ater of that sea( and another )art( e=6

ha+ed in %a)or( has een im)e++ed ' a south6east

$ind to au+( and een incor)orated $ith endi%es

and +ettuces( $hich the au+s ha%e since used in

their sa+ads sei1e the cu+)rit $here 'ou can Gnd

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am a+$a's m'se+f after m' death( a mirac+e $i++

e necessar' to restore it to me to ena+e me to re6

enter u)on m' +ost e=istence"

#Ans$er" That is ust as much as to sa' that

if a )rince had )ut to death his $ho+e fami+'( in

order to rei*n himse+f( and if he had t'ranni1ed

o%er his suects $ith the most $anton crue+t'( he

$ou+d e e=em)ted from )unishment on )+eadin*

efore od( 2I am not the oender I ha%e +ost m'

memor' 'ou are under a mista<e I am no +on*er

the same )erson"2 Do 'ou thin< this so)hism $ou+d

)ass $ith odJ#

 This ans$er is a hi*h+' commenda+e one ut

it does not com)+ete+' so+%e the dicu+t'"

It $ou+d e necessar' for this )ur)ose( in the

Dictionar'" 88?

Grst )+ace( to <no$ $hether understandin* and

sensation are a facu+t' *i%en ' od to man( or a

created sustance a uestion $hich )hi+oso)h' is

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too $ea< and uncertain to decide"

It is necessar' in the ne=t )+ace to <no$ $hether(

if the sou+ e a sustance and has +ost a++ <no$+ed*e

of the e%i+ it has committed( and e( moreo%er( as

)erfect a stran*er to $hat it has done $ith its o$n

od'( as to a++ the other odies of our uni%erse

$hether( in these circumstances( it can or shou+d(

accordin* to our manner of reasonin*( ans$er in

another uni%erse for actions of $hich it has not the

s+i*htest <no$+ed*e $hether( in fact( a mirac+e

$ou+d not e necessar' to im)art to this sou+ the

reco++ection it no +on*er )ossesses( to render it con6

scious+' )resent to the crimes $hich ha%e ecome

o+iterated and annihi+ated in its mind( and ma<e it

the same )erson that it $as on earth or $hether

od $i++ ud*e it near+' in the same $a' in $hich

the )residents of human triuna+s )roceed( condemn6

in* a crimina+( a+thou*h he ma' ha%e com)+ete+'

for*otten the crimes he has actua++' committed" &e

rememers them no +on*er ut the' are remem6

ered for him he is )unished for the sa<e of the

e=am)+e" !ut od cannot )unish a man after his

death $ith a %ie$ to his ein* an e=am)+e to the

+i%in*" No +i%in* man <no$s $hether the deceased

is condemned or aso+%ed" od( therefore( can

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)unish him on+' ecause he cherished and accom6

)+ished e%i+ desires ut if( $hen after death he

8 8 Phi+oso)hica+

)resents himse+f efore the triuna+ of od( he no

+on*er entertains an' such desire if for a )eriod

of t$ent' 'ears he has tota++' for*otten that he did

entertain such if he is no +on*er in an' res)ect

the same )erson $hat is it that od $i++ )unish

in him J

 These are uestions $hich a))ear e'ond the

com)ass of the human understandin*( and there

seems to e=ist a necessit'( in these intricacies and

+a'rinths( of recurrin* to faith a+one( $hich is

a+$a's our +ast as'+um"

Lucretius had )art+' fe+t these dicu+ties( $hen

in his third oo< %erses 9:698 he descries a

man trem+in* at the idea of $hat $i++ ha))en to

him $hen he $i++ no +on*er e the same man -

Nee radicitus e %ita se to++it et e%it

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Sedfacit esse sui uiddam su)er inscius i)se"

!ut Lucretius is not the orac+e to e addressed(

in order to otain an' disco%eries of the future"

 The ce+erated To+and( $ho $rote his o$n e)i6

ta)h( conc+uded it $ith these $ords - #Idem futurus

 To+andus nunuam# #&e $i++ ne%er a*ain e the

same To+and"#

&o$e%er( it ma' e )resumed that od $ou+d

ha%e $e++ <no$n ho$ to Gnd and restore him( had

such een his *ood )+easure and it is to e )re6

sumed( a+so( that the ein* $ho necessari+' e=ists(

is necessari+' *ood"

Dictionar'" 889



IDOL is deri%ed from the ree< $ord #eidos#

G*ure #eido+os# the re)resentation of a G*ure(

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and #+atreuein# to ser%e( re%ere( or adore"

It does not a))ear that there $as e%er an' )eo)+e

on earth $ho too< the name of ido+aters" This $ord

is an oence( an insu+tin* term( +i<e that of

#*a%ache(# $hich the S)aniards former+' *a%e to

the French and that of #maranes(# $hich the

French *a%e to the S)aniards in return" If $e had

demanded of the senate of the Areo)a*us of Athens(

or at the court of the <in*s of Persia- #Are 'ou

ido+aters J# the' $ou+d scarce+' ha%e understood the

uestion" None $ou+d ha%e ans$ered - #We adore

ima*es and ido+s"# This $ord( ido+ater( ido+atr'(

is found neither in &omer( &esiod( &erodotus( nor

an' other author of the re+i*ion of the enti+es"

 There $as ne%er an' edict( an' +a$( $hich com6

manded that ido+s shou+d e adored that the'

shou+d e treated as *ods and re*arded as *ods"

When the Roman and Cartha*inian ca)tains

made a treat'( the' ca++ed a++ their *ods to $itness"

#It is in their )resence(# said the'( #that $e s$ear

)eace"# 3et the statues of these *ods( $hose num6

er $as %er' *reat( $ere not in the tents of the

*enera+s" The' re*arded( or )retended to re*ard(

the *ods as )resent at the actions of men as $it6

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no Phi+oso)hica+

nesses and ud*es" And assured+' it $as not the

ima*e $hich constituted the di%init'"

In $hat %ie$( therefore( did the' see the statues

of their fa+se *ods in the tem)+es J With the same

%ie$( if $e ma' so e=)ress ourse+%es( that the

Catho+ics see the ima*es( the oect of their %enera6

tion" The error $as not in adorin* a )iece of $ood

or mar+e( ut in adorin* a fa+se di%init'( re)re6

sented ' this $ood and mar+e" The dierence

et$een them and the Catho+ics is( not that the'

had ima*es( and the Catho+ics had none the dif6

ference is( that their ima*es re)resented the fan6

tastic ein*s of a fa+se re+i*ion( and that the Chris6

tian ima*es re)resent rea+ ein*s in a true re+i*ion"

 The ree<s had the statue of &ercu+es( and $e ha%e

that of St" Christo)her the' had scu+a)ius and

his *oat( $e ha%e St" Roch and his do* the' had

0ars and his +ance( and $e ha%e St" Anthon' of

Padua and St" .ames of Com)oste++a"

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statues of the ods after ha%in* fasted" The'

$a+<ed arefooted $ith dishe%e++ed hair( and it

uic<+' rained uc<etfu+s( sa's PretonLus - #Et

statim urceatim )+ueat"# &as not this custom

een consecrated i++e*itimate indeed amon* the

enti+es( ut +e*itimate amon* the Catho+icsJ In

ho$ man' to$ns are not ima*es carried to otain

the +essin*s of hea%en throu*h their intercessionJ

If a Tur<( or a +earned Chinese( $ere a $itness of

these ceremonies( he $ou+d( throu*h i*norance( ac6

cuse the Ita+ians of )uttin* their trust in the

G*ures $hich the' thus )romenade in )ossession"


E=amination of the Ancient Ido+atr'"

From the time of Char+es I"( the Catho+ic re6

+i*ion $as dec+ared ido+atrous in En*+and" A++ the

Pres'terians are )ersuaded that the Catho+ics adore

read( $hich the' eat( and G*ures( $hich are the

$or< of their scu+)tors and )ainters" With that

$hich one )art of Euro)e re)roaches the Catho+ics(

the' themse+%es re)roach the enti+es"

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8>> Phi+oso)hica+

We are sur)rised at the )rodi*ious numer of

dec+amations uttered in a++ times a*ainst the ido+atr'

of the Romans and ree<s and $e are after$ards

sti++ more sur)rised $hen $e see that the' $ere not


 The' had some tem)+es more )ri%i+e*ed than

others" The *reat Diana of E)hesus had more re)u6

tation than a %i++a*e Diana" There $ere more

mirac+es )erformed in the tem)+e of Escu+a)ius at

E)idaurus( than in an' other of his tem)+es" The

statue of the O+'m)ian .u)iter attracted more oer6

in*s than that of the Pa)h+a*onian .u)iter" !ut to

o))ose the customs of a true re+i*ion to those of a

fa+se one( ha%e $e not for se%era+ a*es had more

de%otion to certain a+tars than to others J

&as not Our Lad' of Loretto een )referred to

Our Lad' of Nei*es( to that of Ardens( of &a++(

etc"J That is not sa'in* there is more %irtue in a

statue at Loretto than in a statue of the %i++a*e of

&a++( ut $e ha%e fe+t more de%otion to the one

than to the other $e ha%e e+ie%ed that she $hom

$e in%o<ed( at the feet of her statues( $ou+d con6

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descend( from the hei*ht of hea%en( to diuse more

fa%ors and to $or< more mirac+es in Loretto than

in &a++" This mu+ti)+icit' of ima*es of the same

)erson a+so )ro%es that it is the ima*es that $e

re%ere( and that the $orshi) re+ates to the )er6

son $ho is re)resented for it is not )ossi+e that

e%er' ima*e can e the same thin*" There are

Dictionar'" 8>B

a thousand ima*es of St" Francis( $hich ha%e no

resem+ance to him( and $hich do not resem+e one

another and a++ indicate a sin*+e Saint Francis( in6

%o<ed( on the da' of his feast( ' those $ho are de6

%oted to this saint"

It $as )recise+' the same $ith the )a*ans( $ho

su))osed the e=istence on+' of a sin*+e di%init'( a

sin*+e A)o++o( and not as man' A)o++os and Dianas

as the' had tem)+es and statues" It is therefore

)ro%ed( as much as histor' can )ro%e an'thin*( that

the ancients e+ie%ed not the statue to e a di%init'

that $orshi) $as not )aid to this statue or ima*e(

and conseuent+' that the' $ere not ido+aters" It is

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for us to ascertain ho$ far the im)utation has een

a mere )rete=t to accuse them of ido+atr'"

A *ross and su)erstitious )o)u+ace $ho reason

not( and $ho <no$ neither ho$ to dout( den'( or

e+ie%e $ho %isit the tem)+es out of id+eness( and

ecause the +o$+' are there eua+ to the *reat

$ho ma<e their contriutions ecause it is the cus6

tom $ho s)ea< continua++' of mirac+es $ithout e=6

aminin* an' of them and $ho are %er' +itt+e in

)oint of inte++ect e'ond the rutes $hom the' sacri6

Gce such a )eo)+e( I re)eat( in the si*ht of the *reat

Diana( or of .u)iter the Thunderer( ma' $e++ e

sei1ed $ith a re+i*ious horror( and adore( $ithout

consciousness( the statue itse+f" This is $hat ha)6

)ens no$ and then( in our o$n churches( to our

i*norant )easantr'( $ho( ho$e%er( are informed

8>M Phi+oso)hica+

that it is the +essed morta+s recei%ed into hea%en

$hose intercession the' so+icit( and not that of

ima*es of $ood and stone"

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 The ree<s and Romans au*ment the numer of

their *ods ' their a)otheoses" The ree<s deiGed

conuerors +i<e !acchus( &ercu+es( and Perseus"

Rome de%oted a+tars to her em)erors" Our a)o6

theoses are of a dierent <ind $e ha%e inGnite+'

more saints than the' ha%e secondar' *ods( ut $e

)a' res)ect neither to ran< nor to conuest" We

consecrate tem)+es to the sim)+' %irtuous( $ho

$ou+d ha%e een un<no$n on earth if the' had not

een )+aced in hea%en" The a)otheoses of the an6

cients $ere the eect of Hatter'( ours are )roduced

' a res)ect for %irtue"

Cicero( in his )hi+oso)hica+ $or<s( on+' a++o$s

of a sus)icion that the )eo)+e ma' mista<e the

statues of the *ods and confound them $ith the

*ods themse+%es" &is inter+ocutors attac< the es6

ta+ished re+i*ion( ut none of them thin< of accus6

in* the Romans of ta<in* mar+e and rass for

di%inities" Lucretius accuses no )erson of this

stu)idit'( a+thou*h he re)roaches the su)erstitious

of e%er' c+ass" This o)inion( therefore( has ne%er

e=isted there ne%er ha%e een ido+aters"

&orace causes an ima*e of Pria)us to s)ea<( and

ma<es him sa' - #I $as once the trun< of a G* tree(

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and a car)enter ein* doutfu+ $hether he shou+d

ma<e of me a *od or a ench( at +en*th determined

to ma<e me a di%init'"# What are $e to *ather

Dictionar'" 8>@

from this )+easantr'J Pria)us $as one of the

sua+tern di%inities( and a suect of rai++er' for the

$its( and this )+easantr' is a to+era+e )roof that a

G*ure )+aced in the *arden to fri*hten a$a' the

irds cou+d not e %er' )rofound+' $orshi))ed"

Dacier( *i%in* $a' to the s)irit of a commentator(

oser%es that !aruch )redicted this ad%enture"

#The' ecame $hat the $or<men chose to ma<e

them -# ut mi*ht not this e oser%ed of a++ statues J

&ad !aruch a %isionar' antici)ation of the #Satires

of &orace# J

A +oc< of mar+e ma' as $e++ e he$n into a

cistern( as into a G*ure of A+e=ander( .u)iter( or

an' ein* sti++ more res)ecta+e" The matter $hich

com)osed the cheruim of the &o+' of &o+ies

mi*ht ha%e een eua++' a))ro)riated to the %i+est

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functions" Is a throne or a+tar the +ess re%ered e6

cause it mi*ht ha%e een formed into a <itchen

ta+e J

Dacier( instead of conc+udin* that the Romans

adored the statue of Pria)us( and that !aruch )re6

dicted it( shou+d ha%e )ercei%ed that the Romans

+au*hed at it" Consu+t a++ the authors $ho s)ea<

of the statues of the *ods( 'ou $i++ not Gnd one of

them a++ude to ido+atr' their testimon' amounts to

the e=)ress contrar'" #It is not the $or<man(#

sa's 0artia+( #$ho ma<es the *ods( ut he $ho

)ra's to them"#

5uiGn=it sacros auro %e+ marmore %u+tus

Nonfacit i++e deos( *ut ro*at i++efacit"

8>; Phi+oso)hica+

#It is .o%e $hom $e adore in the ima*e of .o%e(2#

$rites O%id - #Co+itur )ro .o%e( forma .oins"#2

#The *ods inhait our minds and osoms(# o6

ser%es Statius(#and not ima*es in the form of them -22

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Nu++a autem e*ies( nu++i commissa meta++o"

Forma Dei( mentes haitare et )ec tor a *audet"

Lucan( too( ca++s the uni%erse the aode and em6

)ire of od - #Estne Dei( sedes( nisi terra( et )ontits(

et aerf# A %o+ume mi*ht e G++ed $ith )assa*es

assertin* ido+s to e ima*es a+one"

 There remains ut the case in $hich statues e6

came orac+es notions that mi*ht ha%e +ed to an

o)inion that there $as somethin* di%ine aout them"

 The )redominant sentiment( ho$e%er( $as that the

*ods had chosen to %isit certain a+tars and ima*es(

in order to *i%e audience to morta+s( and to re)+'

to them" We read in &omer and in the chorus of

the ree< tra*edies( of )ra'ers to A)o++o( $ho de6

+i%ered his res)onses on the mountains in such a

tem)+e( or such a to$n" There is not( in a++ an6

tiuit'( the +east trace of a )ra'er addressed to a

statue and if it $as e+ie%ed that the di%ine s)irit

)referred certain tem)+es and ima*es( as he )re6

ferred certain men( it $as sim)+' an error in a)6

)+ication" &o$ man' miracu+ous ima*es ha%e $eJ

 The ancients on+' oasted of )ossessin* $hat $e

)ossess( and if $e are not ido+aters for usin* ima*es(

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' $hat correct )rinci)+e can $e term them so J

 Those $ho )rofess ma*ic( and $ho either e+ie%e(

or aect to e+ie%e it( a science( )retend to )ossess

Dictionar'" 8 >?

the secret of ma<in* the *ods descend into their

statues( not indeed( the su)erior *ods( ut the sec6

ondar' *ods or *enii" This is $hat &ermes Tris6

me*istus ca++s #ma<in*# *ods a doctrine $hich is

contro%erted ' St" Au*ustine in his #Cit' of od"#

!ut e%en this c+ear+' sho$s that the ima*es $ere

not thou*ht to )ossess an'thin* di%ine( since it re6

uired a ma*ician to animate them( and it ha))ened

%er' rare+' that a ma*ician $as successfu+ in these

su+ime endea%ors"

In a $ord( the ima*es of the *ods $ere not *ods"

 .u)iter( and not his statue( +aunched his thunder6

o+ts it $as not the statue of Ne)tune $hich stirred

u) tem)ests( nor that of A)o++o $hich esto$ed

+i*ht" The ree<s and the Romans $ere enti+es

and Po+'theists( ut not ido+aters"

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We +a%ished this re)roach u)on them $hen $e

had neither statues nor tem)+es( and ha%e continued

the inustice e%en after ha%in* em)+o'ed )aintin*

and scu+)ture to honor and re)resent our truths( )re6

cise+' in the same manner in $hich those $e re6

)roach em)+o'ed them to honor and )ersonif' their



Whether the Persians( the Sac1ans( the E*')tians(

the Tartars( or the Tur<s( ha%e een Ido+aters(

and the E=tent of the Antiuit' of the Ima*es

Ca++ed Ido+s &istor' of Their Worshi)"

It is a *reat error to denominate those ido+aters

$ho $orshi) the sun and the stars" These nations

8> Phi+oso)hica+

for a +on* time had neither ima*es nor tem)+es" If

the' $ere $ron*( it $as in renderin* to the stars

that $hich e+on*ed on+' to the creator of the stars"

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0oreo%er( the do*ma of 4oroaster( or 4erdusht(

teaches a Su)reme !ein*( an a%en*er and re$arder(

$hich o)inion is %er' distant from ido+atr'" The

*o%ernment of China )ossesses no ido+( ut has

a+$a's )reser%ed the sim)+e $orshi) of the master

of hea%en( Kien6tien"

en*his Khan( amon* the Tartars( $as not an

ido+ater( and used no ima*es" The 0ahometans(

$ho inhait reece( Asia 0inor( S'ria( Persia(

India( and Africa( ca++ the Christians ido+aters and

*iaours( ecause the' ima*ine that Christians $or6

shi) ima*es" The' rea< the statues $hich the%

Gnd in Sancta So)hia( the church of the &o+'

A)ost+es and others the' con%ert into mosues"

A))earances ha%e decei%ed them( as the' are eter6

na++' decei%in* man( and ha%e +ed them to e+ie%e

that churches dedicated to saints $ho $ere former+'

men( ima*es of saints $orshi))ed <nee+in*( and

mirac+es $or<ed in these churches( are in%inci+e

)roofs of aso+ute ido+atr' a+thou*h a++ amount to

nothin*" Christians( in fact( adore one od on+'(

and e%en in the +essed( on+' re%ere the %irtues of

od manifested in them" The ima*e6rea<ers

iconoc+asts( and the Protestants( $ho re)roach the

Catho+ic Church $ith ido+atr'( c+aim the same

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Dictionar'" 8>9

As men rare+' form )recise ideas( and sti++ +ess

e=)ress them $ith )recision( $e ca++ the enti+es(

and sti++ more the Po+'theists( ido+aters" An im6

mense numer of %o+umes ha%e een $ritten in

order to de%e+o) the %arious o)inions u)on the

ori*in of the $orshi) rendered to the deit'" This

mu+titude of oo<s and o)inions )ro%es nothin*( e=6

ce)t i*norance"

It is not <no$n $ho in%ented coats( shoes( and

stoc<in*s( and 'et $e $ou+d <no$ $ho in%ented

ido+s" What si*niGes a )assa*e of Sanchoniathon(

$ho +i%ed efore the att+e of Tro' J What does he

teach us %hen he sa's that Chaos the s)irit( that

is to sa'( the reath in +o%e $ith his )rinci)+es(

dra$s the %ei+ from it( $hich renders the air +umin6

ous that the $ind Co+)( and his $ife !au( en*en6

dered Eon that Eon en*endered enos( that

Chronos( their descendant( had t$o e'es ehind as

$e++ as efore that he ecame a *od( and that he

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*a%e E*')t to his son ThautJ Such is one of the

most res)ecta+e monuments of antiuit'"

Or)heus $i++ teach us no more in his #Theo*6

on'(# than Damasius has )reser%ed to us" &e re)6

resents the )rinci)+es of the $or+d under the G*ure

of a dra*on $ith t$o heads( the one of a u++( the

other of a +ion a face in the midd+e( $hich he

ca++s the face of od( and *o+den $in*s to his


!ut( from these fantastic ideas ma' e dra$n

Vo+" 8: 9

8B: Phi+oso)hica+

t$o *reat truths the one that sensi+e ima*es and

hiero*+')hics are of the remotest antiuit' the

other that a++ the ancient )hi+oso)hers ha%e reco*6

ni1ed a First Princi)+e"

As to )o+'theism( *ood sense $i++ te++ 'ou that as

+on* as men ha%e e=isted that is to sa'( $ea< ani6

ma+s ca)a+e of reason and fo++'( suect to a++

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accidents( sic<ness and death these men ha%e fe+t

their $ea<ness and de)endence" O+i*ed to ac6

<no$+ed*e that there is somethin* more )o$erfu+

than themse+%es ha%in* disco%ered a )rinci)+e in

the earth $hich furnishes their a+iment one in the

air $hich often destro's them one in Gre $hich con6

sumes and in $ater $hich dro$ns them $hat is

more natura+ than for i*norant men to ima*ine

ein*s $hich )reside o%er these e+ements J What is

more natura+ than to re%ere the in%isi+e )o$er

$hich ma<es the sun and stars shine to our e'esJ

and( since the' $ou+d form an idea of )o$ers su6

)erior to man( $hat more natura+ than to G*ure

them in a sensi+e manner J Cou+d the' thin< other6

$iseJ The .e$ish re+i*ion( $hich )receded ours(

and $hich $as *i%en ' od himse+f( $as G++ed $ith

these ima*es( under $hich od is re)resented" &e

dei*ns to s)ea< the human +an*ua*e in a ush &e

a))eared once on a mountain the ce+estia+ s)irits

$hich he sends a++ come $ith a human form-

Gna++'( the sanctuar' is co%ered $ith cherus( $hich

are the odies of men $ith the $in*s and heads of

anima+s" It is this $hich has *i%en rise to the error

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Dictionar'" 8B8

of P+utarch( Tacitus( A))ian( and so man' others(

of re)roachin* the .e$s $ith adorin* an ass2s head"

od( in s)ite of his )rohiition to )aint or form +i<e6

nesses( has( therefore( dei*ned to ada)t himse+f to

human $ea<ness( $hich reuired the senses to e

addressed ' sensi+e ein*s"

Isaiah( in cha)ter %i"( sees the Lord seated on a

throne( and &is train G++ed the tem)+e" The Lord

e=tends &is hand( and touches the mouth of .ere6

miah( in cha)" i" of that )ro)het" E1e<ie+( in cha)(

i"( sees a throne of sa))hire( and od a))eared to

him +i<e a man seated on this throne" These ima*es

a+ter not the )urit' of the .e$ish re+i*ion( $hich

ne%er em)+o'ed )ictures( statues( or ido+s( to re)6

resent od to the e'es of the )eo)+e"

 The +earned Chinese( the Parsees( and the ancient

E*')tians( had no ido+s ut Isis and Osiris $ere

soon re)resented" !e+( at !a'+on( $as a *reat co6

+ossus" !rahma $as a fantastic monster in the )en6

insu+a of India" Ao%e a++( the ree<s mu+ti)+ied

the names of the *ods( statues( and tem)+es( ut

a+$a's attriuted the su)reme )o$er to their 4eus(

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ca++ed .u)iter ' the Latins( the so%erei*n of *ods

and men" The Romans imitated the ree<s" These

)eo)+e a+$a's )+aced a++ the *ods in hea%en( $ith6

out <no$in* $hat the' understood ' hea%en"

 The Romans had their t$e+%e *reat *ods( si=

ma+e and si= fema+e( $hom the' ca++ed #Dii ma6

 orum *entium# .u)iter( Ne)tune( A)o++o( Vu+can(

0ars( 0ercur'( .uno( Vesta( 0iner%a( Ceres( Venus(

8B> Phi+oso)hica+

and Diana P+uto $as therefore for*otten - Vesta

too< his )+ace"

After$ards( came the *ods #minorum *entium#

the *ods of morta+ ori*in the heroes( as !acchus(

&ercu+es( and Escu+a)ius - the inferna+ *ods( P+uto

and Proser)ine - those of the sea( as Teth's( Am)hi6

trite( the Nereids( and +aucus" The Dr'ads(

Naiads( *ods of *ardens those of she)herds( etc"

 The' had them( indeed( for e%er' )rofession( for

e%er' action of +ife( for chi+dren( marria*ea+e *ir+s(

married( and +'in*6in $omen - the' had e%en the

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*od Peditum and Gna++'( the' ido+i1ed their em6

)erors" Neither these em)erors nor the *od Pedi6

tum( the *oddess Pertunda(nor Pria)us( nor Rumi+ia(

the *oddess of ni))+es nor Stercutius( the *od of

the )ri%'( $ere( in truth( re*arded as the masters

of hea%en and earth" The em)erors had sometimes

tem)+es( the )ett' *ods the )enates had none ut

a++ had their re)resentations( their ima*es"

 There $ere +itt+e ima*es $ith $hich the' orna6

mented their c+osets( the amusements of o+d $omen

and chi+dren( $hich $ere not authori1ed ' an' )u6

+ic $orshi)" The su)erstition of e%er' indi%idua+ $as

+eft to act accordin* to his o$n taste" These sma++

ido+s are sti++ found in the ruins of ancient to$ns"

If no )erson <no$s $hen men e*an to ma<e

these ima*es( the' must <no$ that the' are of the

*reatest antiuit'" Terah( the father of Araham(

made them at /r in Cha+daea" Rache+ sto+e and car6

Dictionar'" 8BB

ried o the ima*es of Laan( her father" We cannot

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*o ac< further"

!ut $hat )recise notion had the ancient nations

of a++ these re)resentationsJ What %irtue( $hat

)o$er( $as attriuted to them J !e+ie%ed the' that

the *ods descended from hea%en to concea+ them6

se+%es in these statues or that the' communicated

to them a )art of the di%ine s)irit or that the' com6

municated to them nothin* at a++ J There has een

much %er' use+ess+' $ritten on this suect it is

c+ear that e%er' man ud*ed of it accordin* to the

de*ree of his reason( credu+it'( or fanaticism" It

is e%ident that the )riests attached as much di%init'

to their statues as the' )ossi+' cou+d( to attract

more oerin*s" W r e <no$ that the )hi+oso)hers re6

)ro%ed these su)erstitions( that $arriors +au*hed at

them( that the ma*istrates to+erated them( and that

the )eo)+e( a+$a's asurd( <ne$ not $hat the' did"

In a $ord( this is the histor' of a++ nations to $hich

od has not made himse+f <no$n"

 The same idea ma' e formed of the $orshi)

$hich a++ E*')t rendered to the co$( and that se%6

era+ to$ns )aid to a do*( an a)e( a cat( and to onions"

It a))ears that these $ere Grst em+ems" After6

$ards( a certain o= A)is( and a certain do* Anuis(

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$ere adored the' a+$a's ate eef and onions ut

it is dicu+t to <no$ $hat the o+d $omen of E*')t

thou*ht of the ho+' co$s and onions"

Ido+s a+so often s)o<e" On the da' of the feast

8BM Phi+oso)hica+

of C'e+e at Rome( those Gne $ords $ere commemo6

rated $hich the statue )ronounced $hen it $as

trans+ated from the )a+ace of Kin* Atti+us - #I $ish

to de)art ta<e me a$a' uic<+' Rome is $orth'

the residence of e%er' *od"#

I)sa)eti %o+ui ne sit mora( mitte %o+entum

Di*nus Roma +ocus uo Deus omnis eat"

OVID2S Fasti( i%( >;96>?:"

 The statue of Fortune s)o<e the Sci)ios( the

Ciceros( and the Csesars( indeed( e+ie%ed nothin*

of it ut the o+d $oman( to $hom Enco+)us *a%e

a cro$n to u' *eese and *ods( mi*ht credit it"

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Ido+s a+so *a%e orac+es( and )riests hidden in the

ho++o$ of the statues s)o<e in the name of the di6


&o$ ha))ens it( in the midst of so man' *ods

and dierent theo*onies and )articu+ar $orshi)s(

that there $as ne%er an' re+i*ious $ar amon* the

)eo)+e ca++ed ido+aters J This )eace $as a *ood )ro6

duced from an e%i+( e%en from error for each nation(

ac<no$+ed*in* se%era+ inferior *ods( found it *ood

for his nei*hors a+so to ha%e theirs" If 'ou e=ce)t

Cam'ses( $ho is re)roached $ith ha%in* <i++ed the

o= A)is( 'ou $i++ not see an' conueror in )rofane

histor' $ho i++6treated the *ods of a %anuished

)eo)+e" The heathens had no e=c+usi%e re+i*ion( and

the )riests thou*ht on+' of mu+ti)+'in* the oerin*s

and sacriGces"

 The Grst oerin*s $ere fruits" Soon after( ani6

ma+s $ere reuired for the ta+e of the )riests

Dictionar'" 8B@

the' <i++ed them themse+%es( and ecame crue+ utch6

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ers Gna++'( the' introduced the horri+e custom of

sacriGcin* human %ictims( and ao%e a++( chi+dren

and 'oun* *ir+s" The Chinese( Parsees( and Indians(

$ere ne%er *ui+t' of these aominations ut at

&iero)o+is( in E*')t( accordin* to Por)h'rius( the'

immo+ated men"

Stran*ers $ere sacriGced at Taurida- ha))i+'(

the )riests of Taurida had not much )ractice" The

Grst ree<s( the C')riots( Phoenicians( T'rians( and

Cartha*inians( )ossessed this aomina+e su)ersti6

tion" The Romans themse+%es fe++ into this re+i*ious

crime and P+utarch re+ates( that the' immo+ated

t$o ree<s and t$o au+s to e=)iate the *a++antries

of three %esta+s" Proco)ius( contem)orar' $ith the

<in* of the Fran<s( Theodoert( sa's that the Fran<s

sacriGced men $hen the' entered Ita+' $ith that

)rince" The au+s and ermans common+' made

these fri*htfu+ sacriGces" We can scarce+' read his6

tor' $ithout concei%in* horror at man<ind"

It is true that amon* the .e$s( .e)tha sacriGced

his dau*hter( and Sau+ $as read' to immo+ate his

son it is a+so true that those $ho $ere de%oted to

the Lord ' anathema cou+d not e redeemed( as

other easts $ere( ut $ere doomed to )erish"

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We $i++ no$ s)ea< of the human %ictims sacri6

Gced in a++ re+i*ions"

 To conso+e man<ind for the horri+e )icture of

these )ious sacriGces( it is im)ortant to <no$( that

amon*st a+most a++ nations ca++ed ido+atrous( there

8B; Phi+oso)hica+

ha%e een ho+' theo+o*ies and )o)u+ar error( secret

$orshi) and )u+ic ceremonies the re+i*ion of

sa*es( and that of the %u+*ar" To <no$ that one od

a+one $as tau*ht to those initiated into the m'ste6

ries( it is on+' necessar' to +oo< at the h'mn attriu6

ted to the ancient Or)heus( $hich $as sun* in the

m'steries of the E+eusinian Ceres( so ce+erated in

Euro)e and Asia - #Contem)+ate di%ine nature i++u6

minate th' mind *o%ern th' heart $a+< in the

)ath of ustice( that the od of hea%en and earth

ma' e a+$a's )resent to th' e'es - &e on+' se+f6

e=ists( a++ ein*s deri%e their e=istence from &im

&e sustains them a++ &e has ne%er een seen '

morta+s( and &e sees a++ thin*s"#

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We ma' a+so read the )assa*e of the )hi+oso)her

0a=imus( $hom $e ha%e a+read' uoted- #What

man is so *ross and stu)id as to dout that there

is a su)reme( eterna+( and inGnite od( $ho has

en*endered nothin* +i<e &imse+f( and $ho is the

common father of a++ thin*s J#

 There are a thousand )roofs that the ancient sa*es

not on+' ahorred ido+atr'( ut )o+'theism"

E)ictetus( that mode+ of resi*nation and )atience(

that man so *reat in a hum+e condition( ne%er

s)ea<s of ut one od" Read o%er these ma=ims -

#od has created me od is $ithin me I carr'

&im e%er'$here" Can I deG+e &im ' oscene

thou*hts( unust actions( or infamous desiresJ 0'

dut' is to than< od for a++( to )raise &im for a++

and on+' to cease +essin* &im in ceasin* to +i%e"#

Dictionar'" 8B?

A++ the ideas of E)ictetus turn on this )rinci)+e" Is

this an ido+ater J

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0arcus Aure+ius( )erha)s as *reat on the throne

of the Roman Em)ire as E)ictetus $as in s+a%er'(

often s)ea<s( indeed( of the *ods( either to conform

himse+f to the recei%ed +an*ua*e( or to e=)ress inter6

mediate ein*s et$een the Su)reme !ein* and

men ut in ho$ man' )+aces does he sho$ that he

reco*ni1es one eterna+( inGnite od a+oneJ #Our

sou+(# sa's he( #is an emanation from the di%init'"

0' chi+dren( m' od'( m' mind( are deri%ed from


 The Stoics and P+atonics admitted a di%ine and

uni%ersa+ nature the E)icureans denied it" The

)ontis s)o<e on+' of a sin*+e od in their m's6

teries" Where then $ere the ido+atersJ A++ our

dec+aimers e=c+aim a*ainst ido+atr' +i<e +itt+e do*s(

that 'e+) $hen the' hear a *reat one ar<"

As to the rest( it is one of the *reatest errors of

the #Dictionar'# of 0oreri to sa'( that in the time

of Theodosius the 'oun*er( there remained no ido+6

aters e=ce)t in the retired countries of Asia and

Africa" E%en in the se%enth centur' there $ere

man' )eo)+e sti++ heathen in Ita+'" The north of

erman'( from the Weser( $as not Christian in the

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time of Char+ema*ne" Po+and and a++ the south re6

mained a +on* time after him in $hat $as ca++ed

ido+atr' the ha+f of Africa( a++ the <in*doms e6

'ond the an*es( .a)an( the )o)u+ace of China( and

a hundred hordes of Tartars( ha%e )reser%ed their

8B Phi+oso)hica+

ancient re+i*ion" In Euro)e there are on+' a fe$

La)+anders( Samo'edes( and Tartars( $ho ha%e )er6

se%ered in the re+i*ion of their ancestors"

Let us conc+ude $ith remar<in*( that in the time

$hich $e ca++ the midd+e a*es( $e dominated the

countr' of the 0ahometans )a*an $e treated as

ido+aters and adorers of ima*es( a )eo)+e $ho ho+d

a++ ima*es in ahorrence" Let us once more a%o$(

that the Tur<s are more e=cusa+e in e+ie%in* us

ido+aters( $hen the' see our a+tars +oaded $ith im6

a*es and statues"

A *ent+eman e+on*in* to Prince Ra*ots<i as6

sured me u)on his honor( that ein* in a coee6house

at Constantino)+e( the mistress ordered that he

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shou+d not e ser%ed ecause he $as an ido+ater"

&e $as a Protestant( and s$ore to her that he adored

neither host nor ima*es" #Ah Q if that is the case(#

said the $oman( #come to me e%er' da'( and 'ou

sha++ e ser%ed for nothin*"#


IF 3O/ are desirous of otainin* a *reat name(

of ecomin* the founder of a sect or esta+ishment(

e com)+ete+' mad ut e sure that 'our madness

corres)onds $ith the turn and tem)er of 'our a*e"

&a%e in 'our madness reason enou*h to *uide 'our

e=tra%a*ances and for*et not to e e=cessi%e+'

o)inionated and ostinate" It is certain+' )ossi+e

that 'ou ma' *et han*ed ut if 'ou esca)e han*6

in*( 'ou $i++ ha%e a+tars erected to 'ou"

Dictionar'" 8B9

In rea+ truth( $as there e%er a Gtter suect for

the Petites60aisons( or !ed+am( than I*natius( or

St" Ini*o the !isca'an( for that $as his true name J

&is head ecame deran*ed in conseuence of his

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readin* the #o+den Le*end# as Don 5ui=ote2s

$as( after$ards( ' readin* the romances of chi%6

a+r'" Our !isca'an hero( in the Grst )+ace( dus

himse+f a <ni*ht of the &o+' Vir*in( and )erforms

the Watch of Arms in honor of his +ad'" The %ir*in

a))ears to him and acce)ts his ser%ices she often

re)eats her %isit( and introduces to him her son"

 The de%i+( $ho $atches his o))ortunit'( and c+ear+'

foresees the inur' he must in the course of time

suer from the .esuits( comes and ma<es a tremen6

dous noise in the house( and rea<s a++ the $indo$s

the !isca'an dri%es him a$a' $ith the si*n of the

cross and the de%i+ Hies throu*h the $a++( +ea%in*

in it a +ar*e o)enin*( $hich $as sho$n to the cu6

rious Gft' 'ears after the ha))' e%ent"

&is fami+'( seein* the %er' disordered state of

his mind( is desirous of his ein* conGned and )ut

under a course of re*imen and medicine" &e e=6

tricates himse+f from his fami+' as easi+' as he did

from the de%i+( and esca)es $ithout <no$in* $here

to *o" &e meets $ith a 0oor( and dis)utes $ith

him aout the immacu+ate conce)tion" The 0oor(

$ho ta<es him e=act+' for $hat he is( uits him as

s)eedi+' as )ossi+e" The !isca'an hesitates $hether

he sha++ <i++ the 0oor or )ra' to od for his con6

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%ersion he +ea%es the decision to his horse( and the

8M: Phi+oso)hica+

anima+( rather $iser than its master( ta<es the road

+eadin* to the sta+e"

Our hero( after this ad%enture( underta<es a )i+6

*rima*e to !eth+ehem( e**in* his read on the

$a'- his madness increases as he )roceeds the

Dominicans ta<e )it' on him at 0anrosa( and <ee)

him in their esta+ishment for some da's( and then

dismiss him uncured"

&e emar<s at !arce+ona( and *oes to Venice

he returns to !arce+ona( sti++ tra%e++in* as a men6

dicant( a+$a's e=)eriencin* trances and ecstacies(

and freuent+' %isited ' the &o+' Vir*in and .esus


At +en*th( he $as *i%en to understand that( in

order to *o to the &o+' Land $ith an' fair %ie$ of

con%ertin* the Tur<s( the Christians of the ree<

church( the Armenians( and the .e$s( it $as neces6

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sar' to e*in $ith a +itt+e stud' of theo+o*'" Our

hero desires nothin* etter ut( to ecome a the6

o+o*ian( it $as reuisite to <no$ somethin* of

*rammar and a +itt+e Latin this *i%es him no em6

arrassment $hate%er- he *oes to co++e*e at the

a*e of thirt'6three he is there +au*hed at( and +earns


&e $as a+most ro<en6hearted at the idea of not

ein* a+e to *o and con%ert the inGde+s" The de%i+(

for this once( too< )it' on him" &e a))eared to

him( and s$ore to him( on the faith of a Christian(

that( if he $ou+d de+i%er himse+f o%er to him( he

$ou+d ma<e him the most +earned and a+e man in

Dictionar'" 8M8

the church of od" I*natius( ho$e%er( $as not to

e cao+ed to )+ace himse+f under the disci)+ine of

such a master he $ent ac< to his c+ass he oc6

casiona++' e=)erienced the rod( ut his +earnin*

made no )ro*ress"

E=)e++ed from the co++e*e of !arce+ona( )ersecu6

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ted ' the de%i+( $ho )unished him for refusin* to

sumit to his instructions( and aandoned ' the Vir6

*in 0ar'( $ho too< no )ains aout assistin* her

de%oted <ni*ht( he( ne%erthe+ess( does not *i%e $a'

to des)air" &e oins the )i+*rims of St" .ames in

their $anderin*s o%er the countr'" &e )reaches in

the streets and )u+ic )+aces( from cit' to cit'( and

is shut u) in the dun*eons of the Inuisition" De6

+i%ered from the Inuisition( he is )ut in )rison at

A+ca+a" &e esca)es thence to Sa+amanca( and is

there a*ain im)risoned" At +en*th( )ercei%in* that

he is no )ro)het in his o$n countr'( he forms a res6

o+ution to *o to Paris" &e tra%e+s thither on foot(

dri%in* efore him an ass $hich carried his a**a*e(

mone'( and manuscri)ts" Don 5ui=ote had a horse

and an esuire( ut I*natius $as not )ro%ided $ith


&e e=)eriences at Paris the same insu+ts and in6

 uries as he had endured in S)ain" &e is aso+ute+'

Ho**ed( in a++ the re*u+ar form and ceremon' of

scho+astic disci)+ine( at the co++e*e of St" !are"

&is %ocation( at +en*th( ca++s him to Rome"

&o$ cou+d it )ossi+' come to )ass( that a man

of such e=tra%a*ant character and manners( shou+d

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8M> Phi+oso)hica+

at +en*th otain consideration at the court of Rome(

*ain o%er a numer of disci)+es( and ecome the

founder of a )o$erfu+ order( amon* $hom are to

e found men of unuestiona+e $orth and +earnin* J

 The reason is( that he $as o)inionated( ostinate(

and enthusiastic and found enthusiasts +i<e him6

se+f( $ith $hom he associated" These( ha%in* rather

a *reater share of reason than himse+f( $ere instru6

menta+ in some$hat restorin* and re6esta+ishin*

his o$n he ecame more )rudent and re*u+ar to6

$ards the c+ose of his +ife( and occasiona++' e%en

dis)+a'ed in his conduct )roofs of ai+it'"

Perha)s 0ahomet( in his Grst con%ersations $ith

the an*e+ arie+( e*an his career $ith ein* as

much deran*ed as I*natius and )erha)s I*natius(

in 0ahomet2s circumstances( $ou+d ha%e )erformed

as *reat achie%ements as the )ro)het for he $as

eua++' i*norant( and uite as %isionar' and intre)id"

It is a common oser%ation( that such cases occur

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on+' once - ho$e%er( it is not +on* since an En*+ish

rustic( more i*norant than the S)aniard I*natius(

formed the societ' of )eo)+e ca++ed #5ua<ers# a

societ' far su)erior to that of I*natius" Count 4in6

1endorf has( in our o$n time( formed the sect of

0ora%ians and the Con%u+sionaries of Paris $ere

%er' near+' u)on the )oint of eectin* a re%o+ution"

 The' $ere uite mad enou*h( ut the' $ere not suf6

Gcient+' )erse%erin* and ostinate"

Dictionar'" 8MB



 T&ERE are man' <inds of i*norance ut the

$orst of a++ is that of critics( $ho( it is $e++ <no$n(

are dou+' ound to )ossess information and ud*6

ment as )ersons $ho underta<e to arm and to cen6

sure" When the' )ronounce erroneous+'( therefore(

the' are dou+' cu+)a+e"

A man( for e=am)+e( com)oses t$o +ar*e %o+umes

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u)on a fe$ )a*es of a %a+ua+e oo< $hich he has

not understood( and in the Grst )+ace e=amines the

fo++o$in* $ords -

#The sea has co%ered immense tracts The

dee) eds of she++s $hich are found in Touraine

and e+se$here( cou+d ha%e een de)osited there on+'

' the sea"#

 True( if those eds of she++s e=ist in fact ut

the critic ou*ht to e a$are that the author himse+f

disco%ered( or thou*ht he had disco%ered( that those

re*u+ar eds of she++s ha%e no e=istence"

&e ou*ht to ha%e said -

#The uni%ersa+ De+u*e is re+ated ' 0oses $ith

the a*reement of a++ nations"#

8" !ecause the Pentateuch $as +on* un<no$n(

not on+' to the other nations of the $or+d( ut to

the .e$s themse+%es"

>" !ecause on+' a sin*+e co)' of the +a$

$as found at the ottom of an o+d chest in the time

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of Kin* .osiah"

8 MM Phi+oso)hica+

B" !ecause that oo< $as +ost durin* the ca)6


M" !ecause it $as restored ' Esdras"

@" !ecause it $as a+$a's un<no$n to e%er'

other nation ti++ the time of its ein* trans+ated '

the Se%ent'"

;" !ecause( e%en after the trans+ation ascried

to the Se%ent'( $e ha%e not a sin*+e author amon*

the enti+es $ho uotes a sin*+e )assa*e from this

oo<( do$n to the time of Lon*inus( $ho +i%ed un6

der the Em)eror Aure+ian"

?" !ecause no other nation e%er admitted a uni6

%ersa+ de+u*e efore O%id2s #0etamor)hoses# and

e%en O%id himse+f does not ma<e his de+u*e e=tend

e'ond the 0editerranean"

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" !ecause St" Au*ustine e=)ress+' ac<no$+6

ed*es that the uni%ersa+ de+u*e $as un<no$n to

a++ antiuit'"

9" !ecause the Grst de+u*e of $hich an' notice

is ta<en ' the enti+es( is that mentioned ' !e6

rosus( and $hich he G=es at aout four thousand

four hundred 'ears efore our %u+*ar era $hich

de+u*e did not e=tend e'ond the Eu=ine Sea"

8:" Fina++'( ecause no monument of a uni%er6

sa+ de+u*e remains in an' nation in the $or+d"

In addition to a++ these reasons( it must e o6

ser%ed( that the critic did not e%en understand the

sim)+e state of the uestion" The on+' inuir' is(

$hether $e ha%e an' natura+ )roof that the sea has

successi%e+' aandoned man' tracts of territor'J

Dictionar'" 8M@

and u)on this )+ain and mere matter6of6fact suect(

0" Ae Francois has ta<en occasion to ause men

$hom he certain+' neither <no$s nor understands"

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It is far etter to e si+ent( than mere+' to increase

the uantit' of ad oo<s"

 The same critic( in order to )ro) u) o+d ideas(

no$ a+most uni%ersa++' des)ised and derided( and

$hich ha%e not the s+i*htest re+ation to 0oses( thin<s

)ro)er to sa' - #!erosus )erfect+' a*rees $ith 0o6

ses in the numer of *enerations efore the De+u*e"#

!e it <no$n to 'ou( m' dear reader( that this

same !erosus is the $riter $ho informs us that the

Gsh Cannes came out to the ri%er Eu)hrates e%er'

da'( to *o and )reach to the Cha+daeans and that

the same Gsh $rote $ith one of its ones a ca)i6

ta+ oo< aout the ori*in of thin*s" Such is the

$riter $hom the in*enious ae rin*s for$ard as

a %oucher for 0oses"

#Is it not e%ident(# he sa's( #that a *reat numer

of Euro)ean fami+ies( trans)+anted to the coasts of

Africa( ha%e ecome( $ithout an' mi=ture of Afri6

can +ood( as +ac< as an' of the nati%es of the

countr' J#

It is ust the contrar' of this( 0" 82Ae( that is

e%ident" 3ou are i*norant that the reticu+um mu6

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cosum# of the ne*roes is +ac<( a+thou*h I ha%e

mentioned the fact times innumera+e" Were 'ou

to ha%e e%er so +ar*e a numer of chi+dren orn to

'ou in uinea( of a Euro)ean $ife( the' $ou+d not

one of them ha%e that +ac< unctuous s<in( those

Vo+" 8: 8:

8M; Phi+oso)hica+

dar< and thic< +i)s( those round e'es( or that $oo++'

hair( $hich form the s)eciGc dierences of the ne*ro

race" In the same manner( $ere 'our fami+' es6

ta+ished in America( the' $ou+d ha%e eards( $hi+e

a nati%e American $i++ ha%e none" No$ e=tricate

'ourse+f from the dicu+t'( $ith Adam and E%e

on+'( if 'ou can"

#Who $as this 20e+chom(2 'ou as<( $ho had ta6

<en )ossession of the countr' of odJ A )+easant

sort of *od( certain+'( $hom the od of .eremiah

$ou+d carr' o to e dra**ed into ca)ti%it'"#

Ah( 0" 82AeQ 'ou are uite smart and +i%e+'"

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 3ou as<( $ho is this 0e+chom J I $i++ immediate+'

inform 'ou" 0e+e< or 0e+<om si*niGed the Lord(

as did Adoni or Adonai( !aa+ or !e+( Adad or Sha6

dai( E+oi or E+oa" A+most a++ the nations of S'ria

*a%e such names to their *ods each had its +ord(

its )rotector( its *od" E%en the name of .eho%ah

$as a Phoenician and )ro)er name this $e +earn

from Sanchoniathon( $ho $as certain+' anterior to

0oses and a+so from Diodorus"

We $e++ <no$ that od is eua++' the od( the

aso+ute master( of E*')tians and .e$s( of a++ men

and a++ $or+ds ut it is not in this +i*ht that he is

re)resented $hen 0oses a))ears efore Pharaoh"

&e ne%er s)ea<s to that monarch ut in the name of

the od of the &ere$s( as an amassador de+i%ers

the orders of the <in* his master" &e s)ea<s so

+itt+e in the name of the 0aster of a++ Nature( that

Pharaoh re)+ies to him( #I do not <no$ him"# 0oses

Dictionar'" 8M?

)erforms )rodi*ies in the name of this od ut

the ma*icians of Pharaoh )erform )recise+' the

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same )rodi*ies in the name of their o$n" &ith6

erto oth sides are eua+ the contest is( $ho sha++

e deemed most )o$erfu+( not $ho sha++ e deemed

a+one )o$erfu+" At +en*th( the od of the &e6

re$s decided+' carries the da' he manifests a

)o$er ' far the *reater ut not the on+' )o$er"

 Thus( s)ea<in* after the manner of men( Pharaoh2s

incredu+it' is %er' e=cusa+e" It is the same incre6

du+it' as 0onte1uma e=hiited efore Cortes( and

Atahua+)a efore the Pi1arros"

When .oshua ca++ed to*ether the .e$s( he said

to them - #Choose 'e this da' $hom 'e $i++ ser%e(

$hether the *ods $hich 'our father ser%ed( that

$ere on the other side of the Hood( or the *ods of

the Amorites in $hose +and 'e d$e++ ut as for me

and m' house( $e $i++ ser%e the Lord"# The )eo)+e(

therefore( had a+read' *i%en themse+%es u) to other

*ods( and mi*ht ser%e $hom the' )+eased"

When the fami+' of 0icah( in E)hraim( hire a

Le%itica+ )riest to conduct the ser%ice of a stran*e

*od( $hen the $ho+e trie of Dan ser%e the same *od

as the fami+' of 0icah $hen a *randson of 0oses

himse+f ecomes a hired )riest of the same *od

no one murmurs e%er' one has his o$n *od( undis6

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tured and the *randson of 0oses ecomes an ido+6

ater $ithout an' one2s re%i+in* or accusin* him"

At that time( therefore( e%er' one chose his o$n +o6

ca+ *od( his o$n )rotector"

8M Phi+oso)hica+

 The same .e$s( after the death of ideon( adore

!aa+6erith( $hich means )recise+' the same as

Adonai the +ord( the )rotector the' chan*e their


Adonai( in the time of .oshua( ecomes master

of the mountains ut he is una+e to o%ercome the

inhaitants of the %a++e's( ecause the' had chariots

armed $ith sc'thes" Can an'thin* more correct+'

re)resent the idea of a +oca+ deit'( a *od $ho is

stron* in one )+ace( ut not so in another J

 .e)hthah( the son of i+ead( and a concuine( sa's

to the 0oaites - #Wi+t thou not )ossess $hat Che6

mosh( th' *od( *i%eth thee to )ossess J So( $hom6

soe%er the Lord our od sha++ dri%e out from efore

us( them $i++ $e )ossess"#

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It is then )erfect+' )ro%ed( that the undistin*uish6

in* .e$s( a+thou*h chosen ' the od of the uni6

%erse( re*arded him not$ithstandin* as a mere +oca+

*od( the *od of a )articu+ar territor' of )eo)+e( +i<e

the *od of the Amorites( or that of the 0oaites(

of the mountains or of the %a++e's"

It is unfortunate+' %er' e%ident that it $as )er6

fect+' indierent to the *randson of 0oses $hether

he ser%ed 0icah2s *od or his *randfather2s" It is

c+ear( and cannot ut e admitted( that the .e$ish

re+i*ion $as not formed( that it $as not uniform(

ti++ the time of Esdras and $e must( e%en then( e=6

ce)t the Samaritans"

 3ou ma' no$( )roa+'( ha%e some idea of the

meanin* of this +ord or *od 0e+chom" I am not in

Dictionar'" 8M9

fa%or of his cause the Lord de+i%er me from such

fo++' Q ut $hen 'ou remar<( #the *od $hich .ere6

miah threatened to carr' into s+a%er' must e a cu6

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rious and )+easant sort of deit'(# I $i++ ans$er 'ou(

0" 82Ae( $ith this short )iece of ad%ice - #From

'our o$n house of *+ass do not thro$ stones at those

of 'our nei*hors"#

 The' $ere the .e$s $ho $ere at that %er' time

carried o in s+a%er' to !a'+on" It $as the *ood

 .eremiah himse+f $ho $as accused of ein* ried

' the court of !a'+on( and of ha%in* conseuent+'

)ro)hesied in his fa%or" It $as he $ho $as the

oect of )u+ic scorn and hatred( and $ho it is

thou*ht ended his career ' ein* stoned to death

' the .e$s themse+%es" This .eremiah( e assured

from me( $as ne%er efore understood to e a o<er"

 The od of the .e$s( I a*ain re)eat( is the od

of a++ nature" I e=)ress+' ma<e this re)etition that

'ou ma' ha%e no *round for )retendin* i*norance

of it( and that 'ou ma' not accuse me efore the

ecc+esiastica+ court" I sti++( ho$e%er( assert and

maintain( that the stu)id .e$s freuent+' <ne$ no

other od than a +oca+ one"

#It is not natura+ to attriute the tides to the

)hases of the moon" The' are not the hi*h tides

$hich occur at the fu++ moon( that are ascried to the

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)hases of that )+anet"# &ere $e see i*norance of

a dierent descri)tion"

It occasiona++' ha))ens that )ersons of a certain

descri)tion are so much ashamed of the )art the'

8@: Phi+oso)hica+

)+a' in the $or+d( that the' are desirous of dis6

*uisin* themse+%es sometimes as $its( and some6

times as )hi+oso)hers"

In the Grst )+ace( it is )ro)er to inform 0" 82Ae(

that nothin* is more natura+ than to attriute an ef6

fect to that $hich is a+$a's fo++o$ed ' this eect"

If a )articu+ar $ind is constant+' fo++o$ed ' rain(

it is natura+ to attriute the rain to the $ind" No$(

o%er a++ the shores of the ocean( the tides are a+$a's

hi*her in the moon2s #s'1'*ies# if 'ou ha))en to

<no$ the meanin* of the term than at its uarter6

in*s" The moon rises e%er' da' +ater the tide is

a+so e%er' da' +ater" The nearer the moon a)6

)roaches our 1enith( the *reater is the tide the

nearer the moon a))roaches its )eri*ee( the hi*her

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the tide sti++ rises" These e=)eriences and %arious

others( these in%aria+e corres)ondences $ith the

)hases of the moon( $ere the foundation of the an6

cient and ust o)inion( that that od' is a )rinci6

)a+ cause of the Hu= and reHu= of the ocean"

After numerous centuries a))eared the *reat

Ne$ton Are 'ou at a++ acuainted $ith Ne$tonJ

Did 'ou e%er hear( that after ca+cu+atin* the suare

of the )ro*ress of the moon in its orit durin* the

s)ace of a minute( and di%idin* that suare ' the

diameter of that orit( he found the uotient to e

Gfteen feetJ that he thence demonstrated that the

moon *ra%itates to$ards the earth three thousand

si= hundred times +ess than if she $ere near the

earthJ that he after$ards demonstrated that its at6

Dictionar'" 8@8

tracti%e force is the cause of three6fourths of the e+e6

%ation of the sea ' the tide( and that the force of

the sun is the cause of the remainin* fourth J 3ou

a))ear )erfect+' astonished" 3ou ne%er read an'6

thin* +i<e this in the #Christian Peda*o*ue"# En6

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dea%or hencefor$ard( oth 'ou and the )orters of

'our )arish( ne%er to s)ea< aout thin*s of $hich

'ou ha%e not e%en the s+i*htest idea"

 3ou can form no conce)tion of the inur' 'ou

do to re+i*ion ' 'our i*norance( and sti++ more '

'our reasonin*s" In order to )reser%e in the $or+d

the +itt+e faith that remains in it( it $ou+d e the

most udicious measure )ossi+e to restrain 'ou( and

such as 'ou( from $ritin* and )u+ishin* in eha+f

of it"

I shou+d aso+ute+' ma<e 'our astonished e'es

stare a+most to startin*( $ere I to inform 'ou( that

this same Ne$ton $as )ersuaded that Samue+ is the

author of the Pentateuch" I do not mean to sa' that

he demonstrated it in the same $a' as he ca+cu6

+ated and deduced the )o$er of *ra%itation" Learn(

then( to dout and to e modest" I e+ie%e in the

Pentateuch( rememer ut I e+ie%e( a+so( that 'ou

ha%e )rinted and )u+ished the most enormous

asurdities" I cou+d here transcrie a +ar*e %o+ume

of instances of 'our o$n indi%idua+ i*norance and

imeci+it'( and man' of those of 'our rethren and

co++ea*ues" I sha++ not( ho$e%er( ta<e the trou+e

of doin* it" Let us *o on $ith our uestions"

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8@> Phi+oso)hica+


I am i*norant ho$ I $as formed( and ho$ I $as

orn" I $as )erfect+' i*norant( for a uarter of m'

+ife( of the reasons of a++ that I sa$( heard( and fe+t(

and $as a mere )arrot( ta+<in* ' rote in imitation

of other )arrots"

When I +oo<ed aout me and $ithin me( I con6

cei%ed that somethin* e=isted from a++ eternit'"

Since there are ein*s actua++' e=istin*( I conc+uded

that there is some ein* necessar' and necessari+'

eterna+" Thus the Grst ste) I too< to e=tricate

m'se+f from m' i*norance( o%er)assed the +imits of

a++ a*es the oundaries of time"

!ut $hen I $as desirous of )roceedin* in this

inGnite career( I cou+d neither )ercei%e a sin*+e )ath(

nor c+ear+' distin*uish a sin*+e oect and from the

Hi*ht $hich I too< to contem)+ate eternit'( I ha%e

fa++en ac< into the a'ss of m' ori*ina+ i*norance"

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I ha%e seen $hat is denominated #matter(# from

the star Sirius( and the stars of the #mi+<' $a'(# as

distant from Sirius as that is from us( to the sma++6

est atom that can e )ercei%ed ' the microsco)e

and 'et I <no$ not $hat matter is"

Li*ht( $hich has ena+ed me to see a++ these dier6

ent and distant ein*s( is )erfect+' un<no$n to me

I am a+e ' the he+) of a )rism to anatomi1e this

+i*ht( and di%ide it into se%en )enci++in*s of ra's

ut I cannot di%ide these )enci++in*s themse+%es I

<no$ not of $hat the' are com)osed" Li*ht re6

Dictionar'" 8 @B

sem+es matter in ha%in* motion and im)in*in*

u)on oects( ut it does not tend to$ards a common

centre +i<e a++ other odies on the contrar' it Hies

o ' some in%inci+e )o$er from the centre( $hi+e

a++ matter *ra%itates to$ards a centre" Li*ht a)6

)ears to e )enetra+e( and matter is im)enetra+e"

Is +i*ht matter( or is it not matterJ What is itJ

With $hat numer+ess )ro)erties can it e in%ested J

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I am com)+ete+' i*norant"

 This sustance so ri++iant( so ra)id( and so un6

<no$n( and those other sustances $hich Hoat in

the immensit' of s)ace seemin* to e inGnite are

the' eterna+J I <no$ nothin* on the suect" &as

a necessar' ein*( so%erei*n+' inte++i*ent( created

them from nothin*( or has he on+' arran*ed them J

Did he )roduce this order in time( or efore time ?8

A+asQ $hat is this time( of $hich I am s)ea<in*J

I am inca)a+e of deGnin* it" O od( it is Thou

a+one ' $hom I can e instructed( for I am neither

en+i*htened ' the dar<ness of other men nor ' m'


0ice and mo+es ha%e their resem+ances of struct6

ure( in certain res)ects( to the human frame" What

dierence can it ma<e to the Su)reme !ein* $hether

anima+s +i<e ourse+%es( or such as mice( e=ist u)on

this *+oe re%o+%in* in s)ace $ith innumera+e

*+oes around itJ

Wh' ha%e $e ein* J Wh' are there an' ein*s J

What is sensation J &o$ ha%e I recei%ed it J What

connection is there et$een the air $hich %irates on

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8 @M Phi+oso)hica+

m' ear and the sensation of soundJ et$een this

od' and the sensation of co+orsJ I am )erfect+'

i*norant( and sha++ e%er remain i*norant"

What is thou*htJ Where does it resideJ &o$

is it formedJ Who *i%es me thou*hts durin* m'

s+ee)J Is it in %irtue of m' $i++ that I thin<J No(

for a+$a's durin* s+ee)( and often $hen I am a$a<e(

I ha%e ideas a*ainst( or at +east $ithout( m' $i++"

 These ideas( +on* for*otten( +on* )ut a$a'( and an6

ished in the +umer room of m' rain( issue from it

$ithout an' eort or %o+ition of mine( and sudden+'

)resent themse+%es to m' memor'( $hich had( )er6

ha)s( )re%ious+' made %arious %ain attem)ts to reca++


E=terna+ oects ha%e not the )o$er of formin*

ideas in me( for nothin* can communicate $hat it

does not )ossess I am $e++ assured that the' are

not *i%en me ' m'se+f( for the' are )roduced $ith6

out m' orders" Who then )roduces them in meJ

Whence do the' come J Whither do the' *o J Fu6

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*iti%e )hantoms Q What in%isi+e hand )roduces and

dis)erses 'ouJ

Wh'( of a++ the %arious tries of anima+s( has man

a+one the mad amition of domineerin* o%er his fe+6

+o$J Wh' and ho$ cou+d it ha))en( that out of a

thousand mi++ions of men( more than nine hundred

and ninet'6nine ha%e een sacriGced to this mad

amition J

&o$ is it that reason is a *ift so )recious that

$e $ou+d none of us +ose it for a++ the )om) or

Dictionar'" 8@@

$ea+th of the $or+d( and 'et at the same time that

it has mere+' ser%ed to render us( in a+most a++ cases(

the most misera+e of ein*sJ Whence comes it(

that $ith a )assionate attachment to truth( $e are

a+$a's 'ie+din* to the most )a+)a+e im)ostures J

Wh' do the %ast tries of India( decei%ed and en6

s+a%ed ' the on1es( tram)+ed u)on ' the descend6

ant of a Tartar( o$ed do$n ' +aor( *roanin* in

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miser'( assai+ed ' diseases( and a mar< for a++ the

scour*es and )+a*ues of +ife( sti++ fond+' c+in* to that

+ifeJ Whence comes e%i+( and $h' does it e=istJ

O atoms of a da' Q O com)anions in +itt+eness(

orn +i<e me to suer e%er'thin*( and e i*norant

of e%er'thin* Q are there in rea+it' an' amon* 'ou

so com)+ete+' mad as to ima*ine 'ou <no$ a++ this(

or that 'ou can so+%e a++ these dicu+tiesJ Cer6

tain+' there can e none" No in the ottom of

'our heart 'ou fee+ 'our o$n nothin*ness( as com6

)+ete+' as I do ustice to mine" !ut 'ou are ne%er6

the+ess arro*ant and conceited enou*h to e ea*er

for our emracin* 'our %ain s'stems and not ha%6

in* the )o$er to t'ranni1e o%er our odies( 'ou aim

at ecomin* the t'rants of our sou+s"



I0AINATION is the )o$er $hich e%er' ein*(

endo$ed $ith )erce)tion and reason( is conscious

he )ossesses of re)resentin* to himse+f sensi+e o6

 ects" This facu+t' is de)endent u)on memor'" We

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8@; Phi+oso)hica+

see men( anima+s( *ardens( $hich )erce)tions are in6

troduced ' the senses the memor' retains them(

and the ima*ination com)ounds them" On this ac6

count the ancient ree<s ca++ed the muses( #the

dau*hters of memor'"#

It is of *reat im)ortance to oser%e( that these

facu+ties of recei%in* ideas( retainin* them( and com6

)oundin* them( are amon* the man' thin*s of $hich

$e can *i%e no e=)+anation" These in%isi+e s)rin*s

of our ein* are of nature2s $or<manshi)( and not

of our o$n"

Perha)s this *ift of od( ima*ination( is the so+e

instrument $ith $hich $e com)ound ideas( e%en

those $hich are astract and meta)h'sica+"

 3ou )ronounce the $ord #trian*+e# ut 'ou

mere+' utter a sound( if 'ou do not re)resent to

'ourse+f the ima*e of some )articu+ar trian*+e" 3ou

certain+' ha%e no idea of a trian*+e ut in conse6

uence of ha%in* seen trian*+es( if 'ou ha%e the *ift

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of si*ht( or of ha%in* fe+t them( if 'ou are +ind"

 3ou cannot thin< of a trian*+e in *enera+( un+ess

'our ima*ination G*ures to itse+f( at +east in a con6

fused $a'( some )articu+ar trian*+e" 3ou ca+cu+ate

ut it is necessar' that 'ou shou+d re)resent to 'our6

se+f units added to each other( or 'our mind $i++ e

tota++' insensi+e to the o)eration of 'our hand"

 3ou utter the astract terms *reatness( truth(

 ustice( Gnite( inGnite ut is the term #*reatness#

thus uttered( an'thin* more or +ess( than a mere

sound( from the action of 'our ton*ue( )roducin*

Dictionar'" 8 @?

%irations in the air( un+ess 'ou ha%e the ima*e of

some *reatness in 'our mindJ What meanin* is

there in the $ords #truth# and #fa+sehood(# if 'ou

ha%e not )ercei%ed( ' means of 'our senses( that

some )articu+ar thin* $hich 'ou $ere to+d e=isted(

did e=ist in fact and that another of $hich 'ou

$ere to+d the same( did not e=istJ And( is it not

from this e=)erience( that 'ou frame the *enera+

idea of truth and fa+sehood J And( $hen as<ed $hat

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'ou mean ' these $ords( can 'ou he+) G*urin* to

'ourse+f some sensi+e ima*e( occasionin* 'ou to

reco++ect that 'ou ha%e sometimes een to+d( as a

fact( $hat rea++' and tru+' ha))ened( and %er' often

$hat $as not so J

&a%e 'ou an' other notion of ust and unust(

than $hat is deri%ed from )articu+ar actions( $hich

a))eared to 'ou res)ecti%e+' of these descri)tionsJ

 3ou e*an in 'our chi+dhood ' +earnin* to read

under some master - 'ou endea%ored to s)e++ $e++(

ut 'ou rea++' s)e++ed i++ - 'our master chastised 'ou -

this a))eared to 'ou %er' unust" 3ou ha%e o6

ser%ed a +aorer refused his $a*es( and innumera+e

instances of the +i<e nature" Is the astract idea of

 ust and unust an'thin* more than facts of this

character confused+' mi=ed u) in 'our ima*ination J

Is #Gnite# an'thin* e+se in 'our conce)tion than

the ima*e of some +imited uantit' or e=tentJ Is

#inGnite# an'thin* ut the ima*e of the same e=tent

or uantit' en+ar*ed indeGnite+'J Do not a++ these

o)erations ta<e )+ace in 'our mind ust in the same

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I Phi+oso)hica+

manner as 'ou read a oo<J 3ou read circum6

stances and e%ents recorded in it( and ne%er thin<

at the time of the a+)haetica+ characters( $ithout

$hich( ho$e%er( 'ou $ou+d ha%e no notion of these

e%ents and circumstances" Attend to this )oint for

a sin*+e moment( and then 'ou $i++ distinct+' )er6

cei%e the essentia+ im)ortance of those characters

o%er $hich 'our e'e )re%ious+' *+ided $ithout thin<6

in* of them" In the same manner a++ 'our reason6

in*s( a++ 'our accumu+ations of <no$+ed*e are

founded on ima*es traced in 'our rain" 3ou ha%e(

in *enera+( no distinct )erce)tion or reco++ection of

them ut *i%e the case on+' a moment2s attention(

and 'ou $i++ then c+ear+' discern( that these ima*es

are the foundation of a++ the notions 'ou )ossess"

It ma' e $orth the reader2s $hi+e to d$e++ a +itt+e

u)on this idea( to e=tend it( and to rectif' it"

 The ce+erated Addison( in the e+e%en essa's on

the ima*ination $ith $hich he has enriched the

%o+umes of the #S)ectator(# e*ins $ith oser%in*(

that #the sense of si*ht is the on+' one $hich fur6

nishes the ima*ination $ith ideas"# 3et certain+'

it must e a++o$ed( that the other senses contriute

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some share" A man orn +ind sti++ hears( in his

ima*ination( the harmon' $hich no +on*er %irates

u)on his ear he sti++ continues +istenin* as in a

trance or dream the oects $hich ha%e resisted

or 'ie+ded to his hands )roduce a simi+ar eect in

his head or mind" It is true that the sense of si*ht

a+one su))+ies ima*es and as it is a <ind of touch6

Dictionar'" 8@9

in* or fee+in* $hich e=tends e%en to the distance of

the stars( its immense diusion enriches the ima*ina6

tion more than a++ the other senses )ut to*ther"

 There are t$o descri)tions of ima*ination one

consists in retainin* a sim)+e im)ression of o6

 ects the other arran*es the ima*es recei%ed( and

comines them in end+ess di%ersit'" The Grst has

een ca++ed )assi%e ima*ination( and the second act6

i%e" The )assi%e scarce+' ad%ances e'ond mem6

or'( and is common to man and to anima+s" From

this )o$er or facu+t' it arises( that the s)ortsman

and his do* oth fo++o$ the hunted *ame in their

dreams( that the' oth hear the sound of the horn(

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and the one shouts and the other ar<s in their s+ee)"

!oth men and rutes do somethin* more than reco+6

+ect on these occasions( for dreams are ne%er faithfu+

and accurate ima*es" This s)ecies of ima*ination

com)ounds oects( ut it is not the understandin*

$hich acts in it it is the memor' +aorin* under


 This )assi%e ima*ination certain+' reuires no

assistance from %o+ition( $hether $e are as+ee) or

a$a<e it )aints( inde)endent+' of ourse+%es( $hat

our e'es ha%e seen it hears $hat our ears ha%e

heard( and touches $hat $e ha%e touched it adds

to it or ta<es from it" It is an interna+ sense( actin*

necessari+'( and accordin*+' there is nothin* more

common( in s)ea<in* of an' )articu+ar indi%idua+(

than to sa'( #he has no command o%er his ima*i6


8 ;: Phi+oso)hica+

In this res)ect $e cannot ut see( and e aston6

ished at the s+i*ht share of )o$er $e rea++' )ossess"

Whence comes it( that occasiona++' in dreams $e

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com)ose most coherent and e+ouent discourses( and

%erses far su)erior to $hat $e shou+d $rite on the

same suect if )erfect+' a$a<eJ that $e e%en

so+%e com)+icated )ro+ems in mathematicsJ &ere

certain+' there are %er' comined and com)+e=

ideas in no de*ree de)endent on ourse+%es" !ut

if it is incontesta+e that coherent ideas are formed

$ithin us inde)endent+' of our $i++ in s+ee)( $ho

can safe+' assert that the' are not )roduced in the

same manner $hen $e are a$a<eJ Is there a man

+i%in* $ho foresees the idea $hich he $i++ form in his

mind the ensuin* minuteJ Does it not seem as if

ideas $ere *i%en to us as much as the motions of

our Gres and had Father 0a+eranche mere+'

maintained the )rinci)+e that a++ ideas are *i%en

' od( cou+d an' one ha%e successfu++' o))osed


 This )assi%e facu+t'( inde)endent of reHection( is

the source of our )assions and our errors far from

ein* de)endent on the $i++( the $i++ is determined

' it" It ur*es us to$ards the oects $hich it

)aints efore us( or di%erts us from them( ust ac6

cordin* to the nature of the e=hiition thus made

of them ' it" The ima*e of a dan*er ins)ires fear

that of a eneGt e=cites desire" It is this facu+t'

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a+one $hich )roduces the enthusiasm of *+or'( of

)art'( of fanaticism it is this $hich )roduces so

Dictionar'" 8;8

man' menta+ a+ienations and disorders( ma<in*

$ea< rains( $hen )o$erfu++' im)ressed( concei%e

that their odies are metamor)hosed into %arious

anima+s( that the' are )ossessed ' demons( that

the' are under the inferna+ dominion of $itchcraft(

and that the' are in rea+it' *oin* to unite $ith

sorcerers in the $orshi) of the de%i+( ecause the'

ha%e een to+d that the' $ere *oin* to do so" This

s)ecies of s+a%ish ima*ination( $hich *enera++' is

the +ot of i*norant )eo)+e( has een the instrument

$hich the ima*ination of some men has em)+o'ed to

acuire and retain )o$er" It is( moreo%er( this

)assi%e ima*ination of rains easi+' e=cited and

a*itated( $hich sometimes )roduces on the odies

of chi+dren e%ident mar<s of the im)ression re6

cei%ed ' the mother e=am)+es of this <ind are

indeed innumera+e( and the $riter of this artic+e

has seen some so stri<in* that( $ere he to den'

them( he must contradict his o$n ocu+ar demon6

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stration" This eect of ima*ination is inca)a+e

of ein* e=)+ained ut e%er' other o)eration of

nature is eua++' so $e ha%e no c+earer idea ho$

$e ha%e )erce)tions( ho$ $e retain them( or ho$

%e comine them" There is an inGnit' et$een us

and the s)rin*s or Grst )rinci)+es of our nature"

Acti%e ima*ination is that $hich oins comina6

tion and reHection to memor'" It rin*s near to

us man' oects at a distance it se)arates those

mi=ed to*ether( com)ounds them( and chan*es

them it seems to create( $hi+e in fact it mere+' ar6

Vo+" 8: n

8 ;> Phi+oso)hica+

ran*es for it has not een *i%en to man to ma<e

ideas he is on+' a+e to modif' them"

 This acti%e ima*ination then is in rea+it' a

facu+t' as inde)endent of ourse+%es as )assi%e

ima*ination and one )roof of its not de)endin*

u)on ourse+%es is that( if $e )ro)ose to a hundred

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)ersons( eua++' i*norant( to ima*ine a certain ne$

machine( ninet'6nine of them $i++ form no ima*ina6

tion at a++ aout it( not$ithstandin* a++ their en6

dea%ors" If the hundredth ima*ines somethin*( is

it not c+ear that it is a )articu+ar *ift or ta+ent $hich

he has recei%edJ It is this *ift $hich is ca++ed

#*enius# it is in this that $e reco*ni1e somethin*

ins)ired and di%ine"

 This *ift of nature is an ima*ination in%enti%e

in the arts in the dis)osition of a )icture( in the

structure of a )oem" It cannot e=ist $ithout mem6

or'( ut it uses memor' as an instrument $ith

$hich it )roduces a++ its )erformances"

In conseuence of ha%in* seen that a +ar*e stone

$hich the hand of man cou+d not mo%e( mi*ht e

mo%ed ' means of a sta( acti%e ima*ination in6

%ented +e%ers( and after$ards com)ound mo%in*

forces( $hich are no other than dis*uised +e%ers"

It is necessar' to G*ure in the mind the machines

$ith their %arious eects and )rocesses( in order

to the actua+ )roduction of them"

It is not this descri)tion of ima*ination that is

ca++ed ' the %u+*ar the enem' of ud*ment" On

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the contrar'( it can on+' act in union $ith )rofound

Dictionar'" 8 ;B

 ud*ment it incessant+' comines its )ictures( cor6

rects its errors( and raises a++ its ediGces accordin*

to ca+cu+ation and u)on a )+an" There is an aston6

ishin* ima*ination in )ractica+ mathematics and

Archimedes had at +east as much ima*ination as

&omer" It is ' this )o$er that a )oet creates his

)ersona*es( a))ro)riates to them characters and

manners( in%ents his fa+e( )resents the e=)osition

of it( constructs its com)+e=it'( and )re)ares its

de%e+o)ment a +aor( a++ this( reuirin* ud*ment

the most )rofound and the most de+icate+' discrimi6


A %er' hi*h de*ree of art is necessar' in a++ these

ima*inati%e in%entions( and e%en in romances"

 Those $hich are deGcient in this ua+it' are ne*6

+ected and des)ised ' a++ minds of natura+ *ood

taste" An in%aria+' sound ud*ment )er%ades a++

the fa+es of so)" The' $i++ ne%er cease to e

the de+i*ht of man<ind" There is more ima*ination

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in the #Fair' Ta+es# ut these fantastic ima*ina6

tions( destitute of order and *ood sense( can ne%er

e in hi*h esteem the' are read chi+dish+'( and

must e condemned ' reason"

 The second )art of acti%e ima*ination is that of

detai+( and it is this to $hich the $or+d distin*uish6

in*+' a))+ies the term" It is this $hich constitutes

the charm of con%ersation( for it is constant+' )re6

sentin* to the mind $hat man<ind are most fond

of ne$ oects" It )aints in %i%id co+ors $hat

men of co+d and reser%ed tem)erament hard+'

8 ;M Phi+oso)hica+

s<etch it em)+o's the most stri<in* circumstances

it cites the most a))ro)riate e=am)+es and $hen

this ta+ent dis)+a's itse+f in union $ith the modest'

and sim)+icit' $hich ecome and adorn a++ ta+ents(

it conci+iates to itse+f an em)ire o%er societ'" 0an

is so com)+ete+' a machine that $ine sometimes

)roduces this ima*ination( as into=ication destro's

it" This is a to)ic to e=cite at once humi+iation and

$onder" &o$ can it ha))en that a sma++ uantit'

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of a certain +iuor( $hich $ou+d )re%ent a man

from eectin* an im)ortant ca+cu+ation( sha++ at the

same time esto$ on him the most ri++iant ideas J

It is in )oetr' )articu+ar+' that this ima*ination of

detai+ and e=)ression ou*ht to )re%ai+" It is a+$a's

a*reea+e( ut there it is necessar'" In &omer(

Vir*i+( and &orace( a+most a++ is ima*er'( $ithout

e%en the reader2s )ercei%in* it" Tra*ed' reuires

fe$er ima*es( fe$er )icturesue e=)ressions and

su+ime meta)hors and a++e*ories than the e)ic

)oem and the ode ut ,he *reater )art of these

eauties( under discreet and a+e mana*ement( )ro6

duce an admira+e eect in tra*ed' the' shou+d

ne%er( ho$e%er( e forced( sti+ted( or *i*antic"

Acti%e ima*ination( $hich constitutes men )oets(

confers on them enthusiasm( accordin* to the true

meanin* of the ree< $ord( that interna+ emotion

$hich in rea+it' a*itates the mind and transforms

the author into the )ersona*e $hom he introduces

as the s)ea<er for such is the true enthusiasm(

$hich consists in emotion and ima*er'" An author

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Dictionar'" 8;@

under this inHuence sa's )recise+' $hat $ou+d e

said ' the character he is e=hiitin*"

Less ima*ination is admissi+e in e+ouence than

in )oetr'" The reason is o%ious ordinar' dis6

course shou+d e +ess remote from common ideas"

 The orator s)ea<s the +an*ua*e of a++ the founda6

tion of the )oet2s )erformance is Gction" Accord6

in*+'( ima*ination is the essence of his art to the

orator it is on+' an accessor'"

Particu+ar traits or touches of ima*ination ha%e(

it is oser%ed( added *reat eauties to )aintin*"

 That artiGce es)ecia++' is often cited( ' $hich the

artist co%ers $ith a %ei+ the head of A*amemnon

at the sacriGce of I)hi*enia an e=)edient( ne%er6

the+ess( far +ess eautifu+ than if the )ainter had

)ossessed the secret of e=hiitin* in the countenance

of A*amemnon the conHict et$een the *rief of a

father( the maest' of a monarch( and the resi*na6

tion of a *ood man to the $i++ of hea%en as Ru6

ens had the s<i++ to )aint in the +oo<s and attitude

of 0ar' de 0edici the )ain of chi+dirth( the o'

of ein* de+i%ered of a son( and the materna+ aec6

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tion $ith $hich she +oo<s u)on her chi+d"

In *enera+( the ima*inations of )ainters $hen

the' are mere+' in*enious( contriute more to e=6

hiit the +earnin* in the artist than to increase the

eaut' of the art" A++ the a++e*orica+ com)ositions

in the $or+d are not $orth the master+' e=ecution

and Gne Gnish $hich constitute the true %a+ue of


8 ;; Phi+oso)hica+

In a++ the arts( the most eautifu+ ima*ination is

a+$a's the most natura+" The fa+se is that $hich

rin*s to*ether oects incom)ati+e the e=tra%a6

*ant )aints oects $hich ha%e no ana+o*'( a++e*or'(

or resem+ance" A stron* ima*ination e=)+ores

e%er'thin* to the ottom a $ea< one s<ims o%er

the surface the )+acid one re)oses in a*reea+e

)ictures the ardent one )i+es ima*es u)on ima*es"

 The udicious or sa*e ima*ination is that $hich

em)+o's $ith discrimination a++ these dierent

characters( ut $hich rare+' admits the e=tra%a*ant

and a+$a's reects the fa+se"

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If memor' nourished and e=ercised e the source

of a++ ima*ination( that same facu+t' of memor'(

$hen o%erchar*ed( ecomes the e=tinction of it"

Accordin*+'( the man $hose head is fu++ of names

and dates does not )ossess that storehouse of ma6

teria+s from $hich he can deri%e com)ound ima*es"

0en occu)ied in ca+cu+ation( or $ith intricate mat6

ters of usiness( ha%e *enera++' a %er' arren im6


When ima*ination is remar<a+' stirrin* and

ardent( it ma' easi+' de*enerate into madness ut

it has een oser%ed that this morid aection of the

or*ans of the rain more freuent+' attaches to

those )assi%e ima*inations $hich are +imited to re6

cei%in* stron* im)ressions of oects than to those

fer%id and acti%e ones $hich co++ect and comine

ideas for this acti%e ima*ination a+$a's reuires

Dictionar'" 8;?

the association of ud*ment( the other is inde)end6

ent of it"

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the confused idea $e )ossess of inGnite s)ace( that

$e shou+d ha%e an idea of a s)ace of a fe$ feet" It

is necessar'( in order to our ha%in* the idea of od(

that the ima*e of somethin* more )o$erfu+ than

ourse+%es shou+d ha%e +on* d$e+t u)on our minds"

8 ; Phi+oso)hica+

We do not create a sin*+e idea or ima*e" I def'

'ou to create one" Ariosto did not ma<e Asto+)ho

tra%e+ to the moon ti++ +on* after he had heard of

the moon( of St" .ohn( and of the Pa+adins"

We ma<e no ima*es $e on+' co++ect and com6

ine them" The e=tra%a*ances of the #Thousand

and One Ni*hts# and the #Fair' Ta+es# are mere+'

cominations" &e $ho com)rises most ima*es in

the storehouse of his memor' is the )erson $ho

)ossesses most ima*ination"

 The dicu+t' is in not rin*in* to*ether these

ima*es in )rofusion( $ithout an' se+ection" 3ou

mi*ht em)+o' a $ho+e da' in re)resentin*( $ithout

an' toi+some eort( and a+most $ithout an' atten6

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tion( a Gne o+d man $ith a +on* eard( c+othed in

am)+e dra)er'( and orne in the midst of a c+oud

restin* on chu' chi+dren $ith eautifu+ $in*s at6

tached to their shou+ders( or u)on an ea*+e of im6

mense si1e and *randeur a++ the *ods and anima+s

surroundin* him *o+den tri)ods runnin* to arri%e

at his counci+ $hee+s re%o+%in* ' their o$n se+f6

motion( ad%ancin* as the' re%o+%e ha%in* four

faces co%ered $ith e'es( ears( ton*ues( and noses

and et$een these tri)ods and $hee+s an immense

mu+titude of dead resuscitated ' the crash of

thunder the ce+estia+ s)heres dancin* and oinin* in

harmonious concert( etc" The +unatic as'+um

aounds in such ima*inations"

We ma'( in dea+in* $ith the suect of ima*ina6

tion distin*uish -

Dictionar'" 8;9

8" The ima*ination $hich dis)oses of the e%ents

of a )oem( romance( tra*ed'( or comed'( and $hich

attaches the characters and )assions to the dierent

)ersona*es" This reuires the )rofoundest ud*6

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ment and the most e=uisite <no$+ed*e of the hu6

man heart ta+ents aso+ute+' indis)ensa+e ut

$ith $hich( ho$e%er( nothin* has 'et een done ut

mere+' +a'in* the foundation of the ediGce"

>" The ima*ination $hich *i%es to a++ these )er6

sona*es the e+ouence or diction a))ro)riate to their

ran<( suita+e to their station" &ere is the *reat

art and dicu+t' ut e%en after doin* this the'

ha%e not done enou*h"

B" The ima*ination in the e=)ression( ' $hich

e%er' $ord )aints an ima*e in the mind $ithout

astonishin* or o%er$he+min* it as in Vir*i+ -

"""" Remi*ium a+arum" VNEID( %i( 89"

0cerentem aun*ens fraterna morte u%encum"

EORICS( iii( @8?"

"""" Ve+orum )andimus a+as( ENEID( iii( @>:"

Pendent circum oscu+a nati" EORICS( ii( @>B"

Immorta+e ecur tundens fecundaue )cenis

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Viscera" ENEID( %i( @96@99"

Et ca+i*antem ni*ra formidine +ucum"

EORICS( i%( M;"

Fata %acant( conditue natantia +umina somnus"

EORICS( i%( M9;"

Vir*i+ is fu++ of these )icturesue e=)ressions(

$ith $hich he enriches the Latin +an*ua*e( and

$hich are so dicu+t to e trans+ated into our Eu6

ro)ean ar*ons the croo<ed and +ame os)rin* of

8?: Phi+oso)hica+

a $e++6formed and maestic sire( ut $hich( ho$6

e%er( ha%e some merit of their o$n( and ha%e done

some to+era+' *ood thin*s in their $a'"

 There is an astonishin* ima*ination( e%en in the

science of mathematics" An in%entor must e*in

$ith )aintin* correct+' in his mind the G*ure( the

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machine in%ented ' him( and its )ro)erties or

eects" We re)eat there $as far more ima*ination

in the head of Archimedes than in that of &omer"

As the ima*ination of a *reat mathematician

must )ossess e=treme )recision( so must that of a

*reat )oet e e=ceedin*+' correct and chaste" &e

must ne%er )resent ima*es that are incom)ati+e

$ith each other( incoherent( hi*h+' e=a**erated( or

unsuita+e to the nature of the suect"

 The *reat fau+t of some $riters $ho ha%e a)6

)eared since the a*e of Louis 7IV" is attem)tin*

a constant dis)+a' of ima*ination( and fati*uin*

the reader ' the )rofuse aundance of far6fetched

ima*es and dou+e rh'mes( one6ha+f of $hich ma'

e )ronounced aso+ute+' use+ess" It is this $hich

at +en*th rou*ht into ne*+ect and oscurit' a

numer of sma++ )oems( such as #Ver Vert(# #The

Chartreuse(# and #The Shades(# $hich at one )eriod

)ossessed considera+e ce+erit'" 0ere soundin*

su)erHuit' soon Gnds o+i%ion"

Omne su)er%acuum )+eno de )ec tore manat"

&ORACE( Art of Poetr'( B?"

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 The acti%e and the )assi%e ima*ination ha%e een

distin*uished in the #Enc'c+o)aedia"# The acti%e is

Dictionar'" 8?8

that of $hich $e ha%e treated" It is the ta+ent of

formin* ne$ )ictures out of a++ those contained in

our memor'"

 The )assi%e is scarce+' an'thin* e'ond memor'

itse+f( e%en in a rain under stron* emotion" A man

of an acti%e and fer%id ima*ination( a )reacher of

the Lea*ue in France( or a Puritan in En*+and(

haran*ues the )o)u+ace $ith a %oice of thunder(

$ith an e'e of Gre( and the *esture of a demoniac(

and re)resents .esus Christ as demandin* ustice

of the Eterna+ Father for the ne$ $ounds he has

recei%ed from the ro'a+ists( for the nai+s $hich ha%e

een dri%en for the second time throu*h his feet

and hands ' these im)ious miscreants" A%en*e( O

od the Father( a%en*e the +ood of od the Son

march under the anner of the &o+' S)irit it $as

former+' a do%e( ut is no$ an ea*+e earin* thun6

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derQ The )assi%e ima*inations( roused and stimu6

+ated ' these ima*es( ' the %oice( ' the action of

those san*uinar' em)irics( ur*e the maddened hear6

ers to rush $ith fur' from the cha)e+ or meetin*

house( to <i++ their o))onents and *et themse+%es


Persons of )assi%e ima*inations( for the sa<e of

hi*h and %io+ent e=citement( *o sometimes to the

sermon and sometimes to the )+a' sometimes to

the )+ace of e=ecution and sometimes e%en to $hat

the' su))ose to e the midni*ht and a))a++in* meet6

in*s of )resumed sorcerers"

8?> Phi+oso)hica+


W&O is the im)ious man J It is he $ho e=hiits

the !ein* of !ein*s( the *reat former of the $or+d(

the eterna+ inte++i*ence ' $hom a++ nature is *o%6

erned( $ith a +on* $hite eard( and ha%in* hands

and feet" &o$e%er( he is )ardona+e for his im6

)iet' a $ea< and i*norant creature( the si*ht or

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conduct of $hom $e ou*ht not to a++o$ to )ro%o<e

or to %e= us"

If he shou+d e%en )aint that *reat and incom6

)rehensi+e !ein* as carried on a c+oud( $hich can

carr' nothin* if he is so stu)id as to )+ace od in

a mist( in rain( or on a mountain( and to surround

him $ith +itt+e round( chu'( )ainted faces( accom6

)anied ' t$o $in*s( I can smi+e and )ardon him

$ith a++ m' heart"

 The im)ious man( $ho ascries to the !ein* of

!ein*s asurd )redictions and aso+ute iniuities(

$ou+d certain+' )ro%o<e me( if that reat !ein*

had not esto$ed u)on me the *ift of reason to

contro+ m' an*er" This sense+ess fanatic re)eats to

me once more $hat thousands of others ha%e said

efore him( that it is not our )ro%ince to decide

$hat is reasona+e and ust in the reat !ein*

that &is reason is not +i<e our reason( nor &is ustice

+i<e our ustice" What then( m' rather too asurd

and 1ea+ous friend( $ou+d 'ou rea++' $ish me to

 ud*e of ustice and reason ' an' other notions

than I ha%e of them m'se+fJ Wou+d 'ou ha%e me

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Dictionar'" 8?B

$a+< other$ise than $ith m' feet( or s)ea< other6

$ise than $ith m' mouthJ

 The im)ious man( $ho su))oses the reat !ein*

to e ea+ous( )roud( ma+i*nant( and %indicti%e( is

more dan*erous" I $ou+d not s+ee) under the same

roof $ith such a man"

!ut ho$ $i++ 'ou treat the im)ious man( the

darin* +as)hemer( $ho sa's to 'ou - #See on+' $ith

m' e'es do not thin< for 'ourse+f I )roc+aim to

'ou a t'rant od( $ho ordained me to e 'our t'6

rant I am &is $e++6e+o%ed &e $i++ torment to

a++ eternit' mi++ions of &is creatures( $hom &e de6

tests( for the sa<e of *ratif'in* me I $i++ e 'our

master in this $or+d and $i++ +au*h at 'our torments

in the ne=tQ#

Do 'ou not fee+ a %er' stron* inc+ination to eat

this crue+ +as)hemerJ And( e%en if 'ou ha))en to

e orn $ith a mee< and for*i%in* s)irit( $ou+d

'ou not H' $ith the utmost s)eed to the West( $hen

this ararian utters his atrocious re%eries in the

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With res)ect to another and %er' dierent c+ass

of the im)ious those $ho( $hi+e $ashin* their

e+o$s( ne*+ect to turn their faces to$ards A+e))o

and Eri%an( or $ho do not <nee+ do$n in the dirt

on seein* a )rocession of ca)uchin friars at Per6

)i*nan( the' are certain+' cu+)a+e ut I hard+'

thin< the' ou*ht to e im)a+ed"

8?M Phi+oso)hica+



So 0AN3 )hi+oso)hica+ $or<s ha%e een $ritten

on the nature of im)ost( that $e need sa' %er' +itt+e

aout it here" It is true that nothin* is +ess )hi+o6

so)hica+ than this suect ut it ma' enter into

mora+ )hi+oso)h' ' re)resentin* to a su)erintend6

ent of Gnances or to a Tur<ish teftardar that it

accords not $ith uni%ersa+ mora+s to ta<e his nei*h6

or2s mone' and that a++ recei%ers and custom6

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house ocers and co++ectors of ta=es are cursed in

the *os)e+"

Cursed as the' are( it must( ho$e%er( e a*reed

that it is im)ossi+e for societ' to susist un+ess each

memer )a's somethin* to$ards the e=)enses of

it and as( since e%er' one ou*ht to )a'( it is neces6

sar' to ha%e a recei%er( $e do not see $h' this re6

cei%er is to e cursed and re*arded as an ido+ater"

 There is certain+' no ido+atr' in recei%in* mone' of

*uests to6da' for their su))er"

In re)u+ics( and states $hich $ith the name of

<in*doms are rea++' re)u+ics( e%er' indi%idua+ is

ta=ed accordin* to his means and to the $ants of


In des)otic <in*doms or to s)ea< more )o6

+ite+' in monarchica+ states( it is not uite the

same the nation is ta=ed $ithout consu+tin* it"

An a*ricu+turist $ho has t$e+%e hundred +i%res of

Dictionar'" 8?@

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re%enue is uite astonished $hen four hundred are

demanded of him" There are se%era+ $ho are e%en

o+i*ed to )a' more than ha+f of $hat the' recei%e"

 The cu+ti%ator demands $h' the ha+f of his

fortune is ta<en from him to )a' so+diers( $hen the

hundredth )art $ou+d suce" &e is ans$ered that(

esides the so+diers( he must )a' for +u=ur' and the

arts that nothin* is +ost and that in Persia to$ns

and %i++a*es are assi*ned to the ueen to )a' for

her *ird+es( s+i))ers( and )ins"

&e re)+ies that he <no$s nothin* of the histor'

of Persia( and that he shou+d e %er' indi*nant if

ha+f his fortune $ere ta<en for *ird+es( )ins( and

shoes that he $ou+d furnish them from a etter

mar<et( and that he endures a *rie%ous im)osition"

&e is made to hear reason ' ein* )ut into a

dun*eon( and ha%in* his *oods )ut u) to sa+e" If

he resists the ta=6co++ectors $hom the Ne$ Testa6

ment has damned( he is han*ed( $hich renders a++

his nei*hors inGnite+' accommodatin*"

Were this mone' em)+o'ed ' the so%erei*n in

im)ortin* s)ices from India( coee from 0ocha(

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En*+ish and Araian horses( si+<s from the Le%ant(

and *e$6*a$s from China( it is c+ear that in a fe$

'ears there $ou+d not remain a sin*+e sous in the

<in*dom" The ta=es( therefore( ser%e to maintain

the manufacturers and so far $hat is )oured into

the coers of the )rince returns to the cu+ti%ators"

 The' suer( the' com)+ain( and other )arts of the

state suer and com)+ain a+so ut at the end of the

8?; Phi+oso)hica+

'ear the' Gnd that e%er' one has +aored and +i%ed

some $a' or other"

If ' chance a c+o$n *oes to the ca)ita+( he sees

$ith astonishment a Gne +ad' dressed in a *o$n

of si+< emroidered $ith *o+d( dra$n in a ma*niG6

cent carria*e ' t$o %a+ua+e horses( and fo++o$ed

' four +ac<e's dressed in a c+oth of t$ent' francs

an e++" &e addresses himse+f to one of these +ac<e's(

and sa's to him- #Sir( $here does this +ad' *et

mone' to ma<e such an e=)ensi%e a))earanceJ#

#0' friend(# sa's the +ac<e'( #the <in* a++o$s her a

)ension of fort' thousand +i%res"# #A+as(# sa's the

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rustic( #it is m' %i++a*e $hich )a's this )ension"#

#3es(# ans$ers the ser%ant #ut the si+< that 'ou

ha%e *athered and so+d has made the stu in $hich

she is dressed m' c+oth is a )art of th' shee)2s

$oo+ m' a<er has made m' read of th' corn

thou hast so+d at mar<et the %er' fo$+s that $e eat

thus thou seest that the )ension of madame returns

to thee and th' comrades"#

 The )easant does not aso+ute+' a*ree $ith the

a=ioms of this )hi+oso)hica+ +ac<e' ut one )roof

that there is somethin* true in his ans$er is that

the %i++a*e e=ists( and )roduces chi+dren $ho a+so

com)+ain( and $ho rin* forth chi+dren a*ain to



If $e $ere o+i*ed to read a++ the edicts of ta=a6

tion( and a++ the oo<s $ritten a*ainst them( that

$ou+d e the *reatest ta= of a++"

Dictionar'" 8??

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We $e++ <no$ that ta=es are necessar'( and that

the ma+ediction )ronounced in the *os)e+ on+' re6

*ards those $ho ause their em)+o'ment to harass

the )eo)+e" Perha)s the co)'ist for*ot a $ord( as

for instance the e)ithet )ra%us" It mi*ht ha%e

meant )ra%us )u+icanus this $ord $as much more

necessar'( as the *enera+ ma+ediction is a forma+

contradiction to the $ords )ut into the mouth of

 .esus Christ- #Render unto Caesar the thin*s

$hich are Caesar2s"# Certain+' those $ho co++ected

the dues of Caesar ou*ht not to ha%e een he+d in

horror" It $ou+d ha%e een( at once( insu+tin* the

order of Roman Kni*hts and the em)eror himse+f

nothin* cou+d ha%e een more i++6ad%ised"

In a++ ci%i+i1ed countries the im)osts are *reat(

ecause the char*es of the state are hea%'" In S)ain

the artic+es of commerce sent to Cadi1( and thence

to America( )a' more than thirt' )er cent( efore

their transit is accom)+ished"

In En*+and a++ dut' u)on im)ortation is %er' con6

sidera+e ho$e%er( it is )aid $ithout murmurin*

there is e%en a )ride in )a'in* it" A merchant oasts

of )uttin* four or G%e thousand *uineas a 'ear into

the )u+ic treasur'" The richer a countr' is( the

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hea%ier are the ta=es" S)ecu+ators $ou+d ha%e ta=es

fa++ on +anded )roductions on+'" What Q ha%in*

so$n a Ge+d of Ha=( $hich $i++ rin* me t$o hun6

dred cro$ns( ' $hich Ha= a *reat manufacturer

$i++ *ain t$o hundred thousand cro$ns ' con%ert6

in* it into +ace must this manufacturer )a' noth6

Vo+" 8: 8>

8? Phi+oso)hica+

in*( and sha++ I )a' a++( ecause it is )roduced ' m'

+andJ The $ife of this manufacturer $i++ fur6

nish the ueen and )rincesses $ith Gne )oint

of A+en*on( she $i++ e )atroni1ed her son $i++

ecome intendant of ustice( )o+ice( and Gnance( and

$i++ au*ment m' ta=es in m' misera+e o+d a*e"

Ah Q *ent+emen s)ecu+ators( 'ou ca+cu+ate ad+'

'ou are unust"

 The *reat )oint is that an entire )eo)+e e not

des)oi+ed ' an arm' of a+*ua1i+s( in order that a

score of to$n or court +eeches ma' feast u)on its


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 The Du<e de Su++' re+ates( in his #Po+itica+

Econom'(# that in 8@@ there $ere ust t$ent' +ords

interested in the +eases of farms( to $hom the hi*h6

est idders *a%e three mi++ion t$o hundred and

fort'6ei*ht thousand cro$ns"

It $as sti++ $orse under Char+es I7"( and Francis

I"( and Louis 7III" There $as not +ess de)redation

in the minorit' of Louis 7IV" France( not$ith6

standin* so man' $ounds( is sti++ in ein*" 3es

ut if it had not recei%ed them it $ou+d ha%e een

in etter hea+th" It $as thus $ith se%era+ other



It is ust that those $ho eno' the ad%anta*es of

a *o%ernment shou+d su))ort the char*es" The

ecc+esiastics and mon<s( $ho )ossess *reat )ro)ert'(

for this reason shou+d contriute to the ta=es in a++

countries( +i<e other citi1ens" In the times $hich

 T&E D/KE OR S/+6/V

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Dictionar'" 8?9

$e ca++ ararous( *reat eneGces and ae's $ere

ta=ed in France to the third of their re%enue"

!' a statute of the 'ear 88( Phi+i) Au*ustus

im)osed a tenth of the re%enues of a++ eneGces"

Phi+i) +e !e+ caused the Gfth( after$ards the Gf6

teenth( and Gna++' the t$entieth )art( to e )aid( of

a++ the )ossessions of the c+er*'"

Kin* .ohn( ' a statute of 0arch 8>( 8B@@( ta=ed

isho)s( aots( cha)ters( and a++ ecc+esiastics *en6

era++'( to the tenth of the re%enue of their eneGces

and )atrimonies" The same )rince conGrmed this

ta= ' t$o other statutes( one of 0arch B( the other

of Dec" >( 8B@"

In the +etters6)atent of Char+es V"( of .une >>(

8B?>( it is decreed( that the churchmen sha++ )a'

ta=es and other rea+ and )ersona+ im)osts" These

+etters6)atent $ere rene$ed ' Char+es VI" in the

'ear 8B9:"

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&o$ is it that these +a$s ha%e een ao+ished(

$hi+e so man' monstrous customs and san*uinar'

decrees ha%e een )reser%edJ The c+er*'( indeed(

)a' a ta= under the name of a free *ift( and( as it

is <no$n( it is )rinci)a++' the )oorest and most use6

fu+ )art of the church the curates rectors $ho

)a' this ta=" !ut( $h' this dierence and in6

eua+it' of contriutions et$een the citi1ens of the

same stateJ Wh' do those $ho eno' the *reatest

)rero*ati%es( and $ho are sometimes use+ess to the

)u+ic( )a' +ess than the +aorer( $ho is so neces6

sar' J The Re)u+ic of Venice su))+ies ru+es on this

8 : Phi+oso)hica+

suect( $hich shou+d ser%e as e=am)+es to a++



Churchmen ha%e not on+' )retended to e e=em)t

from ta=es( the' ha%e found the means in se%era+

)ro%inces to ta= the )eo)+e( and ma<e them )a' as

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a +e*itimate ri*ht"

In se%era+ countries( mon<s ha%in* sei1ed the

tithes to the )reudice of the rectors( the )easants

are o+i*ed to ta= themse+%es( to furnish their )as6

tors $ith susistence and thus in se%era+ %i++a*es(

and ao%e a++( in Franche6Comte( esides the tithes

$hich the )arishioners )a' to the mon<s or to cha)6

ters( the' further )a' three or four measures of

corn to their curates or rectors" This ta= $as ca++ed

the ri*ht of har%est in some )ro%inces( and oisse6

+a*e in others"

It is no dout ri*ht that curates shou+d e $e++

)aid( ut it $ou+d e much etter to *i%e them a )art

of the tithes $hich the mon<s ha%e ta<en from them(

than to o%erchar*e the )oor cu+ti%ator"

Since the <in* of France G=ed the com)etent

a++o$ances for the curates( ' his edict of the month

of 0a'( 8?;( and char*ed the tithe6co++ectors $ith

)a'in* them( the )easants shou+d no +on*er e he+d

to )a' a second tithe( a ta= to $hich the' on+' %o+un6

tari+' sumitted at a time $hen the inHuence and

%io+ence of the mon<s had ta<en from their )astors

a++ means of susistence"

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 The <in* has ao+ished this second tithe in

Dictionar'" 8 8

Poitou( ' +etters6)atent( re*istered ' the Par+ia6

ment of Paris .u+' n( 8?;9" It $ou+d e $e++

$orth' of the ustice and eneGcence of his maest'

to ma<e a simi+ar +a$ for other )ro%inces( $hich are

in the same situation as those of Poitou( Franche6

Comte( etc"

!' 0" C&R"( Ad%ocate of !esan*on"


I CO00ENCE ' this uestion( in fa%or of the im6

)otent #fri*idi et ma+eGciati# as the' are denom6

inated in the decreta+s - Is there a )h'sician( or e=6

)erienced )erson of an' descri)tion( $ho can e

certain that a $e++6formed 'oun* man( $ho has had

no chi+dren ' his $ife( ma' not ha%e them some

da' or otherJ Nature ma' <no$( ut men can

te++ nothin* aout it" Since( then( it is im)ossi+e

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to decide that the marria*e ma' not e consum6

mated some time or other( $h' disso+%e it J

Amon* the Romans( on the sus)icion of im6

)otence( a de+a' of t$o 'ears $as a++o$ed( and in

the No%e+s of .ustinian three are reuired ut if in

three 'ears nature ma' esto$ ca)ai+it'( she ma'

eua++' do so in se%en( ten( or t$ent'"

 Those ca++ed #ma+eGciati# ' the ancients $ere

often considered e$itched" These charms $ere

%er' ancient( and as there $ere some to ta<e a$a'

%iri+it'( so there $ere others to restore it oth of

$hich are a++uded to in Petronius"

 This i++usion +asted a +on* time amon* us( $ho

8 > Phi+oso)hica+

e=orcised instead of disenchantin* and $hen e=6

orcism succeeded not( the marria*e $as disso+%ed"

 The canon +a$ made a *reat uestion of im6

)otence" 0i*ht a man $ho $as )re%ented '

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sorcer' from consummatin* his marria*e( after

ein* di%orced and ha%in* chi+dren ' a second

$ife mi*ht such man( on the death of the +atter

$ife( reect the Grst( shou+d she +a' c+aim to himJ

A++ the *reat canonists decided in the ne*ati%e

A+e=ander de Ne%o( Andre$ A+eric( Turrecremata(

Soto( and Gft' more"

It is im)ossi+e to he+) admirin* the sa*acit' dis6

)+a'ed ' the canonists( and ao%e a++ ' the re6

+i*ious of irre)roacha+e manners in their de%e+o)6

ment of the m'steries of se=ua+ intercourse" There

is no sin*u+arit'( ho$e%er stran*e( on $hich the'

ha%e not treated" The' ha%e discussed at +en*th

a++ the cases in $hich ca)ai+it' ma' e=ist at one

time or situation( and im)otence in another" The'

ha%e inuired into a++ the ima*inar' in%entions to

assist nature and $ith the a%o$ed oect of dis6

tin*uishin* that $hich is a++o$a+e from that $hich

is not( ha%e e=)osed a++ $hich ou*ht to remain

%ei+ed" It mi*ht e said of them - #No= nocti in6

dicat scientiam#

Ao%e a++( Sanche1 has distin*uished himse+f in

co++ectin* cases of conscience $hich the o+dest $ife

$ou+d hesitate to sumit to the most )rudent o+

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matrons" One uer' +eads to another in a+most end

+ess succession( unti+ at +en*th a uestion of th

Dictionar'" 8 B

most direct and e=traordinar' nature is )ut( as to

the manner of the communication of the &o+'

host $ith the Vir*in 0ar'"

 These e=traordinar' researches $ere ne%er made

' an'od' in the $or+d e=ce)t theo+o*ians and

suits in re+ation to im)otenc' $ere un<no$n unti+

the da's of Theodosius"

In the os)e+( di%orce is s)o<en of as a++o$a+e

for adu+ter' a+one" The .e$ish +a$ )ermitted a

husand to re)udiate a $ife $ho dis)+eased him(

$ithout s)ecif'in* the cause" #If she found no

fa%or in his e'es( that $as sucient"# It is the +a$

of the stron*est( and e=hiits human nature in its

most ararous *ar" The .e$ish +a$s treat not of

im)otence it $ou+d a))ear( sa's a casuist( that

od $ou+d not )ermit im)otenc' to e=ist amon* a

)eo)+e $ho $ere to mu+ti)+' +i<e the sands on the

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seashore( and to $hom he had s$orn to esto$ the

immense countr' $hich +ies et$een the Ni+e and

Eu)hrates( and( ' his )ro)hets( to ma<e +ords of

the $ho+e earth" To fu+G+ these di%ine )romises( it

$as necessar' that e%er' honest .e$ shou+d e oc6

cu)ied $ithout ceasin* in the *reat $or< of )ro)a6

*ation" There $as certain+' a curse u)on im6

)otenc' the time not ha%in* then arri%ed for the

de%out to ma<e themse+%es eunuchs for the <in*6

dom of hea%en"

0arria*e in the course of time ha%in* arri%ed at

the di*nit' of a sacrament and a m'ster'( the ecc+esi6

astics insensi+' ecame ud*es of a++ $hich too<

8 M Phi+oso)hica+

)+ace et$een husand and $ife( and not on+' so(

ut of a++ $hich did not ta<e )+ace"

Wi%es )ossessed the +iert' of )resentin* a re6

uest to e emeso*nees such ein* our a++ic

term( a+thou*h the causes $ere carried on in Latin"

C+er<s )+eaded and )riests )ronounced ud*ment(

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and the )rocess $as uniform+' to decide t$o

)oints $hether the man $as e$itched( or the

$oman $anted another husand"

What a))ears most e=traordinar' is that a++ the

canonists a*ree tnat a husand $hom a s)e++ or

charm has rendered im)otent( cannot in conscience

a))+' to other charms or ma*icians to destro' it"

 This resem+es the reasonin* of the re*u+ar+' ad6

mitted sur*eons( $ho ha%in* the e=c+usi%e )ri%i+e*e

of s)readin* a )+aster( assure us that $e sha++ cer6

tain+' die if $e a++o$ ourse+%es to e cured ' the

hand $hich has hurt us" It mi*ht ha%e een as $e++

in the Grst )+ace to inuire $hether a sorcerer can

rea++' o)erate u)on the %iri+it' of another man" It

ma' e added that man' $ea<6minded )ersons

feared the sorcerer more than the' conGded in the

e=orcist" The sorcerer ha%in* deran*ed nature(

ho+' $ater a+one $ou+d not restore it"

In the cases of im)otenc' in $hich the de%i+ too<

no )art( the )residin* ecc+esiastics $ere not +ess em6

arrassed" We ha%e( in the Decreta+s( the famous

head #De fri*idis et ma+eGciatis # $hich is %er'

curious( ut a+to*ether uninformin*" The )o+itica+

use made of it is e=em)+iGed in the case of &enr'

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Dictionar'" 8@

IV" of Casti+e( $ho $as dec+ared im)otent( $hi+e

surrounded ' mistresses( and )ossessed of a $ife

' $hom he had an heiress to the throne ut it $as

an archisho) of To+edo $ho )ronounced this sen6

tence( not the )o)e"

A+fonso( <in* of Portu*a+( $as treated in the

same manner( in the midd+e of the se%enteenth cen6

tur'" This )rince $as <no$n chieH' ' his ferocit'(

deaucher'( and )rodi*ious stren*th of od'" &is

ruta+ e=cesses dis*usted the nation and the ueen(

his $ife( a )rincess of Nemours( ein* desirous of

dethronin* him( and marr'in* the infant Don Pedro

his rother( $as a$are of the dicu+t' of $eddin*

t$o rothers in succession( after the <no$n circum6

stance of consummation $ith the e+der" The e=6

am)+e of &enr' VIII" of En*+and intimidated her(

and she emraced the reso+ution of causin* her hus6

and to e dec+ared im)otent ' the cha)ter of the

cathedra+ of Lison after $hich she hastened to

marr' his rother( $ithout e%en $aitin* for the dis6

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)ensation of the )o)e"

 The most im)ortant )roof of ca)ai+it' reuired

from )ersons accused of im)otenc'( is that ca++ed

#the con*ress"# The President !ouhier sa's( that

this comat in an enc+osed Ge+d $as ado)ted in

France in the fourteenth centur'" And he asserts

that it is <no$n in France on+'"

 This )roof( aout $hich so much noise has een

made( $as not conducted )recise+' as )eo)+e ha%e

ima*ined" It has een su))osed that a conu*a+ con6

8 ; Phi+oso)hica+

summation too< )+ace under the ins)ection of )h'si6

cians( sur*eons( and mid$i%es( ut such $as not the

fact" The )arties $ent to ed in the usua+ manner(

and at a )ro)er time the ins)ectors( $ho $ere assem6

+ed in the ne=t room( $ere ca++ed on to )ronounce

u)on the case"

In the famous )rocess of the 0aruis de Lan6

*eais( decided in 8;@9( he demanded #the con*ress#

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and o$in* to the mana*ement of his +ad' 0arie

de St" Simon did not succeed" &e demanded a sec6

ond tria+( ut the ud*es( fati*ued $ith the c+amors

of the su)erstitious( the )+aints of the )rudes( and

the rai++er' of the $its( refused it" The' dec+ared the

maruis im)otent( his marria*e %oid( forade him

to marr' a*ain( and a++o$ed his $ife to ta<e another

husand" The maruis( ho$e%er( disre*arded this

sentence( and married Diana de Na%ai++es( ' $hom

he had se%en chi+dren Q

&is Grst $ife ein* dead( the maruis a))ea+ed

to the *rand chamer+ain a*ainst the sentence $hich

had dec+ared him im)otent( and char*ed him $ith

the costs" The *rand chamer+ain( sensi+e of the

ridicu+e a))+ica+e to the $ho+e aair( conGrmed his

marria*e $ith Diana de Na%ai++es( dec+ared him most

)otent( refused him the costs( ut ao+ished the cere6

mon' of the con*ress a+to*ether"

 The President !ouhier )u+ished a defence of the

)roof ' con*ress( $hen it $as no +on*er in use" &e

maintained( that the ud*es $ou+d not ha%e com6

mitted the error of ao+ishin* it( had the' not een

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Dictionar'" 8?

*ui+t' of the )re%ious error of refusin* the maruis

a second tria+"

!ut if the con*ress ma' )ro%e indecisi%e( ho$

much more uncertain are the %arious other e=amina6

tions had recourse to in cases of a++e*ed im)otenc' J

Ou*ht not the $ho+e of them to e adourned( as in

Athens( for a hundred 'earsJ These causes are

shamefu+ to $i%es( ridicu+ous for husands( and un6

$orth' of the triuna+s( and it $ou+d e etter not

to a++o$ them at a++" 3es( it ma' e said( ut( in that

case( marria*e $ou+d not insure issue" A *reat mis6

fortune( tru+'( $hi+e Euro)e contains three hundred

thousand mon<s and ei*ht' thousand nuns( $ho %o+6

untari+' astain from )ro)a*atin* their <ind"


 T&E domains of the Roman em)erors $ere an6

cient+' ina+iena+e it $as the sacred domain" The

ararians came and rendered it a+to*ether ina+ien6

a+e" The same thin* ha))ened to the im)eria+ ree<


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After the re6esta+ishment of the Roman Em)ire

in erman'( the sacred domain $as dec+ared ina+ien6

a+e ' the )riests( a+thou*h there remains not at

)resent a cro$n2s $orth of territor' to a+ienate"

A++ the <in*s of Euro)e( $ho aect to imitate the

em)erors( ha%e had their ina+iena+e domain" Fran6

cis I"( ha%in* eected his +iert' ' the cession of

!ur*und'( cou+d Gnd no other e=)edient to )reser%e

it( than a state dec+aration( that !ur*und' $as in6

8 Phi+oso)hica+

a+iena+e and $as so fortunate as to %io+ate oth his

honor and the treat' $ith im)unit'" Accordin* to

this uris)rudence( e%er' <in* ma' acuire the do6

minions of another( $hi+e inca)a+e of +osin* an' of

his o$n" So that( in the end( each $ou+d e )os6

sessed of the )ro)ert' of someod' e+se" The <in*s

of France and En*+and )ossess %er' +itt+e s)ecia+

domain - their *enuine and more eecti%e domain is

the )urses of their suects"

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#T&E Tartars(# sa's the #S)irit of La$s(# #$ho

ma' +e*a++' $ed their dau*hters( ne%er es)ouse their


It is not <no$n of $hat Tartars our author

s)ea<s( $ho cites too much at random - $e <no$ not

at )resent of an' )eo)+e( from the Crimea to the

frontiers of China( $ho are in the hait of es)ousin*

their dau*hters" 0oreo%er( if it e a++o$ed for the

father to marr' his dau*hter( $h' ma' not a son $ed

his mother J

0ontesuieu cites an author named Priscus Pa6

netes( a so)hist $ho +i%ed in the time of Atti+a" This

author sa's that Atti+a married $ith his dau*hter

Esca( accordin* to the manner of the Sc'thians"

 This Priscus has ne%er een )rinted( ut remains in

manuscri)t in the +irar' of the Vatican and .or6

nandes a+one ma<es mention of it" It is not a++o$6

a+e to uote the +e*is+ation of a )eo)+e on such au6

Dictionar'" 8 9

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thorit'" No one <no$s this Esca( or e%er heard of

her marria*e $ith her father Atti+a"

I confess I ha%e ne%er e+ie%ed that the Persians

es)oused their dau*hters( a+thou*h in the time of the

Caesars the Romans accused them of it( to render

them odious" It mi*ht e that some Persian )rince

committed incest( and the tur)itude of an indi%id6

ua+ $as im)uted to the $ho+e nation"

5uiduid de+irant re*es( )+ectuntur Achi%i"

&ORACE( i( e)ist+e ii( 8M"

"""" When dotin* monarchs ur*e

/nsound reso+%es( their suects fee+ the scour*e" 2


I e+ie%e that the ancient Persians $ere )ermitted

to marr' $ith their sisters( ust as much as I e+ie%e

it of the Athenians( the E*')tians( and e%en of the

 .e$s" From the ao%e it mi*ht e conc+uded( that

it $as common for chi+dren to marr' $ith their

fathers or mothers $hereas e%en the marria*e of

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cousins is foridden amon* the ueers at this da'(

$ho are he+d to maintain the doctrines of their fore6

fathers as scru)u+ous+' as the .e$s"

 3ou $i++ te++ me that e%er'thin* is contradictor'

in this $or+d that it $as foridden ' the .e$ish

+a$ to marr' t$o sisters( $hich $as deemed a %er'

indecent act( and 'et .aco married Rache+ durin*

the +ife of her e+der sister Leah and that this Rache+

is e%ident+' a t')e of the Roman Catho+ic and a)os6

to+ic church" 3ou are dout+ess ri*ht( ut that )re6

%ents not an indi%idua+ $ho s+ee)s $ith t$o sisters

in Euro)e from ein* *rie%ous+' censured" As to

89: Phi+oso)hica+

)o$erfu+ and di*niGed )rinces( the' ma' ta<e the

sisters of their $i%es for the *ood of their states(

and e%en their o$n sisters ' the same father and

mother( if the' thin< )ro)er"

It is a far $orse aair to ha%e a commerce $ith a

*ossi) or *odmother( $hich $as deemed an un)ar6

dona+e oence ' the ca)itu+aries of Char+ema*ne(

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ein* ca++ed a s)iritua+ incest"

One Ando%ere( $ho is ca++ed ueen of France(

ecause she $as the $ife of a certain Chi+)eric( $ho

rei*ned o%er Soissons( $as sti*mati1ed ' ecc+esi6

astica+ ustice( censured( de*raded( and di%orced(

for ha%in* orne her o$n chi+d to the a)tisma+

font" It $as a morta+ sin( a sacri+e*e( a s)iritua+

incest and she there' forfeited her marria*e6ed

and cro$n" This a))arent+' contradicts $hat I ha%e

 ust oser%ed( that e%er'thin* in the $a' of +o%e

is )ermitted to the *reat( ut then I s)o<e of )resent

times( and not of those of Ando%ere"

As to carna+ incest( read the ad%ocate Vo*+an(

$ho $ou+d aso+ute+' ha%e an' t$o cousins urned

$ho fa++ into a $ea<ness of this <ind" The ad%ocate

Vo*+an is ri*orous the unmercifu+ Ce+t"


&AVE there e%er een incui and succuiJ Our

+earned uriconsu+ts and demono+o*ists admit oth

the one and the other"

It is )retended that Satan( a+$a's on the a+ert(

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Dictionar'" 898

ins)ires 'oun* +adies and *ent+emen $ith heated

dreams( and ' a sort of dou+e )rocess )roduces

e=traordinar' conseuences( $hich in )oint of fact

+ed to the irth of so man' heroes and demi*ods in

ancient times"

 The de%i+ too< a *reat dea+ of su)erHuous trou+e -

he had on+' to +ea%e the 'oun* )eo)+e a+one( and the

$or+d $i++ e sucient+' su))+ied $ith heroes $ith6

out an' assistance from him"

An idea ma' e formed of incui ' the e=)+ana6

tion of the *reat De+rio( of !o*uets( and other $ri6

ters +earned in sorcer' ut the' fai+ in their account

of succui" A fema+e mi*ht )retend to e+ie%e that

she had communicated $ith and $as )re*nant ' a

*od( the e=)+ication of De+rio ein* %er' fa%ora+e

to the assum)tion" The de%i+ in this case acts the

)art of an incuus( ut his )erformances as a succu6

us are more inconcei%a+e" The *ods and *oddesses

of antiuit' acted much more no+' and decorous+'

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 .u)iter in )erson( $as the incuus of A+cmena and

Seme+e Thetis in )erson( the succuus of Pe+eus(

and Venus of Anchises( $ithout ha%in* recourse

to the %arious contri%ances of our e=traordinar' de6


Let us sim)+' oser%e( that the *ods freuent+'

dis*uised themse+%es( in their )ursuit of our *ir+s(

sometimes as an ea*+e( sometimes as a )i*eon( a

s$an( a horse( a sho$er of *o+d ut the *oddesses

assumed no dis*uise - the' had on+' to sho$ them6

se+%es( to )+ease" It must ho$e%er e )resumed( that

89> Phi+oso)hica+

$hate%er sha)es the *ods assumed to stea+ a march(

the' consummated their +o%es in the form of men"

As to the ne$ manner of renderin* *ir+s )re*nant

' the ministr' of the de%i+( it is not to e douted(

for the Soronne decided the )oint in the 'ear 8B8"

#Per ta+es artes et ritus im)ios et in%ocationes

et demonum( nu++us unuam seuatur eectus min6

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Dictionar'" 89B

simi+ar fe+icit'" !oth $ere uried at Rome( ut

nothin* is said of the fate of their chi+dren" Thus

is the e=istence of incui and succui demonstrated"

It is im)ossi+e( at +east( to )ro%e to the contrar'

for if $e are ca++ed on to e+ie%e that de%i+s can enter

our odies( $ho can )re%ent them from ta<in* <in6

dred +ierties $ith our $i%es and our dau*htersJ

And if there e demons( there are )roa+' demon6

esses for to e consistent( if the demons e*et chi+6

dren on our fema+es( it must fo++o$ that $e eect the

same thin* on the demonesses" Ne%er has there

een a more uni%ersa+ em)ire than that of the de%i+"

What has dethroned himJ Reason"


W&O $i++ *i%e me a c+ear idea of inGnit'J I

ha%e ne%er had an idea of it $hich $as not e=cess6

i%e+' confused )ossi+' ecause I am a Gnite ein*"

What is that $hich is eterna++' *oin* on $ithout

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ad%ancin* a+$a's rec<onin* $ithout a sum tota+

di%idin* eterna++' $ithout arri%in* at an indi%is6

i+e )artic+e J

It mi*ht seem as if the notion of inGnit' formed

the ottom of the uc<et of the Danaides" Ne%erthe6

+ess( it is im)ossi+e that inGnit' shou+d not e=ist"

An inGnite duration is demonstra+e"

 The commencement of e=istence is asurd for

nothin* cannot ori*inate somethin*" When an atom

e=ists $e must necessari+' conc+ude that it has e=6

Vo+" 8: 8B

8 9M Phi+oso)hica+

isted from a++ eternit' and hence an inGnite duration

ri*orous+' demonstrated" !ut $hat is an inGnite

)astJ an inGnitude $hich I arrest in ima*ination

$hene%er I )+ease" !eho+d Q I e=c+aim( an inGnit'

)assed a$a' +et us )roceed to another" I distin*uish

et$een t$o eternities( the one efore( the other e6

hind me"

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When( ho$e%er( I reHect u)on m' $ords( I )er6

cei%e that I ha%e asurd+' )ronounced the $ords-

#one eternit' has )assed a$a'( and I am enterin*

into another"# For at the moment that I thus ta+<(

eternit' endures( and the tide of time Ho$s" Du6

ration is not se)ara+e and as somethin* has e%er

een( somethin* must e%er e"

 The inGnite in duration( then( is +in<ed to an un6

interru)ted chain" This inGnite )er)etuates itse+f(

e%en at the instant that I sa' it has )assed" Time

e*ins and ends $ith me( ut duration is inGnite"

 The inGnite is here uic<+' formed $ithout( ho$6

e%er( our )ossession of the ai+it' to form a c+ear

notion of it"

We are to+d of inGnite s)ace $hat is s)aceJ

Is it a ein*( or nothin* at a++ J If it is a ein*( $hat

is its nature J 3ou cannot te++ me" If it is nothin*(

nothin* can ha%e no ua+it' 'et 'ou te++ me that it

is )enetra+e and immense" I am so emarrassed(

I cannot correct+' ca++ it either somethin* or nothin*"

In the meantime" I <no$ not of an'thin* $hich

)ossesses more )ro)erties than a %oid" For if )ass6

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in* the conGnes of this *+oe( $e are a+e to $a+<

Dictionar'" 89@

amidst this %oid( and thatch and ui+d there $hen $e

)ossess materia+s for the )ur)ose( this %oid or noth6

in* is not o))osed to $hate%er $e mi*ht choose to

do for ha%in* no )ro)ert' it cannot hinder an'

moreo%er( since it cannot hinder( neither can it ser%e


It is )retended that od created the $or+d amidst

nothin*( and from nothin*" That is astruse it is

)refera+e to thin< that there is an inGnite s)ace

ut $e are curious and if there e inGnite s)ace(

our facu+ties cannot fathom the nature of it" We ca++

it immense( ecause $e cannot measure it ut $hat

thenJ We ha%e on+' )ronounced $ords"

Of the InGnite in Numer"

We ha%e adroit+' deGned the inGnite in arithmetic

' a +o%e6<not( in this manner :: ut $e )ossess

not therefore a c+earer notion of it" This inGnit' is

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not +i<e the others( a )o$er+essness of reachin* a

termination" We ca++ the inGnite in uantit' an'

numer soe%er( $hich sur)asses the utmost numer

$e are a+e to ima*ine"

When $e see< the inGnite+' sma++( $e di%ide( and

ca++ that inGnite+' sma++ $hich is +ess than the +east

assi*na+e uantit'" It is on+' another name for in6


Is 0atter InGnite+' Di%isi+eJ

 This uestion rin*s us ac< a*ain )recise+' to

our inai+it' of Gndin* the remotest numer" In

thou*ht $e are a+e to di%ide a *rain of sand( ut in

89; Phi+oso)hica+

ima*ination on+' and the inca)acit' of eterna++'

di%idin* this *rain is ca++ed inGnit'"

It is true( that matter is not a+$a's )ractica++' di6

%isi+e( and if the +ast atom cou+d e di%ided into t$o(

it $ou+d no +on*er e the +east or if the +east( it

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$ou+d not e di%isi+e or if di%isi+e( $hat is the

*erm or ori*in of thin*sJ These are a++ astruse


Of the /ni%erse"

Is the uni%erse ounded is its e=tent immense

are the suns and )+anets $ithout numer J What ad6

%anta*e has the s)ace $hich contains suns and )+an6

ets( o%er the s)ace $hich is %oid of them J Whether

s)ace e an e=istence or not( $hat is the s)ace $hich

$e occu)'( )refera+e to other s)ace J

If our materia+ hea%en e not inGnite( it is ut a

)oint in *enera+ e=tent" If it is inGnite( it is an in6

Gnit' to $hich somethin* can a+$a's e added ' the


Of the InGnite in eometr'"

We admit( in *eometr'( not on+' inGnite ma*ni6

tudes( that is to sa'( ma*nitudes *reater than an' as6

si*na+e ma*nitude( ut inGnite ma*nitudes inG6

nite+' *reater( the one than the other" This aston6

ishes our dimension of rains( $hich is on+' aout

si= inches +on*( G%e road( and si= in de)th( in the

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+ar*est heads" It means( ho$e%er( nothin* more

than that a suare +ar*er than an' assi*na+e suare(

sur)asses a +ine +ar*er than an' assi*na+e +ine( and

ears no )ro)ortion to it"

Dictionar'" 89?

It is a mode of o)eratin*( a mode of $or<in* *eo6

metrica++'( and the $ord inGnite is a mere s'mo+"

Of InGnite Po$er( Wisdom( oodness"

In the same manner( as $e cannot form an' )osi6

ti%e idea of the inGnite in duration( numer( and e=6

tension( are $e una+e to form one in res)ect to

)h'sica+ and mora+ )o$er"

We can easi+' concei%e( that a )o$erfu+ ein* has

modiGed matter( caused $or+ds to circu+ate in s)ace(

and formed anima+s( %e*eta+es( and meta+s" We are

+ed to this idea ' the )erce)tion of the $ant of

)o$er on the )art of these ein*s to form themse+%es"

We are a+so forced to a++o$( that the reat !ein*

e=ists eterna++' ' &is o$n )o$er( since &e cannot

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ha%e s)run* from nothin* ut $e disco%er not so

easi+' &is inGnit' in ma*nitude( )o$er( and mora+


&o$ are $e to concei%e inGnite e=tent in a ein*

ca++ed sim)+e J and if he e uncom)ounded( $hat no6

tions can $e form of a sim)+e ein*J We <no$ od

' &is $or<s( ut $e cannot understand &im '

&is Nature" If it is e%ident that $e cannot under6

stand &is nature( is it not eua++' so( that $e must

remain i*norant of &is attriutesJ

When $e sa' that &is )o$er is inGnite( do $e

mean an'thin* more than that it is %er' *reatJ

A$are of the e=istence of )'ramids of the hei*ht

of si= hundred feet( $e can concei%e them of the a+ti6

tude of ;::(::: feet"

89 Phi+oso)hica+

Nothin* can +imit the )o$er of the Eterna+ !ein*

e=istin* necessari+' of &imse+f" A*reed - no anta*o

nists circumscrie &im ut ho$ con%ince me that

&e is not circumscried ' &is o$n natureJ &as

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a++ that has een said on this *reat suect een dem6

onstrated J

We s)ea< of &is mora+ attriutes( ut $e on+'

 ud*e of them ' our o$n and it is im)ossi+e to

do other$ise" We attriute to &im ustice( *ood6

ness( etc"( on+' from the ideas $e co++ect from the

sma++ de*ree of ustice and *oodness e=istin* amon*

ourse+%es" !ut( in fact( $hat connection is there e6

t$een our ua+ities so uncertain and %aria+e( and

those of the Su)reme !ein*J

Our idea of ustice is on+' that of not a++o$in*

our o$n interest to usur) o%er the interest of an6

other" The read $hich a $ife has <neaded out of

the Hour )roduced from the $heat $hich her hus6

and has so$n( e+on*s to her" A hun*r' sa%a*e

snatches a$a' her read( and the $oman e=c+aims

a*ainst such enormous inustice" The sa%a*e uiet+'

ans$ers that nothin* is more ust( and that it $as

not for him and his fami+' to e=)ire of famine for

the sa<e of an o+d $oman"

At a++ e%ents( the inGnite ustice $e attriute to

od can ut +itt+e resem+e the contradictor' notions

of ustice of this $oman and this sa%a*e and 'et(

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$hen $e sa' that od is ust( $e on+' )ronounce

these $ords a*reea+' to our o$n ideas of ustice"

We <no$ of nothin* e+on*in* to %irtue more

Dictionar'" 899

a*reea+e than fran<ness and cordia+it'( ut to at6

triute inGnite fran<ness and cordia+it' to od

$ou+d amount to an asurdit'"

We ha%e such confused notions of the attriutes

of the Su)reme !ein*( that some schoo+s endo$ &im

$ith )rescience( an inGnite foresi*ht $hich e=c+udes

a++ contin*ent e%ent( $hi+e other schoo+s contend for

)rescience $ithout contin*enc'"

Last+'( since the Soronne has dec+ared that od

can ma<e a stic< di%ested of t$o ends( and that the

same thin* can at once e and not e( $e <no$ not

$hat to sa'( ein* in eterna+ fear of ad%ancin* a

heres'" One thin* ma'( ho$e%er( e asserted $ith6

out dan*er that od is inGnite( and man e=ceed6

in*+' ounded"

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 The mind of man is so e=treme+' narro$( that

Pasca+ has said- #Do 'ou e+ie%e it im)os6

si+e for od to e inGnite and $ithout )artsJ I

$ish to con%ince 'ou of an e=istence inGnite and in6

di%isi+e it is a mathematica+ )oint mo%in* e%er'6

$here $ith inGnite s$iftness( for it is in a++ )+aces(

and entire in e%er' )+ace"#

Nothin* more asurd $as e%er asserted( and 'et

it has een said ' the author of the #Pro%incia+ Let6

ters"# It is sucient to *i%e men of sense the a*ue"


EVER3T&IN around e=ercises some inHuence

u)on us( either )h'sica++' or mora++'" With this

truth $e are $e++ acuainted" InHuence ma' e e=6

>OO Phi+oso)hica+

erted u)on a ein* $ithout touchin*( $ithout mo%6

in* that ein*"

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In short( matter has een demonstrated to )ossess

the astonishin* )o$er of *ra%itatin* $ithout con6

tact( of actin* at immense distances" One idea in6

Huences another a fact not +ess incom)rehensi+e"

I ha%e not $ith me at 0ount Kra)a< the oo<

entit+ed( #On the InHuence of the Sun and 0oon(#

com)osed ' the ce+erated )h'sician 0ead ut

I $e++ <no$ that those t$o odies are the cause of

the tides and it is not in conseuence of touchin*

the $aters of the ocean that the' )roduce that Hu=

and reHu= - it is demonstrated that the' )roduce them

' the +a$s of *ra%itation"

!ut $hen $e are in a fe%er( ha%e the sun and

moon an' inHuence u)on the accesses of it( in its

da's of crisisJ Is 'our $ife constitutiona++' dis6

ordered on+' durin* the Grst uarter of the moonJ

Wi++ the trees( cut at the time of fu++ moon( rot

sooner than if cut do$n in its $aneJ Not that I

<no$" !ut timer cut do$n $hi+e the sa) is circu6

+atin* in it( under*oes )utrefaction sooner than other

timer and if ' chance it is cut do$n at the fu++

moon( men $i++ certain+' sa' it $as the fu++ moon

that caused a++ the e%i+" 3our $ife ma' ha%e een

disordered durin* the moon2s *ro$in* ut 'our

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nei*hor2s $as so in its dec+ine"

 The Gtfu+ )eriods of the fe%er $hich 'ou rou*ht

u)on 'ourse+f ' indu+*in* too much in the )+eas6

ures of the ta+e occur aout the Grst uarter of the

Dictionar'" >:8

moon 'our nei*hor e=)eriences his in its dec+ine"

E%er'thin* that can )ossi+' inHuence anima+s and

%e*eta+es must of course necessari+' e=ercise that

inHuence $hi+e the moon is ma<in* her circuit"

Were a $oman of L'ons to remar< that the )e6

riodica+ aections of her constitution had occurred

in three or four successi%e instances on the da' of

the arri%a+ of the di+i*ence from Paris( $ou+d her

medica+ attendant( ho$e%er de%oted he mi*ht e to

s'stem( thin< himse+f authori1ed in conc+udin* that

the Paris di+i*ence had some )ecu+iar and mar%e+6

+ous inHuence on the +ad'2s constitutionJ

 There $as a time $hen the inhaitants of e%er'

sea)ort $ere )ersuaded( that no one $ou+d die $hi+e

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the tide $as risin*( and that death a+$a's $aited

for its e"

0an' )h'sicians )ossessed a store of stron* rea6

sons to e=)+ain this constant )henomenon" The sea

$hen risin* communicates to human odies the force

or stren*th ' $hich itse+f is raised" It rin*s $ith

it %i%if'in* )artic+es $hich reanimate a++ )atients"

It is sa+t( and sa+t )reser%es from the )utrefaction at6

tendant on death" !ut $hen the sea sin<s and re6

tires( e%er'thin* sin<s or retires $ith it nature +an6

*uishes the )atient is no +on*er %i%iGed he de6

)arts $ith the tide" The $ho+e( it must e admitted(

is most eautifu++' e=)+ained( ut the )resumed fact(

unfortunate+'( is after a++ untrue"

 The %arious e+ements( food( $atchin*( s+ee)( and

the )assions( are constant+' e=ertin* on our frame

>O> Phi+oso)hica+

their res)ecti%e inHuences" Whi+e these inHuences

are thus se%era++' o)eratin* on us( the )+anets tra%6

erse their a))ro)riate orits( and the stars shine $ith

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their usua+ ri++anc'" !ut sha++ $e rea++' e so

$ea< as to sa' that the )ro*ress and +i*ht of those

hea%en+' odies are the cause of our rheums and in6

di*estion( and s+ee)+essness of the ridicu+ous $rath

$e are in $ith some si++' reasoner or of the )assion

$ith $hich $e are enamored of some interestin*

$oman J

!ut the *ra%itation of the sun and moon has made

the earth in some de*ree Hat at the )o+e( and raises

the sea t$ice et$een the tro)ics in four6and6t$ent'

hours" It ma'( therefore( re*u+ate our Gts of fe%er(

and *o%ern our $ho+e machine" !efore( ho$e%er(

$e assert this to e the case( $e shou+d $ait unti+ $e

can )ro%e it"

 The sun acts stron*+' u)on us ' its ra's( $hich

touch us( and enter throu*h our )ores" &ere is un6

uestiona+' a %er' decided and a %er' eni*nant

inHuence" We ou*ht not( I concei%e( in )h'sics( to

admit of an' action ta<in* )+ace $ithout contact(

unti+ $e ha%e disco%ered some $e++6reco*ni1ed and

ascertained )o$er $hich acts at a distance( +i<e that

of *ra%itation( for e=am)+e( or +i<e that of 'our

thou*hts o%er mine( $hen 'ou furnish me $ith ideas"

!e'ond these cases( I at )resent )ercei%e no in6

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Huences ut from matter in contact $ith matter"

 The Gsh of m' )ond and m'se+f e=ist each of us

in our natura+ e+ement" The $ater $hich touches

Dictionar'" >:B

them from head to tai+ is continua++' actin* u)on

them" The atmos)here $hich surrounds and c+oses

u)on me acts u)on me" I ou*ht not to attriute to

the moon( $hich is ninet' thousand mi+es distant(

$hat I mi*ht natura++' ascrie to somethin* inces6

sant+' in contact $ith m' s<in" This $ou+d e more

un)hi+oso)hica+ than m' considerin* the court of

China res)onsi+e for a +a$suit that I $as carr'in*

on in France" We shou+d ne%er see< at a distance

for $hat is aso+ute+' $ithin our immediate reach"

I )ercei%e that the +earned and in*enious 0" 0e6

nuret is of a dierent o)inion in the #Enc'c+o)aedia#

under the artic+e on #InHuence"# This certain+' e=6

cites in m' mind considera+e didence $ith res)ect

to $hat I ha%e ust ad%anced" The Ae de St"

Pierre used to sa'( $e shou+d ne%er maintain that

$e are aso+ute+' in the ri*ht( ut shou+d rather sa'(

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#such is m' o)inion for the )resent"#

InHuence of the Passions of 0others u)on their


I thin<( for the )resent( that %io+ent aections of

)re*nant $omen )roduce often a )rodi*ious eect

u)on the emr'o $ithin them and I thin< that I

sha++ a+$a's thin< so - m' reason is that I ha%e actu6

a++' seen this eect" If I had no %oucher of m' o)in6

ion ut the testimon' of historians $ho re+ate the in6

stance of 0ar' Stuart and her son .ames L( I shou+d

sus)end m' ud*ment ecause et$een that e%ent

and m'se+f( a series of t$o hundred 'ears has inter6

>:M Phi+oso)hica+

%ened( a circumstance natura++' tendin* to $ea<en

e+ief and ecause I can ascrie the im)ression

made u)on the rain of .ames to other causes than

the ima*ination of 0ar'" The ro'a+ assassins(

headed ' her husand( rush $ith dra$n s$ords into

the cainet $here she is su))in* in com)an' $ith

her fa%orite( and <i++ him efore her e'es the sud6

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den con%u+sion e=)erienced ' her in the interior

of her frame e=tends to her os)rin* and .ames I"(

a+thou*h not deGcient in coura*e( fe+t durin* his

$ho+e +ife an in%o+untar' shudderin* at the si*ht of

a s$ord dra$n from a scaard" It is( ho$e%er(

)ossi+e that this stri<in* and )ecu+iar a*itation

mi*ht e o$in* to a dierent cause"

 There $as once introduced( in m' )resence( into

the court of a $oman $ith chi+d( a sho$man $ho

e=hiited a +itt+e dancin* do* $ith a <ind of red on6

net on its head - the $oman ca++ed out to ha%e the

G*ure remo%ed she dec+ared that her chi+d $ou+d

e mar<ed +i<e it she $e)t and nothin* cou+d

restore her conGdence and )eace" #This is the sec6

ond time(# she said( #that such a misfortune has e6

fa++en me" 0' Grst chi+d ears the im)ression of a

simi+ar terror that I $as e=)osed to I fee+ e=6

treme+' $ea<" I <no$ that some misfortune $i++

reach me"# She $as ut too correct in her )rediction"

She $as de+i%ered of a chi+d simi+ar to the G*ure

$hich had so terriGed her" The onnet $as )articu6

+ar+' distin*uisha+e" The +itt+e creature +i%ed t$o


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Dictionar'" >:@

In the time of 0a+eranche no one entertained

the s+i*htest dout of the ad%enture $hich he re+ates(

of the $oman $ho( after seein* a crimina+ rac<ed(

$as de+i%ered of a son( a++ $hose +ims $ere ro<en

in the same )+aces in $hich the ma+efactor had re6

cei%ed the +o$s of the e=ecutioner" A++ the )h'si6

cians at the time $ere a*reed( that the ima*ination

had )roduced this fata+ eect u)on her os)rin*"

Since that )eriod( man<ind is e+ie%ed to ha%e

reGned and im)ro%ed and the inHuence under con6

sideration has een denied" It has een as<ed( in

$hat $a' do 'ou su))ose that the aections of a

mother shou+d o)erate to deran*e the memers of

the foetusJ Of that I <no$ nothin* ut I ha%e

$itnessed the fact" 3ou ne$6fan*+ed )hi+oso)hers

inuire and stud' in %ain ho$ an infant is formed(

and 'et reuire me to <no$ ho$ it ecomes de6



Ancient 0'steries"

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 T&E ori*in of the ancient m'steries ma'( $ith

the *reatest )roai+it'( e ascried to the same

$ea<ness $hich forms associations of rotherhood

amon* ourse+%es( and $hich esta+ished con*re*a6

tions under the direction of the .esuits" It $as )ro6

a+' this $ant of societ' $hich raised so man' se6

cret assem+ies of artisans( of $hich scarce+' an'

no$ remain esides that of the Freemasons" E%en

do$n to the %er' e**ars themse+%es( a++ had their

>:; Phi+oso)hica+

societies( their confraternities( their m'steries( and

their )articu+ar ar*on( of $hich I ha%e met $ith a

sma++ dictionar'( )rinted in the si=teenth centur'"

 This natura+ inc+ination in men to associate( to se6

cure themse+%es( to ecome distin*uished ao%e oth6

ers( and to acuire conGdence in themse+%es( ma' e

considered as the *eneratin* cause of a++ those )ar6

ticu+ar onds or unions( of a++ those m'sterious in6

itiations $hich after$ards e=cited so much attention

and )roduced such stri<in* eects( and $hich at

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+en*th san< into that o+i%ion in $hich e%er'thin*

is in%o+%ed ' time"

!e**in* )ardon( $hi+e I sa' it( of the *ods Cari(

of the hiero)hants of Samothrace( of Isis( Or)heus(

and the E+eusinian Ceres( I must ne%erthe+ess ac6

<no$+ed*e m' sus)icions that their sacred secrets

$ere not in rea+it' more deser%in* of curiosit' than

the interior of the con%ents of Carme+ites or Ca6


 These m'steries ein* sacred( the )artici)ators

in them soon ecame so" And $hi+e the numer of

these $as sma++( the m'ster' $as res)ected ut at

+en*th( ha%in* *ro$n too numerous( the' retained

no more conseuence and consideration than $e )er6

cei%e to attach to erman arons( since the $or+d

ecame fu++ of arons"

Initiation $as )aid for( as e%er' candidate )a's

his admission fees or $e+come( ut no memer $as

a++o$ed to ta+< for his mone'" In a++ a*es it $as con6

sidered a *reat crime to re%ea+ the secrets of these

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Dictionar'" >:?

re+i*ious farces" This secret $as undouted+' not

$orth <no$in*( as the assem+' $as not a societ'

of )hi+oso)hers( ut of i*norant )ersons( directed '

a hiero)hant" An oath of secrec' $as administered(

and an oath $as a+$a's re*arded as a sacred ond"

E%en at the )resent da'( our com)arati%e+' )itifu+

societ' of Freemasons s$ear ne%er to s)ea< of their

m'steries" These m'steries are sta+e and Hat

enou*h ut men scarce+' e%er )erure themse+%es"

Dia*oras $as )roscried ' the Athenians for

ha%in* made the secret h'mn of Or)heus a suect

for con%ersation" Aristot+e informs us( that Es6

ch'+us $as in dan*er of ein* torn to )ieces ' the

)eo)+e( or at +east of ein* se%ere+' eaten ' them(

for ha%in*( in one of his dramas( *i%en some idea

of those Or)hean m'steries in $hich near+' e%er'6

od' $as then initiated"

It a))ears that A+e=ander did not )a' the hi*h6

est res)ect )ossi+e to these re%erend foo+eries the'

are indeed %er' a)t to e des)ised ' heroes" &e re6

%ea+ed the secret to his mother O+'m)ias( ut he ad6

%ised her to sa' nothin* aout it so much are e%en

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heroes themse+%es ound in the chains of su)ersti6


#It is customar'(# sa's &erodotus( #in the cit' of

Rusiris( to stri<e oth men and $omen after the sac6

riGce( ut I am not )ermitted to sa' $here the' are

struc<"# &e +ea%es it( ho$e%er( to e %er' easi+' in6


I thin< I see a descri)tion of the m'steries of the

>o Phi+oso)hica+

E+eusinian Ceres( in C+audian2s )oem on the #Ra)e

of Proser)ine(# much c+earer than I can see an' in

the si=th oo< of the #Eneid"# Vir*i+ +i%ed under

a )rince $ho oined to a++ his other ad ua+ities that

of $ishin* to )ass for a re+i*ious character $ho

$as )roa+' initiated in these m'steries himse+f(

the etter to im)ose there' u)on the )eo)+e and

$ho $ou+d not ha%e to+erated such a )rofanation"

 3ou see his fa%orite &orace re*ards such a re%e+a6

tion as sacri+e*e-

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"""" Vetao *ut Cereris sacrum

Fu+*arit arcana su iisdem

Sit traius( %e+fra*i+em ue mecum

So+%at )hase+um" &ORACE( oo< iii( ode >"

 To si+ence due re$ards $e *i%e

And the' $ho m'steries re%ea+

!eneath m' roof sha++ ne%er +i%e(

Sha++ ne%er hoist $ith me the doutfu+ sai+"


!esides( the Cumaean si'+ and the descent into

he++( imitated from &omer much +ess than it is em6

e++ished ' Vir*i+( $ith the eautifu+ )rediction

of the destinies of the Cassars and the Roman Em6

)ire( ha%e no re+ation to the fa+es of Ceres( Proser6

)ine( and Tri)to+emus" Accordin*+'( it is hi*h+'

)roa+e that the si=th oo< of the #TEneid# is not

a descri)tion of those m'steries" If I e%er said the

contrar'( I here unsa' it ut I concei%e that C+au6

dian re%ea+ed them fu++'" &e Hourished at a time

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$hen it $as )ermitted to di%u+*e the m'steries of

E+eusis( and indeed a++ the m'steries of the $or+d"

&e +i%ed under &onorius( in the tota+ dec+ine of the

Dictionar'" >:9

ancient ree< and Roman re+i*ion( to $hich Theodo6

sius I" had a+read' *i%en the morta+ +o$"

&orace( at that )eriod( $ou+d not ha%e een at

a++ afraid of +i%in* under the same roof $ith a re6

%ea+er of m'steries" C+audian( as a )oet( $as of the

ancient re+i*ion( $hich $as more ada)ted to )oetr'

than the ne$" &e descries the dro++ asurdities of

the m'steries of Ceres( as the' $ere sti++ )er6

formed $ith a++ ecomin* re%erence in reece( do$n

to the time of Theodosius II" The' formed a s)ecies

of o)eratic )antomime( of the same descri)tion as

$e ha%e seen man' %er' amusin* ones( in $hich

$ere re)resented a++ the de%i+ish tric<s and conura6

tions of Doctor Faustus( the irth of the $or+d and

of &ar+euin $ho oth came from a +ar*e e** '

the heat of the sun2s ra's" .ust in the same manner(

the $ho+e histor' of Ceres and Proser)ine $as re)6

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resented ' the m'sta*o*ues" The s)ectac+e $as

Gne the cost must ha%e een *reat and it is no mat6

ter of astonishment that the initiated shou+d )a' the

)erformers" A++ +i%e ' their res)ecti%e occu)ations"

E%er' m'ster' had its )ecu+iar ceremonies ut

a++ admitted of $a<es or %i*i+s of $hich the 'outhfu+

%otaries fu++' a%ai+ed themse+%es ut it $as this

ause in )art $hich Gna++' rou*ht discredit u)on

those nocturna+ ceremonies instituted for sanctiGca6

tion" The ceremonies thus )er%erted to assi*nation

and +icentiousness $ere ao+ished in reece in the

time of the Pe+o)onnesian $ar the' $ere ao+6

ished at Rome in the time of Cicero2s 'outh( ei*ht6

Vo+" 8: 8M

>io Phi+oso)hica+

een 'ears efore his consu+shi)" From the #Au+u6

+aria# of P+autus( $e are +ed to consider them as e=6

hiitin* scenes of *ross deaucher'( and as hi*h+'

inurious to )u+ic mora+s"

Our re+i*ion( $hich( $hi+e it ado)ted( *reat+' )u6

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riGed %arious )a*an institutions( sanctiGed the name

of the initiated( nocturna+ feasts( and %i*i+s( $hich

$ere a +on* time in use( ut $hich at +en*th it e6

came necessar' to )rohiit $hen an administration

of )o+ice $as introduced into the *o%ernment of the

Church( so +on* entrusted to the )iet' and 1ea+ that

)rec+uded the necessit' of )o+ice"

 The )rinci)a+ formu+a of a++ the m'steries( in

e%er' )+ace of their ce+eration( $as( #Come out(

'e $ho are )rofane# that is( uninitiated" Accord6

in*+'( in the Grst centuries( the Christians ado)ted

a simi+ar formu+a" The deacon said( #Come out( a++

'e catechumens( a++ 'e $ho are )ossessed( and $ho

are uninitiated"#

It is in s)ea<in* of the a)tism of the dead that

St" Chr'sostom sa's( #I shou+d e *+ad to e=)+ain

m'se+f c+ear+'( ut I can do so on+' to the initiated"

We are in *reat emarrassment" We must either

s)ea< uninte++i*i+'( or disc+ose secrets $hich $e are

ound to concea+"#

It is im)ossi+e to descrie more c+ear+' the o+i6

*ation of secrec' and the )ri%i+e*e of initiation" A++

is no$ so com)+ete+' chan*ed( that $ere 'ou at )res6

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ent to ta+< aout initiation to the *reater )art of

'our )riests and )arish ocers( there $ou+d not e

Dictionar'" >88

one of them that $ou+d understand 'ou( un+ess '

*reat chance he had read the cha)ter of Chr'sos6

tom ao%e noticed"

 3ou $i++ see in 0inutius Fe+i= the aomina+e

im)utations $ith $hich the )a*ans attac<ed the

Christian m'steries" The initiated $ere re)roached

$ith treatin* each other as rethren and sisters(

so+e+' $ith a %ie$ to )rofane that sacred name"

 The' <issed( it $as said( )articu+ar )arts of the )er6

sons of the )riests( as is sti++ )ractised in res)ect to

the santons of Africa the' stained themse+%es $ith

a++ those )o++utions $hich ha%e since dis*raced and

sti*mati1ed the tem)+ars" !oth $ere accused of

$orshi))in* a <ind of ass2s head"

We ha%e seen that the ear+' Christian societies

ascried to each other( reci)roca++'( the most incon6

cei%a+e infamies" The )rete=t for these ca+umnies

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$as the in%io+a+e secret $hich e%er' societ' made of

its m'steries" It is u)on this *round that in

0inutius Fe+i=( Ceci+ius( the accuser of the Chris6

tians( e=c+aims -

#Wh' do the' so carefu++' endea%or to concea+

$hat the' $orshi)( since $hat is decent and honor6

a+e a+$a's courts the +i*ht( and crimes a+one see<

secrec' J#

#Cur occu+tare et ascondere uiduid co+unt

ma*no)ere nitunturJ 5uum honesta sem)er )u6

+ico *audeant( sce+era seer eta sint"#

It cannot e douted that these accusations( uni6

%ersa++' s)read( dre$ u)on the Christians more than

>8> Phi+oso)hica+

one )ersecution" Whene%er a societ' of men( $hat6

e%er the' ma' e( are accused ' the )u+ic %oice(

the fa+sehood of the char*e is ur*ed in %ain( and it

is deemed meritorious to )ersecute them"

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&o$ cou+d it easi+' e other$ise than that the

Grst Christians shou+d e e%en he+d in horror( $hen

St" E)i)hanius himse+f ur*es a*ainst them the most

e=ecra+e im)utationsJ &e asserts that the Chris6

tian Phiionites committed indecencies( $hich he

s)eciGes( of the *rossest character and( after )ass6

in* throu*h %arious scenes of )o++ution( e=c+aimed

each of them - #I am the Christ"#

Accordin* to the same $riter( the nostics and

the Stratiotics eua++ed the Phiionites in e=hiitions

of +icentiousness( and a++ three sects min*+ed horrid

)o++utions $ith their m'steries( men and $omen

dis)+a'in* eua+ disso+uteness"

 The Car)ocratians( accordin* to the same father

of the Church( e%en e=ceeded the horrors and aomi6

nations of the three sects ust mentioned"

 The Cerinthians did not aandon themse+%es to

aominations such as these ut the' $ere )ersuaded

that .esus Christ $as the son of .ose)h"

 The Eionites( in their *os)e+( maintain that St"

Pau+( ein* desirous of marr'in* the dau*hter of

ama+ie+( and not a+e to otain her( ecame a Chris6

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tian( and esta+ished Christianit' out of re%en*e"

A++ these accusations did not for some time reach

the ear of the *o%ernment" The Romans )aid ut

+itt+e attention to the uarre+s and mutua+ re)roaches

Dictionar'" >8B

$hich occurred et$een these +itt+e societies of .e$s(

ree<s( and E*')tians( $ho $ere( as it $ere( hid6

den in the %ast and *enera+ )o)u+ation ust as in

London( in the )resent da'( the )ar+iament does not

emarrass or concern itse+f $ith the )ecu+iar forms

or transactions of 0ennonites( Pietists( Anaa)tists(

0i++ennarians( 0ora%ians( or 0ethodists" It is oc6

cu)ied $ith matters of ur*enc' and im)ortance( and

)a's no attention to their mutua+ char*es and re6

criminations ti++ the' ecome of im)ortance from

their )u+icit'"

 The char*es ao%e mentioned( at +en*th( ho$6

e%er( came to the ears of the senate either from the

 .e$s( $ho $ere im)+aca+e enemies of the Chris6

tians( or from Christians themse+%es and hence it

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resu+ted that the crimes char*ed a*ainst some Chris6

tian societies $ere im)uted to a++ hence it resu+ted

that their initiations $ere so +on* ca+umniated hence

resu+ted the )ersecutions $hich the' endured" These

)ersecutions( ho$e%er( o+i*ed them to *reater cir6

cums)ection the' stren*thened themse+%es( the'

comined( the' disc+osed their oo<s on+' to the in6

itiated" No Roman ma*istrate( no em)eror( e%er

had the s+i*htest <no$+ed*e of them( as $e ha%e

a+read' sho$n" Pro%idence increased( durin* the

course of three centuries( oth their numer and

their riches( unti+ at +en*th( Constantius Ch+orus

o)en+' )rotected them( and Constantine( his son( em6

raced their re+i*ion"

In the meantime the names of initiated and m's6

>8M Phi+oso)hica+

teries sti++ susisted( and the' $ere concea+ed from

the enti+es as much as $as )ossi+e" As to the

m'steries of the enti+es( the' continued do$n to the

time of Theodosius"

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Of the 0assacre of the Innocents"

W&EN )eo)+e s)ea< of the massacre of the inno6

cents( the' do not refer to the Sici+ian Ves)ers( nor

to the matins of Paris( <no$n under the name of

St" !artho+ome$ nor to the inhaitants of the ne$

$or+d( $ho $ere murdered ecause the' $ere not

Christians( nor to the auto6da6fes of S)ain and

Portu*a+( etc" The' usua++' refer to the 'oun*

chi+dren $ho $ere <i++ed $ithin the )recincts of

!eth+ehem( ' order of &erod the reat( and $ho

$ere after$ards carried to Co+o*ne( $here the' are

sti++ to e found"

 Their numer $as maintained ' the $ho+e

ree< Church to e fourteen thousand"

 The dicu+ties raised ' critics u)on this )oint

of histor' ha%e een a++ so+%ed ' shre$d and +earned


Oections ha%e een started in re+ation to the

star $hich conducted the 0a*i from the recesses of

the East to .erusa+em" It has een said that the

 ourne'( ein* a +on* one( the star must ha%e a)6

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)eared for a +on* time ao%e the hori1on and

'et that no historian esides St" 0atthe$ e%er too<

notice of this e=traordinar' star that if it had shone

Dictionar'" >8@

so +on* in the hea%ens( &erod and his $ho+e court(

and a++ .erusa+em( must ha%e seen it as $e++ as these

three 0a*i( or <in*s that &erod conseuent+' cou+d

not( $ithout asurdit'( ha%e inuired di+i*ent+'( as

0atthe$ e=)resses it( of these <in*s( at $hat time

the' had seen the star that( if these three <in*s

had made )resents of *o+d and m'rrh and incense

to the ne$6orn infant( his )arents must ha%e een

%er' rich that &erod cou+d certain+' ne%er e+ie%e

that this infant( orn in a sta+e at !eth+ehem(

$ou+d e <in* of the .e$s( as the <in*dom of .udaea

e+on*ed to the Romans( and $as a *ift from Caesar

that if three <in*s of the Indies $ere( at the )resent

da'( to come to France under the *uidance of a star(

and sto) at the house of a $oman of Vau*irard( no

one cou+d e%er ma<e the rei*nin* monarch e+ie%e

that the chi+d of that )oor $oman $ou+d ecome <in*

of France"

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A satisfactor' ans$er has een *i%en to these

dicu+ties( $hich ma' e considered )re+iminar'

ones( attendin* the suect of the massacre of the

innocents and it has een sho$n that $hat is im6

)ossi+e $ith man is not im)ossi+e $ith od"

With res)ect to the s+au*hter of the +itt+e chi+dren(

$hether the numer $as fourteen thousand( or

*reater( or +ess( it has een sho$n that this horri+e

and un)recedented crue+t' $as not aso+ute+' in6

com)ati+e $ith the character of &erod that( after

ein* esta+ished as <in* of .udaea ' Au*ustus( he

cou+d not indeed fear an'thin* from the chi+d of

> 8 ; Phi+oso)hica+

oscure and )oor )arents( residin* in a )ett' %i++a*e

ut that +aorin* at that time under the disorder of

$hich he at +en*th died( his +ood mi*ht ha%e e6

come so corru)t that he mi*ht in conseuence ha%e

+ost oth reason and humanit' that( in short( a++

these incom)rehensi+e e%ents( $hich )re)ared the

$a' for m'steries sti++ more incom)rehensi+e( $ere

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directed ' an inscruta+e Pro%idence"

It is oected that the historian .ose)hus( $ho

$as near+' contem)orar'( and $ho has re+ated a++

the crue+ties of &erod( has made no more mention of

the massacre of the 'oun* chi+dren than of the star

of the three <in*s that neither the .e$ Phi+o( nor

an' other .e$( nor an' Roman ta<es an' notice of

it and e%en that three of the e%an*e+ists ha%e o6

ser%ed a )rofound si+ence u)on these im)ortant su6

 ects" It is re)+ied that the' are ne%erthe+ess an6

nounced ' St" 0atthe$( and that the testimon' of

one ins)ired man is of more $ei*ht than the si+ence

of a++ the $or+d"

 The critics( ho$e%er( ha%e not surrendered the%

ha%e dared to censure St" 0atthe$ himse+f for sa'6

in* that these chi+dren $ere massacred( #that the

$ords of .eremiah mi*ht e fu+G++ed" A %oice is

heard in Ramah( a %oice of *roanin* and +amenta6

tion" Rache+ $ee)in* for her chi+dren( and refusin*

to e comforted( ecause the' are no more"#

 These historica+ $ords( the' oser%e( $ere +iter6

a++' fu+G++ed in the trie of !enamin( $hich de6

scended from Rache+( $hen Nau1aradan destro'ed

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Dictionar'" >8?

a )art of that trie near the cit' of Ramah" It $as

no +on*er a )rediction( the' sa'( an' more than $ere

the $ords #&e sha++ e ca++ed a Na1arene" And &e

came to d$e++ in a cit' ca++ed Na1areth( that it mi*ht

e fu+G++ed $hich $as s)o<en ' the )ro)hets" &e

sha++ e ca++ed a Na1arene"# The' trium)h in the

circumstance that these $ords are not to e found

in an' one of the )ro)hets ust as the' do in the

idea that Rache+ $ee)in* for the !enamites at

Ramah has no reference $hate%er to the massacre

of the innocents ' &erod"

 The' dare e%en to ur*e that these t$o a++usions(

ein* c+ear+' fa+se( are a manifest )roof of the fa+se6

hood of this narrati%e and conc+ude that the mas6

sacre of the chi+dren( and the ne$ star( and the

 ourne' of the three <in*s( ne%er had the s+i*htest

foundation in fact"

 The' e%en *o much further 'et the' thin< the'

Gnd as )a+)a+e a contradiction et$een the nar6

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rati%e of St" 0atthe$ and that of St" Lu<e( as e6

t$een the t$o *enea+o*ies adduced ' them" St"

0atthe$ sa's that .ose)h and 0ar' carried .esus

into E*')t( fearin* that he $ou+d e in%o+%ed in the

massacre" St" Lu<e( on the contrar'( sa's( #After

ha%in* fu+G++ed a++ the ceremonies of the +a$( .ose)h

and 0ar' returned to Na1areth( their cit'( and $ent

e%er' 'ear to .erusa+em( to <ee) the Passo%er"#

!ut thirt' da's must ha%e e=)ired efore a

$oman cou+d ha%e com)+eted her )uriGcation from

chi+dirth and fu+G++ed a++ the ceremonies of the +a$"

> 8 Phi+oso)hica+

Durin* these thirt' da's( therefore( the chi+d must

ha%e een e=)osed to destruction ' the *en6

era+ )roscri)tion" And if his )arents $ent to .eru6

sa+em to accom)+ish the ordinance of the +a$( the'

certain+' did not *o to E*')t"

 These are the )rinci)a+ oections of une+ie%ers"

 The' are eectua++' refuted ' the faith oth of the

ree< and Latin churches" If it $ere necessar'

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a+$a's to e c+earin* u) the douts of )ersons $ho

read the Scri)tures( $e must ine%ita+' )ass our

$ho+e +i%es in dis)utin* aout a++ the artic+es con6

tained in them" Let us rather refer ourse+%es to

our $orth' su)eriors and masters to the uni6

%ersit' of Sa+amanca $hen in S)ain( to the Soronne

in France( and to the ho+' con*re*ation at Rome"

Let us sumit oth in heart and in understandin* to

that $hich is reuired of us for our *ood"



 T&E Inuisition is an ecc+esiastica+ urisdiction(

esta+ished ' the see of Rome in Ita+'( S)ain(

Portu*a+( and e%en in the Indies( for the )ur)ose

of searchin* out and e=tir)atin* inGde+s( .e$s( and


 That $e ma' not e sus)ected of resortin* to

fa+sehood in order to render this triuna+ odious( $e

sha++ in this )resent artic+e *i%e the astract of a

Latin $or< on the #Ori*in and Pro*ress of the

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Dictionar'" >89

Oce of the &o+' Inuisition(# )rinted ' the ro'a+

)ress at 0adrid in 8@9( ' order of Louis de

Paramo( inuisitor in the <in*dom of Sici+'"

Without *oin* ac< to the ori*in of the Inuisi6

tion( $hich Paramo thin<s he disco%ers in the man6

ner in $hich od is re+ated to ha%e )roceeded a*ainst

Adam and E%e( +et us aide ' the ne$ +a$ of $hich

 .esus Christ accordin* to him( $as the chief in6

uisitor" &e e=ercised the functions of that oce on

the thirteenth da' after his irth( ' announcin* to

the cit' of .erusa+em( throu*h the three <in*s or

0a*i( his a))earance in the $or+d( arid after$ards

' causin* &erod to e de%oured a+i%e ' $orms '

dri%in* the u'ers and se++ers out of the tem)+e

and Gna++'( ' de+i%erin* .udsea into the hands of

t'rants( $ho )i++a*ed it in )unishment of its un6


After .esus Christ( St" Peter( St" Pau+( and the

rest of the a)ost+es e=ercised the oce of inuisitor(

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$hich the' transmitted to the )o)es and isho)s( and

their successors" St" Dominic ha%in* arri%ed in

France $ith the isho) of Osma( of $hich he $as

archdeacon( ecame animated $ith 1ea+ a*ainst the

A+i*enses( and otained the re*ard and fa%or of

Simon( Count de 0ontfort" &a%in* een a))ointed

' the )o)e inuisitor in Lan*uedoc( he there

founded his order( $hich $as a))ro%ed of and rati6

Ged( in 8>8;( ' &onorius III" /nder the aus)ices

of St" 0ade+aine( Count 0ontfort too< the cit' of

e1er ' assau+t( and )ut a++ the inhaitants to

>>O Phi+oso)hica+

the s$ord and at La%a+( four hundred A+i*enses

$ere urned at once" #In a++ the histories of the

Inuisition that I e%er read(# sa's Paramo( #I ne%er

met $ith an act of faith so eminent( or a s)ectac+e so

so+emn" At the %i++a*e of Ca1era( si=t' $ere

urned and in another )+ace a hundred and ei*ht'"#

 The Inuisition $as ado)ted ' the count of

 Tou+ouse in 8>>9( and conGded to the Dominicans '

Po)e re*or' I7" in 8>BB Innocent IV" in 8>@8

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esta+ished it in the $ho+e of Ita+'( $ith the e=ce)6

tion of Na)+es" At the commencement( indeed(

heretics $ere not suected in the 0i+anese to the

)unishment of death( $hich the' ne%erthe+ess so

rich+' deser%ed( ecause the )o)es $ere not su6

cient+' res)ected ' the em)eror Frederic<( to $hom

that state e+on*ed ut a short time after$ards

heretics $ere urned at 0i+an( as $e++ as in the other

)arts of Ita+' and our author remar<s( that in 8B8@

some thousands of heretics ha%in* s)read themse+%es

throu*h Cremasco( a sma++ territor' inc+uded in the

 urisdiction of the 0i+anese( the Dominican rothers

urned the *reater )art of them and thus chec<ed

the ra%a*es of the theo+o*ica+ )esti+ence ' the


As the Grst canon of the Counci+ of Tou+ouse

enoined the isho)s to a))oint in e%er' )arish a

)riest and t$o or three +a'men of re)utation( $ho

shou+d e ound ' oath to search carefu++' and fre6"

uent+' for heretics( in houses( ca%es( and a++ )+aces

$here%er the' mi*ht e a+e to hide themse+%es( and

Dictionar'" >>8

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to *i%e the s)eediest information to the isho)( the

sei*neur of the )+ace( or his ai+i( after ha%in*

ta<en a++ necessar' )recautions a*ainst the esca)e

of an' heretics disco%ered( the inuisitors must ha%e

acted at this time in concert $ith the isho)s" The

)risons of the isho) and of the Inuisition $ere fre6

uent+' the same and( a+thou*h in the course of

the )rocedure the inuisitor mi*ht act in his o$n

name( he cou+d not( $ithout the inter%ention of the

isho)( a))+' the torture( )ronounce an' deGniti%e

sentence( or condemn to )er)etua+ im)risonment( etc"

 The freuent dis)utes that occurred et$een the

isho)s and the inuisitors( on the +imits of their

authorit'( on the s)oi+s of the condemned( etc"( com6

)e++ed Po)e Si=tus IV"( in 8M?B( to ma<e the Inui6

sitions inde)endent and se)arate from the triuna+s

of the isho)s" &e created for S)ain an Inuisitor6

*enera+( $ith fu++ )o$ers to nominate )articu+ar in6

uisitors and Ferdinand V"( in 8M?( founded and

endo$ed the Inuisition"

At the so+icitation of Turrecremata or Torue6

mada( a rother of the Dominican order( and *rand

inuisitor of S)ain( the same Ferdinand( surnamed

the Catho+ic( anished from his <in*dom a++ the

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 .e$s( a++o$in* them three months from the )u+ica6

tion of his edict( after the e=)iration of $hich )eriod

the' $ere not to e found in an' of the S)anish

dominions under )ain of death" The' $ere )er6

mitted( on uittin* the <in*dom( to ta<e $ith them

the *oods and merchandise $hich the' had )ur6

>>> Phi+oso)hica+

chased( ut foridden to ta<e out of it an' descri)6

tion of *o+d or si+%er"

 The rother Turrecremata fo++o$ed u) and

stren*thened this edict( in the diocese of To+edo( '

)rohiitin* a++ Christians( under )ain of e=communi6

cation( from *i%in* an'thin* $hate%er to the .e$s(

e%en that $hich mi*ht e necessar' to )reser%e +ife


In conseuence of these decrees aout a mi++ion

 .e$s de)arted from Cata+onia( the <in*dom of

Ara*on( that of Va+encia( and other countries su6

 ect to the dominion of Ferdinand the *reater )art

of $hom )erished misera+' so that the' com)are

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the ca+amities that the' suered durin* this )eriod

to those the' e=)erienced under Titus and Ves)asian"

 This e=)u+sion of the .e$s *a%e incredi+e o' to

a++ Catho+ic so%erei*ns"

Some di%ines +amed these edicts of the <in* of

S)ain their )rinci)a+ reasons are that une+ie%ers

ou*ht not to e constrained to emrace the faith of

 .esus Christ( and that these %io+ences are a dis*race

to our re+i*ion"

!ut these ar*uments are %er' $ea<( and I con6

tend( sa's Paramo( that the edict is )ious( ust( and

)raise$orth'( as the %io+ence $ith $hich the .e$s

are reuired to e con%erted is not an aso+ute ut a

conditiona+ %io+ence( since the' mi*ht a%oid it '

uittin* their countr'" !esides( the' mi*ht corru)t

those of the .e$s $ho $ere ne$+' con%erted( and

e%en Christians themse+%es ut( as St" Pau+ sa's(

Dictionar'" >>B

$hat communion is there et$een ustice and in6

iuit'( +i*ht and dar<ness( .esus Christ and !e+ia+J

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With res)ect to the conGscation of their *oods(

nothin* cou+d e more euita+e( as the' had acuired

them on+' ' usur' to$ards Christians( $ho on+'

recei%ed ac<( therefore( $hat $as in fact their o$n"

In short( ' the death of our Lord( the .e$s e6

came s+a%es( and e%er'thin* that a s+a%e )ossesses

e+on*s to his master" We cou+d not ut sus)end

our narrati%e for a moment to ma<e these remar<s(

in o))osition to )ersons $ho ha%e thus ca+umniated

the )iet'( the s)ot+ess ustice( and the sanctit' of the

Catho+ic <in*"

At Se%i++e( $here an e=am)+e of se%erit' to the

 .e$s $as ardent+' desired( it $as the ho+' $i++ of

od( $ho <no$s ho$ to dra$ *ood out of e%i+( that

a 'oun* man $ho $as in $aitin* in conseuence of

an assi*nation( shou+d see throu*h the chin<s of a

)artition an assem+' of .e$s( and in conseuence

inform a*ainst them" A *reat numer of the un6

ha))' $retches $ere a))rehended( and )unished as

the' deser%ed" !' %irtue of dierent edicts of the

<in*s of S)ain( and of the inuisitors( *enera+ and

)articu+ar( esta+ished in that <in*dom( there $ere(

in a %er' short time( aout t$o thousand heretics

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urned at Se%i++e( and more than four thousand from

8M> to 8@>:" A %ast numer of others $ere con6

demned to )er)etua+ im)risonment( or e=)osed to

inHictions of dierent descri)tions" The emi*ration

from it $as so *reat that G%e hundred houses $ere

>>M Phi+oso)hica+

su))osed to e +eft in conseuence uite em)t'( and

in the $ho+e diocese( three thousand and a+to*ether

more than a hundred thousand heretics $ere )ut to

death( or )unished in some other manner( or $ent

into anishment to a%oid se%erer suerin*" Such

$as the destruction of heretics accom)+ished ' these

)ious rethren"

 The esta+ishment of the Inuisition at To+edo

$as a fruitfu+ source of re%enue to the Catho+ic

Church" In the short s)ace of t$o 'ears it actua++'

urned at the sta<e Gft'6t$o ostinate heretics( and

t$o hundred and t$ent' more $ere out+a$ed

$hence $e ma' easi+' conecture of $hat uti+it' the

Inuisition has een from its ori*ina+ esta+ishment(

since in so short a )eriod it )erformed such $onders"

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From the e*innin* of the Gfteenth centur'( Po)e

!oniface I7" attem)ted in %ain to esta+ish the In6

uisition in Portu*a+( $here he created the )ro%incia+

of the Dominicans( Vincent de Lison( inuisitor6

*enera+" Innocent VII"( some 'ears after( ha%in*

named as inuisitor the 0inim Didacus de S'+%a(

Kin* .ohn I" $rote to that )o)e that the esta+ish6

ment of the Inuisition in his <in*dom $as contrar'

to the *ood of his suects( to his o$n interests( and

)erha)s a+so to the interests of re+i*ion"

 The )o)e( aected ' the re)resentations of a

too mi+d and eas' monarch( re%o<ed a++ the )o$ers

*ranted to the inuisitors ne$+' esta+ished( and

authori1ed 0ar<( isho) of Seni*a*+ia( to aso+%e

the )ersons accused $hich he accordin*+' did"

Dictionar'" >>@

 Those $ho had een de)ri%ed of their di*nities and

oces $ere re6esta+ished in them( and man' $ere

de+i%ered from the fear of the conGscation of their


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!ut ho$ admira+e( continues Paramo( is the

Lord in a++ his $a's Q That $hich the so%erei*n

)ontis had een una+e eectua++' to otain $ith

a++ their ur*enc'( Kin* .ohn *ranted s)ontaneous+'

to a de=terous im)ostor( $hom od made use of as

an instrument for accom)+ishin* the *ood $or<"" In

fact( the $ic<ed are freuent+' usefu+ instruments in

od2s hands( and he does not reect the *ood the'

rin* aout" Thus( $hen .ohn remar<s to our Lord

 .esus Christ( #Lord( $e sa$ one $ho $as not Th'

disci)+e castin* out demons in Th' name( and $e

)re%ented him from doin* so(# .esus ans$ered

him( #Pre%ent him not for he $ho $or<s mirac+es

in 0' name $i++ not s)ea< i++ of 0e and he $ho

is not a*ainst 0e is for 0e"#

Paramo re+ates after$ards that he sa$ in the

+irar' of St" Laurence( at the Escoria+( a manu6

scri)t in the hand$ritin* of Saa%edra( in $hich that

<na%e detai+s his farication of a fa+se u++( and o6

tainin* there' his entree into Se%i++e as +e*ate( $ith

a train of a hundred and t$ent' domestics his de6

fraudin* of thirteen thousand ducats the heirs of a

rich no+eman in that nei*horhood( durin* his

t$ent' da's2 residence in the )a+ace of the arch6

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isho)( ' )roducin* a counterfeit ond for the same

sum( $hich the no+eman ac<no$+ed*ed( in that in6

Vo+" 8: 8@

i2i; Phi+oso)hica+

strument( to ha%e orro$ed of the +e*ate $hen he

%isited Rome and Gna++'( after his arri%a+ at !ada6

 o1( the )ermission *ranted him ' Kin* .ohn III"(

to $hom he $as )resented ' means of for*ed +etters

of the )o)e( to esta+ish triuna+s of the Inuisition

in the )rinci)a+ cities of the <in*dom"

 These triuna+s e*an immediate+' to e=ercise

their urisdiction and a %ast numer of condemna6

tions and e=ecutions of re+a)sed heretics too< )+ace(

as a+so of aso+utions of recantin* and )enitent here6

tics" Si= months had )assed in this manner( $hen

the truth $as made a))arent of that e=)ression in

the os)e+( #There is nothin* hid $hich sha++ not e

made <no$n"# The 0aruis de Vi++eneu%e de !ar6

carotta( a S)anish no+eman( assisted ' the *o%6

ernor of 0ora( had the im)ostor a))rehended and

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conducted to 0adrid" &e $as there carried efore

 .ohn de Ta%era( archisho) of To+edo" That )re+ate(

)erfect+' astonished at a++ that no$ trans)ired of the

<na%er' and address of the fa+se +e*ate( des)atched

a++ the de)ositions and documents re+ati%e to the

case to Po)e Pau+ III" as he did a+so the acts of

the inuisitions $hich Saa%edra had esta+ished(

and ' $hich it a))eared that a *reat numer of

heretics had a+read' een ud*ed and condemned(

and that the im)ostor had e=torted from his %ictims

more than three hundred thousand ducats"

 The )o)e cou+d not he+) ac<no$+ed*in* in this

the Gn*er of od and a mirac+e of &is )ro%idence -

he accordin*+' formed the con*re*ation of the

Dictionar'" >>?

triuna+ of the Inuisition( under the denomination

of 22The &o+' Oce(# in 8@M@( and Si=tus V" con6

Grmed it in 8@"

A++ $riters ut one a*ree $ith Paramo on the

suect of the esta+ishment of the Inuisition in

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Portu*a+" Antoine de Sousa a+one( in his #A)ho6

risms of Inuisitors(# ca++s the histor' of Saa%edra in

uestion( under the )retence that he ma' %er' easi+'

e concei%ed to ha%e accused himse+f $ithout ein*

in fact *ui+t'( in consideration of the *+or' $hich

$ou+d redound to him from the e%ent( and in the

ho)e of +i%in* in the memor' of man<ind" !ut

Sousa( in the %er' narrati%e $hich he sustitutes for

that of Paramo( e=)oses himse+f to the sus)icion of

ad faith( in citin* t$o u++s of Pau+ III"( and t$o

others from the same )o)e to Cardina+ &enr'( the

<in*2s rother u++s $hich Sousa has not intro6

duced into his )rinted $or<( and $hich are not to

e found in an' co++ection of a)osto+ica+ u++s e=tant

t$o decisi%e reasons for reectin* his o)inion( and

adherin* to that of Paramo( &iescas( Sa+asar( 0en6

do*a( Fernande1( and P+acentinus"

When the S)aniards )assed o%er to America

the' carried the Inuisition $ith them the Portu6

*uese introduced it in the Indies( immediate+' u)on

its ein* esta+ished at Lison( $hich +ed to the

oser%ation $hich Louis de Paramo ma<es in his

)reface( that this Hourishin* and %erdant tree had

e=tended its ranches and its roots throu*hout the

$or+d( and )roduced the most )+easant fruits"

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>> Phi+oso)hica+

In order to form some correct idea of the uris6

)rudence of the Inuisition( and the forms of its

)roceedin*s( un<no$n to ci%i+ triuna+s( +et us ta<e

a cursor' %ie$ of the #Director' of Inuisitors(#

$hich Nico+as E'meric( *rand inuisitor of the

<in*dom of Ara*on aout the midd+e of the four6

teenth centur'( com)osed in Latin( and addressed to

his rother inuisitors( in %irtue of the authorit' of

his oce"

A short time after the in%ention of )rintin*( an

edition of this $or< $as )rinted at !arce+ona( and

soon con%e'ed to a++ the inuisitions in the Christian

$or+d" A second edition a))eared at Rome in 8@?(

in fo+io( $ith scho+ia and commentaries ' Francois

Pe*na( doctor in theo+o*' and canonist"

 The fo++o$in* eu+o*ium on the $or< is *i%en '

the editor in an e)ist+e dedicator' to re*or' 7III" -

#Whi+e Christian )rinces are e%er'$here en*a*ed in

comatin* $ith arms the enemies of the Catho+ic

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re+i*ion( and )ourin* out the +ood of their so+diers

to su))ort the unit' of the Church and the authorit'

of the a)osto+ic see( there are a+so 1ea+ous and de6

%oted $riters( $ho toi+ in oscurit'( either to refute

the o)inions of inno%ators or to arm and direct

the )o$er of the +a$s a*ainst their )ersons( in

order that the se%erit' of )unishments( and the

so+emnit' and torture attendin* e=ecutions( <ee)6

in* them $ithin the ounds of dut'( ma' )roduce

that eect u)on them $hich cannot e )roduced in

them ' the +o%e of %irtue"

Dictionar'" >>9

#A+thou*h I G++ on+' the +o$est )+ace amon* these

defenders of re+i*ion( I am ne%erthe+ess animated

$ith the same 1ea+ for re)ressin* the im)ious

audacit' and horri+e de)ra%it' of the roachers of

inno%ation" The +aor $hich I here )resent to 'ou

on the 2Director' of Inuisitions $i++ e a )roof of

m' assertion" This $or< of Nico+as E'meric( re6

s)ecta+e for its antiuit'( contains a summar' of

the )rinci)a+ artic+es of faith( and an e+aorate and

methodica+ 2code of instruction for the triuna+s of

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the &o+' Inuisition( on the means $hich the' ou*ht

to em)+o' for the re)ression and e=tir)ation of

heretics on $hich account I fe+t it m' dut' to oer

it in homa*e to 'our ho+iness( as the chief of the

Christian re)u+ic"#

&e dec+ares( e+se$here( that he had it re)rinted

for the instruction of inuisitors that the $or<

is as much to e admired as res)ected( and teaches

$ith eua+ )iet' and +earnin* the )ro)er means of

re)ressin* and e=terminatin* heretics" &e ac6

<no$+ed*es( ho$e%er( that he is in )ossession of other

usefu+ and udicious methods( for $hich he refers to

)ractice( $hich $i++ instruct much more eectua++'

than an' +essons( and that he more readi+' thus

si+ent+' refers to )ractice( as there are certain mat6

ters re+atin* to the suect $hich it is of im)ortance

not to di%u+*e( and $hich( at the same time( are *en6

era++' $e++ <no$n to inuisitors" &e cites a %ast

numer of $riters( a++ of $hom ha%e fo++o$ed the

doctrines of the #Director'# and he e%en com)+ains

>B: Phi+oso)hica+

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that man' ha%e a%ai+ed themse+%es of it $ithout

ascriin* an' honor to E'meric for the *ood thin*s

the' ha%e in fact sto+en from him"

We $i++ secure ourse+%es from an' re)roach of

this descri)tion( ' )ointin* out e=act+' $hat $e

mean to orro$ oth from the author and the edi6

tor" E'meric sa's( in the Gft'6ei*hth )a*e( #Com6

miseration for the chi+dren of the crimina+( $ho '

the se%erit' used to$ards him are reduced to e*6

*ar'( shou+d ne%er e )ermitted to miti*ate that

se%erit'( since oth ' di%ine and human +a$s chi+6

dren are )unished for the fau+ts of their fathers"#

Pa*e 8>B" #If a char*e entered for )rosecution

$ere destitute of e%er' a))earance of truth( the in6

uisitor shou+d not on that account e=)un*e it

from his re*ister( ecause $hat at one )eriod has

not een disco%ered( ma' e so at another"#

Pa*e >98" #It is necessar' for the inuisitor to

o))ose cunnin* and strata*em to those em)+o'ed '

heretics( that he ma' thus )a' the oenders in their

o$n coin( and e ena+ed to ado)t the +an*ua*e of

the a)ost+e( 2!ein* craft'( I cau*ht 'ou $ith *ui+e"2 #

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Pa*e >9;" #The information and de)ositions )ro6

ces6%era+ ma' e read o%er to the accused( com6

)+ete+' su))ressin* the names of the accusers and

then it is for him to conecture $ho the )ersons

are that ha%e rou*ht a*ainst him an' )articu+ar

char*es( to cha++en*e them as incom)etent $itnesses(

or to $ea<en their testimon' ' contrar' e%idence"

 This is the method *enera++' used" The accused

Dictionar'" >B 8

must not e )ermitted to ima*ine that cha++en*es

of $itnesses $i++ e easi+' a++o$ed in cases of her6

es'( for it is of no conseuence $hether $itnesses

are res)ecta+e or infamous( accom)+ices in the )ris6

oner2s oence( e=communicated( heretica+( or in

an' manner $hate%er *ui+t'( or )erured( etc" This

has een so ru+ed in fa%or of the faith"#

Pa*e >:>" #The a))ea+ $hich a )risoner ma<es

from the Inuisition does not )rec+ude that triuna+

from tria+ and sentence of him u)on other heads of


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Pa*e B8B" #A+thou*h the form of the order for

a))+'in* the torture ma' su))ose %ariation in the

ans$ers of the accused( and a+so in addition su6

cient )resum)ti%e e%idence a*ainst him for )uttin*

him to the uestion oth these circumstances are

not necessar'( and either $i++ e sucient for the

)ur)ose $ithout the other"#

Pe*na informs us( in the hundred and ei*hteenth

scho+ium on the third oo<( that inuisitors *enera++'

em)+o' on+' G%e <inds of torture $hen )uttin* to

the uestion( a+thou*h 0arsi+ius mentions Gfteen

<inds( and adds( that he has ima*ined others sti++

such( for e=am)+e( as )rec+udin* the )ossii+it' of

s+ee)( in $hich he is a))ro%ed ' ri++andus and


E'meric continues( )a*e B89- #Care shou+d e

ta<en ne%er to state in the form of aso+ution( that

the )risoner is innocent( ut mere+' that there $as

not sucient e%idence a*ainst him a )recaution

>B> Phi+oso)hica+

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necessar' to )re%ent the )risoner( aso+%ed in one

case( from )+eadin* that aso+ution in defence a*ainst

an' future char*e that ma' e rou*ht a*ainst him"#

Pa*e B>M" #Sometimes auration and canonica+

)ur*ation are )rescried to*ether" This is done(

$hen( to a ad re)utation of an indi%idua+ in )oint

of doctrine are oined inconsidera+e )resum)tions(

$hich( $ere the' a +itt+e stron*er( $ou+d tend to

con%ict him of ha%in* rea++' said or done somethin*

inurious to the faith" The )risoner $ho stands in

these circumstances is com)e++ed to aure a++ heres'

in *enera+ and after that( if he fa++s into an' heres'

of an' descri)tion $hate%er( ho$e%er dierent

from those $hich ma' ha%e constituted the matter

of the )resent char*e or sus)icion a*ainst him( he

is )unished as a re+a)sed )erson( and de+i%ered o%er

to the secu+ar arm"#

Pa*e BB8" #Re+a)sed )ersons( $hen the re+a)se

is c+ear+' )ro%ed( must e de+i%ered u) to secu+ar

 ustice( $hate%er )rotestation the' ma' ma<e as to

their future conduct( and $hate%er contrition the'

ma' e=)ress" The inuisitor $i++( in such circum6

stances( inform the secu+ar authorities( that on such

a )articu+ar da' and hour( and in such a )articu+ar

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)+ace( a heretic $i++ e de+i%ered u) to them and

shou+d )ro%ide that notice e *i%en to the )u6

+ic that the' $i++ e e=)ected to e )resent at the

ceremon'( as the inuisitor $i++ de+i%er a sermon

on the occasion in defence of the true faith( and those

$ho attend $i++ otain the usua+ indu+*ences"#

Dictionar'" >BB

 These indu+*ences are accordin*+' detai+ed- af6

ter the form of sentence *i%en a*ainst the )enitent

heretic( the inuisitor $i++ *rant fort' da's2 indu+6

*ence to a++ )ersons )resent three 'ears to those

$ho contriuted to the a))rehension( auration(

condemnation( etc"( of the said heretic and Gna++'(

three 'ears a+so $i++ e *ranted ' our ho+' father(

the )o)e( to a++ $ho $i++ denounce an' other heretic"

Pa*e BB>" #When the cu+)rit has een de+i%ered

o%er to the secu+ar authorit'( it sha++ )ronounce its

sentence( and the crimina+ sha++ e con%e'ed to the

)+ace of )unishment some )ious )ersons sha++ ac6

com)an' him( and associate him in their )ra'ers(

and e%en )ra' $ith him and not +ea%e him ti++ he

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has rendered u) his sou+ to his Creator" !ut it is

their dut' to ta<e )articu+ar care neither to sa' or

to do an'thin* $hich ma' hasten the moment of

his death( for fear of fa++in* into some irre*u+arit'"

Accordin*+'( the' shou+d not e=hort the crimina+

to mount the scao+d( or )resent himse+f to the e=6

ecutioner( or ad%ise the e=ecutioner to *et read'

and arran*e his instruments of )unishment( so that

the death ma' ta<e )+ace more uic<+'( and the )ris6

oner e )re%ented from +in*erin* a++ for the sa<e

of a%oidin* irre*u+arit'"#

Pa*e BB@" #Shou+d it ha))en that the heretic(

$hen ust aout to e G=ed to the sta<e to e urned(

$ere to *i%e si*ns of con%ersion( he mi*ht( )erha)s(

out of sin*u+ar +enit' and fa%or( e a++o$ed to e

recei%ed and shut u)( +i<e )enitent heretics( $ithin

>BM Phi+oso)hica+

four $a++s( a+thou*h it $ou+d e $ea< to )+ace much

re+iance on a confession of this nature( and the in6

du+*ence is not authori1ed ' an' e=)ress +a$ such

+enit'( ho$e%er( is %er' dan*erous" I $as $itness

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of an e=am)+e in )oint at !arce+ona - A )riest $ho

$as condemned( $ith t$o other im)enitent heretics(

to e urned( and $ho $as actua++' in the midst of

the Hames( ca++ed on the 'standers to )u++ him out

instant+'( for he $as $i++in* to e con%erted he $as

accordin*+' e=tricated( dreadfu++' scorched on one

side" I do not mean to decide $hether this $as $e++

or i++ done ut I <no$ that( fourteen 'ears after6

$ards( he $as sti++ do*mati1in*( and had corru)ted

a considera+e numer of )ersons he $as therefore

once more *i%en u) to ustice( and $as urned to


#No )erson douts(# sa's Pe*na( scho+ium M?(

#that heretics ou*ht to e )ut to death ut the )ar6

ticu+ar method of e=ecution ma' $e++ e a to)ic of

discussion"# A+)honso de Castro( in the second oo<

of his $or<( #On the .ust Punishment of &eretics(#

considers it a matter of *reat indierence $hether

the' are destro'ed ' the s$ord( ' Gre( or an' other

method ut &ostiensis odofredus( Co%arru%ias(

Simancas( Ro=as( etc"( maintain that the' ou*ht de6

cided+' to e urned" In fact( as &ostiensis %er' $e++

e=)ressed it( e=ecution ' Gre is the )unishment a)6

)ro)riate to heres'" We read in St" .ohn( #If an'

one remain not in me( he sha++ e cast forth( as a

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ranch( and $ither( and men sha++ *ather it and cast

Dictionar'" >B@

it into the Gre and urn it"# #It ma' e added( con6

tinued Pe*na( #that the uni%ersa+ custom of the

Christian re)u+ic is in su))ort of this o)inion"

Simancas and Ro=as decide that heretics ou*ht to

e urned a+i%e ut one )recaution shou+d a+$a's e

ta<en in urnin* them( $hich is tearin* out the

ton*ue and <ee)in* the mouth )erfect+' c+osed( in

order to )re%ent their scanda+i1in* the s)ectators

' their im)ieties"#

Fina++'( )a*e B;9( E'meric enoins those $hom he

addresses to )roceed in matters of heres' strai*ht

for$ard( $ithout an' $ran*+in*s of ad%ocates( and

$ithout so man' forms and so+emnities as are *en6

era++' em)+o'ed in crimina+ cases that is( to ma<e

the )rocess as short as )ossi+e( ' cuttin* o use6

+ess de+a's( ' *oin* on $ith the hearin* and tria+

of such causes( e%en on da's $hen the +aors of the

other ud*es are sus)ended ' disa++o$in* e%er'

a))ea+ $hich has for its a))arent oect mere+' a

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)ost)onement of Gna+ ud*ment and ' not ad6

mittin* an unnecessar' mu+titude of $itnesses( etc"

 This re%o+tin* s'stem of uris)rudence has sim6

)+' een )ut under some restriction in S)ain and

Portu*a+ $hi+e at 0i+an the Inuisition itse+f has at

+en*th een entire+' su))ressed"


 The Inuisition is $e++ <no$n to e an admi6

ra+e and tru+' Christian in%ention for increasin*

the )o$er of the )o)e and mon<s( and renderin*

the )o)u+ation of a $ho+e <in*dom h')ocrites"

>B; Phi+oso)hica+

St" Dominic is usua++' considered as the )erson

to $hom the $or+d is )rinci)a++' indeted for this

institution" In fact( $e ha%e sti++ e=tant a )atent

*ranted ' that *reat saint( e=)ressed )recise+' in

the fo++o$in* $ords - #I( rother Dominic( reconci+e

to the Church Ro*er( the earer of these )resents(

on condition of his ein* scour*ed ' a )riest on

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three successi%e Sunda's from the entrance of the

cit' to the church doors of his astainin* from

meat a++ his +ife of his fastin* for the s)ace of

three Lents in a 'ear of his ne%er drin<in* $ine

of his carr'in* aout him the 2san enito2 $ith

crosses of his recitin* the re%iar' e%er' da'( and

ten )aternosters in the course of the da'( and t$ent'

at midni*ht of his )reser%in* )erfect chastit'( and

of his )resentin* himse+f e%er' month efore the

)arish )riest( etc" the $ho+e under )ain of ein*

treated as heretica+( )erured( and im)enitent"#

A+thou*h Dominic $as the rea+ founder of the

Inuisition( 'et Louis de Paramo( one of the most

res)ecta+e $riters and most ri++iant +uminaries of

the &o+' Oce( re+ates( in the second cha)ter of

his second oo<( that od $as the Grst institutor

of the &o+' Oce( and that he e=ercised the )o$er

of the )reachin* rethren( that is of the Dominican

Order( a*ainst Adam" In the Grst )+ace Adam is

cited efore the triuna+ - #Adam ui csJ# Adam(

$here art thou J #And in fact(# adds Paramo( #the

$ant of this citation $ou+d ha%e rendered the $ho+e

)rocedure of od nu++"#

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Dictionar'" >B?

 The dresses formed of s<ins( $hich od made for

Adam and E%e( $ere the mode+ of the #san enito(#

$hich the &o+' Oce reuires to e $orn ' here6

tics" It is true that( accordin* to this ar*ument(

od $as the Grst tai+or it is not( ho$e%er( the +ess

e%ident( on account of that +udicrous and )rofane in6

ference( that he $as the Grst inuisitor"

Adam $as de)ri%ed of the immo%a+e )ro)ert'

he )ossessed in the terrestria+ )aradise( and hence

the &o+' Oce conGscates the )ro)ert' of a++ $hom

it condemns"

Louis de Paramo remar<s( that the inhaitants

of Sodom $ere urned as heretics ecause their

crime is a forma+ heres'" &e thence )asses to the

histor' of the .e$s- and in e%er' )art of it dis6

co%ers the &o+' Oce"

 .esus Christ is the Grst inuisitor of the ne$ +a$

the )o)es $ere inuisitors ' di%ine ri*ht and the'

after$ards communicated their )o$er to St" Dominic"

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&e after$ards estimates the numer of a++ those

$hom the Inuisition has )ut to death he states it

to e considera+' ao%e a hundred thousand"

&is oo< $as )rinted in 8@9( at 0adrid( $ith

the a))roation of doctors( the eu+o*iums of isho)s(

and the )ri%i+e*e of the <in*" We can( at the )res6

ent da'( scarce+' form an' idea of horrors at

once so e=tra%a*ant and aomina+e ut at that

)eriod nothin* a))eared more natura+ and edif'in*"

A++ men resem+e Louis de Paramo $hen the' are


>B Phi+oso)hica+

Paramo $as a )+ain( direct man( %er' e=act in

dates( omittin* no interestin* fact( and ca+cu+atin*

$ith )recision the numer of human %ictims immo6

+ated ' the &o+' Oce throu*hout the $or+d"

&e re+ates( $ith *reat nai%ete( the esta+ishment

of the Inuisition in Portu*a+( and coincides )er6

fect+' $ith four other historians $ho ha%e treated

of that suect" The fo++o$in* account the' unani6

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mous+' a*ree in-

Sin*u+ar Esta+ishment of the Inuisition in


Po)e !oniface had +on* efore( at the e*innin*

of the Gfteenth centur'( de+e*ated some Dominican

friars to *o to Portu*a+( from one cit' to another(

to urn heretics( 0ussu+mans( and .e$s ut these

$ere itinerant and not stationar' and e%en the

<in*s sometimes com)+ained of the %e=ations caused

' them" Po)e C+ement VII" $as desirous of *i%in*

them a G=ed residence in Portu*a+( as the' had in

Ara*on and Casti+e" Dicu+ties( ho$e%er( arose

et$een the court of Rome and that of Lison tem6

)ers ecame irritated( the Inuisition suered ' it(

and $as far from ein* )erfect+' esta+ished"

In 8@B9( there a))eared at Lison a +e*ate of the

)o)e( $ho came( he said( to esta+ish the ho+' In6

uisition on immo%a+e foundations" &e de+i%ered

his +etters to Kin* .ohn III" from Po)e Pau+ III"

&e had other +etters from Rome for the chief ocers

of the court his )atents as +e*ate $ere du+' sea+ed

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Dictionar'" >B9

and si*ned and he e=hiited the most am)+e )o$6

ers for creatin* a *rand inuisitor and a++ the ud*es

of the &o+' Oce" &e $as( ho$e%er( in fact an

im)ostor of the name of Saa%edra( $ho had the ta+6

ent of counterfeitin* hand6$ritin*s( sea+s( and coats6

of6arms" &e had acuired the art at Rome( and

$as )erfected in it at Se%i++e( at $hich )+ace he ar6

ri%ed in com)an' $ith t$o other shar)ers" &is

train $as ma*niGcent( consistin* of more than a

hundred and t$ent' domestics" To defra'( at +east

in )art( the enormous e=)ense $ith $hich a++ this

s)+endor $as attended( he and his associates or6

ro$ed at Se%i++e +ar*e sums in the name of the

a)osto+ic chamer of Rome e%er'thin* $as con6

certed $ith the most consummate art"

 The <in* of Portu*a+ $as at Grst )erfect+' as6

tonished at the )o)e2s des)atchin* a +e*ate to him

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$ithout an' )re%ious announcement to him of his 8

intention" The +e*ate hasti+' oser%ed that in a

concern so ur*ent as that of esta+ishin* the In6

uisition on a Grm foundation( his ho+iness cou+d

admit of no de+a's( and that the <in* mi*ht consider

himse+f honored ' the ho+' father2s ha%in* a)6

)ointed a +e*ate to e the Grst )erson to announce

his intention" The <in* did not %enture to re)+'"

 The +e*ate on the same da' constituted a *rand

inuisitor( and sent aout co++ectors to recei%e the

tenths and efore the court cou+d otain ans$ers

from Rome to its re)resentations on the suect( the

+e*ate had rou*ht t$o hundred %ictims to the sta<e(

>M: Phi+oso)hica+

and co++ected more than t$o hundred thousand


&o$e%er( the maruis of Vi++ano%a( a S)anish

no+eman( of $hom the +e*ate had orro$ed at

Se%i++e a %er' considera+e sum u)on for*ed i++s(

determined( if )ossi+e( to re)a' himse+f the mone'

$ith his o$n hands( instead of *oin* to Lison and

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e=)osin* himse+f to the intri*ues and inHuence of

the s$ind+er there" The +e*ate $as at this time

ma<in* his circuit throu*h the countr'( and ha)6

)ened %er' con%enient+' to e on the orders of

S)ain" The maruis une=)ected+' ad%anced u)on

him $ith Gft' men $e++ armed( carried him o )ris6

oner( and conducted him to 0adrid"

 The $ho+e im)osture $as s)eedi+' disco%ered at

Lison the Counci+ of 0adrid condemned the +e*6

ate Saa%edra to e Ho**ed and sent to the *a++e's

for ten 'ears ut the most admira+e circumstance

$as( that Po)e Pau+ IV" conGrmed suseuent+' a++

that the im)ostor had esta+ished out of the )+en6

itude of his di%ine )o$er he rectiGed a++ the +itt+e

irre*u+arities of the %arious )rocedures( and ren6

dered sacred $hat efore $as mere+' human" Of

$hat im)ortance the arm $hich od em)+o's In

&is sacred ser%iceJ #5u2 im)orte de ue+ ras Dieu

dai*ne se ser%irJ#

Such $as the manner in $hich the Inuisition

ecame esta+ished at Lison and the $ho+e <in*6

dom e=to++ed the $isdom and )ro%idence of od on

the occasion"

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Dictionar'" >M8

 To conc+ude( the methods of )rocedure ado)ted

' this triuna+ are *enera++' <no$n it is $e++

<no$n ho$ stron*+' the' are o))osed to the fa+se

euit' and +ind reason of a++ other triuna+s in the

$or+d" 0en are im)risoned on the mere accusa6

tion of )ersons the most infamous a son ma' de6

nounce his father( and the $ife her husand the

accused is ne%er confronted $ith the accusers and

the )ro)ert' of the )erson con%icted is conGscated

for the eneGt of the ud*es - such at +east $as the

manner of its )roceedin* do$n to our o$n times"

Sure+' in this $e must )ercei%e somethin* decided+'

di%ine for it is aso+ute+' incom)rehensi+e that

men shou+d ha%e )atient+' sumitted to this 'o<e"

At +en*th Count Aranda has otained the +ess6

in*s of a++ Euro)e ' )arin* the nai+s and G+in* the

teeth of the monster in S)ain it reathes( ho$e%er(



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a +am( as soon as the' are orn( rush to the foun6

tain of their mother2s mi+< ut un+ess the mother o2f

the infant c+as)ed it in her arms( and fo+ded it to

her osom( it $ou+d ine%ita+' )erish"

No $oman in a state of )re*nanc' $as e%er in6

%inci+' im)e++ed to )re)are for her infant a con%en6

ient $ic<er crad+e( as the $ren $ith its i++ and

c+a$s )re)ares a nest for her os)rin*" !ut the

)o$er of reHection $hich $e )ossess( in conunction

$ith t$o industrious hands )resented to us ' na6

ture( raises us to an eua+it' $ith the instinct of

anima+s( and in the course of time )+aces us inGnite+'

ao%e them( oth in res)ect to *ood and e%i+

a )ro)osition condemned ' the memers of the an6

cient )ar+iament and ' the Soronne( natura+ )hi+os6

o)hers of distin*uished eminence( and $ho( it is $e++

<no$n( ha%e admira+' )romoted the )erfection of

the arts"

Our instinct( in the Grst )+ace( im)e+s us to eat

our rother $hen he %e=es us( if $e are roused into

a )assion $ith him and fee+ that $e are stron*er than

he is" After$ards( our su+ime reason +eads us on

to the in%ention of arro$s( s$ords( )i<es( and at

+en*th mus<ets( to <i++ our nei*hors $ith"

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Dictionar'" >MB

Instinct a+one ur*es us a++ to ma<e +o%e #Amor

omnius idem# ut Vir*i+( Tiu++us( and O%id

sin* it" It is from instinct a+one that a 'oun* ar6

tisan stands *a1in* $ith res)ect and admiration e6

fore the su)erGne *i+t coach of a commissioner of

ta=es" Reason comes to the assistance of the 'oun*

artisan he is made a co++ector he ecomes )o+ished

he eme11+es he rises to e a *reat man in his turn(

and da11+es the e'es of his former comrades as he

+o++s at ease in his o$n carria*e( more )rofuse+'

*i+ded than that $hich ori*ina++' e=cited his admira6

tion and amition"

What is this instinct $hich *o%erns the $ho+e

anima+ <in*dom( and $hich in us is stren*thened

' reason or re)ressed ' hait J Is it #di%ince )ar6

ticu+a auraJ# 3es( undouted+' it is somethin* di6

%ine for e%er'thin* is so" E%er'thin* is the in6

com)rehensi+e eect of an incom)rehensi+e cause"

E%er'thin* is s$a'ed( is im)e++ed ' nature" We

reason aout e%er'thin*( and ori*inate nothin*"

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WE S&ALL teach men nothin*( $hen $e te++ them

that e%er'thin* $e do is done from interest" What Q

it $i++ e said( is it from moti%es of interest that the

$retched fa<ir remains star< na<ed under the urn6

in* sun( +oaded $ith chains( d'in* $ith hun*er( ha+f

de%oured ' %ermin( and de%ourin* them in his

turnJ 3es( most undouted+' it is as $e ha%e

stated e+se$here( he de)ends u)on ascendin* to the

>MM Phi+oso)hica+

ei*hteenth hea%en( and +oo<s $ith an e'e of )it' on

the man $ho $i++ e admitted on+' into the ninth"

 The interest of the 0a+aar $ido$( $ho urns

herse+f $ith the cor)se of her husand( is to reco%er

him in another $or+d( and e there more ha))' e%en

than the fa<ir" For( to*ether $ith their metem)6

s'chosis( the Indians ha%e another $or+d the'

resem+e ourse+%es their s'stem admits of contra6


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Were 'ou e%er acuainted $ith an' <in* or re6

)u+ic that made either $ar or )eace( that issued

decrees( or entered into con%entions( from an' other

moti%e than that of interestJ

With res)ect to the interest of mone'( consu+t(

in the *reat #Enc'c+o)aedia(# the artic+e of 0"

d2A+emert( on #Ca+cu+ation(# and that of 0" !ou6

cher d2Ar*is( on #.uris)rudence"# We $i++ %enture

to add a fe$ reHections"

i" Are *o+d and si+%er merchandise J 3es the

author of the #S)irit of La$s# does not thin< so

$hen he sa's - #0one'( $hich is the )rice of com6

modities( is hired and not ou*ht"#

It is oth +ent and ou*ht" I u' *o+d $ith si+6

%er( and si+%er $ith *o+d and their )rice Huctuates

in a++ commercia+ countries from da' to da'"

 The +a$ of &o++and reuires i++s of e=chan*e

to e )aid in the si+%er coin of the countr'( and not

in *o+d( if the creditor demands it" Then I u' si+6

%er mone'( and I )a' for it in *o+d( or in c+oth( corn(

or diamonds"

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Dictionar'" >M@

I am in $ant of mone'( corn( or diamonds( for

the s)ace of a 'ear the corn( mone'( or diamond

merchant sa's I cou+d( for this 'ear( se++ m' mone'(

corn( or diamonds to ad%anta*e" Let us estimate

at four( G%e( or si= )er cent"( accordin* to the usa*e

of the countr'( $hat I shou+d +ose ' +ettin* 'ou

ha%e it" 3ou sha++( for instance( return me at the

end of the 'ear( t$ent'6one carats of diamonds for

the t$ent' $hich I no$ +end 'ou t$ent'6one sac<s

of corn for the t$ent' t$ent'6one thousand cro$ns

for t$ent' thousand cro$ns" Such is interest" It

is esta+ished amon* a++ nations ' the +a$ of nature"

 The ma=imum or hi*hest rate of interest de)ends(

in e%er' countr'( on its o$n )articu+ar +a$" In

Rome mone' is +ent on )+ed*es at t$o and a ha+f

)er cent"( accordin* to +a$( and the )+ed*es are so+d(

if the mone' e not )aid at the a))ointed time" I

do not +end u)on )+ed*es( and I reuire on+' the in6

terest customar' in &o++and" If I $ere in China( I

shou+d as< of 'ou the customar' interest at 0acao

and Canton"

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>" Whi+e the )arties $ere )roceedin* $ith

this ar*ain at Amsterdam( it ha))ened that there

arri%ed from St" 0a*+iore( a .ansenist and the fact

is )erfect+' true( he $as ca++ed the Ae des Issarts

this .ansenist sa's to the Dutch merchant( #Ta<e

care $hat 'ou are aout 'ou are aso+ute+' incur6

rin* damnation mone' must not )roduce mone'(

2nummus nummum non )arit"2 No one is a++o$ed

to recei%e interest for his mone' ut $hen he is $i++6

>M; Phi+oso)hica+

in* to sin< the )rinci)a+" The $a' to e sa%ed is

to ma<e a contract $ith the *ent+eman and for

t$ent' thousand cro$ns $hich 'ou are ne%er to

ha%e returned to 'ou( 'ou and 'our heirs $i++ recei%e

a thousand cro$ns )er annum to a++ eternit'"#

#3ou est(# re)+ies the Dutchman #'ou are in

this %er' case )ro)osin* to me a usur' that is aso6

+ute+' of the nature of an inGnite series" I shou+d

that is( m'se+f and heirs $ou+d in that case recei%e

ac< m' ca)ita+ at the end of t$ent' 'ears( the

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dou+e of it in fort'( the four6 fo+d of it in ei*ht'

this 'ou see $ou+d e ust an inGnite series" I can6

not( esides( +end for more than t$e+%e months( and

I am contented $ith a thousand cro$ns as a remu6


 T&E A!!E# DES ISSARTS" I am *rie%ed for 'our

Dutch sou+ od forade the .e$s to +end at inter6

est( and 'ou are $e++ a$are that a citi1en of Amster6

dam shou+d )unctua++' oe' the +a$s of commerce

*i%en in a $i+derness to runa$a' %a*rants $ho2 had

no commerce"

 T&E D/TC&0AN" That is c+ear a++ the $or+d

ou*ht to e .e$s ut it seems to me( that the +a$

)ermitted the &ere$ horde to *ain as much '

usur' as the' cou+d from forei*ners( and that( in

conseuence of this )ermission( the' mana*ed their

aairs in the seue+ remar<a+' $e++" !esides( the

)rohiition a*ainst one .e$2s ta<in* interest from

another must necessari+' ha%e ecome oso+ete( since

our Lord .esus( $hen )reachin* at .erusa+em( e=6

Dictionar'" >M?

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)ress+' said that interest $as in his time one hun6

dred )er cent" for in the )ara+e of the ta+ents he

sa's( that the ser%ant $ho had recei%ed G%e ta+ents

*ained G%e others in .erusa+em ' them that he

$ho had t$o *ained t$o ' them and that

the third $ho had on+' one( and did not turn that to

an' account( $as shut u) in a dun*eon ' his master(

for not +a'in* it out $ith the mone'6chan*ers" !ut

these mone'6chan*ers $ere .e$s it $as therefore

et$een .e$s that usur' $as )ractised at .erusa+em

therefore this )ara+e( dra$n from the circumstances

and manners of the times( decided+' indicates that

usur' or interest $as at the rate of a hundred )er

cent" Read the t$ent'6Gfth cha)ter of St" 0atthe$

he $as con%ersant $ith the suect he had een a

commissioner of ta=es in a+i+ee" Let me Gnish m'

ar*ument $ith this *ent+eman and do not ma<e

me +ose oth m' mone' and m' time"

 T&E A!!E DES ISSARTS" A++ that 'ou sa' is %er'

*ood and %er' Gne ut the Soronne has decided

that +endin* mone' on interest is a morta+ sin"

 T&E D/TC&0AN" 3ou must e +au*hin* at me(

m' *ood friend( $hen 'ou cite the Soronne as an

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authorit' to a merchant of Amsterdam" There is

not a sin*+e indi%idua+ amon* those $ran*+in* rai+6

ers themse+%es $ho does not otain( $hene%er he

can( G%e or si= )er cent( for his mone' ' )urchas6

in* re%enue i++s( India onds( assi*nments( and

Canada i++s" The c+er*' of France( as a cor)orate

od'( orro$ at interest" In man' of the )ro%inces

>M Phi+oso)hica+

of France( it is the custom to sti)u+ate for interest

$ith the )rinci)a+" !esides( the uni%ersit' of O=6

ford and that of Sa+amanca ha%e decided a*ainst

the Soronne" I acuired this information in the

course of m' tra%e+s and thus $e ha%e authorit'

a*ainst authorit'" Once more( I must e* 'ou to

interru)t me no +on*er"

 T&E A!!E DES ISSARTS" The $ic<ed( sir( are

ne%er at a +oss for reasons" 3ou are( I re)eat( aso6

+ute+' destro'in* 'ourse+f( for the Ae de St" C'ran(

$ho has not )erformed an' mirac+es( and the Ae

Paris( $ho )erformed some in St" 0edard

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B" !efore the ae had Gnished his s)eech( the

merchant dro%e him out of his countin*6house and

after ha%in* +e*a++' +ent his mone'( to the +ast

)enn'( $ent to re)resent the con%ersation et$een

himse+f and the ae( to the ma*istrates( $ho for6

ade the .ansenists from )ro)a*atin* a doctrine so

)ernicious to commerce"

22ent+emen(# said the chief ai+i( #*i%e us of

ecacious *race as much as 'ou )+ease( of )redes6

tination as much as 'ou )+ease( and of communion

as +itt+e as 'ou )+ease on these )oints 'ou are mas6

ters ut ta<e care not to medd+e $ith the +a$s of



READ the artic+e on #Into+erance# in the *reat

#Enc'c+o)aedia"222 Read the treatise on #To+eration#

com)osed on occasion of the dreadfu+ assassination

of .ohn Ca+as( a citi1en of Tou+ouse and if( after

Dictionar'" >M9

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that( 'ou a++o$ of )ersecution in matters of re+i*ion(

com)are 'ourse+f at once to Ra%ai++ac" Ra%ai++ac(

'ou <no$( $as hi*h+' into+erant" The fo++o$in* is

the sustance of a++ the discourses e%er de+i%ered '

the into+erant -

 3ou monster 'ou $i++ e urned to a++ eternit'

in the other $or+d( and $hom I $i++ m'se+f urn as

soon as e%er I can in this( 'ou rea++' ha%e the inso6

+ence to read de Thou and !a'+e( $ho ha%e een )ut

into the inde= of )rohiited authors at RomeQ

When I $as )reachin* to 'ou in the name of od(

ho$ Samson had <i++ed a thousand men $ith the

 a$one of an ass( 'our head( sti++ harder than the

arsena+ from $hich Samson otained his arms(

sho$ed me ' a s+i*ht mo%ement from +eft to ri*ht

that 'ou e+ie%ed nothin* of $hat I said" And $hen

I stated that the de%i+ Asmodeus( $ho out of ea+6

ous' t$isted the nec<s of the se%en husands of

Sarah amon* the 0edes( $as )ut in chains in u))er

E*')t( I sa$ a sma++ contraction of 'our +i)s( in

Latin ca++ed cachinmis a *rin $hich )+ain+' indi6

cated to me that in the ottom of 'our sou+ 'ou he+d

the histor' of Asmodeus in derision"

And as for 'ou( Isaac Ne$ton Frederic< the

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reat( <in* of Prussia and e+ector of !randen6

ur* .ohn Loc<e Catherine( em)ress of Russia(

%ictorious o%er the Ottomans .ohn 0i+ton the

eneGcent so%erei*n of Denmar< Sha<es)eare

the $ise <in* of S$eden Leinit1 the au*ust

house of !runs$ic< Ti++otson the em)eror of

>@: Phi+oso)hica+

China the Par+iament of En*+and the Counci+ of

the *reat 0o*u+ in short( a++ 'ou $ho do not e6

+ie%e one $ord $hich I ha%e tau*ht in m' courses

on di%init'( I dec+are to 'ou( that I re*ard 'ou a++

as )a*ans and )u+icans( as( in order to en*ra%e it

on 'our unim)ressi+e rains( I ha%e often to+d 'ou

efore" 3ou are a set of ca++ous miscreants 'ou

$i++ a++ *o to *ehenna( $here the $orm dies not

and the Gre is not uenched for I am ri*ht( and

'ou are a++ $ron* and I ha%e *race( and 'ou ha%e

none" I confess three de%otees in m' nei*hor6

hood( $hi+e 'ou do not confess a sin*+e one I ha%e

e=ecuted the mandates of isho)s( $hich has ne%er

een the case $ith 'ou I ha%e aused )hi+oso)hers

in the +an*ua*e of the Gsh6mar<et( $hi+e 'ou ha%e

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)rotected( imitated( or eua++ed them I ha%e com6

)osed )ious defamator' +ie+s( stued $ith infamous

ca+umnies( and 'ou ha%e ne%er so much as read

them" I sa' mass e%er' da' in Latin for fourteen

sous( and 'ou are ne%er e%en so much as )resent at

it( an' more than Cicero( Cato( Pom)e'( Caesar(

&orace( or Vir*i+( $ere e%er )resent at it conse6

uent+' 'ou deser%e each of 'ou to ha%e 'our ri*ht

hand cut o( 'our ton*ue cut out( to e )ut to the

torture( and at +ast urned at a s+o$ Gre for od is


Such( $ithout the s+i*htest aatement( are the

ma=ims of the into+erant( and the sum and sustance

of a++ their oo<s" &o$ de+i*htfu+ to +i%e $ith such

amia+e )eo)+eQ

Dictionar'" >@8


WAS there e%er a time $hen the *+oe $as en6

tire+' inundatedJ It is )h'sica++' im)ossi+e"

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It is )ossi+e that the sea ma' successi%e+' ha%e

co%ered e%er' +and( one )art after another and

e%en this can on+' ha%e ha))ened ' %er' s+o$

*radation( and in a )rodi*ious numer of centuries"

In the course of G%e hundred 'ears the sea has re6

tired from Ai*ues60ortes( Freus( and Ra%enna(

$hich $ere considera+e )orts( and +eft aout t$o

+ea*ues of +and dr'" Accordin* to the ratio of such

)ro*ression( it is c+ear that it $ou+d reuire t$o

mi++ion and t$o hundred and Gft' thousand 'ears

to )roduce the same eect throu*h the $ho+e circuit

of the *+oe" It is a some$hat remar<a+e circum6

stance that this )eriod of time near+' fa++s in $ith

that $hich the a=is of the earth $ou+d reuire to e

raised( so as to coincide $ith the euator a chan*e

e=treme+' )roa+e( $hich e*an to e considered

so on+' aout Gft' 'ears since( and $hich cou+d not

e com)+eted in a shorter )eriod of time than t$o

mi++ion and three hundred thousand 'ears"

 The eds or strata of she++s( $hich ha%e een dis6

co%ered at the distance of some +ea*ues from the

sea( are an incontesta+e e%idence that it has *rad6

ua++' de)osited these marine )roductions on tracts

$hich $ere former+' shores of the ocean ut that

the $ater shou+d ha%e e%er co%ered the $ho+e *+oe

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at once is an asurd chimera in )h'sics( demonstrat6

>@> Phi+oso)hica+

ed to e im)ossi+e ' the +a$s of *ra%itation( '

the +a$s of Huids( and ' the insucient uantit'

of $ater for the )ur)ose" We do not( ho$e%er( '

these oser%ations( at a++ mean to im)each the truth

of the uni%ersa+ de+u*e( re+ated in the Pentateuch

on the contrar'( that is a mirac+e $hich it is our

dut' to e+ie%e it is a mirac+e( and therefore cou+d

not ha%e een accom)+ished ' the +a$s of nature"

A++ is mirac+e in the histor' of the de+u*e a mir6

ac+e( that fort' da's of rain shou+d ha%e inundated

the four uarters of the $or+d( and ha%e raised the

$ater to the hei*ht of Gfteen cuits ao%e the to)s

of the +oftiest mountains a mirac+e( that there

shou+d ha%e een cataracts( Hood*ates( and o)enin*s

in hea%en a mirac+e( that a++ sorts of anima+s shou+d

ha%e een co++ected in the ar< from a++ )arts of

the $or+d a mirac+e that Noah found the means of

feedin* them for a )eriod of ten months a mir6

ac+e that a++ the anima+s $ith a++ their )ro%isions

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cou+d ha%e een inc+uded and retained in the ar<

a mirac+e( that the *reater )art of them did not die

a mirac+e( that after uittin* the ar<( the' found

food enou*h to maintain them and a further mir6

ac+e( ut of a dierent <ind( that a )erson( ' the

name of Le)e++etier( thou*ht himse+f ca)a+e of e=6

)+ainin* ho$ a++ the anima+s cou+d e contained and

fed in Noah2s ar< natura++'( that is( $ithout a mir6


!ut the histor' of the de+u*e ein* that of the

most miracu+ous e%ent of $hich the $or+d e%er

Dictionar'" >@B

heard( it must e the hei*ht of fo++' and madness to

attem)t an e=)+anation of it - it is one of the m's6

teries $hich are e+ie%ed ' faith and faith con6

sists in e+ie%in* that $hich reason does not e6

+ie%e $hich is on+' another mirac+e"

 The histor' of the uni%ersa+ de+u*e( therefore( is

+i<e that of the to$er of !ae+( of !a+aam2s ass( of

the fa++in* of the $a++s of .ericho at the sound of

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trum)ets( of $aters turned into +ood( of the )assa*e

of the Red Sea( and of the $ho+e of the )rodi*ies

$hich od condescended to )erform in fa%or of his

chosen )eo)+e de)ths unfathoma+e to the human



 .E&OVA&( the ancient name of od" No )eo)+e

e%er )ronounced it #eo%a(# as the French do the'

)ronounced it #+e%o# 'ou Gnd it so $ritten in

Sanchoniathon( cited ' Euseius( Pre)"( oo< ="

in Diodorus( oo< ii" and in 0acroius( Sat"( oo<

i" A++ nations ha%e )ronounced it ie and not *"

 This sacred name $as formed out of the %o$e+s

i( e( o( u( in the east" Some )ronounced 2ie( oh( $ith

an as)irate( i( e o( %a" The $ord $as a+$a's to e

constituted of four +etters( a+thou*h $e ha%e here

used G%e( for $ant of )o$er to e=)ress these four


We ha%e a+read' oser%ed that( accordin* to

C+ement of A+e=andria( ' sei1in* on the correct

)ronunciation of this name a )erson had it in his

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>@M Phi+oso)hica+

)o$er to )roduce the death of an' man" C+ement

*i%es an instance of it"

Lon* efore the time of 0oses( Seth had )ro6

nounced the name of #.eho%ah(# as is re+ated in

the fourth cha)ter of enesis and( accordin*

to the &ere$( Seth $as e%en ca++ed #.eho%ah"#

Araham s$ore to the <in* of Sodom ' .eho%ah(

cha)" =i%" >>"

From the $ord #.eho%ah(# the Latins deri%ed

#.o%e(# #.o6%is(# #.o%is)eter(# #.u)iter"# In the

ush( the A+mi*ht' sa's to 0oses( #0' name is

 .eho%ah"# In the orders $hich he *a%e &im for the

court of Pharaoh( he sa's to him - #I a))eared to

Araham( Isaac( and .aco( as the mi*ht' od( on+'

' m' name( 2Adonai(2 I $as not <no$n to them( and

I made a co%enant $ith them"#

 The .e$s did not for a +on* time )ronounce this

name" It $as common to the Phoenicians and E*')6

tians" It si*niGed( that $hich is and hence( )ro6

a+'( is deri%ed the inscri)tion of Isis- #I am a++

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that is"#



IT is e%ident from the te=t of the !oo< of .ud*es

that .e)hthah )romised to sacriGce the Grst )erson

that shou+d come out of his house to con*ratu+ate

him on his %ictor' o%er the Ammonites" &is on+'

dau*hter )resented herse+f efore him for that )ur6

)ose he tore his *arments and immo+ated her( after

Dictionar'" >@@

ha%in* )romised her to *o and de)+ore in the re6

cesses of the mountains the ca+amit' of her d'in*

a %ir*in" The dau*hters of Israe+ +on* continued

to ce+erate this )ainfu+ e%ent( and de%oted four

da's in the 'ear to +amentation for the dau*hter of


In $hate%er )eriod this histor' $as $ritten(

$hether it $as imitated from the ree< histor' of

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A*amemnon and Idomeneus( or $as the mode+ from

$hich that histor' $as ta<en $hether it mi*ht e

anterior or )osterior to simi+ar narrati%es in Ass'rian

histor' is not the )oint I am no$ e=aminin*" I <ee)

strict+' to the te=t" .e)hthah %o$ed to ma<e his

dau*hter a urnt oerin*( and fu+G++ed his %o$"

It $as e=)ress+' commanded ' the .e$ish +a$

to sacriGce men de%oted to the Lord - #E%er' man

that sha++ e de%oted sha++ not e redeemed( ut sha++

e )ut to death $ithout remission"# The Vu+*ate

trans+ates it- #&e sha++ not e redeemed( ut sha++

die the death"#

It $as in %irtue of this +a$ that Samue+ he$ed in

)ieces Kin* A*a*( $hom( as $e ha%e a+read' seen(

Sau+ had )ardoned" In fact( it $as for s)arin* A*a*

that Sau+ $as reu<ed ' the Lord( and +ost his <in*6


 Thus( then( $e )ercei%e sacriGces of human +ood

c+ear+' esta+ished there is no )oint of histor' more

incontesta+e- $e can on+' ud*e of a nation ' its

o$n archi%es( and ' $hat it re+ates concernin*


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>@; Phi+oso)hica+


 There are( then( it seems( )ersons to e found

$ho hesitate at nothin*( $ho fa+sif' a )assa*e of

Scri)ture as intre)id+' as if the' $ere uotin* its

%er' $ords( and $ho ho)e to decei%e man<ind '

their fa+sehoods( <no$in* them )erfect+' to e such"

If such darin* im)ostors are to e found no$( $e

cannot he+) su))osin*( that efore the in%ention of

)rintin*( $hich aords such faci+it'( and a+most

certaint' of detection( there e=isted a hundred times

as man'"

One of the most im)udent fa+siGers $ho ha%e +ate6

+' a))eared( is the author of an infamous +ie+ en6

tit+ed #The Anti6Phi+oso)hic Dictionar'(# $hich

tru+' deser%es its tit+e" !ut m' readers $i++ sa'( #Do

not e so irritated $hat is it to 'ou that a con6

tem)ti+e oo< has een )u+ishedJ# ent+emen( it

is to the suect of .e)hthah( to the suect of human

%ictims( of the +ood of men sacriGced to od( that I

am no$ desirous of dra$in* 'our attention Q

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 The author( $hoe%er he ma' e( trans+ates the

thirt'6ninth %erse of the Grst cha)ter of the histor'

of .e)hthah as fo++o$s- #She returned to the house

of her father( $ho fu+G++ed the consecration $hich

he had )romised ' his %o$( and his dau*hter re6

mained in the state of %ir*init'"#

 3es( fa+siGer of the !i+e( I am irritated at it( I

ac<no$+ed*e ut 'ou ha%e +ied to the ho+' s)irit

$hich 'ou ou*ht to <no$ is a sin $hich is ne%er )ar6


Dictionar'" >@?

 The )assa*e in the Vu+*ate is as fo++o$s -

#Et re%ersa est ad )atrem suum( et fecit ei sicut

%o%erat ua i*noraat %irum" E=inde mos incre6

ruit in Israe+ et consuetude ser%ata est( ut )ost anni

circu+um con%eniant in unum G+ice Israe+( et )+an*ant

G+iain .e)hte a+aaditcc( dieus uatuor"#

#And she returned to her father and he did to

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her as he had %o$ed( to her $ho had ne%er <no$n

man and hence came the usa*e( and the custom is

sti++ oser%ed( that the dau*hters of Israe+ assem+e

e%er' 'ear to +ament the dau*hter of .e)hthah for

four da's"#

 3ou $i++ ust ha%e the *oodness( 0r" Anti6)hi+os6

o)her( to te++ us( $hether four da's of +amentation

e%er' 'ear ha%e een de%oted to $ee)in* the fate of

a 'oun* $oman ecause she $as consecrated J

Whether an' nuns re+i*ieuses $ere e%er so+6

emn+' a))ointed amon* a )eo)+e $ho considered

%ir*init' an o))roriumJ

And a+so( $hat is the natura+ meanin* of the

)hrase( he did to her as he had %o$ed #Fecit ei

sicut %o%eratJ#

What had .e)hthah %o$ed J What had he )rom6

ised ' an oath to )erform J To <i++ his dau*hter to

oer her u) as a urnt oerin* and he did <i++ her"

Read Ca+met2s dissertation on the rashness of

 .e)hthah2s %o$ and its fu+G+ment read the +a$

$hich he cites( that terri+e +a$ of Le%iticus( in the

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t$ent'6se%enth cha)ter( $hich commands that a++

$hich sha++ e de%oted to the Lord sha++ not e ran6

Vo+" 8: 8?

>@ Phi+oso)hica+

somed( ut sha++ die the death- #Non redimetur(

sed morte mor+etur"#

Oser%e the mu+titude of e=am)+es ' $hich

this most astonishin* truth is attested" Loo< at the

Ama+e<ites and Canaanites +oo< at the <in*

of Ar%ad and a++ his fami+' suected to the +a$

of de%otion +oo< at the )riest Samue+ s+a'in* Kin*

A*a* $ith his o$n hands( and cuttin* him into

)ieces as a utcher cuts u) an o= in his s+au*hter6

house" After considerin* a++ this( *o and corru)t(

fa+sif'( or den' ho+' Scri)ture( in order to maintain

'our )arado= and insu+t those $ho re%ere the

Scri)ture( ho$e%er astonishin* and confoundin*

the' ma' Gnd it" i%e the +ie direct to the historian

 .ose)hus( $ho transcries the narrati%e in uestion(

and )ositi%e+' asserts that .e)hthah immo+ated his

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dau*hter" Pi+e re%i+in*s u)on fa+sehoods( and ca+6

umn' u)on i*norance sa*es $i++ smi+e at 'our im6

)otence and sa*es( than< od( are at )resent

neither fe$ nor $ea<" Oh( that 'ou cou+d ut see

the so%erei*n contem)t $ith $hich the' +oo< do$n

u)on the Rouths( $hen the' corru)t the ho+' Scri)6

ture( and $hen the' oast of ha%in* dis)uted $ith

the )resident 0ontesuieu in his +ast hour( and con6

%inced him that he ou*ht to thin< e=act+' +i<e the

 .esuits Q


 T&E .esuits ha%e een so much a suect of dis6

course and discussion that( after ha%in* en*a*ed

the attention of Euro)e for a )eriod of t$o hundred

Dictionar'" >@9

'ears( the' at +ast e*in to $ear' and dis*ust it(

$hether the' $rite themse+%es( or $hether an' one

e+se $rites for or a*ainst that sin*u+ar societ' in

$hich it must e confessed there ha%e een found(

and are to e found sti++( indi%idua+s of %er' e=6

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traordinar' merit"

 The' ha%e een re)roached( in the si= thousand

%o+umes that ha%e een $ritten a*ainst them( $ith

their +a= mora+it'( $hich has not( ho$e%er( een

more +a= than that of the Ca)uchins and $ith their

doctrine re+atin* to the safet' of the )erson of

<in*s a doctrine $hich after a++ is not to e com6

)ared $ith the horn6hand+ed <nife of .ames

C+ement nor $ith the )re)ared host( the s)rin<+ed

$afer( $hich so $e++ ans$ered the )ur)ose of An*e

de 0onte)u+ciano( another .acoin( and $hich

)oisoned the em)eror &enr' VII"

It is not %ersati+e *race $hich has een their ruin(

nor the fraudu+ent an<ru)tc' of the re%erend

Father La%a+ette( )refect of the a)osto+ic missions"

A $ho+e order has not een e=)e++ed from France

and S)ain and the t$o Sici+ies( ecause that order

contained a sin*+e an<ru)t" Nor $as it aected

' the odious de%iations of the .esuit u'ot6Desfon6

taines( or the .esuit Freron( or the re%erend father

0ars'( so inurious( in the +atter instance( to the

'outhfu+ and hi*h6orn %ictim" The )u+ic refused

to attend these ree< and Latin imitations of Anac6

reon and &orace"

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What is it then that $as their ruinJ )ride(

>;: Phi+oso)hica+

What( it ma' e as<ed ' some( $ere the .esuits

)rouder than an' other mon<s J 3es and so much

so that the' )rocured a +ettre de cachet a*ainst an

ecc+esiastic for ca++in* them mon<s" One memer

of the societ'( ca++ed Croust( more ruta+ than the

rest( a rother of the confessor of the second

dau)hiness( $as aso+ute+'( in m' )resence( *oin*

to eat the son of 0" de u'ot( after$ards <in*2s

ad%ocate )reteur6ro'a+ at Strasur*( mere+' for

sa'in* he $ou+d *o to see him in his con%ent"

It is )erfect+' incredi+e $ith $hat contem)t

the' considered e%er' uni%ersit' $here the' had

not een educated( e%er' oo< $hich the' had not

$ritten( e%er' ecc+esiastic $ho $as not #a man of

ua+it'"# Of this I ha%e m'se+f( times $ithout

numer( een a $itness" The' e=)ress themse+%es

in the fo++o$in* +an*ua*e( in their +ie+ entit+ed

#It is Time to S)ea< Out# - #Shou+d $e condescend

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e%en to s)ea< to a ma*istrate $ho sa's the .esuits

are )roud and ou*ht to e hum+edJ# The' $ere

so )roud that the' $ou+d not suer an' one to

+ame their )ride Q

Whence did this hatefu+ )ride ori*inateJ From

Father uinard2s ha%in* een han*edJ $hich is

+itera++' true"

It must e remar<ed that after the e=ecution of

that .esuit under &enr' IV"( and after the anish6

ment of the societ' from the <in*dom( the' $ere

reca++ed on+' on the indis)ensa+e condition that

one .esuit shou+d a+$a's reside at court( $ho shou+d

Dictionar'" >;8

e res)onsi+e for a++ the rest" Coton $as the )er6

son $ho thus ecame a hosta*e at the court of

&enr' IV" and that e=ce++ent monarch( $ho $as

not $ithout his +itt+e strata*ems of )o+ic'( thou*ht

to conci+iate the )o)e ' ma<in* 2a hosta*e of his


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From that moment e%er' rother of the order

seemed to fee+ as if he had een raised to e <in*2s

confessor" This )+ace of Grst s)iritua+ )h'sician

ecame a de)artment of the administration under

Louis 7III"( and more so sti++ under Louis 7IV"

 The rother Vad+e( %a+et de chamre of Father La

Chaise( ranted his )rotection to the isho)s of

France and Father Lete++ier ru+ed $ith a sce)tre

of iron those $ho $ere %er' $e++ dis)osed to e

so ru+ed" It $as im)ossi+e that the *reater )art

of the .esuits shou+d not e )ued u) ' the con6

seuence and )o$er to $hich these t$o memers

of their societ' had een raised( and that the' shou+d

not ecome as inso+ent as the +ac<e's of 0" Lou%ois"

 There ha%e een amon* them( certain+'( men of

<no$+ed*e( e+ouence( and *enius these )ossessed

some modest'( ut those $ho had on+' mediocrit'

of ta+ent or acuirement $ere tainted $ith that

)ride $hich *enera++' attaches to mediocrit' and to

the )edantr' of a co++e*e"

From the time of Father arasse a+most a++ their

)o+emica+ $or<s ha%e een )er%aded $ith an in6

decent and scornfu+ arro*ance $hich has roused the

indi*nation of a++ Euro)e" This arro*ance fre6

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>;> Phi+oso)hica+

uent+' san< into the most )itifu+ meanness so

that the' disco%ered the e=traordinar' secret of

ein* oects at once of en%' and contem)t" O6

ser%e( for e=am)+e( ho$ the' e=)ressed themse+%es

of the ce+erated Pasuier( ad%ocate6*enera+ of the

chamer of accounts -

#Pasuier is a mere )orter( a Parisian %ar+et( a

second6rate sho$man and ester( a ourne'man re6

tai+er of a++ads and o+d stories( a contem)ti+e hire6

+in*( on+' Gt to e a +ac<e'2s %a+et( a scru( a dis6

*ustin* ra*amun( stron*+' sus)ected of heres'(

and either heretica+ or much $orse( a +iidinous and

G+th' sat'r( a master6foo+ ' nature( in shar)( in

Hat( and throu*hout the $ho+e *amut( a three6shod

foo+( a foo+ dou+e6d'ed( a foo+ in *rain( a foo+ in

e%er' sort of fo++'"#

 The' after$ards )o+ished their st'+e ut )ride(

' ecomin* +ess *ross( on+' ecame the more re6


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E%er'thin* is )ardoned e=ce)t )ride and this

accounts for the fact that a++ the )ar+iaments in the

<in*dom( the memers of $hich had the *reater

)art of them een disci)+es of the .esuits( sei1ed

the Grst o))ortunit' of eectin* their annihi+ation

and the $ho+e +and reoiced in their do$nfa++"

So dee)+' $as the s)irit of )ride rooted in them

that it manifested itse+f $ith the most indecent ra*e(

e%en $hi+e the' $ere he+d do$n to the earth ' the

hand of ustice( and their Gna+ sentence 'et remained

to e )ronounced" We need on+' read the ce+erated

Dictionar'" >;B

memoria+ a+read' mentioned( entit+ed #It is Time

to S)ea< Out(# )rinted at A%i*non in 8?;B( under

the assumed name of An%ers" It e*ins $ith an

ironica+ )etition to the )ersons ho+din* the court of

)ar+iament" It addresses them $ith as much su6

)eriorit' and contem)t as cou+d e sho$n in re)ri6

mandin* a )roctor2s c+er<" The i++ustrious 0" de

0ontc+ar( )rocureur6*enera+( the orac+e of the Par6

+iament of Pro%ence( is continua++' treated as #0"

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Ri)ert(# and reu<ed $ith as much conseuence

and authorit' as a mutinous and i*norant scho+ar

' a )rofessor in his chair" The' )ushed their

audacit' so far as to sa' that 0" de 0ontc+ar

#+as)hemed# in *i%in* an account of the institu6

tion of the .esuits"

In their memoria+( entit+ed #A++ Sha++ e To+d(#

the' insu+t sti++ more darin*+' the Par+iament of

0et1( and a+$a's in the st'+e of arro*ance and dic6

tation deri%ed from the schoo+s"

 The' ha%e retained this )ride e%en in the %er'

ashes to $hich France and S)ain ha%e no$ reduced

them" From the ottom of those ashes the ser)ent(

scotched as it has een( has a*ain raised its hosti+e

head" We ha%e seen a contem)ti+e creature( of

the name of Nonnotte( set himse+f u) for a critic on

his masters and( a+thou*h )ossessin* mere+'

ta+ent enou*h for )reachin* to a mo in the church6

'ard( discoursin* $ith a++ the ease of im)udence

aout thin*s of $hich he has not the s+i*htest notion"

Another inso+ent memer of the societ'( ca++ed

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>;M Phi+oso)hica+

Patoui++et( dared( in the isho)2s mandates( to in6

su+t res)ecta+e citi1ens and ocers of the <in*2s

househo+d( $hose %er' +ac<e's $ou+d not ha%e )er6

mitted him to s)ea< to them"

One of the thin*s on $hich the' most )rided

themse+%es( $as introducin* themse+%es into the

houses of the *reat in their +ast i++ness( as amas6

sadors of od( to o)en to them the *ates of hea%en(

$ithout their )re%ious+' )assin* throu*h )ur*ator'"

/nder Louis 7IV" it $as considered as ha%in* a

ad as)ect( it $as unfashiona+e and discredita+e(

to die $ithout ha%in* )assed throu*h the hands of

a .esuit and the $retch( immediate+' after the

fata+ scene had c+osed( $ou+d *o and oast to his

de%otees that he had ust een con%ertin* a du<e

and )eer( $ho( $ithout his )rotection( $ou+d ha%e

een ine%ita+' damned"

 The d'in* man mi*ht sa' - #!' $hat ri*ht( 'ou

co++e*e e=crement( do 'ou intrude 'ourse+f on me

in m' d'in* momentsJ Was I e%er seen to *o to

'our ce++s $hen an' of 'ou had the Gstu+a or *an6

*rene( and $ere aout to return 'our *ross and un6

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$ie+d' odies to the earth J &as od *ranted 'our

sou+ an' ri*hts o%er mineJ Do I reuire a )re6

ce)tor at the a*e of se%ent'J Do 'ou carr' the

<e's of Paradise at 'our *ird+eJ 3ou dare to ca++

'ourse+f an amassador of od sho$ me 'our

)atent and if 'ou ha%e none( +et me die in )eace"

No !enedictine( Chartreu=( or Premonstrant( comes

to distur m' d'in* moments the' ha%e no $ish

Dictionar'" >;@

to erect a tro)h' to their )ride u)on the ed of our

+ast a*on' the' remain )eacefu++' in their ce++s

do 'ou rest uiet+' in 'ours there can e nothin*

in common et$een 'ou and me"#

A comic circumstance occurred on a tru+' mourn6

fu+ occasion( $hen an En*+ish .esuit( of the name of

Routh( ea*er+' stro%e to )ossess himse+f of the +ast

hour of the *reat 0ontesuieu" #&e came(# he said(

#to rin* ac< that %irtuous sou+ to re+i*ion# as

if 0ontesuieu had not <no$n $hat re+i*ion $as

etter than a Routh as if it had een the $i++ of

od that 0ontesuieu shou+d thin< +i<e a RouthQ

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&e $as dri%en out of the chamer( and $ent a++

o%er Paris( e=c+aimin*( #I ha%e con%erted that ce+e6

rated man I )re%ai+ed u)on him to thro$ his

2Persian Letters2 and his 2S)irit of La$s2 into the

Gre"# Care $as ta<en to )rint the narrati%e of the

con%ersion of President 0ontesuieu ' the re%6

erend father Routh in the +ie+ entit+ed #The Anti6

Phi+oso)hic Dictionar'"#

Another suect of )ride and amition $ith the

 .esuits $as ma<in* missions to %arious cities( ust

as if the' had een amon* Indians or .a)anese"

 The' $ou+d o+i*e the $ho+e ma*istrac' to attend

them in the streets a cross $as orne efore them(

)+anted in the )rinci)a+ )u+ic )+aces the' dis6

)ossessed the resident c+er*' the' ecame com)+ete

masters of the cit'" A .esuit of the name of Auert

)erformed one of these missions to Co+mar( and

com)e++ed the ad%ocate6*enera+ of the so%erei*n

>;; Phi+oso)hica+

counci+ to urn at his feet his co)' of #!a'+e(#

$hich had cost him no +ess than Gft' cro$ns" For

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m' o$n )art( I ac<no$+ed*e that I $ou+d rather

ha%e urned rother Auert himse+f" .ud*e ho$

the )ride of this Auert must ha%e s$e++ed $ith

this sacriGce as he oasted of it to his comrades at

ni*ht( and as he e=u+tin*+' $rote the account of it

to his *enera+"

O mon<s( mon<sQ e modest( as I ha%e a+read'

ad%ised 'ou e moderate( if 'ou $ish to a%oid the

ca+amities im)endin* o%er 'ou"



 3ou order me to dra$ 'ou a faithfu+ )icture of

the s)irit of the .e$s( and of their histor'( and

$ithout enterin* into the inea+e $a's of Pro%i6

dence( $hich are not our $a's 'ou see< in the

manners of this )eo)+e the source of the e%ents

$hich that Pro%idence )re)ared"

It is certain that the .e$ish nation is the most

sin*u+ar that the $or+d has e%er seen and a+thou*h(

in a )o+itica+ %ie$( the most contem)ti+e of a++( 'et

in the e'es of a )hi+oso)her( it is( on %arious ac6

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counts( $orth' consideration"

 The ueers( the !anians( and the .e$s( are the

on+' nations $hich e=ist dis)ersed( ha%in* no a++i6

ance $ith an' )eo)+e( are )er)etuated amon* for6

ei*n nations( and continue a)art from the rest of

the $or+d"

Dictionar'" >;?

 The ueers $ere once inGnite+' more consid6

era+e than the .e$s( for the' are castes of the

Persians( $ho had the .e$s under their dominion

ut the' are no$ scattered o%er ut one )art of the


 The !anians( $ho are descended from the ancient

)eo)+e amon* $hom P'tha*oras acuired his )hi6

+oso)h'( e=ist on+' in India and Persia ut the .e$s

are dis)ersed o%er the $ho+e face of the earth(( and

if the' $ere assem+ed( $ou+d com)ose a nation

much more numerous than it e%er $as in the short

time that the' $ere masters of Pa+estine" A+most

e%er' )eo)+e $ho ha%e $ritten the histor' of their

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ori*in( ha%e chosen to set it o ' )rodi*ies $ith

them a++ has een mirac+e their orac+es ha%e )re6

dicted nothin* ut conuest and such of them as

ha%e rea++' ecome conuerors ha%e had no di6

cu+t' in e+ie%in* these ancient orac+es $hich $ere

%eriGed ' the e%ent" The .e$s are distin*uished

amon* the nations ' this that their orac+es are

the on+' true ones( of $hich $e are not )ermitted to

dout" These orac+es( $hich the' understand on+'

in the +itera+ sense( ha%e a hundred times foreto+d

to them that the' shou+d e masters of the $or+d

'et the' ha%e ne%er )ossessed an'thin* more than

a sma++ corner of +and( and that on+' for a sma++

numer of 'ears( and the' ha%e not no$ so much as

a %i++a*e of their o$n" The' must( then( e+ie%e(

and the' do e+ie%e( that their )redictions $i++ one

>; Phi+oso)hica+

da' e fu+G++ed( and that the' sha++ ha%e the em6

)ire of the earth"

Amon* the 0ussu+mans and the Christians the'

are the +o$est of a++ nations( ut the' thin< them6

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se+%es the hi*hest" This )ride in their aasement

is ustiGed ' an unans$era+e reason %i1"( that

the' are in rea+it' the fathers of oth Christians

and 0ussu+mans" The Christian and the 0ussu+6

man re+i*ion ac<no$+ed*e the .e$ish as their

)arent and( ' a sin*u+ar contradiction( the' at

once ho+d this )arent in re%erence and in ahorrence"

It $ere forei*n to our )resent )ur)ose to re)eat

that continued succession of )rodi*ies $hich aston6

ishes the ima*ination and e=ercises the faith" We

ha%e here to do on+' $ith e%ents )ure+' historica+(

$ho++' a)art from the di%ine concurrence and the

mirac+es $hich od( for so +on* a time( %ouchsafed

to $or< in this )eo)+e2s fa%or"

First( $e Gnd in E*')t a fami+' of se%ent' )er6

sons )roducin*( at the end of t$o hundred and Gf6

teen 'ears( a nation countin* si= hundred thou6

sand G*htin* men $hich ma<es( $ith the $omen(

the chi+dren and the o+d men( u)$ard of t$o mi+6

+ions of sou+s" There is no e=am)+e u)on earth of

so )rodi*ious an increase of )o)u+ation this )eo6

)+e( ha%in* come out of E*')t( sta'ed fort' 'ears

in the deserts of Ston' Araia( and in that fri*htfu+

countr' the )eo)+e much diminished"

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What remained of this nation ad%anced a +itt+e

north$ard in those deserts" It a))ears that the'

Dictionar'" >;9

had the same )rinci)+es $hich the tries of Ston'

and Desert Araia ha%e since had( of utcherin*

$ithout merc' the inhaitants of +itt+e to$ns o%er

$hom the' had the ad%anta*e( and reser%in* on+'

the 'oun* $omen" The interests of )o)u+ation ha%e

e%er een the )rinci)a+ oect of oth" We Gnd

that $hen the Aras had conuered S)ain( the' im6

)osed triutes of marria*ea+e *ir+s and at this

da' the Aras of the desert ma<e no treat' $ithout

sti)u+atin* for some *ir+s and a fe$ )resents"

 The .e$s arri%ed in a sand'( mountainous coun6

tr'( $here there $ere a fe$ to$ns( inhaited ' a

+itt+e )eo)+e ca++ed the 0idianites" In one 0idian6

ite cam)( a+one( the' too< si= hundred and se%ent'6

G%e thousand shee)( se%ent'6t$o thousand o=en(

si=t'6one thousand asses( and thirt'6t$o thousand

%ir*ins" A++ the men( a++ the $i%es( and a++ the

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ma+e chi+dren( $ere massacred the *ir+s and the

oot' $ere di%ided et$een the )eo)+e and the


 The' then too<( in the same countr'( the to$n

of .ericho ut ha%in* de%oted the inhaitants of

that )+ace to the anathema( the' massacred them a++(

inc+udin* the %ir*ins( )ardonin* none ut Raha(

a courtesan( $ho had aided them in sur)risin* the


 The +earned ha%e a*itated the uestion $hether

the .e$s( +i<e so man' other nations( rea++' sacri6

Gced men to the Di%init'" This is a dis)ute on $ords

those $hom the )eo)+e consecrated to the anath6

>?: Phi+oso)hica+

ema $ere not )ut to death on an a+tar( $ith re+i*ious

rites ut the' $ere not the +ess immo+ated( $ithout

its ein* )ermitted to )ardon an' one of them"

Le%iticus ==%ii"( >9 e=)ress+' forids the redeem6

in* of those $ho sha++ ha%e een de%oted" Its $ords

are( #The' sha++ sure+' e )ut to death"# !' %irtue

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of this +a$ it $as that .e)hthah de%oted and <i++ed

his dau*hter( that Sau+ $ou+d ha%e <i++ed his son(

and that the )ro)het Samue+ cut in )ieces Kin*

A*a*( Sau+2s )risoner" It is uite certain that od

is the master of the +i%es of men( and that it is not

for us to e=amine &is +a$s" We ou*ht to +imit

ourse+%es to e+ie%in* these thin*s( and re%erencin*

in si+ence the desi*ns of od( $ho )ermitted them"

It is a+so as<ed $hat ri*ht had stran*ers +i<e

the .e$s to the +and of Canaan J The ans$er is( that

the' had $hat od *a%e them"

No sooner had the' ta<en .ericho and Lais than

the' had a ci%i+ $ar amon* themse+%es( in $hich

the trie of !enamin $as a+most $ho++' e=termi6

nated men( $omen( and chi+dren +ea%in* on+'

si= hundred ma+es" The )eo)+e( un$i++in* that one

of the tries shou+d e annihi+ated( ethou*ht them6

se+%es of sac<in* the $ho+e cit' of the trie of

0anasseh( <i++in* a++ the men( o+d and 'oun*( a++

the chi+dren( a++ the married $omen( a++ the $ido$s(

and ta<in* si= hundred %ir*ins( $hom the' *a%e to

the si= hundred sur%i%ors of the trie of !enamin(

to restore that trie( in order that the numer of

their t$e+%e tries mi*ht sti++ e com)+ete"

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Dictionar'" >?8

0ean$hi+e( the Phoenicians( a )o$erfu+ )eo)+e

sett+ed in the coasts from time immemoria+( ein*

a+armed at the de)redations and crue+ties of these

ne$comers( freuent+' chastised them the nei*h6

orin* )rinces united a*ainst them and the' $ere

se%en times reduced to s+a%er'( for more than t$o

hundred 'ears"

At +ast the' made themse+%es a <in*( $hom the'

e+ected ' +ot" This <in* cou+d not e %er' mi*ht'

for in the Grst att+e $hich the .e$s fou*ht under

him( a*ainst their masters( the Phi+istines( the'

had( in the $ho+e arm'( ut one s$ord and one

+ance( and not one $ea)on of stee+" !ut Da%id(

their second <in*( made $ar $ith ad%anta*e" &e

too< the cit' of Sa+em( after$ards so ce+erated

under the name of .erusa+em( and then the .e$s

e*an to ma<e some G*ure on the orders of S'ria"

 Their *o%ernment and their re+i*ion too< a more

au*ust form" &itherto the' had not the means of

raisin* a tem)+e( thou*h e%er' nei*horin* nation

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had one or more" So+omon ui+t a su)er one( and

rei*ned o%er this )eo)+e aout fort' 'ears"

Not on+' $ere the da's of So+omon the most

Hourishin* da's of the .e$s( ut a++ the <in*s u)on

earth cou+d not e=hiit a treasure a))roachin*

So+omon2s" &is father( Da%id( $hose )redecessor

had not e%en iron( +eft to So+omon t$ent'6G%e thou6

sand si= hundred and fort'6ei*ht mi++ions of French

+i%res in read' mone'" &is Heets( $hich $ent to

O)hir( rou*ht him si=t'6ei*ht mi++ions )er annum


in )ure *o+d( $ithout rec<onin* the si+%er and e$e+s"

&e had fort' thousand sta+es( and the same numer

of coach6houses( t$e+%e thousand sta+es for his

ca%a+r'( se%en hundred $i%es( and three hundred

concuines" 3et he had neither $ood nor $or<men

for ui+din* his )a+ace and the tem)+e he orro$ed

them of &iram( <in* of T're( $ho a+so furnished

*o+d and So+omon *a%e &iram t$ent' to$ns in

)a'ment" The commentators ha%e ac<no$+ed*ed

that these thin*s need e=)+anation( and ha%e sus6

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)ected some +itera+ error in the co)'ist( $ho a+one

can ha%e een mista<en"

On the death of So+omon( a di%ision too< )+ace

amon* the t$e+%e tries com)osin* the nation" The

<in*dom $as torn asunder( and se)arated into t$o

sma++ )ro%inces( one of $hich $as ca++ed .udah( the

other Israe+ nine tries and a ha+f com)osin* the

Israe+itish )ro%ince( and on+' t$o and a ha+f that of

 .udah" Then there $as et$een these t$o sma++

)eo)+es a hatred( the more im)+aca+e as the' $ere

<insmen and nei*hors( and as the' had dierent

re+i*ions for at Sichem and at Samaria the' $or6

shi))ed #!aa+# *i%in* to od a Sidonian name

$hi+e at .erusa+em the' $orshi))ed #Adonai"# At

Sichem $ere consecrated t$o ca+%es at .erusa+em(

t$o cheruim $hich $ere t$o $in*ed anima+s

$ith dou+e heads( )+aced in the sanctuar'" So(

each faction ha%in* its <in*s( its *ods( its $orshi)(

and its )ro)hets( the' made a +ood' $ar u)on each


Dictionar'" >?B

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Whi+e this $ar $as carried on( the <in*s of

Ass'ria( $ho conuered the *reater )art of Asia(

fe++ u)on the .e$s as an ea*+e )ounces u)on t$o

+i1ards $hi+e the' are G*htin*" The nine and a

ha+f tries of Samaria and Sichem $ere carried o

and dis)ersed fore%er nor has it een )recise+'

<no$n to $hat )+aces the' $ere +ed into s+a%er'"

It is ut t$ent' +ea*ues from the to$n of Samaria

to .erusa+em( and their territories oined each other

so that $hen one of these to$ns $as ens+a%ed '

)o$erfu+ conuerors( the other cou+d not +on* ho+d

out" .erusa+em $as sac<ed se%era+ times it $as

triutar' to <in*s &a1ae+ and Ra1in( ens+a%ed

under Ti*+ath6Pi+eser( three times ta<en ' Neu6

chodonosor( or Neuchadne11ar( and at +ast de6

stro'ed" 4ede<iah( $ho had een set u) as <in*

or *o%ernor ' this conueror( $as r +ed( $ith

his $ho+e )eo)+e( into ca)ti%it' in !a'+onia so

that the on+' .e$s +eft in Pa+estine $ere a fe$ en6

s+a%ed )easants( to so$ the *round"

As for the +itt+e countr' of Samaria and Sichem(

more ferti+e than that of .erusa+em( it $as re6)eo)+ed

' forei*n co+onies( sent there ' Ass'rian <in*s(

$ho too< the name of Samaritans"

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 The t$o and a ha+f tries that $ere s+a%es in

!a'+onia and the nei*horin* to$ns for se%ent'

'ears( had time to ado)t the usa*es of their masters(

and enriched their o$n ton*ue ' mi=in* $ith it

the Cha+dsean this is incontesta+e" The historian

 .ose)hus te++s us that he $rote Grst in Cha+daean(

Vo+" 8:8

>?M Phi+oso)hica+

$hich is the +an*ua*e of his countr'" It a))ears

that the .e$s acuired ut +itt+e of the science of

the 0a*i the' turned ro<ers( mone'6chan*ers(

and o+d6c+othes men ' $hich the' made them6

se+%es necessar'( as the' sti++ do( and *re$ rich"

 Their *ains ena+ed them to otain( under C'rus(

the +iert' of reui+din* .erusa+em ut $hen the'

$ere to return into their o$n countr'( those $ho

had *ro$n rich at !a'+on( $ou+d not uit so Gne

a countr' for the mountains of Coe+es'ria( nor the

fruitfu+ an<s of the Eu)hrates and the Ti*ris( for

the torrent of Kedron" On+' the meanest )art of the

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nation returned $ith 4oroae+" The .e$s of !a'6

+on contriuted on+' their a+ms to the reui+din*

of the cit' and the tem)+e nor $as the co++ection

a +ar*e one for Esdras re+ates that no more than

se%ent' thousand cro$ns cou+d e raised for the

erection of this tem)+e( $hich $as to e that of a++

the earth"

 The .e$s sti++ remained suect to the Persians

the' $ere +i<e$ise suect to A+e=ander and $hen

that *reat man( the most e=cusa+e of a++ conuerors(

had( in the ear+' 'ears of his %ictorious career( e6

*un to raise A+e=andria( and ma<e it the centre of

the commerce of the $or+d( the .e$s Hoc<ed there

to e=ercise their trade of ro<ers and there it $as

that their rais at +en*th +earned somethin* of the

sciences of the ree<s" The ree< ton*ue ecame

aso+ute+' necessar' to a++ tradin* .e$s"

After A+e=ander2s death( this )eo)+e continued

Dictionar'" >?@

suect in .erusa+em to the <in*s of S'ria( and in

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A+e=andria to the <in*s of E*')t and $hen these

<in*s $ere at $ar( this )eo)+e a+$a's shared the fate

of their suects( and e+on*ed to the conueror"

From the time of their ca)ti%it' at !a'+on( the

 .e$s ne%er had )articu+ar *o%ernors ta<in* the tit+e

of <in*" The )ontis had the interna+ administra6

tion( and these )ontis $ere a))ointed ' their

masters the' sometimes )aid %er' hi*h for this

di*nit'( as the ree< )atriarch at Constantino)+e

)a's for his at )resent"

/nder Antiochus E)i)hanes the' re%o+ted the

cit' $as once more )i++a*ed( and the $a++s demo+6

ished" After a succession of simi+ar disasters( the'

at +en*th otained( for the Grst time( aout a hundred

and Gft' 'ears efore the Christian era( )ermission

to coin mone'( $hich )ermission $as *ranted them

' Antiochus Sidetes" The' then had chiefs( $ho

too< the name of <in*s( and e%en $ore a diadem"

Anti*onus $as the Grst $ho $as decorated $ith this

ornament( $hich( $ithout the )o$er( confers ut

+itt+e honor"

At that time the Romans $ere e*innin* to

ecome formida+e to the <in*s of S'ria( masters

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of the .e$s and the +atter *ained o%er the

Roman senate ' )resents and acts of sumission"

It seemed that the $ars in Asia 0inor $ou+d( for a

time at +east( *i%e some re+ief to this unfortunate

)eo)+e ut .erusa+em no sooner eno'ed some

shado$ of +iert' than it $as torn ' ci%i+ $ars(

>?; Phi+oso)hica+

$hich rendered its condition under its )hantoms

of <in*s much more )itia+e than it had e%er een in

so +on* and %arious a succession of onda*es"

In their intestine trou+es( the' made the Romans

their ud*es" A+read' most of the <in*doms of Asia

0inor( Southern Africa( and three6fourths of Eu6

ro)e( ac<no$+ed*ed the Romans as their ariters

and masters"

Pom)e' came into S'ria to ud*e the nation and

to de)ose se%era+ )ett' t'rants" !ein* decei%ed '

Aristou+us( $ho dis)uted the ro'a+t' of .erusa+em(

he a%en*ed himse+f u)on him and his )art'" &e

too< the cit' had some of the seditious( either

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)riests or Pharisees( cruciGed and not +on* after(

condemned Aristou+us( <in* of the .e$s( to e=e6


 The .e$s( e%er unfortunate( e%er ens+a%ed( and

e%er re%o+tin*( a*ain rou*ht u)on them the Roman

arms" Crassus and Cassius )unished them and

0ete++us Sci)io had a son of Kin* Aristou+us(

named A+e=ander( the author of a++ the trou+es(


/nder the *reat Caesar( the' $ere entire+' su6

 ect and )eacea+e" &erod( famed amon* them and

amon* us( for a +on* time $as mere+' tetrarch( ut

otained from Anton' the cro$n of .udaea( for

$hich he )aid dear+' ut .erusa+em $ou+d not

reco*ni1e this ne$ <in*( ecause he $as descended

from Esau( and not from .aco( and $as mere+' an

Idumaean" The %er' circumstance of his ein* a

Dictionar'" >??

forei*ner caused him to e chosen ' the Romans(

the etter to <ee) this )eo)+e in chec<" The Romans

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)rotected the <in* of their nomination $ith an arm'

and .erusa+em $as a*ain ta<en ' assau+t( sac<ed(

and )i++a*ed"

&erod( after$ards )rotected ' Au*ustus( e6

came one of the most )o$erfu+ so%erei*ns amon*

the )ett' <in*s of Araia" &e restored .erusa+em(

re)aired the fortiGcations that surrounded the tem6

)+e( so dear to the .e$s( and reui+t the tem)+e itse+f

ut he cou+d not Gnish it( for he $anted mone' and

$or<men" This )ro%es that( after a++( &erod $as

not rich and the .e$s( thou*h fond of their tem)+e(

$ere sti++ fonder of their mone'"

 The name of <in* $as nothin* more than a

fa%or *ranted ' the Romans it $as not a tit+e of

succession" Soon after &erod2s death( .udaea $as

*o%erned as a suordinate Roman )ro%ince( ' the

)roconsu+ of S'ria( a+thou*h from time to time the

tit+e of <in* $as *ranted( sometimes to one .e$(

sometimes to another( for a considera+e sum of

mone'( as under the em)eror C+audius( $hen it $as

*ranted to the .e$ A*ri))a"

A dau*hter of A*ri))a $as that !erenice( ce+e6

rated for ha%in* een e+o%ed ' one of the est

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em)erors Rome can oast" She it $as $ho(6 '

the inustice she e=)erienced from her countr'6

men( dre$ do$n the %en*eance of the Romans u)on

 .erusa+em" She as<ed for ustice( and the factions

of the to$n refused it" The seditious s)irit of the

>? Phi+oso)hica+

)eo)+e im)e++ed them to fresh e=cesses" Their char6

acter at a++ times $as to e crue+ and their fate( to

e )unished"

 This memora+e sie*e( $hich ended in the de6

struction of the cit'( $as carried on ' Ves)asian

and Titus" The e=a**eratin* .ose)hus )retends that

in this short $ar more than a mi++ion of .e$s $ere

s+au*htered" It is not to e $ondered at that an

author $ho )uts Gfteen thousand men in each %i+6

+a*e shou+d s+a' a mi++ion" What remained $ere

e=)osed in the )u+ic mar<ets and each .e$ $as

so+d at aout the same )rice as the unc+ean anima+

of $hich the' dare not eat"

In this +ast dis)ersion the' a*ain ho)ed for a de6

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+i%erer and under Adrian( $hom the' curse in their

)ra'ers( there arose one !arcocheas( $ho ca++ed

himse+f a second 0oses a Shi+oh a Christ" &a%6

in* assem+ed man' of these $retched )eo)+e under

his anners( $hich the' e+ie%ed to e sacred( he

)erished $ith a++ his fo++o$ers" It $as the +ast

stru**+e of this nation( $hich has ne%er +ifted its

head a*ain" Its constant o)inion( that arrenness

is a re)roach( has )reser%ed it the .e$s ha%e e%er

considered as their t$o Grst duties( to *et mone' and


From this short summar' it resu+ts that the

&ere$s ha%e e%er een %a*rants( or roers( or

s+a%es( or seditious" The' are sti++ %a*aonds u)on

the earth( and ahorred ' men( 'et armin* that

Dictionar'" >?9

hea%en and earth and a++ man<ind $ere created for

them a+one"

It is e%ident( from the situation of .udaea( and

the *enius of this )eo)+e( that the' cou+d not ut

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e continua++' suu*ated" It $as surrounded '

)o$erfu+ and $ar+i<e nations( for $hich it had an

a%ersion so that it cou+d neither e in a++iance

$ith them( nor )rotected ' them" It $as im)os6

si+e for it to maintain itse+f ' its marine for it

soon +ost the )ort $hich in So+omon2s time it had

on the Red Sea and So+omon himse+f a+$a's em6

)+o'ed T'rians to ui+d and to steer his %esse+s( as

$e++ as to erect his )a+ace and his tem)+e" It is

then manifest that the &ere$s had neither trade

nor manufactures( and that the' cou+d not com)ose a

Hourishin* )eo)+e" The' ne%er had an arm' a+$a's

read' for the Ge+d( +i<e the Ass'rians( the 0edes(

the Persians( the S'rians( and the Romans" The

+aorers and artisans too< u) arms on+' as occasion

reuired( and conseuent+' cou+d not form $e++6dis6

ci)+ined troo)s" Their mountains( or rather their

roc<s( are neither hi*h enou*h( nor sucient+' con6

ti*uous( to ha%e aorded an eectua+ arrier a*ainst

in%asion" The most numerous )art of the nation(

trans)orted to !a'+on( Persia( and to India( or

sett+ed in A+e=andria( $ere too much occu)ied $ith

their trac and their ro<era*e to thin< of $ar"

 Their ci%i+ *o%ernment( sometimes re)u+ican( some6

times )ontiGca+( sometimes monarchia+( and %er'

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ao Phi+oso)hica+

often reduced to anarch'( seems to ha%e een no

etter than their mi+itar' disci)+ine"

 3ou as<( $hat $as the )hi+oso)h' of the

&ere$sJ The ans$er $i++ e a %er' short one

the' had none" Their +e*is+ator himse+f does not

an'$here s)ea< e=)ress+' of the immorta+it' of the

sou+( nor of the re$ards of another +ife" .ose)hus

and Phi+o e+ie%e the sou+ to e materia+ their

doctors admitted cor)orea+ an*e+s and $hen the'

soourned at !a'+on( the' *a%e to these an*e+s

the names *i%en them ' the Cha+dasans 0ichae+(

arie+( Ra)hae+( /rie+" The name of Satan is

!a'+onian( and is in some$ise the Arimanes of 4o6

roaster" The name of Asmodeus a+so is Cha+daean

and Toit( $ho +i%ed in 7ine%eh( is the Grst $ho

em)+o'ed it" The do*ma of the immorta+it' of the

sou+2 $as de%e+o)ed on+' in the course of a*es( and

amon* the Pharisees" The Sadducees a+$a's de6

nied this s)iritua+it'( this immorta+it'( and the e=6

istence of the an*e+s" Ne%erthe+ess( the Sadducees

communicated uninterru)ted+' $ith the Pharisees(

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One )roof that this hatred $as not caused ' the

ido+atr' of the nations is that $e Gnd in the histor'

of the .e$s that the' $ere %er' often ido+aters"

So+omon himse+f sacriGced to stran*e *ods" After

him( $e Gnd scarce+' an' <in* in the +itt+e )ro%ince

of .udah that does not )ermit the $orshi) of these,

*ods and oer them incense" The )ro%ince of

Israe+ <e)t its t$o ca+%es and its sacred *ro%es( or

adored other di%inities"

 This ido+atr'( $ith $hich so man' nations are

re)roached( is a suect on $hich ut +itt+e +i*ht has

een thro$n" Perha)s it $ou+d not e dicu+t to

eace this stain u)on the theo+o*' of the ancients"

A++ )o+ished nations had the <no$+ed*e of a su6

)reme od( the master of the inferior *ods and of

men" The E*')tians themse+%es reco*ni1ed a Grst

)rinci)+e( $hich the' ca++ed Knef( and to $hich a++

eside $as suordinate" The ancient Persians

adored the *ood )rinci)+e( named Orosmanes and

>> Phi+oso)hica+

$ere %er' far from sacriGcin* to the ad )rinci)+e(

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Arimanes( $hom the' re*arded near+' as $e re*ard

the de%i+" E%en to this da'( the ueers ha%e re6

tained the sacred do*ma of the unit' of od" The

ancient !rahmins ac<no$+ed*ed one on+' Su)reme

!ein* the Chinese associated no inferior ein*

$ith the Di%init'( nor had an' ido+ unti+ the times

$hen the )o)u+ace $ere +ed astra' ' the $orshi)

of Fo( and the su)erstitions of the on1es" The

ree<s and the Romans( not$ithstandin* the mu+ti6

tude of their *ods( ac<no$+ed*ed in 2.u)iter the

aso+ute so%erei*n of hea%en and earth" &omer(

himse+f in the most asurd )oetica+ Gctions( has

ne%er +ost si*ht of this truth" &e constant+' re)re6

sents .u)iter as the on+' A+mi*ht'( sendin* *ood

and e%i+ u)on earth( and( $ith a motion of his ro$(

stri<in* *ods and men $ith a$e" A+tars $ere

raised( and sacriGces oered to inferior *ods( de6

)endent on the one su)reme" There is not a sin*+e

monument of antiuit' in $hich the tit+e of so%6

erei*n of hea%en is *i%en to an' secondar' deit'

to 0ercur'( to A)o++o( to 0ars" The thundero+t

$as e%er the attriute of the master of a++( and of

him on+'"

 The idea of a so%erei*n ein*( of his )ro%i6

dence( of his eterna+ decrees( is to e found amon*

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a++ )hi+oso)hers and a++ )oets" In short( it is )er6

ha)s as unust to thin< that the ancients eua++ed the

heroes( the *enii( the inferior *ods( to him $hom

the' ca++ed #the father and master of the *ods(# as

Dictionar'" >B

it $ou+d e ridicu+ous to ima*ine that $e associate

$ith od the +essed and the an*e+s"

 3ou then as< $hether the ancient )hi+oso)hers

and +a$6*i%ers orro$ed from the .e$s( or the .e$s

from them J We must refer the uestion to Phi+o

he o$ns that efore the trans+ation of the Se)tua*int

the oo<s of his nation $ere un<no$n to stran*ers"

A *reat )eo)+e cannot ha%e recei%ed their +a$s and

their <no$+ed*e from a +itt+e )eo)+e( oscure and

ens+a%ed" In the time of Osias( indeed( the .e$s

had no oo<s in his rei*n $as accidenta++' found

the on+' co)' of the +a$ then in e=istence" This

)eo)+e( after their ca)ti%it' at !a'+on( had no other

a+)haet than the Cha+daean the' $ere not famed

for an' art( an' manufacture $hatsoe%er and e%en

in the time of So+omon the' $ere o+i*ed to )a'

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dear for forei*n artisans" To sa' that the E*')tians(

the Persians( the ree<s( $ere instructed ' the

 .e$s( $ere to sa' that the Romans +earned the arts

from the )eo)+e of !rittan'" The .e$s ne%er $ere

natura+ )hi+oso)hers( nor *eometricians( nor astron6

omers" So far $ere the' from ha%in* )u+ic schoo+s

for the instruction of 'outh( that the' had not e%en a

term in their +an*ua*e to e=)ress such an institution"

 The )eo)+e of Peru and 0e=ico measured their 'ear

much etter than the .e$s" Their sta' in !a'+on

and in A+e=andria( durin* $hich indi%idua+s mi*ht

instruct themse+%es( formed the )eo)+e to no art sa%e

that of usur'" The' ne%er <ne$ ho$ to stam)

mone' and $hen Antiochus Sidetes )ermitted them

>M Phi+oso)hica+

to ha%e a coina*e of their o$n( the' $ere a+most in6

ca)a+e of )roGtin* ' this )ermission for four or

G%e 'ears indeed( this coin is said to ha%e een

struc< at Samaria" &ence( it is( that .e$ish meda+s

are so rare( and near+' a++ fa+se" In short( $e Gnd in

them on+' an i*norant and ararous )eo)+e( $ho

ha%e +on* united the most sordid a%arice $ith the

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most detesta+e su)erstition and the most in%inci+e

hatred for e%er' )eo)+e ' $hom the' are to+erated

and enriched" Sti++( $e ou*ht not to urn them"


 The .e$ish La$"

 Their +a$ must a))ear( to e%er' )o+ished )eo)+e(

as sin*u+ar as their conduct if it $ere not di%ine(

it $ou+d seem to e the +a$ of sa%a*es e*innin*

to assem+e themse+%es into a nation and ein*

di%ine( one cannot understand ho$ it is that it has

not e=isted from a++ a*es( for them( and for a++ men"

!ut it is more stran*e than a++ that the immor6

ta+it' of the sou+ is not e%en intimated in this +a$(

entit+ed #Vaicrah and Addearim(# Le%iticus and


In this +a$ it is foridden to eat ee+s( ecause

the' ha%e no sca+es and hares( ecause the' che$

the cud( and ha%e c+o%en feet" A))arent+'( the .e$s

had hares dierent from ours" The *rin is un6

c+ean( and four6footed irds are unc+ean( $hich ani6

ma+s are some$hat rare" Whoe%er touches a mouse(

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or a mo+e is unc+ean" The $omen are foridden to

Dictionar'" >@

+ie $ith horses or asses" The .e$ish $omen must

ha%e een suect to this sort of *a++antr'" The men

are foridden to oer u) their seed to 0o+och and

here the term seed is not meta)horica+" It seems

that it $as customar'( in the deserts of Araia( to

oer u) this sin*u+ar )resent to the *ods as it is

said to e usua+ in Cochin and some other countries

of India( for the *ir+s to 'ie+d their %ir*init' to an

iron Pria)us in a tem)+e" These t$o ceremonies

)ro%e that man<ind is ca)a+e of e%er'thin*" The

Kars( $ho de)ri%e themse+%es of one testic+e( are

a sti++ more ridicu+ous e=am)+e of the e=tra%a*ance

of su)erstition"

Another +a$ of the .e$s( eua++' stran*e( is their

)roof of adu+ter'" A $oman accused ' her husand

must e )resented to the )riests( and she is made to

drin< of the $aters of ea+ous'( mi=ed $ith $orm6

$ood and dust" If she is innocent( the $ater ma<es

her more eautifu+ if she is *ui+t'( her e'es start

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from her head( her e++' s$e++s( and she ursts e6

fore the Lord"

We sha++ not here enter into the detai+s of a++

these sacriGces( $hich $ere nothin* more than the

o)erations of ceremonia+ utchers ut it of *reat

im)ortance to remar< a)other <ind of sacriGce too

common in those ararous times" It is e=)ress+'

ordered( in the t$ent'6se%enth cha)ter of Le%iticus(

that a++ men( %o$ed in anathema to the Lord( e im6

mo+ated the' #sha++ sure+' e )ut to death# such

are the $ords of the te=t" &ere is the ori*in of

a; Phi+oso)hica+

the stor' of .e)hthah( $hether his dau*hter $as

rea++' immo+ated( or the stor' $as co)ied from that

of I)hi*enia" &ere( too( is the source of the %o$

made ' Sau+( $ho $ou+d ha%e immo+ated his son(

ut that the arm'( +ess su)erstitious than himse+f(

sa%ed the innocent 'oun* man2s +ife"

It is then ut too true that the .e$s( accordin* to

their +a$( sacriGced human %ictims" .his act of

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re+i*ion is in accordance $ith their manners their

o$n oo<s re)resent them as s+au*hterin* $ithout

merc' a++ that came in their $a'( reser%in* on+' the

%ir*ins for their use"

It $ou+d e %er' dicu+t and shou+d e %er'

unim)ortant to <no$ at $hat time these +a$s $ere

di*ested into the form in $hich $e no$ ha%e them"

 That the' are of %er' hi*h antiuit' is enou*h to in6

form us ho$ *ross and ferocious the manners of that

antiuit' $ere"


 The Dis)ersion of the .e$s"

It has een )retended that the dis)ersion of this

)eo)+e had een foreto+d( as a )unishment for their

refusin* to ac<no$+ed*e .esus Christ as the 0es6

siah the asserters aectin* to for*et that the' had

een dis)ersed throu*hout the <no$n $or+d +on* e6

fore .esus Christ" The oo<s that are +eft us of this

sin*u+ar nation ma<e no mention of a return of the

t$e+%e tries trans)orted e'ond the Eu)hrates '

 Ti*+ath6Pi+eser and his successor Sha+maneser and

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Dictionar'" 6>?

it $as si= hundred 'ears after( that C'rus sent ac<

to .erusa+em the tries of .udah and !enamin( $hich

Neuchodonosor had rou*ht a$a' into the )ro%6

inces of his em)ire" The Acts of the A)ost+es cer6

tif' that Gft'6three da's after the death of .esus

Christ( there $ere .e$s from e%er' nation under

hea%en assem+ed for the feast of Pentecost" St"

 .ames $rites to the t$e+%e dis)ersed tries and

 .ose)hus and Phi+o s)ea< of the .e$s as %er' nu6

merous throu*hout the East"

It is true that( considerin* the carna*e that $as

made of them under some of the Roman em)erors(

and the s+au*hter of them so often re)eated in e%er'

Christian state( one is astonished that this )eo)+e

not on+' sti++ e=ists( ut is at this da' no +ess numer6

ous than it $as former+'" Their numers must e

attriuted to their e=em)tion from earin* arms(

their ardor for marria*e( their custom of contract6

in* it in their fami+ies ear+'( their +a$ of di%orce(

their soer and re*u+ar $a' of +ife( their astinence(

their toi+( and their e=ercise"

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 Their Grm attachment to the 0osaic +a$ is no +ess

remar<a+e( es)ecia++' $hen $e consider their fre6

uent a)ostasies $hen the' +i%ed under the *o%ern6

ment of their <in*s and their ud*es and .udaism is

no$( of a++ the re+i*ions in the $or+d( the one most

rare+' aured $hich is )art+' the fruit of the)erse6

cutions it has suered" Its fo++o$ers( )er)etua+

mart'rs to their creed( ha%e re*arded themse+%es

$ith )ro*ressi%e+' increasin* conGdence( as the

> Phi+oso)hica+

fountain of a++ sanctit' +oo<in* u)on us as no

other than ree++ious .e$s( $ho ha%e aured the

+a$ of od( and )ut to death or torture those $ho

recei%ed it from &is hand"

Indeed( if $hi+e .erusa+em and its tem)+e e=isted(

the .e$s $ere sometimes dri%en from their countr'

' the %icissitudes of em)ires( the' ha%e sti++ more

freuent+' een e=)e++ed throu*h a +ind 1ea+ from

e%er' countr' in $hich the' ha%e d$e+t since the

)ro*ress of Christianit' and 0ahometanism" The'

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themse+%es com)are their re+i*ion to a mother( u)on

$hom her t$o dau*hters( the Christian and the

0ahometan( ha%e inHicted a thousand $ounds" !ut(

ho$ i++ soe%er she has een treated ' them( she

sti++ *+ories in ha%in* *i%en them irth" She ma<es

use of them oth to emrace the $ho+e $or+d( $hi+e

her o$n %enera+e a*e emraces a++ time"

It is sin*u+ar that the Christians )retend to ha%e

accom)+ished the )ro)hecies ' t'ranni1in* o%er the

 .e$s( ' $hom the' $ere transmitted" We ha%e

a+read' seen ho$ the Inuisition anished the .e$s

from S)ain" O+i*ed to $ander from +and to +and(

from sea to sea( to *ain a +i%e+ihood e%er'$here

dec+ared inca)a+e of )ossessin* an' +anded )ro)6

ert'( or ho+din* an' oce( the' ha%e een o+i*ed

to dis)erse( and roam from )+ace to )+ace( una+e to

esta+ish themse+%es )ermanent+' in an' countr'(

for $ant of su))ort( of )o$er to maintain their

*round( and of <no$+ed*e in the art of $ar"

 Trade( a )rofession +on* des)ised ' most of the

Dictionar'" >9

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nations of Euro)e( $as( in those ararous a*es(

their on+' resource and as the' necessari+' *re$

rich ' it( the' $ere treated as infamous usurers"

Kin*s $ho cou+d not ransac< the )urses of their su6

 ects( )ut the .e$s( $hom the' re*arded not as

citi1ens( to torture"

What $as done to them in En*+and ma' *i%e

some idea of $hat the' e=)erienced in other coun6

tries" Kin* .ohn( ein* in $ant of mone'( had the

rich .e$s in his <in*dom im)risoned" One of them(

ha%in* had se%en of his teeth dra$n one after an6

other( to otain his )ro)ert'( *a%e( on +osin* the

ei*hth( a thousand mar<s of si+%er" &enr' III" e=6

torted from Aaron( a .e$ of 3or<( fourteen thou6

sand mar<s of si+%er( and ten thousand for his ueen"

&e so+d the rest of the .e$s of his countr' to his

rother Richard( for the term of one 'ear( in order(

sa's 0atthe$ Paris( that this count mi*ht disem6

o$e+ those $hom his rother had Ha'ed"

In France the' $ere )ut in )rison( )+undered(

so+d( accused of ma*ic( of sacriGcin* chi+dren( of

)oisonin* the fountains" The' $ere dri%en out of

the <in*dom the' $ere suered to return for

mone' and e%en $hi+e the' $ere to+erated( the'

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$ere distin*uished from the rest of the inhaitants

' mar<s of infam'" And( ' an inconcei%a+e

$himsica+it'( $hi+e in other countries the .e$s $ere

urned to ma<e them emrace Christianit'( in France

the )ro)ert' of such as ecame Christians $as con6

Gscated" Char+es IV"( ' an edict *i%en at !as%i++e(

Vo+" 8: 89

>9: Phi+oso)hica+

A)ri+ M( 8B9>( aro*ated this t'rannica+ custom(

$hich( accordin* to the !enedictine 0ai++on( had

een introduced for t$o reasons -

First( to tr' the faith of these ne$ con%erts(

as it $as ut too common for those of this nation

to fei*n sumission to the *os)e+ for some )ersona+

interest( $ithout interna++' chan*in* their e+ief"

Second+'( ecause as the' had deri%ed their $ea+th

chieH' from usur'( the )urit' of Christian mora+s

a))eared to reuire them to ma<e a *enera+ restitu6

tion( $hich $as eected ' conGscation"

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!ut the true reason of this custom( $hich the

author of the #S)irit of La$s# has so $e++ de%e+o)ed(

$as a sort of #droit d2amortissement# a redem)tion

for the so%erei*n( or the sei*neurs( of the ta=es

$hich the' +e%ied on the .e$s( as mortmaina+e

serfs( $hom the' succeeded for the' $ere de)ri%ed

of this eneGt $hen the +atter $ere con%erted to the

Christian faith"

At +en*th( ein* incessant+' )roscried in e%er'

countr'( the' in*enious+' found the means of sa%in*

their fortunes and ma<in* their retreats fore%er se6

cure" !ein* dri%en from France under Phi+i) the

Lon*( in 8B8( the' too< refu*e in Lomard' there

the' *a%e to the merchants i++s of e=chan*e on

those to $hom the' had entrusted their eects at

their de)arture( and these $ere dischar*ed"

 The admira+e in%ention of i++s of e=chan*e

s)ran* from the e=tremit' of des)air and then(

and not unti+ then( commerce $as ena+ed to e+ude

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the eorts of %io+ence( and to maintain itse+f

throu*hout the $or+d"


In Ans$er to Some Oections"

Letters to .ose)h( !en( .onathan( Aaron( 0athatai(

and Da%id Winc<er"


ent+emen- When( fort'6four 'ears a*o( 'our

countr'man 0edina ecame a an<ru)t in London(

ein* t$ent' thousand francs in m' det( he to+d

me that #it $as not his fau+t that he $as un6

fortunate# that #he had ne%er een one of the

chi+dren of !e+ia+# that #he had a+$a's en6

dea%ored to +i%e as a son of od# that is( as

an honest man( a *ood Israe+ite" I $as aected I

emraced him $e oined in the )raise of od and

I +ost ei*ht' )er cent"

 3ou ou*ht to <no$ that I ne%er hated 'our na6

tion I hate no one not e%en Freron"

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Far from hatin*( I ha%e a+$a's )itied 'ou" If(

+i<e m' )rotector( *ood Po)e Lamertini( I ha%e

sometimes antered a +itt+e( I am not therefore the

+ess sensiti%e" I $e)t( at the a*e of si=teen( $hen

I $as to+d that a mother and her dau*hter had een

urned at Lison for ha%in* eaten( standin*( a +itt+e

+am( coo<ed $ith +ettuce( on the fourteenth da' of

the red moon and I can assure 'ou that the e=6

treme eaut' that this *ir+ $as re)orted to ha%e )os6

sessed( had no share in ca++in* forth m' tears( a+6

>9> Phi+oso)hica+

thou*h it must ha%e increased the s)ectators2 horror

for the assassins( and their )it' for the %ictim"

I <no$ not ho$ it entered m' head to $rite an

e)ic )oem at the a*e of t$ent'" Do 'ou <no$ $hat

an e)ic )oem isJ For m' )art I <ne$ nothin* of

the matter" The +e*is+ator 0ontesuieu had not

'et $ritten his #Persian Letters(# $hich 'ou re6

)roach me $ith ha%in* commented on ut I had

a+read' of m'se+f said( s)ea<in* of a monster $e++

<no$n to 'our ancestors( and $hich e%en no$ is not

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$ithout de%otees-

%ient +efanatisme est son horri+e nom

Enfant denature# de +a re+i*ion

Armi )our +a dtfendre" i+ c here he a +a ddtruire(

Et reu dans son sein t Vemrasse et +e dtchire(

Cest +ui ui dans Raa( sur +es ords de rArnon

uidait +es descendans du ma+heureu= Amman(

*uand a 0o+och +eur dieu des meres *emissantes

 fraient de +eurs enfans +es entrai++es fumantes "

II dicta de .e)htt +e serment inhumain

Dans +e cceur de saG++e i+ conduisait sa main"

C2esf +ui ui( de Ca+chas ou6%rant +a ouche im)ie

Demanda)ar sa %oi= +a mort d2+)hi*tnie"

France( dans tes fore ts i+ haita +on*6tem)s

A Vareu= Tentath i+ orit ton encens"

 Tu n2a )oint ou+it ces sacres homicides(

5u2 a tes indi*nes dieu= )rhentaient tes druides(

Du haut du ca)ito+e i+ criait au= Patens"

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# Fra))e1( e=termine1( de#chire1 +es chrttiens#

0ais +orsu2auG+s de Dieu Rome enGn(fut soumise(

Du ca)ito+e en cendre i+ )assa dans I 2E*+ise

Et dans +es cceurs chrttiens ins)irant ses fureurs(

De mart'rs uai+s dtaient +es Gt )ersecuteurs"

Dans Londres i+ a forme# +a secte turu+ente

5ui sur un roi tro) fai+e a mis sa main san*+ante

Dans 0adrid( dans Lisonne( i+ a++ume cesfeu=(

Ces uchers so+enne+s oi+ des .uifs ma+heureu=

Sont tous +es ans en )om)e en%o'ts )ar des Pretres(

Pour ri a%oir )oint uittt +afoi de +eurs anctres"

Dictionar'" >9B

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&e comes the Gend Fanaticism comes

Re+i*ion2s horrid and unnatura+ chi+d

Armed to defend her( armin* to destro'

 Tearin* her osom in his fei*ned emrace"

2T$as he $ho *uided Ammon2s $retched race

On Arnon2s an<s( $here mothers oered u)

 Their chi+dren2s man*+ed +ims on 0o+och2s a+tars"

2T$as he $ho )rom)ted .e)hthah2s ararous oath(

And aimed the )oniard at his dau*hter2s heart"

2T$as he $ho s)o<e( $hen Ca+chas, im)ious ton*ue

Ca++ed for the +ame+ess I)hi*enia2s death"

France( he +on* re%e++ed in th' forest shades(

Oerin* th' incense to the *rim Tentates(

Whettin* the sa%a*e Druid2s murderous <nife

 To sate his $orth+ess *ods $ith human *ore"

&e( from the Ca)ito+( stirred Pa*an hearts

 To e=terminate Christ2s fo++o$ers and he(

When Rome herse+f had o$ed to Christian truth(

5uitted the Ca)ito+ to ru+e the church

 To rei*n su)reme in e%er' Christian sou+(

And ma<e the Pa*ans mart'rs in their turn"

&is $ere in En*+and the Gerce sect $ho +aid

 Their +ood' hands on a too fee+e <in*"

&is are 0adrid2s and Lison2s horrid Gres(

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ites( $ere +'in*6in of the )ains conseuent there6

u)on( the ho+' )atriarchs Simeon and Le%i cut a++

their throats one after another" !ut( after a++( I do

not e+ie%e that uncircumcision ou*ht no$ to )ro6

duce such aomina+e horrors and es)ecia++' I do

not thin< that men shou+d hate( detest( anathema6

ti1e( and damn one another e%er' Saturda' and Sun6

da'( on account of a morse+ more or +ess of Hesh"

If I ha%e said that some of the circumcised ha%e

c+i))ed mone' at 0et1( at Fran<fort on the Oder(

and at Warsa$ $hich I do not rememer I as<

their )ardon for( ein* a+most at the end of m'

)i+*rima*e( I ha%e no $ish to emroi+ m'se+f $ith


I ha%e the honor to e as the' sa'(

 3ours( etc"


Antiuit' of the .e$s"

ent+emen - I ha%e e%er a*reed( ha%in* read a

fe$ historica+ oo<s for amusement( that 'ou are a

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%er' ancient )eo)+e( and 'our ori*in ma' e dated

much farther ac< than that of the Teutones( the

Ce+ts( the S+a%onians( the An*+es( and &urons" I

see 'ou assem+in* as a )eo)+e in a ca)ita+ ca++ed(

sometimes &ersha+aim( sometimes Shahe( on the

hi++ 0oriah( and on the hi++ Sion( near a desert( on

Dictionar'" >9@

a ston' soi+( ' a sma++ torrent $hich is dr' si=

months of the 'ear"

When 'ou e*an to esta+ish 'ourse+%es in 'our

corner( I $i++ not sa' of +and( ut of )e+es( Tro'

had een destro'ed ' the ree<s aout t$o centu6


0edon $as archon of Athens" Echestratus $as

rei*nin* in Laccdaemon" Latinus S'+%ius $as rei*n6

in* in Latium and Osochor in E*')t" The Indies

had een Hourishin* for a +on* succession of a*es"

 This $as the most i++ustrious )eriod of Chinese

histor'" The em)eror Tchin6$an* $as rei*nin* $ith

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*+or' o%er that %ast em)ire a++ the sciences $ere

there cu+ti%ated and the )u+ic anna+s inform us

that the <in* of Cochin China( ein* come to )a' his

res)ects to this em)eror( Tchin6$an*( recei%ed from

him a )resent of a mariner2s com)ass" This com)ass

mi*ht ha%e een of *reat ser%ice to 'our So+omon(

for his Heets that $ent to the Gne countr' of O)hir(

$hich no one has e%er <no$n an'thin* aout"

 Thus( after the Cha+daeans( the S'rians( the Per6

sians( the Phoenicians( the E*')tians( the ree<s(

the Indians( the Chinese( the Latins( and the Etrus6

cans( 'ou are the Grst )eo)+e u)on earth $ho had

an' <no$n form of *o%ernment"

 The !anians( the ueers( and 'ourse+%es( are the

on+' nations $hich( dis)ersed out of their o$n coun6

tr'( ha%e )reser%ed their ancient rites if I ma<e no

account of the +itt+e E*')tian troo)s( ca++ed 4in*ari

in Ita+'( ')sies in En*+and( and !ohemians in

>9; Phi+oso)hica+

France( $hich had )reser%ed the antiue ceremonies

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of the $orshi) of Isis( the sistrum( the c'ma+s( the

dance of Isis( the )ro)hes'in*( and the art of roin*


 These sacred troo)s are e*innin* to disa))ear

from the face of the earth $hi+e their )'ramids

sti++ e+on* to the Tur<s( $ho )erha)s $i++ not a+6

$a's e masters of them the G*ure of a++ thin*s on

this earth doth so )ass a$a'"

 3ou sa'( that 'ou ha%e een sett+ed in S)ain e%er

since the da's of So+omon - I e+ie%e it( and $i++ e%en

%enture to thin< that the Phoenicians mi*ht ha%e

carried some .e$s thither +on* efore( $hen 'ou

$ere s+a%es in Phoenicia( after the horrid massacres

$hich 'ou sa' $ere committed ' the roer .oshua(

and ' that other roer Ca+e"

 3our oo<s indeed sa'( that 'ou $ere reduced to

s+a%er' under Chushan6Rashataim( <in* of 0eso6

)otamia( for ei*ht 'ears under E*+on( <in* of

0oa( for ei*hteen 'ears then under .ain( <in*

of Canaan( for t$ent' 'ears then in the +itt+e can6

ton of 0idian( from $hich 'ou had issued( and

$here 'ou d$e+t in ca%erns( for se%en 'ears then

in i+ead( for ei*hteen 'ears not$ithstandin* that

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 .air( 'our )rince( had thirt' sons( each mounted on

a Gne ass then under the Phoenicians ca++ed '

'ou Phi+istines( for fort' 'ears unti+ at +ast the

Lord Adonai sent Samson( $ho tied three hundred

fo=es( one to another ' the tai+s( and s+e$ a thou6

sand Phi+istines $ith the a$6one of an ass( from

Dictionar'" >9?

$hich issued a fountain of c+ear $ater $hich has

een %er' $e++ re)resented at the Come die Ita+ienne"

&ere are( ' 'our o$n confession( ninet'6si=

'ears of ca)ti%it' in the +and of )romise" No$ it is

%er' )roa+e that the S'rians( $ho $ere the fac6

tors for a++ nations( and na%i*ated as far as the *reat

ocean( ou*ht some .e$ish s+a%es( and too< them to

Cadi1( $hich the' founded" 3ou see that 'ou are

much more ancient than 'ou thin<" It is indeed %er'

+i<e+' that 'ou inhaited S)ain se%era+ centuries e6

fore the Romans( the oths( the Vanda+s( and the


I am not on+' 'our friend( 'our rother( ut more6

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o%er 'our *enea+o*ist" I e*( *ent+emen( that 'ou

$i++ ha%e the *oodness to e+ie%e( that I ne%er ha%e

e+ie%ed( I do not e+ie%e( and I ne%er $i++ e6

+ie%e( that 'ou are descended from those hi*h$a'

roers $hose ears and noses $ere cut o ' order

of Kin* Actisanes( and $hom( accordin* to Diodo6

rus of Sici+'( he sent into the desert et$een La<e

Siro and 0ount Sinai a fri*htfu+ desert $here

$ater and e%er' other necessar' of +ife are $antin*"

 The' made nets to catch uai+s( $hich fed them for

a fe$ $ee<s( durin* the )assa*e of the irds"

Some of the +earned ha%e )retended that this

ori*in )erfect+' a*rees $ith 'our histor'" 3ou 'our6

se+%es sa'( that 'ou inhaited this desert( that there

'ou $anted $ater( and +i%ed on uai+s( $hich in rea+6

it' aound there" 3our accounts a))ear in the main

to conGrm that of Diodorus ut I e+ie%e on+' the

>9 Phi+oso)hica+

Pentateuch" The author does not sa' that 'ou had

'our ears and noses cut o" As far as I rememer(

for I ha%e not Diodorus at hand( 'ou +ost on+'

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'our noses" I do not no$ reco++ect $here I read that

'our ears $ere of the )art' it mi*ht e in some

fra*ments of 0anetho( cited ' St" E)hraem"

In %ain does the secretar'( $ho has done me the

honor of $ritin* to me in 'our name( assure me

that 'ou sto+e to the amount of u)$ards of nine

mi++ions in *o+d( coined or car%ed( to *o and set u)

'our taernac+e in the desert" I maintain( that 'ou

carried o nothin* ut $hat +a$fu++' e+on*ed to

'ou( rec<onin* interest at fort' )er cent"( $hich

$as the +a$fu+ rate"

!e this as it ma'( I certif' that 'ou are of %er'

*ood noi+it'( and that 'ou $ere +ords of &ersha6

+aim +on* efore the houses of Suaia( Anha+t( Sa=6

on'( and !a%aria $ere heard of"

It ma' e that the ne*roes of An*o+a( and those

of uinea( are much more ancient than 'ou( and that

the' adored a eautifu+ ser)ent efore the E*')tians

<ne$ their Isis( and 'ou d$e+t near La<e Siro

ut the ne*roes ha%e not 'et communicated their

oo<s to us"


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On a fe$ Crosses $hich efe++ od2s Peo)+e"

Far from accusin* 'ou( *ent+emen( I ha%e a+$a's

re*arded 'ou $ith com)assion" Permit me here to re6

mind 'ou of $hat I ha%e read in the )re+iminar' dis6

Dictionar'" >99

course to the #Essa' on the S)irit and 0anners of

Nations(# and on *enera+ histor'" &ere $e Gnd( that

t$o hundred and thirt'6nine thousand and t$ent'

 .e$s $ere s+au*htered ' one another( from the $or6

shi))in* of the *o+den ca+f to the ta<in* of the ar<

' the Phi+istines $hich cost Gft' thousand and

se%ent' .e$s their +i%es( for ha%in* dared to +oo<

u)on the ar<( $hi+e those $ho had so inso+ent+' ta<en

it in $ar( $ere acuitted $ith on+' the )i+es( and

a Gne of G%e *o+den mice( and G%e *o+den anuses"

 3ou $i++ not den' that the s+au*hter of t$o hundred

and thirt'6nine thousand and t$ent' men( ' 'our

fe++o$6countr'men( $ithout rec<onin* those $hom

'ou +ost in a+ternate $ar and s+a%er'( must ha%e een

%er' detrimenta+ to a risin* co+on'"

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&o$ shou+d I do other$ise than )it' 'ou J seein*

that ten of 'our tries $ere aso+ute+' annihi+ated(

or )erha)s reduced to t$o hundred fami+ies( 2$hich(

it is said( are to e found in China and Tartar'" As

for the t$o other tries( I need not te++ 'ou $hat

has ha))ened to them" Suer then m' com)assion(

and do not im)ute to me i++6$i++"


 The Stor' of 0icah"

!e not dis)+eased at m' as<in* from 'ou some

e+ucidation of a sin*u+ar )assa*e in 'our histor'(

$ith $hich the +adies of Paris and )eo)+e of fashion

are ut s+i*ht+' acuainted"

 3our 0oses had not een dead uite thirt'6ei*ht

B:: Phi+oso)hica+

'ears $hen the mother of 0icah( of the trie of !en6

 amin( +ost e+e%en hundred she<e+s( $hich are said

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to e eui%a+ent to aout si= hundred +i%res of our

mone'" &er son returned them to her the te=t

does not inform us that he had not sto+en them" The

*ood .e$ess immediate+' had them made into ido+s(

and( accordin* to custom( ui+t them a +itt+e mo%6

a+e cha)e+" A Le%ite of !eth+ehem oered himse+f

to )erform the ser%ice for ten francs )er annum( t$o

tunics( and his %ictua+s"

A trie after$ards ca++ed the trie of Dan

searchin* that nei*horhood for somethin* to )+un6

der( )assed near 0icah2s house" The men of Dan(

<no$in* that 0icah2s mother had in her house a

)riest( a seer( a di%iner( a rhoe( inuired of him if

their e=cursion $ou+d e +uc<' if the' shou+d Gnd

a *ood oot'" The Le%ite )romised them com)+ete

success" The' e*an ' roin* 0icah2s cha)e+( and

too< from her e%en her Le%ite" In %ain did 0icah

and his mother cr' out - #3ou are carr'in* a$a'

m' *odsQ 3ou are stea+in* m' )riestQ# The ro6

ers si+enced them( and $ent( throu*h de%otion( to

)ut to Gre and s$ord the +itt+e to$n of Dan( $hose

name this trie ado)ted"

 These freeooters $ere %er' *ratefu+ to 0icah2s

*ods( $hich had done them such *ood ser%ice( and

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)+aced them in a ne$ taernac+e" The cro$d of

de%otees increasin*( a ne$ )riest $as $anted( and

one )resented himse+f" Those $ho are not con%er6

sant $ith %our histor% $i++ ne%er di%ine $ho this

Dictionar'" B:8

cha)+ain $as - ut( *ent+emen( 'ou <no$ that it $as

0oses2 o$n *randson( one .onathan( son of er6

shom( son of 0oses and .ethro2s dau*hter"

 3ou $i++ a*ree $ith me( that the fami+' of 0oses

$as rather a sin*u+ar one" &is rother( at the a*e

of one hundred( cast a *o+den ca+f and $orshi))ed

it and his *randson turned cha)+ain to the ido+s

for mone'" Does not this )ro%e that 'our re+i*ion

$as not 'et formed( and that 'ou $ere a +on* time

*ro)in* in the dar< efore 'ou ecame )erfect Israe+6

ites as 'ou no$ are J

 To m' uestion 'ou ans$er( that our Simon Peter

!aronas did as much that he commenced his a)os6

t+eshi) $ith den'in* his master" I ha%e nothin* to

re)+'( e=ce)t it e( that $e must a+$a's distrust our6

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se+%es and so *reat is m' o$n se+f6distrust( that

I conc+ude m' +etter $ith assurin* 'ou of m' ut6

most indu+*ence( and reuestin* 'ours"


 .e$ish Assassinations" Were the .e$s Cannia+s f

&ad their 0others Commerce $ith oats J Did

their Fathers and 0others Immo+ate their Chi+6

drenJ With a fe$ other Gne Actions of od2s


ent+emen( I ha%e een some$hat uncourteous

to 'our secretar'" It is a*ainst the ru+es of )o+ite6

ness to sco+d a ser%ant in the )resence of his master

ut se+f6im)ortant i*norance is re%o+tin* in a Chris6

tian $ho ma<es himse+f the ser%ant of a .e$" I ad6

B:> Phi+oso)hica+ ,

dress m'se+f direct+' to 'ou( that I ma' ha%e nothin*

more to do $ith 'our +i%er'"

 .e$ish Ca+amities and reat Assassinations"

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Permit me( in the Grst )+ace( to +ament o%er a++

'our ca+amities for( esides the t$o hundred and

thirt'6nine thousand and t$ent' Israe+ites <i++ed '

order of the Lord( I Gnd that .e)hthah2s dau*hter

$as immo+ated ' her father" Turn $hich $a' 'ou

)+ease t$i=t the te=t as 'ou $i++ dis)ute as 'ou

+i<e a*ainst the fathers of the Church sti++ he did

to her as he had %o$ed and he had %o$ed to cut

his dau*hter2s throat in than<s*i%in* to od" An

e=ce++ent than<s*i%in* Q

 3es( 'ou ha%e immo+ated human %ictims to the

Lord ut e conso+ed I ha%e often to+d 'ou that

our Ce+ts and a++ nations ha%e done so former+'"

What sa's 0" de !ou*ain%i++e( $ho has returned

from the is+and of Otaheite that is+and of C'therea(

$hose inhaitants( )eacefu+( mi+d( humane( and hos6

)ita+e( oer to the tra%e++er a++ that the' )ossess

the most de+icious of fruits the most eautifu+ and

most o+i*in* of $omenJ &e te++s us that these

)eo)+e ha%e their u**+ers and that these u**+ers

force them to sacriGce their chi+dren to a)es( $hich

the' ca++ their *ods"

I Gnd that se%ent' rothers of Aime+ech $ere )ut

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to death on the same stone ' this Aime+ech( the

son of ideon and a )rostitute" This son of ideon

Dictionar'" B:B

$as a ad <insman( and this ideon( the friend of

od( $as %er' deauched"

 3our Le%ite *oin* on his ass to ieah the i6

eonites $antin* to %io+ate him his )oor $ife %io6

+ated in his stead( and d'in* in conseuence the

ci%i+ $ar that ensued a++ 'our trie of !enamin

e=terminated( sa%in* on+' si= hundred men *i%e

me ine=)ressi+e )ain"

 3ou +ost( a++ at once( G%e Gne to$ns $hich the

Lord destined for 'ou( at the end of the +a<e of

Sodom and that for an inconcei%a+e attem)t u)on

the modest' of t$o an*e+s" Rea++'( this is much

$orse than $hat 'our mothers are accused of $ith

the *oats" &o$ shou+d I ha%e other than the *reat6

est )it' for 'ou( $hen I Gnd murder and estia+it'

esta+ished a*ainst 'our ancestors( $ho are our Grst

s)iritua+ fathers( and our near <insmen accordin*

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to the Hesh J For after a++( if 'ou are descended from

Shem( $e are descended from .a)het" We are

therefore e%ident+' cousins"

0e+chim( or Pett' Kin*s of the .e$s"

 3our Samue+ had *ood reason for not $ishin*

'ou to ha%e <in*s for near+' a++ 'our <in*s $ere

assassins( e*innin* $ith Da%id( $ho assassinated

0e)hiosheth( son of .onathan( his tender friend(

$hom he #+o%ed $ith a +o%e *reater than that of

$oman# $ho assassinated /riah( the husand of

!athshea $ho assassinated e%en the infants at

B:M Phi+oso)hica+

the reast in the %i++a*es in a++iance $ith his )ro6

tector Achish $ho on his death6ed commanded

the assassination of his *enera+ .oa and his counse+

Shimei e*innin*( I sa'( $ith this Da%id( and $ith

So+omon( $ho assassinated his o$n rother Adon6

iah( c+in*in* in %ain to the a+tar( and endin* $ith

&erod #the reat(# $ho assassinated his rother6in6

+a$( his $ife( and a++ his <indred( inc+udin* e%en his

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I sa' nothin* of the fourteen thousand +itt+e o's

$hom 'our )ett' <in*( this mi*ht' &erod( had

s+au*htered in the %i++a*e of !eth+ehem" The' are(

as 'ou <no$( uried at Co+o*ne $ith our e+e%en

thousand %ir*ins and one of these infants is sti++

to e seen entire" 3ou do not e+ie%e this authentic

stor'( ecause it is not in 'our canon( and 'our F+a6

%ius .ose)hus ma<es no mention of it" I sa' nothin*

of the e+e%en hundred thousand men <i++ed in the

to$n of .erusa+em a+one( durin* its sie*e ' Titus"

In *ood faith( the cherished nation is a %er' un+uc<'


Did the .e$s Eat &uman F+esh f

Amon* 'our ca+amities( $hich ha%e so often made

me shudder( I ha%e a+$a's rec<oned 'our misfor6

tune in ha%in* eaten human Hesh" 3ou sa' that

this ha))ened on+' on *reat occasions that it $as

not 'ou $hom the Lord in%ited to &is ta+e to eat

t&e horse and the horseman( and that on+' the irds

$ere the *uests" I am $i++in* to e+ie%e it"

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Dictionar'" B:@

Were the .e$ish Ladies Intimate $ith oatsJ

 3ou assert that 'our mothers had no commerce

$ith he6*oats( nor 'our fathers $ith she6*oats" !ut

)ra'( *ent+emen( $h' are 'ou the on+' )eo)+e u)on

earth $hose +a$s ha%e foridden such commerceJ

Wou+d an' +e*is+ator e%er ha%e thou*ht of )romu+6

*atin* this e=traordinar' +a$ if the oence had not

een common J

Did the .e$s Immo+ate &uman VictimsJ

 3ou %enture to arm that 'ou ha%e ne%er im6

mo+ated human %ictims to the Lord" What( then(

$as the murder of .e)hthah2s dau*hter( $ho $as

rea++' immo+ated( as $e ha%e a+read' sho$n from

'our o$n oo<s J

&o$ $i++ 'ou e=)+ain the anathema of the thirt'6

t$o %ir*ins( that $ere the triute of the Lord( $hen

'ou too< thirt'6t$o thousand 0idianitish %ir*ins

and si=t'6one thousand assesJ I $i++ not here te++

'ou( that accordin* to this account there $ere not

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t$o asses for each %ir*in ut I $i++ as< 'ou( $hat

$as this triute for the LordJ Accordin* to 'our

!oo< of Numers( there $ere si=teen thousand *ir+s

for 'our so+diers( si=teen thousand for 'our )riests(

and on the so+diers2 share there $as +e%ied a triute

of thirt'6t$o %ir*ins for the Lord" What ecame

of them J 3ou had no nuns" What $as the Lord2s

share in a++ 'our $ars( if it $as not +ood J Did not

the )riest Samue+ hac< in )ieces Kin* A*a*( $hose

Vo+" 8: >:

B:; Phi+oso)hica+

+ife Kin* Sau+ had sa%ed J Did he not sacriGce him

as the Lord2s share J

Either renounce 'our sacred oo<s( in $hich( ac6

cordin* to the decision of the church( I Grm+' e6

+ie%e( or ac<no$+ed*e that 'our forefathers oered

u) to od ri%ers of human +ood( un)ara++e+ed '

an' )eo)+e on earth"

 The Thirt'6t$o Thousand Vir*ins( the Se%ent'6G%e

 Thousand O=en( and the Fruitfu+ Desert of

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!ut $ere it as +ar*e( as ferti+e( and as )o)u+ous

as Normand' or the 0i+anese( no matter" I ho+d

to the te=t( $hich sa's( the Lord2s share $as thirt'6

t$o maidens" Confound as 'ou )+ease 0idian ' the

Red Sea $ith 0idian ' Sodom I sha++ sti++ de6

mand an account of m' thirt'6t$o thousand %ir*ins"

&a%e 'ou em)+o'ed 'our secretar' to ca+cu+ate ho$

man' o=en and maidens the Gne countr' of 0idian

is ca)a+e of feedin* J

ent+emen( I inhait a canton $hich is not the

Land of Promise ut $e ha%e a +a<e much Gner

than that of Sodom( and our soi+ is moderate+' )ro6

ducti%e" 3our secretar' te++s me that an acre of

0idian $i++ feed three o=en - I assure 'ou( *ent+e6

men( that $ith us an acre $i++ feed ut one" If 'our

secretar' $i++ tri)+e the re%enue of m' +ands( I $i++

*i%e him *ood $a*es( and $i++ not )a' him $ith

drafts on the recei%ers6*enera+" &e $i++ not Gnd a

etter situation in a++ the countr' of 0idian than

$ith me ut unfortunate+' this man <no$s no more

of o=en than he does of *o+den ca+%es"

As for the thirt'6t$o thousand maidenheads( I

$ish him o' of them" Our +itt+e countr' is as +ar*e

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as 0idian" It contains aout four thousand drun<6

ards( a do1en attorne's( t$o men of sense( and four

thousand )ersons of the fair se=( $ho are not uni6

form+' )rett'" These to*ether ma<e aout ei*ht

thousand )eo)+e( su))osin* that the re*istrar $ho

*a%e me the account did not e=a**erate ' one6

ha+f( accordin* to custom" Either 'our )riests or

B: Phi+oso)hica+

ours $ou+d ha%e had considera+e dicu+t' in Gnd6

in* thirt'6t$o thousand %ir*ins for their use in our

countr'" This ma<es me %er' doutfu+ concernin*

the numerin*s of the Roman )eo)+e( at the time

$hen their em)ire e=tended ust four +ea*ues from

the Tar)eian roc<( and the' carried a handfu+ of

ha' at the end of a )o+e for a standard" Perha)s

'ou do not <no$ that the Romans )assed G%e hun6

dred 'ears in )+underin* their nei*hors efore the'

had an' historian( and that their numerin*s( +i<e

their mirac+es( are %er' sus)icious"

As for the si=t'6one thousand asses( the fruits of

'our conuests in 0idian enou*h has een said of

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 .e$ish Chi+dren Immo+ated ' their 0others"

I te++ 'ou( that 'our fathers immo+ated their chi+6

dren and I ca++ 'our )ro)hets to $itness" Isaiah

re)roaches them $ith this cannia+ish crime - #S+a'6

in* the chi+dren of the %a++e's under the c+efts of

the roc<s"#

 3ou $i++ te++ me( that it $as not to the Lord Ad6

onai that the $omen sacriGced the fruit of their

$om that it $as to some other *od" !ut $hat

matters it $hether 'ou ca++ed him to $hom 'ou of6

fered u) 'our chi+dren 0e+<om( or Sadai( or !aa+(

or AdonaiJ That $hich it concerns us to <no$ is(

that 'ou $ere )arricides" It $as to stran*e ido+s( 'ou

sa'( that 'our fathers made their oerin*s" We++(

I )it' 'ou sti++ more for ein* descended from fath6

Dictionar'" B:9

ers at once oth )arricida+ and ido+atrous" I condo+e

$ith 'ou( that 'our fathers $ere ido+aters for fort'

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successi%e 'ears in the desert of Sinai( as is e=6

)ress+' said ' .eremiah( Amos( and St" Ste)hen"

 3ou $ere ido+aters in the time of the .ud*es and

the *randson of 0oses $as )riest of the trie of Dan(

$ho( as $e ha%e seen( $ere a++ ido+aters for it is

necessar' to re)eat to insist other$ise e%er'thin*

is for*otten"

 3ou $ere ido+aters under 'our <in*s 'ou $ere

not faithfu+ to one od on+'( unti+ after Esdras had

restored 'our oo<s" Then it $as that 'our unin6

terru)ted+' true $orshi) e*an and ' an incom6

)rehensi+e )ro%idence of the Su)reme !ein*( 'ou

ha%e een the most unfortunate of a++ men e%er since

'ou ecame the most faithfu+ under the <in*s of

S'ria( under the <in*s of E*')t( under &erod the

Idumaean( under the Romans( under the Persians(

under the Aras( under the Tur<s unti+ no$( that

'ou do me the honor of $ritin* to me( and I ha%e the

honor of ans$erin* 'ou"


!eaut' of the Land of Promise"

Do not re)roach me $ith not +o%in* 'ou" I +o%e

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'ou so much that I $ish 'ou $ere in &ersha+aim(

instead of the Tur<s( $ho ra%a*e 'our countr'

ut $ho( ne%erthe+ess( ha%e ui+t a %er' Gne mosue

on the foundations of 'our tem)+e( and on the )+at6

form constructed ' 'our &erod"

B8: Phi+oso)hica+

 3ou $ou+d cu+ti%ate that misera+e desert( as 'ou

cu+ti%ated it former+' 'ou $ou+d carr' earth to the

are to)s of 'our arid mountains 'ou $ou+d not

ha%e much corn( ut 'ou $ou+d ha%e %er' *ood %ines(

a fe$ )a+ms( o+i%e trees( and )astures"

 Thou*h Pa+estine does not eua+ Pro%ence(

thou*h 0arsei++es a+one is su)erior to a++ .udaea(

$hich had not one sea6)ort thou*h the to$n of Ai=

is incom)ara+' etter situated than .erusa+em( 'ou

mi*ht ne%erthe+ess ma<e of 'our territor' a+most as

much as the Pro%enca+s ha%e made of theirs" 3ou

mi*ht e=ecute( to 'our hearts2 content( 'our o$n de6

testa+e )sa+mod' in 'our o$n detesta+e ar*on"

It is true( that 'ou $ou+d ha%e no horses for

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there are not( nor ha%e there e%er een( aout &er6

sha+aim( an' ut asses" 3ou $ou+d often e in $ant

of $heat( ut 'ou $ou+d otain it from E*')t or


 3ou mi*ht con%e' merchandise to Damascus and

to Said on 'our asses or indeed on came+s $hich

'ou ne%er <ne$ an'thin* of in the time of 'our 0e+6

chim( and $hich $ou+d e a *reat assistance to 'ou"

In short( assiduous toi+( to $hich man is orn( $ou+d

ferti+i1e this +and( $hich the +ords of Constantino)+e

and Asia 0inor ne*+ect"

 This )romised +and of 'ours is %er' ad" Are 'ou

acuainted $ith St" .eromeJ &e $as a Christian

)riest( one of those men $hose oo<s 'ou do not

read" &o$e%er( he +i%ed a +on* time in 'our coun6

tr' he $as a %er' +earned )erson not indeed s+o$

Dictionar'" B88

to an*er( for $hen contradicted he $as )rodi*a+ of

ause ut <no$in* 'our +an*ua*e etter than 'ou

do( for he $as a *ood *rammarian" Stud' $as his

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ru+in* )assion an*er $as on+' second to it" &e

had turned )riest( to*ether $ith his friend Vincent(

on condition that the' shou+d ne%er sa' mass nor

%es)ers( +est the' shou+d e too much interru)ted in

their studies for ein* directors of $omen and

*ir+s( had the' een moreo%er o+i*ed to +aor in the

)riest+' oce( the' $ou+d not ha%e had t$o hours in

the da' +eft for ree<( Cha+dee( and the .e$ish

idiom" At +ast( in order to ha%e more +eisure( .e6

rome retired a+to*ether( to +i%e amon* the .e$s at

!eth+ehem( as &uet( isho) of A%ranches( retired to

the .esuits( at the house of the )rofessed( Rue St"

Antoine( at Paris"

 .erome did( it is true( emroi+ himse+f $ith the

isho) of .erusa+em( named .ohn( $ith the ce+era6

ted )riest RuGnus( and $ith se%era+ of his friends

for( as I ha%e a+read' said( .erome $as fu++ of cho+er

and se+f6+o%e( and St" Au*ustine char*es him $ith

+e%it' and Gc<+eness - ut he $as not the +ess ho+'(

he $as not the +ess +earned( nor is his testimon' the

+ess to e recei%ed( concernin* the nature of the

$retched countr' in $hich his ardor for stud' and

his me+ancho+' conGned him"

!e so o+i*in* as to read his +etter to Dardanus(

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$ritten in the 'ear M8M of our era( $hich( accordin*

to the .e$ish rec<onin*( is the 'ear of the $or+d

M:::( or M::8( or M::B( or M::M( as 'ou )+ease"

B8> Phi+oso)hica+

#I e* of those $ho assert that the .e$ish )eo)+e(

after the comin* out of E*')t( too< )ossession of this

countr'( $hich to us( ' the )assion and resurrection

of our Sa%iour( has ecome tru+' a +and of )rom6

ise I e* of them( I sa'( to sho$ us $hat this )eo)+e

)ossessed" Their $ho+e dominions e=tended on+'

from Dan to !eershea( aout one hundred and

si=t' mi+es in +en*th" The &o+' Scri)tures *i%e no

more to Da%id and to So+omon """" I am ashamed

to sa' $hat is the readth of the +and of )romise(

and I fear that the )a*ans $i++ thence ta<e occasion

to +as)heme" It is ut fort'6si= mi+es from .o))a to

our +itt+e to$n of !eth+ehem( e'ond $hich a++ is a

fri*htfu+ desert"#

Read a+so the +etter to one of his de%otees( in

$hich he sa's( that from .erusa+em to !eth+ehem

there is nothin* ut )e+es( and no $ater to drin<

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ut that farther on( to$ards the .ordan( 'ou Gnd

%er' *ood %a++e's in that countr' fu++ of are moun6

tains" This rea++' $as a +and of mi+< and hone'( in

com)arison $ith the aomina+e desert of &ore

and Sinai( from $hich 'ou ori*ina++' came" The

sorr' )ro%ince of Cham)a*ne is the +and of )rom6

ise( in re+ation to some )arts of the Landes of !or6

deau= the an<s of the Aar are the +and of )rom6

ise( $hen com)ared $ith the +itt+e S$iss cantons

a++ Pa+estine is %er' ad +and( in com)arison $ith

E*')t( $hich 'ou sa' 'ou came out of as thie%es

ut it is a de+i*htfu+ countr'( if 'ou com)are it $ith


the deserts of .erusa+em( Sodom( &ore( Sinai( Ka6

desh( etc"

o ac< to .udaea as soon as 'ou can" I as< of

'ou on+' t$o or three &ere$ fami+ies( in order to

esta+ish a +itt+e necessar' trade at 0ount Kra)a<(

$here I reside" For( if 'ou are +i<e us %er' ridicu6

+ous theo+o*ians( 'ou are %er' inte++i*ent u'ers and

se++ers( $hich $e are not"

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Charit' $hich od2s Peo)+e and the Christians

shou+d entertain for each other"

0' tenderness for 'ou has on+' a fe$ $ords

more to sa'" We ha%e een accustomed for a*es to

han* 'ou u) et$een t$o do*s $e ha%e re)eated+'

dri%en 'ou a$a' throu*h a%arice $e ha%e reca++ed

'ou throu*h a%arice and stu)idit' $e sti++( in more

to$ns than one( ma<e 'ou )a' for +iert' t) reathe

the air - $e ha%e( in more <in*doms than one( sacri6

Gced 'ou to od $e ha%e urned 'ou as ho+ocausts

for I $i++ not fo++o$ 'our e=am)+e( and dissem+e

that $e ha%e oered u) sacriGces of human +ood

a++ the dierence is( that our )riests( content $ith a)6

)+'in* 'our mone' to their o$n use( ha%e had 'ou

urned ' +a'men $hi+e 'our )riests a+$a's immo6

+ated the human %ictims $ith their o$n sacred hands"

 3ou $ere monsters of crue+t' and fanaticism in Pa+6

estine $e ha%e een so in Euro)e- m' friends(

+et a++ this e for*otten"

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B8M Phi+oso)hica+

Wou+d 'ou +i%e in )eaceJ Imitate the !anians

and the ueers" The' are much more ancient than

'ou are the' are dis)ersed +i<e 'ou the' are( +i<e

'ou( $ithout a countr'" The ueers( in )articu+ar(

$ho are the ancient Persians( are s+a%es +i<e 'ou(

after ein* for a +on* $hi+e masters" The' sa' not

a $ord" Fo++o$ their e=am)+e" 3ou are ca+cu+atin*

anima+s tr' to e thin<in* ones"


OOD da'( friend .o Q thou art one of the most

ancient ori*ina+s of $hich oo<s ma<e mention

thou $ast not a .e$ $e <no$ that the oo< $hich

ears th' name is more ancient than the Penta6

teuch" If the &ere$s( $ho trans+ated it from the

Araic( made use of the $ord #.eho%ah# to si*nif'

od( the' orro$ed it from the Phoenicians and

E*')tians( of $hich men of +earnin* are assured"

 The $ord #Satan# $as not &ere$ it $as Cha+6

daean( as is $e++ <no$n"

 Thou d$e++edst on the conGnes of Cha+daea" Com6

mentators( $orth' of their )rofession( )retend that

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thou didst e+ie%e in the resurrection( ecause( ein*

)rostrate on th' dun*hi++( thou hast said( in th' nine6

teenth cha)ter( that thou $ou+dst one da' rise u)

from it" A )atient $ho $ishes his cure is not an=6

ious for resurrection in +ieu of it ut I $ou+d s)ea<

to thee of other thin*s"

Confess that thou $ast a *reat a+er ut th'

friends $ere much *reater" It is said that thou


)ossessedst se%en thousand shee)( three thousand

camds( one thousand co$s( and G%e hundred she6

asses" I $i++ rec<on u) their %a+ue -


Se%en thousand shee)( at three +i%res ten

sous a)iece >>(@::

 Three thousand came+s at Gft' cro$ns a)iece M@:(:::

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A thousand co$s( one $ith the other( cannot

e %a+ued at +ess than :(:::

And G%e hundred she6asses( at t$ent' francs

an ass 8:(:::

 The $ho+e amounts to @;>(@::

$ithout rec<onin* th' furniture( rin*s and e$e+s"

I ha%e een much richer than thou and thou*h

I ha%e +ost a *reat )art of m' )ro)ert' and am i++(

+i<e th'se+f I ha%e not murmured a*ainst od( as

th' friends seem to re)roach thee $ith sometimes


I am not at a++ )+eased $ith Satan( $ho( to in6

duce thee to sin( and to ma<e thee for*et od( de6

manded )ermission to ta<e a$a' a++ th' )ro)ert'(

and to *i%e thee the itch" It is in this state that men

a+$a's ha%e recourse to di%init'" The' are )ros6

)erous )eo)+e $ho for*ot od" Satan <ne$ not

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enou*h of the $or+d at that time he has im)ro%ed

himse+f since " and $hen he $ou+d e sure of an'

one( he ma<es him a farmer6*enera+( or somethin*

etter if )ossi+e( as our friend Po)e has c+ear+'

sho$n in his histor' of the <ni*ht Sir !a+aam"

B8; Phi+oso)hica+

 Th' $ife $as an im)ertinent( ut th' )retended

friends E+i)ha1 the Temanite( !i+dad the Shuite(

and 4o)har( the Naamathite( $ere much more insu)6

)orta+e" The' e=horted thee to )atience in a man6

ner that $ou+d ha%e roused the mi+dest of men

the' made thee +on* sermons more tiresome than

those )reached ' the <na%e V e at Amster6

dam( and ' so man' other )eo)+e"

It is true that thou didst not <no$ $hat thott

saidst( $hen e=c+aimin* #0' od( am I a sea or

a $ha+e( to e shut u) ' Thee as in a )rison J# !ut

th' friends <ne$ no more $hen the' ans$ered thee(

#that the morn cannot ecome fresh $ithout de$(

and that the *rass of the Ge+d cannot *ro$ $ithout

$ater"# Nothin* is +ess conso+ator' than this a=6

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4o)har of Naamath re)roached thee $ith ein*

a )rater ut none of these *ood friends +ent thee

a cro$n" I $ou+d not ha%e treated thee thus" Noth6

in* is more common than )eo)+e $ho ad%ise noth6

in* more rare than those $ho assist" Friends are not

$orth much( from $hom $e cannot )rocure a dro)

of roth if $e are in miser'" I ima*ine that $hen

od restored th' riches and hea+th( these e+ouent

)ersona*es dared not )resent themse+%es efore thee(

hence the comforters of .o ha%e ecome a )ro%er"

od $as dis)+eased $ith them( and to+d them

shar)+'( in cha)( =+ii"( that the' $ere tiresome and

im)rudent( and he condemned them to a Gne of

se%en u++oc<s and se%en rams( for ha%in* ta+<ed

Dictionar'" B8?

nonsense" I $ou+d ha%e condemned them for not

ha%in* assisted their friend"

I )ra' thee( te++ me if it is true( that thou +i%edst

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a hundred and fort' 'ears after this ad%enture" I

+i<e to +earn that honest )eo)+e +i%e +on* ut men

of the )resent da' must e *reat ro*ues( since their

+i%es are com)arati%e+' so short"

As to the rest( the oo< of .o is one of the most

)recious of antiuit'" It is e%ident that this oo< is

the $or< of an Ara $ho +i%ed efore the time in

$hich $e )+ace 0oses" It is said that E+i)ha1( one

t of the inter+ocutors( is of Teman( $hich $as an an6

cient cit' of Araia" !i+dad $as of Shua( another

to$n of Araia" 4o)har $as of Naamath( a sti++

more eastern countr' of Araia"

!ut $hat is more remar<a+e( and $hich sho$s

that this fa+e cannot e that of a .e$( is( that three

conste++ations are s)o<en of( $hich $e no$ ca++ Arc6

turus( Orion( and the P+eiades" The &ere$s ne%er

had the +east <no$+ed*e of astronom' the' had

not e%en a $ord to e=)ress this science a++ that

re*ards the menta+ science $as un<no$n to them(

inc+usi%e e%en of the term *eometr'"

 The Aras( on the contrar'( +i%in* in tents( and

ein* continua++' +ed to oser%e the stars( $ere )er6

ha)s the Grst $ho re*u+ated their 'ears ' the in6

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s)ection of the hea%ens"

 The more im)ortant oser%ation is( that one

od a+one is s)o<en of in this oo<" It is an asurd

error to ima*ine that the .e$s $ere the on+' )eo)+e

B8 Phi+oso)hica+

$ho reco*ni1ed a so+e od it $as the doctrine of

a+most a++ the East( and the .e$s $ere on+' )+a*iar6

ists in that as in e%er'thin* e+se"

In cha)ter ===%iii" od &imse+f s)ea<s to .o

from the midst of a $hir+$ind( $hich has een since

imitated in enesis" We cannot too often re)eat(

that the .e$ish oo<s are %er' modern" I*norance

and fanaticism e=c+aim( that the Pentateuch is the

most ancient oo< in the $or+d" It is e%ident( that

those of Sanchoniathon( and those of Thaut( ei*ht

hundred 'ears anterior to those of Sanchoniathon

those of the Grst 4erdusht( the #Shasta(# the #Vedas#

of the Indians( $hich $e sti++ )ossess the #Fi%e

Kin*s of China# and Gna++' the !oo< of .o( are of

a much remoter antiuit' than an' .e$ish oo<" It

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is demonstrated that this +itt+e )eo)+e cou+d on+'

ha%e anna+s $hi+e the' had a sta+e *o%ernment

that the' on+' had this *o%ernment under their

<in*s that its ar*on $as on+' formed( in the course

of time( of a mi=ture of Phoenician and Araic"

 These are incontesta+e )roofs that the Phoenicians

cu+ti%ated +etters a +on* time efore them" Their

)rofession $as )i++a*e and ro<era*e the' $ere

$riters on+' ' chance" We ha%e +ost the oo<s of

the E*')tians and Phoenicians( the Chinese( !rah6

mins( and ueers the .e$s ha%e )reser%ed theirs"

A++ these monuments are curious( ut the' are monu6

ments of human ima*ination a+one( in $hich not a

sin*+e truth( either )h'sica+ or historica+( is to e

+ d Th i +i + h i +